3ABN Today

Personal Testimony and 3ABN Influence On Conversio

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018057A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:06 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain...
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts,
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people...
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 mending broken people.
00:56 Music...
01:11 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:13 and I am very blessed to be the wife
01:17 of this wonderful man next to me, JD Quinn...
01:20 and blessed to have you on the program with us today.
01:23 Well, this is special because I'm looking forward to this,
01:25 special... special person we're talking with.
01:28 Yes, we just want to thank you for joining us
01:31 on 3ABN Today Program.
01:32 This is the "Mending Broken People" network
01:35 and I guarantee you... we are going to hear a story today
01:39 that you will see the power and the glory of God to change lives
01:44 in fact, let me read the Scripture
01:47 that I thought was most appropriate for today
01:50 and that is 2nd Corinthians 5:17
01:53 that says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
01:57 he is a new creation;
01:59 old things have passed away;
02:02 behold, all things have become new. "
02:05 And we can certainly say that for our dear friend and brother
02:10 who is joining us today,
02:12 he's part of our 3ABN staff
02:13 and that is Bob Eads,
02:15 Bob, we're so glad you're with us today.
02:17 Good morning, Thank you for the opportunity.
02:20 You know, you said that you have been excited
02:22 and desiring to do this for years
02:25 to tell your testimony on air
02:27 and today you get that chance
02:30 to talk about what God did in your life.
02:33 Praise God... praise God.
02:35 And you said what...
02:36 it's not your personal testimony but...
02:38 This is a miracle.
02:41 The miracle-working power of God.
02:44 so, you're going to be testifying about God, right.
02:47 Amen, it's all about Him.
02:49 And what I like about Bob is that...
02:51 Bob is one of these guys that's...
02:53 that's a very passionate...
02:55 he has a passionate relationship with the Lord
02:57 and Bob is the type of person
03:00 that's just talking "Jesus" to everyone.
03:03 Shelley: Yes he does...
03:04 Now, there are a lot of people that in certain situations
03:07 they'll bring Christ up...
03:09 then there's... there's Bob...
03:11 and it's "Jesus, Jesus... Jesus" he's a true inspiration.
03:16 Shelley: Amen. JD Quinn: True inspiration.
03:18 He is my life... I would have no life without Him
03:21 He is the life-giver and He energizes me
03:25 and gives me the desire... the willingness and the ability
03:29 to talk about Him every opportunity that I get,
03:31 it doesn't matter whether people accept it or not...
03:33 I'm taking about Him.
03:35 As we go through this testimony...
03:37 as we go through this miracle...
03:39 let's just say that we have scale of one to ten,
03:42 we all could visualize that
03:44 and man... you started on a one...
03:47 and now you're over here and pinging at 9 and 1/2 and ten.
03:52 This is truly a miracle and I would imagine
03:55 that there are a lot of people that can identify...
03:58 that they've had a similar walk and as we like to say,
04:01 "Just got sick and tired of being sick and tired...
04:05 there's got to be more to life than this. "
04:06 Absolutely, well, we just want to encourage you to stay tuned
04:11 because... and if you know anyone who has...
04:14 is maybe suffering addiction to tobacco or alcohol or drugs
04:21 or pornography... we're going to cover it all today
04:24 and to know that there is truly hope
04:29 and we just want to take this opportunity
04:32 before we get started
04:34 to thank all of you
04:35 for your prayers and your love and your financial support
04:39 because you'll see today
04:41 this truly is the Mending Broken People Network
04:44 and it's possible because
04:47 of the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
04:50 and because of you.
04:51 Before we begin, we all love to hear music
04:56 and we got a special treat today
04:58 because Danny Shelton will be singing,
05:01 "Here I am, Dear Lord. "
05:03 Amen.
05:08 Music...
05:14 Here I am
05:18 dear Lord...
05:22 Take me now...
05:26 Take me now just as I am
05:32 Take the breath you gave me
05:38 Take this body of clay
05:43 and mold me
05:50 all over again.
05:56 And I'll be what you want me to be
06:05 throughout eternity
06:13 I'll breathe each breath of my life for you
06:20 each breath for you...
06:23 breath for you
06:27 Here I am... dear Lord
06:34 Take me now...
06:38 Take me now... just as I am
06:45 Take the breath you gave me
06:51 Take this body of clay
06:56 and mold me
07:02 all over again.
07:08 And I'll spread your love to everyone...
07:17 and tell of Calvary
07:27 I'll tell the world what you mean to me
07:34 what you mean to me...
07:37 yes, mean to me...
07:43 Here I am dear Lord...
07:48 Take me now...
07:53 Take me now just as I am...
07:59 Take the breath you gave me
08:05 Take this body of clay
08:10 and mold me
08:19 all over again.
08:28 Music...
08:32 I always love to hear Danny sing,
08:37 Danny is the President and Founder of 3ABN
08:41 and he truly is a minister of music...
08:46 JD Quinn: Amen.
08:47 I mean, it's... I feel like...
08:49 when I listen to him sing, it's just like hearing a sermon
08:52 so we enjoy that so much.
08:54 Yeah, I was just saying, he just makes it look so simple.
08:57 It is simple for him.
08:59 It is truly a gift.
09:01 Yes, it is...
09:02 Yes, absolutely.
09:03 Well, if you're joining us just a couple of moments late,
09:06 we have a special guest with us today
09:08 and that is Bob Eads
09:10 who is a new creation in Christ Jesus
09:13 and the Lord has brought him through so much.
09:17 Bob, let's just kind of kick this off by going back
09:20 to the beginning,
09:22 tell us a little of your childhood,
09:23 did you grow up in a Christian home?
09:25 Actually, I did not, my mother would take...
09:28 my dad had nothing to do with it at all...
09:30 my mother would take my sister and I to the Presbyterian church
09:34 in the little community in southern California
09:35 where I was born and raised
09:37 and drop us off
09:39 and then pick us up at the end of Sunday School
09:40 and that was pretty much the only religious background
09:42 that I had.
09:44 When we were old enough to make our own decision,
09:46 then I dropped out it completely...
09:47 I had no interest whatsoever
09:49 so, that was pretty much the extent
09:52 of my religious background...
09:53 pretty much zero when you get right down to it.
09:57 Okay, so, as a child... were you a thriving child
10:01 or were you... tell us a little bit about your childhood.
10:04 Well, actually, when I was seven years old,
10:06 I weighed 37 pounds.
10:07 We were living in the north-central Nebraska...
10:10 small town of Valentine at the time
10:12 both of my parents were heavy smokers... I had Asthma...
10:14 the local doctors were not able to diagnose.
10:17 My mom finally got me to a Specialist
10:19 in southern California at one time
10:21 and he just flat told them,
10:23 "You either move this kid to a warm drive climate
10:25 or bury him, take your choice... "
10:27 that next summer, we moved to southern California
10:29 and that's where I was raised until I was about 18 years old.
10:33 Okay, so, tell us about that childhood.
