3ABN Today

Planned Giving and Trust Services

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018058A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain.
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts.
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people.
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 mending broken people.
01:11 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:14 It is always a joy to have you join us.
01:16 And I want to welcome you, Earlenne.
01:18 This is Earlenne Hunt
01:20 from our Planned Giving and Trust Services department.
01:23 Just a joy to have you here with me today, Earlenne.
01:25 Thank you.
01:27 And as you probably have already figured out,
01:29 if Earlenne and I are here together,
01:31 we're going to do a program, and it's going to be for women.
01:34 But gentlemen, let me tell you this.
01:37 Everything we share with the women is equally true for you.
01:41 And it's going to be on, of course, need for
01:45 planning your giving and seeing that you are properly prepared.
01:50 And in this case, we're looking at older age.
01:53 Making sure that we have made proper preparation.
01:59 I think we've heard this, and it's probably a trite saying,
02:03 but none of us plan to fail.
02:05 What we do is we fail to plan.
02:08 So what we want to do is help you plan today
02:12 for your future and just make some wise financial decisions.
02:18 And we've got guests with us today.
02:20 We've got Greg and Jill Morikone.
02:22 Our very own Production Manager, as well as
02:27 our General Manager.
02:28 And a precious couple here at 3ABN.
02:32 Y'all are such a joy and a blessing to have.
02:35 And I know you're God's gift to 3ABN.
02:39 Thank you for coming and being with us today.
02:41 It's a privilege to be here,
02:43 you know, just to share about the Lord's work at 3ABN.
02:48 And you talked about we're preparing for older age,
02:50 and you might say, "Well you're kind of young to start that."
02:53 But it's important from a young age to start
02:56 thinking about that preparation, absolutely.
02:58 And Jill and Greg have recently been making some preparation.
03:02 We're going to talk about that.
03:04 As a matter of fact, we're going to look at things
03:07 maybe from three perspectives.
03:09 One is, what happens if you don't plan?
03:13 What are some of the fears in women's hearts?
03:15 What are some statistics?
03:17 I'm big on sharing current facts or statistics.
03:21 And also, what if you are blessed exceedingly?
03:26 You know, you still need to be just as prepared,
03:28 just as educated.
03:30 And a lot of our problems is, we are just simply not educated.
03:35 And we have got some trained professionals
03:37 here at 3ABN that are willing and able and quite capable
03:44 of helping us make proper decisions.
03:46 But I think the most important aspect that we need to look at
03:50 is a biblical aspect.
03:52 What does God require of us?
03:56 And that's going to be from the perspective of being good,
04:00 what Jill, good stewards of God's blessings.
04:04 But before we launch into this and look at these different
04:10 aspects of financial planning,
04:12 we've got T. Marshall Kelly here with us.
04:15 And he, oh, he's one of my most favorite singers.
04:18 And he's going to sing, Little Is Much.
04:38 In the harvest field now ripened
04:43 there's a work for all to do.
04:50 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
04:56 to His harvest calling you.
05:03 Little is much when God is in it.
05:10 Labor not for wealth or fame.
05:17 There's a crown, and you can win it,
05:24 if you go in Jesus' name.
05:32 Does the place you're called to labor
05:39 seem so small and little known?
05:45 But it is great if God is in it,
05:52 and He'll not forsake His own.
05:59 Soon the conflict here is ended
06:06 and our race on earth is run,
06:13 He will say, if we've been faithful,
06:20 "Welcome home, My child, well done!"
06:27 Your little is much when God is in it.
06:35 Labor not for wealth or fame.
06:43 There is a crown, and you can win it,
06:50 if you go, if you will go,
06:59 if you will go in Jesus' name.
07:25 You know, he just calms me down.
07:27 And what, as Jill you said, what an appropriate song
07:32 for this program.
07:33 Little is much when God is in it.
07:35 And so our confidence, our total trust,
07:38 is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
07:40 And God, in His...
07:41 You know, I like to say that God has given us His Word.
07:46 Now He's given us the Bible.
07:48 But in the Bible He has given us His word.
07:51 And one of the words that He has given us is,
07:54 "I'll never leave you, nor forsake you."
07:56 That's God's word to you.
07:58 You can take that, as we say, to the bank.
08:02 Little is much when God is in it.
08:04 He'll take care of you.
08:05 Well I want to look at some facts.
08:09 Some things that are, I think, sobering,
08:12 some things that we need to all hear.
08:14 Now I'm looking at it from a woman's perspective,
08:17 but again gentlemen, let me assure you
08:20 that the same thing that can happen to a woman
08:23 can happen to a man if you don't properly plan
08:27 for your future.
08:29 So the reason 3ABN does these programs is because
08:35 we want to see to it that people are properly educated.
08:39 And a lot of people, the reason they don't make proper planning
08:44 is they just don't know what to do.
08:46 Well we can train you, we can help you.
08:48 Now let me share this with you.
08:51 In a recent pole where women were asked
08:54 what were some of their fears, 50% of the women said
08:59 they fear they will become destitute in old age.
09:03 Fear, 50% afraid.
09:06 That's a huge percentage, 50%.
09:08 Now listen at this, here is a fact.
09:11 45.6% of the poverty stricken here in these United States
09:19 are elderly women that's 60 years or older.
09:22 - That's almost 50%. ~ Yeah it is. Oh wow.
09:25 Women are twice as likely as men to live below the poverty line
09:30 in their older years.
09:32 ~ So I'm sorry, Mollie, to interrupt you.
09:34 That means then that the women's fear that they're going to be
09:36 destitute actually comes to pass.
09:38 ~ That's right. - Right?
09:40 Because the second statistic backed up the first statistic.
09:43 They're afraid they'll be alone and old and destitute,
09:46 and that actually comes to pass.
09:48 And that's why, ladies, preparation needs to be made.
