3ABN Today


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018031A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
01:11 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today.
01:14 This particular program is a biblical topic program,
01:19 or Bible topical program,
01:21 however we want to say it.
01:23 Let me tease to the topic,
01:25 I was buried alive three times,
01:29 and then I had a white funeral,
01:31 and you'll understand that before we finish the topic.
01:34 We will talk today about baptism,
01:37 and even if you're sitting there thinking,
01:39 "I know everything there is to know about baptism."
01:42 I encourage you to take notes to stay tuned
01:46 because you need to be able to explain it
01:49 to somebody else.
01:50 Let me introduce our special guests,
01:53 family members, my brothers in Christ,
01:56 first is my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
02:00 Good to be here with you, Shelley.
02:02 It's wonderful to have you for a pastor, you know,
02:04 this is something that God has given you a great...
02:08 You're very articulate,
02:09 but He has given you a great love
02:11 for the scriptures,
02:12 and I appreciate that so much about you.
02:14 And then my other brother in Christ, Pastor CA Murray.
02:18 Good to be here.
02:19 Pastor Murray. Indeed.
02:21 You know, the thing I love about being family
02:25 is we don't run around calling each other by titles, do we?
02:26 Exactly. No, no.
02:28 All right, what I'd like us to do
02:31 is let's begin by giving
02:34 what our definition of baptism is,
02:37 then we're going to the scriptures to prove it.
02:39 Many people have different ideas on baptism.
02:43 What we want to see is what the Bible has to say,
02:46 but, CA, I'm going to start with you.
02:49 Give us a summation of what you think baptism is?
02:53 What the scriptures say baptism is
02:55 then we go back and check it out?
02:59 Since we're going to dive into the scriptures,
03:00 let me use a medical analogy.
03:02 Okay.
03:04 And then we will explain this in just a little bit.
03:06 Baptism is the diagnosis of a preexisting condition.
03:10 There you go.
03:12 We have an ailment, we are born in sin,
03:16 we are shaped in iniquity.
03:18 Romans 8:1 says,
03:20 "There's no condemnation in Jesus."
03:21 So when we come to Jesus,
03:23 the public declaration
03:28 of what has already happened in our lives
03:31 is seen in our obeying of Christ command
03:36 to be baptized.
03:37 So baptism is the diagnosis of something
03:42 that has already happened in our lives.
03:44 We've already repented it, been converted,
03:46 given our hearts to Jesus,
03:48 and then we tell the world
03:49 we got a new best friend and His name is Christ,
03:52 and we do that through baptism.
03:54 Amen. Pastor?
03:56 In a nutshell, baptism
03:58 is a public expression of our faith
04:01 in the atoning blood of Christ.
04:03 If you did not believe that Jesus
04:05 is the answer for the preexisting condition,
04:08 as Pastor CA says,
04:10 the preexisting condition in all of our lives,
04:12 Romans 3:23,
04:13 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
04:15 Yes.
04:17 I'll use an example in the Bible
04:18 where baptism was never even talked about,
04:20 but I know the life was changed,
04:22 the woman that met Jesus at the well...
04:24 Yes.
04:25 Her life was so transformed
04:27 that immediately her actions changed,
04:30 she left her water pot
04:32 and immediately began to testify about the Christ
04:34 that has changed her,
04:36 and the whole town came to see a man,
04:39 and they accepted Christ through her testimony.
04:41 Bible never said she got baptized,
04:43 but she accepted Him,
04:45 she believed that He was a Messiah,
04:46 she went and told that
04:48 because of her faith, the people came,
04:50 met Him, and they were converted.
04:52 So that expression of
04:53 "I believe this is the Messiah",
04:55 "I met a man"
04:56 and for the kind of life she lived,
04:58 they probably said, "Okay, what's His name?
05:00 How many..." "Which one is this?"
05:03 She said, "No, no, no, no,
05:04 I met a man that told me everything I had ever done,"
05:08 in her expression,
05:09 so I believe that baptism is a public expression.
05:11 She publicly expressed Him,
05:14 but maybe somewhere along the way,
05:15 she got baptized but the Bible never said that.
05:17 Well, you know, the Bible has such short accounts,
05:20 we never really know all the details.
05:21 We don't see the rest of the story.
05:22 Yeah. That's Right.
05:24 Like Nicodemus, when the Lord came...
05:25 He came to the Lord by night, he said,
05:26 "Unless you're born of the water and the Spirit,
05:28 you cannot enter or cannot see the kingdom of God."
05:30 And then so,
05:32 He communicated that to Nicodemus the need for that.
05:34 But it is, in fact, a ceremony
05:37 or as we would say, an ordinance.
05:38 An ordinance.
05:39 That expresses publicly
05:41 that I have accepted Christ as my Savior and by His blood,
05:44 I shall be made whole and cleansed,
05:47 and I'm letting you all know through this ceremony
05:49 that I have accepted Jesus as my Savior.
05:51 Amen.
05:52 Let me add another point to that,
05:53 if you don't accept Jesus as your Savior,
05:55 baptism cannot save you.
05:57 Absolutely right.
05:58 Baptism in and of itself has no power
06:00 to save anybody
06:01 in the same way the water had no power to cleanse Naaman,
06:05 but if he stopped at one dip less,
06:09 his disobedience would have proven
06:11 no resolve to his former life.
06:12 Yeah, proven by the fact that at dip six,
06:14 he hadn't changed.
06:16 Yeah. Nothing to change.
06:17 So the Lord says, "Dip,"
06:18 and your dipping
06:20 is your public expression of the fact
06:22 that I have ordained this, like we do anointing,
06:24 we have said to people how many times,
06:26 you know, "Well, now I want you to know, sister,
06:28 there's no power in my prayer,
06:30 and although this oil was brought from Jerusalem,
06:33 there's no power in the oil."
06:35 The power is in the promise of God
06:37 to follow His ordinance,
06:38 and by following His ordinance,
06:40 we accept by faith that He honors our obedience
06:43 and imputes to us His righteousness.
06:45 Shelley, let me just put this...
06:46 And we're coming back to you and forgive me,
06:48 just stepping back one little bit that
06:51 when you come to Jesus, coming to Christ moves you,
06:55 you're never the same.
06:58 And baptism is just
07:00 one of the emblems of that moving.
07:01 When we come to Jesus,
07:04 the love of Christ constrains us.
07:06 Now constrain is not restrain.
07:08 Constrain means appropriate movement.
07:11 If you need to be held back, constrain will hold you back.
