3ABN Today

Prayer Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 We welcome you to 3ABN Today.
01:12 It's always a joy
01:14 when we are able to come into your homes
01:17 and bring our guest.
01:18 And today we have got an incredible guest.
01:20 Her ministry has to do with prayer.
01:24 She has teaching workshops,
01:27 all sorts of tools to help us increase our prayer life.
01:31 So how many of you are interested
01:34 in becoming a stronger praying,
01:37 prayer partner for the Kingdom of God?
01:39 Let me encourage you, get your Bible,
01:42 get your pencil, get your paper,
01:44 call your friends,
01:46 and lets have a time with the Lord today
01:49 and learn how to communicate better with Him.
01:52 Let me introduce my guest to you,
01:55 her name is Eunice Davis.
01:58 Eunice, it is so good to have you with us today.
02:01 I'm excited about this program that we're about to go into.
02:05 Thank you for having me,
02:07 and I'm glad to be here as well.
02:08 Well, tell me where are you from?
02:11 Well, I live, presently I live in Fort Worth, Texas,
02:14 but I'm originally
02:15 from the island of Trinidad and Tobago.
02:18 Well, I want to find out
02:20 how you got from the island of Trinidad and Tobago
02:25 here to this United States.
02:27 And I've already heard a little of this.
02:29 That's an exciting element as well.
02:32 But, Eunice, it's so good to have you here.
02:35 And I have found that there are people
02:36 here at 3ABN that you know well.
02:39 And so we're just looking forward to unfolding your life,
02:45 how God has lead you
02:46 in this wonderful ministry
02:48 that He's brought you into.
02:50 Let me just give you a scripture
02:53 that has to do with prayer, and it's in Ephesians 6:18.
02:59 The Apostle Paul tells us
03:02 that we are to pray, how often?
03:06 "Praying always with all prayer
03:09 and supplication in the spirit."
03:11 So we have this commandment to pray always.
03:15 And so we're going to look deeper into that.
03:18 But before we look deeper into this prayer ministry
03:22 that God has so graced
03:24 and blessed our sister Eunice with,
03:26 we have Sam Ocampo here with us.
03:29 He's a pianist,
03:31 and he's going to minister the most beautiful song
03:34 "He Will Carry You".
05:42 If He carried the weight of the world
05:46 Upon His shoulders
05:52 I know my brother that He will carry you
05:59 And if He carried the weight of the world
06:03 Upon His shoulders
06:09 I know my sister that He will carry you
07:30 Sam Ocampo,
07:32 what a beautiful rendition of "He Will Carry You".
07:36 Beautiful song, thank you so very much.
07:38 My guest today, if you're just joining us
07:41 is Eunice Davis.
07:43 Eunice is from Fort Worth, Texas.
07:46 And we are just, she is teaching on prayer.
07:50 And nothing could be more near and dear
07:53 to my heart and to the heart of God
07:55 than communicating with Him.
07:57 So, Eunice, thank you so much for joining with us today,
08:01 coming all the way to Southern Illinois
08:04 to share with our viewers and our listeners
08:06 this ministry God has placed in your heart.
08:09 Before we go into the ministry,
08:13 I want to know a little about you.
08:15 Tell me, tell, were you raised in a Christian home?
08:19 Well, I would say
08:20 we were raised in a Christian home
08:23 where we had prayer but we grew up Catholic.
08:25 Okay, and my mom will take us to early morning mass
08:27 and, of course, Sunday mass.
08:29 And we did Stations of the Cross
08:30 and all of those things.
08:32 But the interesting thing about my mom is that
08:34 we grew up never knowing
08:35 that she was a Seventh-day Adventist.
08:38 And she enrolled us at
08:40 the Seventh-day Adventist college
08:43 on the island of Trinidad and Tobago in CUC.
08:47 And while there,
08:48 Elder Cleveland came to the island
08:50 to run a series of messages for three months.
08:54 Those were the days when they did
08:55 three-month campaigns.
08:57 And it so happened that my English teacher
08:59 was one of his Bible workers.
09:02 And an old friend of my mom
09:03 invited her to go to the meetings,
09:06 and he will come every evening, pick us up,
09:08 and we will attend the meetings.
09:11 When we ended up on his list,
09:13 and my mom had a dress shop in the city,
09:15 where she made clothes and did people's hair,
09:17 and he came to visit us.
09:19 And I remember distinctly, I was there in the work,
09:23 in her dress shop.
09:24 And I guess, just a hurt
09:29 of whatever happened to her in the church
09:31 caused her to leave.
09:32 When she vented it on him
09:34 and he just stood there very calm
09:35 and he took it all in, and I was so embarrassed,
09:37 and that's when I found out
09:39 that my mom was a Seventh-day Adventist.
09:41 She was a Seventh-day Adventist.
09:42 And she had left the church.
09:43 Okay.
09:45 And who was this person that she was talking to,
09:47 it wasn't Elder Cleveland.
09:49 It was my English teacher
09:52 who was the Bible worker and his,
09:55 our names were given to him.
09:56 And how old were you at this time?
09:59 I was 15.
10:00 Okay, and you, you were going to an Adventist,
10:03 your mother had put you in an Adventist school.
10:04 In an Adventist school, yes. Okay.
10:06 And so we became...
10:09 Well, she got re-baptized,
10:11 we all came in with her and got baptized
10:14 but not with Elder Cleveland.
10:16 The following year,
10:17 George Rainey came to the island.
10:19 And for second reaping,
10:21 and we were baptized then on April 1st, April Fools' Day.
10:25 Okay.
10:26 We joined this Seventh-day Adventist Church
10:28 and I've never left.
10:29 It's been the best thing God has ever done
10:32 for my mom and for us,
10:33 bringing us back into the church.
10:35 Praise God for that. Yes, yes.
