3ABN Today

Greetings from Russia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018055A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:13 I'm Greg and Jill- well, WE'RE Greg and Jill Morikone
01:16 and we are so glad that you have joined us today from-
01:19 I don't know-somewhere in the world-maybe here in the
01:22 United States. It's amazing with technology how it can
01:25 go around the world via satellite, internet, radio,
01:29 even, and you are part of the family! We just want
01:32 to say a big, great thank-you for your support of the
01:35 ministry-maybe financially; through your prayers, of
01:38 course, they mean so very much to us and it's making
01:40 a difference around the world! So, we count you as family.
01:44 We've met some of you here at our camp meetings or
01:46 different events; maybe you've come through on a
01:48 tour or something or we've been to a church. So now,
01:51 when we look into this glass, we're not just seeing a
01:53 camera lens. We're actually being able to put faces
01:55 with you. We look forward to heaven, don't we?-where the
01:59 great big family in heaven we'll be able to meet someday
02:01 for faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. And talking
02:04 about world family, we have some of our family here from
02:08 Russia. Jill and I have the privilege of going last year
02:13 to Russia-first time-for the 25th anniversary of 3ABN
02:17 Russia. To see what God has done, it has opened my
02:21 eyes and I know yours, as well, because- well, I
02:25 may be talking too much here, but anyway-when I was
02:27 small and when 3ABN Russia, for those of you
02:29 that have been following on 3ABN for many years, my
02:33 sister and I- I was just a young man at the time. They
02:36 were raising funds for 3ABN Russia, so my sister and I-
02:40 I don't remember what we supported with financially,
02:43 but to actually be able to go there and see the
02:47 facility, to see what God has done there just brought
02:50 tears to my eyes. To meet our family there...wow.
02:55 I think it's a taste of what heaven's going to
02:58 be like. It actually tears me up right now just thinking
03:00 about it. It was just a moving emotional experience
03:02 but in a positive way because it's just neat to see how
03:05 God has worked to do such amazing things-through
03:08 you, too. Thank you for your support of 3ABN Russia.
03:11 - Amen. That's right; it was an incredible experience to
03:14 go there, because I felt like I went halfway around
03:17 the world to meet family that I never knew I had until
03:20 that very moment. - Oh, I know. - So, thank YOU for
03:23 standing with the ministry of 3ABN and the ministry
03:27 of 3ABN Russia. Because of what you have done, many,
03:30 many people are coming to a knowledge of Jesus. So,
03:33 we want to introduce our family to you at this time.
03:37 They came from Russia to here at 3ABN and we're so
03:41 excited to have each one of you here. We have Julia
03:44 Outkina-you are the executive director of 3ABN Russia, my
03:48 sister in Jesus, and a mentor to us, and we thank you for
03:52 being here. - Oh, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Our
03:54 mentor is the Lord and we mentor one another and
04:00 support one another in the Lord. We are one in
04:03 Him. I learned so much from you. During this visit-
04:08 it is our second visit together. You will introduce
04:11 the guys just in a minute. We are learning so much.
04:14 You are introducing such wonderful things here,
04:18 so praise the Lord for all of us together. - You know,
04:21 sister Julia, I think God has given you many gifts...
04:23 - Yes. - ...and many talents. But I'm always, you know-
04:25 this is, again, talking about the electronics and
04:28 the age we live in. We can send an email and you get
04:31 it pretty quick! Isn't that amazing? I don't know-it
04:32 just goes thousands and thousands of miles. But God
04:35 has given you a gift in being able to give wise counsel.
04:41 When you send emails, Jill will email you, and Jill will
04:43 read the emails that you send back. God has given you
04:46 a tremendous gift and we thank you for being willing
04:48 to share those gifts that God has given to you. You've
04:51 blessed, I know Jill and myself, and of course,
04:54 many people there in Russia, too. What a blessing.
04:56 - It is an encouragement from the Lord. Thank you.
05:00 You're so busy here, Greg. We don't have very much
05:03 time to say such things to one another and it
05:07 really warms my heart when you say this to me. Praise
05:10 the Lord. - Thank you for your diligence and for
05:14 fulfilling the calling that God has for your life. I
05:17 think we're talking about heaven, but in eternity,
05:19 you'll know the full impact of your hard work and
05:21 effort. - It just- I know all the crowns will go to Christ.
05:27 - That's right. But how precious He is that He's dealing with us,
05:32 He's- I mean, He's surrounding us with His love, with His
05:37 grace... The ministry that we are privileged to be
05:42 involved in-3ABN, 3ABN Russia-we can say to
05:47 other people how precious God is, so I praise the Lord
05:52 for these opportunities. - Amen. Absolutely. I just
05:55 think that Julia is such an incredible blessing. She's
05:59 a woman of God, she's a woman of prayer, a woman
06:03 of faith, and I just- Greg is right. When she sends those
06:06 emails, she has great insight into people, into
06:10 situations, and great wisdom. I know God has called you
06:15 for such a time as this, you know?-to be involved
06:18 in the beginning of 3ABN Russia and as executive
06:21 director for so many years, and sitting next to you,
06:24 we could say is your right-hand man. Alexsei
06:27 Britov is the general manager of 3ABN Russia, and the
06:31 Lord has brought him in to stand in the gap and fill
06:35 a lot of those responsibilities for you. - Yes, that's
06:39 right. Alexsei's truly my right hand... You know,
06:43 no-just sitting here to my right. [laughter] You know,
06:47 the Lord puts people together to complement one another
06:52 in the ministry. Alexsei complements me so much.
