3ABN Today

Book: Jesus, Who Is He?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018092A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome
01:11 you once again to 3ABN Today and just want
01:15 to take this opportunity to thank you for your
01:18 prayers and your love and your financial
01:20 support of 3ABN, the Mending Broken
01:23 People Network. I'm excited about our
01:26 special guests today. But before I introduce
01:28 them, let me read to you something that, to
01:32 me, is such a beautiful promise. It's something
01:36 that Jesus said in John 17:3. He said, "This
01:41 is eternal life that they should know You,
01:45 the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom
01:49 You have sent." Do you realize eternal life is
01:53 not a list of "dos and don'ts." Eternal life
01:56 is to have a relationship with a loving Heavenly
02:01 Father and to know Him in an intimate way.
02:05 That's the way He wants to know you. And I
02:08 tell you what! I think that all three of our
02:11 guests here today have found that secret, so
02:15 let me introduce you to our special guests.
02:18 First, we have John Youngberg. John, we're
02:21 so glad you're with us today! - Thank you
02:24 so much! I'm so happy to be here. - And you
02:26 are the co-founder of WIN Wellness; that's correct?
02:30 - That's right. - Well, we're going to get back
02:32 to you. You've got a PhD. He said, "Don't
02:35 bother about calling me "Doctor." This is a
02:38 man who has spent a lifetime in service to
02:44 the Lord, and that's special. Then, we have
02:47 Candice Hollingsead. Did I say it right?
02:50 - Yes. - Good! Candice, you're an educator.
02:53 - Yes, I am an educator. - And what do you do
02:55 with WIN Wellness? - I actually volunteer
02:59 to help WIN Wellness and John in the ministry
03:03 one day a week. For sure, one day a week.
03:06 Sometimes more, and just do whatever he needs.
03:10 - Praise God. - Including haul away some brush out
03:12 of his yard. [laughter] - Praise God. Well,
03:15 we appreciate that so much. Then, we have
03:18 Pastor Allen Dybdahl. Boy, I'll tell you- you're
03:22 going to want to catch this man's testimony
03:25 sometime, because it's amazing how God is
03:27 using him. But you are a vice president for WIN
03:31 Wellness. - Correct. - And kind of the director
03:34 of marketing; is that correct? - Yes, that
03:35 is correct. Marketing and sales. - Well, we
03:37 are very pleased to have the three of you. Before
03:42 we get kicked off into this story-and boy,
03:45 we got some exciting stories to share with
03:47 you-first, we have our very own Tammy Chance
03:51 that's Danny's sister. I love the way she sings.
03:55 My husband has already asked her. There's one
03:57 song she sings, he said, "If I go before
04:00 you, I want you to sing that at my funeral."
04:02 But Tammy's going to sing for us, "Because of Who You Are."
04:15 You spoke the words and all the worlds came into order
04:22 You raised Your hands and planets filled the empty skies
04:29 You placed a woman and a man inside the garden
04:36 And though they failed, they found compassion in Your eyes
04:43 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed at the wonder of it all
04:51 Yet, a greater wonder brings me to my knees
04:57 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
05:04 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
05:11 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
05:17 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
05:23 Because of who You are
05:32 One holy night, You sent Your promise from a virgin
05:39 And promise grew till He revealed to us Your heart
05:46 Endearing love displayed throughout Your crucifixion
05:53 And through Your death, You tore the darkened grave apart
06:00 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed at the wonder of it all
06:08 Yet, a greater wonder brings me to my knees
06:14 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
06:21 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
06:28 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
06:34 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
06:41 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
06:48 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
06:55 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
07:02 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
07:08 Because of who You are
07:15 Because of who You are
07:22 Because of who You are
07:40 Amen. The wonder of it all. What He did for
07:42 us and who He is. We've thanked Tammy very much.
07:46 Well, if you're joining us just a moment late,
07:48 we have three very special guests. John
07:50 Youngberg, Candice Hollingsead, and Allen
07:53 Dybdahl. We're so glad each and every one of
07:56 you are here. Before we kick off, we've got so
07:58 much to say. Can you give us the Reader's
08:00 Digest version? Just a little bit about your
08:03 life. Were you born in a Christian home?
08:05 - I was born in a Christian home. My
08:07 parents were missionaries in India. I was born after
08:10 they got back, and I count it a privilege
08:14 to enter the ministry. Went 15 years to
08:17 South America as I minister. Our two
08:22 sons and my first wife were born in Chile.
08:28 Incidentally, my oldest son is flying to Chile
08:32 to help a construction consultant for a few
08:37 days. So, anyhow, my first wife fell ill with
08:44 glioblastoma and unfortunately passed
08:47 away. Some time later, I married Millie. I'm
08:54 sorry to say that I lost her 7 months ago. - And
08:58 I'm so sorry, John.
08:59 - So, the WIN Wellness program was organized
09:03 by Millie and me, and God helped us as we
09:06 carried it to six continents published
09:09 in 31 languages around the world. And in just
09:12 one word, it's about helping people to be
09:15 well in every part of their lives - not only
09:18 biologically, but spiritually, in their
09:22 families... It all works together, and
09:25 that's what we're about- trying to share with
09:27 the world. - Praise God. Thank you so much
09:30 for that. Candice, how about you? Did you also
09:32 grow up in a Christian home? - Yes, I did grow
09:34 up in a Christian home! My father was a pastor,
09:36 so we were very involved in the churches that
09:39 he pastored. - Was he an Adventist Christian?
