3ABN Today

Asap Work Among The Persecuted

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018091B

00:01 Wow! I can't believe our time has gone by so fast.
00:04 Julia, what else did you want to share with us?
00:08 Well, I just wanted to share that we have a special gift
00:10 for those who are listening, and it's called
00:13 "Our 10 Favorite Mission Stories."
00:15 And so they can contact ASAP
00:17 and receive their free copy of that.
00:20 If they enjoyed the mission stories today,
00:22 I think they'll enjoy reading these with their family
00:24 and as devotional for them in their church.
00:27 Nice.
00:28 And we also have this book called "Jesus Understands"
00:31 that just came off the press.
00:33 And this book is special because it takes
00:37 children through Jesus' life
00:39 and all that He suffered
00:41 and was persecuted for our sake.
00:44 And what they go through and it tells them
00:46 that Jesus understands everything that we go through,
00:49 and He's right there by our side.
00:51 So it's a powerful book that people can buy
00:54 and the proceeds will help the 70 schools
00:57 that ASAP is supporting for the at-risk
01:00 and poor children in Asia.
01:03 And so they get that by going to your website
01:04 as well or calling you?
01:05 They can. Yes, they can.
01:07 Okay.
01:08 And your website is ASAPMinistries.org?
01:11 Yes, that's right. That's okay.
01:13 And I just wanted to close with one verse...
01:15 Okay.
01:16 Because, you know,
01:18 I've noticed from the persecuted believers
01:20 that the average time they spend with the Lord
01:23 is two hours in the morning to get the power.
01:27 And this verse in Romans 8:18, says,
01:29 "For I consider that the sufferings
01:31 of this present time are not worthy to be compared
01:36 with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
01:38 And that's the point to be God's witness,
01:41 and to know that whatever is happening now,
01:43 it's nothing compared to the glory of heaven.
01:45 Amen. Yeah.
01:47 Well, I wanna thank both of you for joining us,
01:49 for sharing with us
01:51 and for allowing God
01:52 to use you in such a mighty way.
01:54 And I wanna thank you for joining us.
01:56 We're out of time.
01:58 May God continue to bless you as you study His Word.


Revised 2019-04-23