Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY200030A
00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times. 00:05 Join us now for today's special program. 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Mending broken people 00:23 I want to spend my life 00:29 Removing pain 00:34 Lord, let my words 00:39 Heal a heart that hurts 00:44 I want to spend my life 00:50 Mending broken people 00:55 I want to spend my life 01:00 Mending broken people. 01:16 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program. 01:19 We are so glad that you have joined us today. 01:22 You know, it's a great day. 01:23 Why? 01:24 Well number one, 01:26 because the Lord Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives. 01:28 Number two 01:29 is that you're part of our family 01:31 that you are joining us. 01:32 You know, it's incredible. 01:33 You might be watching this program 01:35 or listening to this program. 01:37 Well, it could be in your living room 01:38 or maybe listening in the car up. 01:40 You know what? 01:42 Maybe even on your front porch. 01:43 You know, I often wonder, Sweetie, 01:45 sometimes where people may be watching 01:46 or listening and I've often wondered 01:48 if anyone in Iceland, 01:50 so if you're watching or listening today, 01:52 I've picked up essentially 'cause I wondered about that. 01:53 That's a good question, yes. 01:55 You know, the other one is Antarctica. 01:57 I know there's not that many people 01:58 that live there, 02:00 but I know that 3ABN reaches basically the entire world 02:02 via internet, satellite, in many different ways. 02:06 So if you're listening or watching today, 02:08 we'd love to hear from you. 02:10 But anyway, you're part of our family. 02:11 You know, I love the theme song to the open you know, 02:14 we were commenting on that as it was playing. 02:16 I want to spend my life mending broken people. 02:20 And today we have a very exciting program, 02:22 we're hearing some reports 02:23 about what's going on even in the midst of COVID. 02:26 There are different ministries and different people 02:28 that are out actually ministering 02:30 to the needs of other people, 02:32 so we're going to several roles today. 02:34 It's going to be exciting program. 02:35 It is. 02:37 You know, I always love it when we share ministries. 02:38 That's what the 3ABN Today program 02:39 is all about, 02:41 sharing with you at home 02:42 what God is doing in ministries. 02:44 We have two different roles, 02:46 Skype interviews for you today. 02:48 The first one is hosted by Pastor John Dinzey. 02:51 Of course, he's the General Manager 02:53 of 3ABN Latino 02:54 and he had the privilege to sit down 02:56 with ADRA's President. 02:58 That's Michael Kruger. 03:00 As well as the... 03:01 I want to make sure I get this right, 03:03 ADRA's Vice President for Marketing and Development. 03:07 That's Matthew Siliga. 03:09 And ADRA, of course, stands 03:11 for the Adventists Development 03:14 and Relief Agency International. 03:17 And they have a work that spans the globe. 03:21 They work in Africa, 03:22 they work in South America, 03:24 they work in Asia, they work in Europe. 03:27 They work here in North America, 03:28 and specifically this interview, 03:31 they're sharing what they have done 03:33 during this time of pandemic, 03:36 during this time of crisis 03:37 and how they're reaching out to other people. 03:40 Yeah, you know, it's encouraging 03:41 because we're able to preview these roles. 03:43 And it's really incredible 03:45 because at times you can become afraid, 03:47 and you're really not sure what to do 03:49 when something like a disaster, 03:50 things are going on where there are people in need. 03:53 And so it's really neat 03:54 because we know you 03:55 as Danny's mentioned many times, 03:57 the viewers and listeners of 3ABN, 03:59 Danny always says are movers and shakers. 04:02 And so, many of you step up to the plate, 04:04 many different needs that you see. 04:07 And again, we're going to present 04:08 several ministries to you today 04:10 that still need some help in spreading the gospel. 04:13 And as they're participating here with this, 04:15 well, with their ministries, 04:16 but with the COVID pandemic is just incredible. 04:19 Some of them are to the homeless, 04:20 and to others parts of the world as well. 04:23 ADRA, I believe has been in existence for... 04:26 Sixty years. Is it 60 years? 04:27 Yeah, absolutely amazing. 04:29 And they impact the lives of 15-16 million people 04:35 around the world. 04:36 So now obviously, 04:37 that's not just during this time of COVID. 04:39 But ADRA globally impacts 04:41 the lives of 15-16 million people 04:43 around the world. 04:44 I look at ADRA 04:46 as being the hands and feet of Jesus, 04:49 reaching out 04:50 where there is maybe a devastation, 04:52 sometimes they'll go in after an earthquake 04:54 or after a tsunami 04:55 or after some sort of natural disaster. 04:57 Now in this case, a global pandemic. 05:00 It's all around the world 05:01 and how they're reaching out during that time. 05:03 It reminds me of the scripture. 05:04 Can I share a scripture? That sounds great. 05:06 Yes, please. This is Matthew 25. 05:07 And, of course, you know, 05:09 this is the sheep and the goats. 05:10 Oh, yeah. 05:11 Yes, Christ divided them, 05:13 of course, the sheep on the right 05:14 and the goats on the left. 05:16 And we won't read all of that. 05:17 But Matthew 25:34, it says, 05:21 "Then the King will say to those on His right hand," 05:24 that's the sheep, 05:25 "'Come, you blessed of My Father, 05:27 inherit the kingdom prepared for you 05:29 from the foundation of the world: 05:31 for I was hungry and you gave Me food, 05:34 I was thirsty 05:36 and you gave Me something to drink, 05:39 I was a stranger and you took Me in, 05:42 I was naked and you clothed Me, 05:44 I was sick and you visited Me in prison 05:48 and you came to Me.'" 05:49 And then, of course, the righteous say, 05:51 "When did we do all these things? 05:52 God, we don't even remember doing them for You. 05:55 And He says those most powerful words. 