09:52 Because if you properly prepare for your later years,
09:57 then you cut your chances of being destitute.
10:02 And this poverty level is especially true
10:06 for single and minority women.
10:09 Here is another fact.
10:11 In a study conducted on the financial circumstances
10:15 of widowed women, half of the widows reported
10:19 they were just getting by financially a year or two
10:23 after their husband's death.
10:24 So as long as their husbands were working and bringing
10:28 income in, their household was doing well.
10:31 But at their husband's demise, then that left them
10:35 so that just a year or two later they were just getting by.
10:39 Which reminds me of something I read recently of a lady
10:43 whose husband passed away.
10:45 And she was in his office cleaning up the office.
10:48 And she found on his desk an insurance policy
10:53 for her for $100,000 that he never signed.
10:57 Filled out but never signed it, never turned it back in.
11:00 And here with the expenses of his last bout,
11:06 his last stay in the hospital, she was in debt with
11:09 no way to pay her debts.
11:10 And so, what kind of condition did this leave this women in?
11:14 So you know, I share that.
11:16 Women, talk with your husbands about making provision for you.
11:21 Let me just give you one more fact, one last statistic.
11:26 The average life expectancy of a woman
11:28 is five years more than a man's.
11:30 Tell your husband this.
11:32 Women normally live to be about 81 years old.
11:35 That's the average. Men 76.
11:38 So there's five years that you can pretty well
11:42 count on that you're going to have to have
11:45 some sort of income.
11:46 Talk with your husband, "Have you made provision for me
11:49 if you pass before I do?"
11:51 And sometimes those men just need to have a little
11:55 jarring to turn that insurance policy in.
12:01 The divorce rate...
12:03 I found this just heartbreaking.
12:04 And this isn't just in the world,
12:07 it's in the church as well.
12:08 The divorce rate among couples 50 and older
12:12 has almost doubled since the 90's.
12:15 Almost doubled.
12:17 Okay, these two forces mean that 8 out of 10 women
12:22 will end up alone and solely responsible
12:26 for their financial well-being.
12:28 Maybe it's just for five years, but do you want those
12:31 last five years of your life for you to be in poverty?
12:35 Remember, 50% of the women surveyed
12:39 what they say their number one fear it?
12:42 Being destitute in their old age.
12:44 So we that are younger, Jill, you're a lot younger,
12:50 make provision now.
12:51 Don't let it get away from you.
12:53 Okay, one last statistic.
12:55 When seeking financial direction,
13:00 only 12% of women seek the assistance of a professional.
13:04 The rest ask family members or friends.
13:08 Now, is that wise?
13:10 And again, the reason 3ABN does these programs,
13:14 we have got financial professionals that are
13:18 on our staff that are willing...
13:22 Are you willing, Earlenne?
13:23 I am very willing.
13:25 ...capable and able to help you.
13:28 And here is a beauty, a real touch of beauty.
13:31 How much do you charge, Earlenne?
13:34 Well I give my whole heart to it.
13:37 I don't charge anything.
13:39 And on top of that, 3ABN does pay for the
13:43 documents to be written for you.
13:45 - That's a big plus. - We do everything for you.
13:47 It doesn't cost you anything.
13:48 But you know what it will do?
13:50 Put some security in your heart.
13:51 Now I told you this was three fold.
13:53 Number one, I want to get your attention, ladies.
13:56 We need to take responsibility for our lives.
13:59 And we need to do it today.
14:01 Today is the day we need to begin this.
14:04 Okay, another aspect is that in a survey in the world,
14:13 now this was worldwide, there were 99 women
14:16 that were billionaires.
14:18 Whoa!
14:19 Only ten of those women earned their own money.
14:23 Like Oprah, you know, she's a self-made billionaire.
14:27 The other 89 inherited.
14:30 So I wanted to also touch on this.
14:33 Some women will become very wealthy
14:37 because of what they inherited.
14:39 They say that the baby boomers, not just women,
14:42 but men and women...
14:43 That's people born from, I think it's like 1946 to 1955.
14:48 Those baby boomers over the next 20 years
14:51 are going to inherit over 14 billion dollars.
14:56 So some of that will be for women.
14:58 And I just want to give you this aspect.
15:01 You need to be prepared now.
15:03 You need to seek financial help not from friends and family.
15:07 Do you know that when your friends find out
15:11 that you've inherited a lot of money,
15:12 some people that you never even knew will come and tell you
15:15 they're your best friend now.
15:17 Why? Because they want part of your inheritance.
15:20 And there are charming men that will tell you
15:22 anything, but what they want is...
15:25 So we need to be prepared now to take care of the blessings
15:29 that God blesses us with.
15:31 That's called being a good steward.
15:33 So that was the third point that I wanted us to address,
15:37 was, what does the Bible say?
15:39 Tell us about stewardship?
15:41 And I thought Greg and Jill could look into stewardship.
15:44 Before I jump into stewardship, if I could just say,
15:47 we have been talking about one of the reasons
15:50 why you want to invest with the ministry of 3ABN.
15:54 That would be, you want financial
15:55 security for the future.
15:57 You want to plan. And that is vitally important.
16:00 And as a woman, I can say from my own perspective,
16:03 it's vitally important.
16:04 But I think the other reason is that you want
16:08 to give, to put your money some place where you know
16:12 it has life changing value.
16:13 Where you know it is going to impact the world.
16:17 Greg and I recently had the privilege of developing a trust,
16:21 revocable cash trust, I think...
16:23 Is that what it's called, Earlenne?
16:24 ...with 3ABN.
16:26 And right now we're talking about a self-administered trust.
16:29 And I know we'll talk about these documents
16:30 throughout the program.
16:32 But it's a privilege and an honor to be able to
16:36 think that something of this money...
16:39 Of course, it's earning interest.
16:41 And the interest rates are incredible.
