3ABN Today

Asap Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018029A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:11 And we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today.
01:15 I just want to take this opportunity
01:17 on behalf of all of us here at 3ABN to thank you so much
01:21 for your faithful prayers and financial support
01:23 of this ministry, because you are partners
01:26 and we couldn't do this without you.
01:28 Today we have a fascinating new program
01:32 to talk to you about, and when I said program,
01:34 not a 3ABN program but a new ministry program,
01:38 that is something born of God, I believe.
01:42 Let me go ahead and introduce our guests
01:44 before I actually read the scripture to you,
01:47 and this is Scott and Julie Griswold,
01:50 thank you so much for being with us today.
01:53 Thank you. It's good to be here.
01:56 Now, Scott, you are the director
01:58 of Reach The World Next Door.
02:02 And, Julie, you are the prayer coordinator,
02:04 obviously husband and wife team.
02:06 We're going to get to know
02:08 a little bit about them personally
02:10 and their background,
02:11 but this incredible ministry that God has called them to.
02:15 You know, when the Bible is talking about in Matthew 25,
02:20 when Jesus returns to judge the nations, and He says,
02:24 "Come ye blessed of My Father, enter into His kingdom,"
02:29 and He's talking about people
02:31 who reached out and fed the hungry,
02:34 and clothed the naked,
02:36 and visited those who were in prison,
02:39 and it's something interesting that He says in Matthew 25:40.
02:44 He says, "The King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly,
02:49 I say to you, inasmuch as you did it
02:52 to one of the least of these My brethren,
02:56 you've done this for Me.'"
02:58 And today we're going to discuss reaching
03:02 the least of these,
03:03 the people that are often overlooked.
03:06 And that is what Reach The World Next Door,
03:10 that's their specialty.
03:11 And I think you're going to really enjoy this program.
03:15 It's going to challenge you.
03:17 I hope, I pray
03:19 that the Holy Spirit will challenge you.
03:21 But before we actually start,
03:24 we've got a dear friend of the ministry of 3ABN,
03:27 she's a precious woman of God.
03:29 She and her husband both serve together,
03:32 they are serving the Lord.
03:34 This is Vonda Beerman
03:35 and she's going to sing for us, "Come".
03:56 Come, when your heart is heavy laden
04:03 Feeling like the joy has faded
04:07 Just come
04:11 Come, believing everything I've told you
04:18 Here are arms that long to hold you
04:22 Just come
04:30 Come, leave behind the mask you hide in
04:36 There is some one to confide in
04:40 I know what you've done
04:45 Come and tell me everything you're hoping
04:51 My Father loves a heart that's open
04:55 Just come
05:00 Oh, I didn't die
05:02 so you could try to save yourself
05:08 I know who you are don't try
05:10 To be somebody else
05:17 Come, believing everything I've told you
05:23 Here are arms that long to hold you
05:27 Just come
05:31 Come, come into the joy of living
05:37 Knowing that your sins forgiven,
05:42 Just come
05:58 Oh, I didn't die
05:59 so you could try to save yourself
06:05 I know who you are
06:07 Don't try to be
06:09 Somebody else
06:14 Come, when your heart is heavy laden
06:21 Feeling like the joy has faded
06:25 Won't you come
06:29 Come, Come into the joy of living
06:36 Knowing that your sins forgiven,
06:40 Just come
06:48 Just come
07:12 Oh, thank you.
07:14 I just love Vonda's voice
07:15 and she is so precious as a person
07:17 if you haven't had the opportunity
07:19 to meet her, invite her to your church to sing,
07:22 because she is a wonderful woman of God.
07:24 If you're joining us just a few moments later,
07:26 our special guests are Scott and Julie Griswold.
07:30 And Scott's the director of Reach The World Next Door,
07:34 Julie is the prayer coordinator.
07:36 But before we get into your ministry,
07:39 let's get to know a little bit about the two of you.
07:41 You were both reared Seventh-day Adventists,
07:44 but where did you meet and when did God...
07:48 Did you know that God was calling you
07:49 to the mission field?
07:52 No, for sure not.
07:53 I was not interested in the mission field at all.
07:55 Yeah, we met in Walla Walla,
07:58 and I wanted to work
07:59 in the inner cities in California.
08:01 So she was the one that got me contagious
08:05 in that direction.
08:06 All right, so...
08:08 I raise my hand
08:09 in the junior Sabbath school class
08:11 when I was probably 12
08:12 when a missionary came and said,
08:14 "Who wants to be a missionary?"
08:15 And I raised my hand.
08:17 And so, at that time at a young age,
08:20 I started planning,
08:21 "Okay, when can I go out as a student missionary?"
08:24 And then... Praise God.
08:25 Just early on, wanted to be a missionary.
08:28 You knew that.
08:29 Now you have,
08:31 you're not doing mission work per se now.
08:34 And that's not what the ministry is about,
08:36 except it's mission oriented to the people just around you.
08:41 But you spent time in Cambodia,
08:43 and you actually adopted a Cambodian son.
08:46 Tell us about that?
08:48 Yes, he came to us
08:49 when we were giving birth to our second son, Nathan.
08:53 And the student missionary wrote a P.S.
08:56 at the end of an email and said,
08:58 as we were in Bangkok,
08:59 'cause there weren't any hospitals
09:01 that I could deliver there in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
09:04 And he said, "P.S. I hope you don't mind,
09:06 but there's a runaway street kid
09:08 that is hiding out in your house."
09:11 So I came back with a 2 year old,
09:14 and a newborn, and met our son, Rota and he was 7.
09:18 And so he became a part of our family,
09:20 he's now 30 years old
09:22 and has our first grandson, Siame.
09:24 Oh, praise the Lord. How long were you in Cambodia?
09:27 Six years. Six years, okay.
09:30 So after your missionary service,
09:33 and you've come back, I know that you,
09:36 Scott worked for the ASAP ministries,
09:39 what does ASAP stand for?
09:41 It's for Advocates for Southeast Asians
09:43 and the Persecuted.
09:45 It's a ministry that's been there,
09:46 actually when we first went out to Cambodia,
09:48 we started working with Judy Aiken,
09:50 which many of your viewers will know.
09:53 And then again, when we came back
09:55 from being with the general conference
09:57 with the Buddhist study center,
09:59 now known as the Center for East Asian religions.
