3ABN Today

Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018052A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain...
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts,
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 mending broken people,
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 mending broken people.
00:57 Music.
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Program.
01:13 We are so grateful that you have joined us
01:15 and allowed us to come into your Living Room
01:17 or maybe you're watching on your iPhone or your mobile device,
01:21 it may not be a... maybe it's an Android device
01:23 or an iPad or a Tablet
01:24 or maybe you're listening on radio,
01:26 we thank you for joining us
01:28 and Jill and I just want to say, "Thank you
01:30 for your support of the ministry of 3ABN
01:32 some of you... from the very beginning
01:34 over 30 years...
01:35 maybe some of you just recently
01:37 but thank you for your financial support
01:39 and also, your prayers. "
01:41 Why is this important to keep 3ABN in your prayers
01:44 or in your checkbook or your monthly donations?
01:47 It's because it is winning souls for Jesus Christ.
01:50 Jill: Amen.
01:51 And 3ABN is a worldwide ministry touching people 24/7
01:55 it's hard to believe isn't it?
01:56 We mentioned here in our Production worships
01:58 that we have during the week sometimes that
02:01 even while we're sleeping on our pillow,
02:03 this gospel is going around the world
02:05 because of your support
02:06 and because of the Lord Jesus Christ, of course,
02:08 but we just again thank you so much for that.
02:10 Today we have an exciting program, don't we?
02:12 We... I don't know if sometimes
02:15 you may be... get a little intimidated about Bible Studies
02:17 or you're at the gas pump and you're like,
02:20 "I think that person needs some help,
02:21 I should probably give him a tract or help him with something
02:23 I don't know what to do, I'll wait for later"
02:25 or you know there's someone in your church who says,
02:27 "Hey, if someone would give me a Bible Study, I would gladly...
02:30 yeah, I want someone to give me a Bible Study. "
02:32 Well, today you're going to find out how you can...
02:35 what... get tools on how to approach someone,
02:38 how to give Bible Studies
02:40 and we have some great friends in the ministry of 3ABN with us.
02:42 Absolutely, we're so excited about this Program today,
02:46 we're going to be talking about a philosophy of evangelism
02:49 and speaking of that,
02:51 we're talking about Emmanuel Institute
02:53 which is an incredible school of evangelism
02:56 and they have many different facets with that
02:59 and we're talking today about
03:00 how you can get involved in evangelism,
03:03 how you can get involved in Bible Studies
03:05 reaching out and winning souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.
03:09 As soon as we accept Jesus as our personal Savior,
03:12 right at that moment... from that point on...
03:15 we have a call on our life to share Jesus with others
03:19 so our guests today are no strangers to evangelism
03:22 and no strangers to 3ABN either,
03:24 we have Pastor Mark Howard,
03:26 you are the Director of the Emmanuel Institute
03:27 and we're so glad to have you here.
03:29 I am thrilled to be here,
03:31 this is going to be an exciting show today.
03:34 Amen... and you've been at 3ABN many times
03:35 and on many different programs.
03:37 Greg: And his wife too.
03:38 Jill: And your wife... she's a great cook
03:39 we love Stephanie's cooking
03:41 and we're trying to get her back again
03:43 for another cooking program.
03:44 Yeah, it's amazing I don't weigh more but yes, absolutely.
03:46 You exercise well.
03:48 Yes.
03:50 And sitting next to you is Pastor Kameron DeVasher
03:53 and it's a privilege and joy to have you here as well,
03:56 I know, you and your wife Emily were here several years ago
03:59 doing the "Anchors of Truth" Series for us.
04:01 Yeah, we've done some "Anchors of Truth"
04:02 and done some Camp Meetings here with 3ABN
04:04 and so, we're happy to be back again
04:05 and this time, in the capacity
04:07 as partnering with Emmanuel Institute
04:09 from the Mission Conference and Personal Ministries
04:11 and all the things you were talking about...
04:12 every member being inspired and trained
04:15 to be a soul winner for Jesus
04:17 so we're excited about the things
04:18 we're going to be talking about today.
04:19 Amen and I should have mentioned that Pastor Kameron's title...
04:22 he's the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director
04:26 for the Michigan Conference
04:27 and we're just delighted and privileged
04:29 to have both of you here.
04:30 Thank you.
04:32 And I know you have a Scripture too, I think, that ties along...
04:34 goes along with Emmanuel Institute
04:35 but I want to ask you... before we go to that Scripture,
04:37 how long has Emmanuel Institute been in existence?
04:40 Emmanuel Institute started in the Michigan Conference
04:42 in 2009... and... yeah so we have...
04:46 and we've done a lot of training courses,
04:48 we used to run a 14-week training course...
04:50 was our longest one,
04:51 we've done 5-day, 7-day on occasion 10-day trainings
04:54 all different Speaker Trainings
04:56 and "How to give Bible Study Trainings"
04:58 and any number of things, so...
04:59 So, this is exciting, I don't know if you caught this
05:02 but he said, "Trainings"
05:04 so that doesn't mean they're just going to send you
05:05 like a packet of stuff in the mail
05:07 and you sit there and try to sort through all this...
05:09 you might do that as well, but there's actually on-site
05:11 you can actually go and attend and get instructions there...
05:14 multiple classes... if sounds like... or programs.
05:16 Yes. Hmmm... hmmm...
05:18 So, few years... and then, what is your role there
05:19 Pastor Kameron?
05:20 Well, I'm coming into the Mission Conference Offices
05:22 like this mission of Sabbath School
05:24 and Personal Ministries Director
05:25 and that department is parallel with the Ministerial Department
05:29 and their job is to work with the ministers
05:31 and the pastors in the field
05:33 and they do the public evangelism primarily
05:35 but the Personal Ministries and the Sabbath School...
05:38 these are the areas where lay people
05:39 have the main charge and responsibility of ministry
05:43 and so, a lot of times we kind of think that ministry
05:46 is a pastoral duty for the paid clergy...
05:49 as members, our job is to pray for
05:51 and financially support their work
05:53 when in reality, the work of the ministers...
05:55 is to train and equip the members
05:57 to be missionaries for Jesus
05:59 and so, we're trying to make that in the Mission Conference
06:02 be the understanding of how the lay ministry
06:05 and the paid ministers cooperate together to do the work of God
06:08 because it's not... it's not a model we have...
06:10 a 100 people watch one man work...
06:12 we want to have a model where the man there stands and teaches
06:15 everyone how to be a worker for Jesus.
06:17 Mark: That's right... Jill: Amen.
06:18 Greg: Yeah, well said, and so you're also a Teacher...
06:21 Professor of Emmanuel Institute?
06:23 I worked with Mark and Emmanuel Institute for years before this
06:25 teaching Bible Docs and helping other trainings and everything
06:28 and so, it's a natural fit
06:29 to cooperate together in this going forward, yeah.
06:33 Jill: Amen.
06:34 So when you have one of your sessions
06:36 how many teachers do you have come in?
06:37 We usually have about four or five teachers
06:39 in a typical session,
06:41 sometimes more... sometimes less...
06:43 but that's in the average.
06:44 Wow, this is kind of whetting our appetite, isn't it?
06:47 That's right... absolutely
06:48 and I just want to know just a brief update on your family
06:50 so, Pastor Mark we'll start with you... tell us...
06:53 and we talked about Stephanie briefly... and your kids.
06:56 Well, it's hard to believe that my son just graduated college
06:58 was it two weeks ago...
07:00 and so, it starts to make you feel really old when it happens
07:05 and... so he graduated with a Finance Degree
07:08 and he's currently looking for...