16:42 And that's an incredible blessing.
16:44 But it's a privilege to think that this money is going
16:47 to win souls for the kingdom.
16:49 That people are coming to a knowledge of Jesus.
16:53 So it's not only for our future and betterment,
16:55 but it's also for the mission, the gospel mission, of 3ABN.
17:00 So it's a privilege.
17:01 It is. And you know you were talking about age.
17:04 And I think sometimes Jill and I still consider us young.
17:08 And I think the word that I think of is procrastination.
17:12 You know, because it's like, Jill and I talk about it,
17:14 we're like, "Oh, we need to probably do something,
17:17 think about the future.
17:18 But oh, you know, we're busy.
17:19 We'll talk about it tomorrow or next week."
17:22 And before you know it, one year, two years, three years,
17:26 you know, have gone by.
17:27 And I think it's, sometimes for us I know,
17:29 just the business of life.
17:31 But it's good, I think as young people...
17:33 Right? We're still young, baby.
17:35 Thank you.
17:36 ...that we also need to be thinking about the future.
17:39 Because we don't... Tomorrow is not promised.
17:42 You know, we could be killed in an auto accident,
17:44 or just different things could happen.
17:46 But I think for planning, God wants us, like you mentioned,
17:48 Mollie, to be a good steward of what He's given to us.
17:51 And I like the song, going back to Pastor Kelly
17:54 and his song, little is much when God is in it.
17:56 I think sometimes we can also become discouraged
17:59 in our benevolence.
18:00 You know, because we think, "Oh, this isn't very much.
18:03 Surely that can't do much in God's work."
18:05 But do you know, God can take anything
18:07 and make something awesome out of it.
18:10 So anyway, Jill and I just recently, like you mentioned,
18:12 it's been something that we said, we just need to do it,
18:15 make a decision, we'll make a date
18:17 with you guys, with you and your husband, Earlenne.
18:20 And it was a great experience, very pleasant, easy.
18:23 - It was. - They make it very easy.
18:25 And you're very informative, too.
18:27 Because even though we work at 3ABN,
18:29 we still have some questions about what is a cash trust,
18:32 and a property trust, and so you just explained it very well.
18:35 - And so it's a blessing. - It was.
18:37 Greg, this is also a good time for me to mention
18:39 that many people say, "But Jesus is coming soon."
18:44 Well that's true, yeah.
18:45 "Should I really go through all these plans?"
18:47 Remember, we're suppose to occupy until He comes.
18:51 That means in our finances, our homes, our families.
18:54 Everything. We are to keep going forward.
18:57 And good planning is part of going forward.
19:00 ~ It's part of being a good steward.
19:01 - It sure is. - It is.
19:03 And I'll mention stewardship.
19:05 I just want to say Roy and Earlenne are such a privilege
19:08 and a joy to work with.
19:09 They came in on Friday because we kept trying to say
19:12 we'll do it during the week, during work hours.
19:15 ~ Well that's true. Yeah, you're right.
19:16 We're always in meetings and could never get away
19:19 and go over, we call it the white house,
19:20 where Planned Giving and Trust Services is over there.
19:23 And they came in on Friday morning
19:25 and just sat down and answered all our questions,
19:28 and so knowledgeable, you and your husband both are, so.
19:32 ~ And you know what else Roy and I said when you left?
19:34 "Wasn't it great to see Greg and Jill just
19:37 dressed down for the day?"
19:39 And us coming in just in relaxed clothes and saying,
19:42 "You know, we can work around this table just pretty relaxed
19:45 today and feel good about it."
19:46 And it all went just as well as if we had all been dressed up.
19:50 In a suit and tie.
19:53 So thinking about stewardship, you know, I think
19:55 the foundational principle of God's kingdom
19:58 is self-sacrificing love.
20:00 You know, you think about Jesus, from the cradle to the cross
20:03 He lived to bless others.
20:06 But yet Satan, when sin originated in heaven,
20:10 what did it originate with?
20:11 It began with self-seeking, with selfishness.
20:16 It began with covetousness, and greed, and pride,
20:20 and all of those things.
20:22 So I think the principle of benevolence,
20:24 the principle of giving to others,
20:28 it's foundational to the principle of God's kingdom.
20:31 You think about stewardship, it's really the responsible
20:35 management of something entrusted to our care.
20:38 And I always think there's five "T's" to stewardship.
20:41 We're talking today about money.
20:44 So that would be the "T" of treasure.
20:47 But the five "T's" of stewardship would be:
20:48 time, talents, treasure, testimony, and temple.
20:52 So God calls us to be a steward of our time.
20:55 You know, we're each given 24 hours.
20:58 And what do I do with that time?
20:59 How do I use that time?
21:01 Do I use it for pleasure? Do I use it for my own self?
21:04 Or am I going to use it to help and bless other people,
21:08 to minister to others?
21:09 Think about treasure.
21:11 What am I going to do with the money
21:13 that God has entrusted to me?
21:15 Because we can think, "Oh, this is my own money."
21:17 But it's not.
21:18 Everything we have, everything we possess,
21:21 is a gift from God and He has entrusted it to us.
21:24 And He wants us to be responsible
21:26 in how we take care of it.
21:28 And then I think about temple.
21:31 We're stewards of the body temple.
21:33 You think about 1 Corinthians 6:19-20,
21:36 the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in us.
21:39 And how we treat the body temple,
21:41 we're to be stewards of that as well.
21:43 Yeah, I think of Psalm 24.
21:45 Psalm 24, and I have it here in my Bible.
21:47 Verse 1 says, "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof;
21:53 the world, and they that dwell therein."
21:55 So that's everything.
21:57 You know, growing up my parents taught my sister and myself
22:01 about the tithing aspect, you know, the principle.
22:03 You give 10% back to God, and then you have
22:05 your offerings as well.
22:06 So that's 20%.
