3ABN Today

Solving 264 Million Problems, One at a Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210045A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:18 I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:20 I'm JD Quinn.
01:21 And we're so glad that you're joining us.
01:23 Romans 10:15, Paul says, "How beautiful are the feet of those
01:28 who preach the good news, those," he says,
01:32 "who bring glad tidings of good things."
01:36 And we have a couple here today that have beautiful feet.
01:41 Amen. Amen.
01:42 And we want to go ahead and introduce them right now.
01:46 Joining us all the way from Indonesia
01:50 are Ramon Tengkano, did I say that right, Ramon?
01:54 Yes. Okay, good.
01:55 You are the director of Jesus For Asia,
01:59 Indonesia Satellite and Health.
02:03 Yes, I am. That's a mouthful.
02:06 And then your lovely wife, Shandy.
02:08 Shandy, we are so glad you're the co-director
02:11 for Jesus For Asia, Indonesia Satellite and Health.
02:16 And we are just we want to welcome you.
02:19 This is their first time to 3ABN.
02:23 And I'm just going to say this.
02:25 They are native Indonesian.
02:27 English is not their first language,
02:29 but they're doing a wonderful job.
02:31 So we're very pleased
02:33 and have an exciting interview of what,
02:38 how God took them from a life of materialism
02:43 into a life of service.
02:45 Amen.
02:46 How God changed their hearts,
02:50 and restored their marriage
02:53 and gave their life true purpose
02:56 and filled the void that was in their heart.
02:59 They have an exciting testimony and an exciting ministry.
03:05 Why don't we, we have special music.
03:07 With our special music, we love our music.
03:10 And we have Paulo Torres and he's a violinist
03:14 and we're going to be holy, holy, holy.
06:20 That's just absolutely amazing to me
06:22 how you can take an instrument and make it sound that good.
06:25 Someday you're going to get to do that
06:26 when you get to heaven.
06:28 Oh, I hope so. I hope so.
06:29 Well, if you are joining us just a little late,
06:31 our special guests are Ramon and Shandy.
06:35 Let me say this again, Tengkano.
06:38 And they are from Indonesia.
06:40 And they've got the most exciting testimony
06:43 of what Jesus has done in their lives.
06:45 So let us start with that.
06:48 Ramon, would you tell us about your growing up years?
06:53 Did you grow up in a Christian home?
06:55 Well, yeah, I grew up in a Christian home
06:58 with a Christian culture.
07:00 You know, did all the Christian young people would do.
07:06 Was that a Seventh-day Adventist?
07:07 Yes, it was.
07:09 Okay. I was a third generation...
07:10 I'm a third generation Adventist.
07:11 Okay.
07:13 But you know, it was nothing but just a routine with me.
07:17 Sure.
07:18 And I think I was in early 20
07:20 something I kind of left the church.
07:22 Okay.
07:23 My body would go to church sometimes,
07:25 but never in my heart.
07:28 I understood I had the grasp,
07:31 understanding what it really meant to be Christian.
07:33 Yeah.
07:34 So I was just pursuing everything else
07:36 that the world is going after.
07:38 So you know, my daddy told me,
07:40 yeah, Jesus is coming but you know, go make your money, son,
07:43 that kind of thing.
07:44 Yeah.
07:45 So I went to college, I did everything.
07:47 It was the only thing I was after is just money,
07:48 how to get rich, how to get everything
07:50 because I thought money was gonna solve everything.
07:52 Money was gonna make me happy.
07:55 And I had a successful business.
07:58 And then I was, I remember going...
08:00 Very successful business.
08:01 Yeah.
08:03 You know, I have to just say one thing, Ramon.
08:05 It's very rare that someone says,
08:08 we had all the money we needed
08:10 or all the money we wanted.
08:11 But that is a comment that Ramon made is we had it all.
08:16 And so you really were very successful.
08:19 Yeah.
08:20 Well, there's a higher mountain behind higher
08:25 than the tallest mountains in a way.
08:27 Yeah.
08:28 But I think to me,
08:29 I was successful in my own terms.
08:32 I remember just finishing college there as a young man,
08:35 challenging me.
08:36 Who's gonna get the first million dollar in the bank?
08:38 Yeah.
08:40 All right, let's race to the first million dollar.
08:42 That kind of drove me for many, many years
08:45 because I didn't like this guy.
08:46 I had to prove him that I'm going to get there first
08:48 before he did.
08:50 So actually, I did yeah, I was 28,
08:52 I looked at my bank account.
08:54 I had all houses, I had cars everything paid for
08:56 and then I few millions in my bank,
08:58 I'm gonna, oh, I'm gonna call this guy.
09:00 Yeah.
09:01 Just to prove that I'm winning.
09:02 Amen.
09:04 What was going on in your heart?
09:06 But you know, the Bible says whatever is born
09:08 by the flesh is flesh,
09:09 whatever is born by the spirit of spirit.
09:11 If you're comfortable in flesh,
09:13 you're not comfortable in spirit
09:15 because the two are always opposing each other, right?
09:17 I think at that level, that kind of lie.
09:20 I think many Christians, you know, if you're happy in flesh,
09:24 you're searching in spirit, you're starving in spirit.
09:28 I think I was the kind of person
09:30 that wanted to do something about it,
09:32 even though not many people are willing to do anything
09:35 about it.
09:36 Because they know by Christian definition,
09:38 by Bible definition, this is all temporary.
09:41 This is all going to go at some point.
09:43 I thought to myself, I might as well start practicing
09:46 to do this voluntarily.
09:49 I didn't know what that meant.
09:50 I was just searching the Lord, I went back to the books.
09:53 At the time I was,
09:54 we were already married like five years, I think.
09:59 But my wife didn't buy it in the beginning,
10:02 even though we got married in Christian family.
10:05 Shandy grew up with a Muslim father.
