3ABN Today

Cuba Update

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210038A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:17 We are so glad that you have joined us,
01:19 and you know what?
01:20 Thank you for being part of 3ABN's family.
01:23 It's always nice and fun to spend this one hour with you
01:25 each and every day.
01:27 And thank you for allowing us into your living room.
01:29 Maybe you're watching us on your cell phone
01:32 or your tablet or maybe listening
01:33 on the radio online,
01:35 however that is, you're part of our family
01:37 but most importantly part of God's family.
01:39 Amen.
01:41 And today, Jill and I are so excited
01:42 about today's programs about Cuba and an update
01:45 because 3ABN has launched in Cuba.
01:48 Yay, praise the Lord.
01:50 Jill's going to introduce some of the family
01:51 that with us today.
01:52 Going to be giving us the update,
01:54 but I've been thinking about the world,
01:56 you know, it seems like the world is in so much turmoil
01:59 and so many things going on, and a lot of people are trying
02:02 to find the truth there.
02:03 What is going on, want to know what's happening,
02:06 and some people don't really know
02:07 where to turn.
02:09 You know, when I think about the gospel
02:10 being like water or truth like a water.
02:14 And the other day,
02:16 I was just going to share this with you.
02:18 I ran out of the water while I was working hard.
02:20 I was working on a project
02:21 and I brought my gallon jug of water
02:23 and was drinking it because here
02:24 in Southern Illinois, it's very humid.
02:26 And I sweat a lot and drinking this water
02:29 and I realized wow,
02:30 I have a lot more on this project,
02:32 but I'm running out of water.
02:33 So then I started rationing my water.
02:35 And I started okay, I'll just drink a little bit
02:37 and a little bit, and a little bit.
02:39 And then I became a little bit, not panic but it was like,
02:41 man, what am I going to do, I have no water.
02:44 You know, there are people that have a God sized hole
02:48 so to speak or God's size yearning inside of them
02:51 and they don't know exactly what it is.
02:53 But as 3ABN reaches the world and provides information,
02:56 then people will find that water of life and that thirst,
03:00 that hole, that void that's inside
03:01 and they can fill it.
03:03 And the beautiful thing,
03:04 God's water never runs out, right?
03:06 So my water here on this earth, I was kind of running low,
03:08 but the water that we can provide
03:10 from the Word of God, it'll never stop.
03:14 So the whole mission and commission of 3ABN
03:16 is to share that and just put it out there,
03:19 and people will come across it not accidentally,
03:22 but divine providence,
03:23 they'll find the truth through 3ABN
03:26 as we preach the undiluted three angels' messages
03:28 of Revelation Chapter 14,
03:29 but, of course, the entire Bible.
03:31 And that's what's exciting to me about Cuba
03:34 because there is a whole country that is,
03:38 I wouldn't say the whole population
03:39 because we have Seventh-day Adventist Christians there,
03:40 but there's a lot of people that are looking for something.
03:43 Countries may be in turmoil trying to find answers,
03:46 but there are answers in God's Word.
03:48 And this is what's so exciting because us being there
03:51 and launching there.
03:52 It's a miracle of the Lord for sure.
03:54 It's exciting times we live in.
03:56 It is exciting times.
03:57 I want to share a scripture and then we're jumping
03:59 in and introducing our family here.
04:01 This is Romans 10:14, "How shall they call on Him
04:07 in whom they have not believed?
04:09 And how shall they believe in Him
04:11 of whom they have not heard?
04:14 And how shall they hear without a preacher?
04:17 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?"
04:21 So God has called the Ministry of 3ABN
04:24 to be the hands and feet of Jesus
04:26 to go and proclaim this gospel.
04:29 God has called 3ABN Latino in particular,
04:33 to go to 3ABN Cuba and launch on the package
04:36 because how are people going to know about Jesus
04:38 unless they hear that message?
04:40 So we have with us Chaplain Hernell Hernandez,
04:44 who's the assistant director for 3ABN Cuba,
04:47 was instrumental in helping 3ABN launch in Cuba.
04:52 And we're just excited to have you here, Brother,
04:54 and looking forward to the reports.
04:56 Oh, certainly.
04:59 I would like to say thank you for the Almighty to use me
05:04 like any other single people.
05:06 So, once again, I feel, I don't know,
05:12 it is true Hernell, we really have,
05:15 because we dreamed for so many years.
05:17 Thousands of people want to know, the opportunity,
05:21 like one pastor say, I will like someday
05:24 we'll be like other countries,
05:27 you know, access to opportunity to read,
05:31 to listen the Word of God plainly,
05:34 and we don't need to pray more asking for.
05:37 Now it's time to say God, thank You so much
05:40 where we really have this blessing.
05:42 So it is amazing how the Lord opened this door.
05:48 If you, Pastor Dinzey, maybe agree with me.
05:54 We chose the more terrible time
05:58 to start the promo of 3ABN Latino in Cuba,
06:04 because launching them in the beginning
06:06 of the pandemia.
06:07 So no makes sense.
06:09 You know, in human perspective, say, well, let's do it now.
06:14 But the Lord said, "I want you go over there."
06:17 I mean, him and me, and you guys by faith,
06:21 because someone's, you, you invite in this adventure,
06:25 and someone say, well,
06:27 I think you have to wait a little bit until this point.
06:30 No, no, no, no.
06:31 Let's go now and do it now.
06:33 So it is amazing how the Lord little by little
06:38 with obstacles and many things.
06:41 But He's at front.
06:43 Amen.
06:44 In the midst of the pandemic, in the midst of COVID,
06:47 3ABN launched as the first ever Christian channel
06:51 on the package in Cuba.
06:52 So our other guest family member
06:55 is Pastor John Dinzey,
06:57 who, of course, is the general manager of 3ABN Latino,
06:59 and director of 3ABN Cuba
07:02 and just delighted to have you here Pastor Johnny.
07:04 Why don't you tell us, what is the packaging?
07:07 And what does that mean 3ABN on the package?
07:10 That's a very good question.
07:12 When we talk about the package,
07:14 we're talking about a TV package of programming
07:17 that is available to the Cuban people.
07:20 By them bringing a memory, whether it's a hard drive
07:24 or a thumb drive to a place where they sell the package.
07:29 And what is the package?
07:30 Well, in Cuba, unfortunately, there's not cable television.
