3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018046A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:06 mending broken people,
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:17 removing pain...
00:21 Lord, let my words...
00:27 heal a heart that hurts,
00:33 I want to spend my life
00:38 mending broken people...
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:49 mending broken people.
00:55 Music...
01:02 more music...
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:12 and we welcome you to 3ABN today.
01:15 We just want to thank you
01:17 for sharing some of your time with us,
01:19 this is going to be an exciting hour.
01:22 We have a fascinating... some fascinating testimonies
01:25 and stories of how the Lord works
01:28 when you are a seeker of truth.
01:30 And we want to thank you for your prayers
01:34 and for your love
01:35 and for your financial support of 3ABN,
01:37 we couldn't do what we do without you.
01:39 I wanted to start with a Scripture from Mark
01:43 and this is Jesus speaking, in Mark chapter 7 and verse 8
01:46 He says, "For laying aside the commandment of God,
01:50 you hold the tradition of man"
01:53 I'm going to jump down a few verses
01:56 and He finishes by saying this, "making... "
01:59 this is verse 13...
02:01 "making the word of God of no effect
02:05 through your tradition which you have handed down.
02:07 And many such things you do. "
02:09 We have to be so careful
02:11 that what we believe as Christians
02:15 is coming straight from the Word of God
02:18 because it is all too easy to let tradition take precedence
02:25 over what God's Word actually says,
02:27 and today, we have with us
02:30 some precious people who I would call,
02:32 "Seekers of the Truth"
02:33 people who suddenly recognize that
02:36 the tradition of their Amish religion
02:39 wasn't lining up with the Word of God...
02:41 and now they are Seventh-day Adventist Christians
02:44 first, let me introduce my dear brother, Andy Weaver...
02:48 Andy, so glad to have you here.
02:51 Thanks for having us again.
02:52 Yes, and you've been here before,
02:54 you are the President of the West Salem Mission.
02:58 Andy: That is correct.
03:00 And that's in Ohio and you have permission now
03:01 to take your hat off so we can see your eyes...
03:04 I wanted to start off with that
03:07 but we're going to come back and talk about that Mission
03:10 a little later in the Program
03:11 and then, next to you is your beautiful wife, Naomi Weaver,
03:15 Hi Naomi...
03:17 and our precious and gorgeous baby girl, Sarah,
03:20 she is so cute, say, "Hi" Sarah,
03:23 can you wave?
03:24 She says, "Well, I'll look at myself on TV"
03:27 and then we have Delilah Glick
03:30 and Delilah, you have Eli with you,
03:33 both Eli and Sarah are two...
03:35 and then her husband, John Glick is sitting up on the other row,
03:39 John, great to have you here with us,
03:42 and then we have Abe Raber, did I say it right?
03:46 Yes.
03:48 Good, Abe, we're so glad that you've come with us,
03:50 now, you come from a...
03:53 you're coming out of an Amish background
03:56 but obviously, a more liberal Amish Denomination.
04:00 That's correct.
04:01 Correct... because you don't have the beard
04:03 and you've got the English haircut... so...
04:05 Yeah.
04:06 All right... this is just...
04:08 I want to... with your permission
04:10 I'm going to hold off on the music
04:12 till the end of the Program
04:14 because we've got such a fascinating...
04:17 so many fascinating things to talk about today
04:20 and I just want to start Naomi and Andy with you.
04:24 You... how many generations...
04:27 has your family always been Amish?
04:30 Yes, always been Amish.
04:31 Always been Amish...
04:32 Yes.
04:34 You love the Amish lifestyle.
04:35 Oh yeah, I love the Amish lifestyle.
04:37 But something happened to you a few years ago
04:41 tell us what was going on in your heart
04:44 when you were feeling a little empty.
04:48 Well, like I said, I grew up Amish,
04:52 I was part of the Swartzentruber Amish Church
04:54 and ironically the Swartzentruber Amish
04:56 were more or less founded by my great-grandfather...
05:01 my mother was a Swartzentruber Amish
05:03 and so, I was... I was Amish... I mean, all the way
05:08 and I liked it... but... I loved the Lord,
05:12 I really wanted to do what was right
05:15 and my... my apple cart was kind of upset
05:20 when I read a book... it's called the: Martyrs Mirror
05:24 and it is like a compilation of Anabaptist people
05:28 that had died for their faith.
05:29 Okay, Anabaptists... explain that please.
05:32 Anabaptist... those were...
05:33 they were part of the Reformation
05:35 back in the 15s and 1600s
05:38 even though they didn't consider themselves
05:41 Protestants because they didn't protest.
05:44 Shelley: Okay.
05:45 But they were part of the Menno Simons group
05:47 and... yeah I read the...
05:49 some of the accounts of people that had died for their faith
05:53 and I thought, "I want what they had"
05:55 but...
05:57 Shelley: That kind of commitment... dedication...
05:58 Andy: Yes, commitment, dedication
06:00 and I was very committed... very dedicated...
06:03 but as I read there...
06:05 I felt like I was committed and dedicated to people
06:08 and I... I want to be committed and dedicated to people
06:13 that are strictly following the Lord
06:15 but I can't... I felt... I just felt like I was perhaps
06:21 on the wrong side of some of the issues
06:23 because I would watch debates that went on
06:26 between Anabaptists and Monks
06:27 and those debates went on for hours
06:30 and they were smacking my face...
06:34 I thought these people were... that we admired so much
06:37 they don't believe what we believe now
06:40 they... they... they believed in righteousness by faith
06:43 and we didn't... well, we didn't even know what that was
06:47 and so, the one Scripture I remember very well...
06:51 I wish I knew specifically what it was...
06:53 where you read it, but it's in Jeremiah
06:56 where it says, "Accursed is the man that relies on man. "
07:00 Shelley: Yes.
07:01 And I... I went to my Bible and I looked that up
07:03 and I thought... "that is disturbing"
07:07 because that is what we always were taught to do,
07:09 we just do what the Bishop tells you
07:11 and nothing against Bishops...
