3ABN Today

International Children's Fund

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190103A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to another program
01:11 from your family at 3ABN.
01:13 My name is John Dinzey and I will be with you
01:15 during this hour,
01:17 this hour of blessing because we have a program
01:20 that has good news that we'd like to share with you
01:23 and for that, I would like to introduce the guests
01:26 that we have for today.
01:27 I'm talking about Pastor Hernell Hernandez.
01:30 Welcome.
01:31 It's a pleasure to see you again.
01:32 Pastor Hernell, you are COO
01:35 of International Children's Relief Fund.
01:38 It is correct.
01:39 Welcome.
01:40 Thank you so much.
01:42 And next to you, we have Pedro Arce,
01:45 Arce in Spanish Arce.
01:47 Yes, sir. Welcome.
01:49 You are secretary
01:50 of International Children's Relief Fund.
01:51 Yes, sir.
01:53 Thank you for being here.
01:54 Thank you for having us.
01:56 Well, they have some good news to share with you
01:57 about International Children's Relief Fund,
02:00 but also news about Cuba
02:03 that you are going to want to listen to.
02:05 As a matter of fact,
02:07 I will tell you right now that it'll be good for you
02:09 to get something to write with
02:10 because you're going to wanna write,
02:12 maybe note on the program,
02:13 and the information they're going to share
02:15 because this is wonderful news.
02:20 Well, before we continue,
02:21 we like to go to the Lord in prayer,
02:22 and we'd like to pray
02:24 and we'd like to let you know once again
02:26 that 3ABN has a prayer partner,
02:30 prayer warriors sometimes they are called.
02:33 And we have prayer partners practically all over the world,
02:36 in almost every country in the world.
02:38 And, this is a volunteer ministry
02:41 that people participate in with 3ABN,
02:45 you can sign up by going to the 3ABN website
02:48 and 3ABN will send you some prayer requests,
02:51 we're not going to send you
02:52 all the prayer requests we received
02:54 because you will be overwhelmed.
02:55 But we'll send you some of the prayer request.
02:58 And people are hoping and expecting
03:01 that you'll pray with them.
03:02 So we encourage you to go through the 3ABN website
03:05 and learn how you can become a prayer partner.
03:08 And it will be
03:09 a wonderful opportunity from ministry.
03:11 You will be blessed and so will the people
03:12 that are expecting a prayer.
03:14 So at this time,
03:15 we'd like to go to the Lord in prayer
03:16 so He will bless this program and everyone listening to us.
03:18 Let's pray.
03:21 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:22 we are grateful to You for Your blessings.
03:25 We are thankful
03:27 because You have given us another day of life.
03:30 We bring before You, Lord,
03:32 the needs of Your children that are listening to us,
03:35 wherever they may be.
03:37 We know that You are the all-powerful mighty God.
03:41 And that You are all wise, all knowing.
03:44 And heavenly Father,
03:45 we pray that You would consider every request,
03:48 whether we consider them small or great.
03:51 We ask that You will each one give personal attention to.
03:57 And, Lord, You know what is best for us.
03:59 Therefore we ask for those that are asking for strength,
04:03 for healing, for financial relief,
04:06 for help in their marriage,
04:07 for help as well to reach their loved ones,
04:11 they have been separated from You, Lord.
04:14 We ask that You will do what is best
04:17 in each and every situation.
04:20 Lord, there are people that are even
04:22 just suffering pain, physical pain, emotional pain,
04:27 we pray that You will minister to each one.
04:29 And, Lord, we also ask for Your Holy Spirit
04:32 to guide the words that we share
04:34 so that Your children will be encouraged and blessed.
04:38 And that they will also see
04:39 that You are doing great and mighty things.
04:42 We ask You for these blessings in the Holy
04:44 and blessed name of Jesus.
04:47 Amen.
04:50 Well, we are happy to have Pastor Hernell Hernandez.
04:55 And we like to know a little bit about
04:57 International Children's Relief Fund,
05:00 and so we're launching that question now right to you.
05:03 What is International Children's Relief Fund?
05:08 Okay.
05:09 International Children's Relief Fund
05:12 is a non-profit organization based in Tucson, Arizona.
05:19 And they are looking for helping people
05:22 in its several programs.
05:25 But the major
05:27 is support the Seventh-day Adventist mission
05:30 around the world.
05:32 So this is practically what ICRF doing.
05:37 And now the name seems to imply children
05:39 but apparently based on what you said,
05:42 it's an umbrella for ministry in different aspects.
05:46 Share a little bit more about that?
05:49 Children's, we're all children's of God
05:53 and under that umbrella, we also cover health,
05:58 evangelism, schooling,
06:01 special with young children age,
06:05 as far as the BBS program as we have found before.
06:09 And health message through clinics, massage
06:15 and other implementations of equipment and techniques
06:19 that people are needing
06:22 to release their suffering and pain.
06:26 And this is part mainly of what we cover
06:29 with International Children's Fund release.
06:31 Okay, well, you not only have
06:34 a mission of reaching local people,
06:37 but people beyond the United States
06:39 because it's international.