10:02 We came back, and we're saying,
10:03 "Lord, what do You want us to do?"
10:05 We've been 16 years overseas, now we're coming back,
10:09 because our children are ready for college,
10:11 our two children are at Andrews right now.
10:13 And saying what are we doing here...
10:16 Two of your four. Two of our four.
10:18 Yes, we still have one at home, and I'm so happy for that.
10:20 My son reside at home with us.
10:22 But when you've been overseas that long,
10:24 you're coming back to the States,
10:25 you want to be relevant, so you don't want to be just,
10:27 you know, funny missionary
10:29 that doesn't know how to fit in,
10:30 can't be helpful back home.
10:32 And as we attended a big program
10:35 of young people, GYC there in Houston, Texas.
10:39 And we started looking around
10:40 and it just came back so clearly to me,
10:43 God has brought the world to the United States of America
10:46 by bringing the least reached people
10:48 to our cities, to our towns.
10:50 And when you say the least reached,
10:51 we're talking of people
10:53 of the Muslim faith, the Buddhists, Hindus,
10:56 people who have been immigrating
11:00 to the United States,
11:02 yet they really don't know anything about Jesus,
11:05 most of them, right?
11:07 It's amazing how much that is still true,
11:10 even after being here for 30 years.
11:12 We're meeting immigrants,
11:14 and different people who have come
11:16 and who still have no Christian friends,
11:19 have never been in a Christian church.
11:21 And their people group is one of those 4, 000
11:24 or so that we are waiting on before Jesus can return,
11:27 according to Matthew 24:14.
11:30 You know, Scott, it doesn't really surprise me
11:32 because I had what surprised me,
11:33 I was interviewing a gentleman who was in San Diego,
11:38 I believe, but anyway he was working with the gangs,
11:41 and these are kids that of American origin,
11:46 they weren't immigrants, and these were kids
11:48 and they're 16 to 18 years old, who had never heard the name.
11:53 I mean, there were many
11:54 who had never heard the name of Jesus.
11:56 And you think, "How is that possible?"
11:59 But it is.
12:00 So you...
12:02 As you worked for ASAP ministries,
12:06 this idea came to you to make you relevant
12:09 in the United States to do a program called
12:13 Reach the World Next Door,
12:14 kind of, give us a nutshell, what is the ministry about?
12:18 It started as a dream together with ASAP ministries
12:23 and the North American division,
12:24 looking at this huge unreached mission field
12:27 that God has sent.
12:28 And it's not just immigrants and refugees,
12:30 it's international students too,
12:32 where you have close to a million in North America,
12:35 who come from Saudi Arabia, China,
12:37 different places that they can be key leaders
12:40 if they are reached for Christ back
12:42 in their countries.
12:44 And as we talk, we said, "We need a training kit,
12:46 an online video format training kit
12:49 that a church can do anywhere so that they can learn
12:52 how to be comfortable sharing with the Muslim, Buddhist,
12:55 anybody from a different background.
12:57 And so that's what ASAP helped fund along
13:00 with the North American division
13:02 so that we could come up with that kit.
13:04 And so for the last four or five years,
13:06 that's been used in different churches
13:08 to help start
13:09 new immigrant refugee church plants,
13:12 to help people reach out in campuses,
13:15 and we were in the office helping,
13:17 support the work in Southeast Asia,
13:19 which is primarily where ASAP works,
13:22 and began to just feel
13:23 that desire to be back doing cross cultural missions
13:27 in the field and out of the office,
13:29 and said "We want to do this..."
13:32 Here I am, Lord, send me...
13:33 We began, I in particular, begin talking to Julia O'Carey,
13:37 our director there at ASAP, and said,
13:40 "I feel the need to go out, step out and do this."
13:42 And she said, just like she'd said four years before,
13:45 "We can do this.
13:46 You don't need to go anywhere else,
13:48 we want to do this,
13:49 this is what we're about training missionaries,
13:52 helping people get behind finishing the work."
13:55 And so we started praying,
13:57 "Okay, Lord, where, where do you want us to go?"
13:58 We need to be next to a large city
14:01 with a huge population.
14:03 So that's when I came down
14:06 to be part of a SEEDS church planting conference,
14:08 I had 10 minutes to speak at the Houston Central Church
14:11 about this mission field.
14:13 Because you see, Houston is unique in that,
14:16 it's the most diverse place in the United States,
14:19 the most diverse metro area,
14:21 where you have no majority people group.
14:24 If it were its own country,
14:25 it would be the fourth largest country
14:28 in receiving refugees, 4,000 to 5,000
14:31 new refugees every year come into that city.
14:34 Wow!
14:35 And those are people hurting,
14:37 there are people desperately in need of friend,
14:39 have someone to help them, and just...
14:42 They're just hungry for people to care,
14:44 to be a friend to them.
14:46 And so we began praying about that,
14:48 and through visiting there and sharing,
14:50 we connected with Elder Dan Serns
14:52 with the Texas Conference,
14:54 and later an invitation came for them to partner,
14:58 to support ASAP
14:59 in this by hiring me as a pastor
15:02 and letting ASAP do the operating
15:05 and raise the funds for the rest of the program.
15:08 You know, I always say about the Texas Conference
15:10 that's of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
15:12 'cause we know that actually the majority of our viewership
15:16 are not of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.
15:20 So people are tuning in and learning.
15:24 Let me ask this question or make this comment.
15:28 When we recently, some time ago,
15:31 we were in Phoenix doing an evangelism series,
15:35 and the church the Phoenix
15:38 Central Seventh-day Adventist Church
15:39 where I was, was kind of the mother church
15:43 in that area to begin with.
15:45 And they had reached out to,
15:49 I believe that the people
15:50 were from Burma, I'm trying to...
15:52 The refugees who were coming in...
15:53 Probably the Karen group.
15:55 The Karen, that's exactly who it was.
15:57 So they opened their hearts,
16:01 they opened their arms to receive these people,
16:04 to help them learn the eng...
16:06 I mean, imagine this. You're an immigrant,
16:08 you are trying to escape persecution.
