3ABN Today

Ministry and Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018040A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Well, hello and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:13 It is always a joy to have you join with us
01:16 as we introduce you to another guest today.
01:19 We've got a lady with us.
01:22 She's just got an incredible life story to share with us.
01:25 And I think it's a story
01:28 that's going to minister to a lot of our needs.
01:30 And I ask her to if you could just encapsulate
01:36 what our programs going to be about today,
01:38 here's what she told me,
01:40 "Making gold out of dirt."
01:42 And, you know, I just related with that very statement.
01:46 Pat, it's so good to have you with us today.
01:49 Pat Arrabito, you're with LLT Productions.
01:52 I believe you're a producer.
01:54 So tell me what a producer at LLT Productions does.
01:59 We make films.
02:00 You make films? Yeah.
02:02 And we're going to talk about those films, aren't we?
02:04 Yes.
02:05 That is going to be so interesting.
02:07 But first, we want to know about Pat.
02:10 We want to know your life story.
02:12 And I know you've been through
02:14 some wonderful times and some tragic times.
02:18 But, Pat, before we go into your story,
02:21 we have got a gentleman here
02:23 that's going to sing a song for us.
02:26 He's going to minister to us.
02:29 "Great is Thy faithfulness."
02:30 Have you found God's faithfulness
02:33 to be the one thing that keeps us going
02:36 and keeps us on the right track?
02:37 Well, we have got a gentleman, his name is Jonathan Kasabasic,
02:43 and he's going to just minister that beautiful song to us now.
02:47 When we come back,
02:48 we're going to find out all about Pat Arrabito.
03:15 Great is Thy faithfulness
03:20 O God, my Father
03:24 There is no shadow
03:29 Of turning with Thee
03:34 Thou changes not
03:38 Thy compassions, they fail not
03:44 As Thou hast been
03:48 Thou forever will be
03:54 Great is Thy faithfulness
03:58 Great is Thy faithfulness
04:03 Morning by morning
04:08 New mercies I see
04:13 All I have needed
04:17 Thy hand hath provided
04:23 Great is Thy faithfulness
04:28 Lord unto me
04:40 Pardon for sin
04:45 And a peace, peace that endure
04:50 Thine own dear presence
04:55 To cheer and to guide
05:00 Strength for today
05:04 And bright hope for tomorrow
05:10 Blessings all mine
05:14 With ten thousand beside
05:20 Great is Thy faithfulness
05:25 Great is Thy faithfulness
05:30 Morning by morning
05:34 New mercies I see
05:40 All I have needed
05:44 Thy hand hath provided
05:50 Great is Thy faithfulness
05:54 Lord unto me
06:07 Great is Thy faithfulness
06:12 Great is Thy faithfulness
06:17 Great is Thy faithfulness
06:24 Lord unto me
06:43 Thank you, Jonathan.
06:45 Again, Pat, that is just one of my most favorite song.
06:47 It's beautiful. God is faithful.
06:49 If it wasn't for that faithfulness,
06:51 I don't know what any others would do.
06:53 Well, Pat, I mentioned earlier
06:56 that you're a producer at LLT Productions,
07:00 but before you were making films,
07:04 I know that a lot transpired in your life.
07:06 And I would like for our viewers and our listeners
07:10 to get to know Pat Arrabito and her story, her life story,
07:15 I think it'll minister to so many.
07:17 So please share with us. Sure.
07:20 I'm probably just one of millions of people
07:22 whose life didn't turn out the way they thought it would,
07:25 didn't treat them the way it ought to off.
07:27 And I've seen God's hand in just amazing ways in my life.
07:33 I'm making films,
07:34 but my education was actually marriage counseling.
07:37 But I didn't end up doing
07:38 what I thought I was going to do.
07:41 I married Jim Arrabito, and we have four children.
07:45 And I felt like I had everything
07:47 that really counts in life.
07:49 We had a happy home.
07:51 And my kids that I loved,
07:53 I got to be home and raise my kids
07:55 in homeschooled them.
07:56 And Jim loved evangelism, he did art work for a loving,
08:00 but his passion was evangelism, so we did a lot of traveling,
08:03 and, you know, a lot of evangelism
08:07 in different churches.
08:08 And really, just such a rich and full life
08:10 and I was so blessed.
08:12 And I'm still very blessed.
08:14 You know, I think that's a picture,
08:15 perhaps, of your family there on the screen now.
08:20 Yeah, they are, that's when we had three
08:22 and the fourth one was on the way,
08:24 you know, in that picture.
08:25 So all four, they're just we can't see...
08:28 You can't see number four yet. Okay.
08:31 Just learned that number four was on the way.
08:35 So my husband,
08:39 well, he did art work, he loved evangelism.
08:41 And he was always putting together programs,
08:43 he was very visual.
08:44 So he would do his own photography,
08:46 he would produce visual programs
08:50 and share those in churches.
08:52 And then ended up doing a lot of traveling
08:54 because of it.
08:56 At one point, he learned a story
09:00 about an Inupiat native up in Alaska
09:05 who heard voices.
09:08 And God talked to him
09:09 and actually revealed himself to him
09:11 and taught him about the Sabbath
09:13 and many other things.
09:14 He told him that people are going to come,
09:16 you know, in boats that they didn't have to paddle
09:19 and they were going to come in boats in the air.
09:20 And taught him about hygiene and taught him
09:24 that the father was more powerful
09:26 than the shamans and then the spirits.
09:28 And so Maniilaq was his name,
09:30 he would purposely break the taboos
09:33 to show the people
09:34 that the father was more powerful
09:36 than the shamans.
09:37 And when he learned about
09:38 Seventh-day "resting" in a cultural
09:40 that didn't even have weekly cycle.
09:42 He would put up a pole with a flag on it
09:44 every seventh day and tell the people,
09:46 "On the day that you see the flag,
09:48 that's the day you don't have to work.
09:50 On that day you come to me,
09:51 and I'll tell you about the father."
