3ABN Today

Asi New Beginnings Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018097A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you
01:11 once again to 3ABN today.
01:14 This is the mending broken people network.
01:17 And, boy, have we got an interview for you today.
01:21 It is so inspiring.
01:23 If you want to know how the church
01:27 will be able to finish the work so that Jesus can return.
01:30 Please stay tuned because this to me
01:34 is the most exciting project that is going on
01:37 in the church today.
01:38 Now with that little teaser, let me give you
01:40 one of my favorite scriptures.
01:42 It's Lamentations, 3:22 and 23, and it says,
01:46 "Through the Lord's mercies, we are not consumed
01:49 because His compassions fail not,
01:53 they are new every morning.
01:57 Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord."
02:00 God is the God of new beginnings.
02:03 And there are so many hopeless people in the world today,
02:08 right here in the United States,
02:10 all around the world who don't know
02:12 about the love of God.
02:14 But there is a wonderful program
02:18 that is telling them about it.
02:20 Let me introduce you to our special guest,
02:22 a dear friend, Barbara Taylor,
02:24 who is the ASI New Beginnings coordinator.
02:29 Barbara, thank you for being here today.
02:32 Well, thank you, Shelley, for having me.
02:33 It's just a blessing to be with you.
02:35 And I am so excited,
02:38 been trying to get this all pulled together
02:40 with your schedule and ours to get you here.
02:42 We're very excited to tell you about this project.
02:46 But first, we have a very special music
02:51 and when I say very special, Jaime Jorge is, hands down,
02:58 my favorite violinist,
03:01 and he is going to play a song for us
03:05 in only the style in the anointing that he can,
03:09 "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
06:17 Isn't that special?
06:18 He just transports you there, and we just are so appreciative
06:21 of Jaime's ministry.
06:23 If you're joining us just a moment later,
06:25 our special guest today is Barbara Taylor,
06:28 and she is the New Beginnings coordinator for ASI,
06:32 which is Adventist Laymen's Services Industry.
06:39 That's always a hard one for me but, Barbara,
06:42 before we talk about this special project,
06:46 and I can't emphasize that special with a capital S.
06:51 Before we do,
06:53 let's get to know you just a little bit.
06:55 Did you grow up in a Christian home?
06:57 No, Shelley.
06:58 I actually when I was a little child my...
07:02 When I was four years old, my parents separated
07:04 and I was put into a series of homes.
07:06 I refer to them as foster homes.
07:09 And later, I became a workaholic,
07:11 and overachiever, and a perfectionist.
07:14 I was so determined not to let anything hurt me,
07:17 because I was terrified, constantly being picked up
07:20 and put in one home and picked up
07:21 and put in another home.
07:23 I was terrified of being abandoned
07:24 and rejected in past if I wasn't loved,
07:27 and I went on to become very successful
07:29 in the business world.
07:30 I was the first female director of sales and marketing
07:33 for a major hotel chain.
07:35 And then I taught a course at the University of Colorado
07:37 and professional women in sales and marketing.
07:40 Now brace yourself.
07:41 I was the first female director of club relations
07:44 and general manager for Playboy international.
07:48 I know.
07:49 Most people say what? Yeah.
07:52 I explained that sadly, I became involved
07:55 in the lifestyle of the rich and famous
07:56 because I was up there with A crowd
07:58 and I tried to excuse my lifestyle
08:01 because everything I did, I said,
08:03 "Oh, I'm up here with the A crowd."
08:04 But in reality I was no different.
08:07 I became involved in all the lifestyle
08:10 and sadly became involved in drinking and drugs,
08:14 and all of those things.
08:16 After three and a half years, I was totally burned out.
08:18 I went to work for a company called Lord Jeff of Amherst
08:22 that was owned by General Mills,
08:24 which is a cereal company as you know,
08:27 but they had bought five different companies,
08:29 one of which was Lord Jeff and after three years,
08:32 I was the number one sales rep.
08:34 The fourth year myself and four other gentleman
08:36 bought the company from General Mills.
08:38 We took it from a $9 million company
08:40 to a $43 million company,
08:43 and we were the largest domestic sweater manufacturers
08:46 in the United States.
08:47 Sadly, the man that own 51% of the company,
08:51 he and I became involved.
08:53 As soon as he heard about my celebrity friends
08:55 and all of the people,
08:57 he wanted to meet them and so sadly,
09:00 we got involved right back into working all week,
09:04 partying all weekend.
09:06 On most weekends, I would fly every other week
09:10 from Denver to Manhattan.
09:11 I'd have a limousine pick me up and take me to my office
09:14 at 5 East 51st Avenue.
09:16 But to make a long story short, at the end of eight years,
09:20 he had an affair and the little child in me
09:23 who was terrified of being abandoned
09:24 and rejected in past if I wasn't loved.
09:27 All of that came into reality.
09:29 I went from being a multi-multimillionaire
09:32 to almost facing bankruptcy.
09:35 And all I can remember as a little child,
09:38 somebody had taught me a song, Jesus loves me, this I know,
09:43 couldn't remember the rest of the words,
09:45 couldn't remember the rest of the song,
09:47 but I would cry and I would cry,
09:49 and I would hold on to the steering wheel,
09:51 and I would say over and over, "Jesus loves me, this I know."
09:56 And I decided, I had my father's side
09:58 of the family had been Seventh-day Adventist
10:00 and they, my two aunts always prayed for me.
10:04 And they always said, "We love you.
