3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018033A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:12 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day.
01:16 So happy for my co-host here, Miss Yvonne.
01:18 Well, I'm happy to be here.
01:20 And we have some guests today that's not really guest,
01:22 they're family and they're co-workers.
01:25 But for television sake,
01:26 we'll say they're our guest today.
01:28 That means that we're gonna be interviewing them, right?
01:29 That's right.
01:31 We're gonna find out
01:32 a lot of information about them.
01:33 But we want to thank you first for your love
01:35 and your prayers and financial support of 3ABN.
01:38 We are dedicated,
01:40 our commission has been to take this gospel
01:42 of the kingdom into all the world.
01:44 So we've been literally dedicating our time,
01:47 our talents, your gifts,
01:48 whatever you give to 3ABN to support us
01:51 in taking an undiluted three angels' messages,
01:54 one that would counteract
01:55 the counterfeit into all the world.
01:58 But what I know that people like as they like to know
02:02 who are we supporting, who are we working with.
02:04 And so, while you may know Shelley and JD Quinn
02:08 for many years.
02:10 This program we found out
02:11 'cause we've done a few of the other co-workers here.
02:14 But we wanted to do something personal,
02:16 they see you preaching
02:18 or see you on Sabbath school programs
02:20 and what have you.
02:21 But sometimes we like to get back
02:23 and I think specially
02:24 the women probably more than the men,
02:26 but they want to get into the little details,
02:28 how do you guys meet and tell us,
02:31 you know, a lot of this personal information.
02:33 And, so why not? Yeah.
02:35 I think our viewers love to know
02:37 the behind the scenes things.
02:39 You know, so I think it's good to,
02:41 it's good to share that.
02:42 You know, I just have to tell you,
02:44 I'm really excited because I didn't realize,
02:46 it's probably been ten years
02:47 since I gave my personal testimony,
02:49 our testimony of how we came to 3ABN.
02:53 So I jotted down some kind of, just some dates,
02:56 the years how God developed it.
03:00 You know that Sister White says,
03:02 "We have nothing to fear for the future lest
03:04 we forget how God has led us in the past."
03:07 And it's just so amazing to revisit this idea
03:10 of how God got us here.
03:12 Absolutely.
03:13 And it's just that when you put it down on paper
03:15 and then you can see the progression of things
03:18 and just how God just had His hand in everything,
03:21 it's just amazing.
03:22 All right.
03:24 Well, before we go to that we have some music today.
03:26 And somebody that I really enjoy her music.
03:29 And her talents and her gifts and wonderful Christian lady.
03:32 I think it's Jennifer LaMountain.
03:34 And she's gonna be singing, "In Your Mercy".
04:13 In Your mercy
04:16 You have shown me
04:19 Your salvation
04:24 Undeserving of your favor
04:30 I am free
04:35 And I'll never be the same
04:41 All my life I will remain
04:47 In your mercy
04:51 Tender mercy shown
04:55 To me
05:04 In Your mercy
05:07 You have promised
05:09 To be near me
05:13 I am resting
05:17 In the shelter
05:20 Of Your wings
05:24 Every fear I leave behind
05:30 Every confidence
05:33 I find In Your mercy
05:40 Tender mercy shown
05:43 To me
05:47 So great is Your love
05:52 It is higher than the heavens
05:58 Your faithfulness reaches
06:03 The sky
06:06 Be exalted O Lord
06:12 Over all the earth
06:17 Let Your glory be seen
06:21 In my life
06:25 In my life
06:50 In Your mercy
06:54 You have given
06:57 Of Your life blood
07:02 One last heartbeat and redemption
07:07 Was complete
07:12 What a debt of love You paid
07:18 With Your death
07:21 My soul was saved
07:30 In Your mercy
07:35 Tender mercy
07:41 Shown to me
08:14 Amen. Beautiful. Oh, that was lovely.
08:17 You know, one of the things that I feel about Jennifer
08:20 is that she worships when she's singing.
08:24 And so she draws you into
08:27 that whole experience which is,
08:28 which is so different from performance.
08:31 You know, it's one thing to perform a song,
08:34 it's another to minister.
08:36 Absolutely. And to me Jennifer ministers.
08:37 So thank you, Jennifer. Beautiful.
08:39 And she has for so many years.
08:41 And just wonderful person, wonderful Christian,
08:44 and so we appreciate her so much.
08:46 Now today we have Shelley and JD Quinn
08:48 and so, Yvonne, you kind of...
08:50 I'm gonna kind of let you take some of these questions
08:53 'cause I know you want to get into personal thing,
08:55 relationships and all that so.
08:57 I do. I do.
08:58 Well, JD and I will probably do...
08:59 Yeah, we'll just start.
09:01 Let's pick a date and what we're talking about...
09:03 We're here anyway. Is it, then go like that.
09:05 Yeah.
09:07 Well, you know, the obvious thing to me
09:10 is you guys have such a wonderful relationship.
09:14 You know, whenever I talk to you,
09:16 you're telling me,
09:17 "Oh, JD and I were praying about this."
09:19 And it's just, it's so beautiful.
09:23 Have you always been a Christian, both of you?
09:28 Have you always been Christians?
09:30 Go ahead. Well, we...
09:32 I think that I grew up in a home
09:33 that believed in Jesus Christ,
09:35 I'm not gonna call it a Christian home per se.
09:38 But there was a belief in Jesus Christ.
09:40 I went to a New Testament church.
09:42 So I always loved Jesus,
09:44 but I didn't understand a lot of things
09:46 because you didn't really get into the Old Testament.
09:50 What's a New Testament church?
09:51 A New Testament church is basically one
09:53 that kind of feels that the Old Testament
09:56 is the old letter
09:57 that is no longer part or necessary.
10:01 You know, they don't understand
10:02 that 40% of the New Testament comes from the Old Testament.
10:04 Right, right, right.
10:06 And that is the only scriptures
10:09 that the apostles and Jesus
10:12 when they're talking about scripture,
10:13 they're referring to the Old Testament.
10:15 Right.
