3ABN Today

Asi New Beginnings Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018097B

00:01 You know,
00:02 I know Barbara's passionate about this,
00:04 I want to give her moment for a closing thought.
00:05 But I just told her during the news break,
00:08 this is revival and reformation on a stick.
00:12 It's not just an evangelistic tool,
00:15 but this is the way for the church
00:17 to become really passionate about finishing the work.
00:24 What are your thoughts? Amen.
00:25 I think wherever
00:27 since I've been involved in the training,
00:28 ever since I've been involved in the New Beginnings program,
00:31 I have had such a burden on my heart,
00:33 and been inspired so much by the Holy Spirit
00:36 that this program must go out
00:39 to our people here in North America.
00:41 North America cannot afford to be
00:44 a Laodicean Church anymore.
00:46 We must wake up,
00:48 we must realize the urgency of the time
00:51 that we're living in.
00:52 This New Beginnings program
00:54 is probably one of the most effective soul winning projects
00:58 that we have ever, ever had with ASI.
01:01 And ASI understands also the urgency
01:04 of getting these programs out to the people in North America.
01:08 North America has a burden
01:11 that they must fulfill the gospel message,
01:14 the three angels' message,
01:16 to our people around the country.
01:19 Our people in United States are living in
01:22 constant conflict, constant chaos,
01:24 and we need to be able to share this good news of the gospel,
01:28 and I couldn't agree more with you, Shelley,
01:30 this is certainly evangelism right there
01:33 on the reformation on the stick.
01:36 And so I encourage each and every person
01:38 in North America to pray about this,
01:40 to urgently ask the Lord, "Is this something I can do?"
01:44 Form a small group,
01:46 listen to let the Holy Spirit guide you and direct you,
01:49 and get involved in ASI New Beginnings program.
01:53 And didn't you say that the youngest has been 10,
01:56 and the oldest was 90?
01:58 Ninety. So age isn't a factor.
02:01 Yes.
02:02 There's just so much that God can do with you if...
02:07 When He says, "Whom shall we send?
02:09 Who will go for us?"
02:11 All you have to do is say, "Here am I, send me,"
02:14 and God can use you in a mighty way.
02:17 Thank you for your commitment
02:19 and your dedication to God's work.
02:21 Thank you for sharing this with us today.
02:24 It's really exciting.
02:26 For those of you at home,
02:28 I pray that
02:30 you will sincerely get on your knees and say,
02:34 "Lord," if you're not already interested in doing this,
02:38 get on your knees and say,
02:39 "Lord, grant me repentance, I know I need to wake up.
02:43 Give me a spirit that is willing,
02:46 and exchange Your strength for my weakness.
02:49 Get me passionate about sharing Your good news."
02:52 Our prayer for you
02:54 is the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
02:56 the love of the Father,
02:57 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
02:59 is with you always.


Revised 2019-02-04