07:14 If you need to be pushed forward,
07:15 constrain will push you forward.
07:17 It's appropriate movement.
07:19 So when we come to Jesus,
07:21 we begin to do those things
07:22 which are appropriate to a relationship
07:25 with Jesus Christ.
07:26 Some things we let go,
07:27 we stay back from, other things, we move towards.
07:29 The thing about coming to Christ
07:31 is you never stay still, you never stay the same.
07:33 So once we realize what Christ asks of us,
07:37 we are constrained to do that.
07:39 Yeah. Amen. Amen.
07:41 For me, what I was saying earlier when I said,
07:44 "I was buried alive three times,"
07:47 I grew up in a church that taught
07:50 you had to be baptized just right to be saved.
07:52 I was baptized at 12 years old, again at 18,
07:55 because I was worried
07:57 that my heart wasn't right at 12.
08:00 A third time, I was baptized because I joined,
08:02 and I went down front to join a non-denominational church
08:06 that had been a Baptist church, and when you join the church,
08:10 they dunk you before you knew what happened
08:11 because in their scripture,
08:13 it talks about this is how
08:15 we are added to the church, right?
08:17 But it wasn't until I studied Romans 6,
08:21 and we'll get into that in a little bit,
08:22 but that I realized what baptism is.
08:27 Baptism is symbolic of Christ's burial
08:32 and His resurrection.
08:34 So when you're baptized,
08:36 it is symbolic that you are laying down,
08:38 you're burying your past, you're burying that old life,
08:42 you are identifying with the death of Christ,
08:46 and when you come up out of the waters
08:49 that you are to be walking in newness of life.
08:54 So, to me, as I studied that, and I realized that baptism,
09:00 Christ did instituted only one of two ordinances.
09:03 There is communion that is the ordinance for His death
09:07 and then baptism,
09:09 which is His burial and resurrection.
09:11 It is a commandment
09:13 that we are to go into all the nations,
09:15 teaching them to observe,
09:17 but to baptize in the name of
09:19 the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
09:21 So baptism is as important as teaching, and to me,
09:27 I believe that baptism
09:29 is the sign of the New Covenant.
09:32 In the Old Covenant,
09:33 their sign was outward circumcision,
09:36 but God said, "I'm going to give you a new heart,
09:39 I'm going to circumcise your heart."
09:41 Let me read you this thought
09:44 in Colossians 2:11,
09:48 he says, Paul's writing to the Colossians,
09:51 he says, "In Him," in Christ,
09:54 "you were also circumcised
09:57 with the circumcision made without hands."
09:59 That's that New Covenant promise
10:02 that we find in Ezekiel
10:03 that God's going to give us a new heart
10:06 and put His Spirit within us.
10:08 He said, "By putting off the body
10:10 of the sins of the flesh
10:13 by the circumcision of Christ
10:16 buried with Him in baptism
10:19 in which you were also raised with Him
10:23 through faith in the working of God
10:25 who raised Him from the dead."
10:29 So as we come into this New Covenant,
10:33 this is the sign, the identifying sign, symbolic,
10:37 as you said, of what God has done in us already,
10:41 and it is a public confession, and it is,
10:44 we'll see in scripture,
10:46 it was how people were added to the church
10:50 was through baptism.
10:51 Let's just go back a little
10:54 and lay some biblical foundation.
10:57 In the New Testament, we talk about...
11:01 There's John's baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
11:04 the Believer's baptism.
11:06 And you both have been in Israel,
11:11 baptism is something that is not new,
11:14 the Jews had a practice that foreshadowed that.
11:18 You were at the temple when we went to...
11:23 In Jerusalem, in Qumran, Masada,
11:26 do you remember those deep pools
11:28 that we saw there?
11:29 These were called mikvehs,
11:32 and the mikveh was filled with living water,
11:36 and it was deep enough that you could go down
11:38 for a full body immersion.
11:40 Before someone could go up to the temple mount,
11:44 before someone...
11:46 And not just on the days of Pentecost or atonement or what,
11:51 but especially on those days,
11:52 all the travelers would come in,
11:54 they would take off their traveling clothes,
11:57 they would go down and immerse themselves completely under,
12:01 head and all, completely under the water,
12:03 come up, and put on a new white linen,
12:07 and that was an ablution,
12:11 if you will, for sacredness.
12:15 Okay.
12:17 They also had to do this, the priests
12:20 before they enter the priesthood.
12:22 They went and immerse themselves
12:24 in the mikveh.
12:25 So this, to me, the idea of the living water,
12:28 that's water that came from a spring or a river
12:31 had to be flowing water.
12:33 Flowing water, right. Flowing water.
12:34 And, to me, that shows us
12:37 that it foreshadowed the New Testament baptism
12:42 because it was not just as being baptized in water
12:46 but being baptized by the spirit.
12:48 Could you read for us, one of you,
12:51 whoever would like to, let's look at John and...
12:55 Excuse me, John's story, John the Baptist in Matthew 3,
12:59 and let's begin with verse 11.
13:02 You know, Shelley, I'm in someplace else,
13:03 and forgive me, I just want to,
13:04 because you mentioned something,
13:06 and I want to establish this,
13:07 this idea that God has always had a sign
13:10 between Himself and His people, a visible sign,
13:13 so I'm in Genesis 17,
13:15 I just want to read this because you mentioned,
13:17 I just want to give some scriptural back up for it,
13:19 17:9, and God said to Abraham,
13:22 "As for you, you shall keep my covenant,
13:25 you and your descendants
13:26 after you throughout your generations.
13:29 This is my covenant which you shall keep
13:31 between me and you and your descendants after you,
13:34 every male child among you shall be circumcised."
13:37 So the sign of the covenant
13:39 in the Old Testament was circumcision.
13:40 Only stopped for a short time while they were...
13:43 It was a short time,
13:44 while they were in the wilderness,
13:46 and then picked back up again
13:47 once they cross over into Canaan.
13:48 So there was this sign from Abraham's time
13:51 up until they came into the Promised Land.
13:54 Now, of course,
13:55 this New Testament sign is baptism,
13:56 so we're just following the continuity
13:58 that God has always had a sign
14:00 between He and His people that certified
14:03 that they were His people, and it was a visible sign,
14:06 you know, and I just wanted to put that in there.
14:09 When we study at the temple,
14:11 there were Gentiles who believed in God,
14:15 but they refused to be circumcised.
14:18 So they had the Court of the Gentiles over there,
14:19 these were the uncircumcised Gentiles.