10:16 So if you don't have that understanding of the old,
10:20 I think the New Testament is revealed in the Old,
10:23 but the Old Testament is explained
10:25 in the New Testament.
10:26 So without that understanding,
10:28 I think you kind of end up skewed
10:32 in a certain direction.
10:34 What about you, JD?
10:35 Mine, I was raised an Adventist.
10:37 In fact my grandmother,
10:40 they were some of the first Adventists
10:41 who came in Central Texas.
10:43 We have a big cemetery outside of Central Texas
10:47 that have all the old pioneers in that time.
10:50 And so, and my grandfather like my brother and my father
10:55 and my aunt, they both had two
10:58 of their brother and sister
11:00 that were buried there, just babies, you know.
11:02 But they started the Adventist community.
11:04 And there was old place called Mage.
11:07 And then we settled in Central Texas,
11:10 around Coleman, Texas.
11:12 My grandfather loved the Lord.
11:15 He had his ways of doing things but he loved Jesus,
11:18 my grandmother was a lot quieter.
11:20 And then my aunt,
11:21 my brother, my father, my aunt, my aunt was a devote.
11:26 She was the cornerstone of Adventism in Central Texas
11:29 for many, many years.
11:31 And all she prayed, she prayed.
11:35 Like everybody named James, you go through the Jimmy stage,
11:38 you go through the Jim stage and finally you grew up
11:40 and be who you want to be, you know.
11:42 But she would always call me James
11:44 because that was, he was a disciple James.
11:49 And he says, you know,
11:50 "James, the Lord loves you, He's got His hand on your life.
11:55 When are you gonna turn your life around?
11:58 James, get it together, get it together, I mean."
12:01 You just gave us a hint that you were raised there
12:04 but you didn't certainly stayed there, you left.
12:06 And then Florence Detamore came
12:10 into the area, 1956.
12:13 And my father was reconverted.
12:17 And all of a sudden out of nowhere,
12:19 we then were gonna get a Christian education,
12:22 three of us little hungry birds,
12:23 you know, three of us children.
12:25 And so, then we maintain two homes,
12:28 we maintain one home in Keene Texas.
12:30 And so, yes I went through our schools.
12:33 And, yes, I sat on the back row.
12:36 Yes, I did sleep through those things.
12:38 Back then it really wasn't so much about relationships,
12:41 it was about rules.
12:43 And I don't know,
12:45 I guess everybody has a stubborn side to them.
12:48 It wasn't intentional, you know, I've probably,
12:52 I would guess
12:54 there's just probably hasn't been a day in my life
12:55 that I haven't prayed, prayed earnestly.
12:58 So even as the times
13:00 that I were really wasn't that active in the church.
13:01 In fact I wasn't involved in the church, for no reason,
13:04 I don't even, I've studied this and studied this.
13:07 And I have no idea how you involve in a way,
13:09 but Satan works
13:11 in mysterious ways too, you know.
13:13 And so I've always been there,
13:16 I just didn't know what I was there for.
13:21 I think it's Luke 15,
13:22 you know, the different parables,
13:24 and one is the lost coin.
13:26 And we can be lost in the house at the sermon
13:29 that have about being lost in the house.
13:32 And so we can go through the motions
13:34 and we can think that we are still Adventist.
13:38 But we're lost
13:40 because we're not following Jesus,
13:42 we're just following some of the rules.
13:44 Oh, when I first met him,
13:45 he wasn't going to church and I told him,
13:49 if you, I'm not gonna date you if you don't go to church.
13:51 So he started going to church with me.
13:53 And it was a Sunday keeping church.
13:55 And I never knew because when we first married,
13:58 those first few years
14:00 he was coming to church with me,
14:02 I didn't know that he felt uncomfortable
14:04 because I didn't know he was an Adventist.
14:07 So you never talked about it?
14:08 Oh, no, no 'cause he'd been out of the church
14:10 for a number of years.
14:12 And I remember one day asking him,
14:14 what do Adventists believe.
14:16 Well, I think I slept through all of that.
14:18 So we went to, it was a school reunion.
14:25 And this is how the devil works.
14:28 I asked somebody that he knew from school,
14:31 what do Adventist believe.
14:32 You know what answer I got, and with this kind of force,
14:36 we believe you must go
14:37 to church on Saturday, the Sabbath.
14:39 We believe you can't eat pork and shrimp.
14:41 We believe in our prophet Ellen White.
14:43 And I said, "Oh, I believe in the gift of prophecy.
14:46 Does she follow the Bible?"
14:48 You know, what he said, "Oh, no, she's got so much
14:50 more to say than the Bible has to say."
14:53 Like this, I would have nothing
14:56 to do with Adventists.
14:59 Oh, with that answer I can...
15:00 But the thing about, these are good guys.
15:03 We just grew up in a time you know whenever...
15:06 It's out there.
15:08 And I can't answer for them,
15:09 you know, but they are good friends of mine,
15:11 I mean, we were buddies, we grew up together.
15:13 But the long and the short of it is
15:14 I felt Adventism was a cult.
15:17 And so, I remember we married in '87
15:21 and we lived in Dallas,
15:22 he was going to church with me at a Sunday keeping church.
15:26 We were going to church, I didn't realize
15:28 what that he was going through this turmoil
15:31 because it wasn't on the Sabbath.
15:33 And then when we moved from Dallas to Houston
15:36 and then we moved back to his hometown of Coleman.
15:38 And when we were in Coleman,
15:40 the local Adventist church bought the downlink.
15:44 And you know what? Downlink television.
15:46 A downlink television station...
15:49 Yeah, Trinity Broadcasting had it.
15:52 And so what happened was, all of a sudden,
15:55 now there's only two programs on TB and that I liked.
15:58 And that was Charles Stanley and Jack Hayford,
16:01 good Bible teachers.
16:02 I didn't like the music,
16:04 I didn't like anything else about that.
16:06 But all of a sudden 3ABN is on this network.
16:10 And I would tell him, "Hey, do not watch it."
16:14 If I'd catch him, one time he was watching Dwight.
16:19 And I came downstairs, I said, "You turn that off."