09:42 - He was an Adventist pastor, yes. My husband
09:45 and I have three children that are grown
09:47 adults (which is very lovely). I retired,
09:51 and when I retired, I found myself with little
09:55 to do. So, my husband said, "Well, why don't
09:57 you join a grow group?" I looked through the
10:01 catalogue in our church to- - What is a grow group?
10:04 - A grow group is a small group of people,
10:06 like a caring group or a study group that
10:08 get together in a home and study a specific
10:12 topic. In our church, there's a variety of
10:17 them- everything from riding a motorcycle or
10:19 going golfing or going boating or studying
10:21 health issues. So I said to my husband,
10:24 "I think I'll join this John and Millie's
10:26 grow group." - That was wonderful. - They're
10:29 lovely people! So I went, and from then
10:33 on, oh my. My life did change. - Praise God.
10:37 I know that, John, you said your middle
10:40 name is "Small Groups," right? [John laughs]
10:43 Thatta boy. I'll tell ya! - And so, I volunteer-
10:47 I'm sorry. So I volunteer once a week because I
10:50 think that the ministry that John and Millie
10:52 have been involved in is life-changing. - Praise
10:54 God. Praise God. How about you, Allen? - Well,
10:58 unlike these two, I did not grow up in a
11:01 Christian home. My great-grandparents
11:04 were Seventh-Day Adventist Christians,
11:06 and I remember just like it was yesterday.
11:09 I would go to their house probably every
11:13 couple of weeks or so, and they would always
11:15 tell me, when Friday night came, that the
11:18 Sabbath is approaching; "Put your toys away."
11:20 I never forgot that. But as most people do,
11:24 I just went my way until I was in my 20s
11:27 and actually heard about an evangelistic series
11:31 by Kenneth Cox down in Baton Rouge,
11:34 Louisiana in the early 80s. I went there and
11:37 was baptized. - Praise God. - I was very
11:42 interested in spreading the gospel message, so
11:44 I became a literature evangelist and I
11:46 served for 16 years as a literature evangelist
11:49 in different leadership positions. - He was
11:53 also publishing director of the Lake
11:55 Union Conference. - Wonderful. Okay!
12:00 Well now, let's just talk a little bit about
12:02 WIN Wellness. First of all, I want to know what
12:06 WIN stands for, but also, you have a
12:10 unique approach to health, so tell us
12:13 about that. - Well, WIN- we all want to
12:16 be winners, don't we? The WIN is an acronym
12:20 that stands for, "Wellness Integrating
12:23 Needs." So, we start with the needs of people-
12:28 the felt needs-and we move on from there.
12:31 So how does that affect you in your current
12:35 situation? So, WIN Wellness. Important
12:38 in that many people mention health only
12:42 from a biological standpoint. Our program
12:46 includes family wellness- that's where we really
12:49 started from-and it includes a spiritual and mental
12:53 wellness, and includes biological wellness,
12:56 all working together. - So, you have Jesus
13:00 at the center...is basically what your
13:04 approach is, and I think you've brought
13:05 something to show on the screen for that,
13:10 that you make Jesus the center as the
13:13 Healer; is that correct? - That's right. Jesus
13:15 is the great Healer; He's in the center,
13:17 and beyond this then are the various dimensions
13:21 of life which include mind-spirit, spiritual
13:26 wellness; which include the body, with biological
13:29 wellness, then how this is applied in
13:33 relationships: husband-wife relationships, family
13:38 relationships, parents and children. - So,
13:41 the synergy of your approach is that each
13:46 area of our life affects the other. - That's
13:50 right. And we feel that health and wellness is
13:54 not just a question of 8 remedies or this,
13:57 a few... It's actually a combination of all
14:02 of them, which- shall I speak about synergy?
14:06 - Sure! - Synergy, which means the whole
14:08 is greater than the sum of its parts. Well,
14:12 this is taught in the Bible. It says, "Five of
14:16 you will chase 100," in Leviticus 26, "but
14:20 100 of you will chase 10,000." - Okay, so as
14:25 we're looking at this graphic, what does this
14:27 graphic tell us? - It tells us that all of
14:30 these different dimensions of life, of these factors,
14:34 they blend together. So, some people say,
14:38 "Well, which is the most important?" We
14:40 answer with, chuckle, and say, "Well, when
14:42 you're not practicing, that's the most important."
14:44 But they all do something that is more than the
14:48 sum of their individual contribution. When you
14:52 blend them all together, things really begin
14:56 to happen in the health and the spiritual outlook
14:59 of the hope and longevity. - Yes. Now, as you
15:03 and Millie... How long were you and Millie
15:06 married? - Millie and I were married 46 years.
15:08 - 46. I know you're still going through the
15:12 adjustment, trying to find a new rhythm to
15:14 life without her and I'm sorry for your loss,
15:18 but you and Millie evidently made a really
15:22 dynamic team. - I run to keep up with
15:27 her. [laughter] - It's true! - But you had
15:30 an individual that- she was talking with
15:34 who was not a Christian, and something really
15:37 interesting happened. Tell us about that.