07:13 I mean, I love... I love my people,
07:15 I consider myself one of them,
07:17 but I thought, "I still have to know what I believe,
07:21 I don't even know what I believe. "
07:22 So, as I understand it... well, I'm going to...
07:28 a little spoiler alert here...
07:30 Andy has written a book that's just a marvelous book
07:32 and I told him... "I don't... "
07:33 as hectic as our schedules are here,
07:35 I rarely have time to read a book
07:38 before I interview somebody who's written a book
07:42 but I was reading your book and I was amazed
07:45 because I think I thought the Amish...
07:48 you think of them as being good, strong, moral people
07:52 and I thought that they probably followed the Bible
07:55 more than they do,
07:57 but the tradition of the Amish is basically...
08:00 can I say this?
08:01 And I hope it isn't too derogatory...
08:07 but some things that are happening in the Amish churches
08:10 seem more like Catholicism to me
08:12 because you're following what's handed down to you
08:16 no matter what the Scripture says, is that right?
08:18 That is true.
08:19 Okay, so, you have a Bishop
08:22 and the rules and regulations, Naomi,
08:24 it was even to how many stitches you could have
08:27 or what kind of top stitching on your clothing...
08:30 everything is... basically you're told what to do.
08:32 Naomi: Yes.
08:33 That's... see..
08:36 to somebody outside that Community... it's amazing!
08:40 So, what happened as you are beginning to realize
08:44 how... how... because it's really not something that...
08:49 you're not recommended to study the Word a lot.
08:53 No... we are... we are encouraged to read the Bible
08:57 every Sunday or every other Sunday...
09:00 we were not encouraged to read the Bible during the week
09:03 because we were taught...
09:04 if you start reading the Bible too much,
09:06 you will fall away from God
09:08 and... because falling away...
09:11 leaving the church is... equals falling away from God
09:13 I mean, that's... and so, that was my circle,
09:16 now, there is Amish...
09:17 there is a lot of Amish people out there today
09:19 that are very spiritual... and they read their Bibles every day
09:22 and they have their devotion time
09:24 and so, I can't speak for those people
09:26 because, I mean...
09:27 there is a lot of God-loving Amish people out there.
09:30 Shelley: Yes.
09:31 We have good moral standards
09:33 and we... we had good moral standards
09:35 but we... we were just spiritually dead in so many ways
09:39 it's so formal... I guess, I would say.
09:41 So, let's just fast forward
09:43 because we have a lot to talk about with a lot of people today
09:45 how did God wake you up to His truths
09:51 and to recognize
09:53 the Ten Commandments weren't nailed to the cross
09:55 and righteousness by faith...
09:57 how did He wake you up to the everlasting gospel?
09:59 Well, I always... we always believed in the Ten Commandments
10:04 because we had memorized them in school
10:06 and so, we were taught
10:07 that the Ten Commandments were still binding
10:11 but it goes back to that book I was reading,
10:15 the Martyrs Mirror it's called...
10:17 it's like Fox's Book of Martyrs.
10:18 Shelley: Okay.
10:19 That's where I learned about righteousness by faith.
10:21 Even though there were... they were contradictive
10:24 because those people were coming out of great darkness
10:26 into light,
10:27 they didn't all agree on... you know, amongst themselves,
10:30 Um, I could still learn a whole lot,
10:34 I started realizing that I can be right with God
10:39 and still have struggles in my life... and it's not...
10:42 you know, God says,
10:43 "Be ye perfect even as I am perfect"
10:45 but it doesn't start there, it starts by a surrender
10:50 and then...
10:51 Shelley: So we will ever be perfect...
10:53 He's living His life out in us.
10:55 So, I realize that I can accept Jesus as my Savior
10:58 and then I have His righteousness
11:02 and... thus, I am perfect.
11:04 Shelley: Amen.
11:05 As long as I remain surrendered
11:07 and this has become by far,
11:10 my most favorite topic of the Bible,
11:13 there's a lot of great things in the Bible... like prophecy...
11:18 I love prophecy... but what does prophecy do for me if I'm lost?
11:22 Shelley: Absolutely.
11:24 Andy: People need Jesus
11:25 and people need to learn how we can remain surrendered to Jesus
11:31 and that will transform our life.
11:33 You want to talk about good works,
11:35 surrender your life to Jesus, and believe that you're forgiven
11:38 God will take you on an amazing journey
11:41 and some of the things that you used to say,
11:44 they just don't come out any more,
11:46 it's like... you look back and say,
11:48 "What has God wrought, I don't know... "
11:51 like Jesus said, you plant a seed and it grows
11:53 and you know not how what happened
11:55 and that was my experience.
11:57 It's not that I was good... it's just God... God is awesome.
12:01 God is awesome... so you're getting right with God
12:05 but it is putting you in a... a really difficult place
12:09 with your Amish Bishop and with the Amish religion
12:13 we're going to just fast forward
12:16 you ended up being "shunned" and tell us what shunning is.
12:20 Well, shunning is a form of... it's excommunication...
12:24 where you lose your connection with your family
12:27 and your... you're not part of your community any more
12:30 and so, you can't do any business with your community,
12:33 I mean, I could still talk to my family and my friends
12:35 but it has changed drastically and ironically,
12:38 I was shunned because I told my Leaders,
12:42 I said, "I don't read in the Bible
12:43 where we are to shun people
12:45 just because they want to go to church somewhere else"
12:48 and they said, "Well, if you don't believe in shunning,
12:51 then we're going to have to shun you"
12:53 and I said, "Well, you do what you got to do,
12:56 I got to have a clear conscience"
12:58 and so, to answer your question,
13:00 "What is shunning?"
13:01 It's excommunication.
13:03 Okay, all right, so...
13:05 Naomi, you have a man here who is seeking the truth,
13:09 your sweet husband... father of your eight children
13:13 it's a quiver full...
13:15 I always tease you all at ASI about that,
13:17 but what was it like for you?
13:20 I mean, your mother was living with you
13:21 you all were living on the family farm...
13:24 buying it from your mother
13:25 what was it like for you as this decision
13:29 was about to be made
13:31 that I know you all wrestled with this quite a bit
13:33 before the shunning...