10:37 Well, I was the runt... picked on a lot... bullied a lot
10:41 by the time I was seven years old,
10:44 now this... we're going back to...
10:46 into the Valentine, Nebraska again,
10:48 this was prior to us moving out,
10:50 I was about seven when we moved out,
10:52 older kids took my sister and I down the alley...
10:54 they actually had alleys back in those days
10:56 and they still do in the little community
10:58 and introduced us to cigarettes.
11:00 My sister took one puff off of the cigarette... got sick...
11:04 never smoked another day of her life,
11:05 I was hooked and I smoked for 22 or 23 years after that.
11:09 At first I would... because my parents both smoked
11:13 there were cigarette butts in the ash trays
11:15 they'd put them out on the floor... on the ground
11:17 and different things like that
11:19 so I was going around collecting them...
11:20 very small community...
11:21 I would write notes to the store keepers
11:24 and say that my mom or my dad
11:26 had sent me for a pack of cigarettes,
11:27 and something that troubled me for many years...
11:31 they both kept a carton of cigarettes
11:33 in one of the kitchen drawers,
11:35 my mom was: Raleigh... my dad was: Winston...
11:36 and every now and then, a pack of those would disappear.
11:39 they never called me on that
11:41 I think because... they couldn't because they...
11:44 they themselves smoked.
11:45 Years later, I talked to them... yes...
11:48 But... but... I just want to ask
11:49 you have Asthma... and you've started smoking...
11:56 did that not make it worse?
11:58 Indeed it did... many times throughout the year
12:01 I would end up in... in bed sick...
12:04 taking many antibiotics, losing a lot of time at work
12:09 just feeling miserable in general,
12:10 but still the addiction was stronger than all of that,
12:13 the desire to have those
12:16 and to continue in that lifestyle
12:17 was stronger than what was going on physically.
12:21 Nine years old, I was introduced to pornography,
12:25 I found a girlie magazine somewhere
12:26 in the little community we lived in
12:29 and that carried on until 1997...
12:32 that was the longest and strongest addiction that I had
12:35 throughout all these years
12:37 and that's the one that I know God is able...
12:42 He can deliver us from that.
12:44 I was fortunate enough...
12:47 blessed enough to have the One-Step Program...
12:49 God just did away with it.
12:51 Many people... there's nothing wrong with the 12-Step Program,
12:55 they introduce you to God and help you along the way,
12:58 some people need that additional help
13:01 of someone that suffers from the same thing they do,
13:03 but God just delivered me... it was just done.
13:05 I say that this is something
13:06 that a lot of people don't recognize
13:08 is that addiction... addiction...
13:10 pornography is one of the strongest addictions there is,
13:15 it messes with your brain chemistry
13:17 as much as cocaine or heroin... more than any of those.
13:21 Yes, if I had to...
13:22 and that is the one that I still struggle with the most...
13:25 we'll get to the alcohol and the...
13:26 and the other street drugs and all that kind of stuff...
13:28 that is the one that was the hardest...
13:31 the last to give up
13:32 and that would be the one...
13:34 if I ever gave up on God
13:36 and went back to any of the other stuff,
13:37 that would be the one thing I would go back to.
13:39 The alcohol and the cigarettes and the... all the rest of that
13:43 were physically harmful,
13:45 I mean, you could feel the results of that
13:47 but with the pornography you don't...
13:48 it's all going on in up here
13:49 and, of course, that changes everything
13:52 throughout our entire system
13:54 but when you're in that addiction...
13:55 when you're in that predicament and that lifestyle,
13:57 you don't realize that
13:59 and because it is so prevalent
14:01 many of your peers...
14:02 many of the people that are with you...
14:04 I used to share the materials that I had
14:05 with a lot of married people
14:07 and they would take it home and pollute their families...
14:09 their wives and I don't know...
14:10 hopefully praise God, not their children
14:12 but at least their wives.
14:13 So, here you are, you've got a smoking addiction
14:17 and then you develop the pornography addiction...
14:21 Bob: Yes, at nine...
14:23 Shelley: When did the drinking and the drugs come in?
14:25 Back in the '50s and '60s, when I was a kid,
14:28 neighborhoods were still...
14:31 we didn't lock the doors to our homes...
14:32 this is in southern California, this is unheard of now,
14:34 but the parents would get together on weekends
14:37 at somebody's house and they would play their card games
14:40 and they would bring their alcohol... beer or wine, whiskey
14:42 whatever it might be... and their cigarettes
14:44 and they would sit around and play cards,
14:45 well, all of the kids from these families
14:47 would gather at the same house and we would pester our parents,
14:50 "Oh mommy... I want to... I want to taste that...
14:52 I want a sip... I want a sip"
14:53 and finally, to shut us up and get us out of their hair
14:56 so that they could play their games,
14:57 they would give us a sip
14:58 and I think inadvertently, that's where I developed that...
15:01 that taste for alcohol
15:02 so by the time I got out of high school at 17 years old,
15:05 I was an alcoholic.
15:06 I was consuming daily,
15:08 we had a friend in school... his dad ran a liquor store,
15:10 owned and operated a liquor store,
15:12 evening times our friend would be...
15:14 he wasn't supposed to sell alcohol
15:16 but out the back door it would go
15:17 so we had a steady supply...
15:19 several others did... they hung together in a group.
15:22 So, that was the alcohol and then... six months...
15:24 not six months...
15:26 two weeks out of... out of high school...
15:29 I graduated in June of 1964,
15:33 I joined the Navy
15:34 and I was introduced within six months...
15:38 I was introduced to the marijuana
15:39 which ultimately led to the cocaine... hashish...
15:42 all of the pills... the different pills...
15:44 the uppers and the downers and the rest of that
15:47 and I became very, very deep into that lifestyle
15:51 and that carried on until 1997
15:54 and this is where 3ABN and Amazing Facts come in.
15:58 Yes.
15:59 Go ahead.
16:01 Well, 3ABN aired a program that year,
16:03 it was called Satellite Seminar
16:04 the church did...
16:06 for those of you who are Seventh-day Adventists out there
16:07 the church did not have a Net Program that year
16:10 and Danny and Pastor Doug teamed up
16:14 and they did a live satellite broadcast... a Prophecy Seminar
16:17 I tuned into that and I watched...
16:20 two weeks into that,
16:21 I was a born-again Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
16:23 without any prior religious background...
16:25 I did not own a Bible,
16:27 I didn't need one because I didn't believe in God,
16:28 I went and borrowed my mom's Bible
16:30 King James Version oh! what an experience that was!
16:33 It was like... next day I was like,
16:35 "Mom, how do you use this thing, which chapter and verse...
16:38 I don't know, I'm listening to this stuff on 3ABN
16:39 and I don't know how to find it
16:41 and so she worked me through on how to use the Bible.
16:44 Now...
16:46 Are we still in the Navy during this time
16:49 or we passed Navy?
16:50 We're passed Navy...
16:51 Okay, so, let's go back to Navy for a minute...