10:36 So you are in Trinidad and Tobago,
10:38 but now you're in Fort Worth, Texas.
10:41 Now, how did you get from Trinidad and Tobago
10:44 all the way to the United States?
10:46 Well, that's an interesting story.
10:48 My mom was a dressmaker,
10:49 in the city she had a dress shop.
10:51 And our money got devalued,
10:53 and, of course, her business dried up.
10:55 And she had five children she needed to take care of.
10:58 And so she came to the United States
10:59 as a domestic servant working in Baltimore.
11:02 And after a year, she went up to New York
11:04 and she just started bringing us up
11:06 one by one to the United States.
11:08 And so we got there, we purchased a home,
11:11 and when we purchased that home,
11:12 I picked up my red suitcase,
11:13 and I headed for Atlantic Union College
11:15 to go to school.
11:16 So you started going to school here in the United States
11:19 and a Seventh-day Adventist college.
11:21 Seventh-day Adventist school, yes,
11:23 and I enjoyed my time there.
11:25 I did a year and a half there at AUC,
11:28 and then I transferred to Oakwood College.
11:31 Now, did you meet anyone in Oakwood College
11:34 that our viewers and listeners might be familiar with?
11:36 CA Murray.
11:38 CA Murray, you and he went to college.
11:40 We went to school together,
11:41 and I took Greek and Homiletics with him.
11:45 And I would tutor the guys, you know, with,
11:49 in their Greek I would,
11:50 sometimes I will do their homework for them.
11:53 And whenever Dr. Rodgers needed to be out of town,
11:56 he would turn his second year Greek class over to me.
11:59 You know, something that CA was, was here just a little,
12:03 short while ago, and, you know, he still chafes a bit
12:07 because he says that in Greek,
12:09 you smoked everyone of those men.
12:11 Yes, that's what they said.
12:12 And you were the only female in the Greek class.
12:13 I was the only girl in the class,
12:15 and sometimes the guys would say,
12:16 "You just make me sick."
12:18 I said, "Well, I'm sorry."
12:19 Because you, you understood, you grasp that concept,
12:22 I guess quickly.
12:24 I did, I did, because back home,
12:25 in the islands,
12:26 I took Latin, Spanish, and French in high school.
12:30 And so when I came to the United States
12:32 majoring in religion, and Greek,
12:34 I took Greek as a challenge.
12:36 Well, it was just another foreign language
12:37 and I enjoyed it, and I did quite well with it.
12:40 Well, I know, CA was very impressed
12:44 with your ability in that particular area.
12:46 Yes, yes, yes.
12:48 And so now you've gone to Atlantic Union,
12:51 now you are in Oakwood, where do we go from here?
12:53 Well, so I graduated from Oakwood,
12:56 magna cum laude.
12:57 Congratulations. Thank you.
12:59 And I had, I was the teacher of the year.
13:02 And my first job was in Mobile, Alabama,
13:05 where we reopened a school,
13:07 and I made uniforms for the girls,
13:09 quite an interesting thing.
13:11 But it was a fun, it was fun, I enjoyed it,
13:13 and then we moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee,
13:15 where I taught church school there as well,
13:17 at the Avondale Seventh-day Adventists School.
13:21 From there, I went into public school.
13:24 Now my husband is a Texan. I met him in Houston, Texas.
13:28 I was working with EE Cleveland as a Bible worker there.
13:32 All right.
13:33 Yes, and he came down, and he saw me and he said,
13:35 "I'm going to marry that girl," and he did.
13:38 He told his friend,
13:39 "I want to marry that girl," and he did.
13:41 So how long have you been married?
13:43 Forty three years. All right.
13:44 And we have one son, one grandson,
13:48 and my son brought home a beautiful wife.
13:51 So we have a daughter-in-law.
13:53 And we go out to California every year to,
13:56 you know, visit with them, and spend time with them,
13:58 and it's just so precious.
14:00 But I forgot to mention while I was at AUC,
14:03 I met Elder CD Brooks
14:05 and he gave me the awesome invitation
14:07 of working with him in Chicago,
14:10 and he pitched a tent there on 108 on Halsted.
14:14 And we brought in many, many souls,
14:16 we established the church, Straford Memorial there,
14:20 and so it was a great time just working.
14:22 With that, you have quite a background,
14:24 a history of working
14:27 on the foundational level in the church.
14:29 Yes, and I enjoy that.
14:31 You know, just doing Bible work on every church
14:34 I've been associated with, evangelism,
14:37 going out and passing out tracks,
14:38 or handbills, giving Bible studies,
14:40 I've always been involved
14:41 and I just love being there
14:46 leading people to Christ and praying for them.
14:49 And it's such a joy to see people accept Christ.
14:53 You know, and begin to follow him
14:56 and see their lives change.
14:58 It's just awesome.
14:59 So you take this message of the kingdom
15:01 to as many people as will hear it.
15:04 Wherever I go. Wherever you go.
15:06 Well, I know that when you said that
15:09 you went into public school as a teacher
15:12 and you had already taught in various areas,
15:15 how many years were you as a school teacher?
15:17 Thirty four years. Okay.
15:19 Thirty four years, and during my time teaching
15:22 in Fort Worth Independent School District,
15:25 I had a wonderful opportunity of mentoring teachers,
15:29 having teachers do the internship in my classroom.
15:34 Some professors at the university
15:36 there even profiled me in their book,
15:38 one of their books about
15:40 qualities of good literacy teachers
15:43 which was quite an honor.
15:44 Yes, it is.
15:46 You know, to be featured in a book of that caliber.
15:49 And when I finished my 34 years of teaching,
15:55 I ended it as a literacy coach
15:57 and a third grade reading teacher,
15:59 which was just wonderful.
16:01 So from being a teacher,
16:05 then the Lord took you in another direction,
16:08 well, I don't necessarily think another direction
16:11 but just a, maybe another facet of teaching.