10:05 And we're praying for you."
10:07 And I decided to go to church. And I will make it very short.
10:10 But later, I became
10:12 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
10:14 Praise God.
10:15 The very first thing that I did
10:17 as soon as I became a Christian, praise the Lord.
10:20 I had two wonderful people.
10:23 Dr. and Mrs. Hohner who took me under their wings
10:26 and they said, "Come on,
10:27 we're going to get you involved in ASI.
10:30 We're going to get you involved in It Is Written partnership,
10:32 and we're going to get you involved in Maranatha."
10:35 Praise God.
10:36 And because of that,
10:37 I got involved with ASI ministries.
10:41 From the day I first went, I fell in love
10:44 with all of the ASI ministries.
10:46 That's the wonderful thing about ASI
10:49 is they are laymen and women who have a passion
10:52 for sharing Christ.
10:54 And that's what ASI is all about.
10:56 It's all laymen and women and self-supporting ministries.
11:01 3ABN is a self supporting ministry.
11:04 It Is Written, all of our ministries
11:06 they're getting through donations
11:09 those are involved in ASI.
11:12 And so when I joined ASI, I became involved
11:16 as on the national board
11:19 and then I became involved as president,
11:21 and then after that this last year ASI asked me
11:26 to spearhead this new program of home Bible studies
11:31 in our North American Division.
11:35 Now ASI started the ministry in 2000,
11:40 but one of the things that we discovered
11:42 after research and studies...
11:44 Let's back up for just a second,
11:46 the ministry of developing small groups.
11:50 This is called a New Beginnings.
11:52 Give us just a little outline
11:54 of what is this New Beginnings Ministry?
11:59 This New Beginnings
12:01 is one of the most successful inspiring,
12:06 training programs that we have around the world
12:09 in winning souls to God's kingdom.
12:11 Now, when we first started, we realized through research
12:14 and studies that if an evangelist went out
12:18 and they had evangelistic meetings
12:20 and they, let's just say they baptized 1000 people.
12:24 The study showed that after one year,
12:27 90% of those people had left the church.
12:30 Once the evangelist had left the series of meetings,
12:34 the people that were baptized had lost all their connection,
12:38 they were not nurtured, they were not put involved
12:41 in other evangelistic outreaches.
12:44 So because of that, they lost connection
12:47 and they became, they no longer became
12:50 part of the church.
12:51 The one thing that ASI New Beginnings
12:54 is so successful with is we form small groups.
12:59 And once we form those small groups,
13:02 the people that are brought into the ministry,
13:05 they are nurtured.
13:06 They are loved.
13:08 They are encouraged to get involved in ministry.
13:11 They are part of a family.
13:14 So they realize that this is why they want
13:16 to be a part of ASI Ministry.
13:18 Okay, so New Beginnings is like a Bible study
13:23 evangelistic series for a home, is that...?
13:26 Correct. Correct? Okay.
13:27 So Mark Finley was very involved in this.
13:30 Exactly.
13:32 In 2000 ASI joined with Mark Finley,
13:35 who at that time was involved in as speaker/director
13:38 of It Is Written,
13:40 and they formed a committee of people
13:44 that produced the New Beginnings
13:46 PowerPoint Bible lessons.
13:49 And when they formed this group,
13:51 they started the series and the very first place
13:55 that they started the series and began the series
13:58 was in the country of Moldova.
14:01 Now, Moldova at that time, that weekend,
14:06 they had a Siberian clipper that came through
14:09 and it was minus 36 degrees Celsius.
14:14 And they said, "There's no way that anyone's going to show up
14:18 because so many of the people had to come
14:20 from a very far distance
14:22 and so many people had to walk."
14:24 And they thought there isn't anybody
14:26 that's going to show up.
14:28 Well, in reality that Sabbath morning,
14:31 over 1,200 people showed up in the church.
14:35 And everybody said just amazing how dedicated
14:40 and how willing they were up to that point.
14:42 Moldova annually had a 4% baptismal rate.
14:48 After they did the training, they had a 12% baptismal rate.
14:53 All right, so let's talk about how this is structured
14:57 because we've said it's a small groups,
14:58 it's happening in people's homes,
15:01 and it's basically like having a little Bible training
15:05 evangelistic series right in your home.
15:07 But what I so appreciate about this is you're not asking
15:12 or structuring this
15:14 where one person's doing it all.
15:16 Tell us about the structure because I think that's part
15:19 of the reason for this great success.
15:21 It is the reason for the great success.
15:23 What we do is we encourage people
15:26 to have a team leader
15:29 and then they have three other people,
15:30 they have a team leader,
15:32 they have an assistant team leader,
15:35 a technician, and a host or hostess.
15:38 Now the team leader is the main speaker,
15:41 the assistant again,
15:43 they will practice and they will memorize,
15:46 and they will learn the lessons right along
15:48 with the team leader.
15:49 And then the technician will advance the slides
15:53 and or the videos as they're speaking
15:56 so that they follow along with the script.
15:58 And the hostess or the host of the home,
16:02 they're the ones that as soon as the people
16:04 come into the homes,
16:06 they make sure that all the magazines
16:08 and newspapers are taken off the coffee table.
16:10 And they make sure that they tell the people
16:12 where the restroom is.
16:14 So they don't interrupt the meeting.
16:15 But once the meetings began, after about 10 minutes,
16:19 they spend time socializing together to get acquainted
16:22 and get to know one another.