07:10 he's got his job applications out and what have you...
07:14 and then my daughter just... is finishing up this week
07:17 her first year of High School... Academy...
07:20 at Great Lakes Adventist Academy.
07:21 Jill: Oh, that's a great school.
07:23 And... yes, and I pastor there as well so...
07:26 in that church so... yeah, they... they're grown up.
07:29 They're no longer itty-bitty little babies, are they?
07:31 No, no, no... and Stephanie has done the cooking shows
07:33 as you mentioned on here and Annalisa was just a...
07:36 We did one with Annalisa... I was trying to remember that
07:38 but she was just a little thing behind the counter...
07:40 to think she's in High School, it's amazing,
07:42 yeah, praise the Lord
07:44 and what about you Pastor Kameron?
07:45 Well, my wife Emily and I
07:46 are still doing well and we're excited about...
07:48 well, right now... in the middle of a move to Lansing
07:50 and we have three children... Henry is seven...
07:53 Edward is five... and Molly is three
07:56 and for those of you who might remember...
07:58 Mark: So far.
08:00 Kameron: Yes, no... no... no... slow down...
08:01 Mark's not a part of our family he likes to butt in
08:03 from the outside... we don't let him in those deliberations
08:05 Greg: You have three children...
08:07 We have three children...
08:09 seven... five and three... and that's good
08:10 and some of you might remember
08:11 that Edward had had some medical challenges and everything
08:14 and so, he continues to get better by God's grace
08:16 we want to thank everybody for their prayers and support
08:18 and so, life goes on and they're growing too
08:21 and so, life is busy but it's good...
08:23 there's never a dull moment in ministry right now.
08:25 I'm glad you mentioned that too because
08:27 I know we appreciate the prayers for the ministry at 3ABN
08:29 but we have many guests...
08:31 I mean, we count these gentlemen as family as well to 3ABN
08:34 but thank you for lifting them up in prayer
08:36 because these men are on the front line
08:38 and the devil likes to attack... cause problems and disruptions
08:41 but we know that the Lord is stronger
08:42 and He will see us through the storms of life.
08:44 Amen... amen...
08:46 Well, we have a Scripture,
08:47 let's go... this is Mark chapter 1 verse 17,
08:51 "Then Jesus said to them,
08:53 'Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. ' "
08:57 Now, tell me Pastor Mark,
08:59 why specifically you chose this Scripture.
09:01 Of course, you know, in soul winning...
09:03 people accused me of doing it because it was in Mark...
09:05 but it's the only one in the gospels
09:08 that, you know, we've heard that Jesus says,
09:10 "I'll make you fishers of men"
09:12 but I like that word "become"
09:13 because "become" implies that it's something that you weren't
09:16 but you will be through the grace of Christ
09:18 and when it comes to sharing our faith,
09:20 how many people say, "Well, I just can't do that,
09:22 I guess I'm nervous about it. "
09:23 You can become a witness for Christ
09:26 through the power of the Holy Spirit
09:28 and so, that's why I particularly like that verse.
09:30 Jill: Amen... amen... Greg: Wow! that's powerful,
09:32 yeah fantastic... we have some music
09:34 and then we'll get into Emmanuel Institute,
09:35 who's our music from today?
09:37 Our music today is from Pam Lister
09:39 and the song that she is going to be ministering is,
09:42 "Each One Reach One"
09:43 Music...
10:08 Today a man is somewhere
10:11 proclaiming the good news
10:15 Winning families to Jesus
10:19 all around his neighborhood
10:23 He tells them that God is able
10:27 to make their house a home
10:31 He wants to win his world for Christ,
10:36 but he can't do it alone.
10:41 But each one
10:45 can reach one
10:49 As we follow after Christ
10:53 we all can lead one
10:57 We can lead one
11:01 to the Savior
11:05 And together we can tell the world
11:10 that Jesus is the way
11:13 if we reach one
11:17 reach one.
11:24 Music...
11:29 The message is unchanging,
11:33 go ye into all the world
11:37 And share the love of Jesus
11:41 far away or door to door
11:45 You see, just like somebody told you
11:48 Jesus loves you so
11:52 You must tell someone,
11:54 who will tell someone
11:57 Until the whole world knows
12:02 Each one
12:05 can reach one
12:10 As we follow after Christ
12:13 we all can lead one
12:17 We can lead one
12:21 to the Savior
12:25 Then together we can tell the world
12:29 Jesus is the way
12:33 If we each one
12:37 reach one.
12:41 So will you go and labor
12:44 Will you hold high your light
12:48 One by one
12:50 and two by two
12:52 We can win our world
12:56 for Jesus Christ
13:00 Each one
13:03 can reach one
13:06 As we follow after Christ
13:10 we all can lead one
13:14 We can lead one
13:20 to the Savior
13:25 And together we can tell the world
13:29 that Jesus is the way
13:32 If we reach one
13:39 reach one...
13:48 Music.
13:58 Amen... thank you so much Pam, "Each One Reach One"
14:03 what a perfect song for a topic of evangelism.
14:06 We're talking today, if you are just joining us
14:09 with Pastor Mark Howard,
14:11 the Director of the Emmanuel Institute
14:13 and with Pastor Kameron DeVasher
14:15 the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director
14:18 for the Michigan Conference
14:19 and we're talking about Emmanuel Institute
14:22 but we're talking about it in context of
14:24 the philosophy of evangelism
14:26 and the need for training
14:28 so, let's talk about Emmanuel Institute as a whole
14:31 why... why the name
14:34 and why did you begin it?
14:36 Greg: Yeah... feel impressed to come up with
14:37 such an Institute?
14:38 When we were coming up with a name for Emmanuel Institute,
14:41 we wanted something
14:42 that had some Adventist-history flavor to it
14:44 and we'll talk about that maybe when we talk about
14:48 the significance of the message of evangelism
14:50 but obviously, "Emmanuel" is a name
14:53 the Bible uses for the Lord,
14:54 and I suppose, from the foundational level,
14:56 if you're going to be successful in reaching souls for Christ,
14:58 you've got to have "God with us" is what it really means
15:01 but in our history...
15:02 and it was the same reason that
15:04 we as a church chose that name for one of our first colleges...
15:07 it started out as the "Battle Creek College"
15:08 but it was relocated in Berrien Springs
15:10 and renamed: Emmanuel Missionary College
15:12 but it's interesting to me is
15:13 as I went back in history, I found a couple of quotes
15:15 when that college was established,
15:17 one from the Review and Herald of August 25, 1903
15:20 where it says, "Emmanuel Missionary College
15:22 has for its sole purpose the training of missionaries"
15:25 and for many people today, when we think of "missionary"
15:27 that's somebody who goes overseas
15:29 and they work in full-time ministry.
15:30 Greg: True.
15:32 But the mindset of "missionary" in our church was that
15:35 this is something every member does.
15:37 Another quote regarding the Emmanuel Missionary College
15:41 was found in the book,
15:43 "The Great Second Advent Movement" page 396
15:44 by J.N. Loughborough and he wrote,
15:46 "To qualify laborers fully prepared for work
15:49 in any part of the world where they may be called
15:52 in the providence of God to labor,
15:54 is the one great desire and aim
15:57 of the teachers of the Emmanuel Missionary College"
15:58 and the mindset...
16:00 in fact, there's a great painting on the wall of...
16:02 I forget which Hall it is at Southern Adventist University
16:04 by Nathan Greene
16:05 where it has these people in all these different occupations
16:08 nurse, doctor, architect, whatever...
