3ABN Today

Youth Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018017A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:13 My name is CA Murray.
01:14 And allow me to thank you once again
01:16 for sharing just a little of your day with us,
01:19 so thank you as always for your love,
01:20 your prayers, your support
01:22 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
01:24 as together we lift up the mighty
01:27 and matchless name of Jesus
01:29 and we get the world prepared for the greatest event
01:32 in the history of mankind,
01:33 that is the second coming
01:35 of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
01:36 So you will forgive me today because I am excited, yea,
01:38 to get in this because of our subject matter
01:42 and because of the two young men
01:45 who are my guests,
01:46 and when I say young comparatively,
01:49 if you added both of their ages you would not get mine.
01:52 So they are young men,
01:54 but they are young men who are on fire for the Lord
01:56 and the ministry is called "Shining Light Ministry".
01:59 We are gonna delve into that and try to unearth what that is
02:04 and what it does, and what it seeks to do.
02:06 My guests are, and I want to get this name right, Ilcias,
02:09 which I love, Ilcias Vargas and Samuel's kind of easy,
02:12 Samuel Vargas.
02:14 Guys, good to have you here.
02:16 We are glad to be here too. Good.
02:17 Let me give you the punch line, for these are young guys
02:19 not yet driving
02:21 either I don't believe, not yet,
02:23 but on fire for the Lord,
02:25 and covering a lot of territory for the Lord.
02:27 And praise the Lord,
02:29 you have good loving parents who are...
02:32 you have a corteg here today.
02:33 You come all the way from...?
02:35 Northern Virginia. Northern Virginia.
02:37 So about 12, 14 hours, or so?
02:39 Yes, about 12 hours.
02:40 Good to have you guys here.
02:42 Before we go to our music,
02:43 I want to get into a couple of things,
02:44 because obviously you grew up in Adventist home,
02:46 Christian home.
02:48 Were you home schooled or did you go to public school?
02:49 Home schooled. Home schooled!
02:51 Still being home schooled, I suspect.
02:53 Yes. Your mom doing the teaching.
02:54 Well, our parents... Both.
02:56 they did administrative work
02:57 with the aid of a Adventist home teacher.
03:00 Praise the Lord.
03:01 You like being home schooled?
03:03 Yes. It's really good. Yes.
03:05 It's pretty much the same as other schools
03:08 'cause we have a schedule
03:09 that we follow throughout the day,
03:11 and we have homework, I guess.
03:13 Everything's homework as we are doing it at our home.
03:15 That's all, well, that is true.
03:17 That is true.
03:19 Let me ask you this because, Ilcias,
03:21 you preach and Samuel plays,
03:26 which is a nice combination actually
03:28 when you think about it.
03:30 We were talking before about the call to ministry
03:34 and you are preaching in your local area,
03:36 you are preaching around.
03:37 When did it occur to you
03:39 that God wanted you to be a preacher?
03:44 Well, from the earliest age I can remember,
03:46 I was fascinated with, you know, sharing God's work.
03:49 As a toddler
03:52 I would, in church I would sometimes mimic the pastor,
03:55 or at home I would preach to my toys,
03:59 or draw an audience for me to preach to.
04:02 Anything I could do to preach.
04:04 So it's always been there. Yes.
04:05 And so at the age of nine, I got my first opportunity,
04:08 God provided the first opportunity.
04:10 I was member of the Adventurer Club
04:13 at Woodbridge Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:15 and I shared my desire to preach with the head elder
04:19 and he invited me to speak for Pathfinder Adventure Day,
04:22 and so that was back in 2011.
04:25 And so God has given me many more opportunities
04:28 and sent to speak for Him and it's wonderful.
04:30 Praise the Lord.
04:31 Were you ever nervous standing in the pulpit
04:32 or were you pretty comfortable?
04:34 Usually, I am nervous before.
04:37 And then as I get up to speak, you know,
04:40 that's where the Lord takes over
04:41 and, you know, it runs smoothly from there.
04:44 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
04:46 When did you begin playing, Samuel?
04:49 Well, we both, we both take piano lessons.
04:51 We both studied at the age of seven and eight years old.
04:54 We have been blessed with wonderful teachers
04:55 who helped us to develop our talent for,
04:57 to the glory of God.
04:59 Praise the Lord.
05:00 Do either of your parents play instruments?
05:02 No. No.
05:03 Not really.
05:05 But did they want you to play
05:06 or was something you guys desire to do on your own?
05:08 Oh, they wanted us to play.
05:09 They wanted you to play.
05:11 Yeah, mother. Yes, yes.
05:12 Our mother, you know, she had seen her mother,
05:15 you know, sing for my dad's,
05:17 my grandfather's evangelistic meetings
05:19 and I think that my grandfather was a pastor in Jamaica,
05:22 Pastor W.H. Decanter.
05:24 And my grandmother would sing for his meetings
05:27 and my mother would witness the power of God through music,
05:31 and so she always desire that her children
05:34 would learn to play music
05:35 and use music to the glory of God,
05:38 and so she make sure we got piano lessons.
05:41 Let me ask you a question
05:42 which may be a bit embarrassing.
05:43 Because my parents wanted me to play violin
05:47 and I frankly hated the violin
05:50 and I would not practice, and so they said,
05:52 "Well, if you are not going to practice
05:53 and we're not gonna waste our money."
05:55 Did you have to be encouraged to play
05:58 or to practice or what some of your thoughts?
06:00 Definitely, I think, that is the thing, yes.
06:02 That's the way it usually is.
06:03 We are watching the clock for half an hour...
06:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. When is practice over.
06:06 Yeah. That's, usually the way it is.
06:07 It's funny because you don't really
06:09 respect the time your parents put in,
06:12 I don't want to say forcing, encouraging you to play,
06:15 till you get older and look back,
06:17 and then you kind of glad they did.
06:18 And now I regret it that my mom didn't kind of push me to do so
06:22 but she just said,
06:23 "Well, if you don't want to practice,
06:25 I am not going to waste my money."
06:26 But as you get older and get some perspective,
06:28 you realize that's a good discipline to have,
06:31 and it really does add to your life.
06:33 Yes. Yeah.
06:35 It is one thing,
06:36 and I want to go to music in a minute
06:38 but I want to just get this question out.