09:54 So Jim is going to go do some filming,
09:58 it's in all tradition up there,
09:59 he took equipment to film interviews with people
10:03 who had those stories passed on through their families.
10:07 It was exciting for my boys
10:08 because they always wanted to go to Alaska.
10:11 But now they could go
10:13 'cause Daddy had enough miles for two free tickets.
10:15 All right. So my oldest son Tony was 13.
10:20 My second son Joey was 11.
10:22 And then I had my third child,
10:24 my daughter, Adel, who was almost nine,
10:26 and then my youngest son Andy was seven at the time.
10:32 And the two older went with Dad
10:34 and the two younger ones stayed home with me
10:36 and we got ready for school.
10:38 And the boys spent 10 days up in Alaska,
10:40 fishing and playing with native kids
10:43 and flying in the plane to little villages
10:45 and just having their time of their lives.
10:47 Having a trip to Alaska with their daddy
10:49 on a missionary trip to Alaska.
10:50 Yeah, yeah, yep.
10:52 And he interviewed people for that story.
10:55 One little man was so cute, he said,
10:57 "When we were children, we heard the story,
10:59 Maniilaq said that people were going to come in boats
11:02 that went through the air."
11:04 So he said, "When we saw the first planes,
11:06 we knew what it was 'cause Maniilaq had told us.
11:09 In the boats that went through the air.
11:11 Yeah. He said, "We watched them go by.
11:14 And I watched till I fell over backwards."
11:18 So the stories are very precious.
11:21 On their way home,
11:22 they were flying in a small plane
11:24 and with a native pilot and a storm blew up.
11:27 It was late at night and, you know,
11:31 they were heading toward them Anchorage airport.
11:32 We were expecting them to land on a Monday afternoon,
11:36 and one of our helpers had gone to the airport to pick them up.
11:40 And, you know, every day while they were gone,
11:42 my two younger children and I prayed for their safe return.
11:44 Of course.
11:46 And we all could hardly wait to hear all the stories.
11:48 Our helper called from the airport
11:50 and said they didn't get off this plane,
11:52 they're not on plane.
11:54 And that was kind of odd to me
11:55 'cause I thought they would at least called me
11:57 if they knew they missed their flight
11:59 but I hadn't heard anything, and when I called up to Alaska,
12:03 I found out that their small plane
12:04 had never arrived in Anchorage the night before.
12:06 Oh, my...
12:08 So of course, I was a little shocked,
12:10 but then on the other hand,
12:13 I had seen God work in so many ways
12:16 and in the project that Jim is working on,
12:18 we had seen God's hand
12:19 and we knew that God was going to do it,
12:20 and I knew that God needed Jim to do it
12:22 'cause it was His project.
12:24 And I also knew that God will never let me lose a child
12:28 'cause here's what it says,
12:30 you know, there's no temptation taken
12:31 that is common to man,
12:33 and there's nothing too hard for you to bear
12:35 and God would always provide a way of escape.
12:37 And God knew that
12:38 I couldn't bear to lose a child, so...
12:41 So you had all of these firm beliefs?
12:44 Absolutely, firm beliefs. And I wasn't worried.
12:49 That night before they took off late at night
12:52 and the storm was coming up and they were in a small plane.
12:55 Well, I didn't know anything about that at the time.
12:58 I knew that they were flying that afternoon and evening...
13:02 How long ago was this?
13:04 This was 1990. Nineteen-ninety.
13:06 You know, it's almost... It's going on 28 years.
13:10 And you think that's really a lot of time ago,
13:12 it's a long time to still have any feelings about it.
13:16 But when you lose people that you love,
13:19 it's like yesterday and forever.
13:22 So how did you come to realize that things weren't working out
13:29 as well as you were anticipating?
13:30 Well, you know, so we know Search and Rescue was out
13:33 looking for the plane, the weather was bad,
13:35 they couldn't go out much that day.
13:38 And I had to just wait and... Oh, that must be really hard.
13:42 You know, I didn't worry a lot
13:43 'cause I was quite sure
13:45 that God was taking care of my family.
13:47 But when I went to bed that night,
13:49 I prayed and I said to God,
13:51 "I know that you are good, and I know you love my family,
13:54 and I know that we have this project we're doing
13:57 and, but I need You talk to me."
14:00 And I opened the Bible
14:02 and I had been studying in the book of Job,
14:05 I just wanted to understand Job's experience
14:07 and I was going through the book for the second time,
14:08 and so it's not surprising that I opened to the book of Job.
14:11 But the words that I came to were not words
14:15 that I had noticed before
14:17 and it was in Job 23:10 and it said,
14:20 "I know the way that you had taken
14:21 when I tried you, you shall come forth as gold."
14:24 And I thought, you know, "How come He gave me that one.
14:28 You know, what does that mean?
14:29 Does that mean it's just a trial
14:31 to have to wait?"
14:33 So the next day, we waited still
14:34 and my house filled up with people.
14:37 Everyone was waiting with us,
14:38 our pastor, our friends, my father.
14:42 And early afternoon,
14:44 Search and Rescue called that they had located the plane
14:46 and they were going to send a helicopter there.
14:48 And they still had no news for me on it.
14:51 My brother's a pilot, and he had been following
14:53 and keeping in touch with them as well.
14:55 He lived about lesser than an hour flight away.
14:58 And he called me and he said,
14:59 "I'm just going to fly over and be with you
15:01 when you get the news."
15:02 So my dad picked him up at the LA airport
15:05 and when he got to my house,
15:07 he came in and took me by the hand
15:08 and took me outside.
15:10 And my dad and my brother
15:12 just wrapped their arms around me
15:14 and my brother said there are no survivors.
15:17 Yeah. So sorry.
15:20 You know, the words just kind of hurled around
15:23 and I don't even know
15:25 how long I was out there, I just...
15:28 I think I was having an out of body experience.
