3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018025B

00:01 What an incredible testimony,
00:02 what an incredible story that Loretta has,
00:05 and we just have a couple moments left.
00:07 Loretta, you have a special journaling Bible there,
00:10 and I think there's a question your son wrote in it,
00:12 talk to us about that?
00:13 I do have a journaling Bible.
00:14 And he asked me the question,
00:16 "Mommy, how many mission trips have you been on
00:19 since they said you wouldn't be able to go
00:21 on any more mission trips?"
00:23 And the answer to that is 19.
00:26 Wow!
00:27 You've been on 19 since you got sick.
00:29 I've been on 19 since they told me,
00:31 I wouldn't be able to do anymore
00:32 because when they told me
00:34 I wouldn't be able to walk again,
00:35 I said, "Can I do any more marathons?
00:36 Can I do any more mission trips?"
00:38 And so, what a blessing.
00:40 I don't know how many I've been on all together,
00:42 but these 19, 20 in June coming.
00:47 These 19 have been amazing and awesome,
00:50 with my family,
00:51 and what a blessing that I can go and serve
00:55 and share this story of God's amazing and wonderful grace.
00:58 And I want to say something too
01:00 that I think where it really impresses me
01:01 is that God is good
01:03 even if you weren't healed to the point you are now,
01:05 that's the state that you came to,
01:07 you know, you're like, "Okay, God, okay with You
01:09 if I'm in the wheelchair the rest of my life,"
01:10 it's that coming to that realization
01:12 or, "God you've brought me to where I'm now.
01:14 Thank you, God, you're still good."
01:16 It annoys me when people hear my story
01:18 and say God is good because God is not good because I'm healed.
01:21 Yes. Yes. That's right.
01:22 In some place I was in Africa,
01:24 they say, "God is good all the time,
01:26 and all the time God is good."
01:27 All the time, God is good. And that's His nature.
01:29 That's right. That's right. That's what they add.
01:31 That's His nature. Amen.
01:33 I'm grateful, I'm amazed,
01:36 but that's not why He's good.
01:37 Amen.
01:38 He's good because He's God,
01:40 you know, He's awesome and amazing.
01:41 What an incredible testimony, Loretta.
01:42 Thank you for sharing from your heart.
01:44 Thank you for sharing the journey
01:46 that God has brought you on
01:47 and for sharing that with you at home.
01:49 We hope and pray
01:50 that there has been an encouragement in your life.
01:52 Your journey to trust God regardless,
01:56 trust God with your life.
01:58 We will see you again. Bye-bye.


Revised 2018-04-09