05:58 "And as much as you did this to the least of these, 06:01 you have done it unto Me." 06:02 And to me 06:04 that's what the ministries we're featuring today have done 06:07 is they have reached out with needs, 06:10 more people who have needs, 06:12 reached out to the least of these and help them. 06:13 Amen. 06:15 Yeah, that's powerful 06:16 and we have the opportunity today 06:17 also to help support these ministries. 06:19 So we want to go to this role here just shortly, 06:21 want to also tell you that these are Skype interviews 06:23 and again, with all of the connections 06:25 sometimes the audio's a little bit, 06:27 but just bear with us here as we go to these roles, 06:29 a powerful testimony. 06:31 It's a powerful testimony about what the Lord is doing. 06:34 So Pastor Johnny, 06:35 just a little bit ago was able to sit down 06:36 and do this interview. 06:38 Let's go to that role right now. 06:41 We are ADRA, 06:43 a global community of people helping people. 06:47 Our work reaches women, children and men in need, 06:51 in communities big and small around the world, 06:54 in challenging times and rewarding times. 07:00 We serve humanity, 07:02 so all may live as God intended 07:05 with justice, 07:08 compassion, love. 07:15 Learn more about us and get involved, ADRA. 07:21 Thank you, marvelous things 07:23 that you have seen images and video 07:26 of some of the work that ADRA has been able to do, 07:30 thanks to the grace of God. 07:32 We have with us Michael Kruger, 07:33 President for ADRA 07:36 Adventist Development 07:37 and Relief Agency International. 07:40 And we also have with us Matthew Siliga, 07:44 Vice President for Marketing and Development. 07:47 Both gentlemen have been, have many years of experience. 07:51 For example, Michael Kruger 07:53 provided auditing and consulting services 07:55 for nearly 10 years before joining the ADRA 07:59 as Vice President of Finance in 2014. 08:03 Today, he is President for ADRA 08:07 and Matthew Siliga, 08:10 prior to working with ADRA, 08:11 he served the government of New Zealand 08:13 as communications 08:14 and social marketing strategist, 08:16 where he developed and managed multimedia campaigns. 08:20 Gentlemen, it's a pleasure to have you with us. 08:24 We want to learn more about ADRA, 08:25 what ADRA is doing. 08:28 We know we will only be able to cover 08:29 a small amount. 08:31 But, Michael, you as President of ADRA 08:35 for many years. 08:37 ADRA has been serving, 08:38 I have noticed that for more than 60 years. 08:41 Tell us a little bit more about this arm 08:44 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? 08:47 John, it is a privilege to be with you today 08:49 to share this a little bit of our history. 08:50 So thank you for the opportunity. 08:53 It's interesting if we look at the history of ADRA, 08:55 and that really goes back 08:57 and one has to look at the history 08:58 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 08:59 and its wealthier sponsors. 09:01 And really the first major response 09:04 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 09:05 was just after the close of the Second World War, 09:08 as we saw the great need in Europe, 09:11 that the church particularly in America 09:12 raised significant funding and responded to, 09:16 obviously the devastation in Europe. 09:18 Then in 1956, 09:20 the church established what was called SAWS 09:23 or the Seventh-day Adventist Welfare Services. 09:25 And it continued under that banner until 1984. 09:29 When ADRA as we have it today, 09:31 was incorporated 09:32 by the General Conference Executive Committee. 09:35 And it really for the last about 35 years 09:37 it has operated in that way, 09:39 obviously with some changes to governance structure 09:41 over the years, but fundamentally, 09:43 that's what we find today. 09:45 A lot of the change from SAWS to ADRA 09:47 was a result of how income was flowing, 09:51 and also need to professionalize 09:53 the agency and the growing responses 09:56 around the globe. 09:57 Thank you so much. 09:59 You know, we think of ADRA 10:00 and we think of disaster relief. 10:02 However, ADRA is involved in other things as well. 10:06 How has the... 10:08 Let's call it the Ministry of ADRA 10:11 changed as time has continued? 10:17 ADRA has indeed. 10:20 Sorry, is that Matt? 10:21 Yes, please, Matthew, I mean, Michael, I'm sorry. 10:28 So ADRA has changed significantly over the years. 10:33 We started off as an agency that supported families 10:38 through primarily welfare type initiatives, 10:41 and that's giving people a handout. 10:43 And I'm proud to say that today in the year 2020, 10:47 we're now that agency that gives people a hand up 10:51 and for us, that's this element called Community Development. 10:54 For ADRA, our goal is to get into a community, 10:58 love that community but lovingly say goodbye. 11:01 And if we could say goodbye, 11:03 that means we've had this community 11:05 to sustain themselves for the rest of their lives 11:09 and the lives of their children, 11:11 their grandchildren 11:12 and the next generations to come. 11:14 And I think for me, 11:15 that has been one of the significant changes 11:18 and shifts that ADRA have seen over the years. 11:21 Thank you so much, Matthew, 11:22 I really am glad to hear you mentioned that 11:25 because that's one of the things 11:26 that I have heard about ADRA. 11:28 They go into a community. 11:30 They not only impact the community 11:32 in the present crisis, 11:33 but they leave also something in their hands, 11:38 something that the people have learned 11:40 that they can continue doing better in their lives. 11:45 Michael, can you tell us a little bit 11:47 about what the Coronavirus, 11:51 the impact it has had on ADRA, 11:53 and how ADRA has modified its work 11:58 to continue to minister to people? 12:02 John, it was interesting as we started to watch 12:05 the impact of this pandemic, 12:07 it started something in China 12:09 and then we saw hitting in Europe. 12:11 And as an agency we're prepositioned 12:14 to respond to disasters around the globe. 12:17 And what we found 12:20 as this pandemic started to sweep across Europe 12:22 and ultimately hit the Americans 12:24 is that we had to change the way 12:26 in which we work. 12:27 We're prepositioned to respond to an isolated disaster, 12:31 perhaps an earthquake in Nepal 12:33 or tsunami that hits the African coast. 