16:22 Those are cults,
16:23 those are cults, you turn that off,
16:24 I don't want that in my house.
16:26 Would not watch 3ABN. Shame on you, Shelley.
16:30 But I was just thinking.
16:32 And what caught my attention
16:34 was that I...
16:38 Is there anybody out there I knew.
16:40 I mean, I totally missed out.
16:42 And so...
16:44 He was sneaking and watching it.
16:45 Yeah, I was just trying to see if there's anybody that I knew.
16:48 And, of course, over the years and everything
16:51 so many things are going
16:52 but didn't know anybody that I really knew, and...
16:56 But let me, let me get this part in
16:58 'cause I have to say as I said it's been 10 years
17:01 since I've given my testimony.
17:02 And I actually sat down,
17:04 I've never done this before
17:05 'cause I thought, well I want to remember the dates.
17:07 And I put down the years and how God led.
17:10 It is so amazing how God got us here.
17:13 And I think you begin to take things for granted
17:17 when you're in a good rhythm, you know what I'm saying.
17:20 In 1995, I...
17:22 Wait, wait before you,
17:23 before you go to how you got here,
17:27 I'm still not, how did.
17:30 Are you gonna,
17:31 are you going to tell us how you, he came back in?
17:34 Yeah. Okay. All right, go ahead.
17:35 I'll get it started. Let him finish it.
17:37 But anyway, in 1995, we were living in Houston.
17:40 And JD sold his business
17:42 and he went to work with his brother.
17:44 I mean, he went to go help him for a couple of weeks
17:46 and he ended up working there.
17:48 And he called me and said,
17:49 "Honey, we're going to move to Coleman."
17:50 Well, I had vertigo.
17:52 And I mean a bad case of vertigo.
17:55 It was 24/7 I was spinning like a top.
17:58 I'd been to all the doctors
17:59 that treated the NASA astronauts
18:02 and everything.
18:04 And the only thing they came to the conclusion
18:05 is they would have to clip the nerves to my ears
18:09 and I would be deaf.
18:10 And I said, "No, I'm not ready to go there yet."
18:12 But anyway, so I packed up the house,
18:15 we moved to Coleman.
18:18 And I was ended up...
18:21 The tornado had just hit the farm.
18:23 So I ended up living on the farm with his parents.
18:26 And to help them,
18:29 but I thought it was gonna be a two week stay,
18:31 I was there year and a half
18:32 because my mother-in-law
18:34 was diagnosed with colon cancer.
18:36 My father-in-law was in early Alzheimer's.
18:38 And then we had a 15 year old niece,
18:41 his brother's daughter that we're also taking care of.
18:43 And they, these guys were traveling all the time.
18:46 So here I've got this vertigo.
18:48 And long, so I can't go into that story,
18:51 it's such a fascinating story.
18:53 But God reached down to me at eight months into this.
18:57 And he spoke to me one day
18:59 'cause honestly when you're that sick,
19:02 I wasn't praying very much,
19:03 I couldn't read, you couldn't focus.
19:06 And it was all I could do just to function every day
19:08 and take care of everyone.
19:10 So God impressed upon my heart one day, My Word is...
19:15 He said, "I set before you life and death.
19:17 My Word is life, do you choose life?"
19:19 And He impressed me to get in the scriptures
19:22 and find the promises and praying back to Him.
19:27 I did this for two weeks.
19:28 Healing promises, no faith, no faith came.
19:31 And it was like,
19:32 "Lord, do You really tell me to do this?"
19:34 Just kind of going through the motions.
19:36 It was just hard to look up the scriptures.
19:39 But then the day that I'm saying,
19:42 "Did You call me to do this?"
19:43 He led me to three scriptures, Isaiah 55:11,
19:47 that where he says,
19:48 "My word will not return to void
19:51 but accomplish every purpose for which I send it."
19:54 Jeremiah 1:12, where He says,
19:57 "You've seen correctly,
19:58 I am active and alert watching over My Word to perform it."
20:02 And Romans 4:17, it says that,
20:04 "God is the God who gives life to the dead
20:06 and calls things
20:08 that are not as though they already were."
20:10 All of a sudden faith came.
20:12 I realized by me claiming God's promises
20:15 and praying Him back then, speaking them over my life
20:18 that what was happening was I was doing what God did,
20:23 calling things that were not as though they already were.
20:26 Returning God's Word to Him and He was going to perform it.
20:29 And four months later, I was healed.
20:33 He healed me, I mean, and so it was all weird though.
20:37 Then what happened is
20:39 I was so excited about this '96 that I sat down
20:43 and I wrote this little book called
20:44 Life Affirmations from Scripture.
20:46 It was just like a chapter to introduce why
20:49 but it was mostly affirmations.
20:51 And I passed, I printed off a couple of hundred
20:54 and I just give them out to people, strangers.
20:58 So in '97
21:02 I was contacted by someone in Houston,
21:05 hired as a consultant
21:06 because my background had been in IT,
21:10 in corporate development.
21:13 And I'd had a corporate life
21:15 all those years till we moved to Coleman.
21:18 And I was contacted, somebody wanted me to come work
21:22 as a consultant for a new business.
21:24 It went into a full-time job.
21:26 And when I say full-time, I mean, full-time.
21:29 Here I spend this year so close to the Lord.
21:33 And teaching people about, you know, speaking His Word.
21:37 Now all of a sudden, I'm in a job
21:40 where I am traveling 26 to 27 days
21:44 out of the week, doing...
21:45 Month. Month.
21:47 Well, yeah, I get,
21:48 it felt like out of the, out of the month.
21:50 And what happened was, I...
21:55 We always did these symposiums on the weekend.
21:57 So I didn't get to go to church.
22:00 And I would wrestle with that with God for a while.
22:03 And then I remember one night, you know.
22:05 As though it was God's fault, but anyway go ahead.
22:07 Yeah, it's like, I mean, I'm saying,
22:10 "Oh, Lord, we need the money,
22:12 this is good money, we need the money."
22:14 And it's just for a little time,
22:17 I was making...
