3ABN Today

Afm Missionary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190002A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 I'm John Lomacang,
01:13 and to my left is a beautiful lady.
01:16 Oh, well, I don't know about that.
01:17 Yes, I do.
01:18 My name is Angela Lomacang, and we're so glad to be here.
01:21 We're so glad that you've tuned in today.
01:23 That's right.
01:24 You're gonna be blessed today, aren't they, honey?
01:25 That's right. It's about missions.
01:27 You know, when we think about missions,
01:29 we often ask ourselves a question,
01:31 has God called me to be a missionary.
01:33 And today our guests are going to talk about missions
01:36 in the sense where God has called them.
01:40 But missionary work is something
01:42 that the entire world has been called to benefit
01:45 from the Lord has sent us as missionaries.
01:47 He sent His disciples as missionaries.
01:50 And today, I believe that the Lord would touch your life
01:52 in one way or the other
01:53 to participate in the mission of getting people
01:56 ready for the coming of the Lord.
01:58 And if you're tuning in here for the first time,
02:01 this is your first time watching 3ABN,
02:02 we like to welcome you.
02:04 And make particularly note of this network
02:06 because we believe that God ordained it.
02:08 Don't you believe that honey? Yes, absolutely.
02:09 Not only television but radio which my wife works for.
02:12 God has ordained this network to carry the gospel
02:15 around the world.
02:17 And so this is an exciting program.
02:18 So sit back and invite your family
02:20 or if you're by yourself,
02:22 this is gonna be a very informative
02:24 and blessed program.
02:25 And so thank you for your prayers
02:27 and your financial support of this network
02:29 as we continue going and growing,
02:31 getting people ready for the coming of the Lord.
02:33 But, honey before we go to the program
02:35 and before we introduce our guests,
02:37 we have some music today.
02:38 Tell us what we're gonna have and what it is?
02:40 Okay, we have Pam Lister
02:41 who's gonna share a song called "Written in Red."
02:56 In letters of crimson
03:01 God wrote His love
03:05 On the hillside so long
03:09 Long ago
03:13 For you and for me
03:18 Jesus died
03:23 And love's greatest story
03:28 Was told
03:34 I love you
03:44 That's what
03:46 Calvary said
03:53 I love you
04:08 Written
04:11 In red
04:22 Down through the ages
04:26 God wrote His love
04:31 With the same hands
04:33 That suffered
04:36 And bled
04:40 Giving all
04:45 that he had to give
04:49 A message
04:51 so easily read
04:58 I love you
05:08 That's
05:10 What Calvary said
05:17 I love you
05:34 Oh, Precious
05:39 is the flow
05:43 That makes me
05:47 White as snow
05:53 No other fount
05:58 I know
06:01 Nothing but the blood
06:04 The blood of Jesus
06:10 I love you
06:19 That's
06:21 What Calvary said
06:28 I love you
06:43 Written
06:49 In red
07:10 Thank you so much for that song "Written in Red."
07:12 Amen. Pam did a wonderful job.
07:15 You know, the whole foundation on which we stand
07:19 is the blood of Jesus.
07:21 And what He has done, the doors He has opened for us
07:25 really gives us encouragement every day.
07:27 Absolutely.
07:28 Which is what makes this program special.
07:29 Oh, I'm excited about the program.
07:31 The Lord is continually opening doors.
07:33 So let's not take any much more time
07:37 and introduce to you our guests today.
07:38 I'll stop to my right
07:40 Christopher White, I call you Chris.
07:42 But good to have you here, Chris.
07:43 It is me.
07:44 Yes, for the audience that's tuning in today,
07:48 somebody might say, "Hey, that's Chris.
07:50 I know exactly who that is,"
07:51 but somebody might not know you are.
07:53 So briefly tell us who you are, where you're from,
07:56 and what you do right now?
07:57 Well, my name is Christopher White.
07:58 I go by Chris.
08:00 Currently, I am at Indian Creek Youth Camp.
08:03 It's the church camp
08:04 for the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.
08:06 I'm the assistant manager
08:08 and I've been back for the last six years.
08:12 My family moved there in 1985.
08:16 My father, Herb White, and my mom is Darlene White.
08:21 They've been there this whole time since '85
08:23 and dad's getting ready to retire this year.
08:26 Oh, wow! Yeah.
08:27 Okay, and I'm gonna wait
08:29 till I introduce the person to your right
08:32 and tell us who you are?
08:33 And same thing, where you're from
08:34 and what you do right now?
08:36 My name is Erin White.
08:37 Okay.
08:39 And I work as the emotional support
08:41 for my husband at Indian Creek.
08:43 I like that.
08:45 No, I'm your emotional support, honey.
08:47 Yeah.
08:49 Yeah, camp life can be a little bit stressful so...
08:51 But I'm also a full time mom to our foster son
08:54 and I do some contract work
08:57 as a licensed clinical social worker on the side
08:59 but primarily I'm living there at camp, so.
09:02 Okay, licensed clinical social worker.
09:05 Yeah.
09:06 Wow, that does help when it comes to camp,
09:08 doesn't it?
09:09 Yes.
09:11 To keep you balanced
09:12 and also give the kids some direction there.
09:13 Yeah. Erin is.
09:15 I was gonna say... Go ahead.
09:16 No, no. Tell them, what are the...
09:18 How do you know Erin?
09:20 Oh, Erin is a wonderful young lady.
09:22 We've known her for quite a few years
09:25 through her parents.
09:26 That's right.
09:27 April and Will Wharf,
09:29 they're the members at our church.
09:30 Tell us about Will.
09:32 What does Will do here? What does Will not do?
09:33 Will works with production.
09:35 He works with graphics
09:37 whenever we do any kind of series.
09:38 I'm always glad that Will is on the other end,
09:41 he makes sure that if I design a graphic,
09:43 if it's a mistake, he'll find it,
09:44 if there're no mistakes,
09:45 he'll make sure that it comes up on the screen.
09:47 I call it,
09:48 Will is in the trenches with me.