12:35 But here we had to undertake a global response. 12:39 That means we had to coordinate all of our licensed offices, 12:43 118 of them around the world. 12:45 We had to pivot our business plan 12:48 and the manner in which our logistics 12:50 and supply chains were functioning. 12:52 This also meant that we had to bring 12:54 tens of thousands of staff members 12:56 around the world on to a common platform 12:59 and with a common objective. 13:01 And so we had to change the way in which we communicated. 13:05 We had to, in essence, 13:07 reinvent ADRA's structure overnight. 13:09 Now, obviously, our governance structure 13:11 has been set for many, many years. 13:12 But we had to work in a different way 13:14 in order to be effective 13:16 in terms of our response in those countries. 13:19 And so as we are today, 13:21 we've been able to effectively respond in 70 13:23 of those 118 countries that we are currently licensed 13:28 within the ADRA network. 13:30 It impacts about 2.7 million people's lives 13:33 throughout the globe. 13:34 And to be honest, 13:36 I can only say glory to God for that, 13:37 because to be able to pivot that 13:40 in the matter of weeks, 13:42 it was only with God's blessing and guidance for us. 13:45 Amen. Praise the Lord. 13:47 I understand, you have 13:50 around 6,000 workers and volunteers, 13:54 tell us about your staff. 13:56 You mentioned 118 countries. 13:58 This is a lot of work, a lot of coordination, 14:01 and you are busy all the time, 14:05 even though there are times when we, 14:09 we don't hear about disasters, ADRA continues to be busy. 14:12 Tell us about that? 14:15 As I said we're in 118 countries, 14:17 if you look at our, 14:18 what we call part-time or volunteer staff, 14:21 we're looking at easily 50,000 to 60,000 people 14:23 over and above our full-time staff 14:25 as you've mentioned. 14:26 So obviously that requires a coordination 14:28 right across the board in terms of that. 14:31 We're also obviously then managing flows 14:34 worth of hundreds of millions of dollars annually, 14:36 that flows to those countries 14:38 from various multilateral or bilateral donors 14:41 and also from that wonderful support 14:43 that we get from our private donors. 14:47 We use those funds to match the larger funds 14:51 that are made available by large institutions. 14:54 And so over the years, 14:55 we've been able to expand our impact. 14:59 We're looking at our latest figures, 15:00 I think at the moment, 15:02 we're impacting 15:03 somewhere between 15 to 16 million people 15:05 around the globe annually in terms of our growth 15:08 and our development. 15:10 So yes, as an agency, 15:11 and as you were sharing the history, 15:12 we've certainly gone through significant growth 15:14 and yes, through 2020 15:17 apart from trying to respond to the pandemic itself, 15:22 we're also going through a growth phase 15:23 because a lot more money was made available 15:26 to respond to this pandemic. 15:28 And so, we found ourselves 15:30 having to stretch our capacity globally 15:33 to make that impact. 15:35 But as I said, 15:36 it's through the God's grace we've been able to do it. 15:38 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 15:39 Well, Matthew, 15:41 from the perspective of marketing and development 15:44 as vice president, 15:46 tell us about the response 15:47 a little bit more about COVID-19 response 15:51 with ADRA? 15:53 So the response has been... 15:56 It's just a, it's been a challenge 15:57 and Michael touched on it earlier. 16:00 We're used to dealing 16:02 with one mega disaster at a time 16:05 and responding to multiple projects. 16:07 But you know, within a, at a timeframe, 16:11 responding globally to 70 countries or 70 projects 16:15 has been a real minefield for us. 16:17 But God has been good. 16:18 God has been good. 16:20 And He has blessed throughout this process. 16:22 And we've just seen so many wonderful initiatives 16:25 happening all across the globe. 16:27 And when this happened, 16:29 and I just want to make this very clear. 16:32 You know, ADRA didn't start responding 16:34 when this thing became huge globally. 16:37 Our first response was in Wuhan, China, 16:40 and we're still responding. 16:42 And we're responding everywhere. 16:44 So we've been a part of this since the very beginning. 16:46 And I can tell you that 16:49 when we started responding 16:50 and Michael made this very clear. 16:55 We didn't have enough resources. 16:58 And when I say resources, not just funds but also people, 17:02 manpower. 17:04 We were facing lockdowns in various countries. 17:07 So we had to find a way to stretch and grow 17:10 to increase our impact. 17:12 And I just want to praise the Lord 17:14 that we are the Adventist Development 17:16 and Relief Agency. 17:17 Because that means we had a church community 17:20 to draw upon. 17:21 And we drew 17:22 upon the 22 million Adventists globally. 17:25 And I'm glad to say that 17:27 of the 70 projects 17:29 that we're implementing right now, 17:31 80% of those projects are in partnership 17:34 with the church, the majority of it, 17:35 local church members. 17:37 We've had local church members going to elderly homes, 17:41 giving out PP supplies. 17:44 We've got local church members 17:46 that have joined forces with ADRA 17:48 and have purchased 17:50 commercialize 3D printing machines 17:53 to print free PP supplies. 17:56 We've got church members in ADRA 17:58 in places like South Korea 18:00 that have partnered with the health department 18:03 of the government 18:05 to provide screening and testing 18:08 to all the health workers 18:10 as they come in and forth daily, 18:12 their daily routine. 18:14 So just to see ADRA 18:15 and the church come together 18:17 at a time where we needed to come together, 18:20 and the world has really needed us, 18:22 has been something that I have really, 18:25 really appreciated 18:26 and will never take that for granted. 18:28 And God just continues to bless this partnership. 