3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018047A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 heal a heart that hurts,
00:33 I want to spend my life
00:39 mending broken people...
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 mending broken people.
00:55 Music...
01:03 More music...
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today
01:13 we are so glad that you've tuned in
01:15 and just want to take this opportunity
01:17 to thank you for your prayers and your love
01:20 and your financial support of 3ABN...
01:23 the mending-broken-people network.
01:25 I want to start today by reading you a passage
01:29 and then we'll get into our interview,
01:32 this comes from Matthew chapter 25
01:34 going to begin with verse 31.
01:36 And these are the words Jesus said... and He says,
01:39 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory,
01:42 and all the holy angels with Him,
01:44 then He will sit on the throne of His glory.
01:47 All the nations will be gathered before Him,
01:50 and He will separate them one from another,
01:53 as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
01:57 And He will set the sheep on His right hand,
02:00 but the goats on the left.
02:03 Then the King will say to those on His right hand,
02:06 'Come, ye blessed of My Father,
02:10 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
02:12 from the foundation of the world:
02:14 for I was hungry and you gave me food;
02:17 I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
02:20 I was a stranger and you took Me in;
02:23 I was naked and you clothed Me;
02:26 I was sick and you visited Me;
02:30 I was in prison and you came to Me.
02:32 You know, Jesus goes on to answer the question
02:36 of His disciples who say,
02:38 "When did we see you in any of these conditions?"
02:41 And He said, "When you've done this to the least of these,
02:45 you've done it to me"
02:46 and our special guest today is special... she's precious.
02:51 I want to introduce to you Kareen Wilson
02:54 who is one of the Co-Founders
02:56 of Bethesda Medical Mission Incorporated
03:00 and Kareen, we're so glad that you're here today.
03:03 Thank you, thank you for having me,
03:04 I'm excited about talking to you about Bethesda Medical today.
03:07 And then... and one...
03:09 the person who was going to be here with you today
03:12 got lost on the way to 3ABN,
03:14 we really are in a corner of a cornfield
03:17 but it's all right so,
03:19 we will muddle through without him though, however,
03:23 I'm sure it's going to be great.
03:24 Before we begin though, we have Johan Sentana
03:28 and he's a... I don't know if you've heard him play
03:30 but he is an amazing pianist and he is going to play for us
03:35 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
03:39 Piano...
04:01 More Piano...
04:11 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
04:17 Just to take Him at His Word;
04:26 Just to rest upon His promise,
04:34 Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord. "
04:41 Piano.
04:44 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
04:52 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
04:58 piano...
05:02 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
05:09 O, for grace to trust Him more!
05:15 Piano...
06:14 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee,
06:19 Precious Jesus, Savoir, Friend;
06:25 And I know that Thou art with me,
06:32 Wilt be with me to the end.
06:38 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
06:45 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
06:50 Piano.
06:56 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
07:02 Oh, for grace to
07:07 trust Him more!
07:13 Piano.
07:48 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him;
07:54 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
08:01 Piano.
08:04 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
08:11 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
08:18 Piano.
08:58 I'm so excited that Johan uses his talents for the Lord,
09:03 this reminds me of Isaiah 26 verse 3,
09:07 when we trust in Jesus,
09:09 it will bring you peace
09:12 and we were just discussing how soothing that piece...
09:14 or that piece of music was... how it brings peace...
09:18 but Isaiah 26 verse 3 says
09:20 that as we keep our eye focused on Him...
09:23 trusting in Him...
09:24 He promises us perfect peace
09:26 and that was beautiful,
09:28 thank you so much, Johan Sentana.
09:30 If you're joining us just a moment late,
09:34 our special guest today is Kareen Wilson
09:37 and she is a Co-founder
09:39 of Bethesda Medical Mission Incorporated.
09:42 We're talking about relief aid to Puerto Rico today
09:46 but before we jump in to
09:49 what Bethesda Medical Mission is doing,
09:51 let's get to know you a little better.
09:53 Kareen, tell us about your years growing up,
09:56 did you grow up in a church,
09:58 was your family Christian,
10:00 how did you get so interested in the Lord so early?
10:02 Yeah, so, I was... as we were discussing earlier,
10:05 I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba
10:07 and I went to Park View Adventist Academy,
10:09 I also went to Canadian Union College
10:12 which, I believe it's called now University...
10:15 and I transferred to Loma Linda University
10:17 and finished my degree in Dental Hygiene there
10:20 and, while I was there, I met my husband
10:23 who was graduating from Dental School at that time,
10:26 and we really, really connected obviously and got married
10:30 but the other thing that was wonderful is that
10:32 we both had a passion for mission.
10:34 My very first mission trip
10:36 was when I was a Senior in High School
10:39 and it totally changed my life,
10:41 to be able to go into the island of Dominica
10:44 and help people repair their homes
10:46 and just interact with people was amazing
10:50 and I craved that...
10:51 I really wanted that to be a part of my life.
10:53 So when you say, it changed your life,
10:55 do you think you grew closer to Jesus
10:57 because... I mean, you can be born and raised
10:59 in a Christian family
11:01 but that doesn't necessarily mean it's personal to you.
11:03 Kareen: Right.
11:05 Shelley: Is that when it became personal?