16:10 and here's Jesus... has His arm around a young man
16:13 who looks like he's going into the ministry
16:14 and He's pointing them on in a direction...
16:15 the idea being that whatever your occupation is going to be,
16:19 you're a missionary for Christ if you're a disciple of Christ
16:22 and so, this every-member-missionary thing
16:25 and that's what we wanted to lay hold of
16:27 in that name, "Emmanuel"
16:29 that everyone is called to be a missionary for Christ
16:32 or witness for Christ... and that He will enable anyone
16:36 to become an effective soul winner.
16:39 It kind of goes back to the text that we started out with
16:42 because "enable" "become"
16:43 you mentioned it's not a "make. "
16:45 Exactly, you could look at it if you choose some versions...
16:48 some other gospels
16:50 where it's just... "I'll make you disciples"
16:52 "I'll make you fishers of men" I should say...
16:53 but in the "Mark" version it says,
16:55 "make you become"
16:57 the implication being...
16:58 if it was a "make" it could be understood to be
17:00 an instantaneous transaction, boom... and miraculous...
17:03 therefore you could even lend it to the idea
17:05 that it's a spiritual gift if He makes you that...
17:07 Greg: But if not...
17:09 Kameron: Exactly, if not... if it does not come naturally to me
17:12 then that might have been "made"
17:13 but He says, "Make you become"
17:14 which has a stronger tie to a process...
17:17 a training that goes on
17:19 so, I'm sure that there are many people who feel ill-equipped
17:22 or actually in reality might be bad at soul winning
17:25 but being bad at something
17:27 is not evidence that you should do it less,
17:29 it's evidence... you should do it more
17:31 and so, we want to take people who may not
17:33 be called to full-time ministry
17:35 or be the "Missionary"
17:37 in the traditional sense of going overseas as a full time...
17:40 but every member of the church
17:43 that God has called to be His Remnant messenger
17:45 should be a missionary in their context for Jesus Christ
17:48 and so, our job is to help train and equip every member
17:52 to be a missionary for Jesus.
17:53 Mark: That's right. Greg: Wow!
17:55 So, I'm thinking the quote that you read was written
17:57 several years ago...
17:59 Greg: Long time ago...
18:00 Jill: So, we're in the 21st century
18:02 and is evangelism even relevant today?
18:04 I mean, do people even come to Christ
18:07 through these methods and...
18:08 That's such an excellent question
18:10 and because I've been involved in Evangelism
18:13 I mean, we started Emmanuel in 2009...
18:15 before that, I worked at different
18:16 Evangelism training schools
18:18 I went to one myself when I first came into the faith
18:21 and it's something you hear very often
18:24 and... and... you know, it's... it's...
18:27 I can't tell you how many places I've gone to work
18:29 and people are like, "Aw... that doesn't work here anymore"
18:31 and I love that because it's a challenge
18:32 and we just did a training in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
18:35 we had about 40 people...
18:36 church members from different area churches
18:40 and we sent them out just knocking on doors
18:43 and trying to find people
18:44 interested in studying the Bible.
18:45 Greg: Were some people scared to death?
18:47 Oh, absolutely... absolutely, that happens every...
18:50 you know what happens is...
18:51 and I've seen this time and again
18:52 whether it was at one of our training session that we do
18:55 on location... we do four months
18:57 or whether I'm going into a new location for a weekend
19:00 it never fails that people are petrified to go out
19:03 and when they come back they're excited and thrilled
19:07 and if you ask them before they went out
19:08 to knock on doors or to ask people...
19:10 they're like, "Oh, I don't want to do that"
19:12 they're scared... but when they come back...
19:13 we say, "What was your favorite part?"
19:14 "Oh, it's when we went out there... "
19:16 Greg: Really? Mark: Because they see the Lord
19:17 working... Greg: Amen.
19:19 Mark: You know, the Lord says, "The harvest is plentiful"
19:20 and... and... it's the laborers who are few
19:23 and so the harvest is out there
19:24 well, anyway, we went out,
19:25 we had probably 40 people who went out
19:27 for a total... I think we had two different times we went out,
19:29 we probably spent a total of two to three hours
19:34 actually out... knocking on doors...
19:36 we had 80 people sign up for studies.
19:38 Jill: 80 people...
19:40 Mark: 80 people in that short period of time.
19:41 Jill: Amazing! Greg: Wow!
19:42 Mark: So, people keep telling me
19:44 "Well, this kind of stuff doesn't work"
19:45 and I think it was Mark Finley who said,
19:47 "I'm going to let them keep writing books
19:50 about how it doesn't work
19:51 and I'm going to keep winning souls" so...
19:52 Greg: I like that.
19:54 Mark: there is some truth though to why people start to...
19:58 they'll say, "We've done this thing in our church
20:00 and it didn't work"
20:01 we're not seeing the... and, of course, that's all subjective
20:05 like, "What does it mean, 'it didn't work?'"
20:06 They didn't see the results that they wanted
20:08 but there are reasons for that
20:09 and one of the primary reasons is when we...
20:13 and this is a very common thing we misunderstand
20:17 and we define evangelism as an event that you do...
20:21 Greg: Yeah, true.
20:23 And evangelism is not an event, it is a...
20:26 we oftentimes refer to the agricultural cycle
20:28 in fact, I'll let you touch on that... but it's a lifestyle.
20:32 Greg: Okay. Kameron: It's a process,
20:33 even when I heard you talking about it earlier
20:35 when you referenced,
20:37 "We're ought to learn about evangelism"
20:38 I feared people at home might be like,
20:39 "Oh, well that doesn't include me,
20:41 yeah, that's for the Mark Finley's events
20:42 for the big Evangelists... that's for the campaign. "
20:44 And many people... pastors included
20:47 have come to think of evangelism like Mark was saying as an event
20:50 you go to ask a local church,
20:52 "Have you all done evangelism lately?"
20:54 And they think banners... public events and the whole thing
20:57 they have picture in their head
20:58 when in reality, evangelism is not a one-off singular event
21:02 it's a process that goes through mirroring the agricultural cycle
21:07 why did Jesus talk about plants so much in His ministry?
21:10 He did talk about fish and money and...
21:12 but He would keep coming back to these themes,
21:15 the soil and the seed and the crop and the harvest
21:18 and the preserving...
21:19 and you notice that that was Christ's mindset
21:22 that He had this understanding
21:23 that the growth of the Kingdom of God
21:26 would be akin to the agricultural process
21:28 that it would not be a one-time thing
21:30 it would actually be an ongoing, recurring
21:33 and ever-widening and growing process
21:36 and we want to help get that mentality
21:38 into people's minds
21:40 that evangelism is not something that someone else does
21:43 at a location on specific dates...
21:45 that evangelism is a lifestyle,
21:47 it's part of our DNA as Christians
21:49 and particularly, the Seventh-day Adventist Christians
21:51 we have a distinct message to give to the world
21:53 that we have... we have this opportunity to have this message
21:58 but what we need are more messengers
22:00 and so, that's what we're here to do.
22:02 And it's not just...
22:04 it's not just a... we say, "a lifestyle"
22:05 but there are several components
22:07 just like with the agricultural cycle,
22:08 if anybody has ever grown anything...
22:10 any of you Viewers have ever grown anything,
22:12 you go out... the first thing you've got to do is,
22:15 you got to till the ground.
22:16 Greg: That's right... prepare the soil.
22:17 Okay, you prepare the soil so...