22:19 It's amazing how we can rationalize the things
22:21 we want to do.
22:23 You know, we can make it seem as though.
22:25 Well, God you know, you know my heart.
22:27 Yes, exactly. This is a gift from you.
22:30 Yeah. Yeah.
22:32 'Cause we thought it was a gift from Him.
22:34 But in '99 this company went kaputs,
22:37 I mean, they had a trajectory they came out of,
22:40 we had a great marketing campaign,
22:44 came out of the gate just went straight up
22:47 but they made several million in their first year
22:50 but they spent a million more.
22:53 And the same thing the second year,
22:55 so they weren't watching things.
22:57 And they went kaput
22:58 and we've been working with CPA's in this company.
23:02 Well, all of a sudden we've got about 100 CPA's
23:06 around the United States
23:09 who are saying if you will do the same business
23:12 development seminar that you did for this company,
23:15 for our clients,
23:17 we'll guarantee you that will have 100 clients.
23:21 I mean, if you contract to come to our city 100 clients
23:24 you can charge them $1,000 for two days seminar.
23:29 What's a hundred times a thousand?
23:31 100,000.
23:32 You know, by the time you took out everything else,
23:34 we were still looking
23:35 at maybe making 50,000 a weekend.
23:39 And we had them lined up everywhere.
23:41 So he's working in the panhandle.
23:45 And I am, I mean we had incorporated,
23:48 we had bought a full wall sized screen.
23:52 I'm working on
23:53 all of these business development seminars.
23:56 And back then it was all PowerPoint type stuff,
23:58 we didn't have the other.
24:00 And I am feeling lost and lonely
24:03 and needing to get closer to God.
24:05 So I'm praying and I ask God,
24:07 you know, how is it that I can be so close to you
24:09 that I feel Your heart breathe
24:11 and end up in this backslidden condition.
24:13 Well, it's easy, if you're not going to church
24:15 and you're not, you know.
24:17 And so God taught me
24:21 how to press into His presence in prayer.
24:25 And He taught me to seek His face
24:27 and listen for the still small voice.
24:30 And now all of a sudden,
24:33 he's traveling and I'm calling him and say,
24:36 "Oh, God told me, blah, blah, blah.
24:38 God said this, God."
24:40 And one day he said to me,
24:42 "Honey, please don't tell anybody else
24:45 you think that God's talking to you
24:46 because they're gonna think you're crazy."
24:49 And he said, "Why don't I hear from God."
24:53 You know what I asked him? Do you listen?
24:57 'Cause he prayed all the time.
24:58 Do you remember the first time
25:00 you listened what God said to you
25:01 about the potter and the...
25:02 Tell them that story 'cause this was...
25:04 Well, what was important in my life
25:05 'cause I was wandering
25:07 and Shelley was always a spiritual leader.
25:09 That's one thing that attracted me to her.
25:12 And we really weren't church going people.
25:15 But I knew that there was something special
25:17 about Shelley because she loved Jesus.
25:19 And I had evolved so far from Jesus.
25:23 And if you're a...
25:27 Boy, this is getting really naked now.
25:29 But if you were raised an Adventist,
25:31 you always wonder
25:33 what's on the other side of the mountain
25:34 because that's where everybody is.
25:37 And so some place deep within me
25:39 and I played sports everywhere, I was gifted as an athlete.
25:42 So I had to battle all this stuff all the time,
25:45 juggling all these balls.
25:46 But then I met Shelley and it was very important,
25:49 it's kind of like,
25:50 I'm JD Quinn, I'm Shelley Quinn,
25:52 if you don't go to church, I'm not interested.
25:54 So that kind of put things in perspective real, real,
25:57 real quick and you had to make a decision.
26:00 Are you worth going to church for?
26:03 And so, you know I made a quick decision
26:06 but I think so because really that's what I'm starving for
26:10 and I pray daily.
26:12 What did I pray for? I have no idea.
26:14 I just knew that there's roadblocks
26:17 all day long in all of our lives,
26:19 and I just prayed.
26:20 And I know that He heard me,
26:22 but I'm still trying to figure out
26:24 what's going on here.
26:26 So it became evident
26:27 that Shelley became my hero and our spiritual leader.
26:31 Don't ever think in any of your home
26:34 that the wife can't be the spiritual leader.
26:36 That's all it's keeping a lot of families together
26:38 is the wife is the spiritual leader.
26:41 Shelly was the spiritual leader of our church.
26:45 Then I hung on our home.
26:47 And I hung just on every word
26:49 but I've got to do my own thing too.
26:52 So it's all very complicated.
26:54 But I wanted
26:57 what Shelly had probably
27:00 without paying my dues.
27:03 Boy, that's easy to do.
27:04 I want it, you got it,
27:06 hey, why are you so much better than me
27:08 and He listens to you, but He doesn't hear me.
27:10 I mean, you're just juggling balls
27:12 all the time
27:13 but she had a relationship, I could spell relationship
27:18 but I didn't know whether I wanted to commit
27:21 because I think down deep inside
27:24 I was a commitment forbid
27:25 not just with relationships but in life itself.
27:29 So you had to break through that.
27:33 And so we did go to church all the time.
27:38 And, oh, but wait a minute here,
27:42 even as I was sleeping in class,
27:45 Jim Gilley was in our...
27:47 And he was couple of years older.
27:49 I mean he became pastor,
27:52 was he paying attention I wasn't.
27:54 I mean, do you see what I'm saying.
27:56 I mean, it's just kind of like, it's not making sense here.
28:00 And so, anyway as I am listening
28:04 and I keep asking Shelley,
28:06 "How do I get that?"
28:10 And bless her heart, she was just as straight
28:12 because we would be driving places,
28:14 never think she's gonna minister,
28:16 I'm going to carry luggage, I'm not involved,
28:18 you know, I want to be involved.
28:20 But yet I know that I'm not qualified.
28:23 But you had to surrender, honey.
28:26 But you just jumped ahead just a little bit,
28:28 let me back up
28:30 because before we started ministering
28:31 what happened is,
28:33 here we've got this whole corporation set up.
