Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018049A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people. 00:13 I want to spend my life 00:18 removing pain... 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 heal a heart that hurts, 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 mending broken people. 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 mending broken people. 00:56 Music. 01:09 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today, My name is C.A. Murray 01:15 and allow me once again to thank you 01:17 for sharing just a little of your no doubt busy day with us. 01:21 We thank you for your love, your prayers... 01:22 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network 01:25 for these 33 plus years, 01:27 we have partnered together to take the good news 01:29 of the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 01:31 throughout the world. 01:33 You will forgive me today because I am giddy yea verily 01:36 because of the subject matter 01:39 and because of the guest 01:41 that I have today, 01:42 this is something that is close to my heart 01:43 that excites me and give me thrills no end 01:46 to talk about Your Best Pathway to Health. 01:50 This is a partnership that began several years ago 01:52 with 3ABN and this marvelous Organization 01:55 so, we've got three young... four rather... 01:58 young... good looking... 02:00 well... three young individuals here with us 02:03 and I'm having fun because I love these people one and all. 02:06 Your Best Pathway... if you don't know about it, 02:08 you will... ere this program shall have ended 02:11 because this... I have often said 02:13 is a move of God in the body of Christ. 02:15 This is something that is present truth... 02:17 it is au current... 02:19 it is something for now 02:20 and I think... and I pray... it's something that 02:22 the Lord will continue up until the time probation closes 02:25 because this is a good thing 02:27 and this is something you want to know about 02:28 so, fire up your iPad... your i... whatever you've got... 02:31 or your Android 02:32 take some notes 02:34 and get prepared to volunteer either your time... 02:38 your talent... your wallet... 02:39 whatever you have to toss into the pot 02:42 they will accept it, 02:43 we will talk about that in just a little bit... 02:44 I want to introduce my guests, 02:46 these are very special people 02:47 we use that term kind of a lot... "special guests" 02:49 but these are indeed special guests, 02:51 I want to start with Dr. Lela Lewis, my good friend. 02:54 Hi C.A. 02:55 This is the smiling doctor, 02:56 someone that we really love here at 3ABN. 02:58 She sits next to Dr. Fiona Lindo we are awashed in doctors today 03:05 so, doctor, good to have you here. 03:09 It's a pleasure to be here. 03:10 And someone that I actually met... 03:12 I had to go half way around the world to meet Benny Moore, 03:13 we met in Philippines... 03:15 That's right. 03:17 In 2014 or so... 03:19 at a meeting there that we did in the Philippines 03:24 and Kyle Allen good to have you here man. 03:25 Thank you. 03:27 Yeah, this is his first time he's talking... 03:29 I guess this is your first time too... Fiona, 03:30 we will forgive them for that, we will let them off the hook, 03:35 that's okay, everybody can't be here all the time 03:37 but this is their first time 03:39 we are hopeful... not the last time, 03:41 first of all, I like your smiling faces 03:43 and... I want to talk about... 03:45 before we get into the ministry per se, 03:47 I want to get a little history on all of you 03:49 so folk know who you are and where you've come from, 03:51 you didn't just pop out of the sky, 03:54 Benny may have... but it's usually not... 03:56 but Lela, where are you from? 03:58 Oh, I'm from Phoenix, Arizona, 04:00 I was actually born in Ghana, West Africa, 04:02 and I'm a Physician... I'm an Obstetrician and Gynecologist 04:06 and I practice in Phoenix. 04:07 Ah ha... Praise the Lord, Adventist home growing up? 04:09 Yes, yes, I grew up, Praise the Lord, 04:11 in an Adventist home, 04:12 I went to Adventist Education all the way through... 04:14 all the way through Medical School 04:15 and so, it was a huge blessing from God. 04:17 You are such a dynamo 04:19 and I think everyone here will agree... 04:22 when a good idea gets into the room, 04:24 the first person to bite down on that 04:25 is going to be... is going to be Lela. 04:27 Laughter. 04:30 Benny: Amen, that is true. 04:31 And then she will sell it to everybody else... 04:32 so by the time you're either on board 04:35 or you're worn out 04:36 she's going to stay on you until... 04:39 I have little persistence, okay, just a little bit... 04:42 just a little bit. 04:43 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord. 04:45 Benny: Yeah, what was it Dr. Hardship... 04:47 Lela: We won't go there. 04:48 But... but... she had the energy 04:52 and you know, the Lord comes a time... 04:54 comes a person... 04:55 and she has the kind of energy that you need to start something 04:58 that's brand new that doesn't have any forerunner 05:01 and there is no Manual for it, you just... 05:03 it's in your head... it's in your heart... 05:05 God gives it to you and you run with it 05:07 and so, He laid the burden on her 05:08 and she passed the burden on to all of us. 05:10 Lela: On my knees... many, many hours... on my knees, 05:14 so, praise the Lord. 05:16 And we praise the Lord for that. 05:17 Dr. Fiona, where are you from? 05:18 Well, I'm originally from Toronto, Canada, 05:20 I was born in Canada, 05:22 currently, I'm living in Houston, Texas, 05:24 and I'm working as a Physician there, 05:26 my specialty is Female Pelvic Medicine 05:28 and Reconstructive Surgery 05:30 and it's been a pleasure and a blessing 05:32 just serving people there. 05:34 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord 05:35 Adventist home growing up? 05:36 Absolutely, I grew up in an Adventist home, 05:38 my father is a pastor... pastor in Ontario 05:41 and went to Adventist schools as well. 05:44 I like this one on Lindo... 05:46 Laughter... 05:49 my family... on my mother's side all from Canada, 05:53 all born in Canada, 05:54 and they used to ship us off to Toronto every summer, 05:57 you know, so, I have very, very fond memories of... 06:01 of preaching and living and growing up in... in Canada, 06:04 so, good to have you here. 06:06 Fiona: It's a pleasure to be here. 06:07 Praise the Lord, now I need to ask you this before... 06:08 it's one thing to be born in a pastor's home, 06:11 it is another thing to know Jesus for yourself, 06:13 when did the light come on 06:14 as far as knowing Christ one-on-one for you? 06:17 Really, you know, we... 06:19 the home I grew up in was really one of service... 06:21 we did a lot of volunteer work, 06:24 we did a lot of international missions... even growing up, 06:27 and I think, if I can recall probably when I was about seven 06:31 I remember just realizing the goodness of God 06:35 and the miracles that He had done for us in our home 06:39 and it's just... when you see God's love being shown 06:44 all around you... through your parents... 06:46 it really makes a difference 06:49 and so, I think that's the time when I really... 