16:14 True, and he tapped into the skills
16:17 that he had given to me as a teacher,
16:21 because during my term as a teacher,
16:23 I learned applied learning,
16:25 I learned how to use
16:26 Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences,
16:29 and how to work with children of non-speaking,
16:33 non English speaking, you know, children.
16:35 And so, I had all of those skills under my belt.
16:39 And after 34 years of teaching,
16:41 I didn't have to prepare for workshops,
16:43 I didn't have to go to workshops,
16:46 I didn't have to plan for my,
16:47 you know, classroom for the following year
16:49 or anything like that.
16:52 And my brain was then clear.
16:54 Because, you know, while I was teaching,
16:56 I'd get up early in the morning to pray,
16:57 but my mind was on the clock.
16:59 What time it is and what's my first class.
17:01 Yes and just getting to school.
17:04 And after retiring,
17:05 I had all this time in my brain,
17:07 I didn't have to worry about those things anymore.
17:09 And so, you know, God tracks us and He knows
17:13 so, He knows us better than we know ourselves.
17:15 And He knew the energy
17:17 that I have that He has given to me.
17:19 And so I redid my front lawn and I planted lantanas,
17:22 and I was just all involved and I cleaned up the house,
17:24 and then He said, "Okay, I'm ready for you now."
17:28 And the church where I attended is a church plant
17:31 in Arlington, Texas...
17:37 Southern Worship Center of Seventh-day Adventist.
17:39 Okay. The name almost slipped to me.
17:41 And our pastor, Pastor Spencer Anderson,
17:43 he led a group of us in planting a church there.
17:47 He led us through spiritual gifts,
17:49 training on spiritual gifts,
17:51 and then we were given the assessment.
17:54 And I came on very strong in pastoring,
17:57 and evangelism, and prayer.
17:59 So I think, I'm gonna try prayer.
18:01 And so I became the first,
18:03 the church's first prayer ministry leader,
18:05 and I organized prayer nights,
18:07 we did prayer walks in the neighborhood, we did...
18:11 We called moms together to pray for their children.
18:15 We had praying for each other,
18:16 just a lot of things on prayer
18:20 that I initiated under the help of the Holy Spirit.
18:23 And it was during that time
18:26 that God started opening up my eyes
18:29 to the sanctuary, and praying, and more focused praying.
18:34 So that, that's how He led you from being a teacher.
18:39 At first I found this interesting,
18:41 He let you get your home in order,
18:44 because it's so important to we, women
18:47 to have a organized sanctuary,
18:53 set up the way we wanted it to be set,
18:55 even your front yard.
18:57 And from that then He started calling you
19:00 and drawing you into another facet of ministry.
19:05 In the ministry that you felt
19:07 He was drawing you into was that of prayer.
19:11 So how has that evolved? Good question.
19:15 So I have more time now to read my Bible.
19:17 I'm getting up at 5 o'clock every morning,
19:19 like I normally did,
19:21 but now I have more time, more hours,
19:24 not just 20 minutes or 30 minutes,
19:26 and I'm reading God's Word,
19:29 and I'm beginning to realize
19:32 that He is speaking to me, and He is talking to me,
19:36 and my heart is responding
19:37 to what the Holy Spirit is saying.
19:39 And I have more time now to spend in prayer.
19:43 And I started reading on a sanctuary,
19:47 and as a teacher I'm taught,
19:50 I teach the kids to make inferences.
19:54 What can I infer from what I'm reading here,
19:58 and so I transferred
19:59 that mindset to my reading of the Bible,
20:03 and I came across the sanctuary,
20:05 let them build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.
20:08 And I said, "What is God inferring?"
20:10 I mean, what is He saying? What is that He really wants?
20:15 And then, it's just a simple message.
20:19 The sanctuary is there for us to get to know Him.
20:23 It's a relationship place,
20:26 and it's a place where we can be equipped to face
20:31 whatever life will bring.
20:34 And so I started looking at the sanctuary
20:36 from that standpoint,
20:38 and just praying the sanctuary throughout the day,
20:43 praising Him, confessing, asking Him to clean me out,
20:48 just making sure that I had the Holy Spirit with me,
20:51 and just going over scriptures,
20:53 and it was just a revelation being in the sanctuary all day.
20:57 Once I left my prayer room,
20:59 taking the concept of being in the sanctuary with God
21:04 and having and growing that relationship with Him.
21:09 And so, He,
21:12 God wants a sanctuary here in this earth, why?
21:17 So He can dwell with us.
21:20 And I'm thinking of, Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary.
21:24 We're not talking about a building
21:27 over on the corner of Maine in 6th,
21:30 we're talking about us being that sanctuary
21:34 that He can dwell with us.
21:35 Exactly, exactly.
21:37 And just having that concept of the sanctuary
21:41 as we go through today helps keep us grounded.
21:45 And the things that we struggle with,
21:48 it gives us a stronger foundation
21:51 to deal with it, and to overcome,
21:53 and to gain that victory.
21:55 You know, that sanctuary that is in the heavens...
22:02 Just recently in Sabbath School,
22:05 the Sabbath School quarterly,
22:07 I read a quote from Sister White,
22:10 and she said that understanding the sanctuary
22:14 is foundational, or fundamental
22:17 for a Christian's growth.
22:18 Exactly, exactly.
22:21 And that is why when I go out and I do my ministry,
22:25 the very first presentation
22:26 is always based on the sanctuary.
22:29 And I take the attendees through it.
22:33 We don't get technical, it's not anything technical,
22:36 but it's very practical.
22:38 How can I use this?
22:40 And that's where my teaching comes in.
22:42 Let's make it simple.
22:43 Let's cut through the fluff, and let's get down to basics.
22:47 And I teach them, let's...