22:19 and the reason you prepare the soil
22:20 is so you can plant the seed
22:21 and then once you plant the seed,
22:23 you get to cultivate the seed and once the seed...
22:24 all of these things are distinct and different,
22:26 once the seed has been cultivated over the summer
22:28 and you come to harvest time, right,
22:30 once you harvest, you're not done with the harvest
22:32 you've got another thing...
22:33 you've got to do something with the green that you...
22:34 Greg: Preserve it.
22:36 Mark: Yeah, you've got to preserve it and so,
22:37 you think about it in terms of the agricultural cycle
22:40 and think of it in terms of just taking one of those things.
22:43 Okay, the farmer goes out... tills the ground...
22:44 tills the ground, tills the ground...
22:46 he goes out in the fall and he's like,
22:48 "I don't know... I don't get it, I don't get it,
22:50 I guess, farming doesn't work anymore
22:51 because I don't have a crop. "
22:52 Well, it would be ludicrous to do that
22:55 and yet, in the spiritual application
22:58 preparing the soil to make the way for the seed,
23:01 Jesus said, "The seed is the Word of God. "
23:02 So, preparing the soil is, "What do you do... "
23:05 I mean, listen, we live in a day and age
23:07 where it's understandable that people are skeptical
23:11 when you come knocking on the door
23:13 or even if you see them... and then invite them in to...
23:15 "You want Bible Studies or something... "
23:16 and they're like, "Who are you?"
23:18 And so, when Ellen White talks about Christ's message,
23:20 she talks about He...
23:22 first He won the confidence of people,
23:24 you go through that... that soil preparation phase
23:27 so that people are more open to the seed, okay,
23:30 but the whole reason the farmer's tilling the ground
23:33 is for the purpose of planting the seed
23:36 you would never just see the farmer just out there tilling,
23:38 tilling... tilling... tilling and never doing anything else,
23:40 but yet, as Christians,
23:42 how many times are we making friends with people
23:44 which is important
23:45 but we never introduce something spiritual,
23:47 saying, "I don't know, they might be offended. "
23:48 Jill: We don't make the bridge.
23:50 We don't make the bridge to the next...
23:52 or we focus on... on one phase...
23:54 maybe we're trying to plant seeds all the time
23:56 but we're never building the relationships
23:58 to prepare the soil.
23:59 Maybe we're trying to harvest
24:01 and this happens all the time,
24:02 we hold an Evangelistic Meeting
24:04 so now, imagine it in the reverse,
24:05 well, kind of the same... the harvest...
24:07 the farmer's looking for a harvest to crop
24:09 but he never planted anything,
24:12 and he gets a few...
24:13 as one may be interested... a few wild strawberries...
24:14 so, you can't neglect one of those pieces
24:19 and then fault evangelism.
24:20 Greg: Right. Jill: It's good.
24:22 And there are churches who will... who have this...
24:24 "Evangelism-as-an-event mentality"
24:27 they compartmentalize it and separate it out
24:28 and then... they'll kind of review,
24:30 "What shall we do as a church?"
24:31 Because they want to do something,
24:33 I think there's an inherent drive
24:34 inside of any born-again Christian to do something
24:36 but they may not know exactly what it is,
24:38 and they'll say, "Oh, we're going to do this... "
24:39 and they'll do "Felt-Needs Community Outreach"
24:41 which are fantastic
24:42 but then they'll say, "That is our evangelism"
24:45 or they'll do a campaign... a big campaign
24:47 or they'll do just the Bible Study Offers
24:50 and they'll send out, like, literature and Glow Tracts...
24:52 all of which are good
24:53 but we end up having a... a method
24:55 where you're having a few good things
24:57 disconnected from each other
24:58 and the results are still not significant
25:01 and I think the rationale behind that
25:04 is that you're not doing bad things,
25:06 you're just doing a bad process of tying them all together
25:09 and having... because you look at that statement,
25:10 "Christ's method alone" right,
25:12 she talks about how it's Christ's method alone
25:14 that brings true success
25:15 which, by-the-way, that means there could be false success too
25:17 but if you want genuine true success,
25:20 you follow these steps but He mingled with them
25:22 and won their confidence
25:23 and then He bid them, "Follow me"
25:25 so Christ's method alone is a process...
25:28 it starts with this... and then leads to this with a goal of...
25:31 so that each phase in the process
25:33 is looking forward to the next phase of the process,
25:35 I prepared that soil with the expectation...
25:38 I'm getting that ready for the seed,
25:40 I'm getting those rows ready for the seed
25:41 and when you put the seed in, you don't say,
25:42 "All right, that's done,
25:44 I'm looking forward to the crop so that I can help it grow
25:46 and then I can have a harvest"
25:47 and then you've got to preserve it
25:49 and then they become in turn workers in the field
25:51 and so it's a cycle that never ends.
25:54 So, we've recognized this in certain...
25:56 we have a history of this myopia where we have focused on...
26:00 so we did the big public evangelistic meetings,
26:02 we realized we weren't baptizing the people we needed to
26:04 and I remember, this has been...
26:05 it was more emphasized,
26:08 it's been... probably 15... 20 years ago
26:09 where the big emphasis was "Pre-work"
26:11 we've got to do more pre-work,
26:12 we're not doing the pre-work and that's why...
26:14 we need to get Bible Workers and hire...
26:15 Greg: You'll get a bigger harvest.
26:16 We should do a big wave to get a bigger harvest
26:18 which is good except for... we focus on one thing
26:22 and then it was like, "Well, no, it's not the pre-work
26:25 we need to focus more on the felt-needs...
26:28 we need to get... meet people's needs...
26:29 Greg: Would that be like the cultivating of the seed...
26:31 Kameron: Preparing of the soil.
26:32 Greg: Preparing of the soil still... okay.
26:33 Okay, and... and all of that's true
26:35 but it can't exist independently
26:38 and so, independently,
26:39 "Okay, we're going to have this thing and this thing"
26:41 and then, "Oh it doesn't work"
26:42 and then we have the... the... for example,
26:44 you have the situations where people look at the results
26:47 and you hear a common gripe that people will have is,
26:51 "We did this evangelistic meeting,
26:52 we baptized all these people and two years later,
26:54 not one of them is... is here... "
26:55 Jill: They went out the back door.
26:57 They went out the back door.
26:58 And so we now have an emphasis on discipleship
27:00 which is yet another phase of the cycle
27:02 so we're focusing on one or the other.
27:05 The problem is... what happens is...
27:07 like again, you take it to the agricultural cycle
27:10 and the people will... they want to fault evangelism
27:12 and say, "Well, we're not going to do that again,
27:14 evangelism doesn't work. "
27:16 But that's like a farmer who goes and harvests his field,
27:18 he puts the grain in one of those big wagons
27:20 and then he goes in and he sits inside for six months
27:23 and then six months later he goes,
27:24 "I don't know what happened, all this grain rotted...
27:26 I mean this... I don't know this...
27:27 where's all the food that we're supposed to have from this thing
27:29 it doesn't work anymore. "
27:31 So, you can't blame evangelism, you've got to look at,
27:35 "Are we really understanding evangelism
27:38 the way the Scripture presents it
27:40 or have we just compartmentalizing it
27:41 the way... I don't know what's convenient or whatever
27:43 and leaving pieces out?"
27:45 Evangelism is a cycle and a lifestyle.
27:47 So then, I'm going to take it then that Emmanuel Institute
27:50 teaches the whole process.
27:52 Mark: Oh absolutely.
27:53 Greg: Yeah, and that's great.
27:54 Mark: And I'll say this,
27:56 we used to do these longer trainings and it's funny...