06:42 Can you share a little bit about
06:43 what countries you have been focusing on,
06:45 let's say in the last five to ten years?
06:48 Yes, we have the opportunity to serve the Lord
06:54 through the Chaplaincy Service.
06:56 This is another branch for International Children
06:59 and a few years ago,
07:03 we have traveled to Panama, to Costa Rica.
07:09 And coming to my mind about one person
07:14 who accepts the Seventh-day Adventist message,
07:19 General Manuel and Tony Onirigua.
07:22 It is a very interesting character
07:26 because he was a government, you know,
07:29 in charge of the government of Panama.
07:31 And he was in jail in order, you know, to receive justice.
07:35 So, at the time when I was in Panama,
07:39 I asking about him.
07:41 So I pray the Lord.
07:42 I said, Lord, if you give me the opportunity,
07:44 we can give it some support,
07:46 some hope and, you know, visit Manuel.
07:50 It is hard because, you know political issues.
07:54 So we used to send ICRF as our chaplain
07:58 and the Lord opened the door and we spent several visit,
08:04 you know, to Manuel and I think you was with me,
08:11 at the end for that, he's visiting him in the prison
08:15 and finally in the last date of him,
08:20 I remember a...
08:22 I talked with him.
08:24 I said, Manuel,
08:26 you need to make a reflection not because I told you,
08:30 because by inspiration of the Spirit of God.
08:33 So when you think it's appropriate,
08:36 you need to present, asking for a pardon.
08:39 A pardon, you know. Pardon?
08:40 A pardon, correct.
08:41 And I remember, I receive a note from you.
08:45 Hernell, I think the Lord has answered
08:49 because He made a wonder statement
08:51 and say it three times, I ask Him the...
08:54 You know, pardon in order to receive
08:56 the blessing from God
08:58 so what's amazing using ICRF as our chaplain,
09:02 you know, working in the jails in Panama.
09:06 Yes, I remember that you had visited him several times
09:09 and then mentioned to me the opportunity to go see him
09:14 and it was an interesting visit.
09:17 They've never been to visit somebody of such stature
09:23 as you want to say and anyway,
09:26 he, I was glad to see that when we went to see him,
09:31 there was a Bible open and he had a desk and so I said,
09:36 well, praise the Lord, you know,
09:38 the Bible is not far from sight.
09:40 And so, it was good to see that.
09:42 So he passed away, I understand,
09:45 I don't know how long ago,
09:46 but I understand he passed away
09:47 and it was good that we see evidence
09:50 that he started to follow the Lord.
09:53 Praise the Lord for that.
09:54 Amen. Yes.
09:55 We have a song that we like to share.
09:57 There's more that you will want to know
09:59 about International Children's Relief Fund,
10:02 and the exciting things that are happening in Cuba
10:06 for the preaching of the gospel,
10:07 so we want to encourage you to stay tuned.
10:10 But at this moment, we like for you to enjoy
10:14 the blessing of a song that we're gonna share with you
10:17 by Paulo Torres
10:20 and he will be instrumental violin
10:24 and the title of the song is "The Love of God."
15:43 Amen. Praise the Lord.
15:45 Amen.
15:46 Well, the love of God
15:47 and this is a wonderful rendition,
15:49 instrumental rendition of a song
15:52 that expresses the love of God.
15:55 I mean, you cannot compare the love of God
15:57 to anything upon the earth.
15:59 The closest thing they say is a mother's love,
16:01 but it goes far beyond of mother's love.
16:04 Praise the Lord.
16:06 We want to encourage you to pray
16:09 for the ministry in song the 3ABN has
16:12 because this also is evangelism.
16:15 And talking about evangelism,
16:17 you know, 3ABN has had a desire to see
16:20 the fulfillment of the gospel preached all over the world
16:24 because in Matthew 24:14, it says,
16:26 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
16:28 "in all the world for a witness unto all nations,
16:32 and then the end shall come."
16:34 And as we talk about a place called Cuba,
16:37 I know many people have interest in Cuba
16:40 and wonder what's going on there
16:42 because communism for many, many years had control
16:45 and how is the gospel advancing in Cuba.
16:48 We've heard reports from time to time about Cuba.
16:52 In 2001, 3ABN participated with the Spanish
16:55 La Voz de La Esperanza which is,
16:57 many of you know
16:59 the Voice of Prophecy in English.
17:00 We have a Spanish equivalent called La Voz de La Esperanza
17:03 and 3ABN in 2001,
17:05 early 2001 went with them
17:08 and recorded an evangelistic campaign.
17:11 And that was called "Cuba, Jesus loves you"
17:16 with Pastor Alexander Bullion.
17:18 A magnificent wonderful opportunity
17:20 to preach the gospel there.
17:21 But, there are some things going on recently
17:24 that we'd like for you to hear about
17:26 because this is an eyebrow raising
17:29 and things that you say, "Well, praise the Lord."
17:31 So we want you to listen carefully
17:33 to what's going on.