18:31 Amen. Amen. 18:33 Well, you have provided a video for us 18:35 about the ADRA COVID-19 response 18:38 specifically to Asia. 18:40 Let's go to that video right now. 18:57 This project is called COVID Aid in Mongolia, 19:01 so we're targeting vulnerable households 19:03 in Ulaanbaatar. 19:06 And currently we will be, 19:08 we are targeting 315 households, 19:12 mostly in every district in UB. 19:16 But mostly we're targeting 100 households 19:18 in Bayangol district, 19:19 and 125 households in Chingeltei district. 19:23 And we've selected 19:24 for the first phase of this project 19:26 we selected from various vulnerable groups 19:30 so people with disabilities, 19:31 people with a lot of people in their families, 19:34 just anybody that we believed 19:35 was the most affected from the pandemic 19:39 and has had their reduced income 19:40 or lost their job. 19:42 And for the second phase, 19:43 we're targeting single parents 19:44 or single guardians with three or more children 19:46 because we believe that those people are those 19:48 that are most vulnerable right now. 21:20 Marvelous, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 21:23 And this is just part of what's going on. 21:25 You know, you can only put so much in a short video. 21:29 How about Africa? 21:30 I know we have some information on Africa. 21:32 Who would like to speak to that? 21:34 So I'd love to speak to it. 21:36 Africa was my heart. 21:38 Our work in Africa has been, 21:41 when you think of the challenge, 21:43 and you think of how ADRA has found a way 21:46 to work in an area 21:47 where most of our staff 21:49 cannot even leave the grounds 21:50 of their homes or their offices. 21:53 You can just see God's hand in all of this. 21:56 ADRA have worked with 10 separate countries 21:59 within Africa across the three divisions 22:02 to provide PPEs and medical supplies 22:04 to the tune of $7 million. 22:07 And, you know, we went through an assessment 22:14 to analyze, you know, 22:15 we were the hotspots 22:17 and what type of supplies are in stock in that city 22:20 and in that health hospital system, 22:21 and we're working 22:23 with all our Adventist hospital systems 22:24 in those areas, 22:26 to ensure that we could ensure these, 22:28 there was no shortfall, 22:29 and we can provide the services 22:30 that was most needed at this time. 22:32 But healthcare is just one element. 22:34 As you know, as we're seeing in the headlines right now, 22:38 there's a real food shortage happening. 22:40 And this is not just in Africa, this is globally. 22:43 And what I'm pleased to say that in Africa, 22:46 ADRA again in partnership with the church, 22:49 we are activating one of our strategies, 22:52 which is to release our emergency volunteers. 22:56 And over the years, 22:57 ADRA had been training Adventist volunteers 23:02 to be our responders on our behalf to work with us, 23:05 beside us in the field. 23:07 And in Africa, we've trained over 15,000, 23:09 can you believe that? 23:11 Praised the Lord! 23:12 Youth, 23:13 and I'm talking about youth leaders, 23:15 women's ministry, women's ministry leaders, 23:18 and they've taken a hold of the area of food security 23:24 within the continent of Africa, 23:26 and they're growing community gardens, 23:28 because we are looking at food shortages, 23:31 we're looking at an economic crisis, 23:33 that is by far going to outlast this current pandemic. 23:37 And for ADRA right now, 23:40 our focus is on growing sustainability 23:42 to ensuring that communities that are currently vulnerable 23:45 are getting the support they need, 23:47 but also the development they need. 23:49 So after this pandemic, 23:51 they can build themselves back up 23:53 and build themselves to be stronger, 23:55 and in a better place 23:57 to where they were before this pandemic. 23:59 Fantastic. Thank you so much. 24:01 Well, Michael, as President of ADRA, 24:05 I'm sure you have information 24:07 about how ADRA has partnered with the community services 24:11 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church here 24:12 in the United States of America. 24:14 Tell us about this new partnership? 24:18 John, in same way, as we said, we responded around the globe, 24:23 very soon after this pandemic started to hit 24:27 the coast of the United States. 24:29 Many of our Adventist hospitals were facing an inability 24:33 to source protective equipment 24:34 for all of our frontline workers. 24:37 They turned to us and, you know, 24:40 the one advantage that ADRA does have 24:42 is that we have many global partnerships 24:44 with many, many suppliers around the globe, 24:47 and we were able to pivot and actually make supplies 24:52 that would normally leave the United States 24:54 and assistance outside of it. 24:57 We changed our supply chains without assistance, 25:00 brought the supplies in 25:01 and we were able to distribute supplies 25:03 to our Adventist hospitals. 25:05 I think our initial response was at Loma Linda, 25:07 we were running very, very short of supplies. 25:10 And I think we moved in about seven pallets 25:12 of protective equipment into Loma Linda, 25:15 which amounts to tens of thousands of gowns 25:17 and surgical masks and those type of things. 25:20 We were also able to do a response 25:22 at the White Oak Medical Center, 25:23 which is actually located in Silver Spring, Maryland. 25:26 They were literally within days 25:29 of running out of protective equipment. 25:32 And in partnering 25:33 with Adventist community services 25:35 and ADRA just exchange, 25:36 throughout the United States 25:38 we were able to move these supplies on time 25:40 to these respective hospitals 25:42 and meet their very immediate needs. 25:45 We were privileged to meet some of the nurses 25:47 and the doctors who were so grateful 25:49 to receive those supplies. 25:52 One of the young woman nurse, she said to me, 25:54 "You don't understand how scared we were. 25:57 How we've gotten to the point where we didn't know 25:59 if we're going to get supplies, where we going to be safe, 26:01 where we going to be able to go home 26:03 to our families safely at night 26:05 and not take the virus at home." 26:06 So it really is, 26:08 it's been a wonderful privilege to service our hospitals here 26:11 in the United States. 