10:08 But I told her, you know, in the back of my mind,
10:12 I know something we have to do something
10:13 because we're Christians, we believe in the Bible.
10:15 We believe in Jesus.
10:17 We believe in the prophecy.
10:19 We believe all these things are all temporary
10:20 and then she said hmm, she didn't buy it.
10:24 You found me, we met in the dark world,
10:26 now you want to bring me to something
10:27 that is completely foreign to me.
10:29 I'm not going there with you.
10:31 Yes.
10:32 Because I was...
10:34 How did you grow up? Tell us about that?
10:35 Because you know, I was,
10:38 I grown up in a non-godly family.
10:41 Okay.
10:42 And then my parents always teach me that,
10:45 you know, the one that the world,
10:47 you know, if you want to have happiness,
10:49 you know, you better have a lot of money.
10:51 So you know, from, you know, his,
10:54 I'm grown up with that kind of value.
10:58 So I chasing money, I chasing everything,
11:00 you know, because that is already put in my mind.
11:04 And then here we are,
11:05 my husband's wants to be a missionary.
11:07 And then he said, He tell like,
11:09 "Shandy, life is not like that."
11:11 I was like, "No way."
11:13 You know the life.
11:14 Now let me ask you.
11:16 Did you already have, you've been married five years to him?
11:17 Yes.
11:19 You have three children.
11:20 How many had been born then?
11:21 I think we had two at the time.
11:23 Two at the time, okay.
11:24 One, I had the epiphany, I think we had two.
11:25 Okay.
11:28 And then I was, I tell him like, it's impossible.
11:31 I cannot follow you.
11:33 If you want to be a servant of the Lord,
11:36 I cannot follow you because I know...
11:37 Go by yourself.
11:39 If you want to be a servant of the Lord,
11:41 that the Lord will do everything this can facilitate,
11:45 facilitate that, I have comfort,
11:47 because I have, I have my own set.
11:49 I have my own assistant.
11:51 I have my own hairstylist,
11:53 I have everything that woman's want.
11:56 I have everything I just sit,
11:57 and then you know, I just like...
11:59 Everything is done. Everything is done.
12:00 And I cannot imagine I need to be a sir,
12:03 I need to be a wife that working with the Lord.
12:06 I was like, no, no, no, no.
12:08 You choose a wrong person.
12:09 I said, and I'm like, "No, we need to go to that life."
12:14 I was like, "It's impossible."
12:15 I said, "God gave us this marriage, right, didn't He?
12:17 I said I like impossible, because I know that you raise,
12:21 you've been raised in this kind of method.
12:24 But me, I'm so different.
12:26 And I don't know why God wants me and you to be,
12:29 you know, to be together.
12:31 But if you choose this kind of life,
12:34 I think I cannot go with you.
12:36 I think we just end this life.
12:38 Because you know, we just end this marriage.
12:40 Because I just tell him, it's impossible women like me
12:45 to be the wife of the servant, you know.
12:48 And then I need to, I already...
12:50 You knew you'd have to be a servant
12:52 if you're the wife of a servant, right?
12:53 Yeah.
12:54 I was like, no, no, no, because I've been exposed
12:57 when I become a Seventh-day Adventist and a Christian,
13:01 and then I go to church,
13:03 I see all of the servant of the Lord,
13:05 I was like, wow, look at the way they dress.
13:08 Look at the way they live.
13:10 And that is so really far from what I'm understanding,
13:14 you know.
13:15 So that's why when
13:17 he get that kind of idea,
13:22 and I'm the one like, no, it's just not me.
13:24 Okay, so let me just pause here for a second.
13:27 So you guys, married five years,
13:31 you're getting the idea.
13:32 You want to go into mission.
13:34 You're studying, you are.
13:37 God is converting your heart, is becoming real and personal.
13:42 Now you are up against your wife saying,
13:45 "No way, Jose."
13:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:48 So what...
13:50 I mean, it's one thing to understand
13:53 what God did for you.
13:55 It's one thing to really let it be personal.
13:59 But how did, what, how did you know
14:01 you wanted to go into mission work?
14:03 Why, it wasn't finding out something new.
14:06 I think it's rediscovering what God had already given us,
14:09 you know, we're born with this,
14:11 with the Holy Spirit teaching us,
14:14 redirecting us.
14:15 So if we go wrong direction,
14:17 so it was just like one of those turning points,
14:21 people ask me turning points,
14:22 I bet there's turning points everyday in our lives.
14:25 Absolutely.
14:26 It's whether you want to open your ears or not,
14:28 you know, your heart.
14:29 So I knew at the time, I think it was,
14:33 I was 34 already,
14:35 you know, and I knew it was a time to get serious,
14:39 whatever consequences.
14:41 But then oftentimes we think like,
14:43 okay, we got to make your family,
14:45 drag your family but I think it's so I knew
14:48 that it was going to involve me changing to become the person
14:52 that she could have confidence in.
14:55 I wasn't that kind of person, you know?
14:57 Okay.
14:58 So the challenge is actually me, right?
15:00 Other than just me forcing her.
15:01 So I think for the next two or three years,
15:03 I push myself to become somebody that,
15:05 you know, Lord helped me to become somebody that
15:07 she can be inspired by, you know.
15:11 So you learn to surrender control to the Lord
15:14 and let Him take over.
15:16 You knew that this would be a witness to your wife.
15:19 That's right.
15:20 Yes.
15:22 So how did God get your attention
15:25 when you knew that you prayed a big prayer,
15:28 I want you to just talk about that?
15:30 Because Ramon, Ramon doesn't know that I always pray
15:35 that there is something emptiness inside my heart,
15:38 you know also, because I know exactly,
15:42 I get to the point that this kind of money,
15:46 this comfort, but I missing something.
15:49 I know, there's, I don't know,
15:51 I've been keep on searching like, what is it?
