3ABN Today

Your Healthy Helper Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018074A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. My name
01:13 is CA Murray. Allow me, once again, to thank
01:16 you for sharing just a little of your, I
01:18 suspect, busy day with us-to thank you, as
01:21 always, for your love, your prayers, and your
01:23 support of Three Angels' Broadcasting
01:25 Network. As for the last- oh, 3+ decades
01:30 together, we have lifted up the name
01:32 of Jesus and done our best with your help
01:35 and assistance to take the gospel of the good
01:38 news of Jesus Christ around the world. A
01:40 smile on my face this day because of my
01:43 guests and because of the subject matter.
01:46 These are two neat people that you may
01:48 have not quite met in this capacity before,
01:51 but ere this program shall have ended, you
01:54 will love them as much as we do at 3ABN.
01:56 They are Melody Caviness and Rendall Caviness.
02:02 Not Randall, Rendall. R e n d a l l. Praise the Lord.
02:09 And Melody. Praise the Lord. Good-looking
02:12 couple! Let's get a two-shot on them.
02:14 This is a good-looking couple. Wonderful
02:16 people, smile on their face, love of God in
02:19 their hearts, and we like them a lot here.
02:20 Melody is the founder and director of Your
02:25 Healthy Helper. Your Healthy Helper. In
02:29 existence for how many years? - Oh,
02:31 probably about 7. a little over 7 years.
02:34 And, Rendall is the social director- and a
02:37 musician of some note as you will
02:39 see a little bit later on in the program,
02:41 'cause we're going to play some of his music.
02:43 They're a good couple together. They work
02:45 together, they associate together; and the reason
02:48 they do so is because the Lord put them
02:51 together. We'll talk about that in just
02:52 a little bit. Give me the punchline first.
02:56 We are pleased to have them both as
03:00 our chefs for our camp meetings.
03:04 Now that we've sort of locked down on
03:06 Melody-and the world is beginning to know
03:10 that she makes a killer lasagna-she
03:14 will probably be our crew for camp meeting
03:16 until she can't cook anymore! But she
03:18 does a fine job. Brings the Spirit of God with
03:20 her; always a smile on her face, hard
03:22 worker. I happen to know she comes in
03:24 weeks before camp meeting and does her
03:27 preparation. And now, she's got a good-looking
03:29 guy by her side to assist her in lifting
03:31 stuff. They are a perfect couple. So
03:34 guys, first of all, good to have you here. - Thanks
03:36 for inviting us. - We are going to go to
03:38 your music in just a little bit, but I want
03:40 to do a couple of things and get a little history
03:43 from you. Did you grow up in an Adventist
03:46 home? - You know, probably from about
03:49 the age of 10. My parents were baptized in the
03:51 Adventist church, so that's whenever I was introduced to
03:57 Adventism. - Grew up where? What state?
04:00 - I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California.
04:02 - Get outta here! - Yeah, I'm a valley girl!
04:04 [laughter] But you know, I've been all over
04:07 the United States, so...Texas; I got a
04:11 little bit of that southern and then Ohio, so I
04:14 sound like I'm from Canada. You know, "O."
04:17 [CA laughs] - I thought kind of Midwest. I
04:20 don't even know when we first met. You're
04:23 one of those kind of persons you figure
04:25 you've always just known kind of thing,
04:27 so I assumed- I would not have thought
04:29 LA. Bless your heart. Rendall, where you
04:32 from? - Well, my dad was a pastor and I
04:37 was born in Iowa. He pastored Iowa, Missouri,
04:40 Alabama, Mississippi, so I ended up being
04:42 southern at about 8 years of age. So the
04:45 accent- - The last imprint
04:47 on you was southern. - Yeah, exactly.
04:50 - How long have you been in Texas?
04:51 - Been in Texas- I moved there to Keene,
04:54 Texas to go to the university Southwestern
04:56 Adventist University, now, in '67, and
05:01 stayed there for 4 years and just never
05:03 left the Texas area after that. - Uh-huh.
05:05 Uh-huh. So you can hear it. Just a little kind
05:06 of a drawly thing going on. It's a nice drawl.
05:09 It's not a bad drawl at all. Adventist home?
05:12 - Yes. My dad's an Adventist pastor.
05:14 - Adventist pastor. Okay, very, very good.
05:15 How many brothers and sisters? - Have one
05:17 younger sister in Edmond, Oklahoma.
05:20 Works for the state there. She does
05:22 conflict resolution. - Ahh, okay. Melody,
05:25 brothers and sisters? - I do. I had 3 brothers
05:29 and one sister. Both of my twin brothers
05:32 are deceased, but there was a family
05:35 of five. My father, for years, when he
05:38 joined the church, was a colporteur literature
05:40 evangelist; raised five kids, put us
05:44 through school doing that kind of work.
05:48 He was a chef and owned restaurants
05:50 throughout, but when he became an Adventist,
05:53 he just fell in love with the Lord and
05:54 really wanted to serve Him in that ministry.
05:56 - Praise the Lord. Let me ask you both,
05:58 and take your time with this, because
05:59 it's one thing to grow up in an Adventist
06:01 home as you well know. It's another thing to
06:04 accept and know Christ for yourself.
06:05 You can go up with the trappings of
06:07 Adventism, the accoutrements of Adventism, but that
06:09 does not guarantee, by any stretch, that
06:12 YOU will know the Lord. When did that
06:14 happen for you, Melody? - You know, honestly,
06:18 I remember when I was in academy at
06:20 Bass Memorial Academy. I had a situation one night
06:23 where I just felt like I needed Jesus in my
06:26 life. So, here I am at 16 years old and
06:29 I just fell in love with the Lord, but
06:31 it soon left. It was just, I feel like, a
06:35 phase, almost, and I was back and forth.
06:38 I really feel like, growing up in the Ad-
06:41 we had good Adventist home; don't get me
06:43 wrong, but I don't remember ever being
06:45 taught the love of Jesus, so I was Adventist by
06:49 name long into my adulthood. I came
06:53 back to the Lord when I knew there was
06:55 just something missing in my life, and that's
06:57 what it was. It was the Lord and my
06:59 relationship, so I had to build the
07:01 relationship between Jesus and myself in
07:05 order to be that kind of person I felt
07:07 like God wanted me to be. So, it was
07:09 later in my life, really. - Yeah. There
07:11 was a time in Adventism, and I suspect we're in
07:13 the same a- - Generation.