15:32 But through that, you know, there are no survivors,
15:35 these words just came into my heart
15:38 that there are survivors,
15:40 you know, 'cause I'm still here and my two youngest children
15:42 are still here and we were...
15:44 Our family was one.
15:45 We were a unit and my husband and I were one.
15:47 And it's like,
15:50 you know, the whole unit isn't gone,
15:51 there is still part of us here.
15:54 About that time, somebody came in from house
15:57 and they said,
15:58 "You know, your kids are getting restless,
16:00 you need to just back in."
16:01 And my son, my youngest son,
16:06 who was seven naturally a little pessimistic
16:10 than everybody else in the family
16:12 but anyway, he just ran across the room
16:15 and he just yelled, "Daddy's dead, isn't he?"
16:20 And, you know, to have to acknowledge that
16:24 when I'm the parent
16:25 and I'm supposed to protect them,
16:26 you know, I felt like
16:28 it's my job to protect my children
16:29 and I couldn't protect them.
16:30 And I had to deliver
16:33 that blow that knocked him off his feet.
16:38 And then, you know, both kids were on my lap,
16:40 all of a sudden and my daughter is saying,
16:42 "How about Tony and Joey?"
16:44 And I had to say they are gone too.
16:47 And I felt like, you know, we're at this tiny spot,
16:52 that's the most intense agony in the universe
16:54 and it's a gigantic universe
16:56 and here we are at this tiny spot.
16:58 Does God see us, does He know we're there,
17:01 does He hear us, does He feel our cry.
17:04 And there was such a sense of peace
17:06 that came over me,
17:08 such a core of peace in my heart
17:10 that I knew it was not me,
17:12 and it was such a sense to me
17:14 that my loss was God's loss too.
17:17 And my heart agony was His agony,
17:20 and He wouldn't get to see our family
17:23 either until the resurrection.
17:25 And I just felt all of that as I'm sitting there.
17:28 And then my daughter said,
17:30 "Mom, I'm sure glad that you're not the kind of person
17:32 who blames God for everything."
17:33 Amen.
17:35 And I thought,
17:36 "Does she feel God here too
17:38 and does she know His presence?"
17:40 And my son being at different temperament,
17:42 you know, he was just thinking all about,
17:45 "Where is God?"
17:47 You know, like, he felt responsible,
17:50 he felt guilty like they must not have liked him.
17:55 Like he felt, "I'm so bad that they didn't like me,
17:57 I'm so bad God doesn't even like me either."
18:00 And he felt like,
18:01 "If God is loving as He says He is,
18:04 He wouldn't let that happen to me.
18:05 If God is as strong as He says He is,
18:08 He would have stopped it."
18:09 You know, and all these things
18:10 are going through that seven-year-old mind.
18:12 Which are very typical, very typical,
18:15 I think, ways of responding to that situation.
18:19 Yeah, yeah. Very typical.
18:21 And, you know, over time he expressed those things
18:24 and we talked about them and, you know,
18:26 we read scriptures and we memorized them.
18:29 And I think it was more for him too
18:34 as all the men in the family,
18:36 and he was the only man left
18:37 and it was like gravity was gone.
18:39 You know, he was always...
18:41 He was always a kid that was too much in every way.
18:44 And they were his mentors and they were
18:46 his kind of kept a lid on him, you know.
18:49 And it was very hard for him,
18:51 he didn't know how to deal with it.
18:54 For my daughter, it was a little different.
18:56 She didn't want to think about it.
18:58 She didn't want to let herself go there.
19:02 It took her five years
19:03 before she could really let herself
19:05 acknowledge the hugeness of it.
19:09 The need that she felt, at that point,
19:13 she made commitment with God as an adult.
19:15 But when her dad was gone,
19:16 it was like God was gone for her.
19:18 And she said, she just couldn't get him back,
19:22 it was such a struggle.
19:23 But I'm thinking of the song
19:25 that Jonathan sang a little earlier,
19:27 "Great is Thy faithfulness"
19:29 and he was faithful to your family
19:31 and brought them through
19:33 using different coping mechanisms, I realize.
19:36 And... He carried us.
19:37 We have to say He carried us.
19:39 And here you are, almost 28 years later,
19:45 and you are just doing great and mighty feats
19:49 for the kingdom of God.
19:51 So God picked you up
19:52 and brought you and your family through that.
19:56 You know, there were days
19:57 when I wished the sun wouldn't rise,
20:00 days when I wished morning wouldn't come
20:02 because then I have to be faced with the reality
20:05 that this isn't a dream and it's really true.
20:07 And, you know, what happens to your kids happens to you.
20:09 Absolutely.
20:11 So it was not just my grief, it was their grief too,
20:13 and learning how to live
20:14 with just three of us in a house
20:16 that had been full of six people.
20:18 I gave my son the dishes to set the table one morning
20:22 and he held them for a minute and he said,
20:25 "Only three dishes?
20:27 Only three bowls?"
20:29 And he was like, you know,
20:31 like there was no normal to our life anymore.
20:34 I try to keep structure and schedule,
20:37 but it was learning to live a different kind of life,
20:40 and it was hard for the kids to be home.
20:42 It was just too quite, it was too different and yet,
20:48 you know, there was God and He did,
20:50 He walked us through it, He helped us.
20:52 And I know it felt like,
20:53 why was my question, I always felt like...
20:56 My real question was
20:57 do I trust God or do I not trust God.
20:59 Right.
21:00 And I chose that I do trust him
21:02 because I too believe God is good
21:04 and I believe that He loves me,
21:07 and if those things are true, if I complain then I'm saying,
21:12 "I don't believe it."
21:14 Right.
21:15 So...
21:17 So you're belief system was totally challenged,
21:20 and you're bound to question to some degree,
21:26 and I've said this before,
21:28 there's nothing wrong in questioning your beliefs,
21:32 just don't believe your questions,
21:34 you know, and so as you look deeper into it, evidently,
21:38 the Lord showed you His faithful hand.