09:50 So if you ever see me preaching
09:51 and if there's graphics involved,
09:52 Will is making it happen on the screen.
09:54 I always appreciate that, because I could rely on him.
09:56 That's right.
09:58 But if there's something that's broken on the truck,
09:59 Will's probably fixing it.
10:00 If there's wires that need to be soldered,
10:02 Will's probably doing that.
10:03 If there's something on the stage
10:04 and need to be put in, Will is involved in that.
10:06 Floor directing right now.
10:08 He's is floor directing right now.
10:10 He's got his hand in so many things
10:12 and, you know, 3ABN is blessed to have people like Will
10:16 to know that any particular area
10:19 that needs to be covered,
10:20 he has the rounded experience to help the new guys
10:23 and the new young ladies
10:25 that come on staff to know what they're doing.
10:26 So we appreciate your parents very much.
10:29 And we used to think that she looked like her mom
10:31 but now what do we say?
10:32 Look exactly like her dad.
10:34 You do have a wonderful mother.
10:35 She's a prayer warrior, woman of God.
10:38 Yes.
10:39 We appreciate her
10:40 at Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
10:42 Lot of... And you have a brother also.
10:44 I do. Yeah.
10:45 And he's a pastor now.
10:47 He's currently intern pastoring,
10:48 but he's about to finish that.
10:49 So he's about to find out
10:51 where his district is going to be.
10:53 So it's an exciting time in our family.
10:55 That's right. Yeah.
10:57 And we're here today,
10:58 we're gonna talk about your journey
11:00 because right now, you both are preparing,
11:03 and I'll let you go ahead and introduce that.
11:05 What's the great preparation
11:07 that you are now both involved in
11:10 for that which is ahead of you?
11:12 Well, we have accepted a call
11:15 with Adventist Frontier Missions
11:17 to go to West Africa, and to Benin, West Africa,
11:21 in the Pendjari region,
11:23 which is in the northern section of the Benin.
11:26 Wow.
11:27 You excited?
11:29 Yes. Yes.
11:30 Very, it's a long term,
11:31 what we call it a career missionary call.
11:33 It's a long term call.
11:34 So they're expecting
11:37 that the project will take between 8-10 years.
11:39 Wow. Yeah.
11:40 Wow. So we're moving to Africa.
11:42 You're moving.
11:44 So... Yeah.
11:45 Wow, 8-10 years.
11:46 We're gonna really pray for them
11:48 because first of all,
11:49 our prayer is that the Lord comes back
11:51 in less than 10 years.
11:52 Yes. Amen.
11:53 That's our prayer.
11:55 But if He doesn't, we pray for every day
11:56 that God has sent you out there to be a blessing.
11:59 Let's dive into your story.
12:00 There's another part of the story
12:01 that I could identify with.
12:03 Oh, yes.
12:04 You know, which is very... which I think?
12:05 The foster son.
12:07 Let's let you open your story up.
12:09 And I'll give you both an opportunity to begin
12:11 where you feel comfortable beginning.
12:13 Okay,
12:15 I think for me, it started when I was a child,
12:20 my parents knowingly or unknowingly
12:24 always had some sort of missionary literature
12:27 around the house.
12:28 I grew up listening
12:29 to Eric B. Hare's stories of missionaries
12:32 and read all kinds of different books.
12:35 And so I think that was always just kind of part of my makeup.
12:39 And then when I went to academy,
12:42 the academy I ended up graduating
12:44 from was Oklahoma Academy.
12:45 And my senior year instead of doing
12:48 a class trip to Florida or something like that,
12:51 they always coordinated a mission trip
12:53 for the seniors to go on.
12:54 Nice.
12:55 And our mission trip was to Romania.
12:57 And we were focused on orphanages.
12:59 There was an orphanage in one particular town
13:02 that we spent all of our time
13:03 ministering to all of these orphans.
13:05 And just realizing the needs of the children,
13:09 it was just something.
13:11 I remember calling home and telling my mom
13:13 about these two little boys and just telling her,
13:16 "Is there any way that you could take them?
13:18 Is there any way that you could bring these boys home?"
13:20 Because there was just something about them
13:22 that was just so very, very special.
13:25 And so going from that, and into my college career as,
13:31 you know, going to Atlantic Union College,
13:33 we ended up going to India.
13:36 And I ended up being in India, we were helping...
13:39 It was a Maranatha trip.
13:41 So we were enjoying being able to build churches
13:44 and doing that sort of stuff.
13:46 But the thing that always connected
13:47 with me was these children.
13:50 And just, I mean, they were just so simple.
13:53 That's right.
13:55 They had so many needs,
13:56 but there was something about them
13:57 that they were at peace with whatever they were at,
14:00 because they didn't know anything different.
14:02 And so...
14:04 And then after I graduated from college,
14:08 ended up going overseas and living in South Korea
14:10 for a year as a missionary teaching English.
14:15 And so looking back, the Lord was doing
14:17 all of these things to kind of put seeds
14:20 in my mind of something a little bit more long term,
14:24 you know, but when I came back from South Korea,
14:27 there were some other things
14:28 that the Lord needed to put in place like a husband.
14:32 Partly that's where you come in, Chris.
14:36 Excuse me.
14:38 Okay.
14:39 Well, unlike Erin,
14:41 I actually did not have the opportunity to do very much
14:46 overseas to begin with.
14:47 Like I said, we moved to camp when I was...
14:50 back in 1985.
14:52 And so I was very young
14:54 and I got the amazing opportunity to learn
14:58 what youth ministries is like here in the States.
15:03 Growing up in the church camp,
15:05 I was able to see all kinds of children coming in,
15:10 coming in from good homes,
15:12 ones that were coming in from bad homes, or foster homes
15:16 and, just all of these different backgrounds.
15:20 It really opened my eyes to something
15:23 different than the stable home that I was in.
15:27 And as I grew, as I got older,
15:31 God led me into working at the camp
15:35 and learning how to just fix things.
15:37 And
15:40 so a while back I actually was able to go with the GC
15:44 and went to New Zealand as...and did mission work down
15:48 in New Zealand and help to run a Mobile Ropes Course,
15:51 and worked with the youth down there.
