3ABN Today

Farm Stew - Friendship Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210002A

00:01 As you're well aware
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, friends. Welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:17 If you notice I'm the fortunate half,
01:19 because I have my blessed half next to me.
01:21 Good to have you here, honey.
01:22 I'm so happy to be here and to come into your homes
01:26 and into your lives,
01:27 through this wonderful program we're gonna have today.
01:30 That's right and we're gonna be,
01:31 once again, we did this program kind of similar...
01:34 Yeah, we did. With one of our guests today.
01:35 We'll let them know who that is in a moment.
01:37 Okay.
01:38 But we're gonna be talking about ministry.
01:39 So if you hear the phrase or the FARM STEW,
01:43 no, it's not a dish you make on a farm.
01:45 You'll find out what that is in a moment.
01:47 But you do wanna stay tuned to this program
01:49 because, you know, there are lots of needs in the world.
01:51 And as we have seen,
01:53 we've seen the signs of the coming of the Lord,
01:55 and many people focus on earthquakes, floods,
01:59 but there's another thing
02:01 that the Lord has asked us to do
02:02 in preparation for soon return.
02:04 Amen.
02:05 And right now, should we go into the music?
02:08 Yeah, let's do that.
02:09 Or should we introduce our guests?
02:11 Let's do this, let's hold our guests in secret
02:12 until the music.
02:13 Oh, okay. All right.
02:15 The music is gonna be "Standing on the Promises".
02:16 It's gonna be played by Jaime Jorge
02:19 with his wonderful violin.
05:47 Thank you so much, Jaime.
05:48 That's a way to begin a program.
05:50 Standing on the promises of God.
05:51 That's right.
05:52 Not sitting on the premises, but standing on the promises.
05:54 That's right.
05:56 But while we're sitting on the premises,
05:57 we do have some exciting guests with us today.
05:59 Honey, Joy Kauffman, and Cherri Olin from FARM STEW.
06:04 Good to have you here today.
06:06 We are thrilled to be here.
06:08 Welcome. Thank you.
06:10 And you've been here before, Joy.
06:11 Yes.
06:13 And actually Cherri came
06:14 and told the story of FARM STEW
06:15 with me a few years ago,
06:17 but we're so thrilled to be back
06:18 because we wanted to share
06:20 a little bit of the backstory of our testimony
06:22 and friendship evangelism
06:23 and how basically Cherri's hard work
06:25 of friendship evangelism is now impacting the world.
06:28 Amen. Wow.
06:30 Now, before we go any further,
06:31 honey, I think that the people watching
06:33 may see something they might say
06:34 did 3ABN change their decor?
06:37 Oh, yeah.
06:38 So let's go ahead and explain...
06:40 This beautiful decor that we have here
06:42 is from Africa.
06:45 Yes. Purchased in Uganda.
06:47 One of the things I love about Africa
06:48 is just the colors,
06:50 the bright, bold colors...
06:51 This is beautiful.
06:53 And women dressed in beautiful dresses
06:55 that they, you know, have handmade
06:57 just to fit them perfectly.
06:58 I saw you had one when you were in Kenya.
07:00 I had a beautiful handmade,
07:03 what is it, a dress and even a little head scarf thing
07:07 that I had was just gorgeous.
07:08 And they measured me.
07:10 They even made you one too, honey.
07:11 Yeah.
07:12 They made mine too tight, just for the record.
07:15 And I got it on once and I thought
07:17 if I try this again with no one around,
07:19 I'll be incarcerated.
07:21 Yeah.
07:22 So the colors, like you said, it's just beautiful.
07:25 Right.
07:26 Thank you for bringing this.
07:28 And then there's something over your shoulder there.
07:29 I want them to know that
07:30 you didn't bring a stick with you.
07:32 If you get upset. Right.
07:33 No I brought this.
07:35 This is a sneak preview of, when I first got to Africa,
07:38 I was amazed.
07:39 I was doing hands-on plant-based cooking classes,
07:42 and you would be amazed
07:44 by the things they can make
07:45 by just pounding, pounding, pounding.
07:47 So primarily in FARM STEW
07:49 we're working on addressing childhood malnutrition,
07:52 and they are using this mortar and pestle
07:55 to pound soybeans and turn it into soy milk,
07:58 which is almost like bringing manna from heaven in a way.
08:02 People get so excited about it. So that's a sneak preview.
08:05 Okay.
08:07 Now, who do you have with you? Joy and Cherri.
08:10 Yes.
08:12 My dearest friend
08:13 who friendship evangelized me into the church.
08:15 And so I was telling you all about this story
08:19 a few months back,
08:20 and we said, you know what,
08:22 why don't we tell the story of God at work
08:25 really in our lives?
08:27 So, Cherri, how did we meet?
08:29 Well, actually we met
08:30 at a local elementary school playgroup,
08:34 they called it,
08:36 where the moms would bring their children
08:37 to help them socialize with other children
08:39 within the county or district.
08:43 So we met there kind of connected.
08:45 And of course, being Adventist, you hear someone is vegetarian
08:49 and from Silver Springs, Maryland.
08:51 And what do you think?
08:53 They're Adventist. Right.
08:55 And then I quickly learned she wasn't,
08:57 but I was like, maybe she will, you know, someday.
09:01 But I just really connected on a friendship level with her.
09:06 So you hit it off right away.
09:07 We did.
09:09 And you became friends. And how did you, after that...
09:13 Well... Yeah, go ahead.
09:15 I had gone with my husband to have some friends
09:18 and we had tried evangelizing through just,
09:21 "This is our truth. You need to know our truth."
09:24 And we realized at that point
09:26 that we needed to do Jesus evangelism.
09:28 Amen.
09:29 And Jesus just met the people where they were
09:31 and he befriended them.
09:32 So I just became her friend.
09:35 It was like, we enjoyed doing things together.
09:37 We would take our kids swimming,
09:39 we would go, take them outside.
09:41 They would play in the snow together.
09:43 So it was just that...
09:44 Connection of the children.
09:45 Connection of moms. We connected through children.
09:48 But we lost touch
09:50 in between when we first met and when we became friends,
09:56 real close friends,
09:57 we lost touch due to our kids and going different directions.
10:02 So maybe you can tell them about that.
10:03 Yes.
10:04 So we reconnected when I saw a vegetarian cooking class
10:08 advertised in the local paper,
10:09 and I'm a public health nutritionist,
10:12 and I've been a vegetarian since I was nine.
10:15 And I hadn't met any vegetarians
10:17 except for when we had met years ago.