06:56 We have different personalities but we both love the
07:00 Lord; we want to serve Him, and we just serve Him
07:03 together. Praise the Lord for that. - We can actually
07:06 call you, Alexsei, Pastor. Right? 'Cause God's-
07:10 you're a pastor and I think you still do some preaching;
07:13 is that right? How many years were you a pastor?
07:15 [speaks in Russian]
07:21 After he graduated from Zaoksky Theological Seminary,
07:25 he was a pastor for six years. [speaks more Russian]
07:34 "I'm a head elder in our church." [more Russian]
07:41 He preaches in the churches very often and, of course,
07:46 he loves preaching at 3ABN Russia through the programs.
07:50 [Russian]
08:00 The conference invites him to preach in different
08:04 churches, so he's sometimes, several Sabbaths, running;
08:08 visits different places; he preaches the Word of God
08:12 and he always promotes the cause of 3ABN Russia in
08:15 those places. - Amen. [Russian]
08:26 Sometimes he preaches in our church; sometimes, he
08:31 does the communion service for the congregation.
08:38 - Amen. - Thank you for your service. We appreciate it-
08:41 - Praise the Lord. - And yeah, for your role at 3ABN Russia.
08:44 - And Alexsei is a joy. You know, when we were there in
08:47 Russia this last fall, he has wonderful humor; you can tell
08:52 that the employees relate with him and enjoy him-and he
08:54 was our translator! We had such a wonderful time, so
08:58 it's a privilege to have you here, Alexsei. - Thank you.
09:01 - And sitting next to you is Vadim...Trusyuk. I hope
09:05 I got that right. [laughter] - Jill has learned it!
09:08 - Good job, baby! - Yeah! It took her a while. She is
09:13 so quick at catching new names, new last names;
09:18 she was amazing, how she remembered people there
09:20 in Russia and their relatives and the relations between
09:23 them. But for some reason, Vadim's name was difficult
09:28 for Jill to remember his last name-probably because
09:31 the emphasis goes on the last syllable, "Troo-SOOK."
09:35 - Right. And that was hard. I always wanted to say,
09:37 "TROO-sook" instead of "Troo-SOOK." Yes.
09:40 - So, you have learned it. [Vadim speaks in Russian]
09:47 No wonder it's been hard for you to remember my
09:50 name-many people in Russia pronounce my name in a
09:54 very weird way there. - So they don't even
09:56 pronounce it right...there. - I f- I feel better. Thank you.
10:00 [laughter] [Alexsei speaks in Russian]
10:07 - This is a Ukrainian name. - Oh! And Vadim is
10:10 production manager at 3ABN Russia and does an incredible
10:14 job with his team there. We were so blessed by our
10:18 time there and watching you work with your team.
10:20 - Yeah. He does a great job. Praise the Lord for him-
10:23 very dedicated, very open to- it is easy to work
10:32 with him as a team. He listens and he wants to
10:36 accomplish and he wants his personnel that are under
10:40 his responsibility to accomplish, so praise
10:43 the Lord for Vadim. - Amen. You were mentioning earlier,
10:47 Julia, about coming here and learning from the 3ABN
10:50 team, but you know we took Rodney and Brad, who are
10:52 our senior directors here- been here a long time.
10:54 They were back in Russia in 1992-hadn't been back
10:58 in 25 years, so we took them on the trip; we all
11:01 went together, and they were just commenting on what
11:03 we were able to learn and glean from your staff that
11:06 work in production and everywhere else there.
