Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY200007A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:08 Hello friends, welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:11 We have an exciting program. 01:13 But even more than the program, 01:14 I'm glad to have my co-pilot with me, 01:16 my lovely wife Angela. 01:17 Good to have you here, Honey. 01:19 Oh, I'm so excited about this program 01:20 because many of you know my background is Jamaican. 01:24 I was born in England. 01:25 My parents are Jamaican, 01:27 and the guest today is a Jamaican young man 01:32 by the name of Billy Mirander. 01:35 And we are going to share his amazing testimony, 01:39 aren't we, Hon? 01:40 That's right, and you don't, 01:42 if you have a young person at home 01:44 or if you are a mom or dad 01:46 or you may be a single parent, 01:49 you may have become a parent by default 01:51 because the child has no one to turn to. 01:54 This program is going to challenge many 01:57 of the norms of society. 01:58 A lot of young people find themselves in difficulty. 02:01 Well, Billy Mirander's story is one 02:03 that will keep you locked in. 02:06 You're going to walk through an amazing life. 02:09 And then you're going to see God's ability to change, 02:12 to transform a life to His honor and glory. 02:15 So we're excited about this program. 02:16 Absolutely. The Billy Mirander's story. 02:18 Yes, yes. 02:19 But it just... 02:21 Go ahead, Honey. 02:22 That's how we are. 02:24 We want to thank you for your prayers 02:25 and your support of this network 02:27 that we continue to believe 02:28 as God's inspired and called network 02:31 to proclaim a message 02:32 to get the world ready for the coming of the Lord. 02:34 But we have some music, Honey. 02:36 Stephanie Dawn's gonna be singing for us today. 02:39 Yes, she is. 02:40 She is going to be singing a song... 02:43 Entitled, "In This Old Troubled World." 02:45 Okay. 02:46 Sit back and enjoy. 03:05 Oh, how good to know that God in heaven 03:13 Watches o'er his children 03:16 From above 03:22 There are objects 03:25 Of his tender mercy 03:31 Safely they are kept 03:35 Within his love 03:40 In this old troubled world 03:47 Our God is near us 03:53 And when we bow in prayer 03:59 He'll always hear us 04:05 From every stormy wind 04:12 His love will hide us 04:18 In this old troubled world 04:25 Our God will guide us 04:35 Though on earth 04:37 With trial and tribulation 04:43 Though there's much 04:45 That would our hearts alarm 04:52 He who feeds and cares 04:55 For little sparrows 05:00 Will protect his own 05:04 From every harm 05:10 In this old troubled world 05:16 Our God is near us 05:21 And when we bow in prayer 05:27 He'll always hear us 05:33 From every stormy wind 05:39 His love will hide us 05:46 In this old troubled world 05:53 Our God will guide us 05:59 In this old troubled world 06:07 Our God will guide us 06:19 Thank you, Steph. 06:20 That's a wonderful song. 06:22 I think it's a perfect song for this program 06:23 "In this troubled world" 06:25 because our guest had his own troubled world, 06:28 and you may have young person in your home 06:31 that's going through difficulty and turbulence. 06:33 I just would encourage you to stay tuned to this program 06:35 or if they're not home right now 06:37 and you're watching by yourself, 06:39 hit the record button. 06:40 Or if you miss it and have no other opportunity, 06:42 you can contact us to get a copy of this program, 06:44 but right now, let us meet Billy Mirander. 06:46 Billy, since you're so close, good to have you here. 06:48 I'm gonna reach out and say, "Wat a guh dung." 06:52 That's a Jamaican way. 06:53 I hope I did it correctly. 06:54 Yes, you did it correctly. Okay. 06:56 Well just to say first, 06:57 thank you very much for having me. 07:00 I'm from Jamaica. 07:01 I was born in Spanish town, St. Catherine 07:04 and I grew up in St. Catherine, 07:06 between there in Kingston. 07:09 I grew up in when my mom and my dad was together. 07:12 And around five years old, my mom and dad broke up. 07:16 So from then my mother went to live with her mom, 07:20 with other siblings. 07:21 So at that time, 07:23 we were no longer living in a home 07:25 where I have both parents, 07:27 so it was me and my sisters, 07:29 and at the time, it's my mother. 07:32 And then she used to work into a bar, 07:34 where they sell alcohol beverage, 07:36 and she come home like 2-3am in the morning. 07:40 At that time, my grandmother was one who takes care of us 07:44 because in Jamaica, 07:46 when the parents is gone to work, 07:49 their mom is their daycare center. 07:52 They don't hire anyone. 07:54 Mom's take care. 07:55 Their mom take care of their kids. 07:57 So my grandma, 07:58 she was not only my grandma, 08:00 she was my best friend. 08:01 She taught me everything I need 08:03 to know as a young man, 08:05 how domestic chores, every simple thing about life. 08:08 Cook, clean all. 08:10 Oh, cook, clean. 08:11 And she loves to give spanking. 08:14 She loves to beat. 08:15 You ever got one? 08:17 Oh, my, I got a lot. 08:18 I used to get beaten so often 08:19 that we used to put sponge inside my clothes. 08:23 So that when she hits me, I have to fake 08:26 because if I'm feeling that, 08:27 then one day my cousin, 08:29 you know, tipped her off 08:30 and she asked me to go in the shower 08:32 to take off all my clothes. 08:34 So grandma, life was very interested. 08:38 We grew up in a nice extended family home. 08:41 Aunties, uncles, all manner of relatives. 08:44 It was a blessing. 08:46 Growing up in my family life and I loved my family. 08:49 You know, which is kind of true about your family. 08:51 One thing about West Indian families, 08:52 you grew up in a community. 08:54 Everybody in the community is family. 08:56 Plus, you have a lot of family. 08:57 How many total siblings you have? 08:59 Eleven. 09:00 Twelve myself included in terms of my mother's side. 09:03 My father don't know the exact numbers, 09:05 but in terms of my mom, she has 11 kids, 09:08 seven girls and four boys. 09:10 I'm the third one. 09:12 Yes, I have two sisters ahead of me. 09:15 Two sisters ahead of me. 09:17 Yeah, I know what it's like 09:18 to be raised in a Jamaican home 09:20 because I was raised in a Jamaican home. 09:22 And the grandmothers play a major role in raising, 09:27 in help to raise the children. 