3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY108082A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my word
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you once again
01:13 to 3ABN Today, and I'm going to tell you one thing.
01:16 If you have ever wondered
01:18 how Jesus can be God and yet be the Son of God,
01:24 you want to stay tuned for this program.
01:27 I'm so excited about the program.
01:29 I'm excited about our special guest.
01:32 And let me go ahead and introduce him to you.
01:34 Ty Gibson.
01:35 Shelley, it's good to be here.
01:37 Oh, Ty, so you are a pastor,
01:39 you are the co-director for Light Bearers ministry,
01:43 you're an author, you're a speaker,
01:45 you travel around the world,
01:47 but what I appreciate about you is you are someone
01:52 who focuses on our God
01:55 as an intimate relational being,
01:58 and He has taken you on such an incredible study
02:01 that you're going to share with us today.
02:03 Yeah, yeah.
02:04 I'm on the edge of my seat for that.
02:05 I'm too. I'm too.
02:07 And so this is just something
02:09 that we want to welcome you to this program.
02:13 And we'll get to know Ty a little bit more
02:15 if he's new to you, to the 3ABN audience,
02:19 who have been with us for a long time,
02:21 everybody knows Ty Gibson.
02:23 But we just want to take this opportunity
02:25 to thank you for your love
02:28 and your prayers and your financial support.
02:31 Without you, this mending broken people network
02:34 could not do the mission that God has called us to do.
02:38 Let me open with a scripture,
02:41 then we're going to go to a song.
02:42 I know you love music.
02:44 I do.
02:45 Hebrews 1:5 is a Scripture
02:48 that is very appropriate for this day.
02:50 Ah, This is very...
02:51 This is so good, actually.
02:53 And in Hebrews 1:5, it says, "For to which the angels..."
03:00 The whole first chapter of Hebrews is showing
03:03 how Christ is superior to the angels.
03:06 And then it says, "For to which of the angels did He ever say,
03:11 'You are My Son, today I have begotten You?
03:17 I will be to Him...'"
03:19 And again, "I will be to Him a Father,
03:21 and He shall be to Me a Son."
03:24 Mm-hm.
03:25 If you've ever wondered about that Scripture,
03:26 you're going to find out today.
03:28 But before we do,
03:32 we have someone I think is fairly new to 3ABN, Ty.
03:36 And his name is Matt Throgmorton.
03:39 He's from our local area,
03:41 and he has such a beautiful voice.
03:44 And I believe he's a director of worship at his church,
03:48 but he's going to sing for us a very familiar tune,
03:53 but it's beautiful, so listen to the words.
03:55 "Jesus Loves Me."
04:21 Jesus loves me!
04:24 This I know
04:27 For the Bible tells me so
04:33 Little ones to Him belong
04:37 They are weak, but He is strong
04:44 Yes, Jesus loves me!
05:00 The Bible tells me so
05:10 Jesus loves me!
05:13 He who died
05:16 Heaven's gate to open wide
05:21 He will wash away my sin
05:26 Let His little child come in
05:32 Yes, Jesus loves me!
05:48 The Bible tells me so
05:56 Jesus loves me!
05:59 He will stay
06:01 Close beside me all the way
06:07 He's prepared a home for me
06:12 And someday His face I'll see
06:21 Yes, Jesus loves me!
06:32 Oh, yes,
06:34 Jesus loves me!
06:40 The Bible
06:44 Tells me so
06:51 He loves me so
07:02 Oh, I love that song.
07:04 It was beautifully sung.
07:05 Yeah, yeah.
07:07 That's Matt Throgmorton from Marion, Illinois.
07:08 Thank you, Matt.
07:10 Well, if you tuned in just a moment late,
07:12 I'm trying not to clap my hands and act giddy,
07:16 but I am so excited about what we will discuss this hour,
07:22 and our special guest is Ty Gibson.
07:24 Ty, thank you so much.
07:25 It's good to be here.
07:27 It really is.
07:28 It's always good to have you here.
07:29 Let me... You know, I failed to mention.
07:32 Most people know you
07:33 because you are on one of our top five programs,
07:37 Table Talk, where the Light Bearers,
07:40 you guys sit around and...
07:42 David, Jeffrey, James, and myself.
07:44 Yeah, yeah.
07:45 And it's wonderful and we love that.
07:46 I think the reason why people love that program so much
07:50 is because they feel like they're engaged in the process
07:54 of study and they are in fact,
07:56 I mean, they can sit there with us,
07:57 open their Bibles.
07:58 And it's not just somebody preaching,
08:00 they're being invited,
08:02 you know, in a sense to sit around the table
08:04 and to discuss Scripture,
08:06 and it really emphasizes
08:09 the priesthood of all believers.
08:10 And so I think that's why people respond.
08:12 Amen. Yeah.
08:13 And I like that you all do it,
08:15 it's something like when we do family worship,
08:17 it's unvarnished,
08:19 you know, we're just out there...
08:20 Yeah, there's no script.
08:22 Yeah, and I like that.
08:23 Before we begin on this teaching,
08:25 just take a few minutes,
08:27 give us the Reader's Digest version of your history.
08:31 Did you grow up in a Christian family?
08:35 Well, the fact is, Shelley,
08:36 that I had no Christian background whatsoever.
08:40 The short version is I was raised
08:42 in a very secular home in Southern California,
08:45 and there was just a lot of pain,
08:47 a lot of suffering, won't go into the details,
08:49 but there was abuse, there was drug addiction,
08:53 the home was defined by pain.
08:57 I mean, seriously, if somebody would have said to me as a kid
09:00 or even as a teenager, you know, "Define life.
09:04 What is life?"
09:05 I would have just said pain.