16:12 You come to the United States, you don't speak the language,
16:15 you don't know the culture, and they reached out,
16:18 they opened up their arms, they taught them,
16:22 you know, had English classes,
16:23 driving classes, vocational classes,
16:27 and the beautiful thing about this was God blessed
16:31 in such an incredible way,
16:33 because they have a whole Burmese church now,
16:37 I mean, this group was so big in bringing
16:40 in the immigrants that it was...
16:43 It was too big for the church
16:45 and they've actually started their own
16:47 so they can also hear it in their own language.
16:50 But, you know, we have a tendency, do we not,
16:54 to think that if you're going to be a missionary,
16:57 "Oh, Lord, well, don't send me to Papua New Guinea maybe,
17:01 or send me here, or send me there."
17:04 When God is bringing the world for us in many,
17:08 whether you're watching from Australia,
17:10 or you're watching in the United States,
17:13 or even in London and Europe, God is...
17:17 It's just like God is bringing conglomeration
17:20 of people together and He wants us to be a light
17:25 in their darkness, doesn't He?
17:26 Amen. Amen.
17:27 This is so incredibly strategic
17:29 that God has allowed this to happen.
17:31 He's not behind the wars,
17:32 that's all the fault of us, humans.
17:34 But He has overruled
17:37 in order to do something very special.
17:39 And God gave us a good warning about this over 100 years ago.
17:43 There is a book called Evangelism,
17:45 that was written, and page 517
17:48 it has this incredible statement it says,
17:50 "If we were quick in discerning the opening providences of God,
17:54 we should be able to discern to see
17:56 in the multiplying opportunities
17:58 to reach many foreigners in America,
18:00 a divinely appointed means of rapidly extending
18:03 the third angel's message into all nations of the Earth.
18:07 God in his providence has brought men
18:09 to our very doors and thrust them,
18:10 as it were, into our arms,
18:12 that they might be the means of rapidly extending
18:15 the work to other nations."
18:19 I misquoted the last little bit there,
18:20 but on looking at what God has done back
18:25 in 2, 000 years ago
18:27 when the Holy Spirit was poured out,
18:28 the scriptures say in Acts 2 that there were men
18:32 of every nation dwelling in Jerusalem.
18:35 And then they cried out,
18:36 "How is it we hear in our own language?"
18:37 Yes.
18:39 That's the miracle of the Holy Spirit,
18:40 that God is wanting to do now,
18:41 to finish the work in the world.
18:43 We have over 84 completely unreached people groups living
18:48 in the United States of America.
18:50 Wow!
18:51 You think of India, which has the largest
18:52 unreached people groups,
18:54 then China, then Pakistan, Bangladesh,
18:56 but not far down the list is the United States.
19:00 And these are people
19:01 who are waiting on for Jesus to come.
19:03 And the beautiful thing about it is
19:05 anybody and everybody can be a missionary
19:08 to these people groups.
19:10 It's so true. If we...
19:11 If you're a Christian, well, you're a missionary.
19:15 And I remember,
19:16 because we were out there on the front lines in Cambodia,
19:19 we would come back and share our stories,
19:21 and people would come up and say,
19:24 you know, "I would love to do that but my health isn't good,
19:27 or my wife doesn't want to go, or we have a baby."
19:31 You know, there was all these excuses
19:32 and now it's,
19:34 you know, when you're at the grocery store,
19:36 when you take your kids to school
19:38 and there's children in the school
19:39 that are from Afghanistan or at the bank teller,
19:44 you know, now if we just live in America
19:48 with intentionally looking out and saying God...
19:53 the divinely appointed means of extending,
19:56 rapidly extending the third angel's message back
19:59 into the world while reaching them here.
20:02 And God...
20:03 This is His message, this is His children
20:05 that He is wanting to have for eternity.
20:08 So if we can be praying
20:11 and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our list
20:14 and everything,
20:15 you know, life is just getting busier
20:17 and busier in America.
20:19 But if we would slow down and say, "God, use me today."
20:23 In fact, I was reading in Patriarchs and Prophets,
20:27 page 221, and it says,
20:30 it says that we should not have one...
20:35 not allow one day to pass
20:38 without doing something to advance
20:41 the work of God on this earth.
20:43 And I thought what a motto
20:45 to live every day saying God use me
20:48 to advance Your kingdom today.
20:51 I don't know how it is, if it's just by my smile,
20:53 or if it's really out there witnessing to a Muslim
20:57 or a Buddhist,
20:59 however He wants to do it to have that as our motto
21:02 to extend God's kingdom every day that we live.
21:07 And, you know, I'm thinking we live in a very...
21:09 as you've learned, anybody who flies in here,
21:12 this is your second time to 3ABN,
21:14 where you'd fly into St. Louis, and drive down here.
21:17 We live in a sparsely populated area.
21:20 And you might also live in a sparsely populated area
21:24 and think, "Well, what they're talking about
21:26 is not relevant to me."
21:27 but it is,
21:29 because I go to Wal-Mart and what I have found,
21:32 I see people in their hijab,
21:34 how do you say that word hijab.
21:38 If I met the other day being 14 months ago,
21:43 I was at Dillard's and a woman came in her hijab
21:47 and she was pushing a baby carriage,
21:50 and I spoke very warmly to her and she look so shocked.
21:53 You know what, she came back and she said,
21:55 "Thank you, most people look right through me."
21:58 Wow. Wow.
21:59 And, you know, I think about just here,
22:02 not far from us in Carbondale,
22:04 we have a university that has a lot of students
22:08 from Saudi Arabia.
22:10 And... Now I want to speak...
22:13 I don't want to take all the time
22:14 'cause we want...
22:16 But tell me this,
22:17 I know that if many of the students coming over say
22:21 from some Islamic countries,
22:23 they're being sponsored by their government,
22:25 and I've heard that if they accept the gospel
22:29 that they can have that, their funds dry out,
22:33 so there's all of these challenges
22:36 that people have to meet
22:38 and you've put together a program.
22:41 Tell us about what's going on in Houston?
22:44 Okay.
22:45 Because we've mentioned already,
22:47 it's an online program,
22:48 it's something that people can do
22:49 wherever they are,
22:51 that's got the information at reachtheworldnextdoor.com,
22:54 people can find out more
22:55 how they can right where they are,
22:57 do something to reach out to these people.
22:59 Okay, we're going...
23:01 We will be putting up an address roll,
23:02 but say that a little bit slower,
23:04 because there's some people
23:06 that may not get to watch or hear the program again.