26:12 Fantastic. Praise the Lord. 26:14 And if I could, if I could just jump in, John, 26:16 I really need to share this. 26:17 It's jumping out of me right now. 26:20 God has really blessed in this area. 26:22 Because as I said earlier, 26:24 we were struggling for resources. 26:26 We were cash strapped. 26:27 And one of our donors, 26:28 one of our partners that have been with us 26:30 for a significant period of time 26:32 came to ADRA and offered us 26:34 $2.4 million worth of medical supplies 26:37 and PPEs at a time where hospitals could, 26:41 was struggling to source them themselves, 26:45 to provide to our own hospital systems, 26:47 to provide health care to our communities. 26:50 So again, it's so good to see God's hand 26:52 in all of this work. 26:54 Amen. Amen. 26:56 Michael about 30 seconds worth, 26:57 can you give us 26:59 how can our people in our church community 27:01 support ADRA's work? 27:04 John, number one, please pray for us. 27:07 All the stuff in your prayers, we need wisdom, 27:09 we need to sermon, we need guidance. 27:12 And of course, we'd love you to support us. 27:15 Please go to our website 27:18 You can find out whole, more information about ADRA, 27:20 you continue to support this wonderful ministry 27:22 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 27:25 Michael, Matthew, thank you so much. 27:27 And God continue to bless your work. 27:29 Can now return to more blessings on 3ABN. 27:33 Amen. 27:34 Thank you, Pastor Johnny and for ADRA. 27:36 Incredible work that they're doing. 27:38 You know, I'm always inspired, 27:39 you know to hear what other ministries are doing 27:42 as they help other people 27:43 and ADRA's an incredible ministry. 27:45 They are. 27:46 Now we're getting ready to go to another ministry called GR3. 27:50 What does that stand for? 27:52 David Canther is the CEO of GR3, 27:54 that stands for 27:55 Global Rescue Relief and Resilience. 28:00 So that's a mouthful. 28:01 Global Rescue Relief and Resilience, 28:04 GR3 International. 28:06 And David Canther, of course, 28:07 has been at 3ABN many times in the past. 28:11 He works with ACTS of course 28:13 and they do much rescue and relief 28:14 and help for other people. 28:16 But GR3 specifically, 28:18 he will be on as well as Dr. Malcolm Seheult. 28:21 I hope I'm pronouncing that right. 28:23 He's the Co-Founder and President of GR3 28:26 and sharing what they are doing 28:28 specifically during this time of COVID crisis. 28:31 And they had some incredible testimonies, 28:32 didn't they? 28:34 Oh, yeah. Absolutely. 28:35 They were talking about the homeless, 28:36 they were talking about clean water in Haiti. 28:39 They're talking about providing PPEs, 28:41 which is personal protection equipment, 28:44 you know, during the COVID, during this COVID crisis, 28:46 so they're doing incredible work here in the US 28:50 and around the world. 28:51 So looking forward to this role 28:52 that we're getting ready to go to. 28:54 And also mobilizing church members, 28:56 which is exciting because we can sit at home, 29:00 we can watch it interview and say, 29:02 oh, this is very exciting 29:03 and look at what they're doing to help other people, 29:06 look at what they're doing 29:08 to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 29:09 But yet, we might not do anything. 29:12 And yet God calls us 29:13 to get out of ourselves as it were, 29:16 and to become involved in ministry. 29:19 So whether that means 29:20 you can support these ministries financially, 29:22 we encourage you to do that. 29:25 Whether that means you actually join hands 29:27 with these ministries, 29:28 and help in some physical as it were a tangible way. 29:32 We encourage you to do that, too. 29:34 You know, that's a really good point. 29:35 You know, at times we can say, Oh, I can't do anything. 29:37 But you know, we're here on this earth 29:40 for a reason and a purpose. 29:41 You know, all this talk 29:42 about essential and non-essential will, 29:44 we want you to know that you are essential, 29:47 and that God has you here and He has a plan for you 29:49 and so maybe this is an inspiration 29:51 to form a little group in your community 29:53 and help those that are in need. 29:55 We're getting ready to go to this role right now. 29:57 This is GR3, 29:58 Pastor John Dinzey and his wife Idalia 30:01 were able to conduct this interview. 30:03 Let's go to that role right now. 30:05 Yes, Praise the Lord. 30:07 We're talking to GR3 30:09 Global Rescue Relief and Resilience, 30:11 a leader in humanitarian crisis response 30:14 as first responders or relief providers 30:17 or trainers in crisis prevention. 30:19 GR3 offers a quick responding, lean, efficient model 30:23 of humanitarian compassion, 30:25 in collaboration with his NGO partners. 30:27 GR3 maximizes the people power 30:30 and resources and experience 30:32 of the world's best emergency care providers. 30:36 After the first response, 30:37 GR3 offers restorative education 30:41 in crisis prevention, skills training, 30:43 and trauma counseling. 30:45 Why? 30:47 For long term resilience. 30:48 Is trainer of trainer method 30:50 acts as a force multiplier of local knowledge, 30:53 skill and volunteers 30:56 a lasting footprint of disaster preparedness 30:59 for a better future. 31:01 And we're going to be talking to David Canther, Idalia. 31:03 Tell us a little bit about him? 31:04 Well, praise the Lord. 31:06 David Canter loves humanity and praise God for you, 31:12 David Canther because it is people like you 31:15 who are willing to stand in the forefront 31:18 and take the baton and run 31:20 in whatever needs to be done. 31:22 He is there willing to do it. 31:24 So thank you for your ministry of reaching out 31:27 to the needs of the people worldwide. 31:31 We're not just talking about projects 31:33 here in the United States. 31:35 We're talking global as its name GR3, 31:40 Global Rescue, Relief and Resilience. 31:43 So it is an honor for me to welcome you to this segment. 