Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018048A
01:11 Hello! I'm Shelley Quinn and we welcome you once again
01:14 to 3ABN Today. 01:16 We've got an exciting program today, and we're so glad that 01:19 you can join us. 01:20 I just want to take this opportunity on behalf of all 01:23 of us to thank you for your love and your prayers 01:25 and your financial support. 01:27 We've got four guests today but before I introduce them 01:29 let me read a scripture that I've just always loved. 01:33 This is Acts 16 and verse 9 01:36 and it says this: 01:38 "A vision appeared to Paul in the night: 01:41 a man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him 01:45 saying: 'Come over to Macedonia and help us. ' " 01:50 I am so glad that God gives visions to His people. 01:55 And it's not always a pictoral vision, but 01:58 He puts it in our heart to go and help others. 02:01 And our group here today have been doing incredible things 02:04 in the United States and they are taking it international. 02:07 So let me introduce you to our special guests. 02:10 First we have Dr. Lela Gilbert Lewis. 02:13 Thank you so much. It's so good to be with you 02:16 again. And we're glad to have you here! 02:19 And you are the CEO and founder 02:21 of Your Best Pathway to Health. 02:25 That's correct. And we're going to talk about that a little 02:27 because it is the foundational work and it is the springboard 02:31 from which the new ministry called LifeSource 02:36 is going forward. And then we have with us 02:40 Kyle Allen. Kyle, you're VP for Adventist World Radio 02:45 and you're also on the board of directors for Your Best 02:49 Pathway to Health. So it's so good to have you here. 02:52 Good to be here... it's great to be here. 02:54 And I understand... This is all new to me 02:56 so I'm going to be learning as you learn today... 02:59 but I understand it is kind of a collaboration 03:04 between Adventist World Radio and Pathway to Health 03:07 that brought about this new ministry. Yes... yes! 03:10 Well we're going to be excited to hear about that. 03:13 And then we have Dr. Fiona Lindo with us. 03:17 You're the chief medical officer 03:18 for... can I just call it Pathway to Health? Sure. 03:21 It's easier. It's so good to have you here. 03:25 What is your specialty? 03:26 My sub-specialty is female pelvic medicine 03:29 and reconstructive surgery. Oh wow! 03:31 OK... I'm glad I asked. 03:34 And then we have with us Benny Moore and you are the treasurer. 03:38 Is that what we call you? Or the? Yeah, I'm the CFO 03:41 for Your Best Pathway to Health. Chief financial officer. 03:43 And also one of the ones who works with Adventist World Radio 03:46 and Total Member Involvement, TMI. Wonderful! 03:50 Wonderful! Well, we're excited to hear 03:53 how you are answering the call we'll say "to Macedonia" 03:58 where we're going to take this wonderful model 04:02 that you have established here in the United States 04:04 and it is going international, folks. 04:07 This is a group of people 04:09 who volunteer all of their efforts for the glory of God 04:14 to reach people with kind of like I call it 04:18 a mobile hospital. 04:20 So we're going to come back in just a moment 04:21 and hear their story. But first we have our very own 04:25 Tim Parton with us. And Tim is a wonderful person. 04:29 He is a godly man; he's a lot of fun. 04:32 And I'm so thrilled that he uses his talents 04:36 for the glory of God. He is going to play and sing 04:39 for us A Quiet Place. 06:10 There is a quiet place 06:17 far from the rapid pace 06:23 where God can soothe 06:29 my troubled mind. 06:37 Sheltered by tree and flower 06:43 there in my quiet hour 06:47 with Him my cares 06:52 are left behind. 07:00 Whether a garden small 07:06 or on a mountain tall 07:12 new strength 07:14 and courage 07:18 there I find. 07:25 Then from this quiet place 07:32 I go prepared to face 07:38 a new day 07:42 with love 07:44 for all mankind. 07:55 And He walks with me 08:02 and He talks with me 08:06 and He tells me 08:10 I am His own. 08:16 And the joy we share 08:21 as we tarry 08:26 there... 08:31 None other 08:34 has ever 08:39 known. 09:00 Thank you, Tim, so much. That is a beautiful song. 09:04 And there is a quiet place in our hearts. 09:06 Where the Lord is you can find peace, 09:10 but today's not going to be a quiet time, let me tell you. 09:14 OK... so if you're joining us just a little late 09:17 let me run through these "intros" again. 09:19 And we have Dr. Lela Gilbert Lewis, 09:21 we have Kyle Allen, 09:24 Dr. Fiona Lindo... yes... Am I saying that right? 09:27 and Benny Moore. And we're just so thankful 09:29 that all four of you are here. 09:31 What we will talk about today is a ministry called 09:34 LifeSource. And this ministry has sprung up. 09:37 It is kind of the marriage of two other ministries... 09:41 their efforts. One is Pathway to Health 09:45 and one is Adventist World Radio. 09:48 So, Lela, please kind of give us the "Reader's Digest" 09:51 version of Your Best Pathway to Health. 09:54 So Your Best Pathway to Health was started in 2014 09:58 our first event by God's grace. We've been serving 10:00 about now almost 40,000 patients 10:03 since 2014 in these 2-1/2 day events. 10:06 We provide free medical, dental, eye care, and 10:09 surgical services to uninsured and under-insured people 10:12 within North America. 10:13 So it's been an absolute blessing what God has performed. 10:17 And logistically it must be like bringing the circus to town. 10:21 You know what it is? Logistically it's like having 10:23 a mobile hospital set up in a day or less than a day. 10:27 And we go into a city, we set up. In fact, we just did 10:30 the Phoenix Convention Center as you know. 10:32 Pathway to Life followed us up there... 3ABN. 10:35 But again... it's literally setting up a hospital 10:38 at the Phoenix Convention Center in a half a day. 10:40 And we did major surgical procedures on the floor. 10:43 We did cataracts, hernia repairs. 10:45 Of course we have a full dental department. 10:47 Eye care department; clothing department. 10:49 Beautician and barber services. 10:51 The list goes on and on and on. 10:53 Well it's an amazing work, and I know that you 10:55 were... This was kind of the vision when God told... 10:59 You were impressed in your heart that this was what we needed 11:02 to do to serve others. 