16:54 so you were... you are a Vietnam Vet...
16:56 Bob: I am.
16:58 And you are on a ship that shot how many rounds?
17:00 We fired 5,000 rounds in one week,
17:03 we set a record... we were in the Stars and Stripes
17:05 which was a publication of the Navy... the U.S. Navy...
17:08 5- inch-54... that means that the round was five inches around
17:13 and 54 inches high...
17:15 and we shot 5,000 of those...
17:17 a small plane would give us spotting directions
17:20 and we would shoot into the jungle.
17:21 Okay, so, here you are...
17:23 it is in the Navy that you get introduced to marijuana
17:27 is that where you got on to hashish and the other pills...
17:30 the uppers and the downers...
17:31 Bob: Yes.
17:33 You know, that is so amazing to me
17:34 because we think if... if you're sending off a son
17:38 who's joined some armed services,
17:41 you feel like they're going to be...
17:43 have such good discipline
17:46 but we hear this story so often don't we
17:48 that people go into the service and end up on drugs
17:53 so, you were in the service for how many years?
17:56 I spent three years and a month on active duty
17:59 there's a four-year commitment,
18:02 the rest of it was on Inactive Reserves.
18:05 I was very fortunate when I went it,
18:07 if you joined before you were 18 you got out before you were 21
18:10 so you could be in for as little as three years and a month
18:13 which is what I got or three years and eleven months
18:15 and then you were off active duty.
18:16 All right, were you single at this point?
18:19 You're single... so you get out of the Navy
18:22 and before you jump to 3ABN, tell us the...
18:24 kind of fill in the blank there,
18:26 you married?
18:28 Yes, my first marriage was Alice 1...
18:32 I am currently with Alice 2.
18:35 Alice 1 was me...
18:36 it was for lust and it didn't last five years,
18:38 a son came from that marriage,
18:41 he'll be 48 this August... August of this year
18:44 and then, it gets a little... it gets a little hazy from there
18:50 right out of the Navy,
18:51 I had moved to South Carolina
18:53 to go and work for my sister and brother-in-law,
18:55 my brother-in-law was still in the Navy at that time,
18:57 he was on nuclear submarines
18:59 they had started up a business and I went down,
19:01 that's where I met my first wife,
19:02 the first marriage came from... in South Carolina
19:04 that's where my son is and still is...
19:07 lost him for 24 years...
19:10 I was so heavily involved in the drug culture...
19:13 I moved away after the divorce was final
19:15 and went back to southern California
19:18 and spent some time with my sister
19:20 and my niece and my nephew.
19:21 Now, your wife actually remarried and you gave...
19:25 her new husband adopted your son, is that correct?
19:29 Yes, they wanted to adopt right away
19:31 and I refused to let them do that
19:33 but after I moved to southern California
19:35 and got much deeper into the drug culture,
19:38 I got behind in child support and they contacted me and said,
19:41 "Hey, if you don't want to come back to South Carolina
19:43 and go to jail, let us adopt. "
19:44 So, I allowed to let them adopt.
19:46 When I did that, I gave up the privileges
19:49 of being able to contact him...
19:50 have any... any connection with him
19:52 at least until he was 18.
19:53 I was still cognizant enough to realize that because of the...
19:58 the lifestyle I led,
20:00 I really didn't want him to know anything about me.
20:01 I didn't... I wouldn't... not have been proud as a father,
20:04 I was not a good father for the five years he was in my life,
20:06 so, I kind of went at it from that way.
20:10 When God brought Alice 2 into my life,
20:13 she was working for the Carolina Conf...
20:16 Shelley: Wait... wait... wait... you jump ahead there...
20:18 okay, so, here you are now, this... at this point
20:22 we've got a total mess, right?
20:24 Bob: Oh, absolutely.
20:26 Shelley: You're a wreck...
20:29 how did you tune in to 3ABN?
20:33 One night, I was lying on my couch
20:36 in the little community of Valentine, Nebraska,
20:38 north-central Nebraska,
20:39 nine miles from South Dakota border,
20:41 bored to death... I had a large satellite dish at that time
20:44 so they had 24 satellites across the horizon
20:47 with 24 channels on each one,
20:49 I did the math on that,
20:50 that's over 600 chann... 500 channels...
20:52 and I just started surfing... I had an addiction to every...
20:56 if the movies didn't have a lot of explosions
20:58 and naked or semi-naked women in that,
21:00 I wouldn't even be interested in it,
21:01 I had two hard core triple X pornography channels
21:05 that I was subscribing to
21:06 and recording almost 24 hours a day,
21:08 when I came into the church, I had 60 six-hour VHS tapes
21:12 of absolutely nothing but hard-core pornography.
21:14 I didn't want to watch anything.
21:15 That's a...
21:17 Shelley: That's a God thing... if you...
21:19 if you've got that pornography at that level
21:20 and you didn't want to watch it...
21:22 you're... you're not finding a single channel
21:24 that you want to watch.
21:25 Bob: Totally God...
21:27 so, I started surfing the... the... the satellites...
21:30 and I'd spend about three to five seconds on each channel
21:33 and when I finished one satellite,
21:34 I'd move on to the next
21:36 somewhere down the line,
21:37 I ran across Doug Batchelor preaching,
21:39 I don't recall the sermon,
21:41 oh, if I had just been smart enough to write all this down,
21:43 but who knew...
21:45 and I was hooked and I stayed on that channel
21:47 and I watched it all the way through.
21:49 They had live questions... people calling in...
21:51 and he was giving answers and stuff...
21:53 Shelley: What hooked you? What got you... I mean...
21:55 Bob: I think it... I remember it was very colorful,
21:58 I suspect it may have had something to do with the beast
22:01 or something in the book of Revelation,
22:03 it was just... because it was so colorful...
22:05 the language that he was using, the things he was describing
22:08 and so, I stayed and I watched the whole thing,
22:11 well, at the end of that, I went back to my normal satellite
22:13 and regular channels that I watch,
22:15 the next day, I wanted more of course,
22:17 I... I'm... this is great... I want more of this...
22:20 couldn't find it...
22:21 couldn't find it
22:23 I didn't remember the channel,
22:24 I didn't remember the satellite it was on,
22:26 so, I started surfing again,
22:27 and I surfed for two or three days...
22:30 I would... I mean, there was religious stuff,
22:32 there was every... lot of foreign language stuff,
22:34 all kinds of stuff that I was not interested...
22:37 I wanted Doug Batchelor,
22:38 not know him by name at that time...
22:40 that's what I was interested in
22:41 so I just went back into the world
22:42 and back to my regular programming,
22:44 two to three weeks later, in my Television Guide
22:47 which was about this big,
22:49 there was a half-page Ad by 3ABN
22:52 advertising this upcoming live satellite broadcast
22:57 Prophecy Seminar with Doug Batchelor,
22:59 his picture was there...
23:01 I said, "That's it... that's him... "
23:02 so, I knew... I knew where to get it.