15:52 A Mobile what?
15:54 A Mobile Ropes Course, it's a...
15:56 It was actually a trailer that a guy designed down there
15:58 that we hauled around and then we would open it up
16:01 and it turns into a climbing wall.
16:04 Okay.
16:06 A repelling wall, over there they call abseiling.
16:09 We had a trapeze jump, and then a high wire
16:12 that you would walk across while you were strapped in.
16:14 And so that was kind of the fun side.
16:17 We had a classroom setting.
16:20 The kids got to learn
16:21 that they didn't have to rely on themselves.
16:24 We gave them opportunities to learn
16:26 that they had somebody that they could trust.
16:28 Right.
16:29 And it was just opening their eyes
16:31 to being able to rely on somebody else.
16:35 And so that was that.
16:37 And...
16:39 But God has always led me to being able to work
16:43 with my hands everywhere that I went,
16:46 and which leads us up to when Erin and I got together
16:52 and we got married
16:54 and had a passion to go on short term missions.
16:57 Few years ago, God opened up the doors
16:59 to go to Panama and Costa Rica.
17:01 Okay.
17:03 And so we went down there, and my parents went with us.
17:07 And so it was a really good time, very hot,
17:12 but we went with Maranatha.
17:14 And so I got to help lead out in remodeling a church
17:20 and doing the painting, fixing things,
17:22 and was in charge
17:23 of one of the church's projects down there.
17:25 Wow.
17:26 And so that kind of leads us up to where we're at,
17:32 now all that Erin kind of talk about.
17:35 Yeah, getting ready for Benin.
17:36 You mentioned about
17:40 the affection you had in your life,
17:42 seeing the needs of children,
17:44 and I think part of your passion for missions
17:48 has something to do with that.
17:50 I want you to kind of open that door
17:51 and walk us through that.
17:52 Yeah.
17:54 It's very, a special part of your story.
17:55 Yes,
17:57 we had,
18:00 we've always had a very close relationship
18:02 with each other.
18:03 But the one thing that was
18:05 a little bit of a tension in our marriage
18:07 was that I've always wanted children
18:08 from the time I was little and he never wanted children.
18:12 Uh-oh!
18:13 Camp kind of burned that out I think.
18:15 Yeah.
18:16 Always around little kids. Yes.
18:17 And so we spent some time studying and reading the Bible
18:22 and just praying together, just asking the Lord
18:24 what is Your call for us
18:27 as far as caring for the needs of children
18:29 that are not our own.
18:31 And both of us felt strongly convicted
18:33 that,
18:35 that we had a responsibility as Christians to provide a home
18:39 if one was needed.
18:41 And so we became foster parents.
18:43 We had a couple of children come into our home.
18:47 And then we had the little boy that we've had in our home
18:51 for a while now.
18:53 He came into our home when he was five months old.
18:55 Yeah. Wow.
18:56 Five months?
18:57 And at the time, the way the case was going,
18:59 we were told that he was ours, that we would be adopting him.
19:03 And so we have loved him ever since then,
19:06 as if he was our own.
19:09 But the case has never been what they thought it should be.
19:12 And so we've been hearing over and over again
19:14 for several years now.
19:17 We don't know what's going on,
19:18 this case isn't the way that it usually should be.
19:21 And, you know,
19:22 and so there's been a lot of unknowns.
19:24 So I think the biggest part that has kind of led us
19:29 to where we're at today as far as mission work goes,
19:32 is the faith journey
19:33 that this experience has taken us on.
19:35 Because he's the biggest piece of us, you know,
19:38 we've always loved him as our own.
19:40 So he's our child. Of course he is.
19:42 And so the faith building that has occurred
19:46 through just falling on our knees repeatedly
19:49 asking the Lord,
19:50 "What are we supposed to do in this situation,
19:53 please give us this child, but Your will be done
19:56 even if that means we lose him,"
19:57 and all that sort of stuff.
19:59 I think the Lord has been able to use that in a way
20:02 that nothing else could have been used
20:05 to open our hearts to allowing ourselves
20:08 to hear His voice guiding us.
20:11 And because we were in a position
20:13 to hear His voice,
20:14 we were able to hear Him call us to go.
20:17 Amen. Wow!
20:18 Yeah.
20:20 And with what she was saying...
20:21 Yes.
20:23 Yeah, when I said yes to being a foster parent.
20:29 Yeah, how was that for you?
20:30 I said, "Yes, we could do this."
20:33 Honestly, I decided to do it for Erin.
20:37 It's like, I really love Erin.
20:40 And I know that God is going to work things out.
20:47 And I always felt
20:48 that if the child was not my own,
20:51 that I wouldn't be able to love the child as my own.
20:54 And
20:57 God has shown me that is not the case.
21:00 God has shown me that when He is leading,
21:03 He can give us that love.
21:04 Yeah. That's right.
21:06 And I opened up,
21:08 I allowed myself to love this little boy as our own.
21:10 Praise the Lord.
21:11 And through the transition
21:14 and accepting the call to be a missionary,
21:16 God showed me,
21:17 "Chris, I allowed you to learn
21:21 how to love this boy just as your own.
21:23 That means those people
21:25 that I am going to be taking you to,
21:27 you can love them just as your family."
21:30 And so there have been so many,
21:34 so many instances that we look back wondering,
21:37 "Why? Why God?
21:39 Why are You allowing this to happen?"
21:43 And now that we have a focus of where we're going.
21:46 Yes.
21:47 We're able to see the picture unfolding and it's amazing,
21:54 painful but amazing.
21:55 That's right, that's right.
21:57 Any questions, honey?
21:58 No, this is beautiful, but your little son,
21:59 he totally changed your life, didn't it?
22:02 Yes.
22:03 And that is a catalyst to your mission.
22:07 Share with us, how little your little son.
22:09 I don't want to say his name.
22:11 How your wonderful little son changed your life
22:13 in such a beautiful way?
22:16 Well.
22:18 There might be some tears.