07:15 - Yeah, ZIP code-wise- or, rather, same ZIP
07:18 code AGE-wise when we taught dos and
07:22 don'ts, and Adventism has degenerated-and
07:25 I use that term into dos and don'ts-so
07:27 kids never had a real opportunity to learn
07:30 the love of Christ, or a love FOR Christ,
07:32 because we were being force-fed
07:35 a dos-and-don'ts kind of relationship, which
07:39 was a substitute for a genuine relationship for Christ.
07:41 Those who taught that, I think, taught it
07:43 with sincerity- - They did. - But it
07:46 was wrong. - It was, because Sabbath was
07:48 never a blessing to be growing up as a child,
07:51 because I knew, "Well, can't ride my bike.
07:54 Can't get in the water. Can't-" and I don't
07:56 remember ever thinking, "I don't want to. This
07:59 is my day to be with the Lord." It was
08:02 always, "Well, I can't do anything
08:04 until after the sun has come down on
08:07 Saturday," and so we would wait. I'd
08:10 be like, "Okay, how many... When is it till sundown?"
08:12 You know, always looking at your watch or asking
08:14 mom what time it is, and to get through
08:17 the Sabbath. Now, I'm ashamed to admit
08:19 that as an adult, but that is truth.
08:23 Just in our Bible study the other day
08:25 when we were doing our worship, my biggest
08:27 regret in my life is not having that
08:29 relationship with the Lord and using the
08:32 talents He gave us. There were so many
08:34 years I wasted. So, that's a regret.
08:37 - Yeah. Rendall, same question now. Your
08:40 perspective may be a little different
08:42 because you're in a pastor's home, but there
08:44 is this set of expectations that
08:46 kind of drop on pastors' kids. Walk me through
08:49 that as far as your growing up is concerned.
08:52 - I fulfilled that expectation to be
08:54 a good little Adventist preacher's son. All
08:58 the way through life, though, I was not
09:01 close with the Lord. I lived up to
09:03 expectations. I put on a face. Later on,
09:08 I got into the music business, and I REALLY
09:11 got into the music business. I didn't live
09:13 the lifestyle, but I was always the
09:16 designated driver. [CA laughs] So,
09:18 I never gave up on the Lord, but I was
09:22 one of those that the Lord wanted to
09:23 spit out of His mouth. I was on the fence,
09:25 back and forth, balancing- trying to balance
09:29 both worlds at the same time, hoping that
09:31 nobody saw me play on Friday nights someplace.
09:34 So, it's been- when I retired from the work
09:40 that I did, I thought, "This is going to be
09:43 great," 'cause this is late in life. This is
09:45 when I'm 65. I'm 72 now. I thought, "This
09:49 is going to be great, 'cause I can play till
09:50 1 or 2 in the morning, sleep till the same
09:53 time the next day, and go do it again
09:55 for the differing bands that I played with.
09:58 The Lord had other plans. When I retired, the
10:03 bands either disbanded- the several that
10:06 I played with-or quit calling me to go out,
10:08 and I'm saying, "What's going on with this?"
10:11 Then I met some Christian singers- Wide Nations?,
10:16 for one (who's on the charts). Heather van
10:19 Dieren is another one that's on the
10:20 charts right now. I started backing
10:22 them up, and just kind of got closer
10:27 with the Lord. Then, I thought- oh, I
10:31 didn't think. I prayed, "I need a help,
10:33 mate." It's been about 8 years since
10:37 my divorce. We both started praying
10:39 at the same time, almost simultaneously.
10:43 So, I really got close to the Lord during that
10:45 time, came back to the church, started my
10:48 tithe that I had not been paying, and just
10:53 really got close to the Lord during that time.
10:55 - Praise the Lord. Doing that little
10:57 hiatus in some time to find the Lord again.
10:59 - Yeah. I've made bad choices in girlfriends
11:01 that didn't work out. I'm just like Melody.
11:04 I said, "Okay, Lord. I'm not doing this
11:06 well at all. I just want you to fix this."
11:09 So, that's when we started. - Mmkay.
11:13 Now, let me hit the pause button for you
11:15 and come back to Melody. When did the cooking
11:17 bug thing hit you? - As a young girl.
11:20 My dad was a chef. He was a chef
11:23 in the Navy for the officers, so I grew
11:25 up in a culinary home. My mother was quite
11:28 a good cook. She wasn't a chef. My dad owned
11:31 restaurants, so in and out, up until
11:34 my father passed away- he had a heart attack
11:37 at the age of 56, so I lost him early. But
11:40 my dad taught me everything and I loved
11:42 it. There was just something about it,
11:43 so he kind of tricked me. When I was about
11:46 6, he said, "Now, if you want to be a
11:47 good chef," he said, "every chef has to
11:50 start by doing the dishes." So for about
11:53 3 years, I washed my dad's dishes up on the
11:56 stool, and you know- I would wash the dishes.
11:58 I watched him cook. I watched- my dad had
12:02 a very sensitive palette. He knew exactly what
12:05 foods meld together and he could put things
12:07 together that I had never even thought of,
12:09 and he taught me that. At the age of about
12:14 10 or 11, I was actually the spaghetti cooker
12:17 in the house. My mom would always say, "You
12:19 cook spaghetti better than your dad." So,
12:21 I remember, at that age, cooking meals
12:23 for the family. I had an amazing love for
12:27 food. Not even so much in the capacity
12:31 as eating it-I loved to prepare it. It was
12:33 my way of being artistic, was through
12:36 the food. So, I started at a very
12:38 young age. - The desire to go from
12:42 not just good-tasting food, but to healthy
12:44 food-but nutritious food. Did that come
12:46 at that time or some time later as you
12:48 started? - That came in my 50s when I was
12:50 diagnosed with Hashimoto disease, which is an
12:53 immune thyroid disease, and also celiac disease.
12:57 At that time, I was probably around 285,
13:02 290 in weight. - Wow. - And I was taking
13:06 Corgard, which is a beta-blocker-a heart
13:09 medication. I had taken it for 22 years.
13:11 I had hypertension, high cholesterol, so
13:16 everything you can imagine somebody
13:18 having because of their poor diet, and of course,
13:21 most chefs- butter, cheese, everything.