06:51 really could hone in on the fact 06:54 that, "Hey, God is an amazing... He's an amazing God 06:56 and He's One that really is a miracle worker. " 06:59 Praise the Lord, praise God. 07:01 Ben, I'm going to hold you for last... 07:02 I want to go to Kyle, 07:04 Kyle is like the Dick Clark of the group... 07:07 you remember that show, pleasantly youthful... 07:10 eternal youth... 07:11 the first time we saw him at ASI, 07:12 my wife said, "Who's that little boy?" 07:14 Laughter. 07:16 Praise the Lord for that because in ten years, 07:19 if I'm still calling you "a little boy" praise the Lord. 07:21 Where are you from Kyle? 07:22 Well, I don't feel youthful anymore, 07:25 I'm just passing that 35 threshold anyway, 07:27 I am from the beautiful State of Tennessee, 07:30 grew up in Chattanooga 07:31 and have moved around to a number of places since then 07:35 but I live in Silver Spring, Maryland now. 07:37 I see, I see... because that... listening to your speech pattern 07:41 it's more Midwest, I don't hear the Tennessee 07:43 so you've been around enough places... 07:45 that you kind of shaved that off a little bit. 07:46 Yes. 07:48 Adventist Home? 07:49 You know, that's a... that's a long answer to that question 07:52 my... my mom became an Adventist, 07:55 my parents divorced when I was young, 07:57 my mom remarried an Adventist 07:59 and so, I was going to church on Sunday 08:03 and Sabbath for a number of years 08:06 and then, finally, 08:07 because of my mom putting me in an Adventist school 08:10 I accepted the Adventist message 08:12 and became a Seventh-day Adventist 08:14 and it's... I really credit my mom for that. 08:16 Praise the Lord. 08:17 You are now with my good buddy, Duane McKey 08:20 working at Adventist World Radio. 08:22 He is sucking up so much oxygen, I tease him... 08:25 every time he finds a good person... he calls them... 08:27 laughter... 08:30 Sue Hinkle... he even got from Southwest 08:33 and so many people. 08:34 What are you doing there? 08:35 So, I am... I just... I just started... 08:38 I was with ASI just for the last four years 08:41 and just transitioned fairly recently 08:43 but I'm Vice President for Adventist World Radio 08:45 assisting with the different evangelistic initiatives 08:49 assisting with Total Member Involvement 08:51 and the different projects that we have... 08:54 the center for digital evangelism 08:56 I think, which, Duane has talked about here at 3ABN 08:59 and we're... we're just really trying to reach the world 09:03 with the message of Jesus' soon return. 09:05 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord, 09:07 now, this is not an AWR Program 09:08 but give me just a Reader's Digest version 09:10 very quickly because AWR has sort of morphed... 09:12 it is growing... it has evolved... 09:14 what are the principal changes 09:16 between the old AWR and the new AWR? 09:18 Well, AWR is still about 09:20 taking the gospel message to the world in this generation 09:23 and, of course, we know the world has changed, 09:25 I mean, not only do we have radio in the form of FM... AM... 09:29 DAB Radio Stations... 09:32 shortwave... which everybody knows 09:33 I know they're still going... 09:35 there are over a thousand radio stations 09:36 that the church operates all over the world 09:37 broadcasting the Adventist message... praise God 09:40 but we are now seeing... how can we use the internet... 09:44 how can we use podcasts? how can we use Facebook audio, 09:47 cell phone evangelism... different types of methods 09:50 to get the message to the world 09:52 and so, AWR is really praying 09:54 and seeking for these new avenues 09:56 so that we can really get the message out there... 09:59 it's an incredible time to be alive. 10:00 And bringing us some young sharp "with-it people" onboard 10:05 to help make that happen. 10:06 I don't know if I'm still "with-it" but... 10:08 Laughter... 10:11 Well, let's just compliment that you're with it... 10:13 laugher... 10:15 Brother Benny, we met half a world away 10:19 just about the time that 10:21 Your Best Pathway was getting started 10:23 but... just a little background 10:25 because you've kind of done a lot of things 10:27 and been to a lot of places. 10:28 Ah... yeah, I've done a few... 10:29 laughter... 10:31 All legal you could say. 10:32 Well, when you're 79 years old 10:34 you have enough time behind you 10:36 to have done a lot of different things... and I have 10:40 but after college and all my work was in Accounting, 10:44 I'm a CPA and I practiced public accounting for 15 years 10:48 and then the Lord called me into ministry 10:50 and so, I spent about nine years 10:52 with Elder Kenneth Cox in evangelism 10:54 all around the world 10:56 and that was a very interesting time 10:58 and people used to say... 11:00 later when I was in Conference Treasury, 11:02 they would say, "You're different" 11:03 I said, "Well, the Lord didn't take any chances with me 11:05 I saw 8,000 people baptized with my very own eyes 11:09 before I became a Conference Treasurer. " 11:11 After that... 11:13 then I worked with Elder McClure in the Southern Union 11:15 and the evangelism program for the Southern Union 11:19 and from there I became... 11:21 when Elder Folkenberg came to Carolina, 11:23 I was elected Secretary of the Carolina Conference 11:26 which I did for two years and then Treasurer for eight years 11:28 and then, Treasurer of the North Pacific Union 11:31 for about seven years, 11:32 Executive Director of the Voice of Prophecy 11:34 for a couple of years... 11:36 get them involved in evangelism 11:38 for some strange reason... 11:39 and... which happened with the NET Meeting in 2003 11:45 and then since that time, 11:47 let's see... what have I done since that time? 11:49 I have worked with Elder Folkenberg 11:53 in the ShareHim Program for the last 15 years 11:56 and still is involved but in a lesser basis right now 11:59 but I'm still involved with that 12:01 and became the CFO of 12:04 Your Best Pathway to Health in 2015 12:07 and went through the event there in San Antonio 12:09 and all of the things that have happened since. 12:12 Praise the Lord. 12:13 So... it's a... it's a good life. 12:16 Yeah... as the work of the Lord, 12:18 as you well know, you all know... 12:20 you never do really get to retire... you just kind of... 12:24 Benny: You shouldn't... you shouldn't. 12:26 Lela: Benny will never retire, Benny will never retire. 12:29 Benny: You run circles around me. 12:30 Lela: Yeah, exactly... exactly. 12:32 So, he's a busy fellow... and then you threw out that number 12:34 I would not have... I would not have guessed 12:37 that number but the Lord is blessing you, 12:39 you're doing well, praise the Lord... 12:42 praise the Lord... 12:43 I think we'll just... we'll just... 12:45 and you will allow me this bit of noblesse, 12:47 I'm going to just toss out the song today 12:49 because I want to give max time for this discussion, 12:51 I want to turn it over 12:53 to my good doctor here for just a moment 12:55 because we are... we began the first one... 12:57 in Oakland, San Francisco. 13:00 Lela: Oakland San Francisco in 2014... 13:02 we began planning in 2013... five years ago. 13:05 Yeah, praise the Lord, nice anniversary 13:07 and then chugging along ever since, 13:10 where did... and I want to just back up a little bit 13:12 then I'm going to let you go... 13:13 where did the idea originally come from... 13:15 was it your idea... was it a group of people... 