17:34 Pastor Hernell, tell us about what's going on in Cuba
17:37 in the preaching of the gospel?
17:39 And what you have been doing there
17:40 and tell us how the Lord has been working
17:43 and opening doors
17:44 because this is just marvelous news.
17:48 It is amazing
17:51 about how the Lord change the situation
17:56 and you said, but how can be possible?
17:58 So for almost 60 years of religion restriction,
18:03 now the government said,
18:06 "Yes, we want to consider your proposal."
18:12 Twenty years ago, I start to visiting Cuba,
18:17 and with the same propose.
18:21 But...
18:23 With the same...
18:24 Propose. Purpose.
18:26 Yeah, purpose, yeah.
18:28 Okay, And I receive a very welcome,
18:32 you know, from the government agencies,
18:37 but I remember one time,
18:42 I have a 45 minutes with the same question,
18:46 and I would like to answer.
18:50 And I think I answer appropriately.
18:53 Their question was this particular individual
18:56 from the government asked to me.
18:58 And at the end...
19:02 And the question was simple.
19:03 He said, how can be possible?
19:06 You have this particular license
19:09 from the US government when we haven embargo?
19:13 And I said to, well,
19:15 I apply and the government given the license for.
19:19 And I say, yeah, yeah,
19:20 but if it's something else
19:22 who give it to you they'll answer.
19:25 So once again it's 45 minutes with the same question.
19:29 And I said finally, Okay,
19:31 I want to tell you another truth,
19:33 I start with telling the truth for to begin with.
19:37 But I want to tell you who give me this license.
19:42 And I see these guys, you know,
19:44 pay more attention what they have before.
19:47 And I said, "When I give you the name,
19:52 you're going to believe me.
19:56 And it will be hard for you because you are a communist.
20:02 The person who gave me that is God.
20:05 The Lord give me this license for
20:07 and do you trust me?
20:09 And do you believe me?"
20:10 And the guy said, Yes, I believe you,
20:13 but I have sown lagoons.
20:16 So, you know...
20:18 So let me see if I understand you.
20:21 You kind of picked up the story somewhere in the middle
20:24 because you have been given a license
20:27 by the US government to be able to bring things into Cuba.
20:31 It is correct.
20:32 Even though there is an embargo.
20:34 It is correct.
20:35 You are able to bring things into Cuba
20:37 to further the preaching of the gospel and to...
20:39 Yes, it is correct.
20:41 We was in partnership with the former
20:45 Seventh-day Adventist hospitals in Florida.
20:48 So we feed, we help hospitals in Cuba.
20:52 Okay.
20:53 And so they know us,
20:55 they know the Seventh-day Adventist
20:56 is a good people, trying to helping them.
20:59 Now that's very interesting because you're saying
21:03 that somebody from the Cuban government
21:05 had for 45 minutes kept wondering
21:10 or asking you who, how did you do this?
21:12 How is it possible?
21:14 And so finally the best answer you could give him
21:17 is God did it through different means.
21:20 Exactly.
21:21 Because if I mentioned I talk with this people,
21:25 it's a regular procedure, but not for them.
21:29 Now this license or this permission
21:31 or authorization that you have from the US government,
21:34 how long does this last?
21:38 The permission was for a temporary couple of years
21:42 and some amount of money and have to inform them
21:46 every time when I travel to Cuba.
21:48 I have to follow some regulations.
21:50 Okay. Okay.
21:52 I cannot be in hotels, I cannot...
21:55 So I respect all the rules.
21:58 But in this particular case,
22:01 he tried to asking me
22:02 for some particular information,
22:06 it is not appropriate I answer.
22:10 And in order to get more implication, right?
22:14 So when I answer that, he said,
22:18 "O Pastor Hernell,
22:20 I know what kind of people you are
22:21 a Seventh-day Adventists and the final question
22:25 what I'm asking you if we're about,
22:27 and he mentioned some names.
22:30 Do you know these people?
22:31 Do you know because they are not in the same
22:34 like at the Seventh-day Adventist?
22:36 They do counter revolution and so.
22:38 So when I saw that, I waited until he finished.
22:42 I said, "Sir with all your respect,
22:46 or my respect, I wanna tell you,
22:49 you owe me an apologize."
22:52 And the guy's surprised.
22:53 "How can be possible?"
22:55 Yeah, I said because I am not working
22:58 for the CIA or FBI
23:01 and even the Cuban, you know...
23:05 Political system.
23:07 Political agent.
23:08 I don't do that.
23:09 I am a Seventh-day Adventist,
23:12 the reason why I live in the United States
23:15 is because I consider...
23:19 It's more much better if I go out my country.
23:23 But now, once again
23:26 I think in my relation over here is finished.
23:29 So, the guy tried to apologize once again and once again,
23:33 but I returned to United States,
23:36 I've been contact with the license,
23:39 you know, I said, they recommend,
23:41 "Hernell, I don't think it's appropriate.
23:43 You return with the problem in Cuba."
23:45 So from there,
23:47 past 20 years until a couple of years ago,
23:50 I was visiting Cuba
23:52 with the same purpose, helping them.