13:25 We wanted the flavor to be there. That was
13:28 what was important so when you took that
13:29 first bite, you were like, "Oh, this is
13:31 just wonderful! So, I had to back up
13:36 and went to a cooking seminar at a church
13:40 to help somebody else because of
13:42 their lifestyle, and that's when God said,
13:44 "I need you to do this work for Me."
13:47 I thought, "I'm too fat and sick to help
13:50 anybody. How can I help them?" But He
13:52 opened up my eyes to what I needed to
13:54 do, as far as nutrition, and change my recipes.
13:58 That's when the transformation started
14:00 taking place at that time. - Praise the
14:02 Lord. Praise the Lord. Meanwhile, Rendall
14:06 has admitted that he wasn't the best
14:10 selector of girlfriends. How's your life
14:17 working out in that ? I'm just
14:19 asking that away unless you kind of take that
14:21 where you want to. - Nah, it wasn't
14:24 working out for me, either. I mean, in
14:26 the day we live in, everything is internet,
14:29 you go out on these websites- er, I
14:31 call it 'church hopping.' You go from one
14:33 church to the next and I felt like, "Lord,
14:36 I am really not good at this." I'm
14:38 not a good chooser of the men in my life.
14:41 Evidently, I'm looking on the exterior.
14:44 A pastor at the South Bend church, he was my
14:47 pastor at the time- needed help during my
14:49 off-season, 'cause during November,
14:52 December, seminars at churches, they're
14:54 too busy setting their schedules for the
14:56 year. He said, "I really need some
14:58 help. Would you commit to helping me in the
15:01 office doing the bulletins and all?"
15:03 I said, "Why not." - Yeah- let me tap
15:06 the pause button, because you WERE
15:07 married for a time. - 40 years. - For
15:09 40 years. And you have two-
15:11 - Children. Two sons. - Okay. So you were
15:15 married, but it wasn't the best of relationships.
15:17 - No. - Okay. So we're out of that,
15:20 you're kind of just by yourself. Are you
15:22 actively looking for somebody? - I had
15:25 met a few guys... Not anything you'd bring
15:29 home or anybody. [CA laughs] Again, I
15:32 mean, I'm one of these people- I want
15:34 to fix you. That's my personality. Get
15:38 the ones who are bad; fix them. - There
15:41 are a lot of people- there are men who do
15:42 that and there are women who do that.
15:43 You'll find out that you don't have the ability
15:45 to fix because in trying to fix somebody
15:46 else, you get broken down. - You get
15:48 broken down. - Precisely. - And I didn't realize
15:49 how broke I was, honestly. I knew I had problems
15:54 and I was praying that I had become
15:57 to where I could not get enough of God.
16:01 I was reading my Bible, I was praying;
16:04 I just wanted more of Him 'cause I thought,
16:07 "You know, Lord, You're going to be
16:08 my Husband for a while." So, I didn't
16:11 want the internet thing. I got to the place
16:14 where I didn't even want to date anybody
16:16 because I said, "Lord, when You bring my
16:18 husband to me when that time happens,
16:20 I'm not going to date." - So you had embraced
16:22 this. You were okay with this now. The
16:23 Lord has taken a new place, you're losing
16:25 weight, you're developing your ministry,
16:27 you're going through a lot of stuff, so you
16:28 were okay just following the Lord as He led.
16:31 - I was lonely in the capacity that
16:33 I felt like at least somebody on the other
16:36 end, a best friend, somebody- like a man
16:39 friend that could say, "Hey, where are you?
16:42 Are you safe?" Kind of looking after me
16:44 like a daddy. - Because you're on the road;
16:45 you're traveling, you're doing your thing,
16:47 you're doing it for the Lord. - Months;
16:48 sometimes a month or two at a time
16:49 before I'd even come back to where I left
16:51 off. Absolutely. - So, it'd be nice to
16:54 have somebody call and say, "Hey, honey, are
16:55 you okay?" - Yes. - So we're in South
16:58 Bend? - South Bend, Indiana. - Bless your
17:00 heart; in the wintertime? Been here, done that.
17:02 - Yeah. That's when you mall walk.
17:06 You can get to the mall. - Yeah, indeed.
17:09 - Yeah, I was there, and I was working with
17:11 Elder Thordeston He asked me; he
17:14 said, "Melody, why don't you have a
17:16 mate? Why aren't you with somebody?"
17:18 And I said, "I don't do very well." I said,
17:20 "I don't choose well, so for some reason," I
17:23 said, "I just feel like it's- I would
17:26 love to have that partner in my life,
17:28 but? I've just kind of given up
17:31 on that area." He said, "You know," and he
17:33 started telling me all these stories.
17:35 He said, "You know, you need to take everything
17:38 to the Lord about what you want then
17:41 ask God to give you peace." I've never
17:43 asked God to give me peace. He said, "And
17:46 wait on God's time." I said, "Okay. Would
17:49 it hurt if I ask Him to hurry?" [laughter]
17:52 Not that I was in a hurry, but it's like,
17:54 I just felt like I needed that person,
17:56 even if it was just to talk to them.
17:58 Desperately wanting that companion, that
18:02 male companion, to talk to- to ignite a
18:05 friendship and maybe more. - I want to
18:08 just get this stated. You had committed
18:10 to the Lord to wait on Him. In your heart,
18:13 of course you want it to be as soon as
18:14 possible, but you had said to the Lord,
18:16 "I'm willing to serve You and I will wait
18:17 till You bring the right person," which is a
18:20 good place to be. - Exactly. It was.
18:21 But, you know, I went home that night
18:24 and I could not quit thinking about what
18:26 the pastor said, so I got a pillow, 'cause
18:29 the floor was a hardwood floor and I thought,
18:32 "We're going to be down here a while."
18:35 I've got some requests, you know? So I got
18:38 that pillow, got down there, and I prayed.
18:40 I just poured my heart out and I said, "Lord,
18:42 this is what I like. This is what I want
18:44 in a man." First and foremost, for me,
18:46 was I wanted him to have a relationship
18:48 with the Lord, because I had been through a
18:51 relationship of being mistreated. I thought,
18:54 "If he has this relationship with You,
18:55 and he loves You, Lord, he's going to treat
18:58 me like You want me to be treated." So
19:00 that was my first and foremost. So,
19:03 my dislikes, my likes, I just threw it all
19:05 out there. I don't know how long I was down
19:07 on that floor, but I prayed and I
19:09 said, "Lord, I would like for him to be
19:12 from Texas, if that's possible, and I would
19:14 love for You to hurry, if that's possible, but
19:17 in Your time." - Okay. He can take that.
