3ABN Today

The Voice of Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018051A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain...
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts,
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 mending broken people...
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 mending broken people.
00:55 Music...
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 My name is C.A. Murray
01:14 and allow me once again to thank you
01:15 for sharing just a little of your, I suspect,
01:18 very busy day with us
01:20 we thank you as always for your love,
01:22 your prayers and your support of 3ABN
01:24 as together... for these three decades plus
01:27 we have partnered to share the good news
01:30 that Jesus is coming again,
01:32 I'm excited today yea verily
01:34 because of our subject matter and because of my guest
01:37 who feigns being an introvert but he is not...
01:40 by any stretch can this man be called an introvert,
01:44 this is a face you've seen on 3ABN
01:46 and if you're in the Adventist fraternity,
01:48 you've seen it around for many, many years...
01:50 this is Shawn Boonstra,
01:51 Shawn, good to have you here.
01:53 Yeah, not that many years... not that many years...
01:54 I'm getting there but...
01:56 Speaker/Director of Voice of Prophecy
01:58 currently he's had many incarnations... dare I say...
02:01 of what the Lord's called him to do.
02:03 I can't keep a job... I think that's the issue.
02:05 Done a lot of things for the Lord
02:08 but in what he's doing now,
02:10 we were talking just a little bit...
02:11 doing some wonderful
02:13 forward-thinking things for the Lord,
02:14 we're going to sort of mine that in just a little bit,
02:17 but Shawn, first of all, it's good to have you
02:18 and your lovely wife here...
02:20 She's in the back and she'll give me a list
02:23 of what I did wrong after the... after the show...
02:26 no, she was actually here doing another Program
02:28 because she's got a ministry going in her own right now
02:30 and it's gone gangbuster, so...
02:32 Yeah, praise the Lord, we're so happy about that,
02:35 hey, man, I want to spend just a little time
02:37 before we get into our music and some of the other things,
02:40 talking about you as a person,
02:41 we know the face and we've heard the message...
02:43 Yeah, unfortunately everybody knows the face...
02:45 I feel like I owe everybody an apology for that... I...
02:49 Lo these many, many years... not that many years but...
02:53 but they may not know you as an individual
02:56 you kind of just appeared on the scene
02:58 several years ago
03:00 and have been going sort of great guns ever since,
03:03 you move at kind of a rapid pace
03:04 but give us a little background,
03:05 you weren't born in an Adventist home...
03:07 No, I was not... I was born in a Christian home though,
03:10 I was born to Dutch immigrants
03:12 so that would give you a Protestant-Calvinist background
03:15 then I went to Christian schools as a kid,
03:18 yet they say, "God doesn't have any grandkids"
03:20 and so, oh He doesn't... God doesn't have grandchildren
03:23 you've got to buy their...
03:24 hey, I've got to say, "If you were relying
03:26 on your parents' faith to get you into the Kingdom,
03:27 it doesn't work that way, it just doesn't work that way.
03:30 Murray: It does not.
03:31 So, cut loose a little bit,
03:32 I don't rehearse what happened in my teenage life and so on
03:35 because why would you give the devil airtime
03:38 for the way he ruined your life,
03:39 I'm not going to give him free advertising.
03:40 Murray: I just call them "Wilderness years. "
03:42 Yeah, I had some of those, I really did have some of those
03:45 and then found the Adventist Church
03:46 about the age of 22, I think,
03:48 through a series of public evangelistic meetings
03:51 and the Adventists were the first ones
03:53 who ever really helped me feel for sure...
03:56 it was Bible Prophecy really that did this,
03:59 I knew for certain God was real...
04:01 Were you a searcher or a seeker?
04:03 Oh yeah, at that point I was,
04:05 at that point I had actually become a Christian
04:07 and I was looking for a place to call home
04:09 and I had actually read some Bible prophecy...
04:12 I had read some Revelation
04:13 and trying to make sense out of that on your own...
04:15 come to think of it... "What in the world
04:17 all these beasts and candlesticks...
04:18 so, what in the world?"
04:20 But some of it did make sense
04:21 just enough that I started looking for...
04:22 and I made a bargain with God,
04:24 I said, you know... and that's a dangerous thing to do
04:26 make a bargain with God...
04:28 but, "I'll tell you what... I'll go into ministry"
04:30 because I felt this nudging,
04:32 "Hey, you're going to be a minister"
04:33 well, I wanted to run for public office,
04:35 I didn't want to be a minister, I wanted to be in politics...
04:37 I wanted that life
04:38 and I... one night finally... I was under conviction,
04:41 "No, you're going to go into ministry"
04:43 this voice kept saying that
04:44 and I said, "All right, you show me where the people are
04:46 who believe the things that I'm reading here in Revelation
04:48 and in other parts of the Bible, I'll go into the ministry. "
04:50 I got invited to an Evangelistic Meeting...
04:53 an Adventist Evangelistic Meeting the next day
04:55 yeah, my brother got a handbill in the mail,
04:57 he called me, "Hey, I got a handbill. "
04:58 "What's a handbill?"
05:00 Now I know what a handbill is,
05:01 I've mailed out millions of them.
05:02 "It's a handbill. "
05:04 "Who puts it on?"
05:05 He said, "Let me look... Seventh-day Adventists"
05:07 "Oh, they're a whole bunch of wack-a-doodles
05:08 you don't want to go to a meeting like that...
05:10 they're a bunch of... Adventists you should see what they eat"
05:12 because I've seen what the Adventists eat...
05:13 fake meat out of a can...
05:15 I said, "Oh, I can't go to a meeting like that"
05:16 he says, "It will be fun, go... we can heckle the preacher"
05:18 "Okay... " well, now I'm in, you know,
05:20 and I... I couldn't believe what I was hearing
05:23 everything that I had discovered in Scripture
05:25 was there... they were preaching it
05:28 and I had asked like, the day before...
05:29 "God, if you show me where the people are
05:31 who believe what I find in this Book,
05:33 I'll go into the ministry" it was done.
05:35 Yeah, praise the Lord...
05:36 it's interesting that in your studies at the very beginning,
05:39 you had connected the dots enough to know
05:41 that there's got to be a people out there
05:43 somewhere... who buy this.
05:44 Yeah, when you look at Revelation 14 in particular,
05:47 you see the end of Revelation 12,
05:49 I love in hindsight to pretend that I understood
05:51 all the nuances of those chapters, no, I didn't...
05:54 but there seemed to be a clear dividing up of people
05:57 especially when you get to chapters 12, 13 and 14
05:59 of Revelation... in 13 you've got the beast power...
06:01 the 2nd beast power...
06:03 and everybody who kind of follows in their wake...
06:04 you've got one side of the equation...
06:07 one side of this controversy...
06:08 the controversy is introduced in chapter 12
06:11 and in chapter 13, you see the devil's side of the equation
06:14 but then in 14... you've got these people
06:15 standing on Mount Zion with the Lamb...
06:17 with a decisive last-day message for the world.
06:20 Did I understand that message in its entirety then?
06:22 No... but it was clear to me,
06:24 there'd be a polarization of the human race
06:26 and that there had to be a people
06:28 who had that specific message that you find in Revelation 14,
06:31 they had to be out there somewhere.
06:32 Murray: Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm,
06:33 now, you're in Canada... you're a Canadian citizen.
06:36 I am still a Canadian citizen, I became an American as well
06:39 so, I've got the whole continent covered,
06:41 except, I need Mexican citizenship...
06:43 then I've got the whole thing.
06:45 Well, you've got Bermuda...