16:23 But after that, once the meetings began,
16:26 they go on for approximately an hour,
16:29 after that they send them home because they want them
16:32 to remember what was spoken up during the lessons.
16:37 The next time that they have the meetings,
16:39 they never mentioned to them,
16:40 we're going to have 25 meetings.
16:42 They always say, "We'll look forward
16:44 to having you come back the next day
16:46 or whatever the meetings might be."
16:49 But it's very, very important to form teams.
16:52 The reason it's important to form a team,
16:55 we pray together, we study together,
16:59 we encourage one another.
17:00 And it's not overwhelming.
17:02 It's not overwhelming.
17:03 And the very first week what we do
17:06 is we get together and we make a list of 10 names.
17:10 Now let's just say, I have a family member,
17:13 I have a work associate,
17:15 I have somebody in my community,
17:18 I have somebody that is really, really been close
17:20 to my heart that I want.
17:22 I have a burden to try to bring them to know Jesus.
17:26 So the very first week we pray, we pray,
17:30 we pray over those 10 names.
17:32 Then all of us get together, and we exchange those names,
17:36 and now we have 40 names.
17:39 And after we exchange those names, again,
17:42 we pray earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit
17:46 will touch those people's hearts.
17:49 That's when we invite them at the end of the second week,
17:52 or even if we want to go longer,
17:54 but we try to say after the end of the second week
17:58 that we pray about those people
18:00 and we may be ask them individually,
18:03 we may send them an invitation,
18:05 but it's much more personal to ask them individually.
18:09 And we asked them to come to the host
18:12 or hostesses' home.
18:14 And we might mention something about,
18:16 have you noticed the chaos that is in the world today?
18:20 Everywhere we look, there's constant chaos.
18:24 There's constant conflict.
18:25 There's constant tragedies all over the world.
18:27 To the point that a lot of people
18:29 are suffering compassion fatigue,
18:33 because it's just one emergency,
18:36 one urgency after another.
18:38 Exactly.
18:40 And that's why,
18:41 that's why more than any other time,
18:45 it's so urgent that we start these small group
18:48 home Bible studies in North America.
18:51 We have been so successful around the world
18:53 of doing small group home Bible studies.
18:56 Most of the people around the world
18:58 are so excited about these small group
19:00 home Bible studies,
19:02 but now we're urgently trying to encourage people
19:05 here in North America to do that,
19:07 because we know the time is short.
19:10 Well, I know we want to get in a few more stories here.
19:13 But first I just want to say that
19:15 what I appreciate that Barbara shared with me.
19:18 I've just been so excited about this.
19:20 I've been telling everybody, what was it, six months?
19:24 Oh, no, I guess it was last ASI whenever we...
19:27 Yes, it was just something that struck me,
19:32 what they do is here you've got
19:34 the four people together.
19:36 So somebody might say in your church,
19:39 I don't mind being the host.
19:41 You can use my home, but you don't have
19:43 to know anything about running the DVD player
19:46 or anything.
19:48 You've got one person in that comes in
19:50 as part of the team
19:51 who's going to handle that responsibility,
19:53 somebody who knows about those kinds of things.
19:57 Then you've got a speaker and co-speaker as it were
20:00 but you're praying as a group.
20:02 So the team is getting really,
20:04 you're depending on the Lord getting cohesive,
20:07 but as you take them through this,
20:10 and I don't want to steal her thunder,
20:12 there's been a great baptismal rate.
20:16 As people go through,
20:17 they come into this comfortable environment,
20:20 people that may not come to church,
20:22 they're bonding as a group.
20:25 But then, once they're baptized,
20:28 you turn around and get them involved
20:30 in a team of four people.
20:33 Exactly.
20:34 To me, it's brilliant
20:35 because we learn to teach, but we teach to learn.
20:39 And so whatever people have learned
20:42 through that series, now they get involved
20:45 and that's really cementing everything they learned.
20:50 It's beautiful. It's so true.
20:52 And you know the other thing that's so vital,
20:54 as soon as people are baptized, they're on fire for the Lord.
20:57 Amen. Amen.
20:59 You know, I had a young couple
21:00 that was baptized down in South America.
21:04 Six months after they were baptized,
21:07 they had 14 people
21:09 in their small group home Bible study.
21:12 Fourteen.
21:13 Now, here again, they were newly baptized,
21:15 and yet they were so on fire and so excited,
21:18 they couldn't wait to share with their friends.
21:20 They couldn't wait to share with their family,
21:21 all their work associates.
21:23 I was amazed at how quickly they got involved.
21:27 And, you know,
21:28 once you're involved in the small groups,
21:31 you become more cemented in the truth.
21:34 You become more solid. Absolute.
21:36 And knowing the prophecies
21:40 and all the information in the Bible.
21:41 So it's so vital that they become involved
21:44 and once they're involved,
21:45 they have shown through studies
21:47 and through actual studies that after five years,
21:52 85 to 89% of those people are still in the church.
21:56 Glory to God. Because they are part of it.
21:58 So we've seen how excited they were in Moldova.
22:03 But you actually
22:04 when you were training in Cambodia,
22:07 you had a couple of visitors.
22:08 Tell us that story?
22:10 We had a couple of young men
22:11 that snuck across the border from Vietnam.
22:14 When they snuck across the border,
22:16 back in that time,
22:17 if they would have been evangelizing
22:20 they could have been imprisoned,
22:22 they could have been beaten,
22:23 or even worse, they could have been killed.