14:22 We know that they really, of course,
14:25 I'm not approving of this,
14:27 but the Jews would not even associate with them
14:30 as far as going into their home or eating,
14:32 but if someone was circumcised
14:36 which was a sign of the covenant,
14:38 they were accepted as a Jewish proselyte,
14:42 and then they could be
14:43 in the other part of the temple.
14:46 And, to me, that's something that that kind of foreshadows
14:50 the idea that this is how we come into the church.
14:53 We're coming into the New Covenant,
14:55 we're showing by public confession
14:57 that God has done a work in our heart,
14:59 and we receive Him.
15:01 Let me add a point to that
15:02 'cause I think that both of you made a really good point
15:03 about the Old Testament sign circumcision
15:07 and pointing out the New Testament equivalent
15:09 was circumcision of the heart, a changed heart.
15:14 One of the ones that I want to point out
15:15 because I know we're not talking about
15:17 circumcision being necessary,
15:19 because sometimes the Jews, well, not sometimes,
15:22 the Jews always believe
15:23 that circumcision was a prerequisite
15:26 to keeping the laws, the ceremonial laws.
15:29 But I like when Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:19,
15:32 "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing,
15:37 but the keeping of the commandments of God
15:39 is what matters."
15:41 1 Corinthians 7:19,
15:42 so, if you're looking at the program,
15:44 I want to make sure that you know
15:45 that we're not talking about...
15:47 And I know that Shelley didn't communicated this,
15:48 neither Pastor CA
15:49 that would talk about the support of circumcision,
15:52 but in the New Covenant, it's the heart change.
15:53 Yes.
15:55 It's the circumcision of the heart.
15:56 But you can't do it.
15:57 If you try to do it, you cut your heart out.
15:59 That's right.
16:00 And there's no need to do that, but the...
16:05 "Changing of the life is the removal
16:09 of that old nature, that circumcision,
16:13 that old nature that needs to die."
16:16 And if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation,
16:20 so baptism is that in Christ motif,
16:23 a new creation.
16:25 And circumcision, one way or the other,
16:27 doesn't remove our call
16:30 to keep the commandments of God
16:32 'cause some people think that,
16:33 "Ah, I got my text now,
16:35 we don't have to keep the commandments of God."
16:37 But that didn't negate you either way.
16:39 If you were circumcised or not,
16:40 the commandments of God needed to be kept.
16:41 Good point.
16:43 These are all symbols of something
16:44 because in circumcision,
16:45 there was something that was being cut away.
16:47 Some part that was being cut away of the body,
16:50 and the circumcision of the heart
16:52 is the idea that there is something,
16:54 practice-wise, that has to be cut away.
16:57 And the way Paul expressed it to the Colossians
17:00 is by putting off the body of the sins flesh.
17:04 That's right. It's that old life.
17:08 This is why I call baptism a white funeral.
17:12 It's like you have, you're burying your past,
17:16 you are being relieved of that,
17:18 but you're being released from that
17:20 because we know that Jesus said
17:22 that He came to destroy the works of the devil,
17:26 He came to save us from our sins.
17:29 So if you were like me,
17:32 the first few times I was baptized, it really...
17:36 You know, it was kind of like, "Oh, I've been baptized."
17:38 But it didn't make a difference in my life until I understood,
17:43 and the fourth time it took because I understood,
17:47 "Hey, I am burying this old way of life.
17:53 I'm going to be resurrected to live
17:55 by the power of the Holy Spirit in newness of life,"
17:59 and it is a command of God, Christ commanded it.
18:05 He also submitted to baptism, and let's just kind of go back
18:09 'cause I think people sometimes get John's baptism and Christ,
18:13 the Believer's baptism confused.
18:15 So somebody, if you would, please let's read
18:19 Mark 3:11.
18:25 You mean, Matthew 3?
18:27 Matthew, I'm sorry chapter 3 verses 11 through...
18:33 Just 11 and 12. Okay.
18:35 You got it, Pastor.
18:37 I have it right here.
18:39 Okay, and Matthew 3:11-12 reads as follows...
18:47 "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,
18:50 but He who is coming after me is mightier than I,
18:54 whose sandal I am not worthy to carry.
18:57 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
19:02 His winnowing fan is in His hand,
19:04 and He will thoroughly purchase threshing floor
19:06 and gather His wheat into the barn,
19:09 but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
19:13 Right. Who is talking here?
19:16 Right here, that is John speaking here.
19:19 John, the Baptist. What was his ministry?
19:22 To preach repentance, to prepare the way for Christ,
19:24 who is to come.
19:25 He... It was a preparatory work, wasn't it?
19:27 It really was.
19:29 Now, interestingly,
19:31 Jesus repeated these words before He ascended
19:34 that it won't be long before you are baptized.
19:38 He said, "John truly baptized with water,
19:40 but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
19:43 not many days from now."
19:46 So here's my question,
19:49 Jesus came to John at the Jordan to be baptized,
19:54 what was John's reaction?
19:57 And that goes on in verse 13. Right.
19:59 I should be... It should be other way around.
20:01 He was very humble, wasn't he? Yeah, very much so.
20:04 So why do you believe then when Jesus is...
20:09 I mean, here He had said, "Here comes the Lamb of God."
20:12 Now John is being asked by Jesus,
20:15 and I'm sure it startled him, and he responded humbly saying,
20:20 "I shouldn't be baptizing You, You should be baptizing me,"
20:23 because his was a baptism unto repentance,
20:26 Christ didn't need to repent, so why didn't Jesus submit,
20:30 because John then goes ahead and baptizes Him
20:33 in Matthew 3:16, it said,
20:36 "When He had been baptized,
20:38 Jesus came up immediately from the water.
20:40 The heavens were opened,
20:42 and He saw the spirit descending
20:43 like a dove and alighting on Him saying,
20:46 'This is My Son in whom I'm well pleased.'"
20:48 Why did Jesus allow John to baptize Him?
20:52 Jesus understood and John understood two things.
20:55 One, John took the message
20:57 as far as he was commissioned to do
21:00 and as far as he could.
21:01 We know that he knew who he was dealing with
21:03 because he said, "Behold the Lamb of God,"
21:05 So he had a full understanding of who Christ was.
21:09 But Christ ministry had yet to begin,
21:12 so he couldn't really baptize them
21:15 into something that they knew nothing about.