09:30 And that's how it was with my grandmother 09:33 playing a major role 09:34 and she plays a part of a mother, 09:36 usually the grandmother, 09:39 and she's much respected in the home. 09:42 Yes, very respected. 09:44 And like your grandmother was. Yes. 09:46 So tell us a little bit more about your grandmother? 09:49 She played such a major role, 09:52 but you were so close to your grandmother. 09:55 And she became ill, didn't she? 09:57 Yes. 09:59 And so, as life continuous with my grandma, 10:03 my mother was working in the bar. 10:04 So one night, gunmen came, robbed the bar. 10:09 And in those days, my mom used to wear those big earrings 10:12 where it's a roll the big bangle earrings. 10:15 Very big one. 10:16 And they pulled it out of her ears, 10:18 split her ears into two. 10:20 And as a result of that she, when the owner came, 10:23 the first thing he asked, "How much money did they take?" 10:26 So he was more concerned about his money. 10:28 So my mother decided to leave that job, 10:32 buy clothes, and in Jamaica, 10:34 people buy and sell clothes and they walk 10:35 from house to house and sell clothes. 10:37 It's a business that people do in Jamaica, 10:39 she was doing that. 10:41 My grandma followed, she had cancer 10:43 but she had kidney issue first. 10:45 She had kidney failure. 10:47 She lost one of her kidney, has to go on dialysis machine. 10:51 And then cancer breakout, diabetes. 10:53 And she struggled, she was a fighter. 10:56 She struggled, she struggled, she struggled. 10:58 But then, my aunt, the last child she has, 11:03 she met a guy. 11:04 They were together. 11:06 But when they met each other, 11:08 my grandma was not in agreement 11:10 because she saw something 11:11 that my aunt didn't see in the gentleman. 11:16 And here's what he said. 11:18 He was deeply in love with her according to him, 11:21 but he was very jealous. 11:23 My aunt used to work in Old Harbor, 11:25 you know, you know, like a mall you call you in America, 11:28 but it's a plaza, we call it in Jamaica. 11:30 She worked, get to a plaza. 11:32 And while she was working there, 11:34 he would pay different men to watch her at a workplace. 11:37 He wouldn't give her space. Spy on her. 11:39 If her phone rings and a male calls her, 11:41 he beats her. 11:43 If a text message comes in, a male texts her, he beats her. 11:46 And that's his entire focus is regarded. 11:50 He's over insecure. 11:52 And so, he would beat her. 11:54 All of her body so really bruise. 11:57 The way he hits her, it's terrible. 11:59 And the mother always said to her, 12:01 Marr, you need to leave this guy, 12:04 he's going to kill you. 12:05 And she said, "No mom. He loves me. 12:09 That's the reason why beats me." 12:11 And that's a very silly situation. 12:13 But she thought that because he loved her, 12:18 that's why he beats her. 12:19 So she ended up having children for him. 12:22 The first child, the beating was still continued. 12:25 Second child, but the third child, 12:28 my grandma when she had a sickness, 12:30 she called all of us inside the room. 12:33 And she looked in our master bedroom 12:36 because she was from hospital, old nursed hospital in and out. 12:41 And so in her final visit to home, 12:43 I recall it was in 2004, I think, the summer there. 12:47 She called all of us as family. 12:50 She was that layer that glue in the family. 12:53 And she said, "I love all of you. 12:55 Stay united." 12:57 She said Marr for daughter, 12:59 "This is the last time I'm warning you. 13:02 You need to leave that guy, he's going to kill you. 13:05 He's going to kill you if you don't leave him." 13:07 She said, "Mama, for the last time 13:09 I'm telling you, he loves me. 13:12 I'm 100% certain he loves me." 13:15 And then her mother said to her, 13:18 "I'm warning you." 13:19 I didn't know at the time, but later on, 13:22 I found out that my grandma 13:24 was even planning with her sister 13:26 to get my aunt to Canada 13:28 because she fear something was going to happen. 13:31 She went back to the hospital. 13:33 My mother went to visit her and said 13:34 that she was there talking to her, 13:37 prayed for her children and grandchildren, 13:39 and then my mother went to the bathroom. 13:42 When she came back, 13:43 her breath stopped blowing through her. 13:46 She no longer was alive. 13:48 When my grandma died, and I heard the news, 13:51 it was the first time in my life 13:53 I ever felt like my heart was ripped in two 13:55 because my grandma meant so much to me. 13:58 I loved her so much. 13:59 And by the grace of God, 14:01 I'm looking forward to see her again. 14:02 She was faithful to what she does, 14:05 and we had a great relationship, 14:07 but I missed her so much. 14:08 She was the person who helped to keep me alive. 14:12 And so when she died, it changed things. 14:15 Everyone in the family split in two. 14:18 We never had a family reunion again. 14:20 We never had family gathering 'cause she changed narrative. 14:25 But then, 14:26 a year after her daughter took her advice 14:28 to leave him, it was too late. 14:31 He said, "If I can't get you back, 14:33 nobody else can get you." 14:35 So the first thing he did, 14:37 he took away financial support. 14:40 Tried to get at her, but she was very independent. 14:43 So you have many gentlemen in Jamaica, 14:46 what they do to get the ladies attention 14:48 is that they took away financial support. 14:51 And then as a result of that, 14:53 but my aunt was still independent. 14:55 So she was continued the same way. 14:57 And then, in 2005, 15:00 there was a heavy rain happened in St. Cathedral. 15:05 When the rain happened, there's an area 15:07 where my aunt lives at that section. 15:11 Whenever ever rain falls, 15:13 it blocks the side of the road where she lives. 15:17 So water settled on the road for weeks. 15:20 So she decided to stay closer to Old Harbor Tower. 15:23 And by staying at a relative's place, 15:26 she was walking home from work each evening. 15:29 I started high school, I was in seventh grade. 15:32 And every day after school, 15:35 I would go by, and accompany her 15:38 to where she take taxi to go home. 15:40 Because in Jamaica is not like you just call a cab. 15:43 You have to walk to a stand, a bus stop to get a taxi. 15:46 And so as a result of that, my aunt, Myer Celestine Ford. 15:51 She, one evening, 15:53 every day I've to train in track, 15:54 I was an athlete. 