11:09 So, it was a blessing, I think, both ways. You come
11:11 here, we go there, and it's a blessing. - Yeah, that's
11:14 right. - Yeah, for sure. Now, we-
11:15 - You know- excuse me- - Go ahead. - When Danny
11:18 and Mollie were in Russia one day and we were in
11:22 the Red Square and Mollie saw St. Basil's Cathedral-
11:27 so beautiful-and- you have seen it; you were impressed
11:31 also. You searched-I mean, you went through everything
11:35 there. You searched all the sites. When Danny and
11:41 Mollie were there, Mollie said, "If the Russian crew
11:47 master skills, artistic talents, we're combined with an
11:52 American organization... What great results that would
11:56 bring!" And Danny said, "And we're a witness to
12:00 them! This is 3ABN Russia! We're- you know, the
12:06 artistic skills of the Russian people are combined
12:08 with an American organization." So praise the Lord for
12:12 3ABN Russia and for 3ABN. - Amen. Yep. It's definitely
12:15 a team effort for sure, so we've actually been
12:18 given a little intro here to our program for today;
12:20 there's going to be some video rolls-I think we have
12:22 like 6 or 7 of them-quite a few. We're going to go
12:25 to what's, really, an update of what's going on at
12:27 3ABN Russia. A couple of other neat little tidbits
12:30 will come out and we are going to go to some music
12:32 here shortly-I know you have a scripture-but our
12:34 music today is actually Tim Parton, and HE was
12:36 able to go on that trip along with others. I
12:38 know that it was a blessing for him, as well. You have
12:42 a scripture; maybe we should go to that and then
12:44 we'll go to the music. - Sure! This scripture is
12:45 Matthew 24-I'm sure you can quote it at home-
12:49 Matthew 24 verse 14. "And this gospel of the kingdom
12:53 will be preached in all the world as a witness
12:56 to all the nations, and then the end will come."
13:00 Why does that mean something to you all with 3ABN Russia-
13:03 that scripture? - Alexsei said before the program,
13:08 when we were talking about the scripture- he said that
13:12 there- [speaks in Russian]
13:17 In Russia-just in the country of Russia-there
13:21 are 190 nations which means there are different ethnic
13:27 groups with their own traditions; many of them
13:31 have their own languages but all of them speak
13:34 Russian. So when 3ABN reaches Russia, it reaches 190
13:41 nations. And, you know, the same thing's with the
13:44 other countries of the world! They also have many
13:47 nations, so when the Lord asked us to preach to-
13:51 He just gives us this commission to go and preach to every
13:54 kindred, tongue, and nation. In Russia,
13:58 190 are reached. - Wow. - Praise the Lord. Gospel
14:02 to the world; that's for sure. - There, we talk
14:04 about the former Soviet Union-it is much more.
14:06 They all speak Russian very well. - Wow. Praise
14:09 the Lord. The gospel- it's going, and that's
14:12 what we're going to talk about today: what God is
14:14 doing in and through 3ABN Russia-on satellite, many,
14:19 many cable companies have picked up the signal and
14:23 many people in Russia and around the world who speak
14:27 Russian are able to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ.
14:31 So, we're very excited about that. - That's
14:33 right! Let's go to our music. Tim Parton has put
14:35 a wonderful rendition together on the piano
14:37 entitled, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm."
17:48 Amen. - Amen. Wow. - Jesus makes us happy,
17:52 doesn't He? - Absolutely. He does. - Yeah, we hear
17:54 this; it's just... - Yup. - Uh-huh?
17:56 - Tim has a wonderful touch, doesn't he, with
17:58 the piano? Boy, it just makes you wanna...be happy!
18:01 Yeah! In the Lord, just like you mentioned.
18:02 "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." What a powerful
18:04 rendition-thank you so much, Tim. And in case
18:06 you're just joining us, we're almost halfway
18:08 through this hour already. It seems like it's gone by
18:11 so fast. We have sister Julia Outkina from 3ABN
18:14 Russia. You're the director there of 3ABN Russia.
18:17 How many years? I know since the very beginning,
18:19 but how many years? - 25. - Wow. - Praise
18:22 the Lord. - You know, 3ABN Russia has its birthday
18:25 on different dates because this May was when the
18:29 evangelistic campaign took place in 1992, then the
18:32 construction took place in August-September, then...
18:35 - Yeah, so you can just pick any of those months.
18:38 - That's right. - We thank you for your dedication and
18:40 for catching the vision that Danny Shelton cast
18:42 all those years ago. - Praise the Lord for
18:46 Danny Shelton, for 3ABN, and for the wonderful vision.
18:49 Amen. - And sitting next to you is Pastor Alexei-
18:53 you're the general manager of 3ABN Russia and you've
18:55 been part of 3ABN Russia how many years?
18:58 [speaks in Russian]
19:02 - We have been related in this way or other to
19:05 3ABN Russia for more than 20 years. - Okay.
19:07 Incredible. [more Russian]
19:10 We go to the same church with Dr. Julia. - Sure.
19:12 [Russian]
19:20 And participated together in many evangelistic
19:22 programs; for example, 3ABN Russia shared their
19:25 equipment with us when we held evangelistic
19:28 campaigns in the conference. [speaks more Russian]
19:35 On the other hand, we helped when Jean and
19:38 Patricia McClintock came to Russia to hold their
19:41 evangelistic campaigns. [Russian]
19:54 After I was a pastor for 6 years, I was in business
19:57 for 9 years. During those years, when the Lord gave
20:05 me an opportunity to financially support 3ABN
20:08 Russia, I always did it with all my heart. - So, you've
20:12 been associated with 3ABN Russia for many years-
20:14 with support and all of that. That's great.
20:17 [Russian]
20:20 I was a general manager for over 2 years. - Okay. You
20:23 guys there at 3ABN Russia. Amen. And then Vadim... How do you say
20:27 his last name? - Troo-SOOK. - Boy, I tell you. I didn't
20:29 attempt it 'cause she's just nailing it! Good job.