07:36 You say unfortunately, maybe fortunately,
07:38 but they don't have cable television.
07:41 They have television, three national channels
07:45 that is broadcast by the Cuban government.
07:48 And, but you know how people are,
07:50 as we said in some other programs,
07:52 people always want more.
07:53 Oh, yes. That's right.
07:55 So they came up with the idea
08:00 of gathering programming from other countries,
08:03 and making it available to people,
08:06 by them bringing their thumb drives or hard drive.
08:10 And we're talking about practically anything
08:12 that you may want to watch, whether it's music,
08:16 soap operas, movies, music...
08:20 Sports.
08:22 Sports, they're all available under package.
08:24 Every week, a new set of programming
08:29 is released into every single city in Cuba.
08:32 So they've been at this for several years.
08:35 So they have come up
08:36 with an excellent way of execution.
08:40 You know, it goes this point to that point to that point.
08:42 And within a matter of two or three days,
08:45 the whole country has the programming
08:48 for that particular week.
08:50 Wow.
08:51 So each week, each package that is released
08:55 has a date on it.
08:56 And next week, you come and get the next portion
09:00 of programming.
09:01 They actually release up to one terabyte
09:04 of programming...
09:05 Every week? Every week.
09:07 Wow, that's a lot of programming.
09:08 And we have the privilege, opportunity to be to have
09:13 a portion of that one terabyte on the package.
09:18 And really anyone in Cuba
09:21 can see 3ABN programming
09:24 by going to one of those places and purchasing the package.
09:28 And it's very, very affordable, very affordable.
09:33 Now, where do you buy the package?
09:35 We received a call after they watched 3ABN.
09:38 We received a call, what where do they go buy this?
09:41 My... I have some sisters over there.
09:44 Where can they buy this?
09:45 So Idalia was talking to them.
09:48 He says, "They sell it everywhere.
09:51 They sell it everywhere."
09:52 Basically if the...
09:54 If it's not on that block, it's in the next block.
09:57 So and also there are people there
10:00 that their circle of people they know
10:02 and they also knock on doors and say,
10:04 do you want the package.
10:05 It's very affordable.
10:07 I bought the whole one terabyte for about $1.60.
10:11 And you could have less, you could say, I just want,
10:13 you know, the sports and the movies
10:15 and then the price is lower.
10:18 So they tailor it according to what you want.
10:20 And it's available everywhere.
10:24 Yeah, it's an amazing, I mean, to me,
10:25 you think about technology really, too,
10:27 you know, and how just on a little thumb drive,
10:29 you got 3ABN Latino there with everything else.
10:32 And the way you said is set up.
10:33 Maybe you can explain that to us,
10:35 then it's set up in folders, right?
10:36 So you have 3ABN Latino, has a really nice logo there.
10:39 Yes.
10:40 The person would click on that folder,
10:42 and then inside of it, they would find
10:43 how many programs does Latino have
10:45 there on this folder, in this folder?
10:46 Well, on the folder that we have...
10:48 Yes. That says 3ABN Latino channel.
10:52 It's a, it has, now it has what you call subfolders,
10:56 because we have family seminars,
10:59 health programs,
11:01 Bible topics, and we have children's programming,
11:04 and so the people can select what they want to watch.
11:07 So we put in every single one of those categories.
11:11 And we have about 10, 10 to 12.
11:14 And we put at least two programs,
11:17 two to four programs in each one.
11:18 Good. Wow.
11:20 And then those are updated each week with new programming?
11:21 Every week new programming.
11:23 Yeah. Wow.
11:24 Yeah, it's absolutely incredible.
11:25 You know, when I think about the opportunity now
11:27 is this is going there because we mentioned June 8th
11:30 is when we actually launched there,
11:32 which was just not that long ago.
11:34 You think about now that that is,
11:35 I like to just in my brain,
11:37 I just like to think of it flooding all of Cuba.
11:38 Amen.
11:40 Because we don't know who's actually been
11:41 you know, who has access to this now.
11:43 And we know that the testimonies
11:44 are going to be coming in.
11:46 And I want to just give you a little sneak preview too,
11:48 because Chaplain Hernell Hernandez
11:49 just came back from Cuba.
11:51 And so we have a little video roll
11:52 a little bit later in the program
11:54 that's actually going to be sharing some testimonies
11:55 directly from Cuba.
11:57 You recorded those on your cell phone.
11:58 Is that right? Or somebody did?
12:00 Yes. Somebody did.
12:01 Yeah.
12:02 It's good, though.
12:04 Yeah, he did a great job.
12:05 But let's go back then far as the history.
12:07 When did you have the dream of 3ABN being in Cuba?
12:12 When did that start resonating in your heart,
12:15 Chaplain Hernell?
12:17 Well, four years ago,
12:21 I be disobedient.
12:24 Now I'm more obedient to the law of health.
12:28 So they have a little bit we can call heart attack,
12:33 was not a attack.
12:34 Oh, a heart attack?
12:35 Yeah. Yeah. Was something.
12:37 You know, cheese and stuff like that.
12:38 I remember the cardiology said, "Mr. Hernandez."
12:41 "Yes, sir."
12:43 "I understand you're a Pastor, a Seventh-day Adventist."
12:45 "Yes."
12:46 "But I don't think you obey pretty much to Ellen White
12:49 because it's not, it is not what I call..."
12:53 Typical. Yeah, yeah. Well, it is not.
12:57 What is the substitute of milk?
12:59 Like soy milk?
13:01 DFC. Yeah, they're regular.
13:02 This is a, I think it's cheese.
13:05 So I love you as a doctor, you are right.
13:08 So from there,
13:10 at a time when I have this particular impression,
13:13 I asked Him the Lord, "Lord, I am ready if I have to go.
13:17 But if you give me the chance to be back, I want two things.
13:22 The first one, give me a new heart,
13:24 not this one but that one,
13:26 see a better view of Your ministry.
13:30 And second one, give me the chance
13:32 to make the before the prayer?
13:36 A loud cry.
13:37 A loud cry in Cuba. Okay.
13:39 And after that, I'm ready.
13:40 So praise the Lord, I am more than glad.
13:43 So I started looking and looking make some contacts
13:45 in Cuba in order to see you know, I can do that.