21:17 Christ had not established His own work,
21:20 so that means that this service
21:22 must have had some other kind of secondary meaning,
21:25 well, maybe not secondary,
21:26 but there was another agenda there for this,
21:30 and the agenda was the example
21:32 for those of us who must come after.
21:34 Christ certainly did not need to be baptized
21:37 for omission of sin
21:38 because He had no sin, there was nothing to repent of.
21:41 So the idea of this particular baptism
21:44 was an example for those of us who are to follow.
21:48 Do you think that any possibility that it also...
21:52 I mean, I agree Christ was submitting to it
21:54 to show He approved of it.
21:57 Do you think also that possibly
21:59 when He said to fulfill all righteousness
22:01 that it had to do with the fact
22:02 that He was about to begin His ministry
22:05 and as the priest had to be immersed
22:09 in the mikveh
22:11 that this was part of
22:12 His fulfilling all righteousness?
22:13 It could have been an acknowledgment
22:15 that what He had established long before
22:16 He was willing to follow Himself.
22:18 You know, He established many things,
22:20 He didn't say, "Behold the Messiah
22:22 that taketh away the sin of the world."
22:23 Because long ago,
22:25 He established the whole purpose of the lamb.
22:27 He thought, "Well, they've been doing this
22:28 for a couple thousand years,
22:29 they should recognize what this means."
22:32 So now in the same way in baptism,
22:33 "While they've been using the mikveh,
22:35 they should recognize what this means,"
22:36 and they could have said,
22:38 "Wait a minute, why is He going down the water?
22:40 We've been doing that for a long time.
22:41 Could He be the priest? Is it possible?"
22:44 He gave them every symbol, every outward sign to connect
22:49 what they have been doing to who He is,
22:51 and they forgot it.
22:52 Yeah, well said, well said. So the lamb, lamb.
22:55 And following up... What's the meaning of lamb?
22:56 I'm sorry.
22:57 And then He is now in the water, what is that?
22:59 The laver, wait a minute, this is connectings,
23:01 what's this meaning?
23:02 And everything He gave them to evidentially conclude,
23:07 "Am I doing this coincidentally?
23:10 I'm the Messiah."
23:12 And that's why in John 5:39, He made this statement to them,
23:15 they were so versed in the scripture, the Torah,
23:18 the Pentateuch, He said,
23:19 "You searched for the scriptures,
23:21 for in them, you think you find eternal life,
23:25 but these are they that testify..."
23:26 Of me. I'm right here.
23:28 Yeah.
23:29 And they couldn't get it,
23:31 so He did that to fulfill all righteousness
23:32 because John's baptism
23:34 couldn't fulfill all righteousness
23:35 because John himself is not righteous.
23:38 And he can't communicate what he doesn't have,
23:40 so here comes the righteous one
23:42 that taketh away the sin of the world,
23:45 that broken relationship,
23:46 that thing that every one of us has,
23:49 and that's why in adding one component to that,
23:51 we all know John 3:16,
23:53 but the point that I want to add here
23:55 was the reason why Jesus came was not to condemn the world
23:58 but that the world, through Him might be saved.
24:00 'Cause they were all,
24:01 every one of us is in a lost condition,
24:03 every one of us, without Christ,
24:05 so I would add to this, you know, baptism is not...
24:09 We're not standing on the sideline to say,
24:13 "Do I want to be saved?
24:14 Do I want to be lost?
24:15 Do I want to be lost? Do I want to be saved?"
24:18 When we baptize or not baptized?"
24:20 We're not choosing our destiny.
24:21 One of our destinies is fixed,
24:23 Jesus came to give us a different destiny.
24:25 Yes.
24:27 And so that's why baptism...
24:28 Coming with that beautiful outward symbol
24:30 of our inward acceptance of Christ, Peter says,
24:35 "Repent and be converted."
24:37 Yes. What do I need to do?
24:39 You know repent
24:40 and let every one of you baptized,
24:42 but let that baptism lead to repentance and conversion,
24:46 or else you just got baptized.
24:48 So what you're saying is that as with me the first two times,
24:51 if you go down into the water a sinner,
24:56 you're coming up a sinner,
24:57 you're just a wet sinner at that point.
24:58 Unless you repent, you are not converted.
25:00 Unless you're repenting and converted.
25:02 You have something that you used in illustration
25:06 about marriage.
25:09 Let me hold that till we read the commandment
25:10 because we are commanded by Christ, as believers,
25:16 we become disciples of the Lord.
25:18 We're commanded to be baptized.
25:20 This isn't an optional path, it is a commandment.
25:24 And in Matthew 28, I'll begin with verse 19,
25:27 well, no, let me begin with verse 18.
25:29 Yeah.
25:30 "Jesus came and spoke to them saying,
25:32 'All authority has been given to Me
25:35 in heaven and on earth.
25:36 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations
25:41 baptizing them in the name of the Father
25:44 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'"
25:48 So He said, "Go make disciples,"
25:50 What do we do?
25:51 We baptize those disciples,
25:53 "Teaching them to observe all things
25:57 that I have commanded and lo, I am with you always."
26:00 So I would say that the commission to baptize
26:04 is equally as important as the commission to go and teach
26:09 and make disciples.
26:10 I mean, you cannot separate this.
26:13 It is something...
26:16 And I believe that it's more than a formulaic phrase
26:19 when He said it
26:20 in the name of the Father and the Son.
26:22 This is something that it is showing that...
26:28 First of all,
26:29 it is required of all believers,
26:31 but it is our commitment to God.
26:35 You've got a thought? Yeah.
26:37 Great, I see your point.
26:39 Yeah, I'm chiming in because both of you touched on
26:41 something that just occurred to me,
26:44 how that the priest had to ritually immerse himself
26:48 in the mikveh
26:49 prior to his entry into ministry in the temple.
26:55 We can see then a parallel in Christ being baptized
27:00 prior to His entry into ministry for mankind.
27:04 And it is interesting that He is baptized
27:06 not in the Sea of Galilee,
27:08 which is relatively still body of water,
27:10 He got baptized in the Jordan
27:11 which is a moving body of water,
27:13 which makes it ceremonially acceptable
27:16 according to Numbers,
27:17 because moving water cannot be defiled.
27:19 So He's following a pattern there.
27:21 And then a co-region of that pattern for us is
27:26 once we come to the Lord,
27:28 we are part of the priesthood of all believers.
27:30 So our entrance into ministry
27:32 has to be preceded by that same mikveh washing
27:37 of our bodies,
27:39 which is a sign also that we are on Christ's team.