11:04 And it's not... You know, when you think about health 11:06 there's physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. 11:09 And if you are suppressed in any one of those three areas, 11:14 you're not going to be a completely healthy person. 11:17 So tell us first, Kyle, who is Adventist World Radio? 11:22 And then how did these two ministries "marry" 11:26 to birth this child LifeSource? 11:29 Well Adventist World Radio is the radio arm 11:32 of the General Conference 11:34 communicating the gospel through radio to the 11:36 hardest-to-reach places in the world since 1971. 11:39 And we have over 1,000 affiliate radio stations 11:43 that the church operates worldwide 11:45 including our hallmark one in Guam that broadcasts shortwave 11:49 to all of Asia. And just tremen- dous outreach that's happening. 11:53 The Godpods - yes - the different things that are 11:56 being done to get the gospel message to those 11:59 hardest-to-reach places. As our motto goes: 12:02 no walls, no borders, no limits. 12:05 Talk about the Godpods a little 'cause we have helped finance 12:08 that and to me it is such an exciting concept. 12:13 It is! Well, the Godpod... If you can think about this: 12:16 there are places, Shelley, in the world 12:19 where they can't get a good radio signal. 12:21 If you're not in the city or you're not in a place where 12:23 you get good Internet... And trust me, there's a lot of 12:25 places out there that you don't have good Internet. 12:27 That's right. OK... southern Illinois! 12:31 The General Conference. No, I won't say that. 12:33 Seriously... there are many places. 12:35 And so the Godpod is... Basically the easiest way to 12:39 describe it is a portable audio player 12:41 that is designed to go into the "bush" 12:44 so that someone can simply listen to the Bible 12:46 or listen to good Adventist messages 12:49 learning about the truth in their own language. 12:52 In their native dialect! In their own language 12:54 I should mention. And AWR broadcasts in over 120 languages 12:58 around the world... over 100 languages. 12:59 So the Godpods are really a tool to take the message 13:03 into these hardest- to-reach places. Amazing! 13:05 So how did the idea? I mean, you've had your hands full 13:10 doing the Best Pathway to Health here in the United States. 13:14 But how did you all decide to launch this new ministry? 13:19 Well, maybe I'll take it back. 13:21 So... And I should say our president, Duane McKey, 13:24 Elder Duane McKey, he wishes he could be here today. 13:27 But from the beginning of Your Best Pathway to Health 13:30 in 2014... even before that... Actually before, yes. 13:33 For years before. But he was involved from the beginning. 13:36 And I actually met him through that when I was a pastor 13:39 in California and then through my work with ASI. 13:41 But you know, the work that Pathway did was so incredible 13:47 in reaching cities, going in and doing these huge mega clinics 13:51 and knowing how to orchestrate such a massive event 13:55 it takes a lot of learning. You go through a lot of learning 13:59 experiences. It's a big learning curve... let's just say that. 14:01 And Dr. Lela and all the thousands of volunteers 14:05 it's just a tremendous effort 14:07 to do these kind of events. And so AWR 14:11 Elder McKey's vision was to find a way 14:14 to partner the medical missionary work 14:17 of reaching these large cities with the broadcast side 14:22 to reach the people in the way that Jesus asked us 14:26 to reach people which is serving them 14:28 and then bidding them to follow Him. Amen! 14:30 And so that's kind of the genesis. 14:32 Seeing what Pathway did and using that expertise 14:36 to put that together with the radio 14:39 and with the goal to reach all the corners of the earth 14:42 with the three angels' messages. 14:44 Praise God! So have you actually 14:47 launched? Have you done an event yet? 14:49 Not officially. Elder McKey actually called me 14:53 and asked me as a physician with the expertise, you know, 14:57 by God's grace the expertise that He's given 14:58 and provided to basically head up and help... 15:03 Not so much head up as much as advisorship 15:06 on how we don't have to re-invent the wheel 15:08 if you will. How they can basically take this 15:11 around the world so that people within their own locations 15:15 and their own divisions can begin to do this. 15:17 Just like what's been taking place here in North America 15:20 with Pathway to Health this can be replicated 15:23 in the Southeastern Pacific Division 15:26 and in South America, all over... everywhere! 15:29 And so that's kind of the vision of how this LifeSource 15:33 International is kind of coming together. 15:35 AWR, basically helping to teach the rest of the world 15:39 so that they can do and have the same results 15:41 we've had here in North America. Amen! 15:44 And I should just mention our motto for AWR now 15:46 is Broadcast to Baptism. 15:48 So it's not just broadcasting. It is leading people 15:52 from the broadcast to making a decision for Jesus. 15:54 And you know, as you said: it's physical, mental, 15:58 emotional, and spiritual healing. 16:00 If you cut that last part off, um-hmm, 16:03 you have left a person deficient. 16:05 They are not with healing; healing is the whole person. 16:09 And that's what I love so much about AWR's 16:12 vision is to take what we've learned by God's grace 16:16 with Pathway, taking this whole-person care, 16:18 and now sharing it with the whole world. 16:21 So... in answer to your question "Have we done this? " 16:23 we did sort of a trial run with the Godpods. 16:27 You talked about those Godpods 3ABN supported. 16:30 Down in Guyana two months ago with a partnership that 16:33 was actually Arizona Conference of SDA's, Maranatha, 16:36 many different. AWR... ADRA as well. 16:39 And we took those events that we've learned, 16:42 Pathway's knowledge if you will and the Godpods from AWR 16:46 and the result was phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal! 16:50 It was a Hindu location interestingly enough. 16:52 They only had one convert to Christianity, 16:57 to Seventh-day Adventism in the whole area in years 16:59 the Guyana Conference had been working. 17:02 And so by God's grace they created the community center. 17:05 We came in to "inaugurate" the community center 17:07 with a medical clinic. We did the medical clinic. 