15:54 Because, you know, my parents teach me
15:56 that money can buy you happiness,
15:58 I have money, I have everything that other people,
16:02 you know, that didn't have.
16:05 But yet, I still feel empty.
16:09 And then inside my heart, I was like,
16:11 you know, talking, talking, what is this,
16:13 you know, why like this?
16:15 And then I said, like, hey, I know that you are, you are,
16:19 I know, people call you that You are the Lord.
16:23 Can you help me?
16:24 Amen.
16:26 I guess I don't know what's going on.
16:27 And then, from that moment, you know, he bring my husband,
16:31 you know, I can see, I can see books through him.
16:36 You know, because, you know,
16:37 he's the one who always pushed me
16:39 that he bring all of the, the famous nor the famous...
16:43 Speakers.
16:46 Speakers to teach me about the end time.
16:49 I was like, no, that's not me.
16:51 To teach me anything, I was like, yes, that is not me.
16:55 But you know, God bring him and I can clear see that.
17:00 Because your husband's life
17:02 became a book of what God can do.
17:05 So you went somewhere out in the country,
17:07 and you were got to be among your people.
17:10 And you made a bold prayer.
17:12 Tell us about that?
17:14 And then there's some,
17:16 there's some even named FaithCamp came in Jakarta.
17:20 By Jesus For Asia.
17:21 By Jesus For Asia.
17:23 And then, I'm sorry, maybe I just let little bit a say
17:26 about the brand, I'm wearing the expensive brand,
17:29 you know, bag, diamond, and I have jewelry.
17:32 I have my assistant, you know, do everything for me,
17:35 I was sitting at the back, I just want to listen...
17:38 In this camp meeting.
17:39 In this camp meeting.
17:41 I just give us, give them the signal that,
17:43 you know, I don't like this kind of camp meeting,
17:46 but I don't.
17:48 But you know, because of my mother-in-law said
17:49 you need to go there.
17:51 I just want to make sure that, okay,
17:53 I just go here just because of her.
17:55 And then the story after story,
17:59 all of the story is really get me into the thought.
18:04 I was like, wow.
18:06 And then I see all of the speaker,
18:07 you know, the missionary speaker,
18:09 and then I start crying.
18:11 And then I start, I start asking like Lord, look at them.
18:14 I see from the bottom to the head.
18:17 There's nothing that, there's nothing expensive
18:20 what they wear.
18:21 Look at me.
18:23 I have everything.
18:24 But why they have the happiness in their face.
18:28 Lord, this is not fair, I said,
18:31 how You love them more than You love me,
18:34 I said inside my heart.
18:35 Why?
18:37 Because Lord, how You give them that kind of story,
18:39 but you never give me that kind of story.
18:42 And I'm crying and I'm crying and I said Lord,
18:46 I want that story at any cost.
18:48 That means what?
18:49 If you need to have everything this comfort,
18:53 and I need to replace...
18:55 Take it.
18:56 Take it and then you give me that story.
18:58 I am so ready at that moment.
19:01 I was like I am sorry that I want to give everything
19:04 and then three or three months after that,
19:08 he bring me to mission, I call that mission honeymoon.
19:13 We went to the smaller...
19:15 We went to Papua the mountain,
19:18 the jungle of Papua.
19:20 And I was like that is mind blowing
19:22 because I never see this kind of world,
19:27 you know, but I thank God
19:28 because God gives you opportunity to see the needs.
19:31 I'm crying because this is people come from the bush.
19:35 I was like wow, how do you enjoy your life?
19:38 Look at them, you know with that clothes,
19:40 you know everything I was like, wow.
19:42 And then from that when I see them,
19:45 I feel that I'm very useless as a human being.
19:48 I was like, wow, I use everything the money
19:50 that He give it to me for my own self.
19:53 And then I have the opportunity seven hours to walk with them,
19:57 you know through that jungle.
20:00 And when I walked seven hours with them,
20:03 I'm looking, you know, I look Flashback.
20:06 You know, I look at them.
20:08 No, they seem so happy.
20:10 And then I go to that mountain to the hill.
20:14 And I prayed to Lord here, I was crying.
20:16 I was like, Lord, wow, thank you,
20:19 you know, because I never see this kind of, you know, life.
20:24 And I say, Lord, if I go back to Jakarta,
20:27 which is to my city.
20:28 I know, person like me is going to be so hard to find you.
20:33 But you know, please remember that I really, really willing
20:36 to be Your servant.
20:37 Amen.
20:39 I don't know how and I don't know when.
20:40 But, Lord, if I go to Jakarta, please give me opportunity
20:45 to serve my people and my country.
20:47 Please give me Indonesia.
20:50 That's the prayer I want to hear.
20:52 I was like, Lord, I don't know.
20:55 But yeah, when I go back to Jakarta, and then,
20:59 you know, story after story, and here we are,
21:01 have the satellite the first broadcasting satellite
21:04 in the Muslim population.
21:06 You know, we give hope, God give them,
21:09 God give us hope to serve our people.
21:11 And then I just only that God, give her,
21:14 give Indonesia hope to see the message,
21:17 the message that brought me in.
21:21 So the arena of your life just expanded tremendously
21:25 because you're my people, your people.
21:28 Yes.
21:29 Wow.
21:31 So now, you know, I think of John Carter,
21:35 when he prayed, Lord, give me Russia
21:37 and He opened the doors, you prayed
21:39 the same kind of and that is an out of the box prayer.
21:43 That saying, God, I know all things are possible with You.
21:47 So you pray that and God is opening the doors.
21:50 Amen.
21:51 Tell us for people who don't know,
21:54 Indonesia is the largest Muslim population
21:59 in the world.
22:01 Where is Indonesia?
22:03 And tell us a little bit about it?
22:05 It's in Southeast Asia.
22:06 Okay.