20:32 But you're the production manager at 3ABN Russia
20:35 and have been a part of 3ABN Russia how many
20:37 years for you? [speaks in Russian]
20:41 September will be 12 years that I am
20:43 with 3ABN. - Wow. - I didn't know... [Vadim
20:46 speaks more Russian]
20:51 I came to 3ABN having just graduated from grade
20:55 school and started college. [more Russian]
21:03 And I'm thankful to 3ABN and I'm thankful to the
21:07 Lord that I grew up to be a mature person at
21:10 3ABN. [Russian]
21:16 I went through different- I climbed up a ladder-
21:21 as far as my professional career. I started just
21:24 as a cameraman. [more Russian]
21:31 And then the Lord brought me to a position of
21:34 production manager, and I praise the Lord for
21:37 that. - Amen.. - Well, you and your team do a
21:39 great job. You do very high quality work-and
21:42 it's nice because we may talk about that a little
21:43 later-but the government even- Russia's recognized
21:46 3ABN Russia for the quality of programs that
21:48 have come out. Well, we have a number of videos,
21:50 so sister Julia, why don't you set one of these up
21:53 up for us? - Yeah. You know, Greg and Jill have,
21:59 as I said- they wanted to know everything about the
22:02 sights of Russia that they could visit; but much
22:05 more than that, they wanted to know everything
22:07 about 3ABN Russia. Oh, I mean, they went to
22:10 every place. - It was fun. - They went to every
22:14 office. They met every person. They asked about-
22:21 I don't know, even the families of these people,
22:24 and they still remember that. So, we have prepared
22:26 several videos. One of them is Greg, Jill, and the
22:33 3ABN team-the wonderful group that came for our
22:38 25th celebration- 25th anniversary celebration.
22:42 I know that 3ABN has covered that in your
22:47 program 3ABN Today, but the footage that we are
22:49 going to show our dear viewers today is made
22:52 by 3ABN Russia. - Ooh, so this is different!
22:56 - So, if you recognize some places or something, you
22:58 may comment on that. - Should we roll it now?
23:03 - Yes! - Okay; all right. Let's roll that video now.
23:06 This is the first time for us to see-
23:08 - Yeah, your entry... - Oh, nice! This is coming
23:09 in! - Yeah. - This was the welcome! - Oh, that
23:13 was amazing. - I loved that! - You can see me with
23:15 my cell phone. [laughter] This is in your studio. A
23:21 dedication there. Wow. Yeah, it's just amazing
23:24 what God has done. There's Mr. Danny. - We went with
23:27 Danny and Yvonne. This was in the conference-
23:30 is that in the conference office? - Yup. That was
23:33 a nice gathering of the workers there. We were
23:35 so blessed. - That was incredible. - It was our
23:38 conference room for 3ABN Russia. - Yes, thank you.
23:40 - There's- Brad Walker was there. Yes. - Brad
23:41 and Rodney, and- - And I see... - Oh,
23:43 what a blessing. - Amen. Reggie and Ladye Love
23:45 Smith. - Some of the tour. Just beautiful. - Nice.
23:48 - Oh, this was (Greg and Jill together:) the school!
23:50 - That was wonderful. - That's with the conference
23:52 staff there. Yup, the president of the conference.
23:57 It's amazing how big the building is-3ABN Russia.
23:59 You can have the school. These are some of the
24:03 offices. - There's Anna. - There's outside. - In
24:06 front of the building. Aw! That's like walking on
24:09 memory lane! - Good job! Yes, absolutely. - You
24:12 know, you were there only one time so far, and
24:16 you still say that it's like home. - It is. - Did
24:19 it feel like home when you watched that? - Oh my,
24:21 great memories. Oh, yes. Yep. I liked how you said,
24:24 "So far." That means we'll make another trip over
24:25 there, yes. [laughter] - Oh, yes. We look forward
24:27 to that! [Alexsei begins speaking in Russian]
24:32 - America is as far from Russia as Russia is from
24:34 America. [laughter] - That's true. It's the
24:37 same distance, isn't it. - Yeah, that is right. So,
24:39 probably what he means to say is, "If we can
24:41 travel here..." - We can travel there.
24:44 That's right. What a wonderful trip, though.
24:46 We were- it's amazing to see, actually- 'cause we
24:48 showed shots of the school, 'cause the school is in
24:50 the building. - Yes! - The same building as the
24:53 studios, as the conference office, as all the other
24:56 production offices... - As the church, as the
24:58 apartments... - That's true. - Which just really
25:00 touched my heart. From the moment we got there-we
25:02 got off the plane-here was Julia; here was Alexsei
25:06 and here was everyone else just greeting us- as
25:09 soon as we came through customs- we came through
25:11 customs and they were there. We rented the bus
25:14 and we went through- we did a tour with so many
25:17 sights. But what touched my heart the most was
25:20 the sacrifice of the Russian people and the
25:24 love of the people, you know? The food that they
25:28 provided; and the hugs and the smiles and- the ministry
25:31 that takes place there is just incredible. - Oh, it is.