11:06 Kareen: And that's when it became personal,
11:07 it's like actually on that trip...
11:09 is when I felt the connection to God and saying,
11:13 "You know, this is what I was meant to do,
11:15 this is what my passion would be
11:18 is to serve people and to be able to help people"
11:20 and I think that when you are a teenager
11:23 you see things in a totally different light,
11:26 you're seeing things...
11:27 "Well, what can I get... what can I receive?"
11:29 And when you're giving
11:31 and you're able to share with other people
11:33 especially on a level of...
11:35 these people's homes were totally devastated
11:38 by the hurricane,
11:39 they had no roof,
11:40 they had a low supply of food and things like that
11:42 and we were able to come and help them with that...
11:45 totally changed my life.
11:46 Praise God, I always tell people
11:48 and I hope if you're listening,
11:50 "If you want your child
11:52 to really get connected to the Lord,
11:54 take them on a mission trip"
11:55 because I see... I mean for years I hear stories of kids...
12:02 even troubled kids... and spoiled kids...
12:05 we are so spoiled here in the United States
12:09 and then when we go on a mission trip
12:11 and you see others who have so little,
12:14 but you're seeing their response to...
12:17 when God uses you as His hands and feet,
12:20 it's exciting... it's exciting.
12:22 Okay, so, your husband shared that same vision
12:28 now, he's a dentist, correct?
12:31 So my husband is a Dentist, Dr. Bryan Wilson,
12:33 we actually have a dental practice
12:35 in West Hartford, Connecticut
12:36 we've been there for a little over 20 years
12:39 and we... before we had our children,
12:41 we went on quite a few mission trips to different countries,
12:45 Peru, Dominica, Dominican Republic
12:49 and we really enjoyed...
12:51 we actually worked with another group
12:53 that did a lot of construction
12:54 so we were kind of like the side gig
12:56 and that's where we met Dr. Roy Kellerman
12:58 and he was a medical doctor and his wife is a nurse,
13:01 and we went on a lot of mission trips
13:02 and then after I had my girls, we took a little bit of a break
13:05 and we still felt the calling
13:08 to be able to still go on mission trips
13:10 but we just didn't know how to go about it.
13:12 So, as we were discussing earlier
13:16 is that... Dr. Kellerman was in Maryland
13:19 and he was visiting his daughter there
13:21 and he heard a sermon about the pool of Bethesda
13:24 and what it really meant
13:26 and it took him to a whole new level
13:28 when he learned that the pool of Bethesda meant mercy
13:31 and it meant serving and meant compassion
13:34 and when Jesus was there and healed that man
13:37 or he wanted... everybody wanted to touch that water
13:39 and they believed that they would be healed
13:41 it... it... it spoke to Him
13:43 so he came back to Connecticut and said,
13:45 "You know what? Let's start something,
13:47 let's... as small as it may be
13:49 let's see what we can do"
13:51 and Dr. Kellerman and my husband, Bryan
13:55 and Delores and myself,
13:57 we got together and we started thinking about
13:59 what Bethesda Medical Mission could be.
14:00 And so, as you were planning this and seeking the Lord,
14:05 how did He lead you...
14:07 I mean, I know now that Bethesda Medical Mission Inc.
14:10 is a 501c3... a non-profit
14:13 and all who are there volunteer their time,
14:17 nobody gets paid a salary from this,
14:19 so, everything that you're doing,
14:22 when the funds come in,
14:23 it goes to the relief of the needy.
14:25 Kareen: Yes.
14:26 But tell us about that planning stage
14:28 because there are people out there
14:30 who feel like God wants them to do something
14:33 but they don't know how to get started.
14:34 Yeah, so it is... it was a lot of planning in the beginning
14:38 because... and I think what jumpstarted it
14:40 was because of the immediate response that was needed
14:44 in Haiti after the earthquake,
14:45 it was so devastating that we couldn't even get in
14:48 right after the year that it happened
14:50 but we knew that... especially after the earthquake
14:53 that people needed care
14:55 and so, we said,
14:56 "Let's make it a medical professional group"
15:00 so it would be a group of people
15:01 either in the medical field or in the dental field
15:03 and let's go in and see where we could help.
15:06 So, that's what we did,
15:07 we came together with a group of people
15:09 who were like-minded,
15:11 we sent out the call to different people that we knew
15:14 that might be interested in joining us
15:16 and we were very surprised to get a lot of people
15:19 that really wanted to help
15:20 if they couldn't go on the mission trip themselves,
15:23 they decided to send money or donations to help us
15:26 and it was a blessing.
15:28 I think our first trip, we had a little over 30 people
15:30 that joined us
15:32 and we were able to provide medical and dental care
15:35 to anybody and everybody who came to our clinics...
15:38 they were mobile clinics
15:40 because we tried to move around a little bit
15:41 so that we could reach people
15:43 but it... it really was a blessing
15:44 and we saw so many wonderful things.
15:47 Wonderful... wonderful,
15:48 so, you've been back to Haiti how many times?
15:51 We've been to Haiti for five trips,
15:53 we've done five mission trips since that first trip.
15:56 Okay, now, give us a little of...
15:59 when you said there was a lot of planning
16:03 just tell us a little bit about the process of that
16:06 because once again...
16:08 we have people I know who are interested,
16:10 tell us a little of the process of that.