22:26 And these young men snuck across the border,
22:28 went through the training, snuck back into Vietnam,
22:32 and at the end, they trained to people
22:36 to have small group home Bible studies.
22:38 Once they did this,
22:40 they were having their very first meeting
22:43 and all of a sudden, as soon as they started,
22:46 there was a bang, bang, bang on the door.
22:49 Oh my! It was dead silence again.
22:52 Bang, bang, bang on the door.
22:55 The young man went to the door and he opened the door slowly
22:58 and just to see he opened the door
23:00 there this man was that was the chief of police.
23:04 And he said, "What's going on in here?"
23:07 And the young man opened the door wider.
23:09 And there was a picture of Jesus
23:11 with His arms outstretched.
23:13 And the young man said,
23:14 "Would you like to come in and see?"
23:16 Well, we know the end.
23:18 He came in, he sat down, he went through the meetings,
23:21 and he went through the next meeting
23:22 and the next meeting, and he was baptized.
23:25 Glory to God.
23:26 And then he said,
23:29 we're going to hold the meetings
23:30 in my house next time
23:32 because nobody will bother us in my house.
23:34 Glory.
23:36 And so here, the chief of police
23:37 of that little village was baptized.
23:39 And he started holding meetings in his home.
23:42 It's just one story after another.
23:44 The truth will set you free, won't it?
23:45 I could tell you stories of testimony
23:48 after testimony after testimony.
23:50 We went to El Salvador.
23:52 When we went to El Salvador,
23:54 we were training down there and there was a young boy,
23:57 he was 14 years old, and he was taking notes,
24:01 and he was listening to everything we were saying.
24:04 And at the end of the meeting, he said,
24:06 "Oh, please, please, could I just please
24:08 have a DVD player and a DVD disc
24:11 and the lessons."
24:12 He said, "I want to hold evangelistic meetings."
24:15 Well, he was so precious.
24:16 And he was so excited and so motivated.
24:18 We said, "Okay, we'll be happy to do that."
24:21 Well, he went home
24:23 and he had the very first meeting,
24:25 he had six people that came and all six were baptized.
24:29 Glory to God. Now, two years later...
24:32 Now, wait a minute.
24:33 Let me hit the pause button just a second.
24:35 Because what you just highlighted without us
24:40 and I don't want to just skip over it.
24:42 Is these studies,
24:44 these lesson plans are all scripted?
24:49 All scripted. A 10 year old could do it.
24:51 If you can read, you could do it, right?
24:52 Exactly.
24:54 And so it is something
24:55 that you don't have to be intimidated by,
24:58 like, well, I don't know what to say
25:00 because you've got everything right at your fingertips.
25:04 And a 14 year old holds a study
25:07 and baptizes all six members that are visitors.
25:11 And we have had as young as 12 and as old as 90.
25:15 Praise God.
25:16 So you never have to say, I'm too old or I'm too young.
25:19 You're never too old or too young
25:21 to give the Bible studies.
25:22 They're all there available for you.
25:24 Amen. Amen.
25:25 So we just praise the Lord but after two years,
25:29 we went back and we saw the young man
25:31 and we said, "Hi, how are you?
25:35 How's everything going with your study
25:37 with your evangelistic meetings?"
25:40 I don't do that anymore.
25:42 What?
25:44 What happened?"
25:45 He said, "I train the other young people
25:49 to give evangelistic meetings."
25:51 And he literally was training younger people than himself
25:55 to give the home Bible studies.
25:58 And he had so many souls that he had won to God's kingdom.
26:01 And you know, this is the thing that's amazing.
26:04 Young people as well as older people
26:07 are on fire for understanding.
26:09 The sharing of God's word is so vital in our time today.
26:13 And this is why we just love doing what we're doing.
26:16 You've had amazing results in South America.
26:21 Amazing.
26:22 Now, I don't want to say guess.
26:24 But I'll tell you, you will never guess,
26:27 in South America,
26:29 there are 76,000 small group home Bible studies.
26:35 As Danny would say, that's a two hander, 76,000.
26:40 Seventy six thousand.
26:42 They understand
26:44 the importance of small group home Bible studies
26:47 from the top of the conference
26:49 all the way down to the people in the churches.
26:52 When I go and I give...
26:53 When I give this small group home Bible study training,
26:57 the New Beginnings training in South America,
27:00 the conference president shows up,
27:03 the personal ministry shows up,
27:06 all the conference people are right there
27:09 going all the way through the training.
27:11 That's how involved they are.
27:13 And they have banners, they have T-shirts,
27:16 they have flags, they have everything.
27:18 They know why small group home Bible studies
27:23 has been so successful.
27:25 The New Beginnings program
27:27 is the most outstanding soul winning program
27:30 around the world.
27:31 And that's why you're seeing
27:33 such an explosive growth of the church in South America.
27:36 Exactly, exactly. That's amazing.
27:40 They love having us come and do training down there.
27:43 So I just, that's one of my passions
27:45 is to go to South America.
27:46 Okay, so tell us about Bolivia.
27:49 What happened there?
27:51 And then we're going to get to what you're doing today?
27:53 We went to...
27:54 I went down to Bolivia and we did training,
27:57 we had over 1,500 people
28:00 that we trained in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
28:03 When we went down there, there was a general
28:05 that was giving his testimony.
28:07 Two years earlier,
28:09 through small group home Bible studies,
28:12 his wife and three daughters had been baptized,
28:16 and every Sabbath they would pray and pray and pray
28:19 and ask their papa, they call him papa.