22:50 The first we want to do is to come into the sanctuary
22:53 with praise in the morning,
22:55 you want to praise God for who He is
22:57 for His mighty works, you want to sing.
23:00 Now I am not very good at remembering songs, I said,
23:04 "God, how can I sing to you?"
23:06 So I would just open up the Psalm,
23:07 or find some beautiful scriptures
23:09 that talk about God's power,
23:11 and I would just start singing it,
23:12 make up my own tune, and I would just sing it,
23:15 and it opens up my mind then.
23:18 And it changes the dynamics of the room,
23:21 so I can, I'm in His presence then.
23:23 Okay, you enter His courts
23:25 with thanksgiving in your heart, with praise.
23:27 Yes, yes.
23:29 And then when I get ready to confess,
23:31 and I talk about confession,
23:33 the fear and the burden is not there,
23:35 because I'm in the presence of someone who loves me,
23:38 and I just got to praising Him, and so I confess,
23:41 sometimes I confess a particular sin,
23:43 because I want to focus in
23:45 on something that I'm struggling with.
23:46 And, of course, you know, He washes us,
23:50 purifies us with His sup,
23:52 and He washes us so that we can be clean and wash...
23:53 You're talking about the vessels
23:55 that are in the sanctuary now as you walk through it.
23:57 And I'm taking them through it,
23:59 I take my people through, the attendees through it.
24:03 And so there's confession, and I tell them,
24:06 the sanctuary is where we have the weapons for our warfare.
24:09 It's the war room, it's the war room.
24:13 And so we have praise, we have confession,
24:16 we ask God to cleanse us,
24:17 and I love going into the holy place,
24:20 because when I enter the holy place,
24:22 the angels are there to meet me.
24:24 The angels are all around, you know,
24:26 the candlestick lights up the holy place,
24:29 and the reflection of all of those angels,
24:31 because in heaven
24:34 the angels are there in the presence of God.
24:36 Yes.
24:37 And Ellen White tells us that...
24:42 The angels are there on the battlefield with us.
24:49 In human guise with us on that battlefield.
24:53 Satan has his angels too in human guise,
24:55 opposing God's kingdom.
24:57 So when I step into the holy place,
24:59 the angels are there and I feel,
25:01 "Huh, I'm at home."
25:03 I feel protected, I feel safe.
25:06 And, of course, the Holy Spirit
25:08 is there to us, my...
25:09 He's my teacher, he's going to teach me,
25:11 he welcomes me into his home.
25:12 You know, if I were to come to your home
25:14 and you open the door
25:15 with a smile on your face, I feel at home.
25:17 So when I go into the sanctuary and he is there to welcome me,
25:21 and I know I have my teacher, my counselor, my guide,
25:24 he is everything that I need.
25:27 And then he walks me over to the table of showbread,
25:30 the presence.
25:32 And the interesting thing about it
25:33 is that when we sit down, we're telling God.
25:39 I am in agreement with everything
25:41 that I'm going to read in this book.
25:45 And it's cool between the two of us,
25:47 because I've confessed my sins and I'm in fellowship with you.
25:51 You know, and so I can sit there
25:54 and with the Holy Spirit
25:56 I invite Him in to come as I read
25:59 and I ask Him for more insight,
26:01 and I take my attendees through this thing
26:05 and I present it to them.
26:06 But I present it to them in more of a military term
26:10 because in the sanctuary we have our weapons of warfare.
26:14 Our commander in chief is Jesus Christ.
26:16 Yes.
26:17 You know, and so we want to be a part of Jesus' defense force.
26:21 And if we're going to be in the military with Him,
26:23 we need to be prepared.
26:24 We need to know how He functions
26:27 and He is all in the sanctuary.
26:29 So I'm there with my Bible, and I'm reading,
26:31 and I always ask for insight,
26:33 'cause, you know, Isaiah says, in Isaiah 50:4,
26:39 He wakens us up every morning
26:41 to give us a Word to sustain the weary.
26:44 He opens our ear to teach us,
26:46 like one being taught so we will not be rebellious.
26:50 And so I'm praying and asking God
26:52 for that every morning,
26:53 "Teach me not to be rebellious, Lord, I want to,"
26:56 you know, "I want to submit."
26:57 So that's praying God's Word, trusting in God's Word.
27:02 You know, the scripture says, he...
27:04 As we go into the sanctuary,
27:07 we enter his gates with thanksgiving
27:09 and into His courts with praise.
27:12 And the scripture declares that God inhabits
27:15 the praises of His people
27:16 and in the presence of the Lord,
27:19 there is fullness of joy,
27:20 and the joy of the Lord is our strength.
27:23 So as go into His presence,
27:26 you can rest assured
27:28 that He is going to strengthen you for that day.
27:31 You know, and Ellen White says about God's Word.
27:35 She says, "Satan trembles
27:37 when God's Word is thrown at him in fiery darts."
27:43 Jeremiah 1:9 says, God says,
27:47 "I've put, I've put my words in your mouth."
27:51 And I'm gonna, I'm sending you out now
27:52 to the nations to uproot, to turn over,
27:56 to destroy, you know, and then to plant.
27:59 So when God's Word comes in, God's Word disrupts everything.
28:04 He disrupts it, because He says,
28:07 "To destroy strongholds and demolish anything
28:11 that sets itself up against Him
28:14 and to take captive every thought."
28:16 And so when I read God's Word,
28:17 He's giving me the ammunition that I need to face the enemy.
28:22 And so when I invite people into the sanctuary
28:24 and I show them that,
28:26 I'm empowering them
28:28 to read God's Word and then to pray it.
28:32 Because when we get to the altar of incense,
28:36 when we begin to pray God's Word,
28:39 He is going to listen,
28:40 because He has just given it to us
28:43 to use it in our conversations with Him.
28:46 Yeah, and His Word doesn't return void.
