3ABN Today

Japan Youth Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018098A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today
01:12 program! I'm Jason Bradley, and I'm excited
01:15 about today's program, because my guest today
01:18 is a young person that's on fire for the Lord.
01:22 Wait until you find out exactly where he is
01:26 practicing evangelism! My guest today is
01:30 Daniel Fukuda, and he is with the Japan Union
01:34 Conference with the Youth Rush Japan
01:37 project. Welcome. - Oh, thank you. - Good to have
01:40 you here. - It's good to be here. - Before
01:42 we get into your journey and your testimony,
01:45 we're going to be blessed in song by John Stoddart
01:48 singing "I Am Yours."
02:08 I live to praise and give you glory, all that I have to give
02:16 You take my life and make it holy; Jesus, my heart is yours
02:24 It is yours I am Yours, I am Yours
02:31 I live to praise and give you glory, all that I have to give
02:39 You take my life and make it holy; Jesus, my heart is yours
02:47 It is yours I am Yours, I am Yours
02:53 I just want to thank You, Lord Thank You, Lord
03:01 I just want to thank You, Lord Jesus, I just wanna thank You
03:09 Release Your grace Release Your power
03:15 And let it begin in me Come fill this place
03:20 With Your anointing Jesus, my heart is Yours
03:26 It is Yours I am Yours, I am Yours
03:32 And I just want to thank You, Lord; You've been so good to me
03:37 I thank You, Lord Oh, I thank You, Lord
03:43 Jesus, I just want to thank You
03:48 'Cause You have come through and You've kept every promise
03:55 Oh, You have come through, Lord And You've kept every promise
04:03 You have come through, Lord, and You've kept every promise
04:11 You have come through, Lord, and You've kept every promise
04:17 Oh, and I just want to thank You, Lord; thank You, Lord
04:26 Oh, I thank You, Lord Jesus, I just wanna thank You
04:34 'Cause You have come through and You've kept every promise
04:41 You have come through, Lord, and You've kept every promise
04:48 You have come through, and You've kept every promise
04:55 You have come through, Lord, and You've kept every promise
05:01 Oh, and I just want to thank You, thank You, Lord
05:06 I thank You, Lord I thank You, Lord
05:13 Jesus, I just wanna thank You Oh, I thank You, Lord
05:20 Jesus, thank You, Lord You've been so good to me
05:25 I thank You, Lord Jesus, I just wanna thank You
05:31 You've been so good to me I thank You, Lord
05:36 I thank You, Lord Oh, I, I thank You, Lord
05:43 Jesus, I just wanna thank You
05:47 I just wanna thank You
05:51 I just wanna thank You
05:54 I just wanna thank You
06:04 - Wow. What a beautiful song. "I Am Yours." And
06:09 most of the lyrics is, "Jesus, I just wanna thank You."
06:13 We have so much that we should be thankful for.
06:16 The Lord spared no expense in saving us,
06:18 and so we need to give Him all the thanks that
06:21 we can give Him. Daniel, I'm so excited to have
06:25 you here, because I think what you're doing
06:26 in Japan is amazing. But for our viewers
06:30 that don't know, what is the Youth Rush Japan
06:32 project? - Ah, Youth Rush Japan is basically,
06:36 simply put, it's youth rushing. - Okay! - That's
06:40 what it is! Why do youth have to rush? Well, it's
06:43 because we believe Jesus is coming soon, so we
06:47 rush and share the gospel, the good news, to everybody.
06:51 - Now, why is this so crucial in Japan? - Well,
06:54 in Japan, it's different. It's not the United States
06:59 of America. In Japan, less than 1% are
07:01 Christians. - Wow. - It's not a small country; it's
07:06 a big country, about half the population of
07:08 US, literally under, in the state of
07:11 California. - Wow! - So, that's Japan. - So
07:15 you were telling me that Tokyo is like the
07:18 biggest metropolis in the world. Is that...
07:20 - Yes, yes! Tokyo... There's roughly, in
07:23 the Tokyo area, about 40 million people living
07:25 in Tokyo area. That's the biggest metropolitan
07:28 area in the world. - Wow. - I live there. - That
07:32 is huge. Now, you said 1% or less than 1%?
07:37 - Less than 1% are Christian. - How many
07:40 would you say are Adventist? - Statistically,
07:44 Adventists are less than 1% of the 1%. So,
07:48 .001%. - Wow. Wow. So, before we even go
07:54 any further into the Youth Rush and why the
07:56 youth are rushing and all that stuff, tell me
07:58 about you and your background. Where did
08:00 you grow up? - Oh, ok. I am a third generation
08:03 Japanese-American. I grew up in Loma Linda,
08:06 California. I'm the youngest of four siblings.
08:11 But, you know, my parents were not
08:14 Seventh-Day Adventist. They are now, but my
08:16 mom comes from a very strong Catholic home,
08:19 Catholic family. My dad comes from, basically,
08:24 a Sunday church. His father's a Sunday church
08:27 minister/pastor. So, both of them, Sunday
08:31 church pastor Protestant, Catholic... But through
08:35 a series of things, my dad was going to medical
08:38 school, and his medical school closed down in
08:40 Oklahoma. It closed down, and he transferred to
08:44 Loma Linda. They accepted him, and
08:46 that's how he got to know Adventism. We
08:48 went through the Adventist education system. As
08:52 all my siblings went through this school
08:54 system, they decided to get baptized. Eventually,
08:57 my parents decided to get baptized. - Wow.