09:06 That was the definition of life for me and, I think,
09:10 everybody in that home.
09:12 And there was no spiritual orientation whatsoever.
09:18 I had never heard of the Ten Commandments
09:20 for example,
09:21 I had never heard of the Book of Genesis,
09:23 I had never opened the Bible, I had heard,
09:27 you know, the words of the Bible
09:28 and I knew there was some book that people considered to be,
09:32 you know, from God in some sense,
09:33 but completely secular.
09:36 But the thing for me was that all of that pain
09:40 and the concrete evil
09:42 that I witnessed growing up created in me
09:47 a sense that there had to be something by contrast to that.
09:50 I mean, how would I know this is wrong
09:53 if there wasn't something right.
09:55 That's good.
09:56 You see what I'm saying?
09:57 How would I know this is ugly unless I could sense
10:00 on some level, and I was sensing on some level,
10:03 that there must be something beautiful
10:04 by contrast?
10:06 So I had this deep hunger
10:08 for beauty and justice and just for things to be right
10:12 in the world and in my home as a kid,
10:17 and it was that hunger inside of me
10:20 that at the opportune time,
10:22 when my mind was just primed to see things
10:27 in a different light
10:30 through a series of providential events
10:31 and two ladies, my mom and my girlfriend,
10:35 Jesus was introduced to me
10:37 in a very practical, powerful way.
10:40 And I realized for the first time in my life,
10:42 I was 18 years old, I realized that not only does God exist,
10:46 which was revolutionary enough for me,
10:50 just to accept that there is such a thing as God,
10:55 that was a big step, but the real epiphany
10:58 was not only does God exist
11:00 but God is love in the most extreme
11:04 and beautiful sense that the human mind can imagine.
11:07 So everything that I longed for of justice and beauty and...
11:11 Harmony and peace.
11:12 For things to be right wasn't just a concept or an idea,
11:17 it was embodied in a person...
11:19 Amen.
11:20 In a personal God.
11:22 And then I crossed the line and opened myself up and said,
11:26 "Okay, I believe You exist.
11:28 I believe that you are intrinsically good."
11:31 So I just embarked on a journey.
11:34 I said, "Teach me whatever it is
11:36 that I need to know about You."
11:38 And so I've spent my entire adult life
11:42 basically being guided
11:45 through a process of getting to know the personhood of God,
11:50 the way God thinks, the way God feels,
11:52 the way God behaves,
11:54 the relational patterns that God moves through.
11:57 That's what I refer to as the character of God.
12:00 Character of God is shorthand for thoughts, feelings,
12:05 and behavior patterns of God...
12:06 Yes, yes.
12:08 Who is God.
12:09 And I've spent my whole adult life
12:11 getting to know God
12:12 from that particular perspective.
12:15 And shortly thereafter, after my, you know,
12:20 what we sometimes refer to as "conversion,"
12:23 my absolute radical transformation
12:26 from one kind of person
12:28 to another kind of person overnight,
12:31 began sharing my faith with friends
12:34 and just people I knew,
12:37 and that launched Light Bearers Ministry.
12:39 And I actually have a history at that point that intersects
12:41 with 3ABN
12:42 because the ministry that my wife Sue and I,
12:45 as teenagers, and our friend James Rafferty,
12:52 the ministry that we launched back then was launching
12:54 at the same time that 3ABN was launching.
12:59 Danny had a vision for 3ABN
13:04 that was formed in him by the Holy Spirit,
13:08 and we were some of the first people
13:09 who came and started doing programs.
13:10 We were ridiculously young.
13:14 I had a big giant beard and, I mean, we were kids.
13:19 I had a beard, by the way,
13:20 just to prove that I was old enough
13:23 to be on the program and talk, you know?
13:25 And then we got mail from 3ABN viewers,
13:28 "Shave that thing off!
13:29 You look like the criminal element."
13:31 You know, stuff like that.
13:32 So then I shaved it.
13:33 I've seen some of the pictures.
13:35 So anyways, there's a history that intersects with,
13:38 you know, 3ABN's beginnings
13:40 and the beginnings of the ministry
13:42 that I represent and have represented
13:44 my whole adult life pretty much,
13:45 Light Bearers, and so yeah.
13:47 And basically, what does...
13:49 I know that you and James and others, David,
13:52 you have a training school to train people for...
13:55 Yeah, we run a discipleship program
13:58 that people can actually come
13:59 and live with us, I mean, not right in our, you know,
14:02 living room and bedrooms,
14:04 we live in the same area and we have a dorm,
14:06 and people come and they live with us for three months.
14:09 And we do it twice a year
14:11 and we move through the whole Bible,
14:13 Genesis to Revelation in three months...
14:15 Oh, wow.
14:16 And we do community outreach
14:17 and evangelism in the community.
14:19 It's a discipleship program,
14:21 and it's absolutely transforming
14:24 the people who come.
14:25 And it happens every year, twice a year,
14:27 once in the US and once in Australia.
14:30 And we travel back and forth and teach it,
14:33 that's called ARISE,
14:35 that's our discipleship program.
14:37 And then also in addition to running
14:40 a discipleship program,
14:42 Light Bearers also is a publishing ministry.
14:45 We publish evangelistic literature
14:47 in like 40 languages.
14:49 And it's shipped free of charge all over the world as a gift
14:53 to the church for evangelism.
14:57 And then we do a lot of media production
15:00 as 3ABN does and our programs are actually aired on 3ABN,
15:03 and we do Table Talk and other programs.
15:06 So that's what it is, and then I do a lot of writing.
15:09 I'm actually more of a writer than anything else.
15:12 I preach and I teach,
15:15 but that ARISE is out of my passion for research
15:19 and study and writing.