23:04 So, this was probably in 1990 or something like that... 1995?
23:08 This would have been 1997,
23:11 it was the fall of 1997... it was when 3ABN aired that...
23:15 it was in the old Boss Auditorium,
23:16 Bose... is it Bose or Boss?
23:18 Shelley: Boss.
23:19 The Boss... yes... and the first time I came here
23:23 and went through the...
23:25 Shelley: Tour...
23:27 Bob: tour... yes sometimes words just escape me,
23:29 too many years of alcohol and other drugs, so...
23:31 but it's... please forgive me...
23:33 Gloria took us back and I was shocked
23:36 because it was no longer a Studio,
23:38 it was just storage at the time
23:40 and I said, "This is where this happened?"
23:41 And they said, "Yes. "
23:42 So, that was quite an experience to... to see that.
23:44 When I came to 3ABN... when God...
23:48 Shelley: Wait, wait, wait... wait... wait...
23:49 you're going too...
23:51 I want to get back to this new creation in Christ
23:53 so, you watch this Program... this Series for two weeks...
24:00 Bob: Yes.
24:02 Shelley: And you surrendered control of your life to God
24:05 and asked Christ to be your Savior and to guide you...
24:09 Bob: Absolutely.
24:10 So, you just did that in your own bedroom?
24:14 Yes, in my living room,
24:15 in this... I was purchasing a 14-by-70-foot Mobile Home,
24:19 it was about 24 years old at the time
24:21 it was in excellent shape,
24:23 the people I had purchased it from
24:24 had already raised their children,
24:26 the lady had made custom drapes, it was a nice place,
24:28 and that's where... now I watched the whole Series,
24:31 it was this... two weeks into it is when I surrendered
24:34 and I said, "You know, God, I want you to be my Savior,
24:36 what do I need to do?"
24:38 And He... and continuing to watch Pastor Doug
24:41 as he explained the steps through that Prophecy Seminar
24:44 and that's what I love about these prophecy seminars,
24:47 they start out building a foundation...
24:48 "Who is Jesus?"
24:50 "What can He do in your life?"
24:51 Showing and displaying the power that He has
24:55 and His willingness
24:57 no matter where we're in in our lives
24:58 because I'm a mess... I'm just... I'm alone...
25:02 and yet, He loved me enough and still loves me
25:05 to the point that He was willing to lead me
25:08 and guide me through this process.
25:10 Now, this is really interesting right now
25:12 so I want to talk some emotions for a second
25:15 because there are a lot of people
25:17 that... who are finding themselves
25:19 that there is no meaning...
25:21 there is no purpose in their life...
25:23 so, you're sitting here you're watching this,
25:25 obviously the Holy Spirit's working in your life.
25:28 Bob: Very much.
25:29 What does that mean? Are you feeling something inside
25:32 are you feeling drawn...
25:34 something wanted you to get down on your knees and say,
25:37 "Lord, take my hand... "
25:39 I mean, what happened?
25:41 I mean, how does that work?
25:43 I'd like to hear that from a human being...
25:44 to the best of your ability and if you can't...
25:47 it is beyond words... okay.
25:50 Bob: I will... I will try to describe it.
25:53 There were feelings... there were physical manifestations
25:57 pause
26:00 Shelley: Like your heart's fluttering...
26:02 Bob: Yes, I... really I guess I felt flushed...
26:06 I felt lifted up...
26:08 not like I'm floating off the floor or anything like that...
26:11 but I just felt different...
26:13 I knew that I was different at that time...
26:15 I knew that something was going on in my life
26:17 that I could not explain
26:18 but it was something that I wanted...
26:20 it was something that I desired...
26:22 and I just... "Lord, don't stop now...
26:24 keep going... keep going. "
26:25 Something was different so now you begin to think,
26:29 "Maybe God is for real. "
26:31 Bob: Yes... well there wasn't any "maybe" about it...
26:33 after two weeks... I'd like to explain it like this
26:36 it was almost like... like God just took a zipper
26:38 unzipped my brain...
26:39 flipped it open in my head
26:41 and just started pouring in the truth.
26:43 JD Quinn: Wow... wow.
26:44 Bob: The Bible... and the Bible only...
26:46 JD Quinn: So, what does surrender mean?
26:49 Because at that time you're unzipping...
26:53 and you're pouring in...
26:54 you know, Jesus is coming into your life
26:55 into your mind...
26:57 you're changing your priorities.
26:59 Bob: Yes.
27:00 JD Quinn: So this... now we're bringing up surrender,
27:03 I mean, that's the word that we use,
27:05 well it's personal surrender...
27:06 so, how does that work?
27:08 I suspect it's different for each individual,
27:12 the way it worked for me is I knew in an instant
27:17 that I had to change... that I had to be different...
27:19 now, we have to go back again...
27:22 God worked in my life in many ways
27:24 prior to my accepting Him, prior to my belief in Him...
27:29 to... no Bible... had no belief in God...
27:32 He brought circumstances about in my life
27:35 to give me opportunities to make choices.
27:38 JD Quinn: Hmmm... Shelley: Hmmm... hmmm...
27:40 Bob: So, He took...
27:41 I say, "He took.. "
27:43 I surrendered cigarettes, nicotine in 1977...
27:46 it was about 1953 when I started...
27:48 1977...
27:50 He withdrew His protection from me,
27:52 I was working in a very harsh environment,
27:54 very long hard hours... strong chemicals...
27:57 lot of noise... and I got walking Pneumonia
28:00 and I went to the VA hospital
28:02 the only insurance I had for most of my life
28:04 and they said, "Okay, you got two choices,
28:06 we'll put you in bed and dry you out
28:07 and get your lungs healed
28:09 or you can quit smoking, take your choice. "
28:11 I chose to quit smoking
28:13 because if I had gone into the hospital for 30 days,
28:15 that took away the rest of my drugs...
28:17 the marijuana... the cocaine... all the rest... that was gone...
28:19 and then back then it was caffeine and any other thing
28:22 that I could cram into my body
28:23 and I didn't want that to happen,
28:25 so I just laid them down and quit.
28:26 For many years, I took credit for that,
28:28 I said, "Yeah, I just quit smoking,
28:29 you know, just got tired of it. "
28:31 But it was... that was the motivation.
28:33 God brought that circumstance about in my life
28:36 where I could make that choice.
28:38 Shelley: You just didn't recognize it.
28:39 Bob: I didn't know at the time...
28:41 oh, at this time, I'm still like, "grrrhhh... "
28:42 everything that went wrong in my life... I'm cursing God...
28:44 don't believe in Him...
28:45 but everything goes wrong in your life, you curse,
28:47 who do you curse?
28:48 You don't curse anybody, you don't curse your parents
28:50 or who you're working for... it's always God.
28:52 "Well, why you're doing this?"
28:53 That's so interesting
28:55 because God really doesn't exist because you're Atheist,
28:57 but yet you get to blame God...
28:59 so I mean... so there's an oxymoron.