22:08 It's around the equator.
22:09 All right.
22:10 So we're right around there by Malaysia and Philippines,
22:12 just south of them.
22:14 And then but north of Australia.
22:16 North of Australia, okay.
22:17 Yes.
22:18 I think, did you bring a video that we can...
22:20 Yes.
22:21 Yes, let's look at that video
22:23 because this will give you an idea
22:25 if you don't know what Indonesia is like.
22:29 Here is video.
22:30 Well, I know that equator means hot.
22:33 Yeah.
22:36 And here's Indonesia.
22:38 Right there, the size of Indonesia is about America,
22:42 the continent from Washington State to Maine.
22:46 Okay.
22:47 Of 17,000 islands, 17,500.
22:51 Eight.
22:52 Yeah, 508.
22:53 And there's 700 something language dialects.
22:58 And, but 90%, I think 85 at least are Muslims.
23:04 And it's not easy to just open up books
23:06 and teach gospel to Muslim because they,
23:10 they have their own system of belief,
23:12 which is completely different one that in what we believe.
23:16 So we try to package the gospel in practical terms and like,
23:20 you know, marriage, education, even history, prophecy,
23:25 because there are some similarities.
23:29 But yeah, with the satellite, we're getting telephone calls
23:31 from places we haven't even heard.
23:33 That's amazing.
23:34 Yeah.
23:36 So there's so many stories,
23:37 people are coming into the church,
23:38 people are asking for books, for lessons,
23:40 people asking for nurses, doctors,
23:45 and teachers, all kinds of request.
23:47 We cannot satisfy them all, but...
23:49 Did you start with the satellite ministry
23:51 or did you...
23:52 Give us the starting point of how did it start?
23:55 Yeah, it was that one camp meeting
23:58 that we had in 2011.
24:00 A challenge was made.
24:01 Indonesian, it's a television broadcast
24:03 of the three angels' messages.
24:05 Wow.
24:06 So who's willing to do it?
24:08 Well, how many people raise your hands?
24:10 Who's willing to pay for it?
24:11 While the other hand, like it is the...
24:15 But, you know, it took a long process,
24:18 you know, just we ended up to be the one
24:21 that's here all along from day one until now.
24:24 Wow.
24:25 Praise God.
24:27 And yeah...
24:28 It's been over 10 years.
24:30 Ten years and six months, yeah to be exact.
24:31 So you've got all of these dialects,
24:34 but there is one main dialect, that's Bahasa.
24:37 Indonesian.
24:39 Yeah, Bahasa Indonesia.
24:40 Now, so where do you get your programming and tell us
24:45 about you have to, if it isn't produced in house
24:48 then you have to translate?
24:50 We try to produce as much as we can,
24:52 but it's impossible.
24:53 We're just broadcasting,
24:54 we're uplinking the videos to the satellite,
24:58 and then it gets rebroadcast in the footprint
25:01 that is, that covers all over Indonesia.
25:04 It's as big as America, the continent.
25:06 So it's like feeding an elephant,
25:09 they're always hungry seemingly.
25:12 We invite different ministries, of course, to produce videos,
25:16 you know, and we broadcast what they produce.
25:20 We take from America also, we get permission to rebroadcast,
25:24 we write them email, and then we have the permission we,
25:27 but we have to subtitle or voice over,
25:30 there's a lot of work.
25:31 One hour of talk usually takes like 12 to 15 hours to produce.
25:35 So we need workers resources to accomplish this.
25:41 That's the magnitude of the task,
25:43 it's just unbelievable.
25:44 The barrier is not just only the subtitle,
25:47 but Indonesia is just not common with reading.
25:51 So that's why they just like to have the voice over
25:54 'cause they just sit there and listening, right?
25:57 Because when we put the subtitle like our viewers,
26:01 you know, they just like that,
26:02 you know, that's too fast and too small.
26:05 And for us it's very, like a double job.
26:08 We have something we need to, you know, replace out
26:11 or redo the program everything to anything.
26:14 And then yeah, the subtitle is...
26:18 Right now we produce about, let's say,
26:21 15 to 20% of the programs in house.
26:24 Okay.
26:25 But we keep it really, really simple.
26:27 We take a book, and we read and just repackage it
26:31 in just layman terms.
26:33 Amen.
26:35 If you would like, yeah, in the language
26:37 that they understand the practicality of it.
26:40 And...
26:41 But you are Indonesian so but if the majority are Muslim,
26:46 how do they accept you as Christians?
26:51 Well, honestly, because it's a Christian television,
26:54 we cannot cater 100%, for them to be accepting
26:58 what they see on television.
26:59 It's just, we, when they see on television,
27:04 within just a few seconds or a few minutes,
27:06 they will know oh, it's Christian.
27:09 Anything that has to do with Christian,
27:10 I think it comes from the west,
27:12 they think that belongs to the Christians.
27:14 We don't want to have anything to do with it.
27:17 But there are some Muslims who are really, really desiring
27:20 to seek something, you know, they sit down,
27:23 and then they will learn, but it's usually the serious ones
27:27 that are really requesting for further studies.
27:30 And we do have this, you know, there's young man,
27:33 29 years old, he lived in a house
27:35 that has a television on it, and then he calls in
27:38 and, and then he starts asking for books,
27:40 you know, we do send them books.
27:42 He asked for a Bible, I send him Bibles.
27:43 What do I read?
27:45 It's a good question.
27:46 Tell him read Matthew 5, 6, and 7.
27:49 He reads Matthew 5, 6 and 7.
27:51 Such a noble lesson I read from this, Matthew 5, 6 and 7.
27:56 This is actually speaking to my kalbu,
27:58 kalbu is like my spirit.
28:00 So with him, we have to keep it really, really simple.
28:03 Sure.
28:04 Yeah, we have people like that.
28:06 Yeah.