22:07 And so what they did, because I couldn't read...
22:09 This was when I was just a small little boy.
22:11 They had these small little, I don't know,
22:13 the wide mouth quart...
22:15 No I don't even think they were quart.
22:16 Maybe pint mason jars with a little lid
22:19 and a little screw on lid.
22:20 And they put little stickers on it.
22:22 So there was a sticker of a church that was on the lid.
22:24 Then there was a sticker of, like, clothes
22:26 so I could save money for my own clothing.
22:27 I think there was, I forget, the sticker for, like, savings.
22:30 So my parents were very strong on,
22:33 "Okay, now this is God's portion.
22:35 And if you want some new clothes you can put some money,"
22:38 you know, we'd get some allowance,
22:39 "you can put so much in for clothing,
22:41 so much in for savings."
22:43 Because you know, we think about the 20% is God's,
22:45 but do you know, all of it is God's.
22:47 The rest of the 80%, that's also His.
22:51 And I think that goes along with being a good steward,
22:52 what God has given to us.
22:54 You mentioned about the five "T's", was it?
22:56 Five "T's". What were they again?
22:58 Time, talents, treasure, testimony, and temple.
23:00 Yeah, so that's really everything.
23:02 And God wants us to be stewards of
23:04 everything, including our time.
23:05 That can be difficult sometimes.
23:06 Even our talents. But everything.
23:08 But all of our money.
23:10 Yes, the 20%, 10% tithe.
23:12 Jill and I feel 10% for offering.
23:14 But also the rest of the 80%,
23:16 what does God want us to do with that?
23:17 That's being a good steward of it as well.
23:19 And I wrote this down, Mollie, here.
23:21 Let's see here.
23:22 Materialism.
23:24 It's not about what one has,
23:27 rather it's about a person's attitude
23:30 toward what he has.
23:32 So there's nothing wrong with having means,
23:34 and lots of it, or whatever God has given you.
23:37 But it's our attitude toward it.
23:38 Is it everything to me, or am I...
23:41 What am I looking to do with that money?
23:43 Help others, bless God's work.
23:45 I think that's the key, is our attitude, Mollie,
23:47 toward what we have.
23:49 ~ I think of Matthew 6.
23:50 Hmm, that's good. That's a good verse, yes.
23:52 Matthew 6, this is part of the sermon on the mount,
23:55 verses 19-21.
23:57 It says, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,
24:00 where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in
24:03 and steal; but lay up for yourselves
24:05 treasures in heaven..."
24:07 That's what you're doing when you invest
24:09 in the ministry of 3ABN.
24:11 It's laying up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
24:15 Because what happens when we store them in heaven?
24:17 "...neither moth nor rust destroys and thieves do not
24:20 break in and steal.
24:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
24:25 And you know, many times I use to think of
24:28 this verse, this section of the sermon on the mount,
24:31 and I would say, "Okay, I'm supposed to lay up
24:33 treasure in heaven."
24:34 But why do I do that?
24:36 When I lay up treasure in heaven, it means my heart
24:39 goes more that way.
24:41 My heart turns toward wanting to sacrifice,
24:45 wanting to see souls brought to the kingdom of heaven.
24:49 Okay, so we're seeing that we must be good stewards
24:53 of the blessings that God gives us.
24:56 And in being a good steward, that's also making preparation
25:01 for ourselves, again.
25:05 Making, preparing while we're in our young productive years,
25:11 earning years, for those years.
25:13 Because you know, God willing, we'll all live past those years
25:18 when we have to come to where...
25:20 You know what? I'm retiring.
25:22 And my retirement date is just right up on me.
25:27 So I never thought I would ever not be working 40 hours a week,
25:33 but lo and behold, Jill Morikone is the General Manager
25:38 of 3ABN, and doing an incredible job.
25:41 So God made preparation here at 3ABN for me to have
25:47 some years away from the 40 hour.
25:51 Not away from God, and not away from serving God
25:54 in doing for the kingdom of God,
25:56 but away from the 40 hour a week job that I've had
26:01 since I was 18 years old.
26:02 I worked 50 years.
26:04 Yes, I get a jubilee. 50 years.
26:09 But you know, so we're looking at being good stewards
26:14 and making preparation.
26:15 And in doing that, we have these instruments
26:20 in our Planned Giving and Trust Services department.
26:24 And what we want Earlenne to do now
26:27 is just educate us.
26:28 Tell us what would be best.
26:30 What was best for you and Greg at this time?
26:34 For us, the cash trust.
26:36 Because you get a much higher interest.
26:38 I think, Earlenne, is it four to five percent we get?
26:41 4.2 to 5.0 annual percentage rate.
26:44 That's a fluctuating...
26:46 ~ Yeah, and you said it's not guaranteed,
26:47 but that's what it kind of averages out.
26:48 ~ It's not guaranteed, but for the going on our ninth year
26:51 it has been right there.
26:53 And last year was the highest one we've had.
26:56 And so 4.2 to 5.0 annual percentage rate is pretty good.
27:02 That's really very good.
27:03 ~ Yeah, considering if you put your money in the bank
27:05 in a savings account or a checking account
27:07 you're basically getting nothing, basically.
27:09 ~ And on top of that, Greg, if you put it in there
27:12 they might say, "Yeah, we can give you a better interest rate,
27:18 but we're going to hang onto it for five years or ten years."
27:20 You wouldn't have access to it.
27:22 Yours is liquid right now.
27:24 Should you have a major situation happen that you
27:27 needed that money back, a life changing situation,
27:30 we will gladly refund your money.
27:33 3ABN has never held off giving back money
27:36 to anybody who needs it.
27:37 And we don't decide if you need it.
27:39 You decide if you need it.
27:42 That's a very important point.
27:43 So is that what you call a revocable cash trust?
27:46 It is a revocable cash trust.