15:21 You know, I just want you...
15:22 Because I'm afraid I'll forget, you...
15:26 The thing I appreciate most about your ministry
15:30 is you are always pointing to God
15:32 as an intimate and relational being.
15:36 But you have something that you say
15:39 about the three beings,
15:44 the three heavenly beings
15:45 that that is the perfect number for love.
15:48 Explain why. Yeah.
15:49 Well, if you think about it,
15:51 I do this exercise every year
15:53 with our students in the ARISE program.
15:56 One of the first things that I lead them
15:58 through is kind of a mental theological experiment,
16:01 and without giving them any clues or anything,
16:04 I say, you know, "Here's a riddle for you.
16:09 Break up into groups of two or three
16:10 and we'll walk to the river and back.
16:13 But while you're walking,
16:14 I want you to crack this riddle.
16:16 What is the minimal numeric value of love?"
16:20 And they all kind of cross their eyes
16:21 and look at each other
16:23 like minimum numeric value of love,
16:25 what does that mean?
16:26 I say, "That's what you need to figure out.
16:27 What is the minimum number of individuals
16:30 you would have to have in order for perfect love to exist?"
16:33 And they begin walking.
16:34 We get to the river and I say, "Okay, what did you discover?"
16:37 And, Shelley, it's amazing.
16:39 Every year,
16:40 it doesn't matter who the group of human beings are,
16:43 everybody comes pretty much to the same conclusion.
16:46 They banter a little bit, they say, well,
16:47 it can't be one because love can't exist
16:50 with one individual.
16:52 If you lock yourself in the bathroom for life,
16:54 you'll never experience any love.
16:56 You got to come out of the bathroom
16:57 and have some relationships
16:58 because love by its very nature is relational.
17:01 So then they say it can't be one,
17:03 one person can't experience love,
17:05 you have to have at least some other.
17:06 So maybe it's two,
17:08 so they banter about two for a while
17:09 and they say okay, so two.
17:11 "You'd have to have at least two in order
17:12 for love to exist."
17:13 I'm like yeah, okay, so...
17:15 And then they say, but if there's just two,
17:20 then you have an exclusive focus each one on the other.
17:26 But if you enter into a situation
17:28 where a third party enters the picture,
17:31 you have to psychologically adjust to being
17:35 the focus of attention and then to defer attention.
17:40 You're obligated to become selfless.
17:43 You have to actually be content for the one you love
17:47 to actually also love your other friend as well.
17:50 This happens in high school all the time.
17:52 Absolutely.
17:53 Two people are exclusive friends, you know,
17:55 you're best friends and then someone else enters the picture
17:58 and you become threatened
17:59 or you incorporate and you become a more rich
18:04 relational dynamic
18:05 because now not only does Shelley love Ty
18:08 and we're friends but you have somebody else,
18:11 you have JD, and I love JD too, and you love JD.
18:15 And, you know, it's an incredible thing.
18:18 It's a beautiful relational dynamic
18:20 on the friendship level.
18:21 A marriage needs to be exclusive...
18:23 Yeah.
18:24 With just two.
18:26 But even there, think about it,
18:27 you have two and the way God created the situation
18:30 to operate is two have the procreative ability
18:32 to create a third party.
18:34 And anybody who's ever,
18:36 you know, had children knows that
18:38 once you have a child,
18:39 you know, you need to be selfless
18:41 because you don't have the exclusive attention
18:44 anymore of your beloved.
18:46 You need to defer attention.
18:49 And so think about that for a minute.
18:51 If God is a relational unit of three,
18:54 Father, Son, and Spirit,
18:57 that epitomizes what perfect love looks like
19:01 because the Father...
19:03 Perfect love being unselfish and others-centered.
19:05 Others-centered. Yeah.
19:07 So each can focus on the other and be focused on by the other
19:12 and each also has to defer attention to a third party.
19:17 So it's this beautiful reciprocation, it's this...
19:20 Out and then to the other and then and in,
19:22 it's beautiful.
19:24 It's just... It is.
19:25 So really that bears testimony on just a pure
19:28 mathematical level, just the geometry of love.
19:31 Amen. Yeah.
19:33 The geometry of love
19:34 bears testimony to the veracity of Scripture.
19:38 Scripture is the only story told in all of human history
19:43 that portrays God as a relational dynamic.
19:46 Every other philosophy and religion
19:48 and myth about "deity"
19:52 is focusing on the solitude of a Supreme One
19:58 that exercises power over all others,
20:01 whereas the Bible comes along and says,
20:03 "You have a Supreme Three
20:05 who are each focused on the other.
20:07 Each one constantly vanishing in their focus on the other."
20:12 But when we say in extreme three,
20:14 we believe that three divine persons
20:17 equal one divine being.
20:19 Yeah, that's right, that's right.
20:20 And because they're of the same essence...
20:25 So it's not polytheism...
20:27 Right.
20:28 That is we don't believe that the Bible teaches
20:30 that there are many gods,
20:32 we believe the Bible teaches as the Shema of Israel,
20:36 the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
20:37 One. One.
20:39 Well, the word one there
20:40 is very interesting in the Hebrew.
20:42 It means a relational unit,
20:44 it doesn't mean a solitary thing.
20:46 It's a compound unity.
20:48 Yeah, it's a compound unity.
20:49 That's right. Yes.
20:50 So it's a beautiful...
20:52 Again, God is one,
20:53 and Jesus picked up this language
20:55 in the New Testament when He said,
20:57 "My Father and I are one."
20:59 So there's two, but there's one.
21:01 It shows up in the marriage relationship
21:02 of Genesis where it says of, "Adam and Eve, the two,
21:06 the man and woman shall become one."