13:49 So one day when I have the permit
13:55 from the government, and everything is ready to say,
13:58 "Well, Lord tell me, who is the ministry,
14:02 what I knock in the door."
14:04 And I go first in order to please myself,
14:10 not Him.
14:12 And I said knocking at the door of a certain institution.
14:17 And they said, "Oh, yeah, but let me think about it."
14:21 And I said, "It is not the place."
14:24 So the second place was 3ABN.
14:27 So I make the trip and come over here.
14:29 And I talked to Danny Shelton, and said, "Hey,
14:33 this is the dream,
14:34 and you are the guys certainly."
14:38 He said, "Come on board."
14:40 So this is what I like it for 3ABN,
14:44 you know, everybody is nice.
14:46 Everybody's, all the ministries.
14:48 Yeah.
14:49 But 3ABN something in particular,
14:52 they say where is the place and that's way,
14:54 let's go by faith, you know, with or not money
14:58 or you know, let's go and do what the Lord want.
15:00 So I am more than glad to say,
15:04 the Lord is with this ministry.
15:07 In order you to be the leaders, you know.
15:10 Yeah. Go ahead.
15:11 It's very interesting when I look back because,
15:16 Greg, you were a part of it.
15:17 The first time 3ABN went to took part
15:21 in preaching the gospel in Cuba was in 2001.
15:23 Yes.
15:24 And we were invited by La Voz de La Esperanza,
15:26 which is the Spanish Voice of Prophecy.
15:28 It's not a literal translation, because in Spanish,
15:30 they use the Voice of Hope
15:31 instead of the Voice of Prophecy.
15:33 Yes.
15:34 We went there with them to do an evangelistic campaign
15:37 with one of the leading
15:39 Seventh-day Adventists evangelists,
15:40 Pastor Alejandro BullA n.
15:41 And the King's Heralds too went.
15:43 The King's Heralds. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
15:45 King's Heralds went.
15:46 And that the Cuban government for the first time
15:50 since the 1970s, allowed any church
15:55 this time it was Seventh-day Adventist Church,
15:56 it's the first time they were allowed
15:58 to have an evangelistic campaign
15:59 outside of a church.
16:01 This was actually held in a theater
16:03 where they do public performances.
16:05 So that's where we were.
16:07 And we participated for one week
16:09 of evangelistic campaigns.
16:11 I'll never forget it. Never forget it.
16:12 Yep, I just arrived at 3ABN, might have been here
16:14 I think two years at that point went over to Cuba.
16:16 They said, "Oh, you're going on the Cuba trip."
16:17 I was like, "Oh, yay."
16:19 I had no idea, Pastor Johnny,
16:21 you know that all these years later,
16:22 that 3ABN will actually have a channel there,
16:24 it's incredible what God has done.
16:25 You know, it's amazing.
16:27 It's amazing.
16:28 This, a few days ago,
16:30 I found the email of what I would say
16:33 is the second step we took to start preaching the gospel
16:37 in Cuba as far as 3ABN's participation.
16:40 I found an email, it's about nine years old.
16:45 About nine years ago, we were, I received an email,
16:50 and it was some Cuban guy
16:52 that was watching 3ABN Latino somewhere.
16:55 And he said, I would love for this programming
16:58 to be available in Cuba.
17:00 Wow.
17:01 I didn't know who he was.
17:03 And I said, "I would love for this
17:05 to be available in Cuba also.
17:06 Do you know how?"
17:08 And he answered back, "No, not at this time.
17:11 Things are very difficult right now,"
17:12 He said, "I really don't know how."
17:15 So the Lord planted a seed in my heart.
17:17 And I saw that it was, it was answered
17:22 about a few weeks later, we were at ASI.
17:26 And buyer at the 3ABN booth at ASI passes the gentlemen,
17:32 that goes to ASI Europe,
17:34 the President of ASI Europe was passing by.
17:37 So we start talking because he spoke Spanish.
17:40 And he wanted to know information about 3ABN.
17:42 And so he told me that they had donated televisions
17:48 and DVD players to the churches,
17:52 Seventh-day Adventist churches and small groups in Cuba.
17:55 And I said, "Wow, that's great."
17:57 And then I said, "Hey,
17:59 why don't we bring our programming on DVDs?"
18:01 Yes, absolutely.
18:02 And so we did.
18:04 Some people donated.
18:06 And so we took some DVDs over there for the seminary,
18:11 yes, we have the Seventh-day Adventist seminary,
18:12 that's Seventh-day Adventist Church has a seminary,
18:14 and they were making copies there
18:16 and bringing it from one church group to another.
18:19 Amen.
18:21 And that was the project we began about nine years ago,
18:22 I saw that email.
18:24 So interesting.
18:25 You know, the Lord brings Pastor Hernell
18:27 into the picture.
18:28 And just as he said, you know, the Lord put his heart
18:31 to do to participate in the loud cry.
18:35 And so, we saw that his desire and our desires were alike,
18:41 to participate in preaching the gospel in Cuba.
18:43 Amen.
18:44 So last year, maybe we can talk to Hernell can talk to us
18:48 about our programming was approved by who over there?
18:54 Well, yes.
18:55 Before that, Pastor Dinzey, I want to say
18:58 something keep me my attention.
19:02 Guys, you know, I don't know nothing
19:05 about recording, taping.
19:09 I don't know.
19:10 So when the Lord put it in my heart to do this,
19:13 I said, "Well, what I have is connections
19:18 and try to talk but other than that, Lord,
19:21 don't come with me."
19:23 So don't worry, I can give you the people.
19:25 So it is very interested at this point.
19:28 If you are in because someone from El Paquete,
19:32 not religious guy is someone he said,
19:37 "Do you know how many Paqueteros,
19:40 I mean, the guy to sell the Paquete for hour in Cuba.
19:44 Yeah, I said no, I don't have any idea.
19:46 And he said, "If you are
19:48 in all religion churches in Cuba,
19:52 how many Catholic churches, how many Adventists,
19:54 how many Baptists you are in all of them.
19:58 They not be half of the amount
20:02 of the Paquetes.
20:04 So in other words...
20:06 Places to buy it?
20:07 Places to get. Okay.
20:09 So this is the important thing in order,
20:12 in one city a small town, very small city,
20:16 you can find the Word of God,
20:18 you have to wait for some religions to go over there,
20:21 planting in a church, making the process
20:23 and now they start preaching.