15:39 - The momentous moment in our life, we were in
15:41 Pune, India, and there we were. We were
15:46 finishing a seminar. One kind gentleman
15:48 had bought flowers every night and decorated the
15:51 auditorium, and we found out he was a
15:55 Hindu, and that was wonderful. The last
15:59 night, we were saying goodbye to the people
16:02 and Millie was praying with one and another,
16:05 and this gentleman approached one of
16:06 the directors and said, "Would Millie pray with
16:11 me?" So, the man came and said to Millie,
16:15 "This gentleman wants you to pray with him."
16:17 So, she walks over to where he is and says,
16:20 "Would you like me to pray for you?" "Yes."
16:24 "And what would you like me to pray about?"
16:26 We will never forget the answer. Only two
16:31 words, from a Hindu which, sometimes,
16:34 people think, "Well, they're pagans." Well,
16:38 I don't like the word 'pagan,' but, Hindus-
16:40 wonderful people. And this Hindu says just
16:43 two words: "More Jesus." - Woo! - And wow. Almost
16:48 a life-changing two words. - I think you
16:52 brought a picture of him. I want to be sure
16:54 to show that picture. Who's with him in this
16:59 picture? - I'm in the middle, and the
17:02 gentleman I'm speaking of is on the right.
17:05 - In the blue. - And he's a Hindu. Just
17:09 last year, he was baptized in the
17:12 Seventh-Day Adventist Church. - Glory! - As
17:15 a Christian. But he- the big thing for him was
17:18 finding out who Jesus was and more Jesus.
17:22 - So, I love the approach that you take, because
17:25 I know you've got a number of books and
17:27 we'll talk about them, but you have your WIN
17:31 Wellness- there's... We'll talk about these
17:33 books in just a moment, Getting Started,
17:36 Pressing Forward, Finishing Strong...
17:38 But after your encounter with this man, and I
17:43 know all of your books are based on Jesus.
17:47 I love your approach. - But here, we put it
17:49 all together. We had a bit of this, bit of
17:52 that in the other books; but here, we
17:55 started with Jesus and was all about Jesus.
17:58 - Okay. So this Hindu... What was his first
18:00 name? Do you remember? - I'm sorry, I don't know.
18:03 - Okay. He, though, was the catalyst for
18:06 you and Millie to write this book. - In our
18:08 thoughts, yes. - Jesus- Who Is He? Tell us
18:12 about the book. - Well, the book took two years
18:15 to write. It wasn't written in a fortnight.
18:20 We wrote it from an eyewitness standpoint.
18:25 Like, you're there and you're seeing this
18:29 and somebody who has been talking to Jesus is
18:33 telling his or her story of what Jesus did with
18:36 them. So, in the 20 chapters- we've been
18:42 very fortunate. In those 20 chapters, we have
18:45 them illustrated by none less than Nathan
18:48 Greene. - We're going to show one of those
18:51 illustrations in just a moment when we
18:53 come to that chapter. - So, anyhow, it's
18:57 changed lives and I will just tell one very
19:00 brief encounter of the book with someone
19:04 who needed it. A lady in hospice hadn't
19:09 eaten for two days, hadn't slept, and the
19:15 minister came to-Ellen is her name-and says,
19:20 "You know, I've got a book here. I'd like to
19:24 read you a chapter about Jesus. Who is He?"
19:27 She read about Jesus calming the storm.
19:33 Then, the lady listened attentively. That night,
19:39 she slept all night long after that. She says,
19:43 "I know who's in my case- Who's in my health. It's Jesus.
19:50 He was here with me." He says the next day,
19:54 she ate a good breakfast, then her son came to
19:58 visit her, then she lay down to sleep and
20:04 never woke up. But she knew who was with
20:09 her in her life was Jesus. - Who is He to
20:13 you? - Well, I'm a sinner saved by grace,
20:18 and Jesus is the most wonderful thing in my
20:23 life. It makes life worth living; it makes
20:26 it worth getting up in the morning; it makes
20:29 it worth sharing with other people. He is
20:32 my best friend. He's my all in all. - Amen!
20:36 And that's through many, many years,
20:39 many heartaches, many valleys, many mountaintops,
20:44 but He never let you down, did He? - I wrote
20:48 down a list, "God: Who Is He?" and in that list,
20:52 I have 111 different names of the Holy
20:56 Spirit and about 300 different names of God
21:00 and Jesus. He's all that to you, dear listener,
21:06 dear watcher, but He's more than that. He is
21:10 something special in your life. You can have
21:13 your own names for Jesus: best Friend,
21:15 wonderful Guide, whatever it is- all names of Jesus.
21:21 - Amen. Who is He to you, Candice? - I think
21:25 that the chapters in this book exemplify
21:28 exactly who He can be to a person. For example,
21:33 in chapter 8, it talks about brokenness to
21:36 wholeness, and it's actually the story
21:39 about the woman at the well. How many of us
21:45 are broken? We all are broken, but Jesus can
21:49 lead us to holiness. That is who Jesus is
21:54 to me and what this book is. That's probably
21:56 my favorite chapter in the book, because
21:59 everybody needs Jesus to bring them to wholeness.