27:58 the longest training was like a four-month program
28:00 and there are still schools out there and they're good programs
28:04 and I remember, we go through four months
28:06 and we have students be like,
28:07 "Oh, if we just had another month,
28:09 we just had another two weeks"
28:10 and we would wrestle,
28:12 "Should we lengthen the program?"
28:13 But there's a statement in the book: Education
28:14 that has really resounded with me,
28:16 now we have really shifted our programs
28:18 to very shorter intensives, really targeted...
28:23 because not many church members can take four months off
28:26 and we want to impact the local churches
28:29 at the Lay level
28:31 but we would have students want this longer period of time
28:34 and there's a statement in the book, "Education"
28:36 it says, "It is in the water not on land
28:38 that men learn to swim. "
28:40 Jill: I like that.
28:41 And there's only so much you can learn in a classroom,
28:43 now, in our classroom, we have...
28:45 we have them going out... we do practical labor
28:47 but all of that aside, a person will never learn
28:50 how to be an effective soul winner
28:51 until they take the Lord at His word
28:53 and they go out and they say, "Okay, Lord, I'm going to be...
28:55 I'm going to witness for you" so you promise...
28:56 what did Jesus say?
28:58 "The Holy Spirit will come upon you
28:59 and you will be witnesses unto me. "
29:01 Do we believe that?
29:02 And we receive the Spirit, we receive the Lord, right
29:04 and so, let's go out in faith
29:06 and the Lord will teach you and it's a process of becoming
29:09 it doesn't happen overnight,
29:11 I can't tell you how many times I have put my foot in my mouth,
29:14 said the wrong thing... but that's how the Lord teaches us
29:17 and somebody said once that the...
29:19 the biggest problem new soul winners make
29:21 is not making enough mistakes.
29:23 The biggest mistake that new soul winners make
29:25 is not making enough mistakes.
29:26 We're afraid we're going to mess it up,
29:28 the Lord knows ahead of time when...
29:30 Yes, you're afraid of doing anything
29:32 because you do not want to mess up.
29:33 And oftentimes you'll see this almost lethargy
29:35 or apathy at our local church and we'll admit,
29:38 "Why is it so lifeless and everything like this?"
29:40 And we often think
29:41 that what we need is a fiery preacher to come in
29:43 and a Revival Series or something... really preach to us
29:45 Mrs. White has repeated counsel
29:48 where she talks about how our churches are dying
29:50 and the people want a Minister to come and preach to them
29:53 but that's not the answer
29:55 in fact, this is one of my favorite statements,
29:56 she says in: Testimonies for the Church,
29:57 Volume 6,
29:59 it's also found in: Christian Service, Chapter 5,
30:00 where she says, "It is evident
30:02 that all the sermons that have been preached
30:04 have not developed a large class of self-denying workers. "
30:06 She said, "Look around and listen
30:08 to all the sermons you want
30:10 but is it actually training people for effective service. "
30:13 She continues, "This subject is to be considered
30:15 as involving the most serious results...
30:17 our future for eternity is at stake.
30:18 The churches are withering up because
30:21 they have failed to use their talent in diffusing light. "
30:24 Jill: Hmmm...
30:25 The reason we have churches is not for a lack of preachers
30:28 and preaching...
30:29 it's for a lack of training and then working for the Lord
30:32 that there's a lifeless spirit in there
30:34 and so I believe it that the Holy Spirit is still...
30:36 still leading His church
30:38 and the Lord has a blessing to bestow
30:40 if we're willing to follow His counsel
30:42 and put to use the abilities
30:43 in a minimal... as they may be at that time
30:46 but develop them for God's glory
30:48 life will return.
30:49 Pastor Mark just mentioned about some of the training courses
30:52 which will make it in little more detail
30:54 we're going to have contact information here
30:56 in a few minutes so get your pen and paper ready
30:57 because if you're interested in attending...
30:59 I know there's a lot of information on your website,
31:01 maybe give that quickly
31:02 so people could start to look that up
31:04 because that's where the most recent,
31:05 up-to-date information is at
31:06 then we'll proceed on, what's the website?
31:08 Yeah, the website it: www. Emmanuel
31:10 I'm an old guy, now it anymore...
31:13 http:slash slash...
31:15 www. Emmanuellnstitute
31:18 Emmanuel
31:20 there are a lot of ways to spell Emmanuel
31:21 Emmanuellnstitute. org
31:25 Okay, and you'll find the most up-to-date information there
31:29 some of your training courses and classes and the cost
31:31 and that sort of thing, that's exciting isn't it?
31:33 It is very exciting... to me to think of evangelism as a cycle,
31:37 I love that agricultural process
31:40 and to think of that because I can see in my own experience,
31:43 how I might have focused on one aspect... the harvest
31:47 or you focus on... maybe planting
31:48 and you get stuck in the planting...
31:50 and I love that concept of the entire cycle
31:53 and that Evangelism is to be a lifestyle
31:57 so, that's incredible
31:58 but as we think about it,
31:59 method is not the only thing that's important,
32:01 the message is important so talk to us about the message.
32:05 Well, it's interesting
32:07 of course, as Seventh-day Adventists
32:09 you get Three Angels Broadcasting
32:11 we see, in fact... you were talking about that
32:14 before I go into it about Matthew 24.
32:16 Do you mind if I give a very brief little Bible Study?
32:18 Greg: Please. Jill: Please.
32:20 If you turn your Bibles, in Matthew chapter 24,
32:21 this is a passage that not just Seventh-day Adventists
32:24 but all Christians are familiar with,
32:26 in Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus is talking about
32:28 the signs of the end
32:30 and the approach of the coming of Jesus
32:32 and He says some pretty stark things
32:34 about wars and rumors of wars and all of that...
32:36 you'll find that in verses 6, 7 and 8 there
32:38 and then it says in verse 9,
32:39 "They'll deliver you up to tribulation and kill you"
32:41 so it is a pretty bleak outlook, right?
32:43 But if you go down to verse 13, it says,
32:45 "But he who endures to the end, shall be saved. "
32:48 so, clearly the Lord saw that no matter how tough...
32:51 there will be those who endure to the end,
32:53 there will be a remnant who will be there
32:55 and, verse 14, "this gospel of the kingdom
32:58 will be preached in all the world,
32:59 as a witness to all nations and then the end will come. "
33:02 Greg: Hmmm... hmmm...
33:03 So, as He gives this overview... the synopsis of end-time events,
33:05 that concludes where there's going to be a group
33:07 who endures to the end and they will be saved
33:09 and through them the gospel will be given to the whole world
33:11 and the result: then the end will come...
33:13 now go to Revelation chapter 14,
33:15 in Revelation chapter 14 which is where
33:18 Three Angels Broadcasting Network...
33:20 it's their mission too...
33:22 the entire chapter is simply
33:26 an expounding on
33:28 Matthew 24 verses 13 and 14
33:30 those who endure to the end will be saved...
33:31 the gospel goes to the world...
33:33 and then Jesus returns
33:34 because in verses 1 through 5,
33:36 it describes the character of those remnant people...
33:39 the messengers, right?
33:40 And then, starting in verse 6
33:42 you find the three angels' messages
33:45 and notice what it says in verse 6:
33:47 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
33:49 having the... " what? the everlasting gospel
33:51 to do what with it? "To preach... "
33:53 To whom?
33:55 "To those who dwell on the earth...