28:07 But now your title is Jesus for Indonesia
28:11 Satellite and Health.
28:13 Yes.
28:15 So is the health message a big part of your ministry?
28:19 Yeah, it's the opening words to the gospel, right,
28:22 as we believe in.
28:23 And we live in the village,
28:25 we took a step to live in the countryside
28:28 and the sort of the field is.
28:29 Where are you located? Where is this?
28:31 We are about two hours south of the capital city of Jakarta.
28:33 Okay.
28:34 But we're up in the mountains, so it's cooler.
28:37 And then the villagers around us there, they're poor,
28:41 they need like a practical gospel to be given to them
28:44 in terms of like, you know, service that we do.
28:46 Amen.
28:47 So we set up a clinic.
28:49 We do charities, we invite friends
28:51 who are wanting to do charities with them.
28:54 And the clinic I became the dentist for them.
28:57 I'm not a dentist, but they got no choice.
29:00 But you had a dentist that came and got trained you, right?
29:03 Yeah.
29:05 In the beginning there's like few dentists that took turns
29:07 and then I got trained myself to become a dentist
29:11 when American dentist came to Indonesia and had me
29:14 just with my hands work on the teeth
29:16 when he did extractions, fillings,
29:19 scaling, just basic stuff.
29:21 Maybe like a little bit about Indonesia
29:23 that Indonesia is a Muslim, big Muslim country.
29:26 And then it's just not easy for us to give them books
29:29 pray for them because you know, the idea of,
29:32 the idea when they see us is like this your blood
29:35 is ticket for me to go to heaven.
29:37 So you know you cannot teach, you cannot teach us
29:40 because my father side is a Muslim
29:42 so you know, I let a bit...
29:43 Dad's still a Muslim.
29:44 Yeah, dad's still a Muslims so I little bit understand,
29:46 you know about why they think about the Christian.
29:49 And then, so for us with the viewers
29:52 with this kind of a health message,
29:56 we with the viewers, we...
30:01 Viewer is like our family.
30:03 Yes, we treat them as families, yeah.
30:04 We treat them it's like a family.
30:06 Because, you know, they're very hard to understand that,
30:09 the books and everything, they always call us, like,
30:11 can you go here and we just visit their place,
30:14 we just stay in their house,
30:16 sleep with them a couple of days,
30:17 you know, like, because for us,
30:20 we become the books for them, you know?
30:22 Just as God use your husband's life as a book for you.
30:26 Exactly.
30:27 And then this health message also is become like
30:29 the opening door for us in our villages,
30:32 because the villages is, is all Muslim.
30:35 It's just only me and my husband is a Christian,
30:38 and then how they love us, you know, like,
30:40 through this come health message,
30:42 you know, we give them everything's free,
30:44 we serve them,
30:45 and then we already in their place is already 11 years.
30:51 So with this Muslim, we cannot just
30:54 only have a short time, we have to give them
30:57 a long time for them to understand.
30:59 Because if we just give them a short time,
31:02 you know, they know exactly you want to be my friend
31:06 that you want to Christianize us,
31:08 you know, they need to understand that no,
31:10 we don't want to Christianize you,
31:13 but we here to give you a different side of life,
31:16 you know that is God.
31:18 We want to give you Jesus.
31:19 You know, we just want to give you Jesus,
31:22 we just want to give you the love of Jesus,
31:24 the compassion of Jesus.
31:26 So, through this 11 years, they see that, wow,
31:30 this family is our family.
31:32 Now they believe on us.
31:33 Amen.
31:35 We are no threats.
31:36 Yes, we're not threats.
31:38 Praise God.
31:39 Now your three children are how old?
31:40 They're 19, 16 and 12.
31:42 And they're very involved in this ministry.
31:45 Tell us about it?
31:47 Well, they grew up in the countryside,
31:48 they grew up in the mission in their life.
31:52 And with the villagers, they grew up seeing the kids there.
31:57 They understand the need that they need to be taken away
32:00 from smoking and drugs and be given,
32:03 like a lifestyle that is healthy and with the purpose,
32:07 because they have no money.
32:08 So that side you know, I would say for some reason
32:10 it surprises me smoking and drugs in a Muslim country,
32:14 but it is there as well.
32:15 Oh, yeah, smoking is big.
32:16 Really.
32:18 Drinking not so much they don't drink,
32:21 but, yeah, they like their cigarettes.
32:24 When you see them when they're 12, 13 they start smoking.
32:28 And then when we see this, we probably, we can understand
32:31 that they have like no other means of getting themselves
32:35 busy with, so they just hang out,
32:37 they make troubles, you know?
32:40 So my children, my two boys, they started running,
32:44 you know, they become runners,
32:46 kind of like semiprofessionally also.
32:49 They're runners with mission,
32:52 they want to introduce the healthy lifestyle that we have.
32:55 And, of course, they are also challenged,
32:56 whether the diet that we choose is able to be used
32:59 for extreme regimes of sport.
33:02 So what they desire is to scout this young talents
33:05 from the village and give them, introduce them,
33:07 you know, there's a good life,
33:09 you know, if you live a healthy life,
33:11 if you want to become athletes, let's become athletes.
33:13 Let me train you, let us train you.
33:15 So when you said that lifestyle
33:17 there you are vegetarian plant-based.
33:20 Yes, plant-based, yeah.
33:22 And so the people there are like...
33:24 Yeah, the skeptics, of course.
33:26 There's skeptics, whether you could be an athlete,
33:28 you know what I mean.
33:29 Yeah, but they have proven themselves that...
33:31 Because with the Muslim, they are very structured, right,
33:34 you know, they have a fast thing, like, once in the year.
33:36 Yes.
33:37 For a month, yeah.
33:39 Yeah, for a month.
33:40 And then when they see our lifestyle for them,
33:43 Wow, that is your fasting, you know, you're not like us,
33:46 we just have one month for every year,
33:49 but you, you are every day.