22:02 It's really important and so glorious when
22:06 He does. There's another chapter that's about
22:09 being lost and found and reminds me of who
22:15 Jesus is, that He is wanting to find everyone.
22:20 Everyone! So, if you have a child that has
22:24 strayed, the Bible promises that the
22:27 children will be restored to their parents. If
22:29 we believe in Jesus, He will help to restore
22:33 and mend those family relations. - Amen. And
22:37 praise God that He does not want anyone
22:41 to perish. - No! He wants to save everyone!
22:43 Every single person. So, that brokenness
22:48 to wholeness and that lost to found are so
22:51 important. That's who Jesus is. - So, I know
22:54 that the final chapter is on the Second Coming
23:00 of Jesus Christ. Now, this is one of the
23:04 illustrations of Nathan Greene that we wanted
23:08 to show you. It's in the book because this
23:10 is such an amazing painting, but there's
23:14 something of real personal interest to you, John.
23:19 Tell us what. - As you look at the picture,
23:21 down on the right over by three people from
23:24 the corner, woman in her pink sweater, that's
23:30 my own dear Millie. I'm behind her in a
23:33 light blue. Yes, we will be waiting for Jesus.
23:38 I thought she might be among the living;
23:41 she's going to be one of those who are raised
23:43 from the dead. This wonderful picture Nathan
23:46 Greene- I think it's his best. Every one
23:50 of those angels has a human face, and these
23:53 people- they are real people. That angel
23:59 who's taking this little girl over from the grave,
24:02 her mother receiving this little girl, a
24:06 four-year-old little girl who caught leukemia
24:10 and was laid in the grave. That is the
24:12 dress that she was buried in. We see it
24:16 there, and the parents receiving her. You, viewer, maybe you
24:21 have some people who will be there, also,
24:23 when Jesus comes. That'll be wonderful- when we
24:28 rise up to meet Him together in the clouds.
24:31 - Oh, amen and amen. Allen? - Shelley, I
24:34 just can't stand it any longer. I gotta share,
24:36 especially with this picture we just saw
24:38 of Nathan Greene's. One day, I put an ad in the
24:42 paper for a lawn mower I wanted to sell, and
24:46 this lady responded and she came. When she got
24:49 there, we talked a little bit and she said,
24:50 "I don't know why I drove 50 miles to see
24:53 this lawn mower. I really didn't need to
24:54 drive that much." So we talked a little bit.
24:56 She's a member of one of the largest churches
24:59 in northern Indiana- Protestant churches.
25:03 So we talked a little bit, and I said, "I
25:04 got something before you leave." She did
25:06 buy the lawn mower, by the way. So I turned
25:08 the book to that page with Nathan Greene's
25:11 painting on there; didn't say a word. I
25:12 turn it and handed her the book, and she said,
25:16 "Do you believe that?" I said, "Yes, I do believe
25:20 it with all my heart." She said, "I do, too!"
25:24 She said, "My church I go to does not teach
25:26 this." - They don't teach the Second Coming?
25:29 - Neither does the pastor. - Wow. - And she said,
25:31 "Now, I know why I drove 50 miles."
25:35 Because of just showing her the picture. And
25:38 I must add this since I'm the marketing director:
25:40 I encourage everybody to have books in their
25:43 homes where they can share it with whoever
25:46 comes and works on their house or whatever
25:48 the case may be. Anybody! I bought 4 cases
25:52 already, so I share them with everybody I meet.
25:54 I've had some wonderful experiences. Gotta
25:57 share another one about that same book, too.
26:00 In the American College of Lifestyle Medicine-
26:04 every year- we were in Tucson last year,
26:10 last October, and we had a nice little brochure
26:13 sitting out there that showed, "Jesus-Who
26:15 Is He?" and the books, and I was standing there
26:18 by the booth. A man came by and he looked
26:20 at the poster, he looked at me, he looked at the
26:23 poster again... He goes, "Jesus... Who is He?"
26:27 to me. I'll never forget. I said, "Brother, He's
26:34 my Savior and He wants to be yours." And we
26:37 hit it off right then and we became great
26:40 friends. He probably calls me once every other
26:42 week. - Really! - He loves Jesus. I tell you,
26:48 that book will bring so many people to the
26:50 Lord. I just love it. - Why do you- I mean,
26:55 that's a huge statement, to say that this book
26:59 will bring so many people to the Lord.
27:00 You've got, obviously, stories, but why do you
27:04 think it is? This is a simple- I mean, these
27:09 are beautiful stories; they're simple. Why
27:10 does this touch people and their heart resonate
27:17 with this book? - John chapter 12 verse 32 says,
27:24 "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth
27:28 will draw all peoples to myself," and I
27:32 believe that. - So this- - The center of the gospel.
27:35 - It is the center of the gospel. Without
27:38 Jesus, we don't have a gospel. - Absolutely.
27:41 - We don't have any hope at all. One of
27:45 the chapters is about the resurrection. If
27:47 Jesus didn't rise- if He didn't die for our sins
27:50 the second death and then rise, we have nothing!