27:49 ~ I want to say this.
27:50 That's what Hal and I have is a revocable cash trust.
27:53 And we had a family member that was in a situation
27:56 where just like that they needed some money.
27:59 And so all I did was call over to Trust Services
28:03 and say, "Help, I need this."
28:04 And it was on my desk the next morning.
28:07 So that's what we mean when we say it's our money,
28:11 it's liquid now, and we have free access to it at any time.
28:16 Now explain about a cash trust and how you can
28:21 become a client of 3ABN in the cash trust department.
28:27 Okay, I'll be happy to talk about that.
28:29 If you have $10,000 and you're single,
28:33 or if you have $20,000 and you're married,
28:36 then that money can be invested in 3ABN
28:40 and you too will earn that 4.2 to 5.0.
28:44 We send out regular monthly statements
28:46 so you know exactly what's happening.
28:48 Some people choose to accrue the interest
28:52 back into their account.
28:54 Some people choose to take half of the money
28:57 but give half of the interest money every month
29:00 as a gift to 3ABN.
29:03 We have grandparents who are supporting their kids
29:06 in academies or grade schools.
29:08 They want them to have a good Christian education.
29:12 And they knew the parents couldn't do it on their own
29:14 so they invested money, and the interest they're making
29:18 we're sending that money to an academy
29:20 or a grade school where it's going towards their tuition.
29:24 ~ Yeah, that's great.
29:26 And this is what they did.
29:27 They invested their principle and they live off the interest.
29:32 And you can ask both of my children,
29:34 if I've given them any financial counsel it was,
29:37 "Invest your principle, live off the interest."
29:40 Don't ever eat your seed.
29:45 Plant your seed and then live off the crop that comes from it.
29:49 ~ That's right. That's exactly right.
29:52 So that's a very, very good document.
29:56 And we start your interest being earned
29:59 as quick as we receive your check.
30:02 And the form that we send you in the mail
30:05 that comes in your packet will be the application
30:08 that you're going to fill out.
30:09 When you fill that application out, you're going to send it
30:12 into us and we will give it to the attorney.
30:15 So that's actually the attorney's worksheet
30:18 so that we know exactly what you want.
30:20 Right.
30:22 And so you will be getting a fully printed up
30:24 document very soon.
30:26 And that document will then be signed after you review it.
30:33 But what you had selected is going to be in there.
30:36 And of course, you want to check and make sure that
30:39 your birth date was right, and you know, a few other details.
30:43 And I'd like to bring up something here too.
30:46 When we ask you to fill out an application,
30:49 that application is a snoopy application.
30:54 Very snoopy.
30:55 We have to know some things in order to be able to help you
30:58 and legally carry forward the document that
31:02 you are preparing with us.
31:04 Among those things will be your grandparents names,
31:09 your mother's maiden name.
31:12 Some people haven't thought about that one for a long time.
31:14 They go, "Oh, let me think."
31:16 Well you can be thinking about that in advance.
31:18 When you order your packet, you'll be ready to roll.
31:20 Another thing we ask for is your social security number.
31:25 We are snoopy.
31:26 The reason we ask for that is not because
31:29 we're identifying you.
31:31 It is because you will earn interest.
31:33 And we have to report that interest.
31:36 So that will be attached to your social security number.
31:41 And of course, you will get your papers at the end of every year
31:44 to turn in for your tax reports.
31:46 ~ And everything is totally confidential.
31:48 Totally confidential. Totally.
31:51 And we have our files here, we have concrete vaults.
31:55 They stay in there.
31:57 They're well protected.
31:58 But when we first prepare the documents,
32:00 we also make two originals.
32:04 One for you and one for here at the office.
32:07 So there are two originals.
32:10 And that's a safety thing.
32:13 Once you prepare a document with us, you are also going to
32:15 receive in the mail a wallet card.
32:19 Just a little wallet card.
32:20 About the size of your driver's license.
32:23 And on there will be a phone number where to call
32:26 should anything happen to you.
32:29 If you were in a car accident,
32:30 if you had an instant heart attack,
32:32 if you got stung by a bee and passed out
32:34 and were dead minutes later.
32:36 How is somebody going to identify who you are
32:39 other than just your driver's license?
32:42 Do you have anything else that's of total value?
32:45 And for us, it's of total value to God.
32:48 You may not have a spouse that's still living.
32:51 It might be the time that you are going to turn that money
32:54 over to God's work.
32:58 What is, I know we're talking about a revocable cash trust,
33:03 but aren't there irrevocable documents?
33:06 Yes, there are irrevocable documents.
33:09 This is called an annuity.
33:11 And many people in their older years...
33:14 Not that old. 65 is not that old.
33:17 But at 65 you might be able to surpass that 4.2 to 5.0.
33:23 And we might suggest, why don't you put your first
33:25 $5,000 or $10,000 or $20,000 out of your savings and
33:30 start an annuity.
33:31 That is instantly going to lock you into
33:34 a higher rate of interest.
33:36 Because if the economy goes this direction,
33:40 you don't change.
33:41 It stays right there. It's guaranteed.
33:44 So if you're 65 and above, that is a very important document
33:48 to switch either, you know, some of your funds over to.
33:51 Some people choose half their funds.
33:53 We never recommend that you put in everything you own.
33:57 That is not a good plan.
33:59 We're here to make sure you, your family,
34:01 your church, you know, those types of things
34:04 are all taken care of.
34:05 It's the other part of the money that you can
34:07 go ahead and put in.
34:08 You will earn a higher rate of interest.
34:10 Now each time you buy a new annuity, you buy them,
34:14 you buy them in increments of $5,000, $10,000, $20,000.
34:19 And that's what that one is going to be valued at
34:22 for the whole life of it.
34:24 Now if you want to put more money into another annuity...
34:28 And most people do this like right at the end of the year
34:31 because they're looking for another tax break.