29:01 Bob: You got to blame somebody, you can't blame yourself, right,
29:03 if you blame yourself, you know you're in trouble.
29:04 All right, so He... you were already...
29:07 had dealt with the cigarettes
29:10 just because it's a life or death motivation
29:13 you had to give...
29:15 now, he was also...
29:17 weren't you beginning to give up some of the drugs in your life?
29:20 No, I continued with the marijuana for...
29:23 the next big step where He brought in my life...
29:26 now this was 1977... 11 years later, in 1988...
29:29 circumstances that He brought about in my life
29:32 where I was able to give up the alcohol and the other drugs.
29:35 the alcohol... I was working part time at a liquor store
29:38 in this small... back in Nebraska at this time now,
29:40 I lived up there 19 years as an adult
29:42 five years as a child
29:44 and I just went to my boss and just told him,
29:48 I said, "You know, I'm $14,000 in credit card debt,
29:51 there's no way I can live long enough to pay it off,
29:53 what am I going to do?"
29:54 And I'm purchasing this Mobile Home,
29:56 the first real logical thing that I ever did in my whole life
29:59 and I think this helped to move my dad to do what he did.
30:03 Pause.
30:06 I went to my boss and said...
30:07 and I had just bought two cases Dos Equis...
30:10 imported Mexican beer... that's what I was hooked on at the time
30:13 I was buying it at cost... kept it in his cooler,
30:15 I had a key... I locked up at nights
30:17 so I could go in the liquor store any time I wanted
30:18 and get my stuff... my fix... so to speak
30:21 and I just went to Bill and I said, "You know Bill... "
30:23 I said, "Man, I just... I really can't afford
30:25 to do this anymore, I need to stop this,
30:26 what am I going to do?"
30:28 He said, "Well, no problem"
30:29 he walked over to the cash register... pulled up the money,
30:31 paid me back for the liquor and said,
30:33 "I'll just sell it through the store. "
30:34 So, that was the end of the alcohol.
30:36 JD Quinn: Wow!
30:37 Still the pornography is there,
30:39 still the street drugs are there.
30:41 Well, shortly after the alcohol, I got to thinking,
30:43 my stash was getting low...
30:45 that's the little bit of marijuana I had left
30:46 and the last little bit of hashish...
30:48 I'd always to go Denver and visit an aunt
30:50 and that's where my connection was.
30:51 People in this little town of Valentine had no clue
30:54 that I was involved in any of this stuff,
30:56 I was hanging with the Sheriffs... several deputies...
31:00 we hunted together
31:01 we were on the Fire Department,
31:03 volunteer Fire Department together,
31:04 none of them had a clue that any of this was going on.
31:06 I was very... very good at hiding this
31:10 so... which was living a lie...
31:12 and I was one of the best liars you ever met,
31:14 I lied myself out of a lie-detector test one time...
31:17 we won't go into that
31:19 so, I gave up that and I said, "You know what?
31:22 When I finish this last little bit of marijuana
31:24 and the last little bit of Hashish, I'm just going to quit
31:26 I'm not going to Denver and get anymore. "
31:28 Here again, this is God working in my life
31:31 trying to clean me up and sober me up...
31:33 and get me in the right frame of mind enough
31:36 to where in 19... now this was '88...
31:38 it wasn't until '97 when I saw that Program.
31:41 So, even though I'd given up all these other addictions,
31:45 the pornography was still there,
31:47 and the inordinate lifestyle, I... I wasn't...
31:50 I had not accepted Christ... I wasn't believing in Him,
31:53 I still didn't have a Bible,
31:54 but I look back now
31:56 and for many years, I took credit for all that stuff
31:57 and I know now, that was the Holy Spirit working in my life.
32:00 if He had not done what He did
32:01 and cleaned me up as He did,
32:03 now, we know God is strong... he can do anything...
32:06 but there is a point in our life where we can reach
32:08 where we can't be reached...
32:10 and I was heading that way.
32:11 What's interesting...
32:13 because here again we hear this all the time.
32:15 "God chased me down. "
32:18 Now, in this situation, we begin to see here...
32:21 it's kind of interesting the seven, seven, eight, eight,
32:24 you know, and all this
32:25 but God actually did...
32:27 as you're looking back with a clean mind,
32:30 God was chasing you all the time.
32:33 Yes, He never gave up on me,
32:35 He will never give up on you... you out there in the audience,
32:38 let me tell you something, everything I've been through,
32:41 you may have been through the same or maybe even worse,
32:44 God will never give up on you, you have to give up on Him.
32:47 Amen... so... and... and it's interesting
32:51 because I've always heard
32:52 pornography is the most difficult addiction to give up
32:57 so that's the one that's really still got you...
32:59 Satan had you in his grips through that one
33:02 but now, you watched this Series for two weeks,
33:05 you said... you became a born-again Christian
33:08 which means, you invited the Holy Spirit,
33:12 the Lord be your Savior
33:13 and were filled with the Holy Spirit...
33:15 now, let me ask you this question,
33:19 you also said, "I became a born-again
33:23 Seventh-day Adventist Christian"
33:27 what do you mean by that?
33:29 Were you a big pork eater?
33:30 Were you... I mean... we know all of the...
33:33 what changes... was it...
33:35 why was it different to be an Adventist Christian?
33:38 I had about 30 or 35 dollars worth of center-cut pork chops
33:43 in my freezer at the time,
33:44 I knew I had to give up pork
33:46 and I struggled with that... "Now what am I going to do?"
33:48 Well, my sister and brother-in-law
33:49 lived about five miles outside of town on a ranch,
33:51 they had their own ranch... they had this German Shepherd
33:54 and I said, "Ah, I'll take it out there and give it to them
33:56 so they can give it to the German Shepherd"
33:58 and I thought about that for a few minutes...
34:00 "Naw... they're not going to give that food
34:02 to the German Shepherd,
34:03 they're going to cook 'em and eat 'em. "
34:04 So, I ended up taking them to the back of one of the...
34:06 little small community... we had three grocery stores
34:08 and I just went to one of the dumpsters at the grocery store
34:10 and just threw them away...
34:11 nobody got 'em.
34:12 So you were really convicted about the diet.
34:14 I was committed, I had no problem with the Sabbath
34:16 because I'd never kept Sunday,
34:18 I didn't have many years of a religious experience
34:21 to have to give up
34:22 I was just an open book.
34:24 So you saw in the Scripture and as... as this truth...
34:28 it just... it is easier to accept truth
34:33 when you're not trying to replace beliefs that are wrong.
34:36 Bob: Exactly, I didn't have to un-learn anything.
34:39 But now, let's talk about your physical condition
34:42 because you had been 37 pounds at the age of seven,
34:46 were you still a little slender thing here?
34:49 200 pounds... that night I was lying on my couch,
34:53 the town saw me lose 70 pounds in seven months
34:58 simply by adopting Genesis chapter 1 verse 29
35:02 and Genesis chapter 3 verse 18, that's where God...