19:20 - I said, "Lord, give me peace while You
19:23 are working on this." And you know, CA, I
19:26 got up a different person, because every
19:28 day after that, instead of praying
19:30 for my husband, to find him, I thanked
19:33 the Lord for working on it and I prayed for
19:36 Rendall, not knowing who he was, if he
19:38 had children, what his health was like,
19:40 his finances, his spirituality. I prayed
19:45 for everything, 'cause I just said, "Lord, I'm
19:47 praying for my husband today." I didn't know
19:50 who he was, but God did. - God did. What
19:52 I like- and listening to you, Melody,-
19:54 is two things. You got your priorities
19:55 straight. 1) I want him to love the Lord.
19:58 I want him to have a functioning
19:59 relationship with God. - First and foremost.
20:01 - 2) I'm willing to wait on You. So,
20:05 once you kind of get those two things
20:08 established, everything else is gravy. The
20:11 Lord, He had no problem fulfilling
20:14 that list, obviously, because he's here.
20:16 Praise the Lord. But you put the most
20:19 important- the first thing was first.
20:20 "Has to have a relationship with You,"
20:22 and "I'm willing to wait until You get
20:24 that person set for me." Meanwhile, in
20:28 Texas, you're coming back to the Lord
20:33 after being in a whole lot of stuff. What's
20:37 going on in your life as far as your
20:38 relationship with the Lord and how you're
20:40 looking at life, now, at this point in
20:42 your life? - Well, at that point, I went
20:44 to my knees as well, just like Melody did
20:46 and told him the same thing. "Lord, I made
20:50 bad choices. The people I've dated- it's wrong.
20:54 I know it's wrong in my heart. They
20:56 may be good people; they don't believe like
20:58 I do. They're not Sabbath keepers,
21:01 they don't have the same feelings to the
21:05 Lord like I do." I said, "You're going to have
21:08 to lead me with this." I said exactly the
21:12 same thing. "I'm making bad choices. I'm going
21:15 to leave it in Your hands. I'm going to
21:16 quit trying so hard. I'm just going to leave
21:19 it alone and pray about it, and that's where
21:21 I was. - Had you been married before, Rendall?
21:23 - Yes. I was married 14 years prior to this,
21:26 and it had been about 8 years since that
21:28 divorce. - Okay. Okay. So, now you're
21:31 coming back to the Lord, feeling stronger in
21:32 the Lord, you're willing to wait on the Lord,
21:35 also. - Yes. Right. Praise the Lord. So,
21:38 we kind of got you at the same point in
21:39 your Christian walk. Before we actually
21:42 get you married, I think we need to hear
21:43 some music from you, man, because you,
21:45 earlier today, came in and- I've not heard
21:50 you yet, but the boys say you're pretty
21:52 good, man. We praise the Lord for
21:53 that. -... [laughter] And we
21:58 didn't pay him anything. They say that from
21:59 their hearts. "Lord, I Want to Be a Christian."
22:03 Talk to me about, on this CD, which I really
22:05 like, "Jesus Will," Rendall Caviness.
22:09 There is this bandolier going across your
22:12 chest on the back cover. What am I
22:16 looking at? I hope those are not bullets.
22:18 Are those...harmonicas? - Yes. Harmonicas.
22:21 There's 12 varying degrees. I did a lot
22:24 of backup with other artists and when they
22:26 have to change keys, I have to be ready.
22:28 That's really the purpose for that.
22:30 In fact, one of the songs that I
22:33 play, it's going to
22:34 be on the program. There are two key
22:37 changes, so that's the purpose of that
22:39 belt. - So you just whip out another-
22:41 - Right. - Ahh. Praise the Lord.
22:43 And you were, I guess we can call you a
22:46 professional musician because you played
22:48 with some of the groups. For how many years?
22:50 - I'll let you be the judge of that when you
22:51 hear it. [laughter] - Well, you were a
22:53 wanted musician. You worked with a number
22:56 of groups- Christian and non-Christian.
22:58 - Correct. - So there must be a basic skill
23:00 level that attends that, so you're good
23:03 at what you do. Praise the Lord. - Thank you.
23:05 - All right. Let's hear it right now.
23:07 This is Rendall Caviness, and the
23:09 song is- what are we listening to? "Lord,
23:12 I Want to Be a Christian."
26:10 And amen! Rendall, well done! - Thank you.
26:12 - I saw you had a couple spares behind
26:14 you there on the piano, for which we praise the Lord!
26:17 But well done. How long have you been playing?
26:20 - 40+ years. - All right; good little
26:22 while. - Right. - Did you take that harmonica
26:25 up by default or just something lying around,
26:28 or did you seek that instrument out?
26:29 - When I started, they said it would
26:32 help put babies to sleep, so when my
26:34 first child was born, I started,
26:37 but it took too long. They were grown
26:40 before I perfected the ability to play
26:43 relatively well. - If you hadn't gotten
26:47 good, you still would've put 'em to sleep, so
26:49 praise the Lord. [laughter] - Yeah.
26:51 - Praise the Lord that you did a good
26:53 job. Well done. Very well done. And
26:56 I'm anxious to hear the second song before
26:58 we're done. When we left, we're both
27:01 praying for the Lord to send the right
27:03 person (which is a good prayer to pray)
27:06 BEFORE you get married. You're praying, you're
27:10 praying, your relationship with the Lord is
27:11 strengthening because you are by yourself and
27:15 you are giving time with the Lord. You
27:18 had a pretty specified list. - I did. - Yeah.
27:22 Walk me through the first time you met
27:25 him, how that happened, and then we're going to
27:28 find out how the light came on. What
27:32 was the first time? - I didn't realize that
27:35 he had noticed me like a year or two before
27:37 on Facebook. I don't even know how we
27:39 became Facebook friends except that I knew his
27:42 in-laws. I had known their family years
27:45 before that. I knew who he was because
27:49 his children were also in Pathfinders when
27:51 I was helping in leadership in Pathfinders,
27:54 'cause we'd lived in Texas. However, if
27:57 I had met Rendall, I don't know it. I
28:00 remember his ex-wife, I remembered the
28:02 family, so I knew who he was as a person.