33:56 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people... "
33:58 it's exactly what Jesus said would happen, right,
34:00 and then it adds in verse 7, "saying with a loud voice"
34:02 so what he's saying here is that gospel message
34:05 that would go to the world
34:06 and that's when you get into
34:08 those three angels' messages, right?
34:09 "Fear God... give glory to Him...
34:10 for the hour of His judgment has come"
34:12 notice there there's a tie...
34:14 the gospel includes the message about the judgment
34:16 it's still the gospel
34:17 right, and he goes on talking about
34:20 "worship Him who made the heaven and the earth,
34:21 the sea and the springs of water. "
34:22 Which is allusion to the Fourth Commandment
34:24 about the seventh-day Sabbath
34:25 then, verse 8, the fall of Babylon is talked about
34:28 which is those false doctrines
34:30 that made all the world wander after the beast
34:32 and then, finally, the warning against the Mark of the Beast
34:34 in verses 9 through 11
34:36 and it says in verse 12,
34:37 "Here is the patience of the saints;
34:39 here are those who keep the commandments of God
34:41 and have the faith of Jesus. "
34:42 That remnant who endure to the end will be saved
34:45 and what's the very next thing we see?
34:47 Verse 14... "Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud,
34:49 and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man,
34:51 having on His head a golden crown,
34:53 and in His hand a sharp sickle. "
34:54 What is that a reference to?
34:55 It's this return of Jesus and the second coming.
34:57 So, Revelation chapter 14
34:59 which is where the Seventh-day Adventist Church
35:01 and again Three Angels Broadcasting Network
35:03 gets its Mission Statement from
35:04 is simply the giving of the gospel to the world
35:09 in those last days
35:10 so as Seventh-day Adventists,
35:11 of course, we are to give the gospel to the world
35:13 but it includes that judgment-hour message,
35:16 that call to faithfulness to the commandments of God
35:18 and the faith of Jesus
35:19 and the other truths that have been so overlooked
35:22 and distorted by this other power
35:24 and so, the message we have to give is
35:27 not just a simple message
35:29 but it's a pointed, timely message
35:32 it's not just truth...
35:33 it's Present Truth... it's here for now.
35:35 Well, and another thing about... about that is,
35:38 when you take the word "gospel"
35:39 and the word "gospel" literally means "good news"
35:42 the one thing that's consistent in a definition of news is...
35:46 news is not something that's kept quiet,
35:48 news is... news is proclaimed
35:50 and so, the whole idea here is,
35:51 this is a message that's proclaimed
35:53 and in the context of this,
35:55 you know, in Revelation 14:12,
35:57 "here are they that keep the commandments of God
35:58 and the faith of Jesus"
36:00 this is something that is really important to understand
36:04 this whole "commandments-of-God" thing...
36:07 you know, there are a lot of believers
36:10 who have learned that... have been taught that
36:12 the commandments of God have been done away with
36:15 at the cross... or what have you...
36:17 and they don't process this through
36:19 that the commandments of God...
36:21 the Bible says it's sin...
36:23 the gospel is a divine remedy for sin, okay,
36:26 sin, according to the Bible is transgression of the Law of God
36:31 the breaking the commandments of God...
36:32 the Apostle Paul says, "I would not have known sin
36:34 if I didn't know the Law" in Romans 7
36:36 The Bible says, "Where there is no law,
36:38 there is no transgression" Romans chapter 4
36:42 and so, the Law of God is what defines sin
36:45 which is this disease that the gospel is a remedy of
36:49 but if you take the law away from the picture,
36:51 if the law is done away with...
36:53 where there is no law, there is no transgression,
36:55 there is no more sickness
36:56 and now the gospel becomes
36:58 a cure for a disease that doesn't exist
37:00 and then you have to ask yourself,
37:01 "Then what is this whole thing about?"
37:04 And it confuses the character of God
37:06 it can't do anything else...
37:08 if there's no remedy... there's no disease to be remedied,
37:11 then what is the gospel about?
37:13 So, the message that we proclaim these three angels...
37:17 puts this gospel in a setting that brings to view
37:20 the character of God in a way that nothing else can,
37:24 otherwise, it makes Him look arbitrary and mysterious
37:28 and so this... the message is
37:31 always going to be core and central.
37:33 You know, we were training... it's interesting
37:35 and you talked about, Greg,
37:36 how people get nervous about sharing their faith
37:38 and what have you
37:40 but here's something that I... I use this example sometimes
37:43 I have never yet held a training class
37:47 for guys to tell them to tell their buddies
37:51 how their team beat their buddy's team in the Super Bowl.
37:55 In other words, it's like, "You know, Pastor, I...
37:58 my team just totally wiped out my friend's team in the big game
38:01 how can I share that with them?"
38:03 Because... and the point isn't that we don't...
38:08 yeah, we don't naturally get nervous about some things
38:10 but when you're excited about the message... it drives you
38:15 and one thing I've learned in our training
38:18 is one of the most effective things we do
38:20 as a part of our training
38:22 is go through our beliefs from Scripture
38:24 where people...
38:26 a lot of people grow up in the church they grew up in
38:28 and they don't know from Scripture why they believe
38:29 what they believe
38:31 and boy! when they find out
38:32 you... you... you can hardly hold them back,
38:34 I mean, there's a little bit of steering
38:36 like a sail on a boat but they're moving...
38:39 it's hard to move a boat with a sail
38:40 when the boat isn't going anywhere, right,
38:42 and so, when people get excited about the message,
38:44 the message is always what's going to drive evangelism.
38:47 Okay, so someone at home is saying,
38:48 "You know what, I'm not excited about the message
38:50 how do I get excited about the message?
38:52 What would you say to them at home?"
38:54 Come to Emmanuel...
38:56 Come to Emmanuel, amen.
38:58 Watch 3ABN... I mean, the reality is,
39:01 I've known people that tell me,
39:03 "Pastor, I just... I don't know how to give a Bible Study"
39:05 I say, "How long have you been in the church?"
39:06 "10 years... 20 years... 30 years... "
39:09 I said, "Look, take a printed lesson...
39:12 get some friends on a Sabbath afternoon
39:14 and say, 'Hey, let's just practice going over this. '"
39:17 Greg: Wow!
39:18 The reality is, a lot of people aren't excited
39:20 because they aren't studying it personally for themselves.
39:23 You have to own it, you know.
39:25 You can hear it... but hearing...
39:26 this is why all the sermons preached don't do it,
39:28 there's something different about you...
39:30 you know, so even... you watch 3ABN or what have you
39:33 but if you're taking it and you're taking notes
39:35 and you're applying it and you're personalizing it,
39:38 that's what gets you excited about the message.
39:40 Well, listen to this,
39:41 Review and Herald, October 22, 1889
39:44 one of my favorite statements, I say that about every statement
39:47 this is one of the best okay.
39:48 "If church members are educated
39:51 to be silent and useless members
39:53 instead of benefiting the church,
39:56 they will be a hindrance to its advancement and growth,
39:58 if they're educated to lean upon the minister,
40:00 they will become only inefficient
40:01 and demoralized members
40:03 and the church will be powerless
40:04 instead of active and efficient. "
40:06 Now, that sounds pretty gloomy
40:08 but think about what it's predicated on,
40:10 "if the church members are educated
40:12 to be silent and useless members... "
40:13 that implies... they didn't come that way,
40:16 everyone... someone who just became a Seventh-day Adventist
40:19 who just came to an Evangelistic Series...
40:21 who just had a Bible Study...
40:22 they can't stop talking,
40:24 they'll go to the water cooler
40:25 and the other people may be talking about sports
40:26 and they're like, "We're talking about the Mark of the Beast
40:28 brother, and the Sabbath" they'll just go on and on...