35:06 Well, explain that for people
35:07 who may not have their Bibles right there.
35:09 Genesis 1:29 lays out the foods that we should eat
35:12 and there are no animal products included in that list,
35:15 it's all the original Eden diet
35:18 and then in chapter 3 verse 18,
35:21 after sin is when we were given the herb of the field
35:24 and today, that's what we know as vegetables.
35:26 Prior to that, everything was seed bearing,
35:28 nothing died...
35:29 and in Paradise, we didn't kill anything to eat it,
35:31 it just continued to perpetuate.
35:33 Well, there were things missing in our diet that we needed,
35:35 after sin entered and God provided for that
35:38 praise God... like He does for all of our needs
35:40 by giving us vegetables.
35:42 So maybe that's why your kids don't like vegetables,
35:44 it comes natural.
35:46 Well, and... and if you are just tuning in
35:50 to 3ABN for the first time, essentially it is that
35:56 God did distinguish when He told Adam to... not Adam...
36:02 when He told Noah to get the animals on the ark,
36:06 He distinguished between clean and unclean foods
36:10 and He had them coming in...
36:11 the unclean... in pairs onto the ark
36:14 but the clean animals... He had them come in seven pairs
36:19 and so, the whole point is that
36:22 it wasn't until after the flood
36:25 that... when all the vegetation and the fruits were destroyed,
36:29 that God had added meat to the diet
36:32 but He distinguished the clean meat
36:34 so, pork is one of those He said, "Don't eat...
36:38 it's an abomination. "
36:39 So, you are now not just being spiritually renewed
36:46 but you are being physically...
36:48 I can't imagine you 70 pounds heavier in the first place
36:51 but you're being physically renewed
36:54 and people around you are noticing this.
36:56 Yes, this has been a mystery to me for all these years,
37:00 my sister has never accepted this message,
37:03 she has had Seventh-day Adventist close friends
37:06 in her background for many years...
37:07 a lady lived next door to her
37:09 when her husband abandoned her in southern California
37:12 a Seventh-day Adventist lady took care of her kids
37:14 while she went back to college to finish her education
37:16 and she was a good Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
37:19 she shared literature...
37:20 my sister read something in Ellen White
37:22 that she just totally disagreed with
37:25 and she has, since then, never...
37:27 including now, after seeing what's gone on in my life,
37:30 has still never been willing to read anymore
37:32 or to even accept it...
37:33 she just closed her mind totally.
37:35 Shelley: That's sad.
37:36 The Sabbath... I've had discussions with her
37:37 on the Sabbath... she's seen me... how I go...
37:40 Shelley: Yeah, so, once again, you've got this two-week thing,
37:46 now we're going into body cleansing that...
37:49 I mean, God is really doing something for you,
37:52 how did you meet Alice 2?
37:56 A friend of mine...
37:57 in the small church there in Valentine, Nebraska
38:00 put me on a Christian Dating Service
38:03 through circumstances prior that...
38:05 I wasn't really interested but I had asked for it.
38:07 Shelley: You had joined the church
38:08 and this man was... became a close friend.
38:10 Bob: Yeah. Shelley: Okay.
38:12 Bob: And put me on a Christian Dating Service
38:13 thinking that I was looking for a wife... which I wasn't...
38:15 but he misinterpreted some statements that I'd made.
38:19 On a Sabbath Afternoon, he invited me home for lunch
38:23 and he said, "Come on down to the basement,
38:24 I want to show you something"
38:26 and there I was on a computer screen
38:27 on this Christian Dating Service.
38:29 And I said, "Well, Wendall, what's this?"
38:31 And he told me and I said, "I'm not interested"
38:34 you know, "I'm not looking for a wife"
38:36 I'm a year and half in the church,
38:37 all I had... I took every free Bible Study that 3ABN offers
38:41 every one of them,
38:42 Voice of Prophecy, It is Written, Amazing Facts,
38:44 whatever you guys have that 3ABN has produced,
38:46 I've done them all,
38:48 that was my life... and I just couldn't get enough of it,
38:50 well, he said, "Well"
38:52 he said, "We've got to do something with it, Bob... "
38:54 he said, "I paid ten bucks to get this thing on the computer"
38:57 and he said, "It's not refundable"
38:59 I said, "You know, Wendall, I'm sorry,
39:00 but I'm not interested in this so just forget it. "
39:03 And he said, "Well, we've already got this"
39:05 he said, "And I got to have this
39:06 so let's just play around for a couple of times
39:08 and see what happens. "
39:10 So, we contacted two or three women on this dating service
39:13 and nothing came of it except Alice...
39:17 Alice 2... no picture... no picture for me
39:21 his software was not compatible with "Shining Stars"
39:24 so, they couldn't see what I looked like,
39:26 through a series of miracles,
39:28 we tried communicating twice on the computer
39:32 after we got our initial conversation going
39:34 and that was not going to happen anymore
39:37 so we switched over to telephone.
39:39 Alice 2 and I... my current Alice...
39:42 were on the telephone for six weeks.
39:44 At the end of six weeks, we got married.
39:46 JD Quinn: Wow! Shelley: Praise God!
39:48 We like to tell people, "We had to get married,
39:49 we had the $500 phone bill, man, we couldn't keep...
39:51 you can't keep dating like this, man, we can't afford this. "
39:54 Shelley: That was back in the day, right?
39:56 Bob: Yes, yes...
39:58 she was familiar with Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg
40:00 in Tennessee
40:02 and that's where she wanted to get married
40:03 and I said, "That's fine, I'll marry you anywhere,
40:05 you know, I just love you and I want to get married anyway. "
40:07 So we had all the arrangements for our marriage
40:09 and our wedding was all made and paid for on Credit Card.
40:12 Now, the final agreement was...
40:14 I'm going to fly from Valentine, Nebraska
40:16 down to Charlotte, North Carolina
40:18 which was where she was working part-time
40:19 for the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
40:21 and that's when we were going to make our final decision.
40:24 Shelley: Had you met at all? Bob: No... no, no, no.
40:26 Shelley: So, you've got the whole...
40:27 Bob: Everything... phone, total 100 percent communication,
40:31 I didn't have to impress her with what I wore for clothing,
40:34 what kind of car I drove, what I did for entertainment.
40:36 Shelley: But you had your wedding planned...
40:38 did you... you hadn't even met her...
40:39 didn't even know what she looked like?
40:41 Bob: No, well, by this time I did.
40:43 Let's put this little caveat in there,
40:46 I could have sent her a picture of JD...
40:48 how would she have known?
40:50 She could have sent me a picture of you...
40:51 how would I have known?
40:53 So, you really... don't put so much store
40:54 in the "picture thing"
40:56 but that's something our mind focuses on
40:58 and you know, it was nice,
40:59 I wanted to see what she looked like
41:00 and she wanted to see what I looked like,
41:02 but don't base your relationship on that...
41:05 you know, looks can be gone just that fast...
41:07 if we have a little accident... disease... whatever...
