3ABN Today

Center for Online Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018107A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:12 Hello friends. Welcome to 3ABN Today. My name
01:14 is John Lomacang, but you probably know that
01:17 if you're part of our family. I am going to
01:19 talk to the digitally deviced people today.
01:22 Don't ask me to say that again. If you have
01:25 a device, get it. If you have a cell phone,
01:27 get it. This program is revolutionary. This
01:31 is not a program you want to miss; I repeat,
01:33 do not change the channel. This is where you want to
01:37 be. If you have young people in your house,
01:39 go get them. Tell them to bring their devices
01:41 with them. This is a program that they want
01:44 to see. And if you're listening on the radio,
01:46 turn the volume up. I'm excited about our
01:50 guest today, because you know there's a
01:52 commission given by Jesus, "Go therefore
01:54 and teach all nations." Go unto all the world,
01:57 get the gospel to every kingdom, and that's the
01:59 facilitating effect to usher in the return of
02:03 Jesus. And so, we're going to talk about
02:05 creative ways of carrying the gospel to the world,
02:09 and I'm excited about our guest today. We are
02:12 getting reacquainted on a personal level, and
02:15 you'll meet her, some of you, for the very first
02:16 time. But before that, I want to thank you
02:18 for your prayers, your financial support of
02:21 Three Angels Broadcasting Network. I believe you
02:24 believe that God is using this network to
02:27 get the gospel out. And today, we're going
02:29 to talk about an additional way to get
02:31 the gospel to explode in this very challenging
02:34 generation. But before we do that, we're going
02:38 to be blessed with a song by one of my good
02:39 friends, Stephanie Dawn, and the song she's going
02:42 to be singing is "O Glorious Love."
03:04 In my darkness Jesus found me
03:13 Touched my eyes and made me see
03:21 Broke sin's chains that long had bound me
03:30 Gave me life and liberty
03:38 Oh, glorious love of Christ my Lord divine
03:46 Who gave Himself to save a soul like mine
03:54 Through all my days and then in heaven above,
04:02 My song will silence never, I'll worship Him forever,
04:11 And praise Him for His glorious love
04:24 Oh, amazing truth to ponder
04:32 He whom angel hosts attend
04:41 Lord in Heaven, God's Son, what wonder;
04:48 He became the sinner's friend
04:56 Oh, glorious love of Christ my Lord divine
05:03 Who gave Himself to save a soul like mine
05:11 Through all my days and then in heaven above
05:18 My song will silence never, I'll worship Him forever,
05:27 And praise Him for His glorious love
05:37 And praise Him for His glorious love
05:59 - Thank you so much, Stephanie; appreciate
06:02 it. This topic is about God's glorious love and
06:05 how He has, through that love, encouraged
06:09 us to get the gospel out so that people who
06:11 don't know Him can become acquainted with Him and
06:14 then receive the beautiful gift of salvation. On
06:17 that note, Felecia, good to have you here.
06:19 - Pastor John, good to be here. - Felecia Datus.
06:22 - Yes. - Good to see you again! - It's good
06:24 to see you! It's been a while. - Yes, my wife
06:26 and I, when we heard that you were coming
06:27 here, we said, "Wonderful!" Wonderful. Good to have
06:30 you here. You are on the cutting edge right
06:32 now of some moving methods that really
06:37 are encouraging a new segment of the
06:41 church and of our worldwide family to
06:44 get involved. Tell us about what you're
06:47 involved in; kind of give us a little bit of
06:50 your background, let people who are meeting
06:52 for the first time kind of find out who you are.
06:54 - So, a little bit of background... I'm from
06:57 the Bahamas. My family is from Haiti; my
07:00 parents do mission work in Haiti. So, I've
07:03 always had that drive for evangelism and
07:05 sharing the gospel - my siblings, as well. And
07:08 more and more- I do have experience in radio
07:11 and television, and I realize that I can reach
07:13 so many more people than by meeting people
07:16 on a day-to-day basis. So, I've been thinking,
07:18 "How do we combine evangelism and digital
07:22 gadgets that we have with sharing the gospel?"
07:26 And then a year ago, I met a gentleman who
07:29 had started a ministry, sharing the gospel,
07:32 promoting the three angels' message, promoting
07:34 the Advent message online. And so, that's
07:37 how I got involved with the Center for Online
07:38 Evangelism, and that taught me to combine
07:41 my love for mission and how everyone is on
07:44 their devices. - Wow. Wow. We live in a
07:47 device-driven world today. - Oh, yes;
07:48 absolutely. - You know, I was going to ask the
07:50 question, which you've kind of answered already,
07:52 but the most prevalent thing we have today
07:55 that we didn't have, in this number and this
07:57 mass 20 years ago, is... what? - We have it
08:00 right here. You have like, two; I have one.
08:03 We're all connected somehow. - We are
08:06 digitally connected. Every one of us is
08:08 connected by something. I've got an iPad, some
08:11 of you have tablets, but we are a digitally
08:15 connected, and some cases, digitally
08:17 distracted generation. - We are. But the thing
08:20 is, the wonderful grace of God is that He could
08:23 use where we are to reach us with His love.
08:26 So if a lot of people are connected there
08:28 on their devices, why not work through those
08:30 devices to share the gospel? In some homes,
08:33 everyone has a cell phone there. Also, computers,
08:37 there're tablets, there are laptops, there's a
08:39 television... What better way to reach people than
08:41 through their gadgets? - That's right. That's
08:43 right. And tell us about the Center of Online
08:47 Evangelism. Talk about that, because we- how
08:51 many people are online? I love that word - online.
08:54 As compared to offline. - Yes. So, it started
09:00 a few years ago. A gentleman named Ed
09:02 Wagner- he was traveling. He was on his phone and
09:05 he wanted to find out some Adventist churches
09:08 in the area, and he basically discovered
09:10 that our presence is not as strong online.
09:14 So, God blessed him with the idea to bring some
09:17 persons together, form a ministry so that we
09:20 can promote the Advent message, promote the
09:22 gospel online. So, it's a few years later; our
09:25 team has grown. We have like, 11 or 12 full-time
09:27 workers, we have interns, we have volunteers... And
09:30 our mean mission is to train people how to do
09:34 online evangelism. So, going into churches,
09:37 talking with church members and saying, "Hey, you
09:39 have Facebook, you have YouTube- why not use
09:42 those means to share the gospel, to share
09:44 what Christ is doing in your life?" We also
09:46 train ministries how to do Search Engine
09:49 Optimization- so, SEO. You can have a great
09:52 website, but if persons online don't know how
09:54 to find your website, then your content
09:58 remains hidden online. What we're finding is
10:01 that a lot of people, they're searching for
10:03 the truth. They want to know about the
10:04 Sabbath. They want to know about Bible study;
10:07 they want to know who Jesus Christ is. So,
10:11 when they go online, what are they finding?