10:19 So I went to the Princeton Seventh-day Adventist Church
10:22 for the first time
10:23 to show up for this cooking class.
10:24 Lo and behold, I was the only non-member there.
10:28 It's a small church,
10:29 and I didn't realize that at the time,
10:31 found out that later.
10:32 But our kids reconnected and really bonded.
10:35 And that's when our friendship really took off.
10:38 Wow.
10:39 And then where did the idea of ministry come in?
10:44 Because you're both, you're talking about FARM STEW.
10:47 How did that even...
10:48 Well, you eventually joined the church.
10:51 Well, it's kind of through FARM STEW actually,
10:54 so our friendship,
10:56 we would often talk about God
10:58 and really, you know,
11:00 I didn't believe the same thing she did.
11:03 So we kind of had all sorts of exciting conversations,
11:06 you know, just where as things would happen.
11:09 We had many points of agreeing to disagree
11:12 and I would just go home and pray with my husband.
11:14 Rather than push the issue we would just pray about it.
11:18 And we would have preachers
11:19 that would confirm what we had said
11:22 and then she would listen to it that...
11:24 Non-Adventist preachers that would confirm the truth
11:27 that she was trying to explain to me,
11:29 but I didn't see in the Bible.
11:31 So.
11:32 So what was the turning point?
11:34 Yeah, well, there was so many things that happened,
11:37 but just really, I would say the true friendship
11:40 where we just decided that
11:41 no matter what, we were going to be friends,
11:43 whether I ever came into the church or not,
11:45 their family was gonna care for mine.
11:47 And they started by,
11:51 I came a point in time
11:52 when I was homeschooling my kids,
11:53 but I realized I needed help.
11:56 And she was taking her kids
11:57 to a nearby Seventh-day Adventist school.
12:00 And it was far away
12:02 so we started carpooling together.
12:04 Oh. Right.
12:05 We carpooled because
12:07 I drove an hour one way to get to school
12:09 and I would stay with the kids at the school
12:11 and then bring them back home at night.
12:13 I worked at the school.
12:15 But that was the only way
12:16 we could have a small Christian education for them.
12:18 And she had her kids come to that school
12:20 because our teacher met a specific need
12:24 that was filled for Joy.
12:26 And her kids coming from homeschooling,
12:28 it was a small setting
12:29 so they felt comfortable in going to it.
12:32 I see. Right.
12:33 And I finally had a real friend
12:36 in terms of knowing that she not only cared for me,
12:38 but she cared for my children.
12:40 And I think that was a bond that brought us together.
12:43 I did also the Bible studies with our pastor
12:46 after he would finish devotions,
12:48 then I would do the Bible study with the pastor.
12:51 And it was about a year into that schooling
12:54 that I had this opportunity come up,
12:58 that I could go to Africa.
13:00 And I was serving on the board of directors
13:02 for another organization that was, I loved.
13:05 And they invited me to go to Africa
13:09 and do public health nutrition, do hands-on cooking classes,
13:13 like I showed before with the mortar,
13:15 that was in 2015.
13:17 And Cherri had some feelings about me going to Africa.
13:21 I personally thought that she, I wanted her to be able to go,
13:25 but I said, maybe now's not the right time.
13:28 Just be with your kids.
13:29 And I thought she's kinda crazy,
13:31 but I'm glad God changes things
13:36 and changes your mind on things.
13:38 Yeah. So she went.
13:40 So I went in part because of her friendship,
13:43 you know, being, making sure
13:44 she would help work with my husband
13:45 to get the kids to school and everything.
13:47 And so I went and I never imagined,
13:50 and you can see me, there's a picture of me
13:52 surrounded by people and they're making soy milk.
13:55 There's a pot in the middle of the picture
13:57 where they are just amazed
13:59 by what they could feed their children.
14:01 And, you know, people, we do know that there's hunger
14:04 and malnutrition here in this country,
14:06 but in Sub-Saharan Africa,
14:09 where, by the way, we have 9 million,
14:11 Seventh-day Adventist members...
14:13 Wow!
14:14 One in three children are severely malnourished.
14:18 And when I say severely malnourished,
14:21 I, it means it's going to impact their whole lives.
14:24 And so I realized that
14:26 these hands-on cooking classes
14:27 and I met church members and I realized
14:29 they could help teach these hands-on cooking classes
14:31 even after I left.
14:33 That they could really be transforming lives,
14:36 even though, and I had to go home
14:38 back to my own children,
14:40 they could keep caring for the children there.
14:41 So that was kind of how FARM STEW was born.
14:44 And when I came home and I told Cherri
14:46 I wanted to start a ministry
14:48 and I wanted her to be involved,
14:50 she had a unique reaction.
14:52 I said,
14:53 "I'll be involved, but I'll do anything for you
14:55 as long as it's here in the States, "
14:56 that "I will not go to Africa with you.
15:00 I'll do anything but that."
15:02 And God has different plans of like,
15:04 we know we're very thankful for.
15:06 Three years later, I ended up in Africa with her.
15:10 But one of the key points is
15:11 through the steps that we went through,
15:13 it was actually the Africans in Uganda
15:15 that convinced, that made the final push
15:17 and convinced her to become Adventist.
15:20 It was that global church family
15:22 that we have that wherever you go,
15:24 you have a global church family.
15:26 Exactly. Look at that. That's so true.
15:28 The sun never sets. We're all over the world.
15:32 That's powerful.
15:33 Honestly, the Adventists there in Africa,
15:37 I just, I felt so connected to them
15:39 because, you know,
15:41 we had the same Sabbath school quarterly,
15:43 theirs was in different languages, Busoga.
15:46 But it was like we were studying together
15:49 and our hearts were just knit together.
15:50 I happened, the first time I went,
15:52 it was a communion Sunday or Sunday.
15:55 You can tell I'm a convert.
15:57 So, it was communion and they went out
16:00 and they washed my feet.
16:03 You know, this woman, Lucy,
16:05 she washed my feet
16:07 and she's actually the sister
16:08 of one of our original FARM STEW trainers
16:10 who the Lord inspired me, I believe, to hire.
16:14 And you can see there's a picture
16:15 of one of our teams of trainers there
16:18 with cans of seeds.
16:19 And they were out really expressing
16:23 not only the love of Jesus
16:25 and doing friendship evangelizing
16:27 in their own way,
16:28 reaching out to the communities,
16:29 but also equipping them with tools.
16:31 A lot of people, they don't have the, the seeds
16:35 even to grow vegetables
16:37 and they don't have the experience
16:38 to grow vegetables
16:39 that our children need in order to thrive.
16:42 How did this start?