28:05 That's probably when I accepted his friendship.
28:07 Two weeks to the date after I prayed that prayer,
28:13 he sent me a note and said, "I've noticed
28:17 you on Facebook, and I've seen," something like
28:20 some program I had done in the Fort Worth
28:22 area that was televised or something.
28:25 I don't know if it was through Good
28:27 News TV; I don't remember. He said,
28:29 "I'm trying to regain my health back after
28:32 years of neglecting it, and I don't know
28:37 if there's anything you could do to help
28:38 me, but I would appreciate it." Very
28:40 nice little note he said there as a
28:42 private message. - Okay, pause button.
28:44 Did you remember all of this connection
28:46 from- - No. I do not
28:49 remember her at all. We even attended the
28:51 same wedding in- well, it was a nice, large
28:54 house, but I don't remember seeing her-
28:56 at the wedding, either. - So this was not
28:58 an adavistic come-on; you were really trying
29:01 to meet her to take care of your health.
29:03 - Yes. Had it been, it would have been a pretty good come-on,
29:06 by the way. But you were not. You don't
29:08 remember all of these past connections.
29:09 You were actually trying to get- okay. Okay.
29:12 And you accepted it as such. - I did, and
29:15 I start- I could tell he was typing from
29:17 his phone, because it was taking forever.
29:20 [CA laughs] I'm thinking, "Oh, we're
29:21 going to be here all night long," you know?
29:23 He's just pecking away. So I said, "You know,
29:27 I don't-." First, I said, "I give my phone
29:30 number out to a lot of people, because
29:33 helping out-" I did. I said, "If you would
29:37 like to talk to me, then you can call me.
29:40 Here's my phone number." And, of course, I didn't
29:42 know what was going on at the other end.
29:44 He's like, "YES!" at the other end and he
29:47 sent back a message that said, "I'm doing
29:49 my laundry; I will call you in 15 minutes."
29:53 I'm thinkin', "Hey, this guy does laundry!"
29:55 [CA laughs] "Hey, this is a good thing!"
29:58 You know, I still had not thought of anything
30:00 as a relationship. - And you had not either,
30:03 Rendall? - Not really. - So the yes was that
30:06 you're going to get some help for your
30:07 health. You're not thinking anything
30:10 beyond that. - Oh, that's a little later;
30:12 yes. - But at this point, everything is
30:15 still pure. I use that term. Everything is kosher;
30:18 everything is fine. Okay. So, you get the phone
30:21 number- well done. [laughter] And you
30:23 get the phone number early. So, you're really
30:25 just thinking, "This is someone I can
30:27 assist." Did you know at the time
30:29 of initial contact- had you connected
30:31 the dots? Is this someone about
30:32 whose family you're already with? - I
30:34 already knew that, so I was comfortable
30:36 with him as a person because I knew the
30:38 family, I knew his children, so I didn't
30:41 have any fear. But 15 minutes later,
30:45 my phone rings and it's a Texas number
30:48 and it's him. I'll never forget when
30:51 he said, "Hello," there was something
30:52 about his voice that I thought, "I love
30:55 this voice." That kind of hit me right then
31:00 and it kind of- you know. So, we had- was
31:04 it a 3 or 3-and-a-half hour phone call the
31:06 first time? - And you're still in-
31:09 - I'm in Indiana; he's in Texas. We're
31:13 conversing, we're talking about health.
31:15 I told him, "You know, no matter where
31:19 you are, God can help you. With the
31:23 nutrition, you just gotta know what
31:24 to do," so he was telling me what he'd
31:26 been doing and I'm saying, "You might
31:28 want to change this or that." We talked.
31:30 It was late, and he said, "I'm so sorry.
31:33 I never meant to keep you that long." And I
31:34 said, "No, that's okay." If I didn't
31:36 want to talk, I would've said, "Hey,
31:38 I have to go." So, the next day- we
31:42 hung up. The next day, he sends me a
31:44 message on my phone- a text-and said,
31:46 "Would it be okay if I called you again?"
31:52 Well, then again, I thought, "He's a
31:55 southern boy and he has- he's askin' me
31:59 first!? This is kind of nice," you know?
32:01 I said, "Well, sure." So he called me again,
32:04 and it was another 3- hour conversation,
32:06 so I think the next day when he called,
32:10 he said, "I promise you it won't be
32:12 another marathon phone call." And I said,
32:15 "You know, Rendall, at this point, we KNOW
32:17 it's going to be another marathon phone
32:18 call." I said, "That's okay." - Now, at this
32:21 point, after two days, 6+ hours, is it
32:24 still clinical for you or is anything sort
32:27 of germinating in your mind? - Actually,
32:29 after that first phone call, it
32:31 started germinating in my mind, "Is this
32:33 the one, Lord?" Everything that we
32:35 talked about, I could tell I liked. And I think
32:38 it was either the third or the fourth phone
32:41 call, he texted me very early in the morning
32:44 and said, "Would you like to have worship?"
32:46 - Ooh. You get points for that. - Yeah.
32:49 - Praise the Lord. - Yeah, he got really
32:50 good points for that one. [laughter]
32:53 - Rendall, for you- now wait. You had seen
32:56 her. You knew what she looks like. - Just
32:58 on Facebook. - Had you any idea of who
33:01 you were talking to visually? - Just
33:03 on Facebook. - Just Facebook. Okay,
33:05 so you kind of knew what each other
33:08 looked like. So now we're in Day 4 and
33:10 we're having worship together. - Actually,
33:13 we're having worship AND we're having it at
33:16 night. In the morning, when we got up,
33:19 we had worship, and then at night, before
33:22 we went to bed, we had worship. - Now,
33:23 this became a fairly regular pattern fairly
33:26 quickly. - Every day, yes. - Other
33:28 than she were on the road, traveling.
33:30 Then we still did, because you'd be
33:33 driving and I could have- I could read
33:35 and pray. - So, within the first
33:37 several phone calls, the seeds of something
33:41 are being planted. Yes or no? - Yes,
33:44 sir. - Yes. And where I lived in Indiana was
33:48 with Brenda. you know, her husband passed.
33:52 You know Miss Brenda. I call her Miss Brenda,
33:54 but Chef Mark Anthony's wife now. - Yeah.