31:47 David Canther, so please share 31:49 what the Lord has done with you, 31:52 in you and through you? 31:53 Amen. 31:55 Thank you so much. 31:56 It is an honor to be with 3ABN both of you, 32:00 as we have enjoyed sharing the good news 32:03 over many years of broadcasting. 32:05 Amen. Amen. 32:07 We were enjoying talking about deployment 32:10 with Maria in Puerto Rico a little bit earlier before. 32:17 And we were honored. 32:19 Every school, public and private employee... 32:23 Wow. 32:24 Teaching in spiritual care, ecological first aid, 32:28 medical care. 32:30 Praise the Lord. Thank you so much. 32:33 I am originally born and raised in Puerto Rico. 32:36 But in the news that or any projects 32:39 that you have placed your hands in where the Lord has led you, 32:43 it's got fruits 32:44 because you're representing the Lord 32:47 and you are giving up yourself in so many ways. 32:52 So praise God that you were able 32:54 to minister there in Puerto Rico 32:56 but as well like I mentioned earlier 32:59 GR3 has gone to, 33:02 I believe 21 countries thus far. 33:05 Please share. 33:06 I'm interested to hear your latest projects. 33:11 The exciting thing is 33:13 when you unite with master guide 33:15 and volunteers around the world, 33:17 then you'd be a force multiplier. 33:20 So we're there to bring in medical supplies, food. 33:25 We've now served over a billion meals. 33:29 So we love to combine feeding people physically, 33:34 emotionally and spiritually. 33:35 Amen. Amen. 33:37 You're meeting the needs of the people. 33:38 So Jesus gives a commission 33:42 that we're to serve others in love. 33:45 And this is a great time for proportional virus 33:49 because it's God's Church in action. 33:55 And that's what Jesus talked a lot about 33:57 is take the people out of the pews 34:00 and to help people. 34:01 Amen. Amen. 34:02 Well, you've been active... 34:04 That's what I'm talking about today. 34:05 Praise God. 34:07 You've been active in many places, 34:08 but people during the Coronavirus COVID-19. 34:12 They talk about China and other countries. 34:14 Tell us something about China and what GR3 has done? 34:20 We were very blessed to have some key people 34:23 that are teachers in China, Russia, 34:26 a number of other countries 34:29 requesting a real need for masks and gloves. 34:35 Because they wanted to teach 34:36 the children who are unprotected. 34:39 They had actually run out of masks in China, 34:42 Russia as well. 34:45 So we sent a number of masks with G3, 34:50 sent them direct to be able to attend 34:52 and see the children in a school. 34:56 Praise God. 34:58 Praise God. Praise the Lord. 34:59 And so these masks, can you give us some figures, 35:03 people like to sometimes hear figures 35:05 of how many people have you been able to help? 35:09 With the masks? 35:10 Malcolm is going to share with you 35:12 more domestically, 35:14 we also were able to distribute masks and gloves 35:17 to help feed the homeless people 35:20 in New York. 35:21 So Malcolm can give us an update 35:23 on the whole outreach. 35:25 Okay, we'll be talking to Malcolm very soon. 35:28 But you also have some information about Haiti 35:32 and what you've been doing there. 35:33 Share about Haiti with us? 35:36 We've been in Haiti now for over 10 years. 35:39 And we've done a lot of medical work there, 35:42 as many of you know. 35:44 We had probably about 50,000 volunteers 35:48 went with us into Haiti 35:50 and brought in over $24 million of pharmaceutical. 35:55 Praise the Lord. 35:56 And so we worked a lot with youth certainly 35:59 and hospital there. 36:02 But now we're focusing on doing medical 36:05 in some of the islands and also water. 36:12 And so, working with a large company 36:16 with desalination 36:19 and bringing in a ship equipment 36:23 and to be able to supply some of the islands 36:27 that need fresh, clean water. 36:31 Praise God. Praise God. 36:33 You can never underestimate fresh, clean water. 36:36 I'm sure that people are very grateful 36:38 because fresh clean water, 36:41 for example, in Haiti is not easy to come by. 36:44 And so we praise the Lord for. 36:45 It's interesting that today 36:47 two of the five babies dying 36:50 before the age of three because of that problem. 36:55 That's incredible. Heartbreaking. 36:57 So you are doing a work of vital importance 37:01 to bring fresh water, just fresh water. 37:03 Think of it, people open their faucet 37:06 and they can get fresh water here 37:07 but in countries like Haiti is not such an easy thing. 37:12 Yes, and we need the continued help 37:15 of our great listeners 37:18 because right now fitting a large ship 37:22 to produce 37:24 over a million gallons of water a day. 37:27 Praise God, 37:28 over a million gallons of water a day. 37:31 That's amazing. 37:33 Well, let's bring in Dr. Malcolm Seheult, 37:37 to talk to us for a moment 37:38 because he has also things to share with us. 37:43 Wait a minute, I think I forgot that you have pictures. 37:45 That's right. 37:46 Let's go back to David Canther 37:48 because he has some pictures 37:49 that he wants to share with us. 37:50 That's right. 37:52 Tell us about the pictures please? 37:53 So some of the pictures that might even show 37:56 our new training centers in Clermont, Florida, 37:58 where I am now. 38:00 Okay. 38:01 And this has been a huge blessing. 38:04 We've had many volunteer leaders 38:08 come here and stay free 38:11 where they can be trained 38:14 in emotional and spiritual spirit 38:16 of medical care. 38:18 And then go out around the world. 38:20 Amen, amen. 38:22 So we have 54 acre in our facility here, 38:27 about one thousand square foot building 38:29 that could facilitate. 38:32 These are the headquarters you have 38:34 and your headquarters again, where's the location? 38:38 Located in Clermont, Florida 38:42 which is just west of Orlando. 38:45 It's a beautiful property. 38:47 Praise the Lord. What a blessing. 38:50 Now I understand that the volunteers 38:53 can stay there for how much? 38:57 The key leaders stay here for free. 38:59 Very good, very good. 39:01 So your headquarters there are a marvelous facility 39:05 to train people. 39:06 We praise the Lord for what God is doing. 39:09 Now, we saw some pictures of people in Haiti 39:13 and the work that you're being, that has been done there. 