16:45 We have a picture of your grandfather
16:47 and your grandmother, right?
16:49 It started, the farm, they had a farm.
16:52 Your parents, your grandparents had a farm?
16:53 Yeah.
16:54 So my grandparents,
16:56 I was blessed to be raised by a Christian family.
16:58 And this is my grandpa
16:59 taking me to church when I was a little girl
17:00 and my grandma,
17:02 they lived in a town called Farmland, Indiana.
17:03 Wow.
17:05 And she had a huge garden.
17:07 Of course, he was also a farmer
17:09 and she's who taught me to garden
17:10 and also to have a love for
17:12 not only the fresh food out of the garden,
17:14 but also preserving the food,
17:15 you know, snapping the beans
17:16 and canning them and everything.
17:18 And you know, as we get prepared for the last days,
17:21 we might, a lot of us need those kinds of skills.
17:23 I know.
17:24 So the Lord was laying the foundation
17:26 before you even knew it, you were on a farm.
17:28 Would you even think that
17:30 years ago you'd be connected to FARM STEW,
17:32 and we'll find out what that is.
17:33 'Cause it's not just two words.
17:35 It's an acronym. We'll find out what that is.
17:36 Exactly.
17:38 Well, we can jump to actually a picture of the acronym.
17:41 The FARM STEW acronym.
17:43 It's a recipe for abundant life.
17:45 And so it has eight letters,
17:47 kind of like other health messages
17:49 that we have with eight letters.
17:52 But these are specific
17:53 for people that are in countries
17:55 that are struggling to feed their children.
17:57 So it's farming, attitude, rest, and meals,
18:00 sanitation, temperance, enterprise, and water.
18:04 Okay.
18:05 And these eight ingredients
18:07 all really impact the health and wellbeing of children
18:10 and entire families and communities.
18:12 Wow. Wow.
18:14 So this, the idea of going to Africa,
18:18 not wanting to go to Africa,
18:20 the Lord had a plan for your life.
18:22 You know, the Jeremiah 29:11 was happening in your life
18:26 'cause God, I think in a, in a beautiful way was saying,
18:30 "Joy has no idea what I'm doing.
18:32 And neither does Cherri."
18:34 Cherri said, "I won't, " but you will.
18:37 Joy says, "I don't want to,"
18:39 but you're going to,
18:40 and God in a wonderful way gets us connected by ministries
18:43 that takes our focus away from us.
18:45 The Lord is saying,
18:47 "Okay, here's what I want you to do.
18:48 And I'm going to use that to unite both of you together.
18:51 You don't have to push Cherri
18:53 'cause my Holy Spirit's gonna do the work."
18:55 And that's amazing.
18:56 So we're looking at you guys today
18:58 being involved in something that's amazing,
18:59 but there's so much more
19:00 in the growth aspect of your life.
19:02 I would like to see your motherhood.
19:04 We have some pictures.
19:05 It's the Joy motherhood.
19:07 Yes.
19:08 I'd like to show our audience,
19:09 the pictures of you guys from way back.
19:11 Yeah. Sounds good.
19:13 So this is my family
19:14 and on the left is when Terry and I first met,
19:16 I just had this, my youngest was a baby.
19:19 And then we reconnected at this cooking class
19:22 I've mentioned about in the middle.
19:23 And the last picture on the right
19:25 is now my family.
19:27 So I have two teenage girls.
19:29 It's really a blessing to be a mom.
19:31 And my heart is also just so linked
19:33 to other mothers around the world
19:35 and maybe, you know, mothers that are struggling
19:38 to provide what they need for their children.
19:39 I think that was a bond
19:41 that Cherri and I had from the beginning
19:43 is really just wanting
19:44 what was best for our marriages,
19:46 best for our families
19:47 and especially for our children.
19:50 Great.
19:51 And you also have the girls' friendship thing?
19:54 Yeah. Which is so neat.
19:56 So Cherri had been doing so much evangelism.
19:57 Do you want to tell
19:59 a little bit about your own efforts?
20:00 Well, I had just wanted so much to reach out
20:03 and with the small church, like I said,
20:05 I would just pray each day
20:07 and my husband was praying for a ministry
20:09 and we were like, what can we do?
20:11 And so there was one day in the basement.
20:14 I just was like,
20:15 "Lord, what is the worth of my life?
20:17 What can I do here in this small town
20:19 that would impact the world?"
20:21 And I just felt Him to say,
20:23 "Keep going.
20:24 Just keep doing what you're doing,
20:26 be with your kids and stuff.
20:27 So make them a priority
20:29 as I want you to and train them."
20:32 So we continued that
20:33 little knowing that two years later
20:35 Joy would be in my life
20:37 and we would be friendship evangelizing
20:39 to the point of what it is today.
20:41 And I just think that it's a ministry to moms,
20:44 moms who devote your aspect to God,
20:47 and your life to God.
20:49 I think that's the key thing,
20:50 both Joy and I wanted
20:52 and were passionate about wanting to serve God.
20:55 So we served our families and served God.
20:57 And God said,
20:59 "Just wait a minute.
21:00 There's a workout there for you, "
21:01 but you may not know it at the time
21:04 when you're going through these steps.
21:06 I like that how you're saying that
21:07 you serve the Lord where you are
21:10 and don't think of, well,
21:11 try to serve Him where you're not,
21:13 preparing your family.
21:14 I would say that
21:16 Noah is my favorite character in the Bible
21:17 because when the flood came, his family was in New York.
21:20 We could save the world
21:21 and miss our family right before us.
21:24 Now, Joy.
21:25 We want to show a picture
21:26 of the first time of you in Africa.
21:28 It's such a nice photo.
21:30 What was that like? Yes.
21:32 That was amazing.
21:33 Because as a nutritionist here,
21:35 sometimes people don't always wanna hear
21:36 what you have to say,
21:38 but you can see clearly in Africa,
21:39 people were thrilled, thoroughly intrigued.
21:42 And especially like I said,
21:43 with this idea of being able to make milk from beans,
21:46 you know, milk is not affordable
21:49 to most of the rural villagers.
21:51 And especially we work now in South Sudan
21:54 and there's been war and upheaval.
21:56 And there's a lot of refugees that we work with,
21:58 making milk is next to impossible
22:01 because they've lost their animals.
22:02 They've been killed or stolen.
22:04 And so being able to, they call it the "green cow"
22:08 and some of our trainers,
22:09 there's an elder, his name is Elias,
22:12 a church elder.
22:13 And he, he was saying,
22:16 "This green cow can bring peace
22:19 amongst the tribes, even in the refugee camps,
22:22 because they can come together
22:23 and not have to fight over cows.