23:08 Yes, reachetheworldnextdoor.com
23:11 has the information on how to reach out to these people
23:14 that you can feel so intimidated,
23:16 I don't know what to say to a lady like that,
23:18 when in reality, being friendly,
23:20 like you were,
23:21 it makes such a huge difference.
23:23 And it's well over half of the people
23:26 that are here from Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu
23:29 that do not have an American friend.
23:31 In international students, it's much higher.
23:33 They will go back to their country
23:35 having never walked into a church,
23:36 never felt like somebody
23:38 was really their friend, and we can change that.
23:41 Amen. So that's the online part.
23:43 But we've actually started now, just recently, just in...
23:47 very in 2017, a new program,
23:51 a live in program for students to come,
23:53 mainly college age students
23:55 to come and spend nine months with us,
23:57 training for missions by doing missions.
24:01 So we have a few...
24:02 But you don't have to be college age
24:03 if you're an older couple who want it.
24:05 Yes, any one that the Lord is calling to be a missionary
24:08 in Houston, we'll take them.
24:11 And they don't necessarily have to end up in Houston, right,
24:13 so somebody from Detroit can take that...
24:16 That's right. The kit. Yes, yes.
24:18 The idea is through training,
24:19 through reaching out to refugees,
24:21 and immigrants, and international students,
24:22 they'll be prepared to be a missionary anywhere
24:25 in the world, at least with that good solid start.
24:30 So in the picture,
24:31 the first picture shows our whole group.
24:33 It's a really international group,
24:35 our team, our staff
24:36 have been missionaries elsewhere.
24:38 They've been missionaries
24:39 among Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists,
24:42 and Southern California young people
24:45 who were from all over the world.
24:47 And then the group of students, includes several who've been...
24:50 Who are refugees either from Burma or from Africa,
24:53 and a couple international students
24:55 from Taiwan, and then others, just who are American born.
24:59 So together we're learning,
25:01 we have different kind of outreach
25:04 that we do but the mentoring
25:06 is the really crucial part that we spend time.
25:09 We have a group of only...
25:10 We want only between 10 and 16 students
25:12 that in the picture of Julie,
25:14 they are laughing with Anton, one of our students.
25:17 That shows the kind of closeness
25:19 we want that them to experience what it means to be discipled,
25:24 as Jesus' discipled His disciples.
25:27 And then through that, they're being trained,
25:29 the next picture shows
25:31 that there's vocational training
25:32 that happens every afternoon.
25:34 When we're at home,
25:35 we have three days at the property
25:37 in studying in the morning, classroom learning on missions,
25:41 Bible truth, health ministry, but then in the afternoon,
25:45 we're working together on the property, in the garden,
25:48 on the buildings,
25:49 anything that they might use overseas
25:52 in a primitive place.
25:54 So...
25:55 or they're in a city,
25:56 you know, a little garden, garden boxes,
25:58 or people that miss being in the country,
26:00 being able to help them have some fresh garden produce.
26:04 And then health part is really, really important.
26:06 You see William here
26:08 in the next picture from Taiwan,
26:09 teaching away the language,
26:11 English is a second language for him,
26:13 but he pushed himself hard in our program
26:15 to be sharing with the Cambodian community
26:17 that we were doing this health program for.
26:20 And then most importantly though,
26:23 is taking them out into the city,
26:26 where we are pretty much three days of the week.
26:28 We're down there with refugees, with immigrants,
26:31 and we'll share more about that.
26:33 But there, as you can see,
26:35 this is huge hug from one of the people
26:37 reaching out to one of our students, sweet there,
26:41 just loving her and appreciating so much
26:44 the friendship she has shown to her.
26:46 And that's where they learn the most in our program
26:50 is by the actual cross cultural missionary work
26:52 that we're doing.
26:53 Oh, that's wonderful and Houston gives you the...
26:56 You've got it right there at your feet.
26:58 Yes, yes.
27:00 We wish we could have brought our students with us,
27:02 'cause we want to share some of those stories
27:05 that have happened
27:07 since the program started in August.
27:10 But we will have to share their stories next time,
27:13 maybe they can come and join us.
27:16 And their stories maybe online too in the future
27:19 at the website.
27:20 But there is a little bit more to the story
27:23 of actually ending up in Houston
27:24 that we should share,
27:25 because ASAP had the vision and the mission for it.
27:30 Texas Conference was willing to put in their part,
27:32 more funds were needed, and the denomination,
27:35 other ways has really pulled together
27:36 to make it an urban center of influence,
27:38 and we're really grateful for the funds
27:40 that are helping to make it happen.
27:42 But the biggest miracle really had
27:46 to take place in our hearts first.
27:48 'Cause as I shared my excitement with Julie,
27:51 and, you know, wanted to move to Houston,
27:53 I want to start this new program.
27:55 She's been there before, she knows what it's like to go
27:57 to a place where there are no Christians,
27:59 no programming gear, take her family to a new spot.
28:03 She knows the cost of doing
28:04 that before in Cambodia and Thailand.
28:07 And so she was like, "Wait a minute,
28:10 my two children are here going to school in Berrien Springs,
28:13 Michigan, and you're wanting me to move to a place
28:16 where I knew nobody?"
28:18 And I had to really back off, and say,
28:20 "Okay, Lord, if this is on Your heart,
28:22 You'll have to put it on both of our hearts."
28:24 Right?
28:25 And for about six months, he was pretty good at trying
28:28 to keep down his excitement,
28:30 and when he and Julia would talk,
28:32 I would just pray,
28:34 I wasn't really a part of anything,
28:35 I was just trying to...
28:38 Just, I was just enjoying being,
28:40 still being a family
28:42 even though our kids were now in college and academy, now,
28:44 they're both in the Andrews University,
28:47 and they had a wonderful home school support system there,
28:51 right there, and I was just loving life.
28:54 And so you were home schooling your 14 year old.
28:57 Yes, yes, he's 14 now.
29:00 And God did,
29:04 it was like 3 o'clock in the morning,
29:08 one morning he woke me up and I got up,
29:11 and I started reading in Patriarch,
29:14 a book about Elisha's life.
