3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018015A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, and welcome once again to 3ABN Today.
01:13 My name is CA Murray.
01:14 And allow me to thank you once again for sharing
01:16 just a little of your busy day with us,
01:19 to thank you as always for your love, your prayers,
01:21 your support of this ministry
01:23 as together we seek to warn the world,
01:25 to encourage the world to be ready
01:27 for the second coming of our Lord
01:28 and Savior Jesus Christ.
01:30 You will forgive me today because I'm excited,
01:32 yay, verily for a couple of reasons.
01:35 One, for the company that I am in,
01:37 and secondly, for the subject matter
01:40 that is the focus of our program today.
01:42 So if I'm a little giddy, forgive me if you will.
01:45 Because I happen to like these people a lot.
01:48 Sometimes you meet people,
01:49 and from the first time you meet them,
01:50 you kind of like them,
01:52 and you feel you've known them forever
01:53 because of a number of reasons.
01:55 First of all, these are all good Christian people.
01:56 They're good-looking people.
01:58 They're doing a great work for the Lord.
02:00 And I consider them all friends.
02:04 I've brought Duane McKey over to the host chair with me
02:08 because he brought his gang with him,
02:09 we don't have room for everybody.
02:11 I brought, okay. Good. They came. They all came.
02:14 He is the president of Adventist World Radio.
02:17 And also, what is the official TMI title
02:19 that you do with...
02:21 I'm the assistant to Elder Wilson
02:22 for Total Member Involvement as well.
02:24 Okay, okay. And in your spare time...?
02:26 Spare time...
02:27 Kind of put together...
02:29 Which you have none of really.
02:30 Yeah, that's right, right.
02:32 Put it all together, let me call it AWR 360.
02:33 All right. Praise the Lord.
02:34 Completing the circle. Yeah.
02:36 Let me say this, years ago, there was a commercial,
02:38 you may recall, that when they rolled out
02:40 the new automobiles.
02:42 They were trying to give it a new image
02:44 'cause they always thought of it
02:45 as a kind of an old man's kind of car.
02:46 Yeah. Yeah. Right.
02:48 And they said, "This is not your father's automobile."
02:49 I remember that.
02:51 You know, and so I'm thinking this is not your father's AWR.
02:52 This is kind of a new AWR.
02:54 You know, this is not your grandfather's AWR.
02:56 You've gotten some new vision and with us, wonderful team.
03:00 You've come up with some new things
03:01 we're going to talk about today.
03:03 So it's going to be an exciting program.
03:04 Let me introduce, he was saying
03:06 how wonderful a team he has,
03:08 and that's a good thing to hear.
03:10 They are perfect.
03:11 The first team member actually doubles as his wife.
03:17 Kathy McKey, good to have you here.
03:19 It's great to be here.
03:20 Just a wonderful person. Amen.
03:23 And well you got to say that. I don't...
03:25 I know I do on TV but that's okay.
03:27 Amen.
03:29 I think he really believes that.
03:30 I believe it.
03:32 You've been married how many years?
03:33 Almost 50. Can you imagine that?
03:35 Almost 50. So you got married as children?
03:36 Oh, she was just a tiny child.
03:38 Well said, you're picking up points too.
03:42 And really, relatively recent and dear friend, Sue Hinkle.
03:46 Sue, good to have you here.
03:48 Thank you. It's great to be here.
03:49 It's a privilege. Yeah, we sort of hung out.
03:50 I served under her leadership in Romania last year.
03:53 She was the team leader. Oh, yeah. I remember.
03:54 I remember that well. Amen. Praise.
03:56 And a really wonderful person.
03:57 But your position here at AWR is...
04:01 Outreach Manager. Uh-huh.
04:03 And we'll sort of dive into that
04:05 what that means in just a little bit.
04:07 And Cami Oetman, good to have you.
04:09 Oetman or Oatman? Oetman.
04:10 Oetman. So I had it right? You did.
04:12 I had the Cami part right.
04:13 Praise the Lord. And your position is...?
04:15 Vice-president for Advancement, Adventist World Radio.
04:18 Okay, so you got the gang with you.
04:20 I have them, the best. You ought to be proud.