21:09 One there doesn't mean a single solitary self,
21:13 it means more than one
21:15 who are one in character,
21:16 in essence, in purpose, in love.
21:18 Amen. Yeah.
21:19 Well said.
21:20 Okay, what I would like to do right now,
21:23 Ty has a little trailer.
21:25 He has written a book, and this book is called...
21:29 I believe it's, "The Sonship of Christ."
21:33 And the... Subtitle.
21:35 Subtitle is, "Exploring
21:37 the Covenant Identity of God and Man."
21:40 That's a good subtitle, I hope.
21:42 It's a long one.
21:44 But this book...
21:46 What happened right before a camp meeting, Ty sent me,
21:51 one day, a draft of his manuscript and he said,
21:56 "Could you read this?
21:57 It'll only take you five hours."
21:59 Well, I had two days to write a camp meeting sermon
22:01 and I'm thinking, "I don't have time
22:02 to read this."
22:04 But out of curiosity, I opened it up,
22:06 and I began reading
22:07 and I didn't stop till I finished.
22:10 What the Lord did
22:13 was take Ty on a Bible study
22:18 in which he unveiled the truth that's in plain sight.
22:23 And once you see it, you can't unsee it.
22:26 And Ty has written a book that I appreciate so much,
22:30 first your scholarship but your love for God,
22:35 but I also appreciate your humility in that
22:37 before you published this book,
22:40 you sent it to seminarians...
22:42 A lot of people. Yeah.
22:43 And had a lot of people review this.
22:45 A lot of... Yeah.
22:46 Theology professors, yeah.
22:48 A lot of peer review to make sure that every...
22:51 And everybody had the same reaction I've had.
22:54 Yeah.
22:55 I mean, I honestly believe this book
22:57 will go down in the annals of church history.
23:01 I believe this book will change Christianity because it answers
23:06 a question that so many people have and that question is
23:11 if Christ is God,
23:13 how can He also be of Son of God?
23:15 If He's the Son of God, how can He be God?
23:18 And so we'd like to run the book trailer just now
23:21 and then we're going to come back
23:23 and have Ty discuss how God led him
23:27 on this incredible study.
23:34 If you pan out from the world and deliberately observe
23:37 what's going on,
23:39 it becomes immediately evident that everything is relational.
23:42 Nothing occurs in isolation.
23:44 Life is like one big ripple effect
23:47 composed of a lot of smaller ripple effects.
23:51 Children seek out relationships with one another
23:53 and become friends for life.
23:55 Men and women enter into intimate relationships
23:59 that are just the pinnacle of what it means to be human
24:03 and what it means to experience the beauty of life.
24:07 And we all know that the most excruciating thing
24:09 that a human being can ever go through
24:11 is to endure a broken relationship.
24:14 Well, the fact is we are relational creatures.
24:18 And in my recent journey,
24:21 I've discovered that this is traceable
24:24 to the fact that God is relationship.
24:28 Down through church history, a big question has been,
24:32 who is God, what is God like.
24:35 The doctrine of the Trinity has emerged,
24:38 and some people have pushed back on the doctrine
24:40 of the Trinity and have said that it's a pagan doctrine.
24:45 Others have said that Jesus is the Son of God
24:47 and God is the Father,
24:49 so there must be some kind of relationship
24:52 between them in which the Father existed first
24:54 and then the Son emerged from the Father.
24:57 So what does the Bible actually mean
25:00 when it refers to Jesus on the one hand as God
25:04 and, on the other hand, the Son of God?
25:06 It seems like there's a tension between these two identities.
25:10 Well, I've decided that
25:12 this is a subject that is worthy
25:14 not only of my study
25:15 but something I want to share with as many people
25:17 as possible out of my own
25:20 personal journey on the subject.
25:22 So I've written a book
25:23 that I'm really excited about called "
25:25 The Sonship of Christ."
25:27 The subtitle is,
25:29 "An Exploration of the Covenant Identity of God
25:33 and Man."
25:34 It's been an exciting journey discovering
25:36 what Scripture means
25:37 when it refers to Jesus as the Son of God
25:40 on the one hand, on the other hand,
25:42 that He is in fact God.
25:44 I've looked into whether the Trinity is a true or false
25:47 doctrine, and incredible insights
25:49 have emerged regarding that as well.
25:52 The Sonship of Christ is the book that is the result
25:54 of this study,
25:56 and it's available now and I'm looking forward
25:58 to sharing it with you.
25:59 I think you're going to be immensely blessed by the book.
26:06 You know, Ty and I are just sitting here
26:08 talking as this was running,
26:09 and he told me he did this series
26:13 on this book at the University of Berkeley,
26:16 on a secular university.
26:18 What was...
26:19 It was exciting. It was exciting just to...
26:21 What was reaction?
26:22 The students were...
26:23 I mean, they packed the room out,
26:26 and they were just eager,
26:28 nobody was offended even though
26:29 it's a very secular environment,
26:31 and Christianity isn't,
26:33 you know, popular you could say on campus there,
26:35 but they packed the room out.
26:37 And they were completely tuned in to explore the idea
26:41 that God is a hyper relational being.
26:45 To them, that was beautiful, so yeah.
26:47 It is beautiful.
26:49 Okay, so tell us how God prompted you
26:54 to begin this study and then kind of give us...
26:57 I've been...
26:58 I keep teasing everybody telling that you're going
27:00 to tell us.
27:01 Yeah, well, first of all,
27:04 on the level of what prompted me
27:06 is as you know I do a lot of travelling
27:09 and teaching and preaching,
27:10 and about every other place I would go,
27:14 people were asking the same question
27:15 because this is a pretty hot topic
27:17 right now in a lot of circles.