33:56 - So I lived with her for a long time
33:58 through my divorce and with her, as well.
34:01 So, I have a room in their house. Now,
34:04 I have my own room there because I stayed
34:06 there for a long time. I told her and Mark
34:10 both about a week into our conversation
34:12 that I was talking to a gentleman
34:14 from Texas and I told them what he did,
34:16 and Mark says, "Oh, Mr. Harmonica Man!"
34:18 So that's what they call him! Mr. Harmonica
34:20 Man! So, I said, "He wants to meet
34:23 me. I don't know how I feel about that."
34:26 Well, Mark was leaving to go out on seminars.
34:30 We had different schedules. We would meet and
34:32 we would do our filming, and he would leave;
34:37 go one direction, I'd go in another;
34:39 poor Brenda was home alone a lot
34:40 of times unless I was there. Mark
34:43 said, "Well, if you really want to meet
34:45 this guy, why don't you have him come
34:47 here before I leave, 'cause I'm going to be
34:50 leaving on Wednesday. He can just stay here."
34:52 Because I told Mark and Brenda both,
34:54 "I'm not going to marry anybody that
34:57 God doesn't want me to be with, and
34:58 I want you guys," because I knew they
35:01 were both praying people. Brenda has a
35:03 prayer room in her home where she meets
35:05 the Lord twice a day, so I knew that I
35:08 could trust them that God would help
35:10 them in that choice, too. So I thought,
35:12 "This is great. Somebody else can meet him
35:14 and give me their feeling about it."
35:17 So that's when I told him, I said, "If-"
35:21 and I had so many fleeces. I kept throwing
35:24 something out at the Lord. I wasn't trusting,
35:27 really, 'cause I was still so afraid. So
35:30 what I did was I said, "Okay. This
35:33 is what's going to happen. If you want
35:34 to meet me, you have to fly up here," but
35:37 it was on the weekend at South Bend when
35:39 Notre Dame was playing New Years
35:42 weekend. He had to get there. - Well,
35:45 he's lucky he can get a flight. - Yeah.
35:47 And he has to go stand by- his older
35:49 son's a pilot, so he flies standby. I said,
35:53 "This is when you have to come." So,
35:55 I'm going to let him tell you what happened
35:57 when he went to the airport the morning
36:00 he's come to meet me. - Yeah, 'cause she's
36:02 giving you rules and regulations. - These
36:04 are my fleeces. I prayed about it.
36:06 - She should've been a district attorney. Does
36:08 very well in that area. - Uh-huh.
36:10 But obviously, you had bit down just
36:12 enough so that you were getting on that
36:14 plane. - Yes. - If at all possible.
36:16 Okay, walk us through that. - 3 o'clock in
36:18 the morning- I had packed the night
36:19 before, excited; this is anticipation. My
36:24 youngest son takes me to the airport.
36:26 I get there 4 o'clock, 4:15. The plane leaves-
36:29 I think the first one is 7. So I've got
36:33 all my baggage checked; everything's good.
36:36 I go up to the standby to go standby and
36:40 say, "How's this flight look?" "Looks really
36:42 full." Missed it. 7 o'clock; missed it.
36:45 "When's the next flight?" "Oh, 8 something."
36:49 So, I go up to the counter prior to
36:52 8 o'clock and say, "How's this flight
36:53 look?" "Looks really full." Gone. Missed
36:57 it. 9 o'clock, another flight.
36:59 Missed it. I think it was 10 o'clock, next
37:04 flight, no-go. - Oh my goodness. - I call
37:07 Melody- - I was going to ask.
37:08 Are you giving her updates on-
37:10 - Yes! And this is like, at 2 o'clock.
37:12 He calls me and says, "I don't know what to
37:14 do. I don't think I'm going to get on this
37:16 plane." - So you've been in the airport
37:17 since 4 o'clock in the morning. - Exactly.
37:19 - We're now 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
37:20 - Yeah. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and
37:22 I knew if he didn't come, he would be
37:25 a good friend but that was it. That
37:26 was my fleece. He had to get there. He
37:29 had to get to at least Chicago was
37:30 what I said. "Lord, if he can get to
37:32 Chicago, I can pick him up, but he's got to
37:34 get there." So, I said, "Rendall, where
37:37 you actually at, have you gone to
37:38 another gate?" He said, "No, this is
37:40 the only gate going to Chicago." Well,
37:41 I was a travel agent for 10 years. I said,
37:43 "No; their hub is Dallas for American
37:46 and Chicago." I said, "Go to another gate.
37:51 Try that." He went to the next gate
37:54 and he asked the woman, he said, "I know this
37:56 isn't your problem, but I'm trying to
37:57 get out of here." She said, "It looks
37:59 really full," and he has to tell you what
38:02 he did, because... - What she did, she
38:06 said, "Go out and look at the marquee of
38:08 flights. See if there's another gate with
38:10 another plane going to Chicago." I looked
38:13 at the marquee and there was one leaving
38:15 at 3:10. I look at my watch and it's
38:18 3:06, 3:07. - Oh, my soul. - I gotta run
38:20 down 3 or 4 gates, huffin' and puffin'
38:22 to get there- a little lady there
38:25 at the ticket counter and I came up the
38:26 counter and said, "Listen. I've been here
38:29 since about 4 or 5 this morning." I said,
38:34 "I'm trying to fly standby." She says,
38:36 "Yeah, I have your information." And I
38:39 said, "This isn't your problem. I know
38:42 it's not your problem, but I'd really like
38:43 to get on that plane. How's it look?"
38:46 She said, "It really looks full." So, probably
38:50 from where I'm sitting to where you are plus
38:54 just a little bit was the first section
38:56 of chairs. I sat down in the chair and I
38:59 just went- I said, "Lord, I'd really
39:03 like to be on this plane. And if you'd
39:06 help me with-" "Rendall Caviness."
39:08 Just at the minute I said that, they
39:11 called me up to get up on the plane
39:12 after everybody had gotten on the plane.
39:14 - Did you know that you're getting on that
39:17 plane was kind of a do-or-die as far as
39:19 Melody was concerned? - I wasn't sure, but
39:22 I felt like it was a serious time to go.