34:33 Which is an important point to.
34:35 You can do one and put in another $10,000.
34:39 ~ So does it accrue as in, say you had a $5,000,
34:42 and then now you add another $5,000.
34:43 - Is it a $10,000? - Good question, Jill.
34:45 No, it's doesn't accrue.
34:47 You buy a new one each time.
34:49 Now, maybe you bought the first one when you were 65.
34:53 Maybe you didn't think of it again until you were 67.
34:56 Guess what? You're older.
34:58 Your interest rate is more.
35:00 So if you have $10,000...
35:02 And we've had people call us and say,
35:03 "I have eleven of these with you now,
35:06 and the interest is different on each one of them
35:08 for the same dollar amount."
35:10 That's because you were getting older.
35:13 Now we have the best senior citizen plan.
35:15 - You know that, don't you? - I know that.
35:17 You know that.
35:18 And just recently it got even better.
35:22 Our older clients, you can now earn,
35:26 if you're in your 90's, up to 9.3.
35:31 - 9.3 ~ That's a lot.
35:33 Yes, and we have a number of clients
35:36 who have called us, and that's exactly the bracket they're in.
35:40 ~ It will never go down. - It will never go down.
35:42 It will never go down.
35:44 Now some people will recall that in 2008 we had a market crash.
35:49 And what happened there was we did have some people
35:52 that were making 12%.
35:55 They did not go down.
35:57 We've got one lady right now that's 104 years old;
36:01 she has the 12%.
36:03 Now she did it back here, and when it dropped
36:07 it didn't drop off for her.
36:09 Now I'm going to go back to why we suggested to you
36:11 that you do the cash trust for 4.2 to 5.0.
36:15 And that's because we don't want to lock you in yet.
36:18 Because you could go higher.
36:20 But don't wait too long to go a little higher.
36:23 Keep some of that money in there so that you're
36:26 getting that good interest, because then your interest
36:28 payment will be larger.
36:31 So I'm thinking about also the benefit, though,
36:33 this is neat too, as far as for 3ABN.
36:35 Because when we do the cash trust it's a minimum of 25%.
36:38 Like if Jill and I were to be killed in an automobile accident
36:40 or some other disaster, 25% of that automatically goes to 3ABN.
36:45 So that's part of the document.
36:46 And I think that's again talking about, Mollie,
36:48 being a good steward.
36:49 You know, the way Jill and I did it, we divided it up
36:51 amongst some other people, but then part of it's coming to 3ABN
36:54 if we were to pass away.
36:55 And that's where it's great because then it blesses 3ABN
36:57 even after we're gone.
36:59 ~ And I'd like to add to that, Greg.
37:02 Greg brought up the fact that it's 25%.
37:04 It can be 25%, it can be 100%.
37:07 We have got some elderly people who have no family left,
37:11 and they had no children.
37:13 They will put on that line every time 100% to 3ABN.
37:17 So you are welcome to customize your document
37:20 exactly the way you want it,
37:22 and we will facilitate your wishes.
37:24 Now also on that same page, which is about page 4 or 5
37:29 in the application, there is a spot where you
37:32 will need to put an alternate, except 3ABN.
37:37 So maybe you listed all of your children.
37:41 And all of your children need to have an alternate.
37:44 Either the money will then, 75% of it maybe, be divided
37:48 equally among three more children,
37:51 So they each get 25, plus, you know, 3ABN gets 25.
37:55 But what if they're not living?
37:57 What if something happens to one of them?
37:59 Then it needs to go to somebody else.
38:01 Either the other siblings or it can also go to 3ABN.
38:06 The other thing you can do is we support all ministries.
38:10 So if you wanted to put another ministry name in there,
38:14 we will honor your wishes for that.
38:16 ~ I didn't know that. - Yes, we do.
38:18 And it is a good plan.
38:21 Because I'll tell you, all the other ministries
38:23 are writing documents with our name in it too.
38:26 So it's share and share alike in the church
38:28 with the money of God.
38:30 It is shared.
38:31 And so it's very important that you list for us
38:33 exactly what you want to do.
38:35 If you don't know some ministry names,
38:38 but you'd like to support some ministries,
38:40 we do have suggestions for you.
38:43 And some of the people that you have seen featured
38:45 right here on 3ABN, mission projects and things like that,
38:50 we've got people that list those in their documents.
38:53 Now someone says, "Well they're not a real big ministry,
38:56 they're small, but they certainly need my funds."
38:59 Well maybe God chose ten years down the road
39:02 that ministry is no longer here, or it took on a new name.
39:05 That has happened too.
39:07 You can still list them.
39:09 Because that money can then go to an alternate.
39:13 So don't be afraid to give it to a small ministry also.
39:16 All ministries that are doing the Lord's work
39:18 need to have funds.
39:20 ~ That's right. ~ Amen.
39:21 So that kind of covers the annuity,
39:25 and then of course the cash trust,
39:26 and how the two can relate.
39:28 Cash trust is revocable, the annuities are irrevocable.
39:33 So I could give you a quick rundown too, if you would like.
39:37 An irrevocable document always has a fixed interest rate.
39:42 This fixed interest rate: payments for life.
39:45 You don't add to it, but you can always buy a new one.
39:48 That's a great part.
39:49 And then you may not withdraw funds.
39:52 It has already been permanently invested.
39:55 Now you say, "When I pass away, if these payments are
39:58 coming to me, what happens to the rest of the money
40:01 when I pass away?
40:03 I'm gone now."
40:05 What remains in that account comes to 3ABN.
40:09 And that is your charitable intent.
40:11 So our annuities are charitable intent documents.
40:15 Just like the others.
40:16 But 100% of what's left in there.
40:19 Okay, so someone says, "Wait a minute.
40:21 I put $100,000 in there.
40:23 3ABN is going to get all of that and I can't distribute it?"