28:22 Papa, please, please come,
28:25 please come and come to church with us.
28:27 And he'd say, "Nope!"
28:29 And he march off and he go to work.
28:31 Well, again, every Sabbath, every week,
28:33 they would pray and pray and pray.
28:35 After two years, the smallest little daughter,
28:39 she said to her, papa,
28:41 "Oh, Papa, please won't you come to church with us?"
28:45 Okay.
28:47 So of course, he went to church and after a series of meetings,
28:50 he became baptized.
28:52 Now his testimony was that
28:54 he was holding evangelistic meetings in his home...
28:58 The New Beginnings that is.
28:59 The New Beginnings, and 32 people were baptized.
29:02 And he was inviting all the top government officials.
29:07 He was the top general of Bolivia.
29:09 And he was inviting all the top generals
29:11 and all the top officials of the government
29:15 to come to the meetings.
29:16 And he said, "Next year, I'm going to have
29:18 three evangelistic small group home Bible studies
29:23 in my home next year.
29:24 And I continue to ask
29:26 all of the top people in the government to come.
29:29 You know what's so powerful about that
29:31 if, you know, and I do evangelistic series,
29:35 and I'm not saying that's a bad thing.
29:38 A lot of times, if the church
29:40 don't personally invite people and bring them,
29:43 you can do a lot of advertising,
29:45 and there's not always that big of a turnout,
29:47 but it's good for the church.
29:49 It helps cement them,
29:51 they may see things in a new way.
29:53 And, you know, it's affective,
29:55 I believe in evangelism in all my heart,
29:58 but as you said there are, you know,
30:01 the evangelists people
30:04 will bond with you as the evangelist,
30:06 you leave town,
30:07 if they're not really well supported,
30:10 get bond to the church,
30:12 they can begin to kind of drop off there just here,
30:16 but just think about this for just a second.
30:19 How many of these top government officials
30:24 do you think if you invited to church would say,
30:26 "Oh, sure, we'll come to church with you?"
30:29 Probably that many.
30:34 But by having this in the home, you know,
30:39 and there his co-workers,
30:42 people that he is associated with,
30:46 they felt comfortable to come to his home.
30:49 Now they're hearing the truth, and they're becoming baptized.
30:54 To me this is the most exciting project
30:59 that is going on in our church,
31:01 because this is the only way we're going to reach people
31:05 that they can't get to come to your church.
31:08 And just the way it's structured
31:10 where you don't have to worry about
31:12 whether or not you know anything.
31:14 You've got the script to do it.
31:16 You've got a team for that
31:19 our prayer partners that are prayed up
31:23 over the ones you're going to invite,
31:25 that you've got somebody that can focus on being a host,
31:28 there's somebody that can focus on the media.
31:32 I mean, everything about this is just amazing.
31:35 Exactly.
31:37 It's amazing and we need it here in the United States.
31:40 And I know you have been doing this for some time.
31:43 And let me tell you something,
31:45 when they're volunteering for ASI doing this.
31:49 You even have to cover
31:51 your own travel costs, don't you?
31:52 Yes.
31:53 And you've been just recently to Paris and down to,
31:57 where were you?
31:59 And the last 30 days I've been to Paris
32:01 where I trained Friday night, all day, Saturday and Sunday.
32:04 I came back and then I turned around a week, two weeks later.
32:07 And I went to Brazil to Recife, Brazil and we trained there...
32:11 That's where you got that little pink sun tan, isn't it?
32:14 Nine hundred people.
32:15 And then I came back,
32:17 and then I just came back Sunday from Houston.
32:19 We trained over the weekend down in Houston.
32:22 And so it's just been,
32:24 we're starting to go to North America more often.
32:28 All right. So that's what we want to...
32:29 I want to bring this around.
32:31 A lot of you who are watching may be familiar with this,
32:34 if you're outside the States, unfortunately,
32:38 we need it most here.
32:40 I mean, this is a wonderful mission field
32:42 right here in the United States.
32:44 There's so many people
32:46 who are no longer a part of church.
32:49 You know, we used to consider ourself a Christian nation,
32:53 but I don't know anymore.
32:55 So tell us what's going on in the States
32:58 because you are ready to say,
33:00 okay, I've done this long enough,
33:01 I'm about to retire.
33:03 As I said, she has to pay all of her own expenses
33:06 and often buy her own tools, right?
33:09 Amen. Yes, we do.
33:10 But you know, the one thing
33:12 and I just want to show this real quickly here,
33:14 if they can...
33:16 Yeah, USB drive. This is a flash drive.
33:18 And on this flash drive is all of the lessons,
33:22 all of the PowerPoint presentations.
33:25 We also have health lectures on there.
33:28 So this is a tool that we use
33:31 to be able to give to the attendees
33:34 that are involved in the small groups.
33:36 So they have everything right here in their fingertips,
33:40 and we encourage...
33:41 The biggest problem we have
33:43 is we have to pay for everything.
33:44 We had 200 of these at our last training
33:48 and it's close to $1,000 by the time
33:51 they load the lessons
33:52 and put on all the PowerPoint presentation.
33:55 So yes, it is expensive
33:57 and but we're doing this in other countries
34:00 that don't have projectors or don't have DVD players
34:03 and things like that, but you know,
34:05 I want to tell you one more quick story.
34:07 Sure.
34:09 Right here in North America, a lady in Wisconsin,
34:12 she was 84 years old.