22:19 Yeah, there might be some tears,
22:21 I mean, it's real this was...
22:24 For a long time, Erin, she opened up.
22:28 She's opened herself up. Yes.
22:30 And I was afraid of getting hurt.
22:33 And so it was probably a couple months
22:37 before I finally decided to allow myself
22:40 to open up to him.
22:43 But when I did, I just there was one morning
22:46 I was still in bed and Erin brought him downstairs
22:49 and
22:51 he just crawled across
22:52 and curled up next to me and everything.
22:54 And I'm like, I don't know about this,
22:57 and he snuggled his head into my neck.
23:02 And it was, yeah,
23:05 I couldn't say no anymore after that.
23:07 No, no.
23:08 And so that started
23:11 the process of create in me a new heart.
23:14 God started creating a new heart in me.
23:17 Wow.
23:18 Through that little boy
23:20 and started getting my eyes off of myself
23:23 and focusing on somebody else,
23:24 and a little child coming into the home.
23:28 I don't know
23:29 if there's anything greater than that,
23:32 that God can use to get through to somebody.
23:35 Wow!
23:36 You know, my good friend Doug Batchelor,
23:38 he said, he told me that years ago, he said,
23:41 "If you wanna kill selfishness in your own heart,
23:46 have a child come into your life."
23:48 He says, it's a real...
23:50 And I think you didn't allude to that,
23:53 you actually pointed it out
23:54 because, I don't wanna have children,
23:56 but you all of a sudden, what do you do with this life
23:58 that this little boy just crawls up next to you
24:00 and nestles himself, it's like,
24:02 "Either I embrace him or repel him."
24:04 And now when you look at what God was,
24:06 God is saying now, Chris, this is just one child,
24:10 I'm about to send you on a 10 year journey.
24:14 Your life is about to be turned upside down.
24:16 And they're gonna be children that are gonna be swarming you
24:19 that you've never touched, you've never talked about,
24:22 you've never met before.
24:24 And your reaction to them will determine
24:27 whether or not their parents are here anything
24:28 you have to say.
24:30 Now I think that's a big part of it.
24:31 So when you think about missions now,
24:33 so this catalyst, do you believe,
24:36 it prepared you to be a better person
24:38 when you go forward and how?
24:40 Absolutely, absolutely because
24:44 just like Chris was saying,
24:46 when he came into our home,
24:48 we have been married for seven years.
24:49 Wow.
24:50 And so we had had seven years of just us.
24:54 Right.
24:55 We had a routine, I went to bed at the same time every night
24:58 and he would follow.
25:00 She couldn't sleep if I wasn't there,
25:02 so I had to go to bed,
25:03 whether I was tired or not.
25:05 That sounds like that. Okay.
25:06 I know what you mean.
25:07 Exactly, exactly.
25:09 Yeah.
25:10 Yeah, so there was just all these routines
25:12 that were in place.
25:13 And then suddenly a five month old
25:15 comes in to the picture.
25:16 And I was telling Chris, just recently,
25:20 I haven't gotten more than six hours of sleep
25:23 in several years now.
25:26 And now, I mean,
25:28 my life had been
25:29 so structured up until that point
25:30 and structure went out the window
25:32 when this infant came into our home
25:33 and all these routines.
25:36 My house suddenly was a mess.
25:38 And... It was okay.
25:40 Yeah, it was okay.
25:41 It had to be, I didn't have a choice.
25:42 Yeah. Yes.
25:44 'Cause I had a dirty diaper to change.
25:45 Yes.
25:47 So there was just this shift in focus
25:48 that had so much to do with somebody outside of us.
25:52 And I really believe
25:53 that that shifted focus was God saying,
25:56 "Okay, now, now,
25:58 now that you aren't looking at yourselves anymore,
26:01 you can see a much bigger picture.
26:03 And you can see that
26:05 the needs are so much bigger than this.
26:09 Right.
26:11 And because he's opened our eyes to that,
26:12 we have a much better focus
26:14 and a much bigger realization of a world in need.
26:19 A child is a perfect cure for OCD.
26:23 You know, he said...
26:24 I'd sense being, you know, structured,
26:26 going to bed the same time everyday
26:28 and maybe in the house everything
26:29 is where it's supposed to be.
26:30 I don't know if that's the reality,
26:32 but then all off a sudden, a child comes in
26:33 and changes you, changes Erin.
26:35 And then at the same time the Lord is saying,
26:37 "Okay, you gonna go to a community now
26:40 that you have to reach them,
26:41 you have to learn their structure,
26:44 so it's really amazing.
26:45 Benin. Benin, yes.
26:47 Is it...? You said North Africa?
26:49 Yeah, it's West Africa.
26:51 North-west.
26:52 Yeah, it's on, when you look at the map of Africa and guess,
26:57 looking at from your perspective
26:58 it kind of comes up and goes this way.
27:00 Benin is on the coast...
27:02 Okay.
27:03 Down in West Africa,
27:05 but it is a long narrow country that goes up and so...
27:09 Coastal, mostly coastal.
27:10 Just the bottom of it.
27:12 Yeah, just the bottom of it,
27:13 and so northern Benin is the Pendjari region
27:15 which is where we'll be going so we won't be near water.
27:19 Have you visited there yet?
27:21 No, we have not. Okay.
27:22 Its class is sub-Saharan.
27:24 So it's hot? Yeah, very hot.
27:27 Okay, so much for that.
27:29 You don't have to worry about taking coats with you?
27:31 Yay!
27:33 You said yay. You like warm weather?
27:34 Oh, I hate the cold... Okay.
27:37 So I'll take the warm anytime.
27:38 How about you Chris?
27:40 God is gracious,
27:42 and He will help me transition to heat,
27:45 so...
27:47 And now, you're gonna be going
27:49 with what organization?
27:51 With Adventist Frontier Missions,
27:53 and that was very interesting,
27:56 because one day, Erin and I,
27:58 we went for a walk one evening
28:00 and we're going along and she said, you know,
28:03 I really feel that God is about ready to change,
28:06 make do a change in our lives.