23:54 Okay. Now I understand a little better.
23:56 So you said this happened 20 years ago?
23:58 It's correct.
24:00 This happened 20 years ago.
24:01 Now do you still have the license
24:03 to bring things into Cuba to further the gospel?
24:07 Okay.
24:08 Now up here International Children's Relief Fund.
24:12 So with the experience of what I had before
24:14 with the government of Cuba,
24:15 I incorporate ICRF as a CEO in Tennessee.
24:21 So I now develop
24:23 this new concept and once again,
24:26 in one of my visits, one of this guy come to me.
24:31 Not the same guy, another?
24:32 No, no, no. I said...
24:34 Another guy?
24:35 Another new guy and more charm,
24:39 more friendly, of course, total different.
24:44 And in one of the interview, he said, Pastor Hernell,
24:49 how do you think Cuba as a religious liberty?
24:53 And I said, well, I wanted to tell you the truth.
24:59 I live in 1988, 1980 because I...
25:05 You left Cuba in 1980?
25:07 Yeah, in 1980. Okay.
25:09 And Andreso was the first in my family moved to US
25:15 so his family reunion.
25:16 But the second one is more important.
25:19 I lost the opportunity to be a doctor
25:24 because the government don't allowed to me
25:27 to go to school in Cuba.
25:32 And no opportunity because Saturday
25:34 you have to go, even now.
25:35 Even now.
25:37 Yeah, you have to attend...
25:38 In school, in universities, you have to...
25:40 You have to attend a...
25:41 Sabbath school on Saturdays.
25:42 On Saturday.
25:44 So I said but my surprise is I come in
25:46 and I see hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist,
25:49 doctors, professionals, and is something strange.
25:53 Yes.
25:55 Yes, they say yes, yes of course.
25:57 Now, you don't have to hide your belief,
26:01 even if you want to be
26:03 a member of the communist party.
26:05 I respect you, I made the government respect.
26:07 I say, "Wow, it's good news for me because I don't know,"
26:11 I answered to him.
26:12 This is very, very interesting and I know some stories
26:15 about some pastors,
26:16 they had very difficult times in Cuba
26:20 because they were pastors.
26:22 But now, you're saying
26:23 that there's been a change in Cuba
26:26 where it's not as dangerous, can I say that way?
26:29 It's correct.
26:30 Dangerous to say that you're a Christian.
26:33 And so now it seems like tension is lower
26:38 perhaps in this area and you're not marginalized
26:43 as much as before
26:44 or there may be still some left I guess.
26:47 But opportunities are open now for Christians to do things.
26:52 Well, really...
26:54 I know some Christians though,
26:56 I know some Seventh-day Adventists
26:57 that have gone to jail
26:59 because of their beliefs in Cuba.
27:01 It is correct. Yes.
27:02 Well, I was one of them.
27:03 You were one of them?
27:05 Exactly, I was one of them.
27:06 But now he said,
27:08 "Tell me what is your appreciation
27:10 about Christian or religious liberty?"
27:14 So I answer him that way.
27:15 But, the very interesting point what I want to make emphasize
27:19 is a this guy told me,
27:22 "Hernell,
27:27 we have a several individual religious like you
27:31 but are not Adventists."
27:33 And he mentioned the denomination,
27:35 who do counter revolution activities
27:38 in Cuba right now.
27:39 Okay.
27:41 You know, so people's looking like Christian,
27:43 but they are not because I believe
27:46 that real Christian is not involved in politics.
27:51 Okay. You have to be careful.
27:53 Political movement.
27:54 Exactly.
27:56 So at the time
27:57 when he has start preparing the approach,
28:02 I am thinking 20 years back, right?
28:05 When the guy told me,
28:07 "Hey, what do you think about this guys and..."
28:10 But the guy 20 years ago
28:11 was trying to get your cooperation
28:14 to do things for the Cuban government.
28:16 It is correct.
28:17 This is what I smell at the time
28:20 when he approached and questioned.
28:22 Twenty years ago, but now recently...
28:24 Yes, I have this interview with him,
28:27 he asked me this question and I'm suspicious again.
28:31 Oh, they're coming from the same 45 minutes
28:34 with another question.
28:35 So he show me,
28:37 he said the Seventh-day Adventist
28:40 is not involved
28:41 in counter revolution activities over here,
28:43 but in some religion,
28:45 yes and he mentioned the name of the religion
28:47 and that do you know something about it
28:49 and I said, "Ah.
28:50 Let me tell you something.
28:52 Twenty years ago and I refreshed the memory
28:54 what's happened, and I don't want to answer.
28:59 If you're going that direction, please,
29:01 I think we are finished this conversation.
29:04 And the guy said, "No, no, not at all.
29:07 It is only to see
29:10 what is your observational look at it.
29:13 How you can observe,
29:15 what observation you can bring in order
29:17 the Cuban government can say yes,
29:21 we have a religious liberty?"
29:24 I said, "Well," and, Dinzey,
29:28 it is the time where the Lord give me a surprise.