08:59 So, your dad embraced Adventism, then your
09:04 mom followed after he...? - Yes. - Okay, nice.
09:08 - Well, the interesting thing is, my dad- later,
09:10 I found out. It took both my parents- it
09:13 took them about 15-16 years to make a decision
09:17 to get baptized after they went to Loma Linda,
09:19 but my dad said he accepted the Seventh-Day
09:23 Adventist Church, like, in a month, but he was
09:25 waiting for my mom to make a decision. They
09:28 got baptized on the same day. - Wow. Wow, okay.
09:31 Now, let's transition, because you got involved
09:37 with Youth Rush, right?- as a student doing
09:41 literature evangelism. How old were you then?
09:44 - I first got involved with the Youth Rush
09:47 program in California when I was 16. - Wow,
09:51 16 years old. Okay. And what was the
09:53 typical age range? - The minimum age was
09:56 16. - Wow, so you got in at the ground level.
09:59 - Yes. - Okay. Great, great great, great. And this
10:02 was in Southeastern California Conference.
10:06 Your life was changed. What took place? - So
10:11 that year, my older three siblings... Dave
10:15 first said, "Youth Rush," and their life
10:17 changed. They began to read their Bible in the
10:21 morning. I was like, "Why are they reading
10:22 the Bible in the morning? Why are they singing
10:24 songs? Like, they look happy! Okay, what's
10:27 going on here?" I decided to go to Youth
10:29 Rush the following year, and my life
10:32 changed. I learned the joy of service,
10:35 the joy of serving God. It's fun to serve the
10:38 Lord! - Amen. Yes, it is. And what a typical
10:41 day look like for you at Youth Rush? - During
10:43 Youth Rush, we all, about 20 young people,
10:47 stay in churches in sleeping bags for 10
10:50 weeks. We have morning worship together, we
10:52 do training-we train- we get trained by young
10:55 leaders how to knock on doors, how to talk
10:58 about the books, we eat breakfast, we go out
11:00 for 8 hours or so, knock on doors, come back,
11:03 sleep...and the next day, same thing. Sunday
11:07 through Thursday. And Friday, we do laundry
11:09 and clean the church and something like that.
11:12 - And how have you seen lives transform?
11:14 Back then when you were 16. What stories
11:17 do you have of lives being transformed, or
11:19 any miracle stories that you have. - Well,
11:24 especially this literature evangelism work- I'll
11:28 be honest. It's not easy work, knocking
11:31 on strangers' houses and telling them about
11:34 Jesus. You meet friendly people, but you meet
11:38 not-so-friendly people. You meet all kinds of
11:41 people, so it really kind of challenges your
11:44 character, challenges your attitude towards-
11:47 "Am I sure about this gospel? Am I sure about
11:50 this Jesus Christ, following Him?" It
11:52 challenges me and it challenges everybody,
11:55 so... By the end of the summer, our faith,
11:58 it's personalized. We have all kinds of
12:01 experiences of answer to prayer. I've had people-
12:06 I go to the door and right at that moment,
12:08 they're like, "Oh, I was just praying that
12:10 someone would come!" They were JUST praying
12:13 for God to help them. I met this one lady.
12:16 She was thinking about suicide. She was crying
12:20 out to God. Right as she was crying out to
12:24 God, I knocked on her door and I stuck
12:26 the book called Peace Above the Storm, and
12:28 she was like, "This is an answer to prayer."
12:30 So, those kinds of experiences happen all
12:33 the time. - Yeah, which is absolutely
12:35 amazing. I can see how that could strengthen
12:37 your faith. For those of our viewers that
12:39 don't know what literature evangelism is, 'cause
12:42 I know you said that you knock on doors
12:44 and all that stuff, but what is literature
12:47 evangelism? - Literature evangelism, simply
12:50 put, is using literature to do evangelism.
12:54 Basically, using literature to share about the
12:57 gospel, share about Jesus Christ, share about the
13:00 Bible. - So, do you hand these books out
13:02 or are you selling these books, or how does
13:04 that... - Yes, for literature evangelism,
13:07 of course, you can pass out free distribution,
13:10 free literature, but colporteuring the
13:12 Youth Rush, we go door to door and we
13:14 sell these books. The reason we sell these
13:17 books is, when people pay for the books,
13:20 they tend to cherish the books more; they
13:22 tend to actually read the books, because they're
13:25 actually paying for it, like, "Okay, I better read."
13:27 - Yes. So, they see the values. Yes, absolutely.
13:31 And so, your role as project leader in the
13:36 Japan Youth Rush... What does that look
13:39 like? What's your day look like? - [laughs]
13:44 Every day's an adventure. Basically, Youth Rush
13:49 did not exist in Japan when I went there. We
13:53 started from 0, from scratch. I was there,
13:58 and I prayed, "How can we recruit young
14:01 people? How can we start this program?" So, a
14:03 lot of communication, a lot of recruiting, and
14:05 figuring out how to knock on doors in Japan-
14:09 in the secular country of Japan. - How DID
14:12 you recruit the young people? - Over in Japan,
14:16 as mentioned, very few Christians... In
14:19 fact, the average church in Japan, last time I
14:22 checked, was 69 years old. So, you don't
14:27 have many young people in Japan. - Whoa, wait
14:29 a minute, wait a minute. - The average age...