25:35 - It ministered to my heart being there. - Makes you
25:37 feel very welcomed and just well taken care of.
25:41 What a great trip. - You mentioned at your
25:44 introduction to this program about how you
25:47 sacrifi- how you donated money-how you sacrificed
25:50 your finances- - Oh, many people did.
25:52 - Yeah, for the sake of 3ABN Russia, and when we
25:56 had that meeting in the conference office that you
25:58 saw there, Greg was so very moved when he met
26:06 the conference president. Because when Greg was
26:09 donating the money-the conference president who
26:11 is a young guy- - We're the same age,
26:14 actually; born in the same year. - Yeah, the same age!
26:16 His heart was converted and given to Jesus, and so
26:20 now these two people meet: the one who gave
26:22 and the one who received the blessing through that
26:25 donation. - And here he is-the conference president.
26:27 It's just neat. It's neat; you just never know.
26:30 You just put it out there and say, "God, what
26:31 would you have me do?" and you put it out there
26:34 and let God do the multiplying. - Yeah.
26:36 Isn't that amazing. - So, we have some more videos.
26:38 - Oh, yes. Alexsei's going to introduce the second
26:41 one. - Okay! [Alexsei speaks in Russian]
26:47 The impressions? that we are going to have just
26:49 shared about how they felt in Russia...
26:52 [more Russian]
26:56 We would like to let our dear viewers see what
27:00 Greg and Jill saw there- just opening the curtain
27:02 a little bit. - Oh, good! [Russian]
27:07 So, what you will see- what the viewers will
27:10 see-is what Greg and Jill saw there, so we'll try
27:14 to comment on that for our viewers. -Okay! Good; all right.
27:16 Let's put our- yeah, roll that roll right now.
27:21 Okay. - This was the 25th celebration and our
27:27 production crew working among the audience. Here
27:30 is Alexsei hosting a program, our control room, Daniel
27:35 teaching a new cameraman. - This is the program
27:38 you host! - Yes, that's right. Visiting with
27:41 3ABN Russia. Yeah, I love this program. - Excellent.
27:45 - It's a beautiful set. - It's really nice. This
27:49 is your control room? - Control room, Alexsei
27:51 hosting another theological program.
27:55 Misha, cameraman. These are the newsbreaks.
28:01 This is the children's program at the school
28:04 of health for tiny tots. Alexsei, video director...
28:10 Alex and myself are hosting a new year program.
28:14 - This is a wonderful group of young people
28:17 from the south of Russia. This is the cooking program.
28:22 Here, what they are doing with the preparing-
28:26 - That's the stage. - Yes, that's the stage.
28:29 This was our preparation for Calvin Taylor's
28:31 concert. This is another part of our new year
28:35 program when we went outside. We taped all
28:39 that-it was cold, but it was so nice. We
28:41 greeted the viewers from the outside.
28:46 Other programs... These are the youth programs.
28:50 All this is possible due to joining hands together,
28:55 discussing what is in our hearts so that we can
28:59 bring more and more of God's plans through the
29:04 programs. Here are the new programs which you
29:08 haven't seen, and some of them you have already
29:10 seen before. We are looking forward to the
29:14 time when we can talk more about all the new
29:17 programs that we have created in the past few
29:21 years. They are really, very interesting. People
29:24 are creative, they produce a lot of good, interesting
29:28 programming. - Yeah. Amen. A wide variety.
29:32 - Yeah. - Very nice. So we saw some of those
29:36 shots with the snow. That was not fake snow.
29:39 - No! That was- - Real Russian snow.
29:41 It looks very cold. When we were there, there
29:45 was just a few little bit of snowflakes-I think
29:47 when we were in Red Square, was it?-just the
29:49 one evening, and that was only- we were there in
29:52 October. - We were. - So I can only imagine the
29:54 middle of winter. But, just beautiful programming.
29:56 Just great quality, again, and I know many people
29:59 are being blessed. - Uh-huh. - How many programs-
30:01 I don't know who wants to answer this-how many
30:03 programs do you produce a year? And do you do
30:07 a series? Like here at 3ABN, we would do 13-part
30:10 series or 26-part. [Julia translates]
30:21 We do about 20 hours of programming a month.
30:26 This is what we can say, so we may multiply by
30:29 12. - Amen! [speaks in Russian]
30:35 - Yeah, sometimes 22, 23 programs a month. I mean
30:38 hours! Hours. - Amen. - Yeah, fantastic.
30:43 - Yeah. We try- of course, we want new programming
30:48 on the air all the time, but we rerun the old
30:51 programs a lot and- well, developing our
30:54 programming as much as we can. There are some
30:56 programs that need more time to produce them.
30:59 There are some programs that need less time to
31:02 produce them, but I'm so happy for the new
31:04 programming. When Alexsei became the
31:07 general manager of 3ABN Russia, the new series
31:12 just flourished. We have many, many new series.