06:40 It is one thing to grow up in an Adventist home
06:44 surrounded by Adventist parents and siblings,
06:47 it is another thing altogether
06:51 to know Jesus for yourself,
06:54 and I want you both to sort of wrestle with this
06:55 and answer this question for me.
06:58 At what point in your lives
07:02 did the idea of one-on-one
07:05 surrender relationship to Jesus occur to you?
07:08 At what age, how old,
07:10 or was it a sudden kind of thing?
07:12 Did it kind of ease its way into your consciousness?
07:15 How did that relationship first of all occurred to you
07:18 and then develop in your life?
07:20 I guess, Ilcias, we can start with you.
07:22 All right.
07:24 Like you mentioned it gradual, you know, my parents, you know,
07:28 taught me about God
07:30 and that He had a special plan for my life.
07:33 But it wasn't really till like the age of nine
07:35 that I kind of realized, you know,
07:37 I can't depend on my parents to go to heaven,
07:39 it has to be done through Jesus
07:41 so personal relationship with Jesus.
07:43 Yeah.
07:44 And so it was at the age of nine
07:46 really where I committed my life to Christ
07:49 and said, "Lord, you have your way in my life."
07:53 As I grow older, of course, I began to learn more about,
07:55 you know, developing a relationship with Christ
07:58 and I became more intentional about that relationship.
08:03 In 2015,
08:05 I believe, I began a Bible reading program,
08:07 took me through an entire year.
08:09 And I know it's powerful because, you know,
08:11 as I began in the earlier on in the year,
08:14 I'd just be reading the Bible.
08:15 Yes.
08:16 But then, you know, I knew the principle
08:18 'pray before you read',
08:20 and so I would pray reading the Bible
08:21 and then as the years passed on I would think, you know,
08:25 "Well, I pray before I read the Bible.
08:27 Why not just take some time to talk to God about the day
08:31 and the challenges or trials
08:33 that may be coming up during the day."
08:35 And so that really established my prayer life.
08:38 And so it's been a wonderful experience,
08:40 a wonderful relationship with God
08:41 that's grown throughout the years.
08:44 Samuel, same question.
08:45 Your relationship, kind of a sudden thing,
08:48 something that grew on you, about what age were you
08:50 when you kind of locked one-on-one with Christ?
08:53 Like when he said,
08:54 it was about the age of eight or nine years old
08:57 when I actually realized that I can't get to heaven
09:00 based on what my parents have done.
09:01 I have to make a personal decision.
09:03 I have to have a one-on-one relationship with Christ.
09:06 And since then, it's kind of been
09:08 a gradual growth experience.
09:09 I have grown closer to Him.
09:12 I have known to depend on Him for things,
09:14 for different things,
09:16 and to trust Him in challenging circumstances,
09:19 and even in simple things like school,
09:21 praying before a test,
09:24 asking Him to help me
09:26 to remember the things I have learned and studied.
09:28 Praise the Lord.
09:29 Let me congratulate and encourage you both
09:32 because age nine,
09:34 that's a fairly mature thought for a nine year old.
09:38 I actually joined the church at age nine too
09:40 but I had no Adventist in my family.
09:42 Mine was a little more sudden, I would go to church
09:45 and with the people across the street,
09:47 and my mother let me go, she didn't want to go
09:50 or neither my dad but I like to go on Sabbath.
09:53 And one day there's pastor's preaching,
09:55 and he made a call and I saw myself walking down,
09:58 I am like, "Why am I walking down?
10:00 But I did.
10:02 And, of course, I have ever looked back.
10:05 But the notion, the idea,
10:07 that I'm going to have to develop
10:08 a relationship for myself
10:10 and not lean on my mom or my dad,
10:12 it's fairly sophisticated to thinking for a nine year old,
10:14 but that occurred to both of you that
10:16 this is going to, has to be one-on-one.
10:17 Yes. Praise the Lord.
10:19 Praise the Lord.
10:20 At what age did you get baptized, Ilcias?
10:22 Let's see, it was at the age of 11.
10:29 Eleven. Eleven.
10:30 2013. Samuel?
10:31 Age of ten. We were baptized on the same day.
10:33 Oh! Okay. Okay.
10:35 We studied together.
10:37 We took Bible studies together
10:38 and then we are baptized together.
10:40 Praise the Lord.
10:41 My grandfather was actually there at our baptism.
10:43 That must have been nice.
10:44 Yeah. Yeah.
10:46 See I baptized my parents.
10:47 I baptized my mom, I baptized my dad,
10:49 I baptized my sister,
10:50 I was the only Adventist in my family,
10:51 so ours is a little bit reverse.
10:53 And back then when we were studying,
10:55 they kept you in baptismal class for six months.
10:57 Wow!
11:00 They want to make sure that your roots went deep, you know,
11:02 no quickie stuff, it's six months though.
11:04 The kept you in a long time.
11:06 But once you made that decision, any regrets?
11:09 No. No regrets.
11:11 Well said. I got you.
11:12 Jesus says, "No regrets."
11:14 So you haven't looked back? No.
11:16 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
11:17 Praise the Lord. I am happy with that.
11:19 I want to go to the music, then I want to get back
11:20 and talk a little bit more about the ministry, the name,
11:24 and what it seeks to do,
11:25 and what you guys are seeking to do for the Lord.
11:28 Our music today is coming from just a great pianist,
11:31 a great friend of this ministry,
11:33 one of Nashville's finest,
11:36 we all know and love Tim Parton
11:39 who is a favorite friend around here,
11:41 Emmy nominated guy, one of the...
11:44 considered one of the better pianists in America.
11:47 Just a wonderful person but also a wonderful Christian
11:50 who God has given a really wonderful and special gift,
11:55 and what he is going to be playing for us today is
11:56 "Wonderful Grace of Jesus".
15:17 Well done, Tim Parton, "Wonderful Grace of Jesus",
15:20 great friend of this ministry and great personal friend,
15:22 and we love Tim around here.
15:24 My guests are Ilcias and Samuel Vargas,
15:27 they of Shining Light Ministry.
15:30 And we talked about this before we came on air,
15:32 where did that name came from?
15:34 It came from the verses, well, several verses in the Bible.
15:37 But primarily, Proverbs 4:18, which says,
15:41 "The path of the just is as a shining light
15:43 which shines more and more unto the perfect day."
15:45 Talking about the progression of truth.
15:46 Yes.