14:31 was 69 years old? - Yeah. Not many are
14:34 so- but we have a lot of faithful 90-year-olds
14:36 and 80-year-olds still active in the church.
14:39 - That's a blessing. Man, so there's not
14:43 a lot of young people... But there are a lot
14:45 of young people in Japan, but just not in
14:48 the church. - Yes. Not in the church, yeah.
14:50 - Okay. And that's where we want them,
14:51 to be in the church. - Yes! That's what we
14:52 need. - So, it must've been an uphill battle,
14:54 a challenge, to get these young people
14:57 involved. I'm sure there was a lot of
14:59 prayer involved. - Yes, a lot of prayer. In fact,
15:02 our first Youth Rush program, we had 7 young
15:05 people... Just 7, kind of like the 7 samurais;
15:09 the 7 young people. Through their testimonies,
15:13 through their experiences, they brought their
15:15 friends, and they brought their friends,
15:16 so through that, it's been expanding. In the
15:18 last two years we've been doing [Youth Rush],
15:20 we had over 100 young people go through this
15:22 program. - Wow! 100 young people! - Over 100,
15:25 yeah. - That is amazing. - God is good. - Yes He is,
15:29 and I can only imagine how lives have been
15:31 transformed, because they answered the call
15:34 that God has placed on their lives. We have-
15:37 well, we have a couple video rolls, two videos,
15:40 but I want to show this first one (it's a
15:43 shorter one). We're going to go to that right now. - Okay.
16:22 Translation: "Signs"
16:43 - That looks intense. - Yeah, it's a little
16:47 bit intense. - Yeah. There's a sense of
16:49 urgency! - Oh, yeah. - Absolutely. So going
16:52 out and knocking on the doors, distributing
16:54 the literature and all that stuff. Now,
16:58 in the States, in the US, you went to school
17:02 for theology, correct? - Yeah. I studied
17:03 theology for a year at Southern University.
17:09 But while I was there- I love reading. I was
17:12 reading the books called The Publishing
17:14 Ministry, Colporteur Ministry, Book Education...
17:18 As I was reading, I was like, "Hold on, hold
17:19 on, hold on, I better get involved in publishing
17:22 work and literature work!" and I decided
17:25 to quit theology and go to a Bible college
17:30 called SOULS West. It's a Bible college emphasizing
17:34 literature evangelism. - Wow. And what are
17:37 some of the other things that they teach there?
17:39 - They also teach you how to be a Bible
17:41 worker, leadership... The SOULS West, S-O-U-L-S
17:46 West, Seventh-Day Adventist Outreach
17:48 Leadership School... So it emphasizes
17:51 leadership. It's a college where they try to
17:54 train young leaders. So, we have classes on
17:57 leadership, literature evangelism, working
17:59 in Bible work... - Nice. And so, upon completion
18:02 of that program, you received a call from
18:05 Japan Union? - After that, I Bible-worked
18:11 for one year over here in California, and as I was
18:16 doing Bible work there, I got a call from Japan
18:19 Union, asking, "Hey, can you implement
18:22 the things you learned at SOULS West? Can you
18:25 start Youth Rush? Can you help with the
18:27 youth church here and discipleship program?"
18:29 - Wow. - I was like, "Oh, hold on, okay,
18:31 okay!" and I prayed and went. - Man, so
18:34 they gave you a big project right out of
18:37 the gate! But I'm sure God clearly equipped
18:40 you to take that on. - Yeah. I mean, one
18:44 thing I learned from those experiences, God
18:46 can use anybody. I mean, He used me! I was
18:49 only 22 years old when I received the call.
18:53 - See, now that's inspiring, because
18:56 you are a young man. How old are you now?
18:58 - I'm 25 right now. - 25 right now. And
19:01 you're the project leader over there.
19:04 - Yes. - It's inspiring, because no matter how
19:06 young a person is, they can get involved in
19:09 ministry and SHOULD get involved in ministry.
19:12 God has a calling on each one of our lives.
19:14 I'm glad that you answered yours, man.
19:17 I'm glad that you answered yours. We
19:19 have some pictures. I'd like to take a look at
19:22 the first picture. Why don't you tell us a
19:25 little bit about that picture? - Okay. This
19:30 picture is actually from Kagoshima. It's the
19:33 southernmost part of Japan. I mean, the
19:36 most southern part is Okinawa islands,
19:38 but Kagoshima. We had about 25 young
19:43 people for this program. These are high school
19:46 and college students. It was hot! We had
19:51 volcanoes there, so it's hot! - Oh, wow!
19:54 - Yeah. It was intense. The volcanoes were
19:58 right there, so sometimes, the air wasn't the best.
20:01 - Yeah. - But these guys ran door to door, shared
20:05 the gospel... We had some good experiences.
20:09 In fact, we sold a lot of Great Controversies.
20:12 A lot of Great Controversy- for whatever reason,
20:15 these young people, they're like, "I want
20:17 to sell the Great Controversy! I want
20:19 to sell them!" We gave worships on Great
20:21 Controversy theme and, "Agh, I want to sell
20:24 this book!" And this one girl... It was her
20:28 first time doing Youth Rush, and her goal
20:30 that day was like, "I'm going to sell
20:32 Great Controversy! I've been doing this
20:34 for two weeks already; I haven't sold The
20:35 Great Controversy! I'm going to sell the
20:37 Great Controversy!" - Uh-huh! - I mean,
20:39 she was, fooogh! She was determined! Well,
20:43 that day, she met a grandpa who went to
20:46 an English school a long time ago run by
20:49 an Adventist church a long time ago, and he
20:52 was like, "Oh, Adventist! Ok!" And then they
20:54 began to converse. She showed The Great Controversy,
20:57 but he showed no interest. Like, "Ah,
21:00 Christianity. It doesn't make sense.