04:21 Praise the Lord. The Lord blessed us.
04:22 Praise the Lord.
04:24 So we're going to be talk about Adventist World Radio,
04:25 some of the wonderful things that it's doing.
04:27 We were saying just backstage
04:28 before we came on set that even in these last days,
04:32 God is using radio in a marvelous
04:34 and marked way to help round out the circle,
04:37 we talked about all the electronic media,
04:38 everybody's got the iPads, iPhones,
04:41 all of these kinds of things, but radio still has
04:43 a very, very important part, doesn't it?
04:44 It does. It does. It's all apart.
04:45 Yeah, and we are reaching everything,
04:48 all digital avenues.
04:50 That's right. AWR is. And praise the Lord.
04:52 And when you think Adventist World Radio,
04:55 it should be Adventist World Radio...
04:58 because radio does a lot of things
04:59 under that umbrella of radio.
05:01 That's right, yeah.
05:02 We are expanding and expanding.
05:03 It's fun, exciting, thrilling. Yeah.
05:06 I'm going to try to stay out of the way
05:07 and let these guys run
05:09 because they've got a lot to talk about.
05:10 Cami, are you going to be
05:12 kind of railroading this, or it's my buddy here...
05:13 Well, sure. Both of us together.
05:14 Yeah, we're good. Okay. Okay.
05:16 Sure, yeah Cami's gonna share with us this exciting...
05:18 She and Sue actually were in California
05:20 flying to North to another state.
05:23 And they were on this airplane,
05:24 and it kind of gives an idea,
05:26 I think, of what the world that we live in today.
05:28 Yes. The times in which we live.
05:30 Yeah. So it's about 5 am.
05:32 And we get on a flight, and the Lord, you know,
05:35 He sets up divine appointments, doesn't He?
05:37 And I get on the flight,
05:39 and a very distinguished English gentleman
05:41 is sitting next to me.
05:43 And we exchanged, you know, pleasantries, and he said,
05:46 "Oh, yes.
05:47 I'm going to one of my homes in the Colorado Rockies."
05:50 And I said, "Oh." I said, "God has really blessed you."
05:54 And 'cause we were sharing, he looked at me,
05:56 and his whole body bristled, and he said,
05:58 "Mm, the Gods have blessed me?"
06:02 Well, right then and there, I knew we were going to have
06:04 a fascinating conversation.
06:07 Indeed.
06:08 So I prayed for the Lord's assistance,
06:11 "Lord give me the words," here we go.
06:14 So this man, he begins to tell me
06:16 how since at a young age in England,
06:18 he has been worshipping the goddess,
06:20 the goddess appears to him, we've known as an apparition,
06:24 but appears to him and has led him through life.
06:27 Step by step, he has a built a company out of nothing,
06:31 without any training of any kind,
06:33 other than this goddess telling him what to do,
06:35 has built this multimillion dollar company,
06:38 and it's in software.
06:40 And the whole reason he said is to annihilate Christians.
06:45 That caught my attention. Indeed.
06:48 He dare said so? Yes, he did.
06:50 And I said, "Really?"
06:51 And so he says, you know, he says, you know,
06:54 we've been chatting and, you know.
06:56 And we were actually getting along quite well,
06:58 even though we have obvious differences, we were,
07:00 you know, really exchanging.
07:02 And, keep in mind Sue is three seats ahead,
07:04 and she can hear all of this, and she's praying
07:07 because she knows there was like
07:08 a spiritual warfare going on.
07:10 Yes. Yes. So and thank you for that.
07:12 You're welcome. This is my pal.
07:13 And so I'm talking to him, and he says, you know,
07:18 "Christians are the enemy.
07:19 That means that you are my enemy."
07:22 And he said,
07:23 "I am a soldier for the goddess."
07:27 So I turned to him and looked him right in the eyes,
07:29 and I said, "I am a soldier for the one and almighty God."
07:34 So we started talking about this,
07:36 and he said, you know,
07:39 "There is an end coming soon.
07:44 My goddess is going to be emerging from the earth."
07:46 That was interesting to me from the earth, not heaven.
07:49 "But emerging from the earth
07:50 and going to be taking over soon."