13:17 we know the Lord... as a rule casts the burden on one person 13:21 and then moves that person to share, 13:24 was it... was it your idea? 13:26 I don't know exactly how it began. 13:28 So, it actually started... I was the Pacific Union ASI... 13:31 ASI, of course being a long-standing partner with 3ABN 13:34 I was the newly elected Pacific Union ASI President, 13:37 one of our Speakers was actually Don Mackintosh 13:39 stood out front and he said, 13:41 "You know it's nice you Adventists get together 13:43 and you have your meeting once a year for yourself, 13:45 what are you doing for the community around you?" 13:47 Just like a "Don" kind of thing to say, right? 13:49 And then he shows a video of an Organization 13:52 that's not Christian... doing free medical and dental care, 13:56 and it was like a bolt of lightning, 13:58 it was just like, "Do this" 14:00 and it was like God was just saying, "Do it... do it now" 14:04 and I'm like, "God, I don't know how to do this, 14:05 I'm a Physician... I don't do this kind of stuff 14:07 in the United States, 14:08 I mean, yeah, take me overseas I'll do it 14:10 but not here in the States... " 14:12 and God just said, "Do it" 14:13 and so, the process began, 14:15 I'm literally learning to trust God on my faith 14:18 fasting... praying... pulling... calling... 14:21 persistence... like we talked about 14:23 and God brought this thing together 14:25 in a way that no one could take the credit for. 14:27 That first event... as you know... 14:29 you guys were right there... 3ABN was there from the get-go 14:32 2014 San Francisco in Oakland, 14:34 it threw the socks of off the secular world and the church 14:38 it was unbelievable. 14:39 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm 14:40 I remember when it began to sort of leak to the church 14:43 that this thing was happening, people's mouths were aghast 14:46 and of course, Jim was there 14:47 and when he brought it back to us... 14:49 those of us who knew little bit about it, 14:50 the light just came on... it was not something... 14:53 it was not a hard sell... 14:55 it was something that was very easy 14:56 and you could see... it was the move of God 14:58 and the depth of the response and the passion for the response 15:02 said, "This is... this is... this is a 'God thing. '" 15:04 And you know, it really came from my lifelong desire 15:07 I mean, truly... truly desire 15:09 to be the fulfillment of Isaiah 58, 15:12 I mean, we Seventh-day Adventists, I believe, 15:14 Christians in general 15:15 but Seventh-day Adventists in particular 15:17 have a calling to be... truly be the fulfillment of Isaiah 58 15:22 to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, 15:25 then, our beautiful light of Christ's righteousness 15:28 shines forth... and we're able to share Christ 15:30 with those around us. 15:32 And that's what this does in such a marked way 15:34 the thing is... 15:36 the question that keeps coming up, 15:37 "Why do you do this? Why do you do this?" 15:39 "What called you to do this?" 15:40 "Who gave you the impetus to do this?" 15:42 It comes over and over again 15:43 and people... once they get their mouths closed 15:44 they're praising the Lord 15:46 because of... of... of... the thing is, 15:48 Fiona, when you first heard about this, 15:50 was it something that was a hard sell for you 15:52 or was it something that sort of settled into your spirit easily? 15:54 You know, when I first heard about this, 15:56 I said, "This is what we need to be doing... 15:58 all of us need to be involved in something like this. " 16:01 I mean, being able to share God's love with our hands 16:05 and our feet and actually doing... 16:07 I mean, it was amazing, 16:08 I first got involved with Pathways... 16:10 Your Best Pathway to Health in the San Antonio event 16:13 and I remember sending Dr. Lela a text, 16:16 and I said, "Hey, what do you have for the woman's health, 16:19 what do you need?" 16:21 And she said, "We need everything" 16:22 and from then, I just started praying and running with it 16:26 and God really opened the doors... 16:28 miracles really happened down to the last second 16:30 and providing equipment and supplies 16:33 that was really needed for the event 16:35 and I've been here ever since. 16:37 Every event has been like that... 16:39 every event has been literally last minute... last second... 16:43 "God, what do we do?" 16:44 And Dr. Lindo and I pray together all the time, 16:46 "What do we do?" 16:47 and at the last minute, He comes through. 16:49 Always at the right time, He's a timely God... 16:52 and I've learned that through this experience... 16:54 He's a timely God... 16:56 Panel: Hmmm... Amen... Praise God... 16:57 Ben, I want to come to you 16:59 because you... you came on board very early, 17:01 first, walk us through exactly for those who may not... 17:05 and our audience changes all the time... 17:07 but a large part of our audience are not of our faith, 17:09 what is: Your Best Pathway to Health? 17:12 What does it seek to do? 17:14 Sort of give us Pathway to Health 101. 17:17 Well, Pathway to Health is a mega clinic, 17:20 it's just like a... it's even more than a hospital 17:23 but it's like a hospital plus more 17:25 that moves into... like a Convention Center 17:28 or some type of Facility 17:29 that's large enough to handle the staff that we have, 17:33 we have thousands of people who volunteer, 17:35 that's one of the amazing things, 17:37 of how many people volunteer because we can use anybody, 17:43 anybody who's willing... we can use 17:45 and that really... that really makes it great for people 17:48 to feel part of... of something that... 17:52 that is doing 17:53 what they feel like we ought to be doing as a people 17:55 and, so, you know, it starts with that, 18:01 doing something that's never been done before 18:03 of bringing a setting that can handle 18:07 almost any kind of medical problems that anybody has. 18:10 Hmmm... hmmm... 18:11 And so, it's far broader than just doing a couple of things 18:14 like maybe doing... like dental work or optical work and all 18:17 this is far broader than that and then, of course, 18:20 that then immediately makes it more complicated 18:21 and trying to bring down all... bring in all of the specialties 18:25 and also providing for those specialties 18:29 to be able to do what they do. 18:30 Like, if you were talking about radiology, 18:34 well, radiology doesn't function just with doctors, 18:37 last I knew, it took a lot of expensive 18:41 X- ray equipment and all to be able to do that. 18:45 And Poor Benny is always the one that has to manage the finances 18:48 so he knows all about the expenses, 18:50 Lela calls and says, "Benny, I want such and such" 18:53 and he's, "Lela... the finances... " 18:55 Yeah, you notice... see this was strategic... 18:58 I asked Benny to answer the question 18:59 because I knew if you had something, 19:01 you would do it anyway 19:03 so, I didn't have a problem with that... 19:04 he would not add if you were talking 19:06 but I knew if she has something, she's going to do it. 19:08 The challenges of doing that are that 19:10 not only do you have to have enough space in which 19:14 to have the compartments and all that you need, 19:17 you need a large venue 19:19 and you also have to learn things like, 19:22 "What needs to be near what?" 19:24 You know, like, you know, 19:26 Dr. Fiona... she wants to make sure 19:28 that she's near a Lady's Restroom 19:31 you know... and there's amounts of water 19:34 that some of the departments need 19:36 so, all of this... and that's what... 19:38 that's what Mr. George Gilbert has been... 19:41 he is a former Hospital Administrator... 