17:10 They came... the patients came every day. 17:13 We started a whole new series, again commissioned by AWR. 17:17 The patients were invited to come every night 17:19 for spiritual health. So we encompassed the 17:22 physical, mental, and emotional during the day 17:24 and the spiritual health at night. 17:26 They came! The first night 20-some patients came. 17:28 The next night 30-some... 40, 50. By Sabbath - 17:32 the 5-night series - by Sabbath there were over 120 Hindus - 17:37 glory to God - that came to celebrate - praise God - 17:39 and 30-some of them gave their hearts to Jesus. 17:42 Amen! Whoo! That IS exciting! 17:45 Hallelujah! That's a hallelujah. 17:47 So I am thrilled with what AWR is going to by God's grace 17:53 take to the world through their expertise. 17:55 And now learning... basically allowing us to all work together 17:59 from a knowledge perspective and share with the world. 18:01 We believe that when we work together we will see Jesus come. 18:05 OK... so is LifeSource International 18:08 a subdivision of AWR? 18:11 Or is it connected with both of your ministries? 18:13 Or is it a stand-alone ministry? 18:15 At this time... At this time it is connected with AWR 18:19 and Total Member Involvement of the General Conference. 18:21 Amen! Could you speak to us about that, Benny? 18:24 About Total Member Involvement? 18:26 Well Total Member Involvement is exciting because 18:29 parts of the world that we would have just "written off" 18:32 almost... but anyway where we would not have expected 18:36 much to happen are coming alive and awake. 18:40 I just got back... Just last Sunday night I got back from 18:44 Japan where I was with Elder Ted Wilson and his wife Nancy. 18:48 And we were doing a health series and evangelistic series 18:52 in the church that's right behind the Tokyo Adventist Hosp. 18:57 And we were able to see the way that contrary to what 19:03 many of our members have believed 19:05 and leaders maybe in Japan 19:07 that actually evangelism DOES work 19:10 and health ministry does work 19:12 in the fact that people have an interest in this. 19:15 And when you put the two together - Amen - you can see 19:19 amazing things happen. Now we didn't have the thousands 19:22 of people that we've had in other places 19:24 where Elder Wilson has done his meetings before. 19:26 'Cause I've been with him the last five years. 19:29 And we did not... We did not have 19:33 the kind of attendance that we have normally had. 19:37 Uh-huh. But... even though we only had a few 19:42 non... visitors, not members of that church 19:46 that we were in coming to these meetings 19:48 when they asked for people to come forward at night 19:51 and say we'd like to be part of an advanced Bible class 19:54 we had 50 people almost that came forward 19:58 and wanted to be part of that. 20:00 So the response... Amen! It goes back to the thing 20:04 that I've said for years having many years of experience 20:06 in evangelism and that is: when you get people 20:08 and the message together I don't care where it's located, 20:11 whether it's a place that it works or whether it doesn't, 20:13 or what part of the world you're in, when you get people 20:16 and the message together and they understand that message 20:18 you'll see results. That's what we're seeing. 20:20 And it's so exciting, but would you agree that TMI 20:24 means we don't get to sit back and just sit in the pew 20:27 and just... Amen! do our thumbs like this. 20:29 You know, I tell everybody 20:32 that if you want to see good evangelistic results 20:37 if you're having a series, each person in the church 20:40 your goal should be to invite someone. Amen! 20:44 Pick 'em up and bring them! 20:46 Exactly! Then you've got them there. 20:49 But it's a friendship evangelism to get everybody involved. 20:53 That was what we were seeing over there that was completely 20:55 different than what we expected. 20:56 Amen! And that is: the church members were organized. 21:00 Elder Ron Clouzet went in there last year 21:03 and taught them how to do evangelism the way 21:05 we know evangelism works. 21:08 And so they had all of the committees, 21:10 they had all of the young adults 21:12 and the young people involved. 21:14 And it was amazing to see. When anybody walked in the 21:18 lobby of that church and started their bowing 21:20 when they walked in there was a whole line of people 21:23 all the way around. There were people on the left 21:26 doing one thing, on the right doing something else, 21:28 right in the middle taking their record and registering them 21:30 and all. But they were doing all of the things 21:33 including row captains. Wonderful! 21:35 That they were doing in that church so with the people who 21:38 did come and who did get invited 21:40 and actually brought to the meetings 21:42 there was no question they knew how to handle them correctly 21:45 and the church was involved like you wouldn't believe. 21:48 Total Member Involvement encompasses the name: 21:51 total member involvement. 21:54 In other words, you know, that's Pathway's model. 21:56 And I believe it's not Pathway, it's Jesus' model. 21:59 If we have a smile - we can smile - 22:03 and if we have a heart beating - which again most of us have - 22:07 then we have a role to play in sharing Jesus' love 22:10 to the world. Yes! And that is the aspect of 22:14 what we do here in North America with Pathway to Health. 22:16 And that is the excitement of this partnership with AWR 22:20 and TMI because total member involvement 22:24 every person: whether you're a child, 22:26 whether you're a physician, 22:27 whether you're a plumber, 22:28 it doesn't matter... YOU have a role to play 22:31 at the next big health event. That's right! 22:33 And it doesn't matter where you're from as well. Exactly! 22:36 It's encompassing everyone from all around the world. 22:38 Exactly! We're able to work together worldwide in bringing 22:41 God's love to others. And all ages! 22:44 You know, I ask young people: "How do we keep young people 22:48 in the church? " And they say: "Get us involved! " 22:51 That's right... absolutely! Put them to work. 22:52 We need to involve our young people... give them purpose 22:54 because there's nothing like the blessing of working 22:57 for Jesus. Along those lines, my little boy 23:00 who's nine years old and his little friend who's ten 23:04 ran - partly ran, they had overseeing them obviously work - 23:08 but the eye care department in Guyana. 