16:12 So, the process is... is that we had to find
16:16 a group to work with while we were in Haiti.
16:19 So, when you're going into a developing country
16:21 or going into a place that you want to serve,
16:24 it was very much an advantage to us
16:27 to know what was going to be happening on the ground,
16:30 so, we had to find someone
16:32 either we could have somebody the connection with
16:34 and so, we found somebody in Haiti...
16:36 we actually a local pastor that we worked with
16:39 actually in Connecticut
16:40 and he helped us with planning everything on the ground.
16:43 First and foremost is to make sure that everybody was safe,
16:46 making sure that we would have clinics or places
16:49 where we could go and we could set up our clinics
16:51 and to actually find a place where we could serve
16:54 and that we could do it effectively.
16:55 So, that took a lot of planning, the other thing is,
16:59 is trying to find housing for everybody.
17:01 So, that is another step of something
17:03 that takes a lot of logistics,
17:05 a lot of time and energy to get into
17:08 and then, also, the people that are going to be joining in,
17:11 what are they going to be doing
17:12 for the time frame that they're there.
17:14 Are they going to be working in an OB-GYN helping the...
17:19 or helping the Pediatrician
17:21 or helping the Dentist,
17:23 how are we going to bring all of our supplies
17:25 so in some of the pictures you'll see
17:27 is that, we had to bring a lot of our supplies
17:30 from Connecticut and get it down into Haiti
17:33 because they didn't have those things there.
17:36 So, it was a lot of packing and planning
17:40 and organizing
17:41 and making sure that everything is organized
17:44 and that everything can get there safely and effectively.
17:47 Okay, so who is this?
17:48 So, this is one of our technicians
17:51 and what we do is we do an eye-glass clinic
17:55 where we actually use a machine or a computer
17:58 that can read the person's eyes
18:00 and then it translates it to a computer
18:02 and tells us exactly what type of glasses they need
18:05 to be able to correct their vision,
18:06 this picture here is obviously us in the Dental Clinic
18:10 like I said, on those chairs,
18:12 we actually have to bring all those chairs,
18:14 bring all the supplies...
18:15 bring all the dental instruments to Haiti
18:18 and set them out to get them organized...
18:20 and get them ready to go,
18:22 This is Dr. Salius,
18:23 one of our doctors that joins us in the Dental clinic,
18:27 and she is amazing,
18:28 she's done some incredible surgeries
18:30 on some of the people there that have needed surgeries,
18:32 and like I said,
18:34 you can see all the things that need to be supplied,
18:36 this is one of our doctors, a family-care physician
18:39 who is discussing probably high blood pressure...
18:42 is very prevalent in... in Haiti
18:45 so writing her prescription
18:46 just so that you know also,
18:48 we also bring a full-fledged pharmacy with us
18:50 so, we have all kinds of meds...
18:53 everything from medicines to other supplies that we bring.
18:57 These are our two Co-Founders...
18:58 Dr. Kellerman and my husband, Dr. Bryan Wilson
19:01 and then last year we worked with Bohard
19:03 which was an Organization
19:05 that's way up in the mountains in Haiti
19:06 and that's the gentleman that you there on the left,
19:09 Shelley: Bearded gentleman okay...
19:11 Kareen: Yes... and this our pharmacy,
19:12 you can see all of the different medical supplies
19:15 and we actually count out all the meds
19:17 like you would in a regular pharmacy
19:19 that we have here in America
19:20 and we have all kinds of supplies
19:22 from medicines to High Blood Pressure meds,
19:25 whatever we can bring.
19:26 This is another picture of our Dental Clinic
19:29 and we use all kinds of different supplies
19:32 to be able to bring care to everyone.
19:34 This is another one of our whole clinic...
19:38 you can see the table in the far left there...
19:41 is all covered with all kinds of dental supplies and tools,
19:44 sterilization...
19:45 we have sterilization process that we run through,
19:48 it's a very effective clinic.
19:50 Shelley: It's been a lot of logistics...
19:52 Kareen: Lot of logistics
19:53 so, on our last... one of our trips,
19:55 we were actually able to dig a well
19:57 so that there would be water
19:58 that could be supplied to this area
20:00 so, here you see the gentleman digging down...
20:03 I don't know the logistics but getting down in there
20:05 to make sure that they are able to touch water
20:07 and be able to pump it back up
20:08 so that they could have a well, yeah.
20:10 Oh, this picture... I love this...
20:12 this is a picture of our VBS Program.
20:14 Some nights we would have over 200 children there.
20:17 Shelley: VBS stands for Vacation Bible School.
20:19 Kareen: Yeah, Vacation Bible School
20:21 and we would feed the children,
20:23 so we would have food available for all the children
20:25 and we would have a beautiful program
20:26 available for them afterwards.
20:28 Shelley: Amen.
20:29 Kareen: And this is my lovely husband, Dr. Wilson,
20:32 posing with one of the kids,
20:33 we would blow up balloons
20:35 and give out toys to all the children
20:37 and... it's just a blessing to be able to share with them.
20:40 Shelley: Oh, that's precious, now, while you were there also,
20:44 you came across an orphanage that was in dire condition...
20:48 explain what was going on at this orphanage.