21:04 Buddhism makes more sense." That's what he
21:06 said. It turned her on. She said, "Hold
21:10 on, hold on, Grandpa!" and she began to talk
21:12 about the origin of sin, creation, everything!
21:15 Boom boom boom boom boom boom, and the
21:17 grandpa's like, "Okay, okay, okay! Got it;
21:18 I'll buy this book, and I'll read it." And
21:21 that was the story. - Praise the Lord that
21:23 she was persistent and didn't give up on
21:25 the grandpa! That is amazing. What are
21:29 some other stories that you have? - There are
21:31 other experiences, not in Kagoshima.
21:35 We'll go down south more. How about Okinawa?
21:38 In Okinawa, we had... There, it's an island,
21:44 and this one girl... I went door to door with
21:48 this one student, 'cause I go door to
21:52 door with different students; make sure
21:53 they're okay knocking on doors, make sure
21:56 they're handing the books right... We met
21:59 this grandma. She wasn't Christian, of
22:04 course. At the end of the conversation, she
22:07 was really touched, especially when we
22:09 prayed for her. She was really touched. It
22:12 was her first Christian prayer ever. When we
22:15 offered to pray, she was like, "Is it okay
22:17 here?" It was like, "Yeah, right here,
22:18 right now!" She was touched and she said,
22:21 "Hold on." She went to her kitchen and she
22:24 got three mochi (these are rice cakes). Three
22:27 mochi and three drinks- plum juice drinks. I
22:32 was like, "Oh, it's fine! Two's fine! Just
22:34 us two." She's like, "No, no, no. This is
22:36 for your God! Serve it to your God." I was
22:39 like, "Oh!" It's a Japanese custom where
22:41 you serve food to the gods, so it's like,
22:43 "Serve it to your God." But bottom line, she
22:46 was thankful for the prayer and the interactions.
22:49 I'm sure something touched her. - Well,
22:52 praise the Lord. I'm glad she was touched by
22:54 you sharing. You know, we have some more
22:56 pictures. I want to go through those, too.
22:58 Let's take a look at this next picture, and
23:01 tell us what's going on there. - Ahh, this
23:05 one, actually, they're holding a little
23:07 certificate. That's actually a certificate -
23:09 one year in mission. It's an initiative by
23:13 General Conference Division right now
23:16 where young people dedicate one year doing
23:20 ministry or serving God. For Japan, Youth
23:25 Rush is part of one year ministry. What
23:28 that means is, Youth Rush program itself
23:30 is only three weeks. We have three-week
23:32 blitzes, three-week literature door-to-door
23:35 programs February, March, July, August,
23:38 and September - 5 times a year. Some people
23:41 join all five times. Some people just join
23:44 one or two (it depends on their school schedule).
23:47 Our goal is, after they do Youth Rush, we
23:51 encourage them to be part of the local church.
23:55 We encourage them, wherever they go, to
23:58 serve the Lord. They don't need to knock
24:00 on doors; they have all the doors they can
24:03 knock on - doors of their friends' hearts!
24:06 They can knock on their hearts. So, we
24:08 encourage them. We equip them how to give
24:10 Bible studies, how to start small groups in
24:12 that sense. So, we try to make this Youth
24:15 Rush a beginning, a starting point for
24:18 them. - Yeah. So, it's not the ending; it's
24:20 just the beginning where they come and
24:22 get equipped, then they go out to all
24:25 of their communities and share the gospel.
24:28 Let's look at our next picture and see what
24:31 we've got here. - Ah, this is Kobe. Kobe
24:37 Adventist Church. Here, they look very relaxed,
24:42 happy... This program, oh man. They got along
24:47 very well. They had a really good time. I've
24:52 heard from the leaders there, they really had
24:57 a really good prayer life. They took time
25:00 praying together morning and evening.
25:03 The group prayed together. They really
25:05 valued the importance of prayer. And these
25:08 participants that went through this program,
25:10 they're like, "It's the first time I've
25:11 ever prayed like this." It's like, wow. Prayer
25:14 is powerful. - Yeah! And so how did they
25:17 see prayers answered? Do you have any stories
25:19 of how they saw the prayers answered? - Yes.
25:21 The area there- I'll be honest. It wasn't
25:24 the easiest area. Very difficult. We had all
25:28 kinds of religions; you name it. All kinds
25:31 of religions, knocking on doors of that
25:35 region. So, the moment we knock, they're not
25:38 very open. No, not very receptive, so it was
25:43 difficult. Without prayer, you can not
25:46 knock on those areas. It's not a small
25:49 village; it's a major town, Kobe. So, they
25:52 really prayed. They had some powerful,
25:54 divine appointments. Powerful, divine
25:56 appointments, for they meet people that
25:59 are not Christians that ask for Christian
26:03 literature, that ask for Bible studies,
26:05 that ask for that literature. So, it
26:07 was amazing. - Nice. Nice, man. And have you
26:10 seen the church grow as a re- let's say you
26:16 go to Okinawa or you go to some of these
26:19 other areas. Have you seen growth within the
26:22 church as a result of reaching out to these
26:24 communities? - Yeah, very good question.