10:13 Are they finding the great content that the
10:15 Adventist church is creating, that the
10:17 members are creating? So, we're saying the
10:19 content is already being created; let's work with
10:23 Search Engine Optimization, SEO, to boost that content
10:26 so that when they do Google us or when they
10:28 do ask Siri, "Hey, what is the Sabbath?" or "Who
10:31 is Jesus Christ?" that our content were to
10:32 come up. So, that's why our ministry was founded,
10:35 and then we have our mean initiative Project
10:37 Caleb still basically with the aim and the
10:40 mission to promote the gospel online. - Tell us
10:43 why 'Caleb.' That's interesting, because
10:45 I have some ideas; I have a sermon called,
10:47 "Somebody's Got to Be Caleb." But this is
10:50 amazing that you brought a Project Caleb. - So,
10:52 we know the story. The Israelites were bound
10:55 to go into the Promised Land, and we almost see
10:57 Google, the first page of Google, as the Promised
10:59 Land, because statistics are showing that people
11:01 rarely go to the second page. But going back
11:04 to the Bible story, there was the Promised
11:05 Land, and God told the Israelites, "Go in.
11:08 There are a lot of giants, there are a
11:10 lot of enemies, but I've commanded you to go."
11:12 He said, "Do not be afraid of them. I will
11:14 give you victory over them." Caleb was going
11:16 ahead of them along with Joshua, and they
11:19 took over the Promised Land despite the
11:20 challenges, despite the giants, and they
11:23 ended up conquering the Promised Land with
11:26 God's help. So, we took that name, Project Caleb,
11:29 and we're saying that even though online,
11:31 there are giants-there's a whole lot of negative
11:33 content, there's a whole lot of information
11:36 that we don't want our children to have access
11:38 to-God promised to give us power, to give
11:41 us grace, to give us the Holy Spirit to
11:42 conquer that first page of the internet
11:45 to take over so that people can learn more
11:47 about Jesus Christ and the Advent message. - I
11:49 like the way you compared that, because the Promised
11:51 Land was inhabited by the Malachite's, the
11:53 Hittites, the Jebusites, the Perizzites - all
11:55 these foreign nations that were in adversarial
11:57 relationships with Israel. But the Lord
12:00 says, "I'm going to give you that land."
12:01 - Exactly. Exactly. So, it wasn't a space that
12:04 was empty; it was a space that was already
12:06 full, but with the enemy. God is saying,
12:09 "In this world, there's a whole lot of darkness."
12:11 And He says, "You are created to be a light;
12:13 you are created to be the salt of the Earth
12:15 on Google, on YouTube, on Yahoo!" And so, instead
12:19 of just shining the light where light
12:20 already is, God says, "Go into the darkness."
12:23 Go online, because half of the world's population
12:27 has access to the internet. 3.5 billion, in some way
12:31 or form, has access to the internet. So, if
12:34 we want to finish the Great Commission, if
12:35 we want to go out to all the nations, every
12:37 tongue, every race, every tribe, do it
12:40 using our gadgets. - That's right; that's right. I love
12:43 that! Because that's, in fact... I think recent-
12:47 I don't know if this picture's? yet,
12:49 but my wife and I, while we were in Bangkok,
12:51 Thailand and we were on the platform, getting
12:54 ready to take a train, and I looked around me
12:56 and I thought to myself, "Honey, look!" And I
12:59 think the picture's available here. This
13:00 is a picture of people standing on the platform,
13:03 one of the them, and I thought, I look to my
13:05 right; there are people on their phones. And
13:07 then to the left, I said, "Well, look at the other
13:09 crowd!" Yeah, the other one. There's a man
13:11 standing there, and he was on HIS phone, and
13:14 I was thinking- then I said, "But look to my
13:16 immediate left; look at this." And my wife
13:18 said, "Look at that. They're on their phones."
13:20 - Right. Precisely. - And this is what
13:22 you're talking about! - Everywhere you go.
13:24 I was just in the airport the other day. You're
13:27 on a bus, you're on a train- wherever you go,
13:29 people are face down. So, imagine trying to
13:32 reach someone, trying to say hello, trying to
13:34 greet them, trying to share your personal
13:36 story of what Jesus did for you. No one is looking
13:38 up. They can't hear you...BUT if we have
13:40 the gospel online, if we have what they are
13:43 searching for right there online, there's a way that,
13:46 while they are scrolling and while they are
13:48 searching, whether it's podcasts or they're
13:51 looking for videos, or if it's on Facebook,
13:53 they can find the gospel. - As a matter of fact,
13:56 I have a story. I don't want to take your time,
13:57 but it's a very quick story. A good friend
13:59 of mine who was Janet Jackson's entertainment
14:01 lawyer, that's how he found out about a series
14:03 I did called "Unclean Spirits." He said he
14:05 was searching for the Sabbath. He said, "And
14:07 you kept coming up. 5 times you came up, and
14:09 I said, 'Well, let me just see who this is.
14:11 Why does this keep coming up?'" And he
14:13 watched it, and now we're good friends as a result
14:15 of just being online - a series about the
14:16 occult and the entertainment industry, he says; and
14:18 he watched it. He and his wife watched it 5
14:20 times. Now, we're good friends because of the
14:23 fact that he was online, looking for truth, and
14:25 he said, "Your name kept coming up. 'Who is this
14:27 guy? I don't even know who he is.'" Now, that
14:29 way, the Lord opened the door to be able to
14:31 share the gospel with him. - Exactly. - And
14:33 that's what you're talking about! - Exactly!
14:35 And it's not only sharing that content; it's all
14:37 about connecting people who don't have access
14:40 to an Adventist church, for example. We're
14:43 finding that a lot of searches to YouTube,
14:45 for example, is coming outside of the United
14:47 States. And sometimes, these are coming from
14:49 countries where it's forbidden to share the
14:51 gospel - but they are online because they want
14:53 to know about who Jesus is. So maybe, they get
14:56 connected to your ministry, they find
14:58 your content, and then they want to form a
15:00 community. So, using our digital devices, we can
15:03 also start online Bible studies. We can start
15:05 prayer groups. We can start churches! Neville
15:08 Neveling, he received a net award at the
15:11 GAiN conference some time ago because he's
15:13 known for starting churches using WhatsApp. - Wow.
15:17 Online. - Yes. - What is GAiN? Is that an
15:19 acronym? - It is an acronym, and it's one
15:21 of the ways that different people in communication
15:24 and internet in the Adventist church come
15:26 together, again, to learn how to share the
15:28 gospel online and using the internet and digital
15:30 devices. - Wow. I mean, so this is a medium that
15:34 is fast-paced, hard-hitting, and what's nice about
15:39 it is targeting a generation that's
15:40 becoming increasingly difficult to reach. - Yes;
15:43 yes. And there are challenges, you know?