20:52 So, in 2014, we were on our mission trip
20:54 and we had a gentleman who approached us
20:57 and said that he had been caring for children,
21:00 it wasn't even an orphanage yet,
21:02 he just knew that he needed to take care of these children
21:05 and he had about 15 children of various ages with him
21:08 but he had run out of food
21:09 and because he was not an orphanage,
21:12 he didn't have any way of acquiring the food
21:14 and getting better living conditions for the children.
21:17 So, he approached us... we went...
21:19 we visited where he was and we...
21:22 it just broke your heart
21:24 to see the way these children were living,
21:26 they were living... 5... 6... kids to a bed...
21:29 and it wasn't even a real bed
21:31 you know, they had run out of food,
21:34 the squander... the dirt floors...
21:36 it just... they just needed help...
21:39 and we said, "You know what?
21:40 this is something that we can take on
21:42 so, we decided, right then and there,
21:44 we approached all the people that were on our mission trip
21:47 and we asked them to donate money
21:50 and before you know it,
21:51 we had raised over hundreds of dollars
21:53 to be able to provide food for them right away
21:56 and we decided to donate a lot of medication,
21:59 we had the children visit our clinic
22:01 so that they can be seen and be treated
22:03 and then, we just said, we are going to support you
22:06 so, since then,
22:07 we have actually moved them to a new Facility.
22:10 Shelley: Praise God.
22:11 We have re-done a whole building for them
22:14 so that each of them have their own beds,
22:17 they have a play area and they have a school.
22:20 So, not only are they able to go to school
22:23 but they are able to educate the children in the area
22:27 and they have over 125 kids that come into the compound
22:30 and are educated on the compound where the...
22:33 where the orphanage is
22:35 so now we're working on
22:37 getting them to have an actual status as an orphanage
22:40 so they'll be able to have aid from Haiti
22:42 but, we'll of course... we'll continue to support them.
22:44 And, you know, it's just so amazing to me
22:47 how... when Christ is in you and you see a need,
22:50 you want to meet that need
22:53 but these children went from
22:55 perhaps, not even having one meal a day
22:58 to now they get three squares a day
23:00 plus education and a hygienic area.
23:03 Kareen: Yeah.
23:04 When you're talking about the medical professionals,
23:07 your group has grown from 30 to... what was your last...
23:11 Yeah, so, I believe on our last mission trip
23:15 we had over 70 people that joined us.
23:16 Okay, so, that's so amazing
23:19 how quickly God is... is... growing this
23:23 but are they all Adventist Christians or they...
23:26 No, that's what I love about our mission trips
23:29 is that our last trip...
23:31 we had probably about 50... over 50 medical professionals
23:35 and then we had about a little over 20 construction crew
23:39 because we do do a lot of construction work now
23:41 and that is the beauty of our ministry,
23:43 is that... there are a lot of people
23:45 that aren't Seventh-day Adventists,
23:46 we have some people that aren't even Christian
23:49 and they join us on these trips and they say,
23:51 "This is the Christ that I want to...
23:53 that I'm dying to see... a Christ who gives...
23:57 a Christ who loves... a Christ who shares...
24:00 a Christ who will not let the underserved be neglected"
24:05 and that is what we're all about,
24:07 we're all about helping those people that need help
24:10 and in Haiti...
24:12 that is pretty much what you're going to see...
24:14 you're going to see a lot of people that need help
24:16 and so, not only are we ministering
24:18 to the people in Haiti,
24:20 but we're ministering to a lot of the people
24:21 that join us on the trip
24:23 because they are so excited to see the passion of Christianity,
24:27 the passion of what Christ wanted us to do.
24:29 Amen and amen... and you know it's just...
24:31 it's amazing to me that every time...
24:33 God just has a magic formula...
24:37 and I don't want to use the word "magic"
24:38 but the blessing of the Lord is when you go somewhere
24:43 to be a blessing to someone else...
24:45 when God sends you out,
24:46 He always gives you a double portion of blessing in return.
24:51 Have you seen any...
24:53 can you tell any of the miracle stories that you've seen.
24:56 Oh, oh... miracles beyond miracles...
24:59 you have to realize that we're working with a lot of logistics
25:04 so, like we were talking earlier about logistics...
25:06 the miracles in logistics is... I... I...
25:10 every year, I always say to myself
25:12 "this is never going to work
25:13 there's no way we're going to get all these things into Haiti
25:15 and we're not going to be able to... "
25:17 Shelley: Through Customs... Kareen: Through Customs
25:19 and every year it works...
25:21 I can tell you one story where we were at American Airlines
25:24 and we were flying with all of our bins...
25:26 I wish we had a picture of all the bins that we bring,
25:28 we bring these huge heavy-duty bins
25:30 and every year,
25:32 we always are over-boarded with too many things
25:35 but we want to make sure it gets there
25:37 and I remember one year that one of the agents said,
25:40 "There's no way... "
25:41 that "we're not going to allow this to go through"
25:43 and we said, "You know what? Let's just step back and pray"
25:46 and we prayed about it... we prayed about it
25:48 and there was a... there was a...
25:50 I guess it would be a "shift change"
25:52 and the next lady that came in, I approached her again
25:57 and I said, "We're a mission group,
25:59 we just want to bring these things,
26:01 we're helping somebody"
26:03 and someone... another passenger had just yelled at her
26:06 and she screamed at her and I think...