22:25 They can all grow their own soybeans."
22:26 Wow.
22:28 I never thought about the green cow,
22:29 we wore that in honor of the green cow today.
22:31 Exactly. You're wearing green today.
22:33 That's amazing.
22:34 So people, you can, you could take cattle,
22:36 but you can't cart off soybeans.
22:39 Exactly. Wow, wow.
22:41 I love that.
22:42 And we also have another one with you,
22:44 with the children.
22:45 Yeah.
22:46 So after I didn't necessarily want
22:49 to start FARM STEW in a way,
22:50 I wanted to take it under a different organization,
22:53 but then God just kept opening doors.
22:55 And I, about six months after my first time,
22:57 I went back to Africa
22:59 and I had my first official FARM STEW shirt on
23:02 with the children.
23:03 And you know, it's those kids, like some of them
23:06 you couldn't see in that picture,
23:07 but their bloated bellies,
23:09 you know, full of worms or malnutrition.
23:11 Some of them are just so struggling.
23:13 And I just, I knew we could make a difference
23:16 and I wanna show something.
23:18 This is a little tape that we have
23:20 and you know,
23:21 doctors wear a stethoscope around their neck.
23:23 Yes.
23:25 Well, this is a tool
23:26 for a public health nutritionist.
23:28 And what it is,
23:29 it's a measurement of what is called
23:31 the mid upper arm circumference.
23:33 So this is your upper arm.
23:34 And the mid-point is right here.
23:36 And I just wanna show
23:37 a little baby that we have here.
23:39 This baby is about the size of a preemie.
23:42 And you can see this little precious baby.
23:45 This tool is used for measuring children from five months to,
23:51 from I'm sorry, six months to five years old.
23:54 And you can look at it
23:56 and you put the little tape around
23:57 and then you pull it.
23:59 Maybe Cherri can pull it.
24:00 And it shows through the window what the measurement is.
24:03 And I don't know if the camera can come in real nice and close
24:06 and see that yellow color.
24:08 That means this child is at risk of malnutrition.
24:11 If it's red, they're severely malnourished.
24:14 Wow.
24:15 But this is a preemie,
24:17 you know, this, this baby's like
24:19 probably maybe a five-pound baby.
24:22 Did you know that up in South Sudan,
24:24 and this is just one example,
24:26 there's a church in Wau, South Sudan,
24:29 where there are 40 children in that one congregation
24:34 that are either in the yellow zone
24:36 or even the red zone.
24:38 And those are children from ages six months
24:41 to five years.
24:42 So we're talking little arms that are just bones.
24:45 Oh.
24:47 And these are church members' children,
24:50 and they are starving.
24:52 What do they eat? Porridge, N'shima, isn't it?
24:54 It's like a...
24:56 Yeah, N'shima is one word for it.
24:57 Basically, much of Africa now is eating corn porridge
25:01 as their primary food.
25:03 That's not nutritious, is it?
25:04 It's not enough.
25:06 And so we really want to teach them
25:08 to plant the gardens
25:09 and really develop the foods that they need
25:11 so that their children can thrive.
25:13 And I'll tell you,
25:15 in another part of South Sudan
25:16 where we've now been working for 18 months,
25:19 we were able to move
25:21 from having 59 percent of the kids
25:23 in this yellow or red zone down to only 3 percent.
25:27 So 97 percent of the kids
25:30 when we had worked for 15 months,
25:32 our trainers out training,
25:34 97 percent of the kids were in the green zone.
25:37 Wow. Exactly.
25:38 Wonderful.
25:39 So Jesus wants us to have abundant life.
25:41 And this is a simple tool.
25:43 I keep this hanging on my backpack
25:44 so I always remember why I do what I do.
25:46 I've never seen that before.
25:47 I'm going to give this to you as a memory.
25:49 Oh, thank you.
25:51 So yeah.
25:52 It's a powerful, powerful tool.
25:55 And I'll tell you,
25:56 I just wanna say something more about Cherri.
25:58 You know, I could not lead this organization alone.
26:02 Just like I have this tool
26:03 as a public health nutritionist,
26:05 she had other tools.
26:06 God had been preparing her in the gift of administration
26:09 and financial management.
26:11 She's been a church treasurer for decades.
26:14 Her gifts complement perfectly.
26:16 And when God calls, He equips.
26:18 And I've learned
26:19 He usually equips through other people.
26:22 That's right. And she is the outspoken.
26:25 She has the nutrition.
26:27 She has the things that I did not have
26:29 and together it made a ministry
26:31 and He would close the doors
26:33 whenever we wanted to try and have someone else do it.
26:36 He closed those doors to say, "I want you to do FARM STEW."
26:40 And there's so many miracle stories.
26:43 We don't have enough time today of saying
26:45 where Joy will just be in the place
26:46 at the right time
26:48 and the connection with a person is made.
26:51 Even down to one of our very first board members
26:54 was a doctor.
26:56 She went to Africa with Joy,
26:57 came back and told her to get connected with ASI
27:01 and through the connection with ASI
27:04 and the different connections, and now 3ABN with you guys,
27:08 that is what's expanding our ministry
27:10 because we don't have the marketing department
27:14 or something to go out.
27:15 We wanna keep all of the money going to Africa,
27:18 to the children and their families,
27:19 as much as we can.
27:20 You're audited? Yes.
27:22 You have a clean audit. Yeah.
27:24 So Cherri is like very particular
27:26 when we cook together,
27:28 actually now do cooking classes for our church and everything.
27:31 She measures everything perfectly.
27:33 And I'm like the more of those spontaneous type
27:35 where I'm just like, "Okay, that looks pretty good."
27:38 You know, big picture.
27:40 And I, we used to sometimes,
27:41 you know,
27:43 rub against each other a little bit,
27:44 but when we got audited
27:46 and every single thing was in place
27:49 and it was, the auditor said
27:50 it was one of the cleanest audits
27:52 he's ever seen,
27:53 I said, praise God for Cherri.
27:54 And we have a volunteer bookkeeper too.
27:56 Yes.
27:58 I couldn't do it without our volunteer bookkeeper
27:59 'cause he does the actual book side of it,
28:01 but I just help keep the receipts in
28:03 and make sure
28:05 we get all the right receipts that we need to do so...
28:08 You are the President of the Lake Union ASI.
28:10 Yes.
28:12 And we actually have a picture from our ASI conference.
28:15 Our first one, I didn't know about ASI and I,
28:18 I know 3ABN is also members of ASI...
28:20 And who is that?
28:22 Patricia LaVanture and then Christina Brown,
28:25 who was one of our board members.