20:25 No, no, not with the Paquete.
20:27 In every single place, you know, neighborhoods,
20:30 you can found, I don't know, 10-15 in a block
20:33 and so everyone so access to receive
20:37 the Word of God, you know.
20:38 So I receive emails every day, every day, sometimes I say,
20:42 no, no, no, I can't answer, I can't answer.
20:44 Say, "Pastor Hernell, what is the next
20:47 in some particular programs?
20:49 What about prophecies?
20:50 We need more, we need more."
20:52 I say, "Hey, it's time for milk,
20:55 later come and give the heavy food."
20:58 So people is hungry.
21:00 So it is amazing Pastor,
21:02 when you see a country like this
21:04 for so many years, for some reason.
21:07 And now see the door open,
21:09 open it's not a little bit, all open up.
21:13 And once again, I thank God and the Cuban government
21:16 is certainly will be for the benefit
21:19 of all the Cuban population.
21:21 Yeah, will be problem for families.
21:24 So praise the Lord for.
21:26 So once again, Pastor, your question was, I'm sorry.
21:30 We took programming over there, our DVD programs.
21:33 Who did you need approval for?
21:35 So it can be evaluated and who needed to approve
21:38 our programming to be able to participate in the package.
21:41 In the package, yes.
21:43 I remember I invited you one time
21:45 to be in a meeting in Camaguey.
21:47 And it is official government's,
21:52 you know, was there.
21:53 Hey, we tried to help you
21:54 but at the end of the conversation,
21:57 Pastor Dinzey have a lot of problem for 3ABN.
22:00 We're talking about maybe 10 years ago, Pastor.
22:03 Yes. I think so, 10 years ago.
22:05 So I said, if you can see that and give me your appreciation.
22:10 Well, the time is coming,
22:11 it looks like that no answer about this time.
22:14 But after that, we approach to the Council of Churches.
22:19 And I said, "Well, I am coming over here
22:24 in order to bring you some idea."
22:28 What about. Yes...
22:29 Who was the Council of Churches, just for people,
22:31 who comprises the Council of Churches?
22:33 Yeah, Council of Churches, it is one organization
22:38 who has different religions
22:43 in order to ask into the government for example.
22:47 If you want to send Bibles to Cuba,
22:50 you have to meet the Council of Churches
22:53 in order to receive.
22:54 If you need a visa, religious visa,
22:59 you have to do through the Council of Churches.
23:00 So it is organization by the government, of course,
23:05 and integrated for different religions.
23:09 Not all the religions in Cuba
23:11 is a member of the Council of Churches.
23:14 It's voluntary.
23:16 Seventh-day Adventist is not, Catholic Church is not,
23:19 and several other ones, but they are open relation.
23:23 I mean, it doesn't matter if you are or not member
23:26 of the Council of Churches so.
23:27 They're very powerful organization, right?
23:30 I mean, the Council of Churches.
23:31 Yes.
23:32 All, a lot of the, all this approval
23:34 for anything religious has to go through
23:35 the Council of Churches...
23:37 It is correct.
23:38 Which is directly tied into the government.
23:39 Exactly, exactly.
23:41 He is the link in between churches and the government.
23:44 Yes.
23:45 So even if the Seventh-day Adventist churches,
23:47 sorry to interrupt you,
23:48 is not a part of the Council of Churches.
23:51 Whenever a pastor wants to do an evangelistic campaign
23:54 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
23:56 the Seventh-day Adventist Church Union
23:59 has to take that request to the Council of Churches
24:02 for the religious visa to get approved,
24:05 so that that pastor can from US or from wherever,
24:08 can participate in an evangelistic campaign in Cuba.
24:10 But so, if you do not get a religious visa,
24:13 you cannot preach in a church in Cuba.
24:15 Yeah, correct.
24:17 So you had direct connection with someone
24:18 in the Council of Churches?
24:19 Yeah.
24:21 Someone, someone say don't go to the branch, go to the trunk.
24:24 I mean, you know. Yes, you go to the main person.
24:27 Yes. Okay. I like how you think.
24:29 Yeah, so that's the way what I did it.
24:31 And I remember he's a lovely gentleman's people over there
24:36 and said, "This is what is coming in my mind.
24:39 I don't know if I am crazy or not but put it."
24:42 So he said, "Make a letter."
24:45 So I make a letter.
24:47 And the letter explained all of this.
24:50 And six months later, I received a letter back.
24:53 I said because it is good to say
24:59 the church, then my church Seventh-day Adventist don't...
25:04 I invite them to be part in the letter when I,
25:08 you know, to do to the government.
25:10 And for some reason I respect that.
25:12 They said, "No, no, no, I prefer to stay there."
25:15 So I write it as Director
25:19 of international Children's Relief Fund,
25:21 and send the letter.
25:22 That was before you were partner with 3ABN?
25:24 Yes, it's correct. Yes. Where did you go?
25:26 Yeah, it's correct.
25:28 So they answer to the institution with the,
25:31 they said, Well, we approval,
25:33 you have permission to do one studio,
25:38 television and radio in Camaguey in this
25:41 and this and this place, you have permission to that.
25:44 The other permission is,
25:46 you can prepare programs over here
25:50 and bring programs from US.
25:52 And you can editing here in the studio,
25:56 and you have permission to do in the Paquete.
25:58 So for me, I said, "What is the Paquete?
26:01 So at this time, I know, I don't know
26:03 what is the Paquete, and what is the editing.
26:06 But I said, "If Lord, if You guide me,
26:08 You teach me about it."
26:10 So pretty much, they have some regulations, of course.
26:15 All the programs, who go into the Paquete,
26:19 I'm responsible in front of the government
26:22 and the Council of Churches to bring them,
26:24 they review every single program
26:27 and send it to the government
26:29 and government give the blessing.
26:32 He says it's okay and be back.
26:33 And now we go to the Paquete.
26:36 It is the process. We're so grateful.
26:39 I was just thinking of that, as you were talking about that.
26:41 So grateful for the miracle God worked to open up those doors,
26:44 as you've been working there.
26:46 And then joining hands with 3ABN.
26:48 We just want to give a special thank you
26:49 to the Cuban government.
26:51 We're grateful for the government
26:53 and for the Council of Churches,
26:54 opening up those doors.