26:08 "this poor lady is under pressure,
26:10 she is not going to listen to me"
26:11 and she turned to me and in the sweetest voice
26:14 and she said, "Let's see what we can do"
26:17 is that, I wish that a lot of people would realize
26:19 that they can get much more done with honey than with flies
26:23 you know,
26:24 and she turned to us and she said,
26:26 "Let me go talk to my Supervisor"
26:28 and did you know that that Supervisor
26:30 was from Haiti herself
26:31 and she allowed everything to go through
26:33 and she didn't even charge us.
26:35 Shelley: Praise the Lord.
26:37 Kareen: That was the hard part, I was like,
26:38 "If you charge us, I'll be happy"
26:40 but she didn't even charge us, she said,
26:42 "Just let it go through... let it go through. "
26:44 When we're in clinics in Haiti,
26:46 there are plenty of times when people come to the clinics
26:49 and we see a lot of children who have been neglected
26:53 who have wounds and who need special healing
26:57 and we have seen...
26:58 they come back to the clinic a few days later
27:00 and they're better, they're healthier,
27:03 just being able to give them the medication that they needed
27:06 and us being able to have it there for them is amazing.
27:09 I remember one time in a dental clinic
27:12 we saw a young lady who came to the clinic
27:16 and her hand was over her mouth like this
27:18 and we were like, "What's going on here?"
27:20 and she sat down in a chair
27:22 and what had happened was... is that
27:25 she had basically a double row of teeth,
27:27 she had never lost her primary teeth
27:29 but she had grown in her adult teeth into that space,
27:33 and she was very embarrassed about it,
27:37 and she was very ashamed by it
27:39 and one of the doctors says,
27:40 "You know, we can help her"
27:42 so we found her mother to ask for permission to do that
27:46 and as I sat down to do my perio therapy on my patient
27:49 I said, "Oh my goodness, what is this?"
27:52 And it was the same situation, they were twins!
27:55 and the same thing had happened
27:57 so that day we were able to do dental surgery
28:00 on both girls... and be able to give them their smiles back
28:03 and to this day I just remember
28:05 the smiles on their faces afterwards
28:07 because they would have normally had to go through life
28:10 with that embarrassment and now they were...
28:13 they were beautiful again.
28:14 Shelley: Glory to God... glory to God.
28:16 So, the Lord has really blessed this Bethesda Medical Mission
28:21 as it has gone to Haiti for the last five years in a row
28:24 but recently, Pastor Herrera from Connecticut
28:30 came to you with a new plan,
28:34 tell us about that.
28:36 So, we had always gone to Haiti everywhere... every year
28:39 and we were planning on returning to Haiti this year
28:41 but after the Hurricane in Puerto Rico,
28:44 Pastor Herrera approached our Organization
28:48 and said that what you are doing in Haiti
28:50 would very much be of benefit to what's going on in Puerto Rico
28:54 and because of the hurricane, a lot of homes were damaged
28:57 and there was a lot of help...
28:58 the construction crew that we had normally used in Haiti
29:02 would have been a great benefit in Puerto Rico
29:05 so, this year, we have decided
29:07 to take Bethesda Medical into Puerto Rico
29:10 and repair some homes that are going to be damaged
29:14 and also, to do some Health Fairs
29:16 and to do some health clinics in Puerto Rico
29:20 to help the people of Puerto Rico.
29:21 We have a tendency in the United States
29:26 that... I just say we've got the attention span of a humming bird
29:32 because whatever is on the news is what you feel like,
29:37 is going on but there is still...
29:39 there is so much suffering in Puerto Rico, it's not over.
29:43 Yes, and that's what our plan was... is that...
29:46 you know, you're right,
29:47 after a few months, it dies down
29:49 and people forget about the need that's going on
29:52 but there are many people that are still devastated...
29:54 just even to have clean water... to have their homes repaired...
29:59 to receive medical and dental attention
30:02 those kinds of things are still very much needed in Puerto Rico
30:04 so, I said, "Summer of 2018, we will be going there. "
30:09 Praise God, so, the...
30:11 Pastor Herrera, I know I heard something mentioned
30:14 or read something mentioned that he has an association with
30:20 Hay esperanza para Puerto Rico
30:23 which means, "There is hope for Puerto Rico"
30:25 and a lot of people there really were close to losing hope
30:30 or have lost hope... we have some friends who live there
30:35 and they said the suicide rate is at...
30:37 there are people who feel like
30:39 life would never get back to normal
30:40 so, explain what... do you know much about that group
30:44 or... can you give us...
30:46 I know Pastor Herrera was supposed to be with us today.
30:49 Yeah, so Pastor Herrera was supposed to be with us
30:51 to explain a little bit more about that
30:53 but from what he had explained to us is that...
30:56 there was a lot of devastation that had happened in Puerto Rico
30:59 and that a lot of things that we heard here in America
31:02 that things were much better and that things would get...
31:05 were simply not accurate...
31:08 that there were a lot of people that were still suffering
31:10 there were a lot of people that still were without their homes
31:13 that we still had a lot of issues going on
31:15 and that we needed to address that
31:17 and we needed to still send people into Puerto Rico to help
31:21 so, that would be my appeal today
31:23 is that, everybody would understand
31:25 that there are still a lot of people that are suffering...