39:18 Those pictures focus on a lot of the medical care 39:22 that we've been doing 39:24 on some of the outlying islands. 39:27 We have doctors that continue to come in 39:30 and working with key doctors, 39:33 Seventh-day Adventist key doctor in Haiti, 39:37 that we've worked with for many years. 39:39 Amen. 39:41 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 39:42 Well, let's talk for a moment to Dr. Malcolm Seheult, 39:46 He is a Co-Founder 39:49 and President of GR3 International 39:52 and he's going to share 39:54 some marvelous things with us as well 39:56 because when you hear of the Coronavirus COVID-19 40:02 in the United States of America, 40:05 there is a city that people remember right away 40:08 and that city is New York. 40:11 New York City. Okay. 40:13 So Dr. Malcolm Seheult, if you'll join us. 40:18 Thank you. 40:20 Thank you for inviting us back. 40:24 One of the things about GR3 40:27 is that we have partners all over the world. 40:30 We just can't go to a country 40:34 and land there's boots on the ground, 40:35 so we usually make plans ahead of time. 40:38 One of our partners in New York, 40:41 the Caribbean Cultural Association 40:44 decided that they wanted to help 40:45 the homeless people 40:47 and the governor of New York gave orders to stay in place, 40:51 stay in shelter. 40:52 Many thousands of people had no place to stay. 40:55 They had stairways and alleys. 40:58 They were the real victims of COVID-19. 41:02 So we were able to acquire PPEs, 41:05 personal protective equipment, gloves and masks 41:08 and socks, shoes. 41:10 Many of them were without food, without shoes. 41:14 And we were able to send thousands to them. 41:18 I think the value of that is probably equal to $50,000. 41:24 And keep in mind, this was at a time 41:26 when PPEs were very hard to find. 41:30 So we had to look around and we went to find some PPEs 41:35 for people in New York. 41:37 Amen. 41:38 Praise the Lord that you were able to serve 41:41 in New York in that capacity. 41:43 It's interesting how many companies 41:46 or businesses closed down, 41:49 but in the business of God, 41:52 there's no closed doors, right? 41:54 That's right. Amen. 41:55 You have every opportunity. 41:57 I get excited to hear 42:00 how the Lord provides through your ministry 42:03 to reach out to the locals. 42:05 I'd like to know, 42:07 how can someone get involved in and support GR3, 42:13 because you guys know exactly where to go. 42:18 You have all the experience, 42:19 you've been in ministry over 20 years. 42:21 So you have all of these young people 42:24 all the energies 42:25 necessary to move together in the different countries 42:30 where you have gone to help. 42:33 So I'd like for you to please let us know 42:36 how can our viewers help be part of GR3? 42:43 Well, we thank you. 42:45 We want you to know that we have a website 42:47 42:51 And if you go to that website, 42:53 there's page where you can volunteer. 42:56 We want volunteers involved a career's life. 43:01 They don't have to be necessarily medical. 43:03 They absolutely want to serve God, 43:05 serve mankind. 43:07 That's what we're looking at. 43:09 We'll have our phone number 43:11 at the end of this presentation. 43:14 You could call us, 43:16 check us out through this thing. 43:19 Dr. Malcolm, I understand 43:21 we have a few pictures from New York 43:24 that you'd like to share with us. 43:26 Tell us about these pictures, please? 43:28 Sure. 43:29 Well, what you're seeing 43:30 is just a few handful of pictures, 43:34 one or two organizations 43:36 that receive permission to do that, 43:40 to feed homeless people. 43:44 This was at a time when there were orders 43:46 from the Governor to stay in place, 43:49 and there is no food. 43:52 So companies, 43:53 small organizations still went ahead 43:56 and we have volunteers every day 44:00 to give them a hot meal. 44:01 And the homeless people, 44:04 families that had nowhere to go 44:08 were able to come and get food, socks for their feet, 44:11 our masks, 44:13 otherwise there was no other way 44:15 to prepare 44:16 or to get any protective equipment. 44:18 Amen. 44:20 So when we say GR3 44:22 and we talk about first responders, 44:25 we're talking about GR3, that's what you do. 44:29 And apparently we look at the history 44:33 and it appears that every year 44:36 there is a disaster after disaster 44:39 and you guys are involved in these things, 44:41 and you are reaching people firsthand. 44:44 Tell us what you've heard from the people 44:46 that you have served, 44:47 the people that have received food, 44:49 the people that have received the mask. 44:51 Any comments that you'd like to give 44:53 about them? 44:54 Well, we have to give God the glory for everything. 44:58 We are strictly just instruments in this. 45:01 And people of course are very grateful. 45:04 And sometimes they're without words. 45:06 Recent years have been to place, 45:08 Papua New Guinea, Nepal, Jordan, Haiti, 45:12 Central America everywhere we have been. 45:16 It's been received with so much joy, blessings 45:20 and we give God glory for everything. 45:22 Praise God. Praise God. 45:24 We have a video 45:26 we'd like to share with our audience. 45:29 So are you ready for that, Dr. Malcolm? 45:32 Sure. 45:33 Why don't we show it or some people we've met, 45:36 and I can talk a little bit about our work in Jordan. 45:38 Excellent. Very good. 45:49 Hello, I'm Malcolm Seheult, President of GR3 international. 45:53 We are here in the beautiful and historic 45:56 Petra, Jordan. 45:57 We have been here with our partners, 45:59 Live for One, 46:01 and we have been assisting the refugees in this country 46:04 for the last few days. 46:06 We want to thank Airlink and Royal Jordanian Airlines 46:09 for their support and their contribution 46:11 to this important project. 46:13 In a country of 10 million people, 46:16 there are about two and a half million refugees 46:19 that have come from places like Iraq, Syria, Kurdistan, 46:23 the needs are great, these people are desperate, 46:26 and they need your support. 46:28 So we thank you for your prayers, 46:31 your continuing support. 