13:35 how did you feel...
13:36 did you feel like the earth was just opening up...
13:39 about to swallow you?
13:40 Yes, it was very hard...
13:42 I felt like... I'm losing everything
13:44 and the hardest part was probably to see that I...
13:48 I can't help my mom anymore
13:50 and that she's not going to accept me
13:54 but after I decided to let God lead me
13:57 and just lean on Him, things went much better.
14:00 You know, I was telling someone
14:02 this morning, as a matter of fact...
14:04 sometimes we think we've made a sacrifice for the Lord
14:08 and a sacrifice for the truth
14:11 but I don't know that...
14:13 many of us have not experienced what you all have been through
14:17 but God has so blessed you since
14:21 and you have an Adventist Christian family now
14:25 that has accepted you...
14:28 you are both baptized into the Adventist Church
14:30 and we want to get to everybody else's story
14:33 so, kind of tell us about West Salem Mission...
14:36 when... when you came out
14:38 and suddenly you've got no church family
14:41 because you've been cut off from family and friends
14:43 and your income... everything is changing...
14:47 but God put it in your heart to minister to these people.
14:51 That's true... I was always...
14:54 I had a lot of interest in spiritual things
14:57 and I was just... I was just studying religion
15:01 so, I went to... I got all kinds of Christian literature
15:06 and it was when I came across
15:08 some Bible prophecy books and stuff
15:13 that I... I started realizing that we are all...
15:17 we're at the end of time and we are...
15:19 we are all part of Bible Prophecy,
15:21 we are either on the negative side or on the positive side
15:24 and so I just had to narrow down,
15:26 the Lord helped me find the truth
15:27 and I just...
15:29 and I realized that some of the Anabaptist people
15:33 were Sabbath keepers...
15:34 I really like the idea...
15:36 if you want to talk about preaching the faith
15:38 and living the faith that was once delivered
15:40 unto the saints, like it says in Jude,
15:42 I thought, "Well, it doesn't...
15:44 we don't read about the nine Commandments
15:46 there's 10 Commandments
15:47 and I knew I had the Lord
15:48 but I really wanted to keep all of His Commandments
15:52 because I love the Lord and... and so...
15:55 yeah, it became... it became very clear
15:57 after reading the book of Revelation,
16:00 all the prophecies on end-time Movement,
16:03 it became very obvious to me what the direction we are going.
16:06 So, this is what the new... you began...
16:09 in the book... he talks about
16:11 going to the Adventist Church for the first time
16:14 and looking around and thinking, "these are my people... "
16:17 because of the way they were dressed,
16:19 I thought... that made me laugh
16:20 but this is what then... started you...
16:24 your desire to reach the Amish is why you began...
16:28 tell us what the West Salem Mission is.
16:32 Well, the West Salem Mission is...
16:34 I guess we consider it like
16:36 an Amish Mennonite Sabbatarian Movement
16:39 that is within the Seventh-day Adventist church.
16:41 Shelley: Okay.
16:43 And we realized as we studied that...
16:47 this is a message that is...
16:49 is in harmony with a lot of the things that the Amish believe
16:52 as far as agriculture and living in the country
16:56 and we... we thought "Well, we're sitting on a gold mine"
17:02 we have common things like education
17:04 and evangelism... all these things...
17:06 and the Amish would benefit greatly from this
17:10 and so, our goal is to help the Amish see that,
17:15 you know,
17:16 well, first off, there's nothing wrong with being Amish
17:18 or the Amish lifestyle
17:20 it's just... our faith has to be in God.
17:23 Shelley: Amen.
17:24 And if our faith is really in God,
17:25 then, our faith is in His Word because Jesus is the Word
17:28 and... and so... it is our goal to help...
17:32 help a lot of the confusion
17:35 and just unhappiness that is in our people.
17:38 Okay, this started...
17:40 the West Salem Mission started in 2015
17:42 and you brought some pictures to show us,
17:45 you are building the Community Center
17:47 and it is going to be the church,
17:49 Community Center... Training Center.
17:51 Andy: Yes, that's correct.
17:53 Shelley: And is this...
17:54 all... everybody is building it together?
17:57 Andy: Yes, yeah, we... we were used to barn raising
18:01 and Work Bees and that kind of stuff
18:02 so, it will be built... we'll have a church raising
18:08 and one of our new converts, he's actually in the...
18:11 he's the Leader of the building project but... yeah.
18:15 Okay, and that precious circle of children
18:17 that's just having a good time in your backyard, isn't it.
18:21 Andy: Our hayfield. Shelley: In your hayfield...
18:23 Andy: Yes.
18:24 All right now, this is the Sabbath School...
18:26 and Naomi you told me that the little girls
18:28 till they're two wear their...
18:30 or they always wear their white caps to church, is that correct?
18:32 Naomi: No, up until two they do always white...
18:35 Shelley: Okay.
18:37 Naomi: But from there up... they always wear black to church
18:39 but since we're not a member of the Amish church...
18:42 Shelley: It doesn't matter.
18:43 Naomi: No, it doesn't matter, we do whatever we want.
18:45 Shelley: So, you're not worried about those traditions
18:46 so much anymore.
18:48 Naomi: No.
18:49 You know, with my naturally curly hair,
18:51 everybody always thinks I wear a wig...
18:53 I mean, I get... I get that so often
18:55 they think... people think I wear a wig,
18:57 I need to just borrow a bonnet...
18:59 I mean, that would really help me a lot.
19:02 So, now, we've got a few more pictures I think
19:07 this is the church group.
19:09 Andy: The church group, yes.
19:11 Shelley: God is blessing.
19:13 Andy: Yes, it exploded in the last year
19:15 and we have... we have more interest outside of Ohio
19:19 so there are a lot of people in the Amish churches
19:22 and some of the Mennonites too
19:23 that are under conviction of the Sabbath.
19:25 Shelley: Praise the Lord.
19:27 Andy: These are people that love the Lord
19:28 and they say, "Why don't we keep the Creation Sabbath?"
