3ABN Today

Ministry and Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018040B

00:01 Well, as always our time gets away with,
00:02 from us so quickly.
00:04 Pat, it's just been a joy to have you here.
00:06 And, you know, at the very beginning
00:08 you mentioned that you felt like what your ministry was,
00:12 what you really feel like God does through you
00:15 is make gold out of dirt,
00:16 so just expound on that a bit for us?
00:19 I will.
00:20 You know, I remember reading in Psalms
00:21 where David says we're just but dust,
00:24 you know, and God looks down on us.
00:26 When I read that verse,
00:27 you know, that God gave me that,
00:29 He would make gold out of what He was putting me through
00:34 and I have to say, I'm a living proof
00:35 that God can do anything He wants with anyone
00:38 He wants to do it with.
00:39 You know, and He was willing
00:40 to take the dust of whoever I am
00:43 and make something good out of it,
00:45 you know, to make gold out of it.
00:47 And if God wants to take our tragedies
00:49 and make something good that blesses others out of it,
00:52 you know, more power to Him.
00:53 Amen and amen.
00:55 You know, these three projects
00:58 that you have done on the Seventh Day,
01:01 on the State of the Dead, on that Wondering Day,
01:04 I'm sure that they are impacting
01:06 so many people all over the world.
01:08 I praise God.
01:10 And bringing truth where there's error
01:12 and bringing up brightness where there is leaning,
01:15 and bringing people's hearts back to God.
01:18 Pat, I want to thank you so much for being,
01:20 for coming today
01:21 and for sharing the tragedies that have been in your life,
01:25 and the joys, and the victories,
01:27 you have encouraged me.
01:29 Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
01:30 I really appreciate the chance to share how good God is.
01:34 And I want to thank all of you as always.
01:36 You know, you are our viewers, our listeners,
01:38 you are our 3ABN family.
01:40 If it wasn't for you,
01:42 why would we be here for in the first place?
01:44 So we want to ask you to continue to pray for us
01:47 and just know for a fact that we love you,
01:50 we pray for you, and we ask God to greatly bless you.


Revised 2018-05-23