3ABN Today

3ABN Australia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018056B

00:01 I can't believe our time is just about all gone.
00:02 How about a closing thought? John?
00:04 You know, God is so good to us, and I just thank all of you
00:08 who are out there that have wanted
00:10 to be part of 3ABN, and that's...
00:12 You can be.
00:13 But the interesting thing is that 3ABN exists,
00:16 it's a faith-based ministry, and if there's anyone out there
00:19 that is not a Christian, and is watching,
00:21 and this is being impressing you on your mind
00:24 that you need to know God, Jesus is coming soon,
00:26 then we would encourage you to watch more 3ABN
00:29 and tell your friends.
00:31 There you go.
00:32 You know, that's what we would like to do.
00:33 We want viewers across Australia,
00:36 around the world to know about 3ABN
00:38 and you can do that and sharing and telling people about 3ABN.
00:42 All right. Well, thank you so much.
00:44 We're so happy to have you here today,
00:47 and we're praying for you and continue to pray for us.
00:49 And those of you at home,
00:51 can't believe I have to say this,
00:52 but our time is all gone for today.
00:54 Till we see you next time,
00:55 may the Lord richly bless you abundantly
00:57 more than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2018-08-22