15:47 And then in Matthew chapter 5, I believe verse 18,
15:49 where Jesus says,
15:51 "Let your light so shine before men."
15:53 So as one verse talks about the truth of God
15:55 where as the other one talks about
15:57 how Christians are to reflect that truth in their lives.
16:01 Sure. Very admirable title.
16:02 Let me ask you this, guys because you are young,
16:05 young men, 15, 16, 14, 15,
16:08 I don't remember, 15, 16, 14, 15?
16:10 15, 16. 15, 16.
16:12 Okay, 15, 16.
16:14 So young mid-teens,
16:16 you could be out playing basketball,
16:17 running around doing stuff.
16:19 Do you put in Bible study time every day?
16:22 Yes. It's a priority.
16:24 It's a priority. Yes.
16:25 So it's nothing your parents have to force you to do.
16:27 No. Praise the Lord.
16:28 We make a decision to get up every morning
16:30 and spend some time in the study of God's Word.
16:32 So you do it every morning? Every morning.
16:33 First thing? Yes.
16:35 Both of you? Yes.
16:36 Praise the Lord.
16:38 For young people,
16:40 that's commendable
16:42 that you are putting God first,
16:43 because if you are seeking to do things for the Lord,
16:45 you need the power of God in your life.
16:47 So it's not something you have to be forced to do
16:49 like piano practice.
16:50 This is something you want to do, right?
16:52 Yes, and by the way, piano practice
16:53 is no longer forced anymore.
16:54 Praise the Lord.
16:56 It's progressed. I am so glad to hear that.
16:59 But this is a natural part of your daily routine.
17:01 Yes.
17:02 On those days when you may get a little rushed
17:05 and things get a little hectic,
17:07 can you feel the lack of Bible study
17:09 and the affect it has on your life?
17:11 Definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
17:12 So you know it's something that you need to do
17:14 and that's the integral part
17:17 of your existence with the Lord.
17:18 Yes, definitely.
17:21 Yeah, it's like eating is necessary for life,
17:24 studying God's Word and spending,
17:26 well, not just studying God's Word
17:28 but also praying to Him, it's a two way connection.
17:31 Spending time in Bible study and prayers is very important
17:34 in the Christian life.
17:35 And I believe it's very important
17:36 especially in our younger years
17:40 as my brother and I are teenagers,
17:43 it really helps to set the right perspective for life.
17:48 So I suspect you have been serving the Lord
17:52 really since you came out of your
17:54 single digits into your teen years.
17:57 Do you guys still get tempted or you have you pretty much
18:01 gotten over some of that wilderness stuff
18:03 that kids go through in their mid-teens?
18:07 I would say there are still quite a few temptations
18:09 out there that kind of attempt to draw us away
18:14 but when our connection is strong with the Lord,
18:18 doesn't matter at all.
18:20 Yes, that's why again back to that connection with God,
18:22 that will keep you.
18:25 I think, was it David in Psalm 119 who said,
18:29 "How can a young man keep his way pure
18:32 is by taking heed according to the word."
18:35 You know, I certainly wouldn't mind
18:38 losing a few years and be a little younger,
18:39 but I don't know if I want to be a teen again.
18:41 I have such great respect for young people
18:43 who have locked on to the Lord as you two appear to have done.
18:48 It is one thing to grow up in Adventist home,
18:54 it is another thing even to be part of a church family,
18:58 but it's a different thing to stand up
19:02 and want to speak for the Lord
19:04 because one, you have the responsibility
19:06 of being an example
19:07 so that your words are matched by your deeds,
19:10 you had that pressure.
19:12 And also the fact that when you stand up for the Lord,
19:15 you develop one consistent, persistent enemy who is Satan.
19:18 Definitely. Now Praise the Lord.
19:20 "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in world,"
19:22 but as young people you must know
19:24 you are on the firing line of the enemy.
19:27 Yes.
19:28 And that's something we have to constantly remember.
19:30 Yes.
19:31 As we minister for God, we have to realize
19:33 we have to be continually on our guard.
19:35 We may be raised in a Christian home,
19:37 we may be surrounded by Christian influences
19:40 but there are still
19:42 the attempts of the enemy to draw us away.
19:44 Satan try to draw us away through pride and selfishness
19:47 and need to be on guard continually.
19:50 Did the idea for Shining Light Ministry,
19:52 was that a corporate idea
19:53 or did one of you come up with it?
19:55 How did that sort of developed?
19:56 Well, it sort of developed gradually.
19:59 It was mainly his idea
20:01 but we kind of planned together
20:04 on how we have to structure this,
20:07 and even at this point
20:08 we haven't really gotten like big.
20:11 Yeah, like a structured organization.
20:13 But it's really the spontaneous overflow
20:20 of our Christian experience.
20:23 But really our involvement in ministry for the Lord
20:25 began before the development
20:27 of Shining Light Media Ministry.
20:28 I would, to put a date
20:30 on the beginning of the ministry,
20:31 I would say 2012.
20:33 But from 2011, you know,
20:37 2011 was so when I preached my first sermon,
20:39 and my dad used the video or cam recorder
20:42 to record the sermon on video.
20:44 And so he burned it to a DVD, shared it with friends,
20:47 he uploaded to the web, shared it on the web,
20:49 and so I like to think of that
20:51 as a beginning of our media ministry,
20:53 the media aspect of our ministry.
20:55 But as we grew older
20:58 and as we continue to develop our talents for God,
21:02 we had been invited to ministry of different churches,
21:05 either to do special music or to, or for me to speak,
21:10 and my dad would record them on video
21:11 and shared them via DVD and the web.
21:14 And so that gave him our messages in music
21:16 even greater reach than before 'cause, you know,
21:19 one special music or sermon can be done in one church.
21:22 Yes.
21:23 But once shared on the web, it can have a greater reach.
21:26 Very much so.
21:28 We talked about, if you remember
21:29 your very first sermon,
21:31 do you remember what kind of response
21:33 the audience had to...
21:35 the congregation had to your speaking?
21:38 They certainly said that they were blessed.
21:40 Oh, praise the Lord.
21:41 And especially to see a young person
21:43 willing to share God's Word.
21:45 And so...
21:46 Yeah, it was really blessing and, you know,
21:49 I find myself amazed every time,
21:51 it never grows old.