07:52 And I'm thinking to myself,
07:54 "Wow, even, you know, pagan worshippers,
07:57 devil worshippers, know that the end is coming."
08:00 Yes. Yes. And they do.
08:01 And so we're talking, and he says, you know,
08:05 "What I don't understand," as I'm sharing with him
08:07 the Bible and Jesus, and he's saying,
08:10 "What I can't understand is that
08:12 there is a glow exuding from you.
08:14 There is a light.
08:15 And there is like this core strength or something,
08:17 and I'm trying to wrap my mind around it."
08:19 And I said, "It's simple, that's Jesus."
08:22 I said, "You could have Him too."
08:25 And he said, "I don't know, Jesus...
08:27 See, the goddess has gotten rid of two of the three demons
08:30 that are chasing me for years."
08:32 And he says, "I need the goddess."
08:34 I said, "Oh, no."
08:35 I said, "You will never get rid of that third demon,"
08:37 I said, "unless you fall on your knees,
08:40 and you ask God almighty to take him from you.
08:43 Just give Him a try."
08:44 And he said, you know, I said,
08:45 "I believe that we crossed paths for a reason."
08:47 I said, "Remember this day and call on Him
08:50 because there's coming a time when you're going to need too."
08:53 And he said, you know, "I just don't know
08:58 what to do with that."
08:59 And I said, "Well, I'll be praying for you."
09:01 And he just was so shocked that we,
09:03 you know, that we were having this conversation.
09:06 And he said, you know, "Really..."
09:11 He didn't know, I said to him,
09:12 you know, "The endgame really is heaven.
09:14 That's the endgame.
09:16 You know, our goal, we know as Christians
09:18 that we are going to be in Eden restored."
09:21 He said, "What? Really?"
09:22 You know, and I said, "Well, what's your end game?"
09:25 And he said, "I don't know.
09:26 I've never asked the goddess that.
09:28 I've just been doing step by step
09:30 of what she's asked me to do."
09:31 And I said, "You've got to think about that.
09:32 You've got to..."
09:34 So, yes, pray that he reads
09:36 the Great Controversy and the Ephesus
09:38 marked in there that we had already talked about.
09:41 So you left a book with him?
09:42 Actually, I know his name as we exchanged.
09:45 I know the name of his company.
09:48 So I would search that, mail him there.
09:49 Sue, what are you thinking, you're hearing this
09:50 conversation going on behind you?
09:52 What's going on in your mind?
09:53 Well, I couldn't hear
09:55 all of that was being talked about,
09:56 but I was getting bits and pieces.
09:57 And so I knew this was
09:59 a serious spiritual conversation.
10:01 And so I'm just thinking,
10:03 "I need to pray her through,
10:05 you know, for the Holy Spirit
10:06 to give her the words to speak to this man."
10:09 You know, I believe He did that.
10:11 Yeah, and I think what triggered
10:13 it is that I was telling about my job,
10:15 and how, you know, the Christianity,
10:17 and people are falling in love with Jesus all over this world,
10:19 the Holy Spirit is being poured out.
10:21 This is how I'm starting our conversation
10:22 and talking with him.
10:24 And so he's letting me know on his end,
10:26 "Well, we're getting ready.
10:28 We're planning to annihilate all of you."
10:29 And, you know, anyway,
10:31 so we know that there
10:32 is a great controversy war going on.
10:34 We know that.
10:35 And we all need to wake up and get ready and tell people,
10:38 tell the world that Jesus is coming soon.
10:40 That's right. Stand up for Him.
10:42 Be ready to stand up for Him even on a 5 am flight.
10:44 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
10:47 You know, sometimes you just get a chance
10:49 to just sort of sow the seed and just it let it there.
10:51 You know, you don't get to land that Sunday puncher,
10:54 read him to sinner's prayer, and go through to all thing,
10:55 you just plant the seed, and then the Lord will water,
10:58 takes care of the rest.
10:59 So praise the Lord, that's fantastic.
11:01 See, you know, this last fall
11:02 we had five areas in North America,
11:05 had AWR rallies.
11:08 People who know about AWR love us,
11:10 you know, we go to...