28:49 You know, something that we're always encouraging
28:52 our viewers and listeners,
28:54 and in any time we are teaching,
28:57 before you sit down with God's Word,
29:00 pray and ask Him to quicken this Word
29:03 to the areas in your life that need to be changed.
29:07 The scripture says in Psalms 139,
29:10 "The entrance of Thy word gives light."
29:14 119:139, "The entrance of thy Word gives light,
29:18 it gives understanding to the simple."
29:21 And so, the entrance of the Word bringing in light
29:24 if there's areas of darkness in your work, in your life,
29:28 then that light is going to dispel
29:30 the darkness we feel it.
29:32 And so, it's so vitally important
29:35 that we do ask God,
29:36 "Oh, Father, by the power of Your Spirit
29:38 as I'm studying this Word today that it changed me.
29:43 I don't pray and say,
29:44 "Oh, God, as I'm studying Your Word today,
29:46 let this Word change my husband."
29:49 This is for me, "Oh, God, change me."
29:51 And I love that aspect.
29:53 Because, you know, what...
29:54 Sometimes when I'm reading the Word,
29:56 of course, Holy Spirit is there with me.
29:58 I would stop and I would literally ask God
30:00 to do this in my life.
30:02 Yes.
30:03 And that's the Holy Spirit,
30:04 because He searches us and He knows us, you know.
30:07 But the thing about praying is that God says,
30:11 "I'm watching My Word to make sure it's fulfilled."
30:15 He told Jeremiah that.
30:16 Watching over my Word to perform it.
30:18 To perform it. Yes.
30:20 And Joab told the people, you know, let's fight them,
30:23 let God do what delights Him.
30:26 And so when we pray at the altar of incense,
30:28 we know that we are told that the Holy Spirit
30:31 takes our words and He rewrites it.
30:34 And the blood that's brought in from the altar of sacrifice
30:37 and placed on the horns of the altar of incense,
30:41 where Jesus' blood purifies it and cleanses it,
30:46 and His righteousness takes care of it,
30:49 and the angels take it to heaven.
30:51 And so I encourage people to pray,
30:53 you know, sometimes people become discouraged
30:56 because they feel as if God is not hearing their prayer,
30:58 but He is listening.
31:01 And He says, "Keep praying until,"
31:04 you know, he told the watchman on the walls.
31:07 I've placed you as watchmen on the walls.
31:11 But keep sending up those prayers,
31:13 until I have made Jerusalem what I want it to be,
31:17 what my vision is for Jerusalem,
31:20 until that's done I want you to keep sending them up,
31:23 sending up those prayers.
31:25 Don't become discouraged, it will take a while,
31:28 it will take a while.
31:30 He says, "Pray until." I like that.
31:33 Yes. Until, a time space word.
31:35 Pray, pray. Until.
31:37 Until, until it's accomplished.
31:38 Right, he told Moses,
31:41 "Keep your hand up with the javelin until..."
31:45 Even if you had have someone... Hold it up.
31:48 Hold it up, until. Until, I like that.
31:50 Esther fasted until
31:52 Jesus stayed in the Garden of Gethsemane until,
31:55 you know, who is it?
31:57 Joshua?
31:58 He fought until, so he vanquished his enemies.
32:03 And so in our prayer lives,
32:05 we should never become discouraged.
32:07 Because God tells us very plain in Isaiah 62:6 and 7,
32:11 "Keep praying until." Until.
32:13 And let me tell you something about praying
32:15 and being persistent in prayer.
32:21 I worked with hospice for a short period of time.
32:25 And I went into this gentleman's room.
32:28 And I was just shocked.
32:31 In a porcelain skin, jet-black hair,
32:34 why are you dying?
32:37 And the Holy Spirit kept telling me,
32:39 "Say to this man though your sins be a scarlet,
32:42 they shall be white as snow.
32:44 Come now let us reason together."
32:46 Holy Spirit is telling me to say this to him,
32:49 but I'm telling him something else
32:50 and I'm singing to him,
32:52 and all the while Holy Spirit is saying to me,
32:54 "Tell this gentleman, though your sins be a scarlet,
32:57 they shall be white as snow."
32:59 And you know what?
33:01 The devil was battling for this man so,
33:03 and he didn't want me to say these precious words to him
33:07 until a nurse came in, and I said, "Really."
33:11 And I went back, I said, "God please forgive me,
33:15 and I called his name and I said to him,
33:18 "It doesn't matter what you have done in life.
33:21 It doesn't matter, God loves you, Jesus loves you.
33:24 He wants to save you, just tell Him, confess,
33:28 and He will forgive you."
33:30 And I said to him, I called and I said,
33:32 "If I never see you on the face of this earth,
33:34 I'm going to look for you in heaven."
33:36 And I prayed with him. Praise God.
33:39 And when I left that room,
33:41 it confirmed to me that some of us
33:44 may not see the answers to our prayers,
33:45 but God is going to do whatever He can
33:48 and use whomever He can to answer that prayer.
33:52 And I'm quite sure a mother was praying for this young man.
33:55 Yes. And God used me.
33:57 Even though there was a battle going on in that room,
34:03 but God sent the nurse and she said,
34:04 "Would you please tell us why you did this?"
34:07 And I went back in and I said those words to him.
34:09 Praise God.
34:10 God hears and answers prayer until...
34:12 Keep praying until. Amen.
34:14 You know, there are times when it is...
34:17 We can get discouraged and we think that something,
34:21 particularly in praying for loved ones,
34:25 something I have to remind myself
34:27 is God loves them more than I do.
34:30 Yes.
34:32 As important as this is to me, it is more important to God.
34:35 And though it may look like nothing is happening,
34:41 we can't see what's happening in the spirit realm...
34:44 That's true.