23:10 Wow! It changed their life so much so 23:13 it wants to choke me up - my little guy Nathaniel 23:15 when we were about to leave or a day before leaving 23:18 he starts crying, big tears sobbing down his face: 23:22 "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, can't we stay as missionaries? " 23:24 "Can't we just stay here and be missionaries 23:27 the rest of our life? Do we have to go back? " 23:29 You want to talk about the effect - I could cry - 23:31 of getting young people involved. 23:34 We want to keep them... Just like you said, we want to 23:36 keep them in the church: give them a role to play. 23:38 They have an important role to play. 23:39 Let's get them involved. And this: AWR, TMI, 23:44 LifeSource International has this powerful, powerful 23:48 opportunity and effect 23:49 of not just keeping our young people here in North America 23:52 but around the world a role to play. 23:55 If you want to change a young adult's life, 23:57 sponsor them... take them on a mission trip. Amen! 24:00 You know what I'm saying? I mean, that will change 24:02 somebody's life forever! That's right! 24:04 And we have a mission trip coming up they need to be 24:06 sponsored for. We do, we do, we do, we absolutely do. 24:09 But that is really really the message that we want to 24:13 communicate here is that everyone has a calling 24:15 to take this gospel to the world in this generation. 24:18 And if we really want our young people especially 24:20 to be the generation that finishes the work 24:23 we need to get them involved today. 24:25 And we're rescuing them - Amen - from their... 24:28 We're rescuing them. Let me say this: 24:31 I wasn't just kidding when I said that. 24:34 I have right now... Right now I could name off 24:37 and I won't name - but I could name off seven 24:39 young people who went to Guyana 24:40 who are desperate. They want to go to the Philippines. 24:43 This new big LifeSource Intl. anywhere-you-are program. 24:47 They want to go so bad but they don't the resources to go. 24:52 Our event, of course, we might as well just say it right now 24:55 it's just coming up right around the corner 24:58 July 9, 10, and 11 there in Palawan. 25:00 And it's going to be amazing this AWR program. 25:04 Why don't you tell them a little bit about it. 25:05 So I want to put a plug in for our young people. 25:07 If you're watching right now and you want to sponsor 25:10 a young person, you go to 25:13 and you can help sponsor. And before I say something 25:15 about that, Shelley, I just want to add a quick testimony 25:18 if I may. Surely. And that is that when I was... 25:20 when I was younger - I'm still young - 25:22 but when I was younger than I am now 25:24 you know someone had the vision I guess 25:28 to sponsor me to go on a mission trip. 25:30 Amen! And you know, that experience 25:33 of being actually with shareHim, Benny, 25:35 whom you work with a lot... that experience of being able to 25:38 share the gospel as a young person really made a tremendous 25:42 impact - a life-changing impact - on me. 25:44 And I think those opportunities are probably why 25:48 I know it's why I ended up becoming a pastor 25:51 and going into ministry. 25:52 How many more young people are out there - 25:54 yes - that could be called into doing so much more for God 25:59 if those generations that have come before them 26:02 would sponsor them to go on a mission trip 26:04 or encourage them to go? 26:05 I think there's so many opportunities, but just 26:07 to get to the Philippines 'cause we're so excited about this 26:10 God has worked amazing miracles to make this happen, Shelley. 26:13 We have the coliseum in the capital of Palawan. 26:18 Palawan is an island to the west of the Philippines. 26:21 It's part of the Philippines. I love the Philippines. 26:24 And Palawan is a long, skinny island on the west side 26:28 Puerto Princesa, the capital of that island right in the middle. 26:30 We are going to be holding the first AWR LifeSource 26:34 Health Clinic there in the capital this July. 26:38 Have you been there before, Kyle? I have! 26:41 That's where we met, Benny, 26:43 on a shareHim mission trip in 2009. 26:45 But, you know, God did an amazing miracle, Lela, 26:49 because we got the coliseum. Well we were just there 26:52 just what? In the beginning of March. Yes. 26:54 You and I were there and Duane McKey and several others. 26:56 And you know, that was phenomenal what God did. 26:59 We go to this meeting and it just so happens that 27:03 the health ministries director for that area 27:05 of Palawan is a SDA Christian. 27:08 And so he picks up... For the government. 27:10 For the government... so this is a government aspect. 27:13 He picks up the phone and while we're sitting there 27:16 he calls. And it just so happens 27:19 that the region director for the health ministries for 27:22 the Philippines of that region 27:24 happened to just about to be boarding a plane. 27:26 And he said: "If we go right now 27:28 we can meet the region director at his hotel 27:31 before he leaves for the airport. Would you like it? " 27:32 "Of course, " I said. "Of course! We're going right now. " 27:35 "Kyle, we're leaving right now! " "OK... OK. " 27:37 So we all race off and go to this meeting, right? 27:39 Have to leave the mangoes behind and go. 27:42 We do what we have to do by God's grace. 27:44 So we go to this meeting - this impromptu meeting. 27:47 The gentleman hears what we're planning to do. 27:49 By God's grace bringing in this specialist, 27:51 the physicians that they don't necessarily have. 27:54 Recruiting those from different parts of the world 27:56 inclusive of the United States. 27:59 When he hears he says: "If you bring these people, 28:02 you have the coliseum for free. " For free! 28:05 Giving you the coliseum. The largest event... 28:08 the largest venue, location anywhere near there. Yes. 28:11 "And... And we're going to help you with the meals for your 28:15 volunteers and your patients. " 28:17 Now of course this is a huge, collaborative endeavor. 28:19 The Southern Asia Pacific Division, 28:21 the Palawan Mission, the Union. 28:24 The General Conference Health Ministries Department. 28:26 Specifically Dr. Landless is very supportive. 