26:56 Of course, God working through them
26:57 in order to be able to have 3ABN on the package
27:01 and provide Christ centered programming,
27:04 programming that's going to impact families,
27:06 programming that's going to impact health
27:08 and programming that's going to make a spiritual difference
27:12 in the lives of the Cuban people.
27:14 So what a tremendous opportunity
27:16 and privilege for them.
27:18 Yeah, amen to that.
27:19 Go ahead, Pastor Johnny.
27:20 I would like to share a miracle because to me, it is a miracle.
27:24 Getting a flight to Cuba has been very difficult since...
27:28 See, we were there last year in Cuba,
27:33 in the month of March.
27:34 And what was happening in the US
27:36 during the month of March?
27:37 COVID was hitting it seems like around world at that point.
27:40 That's right. The world was hit.
27:41 So now we are in Cuba.
27:43 And, of course, when we went there,
27:46 Pastor Hernell, you know,
27:48 I went with my mask, I met him in Miami.
27:51 And he had purchased gloves,
27:54 he had purchased the sanitizing wipes.
27:57 And I mean, we were ready to enter into Cuba
28:03 with all the protection you need.
28:05 So we met with the Council of Churches,
28:08 but the CEO was not there.
28:11 So we scheduled another, another date to meet with him.
28:16 And also, we spoke with the President of the Union
28:20 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and said,
28:23 "We're here, we would like to meet with you."
28:25 And he says, "Well, I'm going on a date with my wife.
28:27 It's her birthday.
28:28 How about on Wednesday?"
28:30 You know, and it was this was like,
28:31 Sunday or Monday, I don't remember.
28:34 And so we had these meetings still scheduled.
28:39 And so, Pastor Hernell, Chaplain Hernell receives
28:43 a phone call from his loving wife,
28:45 Doris and says,
28:47 "You need to leave Cuba right away."
28:49 Yes, I remember.
28:52 And he's like, "Why, what's the reason?"
28:55 She said, "Airports are closing down
28:58 and you need to leave right away."
28:59 And so the very next day, early in the morning,
29:03 I think it was like four in the morning,
29:04 five in the morning, we were at the airport,
29:07 trying to get a flight out
29:10 because our flight was scheduled for I think Thursday.
29:14 Yeah. This was Tuesday morning.
29:16 Permission, Pastor Dinzey.
29:18 Dinzey said, "We have appointment."
29:20 You know, I love his way to sit and confront
29:23 you know, difficult thing.
29:24 Pastor we have appointment.
29:26 Dinzey, we have to get out of here.
29:30 You know, worst thing.
29:32 So they, they closed the airports down.
29:35 Yeah, they did.
29:37 They closed the airports down, November.
29:40 But you got out in time? Yeah, we got out in time.
29:42 Okay.
29:43 Otherwise, it would be November and we couldn't leave there
29:46 because the airports were closed until November,
29:48 March to November. Yes.
29:51 So then Pastor Hernell and I was able to go
29:53 in November and had some meetings
29:56 and make some arrangements, went back in December.
29:59 And again, I mean, we're just getting closer
30:02 and closer to getting not only the final approval, and I mean,
30:05 they were saying things like, the programming is exquisite.
30:08 This is wonderful.
30:10 So now that the Council of Church has the government
30:13 has sought, seen it, now we have to meet
30:15 with the leaders of the package,
30:19 and they call their headquarters, The Matrix.
30:22 The Matrix sounds very mysterious.
30:24 It does. So anyway.
30:28 Oh, Chaplain Hernell was going to Cuba again,
30:31 I think we'll say March,
30:32 February or March of this year, this year.
30:35 And he took a test when he was in Miami.
30:39 And the test, of course, was negative.
30:41 But when he got there,
30:42 they said, your test is too old.
30:44 It's four days, and you need three days before the flight.
30:47 So he takes another test. The COVID test?
30:50 Another COVID test and it was positive.
30:53 Oh, no.
30:55 But he says that it was not COVID,
30:57 it was something else.
30:58 But still with the positive test,
30:59 they're not gonna alight the plane.
31:01 Couldn't get on the plane. Couldn't get on the plane.
31:02 So, cutting the story down a little bit.
31:06 He was able to go at the end of March,
31:08 at the about the second week of March.
31:10 I went at the last week of March.
31:12 And when you go there,
31:14 you have to go through five nights and six days.
31:19 No, yeah, five nights, six days of quarantine.
31:22 And prior to this, I think he went in January now
31:24 that I remember, he had to do 10 days of quarantine
31:29 before he could step out and do any work.
31:32 So anyway, he went and there was,
31:35 we want to thank the Council of Churches again,
31:36 because they make contact with The Matrix.
31:41 They have, they had a phone number,
31:42 they were talking to them.
31:44 And Pastor Hernell was there and he says,
31:47 I would like to meet with you in person.
31:48 Oh, yes, yes, we can do that.
31:50 But yes, we have many things to talk about.
31:53 Sure, sure.
31:54 And so there was another, they were supposed to call back
31:58 with a time of meeting and to share what the price
32:02 would be that we will have to pay a month
32:04 because, folks, this is not free.
32:06 This is not free, 3ABN's participation,
32:09 we have to pay about $1,200 a month
32:12 to participate in the package.
32:14 So then we wanted to know the price.
32:16 We didn't know that then.
32:19 So anyway, for some reason,
32:23 the Council of Churches lost contact with the person
32:27 that they had the phone number of.
32:28 The package.
32:29 So the Council of Churches lost contact with the package?
32:31 Yes, The Matrix people.
32:33 So no phone call, yeah,
32:39 the phone calls were made to them.
32:40 They were not answered.
32:42 We don't know what happened to the person,
32:43 did he get COVID, we have no idea.
32:45 Basically no communication.
32:46 And it's, at this point in time,
32:49 they didn't know the address of the people
32:51 because this is not put out.
32:53 It's not public information.
32:54 So there's no address.
32:56 You can't go, hey, I've been calling you.
32:59 They didn't know.
33:00 So when I get out of the quarantine,
33:05 Chaplain Hernell, were you able to,
33:07 did they call you back?
33:09 We haven't heard from them.
33:10 And he had, you know, two days left.
33:13 So the next day we are, we thank Pastor Enmar also.
33:19 We are, we decided to go visit places
33:22 where they sell the package with the hope
33:25 that one of these places would say,
33:27 "Oh yes, we get our programming from the headquarters."