28:08 I've been thinking the same thing, like,
28:09 "Well, maybe if there's gonna be
28:11 a different job opportunity come along,
28:13 and she says, "Well, you know,
28:15 I think God's calling us into the mission field,"
28:18 and that stopped me.
28:20 And like, "Well, okay, let's pray about that."
28:24 And so we started praying about it
28:26 and I called Adventist Frontier Missions
28:28 about two or three days later and said,
28:31 here are all of our road blocks,
28:32 we have all these mountains
28:34 that we can't get rid of.
28:37 And so tell me yes or no,
28:40 can we do this or can we not,
28:42 expecting them to say no, you've got too much going on.
28:46 So he could come and say to me,
28:47 no, he can't do it.
28:48 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
28:50 Exactly.
28:51 I just needed the authoritative excuse.
28:53 Exactly, so fully expecting to be able to do that,
28:56 and they said, "Oh, that's no problem,
28:58 we can work with that,
29:00 and then I said, "Okay.
29:03 Now what do I do?"
29:04 And so I got back and I told Erin
29:08 that I had called AFM,
29:10 and what was your response?
29:11 I was completely shocked, I was not ready for that.
29:14 Were you happy? Oh, yes.
29:19 I had brought the subject,
29:20 I wasn't expecting
29:22 that kind of a rapid response to it,
29:24 so I wasn't prepared for,
29:25 "Hey, I've actually taken a step towards that."
29:28 Wow! Yeah.
29:29 And I think it's just kind of God showing us
29:31 that this is His will,
29:33 because it has happened so quick,
29:37 and every single door that we thought was locked,
29:42 God was saying "I've got the key to that door,"
29:45 because the doors have just opened and opened and opened
29:48 all the way through.
29:50 Wow!
29:51 What's coming to your mind when you think about this?
29:54 What's coming to my mind?
29:56 I'm just happy for them.
29:57 I'm just happy to see the way
29:59 the Lord is leading both of you,
30:01 and the doors He's opening.
30:03 And I wanna know more about Benin.
30:07 I want to know how do you pay for this trip?
30:10 How does all that work?
30:12 I mean, do you look at the area?
30:15 Does AFM show you what to expect?
30:19 The food and housing and things like that?
30:21 Do you get training?
30:23 Share with us?
30:24 Yes.
30:27 We will go to a training
30:30 after a certain portion of our funds are raised.
30:34 They have a training that only happens in the summer.
30:37 And so it, we will go to that training.
30:40 It's three months of intensive training,
30:43 and it covers everything
30:44 from evangelism to an unreached people group,
30:48 to bush medicine, to cultural assimilation and,
30:52 you know, dealing with all of the things
30:54 that have to occur
30:56 when you're going from living in a traditional American house
31:01 to mud hut with a thatched roof.
31:05 So there's a lot of changes that have to occur.
31:08 So yes, we will get extensive training
31:11 and Adventist Frontier Missions is completely donor based.
31:15 Okay. Yeah.
31:17 So we are busy going and sharing with our friends,
31:22 sharing with church families
31:23 about the needs for reaching the unreached,
31:26 and part of that is seeking people
31:28 that are willing to partner with us financially.
31:32 And how long is this mission for?
31:34 I think you mentioned that,
31:35 but reiterate that just in case somebody...
31:37 Eight to ten years.
31:38 Eight to ten years?
31:39 So that means you're going to be giving up
31:41 all the accoutrements,
31:43 all the conveniences of society
31:46 that has been your structure all along.
31:49 You're giving up,
31:50 let's talk about that, I think you mentioned here,
31:52 giving up the world and its comforts here,
31:57 and its entertainment here.
32:00 You won't be able to
32:01 just wake up in the morning and tune in.
32:03 Right.
32:05 Because,
32:06 did you find out about the culture in the sense that,
32:09 is it very archaic,
32:13 is it very developed, is it a structured city,
32:16 is it more countryside?
32:18 Some of those things,
32:19 'cause when you think about going away,
32:21 you don't want to, you know, so to speak,
32:23 be lowered out of the helicopter and say well
32:25 "Hey, find some sticks and start a fire."
32:28 What kind of environment is it gonna be?
32:30 Right.
32:31 What kind of environments is it gonna be for you?
32:32 Well, it's going to be out in the middle of nowhere,
32:37 like I said, we haven't had a chance to go yet.
32:41 There's six tribes in the Pendjari region,
32:43 and we're gonna be going
32:45 and helping another family that's already there.
32:49 Susie and Fidel.
32:50 And so we get to be part of the project with them
32:54 and learn from them,
32:56 which is wonderful to be able to have somebody to help us,
33:00 along the way, learn how to do things.
33:03 But, you know, there's no electrical wires
33:06 which is gonna be beautiful.
33:08 I mean right now
33:09 we walk outside and you have a beautiful sunset
33:12 and here's some power lines that go right across.
33:14 That's true.
33:16 There there's is no power lines because there's no electricity.
33:20 We won't be able to get up in the morning
33:22 and go and take our shower to wake up
33:24 because first you have to go to the community well,
33:28 and fill up your water jugs, so you have water for the day.
33:34 So...
33:35 And then if Erin decides,
33:37 well, let's have a hot meal for breakfast,
33:39 she's got to, we've got to build a fire
33:42 and cook over the fire.
33:45 Wow.
33:46 You ready for this?
33:48 Most people don't have refrigerators.
33:49 That's the part that has just blown my mind.
33:51 I have no idea how to process that.
33:55 I know because when you think about it,
33:57 it's almost like a daily regimen.
33:59 Eat for today, what's gonna...
34:01 It's kind of like being in the wilderness,
34:03 don't lay it over till tomorrow because it might rot.
34:06 Right.
34:07 But it's an arid place,
34:11 when you start thinking
34:12 about how long you're going to be there.
34:14 Have you gotten to the place yet
34:16 where you decide, "Okay,
34:17 we're not gonna need this,
34:18 not gonna need that, are you purging?
34:20 Yes. Oh, yeah.
34:21 Yeah.