28:36 And we're looking at big bucks, right?
28:39 Yeah.
28:40 And I am though just empty inside, seeking God.
28:46 And He taught me
28:48 how to present to His presence or really seek His face.
28:52 But He taught me to listen for the still small voice.
28:55 You know where God impresses His thoughts upon your mind.
28:58 And by the way,
28:59 some people have criticized me for saying that.
29:01 And Sister White says it is well,
29:03 you know, but here's the point.
29:05 As I am now pressing into the presence of the Lord,
29:09 it was hardly any time at all, just within a few weeks.
29:13 I knew God was calling me to full-time ministry.
29:16 And so he's still working with his brother.
29:19 And it was in the year it was '99
29:23 'cause we were trying to get ready for Y2K.
29:28 And it was in December and I went to visit him
29:32 the last couple of days of December up there
29:34 where they were working.
29:36 And I just remember this,
29:39 we had to stay at a little motel,
29:41 it was an inn run by some Indians very...
29:44 I mean, it's the only thing we could find.
29:46 And it was so funny
29:47 because it was just a dinky little hotel,
29:53 had a TV up on the wall,
29:56 no remote control
29:57 or he's got the attention of a hummingbird,
30:00 the attention span of a hummingbird
30:01 when it comes to TV.
30:02 So here I'm thinking, I'm all prepared for Y2K.
30:06 And we'd lay down on the bed, be watching, he say,
30:08 "Well, honey, change the channel,
30:09 I'm jumping to change it."
30:10 "Honey, change the channel."
30:12 So I was up and down about 15 times in 30 minutes.
30:15 And I looked at him and I said,
30:17 "I'm not ready for Y2K
30:18 'cause I can't even stand being without a remote."
30:21 But anyway...
30:22 But we had plenty of water
30:24 and plenty of everything stacked up like everybody else
30:26 which you know just in case like this.
30:28 So what happened was when I was praying
30:32 and God was impressing me,
30:34 He was calling me into full-time ministry.
30:37 He made it clear to me, it had to be His decision.
30:40 That it had to be JD's decision.
30:43 I didn't think that there was any way possible JD
30:46 was gonna let go of this new business.
30:48 I really didn't. 'Cause you had just started.
30:51 We were just getting ready to kick it off,
30:54 it was getting ready to launch in January.
30:56 And we had sacrificed a lot to get
30:59 to that particular point, you know.
31:01 And all we could talk about was that.
31:05 Yeah. That, that, you know.
31:07 Had nothing about going to church,
31:08 I mean, we're still going to church
31:10 every Sunday and everything, you know.
31:11 I mean, being good little Christians.
31:13 And, but still we're focusing on that.
31:17 And so, then I began to sense
31:20 that we didn't talk about that 24 hours a day.
31:24 We talked about that maybe 12 hours a day.
31:27 I mean, I'm exaggerating but...
31:29 So something was happening
31:31 but I was maintaining my posture
31:33 'cause we were really looking forward
31:35 to this new chapter in our life.
31:39 Yeah, it was December 31
31:42 and we were going down the road.
31:44 And this was 1999.
31:46 And he says to me,
31:48 "Honey, what's wrong with you?"
31:51 And I kind of answered
31:53 in that little singsong way and I said, "Oh..."
31:56 He said, "You don't seem as interested in this."
31:58 And I said,
31:59 "Oh, I'm still interested, you know kind of."
32:02 And he said,
32:03 "Shelley, if you could be doing anything in the world,
32:07 what would you want to be doing?"
32:09 And I said, "I wouldn't be out teaching people
32:10 how to be successful in business.
32:12 I'd be out teaching them
32:13 how to have a closer relationship
32:15 with the Lord."
32:16 And you know God had,
32:19 when God, I knew God was calling me.
32:21 And he said it had to be his decision.
32:23 I had asked for a sign.
32:25 So what happened was I'm thinking,
32:27 well, God's opening the door.
32:29 And I'm kind of taking it from an indirect approach.
32:33 And I said, "Honey, maybe it doesn't mean
32:35 that we have to do away."
32:37 I said, "When He said full-time,
32:38 maybe it's not full-time now.
32:39 Maybe we can do our seminars.
32:41 And then, you know,
32:42 that will actually support the ministry."
32:44 He looks at me as we're going down the road,
32:46 he said, "You do know what God is asking."
32:50 Because he had heard from God,
32:51 well, I have to get back to that story.
32:53 But he said, "You do know what God is asking."
32:55 And I said, "Yeah, I feel like it's full-time now."
32:57 Never in a million years did I think he,
33:00 'cause, you know he'd say, "I thought he was gonna say,
33:02 'We just spent all of this money
33:04 and all this time putting all of us together.'"
33:06 You know what he said?
33:08 "Who am I to argue with God?" Okay.
33:11 So I told him then,
33:12 I said and I asked for sign and God said,
33:15 "This time I'll give you one."
33:17 So He says,
33:18 "That's the problem with you, Christians."
33:19 It's not that he wasn't one that he said,
33:21 "That's the problem with you, Christians,
33:23 you are always asking for a sign."
33:25 He said, what's gonna happen if God doesn't give you a sign.
33:29 I thought, well, so let me just,
33:31 I want to take you
33:32 'cause our time is going so fast.
33:34 Let me just take you through a few things
33:35 and then you can jump in too.
33:37 So what happened the next day I drove, it was January 1.
33:40 I drove back home, that was on a Saturday.
33:43 On Sunday I spent a couple of hours praying
33:46 and the phone rings.
33:47 And it was a Christian Broadcasting Network
33:50 asking me to come meet, they had gotten
33:52 one of those little copies of the book I had put out.
33:55 You talk about a sign,
33:56 God didn't waste any time that was 24 hours later.
34:01 I went and then they ended up inviting me
34:04 again and again.
34:05 They offered me, I was there for eight months.
34:07 They offered me my own program.
34:10 And we were almost finished taping this program
34:14 and it was going to be on Exalting His Word.
34:17 You know what happened.
34:21 Someone called me into the office,
34:22 they wanted me to sign an agreement.