15:56 I was always like this. 15:57 I was an athlete. Used to run or what? 15:59 Used to run fast. 16:00 Sprint race, 100-meter, 200-meter race 16:03 and four by one relays. 16:05 So track and field was my favorite sports. 16:07 And then it reached a stage 16:08 that where every evening after school, 16:11 when I come home from training, 16:13 I would go by a workplace and accompany her 16:16 because she's mine. 16:17 She's the last child. In Jamaica... 16:19 You're watching over, protecting her. 16:20 Yes. 16:22 And the last child for my grandmother. 16:23 In Jamaica the last child for any period 16:25 is called washbelly. 16:27 So did you get to washbelly? 16:29 So once you're the last one, you are the washbelly. 16:32 And so my aunt was that. 16:33 So she was the pride of the family, 16:34 all the attention, everything. 16:37 She could do no wrong in some ways, 16:39 you know, and so I went to see her, 16:42 I said to her, Aunt Marr, can I accompany you home? 16:46 She said, "No." 16:47 Then I said "Why?" 16:48 She said, "Well, my biggest concern is this. 16:52 I'm staying late this evening from work, 16:55 so I'm asking you to please not to come by." 16:58 And I said, "Okay." I said, "Why?" 17:00 She said, "Well, I don't want you 17:02 to accompany me this evening, 17:03 because I want to stay later on. 17:06 And as a result of that, 17:07 it may affect certain circumstances." 17:09 And then right after I left her, 17:13 and when I walk home, all of a sudden, 17:16 like a two hours afterwards, we got a phone call. 17:20 And she was shot. 17:22 So we run to the crime scene. 17:25 When I reached there, 17:26 I saw my aunt lying down there on the ground. 17:30 She received two shots at the head, 17:32 one at her back. 17:33 She died at 29 years old, 17:35 died leaving two girls and one boy. 17:38 And this is what... 17:40 Was it the same guy? 17:41 The same guy. 17:43 So what happened is that we didn't know at the time. 17:45 So one of my classmate in the community at the time 17:48 pulled me aside and said, 17:50 "The night before your aunt was going home, 17:52 I overheard a group have been talking 17:55 and one of them said, "This is my children's mother. 18:01 I'm paying you something 40,000 Jamaican dollars," 18:06 which is like 300 US dollars, 18:08 "I'm paying you to take her out, 18:11 20 upfront, 20 afterwards." 18:14 And so the police later confirm it. 18:17 He paid someone to have her killed. 18:20 When I heard that news, 18:23 my entire life turned upside down. 18:26 And I decided, 18:28 this is no longer going to be a situation. 18:31 It became a very dark day for me. 18:34 I cried like a baby, 18:36 looking at my three cousins at the time, 18:39 without a mother just because of jealousy. 18:42 But her mother warned her before she died. 18:44 Yes, she did. 18:46 You need to leave, or he's going to kill you. 18:47 And so it's a lesson for young people 18:50 that they are sometimes they may not see danger. 18:53 But parents, God gift parents to see something's ahead, 18:57 but they may not see 18:59 until they experience the consequences. 19:00 That's important to say because a lot of times, 19:03 you know, children, young people, 19:05 we've all been there at some point, 19:07 we think we know better. 19:08 We think, the parent say, I see what's going to go on, 19:11 I see what's going to happen, and that cost her, her life. 19:14 But it may have happened anyway, 19:17 because this guy seemed to have had a pattern 19:20 that was going to come out violently 19:22 one day to take her life. 19:24 But then what did that do to you now? 19:26 Because now your grandmother already passed away, 19:29 now your aunt is killed. 19:31 Now it's just you and your mom, 19:33 because tell us about your dad? 19:34 All right. 19:35 So regarding my dad, 19:37 I never had a father figure in my life. 19:38 So when this happened, 19:40 all the emotion and anger developed in me. 19:44 As a young man, I love my mother. 19:46 But as it relates to communicating 19:48 to her certain secret 19:50 I was very uncomfortable 19:51 about what was going on in my heart. 19:53 But I would share with any man that's available 19:57 because I needed a father figure. 20:00 I needed a man role in my life 20:03 as it relates to express myself. 20:05 So then you weren't really wide open 20:07 telling your mother anything 20:08 because she said, I won't tell her this. 20:09 I won't tell her that and kept it inside of you. 20:13 And as a result of that now, my father, 20:16 I wanted him so much in my life. 20:20 It's very important. Let me say this. 20:22 No mother can be a father at the same time. 20:25 A mother can only be a mother. 20:27 And so, I know I understand that the ratio, 20:30 the world we're living in. 20:31 The mother that tried to play both role, 20:33 but it doesn't work effectively. 20:35 Young men need their fathers in their life. 20:38 They need, male presence are needed in the home. 20:42 And the fathers need to be with their youngsters. 20:45 I needed that father figure. 20:47 So all my anger and emotion, 20:49 I went to spend time with a relative of mine 20:52 in Old Harbor Bay, 20:54 and he just got it from Andrews University recently. 20:58 And so he's a pastor. 21:00 As a result of that, my cousin, you know, 21:04 my friend and I recall something important 21:07 by spending time at his home. 21:10 I met some gangsters at that time. 21:12 One of them is a deceased now TG... 21:15 TG? It's kind of like a... 21:17 TG is an abbreviation but it's a nickname. 21:19 Elliston we call Jamaica given to him. 21:22 And TG, I started smoking 21:24 because I'm trying to find a way 21:26 how to deal with this anger 21:27 because in my mind, 21:29 I want two person's life, the one who pulled the trigger, 21:32 the one who pays the money. 21:34 And so whenever around TG, 21:37 I say TG, it has been months 21:39 since I've been coming around you. 21:41 Let me tell you my agenda. 21:43 There's a man that was responsible 21:45 for my aunt's death. 21:46 I want to take revenge. 