Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018068B
00:01 Thank you for that information.
00:02 In the time that we have left, 00:04 I want you to take pen, pencil, paper. 00:06 If your fingers are real fast, 00:07 you can do this on your iPad or your iPhone. 00:10 Just a bunch of text that you may want to look up 00:12 and sort of reinforce what we've been talking about, 00:14 then I'm going to give Shelley and Brian 30 seconds a piece 00:17 to try to put a little bow on this. 00:19 Psalms 86:5, "God is ready to forgive." 00:22 Jeremiah 31:34, 00:24 "He will forgive and remember no more." 00:26 Isaiah 55:7, 00:28 "If we forsake, He will pardon." 00:30 That's very important. 00:31 It correlates with 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, 00:34 He is faithful and just to forgive." 00:36 Luke 6:37, "Forgive to be forgiven." 00:39 Matthew 6:12, 00:41 "Forgive our debts as we forgive those 00:43 who trespass or our debtors." 00:46 Ephesians 4:32, 00:48 "Forgive one another, preferring one another." 00:50 I love that text. 00:51 Isaiah 1:18, 00:54 "Though your sins be a scarlet, 00:55 Christ will make them as white as snow." 00:57 Micah 7:19, 00:59 "He will cast those sins in the depths of the sea." 01:02 And I would add and put up a no fishing sign. 01:06 Shelley, Brian, 30 seconds a piece if you will. 01:08 The thought I had when you first introduced us 01:10 when are we most like God, 01:12 I think we're most like God 01:13 when we are loving others with an unselfish, 01:18 other-centered love. 01:20 And I believe, you know, God says that 01:23 He is long-suffering and patient. 01:25 He is a forgiving God. 01:29 Forgiveness is a choice. 01:31 It's a choice of love. 01:32 It's a choice that God made toward us, 01:38 for us through Christ. 01:40 And it's something that frees us 01:44 from pain and problems. 01:47 Amen. 01:48 Brian, yours is down to 10 seconds. 01:50 Okay. 01:51 The compromised church in Revelation, 01:53 that's Pergamos to the saints in that church, 01:57 Jesus said 01:59 that He would give them a white stone, 02:01 and on that stone, a new name written. 02:04 Amen, amen. Okay. 02:06 They're the ones who overcame and were forgiven of their sins 02:10 and had a whole new name, a whole new character. 02:12 Amen. Amen. 02:14 Our time has slipped into eternity. 02:16 We'll see you again soon. Bye-bye and God bless. |
Revised 2018-09-17