19:44 Murray: That's your dad... Lela: That's correct. 19:46 Benny: And that's Lela's dad and he is the one who knows 19:48 how to run a hospital, 19:49 and so, therefore, what we do is a lot more complicated 19:53 than what some other ministries might do 19:55 that's more like screening and some specific specialties 20:01 but this is very comprehensive 20:03 because you have all of these different departments 20:05 and... and through the years 20:07 as... like starting with San Antonio 20:10 we've had hair care and we have beauticians 20:13 and we have barbers and we found that 20:15 this is an important part of what people need. 20:17 Lela: And even Tailors. 20:18 Yeah, and tailors... and we offer clothes... 20:22 financial and legal... so it's really amazing 20:25 but it's also scary... 20:27 it scares you to death when you... 20:29 when you think about... that what you're going to do 20:32 and what you're going to be offering and, 20:34 "How in the world we're going to pull all this together. " 20:36 Yeah, because it's grown since the early days of San Francisco. 20:40 Absolutely, and just what Benny just said, 20:41 we could not do it without God... 20:44 every single event... all of us know 20:46 we go into that thing like, 20:47 "Lord, I don't know how this is going to come out, 20:49 I do not know how this is going to come together" 20:52 and it's unbelievable... we do our part... 20:54 we have to do our part by God's grace 20:56 and we have to act on what He has given us the skills to do 20:59 but literally, nobody knows how it's coming together, 21:02 it's Him... He always puts His blessing 21:04 and He just pushes it through. 21:06 And dealing... and dealing with the finances 21:08 of something like this is another challenge 21:11 because at the moment we really don't have 21:14 any full-time paid staff 21:15 and also... with all of the equipment needs, 21:22 the last I counted... that is... 21:24 this is... as of Friday... 21:26 we have eight semi-trailers and they are all cram packed 21:30 full of equipment and supplies, 21:33 I mean, this just... just the logistics, 21:36 just handling the logistics which is what Lela's dad does, 21:40 just handling the logistics is an unbelievable task. 21:44 Getting these trailers moved around the country 21:47 and getting them moved from where they're parked 21:50 to the event... all on a very tight time schedule 21:52 without having to pay for whole extra thousands... 21:55 tens of thousands of dollar days... 21:56 oftentimes at these Conventions Centers 21:59 so, there is a lot to making it all work, 22:02 and all of that is for a particular purpose 22:05 and that is, we want to show... 22:07 that we want to help people and their needs 22:09 but we also want to build relationships with people 22:12 so that we can help them understand 22:14 that what they really need is God in their lives 22:18 and so, that's another part 22:20 that comes into play particularly 22:22 and I think you were involved a little in this in Phoenix... 22:25 something else that comes into play after the event is over 22:28 this gives us a relationship, 22:31 and breaks down prejudices and opens doors 22:33 with many, many people 22:35 and we need to take advantage of all of those relationships 22:38 that the Lord gives us with people. 22:40 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord... 22:41 I want to... a couple of things 22:43 I want you each to weigh in on this, 22:45 obviously there is benefit to those who are being served, 22:49 but let us take a moment and talk a little bit 22:52 about the blessing that comes 22:53 to those who are giving the services, 22:54 because there is this... this... this... 22:57 I'll use the 25-cent word, "Reciprocity" 23:00 that as you give you get... 23:01 the more you give, the more you get... 23:03 when you give all, you get all... 23:05 because you certainly give all... get all... 23:06 I'll tell this quick story and then I'm done telling stories, 23:09 the... the... 23:11 I don't remember which one it was 23:12 but we went in to film a... a... a... a large lump... 23:17 being taken off someone's back... 23:20 and so, I got my camera and when it started out 23:23 there were maybe a dozen people filming 23:26 and as they began to cut and pull out all of the stuff, 23:30 the dozen went down to ten... 23:32 and I was there with Jill Morikone 23:36 and we were looking and about half way through 23:39 we said, "You know, who's going to watch this?" 23:42 nobody is going to watch this... 23:45 we got camera people passing out... 23:48 will anybody on television watch 40 minutes of this? 23:52 just pulling all this stuff and putting it on the table, 23:56 I said, "Nobody is going to watch this" 23:58 so, I filmed it... I still got it... 23:59 in a tape in my office 24:01 no one has ever seen it and no one ever will... 24:03 nobody is going to watch that... 24:05 but it occurs to me at that point 24:06 that some very serious operations... 24:08 some very serious medical care is being done, 24:10 this is not just... taking blood pressure and that kind of stuff 24:14 this is deep, deep stuff 24:15 being done at a very high level. 24:17 Lela: Absolutely. Yeah... yeah... 24:18 and that's what you had in mind when you... 24:20 when you envisioned this is it not? 24:21 I did actually by God's grace 24:23 in fact, I told some people my idea 24:26 before the very first event 24:27 and some very "high up" people 24:29 and some of them will even declare... 24:30 I'll let them declare themselves who they are 24:32 but some of them will actually declare... 24:34 they thought I was crazy 24:35 so, by God's grace... you know... again... 24:39 pressing forward... getting advice from very... 24:41 Dr. Hart... Dr. Richard Hart, President of Loma Linda 24:45 partner and very close friend of mine for many years, 24:48 again, getting those kinds of people's input 24:50 and how to do this... 24:52 how to make this happen, it's been an absolute blessing 24:55 and we are doing some unbelievable things 24:57 Dr. Lindo runs our Surgery Department 25:00 she's Chief of Medical Services and also Chief of Surgery 25:02 she can tell you some of the things that we did in Phoenix 25:05 but it was unbelievable, breaking... breaking news, 25:08 I mean, the media goes haywire when they find out 25:11 cataracts are being done on the floor 25:13 in Phoenix Convention Center. 25:14 Even just to get that to work, it was just an absolute miracle 25:17 just days before the event, 25:19 we really didn't have the facilities 25:23 to do cataract surgery, 25:25 and we prayed... we fasted... 25:26 and then we sent an e-mail, "Everyone... we need to pray" 25:28 and we've been praying over this 25:30 and it really was down to the day we were setting up... 25:34 the day we were setting up, we were able to acquire... 25:37 not one... but two OR Vans 25:41 that we were able to use and we were able to provide 25:44 even cataract surgery 25:45 there at this event in Phoenix, 25:48 really... God just really opened up doors and blessed... 