3ABN Today

Tears to Triumph: Surviving The Loss of a Son in a

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018044A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 My name is CA Murray.
01:14 And allow me once again to thank you for sharing
01:16 just a little of your day with us.
01:18 To thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:20 your support of this ministry
01:22 as for these three plus decades,
01:25 we have tried to serve the Lord with your assistance
01:27 and your partnership.
01:29 We've attempted to lift up the name of Jesus
01:31 and to carry the good news of the soon
01:34 coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ around the world.
01:36 So thank you from the bottom of our hearts
01:38 for being with us.
01:40 Got a very, very special story today.
01:42 So we want you to draw near
01:43 and to receive inspiration from two people
01:46 that I've come to know
01:47 and really respect and love in the short time
01:49 that we've had a chance to communicate
01:50 with each other who have been through tragedy
01:53 but have turned tragedy into ministry,
01:56 ministry and trial into triumph.
01:58 Please meet Tim and Jamie Grindley.
02:02 Good to have you both here.
02:03 Tim, good to have you here too, man.
02:05 It's good to be here.
02:06 They come to us from...
02:07 I don't know this town Tryon, North Carolina.
02:09 Where is that in the state near?
02:11 It's kind of halfway
02:14 between Asheville, North Carolina
02:15 and Spartanburg, South Carolina.
02:18 Little short of Spartanburg in the foothills.
02:20 Right at the North Carolina, South Carolina border.
02:22 Border, yeah.
02:23 Kind of in the southern part of the state.
02:25 Yeah. So good to have you here.
02:28 I can tell you, now
02:29 they've been through a pretty tough tragedy
02:31 but you can see on their beautiful smiling faces
02:34 that God has been with them.
02:36 And we're going to sort of walk our way through that.
02:39 And what I think I want to do
02:40 is just go to our music now because once we get started,
02:43 I don't want to sort of hit
02:44 the pause button to go to a song,
02:45 but we want to go to our song first
02:47 and then I want to come back and walk
02:48 through what they've been walking
02:51 through for the past several years
02:52 and how God has sustained them.
02:54 And as you hear their testimony,
02:56 you can really get courage to know
02:59 that just about anything life throws you away,
03:02 with the power of God in your life
03:03 you can handle it in Jesus Christ.
03:05 And come off more than a conqueror
03:08 through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
03:09 And that's what they're going to be telling you about today.
03:11 They will be quick to tell you the story,
03:13 it's not about them per se as much
03:16 as it is about God's ability to heal,
03:20 to strengthen and to make you stronger
03:22 on the other side of the pretty rough set
03:24 of circumstances that you can go to.
03:26 So thank you for being here.
03:27 Our music today is coming
03:29 from my good buddy, Wintley Phipps,
03:30 we were in undergrad together, grad school together
03:33 and spent a lot of time over the years.
03:37 He's going to be singing a really beautiful song,
03:39 "All the way my savior leads me".
04:12 All the way my Savior leads me
04:17 What have I to ask beside?
04:22 Can I doubt His tender mercy?
04:27 Who through life has been my guide
04:32 Heavenly peace, divinest comfort
04:37 Ere by faith in Him to dwell
04:41 For I know whate'er fall me
04:46 Jesus doeth all things well
04:51 For I know whate'er fall me
04:56 Jesus doeth
05:02 All things well
05:12 All the way my Savior leads me
05:16 Cheers each winding path
05:19 I tread Gives me grace for every trial
05:26 Feeds me with the living bread
05:31 Though my weary steps may falter
05:36 And my soul a-thirst may be Gushing
05:41 From the rock before me
05:46 Though a spring of joy I see
05:50 Gushing from the rock before me
05:57 Though a spring of joy I see
06:14 All the way my Savior leads me
06:18 Oh, the fullness of His love
06:23 Perfect rest to me is promised
06:28 In my Father's house above
06:33 When my spirit clothed immortal
06:38 Wings its flight through the realms of the day
06:42 This my song through endless ages
06:47 Jesus led me all the way
06:52 This my song
06:54 Through endless ages
07:01 Jesus led
07:04 Me all
07:10 The way
07:35 Amen and amen.
07:36 Wintley Phipps, "All the way my savior leads me".
07:38 Wonderfully sung.
07:40 And perhaps Tim and Jamie
07:43 that is kind of emblematic of what you've gone through,
07:46 savior has had to lead you through some,
07:48 can I say rough stuff over these years.
07:52 And we're going to talk about that but before we get into,
07:56 to Caleb and he of course
07:57 is part of the heart of the story.
08:00 Give me just a little background.
08:03 Jamie, we'll start with you Adventist family
08:05 I understand and going back, maybe a few years.
08:08 Yes, my mother and her parents.
08:12 And
08:16 I'm a fourth generation Adventist.
08:19 My mother was from Switzerland.
08:20 And so her family was some of the first Adventist
08:25 in Switzerland from what I understand.
08:29 So you've got little lineage there.
08:30 Yeah, praise the Lord.
08:32 I was Adventist before I was born.
08:35 And grew up with a wonderful promises
08:37 and assurance that we have.
08:38 Praise the Lord.
08:40 And, Tim, same thing Adventist background?
08:41 Yes, yes. It was Adventist background.
08:45 But it's something
08:46 that I take very personal myself.
08:48 I mean, yes, I'm glad
08:50 that my parents and my grandparents
08:52 were Adventist but,
08:55 you know, that just gives me a good start.
08:57 Yeah, can't get it on their quotas.
08:59 Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah.
09:00 And so I just love the Bible,
09:02 the Bible is such a wonderful gift to us,
09:07 the stories, the message, the doctrine.
09:10 Praise the Lord. I love it.
09:12 Let me ask, how did you guys meet?
09:15 We met, we both went to Southern...