28:29 We are very very excited of this giant collaborative 28:33 endeavor. Again, Jesus' work is a work of collaboration 28:38 of working together bringing all of our expertise 28:40 and by God's grace sharing through His power 28:43 and His might His righteous- ness to those around us. 28:45 You know, the amazing thing is that it is not just... 28:49 Of course there are so many people for various reasons 28:52 who cannot afford health services or it's not... 28:55 they cannot access health services. That's right. 28:59 But they get the picture of Jesus Christ. 29:02 Amen! And everywhere that you've been I've read 29:05 the articles that... You ought to see these newspaper articles 29:09 or even see what the news says 29:13 about the Seventh-day Adventist church. 29:15 People are just like: "This is unbelievable! 29:18 It's too good to be true. How can people do this? " 29:20 You started in Phoenix on Christmas Day, right? Yeah. 29:23 December 25. They mayor of Phoenix 29:27 was so excited and could not believe what you were doing. 29:30 This is an exciting ministry. 29:34 How are you logistically... 29:36 And I want to get to you, Fiona. I've got a question for you. 29:38 But logistically how do you get? 29:41 Are you having to ship everything? 29:44 These are very good questions and we're learning. 29:46 You know, when Pathway started it was literally 29:50 learning by trial and error and most importantly on my knees. 29:54 Yes. And so that's what's happening. 29:56 You know, the people that are working together as a team 29:59 we are learning on our knees by trial and error 30:02 working with again with the Southern Asia Pacific Division. 30:06 They've got amazing experience doing health ministry there 30:09 in their own division. And I'm talking to the GC 30:11 and different people, but yes, in answer to your question 30:13 we're bringing a lot of it over with us. 30:16 Also the division and the conference and the union 30:19 are pulling their own local people. 30:21 In fact, the majority of the volunteers are local. 30:25 Wonderful! And that's the way it should be. 30:28 I believe it with all my heart. This is their territory. 30:31 Yes. This is their country. What an opportunity for them 30:35 to minister to their own people. 30:36 So they're pooling their resources. The Palawan Mission 30:39 Hospital which is just right there. 30:41 Again, pooling all of their resources and expertise 30:44 of their own people to make this a reality. 30:47 And I think that's really the goal of this - exactly - AWR 30:49 LifeSource clinic. Is because we want to take the experience 30:53 that we learned here in the North American Division 30:54 from Your Best Pathway to Health which happens here, 30:57 but we can take that and share that blessing 31:00 with the world and help our other parts of the world, 31:03 other divisions, other unions and conferences 31:05 know how to replicate that in their territory 31:08 so that more people can be reached. 31:10 And that said, though, I mean we are in need of more 31:13 medical professionals. Absolutely, If people are 31:14 watching, it doesn't matter where you are in the world. 31:16 You know, you could be anywhere! 31:18 If you're watching and you're a medical professional, 31:21 dentists in particular - as always... no surprise - 31:24 are always needed. 31:25 Again, if you've got a heart and a smile 31:28 and want to serve Jesus you're always needed as well. 31:31 But in particular for this trip in the Philippines 31:34 we are in need of medical professionals for sure. Yeah. 31:37 You know, this is something that... First let me say this: 31:40 When you were talking about tak- ing this model and replicating 31:44 it, you've always heard that if you give a man a fish 31:48 you feed him for a day. You TEACH him to fish 31:50 and he can be fed for life. Right. Amen! 31:52 Amen! And so that's what you're doing. 31:54 Yes! Everybody needs to be invested in ministry 31:58 in their own area. Exactly. 32:00 But now let me ask you this: I know that most of these 32:04 medical professionals are... well everyone volunteers... 32:08 and they're going for a specific period of time. 32:11 But... Now, Fiona, as the chief medical officer 32:15 for Your Best Pathway to Health 32:17 I know you all who are involved are spending a whole lot more 32:22 time than just the days of the event. 32:24 Right. How did God reach... 32:27 You have to be a busy person... 32:29 an extraordinarily busy person. 32:32 How did God reach your heart to say: "I want you to 32:34 do this and dedicate your time to this? " 32:36 You know, how I got involved in this 32:39 is that really in my professional arena 32:43 as you can imagine it's very busy trying to take care 32:46 and manage a practice as well as teach 32:50 residents and fellows and things like that. 32:53 But I believe that mission and sharing God's love is 32:56 so important - Amen! and it's such a blessing 32:58 when you have a chance to pray with your patients 33:01 and encourage your patients 33:03 and help them to see the holistic way of living. 33:07 Yes! And to be able to bring this to a larger scale 33:10 was just a wonderful opportunity 33:12 and it has brought such a blessing to my life. 33:15 You asked about how do you have the time for it. 33:18 I actually don't know 33:19 but God finds a way to work things out - Amen! 33:22 and allows you to give that time for His work. 33:26 And so I'm sure that you have found 33:29 and we all find when we go out to help others 33:32 and we think we're going to go BE a blessing 33:34 that the blessing... There's this principle of reciprocity 33:39 in the kingdom except that God's principle 33:43 He magnifies, doesn't He. 33:47 Absolutely! Many many folds. 33:49 And as a result of that it just makes you want to give 33:52 even more and give more. 33:54 So what are the dates for July? 33:58 Yes, so the dates for this event, 34:01 this mission that we're doing in the Philippines, 34:03 is going to be July 11 to the 19th... Nine to eleven. 34:08 Sorry... July 9 to 11. 34:11 And we are asking for volunteers. 34:14 The very first day will be setting up the event. 34:16 And we'll start giving medical care the following day 34:20 through the 11th. OK. 34:24 And what we'd like for people to understand that 34:26 we'll be giving care from the morning to the afternoon 34:31 and in the evening we're inviting our patients 34:34 and inviting all of our volunteers to come to hear 34:37 wonderful messages of God's love that we want to share 34:41 with everyone. So they fly in. If you are 34:44 a professional and you want to have a complete 34:50 resurgence of hope and faith and just everything good 34:55 we want to encourage you to come. They fly into where? 