34:22 We really don't have much left that we own,
34:25 which has actually been really nice.
34:26 You mentioned the whole entertainment thing before,
34:29 honestly it's actually refreshing
34:33 to know that we're not gonna be bombarded
34:36 by the secular entertainment that you see everywhere now.
34:42 And so,
34:44 so that's gonna be kind of refreshing.
34:46 It's gonna be different not to just get on the phone
34:48 and call family and friends.
34:51 Or get in the car and go visit them.
34:53 Right, yeah.
34:55 How will you get around?
34:57 Motorcycle.
34:59 And buffalo. A lot of people...
35:02 There is some wild game there, but I don't know about buffalo.
35:06 There wouldn't be buffalo, I guess.
35:07 Yes, more like elephants and lions and...
35:10 Wow! Yeah.
35:12 And, but go ahead and continue,
35:16 way to get around.
35:18 Oh, okay, okay.
35:19 Yeah, motorcycles
35:20 is the primary mode of transportation
35:22 if they have it
35:24 so we'll probably start with a motorcycle.
35:25 I don't know.
35:27 We'll see what the Lord provides.
35:28 Have you ever ridden one?
35:30 Have you ever controlled a motorcycle before, Erin?
35:32 No. No?
35:33 Chris? I have.
35:35 Most guys have. It is true.
35:37 For the most part, I mean, I have,
35:39 I guess when you have,
35:41 we think most guys have,
35:42 but maybe there's some guys that never have.
35:44 But then, you'll have to learn how to do that too.
35:47 Yeah.
35:48 Get yourself a little helmet,
35:49 get you some, you know, lion repellent
35:52 because we've been to Africa couple of times,
35:55 couple, three times, or four times,
35:56 and it's really a very beautiful continent.
35:59 Very rich culturally.
36:01 But this...
36:02 You go from country, somebody once said,
36:04 I'm from the country of Africa.
36:07 It's like saying, I'm from the country of Europe.
36:09 Right.
36:10 It's so segmented and life changes drastically
36:12 from one country to the other.
36:15 So Benin is on the west coast,
36:18 not as close as a coastal country,
36:22 but you're gonna be far from the coast.
36:23 Right. Yeah.
36:25 Now when it comes to...
36:27 You asked the question, I don't think we answered that.
36:29 Is there a church near there,
36:32 Is there a functioning Adventist church out there?
36:34 Susie and Fidel are our partners
36:37 and they have been there for about...
36:39 Three years.
36:40 Well, they've been there for several years now.
36:42 Yeah, they have been working
36:45 and the Holy Spirit has been moving amazingly.
36:48 They have had 130 baptisms.
36:51 A little bit more than that now.
36:54 So they have church groups that are meeting,
36:57 they meet under trees.
37:00 They have one of the church groups
37:01 that does have a one room structure
37:03 that they're meeting in,
37:04 and it's the size of a small house.
37:07 So they do have churches,
37:10 but they're baby babies in the faith.
37:13 You know, we were talking about some of the things
37:15 that we're looking forward to not having here,
37:18 like the secular entertainment and stuff like that.
37:20 But when you consider that
37:21 Benin is the birthplace of voodoo,
37:23 there are some other challenges
37:24 that we're gonna be dealing with on a daily basis
37:26 that we might not have to deal with here
37:29 that we're gonna have to pray for Holy Spirit guidance on.
37:32 Wow.
37:33 So the people that are in these churches
37:36 are dealing with centuries and centuries and centuries
37:38 of demonic oppression.
37:41 And it's part of their culture.
37:43 So they are Seventh Day Adventists,
37:46 they have embraced the truths that they have been learning,
37:50 but now the challenge of separating themselves
37:53 from all of the things
37:55 that go along with their culture of animism and voodoo
37:59 and all the things that...
38:00 I mean it impacts every area of their life.
38:02 Well.
38:03 Now the people that are there,
38:04 that have been there for three years or so,
38:08 have they talked about the impact
38:11 of their voodoo culture,
38:13 on their grasp of Christianity?
38:17 It's been a challenge?
38:18 Because I know there's some people here, honey,
38:19 we have people in our church, not in our church locally here,
38:21 but we've had a church before
38:23 where people will from a more structured society
38:26 and more contemporary modern society.
38:28 And I asked the question, matter of fact,
38:30 not too long ago,
38:32 we were in Colombia in a very contemporary church.
38:35 And I asked,
38:36 "How many of you would spend the night in a cemetery."
38:38 And nobody would raise their hand.
38:39 And I thought,
38:40 "Well, don't you believe that the dead are really dead?"
38:42 And they said, looking at each other
38:43 and laughing, they say,
38:44 "We're not spending the night at the cemetery."
38:46 Oh, yeah.
38:47 And I thought,
38:49 and that's in a structured society,
38:50 but imagine going to one where voodoo is practiced.
38:51 Yeah, and I used to think,
38:54 Haiti was where voodoo came from,
38:58 but it's not the country,
39:00 I always think oh, 'cause Haiti is so full voodoo.
39:03 Right.
39:04 Yeah, it began in Benin
39:06 and then it went from Benin to Haiti.
39:10 So big difference is that here
39:14 the devil just really,
39:17 he hides himself in so much stuff.
39:21 It's so easy to get involved in stuff,
39:25 but over there, he doesn't have to hide.
39:28 'Cause he's embraced. Right.
39:30 So it's just part of who they are.
39:33 And so it'll be very common
39:36 to just see things out in the open.
39:40 The witch doctors,
39:42 the fetishes they tell you that you have to buy
39:46 because your family member is sick and it's your fault
39:48 because they made a dead ancestor upset,
39:53 and so you need to come
39:54 and spend your money on this fetish
39:57 instead of buying food for your family.
39:58 That's terrible.
40:00 And if your family member gets better,
40:03 then you bought a good fetish,
40:04 if your family member dies,
40:05 you didn't give me enough money.
40:07 Wow.
40:08 And so that is what they're struggling with,
40:11 and with Susie and Fidel, with us going over,
40:15 we have the amazing opportunity to show them something else.