21:48 So I need my own firearm to go and do it. 21:51 He said, "Well, before you can be 21:54 a member of this gang, 21:55 you have to go through a series of experience 21:58 and when you've gone through a series of experience, 22:00 then you will pass the tests, 22:03 we will give you all the firearm 22:05 and you can become a member. 22:07 So let me tell you about this gang. 22:09 This gang is a vicious gang. 22:11 These men are human beings, 22:13 but they have the heart of animals 22:15 in their reaction towards people. 22:17 They have no heart, the human heart. 22:19 So now a young man 13-14 years old now. 22:23 That's how old you were? 22:24 Yeah. 22:25 So a 13, 14 year 22:27 'cause a year after my aunt died, 22:28 I was just searching for this gang, 22:32 comfort to give me some assurance of revenge, 22:36 some satisfaction. 22:37 And TG brought me to a gang I didn't know. 22:41 And now I've left to do some dangerous things. 22:44 So then, now they're molding you now. 22:46 Molding me now. 22:47 You're looking at the way they do things. 22:49 You're watching them 22:50 and he's kind of taking you under his wings 22:51 to get you ready for your firearm, for your gun. 22:53 Yes. 22:55 Did you know who the person was that killed your aunt? 22:58 Yes. I know. 22:59 I know one of them first, 23:01 which is the children's father. 23:03 The guy who shot her, 23:05 because I know part of this gang. 23:07 There I called and they told who did the shooting. 23:11 So, in Jamaica, gang violence is a network. 23:14 So if you wrote one turf, 23:17 you know who wrote the turf over there. 23:18 So shooting happens, 23:20 nothing happens without the leader, 23:23 the gang leader that turf knows. 23:25 So even though he may not know is your family member, 23:28 he knows the shooting goes on. 23:29 Okay, so in his community, 23:30 it's not gonna happen unless he's aware of. 23:32 Yes. 23:33 But by doing so you can get the direct information 23:35 who is responsible. 23:37 And so now, the first step I started, 23:41 I decided to start bleach on the turf with them. 23:44 So I stayed. 23:45 Bleaching in Jamaica doesn't mean 23:47 putting cream on your face. 23:49 But as a bleaching, 23:50 the term I want others to understand. 23:52 We stay up all night, 23:54 the entire night and watch the gang turf 23:58 to ensure that's the first test 24:00 the gang leader gave me to show how tough I was. 24:03 Oh, it's just stay up. 24:04 Stay up and watch the turf. 24:06 Remember now, 24:07 you have to watch the turf with firearms 24:08 to make sure no enemy trespass, 24:11 the gang leader turf 24:12 because anyone who comes there 24:14 and hurts the gang leader, you are responsible. 24:17 So during that period of time, for six months straight, 24:20 every single night, I'm watching the turf. 24:24 Many dangerous things happened during those times. 24:25 How old were you by that time? 24:27 Thirteen, fourteen years old. Wow. 24:29 So many dangerous things going on. 24:32 Dangerous, dangerous, and the word dangerous, 24:34 abusive, vicious things happen 24:37 and after the period of time, I have proven myself. 24:40 So the gang leader said, "Well, 24:42 now you have passed the test. 24:45 Now you can be with our gang, 24:47 and now they went ahead 24:49 and killed that gang leader mother. 24:51 So now my gang life divulge into a deeper part. 24:55 And then now, 24:57 after getting so deeply involved with the gang, 24:59 you start smoking, drinking, going to party, 25:05 stayed up watching the dark stuff, 25:07 going on move, 25:08 take revenge on other enemies of the gang leader. 25:11 At that time, 25:13 the man who's responsible for my aunt's death, 25:15 he died along the process, 25:17 but the one who pays the money, 25:19 who we're searching for, we can't find him. 25:22 But one who killed had died. 25:24 But then I said to myself, "I want when this is over, 25:28 I'm finished with gang violence." 25:30 Well, let me say this to young people. 25:32 Sin or evil has the limit where it will take you. 25:36 That's right. 25:38 You can't go into sinful lifestyle, 25:40 and then you determine how far you go. 25:42 Because I thought, when this gang is over, 25:44 when two persons died, I'm done. 25:47 Satan will never allow you, 25:49 to put one of your foot in to a certain lifestyle 25:52 and just escape overnight. 25:54 So now after getting so deeply involved 25:57 in gang violence, 25:59 I took out those gang life at high school, 26:01 outside Old Harbor high school. 26:03 I became a don for the school. 26:05 A don like a gang leader. 26:07 Don, gang leader. 26:08 So in Jamaica, 26:10 when you hear the word don used, 26:11 it's a gang leader. 26:12 So I was the one leading the school 26:15 where every single day 26:17 I had no more love in my heart for anyone. 26:19 Since my aunt died. 26:21 So I took out, 26:22 take out the same anger on students, 26:26 with no heart towards them. 26:28 So every single week, I was suspended from school. 26:33 My mother to pay doctor bill after doctor bill 26:36 because every week a child gets injured, 26:38 but has broken bone, 26:41 fractured skull whatever it is, 26:43 I damaged students every week and then... 26:46 What made you do that? 26:47 I mean somebody stepping out of line 26:48 or disrespecting you 26:50 or messing with somebody that you cover him? 26:51 Well, it's a little of both. 26:53 The first thing is that 26:54 I thought by running the school 26:56 I formed a gang of young men to train them 26:59 because I want them to be a part of the revenge. 27:02 And by doing so, 27:04 it led me down the pathway 27:06 where I have all those young men working for me. 27:10 Once someone threat me or say something I don't like. 27:14 I gave them my full route, 27:16 because I have no more love in my heart. 27:18 But then my situation reached a stage where, 27:23 though transfer from one life, 27:25 after being involved with the gang, 27:28 vicious stuff start to happen. 27:30 My friend started dying daily. 27:32 They die in some of the most vicious death, 27:35 whether by police or by other government, 27:38 they died daily. 27:39 And I was in high school in eighth grade, ninth grade. 27:43 And every single day in high school, 27:45 I have to be involved in outside war. 27:48 I did a high school war, 27:50 and everyone in my family gave up on me completely 27:53 except for my mother. 27:55 They told my mother to poison me, 27:58 to kill me in my sleep. 28:00 Because think about this stuff. 