25:51 we did Hernia repairs... I mean... Hernia repairs... 25:54 and this is General Surgery. 25:56 Lela: On the floor of the Phoenix Convention Center. 25:58 Fiona: On the floor... we had many ORs set up... 26:00 we did a lot of Stetoscopies and hysteroscopies 26:03 these are just basically tests for females and men as well, 26:07 we did... remove lots of lumps and bumps 26:10 it was just an amazing... amazing thing... 26:12 and we had a great support with anesthesia staff 26:15 and our anesthesia volunteers 26:17 and know all the surgeons that volunteered... 26:20 God really blessed 26:21 and the patients... they were so overwhelmed, 26:24 they were overwhelmed that... they said, 26:27 "Never has a doctor prayed with me" 26:29 they themselves felt the presence of God in this event. 26:35 Murray: Praise God. 26:36 Fiona: It was just amazing. 26:38 And people like Kyle... 26:39 I think of Pastors that come and yourself... as Pastor 26:43 and even Benny as well, 26:44 that participate... I mean... it's... 26:47 you're talking about the impact that it has on the volunteers, 26:49 it's phenomenal... it's absolutely phenomenal 26:52 I'll let Kyle answer as far as your perspective 26:55 as far as pastoral ministry involvement is concerned 26:57 but it's absolutely beautiful to see. 26:59 Well, yeah, I mean... 27:02 it's I think the thing that... that really... 27:04 from the beginning I was there in 2014 at the first Pathway 27:08 and have been in each one since then 27:10 but every time you see a patient who comes through and says, 27:15 "Who are you people?" 27:16 "Why are you doing this for our community?" 27:19 "What is it about... about... about you 27:22 that makes you want to serve like this?" 27:24 There is nothing greater... 27:26 nothing more fulfilling than to see someone 27:29 whose life is truly touched 27:31 by that... just "disinterested benevolence" 27:34 as the Spirit of Prophecy calls it. 27:36 And even saying, "I would like to join your church 27:37 so I could help you do this. " 27:39 But one of the things I wanted to say C.A. was that 27:42 you mentioned the volunteers... 27:44 I could not tell you how many people... 27:47 how many volunteers... even at this last event in Phoenix 27:50 they give up their Christmas to come 27:52 which was not easy... a lot of people... 27:54 Now, this was special... it... zeroing in on Phoenix per se 27:57 because it was over the Christmas holidays 28:00 but it was a special... 28:01 it was right on Christmas Day, yeah. 28:03 I mean, there were people... 28:05 like, one lady... she was in tears... 28:07 she said, "This was the most meaningful thing 28:09 I've ever done in my life... 28:11 to give my Christmas break 28:13 to come and to serve people in the name of Jesus... 28:16 this was the most meaningful thing I've ever done... " 28:18 and so many people said that. 28:19 Right, and we had volunteers from every State in the Union... 28:23 every State... I was amazed. 28:27 We needed some equipment moved from Ohio to Phoenix 28:29 and I said, "Well, that's probably no problem, 28:33 I'm sure we have volunteers from there" 28:35 within 15 minutes, 28:37 I had two people who had volunteered to drive a truck 28:40 from Ohio... middle Ohio to Phoenix... 28:45 every State... and plus foreign countries. 28:48 Lela: Sorry, go ahead. 28:50 I was going to ask you 28:51 give me some sense of the numbers of volunteers 28:54 we'll get to the number of patients a little bit later 28:57 but just a number... because I remember when... 28:59 in September... October... 29:01 saying, "We need some more people. " 29:03 Lela: I was calling you guys, 29:05 "Oh, we need help... help 3ABN, 3ABN help us... " 29:09 I know you guys know the people. 29:11 But no... you know... by God's grace right now, 29:15 there is over 9,000 volunteers in the data bank, 29:18 9,000 people who are so excited to give of themselves. 29:22 In Phoenix alone we were so excited, 29:25 we had over 3,500 people registered for the Phoenix event 29:29 and our goal was just to get to 2,000. 29:31 and so, God blessed and blesses and blesses 29:34 but we could never do it without 3ABN. 29:36 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord to hear that. 29:38 Lela: That's right... never ever... 29:40 Praise the Lord... praise the Lord for that... 29:44 Dr. Fiona, you mentioned that 29:47 there were several surgical suites, 29:48 about how many surgical suites are we talking about? 29:51 So, in this Phoenix event, it's a little bit different 29:53 from the other events that we've had 29:54 usually... the other past events we've had Adventist hospitals 29:58 that donated OR time... 29:59 for us to be able to go and do actual major procedures. 30:03 In Phoenix it was different, 30:04 we didn't have a hospital 30:06 that we could get the OR time to do that 30:08 the Operating Room... 30:10 Fiona: Right, we had no hospital backup, 30:12 so we had to kind of think outside of the box 30:14 and you can imagine... we really had to think outside the box 30:17 and... and God really, you know, 30:20 He directed... and in this Phoenix event, 30:22 we ended up having as I said, 30:23 we had the two OR Vans... 30:25 but we also were able to develop two small OR Suites, 30:29 Operating Room Suites in the Convention Center 30:32 complete with anesthesia... equipment... 30:35 Lela: You know what, Dr. Lindo, I don't think 30:36 that would ever have happened 30:37 had we not been in a necessity situation, 30:40 had we not been in a situation 30:42 where we knew we needed to supply this opportunity 30:45 to the community but didn't have the ability to do so, 30:47 I don't think we would have pushed forward. 30:49 Fiona: We probably would not have... 30:50 if we did not... if we had what we usually have, 30:52 we wouldn't have even thought to go this way, 30:55 but, as a result of the situation, 30:57 we realized, "Hey, we really need to give this care 30:59 because our mobile hospital is encompassing" 31:02 it's not just screening as you had mentioned, 31:05 we really want to make sure that we give a holistic care, 31:09 we can have a patient come through the door, 31:10 get their complete cardiac workup 31:13 get their labs... their screening... 31:16 see a Primary Care Physician 31:18 and then come into the Surgeon to get their procedure. 31:20 All in the same day. 31:22 Mind-blowing... it really is. 31:25 Lela: Yeah, it's unbelievable... 31:28 We don't have time to learn what we're doing, 31:30 we have to go in there and do it... 31:32 on the fly... yeah. 31:33 One of the things that is so obvious about this... 31:35 I remember driving... 31:36 actually we were in Phoenix doing some pre-work 31:38 and you had to call a Board Meeting, 31:40 and, in fact, my phone was open and Lela said, 31:43 "Somebody's phone is open" and it was mine... 31:47 but it was a... the constellation of miracles 31:49 just... just... "the Lord is moving here, 31:52 the Lord is moving there, the Lord is moving here. " 31:54 And when you bathe something in prayer 31:56 and it is an idea of God 31:58 then where God guides, He provides, 32:00 so you see these walls and strongholds coming down 32:03 and you can say, "It's got to be God. " 32:05 Lela: Absolutely, hallelujah, we're both on this one together 32:08 and you know what... 32:10 what to me is so important and I'm so impressed with this 32:13 that I think we as Christians often feel like 32:16 the ten spies that weren't faithful... 