3ABN Today

Hellfire: Extinguishing The Flames

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200027B

00:02 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Today.
00:04 We're in our last closing moments
00:05 of this program.
00:07 We're talking about hellfire.
00:08 And we're asking the question,
00:09 what is God's attitude
00:11 towards the destruction of the wicked?
00:12 Brother Kenny, your closing comments?
00:14 What do you got?
00:15 Two little passage in Luke 19:10, Jesus said,
00:17 "He came to seek and save that which was lost."
00:19 We're all in that condition,
00:21 the other is certainly Ezekiel 33:11,
00:23 "As I live, saith the Lord,
00:24 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
00:27 but the wicked turn from his way
00:28 and live turn from your evil ways
00:30 for why, will you die."
00:32 Powerful text. Pastor?
00:33 And Peter says,
00:35 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,
00:37 as some men count slackness,
00:39 but is long suffering towards us,
00:41 not willing that any should perish."
00:43 2 Peter 3:9.
00:46 He's not willing.
00:47 He doesn't want anyone to die.
00:49 And as Pastor Kenny said so wonderfully,
00:51 the Lord does not take pleasure,
00:52 He's not some guy that just,
00:54 He's not walking around with a,
00:55 you know, a dart to throw in your back and say,
00:58 "Gotcha!"
01:00 No, He's not willing that any should perish,
01:02 He's long suffering towards us
01:04 not willing that any should perish.
01:05 Amen.
01:06 So, the dissolving day is coming.
01:08 The judgment is coming.
01:09 But God is not looking forward to that day with great joy.
01:11 He has no pleasure
01:13 in the death of anyone that dies.
01:15 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:16 Well, folks, we've come to the end of this program.
01:19 We're so thankful that you've joined us today.
01:20 Hey, if any of you out there know Aaron Rodgers,
01:23 send this program to him,
01:25 send this message to him and everyone
01:27 that you can possibly share this with.
01:28 We need to vindicate the name and the character of God.
01:31 We serve a God of love.
01:32 The Bible said, God, the Bible says God is love,
01:36 and He is love indeed.
01:37 John 3:16, "For God so loved the world,
01:39 that He gave His only begotten Son
01:41 that whosoever believeth in Him
01:42 should not perish, but have everlasting life."
01:45 Thank you for joining us. Have a blessed day.
01:47 Take care. Amen.
01:49 Beautiful passage. Yeah.


Revised 2020-07-21