27:54 We have absolutely nothing. But because
27:56 He did die on the cross, He did do the
27:59 second death for us. He took that for ME
28:02 and for you. We don't have to die that second
28:06 death! We can claim His life and be
28:09 resurrected, He is the life giver! Why wouldn't
28:12 we want that? - I just have to say for those
28:16 who may be watching and you're going, "Second
28:18 death... What is that?" You need to read
28:21 Revelation which talks about the second death
28:24 twice. That's when people go into the
28:30 final place where all sinners will be annihilated
28:35 at the end, because there are so many
28:37 Christians who believe you're either going to
28:40 have eternal life in heaven or you're going
28:45 to have eternal life in hell, and that's not what the
28:47 Bible teaches! The Bible teaches Jesus
28:50 said, "For God so loved the world, He gave His
28:52 only begotten Son that whosoever believeth
28:55 in Him should not perish but have everlasting
28:59 life." So, those are the two things that
29:03 are being contrasted. What's your favorite
29:05 part of this book? - Well, I would say the
29:09 chapter on Calvary and Gethsemane - the two
29:14 key chapters of the book. What Christ
29:18 suffered in Calvary. We may not have
29:22 realized- pardon me. When He suffered in
29:24 Gethsemane, if after praying three times
29:28 that the cup be removed if it was the Father's
29:32 will. Then finally, He said, "But Thy will be
29:37 done." Whatever must be will be, and I want
29:42 to be- I'm willing to give my life for these
29:45 people. Then, He fell to the earth, I think,
29:49 as a dead man. If God wouldn't have sent the
29:52 angel, Jesus never would've got to Calvary,
29:55 because He would've died right there in
29:57 Gethsemane. It's the greatest decision in
30:00 the history of the world is that Jesus decided
30:03 that He would die for you and for me. - And
30:08 would you want to look- you see these cameras
30:10 over here. When they've got a little red light,
30:12 if you want to talk to the audience, that's
30:14 where you look, because you have got an evangelist's
30:18 heart. There is no if, ands, or buts about
30:21 it. But Allen, I'd like you to, for just a
30:25 minute, talk to us. I know you all brought
30:27 a graphic about the importance of the cross.
30:30 Explain this graphic to us. - Well, as it says,
30:35 Christ's death proved God's great love for
30:37 man. It is our privilege of salvation. To remove
30:42 the cross from the Christian would be like blotting
30:45 the sun from the sky. - What would it be like
30:50 to just live in darkness- total darkness? No
30:54 morning, no sunrise- just eternal night.
30:59 That is trying to have Christianity without a
31:03 cross. - Yes. - Religion without a Jesus. So,
31:07 that's one of my favorite statements- just to
31:11 think that Jesus is the One who brings the
31:15 light into our life, joy into our hearts...
31:19 And yes, viewer, He brings joy into YOUR
31:24 heart and life into your soul. - Amen. Amen.
31:28 Truly, you do have an evangelist's heart. It
31:30 shows. Your eyes twinkle when you're talking
31:34 about Jesus. So, if just for a minute,
31:39 before we kind of change horses here, tell us
31:45 about the experience of you and Millie working
31:48 on this together. - Well, it was life-changing.
31:55 Two whole years... This didn't happen in a moment.
31:58 Two whole years. And of course, Millie,
32:03 after I did most of the writing, she put a lot
32:07 of input into it, and she said, "Well, it's
32:10 still lacking something, John." She said, "I'm
32:13 going to write two more chapters." - I would
32:16 come to their house, and she'd say, "Okay,
32:19 we have another chapter," and I'd say, "That's
32:22 enough! That's enough; stop!" Then I'd come
32:26 the next week. "Oh, we have another chapter!"
32:28 It was really a time of joy for them to write
32:33 that book. Each chapter was incredible. - And
32:36 life-changing. - What I love... You're very
32:39 smart in the way, because this is not
32:42 an overpowering book at all. There's 20
32:45 chapters and they're relatively short so
32:47 you can sit down and read one in a decent
32:53 amount of time. Then you have reflection
32:56 questions afterwards, because that's what's
32:59 important. As we read John 17:3, THAT'S what
33:03 eternal life is all about. This is- we
33:06 have a covenant-keeping God whose heart it
33:10 is to reveal Himself to you who wants to
33:15 draw you near to Him, and He's wooing you
33:18 with His love all the time. You may not
33:20 recognize it, but He wants you to know
33:23 Him as He knows you. So, this is a very
33:27 special book. But I want to kind of transition
33:31 for a second. This book... It's interesting to me,
33:36 'cause if somebody just picked up and read
33:38 this book, they would think, "Oh, they're
33:41 evangelists." This is a precious way to look
33:46 at Jesus and come to know who He is, but you
33:50 said something so interesting. WIN
33:54 Wellness, you have a series of three books
33:57 here: book #1, 2, and 3. This is Getting Started,
34:03 On the Path to Health and Healing, Pressing
34:06 Forward on the Path to Health and Healing,
34:10 and Finishing Strong on the Path of Health
34:13 and Healing. But you said in the very
34:17 beginning, it was the little Hindu man's
34:20 comment to Millie. "More Jesus." That's
34:25 what he wanted. You said that's what brought
34:29 this fourth book, Jesus- Who Is He? And you
34:31 said it came from these wellness books. So,
34:35 you've got these stories then integrated in the
34:39 wellness books? - Yes. You see, we had Jesus
34:43 in every chapter, but, you know, a little Jesus
34:48 here, a little Jesus there, and we said,
34:50 "Hey, we've got to put this whole thing
34:52 together, because even if it's nutrition we're
34:56 talking about, we're talking about Jesus is
34:59 the Bread of Life." So, Jesus was there,
35:04 but we need to look at Him in His own right,
35:08 so we start with Him, front and center, and
35:11 we just dedicated a book because He is
35:15 the great Healer. Now, if you're into the
35:19 book ministry healing- shall I mention that
35:21 now? - Sure! - The book ministry healing-
35:23 a famous quote from this book speaks of
35:30 8 natural remedies. This is on page 127.