32:18 right... we see those giants... 32:21 and it's like, "Oh! my goodness, 32:23 the finances are... oh my goodness... the people... 32:26 the resources... " or whatever it is... 32:27 the rules... the regulations... 32:28 but Jesus wants us to be Caleb's and Joshua's 32:31 and depend on Him, 32:32 and when we do, those giants go, whooo... 32:35 and we all go, "Praise the Lord, hallelujah. " 32:38 Give me an example, Lela. 32:39 Okay, I'll give you an example, so, we were going into Phoenix 32:42 and I felt very impressed that the Lord wanted us 32:45 to be able to supply a meal to the patients for the dinner meal 32:47 very impressed... because we had sort of... 32:50 kind of investigated that in our previous event 32:52 in West Virginia on a small scale 32:54 and the patients came, 32:55 so when we invited the patients to come during the clinic event 32:58 to come to a dinner, they came, 33:00 but it was on a much smaller scale, 33:02 so we really felt impressed to invite the patients 33:05 to come to the evening meal but there was no money 33:07 we went into Phoenix as Benny knows, 33:09 with a budget of very, very, very low 33:11 compared to what needed to be done 33:13 and with much praying, much effort, must fasting, 33:18 by God's grace and pressing forward... 33:20 He got us connected by... 33:23 it was nothing short of a miracle... 33:25 absolute miracle... 33:26 with some very, very powerful businessmen... 33:29 not Christian-even orientation, 33:32 very powerful businessmen within the Phoenix area 33:36 and not only did they push through the regulations 33:39 with the Convention Center that they had forbade us 33:42 from even having any sort of outside food 33:44 which would totally forbid us to offer the meals to the patients, 33:47 they pushed through that... 33:49 they even got the City itself to donate 17,000 dollars cash 33:54 towards the food... 33:55 we came out by God's grace even better 33:58 than what we estimated as far as the meals were concerned 34:01 and... but more important than the finances, 34:03 was the effect that that had on the patients, 34:06 when they were invited... after being seen... 34:08 being treated... being so... just... 34:10 just they had this bond with the providers and the volunteers 34:14 and then to be invited to a Christmas dinner banquet 34:16 and to be invited to the high... 34:19 the 26th... we had this unbelievable music program 34:23 and the patients were invited again to another banquet 34:26 with this musical program with amazing presentations 34:29 by some wonderful speakers that you have here 34:32 playing for 3ABN... 34:33 the people were so touched... so touched... 34:37 they would come up to... 34:38 I had several come up to me personally afterwards 34:40 and just say, "Thank you so much 34:42 for giving me the best Christmas of my whole life. " 34:44 Oh, praise God... praise God. 34:46 Lela: But that was God. 34:48 Yeah. Fiona: Absolutely. 34:49 Anybody else... I'm kind of in a "miracle story" mode now, 34:52 you kind of flipped a switch on me, 34:54 I say, "Why worry about the finances... 34:57 give it to the Treasurer... 34:58 he's sitting already... 35:00 so we won't know what he's under stress... 35:03 he smiles a lot... so praise the Lord. " 35:06 Laughter... 35:09 Benny: We did have one interesting patient, 35:10 as a matter of fact, when you see the video clip 35:12 that we've given, 35:14 later, you'll see this guy riding his bike 35:16 and you'll hear a little bit of his story 35:18 but fellow... I was talking to him... 35:20 and he said, "You know, I came in... 35:23 and I looked... and I saw the faces of the people 35:26 and they were all light... they were all lighted up... " 35:28 and he... he could tell the difference 35:31 just in looking at the people 35:33 that made a big impression on him 35:35 that God must be involved in this 35:37 because these people... their faces are all lighted up 35:40 and... and we looked around and we couldn't see what he saw 35:44 but he... he talked to me 35:46 and he told me that he definitely saw this. 35:48 Praise God. 35:49 And he wanted to be part of it... and he was. 35:52 Lela: CA and Benny... and that was not just that one gentleman, 35:55 I had several patients and several volunteers 35:57 tell me the same thing the patients had told them 36:00 that... that they... when they came in 36:02 they couldn't figure out what it was... 36:03 just like you're saying Benny 36:04 that the volunteers' faces glowed 36:06 and to me... I felt like it was Jesus saying, 36:09 "You're giving of yourself just a little bit here on Christmas 36:13 as we celebrate the gift of life that I gave through my Son" 36:16 but... but you know what? 36:18 You're getting the fulfillment of Isaiah 58 36:21 "then your light shall spring forth as the morning" 36:23 you know, I mean... 36:25 how else... our faces are radiant with Christ's glory 36:27 it's beautiful. 36:29 The "City Fathers" and I'll use that term 36:31 was it a hard sell for them? 36:33 You're developing our little reputation 36:36 so... it's... it's... your reputation precedes you 36:40 if not follows you... 36:41 so, it ought to be getting a little bit easier 36:43 to get some of these Leaders of the cities to understand 36:47 that you're coming to give of your heart 36:48 you're not coming to take anything, 36:50 you're coming solely to give... 36:51 is that sort of preceding a little bit, 36:53 is it getting any easier? 36:54 In all transparency, I would have to say, "No. " 36:58 I would have to say, "No. " 37:00 You know, it's a blessing to be able to have 37:02 our amazing... we... by God's grace 37:05 every city we've gone to... 37:06 we have had a 100 percent positive response, 37:10 we have never received one negative media publicity... 37:13 the community has been overwhelmingly satisfied... 37:17 more than satisfied... overjoyed... 37:18 with what the Seventh-day Adventists 37:20 have brought to their community at the end 37:22 but that said... people still think... 37:24 I mean, even as we're getting ready to go to our next event 37:26 in this next city that we're going to talk about 37:29 in just a minute... 37:30 even then... I think they think it's just still good... 37:32 too good to be true. 37:33 Even when they see the videos 37:35 until they actually experience it... 37:38 over and over again they say, 37:39 "We had no idea it was going to be like this. " 37:41 So, even though... it... 37:42 I guess in one sense it's... it's a blessing 37:45 to be able to have the nice letters from the Mayor's office 37:47 and the endorsements and those kinds of... 37:49 it's of course a blessing... 37:50 Murray: So you're getting... 37:51 Lela: Oh yes, oh yes, they've written letters and endorsements 37:54 and... in fact... certificates 37:56 and those kinds of... and we have tons of media response 37:58 and we have all of that... 38:00 but there's still just a little element of... 38:02 "We just can't believe it's really true. " 38:04 Yes... yes. 38:05 Benny: And what about the news conference 38:06 and the very positive things the Mayor had to say there. 38:08 Lela: Oh, yes. 38:09 Benny: I've never heard anything more positive than that. 38:11 Lela: No, he came out on Christmas day... 38:14 the Mayor of Phoenix came on Christmas day 38:17 and took a tour and was just... 38:19 just like Benny said, dumbfounded... 