28:27 And we were, we really praise God for them.
28:31 And that's my union, Lake Union.
28:32 That's true. Exactly.
28:33 Illinois Conference Lake Union, where I'm pastoring.
28:35 Yeah.
28:36 And Jason Bradley is now on our board of directors.
28:38 Amen. That's wonderful.
28:41 That's what, I'm listening to this wonderful story
28:43 unfold about how God takes people
28:45 that are most unlikely to make it happen on their own.
28:49 Even when you just shared that, I was thinking,
28:51 you didn't wanna do this.
28:52 You said all these doors God is closing for people
28:55 that you're trying to get to do what God called you to do.
28:57 Right.
28:58 He has a way of bringing it all back
29:01 to where he wants it to be.
29:02 And then when you look back at it,
29:04 the timing is perfect.
29:05 The plan is perfect for what he's wanting to do.
29:10 And I believe, as Joy,
29:11 that this FARM STEW message is an in-time message,
29:14 the help for the children, the help for the families,
29:16 even down to the,
29:18 we also work with the pads for girls
29:21 and we give them,
29:22 'cause so many girls have to quit school at age 12.
29:26 Yes.
29:28 So tell us about that, Joy. Yes.
29:29 I brought a packet of the pads that we provide.
29:32 There's actually 2,000 of these on their way to Cuba right now.
29:37 We've distributed many, close to 10, 000 pads
29:41 over the last five or so years to girls
29:44 to help them stay at school.
29:45 So we became moms because of our friendship
29:47 and our care for our own girls.
29:49 Now, these set of pads, some of them that we buy,
29:52 we buy in Africa.
29:54 These ones were made by a group called Days for Girls.
29:56 So I'll make a little bit of a mess,
29:58 but they're pads.
30:00 And then we have the soap...
30:01 Reusable.
30:02 Washable cloth pads, right.
30:04 So they have the little pads and then the soap
30:07 and this can make the difference.
30:09 We call it "freedom from shame"
30:11 between a girl,
30:13 not going to school a week a month,
30:14 you can imagine they drop out quite soon then,
30:17 to actually excelling in their school.
30:19 And you know,
30:20 when a woman
30:22 or a young girl gets an education,
30:23 she's much less likely to have impoverished children.
30:26 So that's kind of the link back to childhood malnutrition
30:29 and wanting people to have an abundant life.
30:32 Wow, that's it.
30:34 I'm just sitting here enjoying this transaction
30:36 between the three of you,
30:38 because this is something that really,
30:40 and you go back to the female component.
30:42 I'm just going to do that.
30:43 I'm an observer today
30:45 and I'm just enjoying what I'm hearing.
30:46 You're doing a great job, honey,
30:48 how God is really working through the lives of people
30:51 that God says,
30:53 you made a statement a moment ago,
30:54 "God qualifies those He calls."
30:57 And you never think about,
30:59 you didn't think about what you're doing,
31:01 but God says,
31:02 "Hmm, who could I connect together?
31:04 Cherri and Joy."
31:06 And that almost sounds like, you know,
31:09 something that you're joyful at what you do,
31:11 and she's the cherry on your sundae.
31:14 Absolutely. To top it off.
31:16 And you both have different gifts
31:18 that complement each other.
31:20 And God in qualifying you from birth,
31:22 coming up on a farm,
31:24 learning about how to do vegetables
31:26 and all these things,
31:28 nothing God does is coincidental.
31:30 We can trace way back how God works.
31:33 Exactly.
31:34 That's so true.
31:36 And I think one of the things that I am so excited about is
31:39 that FARM STEW is not about giving things out.
31:42 And we actually have a slide
31:44 where there's a quote that I love
31:45 and it's actually showing a family's home,
31:47 a refugee family's home,
31:49 where it shows this quote from Sister White.
31:52 It says,
31:53 "You may give to the poor, and injure them,
31:56 because you teach them to be dependent.
31:59 Instead, teach them to support themselves.
32:02 This will be true help.
32:05 The needy must be placed in positions
32:07 where they can help themselves."
32:09 And that's what we see God calling us to do,
32:12 is to be those people
32:14 that help our brothers and sisters,
32:16 those parents in Wau, South Sudan,
32:19 whose little children's arms
32:21 are just in this tiny yellow or red zone,
32:24 helping them by providing seeds
32:27 and providing agricultural skills
32:28 and providing information
32:30 about what they need to eat
32:31 in addition to the corn porridge.
32:33 And I think that's one of the things
32:34 that impressed me so much when I went to Africa,
32:38 what I saw in the people I met
32:40 is they just wanted to learn more.
32:42 They kept saying, "Can you come to our village and teach us?"
32:45 And I think that's the key thing
32:47 is just remembering people,
32:49 empowering people,
32:51 gives them a sense of pride and a sense of duty.
32:54 And I think that's what we want to do with them.
32:57 Wow. It's beautiful.
32:58 And there's a picture we have of Cherri
33:01 actually making the soy milk with the refugee women
33:04 and with one of our trainers.
33:06 And it was so exciting
33:08 because they just use what they have,
33:11 the little bucket and everything,
33:12 but they were so thrilled.
33:14 And this is in one of those camps
33:16 where that green cow
33:17 can actually make peace amongst different even tribal groups.
33:21 Wow. I won't soon forget that term.
33:23 Green cow.
33:25 We don't have any here in the Midwest.
33:26 No.
33:28 We have brown and black.
33:29 That's an amazing...
33:31 simply meaning the soybean.
33:33 Exactly.
33:35 And we use that a lot because
33:36 the protein quality in the soybean
33:38 is just exceptional among beans.
33:41 And so when we teach them to soak it,
33:43 which removes some of the things
33:44 that make it harder to digest
33:46 and then pound it and cook it,
33:48 it makes all the nutrition.
33:50 They're very bioavailable.
33:52 And we teach all the simple things.
33:53 We're very excited about something.
33:55 We have our FARM STEW curriculum.
33:58 And if you zoom in close,
33:59 you'll see this one is in Spanish.
34:01 So we've recently launched a work in Cuba
34:04 and we are thrilled
34:06 because there's a lot of food insecurity
34:08 in Cuba right now
34:10 the island especially during COVID
34:11 has been kind of constrained with what they can bring in.
34:15 So they've got to learn to grow it themselves.
34:18 And our manual is just full of information
34:20 about how to help families to thrive,
34:22 right where they are.
34:23 Wow.
34:25 Now in Cuba, this is, I have family in Cuba also.
34:28 So this is, touches my heart.
34:30 And Cuba has 100 pastors.