06:46 Is Bermuda Commonwealth though?
06:49 because Canadian passport is a Commonwealth passport,
06:51 I mean, it's good as you've got...
06:53 I'm already in...
06:54 are they still under the Queen are they?
06:58 I think so.
06:59 Oh, there you go, so, I'm already in...
07:01 I'm a Bermudan too...
07:02 Okay, praise the Lord and a citizen of heaven.
07:05 There you go... every nation, kindred, tongue and people
07:07 so I'm in.
07:08 Amen and amen, you're there,
07:11 you're... you're... you're connecting the dots,
07:12 you're looking for a church,
07:14 you obviously found that church,
07:15 were you married... had you met Jean yet?
07:17 We were dating...
07:18 I don't know, 3, 4, 18 years... however long we'd been dating
07:21 and... and... it probably felt like that to her
07:24 I was slow... we were young...
07:25 so, I waited three... four years before I proposed
07:28 then we were looking for a church home
07:30 and we'd settled on one that was kind of a compromise
07:33 between our different religious backgrounds
07:35 and I'm not sure we were entirely happy
07:37 and if I were going to be in ministry,
07:39 I couldn't be in a church that couldn't believe certain things
07:41 and so, I discovered by happenstance
07:44 the church that I was considering doing ministry in
07:46 didn't even believe the book of Genesis was true
07:49 and so, I said, "Okay God... "
07:51 and that's the bargain I made with God,
07:52 "You've got to show me where these people are
07:54 because this isn't it. "
07:55 "The Bible is the pillar in the ground of the truth"
07:57 we read in the letter to Timothy
07:59 and I said, "If they're rejecting portions of Scripture
08:01 then, where are they?
08:03 You've got to show me where they are,
08:04 I'll go... if they're serious about Scripture
08:06 then I'll go into ministry. "
08:08 Actually it was smug... the truth is, I was smug...
08:09 "I'm going to run for public office I have it all figured out
08:12 I'll be working on that this summer"
08:13 and God answered that day... in 24 hours.
08:17 Wow, wow... had Jean sort of bought into this bargain
08:19 or had you even shared this with her?"
08:20 You know it's interesting,
08:21 I had told her when I came under conviction
08:23 that I was going to go into Ministry,
08:25 which... I thought I'll test the waters,
08:27 my girlfriend's going to think this is nuts...
08:28 I phoned her up and said, "You know what?
08:30 I don't think I'm going to run for office. "
08:32 she said, "What are you going to do?"
08:34 I said, "Well, I'm going to go into Ministry. "
08:35 And what she said was,
08:37 "I've known that since I met you. "
08:39 Murray: You're kidding.
08:41 Yeah and... well girls are a lot smarter than guys, right?
08:42 We've been married now about 25 years at this point
08:46 and dated for four... no, we're almost 30 years
08:49 I'm still figuring her out,
08:51 guys aren't that smart...
08:52 Murray: Yeah, she's got you booked from early on.
08:54 Shawn: Two minutes... two minutes... and we're
08:55 guys are simple creatures right,
08:57 I mean, if we're fed and... we're pretty good, yeah.
09:01 So, she bought it... she had no problem with that.
09:05 And we both went...
09:07 I actually went to the Evangelistic Meetings myself
09:09 first night... came back and said,
09:10 "I found them, you got to come hear this. "
09:12 Murray: In one hour you knew. Shawn: Oh yeah.
09:13 They started, I think with Daniel 2... which is the reason
09:16 that's the first time I had absolute certainty,
09:18 there is no way... I mean,
09:20 you could be as skeptical as you want,
09:21 there's no way to get through Daniel chapter 2
09:24 and explain that away. Murray: Yeah.
09:25 Shawn: And I know the skeptics say,
09:27 "Oh, Daniel 2 must have been written after the fact
09:29 because it's so accurate"
09:31 but even in that case, it still got Rome
09:34 and the division of the Western Roman Empire
09:36 entirely accurate,
09:37 so even if we were to say... and I don't believe this...
09:39 I don't believe this but even if we were to say
09:41 that it was written at a later date,
09:43 it still got so much right
09:45 that the odds are against that being a human document.
09:47 Yeah and it wasn't written in the 300s, we know that so right.
09:50 No, it wasn't and Jesus quoted it,
09:52 I've every conviction Daniel's the author of that...
09:54 he got it right ahead of time,
09:55 even naming people and naming empires and...
09:57 Murray: Yes. Shawn: There's no way around it.
09:59 there's no... I've seen in my own Evangelistic meetings now,
10:02 skeptics come to me and say,
10:04 "All right, I still don't know everything...
10:05 I still don't know if I believe everything
10:07 but I can't explain that...
10:09 I can't explain Daniel"
10:10 so, to this day, I still open with that
10:12 all over the world and... and...
10:14 because you can be the biggest skeptic in the world
10:16 but it's like a bucket of cold water,
10:18 how do you explain that, there is a God...
10:19 it's... God doesn't ever argue for His existence
10:23 but He does demonstrate it.
10:24 Sure He does... sure He does and prophecy is one of the most
10:26 succinct and powerful and irrefutable ways to do that.
10:30 Yeah absolutely and to this day...
10:32 to this day, I still sit there and marvel
10:34 because the nuances never run out,
10:36 you get to Daniel 11 and it's like,
10:38 "Oh, wow, it describes Tiberius Caeser's funeral
10:42 he wasn't given State honors
10:43 how did he get that right?
10:45 How did you get all that right?"
10:47 And so, it's mindboggling to me to this point,
10:50 any time that I... you know and everybody's got little doubts,
10:54 "Is this really something?"
10:55 Go right back and it's like, "Yeah, absolutely...
10:57 this... God's there... He speaks through those books"
11:00 it's not just, "Wow, this is amazing information"
11:02 it's not like a magic trick, "How did he do that?"
11:04 Murray: Yes.
11:05 No, there's somebody speaking behind that and it's...
11:07 it's unmistakable.
11:08 Murray: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
11:10 you have now this call... this feeling...
11:12 you want to go into ministry,
11:13 how did that begin... how did you begin to exercise that?
11:17 Well, the church that baptized me...
11:20 the Victoria Seventh-day Adventist Church,
11:23 hello folks, if you're out there...
11:24 I know there's still some folks there
11:25 I got hired as an Associate Pastor in that church
11:29 like a year after I was baptized,
11:30 the Conference hired me because I was out giving Bible Studies
11:33 and preaching and doing everything I could
11:35 so they just hired me as the Associate Pastor
11:37 then I pastored in that Conference for a bit,
11:39 I went to the Seminary... I won't...
11:41 well, I call it the Cemetery...
11:43 but that's not... I don't mean that and all...
11:44 it was a good experience
11:46 I went to the Seminary and so on...
11:47 pastored in the British Columbia Conference
11:49 and then, "It Is Written Canada"
11:51 was being run at that time
11:52 by a guy by the name of Henry Feyerabend
11:54 yeah... a lot of you know him
11:56 and he was getting ready to retire
11:58 and was looking for somebody who loved evangelism,
12:01 who loved our message and... and approached me
12:04 and so I went to "It Is Written Canada"
12:05 then Mark Finley wanted to retire
12:07 from "It Is Written International"
12:08 so he called me and I moved over the line
12:11 and then... now I'm at the Voice of Prophecy
12:13 because I get fired at one job after the other, right...
12:15 So you got to be Replacement Jockey
12:18 as guys are being signing off then you...
12:20 I'm a Substitute Teacher that's what I am.
12:22 Laughter...