33:52 So, they call us santri.
33:54 Santri is a devout Muslim.
33:57 So look at your choices.
33:59 So that's why you know, kids needs to be, you know, exposed.
34:02 So the Muslim kids also you know,
34:04 see this kind of structure come from us.
34:08 I became, I was curious you know, how to fix my life
34:11 because, you know, I was a heavy smoker too.
34:13 I was a drinker, my wife, she was suicidal
34:17 when it comes to drugs and cigarettes and drinking.
34:22 So, along the way when we tried to fix ourselves,
34:25 I was curious about this nutrition thing.
34:27 So I took on nutrition courses.
34:30 I wanted to become nutritionist and then from there,
34:33 we learn some knowledge we have new start,
34:36 you know, and then we got called
34:40 by different groups of people to start sharing
34:43 the concept of new start, like their mind blown.
34:45 Wow, they're so smart.
34:48 And then one community after another,
34:51 it led us back to the society
34:54 where we want once belonged, you know.
34:56 This is like years after we left them,
34:58 you know, I kind of vowed not to wanna associate
35:01 myself with them anymore
35:02 because I want to have a mission life,
35:04 but Lord actually reminded me
35:07 you have a social responsibility.
35:08 Those are your friends, they are unreached in different way,
35:12 you know, there's people from the high level of society,
35:14 nobody wants to...
35:16 Yeah.
35:17 Well, some Christians like to hang out with them,
35:19 because we think they are going to support our,
35:22 you know, financially but no, the Lord reminded me of like,
35:26 there's so many souls to be reached there.
35:29 So with these talks of nutrition
35:32 and encouraging people to live a healthy life,
35:34 we're actually brought to them once again,
35:38 you know, because they want to become healthy.
35:41 And then we started running with them,
35:43 we started exercising and cycling with them.
35:45 And then Shandy was asked to be asked to be a leader
35:49 in the cycling community that that's comprised of people
35:53 from our previous life.
35:54 And then this time around, okay,
35:56 it's good to see you all again here.
35:57 Well, where you been all these years?
35:59 Wow.
36:00 We become missionaries.
36:02 But okay, so let's cycle with us.
36:03 We're cycling and then through cycling,
36:05 we're reconnecting, you know, friendships.
36:07 Amen.
36:08 And then they're seeing the values that we had
36:10 all these years missing from their lives,
36:12 and then they were like, wow.
36:14 It's interesting your choices,
36:15 you know, you're living in the countryside,
36:17 you're living a healthy life,
36:18 you know, how you educate your children, your mission.
36:20 They call it the life of service, humanitarian,
36:25 you know, so spend marriage, look at you,
36:30 your marriage restored, and you look at many of them,
36:33 marriage is falling apart, they have no relationship.
36:36 So those are the values that we introduced to them
36:39 this time around.
36:40 Yes.
36:41 So we bring them to our lives, to the countryside,
36:45 we also want to have kind of like center of influence.
36:48 Yes, you know, like through this pandemic 2020, right?
36:53 Now, they just like say, like this.
36:56 Now, we know why you choose this kind of life.
36:59 There is something that you know that we don't know,
37:03 because we're just curious, they said,
37:05 you know, you are very modern person.
37:08 We know who you are,
37:10 and then they just like why we want you to lead us
37:13 because we need to be lead with like people like you,
37:16 your choices.
37:17 But you know how you educate your kids about you know,
37:22 your house in the countryside,
37:24 everything you know about the humanitarian...
37:25 Mission life.
37:27 A mission life and then through this pandemic,
37:28 they just like, "Wow, you are so ready with this crisis."
37:33 I was like, "What ready? I'm not ready with anything."
37:35 "No, you are so ready.
37:37 Now we know why you choose this life,
37:40 because you know,
37:41 there is something gonna happen."
37:44 There's a wisdom that you have.
37:45 This is not Christian.
37:47 They said, "There's a wisdom that you have,
37:50 you know, like, your gut telling you to do something
37:53 because you know, your gut knows exactly
37:55 what's gonna happen in this world."
37:56 I was like, wow.
37:58 And then now they just like, they're asking books.
38:00 They're asking, like, what should we do?
38:01 Praise the Lord.
38:03 Enlightenment.
38:04 They're just like Shandy.
38:05 If something happened in the news, they call us.
38:07 Do you know what's going to happen?
38:08 Do you see the news, can...
38:10 And then sometimes they just like, make it fun.
38:13 They just like if something happened
38:14 with Shandy because they are.
38:16 They are cycling, right?
38:17 If something happened in us in the city,
38:19 we know exactly where to go.
38:20 We just take our bikes, we just go run away
38:22 in the mountain with Shandy, because Shandy and Ramon,
38:25 they can take care of us.
38:26 I was like, wow.
38:28 Yeah.
38:29 It sounds like somebody else probably about 12-15 years ago.
38:32 Yes.
38:34 You know?
38:35 And so, but the Lord has that way.
38:39 I was watching a program a little bit earlier talking
38:42 about His providential power.
38:45 And proverbs means being able to future
38:49 see something being providential.
38:53 And so you just don't know what our responsibility
38:57 is to keep on keeping on.
39:00 And then and things just fall into place, like who would have
39:03 ever thought that you'd make changes?
39:05 That's right.
39:07 But yet, here you are.
39:08 And now you're a role model, a role model.
39:11 And so this is gonna be what's gonna be interesting
39:15 five years from now, sit down here and say,
39:18 hey, what's the update?
39:20 You'll never guess.
39:22 Yeah.
39:23 Absolutely.
39:24 We now have friends who frequently come visit us
39:27 and several are actually adopting our life choices,
39:32 buying lots of land in the countryside and start growing,
39:37 simplifying their life choices,
39:39 simplifying their children education,
39:42 going back to the home based education,
39:44 practicality of education.