31:15 Some of them are in the same and previous sets,
31:19 and some of them are in completely new sets with
31:22 completely new graphics. So, this is a bigger
31:26 accomplishment of working with Alexsei-he inspires
31:28 people; people are enthusiastic; their
31:32 talents are all- they're willing to serve the
31:37 Lord with their talents, so, praise the Lord
31:40 for these programs. [Alexsei speaks in Russian]
31:49 - And the Lord has blessed us with new workers,
31:52 with new talents, new people-He just has
31:55 brought the right people so that we can make
31:59 new programs. [speaks more Russian]
32:26 - Alexsei emphasizes that I'm very detailed as far
32:29 as the sets, as far as graphics, as far as
32:32 the style of taping is concerned, so he's saying
32:36 whatever new set you see, whatever new graphics
32:40 you see, all this has gone through Julia.
32:43 That's right-sometimes it's hard for me when
32:46 I have one vision and other workers have a
32:49 different vision, but I still have it on my
32:53 heart that I won't- for the programs to look
32:56 the best, to be the funnest, and I personally
33:00 wouldn't be able to create anything. I mean, I'm not
33:03 a creator. I'm a critique. This what I would say,
33:06 but we have such wonderful personnel,
33:09 such talented people in graphics,?
33:13 in program development,
33:16 Well, a lot of new people. It was wrong to
33:21 start mentioning names because I should mention
33:24 ALL of them-each one of them in their own area.
33:28 So, yeah. We are a great team. Praise the Lord.
33:32 - We're creating and Dr. Julia makes it more and
33:36 more perfect. [laughter]
33:38 - I don't know if they're all happy about- I
33:43 mean, if they're always happy about that... But
33:45 we work together and we reach good standards.
33:48 - Amen. That's good. You know, Vadim, I
33:50 noticed in the last footage- the roll that we
33:53 showed, I saw that you were doing more camerawork
33:57 outside, which is different, because we
34:00 have these studio cameras that I'm looking into
34:02 right here, but then you're taking some cameras
34:04 outside for your New Years. Are you trying
34:08 to do more remote shooting? [Julia translates]
34:14 - Yeah. I would say that we don't feel like we
34:17 do enough of that. We want to do more-
34:19 [speaks in Russian] - Yeah. You started
34:25 talking to Vadim and Vadim wanted to introduce
34:27 one more video which shows a different aspect
34:30 of our life there. - Yes, Vadim; what is
34:32 that? [Vadim speaks in Russian]
34:39 - Today, we are not talking only about how
34:41 we produce video and radio programs. [Vadim continues]
34:45 - Not only how we spread them and distribute
34:47 them. [continues some more] - We also want
34:53 to tell you that when a certain time comes,
34:57 our workers, no matter what position they're in,
34:59 they change their clothes, take the construction
35:05 instruments, and become painters and carpenters
35:09 and builders and bricklayers. This is what our next
35:14 video is about.
35:22 - So, we don't have people-professionals-
35:25 we don't have to pay much money for that; we
35:28 just do it with our own strength. Vadim
35:30 also says that the second part of the video will be
35:33 a little funny. We sped it up. You'll see how
35:39 we build new sets. - Okay. So let's go to
35:41 that footage now. I believe this one is
35:43 full audio. Let's go to that.
37:21 - Wow. That is impressive. I like the
37:24 time-lapse, as well. I mean, just amazing.
37:26 And like you said, Vadim, it's just that you
37:29 can wear your suit and tie, and then change your
37:33 clothes, and be building a set. I think that's neat,
37:36 because what that does is building teamwork, isn't
37:38 it? Everyone gets in there and does the project
37:40 together as a group. Beautifully well-done.
37:43 - Yes. That's right! So, as I was saying- I
37:47 always keep saying that God brings all the
37:49 necessary talents into His ministry. When
37:52 something is missing, then he brings a person
37:55 with those talents. If a person doesn't want to
37:59 use the talents, then the person goes to
38:01 other places. Well, this is how it happens.
38:05 I would say that Alexsei is one of those
38:08 examples how the Lord brings the right talents.
38:12 As he has mentioned, he used to be a pastor
38:15 for a long time. His talent of promoting
38:21 things grew as he was a businessman. So, in the
38:29 next roll- he's going to talk more about the
38:31 next roll. It's kind of a surprise roll, so
38:34 I will let Alexsei talk about that. [speaks in
38:37 Russian] - When I was a young
38:43 pastor... [continues] I understood that
38:48 Russia is such a country where the constitution
38:54 guarantees the freedom of conscience and the
38:56 freedom of speech. But I also understood
39:00 that it needs to be fought for, because
39:07 there are such forces- there are certain
39:09 religious organizations- that claim that they
39:13 are exclusive. And smaller denominations-
39:22 and there are not as many Adventists in
39:23 Russia-could have their word among the
39:29 people. They need to stand for their rights.