29:34 Because it's nothing is coming in my mind to answer.
29:39 And I don't think about the answer
29:42 in order to give it to him, what he's asking for.
29:45 So the point is, I said, really?
29:49 Do you want to know what you can do?
29:52 Yes.
29:54 Give opportunity to have a television station.
29:58 Not for Seventh-day Adventist, for everyone.
30:01 And people can see
30:03 something different beside politics.
30:06 You can see something to care about people himself,
30:10 take care about the family.
30:11 Take care about a belief what you show me.
30:14 So I think it is the opportunity
30:17 for the government to do that.
30:18 So you asked the government to give the opportunity
30:21 to have a Christian television channel in Cuba?
30:24 Correct. Okay.
30:26 Now let me ask you another question
30:27 related to this and maybe either Pedro or you can answer.
30:33 What is the current situation for television?
30:38 You go to some countries and all the frequencies
30:40 are taken with different channels.
30:43 How is Cuba?
30:45 How many channels do they have on the air?
30:47 Can anyone get a television license?
30:50 Or is it only the government that can have a television?
30:54 The government controls the television system,
30:59 the internet, the nets...
31:04 The nets? The nets.
31:05 So they do have only two channels on Cuba.
31:09 But right now...
31:10 Nationwide only?
31:11 Yes, national wide all two channels.
31:13 But now, with the internet opening in Cuba,
31:18 they have access now
31:20 to a lot of other different programs
31:22 that are not provided by those two channels.
31:27 So now they have the opportunity
31:29 to select different package of movies,
31:35 different things, nature, health,
31:37 different topics that they want.
31:39 And they were...
31:41 But only on those two TV channels.
31:43 No.
31:45 This is totally different. Totally different.
31:46 They pluck the...
31:48 They buy like a memory...
31:49 A memory?
31:50 RAM that will have all the programs
31:53 that you would choose for a whole month.
31:56 It's like a cable
31:58 so we can understand and in that,
32:01 we'll have all that you want choose on the month
32:04 and they have access to that too.
32:06 In addition to the two TV stations
32:09 that they have there.
32:10 So it's not that you are,
32:13 people turn on their TV and they can get more channels.
32:16 They can only get two channels.
32:17 Exactly.
32:19 Pastor Hernell is saying we want another channel
32:21 that will be three channels
32:23 on the air that people can access to.
32:25 Now these are free television channels?
32:27 Yes. Correct.
32:28 You want to get a third free television channel.
32:30 Correct.
32:31 But you're talking about something else
32:33 that I'm familiar with,
32:34 and that is that the people in the streets
32:36 sell TV programs, movies, soap operas, comedies whatever.
32:41 Correct.
32:43 And they're selling them on memories
32:44 that people can put into their computer
32:46 and then be able to see these television things.
32:49 Of course. Yes.
32:51 All of these programs have to be authorized.
32:55 Authorized by the government.
32:57 It is nobody can go over there with,
32:59 well I want to show this and people can buy
33:02 in the corner of the house.
33:03 No, no, no, no.
33:05 They supervise everything
33:07 because the origin of this particular program
33:10 has to be authorized for the government.
33:12 Okay.
33:13 So at a time when I said that to this guy
33:16 and he said quickly, Pastor Hernandez,
33:20 I would like to help you but I cannot.
33:23 He said, "You can guide me."
33:27 And...
33:29 Now this is interesting.
33:31 An interesting response
33:32 because I would like to help you he said.
33:35 Now this is a communist leader in the government?
33:38 Correct. That's very interesting.
33:40 How did he go? What did he say?
33:41 Well, after couple of visits,
33:48 we take it maybe a year,
33:51 I receive a connection
33:53 with some particular level of the government.
33:57 And one of them suggest, you have to write a letter.
33:59 Okay.
34:01 And I said, "Well, a letter, very well."
34:03 Yes, yes.
34:05 So I tried to include the Seventh-day Adventist,
34:08 you know, to make the letter.
34:11 And for some wise advice and reasons,
34:17 we don't do
34:19 with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
34:20 So I have to write the letter of president
34:24 of the International Children.
34:26 So we sent this letter to the president of Cuba.
34:30 Can you explain the reason why it is wise
34:33 not to include the Seventh-day Adventist Church
34:35 in the letter to the government of Cuba?
34:38 In this that you're trying
34:40 to do together a television channel?
34:42 It is very wise not to because if we did that,
34:46 that way, then they will pinpoint
34:49 the Adventist Church
34:52 for any single fault
34:54 that they may see or think that it would be.
34:58 So by not putting the name of Seventh-day Adventist but...
35:05 In the proposal.
35:06 In the proposal but doing it
35:08 with the Seventh-day Adventist Church
35:10 is gonna be an obvious.
35:12 It shows that this is who I am,
35:14 but I'm not showing you my face.
35:16 Okay, so you are saying...
35:18 I have a couple of few questions.
35:21 When you presented this idea,
35:25 somebody in the Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership
35:29 advised you not to include
35:31 the name of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
35:32 is that correct?