27:20 People were asking the question,
27:21 so is Jesus God in the same sense
27:25 that the Father is God?
27:27 Did Jesus have a point of beginning?
27:29 Did He begin to exist some time in,
27:33 you know, the ancient past
27:34 or did He always exist concurrent with the Father?
27:38 And then the second question connected to that is,
27:43 is the Holy Spirit
27:46 a personal being distinct from the Father
27:50 and the Son or is the Holy Spirit
27:53 a manifestation of the Father or the Son?
27:57 Just an emanating virtue. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:59 So the real question is,
28:01 is the trinity a valid doctrine,
28:04 a valid theological concept or is it not?
28:08 So if you really distill it down, Shelley,
28:11 the question that's being asked is,
28:14 at the most basic level is this,
28:16 when we think of God,
28:18 is God ultimately to be conceived
28:20 of as a solitary self or a relational dynamic?
28:26 If you get at the heart of the question,
28:28 that's really what the issue is.
28:31 The whole denominations
28:33 that have formed around rejecting the Trinity
28:36 and adopting the idea that God is a rigid singularity,
28:41 a solitary self, God the Father,
28:43 and then out of God the Father came the Son Jesus
28:47 at some point, we don't know the date of course,
28:49 but Jesus emerged from the Father,
28:51 and the Holy Spirit is not a person at all
28:53 but the essence or energy or power
28:56 that is emerging from the Father.
28:58 So...
29:00 And that's what some say, okay?
29:01 Somebody has just tuned in, we're not saying that,
29:03 but that is what some believe. Yeah, yeah.
29:04 So that's a doctrine that has formed whole denominations,
29:06 Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Unitarians,
29:09 Oneness Pentecostals,
29:11 certain branches of the Church of Christ,
29:13 Church of God Seventh-day until the death of its founder
29:16 and then they converted to the Trinitarian doctrine,
29:19 but...
29:21 And it goes back further than that
29:23 because this was the very subject
29:25 over which the first official
29:27 historical church council was convened,
29:32 the Council of Nicea,
29:34 and the question was this very question,
29:37 "Who is Jesus,
29:38 why is He called the Son of God in the New Testament,
29:41 and does that mean he had a point of beginning?"
29:42 And so that's what prompted the study.
29:44 I was...
29:46 Just people were asking this question...
29:47 Actually, in a grocery store, somebody said, "Hey,
29:50 I see you on television.
29:51 Are you that guy?" And I said, "Yeah."
29:53 We started talking.
29:55 "Hey..."
29:56 And that was the question they had right there
29:57 in the salsa aisle.
29:59 They wanted to know
30:01 who is Jesus really and how does...
30:03 So that's how I was prompted
30:06 to begin writing responses to people who were asking,
30:09 but then the theological prompting
30:12 came from viewing Scripture
30:16 through the most helpful lens,
30:19 the most helpful theological lens that I'm aware of,
30:22 and that is to view Scripture as a whole,
30:25 to view Scripture as a narrative,
30:27 to use Scripture as a unit,
30:30 as something being said from Genesis to Revelation
30:32 rather than the individual parts.
30:35 So it's the progressive
30:38 self-revelation of God in a narrative.
30:41 Yeah, so to the degree, Shelley,
30:42 that I am literate in the Old Testament story,
30:48 the New Testament will make sense to me.
30:50 Amen. Yeah.
30:51 So somebody asked me
30:53 not long ago, "Hey, if you could..."
30:54 I don't know where this question came from.
30:56 "Hey, if you could pull one practical joke on the church,
30:59 what would it be like,
31:01 you know, snap your fingers and do something?"
31:02 I said immediately,
31:04 I would remove all the chapter divisions
31:06 and verse divisions in Scripture,
31:08 and I'll put them back later on because it is helpful,
31:11 you know, to be able to find where you're at.
31:13 But if we look at Scripture as verses,
31:17 we're looking at the bark on the trees.
31:19 There you go. Yeah.
31:20 But if we pan out to see the whole forest,
31:23 then we're looking at the narrative of Scripture.
31:26 So here's basically the problem, let's set...
31:28 And by the way, we should insert here that
31:31 it wasn't written with chapter and verse.
31:33 That's something... It wasn't.
31:35 This was added like a few 100 years ago.
31:36 Yeah.
31:38 So we need to study the Bible, the whole thing,
31:43 read Scripture as a whole, and if we do,
31:46 we will become aware of its own intent.
31:51 Amen.
31:52 You know, what does the Bible mean when it says what it says?
31:55 So when you come to the New Testament, okay?
31:56 Let's set up the problem here.
31:58 The problem, the theological problem
32:00 that we're addressing in this discussion
32:02 and that I'm addressing in the book,
32:03 The Sonship of Christ,
32:05 When you come to the New Testament,
32:07 you read where Jesus is called,
32:10 the Firstborn Son of God in a few different Scriptures,
32:13 you read where He is called in the most famous
32:15 verse of the Bible John 3:16,
32:17 He's called The Only Begotten Son of God.
32:19 Yes.
32:20 You actually read a passage where He is referred
32:22 to as the Beginning of the Creation of God
32:24 in the Book of Revelation.
32:26 So all of this language,
32:28 people have focused in the bark on the tree.
32:32 Okay, John 3:16, it says,
32:34 He is the Only Begotten Son of God.
32:37 What's hard to understand about that someone will say?
32:40 If He is the Son and God is the Father,
32:44 they couldn't be chronologically concurrent.
32:47 The Father must...
32:49 We all know if you have a father and a son,
32:51 the father preceded, preceded in time, the son...
32:56 In human relationships, that's how it works.
32:58 I have a son, I existed before my son Jason.