12:23 No, I eventually did lay down my arm... so to speak...
12:29 at "It Is Written International" because I got sick back at 2010.
12:32 It was a mysterious illness, we still don't know what it was
12:34 but it was serious, I thought I was a goner...
12:37 and... so I survived that and I did go back to work,
12:40 now I'm at the Voice of Prophecy.
12:41 Yeah, so they never... because we were all praying for you
12:44 that went around the world.
12:46 Yeah, I appreciate the prayers,
12:47 I know that all of you were praying for me, I do know that,
12:50 but the truth is... rumor mills filled in...
12:53 "What's wrong... what happened to Shawn?"
12:55 We really don't know, we really don't know
12:57 but it appears to be in the past,
12:59 I still suffer with some lingering after effects,
13:03 I have some Neuropathy in my feet... my feet will burn
13:06 and I'll get numbness in weird parts of my body
13:08 but my energy really came back,
13:10 I went to Eden Valley for a little bit
13:13 it's a health retreat in Colorado
13:16 they helped me feel better
13:18 and I started going back to work slowly
13:20 it was about a three-year process
13:21 and then in 2013
13:24 I was asked if I'd consider the Voice of Prophecy
13:27 so I went there and haven't looked back yet
13:29 I guess it's been five years now
13:31 just about that I've been there and...
13:33 Has it been five? Time goes by so fast.
13:35 I saw you shortly after you were making your recovery,
13:39 we had some meeting in California
13:40 I don't remember what it was out near Ontario
13:42 because I flew into Ontario.
13:44 Oh they had some big media stuff about there.
13:46 Yeah, yeah, we were there for that
13:47 and you were smaller and... but your color was coming back
13:50 and you were starting to feel a little stronger.
13:52 Yeah, it was starting to come back at that point.
13:54 Yeah... I went down to skin and bones,
13:57 lost motor control... it was a scary time.
13:59 Yeah, I'm sure... I'm sure...
14:00 family... wife... lovely wife... two daughters...
14:03 Shawn: I hope so... I hope she's still there
14:05 when I get out of the Studio
14:06 and hasn't left but Jean... we've been 25 years this year,
14:10 Natalie is at Southern,
14:13 she'll be a Sophomore this coming year
14:15 in the Communications Program at Southern Adventist University
14:18 the youngest one is now 16
14:21 and she is a Junior at Campion Academy I think,
14:24 I think that's where my kid goes...
14:26 Laughter...
14:28 So, one's in high school... one's in college
14:30 so, here's the light at the end of the tunnel...
14:33 I'm already mapping out their bedrooms for an office...
14:35 it's like... they're going to be leaving soon, right?
14:37 I'm kidding kids, that's not true, I love you.
14:39 Laughter... and praise the Lord.
14:41 We want to go and we'll go to our music
14:43 and then we want to talk about some of the new innovations...
14:47 some of the things that are on your heart
14:49 for Voice of Prophecy...
14:50 some of the new directions you're taking them in
14:52 and before I do that, I got to ask you a question.
14:55 It occurred to me,
14:57 I happened to see you at a funeral some time ago,
14:59 and I had never picked this up before
15:02 but the way you were walking...
15:03 just looking at the camera following you
15:05 people walk a different way when they have shoes on
15:07 and when they don't...
15:09 I think, "He's planting his foot awful light... "
15:11 so I just waited until we got a beauty shot when they showed...
15:14 Shawn: That's impossible with me beauty shot... come on...
15:16 Laughter...
15:18 Anyway... we got the whole shot
15:19 and I said, "He's got no shoes on. "
15:21 Shawn: That's right.
15:22 Murray: Then I marked you several other times
15:23 you always preach without... without shoes.
15:26 Now I... when I got into the Recording Studio,
15:28 I sing without shoes... I know my reason,
15:31 I'm very curious what yours is.
15:33 I actually don't have shoes on now,
15:34 I won't show your audience
15:36 because that will offend some cultures if I plop up on...
15:37 I don't wear them now,
15:39 there are a number of reasons,
15:40 number one is I hate shoes, I just hate them,
15:42 grew up Canadian, we don't wear our shoes inside
15:44 it feels weird to wear your shoes inside... I hate them,
15:48 number two, I'm a little bit clumsy... more than a little bit
15:51 I like to feel where the edge of that platform is with my toe
15:54 because I have fallen off the platform preaching
15:56 and I know it's a...
15:58 funny thing is... one time I was actually reciting that verse
16:00 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my... "
16:02 and I didn't get the word "feet" out
16:03 and I fell right off the platform.
16:05 Somebody said, "You did that on purpose"
16:06 "Oh no... that hurt too much to plan that... I... "
16:08 so, I like feeling the edge of the platform,
16:11 I also have two different-sized feet...
16:13 I won't pull them out here
16:14 but one's nine-and-a-half one's eleven
16:16 caught one in a piece of equipment
16:18 and it wasn't quite right after that
16:21 and so, shoes are terribly uncomfortable
16:23 and so I buy an eleven and never wear them
16:26 but the number one reason
16:29 and you made reference to it at the beginning of the show,
16:30 I really truly am an off-the-charts introvert...
16:34 I didn't know the word for that in the beginning...
16:35 I'm terrified of public speaking...
16:37 this is comfortable...
16:38 you know a few people in a TV Studio...
16:40 very comfortable for me
16:42 to get up front... to this day is agony for me,
16:45 on opening night if I'm holding an Evangelistic Meeting,
16:47 I want to throw up...
16:48 I am so terrified of public speaking and crowds,
16:51 I don't like it...
16:53 but there's something about taking your shoes off
16:55 that grounds you... I'm home among friends...
16:58 and it relaxes me... and so off they go...
17:01 now the saints...
17:03 they're pretty sure there's got to be a spiritual reason
17:04 "the only way you take it...
17:06 is it because after you pray you're on holy ground?"
17:08 I wish I had thought of that, I wish I had thought of that...
17:10 Murray: That's the reason I was expecting
17:11 that kind of answer to that.
17:13 Shawn: Yeah... no... I hate shoes and I'm really...
17:14 it takes a lot of the stage fright away.
17:16 Murray: Hmmm... Shawn: Yeah...
17:18 Murray: Well I'd never think so
17:19 it cured me of that... and last story from me...
17:22 when I was playing basketball in college
17:23 I would play good in practice...
17:26 get in the game and get totally terrified
17:28 the Coach told me one day,
17:29 he said, "You know what, Murray, nobody cares about you. "
17:31 Laughter...
17:34 he said, "What are you getting nervous about... it's the team
17:35 they want to see the team, nobody cares about you"
17:37 and from that time on, I'm fine...
17:39 it's not you... it's the message it's what you're doing.
17:42 Shawn: That's it... I do this because people come to Christ,
17:45 I do not do it... I can't...
17:46 to this day, if I'm sitting in church
17:48 and you see me there, "Hey Shawn's here,
17:49 come up and tell us what's going on. "
17:51 I have a little panic attack, "Oooh, I didn't prepare...
17:53 I'm not ready for this"
17:55 I don't even like my birthday party
17:56 because if people sing "Happy Birthday"
17:58 they're going to look at me for three minutes
18:00 and I can't handle that.
18:01 So, it's true, the only reason I ever get up front...
18:03 I don't like being on TV, I don't like being on the radio,
18:06 I don't like getting up front to preach
18:08 there's only one reason to do it...
18:09 it works... people find Christ...
18:11 and they're looking for something...
18:12 and... somebody did it for me so I'm going to do it for them.