34:59 Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines. 35:03 All right. And it's all on the website. 35:04 On you can pull all the information on there. 35:08 There's big explanations. Where to fly in; 35:10 when to get there. So we're recommending if possible 35:13 people be there on the 8th because that's the set-up day 35:15 which is Sunday and then clinic is the 9th, 10th, and 11th. 35:18 And then we should add - it's very exciting - 35:20 oh, yes. Because that's just the beginning! 35:22 The clinic is just the beginning because just two days later 35:25 on that Friday night we're going to start a full 35:28 evangelistic effort to encompass the entire island 35:32 of Palawan. And you know, Kyle, we really do need to get 35:34 that across. What took place in Guyana 35:37 with those evening meetings is the same program. 35:40 Again, it was commissioned by Duane McKey, AWR. 35:43 Jason Morgan, an evangelist from North Pacific Union 35:46 created this 5-night series. 35:48 So all the patients will be in- vited to those nightly meetings 35:52 there at the coliseum AND THEN... Then 2 days later 35:55 on the 13th, on the night of the 13th, 35:57 they will be dispersed to the churches that are closest 36:00 to them and their home. The doctors and the professionals 36:03 will also be dispersed with the evangelist to those same 36:07 locations as a baton hand-off if you will 36:10 by God's grace. And AWR has been broadcasting 36:13 all throughout the island of Palawan. 36:15 Even now broadcasting preparing the people for these 36:17 meetings so they're going to be... They're already doing 36:20 health programs. They're already doing health programs 36:21 leading to the AWR LifeSource International 36:25 medical clinic - yes, yes - and then two days later 36:28 the TMI evangelistic meetings will take place. 36:30 It's going to be an amazing... So by God's grace, 36:33 by God's grace we hope that this will be an example 36:36 for the entire world of what can be done 36:38 when we all come together and work together 36:41 and share His message of love. We need your prayers. 36:43 And we will be praying, but you know it is true 36:46 as Sr. White tells us that the medical work is the right arm 36:50 of the gospel. Exactly! 36:52 Following Jesus model. Exactly! Amen! 36:54 He didn't go out and just start 36:56 preaching to people. He healed them. 36:58 He became involved with them 37:00 and had that personal touch. 37:01 And that's what opens peoples' hearts. 37:03 It "plows up" peoples' hearts. 37:05 We need the prayers, I agree. We need the prayers 37:07 but we need people willing to act. 37:09 Just like Dr. Fiona said. 37:11 You know what? We may have to give up a little bit 37:14 but the blessings - the reciprocity - 37:16 it doesn't compare to what we're giving up. 37:18 So like you said, if you're a medical professional 37:20 and you want something that will change your life 37:22 volunteer 37:25 I would just like to say to the medical professionals: 37:26 why did you become a medical professional? 37:28 Amen. Did you become a medical professional 37:31 to make a good salary? Nothing wrong with that 37:33 necessarily to have a practice. 37:35 It takes a good salary to pay off your college debt. 37:38 It does! And medical school debt. 37:40 But you know the mission of Loma Linda, Dr. Lela, 37:42 was to send missionaries. The College of Medical Evangelists 37:45 to make man whole. Yeah, to make man whole. 37:48 That is why Ellen White by the Holy Spirit 37:52 our church was given this precious mission 37:55 of the right arm of the gospel coming together 37:57 to take the gospel to the world. 37:59 We have such a tremendous resource as a church, 38:01 so many medical professionals. 38:03 And we're kind of close to the event 38:05 and people probably have other plans - yes - 38:06 and if they can't make it we understand. 38:08 But there's other ways they can help, too. 38:09 We have other needs as well. Before you go to the other ways 38:12 let me ask you this: don't you have something 38:15 that's about to happen in the Congo that's coming 38:17 up soon as well? OK, this is... this is super exciting. 38:21 You prelude and then I'll kind of join in. 38:23 OK... all right... so 38:24 let's go back to Your Best Pathway Phoenix. 38:27 So Dr. Lela, we had some people come from the Congo 38:30 government. Well it actually goes back to the planning stages 38:34 of Pathway Phoenix - OK - when we were planning to reach... 38:36 We had huge numbers of refugees there in Phoenix. 38:39 And a big population of those refugees are from the Congo. 38:42 And different people sponsored. In fact even your Sabbath School 38:45 praise the Lord the Acceptance Sabbath School 38:50 at Collegedale, TN, sponsored us to reach those 38:54 refugee communities. Well out of that 38:56 the government of Congo found out that we were helping 38:59 their own refugee people within Phoenix. 39:01 They called me on the phone and they said: 39:03 "We'd like to meet with you. " 39:05 Wow! The assistant to the president of the DRC, 39:09 the prime minister of health, 39:11 the prime minister of social services. 39:13 I went to meet these dignitaries. 39:15 Long story short: they found out what we were doing. 39:18 They sent a convoy of dignitaries to Pathway Phoenix 39:22 on Christmas Day - over Christmas - 39:25 to find out what we do. To find out if it was legit. 39:28 Afterwards they said: "Would you please come to the DRC? " 39:32 They came back to Phoenix... again ministering to their own 39:35 refugees there in Phoenix. Ministering to the refugees 39:39 there in Phoenix and they called me up again 39:40 and they said: "Dr. Lela, we'd like to meet with you. " 39:42 "OK... sure... I'll be there... no problem. " 39:44 I go to the meeting and they say: "You know what? 39:46 We went back to the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo 39:49 and showed him the pictures. We told him what happened 39:51 to ourselves. " They got dental work done themselves 39:53 at our event there in Phoenix. 39:55 They said. "You know what? The president has decided 39:57 he wants to shut down Parliament in 2019... 40:00 in the summer of 2019. We'd like you to come and do 40:02 a big health event in Parliament there. " In the giant buildings, 40:07 yes, right there in Kinshasa, their capital. 