39:36 And I found out that there is such an
39:38 international organization- International Association
39:41 for Religious Freedom. I was 24 years of age
39:49 at that time, and this organization was started
39:52 by Seventh-Day Adventists worldwide. So I thought,
39:55 why not open a chapter of this organization
39:59 in Nizhny Novgorod? I got a provision
40:06 from Euro-Asia Division that I tried to organize
40:10 a chapter of that organization. And then
40:17 for a year and a half, I worked with different
40:19 denominations of Nizhny Novgorod, trying to unite
40:22 them into that chapter, letting them know that
40:32 if we are just separate, we cannot be a
40:40 success, fighting for religious freedom; we
40:42 should be together. So, if we work together
40:50 standing for the values of religious freedom, then
40:57 it will be effective. The Lord knows the end
41:06 from the beginning and He took care of it that this
41:09 chapter was organized in Nizhny Novgorod. - Amen.
41:17 - Because only 2-3 months after this chapter of the
41:22 International Association of Religious Freedom was
41:24 organized in Nizhny Novgorod. Some religious
41:30 forces that were against freedom for other
41:33 denominations decided to adopt a law on the local
41:41 level, restricting religious freedom for
41:49 Protestant churches, including Seventh-Day
41:54 Adventists. At that time, our chapter was
42:00 registered already and we responded very
42:09 quickly as that chapter was newly organized.
42:11 We invited mass media and presented our
42:15 position on what we think about the Seventh-Day
42:20 Adventist Church being called to tell?
42:22 that those forces tried to do as well as other
42:25 Protestant organizations.
42:39 I was head of that chapter in Nizhny Novgorod, and
42:46 we invited mass media to our city. Then, what you
42:52 will see in the first part of the next video is
42:55 news on a secular channel in Nizhny Novgorod
43:00 where they very favorably presented our position
43:05 on what is really constitutional and what is
43:08 against the law.
43:18 We wrote an open letter to the administration of
43:21 the city and their attempt of those
43:23 forces, and those forces were significant. That
43:27 was a police academy of Nizhny Novgorod.
43:31 The police academy was influenced by some
43:33 churches there to recognize every
43:36 Protestant church at
43:39 So we wrote an open letter, we sent it to the
43:41 administration of Nizhny Novgorod-and as a result
43:45 of that, the administration ignored all those previous
43:49 decisions of that police academy and of those
43:52 forces who were against religious freedom. So,
43:56 Alexsei has presented the first part of that video,
43:58 and the second part of that video shows how 3ABN
44:01 Russia today works for promoting religious freedom
44:08 for our sake so that more companies can take our
44:12 programs. This needs to be proclaimed. People
44:16 need to hear that we're about good things; we're
44:20 about improving the society. The cable companies
44:24 respond positively to it. - Amen. So, should we go to
44:28 that footage now? - Yeah. - Okay, let's roll that
44:30 footage now regarding religious freedom. - This is
44:33 the beginning of that video roll. This is a
44:36 sitting of that chapter of the International
44:40 Association of Religious Freedom. These are parts
44:43 of the police academy meeting. This is the open
44:49 letter that they wrote. - And that's you, Alexsei.
44:52 - Yes! And that's Alexsei! And this is today-our
44:56 current situation. We participate as mass media
45:00 in different events, like 500 years of Protestant
45:05 Reformation, Prayer Breakfast on the country
45:11 level. And others- you saw Alexsei taking
45:14 interviews from the prominent people-representatives of
45:17 different religions as well as, for example, first
45:20 deputy head of the administration of the
45:23 president of Russia, a reverend on internal
45:26 affairs to the president of Russia, head cardiac
45:35 surgeon of the whole country. Then, we put
45:38 these interviews together, we put them on our
45:41 programming so that people are more favorable
45:45 in the non-mainstream Seventh-Day Adventist
45:48 programming, then we put promos for the cable
45:52 companies, and the cable companies are much more
45:56 open to taking us for rebroadcasting. - Wow.
46:00 Praise the Lord. You know, God's timing is perfect,
46:03 isn't it? So, yes, go ahead. [speaks in Russian]
46:10 We are doing this not to promote ecumenical
46:13 ideas; not trying to play games-trying to
46:18 unite with the state- not at all. [Alexsei continues]
46:26 We do it for the sake of cable companies, that
46:29 they take our programs; that they see that we
46:32 are recognized on high levels. So, this is our
46:36 own purpose, and it works. We have anchors in the
46:40 cable companies. Well, we have a few more minutes
46:44 left-so sorry about that! Let us have a quick
46:51 look at how the Russian workers greet you.
46:54 - Oh, wonderful. I want to see if I can recognize
46:59 their na- this is Tatiana! - Right! Marketing, and-
47:02 - And Olga! - Another marketing! - Wonderful.
47:06 This is control room. And Andrei. - That's
47:09 right. Websites and graphics. - And this is Natasha!