40:20 And to show if somebody has malaria, they have malaria
40:24 'cause they got bit by a mosquito
40:25 and not because they upset the dead ancestor,
40:28 and as we have the opportunity
40:30 to give them help to get over the malaria
40:32 and they didn't have to go and spend all their money,
40:36 it opens up opportunities for them to see,
40:39 there is something different about them.
40:41 Exactly.
40:42 And it opens up where we can say,
40:44 "Well, let us tell you about Jesus Christ."
40:46 Amen.
40:47 And so let's get back to the financial side of it,
40:50 because you know, there're those watching the program
40:52 and listening to the program,
40:53 and they're probably thinking, there are some people,
40:55 there could be a gambit of reactions.
40:57 "I'm gonna pray for those young people,
40:59 I don't think they have a clue what they're up against."
41:02 And then are those that are saying,
41:03 "Boy, I love to just partner with them
41:05 and be a part of this venture."
41:08 And here we are in modern times like we're today,
41:11 there are still many unreached places in the world,
41:14 we take them for granted in America.
41:16 You did something at our church not too long ago
41:18 and I'll like you to kind of do that
41:19 because lots of people say, okay, so missionaries.
41:22 What percentage of missionaries are sent to places
41:25 where Christ is already known,
41:26 and then what percentage of missionaries
41:29 are sent to where Christ is not known?
41:31 That impacted me, I thought I knew a whole lot,
41:33 but that Sabbath,
41:34 the vespers program caught me off guard.
41:36 Yeah.
41:37 Let's talk about that for a moment
41:39 because that's a big part of why you are going.
41:42 The people groups are classified
41:44 into two different areas in the world,
41:46 so you've got your unreached people group
41:48 is what you're talking about and where we're going in Benin.
41:51 The reached people groups are those
41:52 that have access to the gospel in some sort of way
41:55 and most places where we go to visit,
41:57 we pass numerous churches on the roads going to
42:00 at where we're gonna be presenting.
42:02 Well, in Benin, they don't have that,
42:05 they don't have an overarching Christian influence
42:07 where they can go to a Christian neighbor
42:10 and say, hey, I noticed that
42:11 you don't sacrifice to the ancestors,
42:16 and you're not fearful of oppression,
42:19 demonic oppression and that sort of thing.
42:21 They don't have neighbors that can share that with them,
42:23 they are considered unreached.
42:26 And so what we've learnt
42:29 is that the statistics of missionaries going out,
42:32 you've got 10 missionaries.
42:33 For every 10 missionaries
42:35 that are going out into the field today,
42:37 only one of those is going to unreached people groups,
42:41 and unreached people groups make up over
42:43 third of the world's 7.6 billion people.
42:46 Wow.
42:47 About a third unreached...
42:50 And the scary part that we've just been learning
42:53 is that the unreached people are growing,
42:57 they're multiplying faster than the reached people are.
43:00 So that number,
43:01 that one-third of the world population
43:03 is not going down.
43:04 It's going up. It's going up.
43:07 So I'll like to think of it this way, hon,
43:10 and I always thought about it this way,
43:12 the Lord is planting seeds around the world.
43:16 You know, when you drive down the highway here
43:18 in Thompsonville
43:19 or in any place this side of the country,
43:21 you see brush all along the side of the road,
43:24 you see brush around the lakes, and you ask yourself,
43:27 did somebody plant all those seeds?
43:29 And in fact no,
43:30 there is an illustration in the Bible
43:32 which I think fits in your life.
43:33 You know the wind blows,
43:34 we don't know where it comes from,
43:36 where it goes,
43:37 and that's how the Holy Spirit works.
43:38 You see all these trees and you see forests
43:40 that are tremendously populated,
43:42 and sometimes, the wind takes the seeds
43:44 where we didn't go and intentionally plant those.
43:47 So the Holy Spirit is taking you both
43:50 like seeds of the gospel,
43:52 planting you in a people group
43:55 that have no idea what you're bringing with,
43:58 I mean, they may have some shallow idea,
43:59 but you're bringing the gospel that is so multifaceted,
44:02 that you first have to build relationships.
44:04 Let's walk, what do you anticipate you have to do
44:07 before you start sharing the gospel?
44:09 I'll let you walk us through that
44:11 because you're going to people
44:12 that don't even know who you are.
44:13 That's right. Right.
44:15 Well, one of the things
44:16 as we're giving them job opportunities
44:21 and so to help meet their needs,
44:23 building tanks for fish farms,
44:26 helping them with animal husbandries,
44:27 there's a lot of goat herding there,
44:29 and so we're giving them
44:32 something that fulfilling a need
44:35 as Christ went from place to place,
44:38 He knew what their needs were
44:40 and He was fulfilling their needs,
44:42 and so we're following that example
44:45 by going and getting to know them,
44:47 living among them,
44:49 we're learning their language.
44:52 Just becoming part of them, and as we're doing that,
44:57 it gives us opportunities to get to know them,
44:59 see what their need is.
45:02 As Erin said, we'll be learning bush medicine,
45:05 we've gone through a medical missionary training course,
45:09 so be able to help with medical needs.
45:13 And so just really being able to connect with them
45:18 person to person,
45:20 and as we do that,
45:22 they're gonna look at us be like,
45:24 why aren't you afraid of this,
45:27 you're sick,
45:28 but you're not going over here,
45:31 what's different?
45:33 And it's really opening up
45:35 conversations.
45:37 Yeah.
45:38 Being the hands and feet of Christ.
45:40 That's right.
45:41 You know Christ,
45:43 much of his ministry was very hands on,
45:44 He didn't...
45:46 Very rarely did He go into a place
45:48 and start with some sort of a gospel message,
45:52 He went in and the sick were brought to Him,
45:54 those that had needs came to Him
45:56 and He ministered to those needs
45:58 and as He ministered to those needs,
46:00 Chris was just reading a quote this afternoon
46:03 that was talking about how He met them
46:06 where they were at, He ministered to their needs
46:08 and because He ministered to their needs,
46:09 they were open to hear the truth.