27:41 We're feeling the righteousness.
27:43 Yeah, we're feeling righteousness
27:45 but it's also requisite to us entering into our ministry.
27:50 You know, the ministry that God has given each of us
27:51 to perform in our lives
27:53 and just kind of conflating what both of you said,
27:54 it just kind of popped in my mind
27:56 that there is direct parallel in those three.
27:58 I don't often do this,
28:00 but that was an anointed phrase.
28:01 That was an anointed saying
28:03 because this is what I was talking about
28:04 when Jesus said,
28:05 "He who believes and is baptized..."
28:08 Jesus knew His mission.
28:09 Yes.
28:11 He accepted the mission, the Father,
28:12 And He had co-authored,
28:17 but He condescended, He submitted to it.
28:19 Yes.
28:21 And then He made it clear,
28:23 "These are the steps, now go,
28:27 the authority is given,
28:29 the disciples,
28:30 these are the steps, the authority is given,"
28:32 and for us to have any authority,
28:33 we can't break the examples of Christ,
28:36 you know, there are a number of things we do
28:38 that are exemplified by Christ,
28:41 communion, washing of the feet.
28:43 Some people don't do that,
28:44 but it says, "If, I, your Lord and your teacher, do this..."
28:46 Yes. Yeah.
28:48 Yeah. What your problem?
28:50 What's wrong with you, right? Right.
28:51 I'm the King of the universe, I'm doing this.
28:53 I left you an example.
28:55 Blessed are you or happy are you
28:56 if you do these things.
28:58 So the blessing comes, and I love that word, you know,
29:01 the King James says "all power,"
29:04 New Kings, "all authority,"
29:06 what the disciples got on the Day of Pentecost
29:10 was all authority, all power,
29:14 what Jesus came forth was all authority, all power,
29:19 and what He says, "You're going to have..."
29:21 All authority.
29:22 When you are...
29:23 You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,
29:27 all authority, all power.
29:29 And the Holy Spirit himself just the sidebar,
29:32 doesn't speak on his own authority,
29:35 but he speaks on the authority of the Son.
29:37 So any authority we get is not ours.
29:39 Not ours.
29:40 It's passing through us, through Jesus,
29:42 so then how can you take a shortcut and skip baptism
29:45 and think that you're walking in the full authority
29:47 of Jesus Christ.
29:48 You know, it's interesting to me
29:49 if we looked at the house of Cornelius
29:53 that they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit first.
29:57 Cornelius was a Roman centurion,
30:01 and he was a devout and godly man.
30:05 The Holy Spirit was working in his life
30:08 way before Peter arrived,
30:10 but what happened is he was praying...
30:13 The Bible says he prayed to God constantly,
30:16 and he gave alms to the poor.
30:19 He was a man who was walking in obedience
30:22 and the interesting thing is he is praying earnestly.
30:28 God sends an angel to him and says,
30:30 "Hey! Send for Peter over in Joppa."
30:32 So Peter gets this vision
30:35 or he understands
30:36 that God is saying that,
30:42 "No man's unclean."
30:43 This is the first mission by an apostle
30:48 to an uncircumcised Gentile.
30:51 So he understands, he goes,
30:53 and I'm looking for the scripture
30:55 which is in...
30:56 Acts 10. Acts 10.
30:58 Acts 10.
30:59 So in Acts 10, Cornelius then is...
31:03 I'm trying to find it here on my...
31:05 Here it is.
31:06 Acts 10, find it.
31:08 Somebody read this because it says...
31:09 What verse do you want?
31:10 I'm in 10. Yeah, I have it right here.
31:12 Go ahead.
31:13 We're talking about verse...
31:15 Here it is, right here about receiving the Holy Spirit,
31:17 verse 46 and down to 48.
31:20 Yes.
31:23 Speaking...
31:24 Above verse 44 starts actually,
31:26 "While Peter was still speaking upon the words,
31:28 the Holy Spirit fell upon those who heard the Word
31:31 and those of the circumcision who believed were astonished.
31:36 As many came with Peter
31:37 because the gift of the Holy Spirit
31:40 had been poured out on the Gentiles also
31:43 for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.
31:46 Then Peter answered,
31:48 "Can anyone forbid water
31:49 that these should not be baptized
31:52 who have received the Holy Spirit
31:54 just as we have,"
31:55 and he commanded them to be baptized
31:57 in the name of the Lord,
31:59 then they asked him to stay a few days."
32:02 So, you know, it's interesting to me,
32:03 there's times in the New Testament,
32:06 I believe that Saul
32:08 when he was converted, he received,
32:11 when Ananias came to him and the scales fell off,
32:15 I think the Holy Spirit was on Saul then,
32:17 but then immediately, Ananias says to him,
32:21 "Why do you wait?
32:22 Let's just arise and be baptized."
32:24 When you think of the Philippian jailer
32:26 in Acts 16:29,
32:29 let me see, I'll begin with verse 29.
32:35 He says...
32:37 There's been this earthquake, Paul and Silas are imprisoned.
32:40 There's this earthquake,
32:42 and all of their chains fall off,
32:44 and those who are guarding them...
32:45 I mean, all of the doors opened in the prison.
32:49 So the Philippian jailer's getting ready to kill himself
32:52 because he's going to commit harakiri,
32:54 where he is getting ready to draw his sword
32:56 because if he didn't kill himself,
32:57 the Romans would have killed him.
32:59 Well, he thought, "I'm dead anyhow."
33:01 But Paul and Silas holler out to him,
33:03 "Wait a minute, we're all here,"
33:05 and it says in Acts 16:29,
33:08 "Then he called for a light, ran in,
33:09 and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas,
33:12 and he brought them out, and he said..."
33:14 He's seen the hand of God move.
33:16 "He said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
33:21 So they said,
33:23 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
33:25 and you will be saved, you and your household.'"
33:28 And it's not that everybody is coming in by osmosis,
33:31 he's saying,
33:33 "All of you if you believe, you will be saved.
33:35 And they spoke the word of the Lord
33:38 to him and all who were in his house,
33:40 and he took them the same hour of the night,
33:43 he washed their stripes..."
33:44 And what is the next verse?
33:46 "And, immediately,
33:47 he and all his family were baptized.
33:49 Immediately. Immediately.
33:52 Which is what follows belief.
33:54 Exactly.
33:55 Which is what follow...
33:56 You have to believe before you are baptized.
33:58 Absolutely.
33:59 Stephen and Philip did the same thing
34:00 with the Ethiopian eunuch.