34:14 Her husband was 90.
34:17 Her husband took her to church every single Sabbath,
34:19 but he would never come in.
34:22 Well, she went through the training
34:23 and she asked her husband, she said,
34:26 "Honey, I would like to have training in our home."
34:29 Smart woman.
34:30 She said, "Would you please let me have the training?"
34:33 And he said, "No, no, no, no.
34:34 I don't want anybody coming into our home."
34:36 She said, "Oh, honey, please."
34:38 "Well, okay. Okay."
34:41 Well, then she said to her husband.
34:43 "You know, honey,
34:45 I don't know anything about all this electrical equipment
34:48 and the technology of how to advance the slides
34:51 and the DVD, all that stuff."
34:53 She said, "Would you please, please help me, just please?"
34:57 Okay.
34:59 Well, of course, we know what happened.
35:00 He had to read the script,
35:02 he had to follow along with the lessons,
35:04 he had to listen to the speaker.
35:07 And, of course, at the end of the series at 90 years old,
35:10 he was baptized.
35:11 Glory to God.
35:12 Now this is right here in North America.
35:14 You know, the joy that people feel
35:18 when they know the good news of the gospel is something
35:21 that we can never describe.
35:23 There's an inner joy, and inner passion,
35:26 and inner love that we have when we're first baptized.
35:29 I wish we could hold on to it forever.
35:32 But the blessing of baptism is the most wonderful reward
35:36 of these small group home Bible studies.
35:38 Amen.
35:40 And I just praise the Lord for the people
35:42 who are willing to say to themselves, you know,
35:46 I want to be a part
35:48 of saving souls in God's kingdom
35:50 because time is running out.
35:52 You know, Sister White tells us small group home Bible studies
35:58 are going to be the most important thing
36:01 to help finish the work in the last days.
36:03 There will come a time
36:05 because of political correctness,
36:06 that we won't be able to share the gospel openly.
36:10 So we're going to have to have small groups.
36:12 We're going to have to have
36:14 those small group home Bible studies.
36:16 When we do that, it's very, very vital
36:19 that we're given the necessary tools
36:21 and the necessary equipment.
36:23 And this is what ASI is willing to do.
36:26 They're willing to give us
36:27 the tools, the equipment and all the things
36:30 that are necessary for us
36:32 to share the gospel with others.
36:34 And this is a proven program.
36:37 So far, how many places have you really just kind of...
36:42 This is the year you're kicking this off here in the States.
36:45 How many places have you gone in United States to share this?
36:49 I personally have only gone to Houston.
36:51 Okay.
36:52 Now, this is something that I regret
36:54 because I've been all over the world
36:56 with the New Beginnings training.
36:58 I have been everywhere.
36:59 I've been in, over in the Philippines,
37:02 I've been over in Europe,
37:03 I've been in everywhere around the world.
37:06 But the burden that we have now
37:09 is to do the small groups in our churches.
37:12 The lady that was trained in Wisconsin
37:15 was another group that was training.
37:17 There has been training in Portland, Maine.
37:19 Okay.
37:21 So the different ASI Chapters,
37:22 are they overseeing this training?
37:24 What we're going to be doing,
37:26 and this is what I was just doing in Houston.
37:28 As we were training,
37:29 I trained the Southwest Chapter in Houston,
37:33 to give the training for this New Beginnings.
37:36 I also had the general vice president
37:40 for Mid-America who flew down,
37:41 and he came down to learn the training.
37:45 So we're just starting with our Chapters
37:47 here in North America
37:49 to learn to give the training to our churches.
37:52 Now it's very impossible for me to travel everywhere,
37:56 but with training people
37:58 to do the training in the church
38:00 and also in conference halls.
38:04 In some places
38:05 we literally trained in auditoriums
38:08 because we have so many people,
38:10 especially like in South America,
38:12 we'll have 2,000 people
38:14 sometimes they will train and they are so dedicated.
38:17 You know, when I was down in South America,
38:20 they had people that got on a bus,
38:22 went 24 hours to come to the training,
38:26 went to the training all day long
38:28 from 8 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock at night,
38:31 got back on a bus, went 24 hours back home
38:35 and went to work the next day.
38:37 Now, you know,
38:39 South America is one country
38:41 that's on fire for this program.
38:44 North America, we have too many people that say,
38:48 "Oh, I work all week, I'm too tired.
38:50 I can't give, you know,
38:51 I can't give small group home Bible studies."
38:54 Now, I simply say to them,
38:56 what are you doing Friday night?
38:58 What happens Friday night? Yes.
39:01 That's a good time to give a small group.
39:03 What are you doing Sabbath afternoon
39:04 or Sabbath evening?
39:06 You can give a small group home Bible study over the weekend.
39:09 People in other countries makes no difference,
39:13 they'll work hard all day, and they'll still give
39:15 their small group home Bible studies every night.
39:18 In North America, we're telling people,
39:21 start Friday nights
39:22 and see how it goes in your home.
39:25 I always tell people, never be discouraged.
39:27 God knows those people who need to know the gospel,
39:32 and He's going to bring those people to you.
39:34 Amen. You just have to believe.
39:36 You have to pray.
39:38 You have to earnestly seek the Lord and say,
39:41 Lord, you know those people.
39:42 I can't tell you how many testimonies
39:44 I have of people that I meet
39:46 that I just share a snippet of my
39:48 not only my personal testimony,
39:50 but I share a snippet of the prophecies
39:52 and then I say to them,
39:54 would you like to study more about the Bible?