46:12 Yeah, didn't they say,
46:13 Jesus hang out with winebibbers and all that.
46:16 He went to where they were
46:19 to show them who He is.
46:21 You know, one of the things
46:23 that we've learnt in our studying
46:25 in asking the Lord,
46:26 what would You have us to do,
46:28 are You really calling us to do this.
46:30 One of the things that came across very clear
46:32 from the scripture is that as a Christian,
46:35 it's not a matter of should I be a missionary
46:39 or maybe this is something that I could do,
46:43 you know the gospel commission,
46:45 The great commission
46:47 in Matthew 28,
46:54 is to go into all the world.
46:56 It is not an option,
46:59 and that's the one thing that we have learnt
47:00 in our walk with the Lord
47:02 as we've drawn closer to Him is that,
47:03 this is a commission, it is a command,
47:06 everyone is called to be a missionary.
47:08 Everyone is called to have a part
47:11 in the body of Christ.
47:12 We just happen to be the hands and feet.
47:15 In this particular adventure to Benin,
47:18 the Lord has called us to be the body on the ground
47:21 but everyone has a part to play.
47:24 That's right, everybody has a part to play
47:26 and the part are not,
47:28 each person is also gifted differently,
47:30 you know some people are more...
47:32 The Lord saw,
47:33 He was developing the both of you,
47:35 isn't it humbling to think that okay,
47:37 your life experiences, Chris' life experiences.
47:40 You strike me as a very hands on type of guy
47:43 that knows how to do things,
47:45 knows how to use a hammer and a saw and all that.
47:47 Is very outdoorsy, athletic,
47:49 so those are the things are gonna...
47:50 You're not the kind of guy that if the light blows,
47:52 you have to call another guy to replace the bulb,
47:55 you know, you're not that kind of guy,
47:56 which is gonna be a blessing
47:57 because you worked at youth camps,
47:59 you saw the pent, you saw chaos at its height,
48:02 but then you're also part of the solution,
48:04 so you're going amongst the people
48:05 where your skills that God developed in you,
48:08 and your caring skills that God developed in you
48:10 are gonna just come into play.
48:11 And you gonna be in situations where you're gonna say, okay,
48:14 we can't call anybody, we can't ask anybody,
48:16 what are we gonna do to help the situation,
48:18 and there're gonna be those days
48:19 when you're stretched to the hilt
48:21 and then you gonna find out,
48:24 God answers prayer.
48:25 So we're really praying for you
48:27 but we want our audience to know...
48:28 Let's get to some real figures here.
48:30 What does something like this cost
48:31 when you send a missionary out?
48:33 Because somebody is probably saying,
48:34 "I got my check book right now.
48:35 I want to partner with this young people
48:37 to go with them."
48:38 What would something, what adventure like this,
48:40 because you're talking about ten years
48:42 and most of the financing is coming from...
48:44 Let us know how that's coming to you.
48:47 How do you get finance over this type of thing?
48:49 Well, we go around, we visit with churches,
48:52 we get a hold of the church members
48:55 and ask if we can come and share with them,
48:56 we've done home visits
48:59 and God has opened up opportunities.
49:01 I'm, very thankful for the Thompsonville Church
49:04 by adopting us,
49:06 and we're very excited to be part of this church,
49:09 and so the finances,
49:13 the total launching,
49:15 well, before we get to the total amounts,
49:17 we have to get to a certain percentage
49:20 for our launching goal, we have a launching goal
49:22 and we have monthly pledge.
49:25 And the monthly pledge is what keeps us in Africa
49:28 for those 8-10 years.
49:30 The launching covers everything
49:31 from the time of orientation last year
49:34 to the time that we land in Benin
49:36 and get settled.
49:37 And so we have to get to at least 60% of our launching
49:41 and be within $1500 of our monthly pledges
49:45 to be able to go to training.
49:47 And as of this last week,
49:50 we're at 63% of our launching,
49:53 but we are about 1200 shy of our monthly pledges.
49:59 So what would that launching be,
50:00 let's say the figure?
50:01 $77,875.
50:04 Okay, that's very specific,
50:06 which is what we're asking for,
50:07 because for some people that's not even an issue,
50:09 for others, they might say hey,
50:11 I wanna be a part of that, you know the monthly giving.
50:16 And where they have been specific is
50:18 because AFM has everything allocated out,
50:23 there's a purpose for every penny.
50:26 And so they don't want it to be something
50:28 where there's a whole bunch of money in the bank
50:31 just in case or whatever,
50:32 because we don't want to waste God's money.
50:35 And we're not the only missionaries.
50:37 I mean, there is missionaries that are all around the world,
50:40 and our hope and our desire
50:42 is that more people will accept the call.
50:47 And so everything is allocated out.
50:50 You know what I want to do right now is,
50:52 I want to talk to those who're watching the program,
50:54 we're gonna take a news break in just a moment
50:55 and we're gonna give you the address information
50:58 where these donations can be sent
50:59 and how you can get in touch with Chris and Erin White.
51:02 But there's probably somebody watching
51:04 or listening in their car or wherever you may be
51:06 that says, that's not an issue for me
51:09 but you may be a person
51:11 who wants to be on a continual donation basis,
51:13 we're talking about ten years of real life,
51:16 real challenges, real actions, that's right, touching hearts,
51:19 transforming people.
51:21 Literally, in baby steps
51:23 and the culture that they're coming up against
51:25 is not one that's native to Christianity.
51:28 So we're really praying for them
51:29 and want to partner with them.
51:31 And right now,
51:32 we're gonna give you the address information,
51:34 but we want you to pray when you get this information
51:36 on what the Lord will have you to do
51:38 to partner with Chris and Erin White,
51:40 to transform the world and get people ready
51:43 for the coming of the Lord.
51:45 Here is the information that you need.
51:49 If you would like to invite Christopher and Erin
51:52 to share their mission field experiences
51:55 or if you would like to support the work
51:57 of Adventist Frontier Missions,
51:59 volunteer missionary candidates,
52:02 then please visit their website,


Revised 2019-03-13