21:52 We are sharing God's Word
21:54 and the response people afterwards,
21:56 you know, it's almost as if there is a little voice
21:59 in the back of my mind, "I got to do this again."
22:01 Got to do this again.
22:02 It's very addictive, it really is.
22:04 Yeah, it is, it is.
22:05 Do you recall the first time, and maybe in your first sermon,
22:08 when you had someone respond to your appeal?
22:14 Not necessarily my first time, and that was more like a charge
22:18 because it was Pathfinder Adventure day.
22:20 But the Lord has been, you know,
22:24 in different, in different,
22:28 in different lines of ministry
22:31 there is progress in development.
22:32 Oh, yes!
22:34 And so, you know, as we have been,
22:36 you know, we take music lessons
22:37 and we've grown nice skills on the piano
22:40 and so the same thing I believe happens by preaching
22:42 because, you know,
22:44 over the past few months and years,
22:46 God has been teaching me how to make appeals.
22:48 You know, for the first few years
22:50 I kind of shied away from that,
22:51 like, I don't want to, you know, press too far.
22:54 But especially these past few months,
22:59 God has been working very powerfully.
23:02 At church, we've been starting to go through,
23:04 you know, some of the basic Adventist doctrines.
23:06 And they preach on Daniel 2, and made an appeal,
23:09 my brother provides the music for the appeal,
23:12 and so it's very powerful,
23:14 that one was more of a prayer appeal.
23:15 But it was amazing, people said, you know,
23:18 they understood things as never before
23:21 and understood the seriousness of the times in which we live.
23:24 At a different church in Arlington a few weeks ago,
23:28 I didn't even know I had to make an appeal,
23:30 but they asked me,
23:32 "Can you make an appeal at the end of the message?"
23:34 And so relying on the Lord's Spirit
23:35 and the power that he gives us,
23:38 I made the appeal,
23:40 and afterwards the Pathfinder coordinator said,
23:43 "You know, both members and nonmembers
23:46 responded very positively to your speech."
23:47 Amen. Amen! So praise the Lord
23:49 for what He has been working through me.
23:50 Yeah, yeah.
23:51 Have you found that calling people to Jesus
23:53 is an addictive thing?
23:55 Yes, it is addictive. It is addictive.
23:58 It's very addictive.
24:00 Have you done any evangelism yet?
24:01 Well, that kind of ties into the reformation project
24:05 that we worked on in 2017.
24:08 In 2017, well, let me backtrack to 2016
24:12 because in October of that year we realized,
24:16 you know, the upcoming year,
24:17 it's the Protestant Reformation,
24:19 500 year anniversary.
24:22 But we didn't really think about it that much until
24:25 probably the summer of 2017,
24:27 and the Lord impressed us with the idea
24:29 that this would be
24:30 a powerful ministry opportunity.
24:32 And so we put together a video, a ten minute video,
24:35 short documentary video
24:38 about the historical and spiritual significance
24:40 of the Protestant Reformation,
24:42 and we shared it on YouTube, and we used that to promote
24:46 a weekend long series at our church
24:49 about the Protestant Reformation series
24:51 which I preached.
24:53 And so, I like to think of that as, you know,
24:55 one of my first experiences,
24:56 our first experiences in evangelism,
24:59 and, you know, I definitely want to do
25:00 evangelism in the future.
25:03 In fact, that's the line of ministry
25:04 I believe God's calling me into, evangelism.
25:07 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
25:09 Samuel, you, of course,
25:10 play for your brother and play along with him.
25:13 The idea of preaching never occurred to you.
25:17 Not really.
25:20 God calls His servants
25:23 to do the work in different capacities,
25:25 and I feel that preaching is just not my thing.
25:29 I don't feel I can get up in front of a crowd of people
25:32 and share the Word of God.
25:33 If He tells me later on that I'm supposed to do that,
25:36 I'll do it.
25:38 Yes.
25:39 But at this point in my life I don't feel,
25:40 I don't feel that quite yet.
25:42 But especially during appeals, he is very helpful
25:43 because for a pianist
25:46 to read notes from a book is one thing...
25:49 Yes.
25:50 But at first pianist to keep on going
25:52 and looping during the appeal
25:55 that sometimes I go a bit longer than
25:56 he expects me to.
25:58 And sometimes I ask the congregation to sing along
26:00 and he doesn't expect to have to play
26:02 for the congregation, so.
26:03 He is tricky.
26:06 So you've kind of developed a rhythm with each other
26:08 as far as knowing what the other person wants
26:09 what the other person expects.
26:10 Yes. Yeah, yeah.
26:12 I think of it like the Wesley brothers, you know,
26:13 there was John Wesley, the preaching,
26:15 and Charles with the music.
26:18 That's really great.
26:19 I will tell you a secret, I did a week of prayer
26:20 right after I came out of college.
26:22 My mother was a Methodist
26:23 and I knew she was ready
26:25 to come to the Lord because she...
26:26 As I would make an appeal every night,
26:29 she would cry and kind of rock in a pew, you know.
26:32 And I knew it was Friday night,
26:34 I was getting down to my last night
26:35 and I was going to preach Sabbath, it would be done.
26:37 And she was crying and then rocking and crying,
26:40 and I took her to the cross
26:41 and I talked about the coming of the Lord,
26:43 I talked about burning in hell, you know,
26:44 everything and she wouldn't get out of her seat,
26:46 I appealed almost 40 minutes.
26:48 Wow!
26:49 I said, "Lord, she's going to get out of that seat tonight."
26:52 And the pianist played and played and played
26:56 and after about 40 minutes up she stood, you know,
26:59 she became a Seventh-day Adventist,
27:01 baptized her myself
27:02 and she never regretted joining the church,
27:04 loved it to the day she died just several years ago.
27:07 Praise the Lord.
27:08 So I know how important is to have a pianist
27:10 who can kind of stick with you, you know.
27:11 Yes, definitely.
27:14 Rather than doing it just from notes
27:16 who can just kind of play and stay
27:17 and stay and stay with you.
27:21 There are other young people who have begun to buy
27:23 into your ministry, you are getting some help
27:25 because you're talking about this,
27:26 producing this documentary,
27:27 that was not done by you per se that you were part of it,
27:30 there was some other help that you got with that,
27:32 is that not so?
27:33 Well, with the documentary video,
27:35 the two of us worked on that
27:36 but really with the development of the ministry
27:39 and the web presence that we have.