34:45 And we don't know what God is doing,
34:47 and we, you know, my confidence isn't in myself,
34:50 my confidence isn't in the person I'm praying for,
34:53 my confidence is in a God
34:55 that is all knowing and all loving.
34:58 True, very true.
34:59 And our confidence also is in the fact that He said,
35:02 "My Word..."
35:03 "Will not return unto Me void, but it will accomplish..."
35:06 That's right, whatever.
35:07 "The thing that I sent it to accomplish."
35:09 Exactly. Exact.
35:10 And, you know, the thing,
35:11 the powerful thing about God's Word,
35:13 He knows how to take it
35:14 and apply it in that person's life
35:15 and in that situation better than we can.
35:18 But I want to talk to you now about prayer journaling.
35:21 Yes.
35:23 And so what I do, and this is my teaching coming out again.
35:27 I like to give people a reason for doing something,
35:30 what's the purpose behind it?
35:32 Why am I keeping my prayers in a journal?
35:36 You know, why?
35:37 And so I take them through,
35:39 I give them a biblical perspective
35:41 on prayer journaling.
35:42 And I talk about... God writes things down.
35:46 The Ten Commandments, He spoke it,
35:48 then He wrote it down.
35:49 And He called Moses up into the mountain
35:52 and He gave it to him, and then He said,
35:54 "I want you to read it to them,
35:55 it's to remind them of their covenant,
35:58 and it's a witness,
35:59 and it's for their instruction."
36:01 Before Moses died, He told them,
36:03 "I want you to take
36:04 the book of the law and write everything,
36:06 write it out and read it to them.
36:09 And there's a reason for renewing,
36:12 for rereading, and hearing it,
36:15 because what it does, and the interesting thing too,
36:18 when God have compiled everything,
36:21 He gave us our own personal copy of His journal.
36:24 Yes, He did. Yes. The Bible.
36:25 First to read it, and reread it, and reread it,
36:29 and here is why God wants us to read it,
36:31 because it renews our commitment to Him.
36:36 It lets us know that this is His witness.
36:41 It reminds us of who He is,
36:45 and it increases our respect for Him.
36:49 And our faith.
36:50 And our faith, it strengthens it.
36:52 So we need to read it.
36:54 So when we have our prayer journal,
36:56 and we put our prayer journal together,
37:00 the reason why we keep one,
37:02 it renews our commitment to pray for others.
37:07 How many times people have said,
37:09 "Would you pray for me?"
37:10 And then we forget.
37:11 True, so very true. So very true.
37:14 But if we have our prayer journal,
37:15 the Holy Spirit's going to remind you
37:17 when you get home, enter that prayer in there.
37:21 Remember the story
37:22 when the children of Israel asked for a king?
37:25 And when they had,
37:27 when they realized they had made a terrible mistake,
37:28 they told Samuel, "Would you please pray for us?"
37:32 And he said, "Yes, I will pray for you,
37:34 because if I don't pray,
37:35 if I fail to pray for you, it's a sin."
37:38 So we ask people, when people ask us to pray for them
37:41 and we don't, it's a sin.
37:44 So we need that prayer journal to put those things in.
37:47 And I know you're going to go ahead and cover this,
37:50 so I'm probably jumping ahead of you.
37:52 Yes.
37:53 But, oh, when that prayer is answered,
37:55 and you can go put the date by it.
37:57 Oh, just that builds your faith.
37:59 It's in here.
38:01 I have a section called the prayer section,
38:03 but I'm not done yet.
38:05 So God has His earthly journals,
38:07 and He gave it to us in the Bible.
38:08 He has heavenly journal,
38:09 and I'm just taking people through this so they will see,
38:12 God is big on recording things.
38:14 He does not leave anything to memory,
38:16 He records everything.
38:18 He has his heavenly journals, the book of life.
38:20 He has a scroll of remembrance, Malachi 3:16,
38:23 Revelation 20:14 says, "There are books,
38:26 the books were open and in the book of life."
38:29 And He records things.
38:31 He is big on writing things down,
38:33 and He wants us to write things down as well.
38:37 And so when we have our prayer journal there,
38:39 we're organized.
38:41 We go to God at the altar of incense,
38:44 and we talk to Him.
38:45 And, you know, your prayer journal
38:46 becomes your legal brief.
38:49 I think, it's Job 13:3 I think it is,
38:52 He says that he just longs to go
38:55 and present his case to argue his matter before the Lord.
39:00 And in Isaiah 43:26, God says,
39:03 "Come and argue your matter to Me,
39:04 and convince Me of your innocence."
39:06 God is inviting us to come and talk.
39:09 Come, let us reason. Reason this thing up.
39:11 So when you ask me to pray for you,
39:13 and I write it down in my journal,
39:15 and I go to God, I'm praying His Word now,
39:19 and I'm trying to convince, not trying, but in my own,
39:21 I'm talking to God as a lawyer would,
39:24 why he should operate and move in your life
39:27 based upon what you ask me to pray for Him.
39:29 And based upon His Word.
39:30 And based upon His, 'cause that's all I'm praying,
39:32 I'm praying His Word back to Him,
39:36 and I'm asking Him like a lawyer would,
39:39 would you please do this for her?
39:41 Do what delights you. This is our heart's desire.
39:45 So because my legal brief, I'm organized,
39:48 God loves organization.
39:49 Yes, He does.
39:50 And I got the idea for organizing
39:53 the journal from looking at God.
39:56 You know, when applied learning,
39:58 applied learning, we had to have a product.
40:03 You create a product at the end of your learning to prove,
40:07 to show what you have learned.
40:09 And in organizing your product,
40:10 we were taught to look at competent adult models.
40:14 So when my school,
40:16 when my students had put on the class
40:17 play at the end of the year, we had to make flyers,
40:21 where we got competent adult models,
40:24 and we'd look at the flyers,
40:25 we'll examine them to see what looked good on what,
40:28 you know, what we can use,
40:29 and we'll have good, good discussion,
40:31 we'll pull out the good elements,
40:33 and say this is what we will use.
