3ABN Today

Orphans International Helpline

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018076B

00:01 Do not despise the day with small beginnings
00:03 because God can do so much.
00:05 Jean, thank you so much,
00:07 I know that you are working full time
00:10 for Orphans International Helpline,
00:12 you office here in the States...
00:13 Jean: Yes.
00:15 Shelley: But this is your full time
00:16 and I admire you so Brian
00:18 because you're not only pastoring two churches
00:20 but you handle the sponsorship
00:22 for Orphans International Helpline
00:25 as well as do all of the translating
00:28 and I understand, you're pretty good at that.
00:29 Stephen: Yeah, he is.
00:31 Shelley: How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
00:33 Brian: It's only $30 to sponsor a child... orphan child
00:36 and abandoned children in our Program.
00:38 Shelley: $30 a month. Brian: Yes, $30.
00:41 Shelley: Okay, sign me up because you know
00:43 it sounds overwhelming...
00:44 I know you're reaching out beyond... it doesn't...
00:46 not just with Adventists but with people...
00:49 whoever's in the area
00:51 to reach and evangelize them and to help them.
00:54 Thank you so much for what you're doing
00:56 and Stephen, God bless you...
00:58 I'm so glad you prayed, "Lord, give me something to do,
01:02 let me make a greater impact"
01:03 and you know that is something...
01:05 Did you know that God always answers our prayers.
01:09 Sometimes they're "Yes" sometimes they're "No"
01:12 and sometimes "Later" but if it's a spiritual prayer,
01:16 a spiritual request, His answer's always "Yes. "
01:19 Our prayer for you and we just trust this
01:23 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
01:26 the love of the Father
01:28 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
01:30 will be with you today and always.
01:32 Thanks for joining us.
01:34 Music.


Revised 2018-10-16