27:42 It's really, we are indebted to wonderful family
27:46 that was attending our church
27:48 when we moved to Northern Virginia in 2014.
27:52 We attended Leesburg Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
27:54 and the family we met there on the first Sabbath,
27:57 the Penaranda family.
27:59 They are five of them,
28:01 the parents and the three children,
28:04 two boys and a girl.
28:06 And they're a very mission minded family
28:10 and they're really committed to God.
28:12 And in fact, the Father, Pastor Paul Penaranda,
28:17 he was the Pathfinder leader and lay pastor of the church.
28:21 And, in fact, the first Sabbath we were there,
28:25 he found out that we could play the piano,
28:27 and so he had us play special music
28:28 the following Sabbath
28:30 and really, he was instrumental in,
28:32 you know, the ministry we have,
28:34 the music ministry we have at the Leesburg Church today.
28:37 But as time progressed we formed friendships
28:40 with the children, Joshua, and Jared, and Rachel,
28:44 and especially Joshua and Jared,
28:45 we learned that we have a common interest
28:48 in video production
28:49 combined with a strong desire to share the gospel,
28:52 and so we teamed up with them.
28:55 In 2015, they helped us in creating a website
28:59 for the ministry and they can be viewed as
29:01 at ShiningLightMediaMinistry.org.
29:03 Okay, now say it again.
29:05 ShiningLightMediaMinistry.
29:06 One word. .org. Yes, one word.
29:08 ShiningLightMediaMinistry.org.
29:12 And I was slowing you down because so many of times
29:14 we hear people say, "Oh, I couldn't get it.
29:17 He went too fast" that kind of thing.
29:19 People listen, or they're running
29:20 to grab a pen or something, you know,
29:22 so we like to say it once or twice so that they get it.
29:26 So it's ShiningLightMediaMinistry.org.
29:29 Yes. Well done. Okay.
29:31 And so they helped to get the web presence started
29:34 as well as on YouTube,
29:36 they launched our YouTube channel,
29:39 and so we began uploading videos of sermons
29:41 and musical presentations.
29:42 And it's amazing, you know,
29:45 the reach we can have through the Internet.
29:49 We've looked at some of the analytics
29:52 and we've gotten views
29:53 from places like India, Pakistan,
29:55 the United Arab Emirates, Canada,
29:59 you know, South America,
30:01 and we've been amazed to see,
30:04 you know, how these,
30:05 how the Lord has taken these messages
30:07 to even greater reach than just in our home church.
30:11 Give me some sense, guys, of what kind of things
30:14 you're putting up on the internet?
30:17 Sermon titles, topics, what kinds of things you're,
30:19 you know, exposing your audience to?
30:22 Well, we just do the sermons
30:25 that he and Joshua would preach,
30:27 sermons mainly on fundamental beliefs
30:31 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
30:32 and then we do,
30:34 we have a wide variety of musical selections
30:36 that we and the Penaranda children
30:39 would play or sing.
30:41 And we would share these on YouTube
30:43 and even our website,
30:47 and thus we would have a greater reach
30:48 with our ministry.
30:50 Very much so.
30:51 We also run a blog on the website
30:52 and so I'm the make main contributor to the blog,
30:56 and the blog shares insights
30:58 on Christian living, or Bible topics,
31:01 or even current events
31:02 as they relate to our spiritual lives.
31:05 In these blogs, blog entries have been shared
31:08 in my church newsletter
31:10 as well as in other web pages, and so it's amazing,
31:12 you know, people have responded positively
31:15 with positive feedback.
31:17 So you're reaching out
31:18 to any number of media trying to get the message out.
31:21 Yes. Yeah.
31:23 So at this point in your ministry
31:24 you're dealing pretty much with doctrinal subjects,
31:27 or pastoral subjects,
31:29 or are you pretty much trying to lay
31:31 a doctrinal foundation for your hearers?
31:34 Well, we want to focus more on doctrine in the future,
31:38 right now we are more generic,
31:40 you know, Christian, Christian topics, Bible topics.
31:44 But the idea for this coming year
31:48 and years to come,
31:50 we're trying to create a video, series of videos,
31:54 short probably like five to seven minutes,
31:59 targeted especially towards,
32:01 you know, our age people, young people of our age
32:06 that cover the basic Adventist beliefs
32:09 in light of the great controversy.
32:10 Yes.
32:12 I believe that, you know, God has given
32:14 the Seventh-day Adventist church
32:15 a very wonderful understanding
32:16 of the great controversy message.
32:19 And our doctrines are really based
32:21 on this understanding of,
32:22 first God is love and then also the idea that
32:26 there is this great controversy taking place.
32:30 You know in the postmodern age,
32:35 the idea is not to take history as a meta narrative
32:39 but more to look at, you know, different cultures,
32:41 or different events in isolation of the others.
32:45 But as Adventist, we understand that history
32:48 is set in the context of the great controversy.
32:51 And so we have that foundation of a meta narrative
32:53 that we need to present to our viewers.
32:56 And so really the first video is going to be on,
32:59 you know, what about things that's happened
33:01 or what is really going on?
33:02 And it's laying the foundation of the meta narrative
33:04 and the great controversy theme
33:07 throughout history and throughout the Bible.
33:08 Great stuff. Great stuff.
33:11 Where is the furthest place
33:12 that you've gotten a response to someone
33:15 who are watching your material that you've uploaded?
33:17 The farthest response...
33:19 On planet earth.
33:21 Oh, farthest response on planet earth.
33:23 Well...
33:24 Hopefully it was on planet earth.
33:26 I just want to make sure we're on planet earth.
33:28 Yeah, I don't think.
33:29 I don't think people admires logging on
33:31 to social media...
33:33 No, but really we get responses from all over the place.
33:37 We got a comment on our website from Africa the other day.
33:43 We've gotten, like I said we've gotten views
33:45 to our online content from all over the world.
33:49 And so, you know, people in different continents
33:51 have been sharing that they have been blessed.
33:53 Praise the Lord.
33:54 And I asked them because I'm impressed
33:55 by, I mean, there's only 24 hours in a day,
33:58 you got to do school,
33:59 I mean, just straight school, school.
34:01 Then I know what it is to prepare sermons,
34:03 you know, that's time and work.
