3ABN Today

Planned Giving and Trust Services

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018058B

00:01 My goodness, time flies.
00:02 This program has already come to an end.
00:05 But before we go, I want Greg and Jill just to look into
00:09 the camera and speak to you young people.
00:12 You know, I think of 2 Corinthians 9,
00:15 and you can read multiple verses, there's 6 and 7,
00:17 but the last part of verse 7 says,
00:20 do not give grudgingly, for it says,
00:23 "God loves a cheerful giver."
00:25 So don't forget that.
00:26 As we give to God, we want to give cheerfully
00:29 and out of gratitude really for what God has done for us.
00:31 And I think Mollie, also through the years,
00:32 3ABN is a faith-based ministry, and we have seen God work...
00:37 And I don't want this to sound bad or rude or anything,
00:39 but like when someone passes away,
00:41 that money from their trust shows up, Mollie,
00:44 at just the right time to pay the bills.
00:46 So even after you've gone to sleep in Jesus,
00:49 it's helping to further the cause of God.
00:52 And none of us, tomorrow, as we mentioned, is not guaranteed.
00:54 So we need to put our funds into what God wants us to do.
00:57 - Into His work. ~ Amen.
00:58 It's an incredible privilege and blessing
01:01 to be able to share whatever is in our hand,
01:04 whatever God has blessed us with.
01:06 So I just want to appeal to you at home,
01:08 especially you who might be in our age bracket,
01:11 maybe younger or more middle aged,
01:13 to make a decision now to plan for the future.
01:16 Make a decision to invest your funds in the ministry of 3ABN.
01:21 And know that many people will be in the kingdom of heaven
01:25 as a result of something you have given.
01:28 So we thank you for that.
01:30 You know, that's such an important part.
01:31 People make provision on this side of eternity.
01:35 And once they're asleep in Jesus
01:37 then they are still benefiting the kingdom of God.
01:41 Earlenne, thank you so much.
01:42 And I want to thank all of you.
01:44 It is a blessing and a joy to have you join us
01:47 each time we get to bring our guests into your home.
01:50 Our prayer is that God will continue to greatly bless you.


Revised 2018-08-21