39:24 I thought- I had those inclinations that,
39:26 "Maybe this isn't supposed to be," and
39:29 I prayed that to the Lord. When I made
39:31 the prayer, I said, "Lord, let Your
39:33 will be done. If You want me on the plane,
39:36 if You want this to happen," and
39:38 that's when they called my name. - Now, a
39:40 fleece is a fleece. Were you prepared,
39:42 really, to cut and leave, had he not
39:45 gotten on that plane? - I hope so. I was
39:49 scared enough, I think I would have, really.
39:51 I was terrified. As excited as I was,
39:55 because I felt like there was so much
39:57 about him I already liked, I could not
40:00 imagine not talking to him again. So,
40:03 I was really hoping he got on that plane,
40:06 but I also said, "Lord, it's up to you." And
40:10 then I had another worry because I
40:11 thought, "What if he gets here and I
40:13 DON'T like him? What if there's something
40:14 about him he doesn't want me- or what
40:16 if he doesn't like ME?" You know? We've never
40:18 really met in person, so I also prayed
40:21 that, "Lord, do not let him like me in
40:25 the way to be a husband," 'cause I had already
40:27 told him; I said, "I have no interest
40:28 in dating. None." I said, "If you're
40:32 the right person, you're the right person.
40:34 If you're not, then that's-
40:35 - So you're not going to do this
40:36 protracted 2 or 3-year kind of thing, "Hey,
40:38 how you doin'? Here's a Christmas present,"
40:39 kind of stuff. - Not 73 and 60 somethin'.
40:41 Hello! - We're old folk. We don't have
40:43 that kind of time. - We don't have time
40:45 to waste. We're dragging caskets!
40:47 [laughter] No! And I'm thinking, I just
40:52 felt like that he was going to tell me that,
40:54 and I prayed, "Don't let him fall in love
40:56 with me. I don't want to hurt this
40:58 man. And please don't let me fall
41:01 in him. I don't want to be hurt,
41:02 either." I thought, "Neither one of us
41:04 need this, Lord. This is not what we're
41:06 wanting." - So, you were getting indications
41:08 that he was invested. - I could tell. I thought
41:11 he liked me a whole lot more than I liked
41:12 him, because honestly, I was guarding my heart.
41:17 I was literally guarding my heart. So,
41:20 he got in. It was a wonderful time. I still
41:23 had, really, no feeling. I really liked him.
41:26 Mark and Brenda fell in love with him and
41:28 Mark's like, "You know, you could search a
41:30 world over and probably find another guy as
41:32 good as him, but it's going to take a
41:33 long time. That's a good man." And
41:36 Brenda's like, "I just love Mr. Harmonica
41:38 Man!" You know? So they- that was
41:40 fulfilled, and here I still am, and he
41:43 left, went back home, and the
41:46 next day, I asked him; I said, "How do you feel?"
41:48 He told me that very next day; he said,
41:50 "I'm in love with you." - Ooh. Harmonica man.
41:55 [CA laughs] - I said, "Are you sure, Rendall?"
41:59 And he said, "Yes." I said, "Are you sure?"
42:01 I must've asked him that 3 times and I
42:04 went up into my room that afternoon and I
42:06 said, "Lord, if there's someone or somebody
42:08 in my heart-something that's causing me to
42:11 not have these feelings that you should have
42:13 for a husband-." I said, "Would you please
42:15 release me from that?" - So the wall is still
42:17 up. You know how he feels, you know he's
42:19 invested, but for you, it just ain't
42:21 there yet. - It's not there yet, and I got
42:23 through praying that prayer. When I stood
42:26 up and sat down on my chair, it was almost
42:29 like my heart just melted for this
42:32 man! Like I could not imagine another minute
42:35 of my life without him. That quick!
42:38 It took me saying, "Lord, break down this
42:40 wall. Break down this hardness that I have
42:42 now." I flew out to his house about 10
42:47 days later, met his family, and from the
42:51 day he called me, CA, we were married
42:54 two months later. - Wow. - Now, I
42:56 don't- - We don't recommend
42:57 that for everyone. - But this was a
43:00 relationship that God had chosen and
43:03 far-exceeded my prayer, and that's
43:06 why we have to be so careful when we
43:07 pray, that we're not praying enough. We're
43:10 not asking boldly- you know, I think it
43:12 was Molly who said, "If you're going to be
43:14 a bear, be a grizzly." Well, let's be a
43:16 grizzly! I should've said, "Lord, I want to
43:19 a help mate to be with me in ministry."
43:22 From that- right after we married,
43:25 I had obligations in Florida that were
43:27 without him, and when my lanta found out
43:30 that I was married- just a newly-wed-
43:32 they're like, "You need to get him here!"
43:34 He flew in that next morning and we've
43:36 never been apart in ministry, and it
43:40 is such a blessing to have a ministry where
43:43 both people, their goals are the same.
43:45 - Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
43:47 I am so happy to hear that.
43:48 Now, my time is getting away from me. I want you to run
43:50 me through the story of the truck, because
43:53 it has to do with commission. There's
43:56 a bunch of things sort of tied in there,
43:58 sort of tie a little bow on that for us, if you will.
44:00 - Well, I'm a- people don't know me. I'm
44:02 a very strong-willed person. I'd been
44:05 single for a little over 5 years, so
44:07 all the decisions were up to me to make.
44:10 A lot, even in my relationship prior,
44:13 where I had to make decisions based
44:17 financially, a lot, on myself. So, we
44:22 had purchased a new SUV. It was not
44:24 brand new, but we purchased a new
44:26 one because mine had over 300,000
44:28 miles on it at that time. God had been
44:31 instrumental in keeping that alive. Then, we
44:34 went and bought another Toyota like my old
44:36 one. About a year, year and a half in it,
44:39 Rendall's like, "I don't like this
44:41 vehicle. It's hard to load. Gettin'
44:43 everything out, it's uncomfortable. I
44:46 think we need a truck." Well, the first thing
44:48 that comes to my mind is, "Ope, I married
44:50 a Texan. Everybody in Texas thinks they
44:52 have to have a pickup truck." And I'm like,
44:54 "Lord-" no. I said, "Rendall, we're
44:56 not getting a pickup truck." I'm just thinking,
44:58 "We're not getting a truck; no way. End
45:00 of story-we're not getting it." I laid in
45:03 bed, about a night or two after that.