34:05 Then if you get any Internet response,
34:09 you may want to answer them with their questions,
34:11 if there is problems, or praying with them,
34:13 so your days must be fairly full
34:17 with activity for the Lord.
34:18 Yes.
34:19 We mostly do our work on weekends.
34:21 Yes.
34:22 But 'cause, you know, during the week like you mentioned,
34:24 we have school and we also
34:26 are actively involved in our church
34:28 so, you know, it's really busy but it's a good kind of busy.
34:32 It's a good kind of busy.
34:33 You know they say that,
34:35 "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
34:36 Yes, indeed.
34:38 So the Lord has kept us busy for Him.
34:41 Working on music ministry at our church, media ministry,
34:45 you know, getting the church,
34:47 you know, we actually run the church website
34:49 with the live streaming and everything.
34:51 And, you know, it's really busy
34:56 but we find, we make time to work
34:58 for the Lord through this ministry,
35:00 Shining Light Media Ministry.
35:02 And especially with the Penaranda family,
35:05 they've moved to the Philippines.
35:06 They moved to the Philippines in 2016.
35:10 And so, you know, that's kind of changed the way
35:13 we work together
35:15 because of, you know, the barriers in time,
35:17 and the Internet, and distance, yes.
35:20 But the Lord is still been blessing,
35:21 they're still working for God where they are
35:23 and we're working for God where we are.
35:26 You know, we do correspondence over email
35:29 and, you know, we communicate, and make plans, and strategies,
35:33 and when they come to visit we work,
35:35 we spend a lot of time to work together
35:37 on our projects, so.
35:38 Let me ask you this
35:40 because your excitement is infectious.
35:44 Are you aware of or do
35:46 you know, excuse me, any young people
35:48 that have maybe caught the burden that you have,
35:51 and sort of got that flame
35:52 that you have that is sort of driving
35:54 at this point of your life,
35:55 has it begun to hit critical mass
35:57 and kind of spread a little bit?
36:00 Well, we are praying that the Lord will provide
36:02 more young people to assist us who are as committed as we are,
36:07 and even more to assist us in this work.
36:11 We have been teaming up with other young people
36:13 from our church to provide music ministry.
36:16 You know, we go to the nursing homes
36:18 and we, you know, provide music for the residents there.
36:22 It's been a blessing.
36:23 And so what we're really trying to do
36:25 is we are trying to train up
36:26 other young people in our church,
36:29 you know, to see things from God's perspective...
36:33 Yes.
36:35 And to have that commitment to spreading God's message.
36:38 Praise the Lord.
36:39 Have you, either of you sing
36:41 or you just piano, play the piano?
36:43 Piano for now. Piano for now.
36:45 Sometimes we will sing another day.
36:46 I got you under the nerve, I saw that laugh.
36:51 Sometimes if it really comes down to it, I'll sing.
36:54 But I've been kind of teasing him
36:56 and saying, "Hey, you should sing sometimes."
36:59 So usually, your appeals are, you making the appeal
37:01 and Samuel just playing for you.
37:03 Yes.
37:04 If you needed to,
37:05 you could play for yourself though, correct?
37:07 Yes. All right.
37:08 Who is the more, and I won't say better pianist
37:09 'cause I don't want to get into sibling rivalry,
37:13 but who is the more advanced pianist at this point?
37:17 Well, since we started at the same time,
37:19 we are pretty much at about the same level.
37:21 He says, "I am better at composing."
37:23 I say, "He is better at playing for church."
37:26 So, that kind of a...
37:27 Okay, so it's a love fest,
37:29 it's kind of a corporate things so we praise the Lord for that.
37:31 I think he has,
37:32 God blessed Samuel with a bit more creativity
37:34 when it comes to music and the chords and everything.
37:37 I play mainly for the,
37:38 you know, congregational singing
37:40 in our service.
37:41 But Samuel's been coming up with arrangements and things,
37:44 and one of my favorite...
37:46 among my favorite experiences are when he plays a piano
37:51 for special music before I preach.
37:53 You know, it really sets me
37:54 in that frame of mind in service to God.
37:58 Do you know
37:59 what your brother sort of likes,
38:01 you have an idea
38:02 the kind of things that he likes,
38:03 or you just kind of wink and pray that the Lord...
38:07 You said to correct here.
38:09 I hear it a lot of times before we go.
38:12 It doesn't happen because, you know,
38:14 we're in the same house so eventually,
38:16 he will hear when you practice.
38:18 Okay, so you're not totally surprised.
38:20 Praise the Lord. Yes, definitely.
38:22 It's great. So you try to...
38:23 You try to match your music to what the sermon,
38:25 obviously what the sermon is all about.
38:28 Yes. Yeah. Praise the Lord.
38:30 Praise the Lord.
38:31 Does any particular
38:35 presentation of yours stand out in your mind
38:37 when you were particularly used by the Lord?
38:40 Is there any sort of particular blessing
38:42 that you can recount or recall of a time
38:45 when you stepped in the desk
38:47 and the Lord used in a mighty way,
38:48 or some life was changed,
38:50 or you getting reports of anything like that?
38:54 Well, that's a tough question to answer
38:56 because, you know, the Lord works every time.
38:58 But, you know, I remember a few weeks ago,
39:03 I was preaching at my home church
39:05 like I mentioned earlier about Daniel 2.
39:07 Our Pathfinder club is doing the Pathfinder Bible experience
39:09 and they're going through the Book of Daniel,
39:11 and we're helping to coach
39:13 'cause we're Pathfinders as well.
39:15 But I was preaching on Daniel 2,
39:17 and so I was going through the different metals
39:22 in the image and explain different things.
39:24 My mother observed
39:26 that even, you know, the smallest,
39:27 the youngest Pathfinders
39:29 like what, eight, nine years old,
39:30 they were, their attention was focused.
39:32 And so, you know,
39:36 I praise the Lord for that ability
39:37 because, you know,
39:41 when I prepare my sermons I try to think,
39:43 you know, is this going to be appreciated
39:47 by the even younger audience that will be listening.
39:51 But I'm amazed at the way the Lord works.
39:55 Like I mentioned
39:57 the younger ones are, were listening,
39:58 there were paying attention,
40:00 and one of the mothers in the church shared
40:01 with me afterwards
40:03 that during the sermon, you know, her daughter said,
40:06 "You know, I want to go to heaven.