18:16 Murray: For them... yeah... yeah...
18:18 praise the Lord praise the Lord, well done...
18:19 well said... and thank you for de-mythologizing it
18:22 or de-mystifying that because I thought it was,
18:25 "Take off thy shoes from off thy feet for... "
18:27 that kind of thing, yeah.
18:29 Shawn: That would be lying but it would be such a nice thing
18:31 to say, wouldn't it?
18:32 Murray: It really would...
18:33 our music today is coming from Ben and John
18:37 The Burchfield Brothers... they're going to be playing,
18:39 "Be Still My Soul. "
18:42 Be still, my soul:
18:46 the Lord is on thy side;
18:53 Bear patiently
18:57 the cross of grief or pain;
19:05 Leave to thy God
19:11 to order and provide;
19:19 music...
19:21 In every change
19:24 He faithful will remain.
19:31 Be still, my soul:
19:35 thy best, thy heavenly friend
19:45 Through thorny ways
19:51 leads to a joyful end.
20:01 Guitar strumming...
20:09 Be still, my soul:
20:17 the hour is hastening on
20:24 When we shall be
20:29 forever with the Lord,
20:35 When disappointment,
20:41 grief, and fear are gone,
20:47 Sorrow forgot,
20:55 love's purest joys restored.
21:03 music...
21:06 Be still my soul:
21:13 When change and tears are past,
21:20 All safe and blessed
21:29 we shall meet at last...
21:39 We shall meet at last.
21:41 Music.
22:01 The Burchfield brothers, thank you gentlemen,
22:05 Be still my soul...
22:07 my guest is Shawn Boonstra.
22:08 You are the Speaker/Director for Voice of Prophecy,
22:11 I want you to get into...
22:12 Shawn: Until they fire me...
22:14 until they fire me... I'll... I'll... yeah.
22:16 And there is some history of you moving around.
22:18 Yeah... yeah... third media ministry... you never know...
22:19 Murray: Praise the Lord for that
22:21 but you're thinking of some new things...
22:22 moving in some new directions,
22:24 let's walk through some of that stuff
22:25 because you've got some good things that you're doing.
22:27 Well, we're going right back to the roots
22:28 of the Voice of Prophecy.
22:30 Look, there's only one reason to be on the radio,
22:32 we are not interested in just being on the air
22:35 for the sake of being on the air and getting some notoriety,
22:37 for me, as a sort of a wired introvert
22:41 there has to be a reason for me to go on the air.
22:43 To put myself out there in the public
22:45 it's about people... it's about people coming to Christ
22:48 and the radio gets into homes or television too...
22:51 I mean, we do documentaries and things now,
22:52 but it gets into the home...
22:55 they might not open the door when I knock...
22:57 but on their time... in their turf
22:59 they turn on the program you guys know that here,
23:02 you turn on the program and it's safe
23:04 and so, that was the reason it went on the air in 1929
23:07 HMS Richards... making shows in a chicken coop
23:09 I want to say it was on tape, but I don't know,
23:12 did they use wax cylinders in '29... I don't know
23:14 and then he delivered the recording
23:16 to KNX Radio in Los Angeles
23:17 and before you know it, it went worldwide.
23:19 By 1942, they had opened the Bible School of the air
23:22 and we still have the world's biggest Bible school
23:24 that we run internationally,
23:26 now we have more than a million graduates
23:27 from the Discover Bible School so, the roots though
23:32 were... not to get on the air
23:33 I mean, in the glory days of Christian Broadcasting
23:36 there were only four personalities on the air,
23:38 there was HMS Richards, we had Bishop Fulton Sheen,
23:41 we had Billy Graham...
23:42 there was one more... I can't remember...
23:44 I guess Martin Luther King might have been the other one,
23:46 that was sort of a prominent personality
23:48 even though he didn't have a regular broadcast,
23:50 in the glory days, the dial was pretty empty
23:53 and now the dial is really crammed full
23:56 but we've taken it all the way back to its roots.
23:59 I want people to end up
24:00 walking through the doors of a church
24:02 because we've been on the air,
24:04 I want them to connect with real churches... real Christians
24:06 and experience Jesus in Community
24:08 because the entry point was us,
24:11 we're not there to attract them to the Voice of Prophecy,
24:13 I want to attract them to your church,
24:14 I want to them to end up at your church
24:16 and so, we're taking it all the way back to the roots
24:19 and to that end what we're really doing is
24:21 going to decentralize the whole ministry,
24:24 there's kind of an unspoken assumption
24:26 with a lot of Christian Broadcasting
24:28 that the saints exist to support what's going on the air...
24:32 they will pay and they will watch
24:33 and you give a good report on what happened.
24:35 That's not the New Testament model at all,
24:37 the New Testament model is not a handful of media personalities
24:40 running around, holding Evangelistic Meetings
24:42 and winning the world for Jesus... you won't find that
24:44 even though there were some notable personalities
24:46 in the New Testament
24:47 the work wasn't all done by Paul,
24:49 he's a key feature... but he doesn't even have a radio show,
24:54 he can't show up... but once in a while at your church
24:57 it's all members on deck,
24:59 I mean, the Bible is crystal clear.
25:00 When you read 1st Corinthians chapter 5,
25:03 it talks about the fact that God reconciled us to Himself
25:07 through Jesus Christ
25:08 but in the next breath it says
25:10 He's given us the ministry of reconciliation.
25:11 Yes... right.
25:13 So, all members are on deck,
25:16 it's a priesthood of all believers
25:17 so, we're turning the whole ministry on its head,
25:19 we don't talk about ourselves as a media ministry at all anymore
25:22 we are an Evangelistic Ministry
25:24 and we eat, sleep and breathe helping your church
25:27 win your community to Christ.
25:28 So you exist to sort of franchise out...
25:31 Franchise is exactly the word we're using,
25:33 I will be... yeah... I will be the national spokesperson
25:36 for the Voice of Prophecy.
25:37 I'll say, "I'll be the Dave Thomas,
25:39 you be the local Wendy's
25:40 because I don't want to say McDonald's
25:42 because that would make me Ronald McDonald,
25:44 that's not the model I want at all,
25:46 but there's a national spokesperson,
25:48 we can take advantage of the fact
25:50 that there's a national, trustworthy brand
25:51 that people are used to on the air
25:53 and then what I want to be able to do is say,
25:55 "Hey, if you've really enjoyed this,
25:57 if you've enjoyed what you've been hearing,
25:59 not only do we have the Discover Bible School... "
26:01 which we plug all the time,
26:03 that's the whole reason I go on the air...
26:04 is to get people taking Bible Study
26:06 "we also have in your community a local Discovery Center,
26:09 go to DiscoveryCenters. com
26:10 and you can find my local office and see what's going on there"
26:13 when they go there, based on their IP address
26:16 click... up comes the local pastor
26:18 here's what we've got going on Tuesday night
26:20 "Hey, to register for our Healthy Lifestyle Seminar
26:23 or our Bible Study Class or our Prophecy Seminar
26:26 click here to register" and it's all handled
26:28 and I'm sending people directly to the churches
26:30 which we now call Discovery Centers
26:32 for the public's use.
26:33 I love it... so as... as... as... as franchises
26:35 for what you're brand is then
26:36 they've got a... you've got to make sure
26:39 that they're sort of onboard
26:40 with the direction that you lead... that kind of thing.
26:42 Absolutely, so, if you were to open a Wendy's,
26:44 and I do not advocate Wendy's,
26:46 I do believe in the Bible's health message
26:48 I'm not sending people to Wendy's
26:49 but it's the only one that popped into my head right now,
26:51 and fortunately I don't eat at Wendy's, I don't...