34:25 And this agreement was giving them all copyright
34:29 to everything.
34:30 And I said, "Well, I'll give you copyright
34:33 to your broadcast."
34:34 I said, "I'm not trying to..."
34:35 But I said, "I don't want
34:37 to give you copyright to the book or copy
34:38 'cause then I couldn't do it anywhere else."
34:41 Long story short, we ended up parting ways,
34:44 it was very painful after being
34:46 on the network for eight months,
34:47 it was very painful.
34:50 So now I come back
34:52 and I'm doing, God just opened up,
34:55 I was doing Bible studies,
34:57 weekly Bible studies in five different cities.
34:59 So Monday night I'd be here, Tuesday night I'd be there,
35:01 Wednesday night...
35:03 God is teaching me, Danny, 'cause JD said to me,
35:06 I mean, I asked the Lord.
35:08 I said, "Father, what do You want me to teach?
35:11 I don't want to go out and teach what You...
35:13 What I think is important.
35:14 Show me.
35:16 And JD said to me one day,
35:18 "What are you gonna tell my friends about the Sabbath?"
35:22 Out of nowhere because I mean,
35:25 we had been married I don't know how long.
35:27 Yep. Ten years, twelve years.
35:28 Probably Sabbath has never come up.
35:30 Or it may be longer than that, about 20...
35:31 Never...
35:32 You never told about the Sabbath.
35:34 Never. Never ever.
35:35 She's the spiritual leader.
35:37 Shelley knows the Bible backward and forward.
35:39 I knew where Genesis was.
35:43 I mean, I'm exaggerating, but you know what I'm saying,
35:45 she's the spiritual leader.
35:47 And I mean, and she normally was right.
35:50 So what made you say that this day?
35:52 Purely Holy Spirit, out of nowhere.
35:56 How are you gonna handle the Sabbath issue?
35:58 And Shelley, I mean, just bless her heart.
36:01 She left there, I'd be back in five minutes.
36:04 So guess what happens.
36:06 God started me on study of the sanctuary
36:11 is where He had started me.
36:13 And then, when I got to the point
36:15 where I realized that the book of the law
36:18 which is out of Deuteronomy,
36:20 it's the old covenant was placed on the,
36:23 in a side pocket at the ark.
36:26 But God's Ten Commandments were placed inside the ark,
36:30 written on the stone.
36:32 Man, that jumped off the page at me.
36:34 And I did a really deep study on the old covenant
36:36 and the new covenant.
36:38 I learned that the Ten Commandments
36:40 were still effective
36:43 and I came down to him one day,
36:45 he was home
36:47 'cause all this time he's traveling.
36:48 And I praise God
36:50 because I had all this time to study
36:51 but I told him, I said,
36:53 "Honey, I've been woefully wrong
36:55 about the Sabbath, woefully.
36:57 Well, it's interesting he brought it up
37:00 but he wasn't ready yet,
37:01 I started celebrating the Sabbath right away
37:04 not going to a church but he was kind of,
37:07 he wanted to watch a sports and...
37:09 You know. JD.
37:10 But let, I mean, to this day
37:13 I could cry like a baby right now.
37:15 Okay.
37:16 Because let's put this in true perspective.
37:21 My people have been Adventists all their life,
37:25 that doesn't mean, that just means
37:27 they had a label of Seventh-day Adventists.
37:31 There were some very dedicated,
37:33 there were some that were lukewarm.
37:35 And your mother became a Methodist again
37:36 or started attending them.
37:38 And so here Shelley comes down. And we...
37:42 Second floor she came down from the office and she says,
37:44 "Well, have I've been wrong."
37:46 Now this is spiritual leader talking.
37:49 And I'm... And what do you mean.
37:51 She says, "The Sabbath
37:54 is the seventh day of the week."
37:59 Wow.
38:01 What an aha-aha moment in my life
38:04 because then all of a sudden the spiritual leader
38:08 of our family came down and told me
38:12 what I should have known generations ago.
38:15 Okay. Totally missed it.
38:18 And it was kind of like, wow, and I remember,
38:23 I was sitting in my lazy boy chair
38:26 and just inside my heart was,
38:29 I didn't know whether to jump up
38:30 and say hurray or just cry.
38:35 Because then all of a sudden you fool you.
38:40 Now number one, I'm given her too much credit.
38:43 Myself not enough credit 'cause if I wasn't a fool,
38:47 I'd be studying myself.
38:49 But that really is not who I was...
38:52 At that time.
38:53 At that time. All right.
38:55 So let me, 'cause our time is running out.
38:56 This gets really good.
38:58 How did, I don't know with the story,
39:02 had you let go of the corporate?
39:04 Yes.
39:05 Yes, I'm in full-time ministry
39:06 and it was really hurting our budget.
39:11 It really was hurting our budget.
39:13 So here I am,
39:14 this is still the year 2000 in full-time ministry.
39:17 And all of a sudden one day as I'm praying,
39:20 guess what the Lord impresses upon me.
39:22 I will join you to one who is following,
39:28 running fast after me.
39:30 And you and JD will work shoulder to shoulder,
39:33 I wasn't the least bit excited about that.
39:38 I remember sitting there and saying,
39:39 "Lord, I thought you called me to full-time ministry.
39:41 You're gonna join me to somebody else's ministry?"
39:44 It took me a little while and I thought, okay,
39:47 if this is what the Lord says it's gonna be what's best.
39:50 We're now in 2001.
39:54 In March, He impressed upon me,
39:57 He was gonna open the doors for television,
40:00 radio and publishing
40:01 and I would speak into all the world.
40:03 Now that's 2001.
40:05 Then in September, I was out teaching
40:09 at these five little different church,
40:12 the home churches is what they called them.
40:14 Had you become an Adventist by this time?
40:15 Oh, no.
40:17 No, no, no, I'm a Sabbath celebrator though.
40:18 Sabbath keeper. Okay.
40:20 No, I'm still thinking Adventist are a cult.
40:23 She's thinking and she is the only one
40:24 who keeps Saturday.
40:26 She is, I mean, she is...