35:33 Yes, there are 8 natural remedies that
35:38 are very important, but the book also has 7
35:42 chapters on the family! And many people, they
35:45 don't think of the family when they think
35:49 of healing. But there are a lot of family
35:52 questions that need to be also dealt with.
35:55 So there, when we deal with the family, we
35:59 are dealing with such subjects as the crisis
36:05 in the family. A healthy family shows appreciation.
36:09 When I say, "I appreciate what you do and who
36:13 you are." A healthy family shows commitment-
36:17 husband to wife, wife to husband. A healthy
36:20 family spends time together. There is no
36:23 healthy family without time that we spend
36:26 together. A healthy family is one that has
36:31 social support. And finally, the most important
36:35 of all of them is love. Really, the key thing
36:39 in these three books, the key factor is love.
36:43 That's what blends it all together. It blends
36:48 all of these 21 different factors. There are
36:52 29 chapters, because some of the chapters
36:55 have to have two chapters dealing with one factor
37:01 such as love. So, someone said, "Which
37:07 is the most important one of all?" "It's the
37:09 one you're not doing." [Shelley laughs] In
37:13 every chapter of the book, we start out with a
37:17 gripping story. We move onto what science says
37:21 on this subject- recent scientific findings.
37:25 Then we said, "Now what does the Bible say on
37:28 that same subject?" So we have: the first I
37:34 is Interest, the second I is Information, the
37:39 third I is Inspiration! Then the fourth I is
37:44 Intentionality. What are you- what am I
37:48 going to do about it? Now, we're not quite
37:50 that blunt. But in other words, to say,
37:53 "Well, next week, when we come back together-
37:55 this week, we're talking about water! And you
37:58 made your own goals! Let's see. Did you have
38:01 any goal? Next week, I'm going to ask you,
38:03 'Have you reached that goal or done something
38:06 toward that goal during this week?'" So, they
38:10 share together, and that is encouraging when
38:13 I find out Candice says, "Yeah, I drink
38:16 my eight glasses a day," and Allen says, "I did
38:20 this," then that brings it to life to see real
38:25 people and not just an abstract factor out there.
38:28 - So, I have to tell you a story about a gentleman
38:30 that came to one of the small groups, and we
38:33 were studying book one in this 3-book series.
38:37 His name's John Ehn, and he had gone to
38:41 a wellness seminar at an Adventist church
38:45 and found out about the small group studies
38:48 on health and wellness at John and Millie's
38:50 house. It was actually the same small group
38:53 that I had joined. He's not Adventist. He brought-
38:58 he and another friend named Dale came. As we
39:04 were going, he was making changes and we would
39:08 press the intentionality and he'd say, "Oh,
39:11 I'm just making small steps, just taking
39:13 small steps." Then, all of a sudden, it was,
39:16 "Well, I gave up eating pork. I don't think
39:18 that's good, and I've decided not to drink
39:21 anymore. I don't think that's good for my
39:23 body." And as we went, it just got more and
39:26 more serious until we started to come to
39:28 the end of the 10 weeks. Then, he just
39:32 shocked us all by saying-'cause we
39:36 were coming to the end-he said, "Well,
39:37 what are we going to do next?" I said, "Well,
39:40 I think we have some time off before we
39:42 start the next grow group." And he said,
39:44 "Well, I can't do that!" We said to him, "Dale,
39:48 well then, what do you want to do?" He said,
39:51 "Well, let's study the Bible!" - Praise God.
39:54 - So, we just said, "Well, what do you
39:55 want to study in the Bible?" He'd tell us
39:59 and we'd make Bible studies. My husband
40:02 and John and Millie would make a Bible
40:03 study and then he and Dale would come, and
40:06 he was baptized and Dale was baptized!
40:10 And now, Dale's wife is studying with John,
40:12 as well. This John went on to host his
40:15 own grow group in another town. - This John visitor...
40:19 - The one that was baptized. Yes! It's
40:22 like it multiplies in this synergy. That is
40:28 just amazing. It's just miraculous when
40:30 you watch it happening. - But you know, I think
40:32 that- I have this saying, that rules
40:37 without relationship result in rebellion.
40:42 If you grow up just hearing, "Don't do
40:45 this, don't do that, don't do this, don't
40:46 do that," it's kind of like if you don't have
40:49 that relationship with Jesus, it makes you
40:52 want to rebel. But what happened here is
40:55 you obviously introduced him to the great Healer
40:59 and he was attracted to Jesus, and that's
41:02 where the intentionality- that's the root of it.