39:47 And now we're seeing them, that's why we invite them
39:49 to come to our place and we want to make our place like,
39:52 you know, a home for them.
39:54 You know, we have to be willing to make investment in time.
39:58 I've been telling people especially Christians,
40:00 we have to lend our ears sometimes
40:01 more than we lend our mouth.
40:03 We like to teach before we listen to their problem,
40:06 that we're teaching the wrong things
40:07 that they're not getting through them, you know?
40:10 When we sit down, we invest time, we'll sit down,
40:13 we're cycling three times a week,
40:14 we cycle one hour each time,
40:16 but we could sit down two three hours talking,
40:20 they call it copyright, for us non copyright, but we write.
40:25 We meet two, three times, we develop strong relationships,
40:28 and we introduce them the values that we have.
40:30 And then they were like, wow,
40:32 I think this is going to be the solution
40:33 why I see your family solid.
40:35 Now tell us more.
40:37 And then yeah, if we're asking for wisdom from the Lord,
40:40 if it's time to give books, then we give books.
40:43 They understand in the spirit, also,
40:45 something is about to happen in this world.
40:47 They're expecting like, the arrival
40:50 or the Imam Mahdi at some point in the future.
40:53 That's where we come in to introduce a little bit
40:55 about prophecy of who we are, who Jesus is.
40:58 I think that everybody is asking the same question.
41:01 Something's going on.
41:02 Yeah.
41:04 And we just need to, mean, you're saying,
41:06 to me, you're a visionary.
41:08 You had an ability to look forward
41:09 and you're walking the talk.
41:11 Yeah.
41:12 Praise the Lord.
41:14 And with your influence, a center of influence, wow,
41:16 you know, this is beginning to take shape.
41:18 It's exciting.
41:19 Yeah.
41:21 And I know, I know that it takes a lot to keep
41:24 all of a lot of juggling going on.
41:27 Yeah.
41:28 So tell us more the ministry, you've got all of this,
41:32 the voiceovers, the subtitles,
41:35 you're trying to produce your own programs.
41:39 How large is your team?
41:41 What do you need?
41:42 What?
41:43 I know some of you are watching this program right now
41:47 and you may know, Bahasa.
41:49 You may be able to volunteer.
41:52 Can you use people if they're not in Indonesia?
41:55 Can you still use someone?
41:57 Or do they need to be there?
41:58 Tell us what you need?
42:00 Yeah, for to be involved directly with the world,
42:02 you have to be able to speak our language.
42:05 Otherwise, you cannot produce anything, you know.
42:08 And yeah, we have translators,
42:11 those people who speak the language living here,
42:13 they can start translating videos
42:15 that are given copyrights to, to broadcast.
42:19 But they don't have to move to Indonesia.
42:21 They can do it right here.
42:22 They can do it here.
42:23 Okay.
42:25 So we do that, we invite them,
42:26 but to get involved with the center of influence
42:28 to teach them, to coach them.
42:29 Yeah, they have to know a little bit of language.
42:32 But you know, some people ask, like, oh,
42:35 what kind of missionary that you need,
42:36 if we have the center of influence,
42:38 we need a runner missionary.
42:40 Yeah.
42:41 We need a cycling missionary.
42:43 Because we do and who do that with them,
42:45 you know, because so that's why we want to open like,
42:48 because they like to go to our place.
42:50 They just like, they call this is like heaven on earth,
42:52 they say it like.
42:53 We like to spend time with you guys.
42:55 So that's why I call people if you want to work
42:57 in the mission field, you can be a runner,
43:00 you can be a cyclist, you can be anything.
43:03 Anything that God wants.
43:04 Yeah, we have like hiking programs, you have like a,
43:06 there's a waterfall close to us there is,
43:08 we can take them to walk into nature, can spend a day or two.
43:12 And then we give them lecture on health.
43:14 And then lecture on like,
43:16 you know, emotions and power of minds
43:18 and things like that, we have so many materials.
43:21 And then when you have people like I mean,
43:24 maybe you have a friend that knew you before,
43:27 when you were a high maintenance woman,
43:30 let's say it that way.
43:32 And they look at you now.
43:35 But they see the joy on your face.
43:37 I mean, you both just, you radiate the love of Jesus.
43:41 So when you're introducing them, whether you're cycling,
43:45 or you're bringing them to your home,
43:47 and they see the peace, they see the joy.
43:50 Have you had anybody just ask you about Jesus
43:53 or what's going on?
43:55 Yeah, there's a lot of people ask about Jesus
43:57 through us, you know?
43:59 So that's why we want to open the center of influence,
44:02 because we want them to stay in our house.
44:05 And then because what they did is what they just sit down
44:08 in our house, they see the activity inside our house.
44:12 They asking, did you know exactly
44:14 why we want to open the center of influence?
44:16 Because they do want to ask us.
44:19 Can you open center of influence for us? Can we...
44:22 Place for us to stay for a few days.
44:23 Can we stay here, bring our kids, bring our family,
44:26 you know, to spend time with you...
44:29 Have my kids staying with your kids.
44:30 And then not just only that they're the one...
44:33 There is a lot of people following me
44:35 and then, you know, like, call me,
44:38 I even don't know them, but they heard the story
44:41 about me and my husband through the other person.
44:43 They just like wow, and then this is a lot of Muslim people.
44:47 They just like, well, are really amazed what you did
44:50 you know, but and then especially we know who are you
44:53 before you know, you are very high maintenance person.
44:56 But now you know you have a compassion to serve people,
45:00 especially my people that they said, you guess
45:03 you know, that is a Muslim people.
45:05 Seems to me like it's quite obvious
45:06 that you have purpose in your life
45:09 or perhaps before something else was controlling you,
45:12 you know, you were just trying to get through the day.