41:09 if nothing else, age is going to get you
41:12 so, don't worry about the looks,
41:14 worry about the spiritual.
41:16 JD Quinn: Amen. Shelley: Amen.
41:17 And she was very...
41:19 Alice has got a very powerful testimony of her own
41:21 and unfortunately, many times, I overshadow...
41:23 she shares when she gets a chance
41:25 but most of the time, I'm like this and...
41:27 she doesn't get that much of a chance.
41:29 So, anyway...
41:31 JD Quinn: You got married, this was when... say... '99...
41:33 Bob: This was '99... yes... and I told her,
41:35 I said, "Now, when we get... "
41:38 we made the decision, we met in Charlotte,
41:39 we said, "Yes, we're getting married"
41:41 we were going to get married something like Christmas...
41:43 Thanksgiving... New Year's...
41:44 4th of July... something like...
41:45 I said, "With the way I scrambled my brain,
41:47 I'm not going to remember our first anniversary
41:49 and don't want you to kill me on our first anniversary... "
41:51 we got married three days after my birthday.
41:54 Shelley: All right, how many years had you been married
41:56 when you came to 3ABN and what brought you to 3ABN?
41:59 Well, let's see... when we came to 3ABN
42:01 we would have been married... it would have been 19 this year
42:04 so it would have been what? 15 then...
42:06 Shelley: Okay.
42:07 Bob: We would have been married 15 years at that time.
42:08 We had colporteured... Alice...
42:12 Shelley: Now, for those who don't know what a colporteur is,
42:15 that's a Literature Evangelist, people go door to door
42:19 and sell... and give away Christian literature.
42:22 Yes, Alice knew that I was on fire
42:25 and she moved from all of her family...
42:28 all but one of her daughters,
42:29 her two daughters from a previous marriage...
42:30 all lived in the Charlotte area
42:32 less than an hour apart from each other.
42:33 When she married me,
42:35 one of my conditions on this dating service was,
42:38 "I'm not leaving Valentine, Nebraska, this is it... "
42:40 my dad was there,
42:41 my granddad... his dad was there before that,
42:43 there was a 100-year tradition in that family
42:44 with the Eads' name and I was just going to stay there.
42:47 That was... thinking up here... not listening to God.
42:50 Alice knew I was on fire...
42:52 I got to get this guy out of this little town
42:53 and get him out where he can work for God.
42:55 JD Quinn: Amen.
42:56 So, we were going to go to the Black Hills Institute
42:59 and go to their long program
43:00 which gives you Literature Evangelism
43:02 Lay Pastor, Bible Worker,
43:06 multiple possibilities of what you can do
43:08 and that was our goal.
43:10 We actually went there... enrolled...
43:12 we never went there...
43:13 we had an opportunity...
43:15 when God brought Alice 2 into my life
43:16 that brought my son back into my life after 24 years.
43:19 Shelley: Praise God.
43:20 They lived about four hours from each other,
43:22 she's in Charlotte, North Carolina,
43:23 He was near Charleston, South Carolina.
43:25 Shelley: Praise God.
43:26 And I had already started making efforts
43:27 to see if I could contact my ex-wife
43:29 and find my son which I had,
43:31 actually, the Pastor that... that ordained me as an Elder
43:35 helped us to get me together with my son
43:39 and so, I went to Charlotte, I met her, we did all of that,
43:43 there was a house being purchased...
43:45 another one being sold...
43:46 I mean, sometimes it's... it gets to be scrambled.
43:48 Kind of fast forward here
43:50 because we're getting down toward the end here,
43:53 how did you get to 3ABN?
43:55 In the last couple of years of our tenure
43:59 as Literature Evangelists/ Colporteurs,
44:02 I still enjoy the older term better... "Colporteur"
44:06 new management had come in to the Organization.
44:11 Now, they had looked back at our record of...
44:15 Shelley: Service?
44:17 Bob: No, the financial aspects of it... of our earnings...
44:20 of our earnings
44:21 and the new guy that had come in...
44:23 the Publishing Director said, "You know Bob... "
44:25 he said, "You're just not doing it,
44:27 you need to get a job so you can support your wife. "
44:29 Well, at the time, we were debt free.
44:32 I think this was God working,
44:34 so, we were released from service,
44:36 they said, "You know, we just...
44:38 we think you should get work and support your family. "
44:41 So, we were like, "Oh Lord, what are we going to do now?
44:44 We've got a month's rent and utilities in the bank
44:46 and then that's it... we're on the street.
44:48 Well, God stepped in,
44:49 we still haven't seen 3ABN involved in this yet,
44:52 but that's... it's coming,
44:53 so, we couldn't get work anywhere...
44:55 this was late October,
44:57 people were hiring for Christmas... part-time at least,
44:59 I couldn't get hired as a Greeter at Walmart
45:02 or a Wrangler... Buggy Wrangler...
45:04 we could not get work anywhere,
45:06 we went to a local college...
45:08 Community College... they were giving a Program
45:11 on how to do a resume... because we had no clue
45:13 in that process, we found out
45:15 that the State paid for a Diploma, Certificate
45:18 or the higher one...
45:20 JD Quinn: Diploma...
45:22 Bob: No, higher than the Diploma... Degree
45:23 and they would pay all expenses,
45:25 we ended up as college students
45:27 because that's all where we could make a living.
45:28 We were going to get paid to go to school,
45:30 we were eligible for Pell Grant money
45:32 which was $5,500 a piece
45:34 so there was 11,000 dollars that we could live on for a year
45:36 while we were going to school,
45:38 we assumed at the end of the year,
45:39 we were going to get work,
45:41 so, as an upshot, my dad died, there was a small inheritance
45:46 and we came here to look at a home
45:48 that Alice had been in contact with somebody on Facebook
45:51 that was a church member in Thompsonville.
45:53 Shelley: Why did you come here?
45:54 I came here because I wanted to do...
45:57 I wanted to be involved in this ministry from 3ABN...
46:00 it's my life...
46:01 if it hadn't been for 3ABN, I wouldn't be a Christian,
46:04 I honestly believe I would have been lost
46:06 had it not been for 3ABN Programming
46:09 in conjunction with Amazing Facts
46:11 I...
46:12 Shelley: So, this was the desire of your heart
46:14 and you saw... God opened the door
46:17 and when you came down here, your intent was...
46:22 both of you were going to volunteer.
46:24 Yes, I had contacted previously and found out
46:25 that there were no paid positions available...
46:27 so we said...
46:28 and they said, "But we're accepting applications
46:30 for volunteers, if you want to come and do that"
46:33 so, they had all the paperwork ready... waiting...
46:35 we came here on a Monday, we got here on the weekend
46:37 came in on a Monday... started filling out the paperwork,
46:39 then we went through the interview process with Molly,
46:41 told her the things I could do,
46:43 she says, "Fine, you'll work with...
46:45 train you on camera... it's no problem,
46:46 Alice, what do you do?"
46:48 She started listing off and she just looked at Alice
46:50 and said, "Alice, you want a job?"