34:03 He said, "Do you understand what you..."
34:04 "But how can I understand
34:05 except when somebody explained it to me."
34:07 After explaining,
34:08 what hinders me from being baptized,
34:10 and that's a very good point you brought out, Shelley,
34:12 because anytime, a person...
34:14 Whenever you're baptized, you've got to believe,
34:17 you cannot just say, "Well, I want to be baptized."
34:22 "Be baptized for what reason?"
34:24 "I just want to be baptized."
34:25 The symbol itself can't do a thing for you.
34:27 You can wash your car,
34:29 but if the interior is dirty, it's not going to do anything,
34:30 you hear what I just said? Yeah.
34:32 Drive to the car wash... There you go. That's great.
34:34 But don't throw anything out on the inside.
34:35 That's good. That's good. You know.
34:37 But, you know, you think of the thief on the cross.
34:39 He believed and Jesus said, "I'm telling you today,
34:43 you got it, you will be with Me."
34:45 You think of somebody in a foxhole,
34:47 maybe that is in a war.
34:48 Or a plane going down.
34:50 Or a plane going down, who accepts Lord,
34:51 maybe they've heard it,
34:53 but they accept it, and they will be saved
34:56 'cause it says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
34:59 and you will be saved."
35:00 But the most important critical act of obedience
35:05 when we believe everywhere we see
35:08 when people believed, what happened?
35:11 They were baptized.
35:13 You know what, Shelley,
35:15 all of the exigencies are covered here.
35:16 Cornelius, obviously, had been under the influence
35:18 of the Holy Spirit for a long time.
35:20 He's giving alms, he's doing all kinds of things.
35:22 You can then...
35:23 The culmination of that is this public acceptance of God,
35:28 then you've got this jailer.
35:29 This is as we say in New York bada boom, bada bing.
35:31 This is like boom, boom, boom.
35:33 You know, he sees the part of the Lord working,
35:35 he stopped from taking his own life,
35:38 he is convicted at that point,
35:40 and the next thing he does, he's in a pool,
35:41 he's ready to go, you know,
35:43 so you've got some who've been taking a little while,
35:46 you've got some who it's instantaneous,
35:48 and then, of course, you've got the thief on the cross
35:50 who never does get a chance to get baptized.
35:52 He is countenanced also.
35:54 So what this is saying is no matter what road you're on,
35:57 your ultimate destination is baptism.
35:59 And if you're delaying it or putting it off
36:01 or walking away from it,
36:03 then something's wrong with your connection
36:04 with the Lord.
36:06 There's something incomplete
36:07 because if you're in Christ,
36:09 if you've repented of your sins,
36:10 if you are converted person,
36:11 you want to follow the commands of Jesus,
36:13 but more than that,
36:15 you want to make a public declaration
36:16 to the world
36:18 that I'm on a new team now, I want my new jersey,
36:20 because I'm on the new team,
36:21 and I want to do what Christ has asked me to do.
36:23 Now the marriage example fits right here.
36:25 There you go. That is perfect.
36:27 There are some people
36:29 that look for common law relationships with Christ.
36:32 They just want to hang around, they want to be in church,
36:34 they want to be at the potlucks,
36:35 they want to clean the way they...
36:37 Just clean up their eating habits,
36:38 clean up their smoking habits,
36:39 they want to get everything in order,
36:41 and that's not what the Bible talks about.
36:43 The one who comes into your life...
36:46 2 Corinthians 5:17,
36:48 "If anyone is in Christ,
36:51 he's a new creation, a new creature.
36:53 Old things are passed away,
36:55 behold, all things are become new."
36:56 Some people try to give it the old things
36:58 without being in Christ.
36:59 No, you can't do that.
37:01 It's like...
37:02 Well, it's works, salvation by works.
37:05 But even, not even salvation, but works with no end result.
37:09 So for people that are just,
37:11 you know, "I love you, I really do,
37:13 how long we've been living together?"
37:14 "22 years."
37:16 "We're still not married,"
37:18 because you have made no public declaration
37:21 through the ceremony that God ordained
37:23 in the Garden of Eden.
37:25 He ordained it, He didn't say,
37:26 "Ignore marriage, and you'll be married anyhow."
37:29 He gave the man to the woman, and the woman to the man,
37:31 He said, "Leave your mother and father,
37:32 cleave to your wife."
37:33 And so we don't want you to be living together with Christ.
37:39 We want you to be living in Christ.
37:41 Don't be content to be in the vicinity,
37:46 you need to be in the Man, Christ Jesus.
37:48 And, you know, if people only understood covenant better
37:51 'cause in the Old Testament under the Old Covenant
37:54 which was a special and temporary covenant
37:57 for the nation of Israel,
37:59 the rabbis thought of that as the marriage of the people
38:04 to God.
38:06 Under the New Covenant, what are we?
38:08 We are the bride of Christ,
38:10 and I love what you said
38:12 because it is like if you are in church,
38:16 and you believe with all of your heart,
38:19 but you refuse to obey Christ's command
38:23 to be baptized,
38:25 then it's kind of like you're refusing
38:28 to enter into that covenant relationship,
38:31 not kind of, you are. You are.
38:32 I mean, because the covenant side of it,
38:36 you know, interestingly, in the Greek,
38:42 the Hebrew scholars
38:43 who translated the Old Testament into Greek,
38:47 the Septuagint. The Septuagint.
38:50 They always translated,
38:52 there's two words for covenant,
38:53 syntheke, which means a two-party covenant,
38:57 in like a contract or something,
38:58 or diatheke, which means
39:01 there's only one person making the promises.
39:03 All of God's covenants,
39:05 He's the only one making the promises,
39:07 but what we do...
39:09 And this is what we always say is salvation is by grace,
39:12 not by works that any man should boast,
39:15 but yet, if we are saved,
39:20 obedience, when you walk into covenant relationship
39:24 with the Lord,
39:25 obedience is by grace,
39:28 He works in you to will and to do His good pleasure.
39:32 And obedience is the expression of our love.
39:37 It is the expression of our covenant loyalty,
39:41 is it not?
39:42 So it's interesting in Acts 2:41, it says,
39:47 this is talking about the early church,
39:50 "Those who gladly received His Word
39:53 were baptized."
39:55 It's not like they sat back and said,
39:57 "Oh, yeah, we believe in Christ."
39:58 Even the demons believe and tremble.
40:01 They were baptized, and then in verse 47, it says,
40:05 "The Lord added to the church daily
40:09 those who are being saved."