40:07 I want to be in God's kingdom."
40:09 And even the older members of our church,
40:15 I remember there was this couple
40:16 that approached me afterwards and said,
40:18 "You know, we had a Bible study
40:19 at our church a few weeks, at our home a few weeks ago.
40:22 And Daniel 2 was being explained,
40:24 and we really didn't get it
40:26 but this sermon really opened our minds about that."
40:29 And, you know, I was amazed,
40:30 you know, how that the Lord will use
40:32 a 16 year old to try to explain
40:34 these things to people of different ages,
40:36 you know, it's amazing
40:38 how the Lord works, and it's very powerful.
40:40 I think you can pick up
40:42 the gospel to understand gospel truths
40:43 from anyone at any age if your mind is right.
40:46 Having said that, I do believe
40:48 that young people hear the gospel
40:50 through young lips in a different way.
40:53 I don't have any illusions
40:55 that a person in my age bracket
40:58 could be as effective tool,
40:59 a teenager as a committed teenager could be.
41:02 First of all, you just, you got shared experiences
41:05 and the gospel just comes out a little differently,
41:08 you know, when you're at that age,
41:10 so praise the Lord for that.
41:12 We've got some pictures and some videos.
41:14 I want you to set up this video that we were going to see.
41:17 Just now tell us what we're going to see.
41:19 The video that we're about to play
41:20 is I think a four minute segment
41:22 from the video about the Protestant Reformation
41:25 that we shared, you know, in 2017,
41:31 and so, I mean, so it's about four minutes.
41:33 The video, the full video, it's about ten minutes long,
41:36 it's on YouTube.
41:37 If you go to our website ShiningLightMediaMinistry.org,
41:40 you can scroll down and the videos,
41:42 you can watch a video there.
41:44 But it starts off with going
41:47 through the life of Martin Luther
41:48 and what led him to that point
41:50 where he nailed the 95 theses on the door of the church.
41:54 And then it takes it a bit further
41:56 and talks about the significance
41:58 of the Reformation in not only history
42:01 but also in our Christian experiences.
42:03 So we'll play about four minutes of that.
42:04 Praise the Lord. Let's take a look.
42:14 The church was in darkness.
42:19 The Book of Truth had been eclipsed by tradition.
42:23 It was a time when holding a Bible meant torture,
42:26 imprisonment, or even death.
42:29 Church leaders became only source of authority
42:32 in spiritual matters,
42:34 to seek pardon and forgiveness a person
42:37 have to confess his sins to the priest.
42:40 Church members sometimes have to pay large sums of money
42:43 to ensure that they
42:45 or a loved one to go straight to heaven at death.
42:48 Refusal to agree with church policy resulted
42:51 in being excommunicated.
42:54 According to church teaching,
42:56 heresy was grounds for consignment
42:58 to the flames of an everlasting burning hell.
43:02 Month after month, year after year,
43:04 and decade after decade passed,
43:07 the church remaining in its cold,
43:09 dark state until one man dare to take a stand.
43:17 In Luther's time,
43:18 a church official named Johann Tetzel,
43:21 began selling indulgences,
43:23 special certificates from the pope
43:25 that promised reduction of time in purgatory,
43:28 which was a place of torture
43:30 that prepared the cease Christians
43:31 to enter heaven.
43:34 Martin Luther rejected this notion
43:35 that people could buy their way into heaven
43:38 by paying certain sums of money.
43:40 In response to Tetzel's sale of indulgences,
43:44 Luther wrote a list of 95 debatable
43:46 these statements that outlined the areas
43:50 in which he disagreed with church teachings
43:52 and policy regarding salvation and forgiveness of sins.
43:56 Then on the eve of All Saints Day,
43:59 Martin Luther nailed these propositions
44:01 to the door of the All Saints Church
44:04 in Wittenberg, Germany.
44:06 These 95 theses were quickly translated
44:09 from Latin to German
44:11 and were distributed all throughout Germany.
44:15 News of Luther, his beliefs, and his writings soon reached
44:18 to the ears of leading church officials,
44:21 including the pope himself.
44:24 After three years of attempts to root out Luther's teachings
44:28 through intimidation, debate, and trial,
44:32 the pope issued a special order
44:34 or papal bull that threatened Luther
44:37 with excommunication
44:39 unless he recanted some of his teachings.
44:42 Luther responded to this act
44:44 with a public burning of the papal bull.
44:47 In January of the following year,
44:49 he was excommunicated from the church.
44:55 Martin Luther's influence led
44:57 to the beginning of the Protestant Reformation,
45:00 a movement that began
45:01 with the object of leading Christians
45:04 back to the truths of God's work,
45:06 which had been obscured in the tradition
45:08 from dogmas of the church throughout the dark ages.
45:12 Some prominent men in this movement
45:14 who became known as Reformers
45:16 were men such as Philip Melanchthon,
45:19 a colleague of Luther.
45:20 John Calvin reformed the doctrines held
45:22 by the Presbyterian Church, and John Knox among others.
45:28 Though these men differed somewhat
45:29 in the details of their belief systems,
45:32 they held two important truths in common,
45:35 the authority of the Scriptures and salvation
45:38 by faith in Jesus Christ.
45:42 These truths have been believed
45:43 and understood by men and women earlier on in the dark ages,
45:48 such as the Waldenses,
45:49 who practice their faith in the Alps.
45:52 And early reformer
45:53 such as John Wycliffe and John Huss.
45:56 In the early years of Protestantism,
45:59 Bible believing Christians often taste severe persecution
46:03 and in the worse cases, death.
46:07 They endured, they suffered, they gave their lives
46:10 because they would not recant their beliefs.
46:13 They dared to take a stand,
46:15 their foundation being the holy Word of God.
46:19 The Christian world is indebted to these faithful men and women
46:23 who stood in defense of truth.
46:28 Well done.
46:30 Good video work and good voiceover work.
46:34 It's collaborative effort.
46:36 Do you guys both do a little editing
46:37 and a little video work?
46:39 Yes. Okay, even the renaissance men.
46:41 He actually wrote
46:43 the musical score for the video, so.
46:45 Yeah, we used some location device
46:47 and exploited it, so we got it all the instruments
46:49 sounding together.
46:50 Yeah, he was doing more of the main video editing,
46:53 like the cutting, and the splicing,
46:55 and then he did the recording.