40:09 So in July of 2019 40:11 we - Adventist World Radio, LifeSource International, 40:15 Total Member Involvement, and many many other different 40:18 entities as well - will be collaborating together 40:20 for probably one of the biggest events the SDA church 40:23 has ever had the opportunity of participating in. 40:25 And it will be sponsored by the president of the DRC. 40:30 Oh, you can see this vision: Hallelujah! "Come to Macedonia; 40:33 we need your help. " Yes! 40:35 This is God's favor. There's no doubt that God's 40:38 blessing is on this ministry. Amen! 40:40 And how can people - if somebody can't come 40:44 this July for the Philippines - 40:46 of course you can come for the July 2019 for the Congo - 40:52 but how can we help? What can we do? What do you need? 40:55 Well, you know... money! 40:58 That's right! We need your support financially. 41:01 Of course, most importantly we need your prayers 41:03 because it's not by might nor by power 41:05 but by My Spirit says the Lord. " Amen! 41:07 So we need your prayers; we need your financial support. 41:10 And there is a way that people can do this 41:13 where you can actually know that you are giving to something 41:16 that will have a lasting impact on people around the world. 41:19 One of the particular things that we're raising money for 41:21 right now - it's very exciting - is mobile dental units. 41:25 I don't know anything about dentistry. 41:27 All I know is that I don't like to go to the dentist. 41:29 But apparently they have these mobile dental units, 41:32 Shelley, that you can buy. About $3,600 each. Yes. 41:35 Now it sounds like a lot... It actually sounds 41:37 quite cheap to me. I'm shocked. 41:39 The impact of a mobile dental unit that can be used... 41:41 They're the size of a carry-on suitcase. 41:42 You can carry them on with you, a little carry-on. 41:45 That's amazing! One of these can service, you know, 41:47 end up servicing thousands of people 41:49 over the course of many events. 41:51 For $3,600 you can sponsor one of those mobile dental units 41:55 that will be used around the world to serve people 41:58 in the name of Jesus. 41:59 We raising money for that right now, 42:01 and that is something that you can do. 42:04 And something else that would be an absolute blessing 42:06 of the Lord: through contacts with ADRA, 42:08 one of our partners - Adventist Disaster Relief Agency, 42:11 as well as some of their contacts 42:13 they had a hospital that shut down that was only willing 42:16 to give their supplies and equipment to international 42:18 work. They've offered that to us. 42:20 All we have to pay for is the shipping. It's going to cost 42:22 about $2,000. So, all we need is $2,000 and we can get that 42:26 equipment to be able to supply the international work as well. 42:30 You know, let me... You're going to think I'm crazy 42:33 but I want to share this story. 42:34 When we talk about... you think about medical needs 42:37 sometimes we think: "Dentistry... big deal. " 42:40 You know, I used to get my dog's teeth cleaned 42:43 every six months because they say the life 42:46 of your dog is by how you keep their teeth. 42:49 Wow! And it's so much the same for humans. 42:52 I mean, dentistry is important. 42:54 And I've heard stories coming out of different areas 42:59 of Africa where people were nearly dying 43:03 because of poor dental hygiene. Because of abscesses. 43:06 Because of infections in their gums. 43:09 So that's extremely exciting. 43:11 Now what if someone just... They may not be able to afford 43:16 $3,600. You can make any part of that donation 43:19 but how much does it actually cost would you say - 43:23 I don't know if you've got this figure - 43:25 but for each person that comes/goes through your clinic 43:29 what is the cost? Benny? 43:31 For the people who go through the clinic? Yeah. 43:33 You're talking about the patients? Yes. I know it doesn't 43:35 cost them anything but how much... It doesn't cost 43:38 the patients anything. We figure here in North America 43:41 that the cost is $100 per patient. 43:45 So if somebody just wanted to donate $100 43:48 then they could be sponsoring a patient. 43:50 And will that money go further internationally? 43:53 Or do you know? Yes, it will definitely go further. 43:56 In fact, we've already been looking at that. 43:58 In the Philippines it's probab- ly going to be closer to $30 44:01 a patient. Oh! How exciting! If someone watching this program 44:05 says: "You know, I have $30. I want to sponsor a patient; 44:09 I want to change somebody's life. " 44:10 They can go to 44:12 and you can find the donate button there. 44:15 And all you need to do is say AWR medical evangelism 44:19 or AWR medical. Just make your donation, 44:21 make sure you mark it for AWR medical, 44:23 and that will go to the LifeSource event... clinic. 44:28 Let's make it $33 that way they can give $100 44:29 and that's for three patients. There you go! 44:31 There you go. That's the answer right there. 44:34 That's it right there. 44:36 That's what we like about CFO's. 44:38 A perfect answer. Amen. 44:40 So let me ask this because we're going to put the address 44:43 roll up in just a moment, and if you are a professional... 44:46 a medical professional, any of these disciplines, 44:50 maybe even dental hygienist... Absolutely! 44:53 Absolutely. I mean we need all medical professionals. 44:56 Whether you're a physician, you're a nurse, 44:59 you're a phlebotomist... all medical professionals 45:02 are... and non-medical. Even if you don't even know 45:05 what a needle or a stethoscope is, 45:07 you can smile, register people, and help with logistics there. 45:11 Exactly. OK... so we will give you the opportunity. 45:14 We'll put up an address roll in just a moment 45:16 so you'll know where to go 45:18 and how you can become involved. 45:20 But let me ask you each. We've heard from you. 45:25 How has this changed your life spiritually? 45:28 I mean, I know it's had a spiritual impact. 45:31 How has it changed you 45:32 being involved in this type of ministry? 45:35 I was just thinking about that this morning. 