33:30 And this is their name, this is their phone number
33:33 so that we could get in touch with them.
33:35 We're trying to reconnect with them.
33:38 And about how many places are there in Havana?
33:41 This is Havana, Cuba.
33:42 How many places are there in Havana, Cuba,
33:44 where they sell the package, would you say?
33:45 Thousands. Thousands?
33:47 Thousands, okay. Thousands.
33:50 So anyway, hundreds or thousands of them.
33:52 And so we had a list, we had a list.
33:56 And we go to the first place, which is really a house
33:59 just about every place
34:01 where they sell the package is home.
34:03 And the front room or the living room,
34:05 they have a little, they have a desk there,
34:07 they have their TV and their computers,
34:10 computer monitor and they do the transaction.
34:13 So copying the packages, etc.
34:15 So we go to the first home, and we ask,
34:19 "Can you give us the number of The Matrix?"
34:22 And they said, the young lady said,
34:24 "Oh, no, I just work here.
34:26 I don't know.
34:27 You have to talk to my supervisor, my boss,
34:29 and he'll be back in the afternoon."
34:32 So we said thank you and we'll be back,
34:34 and we decided we want a copy of the package to see
34:37 what's going on and how our programming could,
34:41 you know, participate, how it would look in there.
34:44 So we were going to be back in the afternoon.
34:47 We go to the next place.
34:49 Remember there are hundreds
34:50 or a few thousand of these places.
34:51 We go to the next place.
34:53 And Chaplain Hernell is talking to this guy.
34:57 He looks like a young man,
34:59 but he recognized something about this man.
35:01 What was your impression after the meeting with him?
35:04 Well, once again, I, every time when I go, I pray and say,
35:09 "Well, you know, Lord, so give me,
35:11 give me the guidance, you know, tell me."
35:14 And I start talking with the guy, hey,
35:16 I'm looking for, you know, the main guy.
35:19 We usually if typical Mexican word say el mero mero,
35:24 I mean, this is the biggest one.
35:27 So even he's not Mexican,
35:30 he got it when I say el mero mero.
35:33 So the guy said, well...
35:35 It's like saying the Big Cheese,
35:37 the big guy, yeah.
35:38 So when I don't remember, I have a dress a regular
35:44 or I dress as a Chaplain.
35:45 You were dressed as a chaplain,
35:47 you had vest and your chaplain's robe.
35:48 Okay, so don't want to impress the guy,
35:50 you know, and said, who is the guy?
35:53 Who is this guy we're looking for?
35:55 So I said, Well, the reason is, we have a ministry in US,
36:01 and we want to promote Christian programs.
36:03 And this is the topic what I intend to do.
36:06 But I'm looking for the main guy,
36:08 the mero mero.
36:09 And he said, "Well, looking everywhere isn't well,
36:14 I can talk to the mero mero.
36:17 And it's him but he don't tell me.
36:20 In the first time, he go, he'll say nothing.
36:21 Yeah, wow.
36:23 So but in the way this guy.
36:25 He was evaluating us.
36:27 Exactly.
36:28 And look at it and everything.
36:29 He said, do you have, this is what the sign.
36:33 Do you have the problems in order I can't look at it?
36:37 I said not with me,
36:39 but I can bring you and I said when?
36:44 He said right now.
36:46 I said, Dinzey, well, I finished the conversation
36:49 saying, okay, what about he put us on appointment
36:52 in the afternoon?
36:54 And he said, "Yes, I waiting for it."
36:56 So at the end this conversation,
37:00 I feel the impression that it is the guy.
37:02 And I told them as soon as I get back to the car.
37:05 Yes.
37:06 So when he said that, I said, "That guy?"
37:10 One of those, he didn't look the part you would say,
37:13 but praise the Lord, this is to me the miracle.
37:17 This is the second place we visited...
37:19 And you could have gone to thousands of places
37:21 there in Havana.
37:22 Yes, the second place we visited was the person
37:25 the exact person we needed to talk to.
37:27 Praise the Lord.
37:28 And that's the praise the Lord because us, our prayer was,
37:31 Lord, bless us so that Chaplain Hernell can leave Cuba
37:34 with an answer that we were able to contact
37:38 The Matrix and to find out when the 3ABN Latino
37:42 can begin on the package.
37:43 So the Lord blessed with that marvelous answer.
37:46 It's a miracle to me that the second place we go to
37:49 is not that they gave us a phone number,
37:51 but it was the person that we need to contact.
37:54 Exactly.
37:55 Yeah, so let's fast forward then.
37:57 So you made contact, we provided
37:59 the, all the programming that they needed.
38:01 We exchanged the funds so that they'd be paid.
38:04 And then tell us about June 8th because that's a huge day.
38:07 And then we want to show this video too.
38:08 Yes, Chaplain Hernell.
38:10 He said, well, you said they gave me a date.
38:13 And I said, "What is it? What's the date?"
38:15 And he told me it was like the 15th of June.
38:17 Yes, that's right.
38:19 So I say 15th of June. Great.
38:21 So I tell Greg and Jill, 15th of June.
38:24 Oh, and we have the... Mark it on the calendar.
38:25 Yeah, exactly.
38:27 Yeah, big day.
38:28 Interestingly enough, like three or four days later,
38:32 Chaplain Hernell says, June 8th, we're going to be on.
38:36 June 8, I said, I think it was the 15th before.
38:40 But hey, so it's one week earlier.
38:42 So Praise the Lord. So yes.
38:43 June 8, 3ABN Latino available in the package all over Cuba.
38:49 Yeah.
38:50 Every city and town...
38:51 Every single city in Cuba.
38:53 So verification, Chaplain Hernell,
38:57 this is where we come to the video now.
38:58 Yes.
38:59 Chaplain Hernell started visiting as many cities
39:03 as possible in the time that he in his last trip,
39:06 which he came back just about a week or two,
39:08 about two weeks ago, as many cities as possible
39:11 to confirm going from one place to another.
39:13 Do you have the package here? Yes.
39:15 And they would, they will show him on the computer.
39:17 Yes, we have it here.
39:19 And he actually purchased the package
39:20 in a few of these places.
39:22 So that he could take it home and say, hey, it's here.
39:25 But so we're going to show a video where the first,
39:29 the first person he talks to is a person
39:31 that sells the package, and...