29:17 And it was so much as I read through this,
29:21 and I knew what Scott had pictured
29:24 as the training for the prophets was similar
29:27 to what Elisha did, small, take him out
29:30 with you while you're ministering,
29:32 and I, through tears
29:36 and six pages of journaling, finally said
29:39 "Okay, God, I have...
29:42 I know that if You're calling, I can be excited,
29:45 and I know that You will take care
29:47 of my family whom I love, and they were very supportive,
29:52 and they've come two or three times now to Texas
29:55 and enjoyed the nice warm weather
29:58 compared to Michigan, where they're in school.
30:02 And God has...
30:04 Yeah, so I just praise God
30:06 that if we are not feeling like that we want to go,
30:12 it's okay, God can handle that.
30:14 He worked with me for at least six,
30:17 I think it was about six months
30:18 that I first started hearing this,
30:20 and God got me around to the point
30:23 where I'm excited to be,
30:25 where I'm at and what we are doing.
30:27 And He doesn't really strong arm, does he?
30:30 When you said that was six hours of tears,
30:32 it's more of us letting go of things
30:36 that we think will make us happier.
30:38 And you know what?
30:40 It is so amazing that God's plan for our life
30:42 is always better than the one that we're living, isn't it?
30:46 It's true.
30:47 So now when you're down there in Houston,
30:50 I can tell you are a loving and nurturing person,
30:54 and that that's your heart,
30:55 and you are an encourager as well, I can tell that so...
30:58 But now you have your students, a whole new family to love,
31:03 and I'm sure God has filled your heart with joy.
31:05 Amen. It really, He really has.
31:08 And that's just, I praise God for that.
31:11 But there's tough times too
31:12 and so we have to tell the miracle
31:14 that keeps us going when we hit those tough times.
31:17 And that is how we got to live where we're living,
31:20 the property that we're in.
31:21 We were...
31:23 We had a call for my position as ASAP behind us,
31:27 their interests there,
31:28 but we had no place to do this all ministry in.
31:31 So we knew, we needed to sell our house,
31:33 and then go find something
31:35 we hoped a whole lot cheaper in Texas,
31:36 that things are going to be better,
31:38 but when we went to search and in January,
31:40 February of that year,
31:42 everybody wanted something in the country
31:44 with several structures, near the city,
31:46 and there was no way we were going to find something
31:48 for a reasonable price.
31:50 Houston is not an inexpensive place to live.
31:52 We found the perfect spot we thought,
31:54 we put an offer on it, it was accepted,
31:56 and then right before we had to go overseas
31:58 for five weeks before we were going
32:00 to then move two weeks later,
32:03 we got a call that the bank had said
32:05 no to their part of it,
32:06 because it was almost in for closure,
32:09 and so that was shut down.
32:10 So there we are, overseas knowing we're moving,
32:13 no place to go,
32:14 I've already taken away from family,
32:16 and I said, "Lord, You have got to show us Your hand in this
32:20 and do something for us."
32:22 So we tried not to look where we were overseas,
32:24 and just focus on Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand,
32:26 and then we got home,
32:28 and were busy packing, saying goodbye,
32:30 when out of the blue,
32:31 I get a call from someone who says, "Hello, is this Jim?"
32:34 At 10 o'clock at night.
32:35 "And I hear you're looking for a property."
32:38 He had gone back to church
32:39 after not attending for a long time,
32:41 and on that week, Dan Serns, our supervisor had met him,
32:46 and they got talking about property,
32:48 and he told them what we were doing.
32:50 So he says, "What shall I look for?"
32:51 And I told him what we need.
32:53 We need a miracle,
32:54 we need a place big enough for a school,
32:56 but cheap enough that it would be,
32:59 that we can afford,
33:00 and he said, "Okay, I'll look."
33:02 And called back, just a little bit later,
33:03 he said, "I'm looking at camps, found one for several million."
33:06 We laughed and he said,
33:07 "But I've got something you need to look at."
33:09 And as we begin looking at it...
33:11 There's a picture...
33:13 Yeah, there is a picture here, we began to look out...
33:15 Oh, that's beautiful.
33:16 You know, through pictures he was sending us,
33:18 we said, "We've got to put an offer now."
33:20 Even without seeing it,
33:22 but the owner wouldn't, he wouldn't,
33:23 we had to move, so we just got in the car and began our move,
33:27 and the next morning
33:28 we went there right after we arrived.
33:31 You take over here.
33:32 He had done a ministry for the homeless,
33:35 and so he didn't want to just sell it to somebody
33:38 who would just make it develop,
33:40 you know, put it into development.
33:42 He wanted someone, and he wanted to spend time,
33:44 so for four hours,
33:46 he took us through and hearing about his story of everything
33:51 that had happened on this property...
33:52 Us telling our stories.
33:54 And us telling our story and then,
33:56 when we got in the chapel he even...
34:00 He said, "So are you all with the organization,"
34:02 and we smiled and we said,
34:04 "Yes, we are Seventh-day Adventists."
34:05 And he said,
34:07 "You are the church that has the day right?"
34:09 And he said he's been reading the Bible
34:12 and looking and seeing,
34:14 you know, that Sabbath, Saturday is the Sabbath,
34:17 and he's even taking it to his church at the pastor,
34:20 and so we were able to share with him, and lovely couples.
34:25 Just connected.
34:26 Yes, it was beautiful. Praise God.
34:28 So at the end of the conversation,
34:29 oh go ahead.
34:30 But it was more than what we could...
34:32 We had about 400,000 to work
34:37 with, and that was...
34:39 And he was asking more than that.
34:41 And it was Friday,
34:43 it was Friday already and we thought let's just...
34:45 We're not going to cut counteroffer,
34:47 we're just going to leave it in the Lord's hands,
34:49 over the Sabbath,
34:50 five people looked at the property,
34:53 and they were all way over what we could afford.
34:58 And we just prayed, and the most amazing thing,
35:02 when he was at the SEEDS Conference that year,
35:05 the year before that,
35:06 he dealt with someone from the church
35:08 that had invited him to eat lunch with them.
35:12 Well, over the weekend, when we had just rested,
35:14 this was at a big camp meeting that Doug Batchelor was there
35:17 to do a big camp meeting and they wanted us to be there,
35:21 he met them
35:22 when he went out to the restroom,
35:24 and it was that very couple, the couple,
35:27 we didn't know anyone in this,
35:28 you know, and here they are, and they said,
35:30 "Tell us where are you here now living,
35:32 and you wanted to start a missionary training center,
35:35 where is it at now?"