34:33 And from what I understand, and 300 Bible workers
34:36 and few of them have cars.
34:38 What is FARM STEW doing to help the brethren in Cuba?
34:43 Well, Cherri mentioned the ASI connection.
34:45 And that's what's really cool.
34:46 This body of Christ is actually working.
34:48 There's many members, different parts,
34:49 doing different things.
34:51 And we realized Care for Cuba is a ministry
34:54 connected with Andrews University
34:55 and World Youth Group is a ministry
34:57 that's been working in Cuba for many years.
34:59 They have together 100 Bible workers,
35:02 and we actually combined together
35:04 to have a container
35:06 that's going to be shipped to Cuba.
35:08 Even though flights are canceled,
35:09 the containers can still get there
35:11 with our manuals, with flash drives with,
35:14 like I said, 2, 000 of those kits for girls
35:17 and also 100 bicycles
35:19 so that those workers can get out to see the people.
35:22 And... Wow.
35:23 We just wanna thank our donors, our supporters
35:26 who have made that possible
35:27 because, of course,
35:28 we don't have all these resources.
35:30 God is providing it through people
35:32 whose hearts are touched
35:33 and perhaps yours might be touched today
35:36 to want to learn more.
35:38 And on our website, FarmStew.org,
35:41 you can actually go
35:42 and you can get all this information yourself,
35:44 maybe you're listening and...
35:46 Yeah.
35:47 Matter of fact, before the program is done,
35:48 we're going to let you know how you can get the information
35:50 as well as, as Georgia said, contribute, participate.
35:54 Some of you may not be able to go.
35:56 Right.
35:57 But right now we can't go to Cuba.
35:59 So the only way to reach out is financially.
36:01 And then also making the difference
36:02 in Africa and other places
36:04 where FARM STEW is going to make an impact.
36:06 We talk about the gospel message
36:08 and I'm looking at this 'cause I am a pastor.
36:11 I love to preach the gospel.
36:12 I mean, I'm just fired up over the fact that...
36:14 It's your heartbeat. That's my heartbeat.
36:16 And you know, you live with me, honey.
36:17 I'm glad you do because you're my wife.
36:19 You preach to me too.
36:21 And together, in our Bible studies,
36:22 we're looking at a crazy world falling apart,
36:25 but lives are coming together.
36:27 Amen.
36:28 There are people that are being transformed
36:30 and while we're yelling,
36:31 "Okay, hurry up and return, Jesus, "
36:33 there are children who are just coming out of malnutrition
36:37 and learning what it means to have a healthy life.
36:41 There are ministries
36:42 that are making differences around the world.
36:44 So it's not just the preaching of the gospel,
36:46 but the Matthew 25 concept Matthew 25:40,
36:51 we talked about that,
36:52 "And the King will answer and say to those,
36:54 'Assuredly, I say to you,
36:55 inasmuch as you did it
36:57 to the one of the least of these,
36:59 you did it to me.'"
37:00 And that's a driving force behind your ministry.
37:02 Talk about that for a moment. Amen.
37:04 Well, one of the things
37:05 that my husband and I fell in love with,
37:07 with FARM STEW
37:08 is the fact that each Bible, each lesson
37:12 has a biblical background to it.
37:13 Amen.
37:14 So you're bringing them back to the Bible.
37:16 Starting the very first one
37:18 where Joy brought up the fact that
37:20 farming was the very first occupation
37:22 that God gave us.
37:24 That's right.
37:25 You wanna tell them a little more?
37:26 Sure.
37:28 So yeah, we, in a lot of these cultures,
37:29 farming is kind of seen as a work for poor people.
37:33 And in fact, because many of them don't know
37:35 how to do it well, they do end up being poor.
37:37 But we know farmers can have a very profitable business
37:41 if they do it well.
37:43 And if they can, what we call, value addition,
37:45 so our E stands for enterprise.
37:48 So we teach people to add value to the food,
37:50 like by making the soy milk or other soy products.
37:54 And then they can actually sell that
37:55 for a higher price
37:57 and make more money
37:58 so they can send their own kids to school
38:00 and even have plenty to tithe and build the local church
38:03 through being tithing members.
38:05 I like that, value enterprise. Wow.
38:07 Now we have Malawi Adventist University.
38:11 What are you doing for them out there?
38:13 How do you connect?
38:14 Yes, well, we've had our curriculum
38:17 and we've just been trying to figure out,
38:19 we encourage people to share the recipe
38:21 of abundant life.
38:22 So we kind of looked at ourselves,
38:24 how can we share it?
38:25 And praise God,
38:26 there's a woman named Sharon Pittman
38:28 who is now leading Malawi Adventist University.
38:31 And she said,
38:32 "We have an online platform and we can teach it
38:36 not only to our students on campus,
38:37 but anywhere around the world,
38:39 people could sign up
38:40 and it's gonna be led by Malawian professor, "
38:43 who's a nutrition professor.
38:44 Her name is Larisha,
38:46 and she's going to be leading the teaching.
38:48 And then we're gonna be having hands on
38:50 practical lessons on the campus
38:52 so people can get certified
38:54 and trained anywhere in the world.
38:56 And that will be
38:57 for the Southern Africa-Indian division.
38:59 We are actually talking
39:00 to a couple other universities too,
39:01 one in Rwanda
39:03 that wants us to do something similar.
39:04 And I even had a conversation
39:06 with the Middle East-North Africa division recently.
39:10 So we wanna get this message out there.
39:13 You can find that information on our website.
39:15 Like I said, just click on the "recipe"
39:17 and the information is there,
39:19 but we're excited,
39:21 Malawi Adventist University too,
39:22 the other thing we want to do there
39:23 is start a food business
39:25 that can actually start to sell food, health food
39:29 that can help to raise
39:31 also the money to fund the trainers
39:33 that go out and do the hands-on classes.
39:35 That's great.
39:37 And FARM STEW does change lives.
39:39 You have a, I looked at your website
39:42 and Ruth and Patrick,
39:43 they have a great story from you.
39:46 They're from Uganda. Yeah, exactly.
39:48 Ruth is a very fun story because she was not Adventist.
39:53 She learned about our message.
39:54 And in the rest lesson, we talk about Sabbath.
39:57 We talk also about rest for the land
39:59 and she got convicted,
40:01 like many have, wanted to keep the Sabbath,
40:04 but she was doing it somewhat secretly for a while.
40:06 Wow.
40:07 But when I met her, she and Patrick had,
40:11 she had already brought the message of FARM STEW
40:13 to about four neighboring villages.
40:16 And she had all these innovations.