39:56 And I know there are people out there who are frightened,
40:00 they are scared
40:01 because they don't know what's happening.
40:03 They see the chaos in the world.
40:05 And they know that there's uncertainty.
40:07 And I tell them, if you want to have certainty,
40:10 hope, and promise for the future,
40:13 you know, you can have that when you study the Bible.
40:16 Glory to God.
40:17 What a wonderful way to go about it.
40:19 Yes. And that's what we need to do.
40:21 And I know that this program in North America
40:24 is going to be a program many, many people I believe
40:28 will understand the urgency and the importance
40:30 of the times we're living in,
40:32 and they want to start this program.
40:34 Amen.
40:35 So people, if you are going into a conference,
40:41 and the conference is just a group of churches in an area,
40:46 this is just part of the way
40:47 the Seventh-day Adventist Church is organized
40:50 so that we call that a conference.
40:53 So if you were going into the conference to train,
40:57 you're just training people...
40:58 How long is the training?
41:00 Let's say that I want to do these classes
41:04 or these home group meetings.
41:06 How long is the training usually?
41:08 Well, what we normally do is we start on Sabbath
41:12 from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4:30 or 5 o'clock.
41:15 Now in Houston, we started at 9:30,
41:18 and we went till almost 6 o'clock.
41:21 But the people are just energized
41:23 and excited about it.
41:24 So they're willing to stay.
41:26 And, of course, we have fellowship lunch
41:28 during the lunch hour, but we normally go...
41:32 In Paris, I started Friday night,
41:35 went all day Sabbath until from 9 o'clock in the morning
41:38 until 4:30 in the afternoon.
41:40 So it generally is one day so...
41:42 And when people finish with that one day training,
41:45 they've gotten some ideas
41:48 of what will make their small group
41:51 very successful.
41:52 How long does it usually take people
41:54 once they go through training before they actually go out
41:57 and get their team put together
41:59 and start praying over the names?
42:01 What we recommend is we tell everybody
42:04 that comes to the meetings,
42:06 the training, they are the team leader.
42:09 So as an example, if you came to the meeting,
42:11 Shelley, I would say,
42:12 "Now, Shelley, you're the team leader.
42:14 You go back and you find three other people
42:17 to be on your team."
42:19 And generally, that's how it happens.
42:21 Those are the team leaders.
42:23 Then after that, we, as I said before,
42:28 we recommend that you make a list
42:29 of your names, the 10 names,
42:31 and then the 40 names that we pray over.
42:33 So each one of the team is putting 10 names in the pot?
42:37 Exactly.
42:39 Now, as an example, we went to Guatemala,
42:41 in January, they had 123 baptisms.
42:45 And, now this is in the northern division in Guatemala.
42:49 They had 123 baptisms.
42:51 In February, they had like 148 baptisms.
42:55 We went down February 8th and 9th
42:58 and we trained February 8th and 9th,
43:01 they went home.
43:02 They formed their small groups.
43:04 They started? their Bible lessons.
43:05 In April, they had 848 baptisms as a result...
43:11 That gave me chills.
43:12 Of the training and the small groups,
43:15 you see the difference.
43:16 Glory to God. This is so exciting.
43:18 When we do the small groups,
43:20 when we set up these small groups,
43:23 the increase is because the people are connected,
43:27 the people are nurtured, the people are involved.
43:29 Amen.
43:31 And it's because you're getting people
43:32 to come to your home that you could probably
43:34 never get to an auditorium or a church.
43:36 Exactly, exactly.
43:38 And this is so vital that we just remember
43:41 that this is a project that I believe God
43:45 is going to continue to bless and increase
43:47 as we go and do the training.
43:50 We encourage if we're going to have training,
43:52 we encourage that four or five churches
43:55 as an example in Houston.
43:57 They invited all the local churches
43:59 to come together for the training.
44:02 So we encourage,
44:03 if you're going to have the training
44:04 that you have it all the area churches
44:07 come together for the training
44:09 because it is very, very intensive,
44:11 the very, it's energizing, it's motivating, it's exciting.
44:16 The ministries are just wonderful.
44:19 We always start out
44:20 with the New Beginnings experiences.
44:22 And then we talk about why, why evangelism?
44:25 Why is evangelism so vital to each one of us?
44:29 If our ministry is going to grow
44:30 and our relationship with God is going to grow,
44:33 we need to be involved in outreach.
44:36 We need to be involved
44:37 in some type of ministry and sharing,
44:40 but then we go into all the important aspect
44:44 of forming the small groups,
44:47 having the importance of taking those groups
44:50 and going into visitation.
44:54 It's so vital that once we start the groups
44:56 that we visit with the people.
44:58 You know, we had another young man,
45:01 he went through all the meetings,
45:02 and he was so interested
45:05 and so excited about everything.
45:07 And then we got down to the final appeal
45:10 of being baptized and he wasn't there anymore.
45:15 We thought what happened?
45:18 Well, of course, went out to visit him.
45:20 Knocked on the door.
45:21 We could hear that somebody was inside
45:23 but he didn't come to the door.
45:25 Well, we kept knocking.
45:27 Well, finally he came to the door
45:28 and we said, "Well, Peter, what's the matter?"
45:33 And he sat down and he said,
45:36 "I was almost drowned when I was a little boy,
45:40 I don't want to be baptized because I'll drown."