31:27 they need financial... emotional... spiritual help
31:31 to go into Puerto Rico and be able to bless the people
31:35 that are going on there... that are still suffering there
31:38 so, I do hope that people will still realize
31:40 that we still need to be there,
31:42 we still need to be on the ground.
31:44 Amen, so, when you are not on a...
31:47 how many mission trips have you gone on?
31:48 Personally, I have been on
31:52 probably about 9 or 10 mission trips.
31:55 Okay and have you taken your daughters yet?
31:57 No, I haven't so this is the first year
31:59 that my daughters will be going
32:01 on a mission trip so exciting...
32:02 Shelley: How old are they?
32:04 My daughters are 10 and 12.
32:05 Shelley: Okay. Kareen: Yes.
32:06 Shelley: So, they'll be going along to help you with...
32:08 will you do a Vacation Bible School
32:10 while you're in Puerto Rico?
32:11 Kareen: Our plans to put together a Vacation Bible School
32:14 while we're doing our health clinics
32:15 and specially on Sabbath and on Sunday...
32:18 we will be doing larger clinics
32:19 so definitely we will be ways that we can communicate
32:21 with the children there.
32:22 That's nice, so you have the children who are...
32:24 their parents are in for the services
32:27 then we've got something going on for the children.
32:30 Kareen: Right, yes.
32:31 So, how has this changed your life personally?
32:35 It has made me much more grateful
32:40 and thankful that God has given me the ability to serve
32:45 so, of course, it's made me grateful and thankful
32:47 for the things I have in my life
32:49 but it's given me the ability to say,
32:51 "You know what? I have these opportunities
32:53 to give and to serve... "
32:55 I am so grateful for it
32:57 and the one thing that always remains in the back of my head
33:01 is that at Loma Linda...
33:03 I remember when I first arrived at the campus...
33:04 beautiful campus...
33:06 and I remember the... there's a statue at the first
33:10 it's just right outside of Prince Hall...
33:12 it's in the School of Dentistry
33:14 and it's... it shows the story of the good Samaritan
33:18 and underneath that it says, "To make man whole"
33:23 and that is what we're here to do,
33:26 I honestly believe that that story shows
33:30 how we as human beings need to have the connection
33:33 to those who are less fortunate and how we can help
33:36 and when I arrived on campus at Loma Linda,
33:39 I said, that was what my goal was going to be,
33:41 if there was any way that I could serve
33:44 and not only overseas or in developing countries
33:48 but then also in Hartford...
33:50 Bethesda Medical does a lot of Health Fairs...
33:52 we do a lot of local things to help people that are in need
33:55 and that's what I would hope that everybody can do
33:58 and it doesn't have... you don't have to be a professional
34:00 medical, dental, whatever it is,
34:02 whatever your passion is, whatever your goal is,
34:05 is to remember that story, "To make man whole"
34:08 and if everybody had a little bit of themselves in that heart
34:11 in their heart...
34:13 I think that we would definitely have a much better society
34:16 and a much better world.
34:17 And this is something that
34:19 probably has impacted your marriage as well.
34:23 Kareen: Yes... yes.
34:24 When you are... I am very blessed,
34:26 my husband is a very Godly man
34:29 and we serve together
34:31 and when... as a couple you share that passion
34:34 that purpose... and you're serving together
34:38 it... it is something,
34:40 it's a special bonding-cementing thing
34:44 and it seems to me that there is...
34:47 as families serve together
34:50 it seems that God speaks His peace into that family,
34:55 it changes the dynamics of family... period...
34:58 and I hope that your girls...
35:00 I know they're going to... to be blessed
35:03 and get to see what mummy and daddy do
35:05 and they will come back... I'm sure...
35:07 with more grateful hearts themselves.
35:09 Kareen: Right.
35:11 You know, this is what Bethesda Mission is doing...
35:16 is following the example of Christ's method of service
35:22 and it's exciting that you're reaching
35:26 not only the people that you're ministering to
35:29 but the people who you take to minister.
35:32 Kareen: Right...
35:34 You think about reach...
35:36 have you had anyone, you mentioned earlier
35:37 that some were saying... who were not even Christians,
35:41 saying, "Now I see the face of Jesus
35:43 and this is what it's all about. "
35:46 Tell us a little... kind of expound on that a little.
35:49 Well, we have had some people...
35:51 believe me, we've had not... like I said,
35:54 people that are not really Christian...
35:57 we've even had one person who was Buddhist that came with us
36:01 and she had always... she had worked with us in the past
36:05 but she had never really been able
36:06 to see what Christianity was all about
36:09 and she said that this...
36:10 "I could... I could understand this type of Christianity"
36:14 and even though... and you know that God sows seeds
36:18 you never know what's going on in her heart,
36:20 I believe that it changed her,
36:21 it changed her attitude to what Christianity could be
36:25 and how serving God can bless other people,
36:28 we've had people that are not Seventh-day Adventists
36:31 that say... they want to learn more
36:32 about the Seventh-day Adventist Church...
36:34 they want to know more
36:35 about how Maranatha and other aid groups
36:38 are going into other countries to help
36:41 so, I think that it has definitely changed them
36:44 and we've had a lot of people attend church services
36:46 when we were in Haiti too
36:48 and there's no requirement for you to have to do that
36:51 when you're on your mission trips
36:52 but a lot of the people say,
36:53 "Yes, I want to see what it's all about...