40:10 How do they know who were being saved?
40:12 Because when you're saved, you want to obey Christ,
40:15 and so they went in and were baptized,
40:16 they made their public confession,
40:18 and they came into the church. That's right.
40:20 What does the word baptizo mean?
40:22 To immerse, to get under. Fully immersed.
40:24 Fully immersed. Well said.
40:26 Is it not true,
40:28 everywhere we see,
40:29 whether it's Philip taking the eunuch down in the water,
40:32 Jesus going down in the water,
40:34 we've got to get to Romans, we're running out of time.
40:36 While you're turning there,
40:38 at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a lot of people...
40:40 Which is in Italy, the Leaning Tower,
40:43 inside there is a baptismal pool,
40:46 not a basin,
40:48 but a place where full-bodied person
40:51 could be fully immersed.
40:52 This whole idea of sprinkling was something that evolved
40:56 like the theory of evolution, no biblical support.
40:59 It was something that the church of the Dark Ages
41:01 decided to implement,
41:02 but it was not given any command in the Bible.
41:04 The only sprinkling I see in the Bible
41:06 is a sprinkling of the blood of Jesus, right?
41:08 And that's a covenant thing again.
41:09 And so the whole thing is Luke 6:46, like you both said,
41:13 and I want to capitalize as you transition.
41:15 Yes, when you follow the Lord, you got to do what He commands.
41:17 "Why call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?"
41:20 So when you enter the relationship with Christ,
41:22 that covenant means,
41:23 "Well, 'cause there's something I must do,
41:24 or you call me Lord, Lord,
41:26 why not do the things that I say."
41:27 There you go.
41:29 And he's baptized, and so you enter into that covenant,
41:31 thank you for the word covenant,
41:32 because there's got to be some agreement
41:34 to this relationship.
41:35 If you have no covenant,
41:36 and everything we do, cars, houses, credit cards,
41:41 there's a covenant.
41:42 If you don't think so, stop paying your bills,
41:44 and the person who you made that covenant with,
41:46 will come collecting. Yeah, will come collecting.
41:48 My point is when you make a covenant with God,
41:51 the wise man Solomon says,
41:53 "It's better not to vow, than to vow and not to pay."
41:57 Don't allow your mouth to cause your flesh to sin.
42:00 Don't say I believe with my mouth
42:02 and don't follow through what the Lord commands us to do.
42:05 Amen. Amen.
42:06 Okay, here was the scripture
42:08 that as I was studying the Bible one day,
42:12 this was life changing for me.
42:15 Romans 6:3-6. That's right.
42:19 Paul writes, and he says,
42:21 "Do you not know that as many of us
42:25 as were baptized into Christ Jesus
42:29 were baptized into His death.
42:33 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism."
42:37 That's the immersion,
42:39 "Buried with Him into death
42:42 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
42:45 by the glory of the Father,
42:47 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
42:51 Now let me pause right there.
42:54 Even though I had been baptized by immersion,
42:56 as we said there's no scriptural evidence
42:59 for sprinkling,
43:00 I had not realized...
43:02 Yes, I knew Christ died for me,
43:04 that He was buried and resurrected,
43:06 but I didn't see this ordinance of baptism.
43:10 I didn't know that it meant,
43:12 "Okay, I'm about to identify with His death,
43:15 I'm going to lay down my old way of life,
43:19 bury the past,
43:20 and I'm going to come up a new creation in Christ
43:23 to walk in newness of life."
43:25 He says, "For if we have been united together
43:29 in the likeness of His death."
43:32 I like that.
43:33 I'd be there if you've done that,
43:34 "Certainly we also shall be in the likeness
43:37 of His resurrection,
43:38 knowing this that our old man was crucified with Him,
43:42 that the body of sin might be done away with
43:46 that we should no longer be slaves of sin."
43:51 So what happened was when I read this,
43:54 I realized I had gone forward to make a public confession
44:00 by my baptisms prayer,
44:04 but I didn't know what I was even entering into.
44:08 So I realized that my baptism had been...
44:11 My instruction was inadequate, so my baptism was inadequate.
44:15 I'd never really laid down that old way of life
44:19 because I hadn't been taught that.
44:21 And it reminds me of when Paul went to Ephesus,
44:25 and he asks these people,
44:27 "Hey, what about the Holy Spirit?"
44:29 "Oh, we've not even heard that there was,
44:31 you know, a Holy Spirit."
44:33 And he say to them in Acts 19,
44:36 "Then what baptism did you receive?"
44:39 "Well, John's baptism, the baptism of repentance."
44:42 And he explains it further to them what happens.
44:46 They were re-baptized.
44:49 If you haven't been baptized,
44:53 understanding the truth,
44:55 I just want to encourage you to consider re-baptism,
44:59 to consider being buried
45:02 and resurrected with being buried with Christ,
45:06 burying your past, and being resurrected
45:08 because that was where God changed my life.
45:11 I'd call myself a Christian until that time,
45:15 but I hadn't really known what it was all about.
45:19 One thing I want to ask you,
45:22 everywhere I read in the New Testament
45:25 about baptism,
45:26 they're all professing believers,
45:27 are they not? Yeah.
45:29 They understand, they believe in Christ Jesus,
45:33 they understand
45:35 and, you know, if you confess with your mouth,
45:37 if you believe in your heart, confess with your mouth,
45:39 you shall be saved,
45:41 so what about infant baptism?
45:46 Go ahead.
45:47 It goes against what we understand
45:51 in the great commission to teach them to observe.
45:54 If you buy a Volkswagen, you got to sign a contract
45:58 and also have you read all the fine print.
45:59 Do you know what you're getting into?
46:01 Because you're going to be paying for this
46:03 for 96 months,
46:04 or however long you want to do it.
46:05 So, as a Christian, who is giving your life to God,
46:09 who is basing your eternity on this God who you cannot see,
46:13 but who you have extreme faith in,
46:16 you need to know what you're signing onto.
46:19 That's right.
46:20 So a child cannot do that,
46:22 a child cannot make a commitment.
46:23 You got to be 18 years old to buy a gun in this country.
46:25 You know, so if you are going to put your life
46:28 in the hands of this mysterious, wonderful God,
46:30 He wants you to know what you're doing,
46:32 what sacrifice you have to make in order to do that.
46:35 Amen.
46:36 So in the New Testament,
46:38 there is not one place where you can find infant baptism.
46:44 What did they do with infants?