28:03 I was locked up, I have several case against me, 28:07 my mother has to be the one out back and forth, 28:10 tried to get me out, get bail, 28:13 she's always there so everyone will say 28:16 this is a disgrace to the family, 28:17 you're doing all those damage. 28:18 But this gang life led to another part 28:21 that caused me get deeper 28:24 because of our deeper way to gang violence. 28:26 Now, I wanna before you run away from that, 28:28 I want to make sure our audience understand this. 28:30 Your life is so bad that people were saying 28:33 you just need to kill your son, 28:34 he's not going to become anything worthwhile. 28:37 Poison him so that this violence would end. 28:41 That was what people were telling your mother? 28:43 Did you know about that? 28:44 I know about the time 28:45 because she said to me you know what, 28:47 they told me, neighbors would even come 28:49 and said I've dreamed, 28:51 your son is going to die tomorrow 28:53 or die this time. 28:55 They were giving me dates. 28:56 Every month, someone have a different dream, 28:58 but I will die next time. 29:00 So that was putting so much fear in my mother, 29:03 but she tried everything humanly possible but it fails. 29:07 She was trying to pay me to be myself. 29:08 Pay? 29:10 By giving her all those money that she was making. 29:12 She said, "I'll give you everything. 29:14 Just please behave yourself." 29:17 She pressed my clothes, 29:18 she did everything for this stuff, 29:20 I'm telling you. 29:21 Other time, she does everything for me, 29:23 domestic wise, and I would work. 29:26 And when she realize everything fails, 29:29 she started going on knees and pray. 29:30 All right. Okay. 29:32 But was going on her knees now. 29:34 At the same time after me involved in the gang, 29:37 I was introduced to demonic worship 29:39 where we will learn 29:41 about the blood sacrifice and stuff, 29:43 so be deeply involved with the gang. 29:45 For you to survive, 29:46 you have to be a part of the demonic ritual, 29:49 which that ritual alone takes me to a different level. 29:52 And I never knew that it was real. 29:57 Then afterwards, I realized how evil it was. 29:59 In other words, 30:00 when the Bible says in Ephesians Chapter 6, 30:03 when Paul was speaking to the Ephesians brothers, 30:05 he warned them, he said, finally my brethren, 30:08 be strong in the Lord, and the power of His mind, 30:11 put on unto you to the whole armor of God, 30:14 that evil behavior that start again 30:16 to wiles of the devil, 30:17 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 30:21 against principalities, against powers, 30:24 against the rulers of darkness of this world, 30:26 against spiritual wickedness in high places, though, 30:29 that is real, 30:30 because when he took us inside the bathroom, 30:34 we have to strip all our clothes off, 30:35 they put a basin on the ground, 30:38 a basin like a bucket filled with water, 30:41 and then a sprinkler black liquid 30:43 inside of it, 30:44 then it depends on what ritual you've done. 30:47 Then what they do now, they kill an animal. 30:51 So the blood of the animal now has to be a part of the ritual. 30:54 So this is kind of an initiation? 30:56 Initiation, yes, but you go through that process, 30:59 they sometime take you into a different room, 31:01 cut your hands, 31:03 your blood has to run as a part of the process. 31:05 And when those rituals are over, 31:08 to be honest with you I stand right there 31:11 after the rituals over, 31:12 go through all the washing, 31:15 the various bath we took, you know, 31:17 walked over coal pot burning, 31:19 all the various type of witchcraft. 31:22 When those are done, 31:23 I started literally and see demons literal form. 31:28 I've not seen anything that sort of, 31:30 I've seen a fairytale you see on TV. 31:33 I've seen the literal form of persons 31:35 like a human being, a literal form, 31:37 coming and enter inside your body. 31:39 Let me tell you, 31:41 it became extremely hot like fire. 31:43 So now you're facing out, but here's where the battle is. 31:46 Your mother's praying 31:48 and you're now involved in demonic worship. 31:50 Looks like it's getting worse. 31:51 It's getting worse. Deeper. 31:52 So what happened when your mother told you 31:54 that she's praying for you? 31:56 How did you receive that? 31:57 First of all, it breaks my heart. 32:00 She did something very unique. 32:03 She don't pray, you know, I'll be dead. 32:06 So once I come home, 32:07 she has kneeled down right there 32:09 and started to pray. 32:11 And when she started crying in her prayers, 32:13 it does something inside me 32:14 that I didn't want to hear the prayer. 32:17 I'm offended by the prayer. 32:19 I don't want to stand at the prayer 32:20 because the mere fact 32:22 my mom is crying and I loved her. 32:24 But I had to show toughness. 32:25 But when she cries, it does something inside me. 32:29 It pierced something inside my heart. 32:30 And so she prayed, she prayed, she prayed, 32:34 she prayed, but nothing happened. 32:37 So what happened to a mother 32:39 who's prayed for her son 32:41 with drug addiction, gang violence, 32:45 and that mother feels like to give up completely, 32:47 what happens? 32:49 As I said in my book, and I make mention of it, 32:51 The Power of a Mother's Prayer. 32:53 When a mother is praying for her son or her daughter 32:57 and there seems to be no visible changes. 32:59 Angels of God, the Holy Spirit is working behind the scenes. 33:04 So as my mother continues to pray, 33:07 some strange things start to happen. 33:09 First of all, first thing happened is that 33:14 after going through all that I've been through, 33:17 get written off by everyone, 33:19 the school principal, Mr. Lintenware, 33:21 which is the best principal of all time I have ever seen. 33:24 He did an interview two years ago, or a year ago 33:26 regarding how proud he was of my journey. 33:30 He gave me a chance to continue in 10th grade 33:33 because I was not supposed to allowed to continue school. 33:36 They were going to expel me in ninth grade, 33:39 because of the damages. 33:40 And so my mother was praying, 33:42 the principal gave me one more semester. 33:45 And during that time, 33:46 it reached a stage where the first sign happened. 