21:40 You know, He was right there
21:42 and, you know, we had seen a lot of evidence of Him
21:46 prior to that in the project Jim was working on.
21:49 And a lot of evidence, I mean I have to say
21:51 God gave me preparation for that.
21:54 I wanted to ask you
21:56 what happened to the project that he was working on.
21:59 Well, his dream was to produce a documentary series
22:03 that would trace the Sabbath
22:04 through the centuries and he had...
22:06 We had been a book
22:07 that went into some of that Sabbath history.
22:09 And Jim and I were both raised Sabbath keepers
22:13 but we didn't know our own heritage
22:15 and we had never heard those stories.
22:17 I kind of thought that, you know, Sabbath, probably,
22:20 began down there in 1800s
22:21 when the Adventist Church began.
22:24 So when we read the stories
22:26 and saw that God had always had a people
22:29 who would preserve the Sabbath,
22:31 Jim again sharing that in evangelism and people,
22:34 you know, were shocked
22:35 and never heard these things before.
22:36 You know, how many people knew that Patrick
22:38 was a Sabbath keeper and not a Catholic saint.
22:41 So out of that, when he began to see the facts,
22:44 he really wanted to produce a documentary
22:46 that would trace that history for secular audience,
22:51 not just for us who already knew it
22:53 because not everybody is ready to sit down
22:55 and have a Bible study,
22:57 but history is disarming
22:59 and you can't argue with the facts of history.
23:01 So do a project on the Sabbath
23:03 from a purely historical perspective
23:07 and something that wouldn't be threatening
23:11 to a non-Christian audience.
23:12 Right. Wow.
23:14 Just show here's what happened in history
23:15 and here's with this conflict was about
23:17 and here's what that conflict was about.
23:19 And that would, you know, many times,
23:21 there was always just significance and conflicts
23:23 that we don't know anything about.
23:26 So that was his goal
23:29 and we had watched God open doors.
23:32 Jim always prayed for a million dollars,
23:33 and I used to think, you know,
23:35 "Why do we really need a million dollars for?"
23:37 But we did really need million dollars
23:40 when I began to get into it, I saw the scope of it.
23:43 And we both knew God was going to accomplish this project.
23:46 You know, He'd open doors, He'd been providing funding,
23:48 He had got Jim into places like China
23:51 was closed for tourism so long,
23:53 and we had told our travel agent,
23:55 you know, he told him,
23:57 "I want to go across Taklamakan desert,
23:59 I wanna go to Sion, I want to go..."
24:01 And he named all these places
24:02 where there was evidence of early Christianity.
24:04 And he told the travel agent,
24:06 "When you can find a way for me to get there, you let me know."
24:09 And the travel agent called one day and he said,
24:11 "It's open, there's a tour,
24:13 it's going all the way across that desert
24:15 where you want to go."
24:16 And Jim said, "Well, book it for me."
24:18 And the agent said,
24:20 "I'll need a certain amount of money
24:21 by a certain day."
24:22 And Jim was going to take people with cameras.
24:24 There were four going.
24:25 So the day came,
24:27 he needed $1,400 to hold the place for everybody.
24:30 And, you know, Jim was an artist,
24:33 we're going to have extra money kicking around.
24:35 So that morning, a man came into the studio
24:38 that we didn't know
24:39 but he had heard something about the project.
24:41 And he said, "Tell me about what you're doing?"
24:44 And Jim explained it and he laughed
24:46 and he came back a little while later,
24:47 and he pulled a roll of bills out of his pocket
24:49 and handed it to Jim.
24:51 Fourteen hundred...
24:52 And it was 20 one hundred dollar bills,
24:54 $2000.
24:55 Wow, 2000.
24:56 So we hopped in the car
24:58 and we drove down to the travel agent
24:59 and Jim peeled off $1,400 and then Jim said to him,
25:02 "Do you want this other $600 toward the next payment?"
25:06 And he said, "No, when the time comes,
25:07 you'll have it."
25:09 And over and over again, we saw God do that.
25:12 Over and over again, I've seen God do that
25:14 for all these years
25:16 in providing ways that I could never imagine.
25:18 He sure does have a thousand ways
25:20 to provide that, we can't even think of.
25:23 So he was able to get into China,
25:24 he was able to go to Iraq and to other places
25:28 where there were bits of Sabbath history,
25:30 you know, he wouldn't be able to go to before.
25:32 We knew he was going to do it.
25:33 So when Jim died,
25:36 I knew that God was going to do that work.
25:38 And I felt like, I don't know how to do it
25:40 and I don't have the gifts that Jim had.
25:43 But I'd be willing if God could use me
25:47 and if I'm not willing,
25:48 God will find somebody else to do it.
25:50 So I know how to research and, unfortunately,
25:55 all of the information was in Jim's head.
25:58 He'd drawn out a story board of almost 600 frames
26:02 that had people and places and events in the order
26:04 that he wanted them to go,
26:06 but he had no documentation for anything,
26:09 a few scribbled notes and he just knew it.
26:12 So for me, that man,
26:13 I had to research and I had to document.
26:16 For me, I need to have careful documentation and footnotes
26:18 and all that.
26:19 So God had put this vision
26:22 and dream in your husband's heart
26:25 to produce a historical documentary
26:30 on the Sabbath.
26:31 And then he was in a tragic accident.
26:34 Then He let him die.
26:37 Only the vision lived in your heart
26:42 and so you're taking it forward under the grace of God.
26:46 Yeah, I knew God would do it.
26:49 So while I started researching,
26:51 I just kept praying that God would send people to do it.
26:54 I prayed that God would send people
26:55 who could do it better and quicker than me.
26:58 And I prayed specifically for a script-writer,
27:00 a producer and a right host for it.
27:03 But it took me eight years of research,
27:05 that's why I said I wanted God to send
27:06 someone who could do it quicker and better.
27:08 And, you know, there were people along the way
27:10 who would make remarks about
27:13 how it's never going to get done.