40:35 If they had to write a book
40:36 and they had to do a title page,
40:38 we did the same thing.
40:39 And so I looked at what God,
40:41 'cause God is the best designer and organizer there is.
40:44 And so I looked at Him, I looked at the weekly cycle.
40:48 Every day, something specific was put in there.
40:53 The sanctuary,
40:56 there was something specific going on at each stop,
41:00 and I looked at the brain.
41:02 Our brain is so highly organized.
41:05 We have different sections in our brain
41:07 and each section is devoted for something, I said,
41:10 "Hmm, my journal ought to be like that."
41:14 And so that's what I did.
41:16 I organized it into different sections.
41:19 So first section, I'm praying for myself.
41:21 You know, a lot of us pray for other people
41:23 but we never take time to search our hearts.
41:26 And if I want God to give you a cup of tea to drink
41:30 and ask God to change you,
41:32 I should be willing to ask God to change me as well.
41:36 And so I pray for myself
41:38 and I have a section all to myself.
41:40 I pray for my husband,
41:41 I pray for my son, and his family.
41:45 I pray for people, random people who said,
41:49 "Would you please pray for me?"
41:51 I have a section for that.
41:53 And then I have a section called stand in the gap,
41:56 where, and it's usually for single moms,
41:58 because my mom was a single mom,
42:00 and I have a heart for single moms.
42:04 And I looked at my church one day
42:05 and there were so many single moms or children, and I said,
42:08 "I need to pray for these single moms,
42:10 'cause it's a struggle."
42:11 And so I have a section devoted for single moms.
42:15 Praise God.
42:16 And I pray for them every Wednesday.
42:19 And I prayed for them this morning before I got here,
42:23 and I prayed for those who would say to me,
42:26 "Would you please pray for me?"
42:28 Separate for them today.
42:30 And then tomorrow, Thursday,
42:32 I'm praying for my church family
42:33 and the neighborhood around my church.
42:36 And Sundays, I pray for the world church.
42:38 And so it's organized and it's intentional.
42:40 And people will say,
42:42 "Well, well you pray for Mollie on Wednesday,
42:46 what about the person on Tuesday?"
42:48 I said, "Don't worry God can multitask."
42:51 My Bible is a scroll and it's in His presence,
42:53 He doesn't forget the prayers that I pray.
42:56 And what happens to the prayers that we pray?
42:58 It's not like they fall to the ground.
43:00 No, they don't. They are ever before Him.
43:02 Ever before Him, like that scroll of remembrance.
43:04 Yes.
43:05 In His presence, they are always there.
43:08 And so I just encourage people to get organized,
43:12 get organized so when you go into the presence of...
43:15 You are going in there like a lawyer prepared.
43:18 You know, this probably is not a really good analogy.
43:22 But you're shooting with a rifle, not a shotgun.
43:27 That rifle is keyed in and it's on,
43:30 and it's on target,
43:32 where as that shotgun can just go anywhere.
43:35 So this organization with your prayer journal.
43:38 And, you know
43:40 I know that you go into churches
43:43 and you teach them how to pray, how to become organized,
43:49 how to put together a prayer journal.
43:52 You do prayer seminars. Yes.
43:56 So tell us a little about what you will accomplish
44:00 when you go into a church, because in just a few minutes,
44:02 I'm going to give you Eunice's contact information,
44:07 because I know that you're going to want to contact her
44:10 and have her come to your church
44:12 and teach your brother and your sisters in the church
44:17 how to become organized, productive, effective.
44:22 I'm going to use the word prayer warriors,
44:23 you haven't used that.
44:25 But you said, "It's like an army
44:27 and we are the weapons of our warfare."
44:30 Warfare.
44:31 Warfare, warfare aren't carnal
44:34 but they are mighty through God.
44:36 And so it does take organization.
44:39 It takes us being direct and know where we're going.
44:44 If you don't know where you are,
44:47 you don't know where you've been,
44:48 and you sure don't know where you're going.
44:50 You know, and that's where we have to share God's vision.
44:54 What is His vision for Jerusalem?
44:57 Was to restore it.
44:58 And so when I pray,
45:00 I'm praying God's vision for you,
45:02 I'm praying God's vision for the church,
45:04 I'm praying God's vision for my son,
45:07 and whomever I'm praying,
45:08 and if I'm praying God's vision, guess what?
45:11 He's going to fulfill that vision.
45:12 Oh, yes, He is.
45:14 He's gonna do what He has to do to fulfill that vision.
45:16 So there's power in prayer.
45:18 Well, I... This is so encouraging to me.
45:22 But what I don't want us to do is run out of time
45:26 before we've accomplished a few more things.
45:28 Okay. Yes. Workshop.
45:31 I know these workshops are very effective,
45:34 and you have them well organized.
45:36 Yes, I do.
45:38 But I want you to talk about the workshops,
45:39 and again this is what Eunice
45:41 will be bringing into your church.
45:42 Exactly.
45:44 So tell us about those workshops
45:46 and, you know, something we haven't even mentioned
45:48 is the name of your ministry.
45:50 1 Timothy 2 Prayer Warriors.
45:52 1 Timothy 2 Prayer Warriors.
45:55 We are fighters, we are fighters,
45:57 and we are using God's ammunition to wage warfare.
46:01 Well, I...
46:03 The sanctuary,
46:05 the biblical perspective of prayer journaling
46:07 and actually putting a prayer journal together,
46:09 those are the core sessions that I do,
46:13 because I want people to understand
46:14 why am I doing what I'm doing.
46:16 Then I have workshops on fasting,
46:19 the characteristics of a prayer warrior, united prayer,
46:23 what does it mean to come together in united prayer.