11:11 We have a 1,000 radio stations,
11:13 we go where air goes with no walls,
11:15 no borders, no limits, you heard that.
11:17 But there are a lot of people who have never heard of us.
11:19 And so we've gone around to a lot of churches,
11:21 Sue organized all that.
11:22 And, Sue, we really appreciate that.
11:24 We had fantastic experience. Oh, it was great.
11:26 And like you were saying, during one of these rallies,
11:30 Duane lifted up his hand and said,
11:32 "What do you like best about AWR?"
11:34 And what did they say?
11:36 "Everything." "Everything."
11:40 It is so exciting to be partners with you at 3ABN
11:43 because we know you do the same thing.
11:45 We have that same passion.
11:46 Oh, yes. Same excitement.
11:49 We were just in Portugal,
11:50 I know this is on down the script.
11:52 But we were just in Portugal, Kathy and I,
11:53 that's where we started,
11:55 and we're going to come back to that in a minute.
11:56 We started in Portugal in 1971, is that right?
12:01 But we'll talk about the Steelers in a minute.
12:03 But Kathy and I we're just there,
12:04 and we're talking to the young people
12:07 who are running a new radio station
12:08 they bought a number of years ago in Portugal.
12:11 Yeah, yeah. In Lisbon.
12:13 A number of years ago.
12:15 It was thrilling to talk to them,
12:16 and they said, "We have a story."
12:18 I said, "What's that?"
12:19 "Well, we bought this commercial station."
12:21 And we just thought,
12:22 "The government want us to only use,
12:24 do commercial broadcasting."
12:25 And so we got the union the union to buy it,
12:27 and we had some religious things,
12:28 we were put in here and there.
12:30 And then they said, you know,
12:32 "After a number of years, we started looking at it,
12:35 and we realized that we had not one baptism
12:39 after all the funding that church
12:41 had put into this radio station."
12:43 Because it was secular music, it was commercial,
12:46 a little bit of religious stuff in it.
12:48 Okay, so they tried to do a secular station
12:50 and just put in a little religious content?
12:51 Yup, yup, yup.
12:53 Because they thought
12:54 that's what the government wanted their enlistment.
12:55 And finally, they said, "Nah, it's not going to work.
12:57 It's not working. We're wasting our money."
12:59 And so they changed the whole format.
13:00 They came in, and they started preaching Adventist prophecy.
13:03 Wow. Amen.
13:04 Adventist Bible studies,
13:06 Adventist health message, Christian music only.
13:08 So they went into deep end.
13:10 Deep end. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:11 And in Portugal, it's tough. It's very tough.
13:14 One baptism per pastor per year.
13:15 Wow.
13:17 In the last three years, just the radio, 20 baptisms.
13:21 Amen. Praise God.
13:22 Praise God. Yeah.
13:23 When you stand up for the Lord,
13:25 He does indeed stand up for you.
13:26 Yeah. Yeah.
13:27 He does, He does. That's right.
13:29 That kind of thinking. Yeah, praise the Lord.
13:30 And, Kathy, we were in Chattanooga?
13:31 And out visiting donors, we had a wonderful donors.
13:34 We were.
13:35 And it was amazing,
13:37 we drove up to this gentleman's house.
13:40 He's outside with his coat on and sweatshirt.
13:44 And Duane said,
13:46 "I'm the president of Adventist World Radio,
13:48 Duane Mckey, and this is my wife, Kathy."
13:50 And he said, "You know what,
13:53 I just sent you double the amount
13:55 that I normally send to you."
13:58 And he said, "The Lord and I have an agreement."
14:04 That touched my heart so much.
14:06 The Lord and I have an agreement, he said...
14:08 Now remember, he is outside with his coat on.
14:10 Yeah, yeah. And sweatshirt.
14:11 And sweatshirt.
14:13 And he said... Praise the Lord.
14:14 And he and his house is down.
14:16 He said, "When my electricity and gas bill
14:21 are down to a certain point,
14:23 then I send AWR double of what I normally do."
14:29 Isn't that amazing?
14:30 The Lord and I have an agreement.
14:32 Yeah. We have precious donors.
14:34 We have so many people sacrificing.