35:36 So over lunch we're sharing with them,
35:38 but we didn't want to say anything about finances,
35:39 but they kept pressing us,
35:41 "Do you have enough for what you need?"
35:42 "Can we come up and look at the place?"
35:44 The next morning, they walked through with us, and they were,
35:47 like, you know, "Let us know, we'd love to help in some way."
35:49 And they were getting in their car, and we thought,
35:51 "If you don't help now, this property is gone."
35:53 It's gonna be in someone else's land.
35:55 We didn't say that, but we thought, "Okay, Lord."
35:56 But we were feeling that and so we said,
35:58 "Well, let us tell you, you know, what the need is."
36:01 We told them how much we were still needing.
36:03 They looked at each other, and they said,
36:05 "Go, get your checkbook."
36:07 Because that was the exact amount
36:08 that they had in a tax refund that they did not know
36:11 they were having, coming.
36:12 Oh, Lord.
36:14 And they had already told the Lord,
36:15 whatever comes back for taxes is yours.
36:16 I'm gonna give it to you, for God.
36:18 Glorious.
36:19 And it was the exact amount that...
36:21 So we took that over to the owner...
36:24 And told him the story.
36:25 And told him what had just happened.
36:27 And he said.
36:28 And he shook on it, and he said.
36:29 I was just waiting to see if God was in this.
36:32 Oh, it gave me chills all over.
36:34 And then he said, "And I don't know
36:36 why you couldn't just move
36:37 in tomorrow until it closes
36:42 'cause we're just camped out at another place waiting
36:43 to find something out there.
36:45 Amazing. And then...
36:47 His birthday, we were packing up in Michigan,
36:50 not knowing where we're gonna go,
36:53 and his birthday is coming in just a little bit,
36:57 and I was laughing, and I said,
36:58 "I would love to give you a house
37:01 for your birthday, honey."
37:02 And we just laughed
37:03 because that was, like four days,
37:05 four days before his birthday.
37:07 On his birthday is when Jack, the owner, said,
37:10 "I don't know why you couldn't just move in here."
37:13 So on April 25 of this last year,
37:16 we got to move in
37:18 to a beautiful paradise that God gave to school.
37:19 This is 26 acres with seven cabins
37:24 or houses on it,
37:25 and two workshops for vocational training,
37:28 and lots of place for gardening,
37:30 and just a retreat.
37:32 It is such a blessing to bring people out of the city
37:35 to seek God there to do
37:36 the training we needed to show them
37:38 what true Christianity can be like,
37:40 it just was God's plan,
37:43 for the price of a house in the city somewhere.
37:46 Isn't that amazing,
37:47 but you are bringing them out of the city for the training
37:49 and then you take them back
37:50 into the city for their practical.
37:53 So this is what keeps us going in the tough times
37:55 and what God is doing.
37:57 And that's really where we want to move
37:58 from that amazing story to what it's about,
38:00 it's not about that but it's about the people.
38:02 First, let me ask you a question.
38:04 Did the hurricane hit you, Hurricane Harvey.
38:08 It did, as we were ready to start school,
38:11 and on the time
38:12 that the students were supposed to arrive
38:14 is when 50 inches were falling in a day,
38:17 it just pummeling the city, not with big winds,
38:20 but with so much water.
38:22 And the flood was rising and rising.
38:24 And yes, it was coming
38:25 in to what was to be the men's dorm,
38:27 but the big problem was,
38:29 the students couldn't get there.
38:30 The airport was shut down, it was flooded.
38:33 And so we had to put that off for a week,
38:35 and as soon as they arrived, after orientation,
38:39 we were headed down to help the people.
38:41 Praise God.
38:42 And they could have that opportunity of learning
38:44 to reach out and care for immigrants and refugees
38:46 who were in trouble.
38:48 And we have years to,
38:49 I mean, to rebuild it's taken years,
38:51 so we've had so many opportunities
38:53 of helping demolish housing,
38:56 and teaching the kids how to do dry wall,
38:59 and spackle, and flooring,
39:01 you know, we've had to go through people's houses,
39:04 and through that building friendships,
39:06 I mean, this has been since August,
39:09 so the whole every,
39:10 every week we're down in the city.
39:13 Still helping rebuild. Yeah.
39:14 But the place God led us to was a total surprise.
39:17 I had met a lady named Lisa who speaks Spanish,
39:21 her husband is Cambodian, and she said
39:22 there's a Cambodian community south of the city,
39:25 was too far away
39:26 from where we'd want to minister,
39:28 so even though we speak Cambodian,
39:29 we weren't going there.
39:31 But when the hurricane hit, she called, we talked,
39:34 and we knew that's where God needed us.
39:36 So there's a picture here showing some of the devastation
39:39 in that community that you can just see,
39:41 all of that has been hauled out of their house.
39:43 My son's walking up, inspecting, looking at it,
39:46 and then the next picture shows him
39:48 and some of the students beginning to help out building
39:51 that house, rebuilding, repairing things and it just...
39:55 What an incredible experience
39:57 that we've been able to reach out
40:00 and share in that community, and talk to people,
40:04 and then overtime make friendships,
40:06 but then have opened up into Bible studies.
40:08 But, you know, it's not just when God calls you out
40:11 in such a way is that the divine appointment set,
40:13 He set up...
40:14 He also...
40:15 Well, now excuse me, those are specific calls,
40:19 but he does set up divine appointments
40:21 and the answer to prayer, and you made a comment,
40:25 just in the greenroom as we just briefly met
40:27 and ran out here on the set,
40:29 but you made a comment about praying
40:32 to meet a Somalian woman.
40:33 Tell us about that story?
40:35 Yes, we had just heard in the sermon
40:38 that one of the top five countries
40:42 where it is the most dangerous in the world
40:44 to become a Christian was Afghanistan, number two,
40:47 and number three, Somalia.
40:50 And so when we went out, we go out...
40:52 outreach, we're working
40:54 in the churches on the Sabbath,
40:55 getting the churches involved, and helping them to reach out
40:59 in their neighborhoods in the city,
41:01 and then we take them out afterwards in the afternoon
41:04 to the apartment buildings,
41:06 where we've strategically have figured out
41:08 where some of these brothers and sisters
41:11 from these countries are living.