09:17 Tim is smiling, so...
09:19 We met at Mickey Baking Company,
09:21 we worked together.
09:23 Made, making sweet things. Yes.
09:25 Praise the Lord.
09:26 It's important to know that you are marrying somebody
09:29 that is a good worker and conscientious.
09:34 It is good because in talking with you,
09:36 you've worked together for a great part
09:38 of your working career.
09:39 So it's good to know that you kind of meet somebody
09:41 that kind of matches you and resonates with you.
09:44 In whose mind did it first occur
09:46 that maybe this may be the one?
09:48 Jamie, Tim, who was first? Or who did it occur to first?
09:52 Well, I know I enjoyed
09:55 spending time with him and...
09:59 Yeah. Real quick.
10:03 Real quick let me say after a short time
10:07 I fell madly in love with her.
10:11 But at 18 I'm like is,
10:15 I don't know that I'm prepared
10:17 for the next step of being married.
10:20 And so I did say "Let's take a breather."
10:25 I needed a breather.
10:26 And, but after a couple years I said,
10:31 "My mind is so wrapped up with her."
10:33 I just, let's date again, so we did.
10:37 And then ultimately got married.
10:39 We've known each other for four years.
10:41 At the time. Yeah, yeah.
10:42 So 22 is still fairly early, it's not late in life that's...
10:46 And of course
10:48 if you are kind of smitten and got bit at 18,
10:52 that is a little young.
10:53 You know, you've got other things to do
10:55 to try to get yourself established,
10:56 you're at school,
10:58 you're working for Mickey Foods and doing that kind of thing.
11:00 So you're married now and five children.
11:04 Am I correct? Five.
11:06 Give me their names.
11:07 Kitora, Caleb, Annelise,
11:11 Jens and Marita.
11:14 And you were living
11:15 when all of this we're getting ready
11:17 to talk about in North Carolina or you still in,
11:19 you're in North Carolina at that point.
11:21 Okay. We've been there for 25 years.
11:23 Good little while, good little while.
11:24 But our first was born when we lived in Collegedale.
11:29 And then when we lived in the Marietta area,
11:32 Marietta, Georgia, the next three were born.
11:35 And then when we moved to North Carolina,
11:37 Marita was born.
11:39 But they were all born
11:41 in Chattanooga at Erlanger Hospital.
11:45 We always go back there to the doctor,
11:46 we like to get to the doctor.
11:47 Oh, praise the Lord.
11:49 So well, we praise the Lord for consistency.
11:50 Yes.
11:52 So, of course, everybody's being raised up
11:53 in an Adventist home because you're...
11:56 Tell me the kinds of things you did work wise
11:59 'cause I know you're a nurse, Jamie.
12:02 Well, I was working when we were in Tennessee,
12:06 I worked part of the time
12:09 with when our first child was born.
12:11 Then we moved to and Tim is an accountant,
12:14 we moved to Georgia,
12:17 he had been working first of all
12:19 at BlueCross BlueShield in Tennessee.
12:21 And then we went to Georgia and he transferred down there.
12:24 And the next three were born.
12:25 And by this time
12:27 then I just became a stay at home mom,
12:29 and he was working.
12:31 But we just enjoy being together
12:32 and we wanted to do something that we could work together
12:35 and spend our time together at.
12:37 And we became acquainted with,
12:40 in Georgia it's called personal care homes.
12:42 In North Carolina it was called assisted living.
12:46 But we saw an advertisement in the Southern Tidings
12:49 actually for DDA home for sale,
12:52 which is Developmentally Disabled Adults.
12:55 And so we looked at that place and we bought that.
12:59 And the eight residents lived downstairs
13:02 and we were upstairs with our five children.
13:04 We just, we just enjoyed working together
13:07 and we still do.
13:08 When I pastored in Amityville,
13:12 one of my elders and his wife
13:13 who was also on our end did the same thing.
13:16 In New York that's kind of a big deal.
13:18 If you can provide the facilities,
13:20 you can take as many as you can you can handle.
13:23 And it's nice if you, if you get along together.
13:26 There are some people who will tell you,
13:27 don't ever work with your wife or with your mate
13:31 or but for in your case obviously
13:34 it worked out very, very well,
13:35 you like each other, you like each other's company.
13:37 And you sort of work at the same frequency.
13:39 You know, you kind of resonate at the same frequency.
13:41 And that's a good thing.
13:43 You know, that's a real good thing.
13:45 So we're moving, we're growing, the kids are growing up.
13:49 And let's go now to that night that we walked through.
13:54 And give me some sense of what happened with Caleb
13:56 that whole situation that night?
13:58 Well, I would like to begin, Caleb was around 23.
14:04 And he at this time
14:06 we were not doing assisted living
14:08 but we had the two,
14:10 we had our home and then the assisted living
14:12 facility home behind us.
14:14 And Caleb was living, that was his little area,
14:17 he lived back there.
14:21 And we would see each other daily and talk.
14:24 And there was many times
14:25 as we would talk and I would say,
14:27 "Caleb, I just don't feel comfortable
14:31 with what you're doing
14:32 and that decision that you made.
14:34 And I don't think
14:37 that's what Jesus would want you to do."
14:38 And that decision was?
14:42 Whatever something that I didn't think it was...
14:43 Oh, any particular decision.
14:45 Okay, I got you. Yeah.
14:47 Use of time. Right. Just whatever.
14:49 And so, but then I would lay
14:51 in bed at night and I would think,
14:53 "He is 23 and he's an adult."
14:58 I mean, I was, when I was 23 it's like, boy,
15:00 if my parents would talk to me
15:02 that way I would have felt resentful.
15:04 And so I call him up, I say,
15:07 "Caleb, I'm so sorry that I talk to you that way.
15:10 Will you please forgive me, you're an adult.