14:36 And this is one thing that we've really enjoyed also about
14:39 doing these rallies around North America
14:42 is when we're there,
14:44 we can take the time to go on and visit some of our donors.
14:47 And we are hearing stories like this
14:49 just over and over and over.
14:52 And it's great to get the word out
14:54 about what AWR is doing.
14:57 And also another way that we are doing that
15:00 is we have 36 field reps, or ambassadors, we call them,
15:06 all across North America and also into Canada.
15:09 And these people, our ambassadors,
15:13 are getting speaking appointments
15:15 in the local churches.
15:16 Praise the Lord.
15:18 And so they're sharing all these wonderful stories
15:20 about what God is doing, amazing things are happening.
15:24 And we're just trying to get the word out
15:27 about what God is doing.
15:28 Now some of these ambassadors
15:30 are retired ministers or the guys
15:32 who've been in the work, who just needs something to do,
15:35 and it sort of caught the vision
15:36 of what you're trying to do.
15:37 Yeah, that's right. You know, they're bored.
15:39 I mean they wanted to retire, and they said,
15:40 "This is gonna be exciting."
15:42 And they sit there for six months and say,
15:43 "I can't take this."
15:44 Right.
15:46 Very true.
15:48 But can I mention, if someone, one of our listeners,
15:52 is interested in having one of our representatives
15:55 or ambassadors come to your church,
15:57 please email me, sue@awr.org.
16:01 And we'll line someone up to come out
16:04 and visit with you at your church.
16:06 There was that story that you were just telling me,
16:08 Bob Peck, Dr. Peck told us a story
16:10 about one ambassador is going to a birthday party?
16:13 Yes, just got this in two days ago.
16:16 So there was this woman,
16:18 she was getting ready to have her 90th birthday.
16:20 And they were planning her party,
16:24 and they thought, you know,
16:26 "Instead of presents,
16:28 why don't we give all the guests that come in
16:31 an AWR donation envelope.
16:34 So as they come in the door,
16:35 all the guests, they get an envelope.
16:38 In lieu of presents, give a donation to AWR."
16:41 And the whole family thought it was wonderful.
16:44 And so that's the plan,
16:46 no gifts for the 90-year-old woman.
16:50 They'll be giving donations to AWR.
16:51 And what did the 90-year-old woman
16:53 need anyway, you know?
16:54 You know what, she's going to have gifts in heaven.
16:56 Because it's people that she... That's right.
16:58 You know. That's right.
16:59 That's right. Yeah.
17:00 What I found...
17:02 And I know you're finding this too as you travel,
17:03 and you meet your donors, one doesn't give to get.
17:07 That's right. No.
17:09 You know, you know, that's the wrong motive,
17:10 but the truth is when you give, you do get
17:13 because that's God's initiative.
17:15 That's His promise that,
17:16 "If you support My work, I'll support you."
17:18 If you lift up Christ,
17:20 Christ will take care of your needs.
17:22 And so many have found that
17:24 if I sacrifice to support a ministry of God,
17:27 the Lord takes care of my day-to-day stuff.
17:29 That's right. Yeah.
17:30 You know, it happens, and you're finding that.
17:31 I used to tell my church members
17:33 and panels or our pastors, I said, you know,
17:35 "God's scoop shovel is bigger than yours."
17:37 Precisely.
17:40 You can scoop it in,
17:41 He's going to scoop it back up with a bigger scoop shovel.
17:42 Yes, indeed, indeed.
17:44 So praise the Lord, that's great, that's great.
17:46 How do you choose the areas where you go?
17:48 Do you go by invitation only, Sue?
17:49 Or do you kind of target areas in the country?
17:51 Do you mean for the rallies? For the rallies, yeah.
17:54 We target certain areas, we like to go,
17:57 especially where we have a lot of donors
17:59 so that they can come together and see,
18:02 we can present to them even more what AWR is doing.
18:06 But we're looking at different areas
18:07 across North America,
18:09 and we'll have that up on our website hopefully soon
18:13 where our rallies will be this fall.
18:15 Duane, this seems like kind of a new record.
18:17 I don't ever remember AWR being this present before.