15:46 There are studies that's wondering whether
15:49 relationships are breaking down because
15:50 of our devices, but we're saying people
15:53 are already online. So, rather than trying to
15:55 get people off of their phones-and it's good
15:57 to have that balance of face-to-face conversation-
15:59 but we're saying to reach them where they
16:02 are, and that's what Jesus did. He went to
16:03 where the crowd was. So, if they're already
16:06 online, let's reach them there and then
16:08 also get them connected to a local church or
16:11 with a group of people in their area. - I'm
16:13 smiling because I'm thinking- so much is
16:15 exploding in my mind right now - the pastor.
16:17 You mentioned the Promised Land. Well,
16:19 there's another statement, "Can any good thing come
16:21 out of Nazareth?" - Precisely. - You know,
16:23 you could call the phone, "Nazareth."
16:25 "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
16:26 So, really, there're so many ways to approach
16:31 this topic where people are just- they're not-
16:35 some people go to- I was watching an article
16:37 just recently. Actually, a magazine article where
16:39 they talk about how college students, it's
16:43 impacting their ability to stay up in class,
16:46 because many of them sleep with their phones
16:49 right next to them. - Right. - They might
16:51 not have the ringer on, but they put it on their
16:53 chest so they can feel the vibration if somebody's
16:55 texting, or they sleep with their face turned
16:57 toward it. So, what our lesson's saying is-
17:00 I like what you said, because somebody might
17:02 say, "Well, they are already addicted. Why
17:05 do we want to get them addicted?" We
17:07 want to go unto the bars and lead them to
17:08 Christ. - Precisely. Precisely. - Talk about,
17:11 we want to meet them in their place of addiction
17:13 to give them freedom. - Right. And the aim is
17:15 not to leave them online; the aim is to reach them
17:19 through the devices that they have but get them
17:21 connected to a church family, get them connected
17:24 to someone else in their area so that
17:27 they can grow together. So, yes. We understand
17:29 that. We acknowledge that there are addictions,
17:31 but we still believe that the Holy Spirit can
17:34 work through that - work through their
17:35 computers and their laptops and their cell
17:38 phones to get them connected to a church
17:39 family. - Wow. And now, talk about the platforms.
17:42 You talked about some of the ways that this is
17:45 happening, like you mentioned. Well, we
17:47 know about Instagram, we know about Facebook;
17:49 but amazingly enough, almost monthly, or
17:52 maybe even more reoccurring than that, there are
17:56 new platforms opening up. So, while people
18:00 are saying- I remember there was a time. Remember
18:03 ...what was it, MySpace? - MySpace. There was
18:06 also hi5. I don't know if anyone remembers
18:08 that. - When MySpace came out, it was like,
18:10 "MySpace..." And then all of a sudden, they
18:12 said, "Well, that's just for teenyboppers."
18:14 Then whatever came out after that, but then
18:17 Facebook seems to be the overarching platform
18:20 right now that everybody's targeting. - Yes. So,
18:22 there is- you can reach people through social
18:24 media, so that's Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat,
18:27 Twitter, LinkedIn, all of these social media
18:29 platforms. And then you have the video-sharing
18:32 platforms; that's YouTube and that's
18:33 video. Then, you have podcast, then you
18:36 have blogs. We're finding a greater and greater
18:38 percentage every day of Americans, for example,
18:41 who are spending a lot of internet time reading
18:43 blogs. So, that's social media, there's YouTube,
18:46 there're blogs, there are podcasts, and then
18:48 there are websites. So, all of these platforms can
18:51 be used to share the gospel. But then we're seeing
18:54 even if you do have a platform, Search Engine
18:57 Optimization, or SEO, is still important,
19:01 because that's a major part of what we do.
19:03 It basically includes training or teaching
19:07 church members, church leaders, how to optimize
19:10 their website. It's like having a building
19:13 or having a house and not having the address
19:15 up, so people don't know how to find you. - Good.
19:17 - I remember there was this one time I was
19:19 invited to a potluck after church, and I
19:22 went to the house and a dog came, you know,
19:24 barking at me. I was at the wrong house.
19:27 So even though I wanted to go to the house, I
19:29 went to the wrong address. And a lot of times, we
19:32 find that's what's happening online.
19:33 - Internet address. - That people want to
19:35 find our content, but they're going to the
19:37 wrong websites because they don't have an
19:39 address; they don't know where to find us,
19:41 and it's because we're not practicing SEO, or
19:43 Search Engine Optimization: using the right keywords,
19:47 having meta descriptions, and other factors that
19:50 can help people find our content. - I want
19:52 you to break this down for the illiterate-meta
19:54 descriptions. Talk about that for a moment. You
19:56 know, meta data. Go ahead. - So, meta
19:57 descriptions. For example, when you go
19:59 on Google, for instance, if I want to find black
20:03 ties and I Google 'black ties,' what's going to
20:08 happen is that I'm going to find 10 results on
20:11 the first page of Google. And right after, like,
20:14 a bold on the Google search result, there's
20:17 a little bit of a description-there's
20:18 a meta description. And before we click,
20:21 most people, they're reading that short
20:23 summary to find out whether they want
20:25 to click on that website. Now, Google is searching
20:28 your website to find out if you have these
20:30 summaries. If you have these summaries, it helps
20:33 you rank a little bit higher. And that's not
20:35 the only thing; there are so many other things
20:37 that can help you rank higher on Google so
20:40 that people can find your content. - Okay.
20:41 So, in other words, the initial...what's
20:46 the word I could use here?- the initial
20:47 invitation. - Precisely. - In some cases, pastors-
20:51 at least, I'm not going to speak for everybody,
20:53 but I live in the world of communication-they
20:57 say you have 15-20 seconds to get your
20:59 audience's information. So, don't spend and
21:01 say, "Well, uh, so glad to be here. My
21:03 name is John Lomacang. I'm so glad to have
21:05 you here. I'm so glad you're here for the
21:07 weekend." It's like... Okay, we know who
21:09 you are! Don't tell us who you are; we got
21:12 the sermon, we have the bulletin, we see
21:14 the sermon title... Boom. - Get right to it. - Start
21:16 by saying, "You know, it's possible to walk
21:18 with Jesus and not even know Him."
21:20 - Precisely. So, that could be a meta description.
21:22 I don't want to go too much in using
21:24 those technical terms, but what the Center
21:26 for Online Evangelism does is, for example,
21:28 we go into churches and we train you how
21:30 to do this. We provide the services; we provide
21:33 the resources to train someone who never
21:35 heard the term 'Search Engine Optimization' or
21:38 'meta description.' We train you how to do
21:40 this. Why? Because God has given you a particular
21:43 story. He has given you the gospel, and you have
21:46 that responsibility now to share it. And
21:48 sometimes, we want to share it, but we
21:50 don't know how to do it-especially in a
21:51 digital age, and that's why we exist. - And
21:53 you know, Felecia, a lot of people don't
21:55 realize that they are drawn by these devices,
21:59 even the person that watches television,
22:00 they might say, "I don't have a cell
22:01 phone, I don't have an iPad, I don't really
22:04 want any of these"- but if they watch
22:05 television, the same principle applies. The
22:08 people putting commercials together, they pay
22:10 millions for that 15 seconds on Super Bowl
22:12 Sunday. My wife worked for a company in New
22:15 York City years ago- Coca Cola, actually,
22:17 and all they did was price advertising.