39:34 Not an Adventist. Not an Adventist.
39:36 And he's going to tell you a little bit
39:37 about, you know, what he thinks his evaluation of 3ABN Latino
39:42 being on the package and what impact it could have.
39:44 And then you'll hear a couple of pastors
39:47 giving their impression of the package.
39:50 I can mention, okay, so another miracle.
39:52 Okay.
39:53 And Dinzey, Pastor Dinzey is a part of this miracle,
39:56 even me.
39:58 Now we have to select the day to fly.
40:01 So I started looking in the computer.
40:04 Okay, American Airlines departure day is Sunday,
40:07 when June 72 hours before, cancel.
40:10 No.
40:12 But what's going on?
40:13 And Pastor Dinzey do the same thing.
40:15 So I start praying, once again, like everyone said,
40:19 let me see that we need to found
40:22 because many flights gone to Cuba.
40:26 Who is the agency?
40:28 Or who is the minister?
40:30 Where is the minister, right?
40:31 And I call Cuba and talk with one friend.
40:34 He said, "Hey, what's going on guy."
40:37 Get this fly, they cancel, and two days later,
40:39 the same fly go?
40:41 How can it be possible?
40:42 He said, Hernell, it is the phone number,
40:45 you need to call and call this agency.
40:48 And you will found a ticket for.
40:51 So praise the Lord.
40:53 Every time when I, so Pastor Dinzey told me,
40:56 I look at it, I don't find, pastor, got to this number.
41:01 Tell them the story.
41:03 Praise the Lord because this is how
41:05 you were able to actually go down there,
41:06 get this footage and actually verify everything.
41:08 And then what we want to do is actually go to this roll
41:10 that you were talking about Pastor Johnny and see
41:13 what God is doing in Cuba.
41:17 Regarding the Christian television project, 3ABN,
41:21 I see a good future for Cuba.
41:23 It would bring new perspectives.
41:26 That is, we will not depend on what someone decide for us,
41:30 which normally goes into the package.
41:33 We could prepare a much better programming,
41:36 one that is more effective with a greater scope
41:40 and something that can be monitored and improved,
41:42 and that gives us something more from the package.
41:44 I see a good future for that project.
41:46 Brothers and sisters, I didn't want to say goodbye
41:49 without first thanking God, the Almighty God,
41:53 the God of the heavens, the earth and the sea,
41:55 and all of the creation to the God of the impossible,
41:59 precisely for these television channel 3ABN,
42:03 that through the incredible means that God has used
42:06 which are these packages that can be distributed
42:08 anywhere, and that can reach as many souls as possible,
42:13 whether they are believers or non-believers.
42:16 It is in these that I really see the greatness and the power
42:20 of the great God we have.
42:23 This is one of the ways
42:25 we have to deal with a pandemic.
42:27 We admire the risk they take
42:30 because hundreds of people pass through here.
42:32 This is a control point where they take the temperature
42:35 to be able to enter the city.
42:37 And I think that the measure is very suitable
42:40 for those who want to keep order
42:42 and also for those who are a little bit undisciplined.
42:45 We most respect and we encourage others
42:48 to do the same.
42:49 So we get out of this pandemic soon.
42:51 Thank you.
42:54 Greetings, friends.
42:55 We are here in the Agramonte Park
42:58 in the city of Camaguey
43:00 to begin our journey through the entire island of Cuba.
43:05 The purpose is to visit the provinces to contact
43:09 and confirm that the 3ABN Latino Christian package
43:14 is available throughout the island.
43:17 We invite you to join us on this adventure.
43:20 Follow us.
43:22 Pastor, let me ask you a question.
43:25 Knowing that in the network package,
43:28 there are many secular teams.
43:31 But now that we are going to have the message
43:33 of the Word of God through different ministries,
43:37 how do you see that for the advancement
43:39 of God's work in Cuba?
43:41 How do you see it?
43:43 Well, I see it as a fountain that God has opened
43:47 to our country, for we have been waiting for it so long.
43:51 I think this has been a direct answer to our prayers.
43:55 As for so many years,
43:58 we have longed to be like all the countries
44:01 so we can preach the solid convincing gospel,
44:05 a voice of to the people of Cuba,
44:09 a voice that can reach every home.
44:11 I think that is the best evangelism
44:13 we can do in a country like this.
44:16 I think this has been a blessing,
44:19 an answer from God, to our prayers.
44:22 I think it is a wonderful opportunity for Cuba.
44:25 I think it is the last message, the last opportunity
44:29 that God has given us in this country, as leaders,
44:32 as workers, as missionaries, an opportunity
44:36 in which we can enter people's home
44:39 with this message,
44:40 which is something we can't physically do
44:43 for our own people
44:44 that are going to be many people,
44:46 from the leaders of our country
44:48 who are going to listen to the message,
44:50 there are going to be many people
44:52 who are members of the party or the police
44:55 and of the Department of Interior
44:56 were going to listen, because it is a message
44:59 that is going to reach the homes
45:01 by some member of the household.
45:03 And God is going to open the doors
45:05 and collect the last remnant
45:07 that He has precisely in this country.
45:09 For me, it has been a satisfaction to hear the news
45:14 and a joy to have the privilege so anticipated
45:18 and so long for by the members of the Adventist Church
45:22 in Cuba, and that God has answered the prayer so soon.
45:25 Well, I am going to tell you something, Pastor,
45:28 I have come here under the protection
45:31 of the Most High.
45:33 I don't have Coronavirus because I have the promise
45:38 that a thousand and ten thousand
45:40 will fall by my side but it will not touch me.
45:42 So I think that you are the first person
45:46 that I am going to ask you to come beside me.
45:49 So I can extend a hug to you, right?
45:51 A real brotherly hug because during this time,
45:56 in light of the pandemic, the demonstration of God
45:59 is coming as my dear pastor here says,
46:01 this isn't just for believers,
46:04 this production of 3ABN and all Christian ministries,
46:08 it is for the atheists, it is for any denomination,
46:12 it is for those who believe and those who don't.
46:14 Amen.
46:15 Because God has sent His Word for everyone.
46:18 Pastor, thank you very much.
46:20 It is an honor to know you.
46:22 God bless you.
46:23 Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
46:27 Amen. Wow, powerful.