27:15 And I always felt like
27:16 those people are really dissing God not me
27:18 'cause this is His project and He's going to do it
27:21 and I don't care how long it takes,
27:23 and it's not mine, it's His.
27:26 But it became mine in the sense that it had been Jim's.
27:30 And I pulled together,
27:32 when I finished eight years later
27:34 or came to the conclusion, I came to...
27:36 I had a binder of over 200 pages
27:38 with 1,000 footnotes.
27:40 And my footnotes,
27:42 some of them had up to 10 sources.
27:44 And Dr. Domsky that the seminary
27:46 he had offered to be my scholar and go through everything,
27:49 look at all my sources and let me know
27:50 if something wasn't credible, you know, let me know
27:53 if there were areas that needed more documentation.
27:56 I mean, there were wonderful Sabbath stories
27:58 that we left out
27:59 because we couldn't find enough good documentation for it.
28:02 We wanted to be sure that
28:03 anything that we showed in that series,
28:06 anybody else could find
28:08 that the documentation was credible.
28:09 So that anybody could question it.
28:11 It had its integrity in that. Right. Right.
28:13 And I felt like mistakes in quotations
28:19 or mistakes in documentation
28:21 or inferior quality detracts
28:24 from the credibility of your message.
28:27 So it was important to us that we do it very well
28:31 and everything very accurately.
28:34 'Cause we didn't want to detract
28:35 from a message that's that important.
28:37 And, you know, it's not that the Sabbath
28:40 is just the fourth commandment so we all have to keep it.
28:43 The Sabbath is a symbol,
28:44 you know, it's a symbol of the fact
28:45 that we trust God with our souls.
28:47 It's a symbol of righteousness by faith.
28:49 When we rest from our own works every seventh day,
28:53 it's the symbol of the fact that we know
28:54 we can't save ourselves
28:56 that we're completely depended on the work of Christ
28:58 for our salvation and not on our own works,
29:01 and that's why to me the Sabbath is so important
29:04 and it's why I wanted to talk about it.
29:06 Not just a fact that everybody needs a rest
29:07 once a week.
29:09 But to instill in the hearts of even the non-believer,
29:13 the importance of that day that God sanctified,
29:17 the only day sanctified.
29:19 Yeah. And show that they, you know, they can rest.
29:22 We don't have to be responsible for ourselves.
29:25 You know, when my children were younger,
29:27 Jim was on a seven-week trip
29:28 which is a long time to be gone.
29:31 And about the end of the sixth week,
29:33 I was so discouraged with my kids
29:35 and all I could see was their faults.
29:37 And I was ready to just give it all up.
29:40 And I put them all to bed early on a Friday evening
29:42 and I sat down on the couch with my Bible,
29:44 and I cried and I said,
29:45 "God, look at my kids, they're hopeless.
29:48 And look at me, I can't even save myself
29:50 much less than my kids.
29:52 You got to talk to me."
29:54 And He brought me to these words in Isaiah 49,
29:58 where it says, "Can the prey be taken from the mighty
30:00 or the lawful captive delivered?"
30:03 You know, then it goes on to say, yes,
30:05 you know, it can be
30:06 and I'll contend with him who contends with you.
30:08 And I'll save your children.
30:10 And it was such a...
30:12 to me, it was really Sabbath symbolizes.
30:15 God is our Savior.
30:16 Of course, I can't save my kids
30:18 and, of course, I can't save myself,
30:20 it's not my job, it's God's job.
30:23 As He said He would do it and I can rest in that.
30:27 I can take those words
30:28 and I can believe them with all my heart
30:30 and I know that God does exactly
30:32 what He says he will do.
30:33 So you've got all these material,
30:35 all of these footnotes,
30:38 how are you going to get it together into a workable...
30:39 Well, and that was the next question.
30:42 I prayed for a scriptwriter
30:45 and a producer and a right host.
30:48 And a friend of mine Allen Reinecke,
30:51 with some religious liberty said,
30:53 "Well, give me a part of your script
30:54 and I'll give it to Jeff Wood,
30:55 he's a producer, done a lot of work.
30:57 And Jeff looked at it and called me in a week.
30:59 We got together and talked about it
31:01 and I showed him the whole rest of it
31:02 which was big.
31:03 I'd actually sent it out to about eight different people
31:06 in the film world and then they all said,
31:08 "This is way too big."
31:10 So Jeff looked at it and he said,
31:13 "Would you like a scriptwriter to come onboard?"
31:15 And I said, "Absolutely."
31:17 So he recommended his brother Jim.
31:19 So and then I said to Jeff, "What do you think
31:21 we're looking at in budget for this project?"
31:24 And he said, "I think it's a million dollar project."
31:26 And I'm like, "Yes, yeah."
31:30 So Jim Wood came on as the writer,
31:33 and Jim and Jeff and I worked on the scripts.
31:36 And Jim would write,
31:38 and we brainstorm and we write again
31:39 and we probably went through 50 revisions
31:41 on every one of the five parts.
31:43 And there was a lot that we left out like I said that,
31:45 there were stories that weren't well enough documented,
31:48 there were parts of the Church In The Wilderness theme
31:53 that was about health and education,
31:56 besides just the Sabbath,
31:57 you know, we tightened it up a bit
32:00 and then prayed for the right host.
32:02 And we wanted someone
32:05 that we could put on commercial television with.
32:07 And so we went to a casting agency,
32:09 and Hal Holbrook ended up being the first one to respond
32:13 when we sent out letters that he was interested.
32:16 And we ended up using him
32:17 and he just did a terrific job on it.
32:20 You know, I have seen, you know, the film before,
32:24 and it's very, very well done.
32:26 And I think we've got some clips from that film.
32:29 Would you like to allow our viewers to see some of that?
32:32 I would. I would.
32:34 The first clip is a story that was used all
32:38 through over a period of six or seven centuries
32:41 in different places.
32:42 And that's the first clip we'll show,
32:45 we'll talk about a little bit afterwards.