15:11 And you have to make your own decisions."
15:12 He said, "Mom, I love you so much,
15:14 it's okay, I forgive you."
15:16 But I found myself four, five or six times having
15:19 the same conversation with him.
15:20 And finally I flung myself on my bed.
15:25 And I slid to the floor and I said,
15:27 "Lord, these five children you gave us,
15:30 they're not really ours, they're Yours.
15:33 And I know that You love them more than I do.
15:38 And You want their salvation, their heart fully to You.
15:43 And so from now on since you're the Father,
15:47 You do the disciplining and just help me to love them
15:50 unconditionally."
15:52 And I said, I really don't want anybody to suffer.
15:58 But if that's what it takes to save them,
16:01 You have my permission.
16:03 And then I wept, I said,
16:04 I really don't want anybody to die.
16:06 And I wasn't thinking of my, any of my children dying,
16:09 I was thinking of myself
16:12 or a friend or some other family
16:15 member something and sometimes when somebody dies it turns
16:20 somebody else around and to the Lord.
16:22 And let me just tap the brakes for a second, Jamie,
16:26 because and we talked about this before,
16:27 your relationship with Caleb
16:29 was such that you could kind of correct him
16:32 and speak to him plainly
16:33 but it didn't destroy the relationship.
16:35 That is the depth of the relationship
16:36 that you had that it certainly could survive and even thrive,
16:40 even though sometimes you saw things
16:42 you didn't like and you address that
16:44 but it didn't destroy what you had together.
16:46 He would listen, he would listen,
16:49 he would make his decisions
16:51 but he was kind and the fact that he...
16:54 He was always respectful.
16:55 He did not ever roll his eyes or say anything,
17:00 you know, unkind to me.
17:01 He was always very respectful to me.
17:04 And we...
17:05 When you apologized, he accepted that.
17:07 Oh, yes, he did.
17:08 Even when it was four or five or six times,
17:10 you know Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:13 And praise the Lord for that, the depth of the relationship
17:15 that could thrive in that kind of situation.
17:17 So praise the Lord for that. Yeah.
17:19 It was like
17:20 when you're the parents of young children,
17:21 you pray,
17:23 when you're the parents of adult children
17:24 you really pray.
17:26 Yeah, yeah.
17:28 So anyway,
17:32 a couple of years later
17:35 I was skyping
17:37 with our daughter in Switzerland.
17:39 And it was, it was a rainy morning.
17:43 And I remember rolling out of bed and saying,
17:48 "Lord, I know even though it's raining outside,
17:51 the sun is shining above the clouds
17:52 and you know all about today.
17:54 And nothing's going to happen
17:56 that You won't give us the grace
17:57 and the strength to face whatever it is."
18:01 And so a little later in that morning
18:05 I was skyping with Kitora and Bruce
18:07 in Switzerland.
18:09 And I asked her if she had heard about...
18:14 This was on a Wednesday, on Sunday one of our,
18:17 a family friend that I had grown up
18:18 with was killed in a car accident.
18:22 And I asked Kitora if she had heard about Scott.
18:24 And she said, "Yes, I did."
18:28 She said either these things are happening more often
18:31 or I'm just becoming more aware of it.
18:34 And I said, she said at any rate
18:37 it just kind of takes your, takes your words away.
18:41 I said that's true but Scott is sleeping.
18:44 And the trumpet will sound and we'll see Scott again.
18:49 And she said, "Mom, I have heard all my life
18:51 that Jesus is coming again,
18:53 even the disciples believe that."
18:57 And she says, "It hasn't happened."
18:58 She said, "I'm beginning to think a person
19:01 has to go to sleep for it to happen."
19:03 At any rate, she said, "It doesn't sound so bad.
19:08 So don't worry, Mom, I'm okay."
19:10 Well, I texted back to her, I said,
19:12 "Kitora, they that wait
19:15 upon the Lord shall renew their strength,
19:17 they shall mount up with wings as eagles,
19:18 they shall run and not be weary and not walk and not faint."
19:21 And she said, "I know, Mom.
19:23 I know, thank you for the encouragement."
19:25 Well, it was just a short time
19:27 later Caleb came running into the room,
19:29 to the computer room and he saw his sister,
19:32 he said, "Hey Kitora."
19:33 Bruce said, "Hey Caleb."
19:35 Oh, wow, so great to see you.
19:36 And they were talking and I looked at Caleb
19:38 and I said, "Caleb, this is Wednesday
19:41 and it's your off day
19:42 and you're wearing your NAPA shirt."
19:45 He said, "Well, something had happened
19:47 and they had an emergency
19:49 and they asked if you'd come in and help
19:51 and he said he would.
19:52 And he said I can't talk long.
19:54 So they talked just a few a couple more minutes
19:57 and Caleb left the house.
20:01 And one minute later our electricity went off.
20:04 And...
20:06 So I went out to the living room
20:10 where Tim had been talking to our daughter
20:13 who lives in Canada.
20:14 And the phone went off and I said,
20:18 "Did you hear something when our electricity went off?
20:21 Like somebody hit the telephone pole
20:22 or something fell on the line or whatever."
20:26 And I said, "Man, Caleb just left the house
20:30 and maybe he'll have passed something, I'll call him."
20:34 So I dialed his cell phone number
20:37 and it just rang and rang and rang.
20:39 Called him again, it rang and rang and rang.
20:41 And I've got this kind of this rising going up
20:44 in my gut felling and the third time I called,
20:48 I heard a vibration on the kitchen counter.
20:50 And I went in there
20:51 and he had left his cell phone on the counter.
20:54 And so I thought,
20:55 well, he's going to need this to deliver that parts in.
21:00 And I called NAPA and they said,
21:01 "No, he's not here but we really need him.