35:34 Because in Cuba you have the Cuban union
35:36 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
35:38 and it has some conferences.
35:40 What was their view on this idea of not putting
35:43 the name of the church in the proposal?
35:45 What did they say?
35:46 Okay.
35:47 Right now, we are in the process
35:50 to do it what we are doing.
35:52 So it is a fine line
35:57 we can express some information.
36:01 Not because it's have a problem in information
36:04 but we have to be careful what we say, right?
36:08 So I approach to the president,
36:12 the pastor president in the Cuban union.
36:15 And after advice of other pastor,
36:18 they recommend we do,
36:22 I do for International Children Fund.
36:25 International Children's Fund.
36:26 So this is the letter head
36:28 and this is the idea and the concept.
36:30 So the Seventh-day Adventist Church
36:32 can participate but not necessary with the name
36:35 but what program and things like that.
36:37 Exactly.
36:38 Now a question.
36:41 Can 3ABN
36:42 provide programming
36:44 for the memory that you give to people,
36:50 3ABN can participate this way.
36:52 Is that correct?
36:54 Yes.
36:55 You remember pastor when we visited...
36:56 I'm asking because I know.
36:58 You remember we visit Cuba.
37:00 And we in the very beginning,
37:03 was wise where the Lord use us
37:06 and represent several programs, different programs.
37:09 And I think it past a few years
37:12 in order to receive the answer from the Almighty.
37:16 And now they saw this program
37:18 so when I make the letter
37:20 to the president and they answered.
37:26 And the president that rule the institution.
37:29 The president of?
37:31 Of the Cuba.
37:32 The actual president of Cuba.
37:34 The president of the country of Cuba.
37:35 That's correct. Okay.
37:36 Of course through the channels is as religious
37:40 so he answered to me with a letter of authorization.
37:46 And one of the paragraph saying Chaplain Hernandez,
37:52 if you have the opportunity to bring us a program structure
37:57 and he mentioned music, he mentioned family,
38:01 he mentioned religious
38:02 so he's saying they are the only
38:04 because they are good programs.
38:06 So they aren't looking all their programs.
38:08 They are looking for 3ABN
38:09 because this is examples we bring before.
38:12 Now, I'm gonna give a little background to this
38:16 because 3ABN several years ago, I personally took,
38:21 Pastor Hernell,
38:22 I don't know where you were at that time
38:24 but about five to six years ago maybe,
38:27 I took some DVD's of our 3ABN programming,
38:31 Spanish 3ABN programming to the union
38:35 because we received some donations and we heard
38:38 that the churches have DVD players and TV's
38:42 and the university
38:43 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
38:44 had the possibility of making copies
38:48 so that the copies they made can go
38:52 to the different churches and groups.
38:54 So we took a good sample of some of the programming
38:57 of our five to six years ago.
38:59 Now you are referring to something we did
39:01 about three years ago.
39:03 Pastor Hernell and I went.
39:05 This time the samples of our programs were not taken
39:10 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
39:11 they were taken to the Cuban government.
39:14 That's correct.
39:15 Marriage seminars,
39:16 health programs and drug prevention programs
39:20 of the 3ABN Latino has.
39:22 And we took that and you share that
39:23 with the Cuban government.
39:25 Of course.
39:26 And then they looked this stuff over.
39:27 They looked at this over and they decided
39:30 that they want some more of this,
39:31 they want some more programs.
39:33 It is correct.
39:34 So now, the answer of my proposal
39:39 was give me the opportunity
39:41 to have a studio, television studio.
39:44 We want to do this and this.
39:46 So... In Cuba?
39:47 A television studio in Cuba?
39:48 In Cuba, of course.
39:50 He said, well I have a paper,
39:55 a contract with them saying
39:58 anything what you want to broadcast
40:01 through the network.
40:04 The network what Pedro mentioned,
40:06 you know, passed to us.
40:08 So we need to see what you select,
40:13 we want to see, we have, we signed that and we release.
40:17 And you can do it.
40:19 Okay.
40:20 It is not like a...
40:21 I want to do whatever I...
40:23 No, no.
40:24 And it is...
40:26 It's on legal implications.
40:27 So I have to be right with them.
40:30 So I said well, we have a several TV station,
40:35 Christian television station
40:37 include Adventist and non-Adventist.
40:39 Right.
40:40 Do you think they are welcome?
40:42 All of them?
40:43 But the rule for now it is a...
40:44 You have to show me the programs.
40:47 And they want some edit teams such as put some kind of,
40:52 we can call "commercials,"
40:54 but it's not appropriate before Cuba.
40:57 I mean they said,
40:58 let me put some advertisings
41:00 in order to keep the city cleanse,
41:03 you know, don't drop garbage,
41:04 pick it up so that's kind of announcement
41:08 we can do at beginning,
41:10 of the end of each program of week one two.
41:13 Now this is the Cuban government saying
41:16 they would like to put the announcements
41:19 in the beginning or the end, and in between programs.
41:22 Exactly.
41:23 About keeping the city clean,
41:25 keeping water safe and all these type of things.
41:29 You're saying are they political?