41:05 - And now, he's out there winning other
41:07 people to Jesus. - Yes, that's right. - Praise God;
41:09 amen. Allen, how did you get connected here?
41:13 - Good question. I live about a block away
41:17 from them. I never met them up until about 3
41:20 years ago. My wife's mother worked for them
41:23 as their secretary years ago, and so I was
41:27 raking leaves in my yard, and I saw these
41:30 two people come by (and it was John and
41:33 Millie). - They walk. - They walk constantly.
41:36 Millie said something to me and I responded,
41:39 and she invited me to one of their Friday
41:41 night meetings, which they've had for how
41:43 many years now, John? - Forever? - 30 years,
41:48 probably? - Were you already a pastor, or no?
41:50 - Oh, yes. So, I saw them, so my wife and I
41:57 went. We went there, and there's like 40
42:00 people at this house. At John and Millie's
42:03 house. - On a Friday night. - On a Friday night.
42:06 - That's not their original small grow
42:07 group; that's- they just have a meeting
42:09 at their house every Friday night. People
42:11 just show up. - They could not survive without
42:12 meetings. So, it was a blessing. Then you
42:15 know what I've learned? As an Adventist, I
42:18 kind of got away from a few things, you know-
42:20 eating right and different, bad habits
42:24 that you get. Then, I started watching John
42:28 and Millie, then they're teaching about the
42:31 water; never drank enough water, so I've
42:33 started to drink water. I was a little bit overweight.
42:36 My knees started hurting- joints. I could never
42:40 figure- it was just a year ago, and they
42:42 started preaching to me, and I was listening.
42:46 I appreciate that so much about John and
42:49 Millie. It really helped me to realize, "You know,
42:53 I gotta do something." I'm 62 now, so things
42:56 start hurting, you know? With all these lifestyle
42:59 adjustments that I have made, it's been such a
43:03 blessing to me. I feel better now, I can walk
43:06 better, more easily, and it's just been such
43:09 a blessing. One of the biggest things that
43:11 John and Millie really taught was after you
43:15 eat your meal, go for a walk. - Yes. - And it's
43:18 really helped me tremendously and I thank you for that.
43:21 Can I say one more thing about Millie?
43:23 - Absolutely! - We live right down the street,
43:27 and the moment she passed away, we got
43:29 the call. It's about 2:15 in the morning. So
43:33 we went over there, and there's our dear, sweet
43:36 Millie. The nurse came to make the pronouncement.
43:44 She had something in her life that she
43:46 wanted to just- she felt like she can share
43:48 with us. There's about 6 of us standing there,
43:51 and she asked if we would pray for her.
43:54 We gathered around, held her, and all of
43:58 us were crying and praying for her, and
44:01 I thought, "Here's Millie even in her
44:04 death." Even in her death, souls are being
44:09 touched. I'll never forget that. - There
44:12 in our family room, the one corner is for
44:16 the chair where I proposed to Millie
44:19 47 years ago, almost. - Wow. - 7 feet away
44:24 is the bed where she died-place where she
44:28 died. Across the room, just 25 feet is the desk
44:35 where she wrote and studied, but I call it
44:39 my love triangle. - Oh, how precious.
44:41 - Right there in the family room. - Well,
44:44 I'll tell you what- you were a blessed man
44:46 to have her, but she was a very blessed woman
44:49 to have you, too, 'cause you're very
44:52 special. I mean, doesn't take but a 5
44:55 minutes with you to know how very special you
44:57 are. And obviously, you're not a thumper.
45:02 You're not somebody that's saying, "You gotta
45:03 do this, you gotta do that;" you're showing
45:06 the love of Jesus in how it all works
45:11 together, but you practice what you
45:14 preach, don't you? - I try to exercise an hour
45:17 a day. - Well, boy, now you're gonna
45:19 put me to shame. Let me ask you this, because
45:22 for in the few minutes we have left, what is
45:27 the difference? Getting Started is your first
45:30 book, Pressing Forward, and Finishing Strong. So,
45:33 what would you say is the central focus of
45:37 Getting Started? - Well, we start with an
45:41 interview. Somebody's just beginning on their
45:44 health program, and yes, we make sure we're
45:50 on an optimistic viewpoint, so we start with hope.
45:54 Really, a lot of health depends upon
45:58 hope. - Amen! - And that's what's happening
46:00 in Alzheimer's today. People have lost hope.
46:04 They say, "You're going to the grave. You got
46:05 Alzheimer's." It's not true! And you
46:08 gotta give people hope. That's what our son
46:09 Wes is doing. Half of his patients are Alzheimer's
46:14 patients. He's giving them hope, and they're
46:16 recuperating! - Amen. - Book one actually is
46:20 pretty simple concepts to grasp, and well-known
46:26 principles of wellness, so it's not like- it's
46:30 more of a slow start in the Getting Started.
46:34 Chapter 5 is about forgiveness. It's
46:36 amazing how many people don't know that forgiveness
46:40 isn't about the other person; forgiveness is
46:43 about you. And if you can take the gift of
46:47 forgiveness and then give it to someone
46:49 else, YOU are set free. So, that's primarily
46:55 book one. It's the simpler things that,
46:59 although forgiveness can be very difficult,
47:02 but they are concepts that are more well known.