21:03 So I said, well, tell him to call me on my cell phone.
21:07 So I told Tim, he says,
21:08 "I'm just going to put his phone
21:09 in my pocket and I'll take it to him."
21:13 So I went out the front door
21:15 and there were these flashing blue lights
21:17 just up the road you could see.
21:20 From the house it was very close.
21:22 Let me ask you this here, Jamie,
21:24 being a mom
21:25 with a pretty good connection with your son.
21:28 At this time was there any anxiety at all,
21:31 were you feeling anything, aware of anything,
21:33 any kind of premonition or sense of anything?
21:36 I would have to say, yes, I felt a little bit anxious
21:39 even though when I found his phone.
21:43 You know, that's why I wasn't getting him.
21:45 So I thought, okay, so anyway we got in the car,
21:49 I got in the car
21:51 and our youngest daughter jumped in the passenger's seat.
21:54 And we pulled out in the driveway
21:55 and turned left and the road was barricaded so...
21:59 And we just live out
22:01 in the country on a country road.
22:04 But you could see
22:05 that there was a blue tarp over a car.
22:08 And I ran up there and it's raining.
22:10 And I said is that a Honda under there.
22:13 And they said, yes, it is.
22:15 And I said, is it a Honda Civic and I was trying to go up
22:17 and they wouldn't let me
22:18 but I could see the bumper of the car
22:20 and I could see
22:21 that it was the bumper of Caleb's car.
22:23 And they said, yes, it is a Civic.
22:26 And said that this guy worked at NAPA.
22:28 I said, "My son works at NAPA and I have to see him."
22:31 And they said we're not going to let you see him.
22:35 And I just, I knelt down
22:38 on the road, put my arm up and I said,
22:40 "Lord Jesus," I said, "Caleb, help him."
22:42 I didn't say save him
22:44 because I just kind of had this feeling
22:45 but a man came and tap me on the shoulder.
22:47 And he said,
22:48 "I'm sorry, ma'am, he's already gone."
22:50 And I got up off my knees and I said,
22:53 "God, I don't understand.
22:55 But I know you see the bigger picture."
22:57 And I remembered
22:58 what I had prayed that morning
22:59 and how my prayers had been going.
23:02 And you know I called Kitora in Switzerland
23:06 and you know told her,
23:08 and about this time Tim came running up the road.
23:11 And this is two blocks from our house.
23:14 So not far at all.
23:15 I said, "Tim, it's Caleb and he's already gone."
23:19 And he got down on his knees and he pounded the road.
23:23 And you know at that point what do you do,
23:27 you know, you just start calling people.
23:29 And I kept just saying, you know, I just,
23:32 I really just want to see him,
23:33 I just want to touch him while it was warm.
23:37 Well, after a little bit the state patrol guy came to me
23:43 and he said,
23:45 "After the paramedics leave,
23:49 you can go into the ambulance and you can see your son.
23:53 I'll be in charge of the scene of the accident at that point."
23:57 And so when they left, one of the ambulance guys
24:00 you know open the door and we went in there.
24:03 And by this time our pastor had come running down the road
24:05 and I asked him to come in the ambulance with us.
24:09 And we went in there and I unzipped the bag
24:12 and I just took Caleb's head in my hand,
24:15 I mean, he looked, he looked beautiful,
24:19 just so happened how the accident had happened.
24:22 And he was on his way back to the house,
24:24 I know 'cause the guy that tapped me on the shoulder
24:26 had been following right behind him.
24:28 And he turned, he said I ran to the corner
24:30 and he was coming back and going this way.
24:33 And I said just a little bit of,
24:36 said he wasn't speeding.
24:38 I'm sure he wasn't.
24:39 Caleb, I'm sure he was going faster
24:41 than he should have.
24:42 But the way that the...
24:44 He hydroplaned
24:46 and ended up the roof of the car hit
24:48 the telephone pole.
24:49 The car was on its side
24:51 just going along side on the side.
24:53 The roof hit the telephone pole right where his head was.
24:55 And so it didn't deface anything up.
24:58 But anyway I asked.
25:00 So that may be what knocked
25:02 the power out in your neighborhood.
25:03 Yes, it was. Knocked the transformer.
25:04 It's only a minute after he left,
25:06 he got up just a short ways and turned around.
25:08 He's trying to come get his phone.
25:09 Yes, and...
25:12 So I asked the pastor, he came on and I said,
25:15 "Would you just say a word of prayer."
25:18 You know, my first reaction was,
25:19 "Would you pray
25:21 because Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead."
25:24 We could pray and even as I said that I said,
25:27 "God, you are in control and for me to,
25:33 you know, I mean, how do you process all this?"
25:36 But Caleb every day was calling me and telling me
25:39 how much he loved me and you know just,
25:42 you know thinking of me and...
25:45 But, so anyway, here we go, we're, we are,
25:50 that night we are laying in bed and tossing and turning
25:53 and Tim said, "I don't know how Job dealt
25:57 with losing all of his children at once."
26:01 And I said, "We still have five children,
26:03 one of them is just sleeping.
26:05 One of them is just sleeping, Caleb is just sleeping."
26:08 And you're then less than 24 hours
26:10 after your child is killed, you're at the funeral home.
26:16 And the lady that her husband on the funeral home knew Caleb,
26:21 he waited on them
26:22 at the restaurant where he had worked.
26:24 And she said,
26:26 "We need to plan a memorial service."
26:28 And from that point it's like...
26:31 And how do you do then?
26:33 You know, and I need to back up
26:35 just a little bit here because in,
26:39 this was in 2012 the accident happened.
26:43 Well, it was in January of 2012,
26:46 Caleb was at the house
26:48 and he was practicing his cello and playing.
26:50 And he said, "Mama."
26:52 He said, "When I played
26:53 at the Hendersonville First Baptist Church
26:56 for the Messiah presentations.