26:28 There are several purposes for this
26:30 literature evangelism program-especially the
26:33 student literature evangelism program.
26:35 One is, of course, evangelism. We share
26:40 the gospel. It's like planting seeds, but
26:43 it's very, very rare for someone to accept
26:47 the gospel immediately. It's very rare. For
26:50 example, I knock on their door and they
26:52 immediately say, "Oh, I accept this! Let me
26:54 get baptized!" It's very rare for that
26:55 to happen. It happens, once in a while. The
27:00 reason for this work is to train the young
27:03 people to have them get to know Jesus
27:06 Christ on a personal level by working for
27:08 the Lord. But to answer your question,
27:11 yes, we have had Bible study interests. Also,
27:15 we have had church members that haven't
27:19 been going to church for a long time. We
27:21 visit the neighborhood, and they start coming.
27:24 - Nice. - They started coming. So, these
27:26 long-time absent church members started coming.
27:31 Just recently, at this one church, we had 8
27:36 people throughout the course of the program,
27:38 but 8 Bible study interests. These
27:41 are all non-Christian people signing up for
27:44 personal Bible study. The pastor of the church
27:47 decided to follow up on all those studies,
27:50 but what I appreciate about the pastor...
27:54 He didn't follow up alone. He asked the
27:59 church members. He brought 4 church
28:01 members and said, "Okay, you're giving
28:03 Bible studies to this person, this person,
28:05 that..." and he trained the church members. By
28:08 God's grace, out of the 8, 5 are them are
28:10 still studying the Bible. Like, they are studying
28:14 the Bible. These are interests we gain from
28:17 knocking on doors. - Praise the Lord. So,
28:20 the seed was planted, the Holy Spirit watered
28:22 that seed and drew people into the church...
28:27 I'm happy that the pastor followed up. I mean,
28:30 that's so important, because you can go into
28:32 the community, but there has to be that
28:34 follow-up. That is important. We have
28:37 another picture. Let's look at this picture
28:39 and see what's going on in this particular
28:43 setting. - Oh, actually, this is a picture of
28:47 Okinawa. - Oh, this is Okinawa? - Yeah, let
28:49 me share one more story of Okinawa. One of the
28:52 guys there actually... He was a theology
28:56 major. He knocked on this door, and he met
29:01 this young person. They conversed, and he
29:06 decided to invite the young person to church.
29:09 That very Saturday, the young person came
29:13 to church! To this day, that young person keeps
29:17 coming to church every weekend. He's connected
29:20 to the local church, so those things happen,
29:22 too! - Praise the Lord. - It's quite interesting.
29:24 Okinawa, actually... In the last couple of
29:27 years, we've been there twice-same area. What's
29:32 interesting is, repetition deepens impression.
29:35 It really does. We had these people like,
29:39 "Hey, you guys came last time," or like,
29:42 "Oh, you came again. Last time, I didn't
29:45 buy anything, but, hey, since you came, I'm
29:48 going to buy." Or this one family... This lady,
29:54 she bought a vegetarian cookbook, a little
29:59 health book from this guy. She really enjoyed
30:03 those books. A year passed, and this guy
30:07 came again!- knocked on the same door and
30:09 she was like, "I recognize you!" "Oh, I recognize
30:11 you!" And they conversed, and she decided to
30:14 buy The Great Controversy and The Desire of Ages.
30:17 - Wow. So she got those two books. Those are
30:20 powerful books, too. We have a video roll
30:27 with testimonies that's in Japanese, but there's
30:30 English subtitles. Powerful video. Let's
30:34 check that out.
31:12 Translation: "'Whoa, seriously?' I think that
31:14 prayer became an amazing thing to me."
33:09 Translation: "They told me, 'You're amazing! Do
33:12 your best!" and bought a book from me.
33:50 - Wow. So, I saw in that video where there
33:54 were several testimonies about people buying
33:57 books, the love of Christ being shared
34:00 with them, and prayers that took place and all
34:04 of that stuff. Shows, again, why literature
34:07 evangelism is so important. Did you
34:10 grow up speaking Japanese? - No. My
34:14 mom made a rule in our homes that we
34:20 speak Japanese at home. So, conversationally,
34:23 like, "Hey, it's breakfast time!" or
34:24 "Hey, it's time to eat!" or "Time to
34:26 clean up." Those conversational Japanese...
34:29 I grew up learning, but reading and writing
34:33 is a whole different thing. I mean, I grew
34:36 up in California, so outside of my home,
34:38 it's English or Spanish. - And so, yeah, that's
34:43 why I was asking that question, because now,
34:44 you're in Japan and where you have to be
34:48 fluent in the language, I would imagine, reading
34:51 and writing, especially when you're going out
34:52 to do literature evangelism. So, how
34:54 did you learn that and how long did it
34:58 take you to learn? - You know, I think
35:00 that's part of God's miracle or God's
35:02 leading. When I went there, I was like, "Okay,
35:05 if I'm going to work here, especially if I'm
35:07 going to deal with books, I better know
35:08 how to read and write." So, I prayed. All I
35:13 did was- I memorized a LOT of Bible verses
35:16 in English and Japanese. So the same verses, I
35:18 memorized, memorized, memorized. I learned
35:20 the writing system, I'd practice, practice,
35:22 morning to evening, all I did was practice,
35:25 practice, practice, practice. After a month, I was
35:27 able to read and write. After these
35:32 couple of years, now I translate different
35:34 materials from Japanese to English or English
35:36 to Japanese, vice versa. We just published one
35:41 of the books I translated, so God is good! - Wow,
35:44 that is amazing! After a month, and you were
35:47 using the Word of God? Like, you were reading
35:50 the Bible in English and then reading it
35:52 in Japanese? - Yes, same places, yeah.