40:17 For example, she had a hand-washing station
40:19 that we had taught
40:21 how to wash their hands with very limited water,
40:23 but she had covered the soap with a bottle,
40:26 a cut plastic bottles
40:27 so that in the rain, the soap wouldn't dissolve.
40:30 Just very clever woman.
40:32 And yeah, there's a few websites.
40:34 I mean, on our website,
40:36 there's several testimonies like that,
40:37 where you can just see the joy that FARM STEW has brought.
40:41 And they are, they have gone to what,
40:44 six other villages
40:45 and they're teaching them how to make soy milk.
40:48 Exactly.
40:49 And other things, planting and many other things.
40:52 Yeah.
40:54 When we talk about FARM STEW,
40:56 I just had a chance to bring up your website
40:58 and we'll let the viewers and listeners know
41:01 how they can go there.
41:02 It's exciting to see that the gospel is going forward.
41:06 You know, also in the book of James,
41:07 it talks about
41:09 if somebody is hungry and destitute and naked,
41:11 and you just say, go ahead, and be warmed.
41:14 You've done nothing for them, but if you clothe them,
41:17 if you feed them,
41:18 it opens their door to say,
41:20 "I like my life.
41:22 You've been already transformed my life,
41:23 now I want to find out about the Christ in your life."
41:27 Talk about your donation base a little bit,
41:29 because we're going to reach out to those
41:31 who are watching and listening to the program.
41:33 What are some of the areas?
41:35 Is it just primarily all supported by donations
41:38 or kind of let me understand that?
41:39 We are supported by donations primarily from individuals.
41:45 We do have one grant that we have gotten,
41:48 we are trying to establish the food business to help
41:52 support the ministry,
41:54 but it is primarily people's donations that we get
41:58 that keep the ministry going.
42:00 Well, and also ASI, I have to say,
42:02 has been a wonderful supporter too.
42:04 And we praise God for the ASI members.
42:07 And I think that's how I ended up
42:08 becoming president of Lake Union.
42:10 'Cause I just, I love that.
42:12 And then I'll also say
42:13 a number of our donors are saying, you know,
42:15 "What are you doing for America?"
42:16 Like we have our challenges too.
42:17 We, this health message, it may be is relevant.
42:21 And so again,
42:23 we decided to come up with a wellness guide for us,
42:26 where we take the each letter of FARM STEW
42:29 and we make it pertinent to us.
42:31 For example, right now many people are in fear,
42:34 you know, over COVID and everything.
42:36 But we know that a merry heart is good medicine.
42:39 Right? That's true.
42:40 And you know, we want people to understand
42:43 what they can do to boost their immunity,
42:45 even, you know,
42:47 getting out in the garden, having that fresh air,
42:50 that exercise, that sunshine.
42:51 And even there's microbes in the soil,
42:53 some of which are actually very beneficial
42:55 even for our lungs and the health of our lungs.
42:58 So we want people to get out and again, on our website,
43:00 if you go to the FarmStew.org,
43:02 it's you just wait about 10 seconds
43:04 and there's a wellness guide
43:05 that will pop up as a free download.
43:08 So that's something
43:09 we wanted to give back to our donor base.
43:11 They've given so much to us.
43:12 We're now in five countries...
43:14 And what countries do you serve?
43:16 So Cherri...
43:18 We serve in Cuba, Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Sudan...
43:23 And now Malawi. And now Malawi.
43:25 Wow. Wow. Expanding tremendously.
43:27 And that, but you have some more pictures here.
43:29 I think we have enough time
43:30 to get some more of them in there
43:32 and kind of look at.
43:33 Yeah, you have one with you guys
43:34 making soy milk.
43:36 I think we showed that one. Didn't we?
43:37 Yeah.
43:39 So then I just wanna share it so funny
43:41 when Cherri first met me,
43:43 she was out doing evangelism, local evangelism,
43:45 and then now we go to our own booths
43:48 and we have a FARM STEW booth
43:49 where we're, where we're trying to reach out
43:52 and actually use FARM STEW, as a tool for local evangelism
43:55 in our own community.
43:57 So this was at our local fair,
43:59 or it's not this past year because of COVID,
44:01 but we're gonna be reaching out in various ways.
44:04 And then we also did a virtual cooking class.
44:08 That's the very last picture that we had
44:11 where we're reaching out
44:12 and actually teaching people cooking classes online.
44:16 Yeah.
44:17 So, and this is actually a new baptized member
44:19 in between us
44:21 who's come in with our friendship,
44:23 you know, she's come in
44:24 and other people have come into our church.
44:26 I think, you know, in part
44:27 just our friendship speaks volumes to people, you know,
44:32 and I praise God for it every day.
44:34 What are some of the needs
44:36 that you would express you have?
44:37 I know we talked about donations and coming in ASI,
44:40 praise the Lord
44:42 once again, thank you for being in our union,
44:44 but what are some of the needs you see
44:46 that could be a part of expanding your ministry
44:48 and making the ministry of FARM STEW more effective?
44:55 Well, I really believe that
44:57 just the ongoing support
44:59 where we can count and plan ahead,
45:01 you know, the monthly support
45:03 where we know we can have our trainers
45:05 and I do have a picture of our trainers
45:07 with a bunch of cans of seeds
45:09 that I just wanna share.
45:11 So that's one of the things we buy is the seeds
45:14 for our trainers
45:15 so that they can go out and teach the planting methods.
45:19 So we do gardens.
45:21 And then we also realized that
45:22 in a lot of the communities we serve,
45:24 people do not have good quality water.
45:27 And I'm thrilled to say, in 2020,
45:31 we were actually able to either repair or drill 31 new wells
45:36 in the communities where we've been serving.
45:38 In Eastern Uganda?
45:40 Yes, yes.
45:41 And our plan for 2021 is that
45:44 we build 50 new wells this year
45:47 because the needs are tremendous.
45:48 Can you imagine
45:50 trying to keep your family healthy
45:51 without access to clean water?
45:53 And we were in a village in Africa
45:54 when we went to Nairobi
45:57 a number of years ago, not the Nakuta but even,
46:01 and we went way out and we saw,
46:02 I think it was a Maasai tribe.
46:04 They're tall and very skinny
46:06 and beautifully clad in this colorful outfits,
46:08 but they had no water in the village.
46:11 We said, well, how do you get water?
46:12 Well, they had to walk.
46:14 And then they had this rickety motorcycle
46:17 that I tried to ride.
46:19 I was not as tall as they are.