26:58 And that had been eight years before that
27:01 that was the last time they did it,
27:03 and the church had done it for about 30 years.
27:06 But he played in every December for about 30 years.
27:10 And I mean for about three years
27:13 and he said that meant
27:16 so much to me.
27:19 I sure wish we could do that again.
27:20 I said, "Caleb,
27:22 I have the gentleman's name on my phone
27:24 who sang the solo part to the trumpet shall sound
27:27 and the dead shall be raised.
27:28 And I'll call Skip and see if he'll come and sing.
27:31 Well, I called Skip and he said,
27:33 "I'd love to come and sing.
27:34 And we had a trumpeter and two violins.
27:36 And Caleb played his cello.
27:38 And April 7th, Sabbath April 7th,
27:42 wonderful presentation of the trumpet shall sound
27:45 and the dead shall be raised.
27:47 And then here it is 11 days after this happened,
27:53 it was April 18 that this accident happened
27:55 and Caleb is killed.
27:57 And so, when she said,
27:58 "You need to plan a memorial service."
28:00 All I could think about was the trumpet shall sound
28:04 and the dead shall be raised.
28:05 So I called Skip,
28:07 called the trumpeter and two violinists
28:08 and got a lady in the community,
28:10 a professional cellist to come in.
28:11 And so for the memorial service
28:15 we did this music again.
28:17 Praise God.
28:19 And the Lord was just so good how He prepared us
28:22 'cause we were so focused on this.
28:25 And...
28:26 So you chose,
28:28 it was a conscious decision to do a memorial service
28:30 as opposed to a funeral.
28:32 Well...
28:33 We had a viewing just before that at the funeral home.
28:39 Okay.
28:40 Which was...
28:44 As a parent you don't know
28:46 what your 23, 24, 25 year old child
28:50 is how they're influencing.
28:54 And it was both the memorial service
28:57 and right before that the viewing were packed.
29:02 Well, one of the main reasons is our daughter in Switzerland,
29:06 I mean, all the kids were close to Caleb.
29:10 But Kitora had called even just a few minutes
29:15 when we were still at the site there
29:16 and she said, "Mom, whatever you do,
29:18 please don't have him cremated.
29:22 I want to see him."
29:25 And, but they didn't really want
29:28 to have a casket sitting in the front
29:30 while we were doing the service.
29:32 So we had the viewing
29:35 and the place was packed,
29:38 auto mechanics filing through there
29:41 and customers from the restaurant
29:44 where Caleb waited on tables.
29:46 And, anyway, so then after the viewing
29:49 then the church had a meal
29:51 and people from the community came in and just ate,
29:53 then we had the memorial service there.
29:57 And...
30:00 There was...
30:01 Go ahead.
30:02 I was just going to ask
30:04 because what I think is interesting is that
30:05 though there were times when you saw,
30:07 perhaps some movement in his life in directions
30:09 that you would rather have not,
30:12 obviously there was enough Jesus in there
30:14 that he was sprinkling
30:16 that throughout his contacts and relationships
30:19 and seasoning that in those things
30:22 that he was doing, he worked for NAPA,
30:24 he worked in a restaurant.
30:25 And obviously he was taking some of that stuff that,
30:28 that you would put it in him that the Lord had walked him
30:30 through in his growing up years that hadn't left him
30:33 and there were those who were seeing that in him.
30:35 Right. Yeah.
30:37 Well, it was about three weeks after the accident.
30:41 And I met this lady and in town and she said,
30:47 "You are Caleb Grindley's mother."
30:48 I said, "Yes."
30:50 And she said,
30:51 "Well, how come your eyes aren't red
30:52 and you're not crying depressed?"
30:54 And I said,
30:56 "Because the Bible calls death a sleep and it says,
30:58 the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ
31:00 shall rise first and those,"
31:02 and she and her mouth dropped open
31:04 when I finished reading, finished telling her
31:07 that verse about Jesus coming again.
31:09 I said, "Tell me why you gave me that reaction?
31:13 And she said, "Well, on Tuesday night,
31:15 the night before the accident Caleb came into work
31:19 to wait on tables
31:20 and he wasn't scheduled for that night
31:21 but he saw us there
31:23 and we would always ask for him anyway."
31:25 And so he took our order and got our food,
31:27 he set it on the table.
31:29 And he was going to eat with him.
31:31 He sat on the table and he said,
31:33 "May I have the blessing for the food."
31:35 And this is the customer at the restaurant?
31:37 Yes. And they went, "Well, sure."
31:40 I mean, it kind of took him by surprise
31:41 'cause he had never done that before.
31:43 And so she said, "He prayed and asked the Lord to bless us
31:45 and to bless our food and bless our families."
31:48 Just a regular prayer.
31:49 And when he finished,
31:52 the friend that was with me made some kind of a comment,
31:56 I don't know, remember the comment was,
31:59 she couldn't remember the comment but she's a,
32:00 whatever it was Caleb's response
32:02 was the Bible calls death a sleep
32:05 and says the trumpet will sound
32:06 and the dead in Christ shall rise first
32:08 and those that remain would be caught up to meet Him
32:10 in the air and so comfort one another
32:11 with these words.
32:13 And she said, and you just said the same thing right now,
32:14 I can't believe it.
32:16 And I said,
32:17 "Well, I really appreciate you sharing that with me
32:18 'cause that was a gift, you know, to hear that,
32:21 I mean, that was the night before his accident.
32:25 Twelve hours. Yeah.
32:26 And so. That is a little gift.
32:29 And then one of the girls that worked with Caleb
32:32 who also was a member of our church.
32:35 And he had left the restaurant,
32:36 he went up to their house and says he was leaving.