35:55 - Wow, and you learned how to read and write...
35:58 You know, that's amazing. - It's
36:00 amazing. It's a different story. Like,
36:02 "Oh, it's breakfast time!" or "It's time
36:04 to clean up!" Those are easy Japanese,
36:06 but it's a different story when you preach
36:08 the Word. You have to use different words, so
36:10 like, "How am I going to preach in Japanese?
36:13 I better memorize the Bible." So, that's what happened.
36:17 By God's grace, I can preach in Japanese,
36:20 as well. - Yes, that is amazing. What other
36:23 stories do you have from your time in
36:25 Japan? - There's a lot of stories, experiences-
36:32 I mean, just the fact that we have this Youth
36:35 Rush program in Japan is a story itself. But
36:41 this one thing we do... So, what am I doing
36:46 outside of Youth Rush? February, March, July,
36:49 August, [September], we have the Youth Rush programs.
36:52 During those times, I'm with the young
36:55 people. But outside of those times, we
36:58 plan for the next event or we recruit,
37:02 or we make materials; we decide, choose, and
37:07 vote, and help publish the books that we use
37:10 at doors. We also- I'm involved with Youth
37:14 Church in Tokyo - Setagaya Youth Church.
37:18 It's in Tokyo. It was actually part of the
37:20 13 Sabbath school offerings last quarter.
37:24 - Okay, okay! - It's a church plant. We had
37:28 less than 10 people there a couple years ago.
37:31 In fact, about five active church members.
37:33 The church was ready to close down. They
37:37 just did not have enough manpower to
37:39 keep the church going. Every week, they had
37:43 a TV screen, and they watched different
37:45 preachers preach on the TV screen. That was
37:47 their worship service. They were ready
37:49 to close down, but that's when the Union
37:51 president said, "Hold on. We're going to
37:53 turn this into a youth church." - Nice. - So,
37:57 myself and another pastor and his family
37:59 came, and we went there. God worked; God
38:03 worked, and we have over 30 people every
38:05 week going to that church. We have a
38:08 lot of young people. What I like about this
38:12 church... About half of the people that come
38:17 to church are not Adventist. Some of
38:21 them are not Christians! - Wow. - So, every
38:23 week, it's like an outreach. It's like an
38:26 evangelistic series. - Yeah, so they're
38:28 hearing this precious message for the first
38:31 time in their lives, some of them. That's
38:33 amazing. - It's a small church - a very small
38:36 church. 30 people or so; sometimes 40,
38:40 sometimes 50 - very small church, but we
38:42 have a lot of young people, kids coming
38:44 in. It's a nice opportunity right
38:48 there in Tokyo. - Absolutely. What's
38:51 your vision for Youth Rush Japan? - The
38:53 vision for Youth Rush Japan... Of course. I've
38:59 been there three years now. The vision is
39:03 for this ministry to keep going, continuing,
39:06 until Jesus comes - until probation closes,
39:09 keep knocking on doors. In order for that to
39:12 happen, we need to train young people
39:15 to become leaders. So, right now, we're mentoring
39:19 young leaders, college students, even high
39:22 school students, to let them know, "Hey, you
39:24 guys are called to be leaders." So we teach
39:28 them what it means to be a leader. What the
39:30 expectations are, and we give them opportunities
39:33 during the program. "Hey, you help me
39:35 lead this program. You help me train the young
39:37 people." Those kinds of things. The vision is
39:40 to have Youth Rush programs all over
39:44 Japan - not just in Japan, but where I
39:48 am at - it's North Asia Pacific Division.
39:51 We have China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
39:54 and Japan and Mongolia and all those countries!
39:57 We want Youth Rush Mongolia, Youth Rush
39:59 Korea, Youth Rush China, Youth Rush Taiwan...
40:01 That's the vision. - Yes. - We need young
40:03 people to be on fire. So, what we need is,
40:06 we need young people to learn Chinese, learn
40:10 Korean. Maybe some of you who are watching
40:13 who have experience in Youth Rush or who have
40:14 experience in literature work, learn Korean!
40:17 Learn Chinese! Learn Taiwanese! Learn
40:19 Mongolian! You know? Learn those languages.
40:22 Maybe God is calling you to start Youth
40:26 Rush there. - Amen, amen. Yes, because
40:28 this gospel is to go into all the world.
40:31 Absolutely. So, what are some leadership
40:34 principles that you share with these kids?
40:38 What are some leadership principles
40:40 that you could share with our viewers?
40:42 - Of course, leadership principles are very
40:47 different things that we cover. A lot of the
40:51 things, I actually base it on the things I
40:53 learned at SOULS West. I made a little manual
40:56 in Japanese and pass it out. But as Christian
41:00 leaders, I think the most important thing
41:03 that I encourage, I really emphasize
41:06 this, get to know the Bible. Get to know the
41:08 Bible. Learn how to study the Bible, give
41:11 Bible studies, really... I even encourage them,
41:14 "Hey, memorize Bible verses. That will
41:15 help you." So, their personal walk with God...