40:27 Well, no, and God was teaching me the truth
40:29 about the state of the dead,
40:30 He was teaching me the truth about hell.
40:32 And all of these things just one on one.
40:35 And I do think
40:36 that why doesn't anybody teach this stuff.
40:39 So here I am, in September
40:42 I was teaching,
40:45 I had been doing a teaching on grace,
40:47 that even obedience was by grace
40:50 because it's God who works in us to will
40:51 and to do His good pleasure.
40:53 I came home, this is September of 2001,
40:57 I'm flipping through the channels,
40:58 he's out of town,
40:59 it was like 11:30 at night by the time
41:01 I'd finished that and visited with everybody and come back.
41:04 I am flipping through the channels
41:06 and just as it hits 3ABN, Kenneth Cox says,
41:11 "I don't know what everybody's problem
41:13 is with obedience, it's all by faith anyway."
41:17 And it was just, I thought,
41:19 "Well, that sounds like I'm teaching obedience
41:21 by grace through faith."
41:22 So I listened, the next day I tuned in on purpose.
41:26 And here I had asked his friend that was so misguided,
41:30 "What do Adventists feel about righteousness by faith?"
41:32 And this guy was like, "What do you mean?"
41:35 And so, I tuned in and this preacher
41:38 I think it was probably Doug, he used a lot of,
41:41 you know, he was talking about righteousness by faith.
41:45 And you know what I thought,
41:46 well, it must be not everybody on there is Adventist.
41:51 You know like TV and it has all these different ones.
41:54 So now I start watching 3ABN.
41:57 And you know what I'm finding out.
41:59 Everything that God teaches me
42:01 is being taught on this network.
42:04 The one thing though that I was begging God for.
42:08 See I grew up, in the church I grew up,
42:10 you couldn't read Revelation, it was prohibited.
42:13 You know and I think, I've read and that says,
42:15 it says, "Blessed if you are if you read it."
42:17 So I'm reading this.
42:19 I am begging God to explain Revelation to me.
42:23 How do you figure out all of these symbols?
42:25 And I had every book there was on prophecy.
42:28 I mean, you name the author, I had the books.
42:31 Nobody agreed, all these Sunday keeping people,
42:34 nobody agreed.
42:35 So I flipped it on and it was Steve Wohlberg
42:39 was doing the Antichrist Chronicles.
42:42 And all of a sudden I realized, okay,
42:46 it's Daniel is the key to unlock
42:49 and everything from the Old Testament
42:50 is what unlocks Revelation.
42:52 So now I am really excited
42:54 'cause I'm finding out there's a church
42:56 that believes what I believe, what God's teaching me.
42:59 But also they've got the truth on the Sabbath.
43:01 So what did I do?
43:03 I drain my measly little $700 out of my ministry account.
43:07 Send it to 3ABN with a letter saying,
43:10 "Pray for me.
43:12 I think the Lord may be leading me
43:13 to join the Seventh-day Adventist church."
43:15 They published the letter,
43:17 you know, how you do the big letters.
43:19 The local Adventist pastor,
43:21 well, he was 30 miles away in Brownwood.
43:23 The Adventist pastor calls 3ABN and says,
43:27 "Hey, I need to get
43:29 this lady's contact information.
43:31 Well, you have a pretty strict privacy policy.
43:33 He had to, he said he had
43:35 to fax his pastoral credentials,
43:36 he had to prove who he was and say,
43:38 "Hey, she's saying she wants to join."
43:41 So the long and the short of it,
43:42 he comes to visit me.
43:44 And when he does,
43:45 I'm interviewing him to make sure
43:47 he talks like you all talk, right?
43:50 And I found him,
43:51 his name was Jim, Pastor Jim Graves,
43:53 very godly man.
43:54 So what happened then is that I began going
43:58 to church regularly in December.
44:01 And Pastor Graves says,
44:03 "What do you want to see for next year?
44:04 What program?"
44:06 I said, "Well, I really like for Steve Wohlberg to come."
44:08 He calls Wohlberg
44:09 and he calls me back and he says,
44:11 "He's booked out for a year,
44:12 no chance that he can be here in 2002 he said."
44:16 Well, guess what?
44:17 Steve got a cancellation, he came in February of 2002.
44:21 And so I'm just eating it up.
44:25 The pastor makes sure that Steve and his wife
44:28 and I are sitting at the same table.
44:31 And I didn't know this till much later
44:33 but Steve had gone to the pastor saying,
44:35 "You got to get this woman in the church."
44:37 And Pastor Graves, bless his heart,
44:39 such a godly man he said,
44:41 "Oh, no, the Lord has already told me hands off.
44:44 He's bringing her in."
44:45 And I'm gonna have to fast forward.
44:47 So what happens was, this is 2002, right?
44:52 I joined on June 1 of 2002,
44:56 I'm watching 3ABN Today program.
44:59 As I am getting ready to go teach Sabbath school
45:03 'cause we had, would have our path,
45:05 we had it out of order
45:06 because the pastor was going to different programs.
45:08 But he had me, I was teaching.
45:11 And as I am listening, I prayed Friday night,
45:15 "Lord, if you want me to join this church as many programs
45:20 as I've watched they've not talked about
45:21 the Holy Spirit."
45:23 And I said, "I've got to know
45:24 that if You want me to join this church,
45:26 I've got to know they believed in the baptism
45:28 and the Holy Spirit and being led by the spirit."
45:31 So I've got the TV on,
45:32 I'm getting ready for Sabbath school.
45:35 Guess what?
45:36 It's Denise Smith, you were interviewing him.
45:38 It was all on the baptism and the Holy Spirit.
45:40 And I was just like,
45:42 "Whoo-hoo, Lord, that's my answer."
45:44 And so June 8 of 2002, I joined the church.
45:48 Steve Wohlberg calls me, I went to work with him
45:52 and he was up in Dallas and I'd go up weekly
45:54 and work with his ministry.
45:56 He calls me and says,
45:58 "Will you man our booth at ASI?"
46:02 I said, "What's ASI?"