32:40 She said, Caleb's last words to us
32:42 was he said I just really need to decide
32:45 what I want to do with my life and I need to get on with it
32:48 and decide what I'm going to do
32:50 because I just want to make a difference
32:51 in people's life.
32:53 And you know
32:55 and not that having a large memorial service
32:59 or funeral.
33:00 So I think, in fact I told the pastor
33:02 who was a good friend with Caleb,
33:04 I said, "When we have this service.
33:05 I really don't want the service to be focused on Caleb.
33:09 Of course, it is 'cause it's his memorial service."
33:13 But I said, "I really would like it
33:14 to be an evangelistic series on,
33:17 a sermon on the state of the dead
33:20 and on the second coming
33:21 because there may be people from the community
33:25 that are in here
33:26 and that might be the only opportunity
33:27 they have to hear."
33:29 And what a blessing
33:33 to be able to share
33:35 that because I tell people,
33:37 you know, Jesus is coming again.
33:39 That's not our hope, it's our blessed assurance.
33:42 Well said, you have quoted many times
33:44 that obviously Caleb had picked it up first,
33:47 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
33:50 So that was something
33:51 that sort of kept you during this time.
33:53 And obviously it was in Caleb's heart
33:55 to the understanding that this is a sleep
33:57 and that there is going
33:58 to be a grand reunion and resurrection.
34:00 Tim, how are you working your way
34:02 through stuff at this point in time?
34:04 My reaction was different than Jamie's in the fact
34:08 that when Jamie went there to the site,
34:11 of course we're two different individuals
34:13 even though we love to be together
34:15 and work together.
34:16 But when I went to the site
34:20 it was finished.
34:23 There was no doubt in my mind he was dead.
34:29 And it knocks the breath out of you.
34:30 Yeah.
34:32 But my reaction was God is good.
34:38 After the accident I want to scream it,
34:43 I want to holler that
34:45 because I thought this,
34:50 I don't mean to minimize when I say blip in the road,
34:53 bump in the road, okay.
34:55 This is a major event. Oh, sure.
34:57 Yes.
34:58 And major trauma for the family.
35:00 Right. Yes.
35:01 But my statement is what do I have to complain about.
35:06 This is a major problem,
35:09 this is a major event but God is so good.
35:14 First of all He gave us five children
35:16 and we are blessed with that.
35:19 We are blessed
35:20 that we still have five children,
35:22 like Jamie said one is asleep.
35:25 I'm not in a position to question
35:29 why this happened.
35:31 Yeah, I did. Why Lord, why, why?
35:34 And I come back and I say,
35:35 I don't see it from your perspective.
35:39 I accept this as an event,
35:42 we are in the sinful world
35:44 and I just, I say, I choose to go forward.
35:48 Praise the Lord.
35:50 I choose to say, Lord,
35:53 I accept that this happened,
35:56 I accept Your will.
36:01 Now I just want to be able to be a positive witness
36:04 to others to say, you know, the Lord is good.
36:09 You know, in 2005 my father passed away.
36:13 In 2007, my mom passed away, 2008, his dad passed away.
36:19 And in 2010, his mom was killed in a car accident,
36:21 tragic in there.
36:23 And then 2012,
36:24 Caleb was killed in an accident.
36:26 And I would have to say
36:28 that for a while after that even though
36:33 I knew God was in control and I have all the faith,
36:37 I mean I have much faith and belief that,
36:40 you know, God knows what He's doing.
36:42 But there would be times
36:44 if for the next year or two years,
36:47 it's like if I tried to hold,
36:49 get hold of Tim or one of our children,
36:53 you know, especially
36:54 the one that was still living at home at the time.
36:56 And I wouldn't get an answer
36:58 and you know couldn't hear from him.
37:00 You know, and I just I called, I said, "Marita."
37:02 Almost panic. Yeah.
37:03 It was hard for me to not have that anxiety or panic attack,
37:07 I said, you know, just
37:08 if you can't talk at least text me
37:10 just say, "I'm okay."
37:11 And then, you know, I wouldn't bother you.
37:13 But it was, it was a challenge. Yeah.
37:15 A natural response to that.
37:17 Now let me ask you this because when you have
37:19 this kind of drama in your life, trauma,
37:24 it tends to do one of two things.
37:26 My last church I pastored
37:27 I did 117 funerals in the same church.
37:32 And you see the spectrum of responses,
37:34 they tend to fall into two categories,
37:36 there're more subcategories
37:38 but either it brings you closer to God
37:41 or it pushes some people away.
37:44 And the secondary response is in marriages
37:47 it can divide the marriage.
37:49 You know, depending on
37:51 because people grieve very differently.
37:53 You two are admittedly close, you work together,
37:56 you spend a lot of time together,
37:57 you like each other's company but this kind of thing can test
38:01 that kind of relationship, even the strongest.
38:04 Talk to us a little bit about how you held on to each other,
38:10 held on to your sanity and your religion
38:12 and then we can move into how you turn
38:14 this into a ministry.
38:15 Can you kind of walk me through that?
38:21 It did not separate us, it did,
38:24 I would say we laugh together,
38:29 we cry together.
38:34 Our time with Caleb,
38:38 when we have our remembrances, when there's times when you,
38:41 you know, just naturally it's on your thoughts.
38:45 We laugh.
38:47 You know we laugh
38:48 because Caleb represented a happy life.
38:53 Caleb represented fun times.
38:55 He was a fun loving young man
38:59 which we dearly miss.
39:01 But I am very thankful
39:04 it has not caused a crisis
39:09 between the two of us.
39:11 Praise the Lord.
39:14 Because we have both taken so very strongly
39:19 that death is a sleep.
39:20 And, you know, it's just Caleb is sleeping.
39:24 And you know and I don't mean to be just repeating
39:27 that over and over again.
39:29 But it is very comforting to appreciate that.