46:28 You know, and just workshops, like praise,
46:30 how to pray the scripture.
46:32 Lot of people don't know
46:33 how to praise God using scripture.
46:35 And how to pray using God's Word.
46:41 And, of course, we have a prayer line for moms
46:43 that where moms get on there,
46:46 and the only thing we pray is God's Word.
46:49 Praise God.
46:50 We don't talk about
46:51 the shortcomings of the children,
46:53 but we pray, we mention their names,
46:55 and then we pray God's Word into that, into their lives,
46:58 and we have seen things happen.
46:59 And so I encourage and I try to get churches
47:01 to establish a prayer line where moms can get on there,
47:05 and pray for their children.
47:08 Okay, I believe you had some pictures...
47:11 Yes, we do have pictures.
47:12 Of your workshops and we didn't want
47:14 to let those get away from us,
47:15 so let's look at those pictures that Eunice has brought.
47:18 What is this one?
47:20 All right, that first one is where I'm doing a...
47:24 Where we are using the scriptures
47:26 to praise and to pray, and the participants,
47:29 they had an opportunity to practice that skill.
47:35 And the other one, this is when we went to Belize,
47:38 we went to Belize.
47:40 And the participants here are discussing united prayer,
47:44 because I like to give people a chance to debrief and share
47:48 what is that they are learning,
47:49 so that's what they're doing here.
47:52 And conducting a journal workshop
47:55 here at the Crawley Church, and this is a Sunday afternoon,
48:00 Sunday morning
48:01 and they're putting their prayer journals together.
48:03 This is another one of Pflugerville, Texas.
48:05 So it's very hands on. It's very hands on.
48:08 You see the thing that once you're done,
48:10 you leave with a document that you can go home
48:13 and begin your prayer life.
48:15 And this is in Belize, where they actually put in
48:17 their prayer journals together, so once they're gone, I'm gone,
48:21 they have it, the tool
48:23 they can go back and start praying.
48:25 And this is a group of the church members,
48:28 practically everyone in that church attended,
48:31 and what was so impressive?
48:33 Young men. Praise God.
48:35 The young men were there
48:36 and they put their journals together.
48:38 And this is the elementary school.
48:41 The superintendent of education there at,
48:44 in Belize asked me to go to the church school,
48:48 because the teachers couldn't come to the meetings.
48:50 So I went there and they put their journals together.
48:53 Okay.
48:56 And this is where I'm speaking at the camp meeting
48:59 last year at South Central camp meet
49:00 talking about the sanctuary
49:02 and its impact on our prayer life.
49:04 So again, get your pencil and paper,
49:06 we're going to give you
49:07 the contact information for Eunice.
49:09 But Eunice, first share a story or a miracle that you've seen?
49:14 Well, let me see, you know, because of prayer,
49:20 you know, this mom came to me
49:22 and she was sharing with me things about her son,
49:24 and I said, you know, let's start praying,
49:26 and that's how the prayer line got started.
49:29 And all we would do is just pray scriptures,
49:31 pray the scriptures over him.
49:33 And in a couple of months,
49:34 you know, she was sharing with us how he was changing.
49:37 He had a stronger desire now to spend in God's Word,
49:40 and he was making decisions for God,
49:43 whereas before he was drifting away,
49:45 he was now returning.
49:49 Another victory is another mom,
49:53 who is on the prayer line with us,
49:55 shared with us how her son
49:57 that she had been praying for is slowly coming around.
50:01 Praise God. Slowly coming around.
50:02 So, you know, by just praying, it's just an awesome thing.
50:07 And also with the prayer journals,
50:11 I've had people come up to me and say, you know,
50:12 I've gone to many prayer conferences,
50:15 but this one really sets me on the road to praying,
50:18 because now I can go home,
50:20 and literally start my journey
50:23 praying for others and enriching my prayer life.
50:26 Well, I know you're really speaking to the mothers,
50:29 because, oh, and mothers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles,
50:33 we, it's so vitally important.
50:35 Yes.
50:37 I know the scripture says
50:38 there's no more tears in heaven.
50:41 But I...
50:43 If my family is not with me, oh, that,
50:46 it troubles me and it pains me, Eunice.
50:48 Just to think about that.
50:50 Just to think about the very idea
50:52 that all of my children and my grandchildren
50:55 won't be there.
50:56 So you were speaking to the hearts of we, parents.
51:00 Fathers too, because, you know, the men
51:01 who come to the meetings, like my husband said,
51:04 he's a retired administrator,
51:06 you know, so he has to keep things organized.
51:08 And he said the prayer journal helps keep him
51:11 organized as well.
51:12 I've had pastors attend it as well,
51:14 so it's not just the moms, it's for the young men,
51:18 the young women, the men.
51:20 It's all about enriching one's prayer life.
51:23 Okay, and when we're speaking
51:26 about the impact on our children.
51:28 But in every area or aspect of our lives.
51:29 Every area, yes, yes.
51:31 So I have asked you to get your pencil and paper,
51:33 we want you to take this contact information.
51:36 Contact, Eunice, and I'm sure
51:39 she would just be delighted to come
51:41 and enhance your prayer life in your church.
51:44 Yes, yes.
51:47 If you've been touched by Eunice Davis' testimony,
51:51 and would like to begin a prayer ministry yourself,
51:53 then why not invite her to speak at your church
51:56 and conduct a prayer workshop.
51:59 To do so, just visit her website
52:01 1Tim2PrayerWarriors.org.
52:05 That's 1-T-I-M-2PrayerWarriors.org.
52:09 You may also wish to drop her a line by mail.
52:12 Her ministry address is 1Tim 2 Prayer Warriors,
52:17 P.O. Box 6805,
52:21 in Fort Worth, Texas 76134.


Revised 2018-04-16