32:46 A Letter from Heaven. A Letter from Heaven.
32:48 Okay, let's see that.
32:52 It's clear that loyalty to the Sabbath
32:55 of the fourth commandment did not die out easily.
32:59 Roman Church efforts to promote
33:01 the Sunday alternative continued.
33:03 One novel approach took the form of a letter,
33:07 a letter that supposedly came directly from heaven.
33:14 God hasn't joined Sunday to be kept holy.
33:18 For God's own hand has written that to man to mend
33:23 lest they should do either work or survive a labor on Sunday.
33:29 The letter itself claims to have been written by Jesus,
33:33 and we are told that it appeared
33:35 on the altar of Saint Peter in Rome and that the priest,
33:38 who was saying mass, discovered it there
33:41 and was obviously quite scared by it.
33:44 A letter from heaven, think about it.
33:48 Who wouldn't want one of those to support their opinions?
33:53 I would, wouldn't you? I would.
33:54 He is very good.
33:55 We actually do have a letter from heaven
33:57 to support our opinion.
33:59 Yeah. He is very good. He did a great job.
34:02 And there is another little clip from that series
34:04 that I'd like to show that goes along with it.
34:07 A Letter from Heaven B. Yeah.
34:09 Okay, let's watch it.
34:11 Some of the threats in the letter
34:13 are quite fantastical
34:14 and perhaps even frightening.
34:16 We are told that great beasts and locusts are simply waiting
34:20 to avenge the transgression of Sunday.
34:23 There will be massive rainstorms
34:25 with thunder and lightning, hailstones.
34:28 There'll be flying serpents in the sky.
34:31 So basically, a whole lot of evil
34:34 and destruction
34:36 is going to occur if people violate the law of Sunday.
34:39 You know, people were ignorant in those days.
34:43 And that had an impact, and yet in spite of that,
34:46 the Sabbath persevered was not lost.
34:50 You know, there was a time
34:51 when people were not allowed to be very educated
34:53 and only the priest could even read the Bible,
34:56 hardly anyone could even read the Bible
34:58 in their language at that time.
34:59 Right.
35:00 There is another story that I think is interesting
35:02 that probably people never heard about,
35:04 and it's from the 15th century with a priest in Spain.
35:11 And I'd like to show that clip next.
35:12 Yeah, okay. Constantino.
35:14 Constantino de la Fuente. Okay, let's watch this one.
35:19 Members of the newly formed society of Jesus, the Jesuits,
35:24 became suspicious of Constantino
35:27 after hearing his sermons.
35:29 The office of the inquisition repeatedly
35:31 called him in to explain his teachings.
35:34 His friends were concerned.
35:37 He told them, "They want me to be burned.
35:40 But they found that I'm still too green."
35:44 Officers of the inquisition finally arrested him
35:47 in August of 1558,
35:50 and took him to the inquisitor's prison
35:52 just outside Seville.
35:55 Cut off from his friends and supporters
35:58 and from the crowds that used to fill the cathedral,
36:02 Constantino Ponce de la Fuente
36:04 suffered his last days in a pitiless death trap.
36:09 There was no crowd to hear his final words
36:12 when he died in February 1560,
36:16 another victim of the Spanish inquisition.
36:21 Just to set that up a little better,
36:23 Constantino was a very highly placed
36:29 priest in Spain.
36:31 He traveled with the king himself.
36:33 But he read the Bible,
36:35 and he came across righteousness
36:37 by faith and the Sabbath.
36:40 And he had a group of people who'd meet regularly,
36:42 they called themselves "the secret Christian church."
36:45 And so they aroused the suspicion of the Jesuits
36:48 because he was preaching some of these doctrines.
36:52 And what happened is somebody raided the home
36:55 of one of the woman
36:56 that was part of the secret Christian church
36:58 and found his writings.
37:00 And of course, he wouldn't deny them,
37:02 and this is what happened to him.
37:05 There are so many stories
37:06 that I had never heard about growing up.
37:09 So many heroes, you know, so many people
37:13 who spoke noble words on their death bed,
37:16 no, not willing to give up
37:19 what they knew to be true
37:21 no matter what happened to them.
37:24 One thing that I never knew
37:26 before doing this research was that in England
37:29 between the 16th and the 18th centuries,
37:31 the subject of the Seventh-day Sabbath
37:33 was agitated in every major denomination.
37:37 There were those who wanted the Church of England
37:39 to go back to the real Bible Sabbath.
37:42 You know, among the Baptists the Sabbath was agitated
37:45 in five different major churches.
37:48 You know, why did I never hear of that?
37:51 I don't know.
37:52 It's part of our heritage, you know.
37:54 And it was out of those Sabbath keeping churches in England
37:58 that the Sabbath first came to America
38:00 in the 1700s, 1781 I think it was.
38:05 I have a little clip of Theophilus Brabourne,
38:10 who was a clergyman in England during that time period
38:13 and what he thought of the Sabbath.
38:16 Shall we watch that one? Oh, yes.
38:17 Let's see that one too.
38:21 The matter is clear.
38:22 It takes only our own records of days and weeks
38:26 to make it into the argument.
38:28 It is the seventh day,
38:30 the Sabbath of creation that we need to keep holing.
38:35 When you can show me from a scripture
38:37 that there is any other seventh day
38:39 than the day we call Saturday, the last day of the week,
38:43 then I might be persuaded
38:46 that the fourth commandment
38:47 means some other seventh day besides Saturday.
38:54 So we have such a history of those ministers
38:59 that would stand up in their pulpits and advocate
39:04 that the Sabbath is this day
39:06 that we should be worshipping on.
39:07 Yeah. And suffer prosecution for it.
39:09 Oh, so many, we have seen such horrendous persecution.
39:13 Now all of this is in the film
39:16 that was in your husband's heart out
39:18 when he met with his tragic death...
39:21 That's right.
39:22 And then was birthed into your heart
39:25 and it's all the history of the Sabbath.
39:29 Tell me about the film, how long is this film?