40:30 now, praise the Lord, you might want to educate them
40:32 how to be more effective in their witness, right,
40:34 six weeks... they're on fire...
40:37 six months... I mean, there's still a flame,
40:39 it might... six years... if they're still here at all...
40:42 Greg: Hmmm... Jill: Yeah.
40:44 I hate to say it but listen, you're making me think of...
40:46 when I first came in the church...
40:48 and as... you know, as I've taught people,
40:49 people are like, they resound with this story
40:52 that... I remember coming to church
40:54 and I was just so excited about sharing
40:55 and I didn't know a whole lot but I just...
40:57 I felt... I wanted to share it...
40:59 and I remember people saying, "Oh, you're just new...
41:01 don't worry, you'll be like us after a while"
41:06 I was like, "Aaaah... "
41:08 and that's what happens
41:09 we can acclimate people sometimes
41:12 to a... "that's the Pastor's job and talent. "
41:16 And then that statement in which she says,
41:17 "if church members are educated... "
41:19 and I've never seen a church in my whole experience
41:21 as a Seventh-day Adventist which is from birth...
41:23 hold a: How to be a silent and ineffective church member course
41:27 but sometimes the education occurs.
41:30 I used to think of it as a...
41:31 Mrs. White talked about, "Every church should be a
41:33 Training School for Christian workers"
41:34 I used to think, "You know... "
41:36 and I used to think it was a powerful line to say,
41:38 "Every church should be a training center"
41:39 and then it dawned on me,
41:41 "Every church already is a training center"
41:42 we are constantly training members,
41:46 either to be effective or ineffective soul winners
41:49 but the training is ongoing,
41:51 it doesn't have to be a formal course,
41:52 you just learn it by osmosis to being a part of it.
41:55 Okay, so our time is going by quickly,
41:57 so, okay, as we've talked about the relevancy of evangelism
42:00 and the message versus the method and stuff
42:02 so, tell me a little bit about Emmanuel Institute then,
42:04 how am I going to learn the stuff there,
42:06 tell me a little about it as you have to say,
42:08 "Man, I want to go there and experience the courses. "
42:10 Well, as I said, I mean, you get online
42:11 and we have different... we have several different courses
42:14 and we focus on different things,
42:15 like, for example, last year we had a
42:17 Conference-wide Evangelism Training
42:18 and we did a... we did a Speaker training...
42:21 Greg: So you only did it for the Conference?
42:22 No, no... no... anybody can sign up and come to the Programs
42:26 that are on our site
42:28 we've had people from all over the place,
42:30 literally, all over the world.
42:31 Greg: Wow!
42:33 But it's... you know... you got to...
42:36 each training is specific to a certain thing
42:38 so we did it... like the "Speaker Training"
42:40 was specially geared to a person
42:42 who wanted to be a lay preacher in an evangelistic series,
42:45 but our typical programs are usually going over the...
42:47 clearing throat... pardon me...
42:49 Greg: Like the details about the course.
42:51 Kameron: Well, we have the Bible Study Docs
42:53 we'll cover it... like you were saying,
42:54 what kind of... lights that fire and literally
42:56 there is less that gets people excited
42:59 than knowing what they believe
43:00 and starting to share what they believe.
43:01 So, the Bible Docs Program is a huge part of that
43:04 and then that training of that cycle of evangelism,
43:06 getting that mentality... walking through each phase
43:08 of where Lay people could be involved
43:10 in every one of those phases,
43:12 like, teaching them how to...
43:13 like, we're talking about nuts and bolts,
43:16 we're talking about literally how to a conversation...
43:18 there are... and there are people
43:19 who are petrified to talk to people,
43:21 not just about spiritual things... about anything.
43:22 Jill: Some people are just shy.
43:24 And they're just shy how do you...
43:26 how do you break through?
43:27 So you give them the practical insights,
43:28 here's how to start up a conversation
43:30 and here's how to transition it to a spiritual conversation...
43:32 you kind of test the soil a little bit
43:33 and see if there's an interest and...
43:35 if there is an interest, what should I do then
43:37 and how can I get a Bible-Study interest
43:39 how do I maintain it?
43:40 So all those practical steps of... "Now I've got this message
43:44 I want to be a messenger, how do I go about doing that?"
43:47 Emmanuel Institute does both of those
43:49 and our hope is beyond training the individual members
43:54 that through them we'll help train the churches
43:56 that they're a part of
43:58 to become Training-Center Churches
43:59 because I have been in a church where they've...
44:02 we've sent people to the Emmanuel Institute
44:03 and the difference before they went... and after they went
44:06 was palpable... you could see it in the church,
44:08 there was a spirit of, "Let's get out and win souls"
44:11 and they're not waiting on the Pastor to... like,
44:14 "All right, now we're about to do some evangelism or whatever"
44:16 they're not waiting for a Conference initiative,
44:18 they have it within themselves
44:20 and that, I think, is the ultimate ideals to have,
44:23 every member have that drive inside of them
44:25 and not just the... not just the desire for it,
44:28 but the practical training to put it into practice,
44:30 so that they can go into their local churches
44:32 and we can see less dependency on the Pastor
44:35 and more dependency on Christ and His mission
44:37 through every member.
44:39 Yeah, I have to add that that when... when...
44:42 one of the things people fail to keep in mind
44:44 when they're witnessing and you even mentioned,
44:46 I think one of the most common challenges people have is,
44:49 "How do I make the transition... I know how to be a friend,
44:51 how do I get into spiritual things?"
44:54 And one thing that we too often forget
44:57 is that the success in that area
44:59 is dependent wholly upon the Spirit of God,
45:02 a person who is totally disinterested today
45:05 may be totally interested tomorrow.
45:06 When I came into my conversion experience,
45:09 I went from a disinterested person through life...
45:11 through an event the Lord took me through in my life
45:14 He totally opened me up to be interested in spiritual things
45:18 and so, as Christians, sometimes we get all discouraged
45:21 because I asked my friend
45:22 or I'm trying to talk to my co-worker about spiritual things
45:24 they're not interested,
45:26 instead of realizing that they're not interested today...
45:27 Greg: Oooh, that's good.
45:29 And they may... and we get the idea
45:31 that we've got to be real preaching...
45:32 I'm doing this kind of... there's more detail to this
45:34 but it really is as simple as bringing up something spiritual
45:38 to see if that person is open to spiritual things.
45:41 I go to my friend at the water cooler,
45:42 we're talking about the weather,
45:44 he says, "Man, these storms are terrible"
45:45 I say some things like,
45:47 "You know, my Pastor just was talking about that...
45:49 something in Bible prophecy about that
45:51 in our Prayer Meeting this week. "
45:52 As simple as that, I'm not preaching to him
45:54 and then, how does he respond?
45:56 He's either going to say,
45:58 "You talk about that stuff in your church?" and open up
46:01 or he's going to be like, "You know what?
46:02 I got to get back to my desk. "
46:04 Okay, but just the little...
46:06 we call that, "throwing out test seeds"
46:09 just say anything spiritual related to church... prayer...
46:12 Bible Study... anything...
46:13 and see how they respond.
46:14 A month later... he might say,
46:16 "You know a month ago, you mentioned about...
46:17 you know, hey, can you tell me a little more about that?"
46:19 Mark: It happens all the time. Greg: Does it really?
46:21 And that's why we...
46:22 the Spirit of God is always working on hearts
46:24 and I've had churches, they say,
46:26 "Oh we've already knocked on doors in our...