33:01 So people look at the text and say, "If He is the Son,
33:04 He couldn't have always existed and He couldn't be God
33:08 in the same sense that the Father is God."
33:11 He must be in some sense like the Jehovah's Witnesses
33:13 would say, He is a God, but not God.
33:17 See?
33:19 So that...
33:20 Or as the Catholics believe in eternal generation
33:23 that He emanating from God.
33:26 Yeah, perpetually for all... Yeah.
33:29 So this is the problem in the New Testament, okay?
33:33 So people focus on that and they draw doctrine
33:36 from looking at the verses in isolation.
33:41 So I began to say to myself, "Okay, well,
33:44 wait a minute though.
33:46 I know that everything else I encounter
33:49 in the New Testament
33:50 has an Old Testament foundation."
33:53 Yes.
33:55 So I began to think, "Okay,
33:56 does this have a grounding in the Old Testament?"
33:58 Because the fact is, Shelley, I mean, think about this,
34:00 not only does the New Testament say that Jesus
34:02 is the Son of God, the firstborn Son of God,
34:05 the only begotten Son of God,
34:06 the same New Testament says He is in very nature God
34:10 and equal with God in Philippians 2.
34:12 The Fullness of the Godhead...
34:14 Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
34:15 "Fullness of the Godhead in bodily form."
34:18 Matthew 1:23, when Mary gives birth to this baby,
34:22 angel says call Him Emanuel,
34:24 which being interpreted is God with us,
34:26 and 1 Timothy 3:16, which you might just,
34:30 you know, compare it to John 3:16.
34:33 John 3:16 says that He's this only begotten Son of God,
34:36 1 Timothy 3:16 says,
34:38 "Great is the mystery of godliness.
34:41 God was manifested in the flesh."
34:44 So the same New Testament that says
34:46 He's the son of God says
34:48 He is God in very nature God.
34:52 So you have a conundrum,
34:53 you have a problem, and generally,
34:56 the way the debate has gone down through church history,
35:00 is people on each side of the debate
35:03 have selected their verses.
35:06 Those who favor the "Trinitarian view" of God
35:09 have said "Well, it says He's God."
35:12 So they focus on those
35:14 and they struggle with the ones
35:16 that don't fit that paradigm, the Son of God text.
35:19 Those who favor what is sometimes called,
35:22 the Non-Trinitarian or the Anti-Trinitarian view,
35:26 focus on what it says, it says He's the firstborn Son,
35:28 it says...
35:29 And they struggle to make sense of the God
35:32 verses that say He is in very nature God.
35:34 And so you end up at, what I call,
35:36 a proof text impasse.
35:38 Yeah.
35:39 I've got my verses, you've got your verses,
35:41 let's form denominations over this.
35:43 Let's separate over this,
35:45 let's be at theological enmity over this.
35:48 But here's the thing.
35:50 The Scriptures synthesize both identities.
35:54 So here's how it works, this is what...
35:57 This is the gist of what I discovered in Scripture.
36:00 If you pan out from the bark on the trees
36:02 to look at the whole forest
36:04 and you see Scripture as a whole,
36:07 you discover, Shelley,
36:09 that this "Sonship" idea
36:12 is a theme in Scripture that is initiated
36:15 in the very beginning of the story in Genesis.
36:18 So God creates the first man, his name is Adam,
36:22 He creates the first woman, her name is Eve.
36:26 When Adam and Eve are created,
36:31 they are son and daughter of God in a unique sense,
36:34 in a primary sense in that they didn't have
36:37 a human mom and dad, right?
36:39 They're the first man, the first woman,
36:41 and then they have the power,
36:43 according to Genesis, of procreation.
36:46 So sons and daughters will come forth
36:48 from this union of Adam and Eve.
36:52 And the Scripture says that Adam...
36:53 this is in Genesis,
36:55 Adam will create sons in his image.
36:58 Yes.
37:00 So there's this succession of sons that is set up.
37:03 Well, when you fast forward to the New Testament
37:05 and you see the cohesive kind of the connective strands,
37:09 okay, when you come to the New Testament,
37:11 the Gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
37:15 and John tell us who Jesus is in the context
37:18 of that initial story.
37:20 And this is crucial, Shelley, this is crucial.
37:22 In Luke 3:38, I remember...
37:24 Yes.
37:25 Luke 3:38 calls Adam son of God.
37:27 That's right.
37:29 So you have this genealogy where it says so and so
37:31 is the son of so and so
37:32 and each one is the son of some human father,
37:36 and it goes all the way back, you know, Jesse or David,
37:39 the son of Jesse and Jesse, the son of Obed,
37:42 and it goes back, back, back, back, back,
37:44 and then it says Adam the son of God.
37:47 Yes.
37:48 So this is the origin of the language "son of God."
37:53 Adam is the first "son of God"
37:57 in the primary sense that he is the one through whom
38:00 in a genealogical flow of history,
38:03 every other human being
38:05 is going to come forth from him.
38:07 So Jesus is the Son of God in the Adamic sense,
38:11 in the sense that Adam was the Son of God
38:14 because here's how the story flows.
38:16 Adam sins, the fall occurs in the Genesis account.
38:21 When Adam sins, when Eve sins,
38:25 God enters the picture
38:26 in Genesis chapter 3 and makes a promise.
38:29 It is sometimes called by Bible students,
38:31 by scholars the first gospel promise
38:34 and it's a prophecy promise.
38:37 It's in Genesis 3:15 and God is speaking to the serpent,
38:40 to Satan in the presence of Adam and Eve
38:43 who have now fallen, and God says to the serpent,
38:46 "I'm going to put enmity or hostility between you,
38:50 Satan, and the woman,"
38:52 in this local, historical sense Eve,
38:55 but in the larger eschatological sense,
38:58 the Israel and the church down through history.