46:28 So exciting to see that 3ABN has launched
46:32 on the package in Cuba.
46:34 Yes. And to hear those amazing reports.
46:36 I love what Chaplain Hernell, what you said at the very end,
46:39 because the gospel is going for those who know Jesus
46:42 and those who don't know Him,
46:44 for the atheist and the Christian,
46:45 it's for everyone.
46:47 3ABN Latino has launched on the package
46:49 for that purpose.
46:50 So we just want to encourage you at home,
46:53 if you would like to join hands with the Ministry of 3ABN,
46:58 and you would like to partner with us evangelistically
47:01 in taking the gospel to Cuba,
47:03 because there's a monthly charge every month
47:06 for us to be on the package, you can donate online,
47:09 go to 3ABN.tv, click on the Cuba Fund
47:14 to donate there, it's Fund Code 338.
47:17 But all you have to do is just scroll down
47:19 and click on the one that says Cuba.
47:21 And you can donate that way.
47:23 Or you can always send a check in,
47:24 and you mark it Cuba
47:26 or you can give us a call at 3ABN,
47:29 and we would love to join hands together
47:32 and share the gospel there in Cuba.
47:34 Also want to encourage you maybe you have questions
47:37 you would like to know more about the Cuba project,
47:41 you want to connect more closely with us,
47:43 you can send us an email at Cuba@3abn.tv
47:49 That email address again is Cuba@3abn.tv
47:54 And we would love to network with you that way.
47:57 Amen, this is a massive project.
47:58 And like Jill said, you know far as the ways you can donate
48:01 for this project, we try to make it as easy as possible.
48:04 But we also want to say thank you for those of you
48:06 that have already stood with us in this project,
48:08 God is providing funds through you
48:10 to make this project viable.
48:12 You know, God provides our needs, right?
48:13 It's just incredible to see how this project
48:16 has been supported.
48:17 But I want to go back to the video.
48:19 Because in that video, you know, we saw the pastors
48:21 and that one of the gentlemen is selling the package, right?
48:25 But also somewhere in the middle, there was,
48:27 look like a security gentleman, security guards or something.
48:31 Tell me a little bit about that because during the roll
48:33 you were saying that that's actually a checkpoint.
48:35 So they're checkpoints inside of Cuba?
48:38 Yes.
48:39 Like between every...
48:41 Well every, I don't know.
48:44 Every time when you want to approach any provinces,
48:47 you have to check it out.
48:48 That'd be like counties, do you think here,
48:50 Pastor Johnny, in the United States?
48:52 Okay, so you have a checkpoint? Exactly.
48:54 And even when you'll be in the city,
48:56 now you go to the...
48:58 I mean, in the province, you go to the cities,
48:59 because they have many cities in one province.
49:03 So every city have another one.
49:06 So you need to a could be a nice person,
49:10 could be a rough person, you don't know.
49:13 What are they asking you?
49:14 Well, they first, give me your permit.
49:17 So you have to have the permit.
49:19 The second one is where you go.
49:23 So you have the permit where you go, well,
49:25 supposedly the answer is in the permit
49:27 there, they want to be verified.
49:29 So also they said, well, how many days
49:33 and what is the purpose of the visit?
49:36 Well, and you explain and depend of them,
49:39 if you go in or you have to return to the province.
49:43 Because each province right now have its own protocol.
49:48 So one day, for example, in Oriente the part,
49:51 I can never approach.
49:53 I received the advice.
49:55 The east, the east, the east part of Cuba?
49:57 Okay. Yeah.
49:59 They said even when you have the permit,
50:01 when you approach to the province.
50:02 They said, well, you have to be quarantined 10 days.
50:07 Wow.
50:08 So need many days to be there and waiting for another one.
50:12 So that's the regulations.
50:14 Yeah, go ahead Pastor Johnny.
50:15 I would like to share this really quick.
50:17 Please.
50:18 Because it was just fascinating to me.
50:20 I was talking to a man I think Jorge,
50:24 he wanted to share his testimony,
50:26 because the package was available.
50:30 And he took the 3ABN Latino part to a family,
50:35 hey, let's watch this 3ABN.
50:37 This was on a Saturday,
50:38 let's watch 3ABN programming, and they put it on
50:41 and their family was so excited.
50:44 They said, "This is wonderful.
50:45 Hey, we have some new neighbors
50:47 that have moved in from another city."
50:48 And they invited them to come and watch 3ABN Latino,
50:52 and they were Christians from another denomination.
50:54 They go, "We've never seen anything.
50:56 This is marvelous, this is great."
50:58 And this is Saturday, when they were watching the programming.
51:02 By Monday, it was like two days later.
51:04 They already said,
51:06 they had already had three Bible studies,
51:08 we want to know more, we want to know more.
51:10 This is good news.
51:12 So it was, they already had taken three to four
51:14 Bible studies.
51:15 And I say, wow, God is already,
51:18 the seeds are already beginning to have little sprouts already.
51:22 Sprouts, yeah.
51:23 So praise the Lord, we hope to see many more great harvest
51:27 of souls for Jesus.
51:29 Something come in my mind, I visit Idalvo, Jorge Idalvo.
51:32 Jorge Idalvo.
51:34 Yeah, he is the, he is a chaplain too.
51:35 So he says, "Pastor,
51:37 I have the honor if you visit my home,
51:40 my family is not Adventist."
51:42 When I go over there and talking with him.
51:44 He said, my brother, he have a Paquete,
51:48 for he sell the Paquete.
51:49 So now from there,
51:51 they start looking through 3ABN Latino
51:53 and the program, Christian program
51:55 in the same place of Idalvo
51:57 because his father and family is not Adventist.
51:59 So now they're excited even to see.
52:01 It's amazing.
52:03 So the stories are already coming out and 3ABN Latino
52:06 has been on the package just over a month.
52:08 So we are excited.
52:10 And we're going to have to hear more stories later.
52:12 What we're going to do now is go to the news break.
52:14 Before we do I want to remind you,
52:16 if you want to join hands with us
52:18 and support the work in Cuba, go to 3ABN.tv
52:22 and you can scroll down and you can click on fund code
52:25 Cuba 338 and you can donate that way
52:28 or you can write us a check and donate for 3ABN in Cuba.
52:33 We're going to go to the news break,
52:35 and we'll be right back with closing thoughts.


Revised 2021-08-13