26:53 well, once I had fries but other than that...
26:56 but when you go there, look at what happens
26:59 the reason people driving across the country
27:02 pull into a fast-food place
27:03 like a Taco Bell or one of these places,
27:05 they know exactly what to expect when they walk through the door.
27:07 Murray: Precisely.
27:08 And when you walk into a Discovery Center,
27:10 I want people to know exactly what to expect
27:12 and so, we're creating as in a restaurant...
27:14 a Taco Bell or some fast-food place,
27:16 they provide you the menu, they provide you the decor,
27:19 they provide you the experience
27:20 and we're going to provide that to our Discovery Centers
27:22 so we're creating what we call
27:24 the Discovery Suite of Evangelistic Tools
27:27 the Discovery Suite rather...
27:28 Discovery is: Discovery Mountain Jean's children's program
27:31 and so, that's the whole range of things,
27:33 first of all, we've got the Discover Bible School
27:35 it's the worlds' oldest and biggest Bible School
27:37 Correspondence Bible School,
27:38 but we want people to interact with those folks,
27:41 we don't want to mail in the lessons and so on
27:43 so we'll teach you and show you
27:45 how you can interact with the people who want Bible Lessons
27:47 and maybe even go to their home and give them a Bible Study,
27:50 we've had more than a million people
27:52 graduate from the Discover Bible School
27:53 and all around the world I go people say,
27:55 "I found my way to Jesus through the Discover Bible School"
27:58 so we've just re-written it,
27:59 there's a brand new Discover Bible School
28:01 that we've just completed
28:05 that sort of dovetails with all of the other evangelistic
28:08 sort of outreach tools and Bible Study tools
28:10 that we're creating
28:12 so, that's the Discover Bible School
28:15 on the heels of that we're also creating a...
28:17 oh, let me say this too, I nearly forgot
28:20 one of the reasons I'm a big believer
28:22 in the Discover Bible School is this,
28:24 I will not go into a city and hold an Evangelistic Meeting
28:27 unless I start Discover Bible Schools
28:29 in that city two years in advance.
28:30 Murray: That makes sense.
28:31 Any city that I've gone to...
28:33 I know that Christians today are all despondent,
28:34 they say, "We live in the post-modern secular world
28:36 and nobody's ever going to be interested in Bible Study. "
28:38 We've proven them wrong over and over
28:40 I think the lowest number of Bible Studies
28:42 we've been able to start in a week
28:44 in seven days in an urban center is 1,000
28:47 we usually range from 2- to 3,000 in a week.
28:49 Your neighbors are dying to study the Bible,
28:51 they know something's up
28:52 and they want to know what that is.
28:54 So, Discover Bible School...
28:55 let me pull up my Cheat Sheet so I don't forget stuff.
28:56 This is my iPad but I turned down this...
28:59 the bright... so it doesn't light up my face,
29:02 so, we've got a Discover Bible School,
29:04 we've got the Discover Seminars,
29:06 the Discover Seminars are short entry events
29:08 that you can put on in your church
29:09 that are just three or four meetings that attract the public
29:12 and then we invite them to stay for Bible Study.
29:14 Murray: Ah ha.
29:15 So, for example, I usually do ancient history
29:17 and tie it to prophecy,
29:19 we did "Shadow Empire"
29:20 and we did that... that's the life and rise of Constantine
29:24 everybody's got the sense there's something wrong...
29:26 amiss... with organized religion and instead of arguing with them
29:29 we justify their feelings,
29:31 we said, "You're absolutely right
29:32 something did go wrong with... "
29:34 I think we've got a trailer for that.
29:35 Shawn: We could run that trailer are we allowed to run a trailer?
29:37 Can I do that... can I just like
29:39 command the show and run a trailer or...?
29:40 Murray: Sure you can.
29:41 Shawn: All right, let's run that one... "Shadow Empire. "
29:43 Music...
29:48 Born under the cloud of illegitimacy...
29:51 music...
29:55 his real father
29:58 far more powerful than anyone could imagine
30:02 music...
30:04 the unlikely king who ignited a global movement
30:09 music...
30:13 the world forever changed.
30:20 His legacy: an empire reaching across centuries...
30:24 his name: Constantine...
30:29 music...
30:32 Shadow Empire...
30:40 it's not what you've been told.
30:44 Well done and a great tease.
30:46 Shawn: It is a pretty good tease, right?
30:47 Murray: Really, yeah, it was a great tease.
30:49 So, what we're doing is... everyone knows something's amiss
30:50 in the world of organized religion
30:52 so instead of arguing with them, we tell them, "You're right"
30:53 because they are,
30:54 something did go south in about the 4th century
30:57 and... but we hold out as the alternative,
31:00 that's not your only alternative
31:01 there's a Biblical Christianity,
31:03 there's a real Jesus He has a real message
31:04 and yeah, it isn't what you've heard
31:06 and we packed out auditoriums all across... people came.
31:10 We wanted to provide something
31:11 you could be proud to bring your friends to...
31:13 Murray: Yes. Shawn: Right...
31:14 Murray: Quality... Shawn: Yeah
31:16 it looked like something they would see on the History Channel
31:17 and you don't have to be embarrassed,
31:18 it doesn't look like somebody cobbled it together with felts
31:20 back in the... you know...
31:21 Laughter...
31:23 Shawn: No... but... but... we wanted to be...
31:24 so, budgets mean that we can only do like four episodes
31:27 but it was enough
31:29 and what would happen is,
31:30 I would give 30 minutes of high-quality documentary style
31:33 "Here's what happened in ancient history... "
31:35 and then we'll segue straight into a Bible Study
31:37 that the Pastor gives to that same audience
31:39 and we're inviting them into Bible Study...
31:40 packed out audiences all over,
31:42 we've had entire congregations change their opinion
31:45 about the way they worship as a result of that.
31:48 Murray: Now, that's fabulous.
31:49 Shawn: Yeah, it's gone gangbusters...
31:50 it's three nights... it's four nights...
31:52 it's easy to do... Murray: Hmmm... hmmm.
31:54 Shawn: We did "Pale Horse Rides" which was the story...
31:56 "Well, if something went wrong with Constantine,
31:57 where did Biblical Christianity go?"
32:00 And we uncovered the stories of ancient barbarians
32:02 who had nothing but the copy of the... a copy of the Scriptures
32:04 and lived a completely Scriptural
32:06 Christ-centered Christianity in the midst of the Dark Ages
32:09 so, the ancient Celts and I've got...
32:11 I brought trailers like crazy...
32:13 can we watch that one: The Pale Horse Rides?
32:14 Pale Horse Rides...
32:15 let's run: The Pale Horse Rides.
32:17 Words on screen.
32:26 For 1,200 years, a pact between political forces and the church
32:32 committed atrocities in the name of Christ
32:34 today, people are leaving the church at alarming rates
32:38 with a sense that something went wrong
32:41 with the evolution of organized religion.
32:43 Many scholars have even predicted
32:46 the death of Christianity as we know it
32:48 did something go wrong in early Christianity
32:51 that affects the church today?
32:53 Are people's fear of organized religion justified?
32:57 Yes, and the Bible predicted that it would happen
33:00 join Shawn Boonstra
33:03 from the Voice of Prophecy
33:04 as he explores the untold stories
33:07 and visits awe-inspiring locations
33:09 for the 1,200-year journey of the church
33:12 that paved the way to Martin Luther's Reformation.