36:55 I want to see how you worship your God"
36:58 and they are moved and blessed by that too
36:59 so they love it, yeah.
37:00 Well I think you brought a couple of videos
37:02 and we'd like to show those, the first one is:
37:04 your husband and another gentleman who are speaking
37:08 and these are the two...
37:10 there were four Co-Founders... you and your husband
37:13 and then this other doctor and his wife.
37:15 Yeah, so Dr. Kellerman and my husband
37:17 are what you're going to see in this one video
37:19 just kind of doing a little bit of a wrap up
37:20 of one of our trips that we had gone on
37:23 and the other video is just one of the gentlemen
37:26 who had actually been to the clinics several times...
37:28 every year I guess he waits for us to come in
37:30 and he was just saying, "Thank you"
37:32 he wanted to express his "thank you"
37:34 and his gratitude for coming
37:36 and that's the other thing that I wanted to express too
37:39 is that... the Haitian people that we visit with...
37:41 they are beautiful people...
37:43 they are so gracious and they're so thankful
37:45 for all the services that they give to us
37:47 and especially when they're waiting in long lines to be seen
37:50 they're always polite, they're always sweet,
37:53 they're always wonderful
37:54 and we love serving in Haiti... wonderful people.
37:58 Amen, so let's look at those videos now.
38:01 Video...
38:06 We're just about over
38:09 we're used our last days of work in Movi, Haiti...
38:13 great day... we did dentures, we did fillings,
38:17 we did extractions,
38:19 we did a lot of cleaning...
38:20 we did eye care...
38:22 we did a little bit of everything...
38:25 we even rushed a little bit of soccer...
38:27 scene: boy kicking soccer ball...
38:31 Clearly we have seen possibly over 1,800 people at least
38:35 and tomorrow...
38:37 tomorrow we'll be going to an orphanage in Port Au Prince
38:43 we will provide care to I believe, approximately 30 kids
38:50 and hopefully, we'll get a chance
38:52 to go to church right after that
38:54 but it's been a day... a week of service...
38:57 and we are grateful that we had a chance to provide the service
39:04 to the people of Haiti
39:06 video ends...
39:09 Well, that's precious but now we've got one more
39:13 and this will be you talking with...
39:15 as Kareen is speaking with a French-speaking Haitian.
39:21 Video starting...
39:24 In French...
39:29 And we say, "Thank you for the good service you give us"
39:32 in French...
39:35 "Last year you gave like the same service"
39:37 In French...
39:41 This year, you again gave the same good service.
39:43 In French...
39:48 And then we say, "Thank you...
39:50 may the Lord bless all the group. "
39:52 In French...
39:55 "And may the Lord like...
39:57 make you guys have a like... a good trip... good travel. "
40:00 Merci...
40:01 "Thank you. "
40:03 Comment vous appelex-vous?
40:05 Jedson...
40:07 Aaah... see, I know a little French.
40:09 Do live here in Movi?
40:14 In French.
40:16 Yes.
40:17 Okay, all right, oh, thank you for coming again.
40:19 French...
40:21 Thank you too for coming again.
40:23 All right guys, no problem.
40:25 That's sweet, I always thought it was
40:28 Comment vous applex-vous.
40:30 It could be... he pretended that he understood.
40:34 Laughter...
40:36 Well, you know, I'm such a parrot...
40:37 if I'm in France, I can speak this much French
40:41 but I'll speak English with a French accent.
40:44 same when I get to interacting it's terrible...
40:48 so, when you are going on trips what... who...
40:53 who are you looking to join you
40:56 and what qualifications do they need?
40:59 Well, we are looking for anybody who wants to serve,
41:03 anybody who has a good attitude
41:05 and wants to serve and give of themselves...
41:07 please contact us because we can find a way to make it work.
41:12 Obviously we're a Medical and Dental professional group
41:16 so if you have any discipline in medicine or in dentistry,
41:20 we definitely can find a spot for you...
41:23 the more that we have... either medical or dental
41:27 the more we can see more people.
41:30 Medical professionals... we take OB-GYNs, Pediatricians,
41:34 emergency care meds... medications... wound healers,
41:38 wound specialists, family doctors,
41:40 anything...
41:42 in the Dental professional...
41:43 we have oral surgeons that come with us
41:45 of course, General Dentistry,
41:47 Hygienists... we love Hygienists, they're hard to come by,
41:50 but we're just looking for anybody that's willing to serve
41:52 and then... even if you have none of those disciplines,
41:55 there are so many other things that you can do on the ground.
41:58 So, we have a lot of people that help us with logistics,
42:00 either... being... making sure that food gets supplied
42:03 or things get spread out evenly,
42:06 in the clinic... we need runners in the clinic,
42:09 we need people to help in the eye glass department,
42:12 that means distributing eye glasses,
42:14 working with the computer.
42:15 We also need people to help out just...
42:19 even with the people that come to the... in line
42:23 making sure that they're in line properly
42:25 they're at the right line,
42:26 we need people to help with registration,
42:28 we need people in Pharmacy
42:30 definitely people to help out in the Pharmacy area,
42:32 and then, of course,
42:34 because we do have the construction crew now
42:36 we can have anybody who can swing a hammer...
