3ABN Today

Haiti Missions and Orphanage Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018075B

00:01 Well, our time comes and goes so quickly
00:02 but before you leave.
00:04 Honey, that program is a...
00:05 Oh, it touched my heart.
00:07 Yeah, and we're not going to let just touch our heart,
00:09 we're going to make a difference
00:11 by joining with Hope Ministry Project
00:14 helping oppressed people everywhere.
00:15 Yes, everywhere.
00:17 And just before I thank the guests,
00:19 you know, there are other needs.
00:21 We talked about some of the orphanages
00:23 that some of the children raised there,
00:25 they're getting too old now to stay there,
00:27 and they need a business so as it was pointed out
00:30 by Courtney early in the program,
00:32 they want to bring a small business down.
00:34 If you are part of a business
00:35 that you believe can be a benefit there in Haiti,
00:38 contact us,
00:39 contact them by the information that you received.
00:42 And also they want to increase their meal
00:44 from two to three meals a day.
00:46 I mean, we're blessed by that in America here.
00:49 And then a trade school to help equip the children
00:52 and all those who are working there.
00:54 And it's going to be a blessing not only now
00:57 but in the eternity.
00:58 Thank you so much, Jessie, for being here.
01:00 Yes. Jessie Guillaume?
01:03 Yes. Thank you for being here.
01:04 And your vision.
01:05 And your vision that God is blessing so many people.
01:07 Courtney, thank you so much.
01:09 My pleasure.
01:10 For sharing with us as you have today.
01:13 And Saada Aboubaker.
01:15 I have to smile every time you say.
01:17 I'm kind of saying it gingerly as you know that.
01:19 Yeah.
01:20 I don't want to mess up your name.
01:22 And thank your Brother Cliff,
01:24 I know, he's such a part of the program but...
01:28 Yeah, it touched his heart.
01:29 If we could say anything to those of you who are watching,
01:31 there's a text in Matthew 25:40,
01:33 and remember this,
01:35 "And the King will say to those,
01:38 'In as much as you did it to the least of these,
01:42 you've done it unto Me.'"
01:44 Here at 3ABN,
01:45 we believe in transforming lives.
01:46 And we thank you for taking the time to tune in today.
01:49 Until we see you again,
01:50 may the Lord touch your heart
01:52 to make a difference in somebody else's
01:53 and also give them the hope that they need.
01:55 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-26