47:05 - It's my favorite chapter, it's of
47:07 forgiveness. - I'm just looking at some of these
47:10 chapters and I love this- "Life Is a Balancing
47:13 Act," "Hope in a Hopeless World," "Just Do It," "The
47:16 Miracle Drug: Sunlight," "A Time of Healing,"
47:20 "Forgiveness," "Eating Discoveries," "About the
47:23 Brain: Your Command Center," "Your Fate Is on
47:25 Your Plate," "My Love Journey," "Triumph Over
47:30 Tragedy," "Are You Rich and Don't Know It,"
47:32 "Family Time." So, this is a good starting place.
47:36 - It is a good starting point. - All right. Pressing
47:38 forward. - A little bit more difficult to grasp
47:44 some of those; they're a little bit more complex-
47:46 a little bit more involved in your life decisions.
47:50 - Among them is the whole question of genes.
47:54 Many people think, "Well, if I have bad genes,
47:56 it's all through." No! - You can turn on
48:01 and off. - You can turn them on and you
48:03 can turn them off. So, that comes as a liberating
48:07 question to many, many people. So, yes, I
48:11 will die with the same genes I was born with,
48:14 but you can turn them off so they don't
48:18 function, or you can turn them on. Maybe I was
48:21 born with a diabetes gene, but I can turn
48:24 it off and I can live a wholesome life.
48:27 - Okay, Finishing Strong. - Well, that's definitely
48:32 heavy on intentionality. It's about commitment.
48:36 Some of the same topics are reviewed in more
48:39 depth. - I just have to tell the opening
48:44 story of this. The running of the first marathon.
48:49 Pheidippides was part of the Athenian
48:53 army, the Persians had decided they were
48:56 going to take Athens at all costs. So they move
49:02 in and come in 600 boats and they land on the
49:06 plains of marathons, some 25-26 miles from
49:09 Athens. Miltiades is the general. They go
49:12 up to defend their land. Miltiades is
49:16 outnumbered-10-1-and he says, "Pheidippides,
49:19 my runner, run to Sparta and see if these people
49:22 can come and help us." So, Pheidippides runs
49:26 to Sparta, 140 miles, 140 miles back home,
49:31 says, "Sorry, Miltiades, but they can't come till
49:34 you have the new moon. It's their religious
49:37 belief." Well, the war wasn't going to wait
49:41 for the new moon. They attack immediately, and
49:47 God helps them win the battle, and they push
49:51 the Persians back into the ocean. And as they
49:54 see them sailing away, the general looks and
49:57 he says, "Hey, they're sailing south. They're
50:00 sailing toward Athens, and there's nobody in
50:03 Athens to defend the city! All the soldiers
50:06 are here!" He said, "Pheidippides, will you
50:10 run to Athens and tell them we have won the
50:12 victory?" And so, he crosses the mountain there
50:16 behind the plains. I've been there; I've seen
50:20 it. He comes to Athens. You can imagine. He's
50:24 run 280 miles in the last few days, and now,
50:28 life is blurry, he hardly sees the gate as he's
50:31 approaching Athens. And finally, he runs into
50:36 the city, goes to the marketplace. There's
50:38 one of the elders of the city. "Pheidippides,
50:40 what is it?" And as he falls to the earth,
50:44 breathing his last breath, he says, "Rejoice. We
50:49 have conquered." - Amen. - And that's the message:
50:52 "Rejoice; we have conquered," in Jesus!
50:56 We go from defeat to victory; from rejection
51:01 like the thief on the left of the cross to
51:04 acceptance like the thief on the right. And
51:07 that's what he's going to do for you, my
51:09 dear friend! - Amen! Now, we only have
51:12 the minute left, and I want to be sure and
51:16 get the president of the- it's North Colombia
51:22 Union. Tell us this story, because-and
51:26 it's going to have to be quick-in a minute.
51:28 - Pastor Redondo, North Colombia Union, South
51:31 America. He comes and says, "John, we need
51:35 books to run with our small groups." - A
51:39 thousand small groups. - And we hear his-
51:42 Pastor Redondo. And I said, "Okay, we'll
51:45 send you hundreds of copies." We sent them
51:47 to them. He used the WIN Wellness in their
51:50 series in one year, and baptized 14,400
51:55 souls. - My! - And found Christ. - Through
51:58 the WIN Wellness? How do you get
52:02 WIN Wellness, Allen? - And the 1,300
52:04 ballpoints. - Well, we have several ways. We
52:08 have a website (I think that's going to
52:09 come up here in just a moment). - And would
52:12 you tell us what that website is, please?
52:14 - The website will have, of course-we
52:17 have a store with all the materials. - And that's...
52:19 Oh, sorry. www.WINWellness.g. - Org. - Org! Sorry!
52:29 - Let me do your... - I'm sorry! - That's okay!
52:31 So it's WINWellness.org. - Or they can
52:41 contact me at my personal email. It's
52:46 adWINwellness@gmail.com.
52:54 - And we've got the books, you've got
52:56 PowerPoints for the books, you've got...
52:58 - We got the new USB. - That's wonderful.
53:02 All right. - ...That we offer. - Well, what
53:04 we're going to have to do is take a quick
53:05 break to go to the news break, and then we're
53:08 going to come back for a closing thought.


Revised 2018-12-17