39:33 And another verse
39:35 that is so helpful, Isaiah 57:1,
39:40 it says that good people pass away many often
39:44 before their time and people wonder why.
39:48 They don't consider that the Lord has laid them
39:50 to rest to spare them from evil to come.
39:54 And I appreciate that so much
39:57 because you know for people
40:01 in our generation,
40:03 this world is a distraction,
40:06 it's a mess for young people.
40:11 It is a huge, huge pulling and distraction
40:14 and you know, Satan can no longer seduce
40:19 my son to go down wrong path.
40:22 He cannot, Satan has lost this battle.
40:28 And, you know, the wonderful hope
40:31 and assurance that we have.
40:33 We live on that. We live on that.
40:35 And you know I would like to say that,
40:38 their moms that have come to me and they say,
40:43 you know that your son loves Jesus
40:45 and you know you'll see him,
40:47 you have the assurance you're going to see him again.
40:49 But my son committed suicide.
40:52 And you know what a grief
40:55 but my first thought is to tell
40:58 that you know Jesus loved your child more than you did.
41:01 Amen.
41:03 And Jesus desired His heart more of an eternal salvation,
41:08 more than you wanted him to have it.
41:11 You can trust Jesus with that child.
41:15 You can trust Jesus.
41:16 That is not something that you have to...
41:19 Yes, you grieve because you miss him.
41:20 And I can say this
41:22 because I didn't go through that,
41:24 Caleb didn't to have that,
41:25 that's not been my experience but...
41:28 So was I. Yeah.
41:30 But we can trust Jesus.
41:32 And as I totally turned our children to the Lord.
41:37 And I do that every day.
41:40 You know, and I don't say this lightly
41:44 but if all my children
41:49 had to die or something happened
41:51 and they died,
41:52 if that had to happen for Jesus to save them,
41:56 I would just have to trust Jesus with that.
41:59 And here again, I don't say that lightly.
42:02 Yeah, yeah.
42:03 Jamie, I've got to say this to you
42:04 because that's a very spiritually mature way
42:08 to look at the mystery, the conundrum
42:11 that it sometimes is life and death.
42:14 Was this something that occurred to you shortly
42:17 after Caleb's passing
42:21 or did you have to grow into that?
42:23 I think I had already, before I came to that,
42:26 I mean losing our family members like we did.
42:30 And when Tim's mom,
42:33 she was just so vibrant and full of life,
42:36 I mean her husband had passed away but she...
42:40 We were just really having a good time together.
42:43 And we, it was very difficult when that happened.
42:49 And somehow between her accident
42:54 and in Caleb's I had just,
43:00 I came to the realization
43:02 that they are sleeping, you know.
43:04 And I don't know, I don't take any of this lightly
43:09 because there are days,
43:11 I mean I miss Caleb and it's like I told him,
43:13 it says, I just feel myself slipping
43:16 or I'm tearing, I'm, you know, weeping.
43:20 But when I have opportunity
43:24 with something as a result of this.
43:27 We'd be in town
43:28 and I see a young man walking along.
43:31 I love this.
43:32 We got to move you to this, too.
43:34 I think this is really great.
43:35 As you turned this trial into triumph
43:38 for making it a ministry.
43:39 I'm sorry, I cut you off but I'm just so excited about
43:41 where you're going 'cause I know where you're heading.
43:42 Yeah. That's really great.
43:43 That's okay.
43:45 But, you know, we were in Walmart one day
43:46 and this young man was walking through
43:49 and I stopped and said, "Hey."
43:51 I just and I put my hand on his shoulders,
43:52 I said, "I know you don't know me
43:55 but I want to tell you something."
43:56 And I've got his full attention and I says,
43:59 "I want you to go home and tell your mother
44:02 how much you love her and appreciate her."
44:05 And he said, "Well, yes, ma'am. Why do you say that?"
44:09 I said, "Because you never know
44:12 when you won't have each other again."
44:15 And I says, "I lost my son,
44:18 however long it was like a year before that in auto accident.
44:22 And he was so loving and kind and he'd always call me
44:24 and tell me how much he loved me,
44:26 I was one cool mama, he would text me or whatever.
44:28 It's like, oh, I've got to save that text, you know.
44:30 And just you know very special.
44:32 And they'll always say,
44:35 "Oh, I'm so sorry that you lost your son."
44:37 And I said, "But it's okay
44:39 because the Bible calls death a sleep
44:41 and says the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ
44:43 shall rise first."
44:44 And I just go through that and I tell him that,
44:49 you know, Isaiah 57:1,
44:51 when good people passed away and, anyway,
44:54 so I just go through that
44:56 and that's what I like to share with others.
44:58 Great, great.
44:59 I want to just stop you there for a second
45:00 because you've turned
45:02 this actually into an ongoing ministry.
45:04 You've done this several times.
45:05 And somewhat some kind of miraculous,
45:07 God blessed results.
45:09 So walk us through some of that stuff.
45:11 Well, another time at Walmart,
45:14 I was looking for something in the toy section
45:17 and I saw a couple of young men in there.
45:20 And I, they were helping me and then I says,
45:23 "Well, it's okay, I can do without that."
45:26 But I want to put one hand on this one shoulder,
45:29 one hand this one and I said, "I want to tell you something.
45:33 It's really important
45:35 that every day you brothers tell your mother
45:37 how much you love her and appreciate her."
45:40 And I said, "Because you never know
45:43 when you won't have each other."
45:45 And I said, "My son was killed
45:47 in a car accident five years ago
45:49 and he was just always telling me
45:51 how much he loved me."
45:52 And they said,
45:53 "You really need to talk to our mother."
45:56 I said, "Why is that?"
45:57 And they said, "Because our older brother
46:00 was killed in Afghanistan
46:02 and mom's having a really hard time with it."