22:19 And when the Super Bowl came around,
22:21 people were willing to pay millions for that
22:23 15 or 20- if you get 30 seconds, you're
22:25 talking about massive amounts of money.
22:27 - Yes; yes. - And they don't spend- they don't
22:30 say- they don't have a talking head to talk
22:32 to you for 30 seconds. It's gotta be fast-moving,
22:35 lock you in, keep you looking, and they have
22:37 to choose keywords that will be of interest
22:39 to you, and before they even choose
22:41 those keywords, they've researched massive
22:44 amounts of data to say, "What is everybody
22:46 looking for?" - And people are spending.
22:48 Organizations, businesses out there in the secular
22:51 world are spending thousands of dollars
22:53 every day, every month- millions of dollars every
22:56 single year so that they can reach people
22:59 with a message that, sometimes, does not
23:01 even have any eternal value. - Right. - So
23:03 how much more emphasis should we place on using
23:06 the means and the methods to reach people. You
23:09 know, there's a passage in the Bible we were
23:11 talking about that sometimes, the children
23:12 of the world are more faithful in certain
23:15 things than we who have this light and
23:17 we who have this message. So, why
23:19 not put more emphasis in sharing the gospel
23:21 online? - You know, the other thing about-
23:23 there are parents that might say, "I'm trying
23:26 to find ways to get my daughter off of
23:29 her cell phone, my son out of his bedroom;
23:33 his computer is his new god..." We're
23:35 saying, okay. We'll go into that bedroom
23:38 and find him for you. [laughter] Okay,
23:41 that's what you're talking about. - Right.
23:42 - We'll say, "That's where he is," or
23:44 "That's where she is"; we're coming after
23:46 them to give them a new direction of- I
23:48 want to clarify that, because sometimes,
23:49 people might say, "You know, they're buying
23:52 into this same thing, too. Look at what
23:53 they're doing." We're not buying into it
23:56 anymore than Jesus bought into being
23:58 a harlot or a publican or tax collector or
24:00 winebibber, but He met people where
24:02 they are and I want you to emphasize that.
24:03 - And we also want to say that since,
24:05 for example, your teenagers are already on their
24:07 phone. Why not train them to use their phone
24:11 to use that time to share the gospel with
24:13 their peers? For instance, with my phone, I remember
24:17 some time ago I met this lady who was
24:19 offering a support class to help women
24:22 who struggled with abortion - you know,
24:24 dealing with the pain and finding healing in
24:26 God. And I said, "What do you think of us
24:28 doing a Facebook live video and us talking
24:31 about this?" I had no idea how it was going to receive.
24:36 I'm thinking, "Okay, maybe 10, 20...up
24:38 to 100 people will watch this interview."
24:40 It turns out that that video alone had thousands
24:43 of views and shared so many times. We had
24:46 persons, after watching that video on Facebook
24:48 live, contact that lady and said, "I have
24:51 been struggling. Can I please talk to you?
24:53 Can you please pray with me?" And so we're
24:54 saying, your teenagers are on their phone -
24:56 fine. We do want to reach them, and then
24:58 we also want to train them how to use their
25:00 gadgets to share the gospel, because that
25:03 may be the way that the Holy Spirit can
25:05 reach them. - That's right. A device doesn't
25:09 necessarily have to be evil in and of itself;
25:11 it's what you do with it. - Precisely. It's
25:13 just like money, you know? Money in and
25:16 of itself is not something that's bad; it's not
25:19 something that's evil. If you are using it
25:22 to spend- if you were spending it on a whole
25:25 lot of things that's frivolous and that
25:26 has no value, has no meaning, or it's being
25:28 used to destroy lives, then it becomes
25:31 something that's bad. However, imagine if
25:34 you have a whole lot of money and you use
25:36 all of that money to feed the poor, to help
25:40 the homeless, and you use it to share the
25:42 gospel - then, it's used for good. We
25:44 look at digital devices the same way. - That's
25:47 right. And instead of trying to fight the
25:50 tide, you redirect the tide. - Right; right.
25:54 - Somebody said, "You could get angry with
25:58 the ocean or you could turn that raging wave
26:01 of water and direct it into a power plant
26:05 and light up a city." And I think what you're
26:07 saying is, there's a wave that's been
26:09 roaring against households. You want to redirect
26:11 that. I think of the Grand Coulee Dam;
26:14 I think of a lot of these large water
26:17 dams around the world where you can't stop
26:19 the river, but you can say, "What can we do
26:22 with this ever-present resource?" - Right. - So
26:24 that's what we're talking about. What
26:25 do we do with this ever-present resource?
26:27 - And the other thing is, imagine if all of
26:29 us, you know, as Christians, we came offline and we
26:32 said, "We're not going to do social media
26:34 anymore; we're not going to go on YouTube anymore."
26:36 What we actually do is that we make that
26:38 darkness even more dark because we're
26:40 removing all of that light. We are in the
26:43 world, but we're not supposed to be of the
26:44 world. So, we are on social media, we are
26:47 on YouTube; we're already on these
26:49 platforms. Let's use that, then, to saturate,
26:52 to introduce Jesus Christ more and more-
26:54 the Advent message, the great content that
26:57 we're creating. Why not find a way to
26:58 promote that, to boost that, so that it could
27:01 push down some of the negative things that's
27:03 already online that our children are being
27:05 exposed to? - That's right. And so, if you
27:07 put the word- and some of you might even want
27:09 to practice that. If you put the word-
27:12 I mean, we have devices here; we're not going
27:14 to practice this too long. But if there's
27:15 a particular topic you're looking for,
27:17 we might say, "Okay, well, just open up your
27:18 phone and go to Google or go to Yahoo!" or
27:20 whatever platform you might have. Go to Facebook
27:22 and just type in a particular word of
27:24 a truth that you're looking for - does it
27:26 show up? And if it doesn't, that's what
27:28 Felecia's all about. - Right. - She's saying
27:30 it doesn't show up, because you haven't
27:31 done SEO - Search Engine Optimization.
27:34 - Precisely. - Hadn't done that. - Right.
27:37 - So, that's what we're saying. If you're looking
27:39 for something and it's not able to be found,
27:41 it's because it hasn't been optimized. - Right.