33:49 One of my greatest idol and mentor at the time, 33:54 he called me one day in a meeting. 33:56 Called me and sat with me, he said, 33:58 "Billy, look at all that you have been through. 34:00 Look at the mirror, 34:02 there were shootouts, gun battle, violence, 34:05 locked up by the police and all that stuff. 34:08 Do you know that there's a God in heaven?" 34:11 Now this is somebody who I idolize. 34:13 So, young men, 34:14 when a young man is in violence, 34:17 if he has somebody idolize, 34:20 that person have his attention. 34:22 So for young people today, 34:23 most young men have somebody they idolize, 34:26 whether it's a celebrity, 34:27 or someone in the community. 34:30 That way, when the mother can't reach the child, 34:32 that celebrity can. 34:33 That icon that idolized person can. 34:37 So when he said to me, there's a God, I said, 34:39 "What is a God?" 34:41 He said, "Billy, you know what, 34:43 let me explain this to you now. 34:45 He said, "Billy, you can be a gangster believer." 34:48 I say, "What is that?" He said Billy. 34:50 He said to me, he said. 34:52 "Billy, do you know whenever I have issues 34:55 wherever I'm going to fire by firearm? 34:57 Do you know which God who I pray to?" 35:00 He said, "I've never gone anywhere 35:03 without taking my Bible with me. 35:05 And before I squeeze the trigger, 35:06 I read a scripture first." 35:09 So he's telling me that it is God, 35:12 His ability, you know, 35:14 you don't need the power of witchcraft to protect you. 35:17 Because at the time, 35:18 I was going to rituals four times a week. 35:20 When he said, you could be a gangster believer... 35:21 Believer so that kind of opening something for me. 35:24 Trying to move you 35:26 in the right direction to the Lord. 35:27 But he said to me now, you don't need, 35:30 you can still be a gangster and believe in God. 35:33 But by being so, you'll survive longer. 35:35 So I said, "What do you mean?" 35:36 He said, "In other words, 35:38 I have to go to ritual four times a week, 35:40 Saturday, Sunday night, 35:43 Wednesday night, Friday night. 35:44 You miss one week, they killed you. 35:47 Because of the blood oath we took, you know, 35:50 it is dangerous to taste human blood, 35:52 all those things you have to do 35:54 as a part of the ritual to survive. 35:55 So I thought I was trapped forever. 35:58 He said to me, well, He said, Billy, 36:01 what he's telling me plainly 36:02 if I'm going to shoot somebody it's God I pray to. 36:05 He said, "You don't need that." 36:06 And he said, "You can still pray, 36:08 read your Bible." 36:09 He said, "Billy, pause for a moment, 36:11 start to pray and read your Bible, 36:14 and I began reading the Book of Psalms. 36:16 And then, 36:17 you're going to come back and tell me how it feels. 36:21 I said, "What?" 36:22 He said, "Billy, trust me. 36:24 God is real. 36:25 He's in control, however, 36:27 you have to pray and read your Bible first." 36:29 So did you start reading the Bible? 36:31 When he said that to me, now, 36:32 I was shocked because all out of the blue 36:34 was he is telling me about God and the Bible. 36:37 So then I said to myself, you know what? 36:40 Let me go and figure out what's going on. 36:42 And then immediately now, the next day, 36:44 because what happened is 36:46 that my stepfather had two houses. 36:48 He let me stay at the one story house 36:50 because everyone moved, left me, 36:52 for I was giving all the trouble. 36:53 So I searched that house where I stayed, 36:56 I couldn't find a Bible. 36:57 Two of my sisters were going to Sunday churches, 36:59 first day churches. 37:00 And so, at the time, I couldn't find any Bible 37:04 but all of a sudden, in one of the basket, 37:06 I found a big study Bible. 37:09 I used to smoke then. 37:11 So I built up my marijuana, 37:12 called a spliff in a little paper. 37:15 And then my cup of tea, we call it a source of belief, 37:19 suites of belief. 37:20 Okay. 37:22 Yes... 37:23 Put inside my cup of sugar. 37:24 And then I said to myself, 37:26 "How do I begin reading the Bible?" 37:28 So you're smoking your marijuana, 37:30 drinking your tea and reading the Bible? 37:32 And I didn't want to read the Bible immediately 37:33 because in my community, 37:34 there happen to be Satan worshippers. 37:36 So I said, "How do I begin the Bible?" 37:39 When I said, normally church folks 37:40 based on my view of church, they will pray first, 37:44 sing a song so what I did, 37:46 I sing so quiet in the house that no one heard it. 37:49 I opened the Bible, and I take the first puff. 37:54 Blessed is the man that walketh 37:55 not in the counsel of the garden. 37:57 And every single verse I read, every verse I read. 38:00 What I did every verse I read, 38:02 I decided to remember it. 38:08 I decided to commit this scripture to memory. 38:12 As I commit to memory, 38:15 I pause, internalize the word. 38:17 So, as I read one verse, I pause, take a puff. 38:22 And after reading the Bible, Psalms, Proverbs. 38:26 The conviction came to me was so inspired, 38:29 that I went to school about with my young friends. 38:32 And I tell them about God 38:34 in some ways that was very strange. 38:36 So the changing was coming gradually. 38:39 But what I want to do is 38:41 I want to get this part of the story in it 38:42 because I want to get the part where your conversion happens. 38:45 I want to leave some cliff hangers in there, 38:47 you know, your stories. We heard your story, 38:51 which he covered for a number of hours, 38:53 which is powerful. 38:55 And talk about, you know, we're going to talk 38:56 about how you get a copy of this book, 38:58 pretty much here, 38:59 but I want to leave some holes in the story here 39:01 so people could get that as you're standing 39:02 'cause it gets powerful. 39:04 When you told the story here at our church, 39:06 the people sat spell bound 39:08 to see the gradual aspects of it. 39:10 But what I want to pull back in now. 39:12 So you've gone back to school, 39:14 in the same place where you were participating 39:16 in all this gang violence 39:18 and the teacher there, you have a Bible now, 39:20 but then there's still this thing 39:21 in the back of your head, 39:23 you still have this idea that you want to get the person 39:26 who killed your aunt. 39:27 That was a significant turning point in your life. 39:29 Let's go to that part of your story 39:31 because you're looking for this person now, 39:32 but God is working and He's coming in. 39:35 But still you have this mission. 