45:43 Now, you know, this is why
45:44 it's vital that we visit and spend time
45:47 because once we visit and we spend time with people
45:49 and get them to make a commitment to the Lord.
45:52 Well, of course, we showed him
45:53 all the simpleness of the baptism
45:56 and the fact that we would guarantee
45:58 he's going to be just fine.
45:59 He was baptized, so. Praise God.
46:01 You know, everybody,
46:03 it's so vital we spend time together
46:05 and we visit together, we spend time understanding.
46:09 Let me see your USB.
46:10 So once somebody has gone through the training,
46:14 you give them this little flash drive.
46:16 Correct.
46:17 And this can either plug into your TV, or to a computer,
46:20 or you can hook your computer to your TV.
46:22 And everything's here? Everything is here.
46:24 So how much does this cost?
46:26 Depending on the quantities.
46:28 Now, we're starting out, this one, particular one?
46:31 because of the fact that we only had 200 flash drives.
46:35 This one was a little more expensive,
46:37 but we can get the cost down to about $4 a flash drive.
46:41 When you were saying expensive, I was, 100 bucks, you know.
46:45 Well, when we have to do projectors,
46:47 well, in some countries
46:49 we have done projectors in the States.
46:51 Right now let's focus on States
46:53 because if ever there is a Laodicean attitude,
46:59 you heard what she said
47:00 that there's so many people here
47:01 and we're all guilty of it.
47:04 You know, because we've been talking,
47:05 my husband and I've been talking about
47:07 starting a small group but it's like,
47:09 "Oh, we travel all the time. Oh, we work so hard."
47:12 But, you know,
47:14 it's something that all of us just need to do a heart check.
47:19 If we don't love people enough to share the gospel with them,
47:23 we need to do a heart check.
47:25 So if in the United States,
47:28 then they go through the training.
47:30 Now, let's say right now that there's people
47:32 who are watching and saying,
47:34 "I don't know if I can get a bunch of churches."
47:36 Can they go online and get some training
47:39 if they can't get to a training?
47:42 What can they do? Absolutely.
47:43 All they have to do is go to ASIMinistries.org.
47:48 Go to New Beginnings.
47:49 They can download in 32 different languages
47:53 they can download the lessons,
47:57 the PowerPoint presentation
48:00 and in some languages, even the health lectures.
48:04 So we encourage people when they have the lessons
48:06 to give just like a five minute health lecture
48:09 before they should begin the lessons,
48:11 but I can go to ASIMinistries.org
48:15 and I can download all of the information
48:18 that I need to have
48:20 these small group home Bible studies in my home.
48:22 So all these languages we're trying to update,
48:25 so we'll have more languages
48:27 and we're going to have new graphics,
48:30 but right now you can go to ASIministries.org
48:33 and download New Beginnings.
48:35 And then download the information
48:38 that you need to have the lessons.
48:39 Okay, we're going to put all that information out
48:41 for our viewers in just a second.
48:44 If people can get a number of churches together in,
48:49 is there somebody like you
48:51 that can come out to do a training?
48:53 I can either come out
48:55 or we're going to start having our Chapters.
48:57 Our Chapter officers come out to do the training.
49:00 We have people from all over from ASI
49:03 that are willing to do the training,
49:06 including our executive secretary,
49:08 our new executive secretary for ASI.
49:10 He went with me
49:12 to learn the training down in Brazil.
49:13 And Denzil McNeilus went with me.
49:15 Praise God.
49:17 And so we have many people
49:18 that have done the training over the years,
49:21 and they're willing to do the training.
49:23 As I keep saying,
49:24 and I mean this with all of my heart.
49:26 This is not hyperbole.
49:29 I believe this is the most exciting project
49:32 that is going on in our church today
49:34 because right here is the truth,
49:39 God's truth straight from the Bible
49:42 that can change people's lives for eternity.
49:46 Amen.
49:47 And, you know, I know Barbara has everybody
49:50 that's traveling with ASI, they're not getting paid.
49:52 Actually, they're even paying their own travel expenses,
49:55 and in many instances
49:57 she's had to make a donation to cover the cost
50:00 of the tools outside of the United States.
50:03 So my thought is twofold.
50:06 Number one, ah, you need to get three other people together
50:12 and say, we can do this.
50:13 Let's give it a whirl.
50:15 Let's get this information,
50:16 get a training or go online for training.
50:20 But also, you may feel
50:22 that the Holy Spirit is impressing you to help
50:25 with the cost of materials
50:27 for other countries around the world that may not,
50:30 you know, we, I scoff at $4 but they may not.
50:35 I mean, it may not be possible for them to buy.
50:38 So we just want to put the address up
50:40 for the ASI New Beginning Bible study
50:44 and Evangelistic Training Center,
50:46 and here's how you can get in touch with them.
50:49 ASI New Beginnings seeks to encourage evangelism
50:53 and empower lay people to share their faith.
50:56 They need your prayers and financial support
50:58 to provide training, thumb drives
51:00 with the complete New Beginning series,
51:03 sermon notes, the Voice of Prophecy,
51:05 Discover Bible lessons, and much, much more.
51:08 To invite Barbara to come for a training session,
51:11 please visit their website, ASINewBeginnings.org.
51:15 That's ASINewBeginnings.org.
51:18 Or call them at 443-391-7235.
51:23 You may also write to ASI New Beginnings,
51:26 9705 Patuxent Woods Drive,
51:29 Columbia, Maryland 21046.


Revised 2019-02-04