27:43 - And that search word hasn't gotten to the
27:46 place where you're giving it priority on
27:49 the internet. And it's amazing that you pointed
27:51 this particular fact out- I mean...okay.
27:54 Confession is good for the soul, hard on
27:56 the reputation. [laughter] I am a gadgetarian.
27:58 I said it. I'm a gadgetarian. But that's who I always
28:02 have been. I am a person that's a
28:04 gadgetarian. Recently, however, my wife and
28:07 I have been freed. We said, "We're not
28:09 getting the newest phone, because the
28:10 one we have right now is working just
28:12 fine." You know, if you get the iPhone 9,
28:14 iPhone 10, whatever- iPhone X... Well, what's
28:17 the difference between iPhone 7 Plus? Sorry,
28:19 advertisers; not a whole lot of difference,
28:21 except if you want like a point of 5
28:24 seconds faster. - Right. Or something new.
28:27 - Yeah, there's always something- but realistically,
28:30 it still does what the phone is designed to
28:32 do. - Right. - And phones today- this
28:35 is something else with a parent, 'cause
28:36 growing up, the phone today is not just a
28:39 phone anymore; it's the means by which
28:42 you access the other person's mind. - Wow,
28:45 yes. - Talk about that. - Yes. - How to get-
28:46 this is what you're really trying to do.
28:48 - Yes. - You're not trying to get them-
28:49 you're not trying to meet them here and
28:51 stay here; you're trying to get here.
28:53 - Yes. So, for instance, this is an example that
28:56 I can give. Let's say you want to have an
28:57 evangelistic series at your church, talking
29:00 about Daniel and Revelation. And we
29:02 know that a lot of people have come to
29:04 know truth, come to be introduced to the
29:06 message through Daniel and Revelation studies.
29:09 So, you can either spend thousands of
29:11 dollars on printing some fliers to give
29:14 out in homes and so forth, OR you can go
29:17 online and spend some money on Facebook ads,
29:19 for instance, and target a specific area. So while
29:23 the people are on the platform searching and
29:25 scrolling, they can come across that ad
29:27 for the Daniel and Revelation study;
29:29 maybe decide to write a blog about it or you
29:32 decide to have a short video about it, as well.
29:35 They can click on that, become more
29:37 curious, find out about your church, and get
29:39 connected to your church so you pull
29:41 them from off the website or off of their phone
29:43 and walking into your church. So, that's a
29:46 way to access them - access their minds.
29:49 We don't want to make it sound really you're
29:51 manipulating people, but it's a way to
29:53 reach them because we're finding... - Advertising.
29:55 - ...more and more people, if they see
29:57 a flier on their windshield or on their door, what
29:59 happens is that we take that and it goes
30:01 right into the garbage. - Say, "Who did this
30:03 to my car?" - Precisely. But, definitely, people
30:06 are not opening their doors as much. - That's
30:09 right. - They're not. But they are more
30:13 willing to click on something that seems
30:15 interesting on their phone and it grabs
30:18 their attention, and then they'll be willing
30:19 to visit your church and get more acquainted
30:22 with the gospel. - And it works. We're talking
30:24 about digital advertising, also. A lot of times,
30:26 you've mentioned something (which I
30:28 don't want to run too far past) - how many
30:31 dollars are spent on printing evangelism.
30:35 - Right; right. - And that's another thing
30:36 you're talking about. What's the statistics?
30:38 I mean, 2, 3... If you get 5% of the people
30:42 that you sent fliers to, you're really
30:44 high on the pole. You know, you're talking
30:46 about 1-3% of the people that receive
30:48 fliers going to respond. If you send out in a
30:51 city of 125,000 people, if you get 200 people
30:55 at your meeting, those statistics are extremely
30:57 low...but you put it on a device. - Right.
31:01 - You've increased- I mean, if you could
31:03 follow that digital meta data, you could
31:06 see it's exploding everywhere. - And
31:08 we don't want to downplay the traditional means of
31:10 evangelism. It's definitely important, because... - It
31:13 reaches a certain audience; that's the
31:15 key. - Precisely. The world we're seeing-
31:17 for example, if you read the book Steps to Christ
31:19 and you realize it's a really good book,
31:21 and I want a thousand of my friends on Facebook
31:23 to read Steps to Christ, maybe you can order
31:26 a thousand Steps to Christ books...but it's
31:29 already online. So, why not spend an hour,
31:31 for example, on Sabbath afternoon and say, "You
31:33 know what? I'm going to reach out to a few
31:35 of my friends." Start that relationship and
31:37 share with them the blessing that Steps to
31:39 Christ has been with me. So, without having
31:41 to go outside, knocking on doors or spending
31:44 a lot of money on Steps to Christ books and sending
31:46 it to them, and there are instances, for
31:49 sure, where you want to mail a book or a
31:52 gift to someone; but you can reach so many
31:54 more people with sharing it online. - That's right.
31:56 And young people- another way- right now, my mind
32:00 is like I'm on a highway. I'm like, 90 miles an hour
32:02 in my brain. And thank you for speeding up my
32:04 intellect in that particular... Because we are a generation
32:08 driven by devices. - Right. - So, we have
32:10 to understand what the benefits of those devices
32:12 are and what the negative sides of those
32:14 devices are. And because it's already being used
32:16 negative- and I like the point you mentioned.
32:18 You said, "We can say this thing is evil!"
32:21 Just like the Pharisees said. "Those scribes and
32:25 tax collectors and harlots and publicans
32:27 and winebibbers are evil! Stay away from
32:29 them." But Jesus found a way to reach out and
32:32 embrace their community so that they can not
32:36 be fearful of who He is. - Right. - So, we're
32:39 talking about not converting TO the
32:43 community but entering into a community where
32:47 people, in many cases, don't know that they
32:49 have this deep and abiding need. - Right.
32:52 Precisely. And Jesus was able to meet those
32:54 people because He went where they are. He was
32:57 willing to go into their houses. He was willing
32:59 to go where they were gathering. He did not
33:03 eat with the rulers and with the scri-
33:05 well, he did in some instances; but we're
33:07 saying if we want to reach the people that
33:09 Jesus Christ died to save, we have to go
33:12 where they are. They're already searching for
33:15 Him; they're already searching for truth.
33:17 And a lot of times, they are not finding
33:18 the information that they need to find
33:21 because we are so hidden far down in
33:23 the Google search results. So why not
33:25 give them what they're searching for already?
33:26 - And something I'm going to do
33:28 at my church...bulletin... Some pastors could
33:32 say to all those young people in their
33:34 congregation- all those mothers and fathers
33:37 who have nieces and nephews and maybe
33:38 grandchildren that are in that age group where
33:41 they're already on a cell phone. If you said
33:43 to them, "Hey, come to church with me today!"