46:21 And then when I tried to ride it, my wife said,
46:23 "Don't go too far,"
46:24 because you know, they say,
46:26 "Well, there are animals that are free roaming out
46:28 in some of those areas,"
46:30 but they had no water.
46:31 So they had to walk a long way for water
46:34 or people had to bring water
46:35 so that when you talk about 31 wells
46:37 and want to add 50 more,
46:39 Africa is a major continent
46:41 and a lot of these countries don't have water,
46:43 which is the bare essential
46:45 for cleaning internally and externally.
46:48 Exactly.
46:49 So how do you see FARM STEW
46:51 impacting the world in the future?
46:53 Well, we have these five freedoms.
46:55 And actually when I was preparing,
46:57 I was thinking about Jill
46:58 because I always watch 3ABN Sabbath School.
47:01 Jill always has her list.
47:02 Yes, she has. Okay.
47:04 It's made an impact. So this is my list.
47:06 We have a passion for freedom.
47:08 You know, all of us are made to be free
47:10 and Jesus sets us free.
47:12 So our first freedom is freedom from dependency.
47:16 We don't want people to just want handouts.
47:18 We want them to be able to take care of themselves.
47:20 So that's the garden
47:21 and the enterprise classes and whatnot.
47:23 So that supports our trainers to go out.
47:25 The next is freedom from shame.
47:27 We talked about the girls
47:29 having the menstrual hygiene
47:31 and the education about their bodies.
47:32 So they're not scared of their bodies.
47:34 They're proud and happy to be women.
47:37 The next is freedom from disease
47:38 and drudgery.
47:39 So that's the water projects,
47:41 because like you said,
47:42 that drudgery of just walking and carrying water,
47:45 be miserable, it takes hours out of people's
47:47 otherwise productive time
47:48 where they could be in the garden,
47:50 growing food,
47:51 they're just trudging back and forth.
47:53 And it brings them disease
47:54 when they're drinking dirty water.
47:55 So those are the three freedoms from,
47:58 and then we have two freedoms for.
48:00 So there's freedom to share.
48:03 So we want to be able to share this curriculum
48:06 as broadly and as widely as we can.
48:08 We wanna to print these manuals.
48:09 These are about $15 to print.
48:11 And then we have a flip chart that costs in general,
48:14 about $40 to print.
48:15 It's a nice, big flip chart
48:17 that shows the pictures from here
48:19 so that anybody can educate anywhere
48:21 where there's not electricity.
48:23 Part of the curriculum. Yeah.
48:24 And we also are translating
48:26 like I was on the phone with our team
48:27 from South Sudan yesterday.
48:28 We need all these materials in Arabic.
48:31 We have them in Spanish.
48:32 We need them in Arabic. We need them in Swahili.
48:35 Our website is now in five languages,
48:37 but we need to get our manuals.
48:39 And of course that costs money, the translation.
48:42 And then finally our last freedom
48:44 is freedom to grow.
48:46 So that will allow us
48:47 to just create these new bold partnerships,
48:50 like the one with Malawi Adventist University.
48:53 We're hiring one of their professors.
48:54 We're doing a pilot study out in villages
48:57 and really being able to examine the difference,
49:01 the impact from the baseline
49:03 where kids are now
49:04 only seven percent of their kids
49:06 are getting the nutrition they need in Malawi.
49:08 Seven percent? Yeah.
49:10 And then we wanna see the impact
49:11 over the next few years,
49:13 what kind of impact can we make?
49:14 So those are our five freedoms.
49:16 Five freedoms. That's wonderful.
49:18 Anything else, hun?
49:20 I'm just excited to see
49:21 what the Lord is doing with FARM STEW
49:25 and your partner here, Cherri,
49:30 as you said, she's the cherry on top, right?
49:32 Exactly.
49:33 And so the Lord is blessing, malnutrition is real, isn't it?
49:37 It is very real.
49:38 It is real.
49:40 And when you go,
49:41 you have to deal with malnutrition,
49:42 not deal with it.
49:44 You see it.
49:45 And I like that little strip you have there.
49:47 Yes.
49:49 And I wanna show you
49:50 just how eager our church members are
49:51 to learn and to receive.
49:53 There's a picture of Jonah.
49:54 He's one of our Ugandan agronomists,
49:56 and it's the very last picture.
49:58 And you can see he's here at a church meeting.
50:01 You can even see
50:02 some of the Pathfinder uniforms.
50:04 People are just so excited.
50:05 That's what we call
50:06 soy scrambled eggs, right there.
50:08 It's actually just tofu,
50:09 but they made it by curdling the milk
50:12 with some lemon juice and a little salt.
50:14 They can make it homemade.
50:15 And in the villages,
50:17 people are excited to try these foods
50:19 and supplement their normal corn diet
50:23 with foods that will actually help them.
50:25 Now, you just used a word I had never heard before,
50:27 maybe because I'm not into the plant world,
50:29 but what's agronomist?
50:31 Agronomist. So we hire local experts.
50:34 So Jonah went to school to study agriculture,
50:38 and now he can teach others to do the same.
50:40 So we have South Sudanese agronomists, nutritionists,
50:44 even nurses.
50:46 So we hire the local people
50:48 to bring the message in their local language,
50:50 to their local community.
50:51 And we see it as friendship evangelism.
50:54 So it's a full circle back to me and Cherri, you know.
50:58 Now we are equipping and sending out workers
51:00 who can do friendship evangelizing,
51:02 meeting the needs of people right where they're at.
51:04 Wow, this is amazing.
51:06 You know, we're gonna take a news break in a moment,
51:08 but just before we do that,
51:10 I want to reach out to those who are listening
51:11 to this exciting program, honey.
51:14 I mean, we've covered so many,
51:15 so many areas here about agronomists
51:18 and you were talking about that, the green cow,
51:21 I don't think you'll ever forget that one,
51:23 but also the, the pad packaging
51:26 that you're making a difference in not only in Africa,
51:28 but also in Cuba and other countries.
51:32 And Cherri and Joy have just asked
51:35 for you to participate in ways, and you can go to the website.
51:38 Here's the information that you need
51:40 to be able to find out more about FARM STEW
51:43 and how you can financially and prayerfully make sure
51:46 that this ministry continues transforming lives.
51:52 If you would like to contact
51:53 or learn more about FARM STEW International,
51:56 you can visit their website at FarmStew.org.
51:59 That's FarmStew.org.
52:03 You can call them at (815) 200-4925.
52:09 That's (815) 200-4925.
52:15 Their address is PO box 291 Princeton, Illinois 61356.
52:21 You can email them at Hi@FarmStew.org.
52:26 That's Hi@FarmStew.org.


Revised 2021-05-25