41:13 And so, we were praying
41:15 right after church, and we said,
41:16 "Lord give us a Somali today, please,
41:19 when we're going on outreach."
41:21 Did you know...
41:22 So I'm knocking on the door
41:23 with one of the Spanish speaking members.
41:25 And he's...
41:26 You know, he said,
41:28 "I haven't been out door-to-door in ages,
41:29 this is kind of scary."
41:30 We knocked on the door, a lady opened,
41:33 she said, "No speak English."
41:35 And we said, you know, Afghanistan,
41:37 I just kind of took a guess, yeah, and I said here,
41:40 and I handed her a card, we've made a website with...
41:44 It's called mylanguagemylife.com.
41:47 And at that website... My language my life.
41:49 My language my life 'cause it's their language.
41:52 It is over 150 languages of biblical materials.
41:56 Things like 3ABN in the different languages,
41:59 and other programs Adventist World Radio,
42:01 and the Jesus' video
42:03 which has hundreds of languages,
42:05 so they just click on the continent,
42:06 find their language for her, Afghanistan,
42:09 there maybe Dari or Pashto,
42:12 and then they can play those different programs
42:15 and hear God's Word in their language.
42:17 So we place this in her hand,
42:19 and she doesn't know what it is,
42:21 but, you know, somebody
42:22 in the house will figure it out,
42:23 and closed the door.
42:25 And my partner says,
42:26 "Wow, I can't believe it, someone from Afghanistan."
42:28 We go to the next door and knock,
42:30 this lady has just come from Central America,
42:32 so they're off in Spanish,
42:33 I don't know what's going on for 10 minutes,
42:35 and he turns to me and he says,
42:37 "The second door, and I have a Bible study."
42:40 Oh, glory to God.
42:41 So we get done with our part, we go down, we're waiting,
42:44 we're saying,
42:45 "Julie, we got to hurry and get back."
42:46 And she's going to one more door.
42:49 And at that door?
42:50 And one of our students, I had two students with me,
42:53 and they knocked on the door
42:55 and they were part of that prayer time,
42:56 so they knew we were praying for a Somali,
42:58 and he's knocking on the door and this nice, good looking,
43:03 25 year old Somali man answered the phone...
43:07 And he answered the door.
43:09 And that was probably like in October of this,
43:13 and he, as we were talking
43:17 what he is in need here
43:19 since he's arrived in America is that he had a...
43:22 He has a broken nose because in the refugee camp
43:24 he had helped a young lady
43:28 who was being bullied by several guys,
43:32 and he didn't even know the young lady,
43:33 but he stood up for...
43:35 I mean, he had this broken nose,
43:36 and you could see...
43:38 and he has now, he's in America,
43:39 he has no insurance, and so we call...
43:42 We helped him, we got insurance,
43:44 we came the next week helped him
43:46 fill out his forms, took him to the registration center,
43:50 and so now he is able to get the medical attention
43:53 that he needs.
43:55 And since then, we have gone on picnics,
43:57 in fact, he joined our,
43:58 just this last Sunday he joined us again
44:00 for a picnic at the park,
44:02 and have kept in good conversation with him,
44:08 we've had wonderful visits.
44:09 It's at the picnic
44:11 that they had a two hour conversation
44:12 in which he was just asking questions
44:14 about the Trinity, and about all these things...
44:16 The Son of God.
44:17 And sharing all that he believes
44:19 and just added.
44:21 But it has been able to be a beautiful friendship
44:24 that has great potential.
44:26 And this is happening in answer to prayer,
44:29 and that's one of the major things
44:31 that people can be doing wherever they are,
44:33 we have a prayer guide called Praying
44:36 For The World Next Door.
44:38 And this is just full of statistics
44:41 that open our eyes,
44:42 and stories that help us understand
44:44 who God has brought, and be able to know
44:47 that He wants to use us powerfully,
44:49 so churches can gather and begin to say the word,
44:52 who is in our city.
44:54 And at our website, you can actually click on
44:56 how to find the least reached near you,
44:59 so that there at reachtheworldnextdoor.com.
45:02 You can know in your metro area where they're from,
45:06 which country, and where to go, and what to do next,
45:08 and how to make the friendships.
45:10 And you don't even really don't have to know
45:12 how to speak their language
45:13 because I know that many of the people
45:15 that Phoenix Central
45:17 Seventh-day Adventist Church were ministering to,
45:19 when they first got there, they spoke no English,
45:21 they just love them.
45:23 they just helped them, then got them resources.
45:25 So you can help them learning those too.
45:27 Yeah, that's what they did.
45:28 You can be friend and help that and slowly
45:30 as they develop,
45:31 then you can begin to share more of the love of God.
45:33 Okay, give us one more short story
45:35 'cause I want to get to the steps to becoming
45:39 a next door missionary,
45:40 but get this one more quick story.
45:43 If we can go back to Cambodia,
45:45 not to Cambodia but to the Cambodian village,
45:47 I mean, you go there,
45:48 and there's a Buddhist temple there.
45:50 There are individuals, I think, there's a picture
45:53 if they can get it up there of us sitting
45:55 in the home a little tense,
45:56 while they're trying to rebuild that.
45:58 And several... This was after the hurricane.
46:01 Several of our students had made friends,
46:03 had been in their home, took food,
46:05 Rachel and William took food, and brought it there,
46:07 and they made these different things,
46:09 and we were able to share.
46:11 But as we were sitting there, talking, and sharing,
46:15 making friendships, William finally decides,
46:18 "I'm going to try to share something about Jesus."
46:20 So he pulled out a children's book
46:21 that was intended for their grandchildren
46:23 but they weren't there,
46:24 and he tells them the story of creation.
46:26 They're hearing it for the first time
46:27 and they've lived in America for 30 years.
46:30 Unreal.
46:31 But the wife can't speak English,
46:32 after all this time.
46:34 And so I'm translating for her,
46:36 because they understand Thai even though they're Laotian.
46:38 They are not Cambodian, it's a mix in this community.
46:41 And so she's hearing,
46:43 and they're talking back and forth,
46:45 and then a question is asked to him about...