41:19 You can't lead someone if you don't have a
41:21 personal walk with God, so start walking with
41:24 God, encourage others, "Hey, let's walk
41:26 together!" That's leadership. You start
41:29 walking and encourage others to start walking.
41:33 Other than that, we also teach them the
41:37 value of the health message. A lot of
41:41 the young people, they don't understand the
41:43 importance of health. "Oh, really? Pork? Oh,
41:46 really? Oh, those are unclean? Oh, okay.
41:49 Oh, alcohol is not good? Okay, okay!"
41:51 So, those health messages are also
41:53 important. So, we teach different principles
41:57 like that and encourage them. - So, just to
42:00 recap a little bit of what you're saying...
42:01 Basically, lead by example. How can you
42:06 lead people to Christ if you don't know
42:07 Him for yourself? You gotta study your Word
42:10 before you can teach the Word, study God's
42:13 Word before you can teach His Word, and
42:15 you have to take care of yourself, your health;
42:20 otherwise, you won't be healthy enough to
42:23 be a leader for other people. I have an uncle.
42:27 My uncle Arthur. Uncle Arthur, he would always
42:33 say, "You don't lead where you don't go,
42:35 and you don't teach what you don't know."
42:37 - Ohh. - And that stuck with me over the years.
42:40 You know? How can you teach somebody something
42:41 that you don't know and that you don't
42:43 really put in the practice? And you don't lead
42:45 where you don't go, you know? You don't tell
42:47 somebody to do something that you wouldn't
42:48 even do yourself. So, that really stuck with me.
42:53 Over the years, my mom teaching me about
42:56 having integrity and all these other things
43:00 that I'm sure that you guys are teaching
43:02 over there... People have to operate with
43:04 integrity and stuff like that. Yeah, absolutely.
43:07 - I forgot to mention, the most important
43:11 leadership principle, in my opinion, is...
43:14 It can be summarized in a few words. Trust
43:17 God, and dream big! That's it! Trust God
43:22 and dream big. Proverbs 3:5-7, the famous passage
43:26 says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine
43:29 heart; lean not unto thine own understanding.
43:31 In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and
43:33 He shall direct thy path. Be not wise
43:36 in thine own eyes; fear the Lord and
43:38 depart from evil." - Amen. - That's it!
43:42 That's the principle right there. Trust
43:44 God and dream big. - And clearly, you
43:49 trusted God, 'cause you moved to Japan
43:51 and you're actively involved in the Youth
43:56 Rush, and now you're the project leader of
43:59 the Youth Rush! How did you discover God's
44:02 will, His plan, and His purpose for your life?
44:05 - You know...this explanation is still
44:11 stuck in my mind to this day. God leads
44:16 us a step at a time. The famous verse,
44:18 Psalms 119:105, "Thy Word is a lamp unto
44:21 my feet, light unto my path." It's a
44:24 lamp! Lamps don't brighten the whole
44:27 room up; it's steps at a time. Step at a
44:31 time. So, I just, step at a time, read the
44:35 Bible, study the Bible, and I ask God, "Hey,
44:38 where do you need me? Where is the work at?
44:41 Where's the harvest at?" I said, "All
44:43 right, there? I'm going there." Step
44:45 at a time. So I ask God, "Where can You
44:47 use me the most? Where are You happy the most?"
44:51 I just go where the need is. - Amen. - And
44:54 clearly, in Japan, less than 1% is Christian, so
44:57 there's a huge need. Harvest is great but
45:00 the laborers are few. - You're absolutely-
45:02 now, do your parents live in Japan? - My
45:04 parents actually live in California. - Oh,
45:07 they live in California. Okay. How often do
45:09 you get to see them? - Well, I see them once
45:14 a year or so. - Okay. I'm sure they're proud
45:18 of you and what you're doing over there in
45:20 Japan. - They seem to be happy. - Absolutely.
45:24 So, what's next for you with Youth Rush?
45:26 - With Youth Rush, right now, we started
45:33 out with just one program, but we're
45:35 increasing it to two simultaneous, three
45:38 simultaneous programs. We're training the
45:41 leaders, so our next step for Youth Rush
45:43 Japan is to keep increasing those
45:46 programs, and also to work together with
45:50 the local church. We actually have an
45:52 initiative project called, "All Rush
45:54 Japan." Not "Old Rush," but "All Rush." A-L-L.
45:58 Because after we have Youth Rush programs,
46:01 these church members and other people
46:03 are like, "How can I get involved? I want
46:06 to get involved." It's like, yes! We all need
46:08 to get involved. All Rush Japan is basically
46:13 an evangelism team at the local church
46:15 level that follows up on the interests that
46:18 we find during Youth Rush. They don't
46:21 necessarily knock on doors. Some of
46:23 them will write letters to their friends or
46:25 family. They will pray, they will cook,
46:26 whatever! Whatever they can, they all rush
46:29 together and share the gospel. - So in
46:32 other words, this is an all-inclusive rush.