19:30 I mean, that was not a shadow of things to come...
19:32 that was a memorial of the past.
19:33 Shelley: Right.
19:34 Andy: And so... yeah, there's a lot of conviction out there
19:38 and so... the Lord is bringing them in
19:39 as fast as we know what to do with them...
19:41 that is just a reality.
19:42 Shelley: Glory to God. Andy: Yeah.
19:44 So, you're baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
19:47 now we've got the Glicks with us
19:49 and John, tell us a little of your experience
19:54 and how God is calling you out of that darkness into His light.
19:57 Hmmm... yeah...
20:00 pause...
20:01 I guess, we were having just a lot of persecution
20:06 among the church from things... different things...
20:11 Shelley: When you say, "We" you and Delilah were like...?
20:16 John: Actually, mostly me, she was very little in that
20:20 and for a while I thought, you know,
20:23 it might be that I didn't want to read the Bible that she...
20:26 I didn't want her to know where I'm going with it
20:29 because I was afraid she won't follow it,
20:32 I expected that she wouldn't follow
20:35 and I didn't expect the right thing from God
20:37 but with... I didn't do anything that brought her to go with me,
20:44 it was... it was all God...
20:46 Shelley: Praise God.
20:47 Yes, when I...
20:49 when I... I got... I went to church
20:54 and they told us that I had to be excommunicated
20:57 for a few things I had been doing, so...
21:00 Shelley: Can you kind of give us what... I mean...
21:03 were you going to the bar in your buggy or... were you...
21:05 I was... I was using power tools
21:08 and I was... I drove a Skid Steer...
21:11 they knew about the power tools
21:14 but they didn't know about the Skid Steer...
21:16 and the reason I drove the Skid Steer
21:18 was to help a person...
21:20 and the power tools were not doing it,
21:23 just to rebel against the church I loved my church...
21:27 I had no intention of leaving my church
21:30 even at this point...
21:32 but when they told me that I had to go home,
21:35 I went into a total rebellious stage
21:40 and I... I had really... I had suicidal thoughts
21:47 so, I read the Bible and I just went home.
21:50 Shelley: Can I pause there for a second
21:53 because I just want to say, I don't think any of us...
21:56 unless we were part of that community...
21:59 if you can imagine being excommunicated
22:01 where you're suddenly separated from family...
22:04 that got very reduced interaction with family members
22:08 from your church... and you all are...
22:11 you work so much together
22:13 kind of an agricultural culturing community...
22:16 and suddenly... it is just like...
22:19 the rug's been pulled out from under you
22:22 I can understand how you would get into a dark place.
22:24 So, the verse that really got me thinking
22:27 to commit suicide was...
22:30 when they told me that my... my... one of my Ministers...
22:34 it was like four... four Ministers,
22:36 a Deacon and a Bishop standing in front of me,
22:40 one of them popped up because I willfully sinned
22:44 and they called a sin... "transgression of their rules"
22:47 because I willfully drove the Skid Steer
22:49 and did not confess myself...
22:52 that they had to get it from some other people...
22:54 that that would be "willfully sinned"
22:58 and, therefore, there's no more remission...
23:01 there's no more sacrifice for your sin...
23:03 so that pointed me...
23:05 Shelley: So you thought you were lost for eternity?
23:07 John: I thought I was lost for eternity
23:08 and I felt like that... I felt totally condemned.
23:10 I thought I was a total sinner
23:13 and I'm... I was a sinner but... I still am...
23:16 so...
23:17 but because I had to go home and was just... I was there...
23:22 I picked the kids up on my way home...
23:24 Shelley: And you have how many?
23:26 John: I have eight... or... I mean... six...
23:30 Shelley: You'd better tell Delilah
23:32 about these other two that you just claimed.
23:34 John: I guess I was listening to them...
23:36 Shelley: You have six. John: So six...
23:38 at that time we had five...
23:41 Shelley: Okay.
23:43 John: And so I picked the kids up at the neighbor's
23:45 because it was Council meeting...
23:47 the church that we went to was Council meeting that time
23:50 the kids don't go with us
23:51 so I picked up the kids and I went home
23:53 and I still don't know why I picked the kids up
23:56 because that was not my plan...
23:57 when I came to the neighbor's where the kids were,
24:00 I turned in...
24:02 and I went in and the kids asked me, "Why are you here?"
24:05 Well, it was... I was in my darkest moment of my life
24:09 and I said just, "Don't ask me questions,
24:11 I'm here to pick you up. "
24:12 So, the neighbor girl helped to get everything together
24:16 and we went home...
24:17 I had hitched the horse... we went into the house...
24:20 and that part of my life I can't remember everything
24:24 because I was... it was just so dark for me...
24:26 so, anyways I sat down... started reading the Bible...
24:30 I finally said, "Surely, if I do commit suicide,
24:35 surely God will give me the answer...
24:38 maybe there's that little slight hope...
24:40 even if He gives me that right to commit suicide...
24:43 if God will give me that right...
24:46 I would... maybe have a little chance to get in the kingdom. "
24:50 And so, I started reading the Bible...
24:53 and I started with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John...
24:57 that's where I was...
24:59 I was not an Old Testament believer at all at that time,
25:01 and I found so many promises,
25:07 God told me something but He told me totally different
25:10 from what I was looking for,
25:12 and the kids came at lunch time
25:14 and they said, "I'm hungry"
25:15 I said, "Kids, I'm... I'm... I don't have time"
25:20 I said, "Just go out in the pantry
25:21 and find something to eat. "
25:22 So, pretty soon, they came back again,
25:25 they said, "Dad, we're really hungry"
25:27 I said, "I don't care, just go out and find something,
25:30 just... I don't care what you do with the kitchen or the pantry
25:33 just do anything you have to... leave me alone. "
25:36 Because they were almost to lose their dad...
25:40 that's... I mean... that was... now I think back...
25:42 that was the best thing I could have ever done,
25:44 so I...
25:46 Shelley: Reading the Bible was the best thing you did...
25:48 Yeah, reading the Bible is the best thing...