45:05 It's like the Lord woke me up and said, "I
45:08 thought you prayed for a priest? at the
45:10 home." - All right. - I'm like, "Well,
45:12 Lord, I did." It's like, "Well, that
45:14 wouldn't be you." [CA laughs] "If your
45:19 husband is the praying man that you asked
45:21 and he's following God, then who are YOU to
45:25 make a decision based on what vehicle you
45:27 need?" Well, I tell you what. Sleeping
45:32 wasn't real good that night, and we were
45:34 on our way to Pennsylvania for a
45:36 seminar. I remember looking over at him
45:39 and I said, "Rendall, if you really think
45:41 a truck is what we need and we need
45:44 to invest in a different type of vehicle, I'm
45:46 going to leave that up to you if you promise
45:48 to pray about it." I said, "That's between
45:51 you and the Lord, and I need to submit to that
45:53 for whatever it is that God's placed
45:55 upon your heart." - Yeah. Because he had
45:57 fallen into your ministry. He's
46:00 working with you now and you're working
46:01 together. - He is; full-time. - It has
46:02 become a joint ministry. So, he's making a
46:05 decision as to what he sees, and of course
46:08 you do your work, too, but the loader, unloader,
46:10 packer, unpacker- he's the guy. - He's the guy.
46:13 - And so he sees something. Walk us
46:15 through the next- 'cause this is kind of
46:17 a cute story. I really like this. - Well,
46:19 he, through friends of ours-like, family
46:22 friends-he has a friend of his, Ernie, who's
46:25 like a brother (whose son worked for Nissan).
46:27 So he calls him and he's like, "Hey, you
46:30 have anything?" and we're talking, and of course,
46:33 he gets off the phone talking to him, and
46:35 I'm like, "We're not going over this amount."
46:36 My will is still there. He's like, "Okay,
46:39 honey," 'cause he's never harsh. Ever.
46:43 He calls back and he's like, "Okay. I have
46:46 something here I think is perfect for you."
46:48 Then I think I said to you, "This has to
46:51 be the payments. It can't be over this
46:53 amount." You know? Because I have a
46:55 mindset to make sure that there's enough
46:57 money in your ministry- especially our kind of
47:00 ministry. We're a faith-based ministry.
47:02 - And you travel the road a lot. - A lot.
47:05 - And so at that point, I left it to him. I
47:08 backed out of it; it was up to Rendall.
47:10 Now, we're in Ohio at this time, and the
47:14 person he's talking to is back in Texas.
47:16 In order for the deal to be done, we have
47:20 to drive our SUV back there and it
47:22 cannot be over the mileage that it needs
47:24 to be in order to make the deal. So
47:26 now it falls in his lap because when
47:28 he left the house that morning, we drove
47:30 back. One day- drove all the way back
47:32 to Texas. I thought, "If we don't get
47:34 a new vehicle, at least I'm home at
47:36 my own washer and dryer to get some
47:37 laundry done." So off he takes to
47:40 the dealership the next morning. - And?
47:43 Meanwhile, at the dealership? - Well,
47:45 we go to the dealership, I keep making phone
47:46 calls to Mel and I say, "Hey, it just keeps
47:49 getting better." We were supposed to come
47:51 in with some funds in the way of a down payment
47:53 that negated that. They said, "No, you
47:56 don't need to pay anything down."
47:57 They said, "You're not going to get the 3
48:00 or 4% interest." I said, "Why not?"
48:02 "'Cause you're going to get 0.99." So I said,
48:05 "That's better." - Praise the Lord.
48:06 - He's calling me each time. - And I keep making
48:08 these phone calls, and she says, "Well, why
48:09 don't they just give it to us?" [laughs]
48:11 - Well, then, they come in and they
48:13 said, "We're going to give you 100,000 miles
48:15 no maintenance. We're going to warrant
48:17 the car up to 100,000 miles." Then they-
48:20 he calls me again and says, "Guess what?
48:22 They're going to do all of our oil
48:24 changes free for a whole year!"
48:26 I said, "Are you serious, Rendall?"
48:28 And he said, "Yeah!" Then he calls me back
48:30 a little bit later, and I'm thinking, "I
48:32 wish he'd just get through with this
48:33 deal!" He keeps calling me on the phone and
48:35 I'm getting stuff ready. He said, "Oh, by the
48:37 way, we don't have to make a payment
48:39 for 3 months!" And that's when I told
48:41 him; I said, "Baby, they might as well
48:43 just give it to us!" And I'll never forget
48:46 him pulling in the driveway in this
48:48 beautiful black truck. You've seen it.
48:51 - It's a good-looking truck. - And I'm
48:53 thinking, Lord, we don't deserve this. This
48:56 is far better than we deserve. I walked
48:58 outside and I looked at it. We went around
49:00 the front of that car, and we dedicated
49:02 that vehicle to the Lord." - Praise the Lord.
49:05 - Mileage. 21 miles to the gallon at
49:10 highway speed. It's pretty amazing. - Yeah.
49:13 I remember you, during spring camp meeting, were
49:16 staying in the apartment next to us, and I
49:18 pulled up one day and I said, "Irma,
49:20 look at that truck! Whose truck is that!?"
49:24 - Yeah; and this is another thing! God
49:26 used my children who have extra funds, and
49:29 we were there. We brought it back. My
49:30 son loved it. He made an appointment for
49:32 the people in Mt. Vernon to have a whole bed liner
49:36 sprayed in there for us, free of charge!
49:38 - Amen. - No charge to us. $300 or $500.
49:42 Then, he said, "We need a tonneau cover,"
49:45 found one; they installed it FREE of charge.
49:48 - To whether proof, because you're
49:50 carrying food equipment. - You know, it's
49:53 funny. I don't know if we're going to have
49:54 time. I'm going to do something right
49:55 now. Let's go to your second song, and
49:57 then whatever time we have left, because
49:59 if you're a truck person or a ministry
50:01 person, these little hugs from God are
50:04 crucially important to the success of your
50:06 ministry. To knock down percentage rate,
50:08 to get this done for free. You need
50:10 a bed liner so you're not beating your
50:11 truck up. You're taking stuff in and out.
50:13 All of this, blessings from the Lord. Having
50:15 said that, let's go to your second
50:16 song, then we'll kind of use that time
50:18 we have left to sort of wrap a little
50:19 bow on it. The next song you're going to
50:21 be doing is "Where the Spirit Is," and I think
50:24 you'll enjoy this.


Revised 2018-10-10