39:36 Yeah, and I'm searching for him right there. 39:39 A few things happened that got my attention. 39:41 In my book, 39:42 one of the chapters I wrote about 39:44 is the three great miracles that got my attention. 39:47 In the same time, I said, 39:48 "But God, if you're real, I need more evidence 39:53 because I need a firearm to protect me." 39:56 And one of that time, 39:58 God allowed enemies to attack me one day, 40:01 I didn't have my firearm with me. 40:04 And I'm telling you, 40:05 they stabbed me from every part of my body 40:08 I could recall at the time. 40:10 I still think I was dreaming 40:12 because even my book 40:13 is one of the greatest miracle that happened to me. 40:15 So they were just stabbing, you didn't have your gun? 40:16 Yeah, I didn't have a gun because they attacked me. 40:18 And I recall it was so vicious 40:21 because what happened is that my girlfriend, 40:24 I met a girl in the campus, 40:25 her brother was a gangster. 40:27 And I told her that she has to go 40:29 to the regular procedure to function at the campus. 40:32 And by doing so, 40:34 what I did is that I was running to school 40:36 so I needed permission. 40:38 I needed his sister to be with me 40:41 as a gang leader. 40:42 And she refused to. 40:44 As a result of that, she told her brother, 40:47 and he came after me. 40:48 At that time I left my firearm 40:50 but those men attacked me. 40:52 And I thought I was dead in terms of the bruise I got. 40:55 I went to the police station, before I stepped, 40:58 but I checked my clothes. 41:00 There was not one blood rolling down my body. 41:03 And that part is what got my attention seriously. 41:07 So you were stabbed multiple times? 41:08 Stabbed multiple times. 41:10 My mother prayed, she prayed, she prayed in those times. 41:12 And then... 41:14 Did you ask God for help? 41:15 You felt it though too. 41:17 I felt it. 41:18 Honestly especially when they push the knife 41:19 because the guy said he's not bleeding. 41:21 Pushed it further. 41:22 At that time when I felt it right by ribcage 41:25 I said to myself, I'm dead now. 41:28 But those are some of the experience 41:30 just to cut this part of it short, 41:32 let me say this though. 41:34 When my mother prayed and prayed 41:35 almost four years for me, 41:38 and God finally intervene, 41:40 which I'm jumping ahead to tell you what happened. 41:43 After God intervene and transformed my life, 41:47 when I made the decision to become a member 41:49 of Seventh-day Adventist Church. 41:51 After my conversion, 41:52 my entire family baptized into the church, 41:56 joined the church afterwards. 41:57 My mother said the final prayer as she prayed to God. 42:00 She said "God, the day you change my son 42:03 is the day I'm going to serve You." 42:05 She prayed on her knees. 42:07 My mother had sleepless nights. 42:10 There're many nights she was at home, 42:11 she couldn't sleep 42:12 because her son was on the street. 42:14 My mother, she never gave up on me. 42:17 To be locked up. 42:20 Locked up in jail, from doctor bill, 42:23 injured persons, 42:25 coming home late at night, 42:27 involve in gang violence, demonism, 42:29 she'd never stopped praying for me. 42:31 And when those demons came back after my conversion, 42:34 I call out the Lord's name three times. 42:38 The third time I call the Lord's name, 42:40 it was like a hurricane of what happened. 42:42 The Bible says, 42:44 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. 42:47 The righteous runneth into it and is safe." 42:49 There's power in the name of Jesus. 42:52 There's deliverance in the name of Jesus. 42:55 And God has changed my life. 42:58 Once, I was a dream breaker, 43:01 destroy the lives of many young men. 43:04 But today, I know a dream maker 43:06 through the power of God's grace. 43:08 And that's how God intervened in my life. 43:09 Now, I want to go to a part of your story 43:11 that we're familiar with, this really held us 43:14 when I believe if I'm incorrect, 43:18 your baptism where this was an event 43:21 where people did not believe, 43:22 what had to happen for your baptism to take place? 43:26 Because you told us that story 43:28 and I think even gang members, there was a people 43:31 who were voting not to even get you baptized. 43:33 Yes. Okay. Talk about that? 43:34 What happened is that the pastor at the time, 43:37 Pastor Dorian Kelly. 43:38 He was a very strict guy. 43:40 But the Bible worker, he's still at Old Harbor 43:42 Seventh-day Adventist Church. 43:43 What's that they were studying with? 43:45 Edgar. Yes, Alex Edgar. 43:46 Was he an Adventist? 43:47 He is an Adventist, yes. 43:49 Alex Edgar, he's still there and he is one of the elders. 43:50 He's a Bible worker of that church. 43:52 Alex Edgar was very good friend. 43:54 He and the pastor came for me. 43:57 Two board members were saying to them, 43:59 "No, he can't be baptized," because number one, 44:02 he's gone too far in gang violence. 44:04 And if you baptize him, 44:06 you know, you can't baptize a don, 44:08 he's not changed, give him more time, 44:11 it was such an uproar 44:12 because they were concerned about the fact 44:14 that I am so dangerous. 44:16 All of a sudden 44:17 I wanted to join the church with Pastor Kelly. 44:20 Dorian Kelly is in the Allegheny East Conference. 44:24 That pastor was so determined, 44:26 he went against their decision... 44:28 The church board. 44:29 The church boards decision and her Brother Edgar, 44:31 Brother Dorian, it is so amazing to see 44:35 that visitors that night were so much overjoyed 44:38 in support of my baptism. 44:40 Visitors who were coming where people come, 44:42 teachers, students, 44:44 everyone came to see me going on into the water. 44:47 There were amazed to see what God did. 44:49 And trust me, my gangster enemies 44:51 who wanted to kill me so badly. 44:53 They knew where to find you 44:54 and they come out to the baptism 44:55 And they were there at the baptism. 44:57 But the last prayer I pray to God I said, 44:58 "God, I ask you, please, 45:01 if they kill me tonight, please forgive me 45:04 for all the things I've done wrong. 