25:50 and not... just neglecting my kids at that time
25:52 because I was almost going to neglect them for life.
25:55 So, I just... so whatever they did to the pantry
25:58 I don't know... but they quit bugging me,
26:01 I read the Bible from... I came home around 10 o'clock,
26:04 and six o'clock that night,
26:06 my wife came home with her parents.
26:08 Shelley: Wow!
26:09 John: And by that, my life was still very dark
26:13 but it had changed 80 percent,
26:17 my wife comes in just crying her eyes out
26:20 because her parents just brought her home
26:24 and they had things to say that she didn't like to hear
26:27 and she said, "I don't know what life has...
26:30 I don't know why I'm here. "
26:32 I said, "Guess what? I found something. "
26:34 She said, "You didn't read the Bible did you?"
26:36 I said, "Yes, I did. "
26:38 She said, "I was afraid you were going to do that. "
26:41 Laughter...
26:43 So, that was the beginning of all this
26:46 and then it just... it just kind of led on
26:48 into... we...
26:51 I was excommunicated for six weeks
26:53 and then... in that six weeks' time,
26:56 well, two weeks into it,
26:58 my wife wanted to get excommunicated,
27:00 we went to the Bishop and... and he said,
27:02 "Oh, that would make my 'shunning part' way too easy"
27:05 because, if a husband is shunned among the Swartzentruber Amish,
27:09 there is no relationship...
27:11 I can't eat with her... I can't... I can't...
27:13 yes, I can't... she can't take anything from my hand...
27:17 there's been times when they told them
27:19 they can't even sleep in the same bed.
27:21 Shelley: Wow!
27:22 John: For us it wasn't like that
27:24 but I know of people that... that was forced
27:27 so, yeah, she... she couldn't...
27:31 but on the way home, after we met the Bishop,
27:34 she said, "Guess what? Shunning is over...
27:37 we're going home... we're going to pull the curtains
27:40 we're going to lock the doors and I'm going to eat with you,
27:42 we're going to be a married couple,
27:44 like we were for six years. "
27:48 and I was like, "I love you"
27:51 but I said, "You know I'm not pushing you into this,
27:53 this is your choice"
27:55 I said, "I'm not trying to get you in trouble...
27:57 I got in trouble by the church... "
27:59 and I said, "that is your choice. "
28:01 And she said, "That is my choice and that's what I would do. "
28:04 So, that's what we did for the next four weeks,
28:07 we pulled the curtains
28:09 and locked the doors when we wanted to eat
28:11 so nobody would walk in
28:14 because the Amish... they don't knock on the door,
28:16 if they come in your house, they walk right in.
28:17 So, that was the reason we locked the door
28:21 so nobody would walk in on us
28:23 and see us eating together.
28:24 Shelley: Wow!
28:26 And from there, I got taken back as a member in the church
28:30 six weeks after
28:32 I had to kneel down in front of the Bishop
28:36 and confess my sins...
28:38 Shelley: And confess your sins using the Skid Steer.
28:39 John: Yes.
28:41 And I don't mean... you know...
28:42 that sounds so unreasonable... it is unreasonable...
28:46 I mean, it is amazing to allow one man
28:50 to have that much power in my mind,
28:53 that's a very unreasonable thing
28:55 and to connect that... God is not a controlling God,
28:59 I mean, even like, we've talked earlier...
29:02 it's an idea of surrender... you yield control to Him...
29:06 He never takes it from you,
29:08 so it's just... this... it's amazing
29:10 and if I hadn't read this book already,
29:12 I'd be shocked... but quickly... because we're running...
29:15 I don't want to run out of time before we get to Abe
29:19 and to your story of your book
29:22 but how did you meet this one?
29:24 In the time that I was shunned that first time...
29:29 in that first six weeks...
29:30 I forget when it was in those six weeks
29:33 but in those six weeks, I finally...
29:35 I started calling ex-Amish people,
29:38 I'm like... because I... because I was reading the Bible
29:40 and I'd seen some of the stuff...
29:41 the traditions... is not lining up with the Bible.
29:43 Shelley: Okay.
29:45 John: And so, I called his brother-in-law
29:47 and we talked against Andy.
29:50 Shelley: Did you know Andy,
29:53 I mean, you all went to the same church before...
29:56 John: Kind of... yeah...
29:58 Andy: Different district... same church.
30:00 Shelley: Okay, same church... different district...
30:01 so not the same church building.
30:02 John: Yeah. Shelley: Okay.
30:04 John: So, finally I said, "You know, I'm just... "
30:06 oh, I was... I was talking to my cousin
30:09 and then she said, "Oh, you need to talk to Andy"
30:12 and I said, "Yeah, maybe, but I don't agree with him
30:16 but maybe he would... yeah"
30:17 so she gave me her number and so, I called him,
30:22 so I called Naomi and... and I...
30:24 when she picked up, I was like,
30:26 "This is John Glick... "
30:28 they thought I'm hard-core Amish...
30:30 they didn't know what I'm going through,
30:31 and...
30:33 But would that be... I mean, would that be a clue to you,
30:36 he wasn't hard-core Amish
30:37 because he was using the phone and it wasn't...
30:39 I mean, they only can use the phone
30:41 if it's a medical emergency or something...
30:43 because I remember in your book you said
30:45 that somebody died and you weren't sure who had died
30:48 but you couldn't even phone to find out...
30:50 you went to the funeral not knowing
30:52 which relative had died, right?
30:54 So, that clued you in...
30:56 there's something going on when he called?
30:58 Andy: Yes, the fact that he called me
31:01 told me that he was on his way out
31:04 whether he knows it or not
31:05 and he was talking about all the Amish traditions
31:09 and I said, "You know, the Bible says,
31:11 'in vain do they worship me,
31:12 keepin for doctrines the commandments of men. '"
31:14 And I thought, "Well, but the verse doesn't stop there"
31:17 and that's what he wanted to hear,
31:20 but I said, "and it also says that
31:22 'full well ye reject the commandment of God,
31:24 that you may keep your own traditions'"
31:26 and I said, I just inserted... and I said,
31:28 "that is why I keep the Sabbath instead of Sunday"
31:31 and so, I planted a seed
31:33 because, you know, everybody loves...