41:30 No. No political?
41:32 No, this is one of my proposal.
41:34 I said, "I don't want to be involved
41:37 or manipulate in political issues.
41:40 Not at all."
41:41 Not at all, okay.
41:42 So it is by writing.
41:44 You're being clear to our viewers
41:46 about what is happening here.
41:49 It is correct.
41:51 And that is why we were advised not to use
41:55 the Seventh-day Adventist because the government
41:58 if they give us that opportunity,
42:01 then they have to give the same opportunity
42:03 to all the other church's denominations
42:05 and they will want to prevent that.
42:08 So in this way,
42:10 we are welcome also all their denominations
42:15 but on their own supervision so, yes,
42:18 it is a Seventh-day Adventist Church
42:19 who's going to be running the TV station,
42:24 but not under the name of Seventh-day Adventist.
42:27 That's how we have to work in order to be accomplished
42:31 with the rules and regulations of that country has.
42:34 And be free of any political issue.
42:39 I understand based on prior conversations
42:42 because 3ABN,
42:43 we've tried to go in there with,
42:45 trying to get a frequency to get on the air.
42:49 I understand that the Cuban government
42:50 is not prepared to give a TV license,
42:55 a TV channel to any religious denomination,
43:01 specifically, or to any particular church.
43:05 They are more open to the idea of having a television channel
43:08 where different religious groups
43:10 can put on their programming.
43:12 Now, part of the proposal,
43:15 I understand that you presented to the council of churches
43:19 that they have there is that
43:21 from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday,
43:25 all of that time
43:26 is for Seventh-day Adventist programming.
43:28 Is that correct?
43:29 Yeah.
43:31 We make a proposal saying if we put one channel,
43:34 we want to divide time,
43:37 in order to give opportunity to all the religious
43:38 but please give it to us the chance to from Saturday,
43:42 a Friday night to Saturday use for Seventh-day Adventist.
43:47 This particular question, they don't answer.
43:50 They said, give it to us,
43:53 programs such as 3ABN give it to me
43:56 and we're going to put in our official channel.
44:00 Okay, the broadcasting in the regular
44:03 two channels or service.
44:04 This is what they intend to do with this but beside that,
44:09 I saw the big opportunity, why?
44:13 Because sometimes because the economic situation,
44:17 one tower in Oriente or any province falling down
44:22 because he reckoned or whatever.
44:24 They don't fix it.
44:26 So this region doesn't have access
44:28 to their regular television.
44:29 But now the network they create it, okay.
44:34 It is a little bit complicated to explain, but it's simple.
44:39 In every corner of any community,
44:42 you get somebody who receive they call it the package.
44:47 So where they receive a secular...
44:49 The television package.
44:50 Exactly.
44:52 So now, they authorize us.
44:54 To have a religious package.
44:55 Truly and we are the only ones.
44:58 Okay.
44:59 We are the first one and the Seventh-day Adventist
45:02 under the umbrella of ICRF has this opportunity.
45:06 So now we can develop,
45:09 you know, or introduce any channel,
45:11 any program from 3ABN, any program from...
45:15 Hope Channel.
45:16 Any program from Hope Channel, anyone's.
45:19 So it is the opportunity where the Lord opened.
45:22 So let me see if I understand this right
45:23 and perhaps you can correct me if I'm wrong,
45:26 there are really three opportunities.
45:29 Opportunity number one is the package.
45:31 That is available in the corner,
45:33 people can buy this and you're selling this
45:35 or you giving this away the package,
45:38 people that want the programming in the corner
45:40 in the USB memory?
45:42 Yeah.
45:44 That is why the people have access.
45:45 We don't sell it.
45:47 You don't sell it? No, no, we don't sell it.
45:48 We put it in the system.
45:50 You put in the system?
45:51 In the system and somebody go to visit every province
45:55 and every province go on to the municipals.
45:58 Municipalities, communities.
46:00 Exactly and now at the end, in every four blocks,
46:04 you can found somebody.
46:05 Somebody that is making this available.
46:07 For a couple of pesos.
46:09 Couple of Cuban pesos.
46:10 Okay.
46:12 So that's opportunity number one.
46:13 Opportunity number two
46:14 is that the Cuban government has said
46:17 they want some of the program,
46:18 they want the programming that 3ABN has,
46:21 health programs,
46:22 marriage programs that promote good values.
46:25 Yes.
46:26 You're not ready for religious programming yet
46:28 because we're talking about the two nationwide TV channels
46:32 that the government puts programming on.
46:33 Correct.
46:35 Of course they have to look at it first
46:36 before they put it on the air.
46:38 But this is opportunity number two.
46:40 Number two, okay.
46:42 Opportunity number three is a television channel
46:45 that they are in the process of authorization.
46:50 What is the process?
46:52 Okay, let me say...
46:56 Well, you have the studio as well.
46:57 They've given you permission, that's opportunity number four,
47:01 to have a TV studio in Cuba.
47:04 I think you talked once about two TV studios in Cuba.
47:07 But anyway, TV studio in Cuba
47:09 to produce programs also in Cuba.