45:06 But if you have a plan for my life, 45:08 just please give me one more chance 45:10 so I can tell others about You." 45:12 I prayed, I made a decision, 45:15 went down into the water. 45:16 It was not long after my family baptized. 45:19 Some of those gang members have joined the church. 45:22 Amen. 45:23 It's amazing to see the power of God. 45:25 But what breaks my heart the most in my testimony 45:29 is what my mother went through. 45:31 Only my mother understood what she was going through. 45:36 And there are many mothers out there in the world 45:39 who feels like to give up or their sons and daughter. 45:41 But my appeal is to all mothers, 45:45 no matter what you're going through, 45:48 never give up on your sons and your daughter. 45:51 Others may tell you, 45:52 your son or your daughter will not pass, 45:54 the worse, they will fail. 45:57 But take it from my experience, 45:59 my mother prayed night and day and she cried. 46:03 One song writer says, 46:04 tears are language, only God understands. 46:07 She prayed, she cried and today 46:10 God has thoroughly transformed me 46:13 or made me into a missionary. 46:14 I travel and preach the gospel all over the world. 46:19 This didn't happen. 46:22 I never predicted this to happen. 46:24 But on my journey down the path of destruction 46:27 through the power of a mother's prayer, 46:29 God intervened, revealed Himself, 46:32 and today I'm an agent 46:35 who God has transformed for His glory. 46:37 That's right. Amen. 46:38 Now, I want you to talk about. 46:41 I mean, God has done amazing things 46:42 in your life, Billy. 46:44 But I want you to talk about the time 46:46 about the clothesline. 46:48 Do you remember that story, the one with the school? 46:51 Yeah. 46:52 Other time, at Old Harbor High School 46:54 is going to be math class, 46:55 and so as a result of that, 46:57 now, I needed money because in Jamaica, 46:59 you have to do like your 6C. 47:01 He says, kind of a like, 47:02 it's kind of an examination for high school students 47:06 to go towards university. 47:08 And so as a result of that, 47:10 I needed some money for math class. 47:12 And I wanted money was $8800, 47:15 I needed the exact figure, 47:17 but I didn't have the money to pay the teacher. 47:20 And I recall, I knelt down, I prayed inside the room. 47:23 I said, "God, if you are the God of Elijah, 47:26 if you are the God of the Bible, 47:27 I want You to provide this money 47:29 for me now." 47:30 I came outside, I saw no money. 47:34 All I saw was a dove pitching at the top of the column, 47:38 at the wall where I was. 47:40 And that same dove all I saw was grape juicing. 47:43 But I felt so idle. 47:45 It was just a dove on... 47:46 Dove outside, yes. 47:48 And I prayed, I prayed, I prayed. 47:52 But I was very upset with God 47:53 because I said, "Where's the money?" 47:55 I don't see the money coming down from the sky. 47:57 So I was flicking, flung stones... 48:00 You were throwing stones at the dove. 48:02 And the dove would just flew down 48:03 to the front gate 48:05 and I still flicking stones, flung stones 48:06 and the dove would still not move. 48:08 All of a sudden, the dove moved. 48:10 When my attention, 48:12 my vivid attention was explicitly on the dove, 48:16 it flew away. 48:17 There where I said to myself, "What's going on?" 48:20 When I walked outside that morning 48:22 I would never forget. 48:24 It was a brown leaf I saw it on the ground in the wet mall, 48:28 because in Jamaica when you do construction 48:29 on the road, 48:31 it is some white wall and then asphalt. 48:34 When I kicked away that brown leaf, 48:36 I saw something blue, Jamaican $1,000 bill. 48:40 Each one I've taken up, 48:42 I take up one more and one more and one more. 48:44 It reached $8,800. 48:47 And this is one of the miracles 48:49 in my book in my testimony, 48:51 that God, it got my attention 48:53 that there's indeed a living God 48:55 because remember now, I'm faced with revenge, 48:58 those sticks die those eager for revenge. 49:02 And so, today, God has shown me, 49:05 afterwards I saw the gentleman. 49:08 I heard he became an Adventist last year, 49:11 same guy who paid my aunt to be killed. 49:13 So God had a purpose for his life. 49:15 So you never killed him. 49:17 No, I never killed him, 49:18 but you know, there is forgiveness in Jesus. 49:21 I had to went around to apologize 49:23 to all the families I've hurt. 49:25 They decide to forgive me. So it's a miracle. 49:27 So today I started top of my grade, 49:31 now a student at Oakwood University. 49:34 One more year to go 49:35 and then I'll be a full-fledged pastor 49:38 to serve in God's vineyard 49:40 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 49:41 and the world at large. 49:42 So, one year to go at Oakwood University, 49:45 and then I'm finished. 49:46 Wow, you know, this is amazing. 49:48 We were just touching the tip of the iceberg here. 49:49 You got to invite Billy Mirander 49:52 to tell you the full story. 49:53 We sat spellbound as he walked 49:55 through the details of his life. 49:57 And more than that, 49:58 I think that what you need to do 50:00 is invite young people to be a part of that event. 50:03 That could be at a community center, 50:05 doesn't even have to be at a church, 50:07 it could be at a school, or be at a university. 50:09 It could be in the inner city 50:11 wherever you feel the need is necessary. 50:13 Now, before we go to the news break, 50:14 I want to just take a quick pause here 50:16 and give you the information that you need. 50:19 We're going to come back before we go to the news break, 50:21 and have him share a few things. 50:23 And then we'll come back for the closing, 50:25 but here's the information that you need 50:27 if you want to get in touch with Billy Mirander, 50:29 and find out more about his ministry. 50:34 If you would like to support Billy Mirander, 50:37 or if you would like to have more information 50:39 about his speaking appointments, 50:40 prison ministry, 50:42 or motivational talks in schools, 50:44 you may contact him in a variety of ways. 50:47 You may reach him by email at 50:51 That's 50:54 Or you may call him at 50:56 (256)-945-1143. 51:00 To reach him by mail just write 51:02 to Billy Mirander, 1535 Sparkman Drive, 51:06 Northwest Huntsville, Alabama 35816. |
Revised 2020-04-15