31:36 if you leave the Amish church, everybody loves the verse,
31:39 "In vain do they worship me,
31:40 keeping for doctrines the commandments of men. "
31:42 But, how about the rest of the story?
31:44 So, before I jump in,
31:48 let's ask you about the rest of the story,
31:50 you called him, what did you think about
31:52 when he started talking about the Sabbath
31:53 and the Old Testament
31:54 since you weren't an Old Testament...
31:56 I thought he was totally crazy but I was...
31:57 I was so far in the Bible
31:59 that I was convinced that whatever the Bible says,
32:02 I... I'm... I am fully dedicated to believe,
32:05 and so, I remember going home telling my wife about...
32:08 that he said something this,
32:10 I forgot about that till few weeks ago... he brought that up
32:13 but I do remember that a little bit,
32:14 the Sabbath was definitely not part of me at that time,
32:19 definitely not at all...
32:21 but I just wanted to talk to... I didn't care who I talked to...
32:24 anything ex-Amish, anything that believe...
32:27 I mean, there's ex-Amish that don't really care
32:30 about talking about the Bible,
32:32 they're just out there to... because they're out there...
32:35 and that doesn't mean that they'll never come to the truth,
32:38 but I was looking for
32:39 people that want to talk about the Bible,
32:41 really want to talk about the New Testament is what I left
32:46 so, I guess that just kind of led...
32:50 that first phone call just kind of led into...
32:52 and another thing that really got us...
32:54 my wife said,
32:56 "There's no way I can leave this... this lifestyle... "
33:00 I never had a problem with the lifestyle,
33:02 and since Andy's were remaining, you know,
33:05 supporting the lifestyle... it pulled us more towards that,
33:09 so, people, now they might say,
33:12 "Oh, you're worshipping your clothes"
33:14 that's not the case in me,
33:16 I don't care... sometimes I wear jeans,
33:18 it's just... this is part of me...
33:22 this is part of my life... this lifestyle...
33:24 and I would feel way out of my place
33:27 not in this lifestyle for the most part,
33:30 when certain things, yeah... I'll stop at jeans, so.
33:36 I mean, we're Texans, we understand...
33:38 when I first came here,
33:40 people said, "You dress like a cowgirl"
33:42 I said, "I do... " but anyway...
33:44 let me... I wanted to share something with you
33:46 because I think this is an important part,
33:49 one Scripture that the Amish use a whole lot
33:52 to prove their point
33:54 that you should follow traditions of men over the Bible
33:59 is 2nd Timothy 3:14 that says,
34:02 "But you must continue in things
34:05 which you've learned and been assured of,
34:08 knowing from whom you have learned... "
34:10 so as these traditions are passed down by the bishops
34:14 and there's different traditions in different districts
34:18 what they're saying here is... they use this Scripture to say,
34:23 "Now you got to do whatever we've handed down to you"
34:27 but they're taking it out of context
34:29 because he goes on,
34:30 and this is Paul writing to Timothy
34:33 in 2nd Timothy 3 I'm going to repeat that...
34:36 he says in verse 14...
34:38 "But you must continue in the things which you have learned
34:41 and been assured of,
34:42 knowing from whom you have learned them,
34:46 and that from childhood
34:48 you have known the Holy Scriptures,
34:51 which are able to make you wise for salvation
34:54 through faith which is in Christ Jesus"
34:56 and then he goes on and says,
34:58 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
35:01 is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction,
35:04 for instruction... for righteousness... "
35:07 so, what he is saying... the very verse that you...
35:11 any time you pluck a verse out of context,
35:13 you could twist it to your own destruction...
35:16 and what Paul is saying and when he is talking about
35:18 "All Scripture" by-the-way...
35:19 he's talking about the Old Testament...
35:21 because they didn't have the New Testament back then
35:23 so... so how did you...
35:26 it's okay Delilah, he can crawl anywhere he wants.
35:32 Delilah, when he began studying and reading
35:37 and you're like,
35:39 "Oh no... you're going to go back to the Bible"
35:42 because you really believed that it had to be the tradition
35:45 over the Bible, right?
35:46 Yes, I did at first but it didn't take me long until
35:50 I noticed that the Bible is really what I wanted to...
35:54 Shelley: Praise God... praise God.
35:57 Now, I'll say one thing and...
35:58 her family was a very tight-knitted family,
36:02 they had a very Godly family
36:06 yeah... a close family...
36:10 that would be a Godly family I mean...
36:12 a lot of traditions over the Bible
36:15 but their family was very tight,
36:17 way more than mine was
36:19 so it was easier for me to go away from my family
36:21 than it was for her...
36:23 so, that was one thing...
36:24 she didn't want me to read the Bible, so...
36:26 And I can... I mean... that would be very difficult
36:29 but what you said about Andy remaining in his clothes,
36:34 I want you to know... Andy and Naomi Weaver are all in...
36:38 they are part of this Adventist Movement
36:41 and they know the Bible and they rely on the Bible
36:45 and just because they still dress as Amish,
36:49 we were talking about that in the Green Room
36:53 is Amish a culture or is Amish a religion?
36:57 well, nobody can really answer that for us
37:00 but I think I admire you...
37:02 and first of all, it is your culture...
37:05 it is what you've grown up with and what you're used to,
37:07 I can't imagine just completely changing
37:10 but I admire you
37:12 because I think that's what's going to attract people
37:15 like it attracted Delilah and John,
37:18 is that... they're not...
37:21 you're not saying, "Oh, you have to forsake
37:24 your whole lifestyle. "
37:25 It's just saying, "Let's get with Jesus"
37:30 baby talk...
37:34 so, you all have... are about to be baptized, right?
37:39 You have this... and what has your experience been
37:43 now that God's...
37:47 the light of Scripture has shown into your life,
37:50 are you finding greater fullness and contentment?
37:53 John: Indeed. Shelley: Good.