33:44 They'll say, "Ugh..." They'll listen to a
33:46 sermon... No. Actually, we want you to come
33:48 with us because there's something after church
33:51 that's all about cell phones, all about
33:55 using your devices. Matter of fact- and
33:57 there might be young people that are not
33:59 even members of your church, and you'll say,
34:02 "You have friends?" "Yeah." "Do you have
34:05 friends that you text all the time?" "Yeah."
34:06 "Invite 'em all. Tell 'em we're going to
34:08 do something crazy good this afternoon, and just
34:11 get, maybe, the fellowship hall, and you have like,
34:14 85 young people there..." Okay. Exponential-
34:18 check this out. We talked about this. Let's
34:20 look at the exponential numbers that are
34:23 represented there. How many friends do
34:25 your friends have and their friends'
34:26 friends have and their friends' friends'
34:28 friends' have? And that word is used in a very
34:31 realistic way; but I love that, because
34:33 Jesus said to His disciples, "I no
34:36 longer call you my disciples, but I call
34:38 you My friends." - Right. - So, Jesus was involved
34:40 in friendship evangelism a long time ago. - Yes.
34:43 - So, you get them together and say,
34:45 "This afternoon, here's what we're going to do-
34:46 we're going to get this particular topic online.
34:49 I'm going to give you the media," and this is
34:53 what you're talking about. - Yes. - So,
34:54 this afternoon for the next 15 or 20 minutes
34:57 or 30 minutes, we're going to have the
34:59 largest evangelistic series ever known to
35:02 this community. Is that great? - And
35:04 you get everyone involved, because
35:05 there are many of our members who want to
35:07 get more involved in missions, but they
35:09 can't go overseas. And usually, we equate
35:11 mission with going overseas...you know?
35:13 Because of life, family, work, and so forth.
35:16 But now we're saying, "Listen; you don't
35:18 have an excuse to not share the gospel." If
35:20 you have a cell phone, if you have a laptop,
35:22 if you have a tablet, you can participate
35:25 in mission and evangelism. Just be staying at home!
35:28 We're not saying just stay at home; you still
35:30 want to go out and meet people. - Right.
35:32 - And so, we're giving everyone an opportunity
35:34 to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus
35:36 already gave to us. - The other thing is,
35:39 there are some people that want to communicate
35:40 a message. You know, a lot of people like to
35:42 preach. And I have seen on the internet-'cause
35:44 I am on the internet; so many of my sermons
35:46 are there-I've gone to the internet and I've
35:48 seen some horrible content...things that
35:52 are- sermons that, even though I'm a pastor and
35:55 I understand my Bible, they have put it together
35:57 so cheesy. [laughter] That you don't even
36:01 want to watch it. And it's got like, 3 hits.
36:07 This is something else- we also want to teach
36:09 people how to prepare your media to be appealing
36:15 online. Is that something that Center of Evangelism
36:17 does also? - Most definitely. And that's
36:19 why I absolutely love the team that we work
36:21 with, from Ed Wagner, our founder, with Dave
36:24 and Carl and Amy Laney. What we're
36:26 teaching... The best example that I could
36:28 use is this. I remember a few years ago, someone
36:32 was searching for me on Facebook and they said,
36:35 "Hey, I added you on Facebook." And I said,
36:36 "Well, I didn't see a friend request." They
36:38 said, "But you accepted!" I went on Facebook and
36:41 I found out that someone had created an account
36:43 in my name. They were using my pictures, and
36:46 this person was actually on Facebook like they
36:49 were me! I reported it, but that profile was
36:54 still there. I said, "You know what? The
36:56 only way that I could get people to think
36:58 that I'm the real me and not this other
37:01 person is for me to start being more
37:03 active and communicating with people so people
37:06 can tell the difference between my content
37:07 and this other page that's not me. And
37:11 what we're finding is that sometimes online,
37:13 someone may go and search and they're
37:15 looking for the Sabbath truth or they're looking
37:18 for Adventists. We want to make sure that they're
37:20 finding the content that's really from us; we want
37:23 them to find our profile. So, the Center for Online
37:25 Evangelism is saying, "We can train you how
37:28 to do that," to make sure that they are
37:30 finding the content that you're already
37:31 creating. - Right. So, Center of Online
37:35 Evangelism has a website. We're going to talk about
37:37 that at the end of the program. - Yes.
37:39 - We'll give people the information so
37:40 they can go there. Now, these workshops-
37:42 are these workshops that your team travels
37:45 to local churches to do, or is there a place
37:47 that they could go online like in a forum, "We'll have
37:52 a workshop today at 6 o'clock online and
37:54 teach you how to do this..." What are some
37:56 of the ways that you're training people how to
37:58 do that? - There are several things that
37:59 we're doing. We do have the workshops,
38:00 and we do- for example, a church can send us
38:02 an email. We'll have that information up or
38:05 they can call us and say, "Hey, we do want
38:06 the Center for Online Evangelism to come in
38:08 and show us how to be present online, how to
38:12 improve our website, how to start our YouTube
38:14 channel." So, there are the workshops.
38:17 Then, we have our Facebook page where,
38:20 every day, we're sending out little tidbits or
38:23 advice and we're saying, "Hey, you can implement
38:24 this." But for now, one of the things that's
38:27 really instrumental in what we're doing is
38:29 our newsletters. So, when someone subscribes
38:32 to the newsletter, the one who puts it out,
38:35 Amy Prindle, what she does is, every week, she
38:38 writes a blog and she shows you exactly what
38:40 you need to do to optimize your website
38:42 or how to put in best practices into what you're
38:46 doing. So, there's our website, there's social
38:49 media; we do have our webinars constantly going
38:53 on, we have videos training people how
38:55 to do this, then we have our newsletters, and then
38:57 we actually do the services ourselves.
38:59 So, if you're saying, "You know what"-
39:00 you are willing to spend the money or
39:02 to donate and you want to get someone to do it
39:05 for your church, then we also offer those services.
39:09 We create resources. One of our workers,
39:12 Amy, she created an entire manual, training
39:15 people who have never heard about SEO how
39:17 to do SEO. So, starting from the very basics,
39:21 and she walks you through how to implement SEO
39:24 for your church or your ministry or your school.
39:27 So, there are various ways that we train
39:30 people to do this. - So, are there online videos
39:32 that you can click and say, "Today, we're going
39:34 to talk about how to get started." - There
39:36 are online videos. Once you go to our
39:37 Facebook page... Right now, we are on Facebook.
39:40 We're trying to branch out to other methods,
39:43 but sometimes we spend so much time training
39:45 people how to do it that we're not on all
39:47 of the platforms. But once you go on Facebook-
39:49 we have a YouTube channel that's growing-
39:51 there are a lot of videos that you can
39:54 click on to teach you how to do these things.
39:58 One of the most important ones was
40:01 a collaboration that we did with Jamie
40:03 Domm from the North American Division.