47:13 - Yes! That's Natasha, learning to be a video
47:16 produ- video director. - And Mikhail! Oh, we
47:19 know Mikhail. - Yes! Your favorite Mikhail, the
47:21 graphics editing. - And Angie! - Yes! This is
47:24 Angie! She took all those beautiful pictures. - And
47:27 Bogdan. - That's right! - Sasha and Olga! This
47:30 is nice. - You are correct! Jill, she remembers
47:33 all. - Velina, program developer. - Valery?
47:37 - Valery. - And Alexsei. - Engineer. - And Max!
47:40 - Max, cameraman and duplicates video disks.
47:47 - Tatiana. I am sorry, she is not- I'll say it later.
47:52 - Lina and Mikhail. Julia...and Julia.
47:57 Really great producer. - And Lina and Lina.
48:00 - Accounting. - Angie. Olga. - Satellite department.
48:04 - Yes, and Irene. Alexsei and Irene. - Irene is
48:09 sound producer. - Wow. - Praise the Lord.
48:11 - I cannot believe you know- no wonder she's general
48:15 manager of 3ABN here! She remembers everything!
48:19 - They helped coach me a little bit, but I do remember
48:22 faces. It's just so incredible to see the
48:26 team that you have the privilege of working with.
48:28 Incredible people. - Jill didn't make a single mistake
48:33 and I made a mistake- I said Tatiana was in marketing
48:36 but Tatiana is not in marketing. She's in
48:38 video programming. [laughter] - But again, it seems like
48:42 your staff wear multiple hats. There are many things,
48:46 and what a great privilege- good to see
48:47 them all again, right? - Yes! - Want to go to
48:50 something else? - Yes! There is the final video
48:53 of the map of our accomplishments and
48:55 you may probably want to talk about 3ABN Russia
48:57 in general while we show- - Should we go to that
49:00 now? - Yep. Look at what you see. This is the coverage
49:05 of our satellites. They cover the whole of ex-Soviet
49:08 Union! And see? We are now on 118 cable companies
49:15 rebroadcasting our 24/7 signal. - Wow, all those
49:17 little red dots? - Yes! All the red dots. - In 402
49:21 Russian cities- this is the accomplishment of the
49:25 Lord. We wouldn't be able to do that, but He
49:28 does it. As we're bringing people like
49:30 Alexsei who helps promote 3ABN Russia
49:33 through those different cable companies, bringing
49:35 people like Vadim who organizes processes there
49:39 on an excellent level, bringing all those artists,
49:42 and the creative people who do the super programming
49:45 for the glory of God. - Amen. - And it continues
49:49 to grow. I mean, that is just amazing what God
49:51 is doing. I mean, every time we get a report
49:53 from sister Julia and what's going on there, it's
49:55 just amazing because doors are opening in unbelievable
49:58 ways, and you just have to say, "Praise be to the
50:01 Lord," because we don't know who these people
50:04 are in these homes and these cities that are
50:05 getting reached by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
50:08 I know all this, though, costs money, so I think we
50:11 want to talk a little bit about that, as well.
50:13 - When did 3ABN Russia launch on satellite? I know
50:17 it's $9,000 a month for 3ABN Russia to be
50:21 on satellite, and then, of course, the cable
50:24 companies can take that signal. But when did we
50:26 launch- how long was it? - We launched at
50:28 the end of 2013. At that time, it was $12,000.
50:32 Then, another of Alexsei's achievements-
50:35 we negotiated to $9,000 and got on two
50:39 Russian satellites. It is amazing what the
50:43 Lord is doing. But now we need $9,000 a month
50:46 to keep on satellite, and I know that 3ABN
50:49 doesn't have that money available. [Alexsei speaks]
50:55 And $9,000 for two satellites is not a high
50:59 price. - It's not at all. I agree with you, 'cause
51:02 I know we deal with satellites here. What
51:04 we want to do is put up the address for 3ABN
51:07 Russia. As we just mentioned, it is $9,000
51:10 a month for the gospel to be able to be spread all
51:14 over the ex-Soviet Union for people to hear the
51:17 gospel in their own language. So, if the
51:19 Lord puts on your heart to support, maybe you
51:21 can give a whole month's worth. Maybe you say, "I
51:25 can give $10 a month." That will make an incredible
51:28 difference. Just mark your gift "3ABN Russia"
51:32 and we're also going to put up their contact
51:34 information. If you want to support what they're
51:36 doing there-not only the satellite-but what's
51:38 taking place there in Russia, here is how you
51:41 can do just that.
51:48 Your support can help keep 3ABN Russia on
51:51 satellite and on cable as they reach millions of
51:54 Russian-speaking viewers and listeners all over that vast
51:56 continent. Satellites not only bring the gospel to home
52:00 satellite dishes but also to the 122 cable companies that
52:05 rebroadcast our signal. If you would like to support
52:08 3ABN Russia, visit 3ABN.tv
52:11 or call us at (618) 627-4651
52:15 You may also write to 3ABN Russia Post Office
52:19 Box 220 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.


Revised 2018-08-15