45:37 It has changed me from the perspective of 45:39 it's teaching me faith. Oh, amen! 45:42 I would not say it's taught me faith 45:44 because I think our life is a walk of faith 45:47 and we learn faith day to day. 45:48 And our faith - depending on how much... Each man has been 45:51 given a measure of faith, and depending on 45:53 how much we exercise that - man or woman, child, adult - 45:58 depending on how much we exercise that 46:00 we're given more I believe... and more. 46:02 And it has taught me 46:05 it has been a very very difficult struggle. 46:08 There is no question. Since 2014... 2013 46:12 planning for the first Pathway event, 46:14 my life has been I would say much more difficult 46:18 than any other aspect in my whole life. 46:20 BUT it has brought me into a closer walk with Jesus 46:24 and I've learned when I see the giants coming at me now... 46:28 When the giants come to Pathway planning or now 46:32 with this wonderful partnership with AWR 46:35 it doesn't matter... Whatever the giant is 46:37 it's like: "OK, well God took care of it the last time. " 46:40 That's right. "I can look forward to how 46:42 He's going to take care of it this time. " 46:44 Amen... Amen! 46:46 And Benny, how about you? 46:48 Well, it's kind of amazing. 46:53 I... years ago, I don't remember all the circumstances 46:59 involved, but I got down beside my bed 47:02 and I prayed and I said: "Lord, wherever You want me 47:04 to go I will go. " Um-hmm. "Whatever You want me to do 47:07 I will do. " And I had no clue what that meant. 47:13 And you know, I remember I was getting up to prepare for 47:16 a Kenneth Cox Crusade down in Bogota, Colombia, 47:18 one day. I was getting up to preach, and I had to 47:19 think about it. I said: "Lord, I sure never had this in mind 47:22 when I prayed that prayer. " 47:24 But you know, the Lord can use you if you're willing. 47:27 And if so, He will take you places 47:29 that you never dreamed of. 47:31 You know, with shareHim I've been all over the world. 47:33 I've had speakers in Mongolia and South Korea 47:36 and Palawan 47:39 and all over Africa. 47:43 So what the Lord has planned for us is much better 47:47 than anything we could ever plan for ourselves. 47:49 And the confidence that it gives us to know 47:52 that no matter what we do 47:54 God is the One in charge and He will take care of us. 47:57 Amen! And we don't have to worry for the future. 48:00 Amen! And I'll tell you: this is a scary world 48:02 that we live in as we know. I can't even stand 48:05 to watch the news any more because it is so terrible. 48:08 It is so depressing. Yes. 48:10 It's not... the only encouraging thing about the news is 48:12 you know Jesus is coming very soon whenever you hear it. 48:16 But the Lord has blessed; He has blessed financially. 48:20 He has blessed with opportunities for travel 48:22 and all of these things. 48:23 It's just been amazing what the Lord's done since 48:25 I made that commitment. 48:27 At that time I was a practicing CPA 48:29 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, 48:30 and I had many clients. And I was the treasurer 48:33 of a number of different companies and all. 48:35 But nothing was... There was nothing that I gave up 48:41 that was anything like what the Lord has given 48:43 like we've been talking about. 48:45 Amen. Absolutely! And as a pastor who is now 48:49 with Adventist World Radio what does it do for you 48:53 just knowing that you're about to... 48:55 you're taking the right arm of the gospel 48:57 to plow up the hardened ground of the people's hearts 49:02 and having this wonderful evangelistic series 49:06 coming afterward. It's... it's... You know, Shelley, 49:10 I think that for me it's so incredible 49:13 just to be able to be involved in God's work 49:15 and see what He does. 49:16 You know, sometimes we think 49:19 that the world is so bad 49:21 and the obstacles are so huge 49:22 how can we ever get this message to the world. 49:25 We look at the huge cities with millions of people 49:28 that don't know the Lord Jesus. I was just in Jerusalem 49:30 recently and I saw just so many people, 49:34 so many Jews and Muslims, people that don't know Jesus. 49:36 How can this message that we have, this beautiful message, 49:39 the Adventist message get to the world? 49:42 But then I go to a mega medical clinic 49:45 and I see the thousands of people lined up 49:50 waiting for medical care 49:52 And I see them coming in and the doctors praying with them 49:56 and the nurses praying with them - right - 49:57 and they leave with tears on their faces 49:59 because they've seen the love of Jesus demonstrated 50:02 to them and they say... And many for the first time... 50:05 And they say: "God is here! " 50:07 And it makes me think God has given us 50:10 the way to reach the world. Yes! Umm. 50:13 He has given us... And that's what I have seen 50:15 through this, Shelley. I have seen God work 50:17 in miraculous ways. Absolutely! And God is 50:19 going to only expand this medical missionary work - 50:23 the right arm of the gospel message - combining with 50:26 all of our church members who long to share 50:29 the message of Jesus' return. 50:31 This is only going to expand and grow louder and brighter 50:34 until the day of Jesus' return. Amen! 50:36 When you said that I was just thinking how He keeps increasing 50:42 our light till the day of His return. 50:45 Well we want to give you the opportunity 50:48 'cause I believe that your heart has been stirred 50:51 as has mine. And it is so exciting 50:54 because you've been very successful with the Pathway 50:57 to Health, Your Best Pathway to Health model, 51:01 and now to think that you can pick up that model 51:06 and hand this off to someone to be replicated 51:09 in other countries - Amen! it's amazing. 51:12 Because just think of what it took you 51:15 to get all of these best practices down. 51:18 So if the Lord is stirring your heart 51:20 that you would like to volunteer 51:22 or perhaps you want to donate to help this cause 51:26 and touch a life for eternity 51:29 here is their address and how you can get in touch with them: 51:36 If you would like to volunteer 51:38 and especially if you would like to volunteer 51:40 your medical services and work with LifeSource Medical Missions 51:44 you may contact them in a variety of ways. 51:47 Visit their website 51:51 to find out more about volunteering, 51:54 the types of medical help needed, 51:56 and to donate to this amazing ministry. 51:59 That website again is: 52:04 You may also write to them at LifeSource Medical Missions, 52:07 c/o Adventist World Radio. |
Revised 2018-06-04