39:32 It's five parts.
39:34 So it's about five hours.
39:36 And each part covers
39:37 a different time period in history.
39:39 And then of course, we did a bonus features DVD
39:41 at the end that, kind of, goes with it.
39:43 And this has been finished for several years now,
39:46 a number of years.
39:47 It's been translated into 25 different languages,
39:51 and it's being shown all over the world now.
39:54 And we get responses from people
39:56 who have watched it and who never knew.
39:58 You know, people will write to me
40:00 who never ever had any idea.
40:02 First of all,
40:04 even that Saturday is the seventh day
40:06 that Hal Holbrook said to me, you know, he said,
40:09 "I never thought about Saturday being the seventh day."
40:12 I said, "Well, yeah. Look at the calendar."
40:13 He says, "I did. I have looked at the calendar.
40:16 You are right."
40:17 It is.
40:19 Okay, so I know this has been completed now for many years
40:23 and I know that many people
40:26 are watching and listening today.
40:30 And they are thinking,
40:31 "Well, I would like to see this all five hours of this."
40:36 And shortly, we're going to give you an address roll
40:39 that will tell you how to get in contact with Pat, of course,
40:42 but let me just say this, it's easy to obtain it.
40:47 And I know you can just go to her website
40:49 and we'll give you this information later as well.
40:52 And there are other projects
40:54 that we're going to talk about here in just a moment.
40:56 But it's LLT Productions, go to that website
40:59 and you're going to find these excellent documentaries
41:04 that will give you so much solid information.
41:07 So, Pat, I believe you've got that in your hands.
41:09 I was just going to, you know, hold it up so people can see.
41:11 The title of it is The Seventh Day.
41:14 And it's hosted by Hal Holbrook.
41:16 Right. Okay.
41:19 And I think that you've done other projects.
41:21 Tell us about the next project. I will.
41:24 You know, we felt like
41:25 the Sabbath is really an important topic,
41:27 and I feel like what happens at death
41:29 is a really important project
41:31 because first of all everyone's going
41:32 to do die sooner or later.
41:34 True.
41:35 So we should all want to know it's going to happen to us
41:36 when we die.
41:38 And I think there's a lot of misinformation out there
41:39 and a lot of people are confused
41:41 about what happens at death.
41:43 And I, particularly,
41:45 hate the doctrine of eternal torment.
41:49 I hate that people would think
41:51 that a God that loves us so much
41:54 that He sent His son to die in my place
41:58 would take someone who didn't accept that
42:00 and put him in a fire for eternity.
42:02 You know, how could it be
42:04 that someone could be kept alive
42:06 to suffer year after year and decade and millennia,
42:10 it's a wrong picture of God.
42:12 And I think if people
42:13 have a wrong picture of God that way,
42:15 they don't see the rest of who God is either.
42:17 So we wanted to do something on the state of the dead.
42:20 We talked about doing a documentary
42:21 and we gathered a group together
42:24 to brainstorm about it.
42:25 And ultimately, we decided to do a feature film
42:29 based on a true story.
42:31 And it's the story of a man,
42:33 the name of it is Hell and Mr. Fudge,
42:35 and it's really about a man named Mr. Fudge.
42:38 Hell and Mr. Fudge. Hell and Mr. Fudge.
42:41 And Mr. Fudge was a real man.
42:45 He was a real pastor and scholar.
42:48 And he was hired to find out
42:50 what the Bible really teaches about eternal torment.
42:53 He believed in eternal torment,
42:56 but by the time he finished his research,
42:58 he had a different view.
42:59 And he researches very thoroughly,
43:01 the person who hired him wanted him to research
43:03 not only the Old and New Testament
43:05 but intertestamental writings,
43:07 and early and late church scholars,
43:10 and Jewish historians, and, you know,
43:12 a very thorough wide research.
43:15 And what he came to
43:17 from that was a great surprise to him.
43:19 He didn't expect to change his own mind.
43:22 What he came to foundationally is that the idea
43:26 that a body and soul are separate,
43:28 didn't come from the Bible, it came from Greek philosophy.
43:33 Mythology, yes.
43:34 So that was a surprise to him
43:36 that the soul doesn't separate from the body at death
43:39 but like Genesis 1 says, or Genesis 2,
43:43 "God breathe into man the breath of life."
43:44 And he became a living soul, a living person.
43:47 So the word "soul" in the Bible is often misunderstood.
43:51 So we made a film based on his story,
43:55 just to use it as a vehicle to show a little bit
43:58 about the truth about eternal torment.
44:00 You know, the question that you are addressing,
44:03 so many people formed the wrong opinion of God
44:06 on that very issue that you are addressing.
44:09 And we've got some rolls on that as well.
44:12 Let's look at those video clips.
44:17 Is he in hell?
44:20 Is Davey in hell?
44:23 Well, was Davey baptized?
44:27 No.
44:38 That's a tragic thing to die
44:40 without knowing that you weren't.
44:42 Then that's what you are saying that Davey is burning in hell.
44:45 It's not what I say,
44:47 the Bible is clear on that point.
44:50 You see, it's important to God, and the wages of sin is death.
44:58 He's going to burn forever
44:59 for just wanting to see the world.
45:06 His perspective is not unusual.
45:09 The majority of Christians in this world
45:12 don't believe in death.
45:13 They believe in either eternal life in heaven
45:15 or eternal life in hell.
45:18 So it wasn't surprising that he misunderstood that.
45:22 And look at the impact it had on the young man?
45:24 Yeah.
45:25 I know this is a depiction but it is powerful.
45:29 He lost a friend, and where was his friend to be.
45:34 We don't know what the Bible really teaches.
45:36 I know people who have completely thrown God out
45:39 because they were taught that God torments the lost.
45:42 Yeah.
45:43 In this young man's mind,
45:45 his friend was in eternal torment.
45:47 Yeah, and undeserving of that. Right.
45:49 Right. Yeah.
45:51 And you have another clip from the same film.