39:01 "I'm going to put enmity or hostility between you,
39:04 Satan, and the woman,"
39:06 and here's what's going to happen.
39:08 "You will bruise his heel and he will crush your head."
39:14 So God now in Genesis 3:15
39:18 has said that there is going to be an offspring,
39:22 there's going to be a seed.
39:24 "I will put enmity between your seed
39:28 and her seed."
39:30 That is the sons and daughters that will come forth from Eve
39:36 and the church and the sons and daughters
39:38 that will be in a "spiritual sense"
39:40 the progeny of Satan and his way of thinking of God
39:44 and doing life.
39:46 So this is remarkable.
39:47 Here is a promise at the beginning of the story
39:50 of Scripture that we might call a promise of progeny.
39:55 "Adam and Eve, you're going to have a son at some point."
39:58 It's not specified when,
39:59 "but you're going to have a son
40:01 who will be the 'new' son of God."
40:06 He's going to come through human lineage,
40:08 and that's the point.
40:09 So when you come as...
40:11 And He'll be the second Adam is what Paul calls Him
40:13 in 1 Corinthians 15.
40:15 And also referring to Him as the second Adam in Romans 5.
40:20 Yeah.
40:21 You know, Adam is the first man in the representative sense
40:25 of the human race.
40:27 He is the "prototypical" man Adam.
40:30 Well, Jesus is the new prototypical man.
40:32 Yes.
40:34 Adam is the first image-bearer of God,
40:38 who will create or procreate in his image,
40:41 Jesus comes along and Paul teaches us that Jesus
40:45 is now the image of God reestablished...
40:48 Amen.
40:49 And out of him, there will be, what Paul says, many sons,
40:53 many offspring, who like Adam was supposed to do,
40:58 they will bear the image of God.
41:00 And so this is an incredible tapestry.
41:03 It's a story that's unfolding.
41:06 So again, backing up and then moving forward in Genesis,
41:09 Adam is the Son of God,
41:11 Luke informs us that Jesus is the Son of God
41:14 in the Adamic sense, okay?
41:16 So now we have a grounding for the language.
41:20 Well, then as the story of Genesis unfolds,
41:22 the plan of salvation unfolds
41:25 with this idea of primogenitor or firstborn son.
41:30 So God calls Abraham
41:33 because God is going to follow through
41:35 what the Genesis 3:15 promise,
41:38 He said I'm going to send a son,
41:41 an offspring through the human lineage
41:44 so He establishes a people.
41:46 He says, "Abraham, come out,
41:47 I'm starting a people with you."
41:50 That man Abraham is told by God,
41:55 "I'm going to give you a son and your son will be the one
41:59 through whom the promise will be carried forward
42:02 down through history."
42:03 So Abraham and Sarah get all antsy
42:06 because they're getting old,
42:07 and they take matters into their own hands
42:10 and they have Ishmael,
42:12 who is technically Abraham's first born.
42:17 But God says in so many words in the story,
42:19 that's not the son of promise.
42:23 And Hebrews 11 actually says that Abraham,
42:27 when Isaac comes along and he goes to sacrifice him,
42:31 it calls Isaac his only begotten son.
42:35 Yes.
42:36 There's the language, Shelley.
42:38 Yeah.
42:39 So we come in the New Testament,
42:40 we have to interpret the language
42:42 of the New Testament,
42:43 Jesus is the only begotten Son of God with the source
42:47 that it comes from.
42:48 So Abraham has Isaac
42:51 who is technically biologically the second born son,
42:54 but he is in fact the only or the firstborn son
42:58 in the covenantal sense.
43:00 'Cause it's a unique covenant.
43:01 Yeah.
43:02 And then Isaac and Rebekah, they have two sons,
43:06 they have twins Jacob and Esau, well, technically again,
43:11 Esau is the firstborn, Jacob is the second born,
43:15 but Jacob becomes the firstborn in the sense
43:19 that he's the one that will carry
43:21 the promise forward.
43:23 He's the covenantal son of God, the narrative son of God.
43:28 So you have the same idea.
43:30 Then as the story unfolds, this is so remarkable, Shelley.
43:35 Jacob has 12 sons,
43:37 his 12 sons then go into Egyptian bondage
43:41 and they reproduce and reproduce and reproduce,
43:44 and they become a nation.
43:46 They become a nation, Shelley.
43:49 Jacob's name was changed
43:51 in his wrestling match with the Lord,
43:54 and his name was changed from Jacob to Israel.
43:57 Israel now, this is amazing, becomes the corporate name,
44:03 a corporate name of all his sons
44:05 and all their progeny.
44:07 So the nation is now known by the name of their father
44:10 Jacob who is Israel.
44:12 That's how we get the nation of Israel.
44:14 Now this is amazing.
44:16 Israel is in Egyptian bondage, now check this out,
44:19 this is so incredible.
44:20 They're in Egyptian bondage, God calls Moses, and says,
44:24 "Moses, go to Pharaoh and tell Pharaoh,
44:28 'let my son go.'"
44:33 Singular.
44:34 Who is His son?
44:37 The son of God
44:39 now takes on the corporate identity of Israel.
44:42 This is how the story unfolds.
44:44 So now the son of God...
44:47 Actually, in the text, in Exodus,
44:51 God tells Pharaoh through Moses that,
44:54 "Israel is My begotten son."
44:58 The word "begotten" is used again.
45:00 So unique.
45:02 Yeah, yeah. It's unique.
45:03 Yeah, yeah.
45:04 So God has a chosen people,
45:06 they're called Israel and God says,
45:07 "I'm your Father," He says to them.