33:15 Find out what went wrong
33:17 at the beginning of the world's largest religion
33:19 then watch as Bible prophecy unfolds
33:22 at the birth of the church
33:24 and culminates in predictions for our world today.
33:27 The story hidden in history,
33:31 the church on the brink of destruction,
33:35 of hope born out of the ashes of a vast empire.
33:39 Discover the history that may be the best chance
33:43 for the church's future.
33:45 A Pale Horse Rides.
33:50 Music.
33:54 Here's the nuance that I like in your presentation,
33:58 you admit that something went wrong
34:00 which gives you a platform to tell what that is
34:02 as opposed to starting from a defensive position,
34:05 "Everything is fine... everything is fine,
34:06 oh yeah, we got this little... "
34:08 Shawn: You're right... Murray: Yeah, you're right.
34:09 Shawn: Well, we may as well admit it,
34:11 we did some awful things in the Dark Ages
34:12 as Christians we did
34:14 why don't we admit it, everyone knows we did it
34:15 so, what are we trying to hide it for?
34:17 Murray: Yeah. Shawn: Israel went off base,
34:18 all of the Old Testament prophecies pointing toward it
34:21 were when Israel went off base,
34:22 New Testament Prophecy... the book of Revelation
34:24 predicts Christianity goes off base,
34:25 why don't we admit we did and point to Jesus
34:27 instead of defending ourselves,
34:29 it's an approach that fills auditoriums
34:31 because people are... people don't want God not to be real
34:34 they would love there to be a loving God,
34:36 it's just the Christians they can't handle...
34:39 Yeah, yeah, and that's an important point Shawn
34:41 because they look around, they look at churches,
34:43 they see the dysfunction
34:45 why pretend that it's not there
34:47 but the God that you want to serve
34:49 that is beyond all of this... above all of this
34:52 is true and faithful and loyal
34:53 so don't look at the...
34:54 the people per se... look at God.
34:56 One of my favorite passages is Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11,
34:58 "God has put eternity in the heart. "
34:59 Everybody you know has some inkling that God is there,
35:04 He does... Acts chapter 14,
35:07 "God has not left Himself without witness. "
35:08 He's speaking to your neighbors,
35:09 we're not always the best representative of Jesus,
35:12 so, I like to admit that we're not perfect
35:15 and then point them Christ
35:16 and people make decisions that... so...
35:19 those are the Discover Seminars
35:20 we're going to release a new one every year
35:22 every year for our Discover Centers
35:24 you can invite people... they take Bible Study
35:26 then the next thing we've done is
35:28 "Revelation Speaks Peace"
35:29 it's a public Prophecy Seminar that I've done for 25 years
35:32 I've taken the whole thing,
35:34 I'm calling it: Discovering Revelation
35:35 so that it's branded alike with the Discover Bible School,
35:38 I'm packaging it
35:39 for any church that becomes a Discovery Center... to use
35:41 I'm giving everything away that God has blessed me with
35:43 over the years, it's all going away
35:45 because it worked so well for us around the world for 25 years,
35:48 that... I want to share that...
35:50 I want to share that with every church
35:51 so, Bible School... we've got the Discover Seminars
35:54 we've got a full message campaign on Bible prophecy
35:57 that has worked... it's worked for me every time,
36:00 once or twice... it almost didn't work
36:02 but overall... hey, as Christians we give up
36:04 if something does not work once.
36:06 "Oh, I give up... "
36:07 we would have lost World War 2
36:09 if the first bullet fired over our head...
36:10 "Go home... it's pointless. "
36:11 If you work it... it works
36:13 and that's one of the things we're showing,
36:15 it all comes with training...
36:16 we've got resources for children...
36:18 Jean's show: Discovery Mountain for children... radio drama,
36:21 we're developing a Vacation Bible School to go with it,
36:23 we're developing Children's Evangelistic Meetings
36:25 and a Bible Study Set to go with it
36:26 so that if you're preaching "Discovering Revelation"
36:28 your Kids' Department has got Discovery Mountain
36:30 they've heard it on the radio anyway.
36:32 Murray: Talk a little bit about that
36:33 you're actually allowed to talk about your wife.
36:34 Oh absolutely, she put together a radio drama for kids,
36:37 it's based on a little town called "Discovery Mountain"
36:40 up in the Rocky Mountains, oddly enough...
36:41 we live at the base of Rocky Mountains...
36:43 it's loosely built on Glacier View Ranch,
36:45 as far as its look and feel
36:47 and it's gone gangbusters,
36:49 there's a radio drama in the current day and age
36:51 where the kids are dealing with real situations
36:53 but it always ties to a Bible story,
36:55 there's a theme every season that Jean does
36:57 like Esther and Moses or something like that,
36:58 kids are learning the Bible and it's gone gangbusters...
37:01 it's all over the place, you can find it in iTunes,
37:03 you can find it on... I think iHeart Media is carrying that
37:06 if not, I know they're carrying a number of our shows already
37:09 and it will end up there.
37:11 It's on radio stations all over the country
37:12 and the demand went through the roof in three months,
37:14 we found a niche where kids... and especially with grandparents
37:18 whose kids don't take their kids to church
37:20 and they're, "What can I give my kid?"
37:22 "What can I give my child?"
37:23 "Discovery Mountain"
37:24 go to discoverymountain. com
37:26 and you can see... you can download the resources there,
37:28 that's gone huge, so, children's resources,
37:31 Discover Seminars
37:33 Full-message Campaigns
37:34 Training
37:36 what we want to do is, pull everybody together,
37:37 churches that are interested in becoming a Discovery Center,
37:39 pull them together in March of 2019,
37:41 we're going to have roll out,
37:42 "Here's all the tools that we use
37:44 that have worked for me for the last 25 years,
37:46 in a format that you can use. "
37:48 We have support systems,
37:49 "Hey, you have a problem, give me a call"
37:51 I have an Evangelist on the line,
37:52 "Hey, I've got this going on in my meeting...
37:54 I've got a guy half-way through a sex change
37:56 and he wants to come to Jesus, what do I do?"
37:57 And then, I say, "Call C.A. Murray. "
38:00 Laughter...
38:01 No... but that happens,
38:02 let's be honest about the world we live in, it happens...
38:04 and so, we're going to hold each other's hands.
38:06 We're going to develop resources together
38:08 eventually, every pastor that has a Discovery Center
38:11 gets his own Sunday Morning Show,
38:12 I've got five radio shows now,
38:13 we've got: Disclosure which is my Talk Radio Show
38:16 I do that once a week and that's picking up...
38:18 I think we just picked up another 138 Stations
38:21 that we're on...
38:22 so, we brought that back from the dead,
38:23 Discovery Mountains is a radio show...
38:25 all of these are designed to drive people
38:26 straight to your Discovery Center,
38:28 "The Bull Pen" is a show I'm going to do for men
38:30 it's kind of like men are the biggest missing demographic
38:33 in churches especially middle-age guys
38:35 so, this is going to be a radio show
38:37 that's going to be... I hate to use the analogy,
38:39 I'm going to get letters...
38:41 address your complaints to Jean Boonstra,
38:42 Box 999 Loveland, Colorado...
38:44 but this is like the closest analog on TV: The Sports Center
38:49 it'll be four guys talking religion and issues
38:51 and they can argue all they want
38:53 as long as I get the last ten minutes
38:54 and I wrap it off
38:56 and invite people to take Bible Studies
38:57 and visit a Discovery Center
38:59 and that one will be geared specifically for men.