46:36 - Yes. - No matter the age... All-inclusive
46:41 rush. - Yeah. - Nice, nice. So, what does
46:46 that look like- so, they're writing letters,
46:48 they don't knock on doors... - They knock
46:50 on doors. - Oh, they DO knock on doors?
46:52 - But not 8 hours a day. - Okay. - They
46:53 knock on doors a couple hours here and there,
46:55 but they don't run. They take it easy.
47:00 - A slower pace, a little bit especially
47:02 with the average age being 69 and up. Okay. Well, we
47:07 still have 2 pictures left. Wanna take a
47:10 look at one of these pictures, and then of
47:12 course, you can talk about what's going on
47:14 in this picture, then we'll go to the next
47:16 one. - Okay. - So, what's taking place
47:19 here? - Oh, this one is actually a picture
47:21 of... We just saw the video, but this one is actually
47:26 high school students. It was a program we
47:30 had over in a prefecture called Saitama (next
47:34 to Tokyo). But here, yeah. We had a lot of
47:38 energy. Lots of energy. - That's called Saitama?
47:41 - Yeah, Saitama. - Nice. So they were very energetic?
47:45 Very enthusiastic, too, spreading the
47:48 gospel? - Yes. - Nice. Nice. Let's take a
47:51 look at our next picture and see what's
47:53 going on. - Oh, this is actually a picture
47:55 of the leader candidates. These are young people
48:00 that we selected out of the 100+ young
48:02 people that went through these programs. We sat
48:06 down, prayed, and said, "Hey, these guys,
48:07 let's train them and encourage them to be
48:09 leaders!" Now, not all of them will be
48:11 leaders, but we give them opportunities to
48:14 become leaders. - Nice. And to prove themselves.
48:17 That's great. That is great. - And they're
48:19 holding out- the books that they were holding
48:21 out, that's the book that I translated
48:23 together with a fellow friend. - Wow. That's
48:27 amazing. You know, it's great that you're
48:29 providing them with leadership opportunities,
48:33 so it's a chance for them to prove themselves,
48:35 to grow, and all of those things. So, what
48:39 qualities do you look for when you guys are
48:42 selecting leaders? - Of course, one of the
48:47 qualities or experiences, they have to experience
48:50 Youth Rush Japan; that's a given. Another one
48:54 is, we're not necessarily looking for the highest
48:58 seller, you know? Who can sell the most number...
49:01 Not necessarily that, but hard work ethic.
49:04 Do they work hard even if they sell or don't
49:07 sell? Do they have positive attitudes?
49:10 That's important. We really look. Do they
49:12 have a positive attitude, and are they trusting
49:15 God? That's important. Trust God and dream big.
49:19 So, those two, basically, really hone in on
49:22 that. - Gotcha. Those are crucial. What are
49:24 some of your needs for Youth Rush Japan?
49:27 What are some of your needs? Is it finances,
49:29 is it volunteers, is it... I mean, what is
49:33 it? - You know, the biggest need- thankfully,
49:37 financially, things are moving forward.
49:40 The Union is on board and we're moving forward.
49:44 But the biggest need is we desperately
49:47 need more young people. The recruiting pool
49:51 is small, so we need a miracle. We need a
49:55 miracle where there's hundreds and thousands
49:57 of young people that join the church, or
49:59 perhaps, maybe people that are not Japanese.
50:03 Young people that are not Japanese, consider
50:06 going to Japan and attend the universities
50:09 and colleges there, and during breaks,
50:12 you can do Youth Rush Japan. That's an option,
50:15 too. - Or you can just have missionaries come
50:18 from the United States, or wherever around the
50:20 world, to go to Japan and participate in
50:24 Youth Rush. - That would be good, too.
50:25 - Nice. - Just be ready to learn the language.
50:29 - Yes, yes. And are there people there
50:32 to help them? Like, if someone wants to go
50:36 to Youth Rush, is there somebody that can help
50:39 them learn the language? - You know, at this
50:42 point, we don't have a solid system or structure.
50:45 That's something we definitely want to
50:47 create in the future. So, right at this
50:51 time, you just gotta study hard yourself
50:54 and memorize those words. - Well, the
50:56 good thing is is, 1) they can either do it how you
51:00 did it with a Japanese Bible and a Bible that's
51:03 in English and they can take a look at
51:05 the scriptures, or they can go online.
51:08 Nowadays, we have access to so much
51:09 information at our fingertips that they
51:12 can learn online, as well, if they want to
51:14 participate. Are there housing opportunities
51:16 over there? Is there somebody they can stay
51:18 with if they were to go? - I think there
51:22 are different churches. I think the best way
51:26 is to enroll in one of the public universities
51:29 or colleges. You can do campus ministry and Youth
51:32 Rush together. [laughter] - Well, look-our time
51:36 is almost up. This is crazy how fast it
51:39 went by. We're going to go to your address
51:41 roll and tell people how they can get in
51:43 contact with you. - The Lord is blessing
51:46 the efforts of young people in Japan who are
51:49 doing literature evangelism, searching
51:51 for souls who are open and eager to find Jesus
51:54 Christ. Their most pressing need is for
51:57 more young people to join him in this effort.
51:59 So if you would like to come to Japan,
52:01 prepared to learn the language and witness for
52:03 Christ at the same time, then Youth Rush
52:06 Japan would like to hear from you. Daniel's
52:09 email is YouthRushJapan@adventist.jp
52:14 That's YouthRushJapan@adventist.jp


Revised 2019-01-10