46:08 In fact there she goes, walking down there.
46:10 And so anyway at some point she came walking up and I did,
46:14 I told her that and she hugged me,
46:17 we hugged each other.
46:19 And I have not had a lot of communication
46:22 I have attempted but I did meet her son.
46:26 Excuse me, at the gym that we joined saw
46:31 the son that I was talking to.
46:33 And I said, "How is your mother doing?"
46:36 And he said, "She's still struggling."
46:38 And I said, "You know I looked at the video
46:40 that she told me about your brother
46:42 that was killed and some of the things
46:45 that she'd shared."
46:46 And I said,
46:48 "Take her on a date, just you and her,
46:50 go on dates with her.
46:52 And as you're taking her out of the car walking into place,"
46:54 I said, "Hold her hand as she walked long."
46:56 She had mentioned that the son
46:57 that was killed would hold her hand
47:00 as they would walk into a place.
47:02 And anyway he says, "Do you think
47:04 that would be part of her healing
47:06 that would help her?"
47:07 I said, "I really do."
47:08 And so anyway progressively as I've seen her,
47:11 that's what they were, they were doing that.
47:14 And, you know, I want to back up
47:18 when we were getting ready for the memorial service.
47:23 Tim asked me, "What are you going to wear
47:25 to the memorial service?"
47:27 And I hadn't even thought about that, I said,
47:29 "Well, I tell you what, if you wear your tux,
47:32 I'll wear the dress
47:34 that we wore to our two daughter's weddings."
47:36 I said, "Caleb won't be having a wedding here obviously."
47:40 But I said, "The next thing he knows is we'll be joining
47:44 at the marriage ceremony of the Lamb
47:46 when we get to heaven.
47:47 And so we'll just dress like that."
47:49 Praise the Lord.
47:51 So, I just,
47:54 I am thankful
47:58 for the hope that we have,
47:59 Jesus is coming again that's not my hope, our hope,
48:04 it's our blessed assurance.
48:05 Amen. Amen. Amen.
48:07 Can I say one thing and the fact that,
48:10 you know, we may sound positive
48:13 and we are, we try to be.
48:16 And we do have our struggles, we do have our times.
48:19 And there's things
48:20 that are automatically going to set off emotions.
48:26 But we choose to be positive.
48:32 We can be negative sometime, we can be down,
48:35 something can trigger it but we turn around and say,
48:39 "But we have this wonderful promise.
48:42 We go back to the Bible and say,
48:44 "We're looking forward to Revelation,
48:47 looking for the Lord to come and then we all meet together."
48:51 Praise the Lord. And I will say this.
48:54 We had a little family reunion last week
48:56 with all of our children joining together.
49:00 And we talked very briefly
49:04 because this experience
49:07 that I'm sharing is my experience
49:10 and somewhat Caleb,
49:11 I mean the way we have handled the grief.
49:15 Some of our children,
49:17 they are still, they understand,
49:20 they know that Caleb is sleeping
49:22 and that Jesus is coming again.
49:24 But they struggle with it, you know.
49:29 It's been hard. It's been hard.
49:30 And at the memorial service there was Caleb graduated
49:33 from Mount Pisgah Academy, 2005.
49:36 There were...
49:37 Somebody flew, classmates from California,
49:40 the West Coast to North Carolina
49:42 to be at this memorial service.
49:43 Wow.
49:45 And these kids,
49:46 they were like six or seven kids
49:47 from his class that were there.
49:49 And they said, "Caleb was the guy in our class
49:51 that just kept the class together,
49:54 he was just kind of a,
49:56 you know, that kind of a person."
49:58 And so, we, Caleb
50:04 was a very important person in our family.
50:07 Praise the Lord.
50:08 You know, I'm happy,
50:10 as I listen to your narrative to your story.
50:12 One, because your children are scattered so far, Canada,
50:16 Switzerland, other places,
50:17 that since you have to be alone and together
50:20 that you have developed this positive outlook.
50:24 And not just positive outlook, you've taken God at His word.
50:28 The Bible says, "The Lord Himself shall descend
50:29 from heaven with a shout,
50:31 with the voice of the archangel,
50:32 trump of God, the dead in Christ will rise first.
50:34 Then which are alive and remain,"
50:36 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
50:39 So you're buying what you're selling.
50:43 You follow what I'm saying?
50:44 In other words, you believe
50:45 that which comes out of your mouth.
50:47 And when you buy what you sell, it does,
50:50 it ends with wherefore comfort one another with these words.
50:54 So they are a comfort when you really believe
50:58 what he's just said in that text.
51:00 And I see that you buy that.
51:02 How do you...
51:03 It's hard for somebody,
51:06 it's easier for us because we do,
51:08 we buy that what the Bible says.
51:12 Yes. Yes. And that's wonderful.
51:14 The Bible is presenting a wonderful hope of,
51:19 wonderful promise to us.
51:21 I am so glad that I have that
51:25 because it would be a hard thing to struggle
51:28 through the loss of our son if we didn't have that.
51:33 And if he was so grounded in that at that time,
51:38 God was so good
51:39 because He brought this whole thing about,
51:44 the special music that we had.
51:46 And we were so focused on that.
51:48 And I will have to say every April since then we,
51:53 I get people together, different musicians,
51:56 but we do the trumpets shall sound
51:57 and the dead shall be raised
51:59 with the instruments and we just did it,
52:01 April the 28th this year.
52:02 Praise God. Praise God.
52:04 I am happy for the smile that is on your faces
52:08 because it bespeaks the Christ that is in your heart.
52:11 And you could not have one without the other.
52:14 We've got to go to a newsbreak now.
52:18 Some information we want to share with you,
52:20 then we'll come back with a closing thought.


Revised 2018-10-09