45:10 Unlike the other nations who have the fathers,
45:14 their fathers or their "gods" are Marduk and Moloch
45:18 and Ishtar and Dagan and all these other deities.
45:23 God says, "No, I'm your Father in a unique special sense
45:27 and you're My son."
45:28 And the idea, the concept is...
45:31 Shelley, this is amazing.
45:32 The concept, this is so beautiful,
45:35 is that Israel now is God's son in a corporate sense
45:41 as the conduit
45:44 through which the promise is going to be carried down
45:46 through the ages, down through the ages,
45:48 down through the ages,
45:50 through whom the Messiah will be born
45:53 as the Son of God.
45:57 So it's all connected.
45:59 Jesus is the Son of God
46:00 in the sense that Adam was the Son of God.
46:03 Jesus is the Son of God in the sense that Isaac
46:07 and Jacob and Israel was the son of God.
46:10 So when the Lord says,
46:12 "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
46:15 Today I have begotten you."
46:18 Yeah.
46:19 It was...
46:21 Are you saying then, and I know you are,
46:22 but I'll try to put it in simple way, that God was...
46:27 Christ was always eternal and, you know,
46:31 Philippians 2:5 and 3:8, says,
46:34 "He did not consider equality with God to be robbery
46:39 because He was equal with God."
46:41 So He was always eternal, He was always God.
46:46 But when He became the covenant son,
46:51 the second Adam...
46:52 Man, I love your articulation.
46:54 This is... Yes.
46:55 Okay, so when He became the covenant son of promise...
46:58 Yeah.
47:00 That's when He actually became "the Son of God."
47:04 That's why Hebrew one specifies,
47:08 quoting from the Psalms, which is a messianic prophecy,
47:11 that's why the Book of Hebrews specifies, Shelley,
47:14 "Today I have begotten you."
47:16 Today, at the point of incarnation,
47:19 when you come through the womb of woman,
47:22 because that was the promise back in Genesis 3:15,
47:25 "To the serpent in the hearing of the woman,
47:28 I will put enmity between you, Satan, and the woman."
47:32 The woman then becomes the personified channel
47:35 through which Messiah is going to come
47:37 into the world through birth.
47:38 So when Jesus comes into the world, Shelley,
47:41 that's the reference point for the sonship of Christ.
47:47 So think about it like this.
47:49 Jesus preexisted His incarnation.
47:54 Yes.
47:56 He existed as, according to Scripture, God.
48:00 As very God.
48:01 "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God..."
48:02 "The Word was God."
48:04 He was God.
48:05 And as God,
48:07 a great condescension was entered into.
48:12 I mean, the God... I mean, Shelley, think of this.
48:14 The God of the universe loves you by name Shelly,
48:19 loves me by name Ty
48:20 and every member of the human race.
48:23 God literally loved you and me with such a passionate,
48:26 selfless, other-centered love
48:28 that God condescended to become a member of the human race.
48:33 Not temporarily but eternally He is, according to Hebrews,
48:37 our brother in the flesh forever.
48:41 Yes.
48:42 This is a sacrifice of monumental proportions.
48:46 You know, I'm going to tell you,
48:48 I have long said
48:50 that the greatest sacrifice of Christ was not on the cross,
48:54 don't misunderstand what I'm saying,
48:56 His greatest sacrifice was eternal God
48:59 became a human being, He took on our humanity.
49:02 And a lot of scholars
49:04 called that the humiliation of Christ to think that God
49:10 would become the second Adam,
49:11 become the covenant son of promise
49:15 so that He could die in our place.
49:17 It's amazing. But even though...
49:19 And we're just running out time,
49:21 but I just have to say this.
49:23 Even though I've been saying similar things
49:26 to what you're saying
49:28 without putting this all together,
49:30 when I read Ty's book,
49:32 it's called, "The Sonship of Christ.
49:35 Exploring the Covenant Identity of God and Man,"
49:38 let me tell you, and this is available at Ty...
49:42 TyGibson.com.
49:45 Okay.
49:46 They can also get it at lightbearers.org.
49:48 Okay. But here...
49:49 They can also get it at Amazon, whatever that is.
49:52 All right.
49:53 But here is what it did for me
49:57 and I don't know that I can articulate this,
50:00 I'm anxious to read it again,
50:02 but I remember for weeks
50:05 after I first read this manuscript,
50:08 when I would pray,
50:11 I had a bigger picture of Jesus Christ.
50:15 Even though I've been saying,
50:17 okay, He came down, He took on me...
50:18 Yeah, yeah.
50:20 It was like, "You are eternal God."
50:23 I mean, at some point, you could say maybe in heaven,
50:26 son of God was a title reserved for Him, but he...
50:28 Absolutely. He wasn't.
50:30 The same, by the way, Shelley,
50:32 that He is referred to as the Lamb slain
50:35 from the foundation of the world.
50:36 Of course we know that He wasn't actually slain
50:39 until AD 31 when He was crucified,
50:41 but He was designated to the role
50:46 before He came to this world.
50:47 All right, so we're almost out of time,
50:49 so here's what I want to do.
50:51 We're going to put up the address roll
50:53 if you would like to contact Light Bearers,
50:56 but we're going to have I think your address...
51:00 Website, TyGibson.com to get this book.
51:06 "The Sonship of Christ"
51:08 Explains why Jesus Christ is called the Son of God.
51:12 To order your copy,
51:13 visit his website, LightBearers.org.
51:16 That's LightBearers.org.
51:19 If you would like to invite Ty to speak at your church,
51:22 just call him at (541)988-3333.
51:28 That's (541)988-3333.
51:33 You may also write to Light Bearers
51:35 37457 Jasper Lowell Road
51:39 in Jasper, Oregon 97438.


Revised 2018-12-18