39:01 Jean is working on one that's called: Believers
39:03 it will be like a 15-minute radio show
39:05 on great heroes of the faith,
39:07 kind of like Paul Harvey Style
39:08 we've got a website which is in a radio show
39:11 bibleinfo. com
39:12 which now gets, I believe, 1.1 million people a month
39:15 coming for Bible Study... you need visitors.
39:17 Murray: Praise the Lord.
39:18 So, these are all... all these resources are all tied together
39:20 to open a Discovery Center,
39:21 you get your deep fryer, you get your table,
39:23 you get your menu, you get...
39:25 and the public knows because I said,
39:26 "I have a Discovery Center in your town...
39:28 this is a safe place to go"
39:29 and they show up there,
39:31 we'll have post work,
39:32 I think we'll have a Bible Marking Course for new believers
39:34 and discipling resources for believers
39:36 and then again, eventually, if you have a Discover Center,
39:39 I'm going to put that Pastor on the radio
39:41 on their local Talk Radio Station
39:43 Sunday morning with a half-hour sermon
39:45 like the old Voice of Prophecy
39:47 that will be the Voice of Prophecy presents...
39:48 like the old school...
39:50 because why in the world would I be on the air
39:52 in Billy-Cook Junction, Arkansas
39:54 when there's a pastor working hard there
39:55 and he's the one who needs to meet the people.
39:57 So, we'll do it all together
39:59 then... then... and here's the...
40:00 here's the piece that I'm really excited about
40:03 once we've rolled out all these things
40:04 and we're just about done,
40:06 in March of 2020, we're going to open with
40:08 public evangelistic meeting in 1,000 locations
40:11 with 1,000 Speakers
40:12 and I brought a trailer for that can I show that one?
40:14 Rev 2020 is that one... let's run that one.
40:17 What if...
40:22 music...
40:26 you have everything you needed to finish the work?
40:29 music...
40:33 What if instead of one city per year
40:36 music...
40:42 music...
40:46 What if instead of 1,500 guests
40:50 a 150,000
40:58 in 1948 Ellen White saw streams of light
41:02 gripping the whole planet.
41:04 Did she see the possibilities of the 21st century?
41:09 Music...
41:14 All new streams of light... did she see?
41:16 Music...
41:21 What if she saw you?
41:22 read screen...
41:30 before God.
41:37 Music.
41:52 Well, powerful stuff
41:57 I want to just back up and tap the brakes a little bit, Shawn
42:00 these four trailers are...
42:02 are... teasers to four presentations
42:06 that lead to Bible Studies... what are...
42:08 This last one... this last one was Revelation 2020
42:10 that's what we're kind of calling the project
42:12 as we open a 1,000 Discovery Centers,
42:14 we're going to run a 1,000 Evangelistic Meetings
42:16 with a 1,000 Speakers that we have all gotten together
42:19 used the same resources...
42:21 we're branded alike across the nation
42:23 that one there... Revelation 2020...
42:25 we're going to open in March of 20
42:27 so that's not... that's a full-message campaign
42:29 you know that often when I do Bible Prophecy
42:31 I go five weeks... this is...
42:32 people say, "Really five weeks, five weeks in this day and age?"
42:35 Yeah... yeah we will...
42:37 people not only come this day and age
42:38 in the Western World, they stay...
42:40 Altar Calls are bigger than I've ever seen them in my whole life,
42:42 I'm telling you that at this moment
42:44 I sometimes get into a meeting and I'm preaching
42:46 and 30 minutes in... you know I preach an hour,
42:48 30 minutes in... I watch people get out of their seats
42:51 and walk to the front to make a decision for Christ
42:53 because they want an Altar Call,
42:55 "That's enough sermon, we're convinced...
42:57 let's do this. "
42:58 I want every church to experience that,
43:00 we've allowed ourselves to become convinced
43:03 that proclaiming that the everlasting gospel
43:06 has become impossible in the 21st Century
43:08 too post-modern... too secular... it doesn't work
43:11 that's a bunch of nonsense
43:13 it's not true at all...
43:15 I've watched it work time and time and time again,
43:17 Jean and I have had the privilege of watching
43:19 almost a 100,000 people make a decision for Christ
43:21 at this point in our ministry,
43:22 100,000...
43:23 and it's not because we're unusually gifted...
43:25 it's because the message works,
43:26 the Bible's powerful and God is not dead,
43:29 He saw the whole world lighting up with the glory of Christ
43:31 before Jesus comes, Revelation 18,
43:33 we're headed for good times,
43:35 it's not getting tougher, it's getting better
43:37 and so, I want every church to experience that.
43:39 Now, the other ones... yeah... the Discover Seminars...
43:41 A Pale Horse Rides
43:43 Shadow Empire 3... 4... nights
43:45 and then invite people to stay for Bible Study,
43:48 and we've got one more of those coming up...
43:50 October of '18
43:52 "The Appearing" on the Second Coming of Christ
43:54 now, I did this Series some years ago
43:58 and we packed 1,400 auditoriums,
44:00 we couldn't believe the response,
44:02 and every time we run a Discover Seminar
44:04 people are telling us,
44:05 "We got three times the number of visitors than we prepared for
44:07 we can't believe how hungry people are. "
44:09 This one... I've completely re-written,
44:11 there's a brand-new book and it's a brand-new Series
44:13 and guess what.. I brought a trailer for that too.
44:14 Let's run that one... The Appearing.
44:16 Murray: Got to take a look. Shawn: Yeah...
44:17 Screen...
44:37 Music...
44:56 Are you ready?
44:59 Pause.
45:01 Great voice, very well done.
45:03 Yeah, that's not more of my voice... you can tell right
45:05 that's actually a guy in Hollywood who loves us
45:07 and does that for us.
45:09 Shawn... just to sort of paint out with very broad strokes here
45:14 I was going to say, nuance...
45:17 but this is not a nuance change in VOP...
45:20 this is a whole new set of clothes.
45:22 Well, it is what VOP was born to do
45:25 we're now pushing 90 years old not me... not me...
45:29 but the ministry is pushing 90 it was born to do this,
45:32 but I don't want to be the only one out there
45:35 reaping souls for Jesus,
45:37 if every church member could see it for themselves,
45:39 just once in their life, somebody come to Christ
45:42 because they allowed God to use them
45:44 and here's what I teach
45:46 you can't convert people
45:47 we're too scared of this,
45:49 you can't convert people,
45:50 1st Corinthians 2 tells us that this carnal minds...
45:53 you know, can't be...
45:55 it doesn't understand spiritual things,
45:56 we've shifted people's thinking,
45:59 if... I mean, God speaks to people,
46:01 our job is not to convert people
46:03 but to find those that God's in the process of converting,
46:05 and if you look back,
46:07 everybody over their own experience can see
46:09 God got to them long before the Preacher or the Bible Worker
46:12 or anybody else got to them,
46:13 the church didn't speak to them,
46:15 God woke them up and made them interested.
46:16 If we could take away the fear
46:19 and have very church member lead one person to Christ,
46:21 they'll keep doing it the rest of their lives
46:22 because there's nothing more rewarding
46:24 and we can't rely on this idea
46:26 that there's going to be... as much as I would love to,
46:28 there's a number of Evangelist friends of mine
46:30 that run around... we hold big meetings and...
46:31 I would love to pretend that that's how the work is finished,
46:34 it's not... that will... there will always be a need for that
46:37 there's always going to be a need
46:38 for a big splash in the city
46:39 to sort of make it a dent in the devil's armor,
46:41 but every member could be a soul winner
46:43 and they can use exactly the same tools that I've have had
46:46 at my disposal for 25 years,
46:47 I've given the store away so to speak,
46:49 I really am...