38:21 he just kept shaking his head, 38:22 "I can't believe what's going on here... 38:24 this is just too good to be true. " 38:26 Hmmm... hmmm... hmmm. 38:27 Kyle: You know CA, one thing that I've learned 38:29 as having gone though with Lela and Benny and the team 38:32 through these last four years of events, 38:34 I think the Lord lets us run into these obstacles 38:39 to teach us faith... 38:40 because you know like, every city we've gone to... 38:43 there have been major obstacles. 38:45 Lela: Absolutely. 38:46 Kyle: In fact, every... I think I can say this Lela, 38:48 every city... it has looked like it was going to fall apart. 38:51 Lela: Absolutely, absolutely. 38:53 Kyle: It's literally... every time... 38:55 it's like, "Lord... " and we pray and we fast 38:58 and we seek God's help and you know what? 39:00 He always sends it at the right time. 39:03 Lela: Amen. 39:04 Kyle: And I think maybe it's so that we can look back and say, 39:06 "This was not by might nor by power 39:08 but by my Spirit, says the Lord. " 39:10 Lela: Amen. Murray: Well said. 39:12 Lela: Amen. Kyle: Truly God has done it. 39:13 Lela: Amen. Benny: And I said to Lela, 39:15 "On Christmas day you want to open... you to be kidding. " 39:20 Murray: I think she's the energizer bunny... 39:24 Christmas Day and New Year's Day who cares... 39:26 that kind of thing... 39:28 and obviously you're building up a reservoir 39:31 of good wishes from all these people 39:32 and then to further your point, Kyle, I think you're right, 39:35 if it was cheap and easy, you could get it at Walmart... 39:38 when you get pushed back so that when you get over the hill 39:41 you know that it was God that got you over there 39:43 you didn't do it of your own... 39:45 Lela: That's right, there's a favorite statement I like, 39:47 "We don't have anything to fear for the future... 39:49 lest we forget how God has led us in the past. " 39:52 Yeah... yeah... our time is getting away from us 39:54 we want to go to this little video 39:56 we've had so much fun talking about this move of God 40:00 what are we going to see on this video, Lela? 40:03 Well, we're going to see what happened in Pathway Phoenix... 40:06 and see firsthand some of the stories 40:07 that Benny has just been sharing with us 40:09 and some of the rest of us 40:10 and it's unbelievable what God did. 40:11 Excellent, let's take a look. 40:13 Music... 40:18 In the valley of the sun, 40:20 1.6 million people have made the 5th largest city in America 40:25 their home. 40:27 It was here that Your Best Pathway to Health 40:30 a humanitarian service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 40:34 chose to team up with Loma Linda University Health, 40:38 the Office of Phoenix Mayor, Greg Stanton, 40:41 Adventist congregations and dozens of other Organizations 40:45 along with Civic Leaders and State Leaders in Arizona 40:48 to give a special gift. 40:50 I think this is better than receiving a box of gifts 40:53 because usually they go in the closet 40:55 or they get ruined or something 40:58 and I think this benefits more people 41:00 because it's something that's going to last with them 41:02 and with them for a really long time. 41:04 Help was offered to those in need 41:06 in medical, dental and optical care. 41:09 Services also included massage, 41:13 surgery... prescription drugs and lifestyle counseling. 41:18 Over 40 million dollars were donated 41:21 to aid about 7,000 people 41:23 regardless of race, religion or status. 41:26 So, I'm on Facebook one day and I see this post 41:31 and it's announcing this special event 41:34 and I'm wondering if it's for real 41:37 so I click on it... I see Dr. Lela at Phoenix City Hall 41:43 announcing the event and "Yes, it's for real" 41:46 and I imagine, this is a great opportunity 41:49 and I'm going to go for it. 41:50 I was able to serve the Community 41:54 by being part of the hydrotherapy and massage team 41:58 and what I did was give 10- to 15-minute massages 42:02 and we were able to pray with the patients 42:05 and just communicate and touch his very feeling 42:09 and prayer is very healing as well 42:11 and in turn, I was blessed as well. 42:13 My name is Barbara Torres... 42:16 I came for Pediatrics for my daughter, Ella 42:20 and then we got offered a massage 42:24 and then, my ultrasound... it was amazing... 42:28 it was amazing... a lot of good health 42:30 it was awesome... 42:31 I would totally come back. 42:34 We were praying 42:37 and one person has a huge burden for the X-ray machine 42:40 two of the three X-ray machines broke down 42:43 and we lifted up to the Lord 42:45 15 minutes later, there was one guy who came... 42:48 tapped me on the shoulder and said, 42:49 "Gem, can I speak to you" 42:51 and then, he told me... the machine worked 42:54 and this is... this is the Technician 42:57 who... who could not explain what happened, 43:00 we were praying, 43:01 "Lord, please do something really miraculous" 43:03 that even the Technician 43:04 could not understand what just happened. 43:07 As I see it and as I've experienced it, 43:11 Pathway to Health is a great Organization 43:14 run by special people 43:16 providing a special community service. 43:19 Service with a smile, service with care 43:23 and even service with a prayer, 43:25 "Oh Lord, humbly... in a humble manner we come to you 43:30 asking for your help for him 43:32 that he is able to understand that you are always there. " 43:38 It's one thing to tell someone that you care, 43:43 it's a completely different thing 43:45 to roll up your sleeves and show them. 43:47 From December 25 through 27, 43:51 our goal was to give the greatest gift 43:54 we could ever give... 43:55 ourselves... 43:57 Music. 43:59 We have helped people here 44:01 but the biggest blessing has been to me, 44:04 it has renewed my spirit, 44:07 it is the best thing I have ever done in my life. 44:10 Well, Phoenix was such a blessing 44:12 and, of course, we came in as 3ABN 44:14 and did evangelism right on the heels 44:16 very successful... made some great friends... 44:18 great churches that were already prepared... 44:20 people were already aware and alert 44:23 and ready for what we had to say 44:24 and I think we'll follow you... 44:26 just follow you around the world. 44:27 That sounds like a great plan, I'm with you... all with you. 44:31 See, I told... she never heard a good idea that... 44:34 Lela: Look out... look out... 44:36 I'll hold you to it too. 44:38 And praise the Lord for that, now, before our time gets away 44:41 you've got some things coming up in the future, 44:43 let's talk about some of the stuff... 44:45 you're cooperation with the North American Division 44:47 and some other surprise things that... 44:48 who do I turn... you want to take the lead on that? 44:50 Sure, it's a pleasure and a blessing to be a part of the 44:54 North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, 44:56 Your Best Pathway to Health 44:57 and we have three cities that we are super excited about 45:01 for 2018... 19... and 20... 45:04 we are set for Fort Worth in September of this year 45:08 so, September 19 to 23... there at Fort Worth, 45:11 we are super excited about that, you can go to our website, 45:14 Your Best Pathway to Health 45:15 or pathwaytohealth. org to learn more, 45:17 and then we're looking for Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina 45:21 and a very wonderful... wonderful place... 