40:26 It's all going to go to 3ABN.
40:28 But your $100,000 is no longer in there.
40:32 We've been paying you interest out of that,
40:35 along with the interest that you've earned,
40:37 for your life.
40:38 But what remains in there is what will come to 3ABN.
40:43 And we have had some wonderful, wonderful gifts
40:48 from the annuities.
40:50 And then it's a tax benefit.
40:52 It's very important that we have tax benefits
40:54 when we work with finances.
40:56 And an annuity is one of those.
40:59 Now a cash trust is revocable.
41:03 The other one is irrevocable, cash trust is revocable.
41:07 It will have a variable interest rate.
41:09 Now if you wanted to figure out what your interest
41:11 was going to be approximately for the year,
41:14 you can take and add up all 12 months of whatever
41:17 interest is fluctuating, add all of those up, divide it by 12.
41:22 Easy formula.
41:23 There's your interest rate.
41:25 Okay, we're done with the program and we don't remember
41:28 what Earlenne said, that's okay.
41:30 I have a telephone, give me a call,
41:33 and I will go over all the details with you.
41:36 ~ And there's a packet you can send them too.
41:38 Yes, we send a package, and there's some
41:40 surprise gifts in there too.
41:43 Things from 3ABN that I think people always enjoy getting.
41:46 You also get copies of programs similar to this one
41:49 that we have done.
41:50 And those programs are an educational benefit to you.
41:54 Sit down and watch them, absorb them,
41:57 and then first contact God.
42:01 Say, "God, what would you want me to do?"
42:03 When Hal and I were first looking at this,
42:06 the document that worked best for us was the cash trust.
42:10 That's what you have invested in is the cash trust.
42:14 But I know y'all are very young and you have other aspects
42:17 that you want to look at.
42:18 And I think, Greg, property trust was something
42:20 that was interesting to you.
42:22 That's something Jill and I are looking at is a property trust.
42:24 And I know, Earlenne, you can expound upon that a little bit.
42:26 But that you can use in place of a will, actually.
42:29 Which is new information that we hadn't actually considered.
42:31 And that would be basically everything that you own.
42:34 - Is that correct? ~ Uh-huh.
42:35 ~ And for the older generation this is a very common question.
42:38 So it's very good that you brought it up, Greg.
42:42 The older generation was kind of tuned into,
42:44 "Oh, do you have a will yet?"
42:45 "Oh, you're not doing well. Have you written a will yet?"
42:48 Believe it or not, they talk like this.
42:49 That's, you know, something they are worried about.
42:52 So they want to write a will.
42:54 We're not going to encourage you to do a will unless
42:56 you've got maybe a really small estate.
43:00 But if there's a house, we're still going to recommend
43:02 you put it into a trust.
43:04 A will is public knowledge.
43:07 And I know, Greg, that took you by surprise
43:09 that it's public knowledge.
43:10 Anybody can go to the courthouse and say,
43:12 "So what did mom and dad do with their stuff?"
43:14 Okay, they put it in a will.
43:16 So they go and look it up.
43:17 "Hey, did you know you're getting something and I'm not?"
43:19 Well let's avoid that situation, do a trust.
43:22 And that is not public knowledge to anybody.
43:25 It's between you, God, and the trust department that wrote it.
43:28 ~ And I think a good point too that you and Roy brought up
43:30 is that actually the deed or the title, let's say, to the house
43:33 that Jill and I live in actually is still held by me.
43:35 It doesn't go to 3ABN...
43:37 ~ That's the beauty of the self-administered trust
43:41 which is a property trust; SAT.
43:43 Yes, Greg's got a new word now.
43:45 SAT; call up and ask about a SAT.
43:47 When I think about that, I think of satellite.
43:50 But SAT. Self-administered trust.
43:52 You're very tuned into television.
43:54 That's right, I am.
43:55 The SAT is important.
43:57 Getting your house in there and protecting it
44:00 so that if anything happens to you,
44:03 that's taken care of.
44:05 It's not just going to be lying over there and the government
44:08 get their hands on it or somebody that you didn't want.
44:11 It's settled, you've already decided.
44:14 So if Greg and Jill put their house in a SAT,
44:16 and wanted to divide it among 3ABN and family members,
44:20 that would be a beautiful act.
44:22 If you own multiple properties, you can do multiple properties
44:26 in the same trust.
44:28 ~ So the different properties all go into the one trust?
44:31 They all go in there, but they're listed separately.
44:33 Now what we will have is, we will need to get a deed
44:38 for each property.
44:39 So if you have a property but it doesn't have a house on it,
44:41 that's okay, there's still a deed.
44:43 So make sure that we get a deed to put into your trust.
44:47 We will prepare that deed where it will now read
44:50 that it is going into your trust.
44:53 Not to 3ABN.
44:55 The SAT is a self-administered trust,
44:59 which is a very important point.
45:01 Because we don't want anybody to think they've given up
45:03 their property already to 3ABN.
45:06 It's important that you give the property to your trust
45:10 to be administered the way you would like it.
45:12 ~ And is it revocable or irrevocable?
45:14 It is totally revocable.
45:15 Okay, now maybe you sell that house,
45:18 and you own two other properties in it,
45:20 but you sell the one house and you move to another one,
45:23 then we'll take the old one out
45:25 and we'll put the new one in for you.
45:27 So that's something that's done very easily.
45:29 And we do prepare those documents
45:32 to make the switch of the deeds at no expense to you the client.
45:37 That is very, very important.
45:39 We do not do the recording, we don't pay the recording fees.
45:43 So that's something that we don't do.
45:45 But other than that, we take pretty good care of you.
45:48 Now if you have a property trust, this is also where
45:51 you're going to put in a few more things.
45:53 Some of the things that you're going to put in would be
45:55 your bank accounts.