46:46 What did they do with Jesus at the temple?
46:48 Dedicated, dedicated.
46:49 Yeah, they brought their children to Jesus
46:51 that He may bless them, so you dedicate them.
46:53 How many baby dedications have you done, Pastor?
46:56 Quite a few, and I tell you, they never talk to me.
46:59 They never say anything, they never say, "I like you,"
47:01 matter of fact sometimes they cry,
47:03 and they look at me like, "Why were you holding me for?"
47:06 Dedication is to be done to a child,
47:09 and, in fact, even at that time,
47:11 you're dedicating the child to the guidance from the parents.
47:15 You see, if these parents don't know the Lord,
47:17 this child is not going to know either.
47:19 But in baptism,
47:21 the child now at a point of a conscious age,
47:24 and Jesus was 12
47:25 when He started speaking about the clarity
47:29 that He knew His Father had sent Him,
47:30 given Him a mission,
47:32 and there are various children
47:33 of various stages of their lives
47:34 based on their understanding who can grasp it.
47:36 I think the youngest baptism I've ever did
47:38 was a seven-year-old.
47:40 And I was very, very hesitant,
47:41 but I do know that when she gets to be 27,
47:44 she'll look back and say, "I'm so glad I accepted Christ,
47:46 but my knowledge has so much increased."
47:48 But little Abby,
47:50 I went to her home and did Bible studies with her
47:52 and sat her down,
47:53 and I said, "Tell me what baptism is."
47:55 I just sat there like,
47:57 you know, like a dog was like going off.
47:59 She understood what she meant.
48:00 She said, "I want to give my life to Jesus.
48:02 I love Him as my Savior, I want to give Him my life.
48:04 I want to follow Him as my Lord and Savior."
48:06 And I said, "What did hinder thee".
48:08 I didn't say it that way,
48:10 but she knew and understood at that stage.
48:13 And she's growing up to be
48:14 a wonderful, young, Christian girl.
48:16 But infant baptism is not supported by scripture.
48:18 So we know...
48:20 Infant baptism is not supported by scripture,
48:22 sprinkling is not supported by scripture,
48:25 we see everyone who believed was baptized.
48:29 It is a critical act of obedience,
48:32 of course, other than the thief on the cross.
48:35 And you know what, if he had lived through that,
48:37 if they'd taken him down from the cross before he died,
48:41 if he had walked away
48:43 and not followed the command of Jesus,
48:46 I don't think he would have been saved.
48:48 You know, I believe that he understood Jesus,
48:51 and so that if he had lived,
48:52 I think he would have gone out and got baptized.
48:55 But here is my question to you, gentlemen,
48:58 I've said that I've been re-baptized,
49:00 have either of you been re-baptized?
49:02 Yeah, when I was 19.
49:04 How old were you the first time?
49:05 About 11 or 12. Okay.
49:07 I was wonderfully, and I think Pastor CA might know this,
49:10 the same church that he was a youth pastor
49:11 when I was a young man.
49:13 We're not very far apart in age,
49:15 but I was adequately taught.
49:19 They didn't rush us through the baptism,
49:21 but I lost my anchor at about 13 years old,
49:23 12 years old,
49:25 I lost a lady who was really my guiding light.
49:27 And I left and went out into the world,
49:28 so I needed to be re-baptized.
49:30 I just dove into the world
49:31 and all of its accoutrements
49:33 that can happen in New York City
49:34 which was just a large plate of accoutrements,
49:37 if you could say it that way.
49:38 And I just lost my connection with Christ.
49:39 So I knew there needed to be a recommitment,
49:43 but added to that,
49:44 I found Him for myself this time.
49:46 Amen. Amen.
49:47 I wasn't just told what the church teaches,
49:49 what the Bible teaches which were all valid,
49:50 but I accepted Him
49:51 and knew that I needed this for my own commitment,
49:55 and it has been a blessed journey.
49:58 Praise God.
49:59 But I must add this too, Shelley, very quickly,
50:00 I entered into a saving relationship,
50:03 but at any point that I wanted to,
50:04 I could get out of that relationship.
50:06 We don't believe in once saved, always saved,
50:07 I want to make that point very clear.
50:09 At any point, you decide,
50:10 "I am going to walk away from God,
50:11 "He's not going to say, "Wait a minute."
50:13 He's not going to let you go, but you could let Him go,
50:16 did you hear what I said?
50:17 The Lord doesn't let us go, He doesn't throw us away.
50:19 "I'll never leave you nor forsake you,"
50:21 but He doesn't say, "You can't leave Me
50:22 and forsake Me."
50:23 But when we enter into that covenant relationship,
50:26 He promises to do everything that He can do
50:29 that we can never do.
50:30 Amen. Amen.
50:31 CA, were you?
50:33 Baptized at nine,
50:34 and then I had, what I call, wilderness years, you know.
50:37 At age nine, I knew what I was getting into,
50:40 they kept you in the baptismal class
50:41 long time back in the day.
50:43 But then college basketball came,
50:46 and other things came, and free education,
50:48 so I broke my ankle playing basketball twice
50:50 on Friday night.
50:51 Re-baptized at age 22
50:55 at Oakwood College,
50:58 Preparatory to Ministry.
51:00 I appreciate the patience of the Lord,
51:05 you know, the pastor told me,
51:06 "The Lord let you break your ankle
51:08 to keep you from breaking your neck."
51:09 I got the message, you know.
51:11 Well, the reason I wanted to ask you about that
51:13 is because I know that
51:14 there's probably someone who's watching and thinking,
51:17 "Well, I was baptized,
51:18 and maybe we've even understood what it meant,"
51:20 but you have had a wanderness experience,
51:23 a wilderness experience, wandering in the wilderness.
51:27 And you may think,
51:29 "Can God really accept me again?"
51:31 I believe it's important
51:33 if you are to do away with that old life,
51:38 He's a big savior,
51:40 He's a much bigger savior than you are as a sinner.
51:44 And when you come back to Him,
51:47 I think it is very important
51:49 as a public confession
51:51 of who He is and what He's done for you
51:54 and where you're headed to be re-baptized and saying,
51:57 "Nope, I'm going to bury the past,
52:00 I'm burying that old life,
52:01 I'm going to identify with Jesus,
52:04 and I am going to let Him circumcised my heart
52:07 and be raised to walk in newness of life."
52:10 Boy, it is time to do a newsbreak,
52:12 and we're going to come back with the closing thought
52:14 in just a second.


Revised 2018-05-09