37:54 John: Yes, I have no desire to get baptized
38:00 to the Seventh-day Adventist
38:02 but by the Seventh-day Adventist.
38:04 Shelley: Yeah, you're being baptized into Christ.
38:06 Into Christ... and at a later point,
38:08 I would consider to become a member.
38:10 Delilah: Yes. John: Yes.
38:12 Shelley: Understood... understood.
38:13 John: The reason I say that this way is
38:15 because I had a huge struggle with this...
38:17 the Amish when they baptize,
38:19 they baptize them "to the church"
38:20 and I want people to know that the Seventh-day Adventist
38:25 don't baptize people "to the Adventist"
38:28 it's baptized by an Adventist Pastor... to Jesus Christ
38:33 and membership is at a later part...
38:36 or it can be at the same time.
38:37 Shelley: Absolutely.
38:38 John: But they're two different things.
38:40 Shelley: Absolutely... we are baptized into Christ.
38:42 John: Yes.
38:44 Shelley: Amen... Abe, we have had you over here
38:46 in the corner and not let you say much yet
38:48 so, you were a member of a more progressive Denomination
38:53 of the Amish group
38:55 and was excommunicated for what purpose?
38:58 Well, basically for driving a car...
39:01 and you can't be an Amish man and drive a car.
39:04 That's something... in Andy's book he mentions that
39:07 it's more acceptable to drive your horse and buggy to a bar
39:11 than to drive a car to church.
39:13 That is correct.
39:14 Oh, that's just amazing to me
39:16 but tell us how you became involved with the Weavers
39:19 and West Salem Mission.
39:21 Well, I've had some health issues...
39:24 I hurt my hip when I was a kid...
39:27 and I was always reading literature
39:29 trying to figure out how to fix it,
39:31 and then, one day I came across a book... a natural cures book
39:39 and the author was...
39:41 explained in the book that he was an ex-member
39:46 of the Illuminati...
39:48 and... and that got me... got my curiosity
39:51 and so I started researching the Illuminati
39:55 and Secret Societies and stuff like that
39:58 and in the process, I came across a guy...
40:03 an Adventist guy that explains that stuff...
40:07 Secret Societies...
40:10 Freemasons and he came across the Pope
40:13 and... and that pretty much ended my...
40:16 So you started getting Bible doctrine...
40:18 somebody is preaching against Secret Societies.
40:22 Abe: Yes. Shelley: Okay.
40:23 Abe: And that ended my research and that... it made total...
40:27 he explained prophecy and it made sense from the Bible
40:34 and I was... I mean I was watching this stuff
40:39 for probably...
40:42 and the place where I worked...
40:44 I mean, I'm Amish... we don't have Internet at home
40:47 at the place where I work, I had Internet access,
40:50 so, I had had all kinds of access
40:53 to all kinds of information online at work
40:55 so, I would print stuff out and take it home and read it
41:02 and yeah... and so I...
41:05 and this was going on for a year
41:09 or probably two years... a year and a half... two years
41:12 and then my brother died very...
41:16 my brother was going to Medical School...
41:20 he wasn't an Amish...
41:21 he was never a member of the Amish church,
41:25 and he... because of some circumstances
41:29 he started getting seizures and...
41:31 Shelley: Oh, I'm sorry.
41:33 Died very suddenly.
41:34 Shelley: And very young.
41:36 Abe: Yeah, he was two years younger than me.
41:39 Shelley: I'm so sorry.
41:41 Abe: Anyway, that was the only comfort I had...
41:44 was listening and watching
41:47 and by this time I had a Smartphone
41:51 because I was convinced that
41:55 the Amish rules are not going to save me...
41:58 I didn't... I had no more respect for the rules, basically
42:03 so, I had a Smartphone at home
42:05 and I could watch this stuff at home
42:08 and I knew by this time I knew that...
42:11 that I was convinced that the Adventists have the truth
42:17 and... but I figured well... but I loved being Amish,
42:23 I like being Amish... the lifestyle...
42:25 and I was not ever going to leave even though...
42:30 well, I... in my mind I was...
42:32 I was thinking that when the Sunday Law comes in...
42:36 then I'll leave...
42:38 but I'll... up till then, I'll probably stay Amish.
42:42 And, then... less than a year later
42:46 my dad died very suddenly from Pneumonia
42:52 and at that point, I was...
42:55 I remember at the funeral I was like,
43:00 "Man! if that were me, I'd probably be lost
43:04 because I'm living a lie. "
43:06 Shelley: Yeah.
43:08 And... so I... at that point, I was starting...
43:15 I thought, "Something has to change"
43:16 because I knew about the Sabbath...
43:18 and... but I wasn't keeping the Sabbath
43:22 but I was basically convicted so in...
43:26 and that was in February when my dad died
43:30 then in April... I had... I started keeping the Sabbath
43:36 just on my own...
43:38 I was still going to an Amish...
43:40 well, that summer I had three...
43:42 I had part in three Amish weddings
43:43 and that would not have worked if I would have left
43:48 I wanted... the weddings were close family members
43:52 and I decided I'm going to wait to leave
43:56 till after the weddings were over,
44:00 and the last one was around Thanksgiving,
44:03 so... and at that point, I desperately wanted to...
44:10 I thought I was the only Amish person
44:13 that believed in the Sabbath,
44:14 I had no clue about West Salem Mission at that time
44:18 but I desperately wanted...
44:20 I don't think I even prayed about it
44:22 because I figured...
44:24 "there's nobody out there that thinks like me. "
44:26 and then... well, at this point, I had a Facebook Account
44:34 and I saw this Amish lady...
44:37 Swartzentruber Amish lady on Facebook
44:40 and she commented... this was on a Saturday evening,
44:44 she commented that she had worn her Amish clothes
44:48 to church today
44:50 and I was like, "What in the world...
44:53 there's... these people...
44:55 these are Amish people that keep the Sabbath apparently"
44:58 and so I looked... I dug a little deeper
45:03 and I was like,
45:05 "Oh, but they're Swartzentruber Amish
45:06 and we... our Denomination
45:10 doesn't have anything to do with the Swartzentrubers"
45:13 and so, I just kind of ignored it for a while
45:18 and then later that summer...