46:48 Somehow evil spirits come up in all of this,
46:50 'cause that's still such a reality for them.
46:52 So our students, EK, who is telling the story,
46:56 he's sharing, and so I begin to help clarify,
47:01 "No, God is not like an angel,
47:03 no, he's not one of these beings
47:05 that been reincarnated,
47:06 this is the one who made everything."
47:08 And she looks at me and she says,
47:10 "You're telling us about the big God, the real one,
47:14 the ultimate one."
47:15 And we have seen over the weeks
47:17 since then just unfolding as they get a little more
47:19 and a little more
47:21 and their eyes are just opening,
47:22 their hearts are warming.
47:23 These are the people
47:25 God has brought to us in America
47:27 from unreached countries
47:28 that we can have the great joy
47:30 and privilege of sharing
47:32 and helping to heal their heartaches,
47:34 because many of them are here from countries
47:36 where they didn't want to leave but they had to leave.
47:39 Okay, we're gonna come back to your website, just a moment,
47:42 but tell us the steps to becoming
47:44 a next door missionary,
47:46 and then we can always send people
47:47 to my language my life, tell us about that?
47:50 Just show the card, yeah.
47:53 I would invite people to be a next-door missionary
47:56 by just three simple steps.
47:58 Number one, commit to pray for the least reached.
48:01 You can see it on the website, you can order the book
48:04 whatever, but begin to ask who is here
48:07 that will never enter my church doors,
48:09 that has never had anything in their own heart language.
48:12 I'm going to pray for them,
48:13 I'm going to be part of finishing the work.
48:15 So that's number one, pray.
48:17 Number two, commit to being a friend
48:21 to at least one international person
48:23 of another culture, another religion always.
48:26 Just, you know,
48:27 once you've made that friendship,
48:28 maybe they move away, maybe they become
48:30 a follower of Jesus, and then you find another one.
48:32 But just say, "I'm going to find somebody."
48:35 International student, refugee, tourist, whoever,
48:38 I'm going to be a friend, just one person.
48:40 I'm busy, I have a lot going on,
48:42 but God has opened up doors for that one person at a time.
48:47 And number three,
48:49 carry my language my life and give so that card.
48:52 That card, I got another one in my pocket.
48:53 They just keep coming out,
48:55 because that's a way in English and Spanish,
48:59 so many good websites,
49:00 but probably something in their heart language
49:03 and commit to sharing that.
49:05 There is visual, you have all kinds of languages there.
49:08 oh, that's exciting.
49:09 If somebody is willing to do that,
49:11 anybody who's listening, if they can just send an e-mail
49:14 to info@reach theworldnextdoor.com.
49:17 Okay, we're gonna
49:19 put your website up in just a moment.
49:20 Or just go on that website
49:21 then we can know and we can encourage them.
49:23 Tell us very...
49:24 In just a couple of minutes,
49:25 when are you going to begin your next nine month program,
49:29 and how do people,
49:31 you know, you may have people who are saying,
49:33 "I'm very interested in a nine month program"
49:35 And it's really a very reasonable cost,
49:38 tell us about that?
49:39 The program runs from August through May.
49:41 So the end of August to the end of May.
49:43 So we're accepting applications right now
49:46 at that website,
49:47 you could go on there, there's a process of reviewing,
49:50 of getting references, of really communicating,
49:52 here's what it is,
49:53 'cause this is not an easy sit back,
49:55 you know, learn.
49:57 This is a learn something,
49:58 go use it, learn some more, go use it.
49:59 And they are building confidence,
50:01 it's such a joy to see, and it's not that they have to,
50:05 when you're working with other cultures,
50:07 you don't have to have
50:08 all of these Bible verses, it's...
50:10 you're taking a Bible story, they're sharing Bible stories,
50:14 and a theme, and a truth.
50:16 And that's how it's being lodged
50:17 in their hearts, and they're gaining,
50:20 they're gaining confidence
50:22 as we go out, and it's been a joy.
50:25 It's good.
50:27 So from August to May,
50:30 and what is the cost for this program,
50:33 including, I mean, can you encapsulate,
50:36 say including room and board, a nine month program.
50:38 Including room and board, the training,
50:40 every part of it is $7,000.
50:43 That is extraordinary reasonable,
50:46 and that's room and board included.
50:48 And that's God's miracle,
50:49 because He gave us 26 beautiful acres
50:52 with these houses already.
50:53 I don't know what we were thinking,
50:55 but God knew He needed to start this ministry.
50:58 But there are young people out there
51:00 who hear that and say, "There's no way I can do that."
51:02 Because they are working refugee,
51:04 young people who've come here
51:06 are working to support their parents
51:07 and their family, and they think I can't do that,
51:09 but I want to be a missionary for my own people
51:11 and other people.
51:13 They can find supporters,
51:14 they can find people in their church
51:16 and elsewhere who'll say,
51:18 "I'll put a $100 a month towards reaching
51:20 one of the last unreached tribes in this world,
51:22 and I'll do it through you."
51:24 And they can do that through asapministries.org.
51:27 The ASAP operates us,
51:31 so I'm giving too much too quick.
51:33 Yeah, I was just thinking, we've got several web...
51:35 Several websites. Websites going on.
51:37 What I want to do right now,
51:39 because I just believe the Holy Spirit
51:41 is prompting people out there to say,
51:44 "I would like to support this ministry."
51:46 I would like to go for nine months
51:48 and learn how to be a missionary."
51:50 Or maybe, I just want to see
51:53 how I can tell people what they...
51:57 who is living in our area,
51:58 what groups, international groups,
52:01 here is the information
52:03 that you want to get rich, and rich,
52:06 and reach with Scott
52:08 and Julie at the worldnextdoor,
52:13 look at this, Reach the World Next Door.
52:17 If you would like to find out how you can be God's hand
52:20 and voice to refugees, immigrants,
52:23 and international students,
52:24 how to share the gospel in over 150 languages,
52:28 or how to train for cross cultural ministry,
52:31 please visit reach theworldnextdoor.com,
52:34 there you'll find podcast, tools to help you discover
52:38 unreached internationals near you, and much more.
52:41 So visit reach theworldnextdoor.com.
52:44 You may also call them
52:46 at 269-471-3026
52:50 or write them at ASAP ministries,
52:53 P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49103.


Revised 2018-04-23