46:27 in our neighborhood
46:29 you know, we did that six months ago. "
46:30 In six months... everything can change...
46:32 Jill: Oh yeah.
46:33 You're looking for the people,
46:34 you're not going to get everybody every time,
46:36 you're going to get the people
46:37 the Spirit of God has been able to grab the attention of
46:40 and that's happening constantly
46:41 and if we just go forward with confidence... and you mentioned,
46:44 I think earlier we were talking about family members...
46:45 same way... family members can be the hardest people to reach
46:48 because they know you the way you were before
46:52 and they know your faults and everything...
46:54 but the Lord is still working and I tell you,
46:57 when people see you as spiritual
46:59 and they're not spiritual, especially in a family,
47:01 you're the last person they want to talk to.
47:03 Jill: It's intimidating.
47:04 It's intimidating... it's just, "I don't want to go there"
47:06 but when something happens and they need spiritual help
47:08 you know the first person they're going to go looking for?
47:10 And it will happen... so I tell people,
47:12 "Don't be afraid to be spiritual...
47:14 it may be a put off now,
47:15 like, people are getting put off by that
47:17 but the same people that are getting put off now,
47:19 they're going to be coming to you later
47:21 when the Spirit of God is able to reach through their heart"
47:24 and I'm... again, I've seen this happen time and again.
47:27 The Lord is always... in fact, one of my favorite statements
47:29 Ellen White makes in Evangelism 127 is,
47:31 "There's far more being done by the universe of heaven
47:34 than we have any idea... so that souls will be converted. "
47:37 Greg: Wow, praise the Lord, we have heaven on our side.
47:39 Mark: That's exactly right.
47:40 Kameron: Wow, it's absolutely true.
47:42 I'm so encouraged as I listen to this
47:43 just to see what God is doing in the Michigan Conference
47:47 but what God can do in each one of our hearts
47:49 you know, how He can transform our lives
47:51 and our churches, so, Pastor Kameron,
47:53 maybe this is a little more for you...
47:54 I know we're focusing on Emmanuel Institute
47:56 and what God is doing there in the training
47:58 but what training are you doing
48:00 throughout the Michigan Conference
48:02 or what resources
48:03 or what are you all involved in
48:05 for training churches for evangelism?
48:07 Well, to be clear, this is my second week on the job
48:09 so it's limited right now
48:11 no... but the Personal Ministries Department
48:13 has existed long before I was there
48:15 and they definitely see,
48:17 in partnership with the Emmanuel Institute
48:18 and other trainings in our Conferences
48:20 that training of Lay people is one of our primary goals,
48:23 that's... we want to make sure that that happens
48:25 and also providing resources for those different avenues
48:28 so, we think of the Discipleship Handbook
48:31 that was recently produced
48:32 starting in the Michigan Conference
48:34 and soon will be launched as a General Conference Resource.
48:36 Jill: And what is that about?
48:37 That is... about that very question
48:39 whenever you have that great harvest of souls
48:41 and then they... because that's how this happens oftentimes
48:44 so, you'll have a big event and new people will come in,
48:46 they're excited by the event itself
48:47 and the messages are stirring and convicting
48:49 and they give their hearts to the Lord
48:50 and the next week the banners come down...
48:52 the evangelist goes away and it's back to routine...
48:54 and their stage is different
48:55 and lo and behold, six months later or a year later
48:59 half of them are gone
49:01 and people will still say,
49:02 "Well, that's evidence that evangelism doesn't work. "
49:04 The problem is that we stopped short of the finish line.
49:07 We should stop looking at baptism and church membership
49:10 as... "Now, we've won... woo... hooo... "
49:11 Mark: Hmmm... hmmm...
49:13 Kameron: No, no, no, no, what happens now is,
49:14 we need to take them through, what does it mean?
49:16 Because they might have heard one message on the 2,300 days
49:19 or the seventh-day Sabbath
49:20 and they... they understood it,
49:22 they made an intellectual assent... an agreement
49:24 but it hasn't been woven into their life yet... right...
49:27 they don't know it for themselves,
49:28 they don't know the church history,
49:30 they don't know their place in this great prophetic movement
49:32 they don't know the skills to share effectively
49:34 and so, it's little wonder that if we... poof...
49:37 they fall of a cliff... and so we want to establish a handbook,
49:40 this is one of the many resources that have been
49:42 and will be developed to help new members
49:44 and all members... be better, effective disciples of Jesus.
49:48 Well, it teaches existing members...
49:49 this isn't something that "Pastor does"
49:51 it teaches existing members how to disciple
49:53 and usually we'd try to connect the member
49:56 who was a friend of that person who came in
49:58 and it teaches them how to disciple them into the church.
50:00 Kameron: Right, there's a mentorship that's involved.
50:02 It's systematic... very practical.
50:04 Kameron: Absolutely.
50:05 We're almost out of time but can you give me 45 seconds
50:07 on BibleStudyOffer. com
50:08 and what is that all about.
50:10 All right, BibleStudyOffer. com in 45 seconds...
50:13 BibleStudyOffer. com
50:14 is an online way to get decisions for Bible Studies...
50:19 commitments for Bible Studies...
50:20 to find people who are interested
50:21 in studying the Bible.
50:23 Action online portal...
50:24 Yeah, it's a portal... and so different than some other ones,
50:27 which are fine in their own regard,
50:29 they're not just... you take the course online
50:31 or you send off our mailed-in offers
50:33 what happens is, BibleStudyOffer. com
50:35 if someone logs in to the computer and says,
50:37 "I would like this Bible Study"
50:38 what happens is, they get a knock on their door
50:41 from a local church member near their home
50:43 with their materials they've requested
50:46 saying, "Hi, I'm with BibleStudyOffer. com
50:49 you wanted these 'It Is Written' Bible Studies
50:51 there's a 'Landmarks of Prophecy' DVD Set
50:54 I'm here to help you with this... "
50:55 and they can choose whether they want to do it personally
50:57 by themselves...
50:59 or they'd like to do it one-on-one with a partner
51:01 or if they want to do it in a small-group setting
51:03 most of them will probably do it just on their own
51:04 and that's fine
51:06 but we can still drop them off and then in exchange,
51:08 get to know them a little bit
51:09 and the goal is to...
51:10 not just have every member be a missionary
51:13 but have every church to be a Bible School
51:15 for their surrounding community,
51:17 so, BibleStudyOffer. com is a powerful resource
51:20 that's helping make that a reality.
51:22 Amen... there's so much more
51:24 I just feel like we need several hours to be sitting here.
51:26 Greg: We just touched the surface.
51:28 Jill: We will come back in a few moments
51:29 with some closing thoughts
51:31 from each one of our Pastors here
51:33 but right now, we want to put up the address
51:35 for Emmanuel Institute.
51:37 We hope and pray you have been energized
51:39 and excited and inspired to get out and work for Jesus
51:42 so if you would like to financially support
51:45 what takes place there or if you want to get involved,
51:47 here's how you can do just that.
51:49 Music.
51:52 To support the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism
51:56 in their efforts to recapture the missionary spirit
51:59 of the early Christian church
52:00 by training members to become active soul winners,
52:04 please visit their website, Emmanuellnstitute. org
52:07 there you will find information on all their programs
52:10 and you'll be able to register online.
52:12 The website again is: Emmanuellnstitute. org
52:17 you may also call them at: 517-316-1578
52:23 or write to them at Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism
52:27 Post Office Box 36 Edmore, Michigan 48829
52:33 Music...


Revised 2018-07-09