40:04 She's the social media strategist there, and
40:06 she walked us through some very important
40:09 points that churches need to remember with
40:11 starting a social media page, because it's not
40:14 just about going on Facebook, but then you
40:16 find out there's a negative comment that
40:19 comes on your Facebook page about your church.
40:21 How do you handle that as a digital
40:23 missionary? What do you do when someone starts
40:26 attacking you, you know? So, she walked
40:28 us through how to do that. We also have a
40:31 podcast, as well, where we interview different
40:33 digital missionaries or people who are
40:35 doing evangelism in the digital space. So
40:39 whether they are communication directors,
40:40 graphic designers, videographers, producers-
40:44 everyone who's doing something digitally,
40:46 we believe in learning from each other. So,
40:48 that podcast is also provided from the Center
40:51 for Online Evangelism to train people to learn
40:55 more about online evangelism. - Wow.
40:57 Wonderful. I mean, that's a lot, because-
40:58 talk about the word 'blog.' Somebody might
41:01 say, "What is a blog?" 'cause there's some
41:04 people that have not heard some of these
41:06 terminologies. - Yes. So, basically, a blog-
41:09 it's like an article. You go online, you
41:11 want to find out more information about,
41:13 let's say, black ties. We were talking about
41:15 searching Google for black ties. You will
41:17 find a lot of stories instead of offering you
41:19 black ties at a discounted price. They will also have
41:23 a blog or a section where they write
41:25 articles about black ties. "How do you tie
41:28 a tie?" "Why is it important to wear
41:31 a tie?" So, a blog is where you have a lot
41:36 of different articles that's expounding on
41:38 a particular topic or a particular subject.
41:41 We know a lot of people prefer reading
41:43 sometimes to listening or to watching videos.
41:46 I prefer to read, and so I love going on blogs.
41:49 So, that's how we can understand blogs. - That's
41:52 good. It's a continually- it's an ongoing information
41:56 platform that keeps- and some people do
41:59 personal blogs. They'll say, "Well, here's my
42:01 travel blog. Today, I'm going to be in
42:02 Rome. Next week, I'll be in Thailand. Next
42:04 week, I'll be in Africa." - Right. - And they
42:06 get these followers. There are also, in
42:09 this media-driven generation, there are
42:11 also online actors that are getting more
42:15 hits than real actors. And when I say, "real
42:18 actors," people that are involved in Hollywood.
42:19 - Yes. - There's this online Hollywood that's
42:22 happening nowadays because people are
42:23 finding ways of driving people to their particular
42:25 blog or their video connections. - Right.
42:28 And it's because a lot of them already
42:29 have the tool that they need to get them online.
42:32 So, rather than having to go to a radio producer,
42:35 you can start your own channel on YouTube!
42:38 So, if you are... Maybe, it's the Women's Ministries.
42:43 If it's Women's Ministry at your church and they
42:46 want to reach more women, instead of
42:48 having to go to a TV channel and say, "We
42:50 want to have a show for women!" You can
42:52 use your cell phone, for example, you prop
42:54 it up on a tripod, and there you begin
42:56 to craft various shows that deal specifically
42:59 with women, you upload that to YouTube, and
43:03 you distribute it and you have your show;
43:06 people are constantly following you, you're
43:08 getting more and more subscribers - up into
43:10 the thousands or millions without having to go to
43:13 already established agencies. - That's
43:15 right. And that's happening! - Right.
43:16 - You know, what Felecia's talking about
43:18 is actually happening. My wife and I, our
43:20 Sunday mornings are just so much fun,
43:22 because it's a time where Sabbath is
43:24 over, Monday hasn't started... Our Sunday
43:26 mornings is like, we just relax, we read
43:27 together, and we go online together. We
43:30 say, "What is new? What can we learn?" She goes
43:32 on news feeds, I go on news feeds, we go
43:34 on digital feeds, we just... We are both
43:36 very internet-savvy in that sense. We try to
43:38 figure out what is on the cutting edge, what's
43:40 happening right now, what do we NOT know?
43:42 And we're looking at video platforms where there
43:44 are some people that have like, 1.2 million
43:46 followers or 55,000
43:50 people following them and we wonder, "What
43:52 are they doing?" And there really is- there's
43:55 a science to it. You could either be the
43:57 quirkiest, most odd person that you just
44:00 sit there and talk about all of your
44:02 problems all day long. And strangely enough,
44:04 there are people that just want to hear you
44:05 talk about your problems all day long because
44:06 they are identifying with... - Precisely.
44:09 It's about being relatable, and people are searching
44:11 for something online that relates to what
44:15 they are going through. Our church is catching
44:18 onto this and realizes the importance of having
44:20 that online presence. So, that's why the
44:22 Center for Online Evangelism, a while
44:25 ago, started a partnership with the
44:27 General Conference, specifically the communication
44:29 department and at the NADN, other ministries
44:32 within the Adventist church, because we
44:34 realize people are already searching for
44:36 this content and they want something that's
44:37 going to be relevant, that's going to impact
44:41 something that they are going through. And
44:43 so, definitely- if you have a story,
44:45 Jesus did something in your life, helping you
44:49 to overcome abuse, you can start a blog as the
44:52 Holy Spirit leads you, start a YouTube channel,
44:54 Facebook, and then, of course, you want
44:56 to do the SEO and share that, and you can have
44:58 someone say, "I went through that and I want
45:01 to try out Jesus. I want to see what the
45:02 gospel can also do for me." - That's right. And
45:05 there are people that drive in their cars-
45:06 I'm talking about various ways, and this is...
45:08 What we're talking about here today is
45:10 creative ways. You've got to be creative.
45:12 You know, the Bible talks about being
45:14 wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.
45:17 We have a powerful message, but as you
45:19 pointed out earlier what the Scripture
45:20 says: sometimes, the world is using
45:22 methods that we try to avoid and overlook
45:24 and think it's evil, when in fact, it's
45:26 what you do with these things that make?
45:27 - Precisely. And going onto, you know, people
45:30 finding relevant content, when we read Ellen White
45:33 books, for instance, a lot of the principles
45:36 that she teach, obviously based on the Bible, can
45:38 relate so much to what we go through. So, why
45:42 not optimize that content? And that's why we're
45:44 also working with the Ellen White Estate so
45:46 that when people search these various topics,
45:48 whether it's relationships, they can find Ellen White's
45:52 book on, like, Letters to Young Lovers, or
45:55 if it's starting a home, they can find
45:57 her book The Adventist Home, or they want to
45:59 find out about end-time events, they can find
46:01 her books. So, we work also with the
46:03 Ellen White Estate to optimize that content
46:06 to make it more visible online so people can
46:08 find things in her writings that they
46:11 can relate to that can help them draw
46:13 closer to Christ. - But you're talking about
46:14 young people that are married when you say
46:16 "young lovers," right? - Yes, yes, yes. - Exactly.