46:33 And we want to do this together. 46:34 So let's work together. 46:36 Thank you. 46:42 Amen. Amen. 46:44 Powerful video, 46:45 they, you know, they say a picture 46:46 paints a thousand words but video paints even more. 46:49 And so we saw 46:50 powerful, powerful message there. 46:52 Tell us, Dr. Malcolm, 46:53 a little bit more about the work in Jordan? 46:56 So there is so much 46:58 that needs to be done in Jordan. 47:00 As you are aware that the tremendous conflict 47:04 of the country of Syria 47:06 has almost decimated up to 20 million people, 47:09 there are probably 47:10 less than 9 million people left. 47:13 And there are approximately million people 47:16 living in horrible conditions in Amman, Jordan. 47:19 The country has been gracious enough 47:21 to take them into the system. 47:23 But most countries around have stopped immigration, 47:28 a lot of them have locked their countries. 47:30 So they need medical care. 47:32 They need food, they need hospital care. 47:36 We have collaborated with doctors that's over there. 47:39 In fact, 47:41 we were supposed to be there to speak 47:43 but due to the COVID-19 flights were canceled. 47:46 But we're planning to go there later this year 47:49 as COVID-19 clears up. 47:52 We have enough rotation 47:56 of specialties to the clinics there 48:00 and help them in psychiatry, chronic addicts, 48:05 different areas. 48:07 Some of the stories are fantastic. 48:09 And we don't have time to get into that. 48:12 We need to pray for our friends and family there, 48:16 because there is a tremendous need. 48:19 Yes, yes. Thank you so much. 48:22 This is powerful, Idalia, work, 48:26 there's work all over 48:27 and GR3 is one of those ministries 48:30 that is reaching people every day. 48:33 You know, when you talk about feeding people, 48:34 you talk about giving fresh water to people. 48:37 This is a ministry that we need to pray for. 48:40 Dr. Malcolm, our final message for our people 48:43 that are listening to you right now. 48:47 We hear this term, the new normal. 48:52 I don't really understand what that means, 48:54 because I don't know we're gonna have normal again. 48:57 Though God is here in our midst, 49:00 but unfortunately He has been removed 49:03 from spectator sports and removed from schools, 49:07 removed from houses of worship and other places, 49:11 but God is still here. 49:12 There are people that are pleading 49:14 and I believe that our ministry is important, 49:17 critical, vital 49:19 this time to not only spread 49:20 three angels' message the gospel, 49:23 but to help them in these last days. 49:25 Amen. Amen. 49:27 Amen. Praise the Lord. 49:28 Well, if someone wants to partner with GR3, 49:33 we have the website 49:34 and that website is, 49:40 gr3, the number three, 49:43 49:45 I'm sure that they can also use funding for these projects. 49:50 If we can't travel there, 49:53 the money can go there through this ministry 49:55 and make things happen for our brothers and sisters. 49:58 Well, praise the Lord. 49:59 Continue to pray for GR3, 50:01 and more blessings continue on 3ABN. 50:05 Amen. 50:06 Thank you GR3 and of course, Pastor John 50:08 and Idalia for conducting the interview. 50:10 Again, an incredible ministry that they're reaching out here, 50:15 even in the midst of this COVID crisis pandemic 50:18 that we're experiencing. 50:19 You know, also like to, you know, 50:20 show that picture of the training center as well, 50:24 you know, that's really a great idea 50:26 of training people, 50:27 not only just for their ministry, 50:29 but also to do things in their community, 50:31 which I think is very important, 50:32 because we all have a part 50:34 like we mentioned a few minutes ago, 50:36 we all have a part to play 50:37 in helping to spread the gospel, 50:38 being the hands and feet, 50:40 as you mentioned earlier of Jesus, 50:42 and that's to help 50:43 where there are needs 50:45 and there are needs all around us. 50:46 Amen. 50:48 And you know, something else I liked 50:49 is I loved the hot meals that they provided. 50:51 The volunteers who brought in the hot meals 50:54 for those people in New York City, 50:56 those who were homeless 50:57 or those who were not able to cook 50:59 or for whatever reason did not have the food. 51:01 So I like that, 51:02 that it's physically helping people. 51:04 It's emotionally helping people clearly 51:07 during time of crisis. 51:09 And there's also that spiritual component. 51:11 So kind of a union of all three. 51:13 So we're so grateful 51:15 for David Canther and Dr. Malcolm, 51:17 and of course, for Johnny and Idalia Dinzey 51:18 for that interview. 51:19 Yeah. 51:21 And then also the work that they're doing in Jordan, 51:22 as well, you know, is another role within 51:24 that role that we shared with you, 51:25 you know, about the work and the needs 51:27 that are around the world. 51:29 And I just think about John 3:16. 51:32 I'm thinking about giving, right, 51:34 we all can give in some way or the other, 51:36 but I think about Jesus Christ and Him dying on the cross, 51:39 John 3:16, a very famous scripture 51:42 in the Bible, 51:43 and that's for God so loved the world. 51:46 That's the entire globe. 51:48 You know, that's incredible love. 51:50 That's everyone, rich, poor, whatever class you're in, 51:53 whatever nationality you are, God loves you. 51:57 And you know He wants us 51:59 to love our brothers and sisters around the world. 52:02 And again, it seems like we're saying 52:04 the same things over and over again, 52:05 I guess we are but that's been the hands 52:07 and feet of Jesus Christ. 52:08 What a privilege and opportunity we have today. 52:10 Amen. 52:11 If you did not get the contact information 52:13 for either ADRA or GR3, 52:15 you can always contact us 52:17 at 3ABN during non-Sabbath hours, 52:20 we would be delighted 52:21 to give you that contact information. 52:23 What we're going to do now 52:25 is we're going to take a short break, 52:26 we're going to our news break, 52:28 which will give you news, information, updates 52:31 of what is happening in your ministry, 52:34 and then we'll be back with a closing thought. |
Revised 2020-08-28