46:51 Well, we were told there were no paid positions, we didn't...
46:53 "Alice, do you want a job?"
46:55 And she said, "Yeah, I guess, doing what?"
46:58 She took her back to Tim Lass...
46:59 he took about an hour with her and came out and said,
47:01 "Fine, yeah, she works in Programming"
47:04 He said, "She'll do fine" so, that was it.
47:06 And I know that you're very involved with Prison Ministry...
47:09 Bob: Yes.
47:10 JD Quinn: since you've been here...
47:11 You know, that has become a love of your heart.
47:13 Bob: Amen.
47:14 And what all are you involved with?
47:16 Well, we do three different prisons,
47:19 there's the Federal Prison in Marion, Illinois
47:21 we go there every Sabbath morning,
47:22 there's a State Penitentiary
47:25 near Ina which is about 20 miles from here
47:28 we go there Thursday nights
47:30 and then on the 2nd and 4th Sabbath of the month,
47:33 we go to another State Penitentiary
47:36 in a small community of Pinckneyville in...
47:39 also in southern Illinois...
47:40 and we do... right now we go through the Quarterlies,
47:44 we make sure all of the inmates that attend our programming,
47:46 we give them a Quarterly
47:48 so they can keep up with what we're doing,
47:49 what we're studying...
47:50 in the Federal Prison they're allowed twice a month...
47:52 they actually teach the lesson
47:54 different ones will accept the responsibility
47:56 and they will teach the lesson.
47:57 JD Quinn: Amen.
47:59 Sometimes it's a sermon,
48:00 right now we're going through a video production
48:01 of studies on the book of Revelation...
48:04 JD Quinn: So all this... all this
48:06 as you've learned since 1997...
48:08 now you're actually getting to put it into action
48:12 all this time through... learning through colporteurism,
48:16 Literature Evangelist...
48:18 you were out there representing the Lord Jesus Christ...
48:22 Bob: Yes.
48:23 JD Quinn: So, you're still working
48:24 and you're working harder than you probably ever worked.
48:27 Bob: Yes.
48:28 JD Quinn: more diligently and with more passion.
48:30 Shelley: And you're actually an employee of 3ABN...
48:32 Bob: I am.
48:33 Shelley: You volunteered what... the first two years?
48:34 Bob: Yes... the second year here,
48:36 I fell off a little ladder at home,
48:38 it wasn't at work... broke a hip
48:40 by the time all that mess was over with...
48:41 it took about another year and a half...
48:43 during which time I worked part-time off and on
48:45 when I could
48:47 and then, financially...
48:48 Alice, by this time, was not able to work full time
48:50 so, I approached 3ABN
48:52 and they were kind enough to hire me on
48:54 as a part-time employee... so now I am an employee.
48:57 Shelley: Amen.
48:58 Bob: I liked it much better as a volunteer
49:01 because then, I could volunteer to do anything
49:03 sometimes now I'm a little bit restricted in what I can do
49:05 and I... just...
49:07 I want to help anybody in any way that I can.
49:09 It doesn't matter the Department or what this...
49:11 what the task is...
49:12 Shelley: You know the thing I've always enjoyed about you
49:15 is... you know, we say to each other,
49:17 at Church... "Happy Sabbath, happy Sabbath"
49:20 this one comes in and "Happy Tuesday"
49:23 "Happy Thursday"
49:24 whatever... you're a very happy man
49:26 because the Lord has changed your life,
49:29 totally and completely, you are a new creation in Christ
49:32 but this is something that
49:34 you bring a lot of joy to our Department...
49:39 I mean, our ministry here...
49:41 Bob: Praise God.
49:43 Shelley: But you're still involved in...
49:45 you do a lot of airport runs
49:46 and he's constantly giving out literature
49:50 wherever you are.
49:51 Bob: Yes, absolutely.
49:53 People, let me tell you something,
49:54 Danny's latest book, "Spiritual Vigilantes"
49:57 is so easy to give away,
49:58 carry them with you, ladies, you have a pocketbook...
50:00 a purse... carry your purse...
50:02 I carry them in every van that I drive for 3ABN
50:04 in my personal vehicles
50:06 and all you have to do is... you don't have to know anybody,
50:08 it's, "Did you get your free book yet?"
50:11 That's it... little smile on your face...
50:13 "Did you get your free book yet?"
50:14 "Oh no, what free book?"
50:15 "Well, here, you got one now. "
50:17 99.9 percent of the time, people will take that book
50:19 and I take the "Share Cards"
50:20 and put that inside the front cover so they have...
50:22 Shelley: What is a Share Card?
50:24 That is a card that tells you how to contact 3ABN
50:26 and all of the programming that is available through 3ABN.
50:29 Shelley: All the ways to get it.
50:30 Bob: All the ways to get it, yes.
50:32 Whether it is on...
50:34 it's not just 3ABN broadcast over the television
50:38 but we also have 3ABN YouTube,
50:40 we're on all kinds of social media.
50:43 Bob: Yes...
50:45 Shelley: So that's what those Share Cards...
50:47 and we want to encourage each one of you...
50:49 you can get those "Share Cards" for free,
50:51 just call the Call Center,
50:53 ask them to send you... 50 or a 100
50:55 and when you go out, you can give these to somebody
50:58 because they may not have 3ABN on television,
51:01 but most everybody's got a Smartphone
51:04 and they can download the 3ABN App on the Smartphone
51:08 or they can get on to YouTube
51:10 so, it's a great way to do that.
51:12 There's no... there's no cost for the books,
51:14 if you're out there shipping... I think it's $18.50 for 100,
51:19 there are a 100 books in a box,
51:20 I'm currently on... I've lost track...
51:22 it's either the fourth or fifth box
51:24 that I've given out personally
51:26 since Danny produced the book,
51:28 it's so easy... and you can reach so many people that way.
51:31 Don't hesitate... you don't have to preach,
51:34 you don't have to be anything special in the church,
51:36 all you have to do... carry the books
51:38 and offer them to somebody, God will see to it...
51:40 somebody will take that book.
51:41 Shelley: Amen... and we're...
51:43 we're going to have to go here to Newsbreak
51:44 in just a second
51:46 but that... the book is, "Spiritual Vigilantes"
51:48 once again, you can call the Call Center
51:51 and... 618-627-4651
51:56 and they can ship you those books,
51:58 costs... for shipping is $18 and a half cents, I think,
52:03 $18.50 for a hundred
52:06 so... but you may not want a 100,
52:08 if you just want to get 10 or 20 or 50... you can.
52:11 So, Bob, we're going to come back in just a moment
52:15 because we got to get a concluding thought from you
52:18 but I'm just so excited what God has done in your life
52:22 and I've never heard your entire testimony before
52:25 so, this is a lot of fun
52:27 but we want to encourage you to stay tuned...
52:31 we're got to go to Newsbreak
52:32 but we'll be back in just a moment
52:33 for our closing thought.


Revised 2018-08-20