46:03 So he's telling me August of 2002, I go to ASI,
46:08 I am manning the booth,
46:09 you and I bump into each other in the hallway.
46:14 And I just, and I just tell you kind of a little bit
46:18 what I've just said,
46:19 you made sure Teresa Booth interviewed me,
46:21 but then you had me on live that night.
46:25 You know when you interview certain people.
46:27 And so what happened then is that,
46:31 that is when after that in October,
46:36 Dee Hildebrand called and said,
46:37 "Can you come do the New Year's Eve program?"
46:42 And I said, "Sure."
46:43 So this is 2002, December 31,
46:47 we drive in and there's snow on the ground.
46:50 And I tell to JD, "Honey, can you believe that..."
46:56 We came in the night before.
46:58 But I said, "Do you realize that God knew
47:00 from the beginning of time that on."
47:03 And he had it recorded in His heavenly record book
47:05 that we would be here on this day.
47:09 And he just says, "Wow, that's a happy thought."
47:11 So we did the interview.
47:13 Afterwards you all took me back and offered me a job.
47:17 And I was scheduled to do some Kids Time
47:20 'cause I met Brenda at the thing too.
47:24 And so I stayed two weeks and did the Kids Time
47:27 and I tried out every department.
47:29 And, Danny, I'll never forget I had such a sinking feeling,
47:32 I was supposed to meet with you at the end of the two weeks.
47:35 And my heart was here
47:37 but I didn't feel like God had released me
47:39 from this call to Word ministry.
47:41 So you call me into your office and said,
47:44 "Well, what do you think?"
47:45 And I said, "Danny,
47:46 I just can't come to a decision."
47:48 I said, before I even got out of my struggle,
47:51 you said, "Shelley, we all want you here."
47:53 But he said,
47:54 "You said God's given you a special message
47:56 and He's impressed upon my heart
47:58 that I can't interrupt His call on your life.
48:01 So I think instead of being,
48:02 joining administration you're gonna be a programmer."
48:05 And sure enough
48:06 then that is I did Exalting His Word.
48:10 And had 17 days to write that book.
48:14 And then we came into that program,
48:16 then I began volunteering here for the next 18 months or so.
48:21 And we did Up Closes together, I was on some Lives with you.
48:25 And then, I mean, our hearts were here,
48:28 this is, that's all I talked about
48:30 was 3ABN and the ministry here.
48:32 So we got the call in December
48:35 of 2004 offering us both the job.
48:38 And we came here in January of 2005.
48:42 Praise the Lord. Wow.
48:43 Great testimony. And JD. Yes, sir.
48:45 Came around and now,
48:47 JD Quinn is our pastoral director
48:51 of pastoral ministry.
48:53 Yes, yes.
48:55 From all of that he missed, look how much he's soaked in,
48:58 now, he's helping people around the world and Shelley,
49:00 of course, is program development
49:02 but she wears numerous hats.
49:04 So we're so thankful that you all came.
49:07 You know, and it just goes to prove again
49:09 that God is supernatural.
49:11 That He is the one that's moving the parts
49:14 that it used to, it used to really amaze me
49:18 that I would get a certain call
49:19 from a certain person that I was supposed to,
49:23 how does God do that,
49:24 how come he didn't get that call, he didn't.
49:26 It's because God is in charge. That's right.
49:29 So please allow God to be in charge of your lives,
49:33 submit to Him, you know.
49:35 I mean, I could write the book on surrender today.
49:37 And I ask a thousand times, "Shelley, what do I do?"
49:40 And she keeps saying,
49:42 "JD, you just have to surrender."
49:44 Well, I confuse surrendering with consent,
49:48 surrender to me mean give up.
49:50 And I just, that wasn't part of who I was.
49:53 But I certainly understand giving consent.
49:57 You know, I love being in harmony
49:59 with someone else.
50:01 And let me say something, God told me
50:02 that He was gonna do a quick work in JD.
50:05 And I watched it, before we came here,
50:09 he really started studying in the Word.
50:11 But I watched him
50:12 in those first six months, he just...
50:15 Because he was praying God's Word over people,
50:17 that's all he does now.
50:19 He never reads anything
50:20 but the Bible or biblical material.
50:23 And he has, he is such a godly man,
50:26 I'm so blessed to be married.
50:28 And he's now
50:29 the spiritual leader in our home.
50:31 Now we're thankful that you both are here.
50:33 And from the very first moment I met you at ASI,
50:37 I knew the Lord
50:39 was gonna have you here to ministry,
50:41 didn't know how exactly that would work.
50:43 And so, that's when we developed relationship
50:46 and ask you to come and do things.
50:48 I told Dee, we need to get this lady and see what,
50:51 you know, just something about it,
50:53 you know, when you see it.
50:55 And I had no idea that the Lord was saying,
50:56 you would hook up with other ministry
50:58 but yet in my heart
51:00 I knew that you all would be here.
51:02 What a blessing
51:03 that you have been for so many years,
51:04 both of you.
51:06 And only eternity will be able to tell
51:08 when you're in heaven, for eternity the people
51:11 that will come up and say thank you, Shelley,
51:13 thank you, JD.
51:14 'Cause JD talks with people,
51:16 prays with people around the world.
51:17 Yes, you two wrote a book that has really impacted.
51:22 It has been so impactful. Tell us a little bit?
51:25 Ten Commandments, Twice Removed.
51:27 You don't have it, you will give you a copy free.
51:30 And so we did that in 2004.
51:33 And it's, I think,
51:35 11 million now has been printed.
51:37 I don't know how many,
51:39 do you get that, it's now in Chinese.
51:40 We had that in so many languages.
51:42 I know, and we've seen so many, so many people
51:45 that have really joined the church and accepted Jesus.
51:48 And joined the church because of that book.
51:50 If you don't have yours, just tell him,
51:52 Danny and Shelly said, we'd give one,
51:54 you can write to or send to 3ABN or call us.
51:57 I cannot believe that our time is just about all gone.
51:59 What we're gonna do
52:00 is we're gonna go to a news break
52:01 and then we're gonna come back for a closing thought.


Revised 2018-04-26