45:56 We need to know on your bank accounts
45:58 just the numbers, and that you have gone to the bank
46:01 and done a POD.
46:04 Pay On Death.
46:07 Who's the money going to go to?
46:09 Is it going to come to one of your family members?
46:12 Is it going to come to 3ABN?
46:14 Just don't leave it there because the banks
46:17 are going to hold onto it.
46:19 If I don't have a POD, like we don't have a POD,
46:22 so if you don't have a POD, what happens if we were to pass away?
46:25 Where would the money go?
46:26 Have you heard of unclaimed money that's
46:28 on a government website?
46:32 ~ If nobody comes to claim your money,
46:35 then it goes to the government.
46:37 It goes to the government.
46:38 And you can go on websites...
46:40 And Roy found an aunt of his money in there
46:43 that for years it had been sitting
46:46 that nobody had ever claimed it.
46:48 And he called her up and let her know that she had,
46:51 you know, something in the unclaimed.
46:53 So yes, that is what will happen.
46:55 Pay On Death is vitally important to every document.
46:59 You know, we did a POD and let our daughter know,
47:02 "You're who we've put on this
47:04 in the event something happens to Hal and I."
47:06 She can come and they will empty both our savings
47:10 and our checking account, give it to her.
47:13 And then we trust her, we know that what she'll do then
47:16 is pay our bills, make sure we're buried properly.
47:19 But rather than the money just sitting there,
47:22 it will be used for the things that we need.
47:27 ~ Because it can get held up a long time.
47:29 You know, court proceedings and all that.
47:30 ~ Oh yes, it can be held up a long time,
47:32 and then there's that risk of never getting it.
47:34 Also financial retirement plans.
47:37 If you've got retirement plans somewhere,
47:40 or insurance, definitely go to those
47:43 and do a Pay On Death.
47:45 Otherwise, where are they going to go to?
47:46 And make sure that they are listed to go into your trust.
47:51 We will give you the name of your family trust
47:53 when it's developed.
47:55 And the funds can go into that at any time.
47:58 ~ You know, Earlenne, I'm thinking about the
47:59 number of people, they have been procrastinating
48:04 and they've been meaning to do this for so long.
48:07 I had a little lady come to me at the last camp meeting.
48:11 And she said, "You know, Mollie, I heard one of your programs
48:14 on trust services, and my husband and I said
48:17 we need to do this."
48:18 Now I want you to know, they have been a
48:20 tremendous blessing to 3ABN.
48:22 But they had been meaning to. They'd been procrastinating.
48:25 Finally they go... This is what we hear so often.
48:30 Once we had our documents in place,
48:33 we had all of our properties securely where we know
48:40 that they're going to go where we want them to go.
48:42 And everything so secure in these trusts,
48:46 or whatever document, we were so relieved.
48:49 It's like a weight was lifted off of us
48:52 because now we don't have to concern ourselves.
48:55 We know that everything is going to be taken care of.
48:59 just like we want it to be taken care of.
49:02 I will mention too that we send out each year a form
49:06 where you can update.
49:07 We sent one that said, "Is your trust an antique?"
49:11 Well you don't want your trust to become an antique.
49:14 And we were checking, and we gave them lines to write on.
49:17 You know, did you buy a new car?
49:19 Did you actually sell your house?
49:22 Do you have a new one?
49:23 You know, the things that they want to.
49:25 Have you checked to make sure that all your accounts...
49:28 People start new accounts.
49:30 Are all of your accounts in your trust?
49:34 So we remind you.
49:35 We're here to facilitate, and we do remind you.
49:38 And we're not bugging you, we're only reminding you.
49:42 We want your document to be what you want it to be.
49:45 ~ It's for their own good.
49:46 And Greg, something that I think you mentioned earlier
49:49 was like with the property trust, it doesn't have to
49:52 go through probate.
49:53 That's true. That's a good point.
49:54 Which can be kind of held up sometimes for quite a while.
49:58 And by the way, don't forget your stocks and bonds.
50:01 That's another big one.
50:03 And let us know, you know, what you have on that.
50:06 And also, if you have to take an IRA distribution,
50:12 call us about those IRA distributions.
50:15 You can give a gift of whatever your distribution has to be
50:18 that you have to take out when you're 70 and a half.
50:21 Call us.
50:23 You can make that as a direct donation, Mollie,
50:26 to 3ABN and never have to pay any taxes on it.
50:30 - Save you money. - That's right.
50:32 You know, Earlenne, I'm thinking of...
50:35 We're talking about people, obviously, that has money
50:40 that they need to invest.
50:42 But I'm thinking, oh Earlenne, I'm thinking about
50:45 the young people, that their finances are tight.
50:48 And I want you to know, in our Trust Services department
50:51 you can call Earlenne, tell her your situation,
50:55 and she will work with you to get you started.
50:59 Sometimes we just need to get started,
51:01 and then let God...
51:04 Little is much, when? God is in it.
51:07 And let God take this small beginning that you have
51:11 and He will continue to multiply it.
51:13 It's God's will for your life
51:16 that you be safe and secure in Him,
51:18 and that He will provide, supply all of your needs
51:23 according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus.
51:26 So we've got this Trust Services department
51:29 that is willing and they are educated,
51:32 and they will be so blessed to have you call them.
51:35 And so, if you want more information,
51:38 it doesn't matter what...
51:39 We haven't spoken of all of our documents,
51:42 There's not enough time on our program.
51:44 No, this is just the start. Need to call.
51:46 You need to call. And so here is the information.
51:49 Get your pen and paper. Write down this information.
51:52 Write us or give us a call.
51:55 To find out more information on 3ABN's Planned Giving
51:58 and Trust Services, please give them a call.
52:01 Our friendly staff will be more than willing to explain
52:04 all the benefits of our cash trusts, property trusts,
52:08 and annuities.


Revised 2018-08-21