45:24 and that will be actually in early 2019... 45:28 we're setting the dates... that will be set soon... 45:29 and then, what I'm really excited about... 45:32 Indianapolis, Indiana 2020... 45:34 so... we're... we have some big cities coming up 45:37 that we're looking forward to. 45:38 Amen, praise the Lord... 45:40 and Indianapolis is about four and a half hours 45:42 depending on the heaviness of your foot 45:44 not that far... 45:46 Lela: Good... and you know, 45:47 Dr. Lindo, we need some people to do these events, don't we? 45:51 Absolutely, we need volunteers we say... 45:53 we like to say, "If you have a smile and a heartbeat, 45:56 you can come and volunteer with us. " 45:58 We need professionals... we need lay people... 46:02 and dentists, physicians, everyone... 46:05 we really need your help 46:07 to really come out and make this event a success for God. 46:11 Now, I want to lay on that point for just a moment 46:13 because you need the medical professionals... 46:15 the para-medical professionals, the nurses... 46:17 but a good strong back... a willing mind... 46:20 and a smile on the face can be... 46:21 there are so many places to plug people in. 46:23 Absolutely, absolutely, we need volunteers to help 46:27 greet our... each of the patients, 46:29 to take them around to the different areas, 46:32 we need people to help decorate to make the place look lovely 46:36 and we need people to help with... 46:38 in all these different areas and so, as we said, 46:41 "If you have a heartbeat and a smile... 46:43 you're able to become a volunteer. " 46:44 Murrah: I love it, love it... yeah. 46:46 We can use plumbers, we can use electricians, 46:49 we could use people who are just good at moving 46:51 and set up... 46:53 it takes a lot to set up one of these events 46:55 and we only have part of the day to get it done 46:59 and so, we really need a lot of help in that arena. 47:03 We even need people who can watch children. 47:05 Lela: That's right, that's right... that's right. 47:07 Kyle: I told you about the lady who was so moved 47:09 by her experience in Phoenix, 47:11 she was actually helping with the child care 47:13 there in Phoenix, so, literally, like you said, 47:15 "If you have a willingness, we need you... 47:17 if you have a heart that's beating and a smile, 47:18 we need you. " 47:19 Praise the Lord, now the next one is... 47:21 Lela: Fort Worth... in September 47:24 and we need 80 percent... 47:25 just like the gentlemen and everyone's talking... 47:28 80 percent of our volunteers are non-medical people. 47:30 We definitely need the physicians and the dentists 47:33 definitely... if there are dentists listening, 47:35 we need you... our biggest need... 47:37 our number one sought-after service really is dentistry 47:39 but we need... obviously the professionals 47:42 but we even to a greater degree 47:44 need the non-medical people as well 47:47 and legal services... business... 47:49 we have a whole Legal Department, 47:51 Business area, Tailors, Clothing Department, 47:53 you name it... just like Dr. Lindo said, 47:56 "If you can smile... and you have a heartbeat" 47:58 which I think includes most of us, 48:00 I think you're needed. 48:02 We had a lady 48:04 who was the number one person in the dental line in Phoenix 48:09 and what was interesting is, she wrote a letter to us 48:12 at the end of it, 48:14 telling about the blessing that this was to her 48:17 and how she got there and all... 48:18 she got a tooth replaced... she got glasses... 48:23 she got a massage... 48:26 she got her hair done... 48:28 I mean, she was listing all of these things... 48:31 and so, the important thing about that is 48:33 be the first in line if you want all the services 48:36 because that's the only way you can get them. 48:38 And you know, these wonderful services... 48:40 you know, it takes money... 48:43 I mean, every... every event... 48:45 every patient that's going to be serviced... 48:47 and we want to service the maximum number of patients 48:50 but it takes money, 48:51 it takes about a 100 dollars a patient, 48:53 and Benny has to manage that 48:55 and Kyle is right there to help him 48:57 but I'm sure you can tell us more about that 49:00 since I'm the dreamer and he's the financier. 49:03 Benny: Believe me... she can dream 49:04 but this is a place that people can help... 49:07 because, there are some people that can't come 49:10 or maybe they can't come on those dates 49:12 or they can't come to that particular place, 49:14 but there's one thing that any of us can do 49:17 and I like to... 49:19 I kind of remember Elder Totts used to talk about it 49:22 in evangelism... picking berries... berries 49:25 from the bushes... and picking more than one at a time 49:28 and for the last two events, 49:30 Barbara and I have helped sponsor 10 people... 49:33 ten patients by giving a 1,000 dollars... 49:36 so, a 100 dollars can sponsor a patient, 49:39 now, our cost is a 100 dollars a patient on average 49:44 however, that can be reduced... 49:47 anywhere we're going to do an event 49:49 by having things given to us 49:51 that we would normally have to pay for, 49:52 but as far as people helping anybody can give a 100 dollars 49:59 you can do it 10 dollars a month 50:00 or just a 100 dollars at once or whatever 50:03 but if... for anyone who gives a 100 or multiples of one hundred 50:06 that means that we can serve one more patient 50:09 and I would really like to encourage people to do that 50:12 it's a real blessing. 50:14 Can you imagine what... it's 50:16 I mean a 100 dollars can literally change a person's life 50:19 because they come in and these procedures are expensive, 50:23 I mean, sometimes people can't go and get the root canal 50:27 or the whatever it is and the different procedures. 50:29 Benny: Well, what was the value 50:30 of their Phoenix experience, Lela? 50:32 Actually it was over 40.8 million dollars 50:35 in free health care but just like Kyle was saying, 50:37 although the value in dollar figures is an enormous amount, 50:42 the value in eternity 50:44 is never... is never to be able to put a dollar figure to 50:49 and what a beautiful opportunity. 50:51 What an opportunity to bring 50:53 so many different ministries together 50:55 the Lay... the part of the Church... 50:58 the businessmen, the women, the professionals, 51:01 the non-medical people, the children... 51:04 children participating... 51:06 all of us working together for one common goal. 51:08 And all different types of people, 51:10 you were mentioning this morning about that. 51:12 Yeah, Pathway is so powerful because it brings people 51:15 from all different perspectives in the church 51:17 for one mission and that is: 51:18 Serving people in the name of Jesus. 51:20 Lela: Amen... amen. 51:21 I don't know where the genius came from 51:23 but the idea of adding suits and manicures and pedicures 51:25 and... and getting your hair done... 51:27 that's such a refreshing, elevating kind of thing 51:31 and it's in part of the evolution. 51:33 We've got to go to our Newsbreak... 51:35 we're going to come back 51:36 put up some contact information 51:39 then I want Dr. Lela to make her kind of... final pitch 51:41 so, stay with us, go to our Newsbreak 51:43 and we'll be right back. |
Revised 2018-06-25