42:39 please join us
42:40 because we love to have people for our construction crew also.
42:43 Shelley: Amen.
42:44 So basically, that includes anybody.
42:46 Amen, so, now... the donations as I said...
42:50 this is a 501c3... non-profit organization
42:55 and no person who is part of the Board
43:00 or works for the Organization
43:04 or comes to go on these trips... no one's paid...
43:08 Kareen: That's right.
43:10 So every everything... all labor is volunteer, correct?
43:12 All labor is all volunteered,
43:14 our Board Members which consist of...
43:16 I think there's eight or nine of us on the Board...
43:18 we work very hard on a regular basis
43:20 to make sure that these trips happen...
43:22 we do not take salary...
43:23 every penny goes directly to patient care
43:26 or to construction cost.
43:28 And how do you raise your funds?
43:29 That is the beautiful thing,
43:31 it is all through the generous work of... obviously God
43:35 but at the same time, everybody...
43:37 He uses people to just donate money...
43:38 sometimes we are just sitting there and we'll get a check
43:42 and we'll have money donated.
43:44 We do run a golf tournament once a year,
43:46 so the local people and the Connecticut people come
43:49 and they obviously... it's a charitable event
43:51 so that goes towards our mission trips,
43:53 but majority of it is just people... one thing at a time...
43:57 like the other day...
43:58 my daughter was working on a project
44:01 where they needed to multiply their money...
44:03 it was a project on the talents...
44:05 you know, multiplying your talents
44:07 so, they gave her a little bit of money
44:09 and she was supposed to grow that money
44:10 and give it to an Organization,
44:12 well, she decided to take that money...
44:14 she made money from that money
44:16 and she donated it to Bethesda Medical
44:18 as little as it was, it was still a blessing
44:21 and we have children that do that all the time
44:23 and they just say, "You know what?
44:25 I want to donate some money. "
44:26 So, every little dollar counts.
44:28 Amen, well, you know, I just believe that...
44:32 Kareen, when we think about how God works...
44:36 I believe that there is someone who is watching today
44:38 that would like to, perhaps, participate
44:42 in one of these upcoming trips
44:44 or maybe the Holy Spirit is inspiring you
44:48 to donate and help sponsor these trips,
44:51 so, we want to put up your address roll
44:55 to let people know how...
44:56 that they can get in touch with you
44:59 to... or with Bethesda Medical Mission
45:03 to either seek enrollment in a...
45:06 one of the mission trips or to donate
45:08 so, here is how you can get in touch with them,
45:11 Music...
45:14 If you would like to support Bethesda Medical Mission,
45:16 please pray for them
45:18 and consider giving them your financial support.
45:20 They also need personnel who will bring medical, dental
45:24 and construction help
45:25 to those who need it so desperately,
45:27 visit their website BethesdaMedicalMission. com
45:31 to find out how you can donate online or volunteer to help.
45:35 Their website again is: BethesdaMedicalMission. com
45:38 you may also call them at 860-243-5569
45:44 or write to them at
45:45 Bethesda Medical Mission 836 Farmington Avenue, Suite 215
45:51 West Hartford, Connecticut 06119
45:55 music...
45:57 And I just want to thank you in advance
46:01 for your prayers and your support for Bethesda...
46:04 which means: Mercy... Bethesda Medical Mission Inc.
46:08 Well, we wanted to bring back Johan Sentana
46:12 and he has... God has given him such a gift on the piano
46:17 and he is going to play one of my favorite songs,
46:23 this song talks about how we can wander from God
46:28 and how He brings us back and He can seal my heart...
46:32 "Lord, here's my heart, take and seal it"
46:34 and so, he will be on the piano,
46:36 you just have to... if you know the words...
46:38 you will identify this,
46:40 it is: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
46:42 Come, thou Fount of every blessing,
46:49 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
46:56 Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
47:03 Call for songs of loudest praise.
47:09 Teach me ever to adore Thee,
47:15 May I still Thy goodness prove,
47:21 While the hope of endless glory
47:27 Fills my heart with joy and love.
47:33 Here I raise my Ebenezer,
47:40 Hither by Thy help I've come,
47:45 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
47:51 Safely to arrive at home.
47:55 Jesus sought me when a stranger,
48:00 Wandering from the fold of God;
48:06 He to rescue me from danger
48:12 Interposed His precious blood.
48:18 Piano...
48:52 O, to grace how great a debtor
48:58 Daily I'm constrained to be!
49:04 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
49:10 Bind me closer still to Thee.
49:17 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
49:23 Prone to leave the God I love;
49:29 Here's my heart...
49:32 O, take and seal it;
49:36 Seal it for Thy courts above.
49:42 Piano...
50:02 O, to grace how great a debtor
50:06 Daily I'm constrained to be!
50:11 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
50:16 Bind me closer still to Thee.
50:21 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
50:27 Prone to leave the God I love;
50:32 Here's my heart... O, take and seal it;
50:39 Seal it for Thy courts above.
50:45 Piano.
51:04 Here's my heart... O, take and seal it;
51:12 piano
51:20 Here's my heart...
51:26 Seal it for Thy courts above.


Revised 2018-06-21