46:18 [laughter] To just qualify that, because somebody-
46:20 "Young lovers!?" you know? And so, here's
46:22 the communication aspect of it. You
46:24 could take quotes each day, the quote of the
46:26 day. How people that have subscribed to,
46:29 maybe... I don't want to mention any particular
46:32 ministry, but they have subscribed to a particular
46:34 ministry, and today, they get their- my wife
46:37 has a verse pop on her phone every day,
46:40 the verse of the day. This is what we're
46:41 talking about. When you get people to subscribe, you
46:44 are evangelizing them because they have given
46:47 you access. In short periods of time, 15
46:51 seconds, 20 seconds... A minute today is a
46:53 long time online, and one of our evangelists,
46:56 I think John Bradshaw, has that, you know, his
46:59 quick minute every day. - Yes, yes, yes. - So, this is
47:01 what we're talking about. A minute is a lot of time
47:03 in our world today. - Yes. Sam Neves who works at
47:07 the General Conference in the communication
47:08 department used an example that I heard
47:10 about. He said, "So many times, we spend
47:13 a lot of energy trying to reach a green fruit
47:15 that's on top of the tree and ignoring the
47:18 low hanging fruit that we can just
47:21 reach out and pick. There are low-lying
47:24 fruit, people, who are already searching,
47:26 who are already hungry for the Word, so why not
47:29 be online where they are already searching
47:32 to bring those people in and then, in time, that
47:37 green fruit on top of the tree will come down
47:39 or we will devise other means to reach that,
47:41 but there are so many other low hanging fruit.
47:44 Creating that content, those one-minute videos
47:47 or a short blog or a podcast, whatever it
47:50 is, to reach the low-lying fruit. - That's right.
47:52 Part one- but today, just part one. Tomorrow-
47:54 and leave a cliffhanger. - Yes! [laughter] - You
47:57 might wonder, "Whatever happened to...?" I'll
47:59 tell you tomorrow. They're going to
48:01 tune in. And even how to put the hook, because
48:05 evangelism really is a part... Jesus used a
48:09 perfect example. Peter was on this side of the
48:11 boat, getting no results. So, we're teaching people
48:15 in this sense of the digital age to do what?
48:17 - Go on the other side. - That's right. - Precisely.
48:20 You know, there's a website. Whenever I
48:22 do worships, I refer people to that website,
48:25 because what it does is that it tells you what
48:27 people are already searching for on Google
48:30 related to a particular topic. And we're saying,
48:33 "Based on the results that you find on that
48:35 website..." So, let's say someone is looking
48:38 for- I'm using that black tie example
48:40 again. You can type in 'black tie,' and
48:42 that website shows you dozens, even hundreds
48:46 of questions that people are typing into Google
48:48 related to black ties. So, what we're saying
48:51 when we train you how to do digital evangelism
48:53 and optimization is use the same questions
48:57 or the same keywords that people are typing
48:59 into Google and match that into your article
49:01 rather than using a vague term that a lot
49:03 of people would not be familiar word; use what
49:06 they're already searching for so that Google could
49:09 help bring your content and match it with their
49:11 search results, because one thing that we're
49:14 finding that happens a lot with content
49:16 creators in the Adventist church is that we use
49:18 a lot of vocabulary or terms or jargon that
49:21 people who are not Adventist are not
49:23 familiar with. So, if they did not grow up
49:25 hearing the term 'remnant' or 'health message' or
49:29 'new start,' they're not going into Google
49:32 to type in 'new start,' but they are typing in,
49:34 "How can I be healthy? How can I change my
49:37 diet?" So, if you start a blog on health, for
49:39 example, you type in exactly, or you can
49:42 use as your title or as your lead, what
49:44 they're typing in that helps drag them to your
49:47 content. - That's right; look at the hot words
49:49 on the internet. For those of you that
49:51 think the internet is this big, evil guy
49:52 that's hanging out in your community, it
49:54 really isn't. Tongue- in-cheek Algor? didn't
49:57 create the internet. Here we are: we're
49:59 living in an age where we have in our possession
50:02 probably one of the most powerful means by which
50:07 we can communicate. We can either ignore it and
50:09 say that it's destroying our children's lives,
50:12 or we could say to our children, our young people
50:14 in our churches, the children in our school,
50:17 the young people in our colleges and universities,
50:19 the guy next door, "Hey, bring your friend over!
50:22 I know you go over to his house and play video
50:23 games. Let's do something different today. Let's
50:25 find a way to take that very platform
50:27 and reach out." Anything else that you might have
50:29 not covered that you think is very important
50:31 to those who are watching and listening to this program.
50:34 - I definitely want to emphasize the work and
50:37 power of the Holy Spirit, because sometimes, when
50:40 we start talking about online evangelism or,
50:43 sometimes, we use terms that people are not
50:45 familiar with or even going into a field that
50:48 a lot of people are not familiar with, we tend
50:49 to get overwhelmed. At anything that overwhelms
50:52 us, we want to stay away from it, or anything
50:54 that we don't understand, we want to stay away
50:56 from it. But we want to emphasize with people,
50:59 the Holy Spirit makes various avenues, various
51:02 methods, available to us, and then He promises
51:04 in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 that He will pour out
51:07 His power when He gives us His Spirit so that we
51:10 can be His witnesses in Judea, Samaria, to
51:13 the ends of the world; but now, He's saying,
51:15 "You'll be My witnesses on Facebook and YouTube
51:17 and Instagram and Snapchat..." That's the end of the
51:21 Earth right there. So, it's all about the power
51:24 of the Holy Spirit, because at the day, you could have
51:28 the high-tech gadgets, you could have all of the
51:30 editing software, you can the great content,
51:33 you could know how to do all of this stuff, but
51:35 if it's not the Holy Spirit leading and
51:38 guiding you, you won't have that result. Because
51:41 at the end of the day, it is the Holy Spirit that
51:43 produces the result, and that's what the
51:45 Center for Online Evangelism is passionate about. - We're
51:49 going to come back in a few minutes, but the
51:50 information that you need, you might want to invite
51:52 Felecia or anyone a part of the Center
51:55 for Online Evangelism to come to your church
51:58 or school. Wherever you might be, you say, "I want
52:00 to find out what an SEO is, how to optimize our
52:03 church website, how to make our presence known,
52:05 here is the information that you need. - Sharing
52:11 the gospel in our device-driven world can
52:14 seem daunting, but the Center for Online Evangelism
52:17 is ready to help with some great ideas. If
52:21 you would like to invite them to present a workshop
52:23 to your church or youth group, or if the Holy Spirit
52:26 impresses you support them financially, please
52:29 visit their website, CenterForOnlineEvangelism.org.
52:37 You may call them at (451) 236-4960, or
52:43 write to Center for Online Evangelism,
52:46 1867 Williams Highway Suite 255, Grants Pass,
52:51 Oregon, 97527.


Revised 2019-02-26