47:11 Correct.
47:12 Answer to first question is...
47:17 When they give it to me
47:21 by writing the official authorization,
47:25 we receive some instruction verbally.
47:28 Okay. Okay.
47:30 So the observation is
47:33 they're going to see how work the...
47:38 The other opportunities. Exactly.
47:40 Even our behavior.
47:42 Okay. Okay.
47:44 Let me see how you run in this news activities
47:49 really is going through the package,
47:52 you know, the network package.
47:53 So Hernell, be patient so we're going to consider.
47:58 So I understood.
48:00 So what we believe but...
48:01 Okay.
48:03 Because of time, I'm going to see if I summarize
48:04 some of this because I understand.
48:07 Now the Cuban government
48:09 is still very cautious about this.
48:10 Correct.
48:12 Therefore, they wanna see
48:13 what you do with the other opportunities.
48:15 Opportunity one, with the package.
48:18 Opportunity two, with the television programs
48:20 they're gonna put on the two TV stations
48:21 that are national wide.
48:23 And opportunity three, this studio,
48:26 they wanna see what you do first
48:28 before they approve the channel,
48:31 what will be the third channel,
48:33 that will be a religious channel
48:34 to reach all of Cuba.
48:35 Okay. Exactly.
48:37 Okay, now we're ready.
48:38 I don't know if you wanna share something else
48:40 before I ask you this question.
48:41 Well, when we saw the hand of God
48:47 making this significant change.
48:51 Yes.
48:52 And don't coming for us.
48:53 Right.
48:55 Coming from them.
48:57 I see the hand of God.
48:59 It is not normal.
49:01 It is not the regular way what human do.
49:04 Yes.
49:05 We follow religious policy.
49:07 I don't say despite.
49:09 But in this particular say,
49:11 the Lord don't use religious policy
49:15 in order to go access through.
49:17 Even traditional methods.
49:20 Well let me see, let's pray for someone go...
49:24 No, no, no.
49:26 It's something coming from them in a way I said,
49:28 I don't expect to answer.
49:31 This guy what he asked me for when I said give it
49:35 the opportunity to get a television.
49:37 So now the challenge,
49:39 Pastor Dinzey, is raising the funds.
49:45 Okay, that was my question.
49:47 We have two minutes.
49:48 We need to know what are the needs,
49:50 immediate needs and long term needs
49:52 to make all this happen?
49:54 What are the needs that you have?
49:57 I know you have to put a studio together actually,
50:00 we have a picture.
50:01 Are you ready for picture?
50:02 Yes. Okay.
50:04 Now what is this that we're looking at here?
50:05 Okay, this is a facility belong to the property,
50:08 it belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in CamagA
50:11 Quey. Okay.
50:12 In the bottom, they have the first day care,
50:15 this is another miracle that...
50:17 Children's day care.
50:18 Children day care.
50:19 Okay.
50:21 So we intend to build On the second level?
50:22 On the second level.
50:24 For the studio?
50:25 For the studio.
50:27 So it is one of the issues.
50:29 I talked to the government, well,
50:30 we have the intention to build, but it is hard to found a nail.
50:36 A nail?
50:37 When you have a nail, you need a hammer.
50:39 And when you have the block, you don't have cement.
50:41 So in a funny way and I say no, no, no.
50:44 It is okay.
50:45 It's because they blocked, of course.
50:47 They're going to...
50:48 The embargo.
50:51 So I said, I need...
50:52 How you can help me?
50:54 And we receive,
50:55 we already have the permission to export
50:58 from Home Depo all the materials,
51:00 in order to go to Cuba and build that.
51:03 Okay, so you have permission from the US government...
51:05 Correct.
51:07 To bring all the building materials
51:09 you need into Cuba to put the studio together?
51:12 Correct. Okay, this is one need.
51:13 How much money is needed for it?
51:15 Well in the internet, we make a some...
51:19 You have 30 seconds to tell me.
51:21 Yeah, yeah, I don't remember the amount but...
51:23 The amount, several thousand dollars.
51:26 Several thousand dollars. From 30,000-50,000.
51:27 And the information is in the website.
51:31 So you have other needs to make the other things happen,
51:33 the package you have, you need computers,
51:36 you need things like that.
51:37 We're gonna have to ask you some more questions
51:40 after we have our news break, we have a news break,
51:42 and then we're coming back.
51:44 We have some final moments with them
51:46 and then we'll return for great news.
51:52 God has been using non-traditional methods
51:54 to show His power in Cuba
51:56 and the results have been extraordinary.
51:58 Now the Cuban government is authorized
52:00 International Children's Relief Fund
52:03 to build a television studio to prepare Christian programs
52:06 to be broadcast in that country.
52:08 If you like to support this project,
52:10 visit their website ICRFInc.org.
52:16 That's ICRFInc.org.
52:19 You can call them at (260) 615-6065.
52:25 You can also write to them
52:26 at International Children's Relief Fund,
52:28 9612, Dayton Pike, Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee 37379.


Revised 2020-02-19