45:20 it was about two months later,
45:22 on YouTube, I found Andy and Naomi on...
45:28 when they were here the other time... on 3ABN
45:33 and after the interview, they had the contact information
45:42 and an e-mail address and I thought to myself,
45:46 "Man, these people think exactly like I do
45:50 I have to... I have to come in contact with them. "
45:56 Shelley: Praise God... amen.
45:57 And so, after the... so I sent them...
46:01 before I went... that was in the evening
46:03 when I was watching it
46:04 and before I went to bed, I sent them an e-mail
46:08 and by the next morning,
46:10 my neighbor... they sent me a text back...
46:15 and it turned out,
46:16 my neighbor also is convicted with the Sabbath
46:22 and he knew Andy and Naomi and he had my e-mail...
46:29 the information I had sent the evening before...
46:34 he had that on the text and told me he wants to come
46:38 and talk with me sometime
46:40 it turns out my neighbor is...
46:42 his wife doesn't believe in the Sabbath
46:46 so he goes to a Mennonite Church but...
46:50 yeah... so he took me up...
46:53 I was still... I didn't have a car at that time,
46:56 I had no way to...
46:58 and they lived about an hour and ten minutes from me.
47:02 So... but that's how you got started... and it's just...
47:06 I've got a wonderful little co-host here
47:09 and he's kind of...
47:10 he hasn't decided if he wants to join me for sure,
47:13 we only have a couple of minutes left
47:16 and thank you...
47:17 I'm so glad that you all have found one another
47:20 but we have to talk about your book
47:23 and the book is called... "The Anabaptist Remnant"
47:27 Andy: Yes, "The Anabaptist Remnant"
47:29 Shelley: And this book is coming out soon and very soon
47:32 and it... I have to tell you Andy,
47:34 to hear the story... it was so enlightening
47:39 because if you want to...
47:40 if you are trying to share the gospel with...
47:46 somebody who is Amish or Mennonite,
47:51 you have to understand that they may resist
47:53 when you just go at them with Scripture,
47:56 because they don't understand
47:59 that Scripture is actually higher than their tradition
48:04 but there's so much I learned about the Amish...
48:07 and I know they're precious people
48:08 and I know how much you all still love them
48:10 and that's why you're ministering to them
48:12 but one thing I have to say,
48:14 "You are a very good Bible Teacher... "
48:17 you're very practical about your doctrinal truths
48:21 and how you teach.
48:22 Oh, praise the Lord, I love the truth...
48:24 I love the Bible and we talked a lot about the Bible today...
48:28 or little bit about the Bible,
48:29 about Old Testament and New Testament
48:32 one of the beauties that I've learned in Adventism is
48:36 that truth does not change... it just grows,
48:41 it just... there's a progression in truth
48:46 and that's what you see from the Old Testament
48:47 going to the New Testament...
48:49 Shelley: Amen.
48:50 Proverbs 4:18,
48:52 "The path of the righteous just shines brighter and brighter
48:56 until the coming of the day. "
48:57 Yeah, so, the New Testament is vital,
48:59 it is very important for us to have
49:01 but you really can't understand the book of Revelation
49:05 and then even Hebrews and even the gospels
49:08 if you don't know the Old Testament
49:10 so it's really a progression of truth...
49:12 it's in the New Testament.
49:13 Well, I just want to highly recommend this book
49:18 because as JD said, "It doesn't matter who you are
49:23 or what Denomination you are,
49:26 you can really learn from this"
49:28 you're just a very practical person
49:31 as you put forth these truths
49:33 and tell us how God led you into writing that book.
49:37 It's a long story, I've had... so many people tell me,
49:41 "Andy, you ought to write a book"
49:43 and I thought, "Andy writing a book...
49:44 I'm a farmer, I'm not an author"
49:47 so, I just started writing our life story
49:51 that was a few years ago
49:53 and I thought, "Well, I did pretty good"
49:55 I just remembered a lot of things that I had forgotten
49:57 and then about a year later
49:59 I went back and I read it again and I thought,
50:02 "It's horrible... "
50:03 I was very critical of people
50:04 and I was very... you know,
50:06 kind of... lashing out at people
50:08 and so I made a lot of changes
50:10 and then it was probably another six months or a year,
50:14 I read it again and I thought,
50:16 "Well, I sound very legalistic it's all Law... Law... Law...
50:20 I mean that's not what I believe"
50:21 I could see that I was growing really fast
50:24 every time I went back and read it
50:27 and so, yeah, it just...
50:30 it was a... it took a couple of years
50:32 and I can't wait to revise it because you know, I...
50:37 but it's... I believe... I believe it's a...
50:42 it gives people a really good idea where we come from
50:46 and some of the struggles we have
50:47 and...
50:49 Well, and beyond that, it really...
50:50 you do a great presentation of the truth...
50:53 a great presentation of righteousness by faith
50:55 and... but... and understanding
50:58 that when we talk of obedience, that is not legalism
51:03 obedience... our obedience is motivated by love for God
51:08 and it is just a sign of our loyalty to Him.
51:11 Jesus said... if we love Him,
51:13 we will keep His Commandments didn't He?
51:15 Andy: That's true.
51:16 Well, if you want to get in touch with Andy and Naomi
51:20 or the West Salem Mission,
51:22 or if you'd like to get this information on the book,
51:26 here is how you can get in touch with them.
51:28 Music...
51:32 If you would like to support the West Salem Mission
51:34 and their efforts to build a multi-purpose building
51:37 that will serve as their church and a Community Training Center,
51:40 you may do so in a variety of ways,
51:42 you may e-mail them at WestSalemMission@gmail. com
51:47 or call them at 567-334-1080
51:52 if you would like to write, please address your letter to:
51:56 West Salem Mission P.O. Box 626
51:59 West Salem, Ohio 44287
52:02 and please ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you do.
52:06 music...


Revised 2018-06-06