45:55 Let's look at that as well.
45:59 I found missing piece of the puzzle.
46:01 Okay.
46:03 Here it is. It is so simple.
46:05 I don't know how I missed that. I mean, we have all missed it.
46:08 It is this idea of the immortal soul.
46:11 Now yeah, that's the part of us
46:12 that supposedly lives on after we die.
46:14 Yeah. Okay.
46:16 It turns out it is a myth.
46:20 It doesn't exist. Bible never mentions it.
46:22 Now somehow it's snuck its way into our beliefs
46:24 spending 2,000 years, and it's a lie.
46:27 A lie?
46:33 Strong word. I know.
46:39 So he studies the Word of God,
46:42 it's amazing that the scripture that says,
46:44 "You shall know the truth
46:46 and the truth shall make you free",
46:48 when you study God's Word, it exposes the era.
46:52 It's a wonderful thing to know that God is truly merciful,
46:56 and fair, just,
46:59 and that we don't have to be afraid of Him.
47:01 So this project that you did, the State of the Dead,
47:05 how long is it?
47:07 It's an hour and half, regular feature film like.
47:10 And it's the story of this Mr. Fudge
47:14 and his journey
47:16 as he investigates the state of the dead.
47:19 And the opposition that he faces,
47:23 the conclusions that he draws from the truth of God's Word,
47:27 it's very enlightening, and it's very encouraging.
47:30 Yes.
47:31 It's kind of an introduction
47:32 to the whole topic of what happens at death.
47:34 Yes.
47:35 Well, and again, we're going to give you
47:37 an address roll shortly.
47:38 But again, go to LLT Productions,
47:41 and you can get both of these projects.
47:44 And there is another project,
47:45 and we're quickly running out of time.
47:47 So let's look at this third project very quickly.
47:50 The third project that I wanted to talk about
47:51 is The Wandering Day.
47:53 And this is the story that took place,
47:55 it's a documentary, that took place in the 1930s
47:59 when the League of Nations wanted to bring a new calendar
48:01 to the world that they believed would unite the world.
48:03 It would be good for business,
48:05 it would unite a world
48:06 that was living under many different calendars
48:09 and different cultures.
48:10 The problem with it was,
48:11 it was a 13 28-day month a year.
48:17 Now if you multiply 13 times 28, you get 364
48:21 which meant that there is an extra day
48:22 at the end of the year.
48:24 So what do you do with that day,
48:25 their idea was that you make that a non-week day.
48:29 So you've got...
48:31 You get to that every month, every year starts on Sunday,
48:33 every month starts on Sunday, every month ends on Saturday.
48:36 And then you get to the last Saturday night of the year,
48:38 and the next day is still part of the year
48:40 but it's going to be a blank day,
48:42 it's not going to be a part of the week.
48:44 So you get Saturday night, you have,
48:46 whatever you decide to name this day,
48:47 and then Sunday is the next day.
48:49 So if you adopted that kind of a calendar, every year,
48:52 Sabbath is going to be pushed back
48:54 to a different day of the year
48:56 because you've stuck that extra day in there.
48:58 And Jews and Adventists opposed that calendar for that reason,
49:01 they wanted Sabbath to be kept on the right day.
49:04 And the Jews said, "You know, this is going to disenfranchise
49:07 millions of your faithful citizens."
49:10 And it was through the testimony,
49:12 unexpected testimony of Jews and Adventists
49:15 who were attending the League of Nations Committee
49:19 where this whole thing was turned around.
49:21 It was an Adventist doctor
49:23 who was able to testify
49:25 and share something of his own story,
49:26 and let's watch that clip.
49:28 Okay, let's watch that clip.
49:31 My Seventh-day Adventist parents
49:33 did not send me to school on Saturdays.
49:39 Again, and again,
49:44 my mother was brought before the judge.
49:47 Again and again, fines went boost...
49:53 my parents did not withheld.
49:58 I'm brought nearly to tears as...
50:02 I remember my dear mother's hands,
50:06 red and hot
50:09 from walking to earn money to pay these fines.
50:13 In addition to her duties at home,
50:15 she was obliged to wash the clothes of other families
50:20 just to appease the demands of a heartless tyranny.
50:25 It was the testimony of Dr. Nussbaum
50:28 ultimately that changed the minds,
50:31 and the committee actually never even voted on it.
50:36 There were those who tried to bring it up in later years
50:38 but it never floated and, you know,
50:41 we can thank God
50:43 that we haven't had many years of difficulties
50:44 over Sabbath because of that.
50:46 Yes. That would be a travesty. Yes.
50:48 And I know we have one more roll,
50:50 and our time is quickly getting away from us.
50:52 Let's watch the last roll. Okay.
50:55 There are, however, a few people
50:58 who stand in the way,
51:00 fortunately, only a small minority.
51:05 By insisting on their own rights,
51:08 they failed to show love for their fellowmen.
51:13 Their interpretation of the Sabbath
51:15 is far too literal.
51:18 Surely God will be happy with one day in seven.
51:23 So you have seen clips from three
51:26 very, very informative
51:29 and just encouraging the Sabbath,
51:34 the State of the Dead, and The Wondering Day.
51:37 And if you would like to get these videos, here is how.
51:42 Let me give you the address roll.
51:44 Get your pin and paper,
51:45 write this down and you can contact Pat.
51:48 Here is the information.
51:52 Over the years, video programs, documentaries,
51:55 printed materials, and television broadcasts
51:57 from LLT Productions have enlightened
52:00 and inspired people of many faiths and creeds
52:03 all around the world.
52:05 We invite you to explore LLT's website,
52:08 LLTProductions.com
52:10 to discover products and materials
52:12 that instruct, uplift, and inspire.
52:15 Their website again is LLTProductions.com.
52:19 You may also call them at (707) 965-2786
52:24 or write to them at LLT Productions,
52:26 P.O. Box 205, Angwin, California 94508.


Revised 2018-05-23