46:58 He recorded his voice for the video.
47:01 Excellent. Excellent. Well done. Very well done.
47:04 I saw in the pictures you had a chance to speak
47:07 at the General Conference.
47:09 Yes, the General Conference invited us.
47:10 How did you get that invitation?
47:12 Well, in September of 2015,
47:15 a software developer at the General Conference,
47:17 Brother Ean Nugent.
47:19 He visited our church and learned about our ministry
47:21 from the Penaranda family.
47:22 And he soon extended an invitation for Joshua,
47:27 the older son and me to speak for a morning devotional
47:31 at the General Conference headquarters.
47:32 Now, Joshua's is his older son. Yes.
47:34 His older son. Okay.
47:37 And so in November of 2015,
47:38 we actually went and gave the devotional.
47:41 And we actually had the opportunity afterwards
47:44 to meet several wonderful
47:45 and committed leaders of our church,
47:47 including the late Elder C.D. Brooks.
47:49 Yes, and we've been inspired
47:50 by his example of committed service to God.
47:54 But yes, God has been providing many wonderful opportunities,
47:56 including this opportunity at the General Conference.
47:59 Praise the Lord.
48:00 Now did we see the second picture,
48:01 I don't know, I was kind of focusing on you.
48:04 We do, we show them both. Yes and so.
48:07 Now, who's the young man in the glasses?
48:11 The young man in the glasses, that's Joshua.
48:13 Oh, that's, okay. He is a young fellow.
48:15 Yes. Yes.
48:16 We were, I think 14 and 13 at the time.
48:19 At the time. Wow, bless his heart.
48:21 Yeah.
48:23 Did you get a lot of good affirmation
48:24 from the brethren there?
48:25 Yes, we did. Yeah.
48:27 They love to encourage young preachers.
48:28 Yes. They really, really, really do.
48:32 The Reformation series is on YouTube right now,
48:36 something we can see now.
48:38 Not the Reformation series, but the Reformation video.
48:40 The Reformation video, okay.
48:42 So the Reformation series is something that's coming up?
48:44 No, we actually did
48:45 that at our church in November of 2017.
48:48 Oh, okay. All right.
48:49 You know, following the release of the video,
48:51 we began promoting this Reformation series
48:53 at our church.
48:55 Oh, I see. Okay.
48:56 And so, you know, we had visitors
48:58 who came and attended, and they expressed
49:00 that they were blessed by the series.
49:02 Praise the Lord. You did the preaching?
49:03 Yes. How long was the series?
49:05 It was a weekend, so it was Friday, Sabbath,
49:08 and Sunday evening.
49:11 Sometimes we joke around
49:13 or not really joke around but we...
49:15 I like the fact that we should have
49:17 done Sunday's meeting
49:18 on Sabbath morning when most people were there.
49:22 You just did nightly meetings for that time.
49:24 Well, we did Friday night, Sabbath morning,
49:27 and Sunday evening.
49:29 And Sunday evening. Okay, okay.
49:30 So, yeah, to accommodate schedules.
49:31 Praise the Lord.
49:33 And so we hope to do
49:34 more public evangelism in the future.
49:36 If invitations come,
49:39 are you able to get out and do some preaching around?
49:44 Well, depending on the invitations
49:46 we have to, you know, coordinate
49:48 with our schedule and say,
49:49 "Okay, you know, we had school this week."
49:51 But, you know, we're willing to go wherever God sends us.
49:56 Praise the Lord.
49:57 And so you can, for our viewers you can contact us
50:00 at our website ShiningLightMediaMinistry.org.
50:04 There is a contact page and you can...
50:07 If you want to invite us
50:08 to come to your church or events,
50:10 you can specify that in a special form
50:13 that we have included on our website.
50:14 Praise the Lord.
50:16 I'm glad you said, "We" because at this point
50:18 since you guys are still so young,
50:19 we means mom and dad or at least dad.
50:23 It is truly a "we"
50:25 because somebody's got to be the chauffeur.
50:27 Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
50:28 Where are some of the places, I guess mostly
50:30 the north middle Atlantic States
50:32 is kind of pretty much where you've been,
50:35 you know, so far.
50:36 We still live in Georgia,
50:38 and so preach at several churches
50:39 in Georgia and Chattanooga,
50:41 did a week of prayer at a school in Georgia.
50:43 Oh, praise the Lord.
50:45 And then now that we moved to Virginia,
50:47 we get more invitations in Virginia,
50:49 Maryland sort of area.
50:51 One time I had the offer,
50:52 a few times I had the opportunity to preach
50:54 with my grandfather in Jamaica,
50:56 and so, those are wonderful experiences.
50:58 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
51:00 I am going to ask you in our time
51:02 that remains before we go to our newsbreak
51:04 and then we got a little close out time.
51:07 Samuel in particular, what is, and this is one of those kind
51:09 of high concept ontological questions
51:11 we have every now and again.
51:13 The intersection for both of you
51:15 since you play of performance and ministry,
51:19 is there room for performance in ministry?
51:22 Is there room for ministry in performance?
51:25 You know where I'm getting at.
51:26 Is that when you sit down to play, is that performance,
51:31 is it ministry, is it both, is it one or the other?
51:35 I would say it's ministry. It's ministry.
51:37 Yeah, because you see,
51:39 through the aid of piano teachers
51:42 and even our parents, God shows us which songs
51:46 we have to play for a different events
51:48 and then He kind of blesses us with the...
51:53 Skill The skill and then the mindset needed
51:56 for each particular event, you see.
52:00 You see for an appeal,
52:02 let's take for instance an appeal,
52:04 you wouldn't be playing like you
52:06 would be playing a majestic song
52:07 for special music.
52:08 So there are different mindsets you need to have and the Spirit
52:13 blesses you with all these
52:15 different mindsets and gives you
52:16 the right impressions that you need.
52:19 Well said.
52:20 So you need to really lock in with the Lord,
52:21 so that you can feel
52:23 what the Spirit is trying to tell you,
52:24 what is appropriate for that particular time
52:26 and that particular occasion.
52:29 Yes. Yeah. Praise the Lord.
52:31 We're going to go to our newsbreak,
52:33 and then we're going to come back
52:34 and sort of get a closing thought
52:35 from these two young men.
52:37 Stay with us, we'll be right back.


Revised 2018-04-16