46:51 because everybody deserves to see somebody come to Christ,
46:53 so we're opening these Discovery Centers.
46:55 I think that was HMS' intent in the beginning...
46:57 to lead people to Christ,
46:59 he realized... I can get into that home and get them to church
47:01 I think over the years
47:03 we've probably drifted from that a little bit
47:04 and the media became the point, it's not the point
47:07 the point is... people coming into the community of faith
47:10 becoming believers in Christ, joining God's remnant church,
47:13 getting ready for Jesus to come,
47:15 that happens at the church
47:17 so, we flipped everything on its head
47:18 and we're directing all of our attention...
47:21 all of our attention to the local church
47:23 to help your church win people to Christ.
47:25 Praise the Lord and I'll tell you what that is, Shawn,
47:27 it's freeing...
47:28 you don't have to start with a defensive posture,
47:30 you don't have to start with the mindset
47:33 that I've got to avoid failure
47:35 because if they're in front of you...
47:36 if they're in that building...
47:37 they already got a toe in the water.
47:39 That's right... that's right and you will fail...
47:41 hey, that's one of the things that we're going to teach too,
47:42 you're going to mess up,
47:44 if you're scared you're going to mess up,
47:45 let me assure you, you will... you're going to...
47:47 I've done some colossally stupid things in the past 25 years
47:50 but Jesus loves me...
47:52 He picks me up and says,
47:54 "Next time, Shawn, don't do that"
47:56 and that's part of growing in it too
47:58 but you will watch people come to Christ... you will...
48:00 everybody deserves to see that,
48:02 it is ministry of all... a priesthood of all believers.
48:04 Yes indeed, yeah that... once you find that happening,
48:07 you will find that that is an addictive thing,
48:09 just the...
48:11 just a little success is enough to send you back out there
48:13 because you know that it has happened... it can happen again
48:16 and God will be with and you're not on your own,
48:19 I really like the direction that you're moving in,
48:21 it's much more user-friendly but it's much more current,
48:25 it's... it's what will work here and now
48:27 given what we're... what we're dealing with
48:29 The idea that you still do
48:32 and that you're very susceptible to
48:35 five-week meetings...
48:37 six-week meetings... that's...
48:39 that's... that's... that's still on the table, man,
48:40 it hasn't gone away...
48:42 People... people will come... we've talked ourselves out of it
48:44 but actually in the Western world, I insist,
48:46 no less than four-and-a-half weeks
48:48 that's the bare minimum that I'll do,
48:50 they'll come... they'll stay...
48:51 some cities are harder than others,
48:52 I've had some places where the crowds aren't as large
48:54 as in other cities,
48:56 that's a fact of life
48:57 but, you know, I keep telling myself,
48:59 Noah preached for a 120 years and only baptized his kids
49:01 and we all know he would have been sinning... had he stopped.
49:05 Murray: Yes, yeah... yeah...
49:06 Had he stopped, he would have been sinning,
49:09 God told us to go and preach the gospel
49:11 as a witness to all nations,
49:12 and if the results were zero, you'd still have to do it
49:15 the good news is, the results are not zero,
49:17 they're not even close to zero,
49:19 Paul would love to be around now
49:21 because it's better now than it was back then
49:23 it really is... I wish...
49:25 if our people could only see that
49:27 they'll be soul winners full time.
49:29 Murray: Praise the Lord.
49:30 If they could see that...
49:31 that your neighbor is dying to come to Christ,
49:33 the problem is... we haven't even met them,
49:34 they're dying to come to Christ.
49:36 Yeah, yeah, I really like that and you don't mind, dare I say,
49:39 wading into kind of deep water
49:40 the size of the city
49:42 or the suspected secularism of that town... doesn't...
49:46 No, I never know what I'm going to get,
49:48 I actually tend to pick the most secular cities...
49:50 I just did Seattle... we filled the Agriplex there in Seattle,
49:53 I think we got a photo somewhere in the files
49:56 back in the control room,
49:59 that shows an Altar Call in Puyallup, Washington,
50:01 it's... it's... it's...
50:02 you wouldn't believe the size of the responses
50:04 it's the most secular city...
50:05 I tend not to go to the places I know
50:06 are really Bible-Belt places,
50:08 I want to go somewhere where it can't be done.
50:11 And it always works there too because God said...
50:13 God didn't get this wrong,
50:14 God did not look down through the corridors of time
50:16 see the whole world being lit up for the glory of Christ
50:18 He did not give His church the Three Angels Messages
50:21 found in Revelation 14 for the end time and get it wrong
50:24 He didn't get it wrong,
50:25 God didn't... isn't caught by surprise
50:27 by the post-moderns and the seculars
50:28 He's not calling a meeting right now with the angels saying,
50:31 "I got it so wrong... I just didn't see those people coming"
50:34 He got it exactly right
50:36 and what I want is for your church to experience that,
50:38 to see the God it right
50:39 and that this world's ready for Jesus to come.
50:41 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord.
50:42 I remember several years ago when it came out
50:44 that you were going to Rome
50:46 and people were saying, "Hey, Shawn's going to Rome. "
50:48 Laughter...
50:51 That's a tough town...
50:52 that is a tough town, yeah, that is a tough town
50:55 but even there it worked.
50:56 All I was asking for was ten decisions for Christ...
50:59 I think we saw 140 by the time we were done with the meetings
51:02 but the thing that touched my heart the most
51:03 were the church members,
51:05 one lady in particular was crying one night.
51:07 I said, "What's the matter?"
51:08 She said, "I can do this, I can lead people to Jesus,
51:10 nothing's wrong, I'm just that happy. "
51:11 That summer, she went through her apartment building,
51:13 knocked on every door and met everybody,
51:15 led eight people to Christ that summer.
51:16 Murray: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
51:18 That's why I do what I do,
51:19 it's not so I can say,
51:21 "Hey, VOP baptized X number of people"
51:22 I don't care about that,
51:23 I want your church to grow and succeed,
51:25 I want every member to lead someone to Christ
51:27 because, I'm convinced that's the only way you grow personally
51:30 anyway... it's the one thing Jesus asked us to do,
51:32 He did not ask us to have a Nominating Committee
51:34 or a Building Committee or... those are important...
51:36 but that's not the mission of the church
51:38 and everybody's involved in the mission of the church
51:41 we've lost sight of that in some corners of Christianity
51:43 and it's time to recapture it.
51:45 We can turn the world upside down again,
51:46 we can be like that first-century church.
51:48 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord,
51:49 so by any conceivable measure having someone go out
51:52 and do that on their own...
51:53 that has got to be the definition of success.
51:56 Shawn: Yeah... Murray: Yeah...
51:57 But that's how we grow so we're going to give you everything...
51:59 we're just providing everything.
52:00 "I don't know how to put together this Resource Center"
52:02 don't worry... we'll do the heavy lifting,
52:04 I've got all the resources,
52:05 they're adaptable to your own situation
52:06 I'll give you everything you need
52:08 so, there's no excuse, I'll even hold your hand,
52:10 we'll even go to that first door together.
52:11 Praise the Lord... 101... love it.
52:13 We've got to go to our newsbreak just now
52:15 then we're going to come back
52:16 and have Shawn sort of put a little bow on this
52:18 and sort of wrap this up,
52:19 we'll be back in just a couple of minutes.


Revised 2018-07-03