45:15 But now you have a reason to get up in the morning.
45:18 People are calling, let's go cycling.
45:21 Yeah, yeah.
45:22 I'm tired. But you get up and you go cycling.
45:24 Yeah.
45:26 Let me ask this question without being too personal.
45:29 I hope if I can frame it in my mind.
45:31 You spend a lot of money starting this ministry
45:35 and getting the satellite,
45:37 getting everything ready for that.
45:39 How much does it cost you to broadcast per hour?
45:44 I mean, when you go up to the satellite,
45:46 what, do you need funding
45:51 to help with the broadcast?
45:53 Because I know you've spent a good deal of money already.
45:56 Yeah.
45:57 Our broadcast costs for us to broadcast
46:01 while the satellite for us to be in the satellite
46:03 and running the ministry right now the level where we are,
46:07 we'd like to grow, of course, you know?
46:09 We like to invest in better equipment and better staffing,
46:13 you know?
46:15 But right now, it's $7,000 for us to run
46:18 the whole ministry only to broadcast.
46:22 And then that's, that's not a lot.
46:23 We started with like $15,000.
46:25 And then we got it down to $7,000, just because of the,
46:28 you know, the different technology.
46:30 That $7,000 of what?
46:32 That's for us to be on the satellite 24/7 days.
46:34 That's per month?
46:36 Yeah, per month.
46:37 Okay.
46:39 Yeah, it's because so we're not commercial television.
46:43 So we reduce the bandwidth of the broadcast,
46:49 so it doesn't cost that much.
46:50 So we're broadcasting at the minimum level,
46:52 minimum production level, but our television viewers
46:55 in Indonesia are not like American television viewers,
46:57 you know, they have less demand
46:59 and like qualities and whatever.
47:01 So, yea, right now, we're no.
47:04 So you have a vision of, you want to expand,
47:07 you want to open a center of influence,
47:10 you want to expand the coverage.
47:15 When you think of where you were,
47:19 where you are now.
47:22 Would you ever go back?
47:25 No.
47:26 No?
47:28 I don't know.
47:29 You know, for me, I have opportunity to work with God,
47:31 that is something that I cannot imagine in my life
47:34 that God wants to use a person like me.
47:38 If I can turn back the time,
47:40 I don't want to go back to that kind of life
47:42 before because now I'm living with the life
47:45 that the money cannot buy.
47:47 Before I'm living with the life that money,
47:49 money said the money can buy happiness.
47:52 But you know, I was there.
47:55 And I know, no, the money cannot buy happiness.
47:58 So you know, God find people like me to serve Him.
48:02 Now very have a full confidence
48:05 that does only God can give you the real happiness.
48:07 Amen.
48:09 And you're reaching into your ministry.
48:12 And I do know because I've got several friends
48:15 who are ministering in the Muslim nations
48:17 in our countries.
48:19 And Muslims are very, culturally they are very,
48:24 they appreciate hospitality.
48:28 They won't trust somebody that just comes in
48:31 and you can't be a hit and run evangelist
48:34 in a Muslim nation, which you are reaching,
48:38 because you're on satellite places that the doors
48:42 would never get open to you without the television.
48:46 That's just amazing.
48:47 I think, I think that Ramon hit it on the head,
48:51 you've got to think long term here.
48:53 Yes.
48:54 And that's what you're saying.
48:55 I mean, eventually,
48:59 the more mature the tree gets,
49:02 the more fruit it normally produces.
49:05 So as time goes by,
49:07 you're going to continue to produce more fruit.
49:10 Praise the Lord.
49:12 I'm sitting here thinking, wow,
49:13 you've got your friends that can afford it.
49:15 They want to buy this land out here and everything.
49:18 So that's, boy, what an asset that is.
49:21 Maybe we can cooperate with each other.
49:23 Or maybe we can start cycling here at point A,
49:27 because you're over here at point B and that's a,
49:30 that's a, that would be a goal to go to.
49:32 So I mean, I just, mean, we do believe
49:36 that we're living in the last days, we do believe,
49:38 you know, in the Spirit of Prophecy,
49:40 we do believe that the latter rain's going to fall.
49:43 So I mean, y'all just need to be prepared.
49:46 But today $7,000 a month.
49:49 I used to have a real good friend,
49:51 or he still a good friend, you know, he was in oil business,
49:54 mortgage was $10,000 a month.
49:56 Oil dropped nearly to nothing.
49:59 He still pays $10,000 a month.
50:02 And I remember he says,
50:03 JD I didn't know 30 days could go by so fast.
50:07 That's a hungry elephant.
50:09 And you know, it would be nice.
50:11 It would be nice to have some people that would help you,
50:15 you know.
50:16 All right.
50:18 So what we want to do, because I know
50:19 that you have invested almost all of your funds already
50:23 in the ministry and or have.
50:26 And what we want to do is give those of you at home,
50:31 you're probably familiar with Jesus For Asia,
50:34 Jon and Natalie Wood.
50:36 It's a beautiful ministry.
50:38 But when you think of Indonesia,
50:40 which is so hard to reach,
50:42 because it has to be in their language,
50:46 and you're reaching out to Muslims.
50:48 If you would like to be a missionary,
50:53 if you would like to join them, or maybe do some translation,
50:58 or just support this work.
51:00 Here's the address role on how you can get in touch
51:04 with Ramon and Shandy.
51:07 If you would like to contact
51:09 or know more about Jesus For Asia,
51:11 you can write to them at PO Box 1221
51:14 Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
51:18 You can also call them at (423) 413-7321.
51:24 That's (423) 413-7321.
51:29 You can also email them at info@jesus4asia.org
51:33 That's info@jesus4asia.org
51:37 or visit their website at jesus4asia.org/indonesia
51:42 That's jesus4asia.org/indonesia


Revised 2021-09-13