18:22 It seems like you're really concentrating
18:24 on casting a vision in a more public way
18:28 than perhaps ever before.
18:30 You know, one of our vice-presidents, Kent Sharpe,
18:33 who's been there seven years, he is for finances.
18:36 Actually, he's over the Philippines right now.
18:38 He's teaching cell phone evangelism, right?
18:39 We have boots on the ground,
18:41 we can't get out in the field which is exciting for us.
18:44 And he said, you know, he said,
18:46 we're looking all the stuff
18:47 we're talking about that's happening.
18:48 We're talking more about some of that,
18:50 and the cell phone evangelism,
18:51 the center for digital evangelism
18:52 in the Philippines, et cetera.
18:54 And he said, "AWR used to be
18:55 kind of a little sleepy ministry,
18:57 now all of a sudden,
18:59 it's mushroomed into something worldwide."
19:01 And we are international, it was.
19:03 But we're talking about more and more
19:05 and sharing for our people
19:07 how they can help and what we can do to...
19:09 Well, the reason is simple, same reason you guys exist.
19:13 We're sick and tired of the ball in mud.
19:14 Precisely.
19:16 We want Jesus to come. Amen.
19:17 And as we look at what is happening,
19:18 just like Cami's experience with a goddess guy.
19:22 You know, Jesus is coming soon. That's right.
19:23 The devils know it. Very much aware, sure.
19:26 Let's proclaim it loud and clear all around the world.
19:30 What excites me about what you're doing,
19:31 first of all, your smiles says
19:33 that you're full of your subject,
19:34 but we always knew, as you said, AWR was there,
19:39 but we didn't get reports a lot on what was happening.
19:41 And now that you've pivoted in this idea of going
19:45 from Broadcast to Baptism,
19:46 which I love, which is what we do,
19:49 you know, we go from a preach sermon,
19:51 a dollar put in, to a splash in the pool.
19:55 And there is a logical connection.
19:57 That's right. I love that idea.
19:58 And we're hearing more, you're out, you're doing more,
20:00 and you're letting the church know
20:01 this is a very vital,
20:02 vital part of the last day message.
20:04 Amen.
20:05 I think Jesus said something about that when He said,
20:06 "Go and preach, and teach,
20:08 and baptize in all the world."
20:13 Praise the Lord.
20:14 Cami, you got something else for us?
20:15 Yes, actually,
20:17 we were so excited to meet with the Steeles.
20:19 Now this is a couple that...
20:22 Was the original couple that started with AWR,
20:25 and we have videos
20:26 so that we can show in their own words
20:28 what the original vision of AWR was
20:31 and now is again today.
20:33 It's a beautiful thing. All right.
20:36 Adventist World Radio
20:38 has been carrying the voice of hope
20:39 to the unreached people groups of the world
20:42 in their own languages.
20:45 AWR started over 45 years ago in 1971,
20:51 and the vision today
20:52 is just as strong as it was back then.
20:57 Meet the Steeles,
20:58 the first employees of Adventist World Radio.
21:02 So, Allen and Andrea,
21:04 tell me a little bit about your background.
21:06 And how did you first become interested in radio?
21:10 Well, for me, I was at a university,
21:13 I was part of the radio station on campus,
21:17 and we had a very special guest come to the campus
21:20 and talk to us.
21:22 And that was H. M. S. Richards,
21:23 the real pioneer of radio for the Adventist church.
21:27 And he gave us a vision that really caught with me,
21:32 and that was we can reach
21:33 the whole world with radio.
21:37 And he said, "You have got to do it."
21:39 And I took it personally, and ever after that,
21:43 that was my goal to get into that type of ministry
21:46 for the Lord.
21:48 The general conference decided to start
21:50 this radio project,
21:51 and you were chosen to be the first employees.
21:55 Tell me a little bit about that?
21:58 That was a very exciting time, of course.
22:02 And this was the vision that I had had
22:06 that we would somehow be able
22:08 to spread God's message around the world.
22:12 So I offered, I said, "Okay, send me, I'll go."
22:18 And the first assignment was in Lisbon, Portugal.
22:22 And as we were planning to go, they said,
22:25 "Now, we need to warn you that we only have enough money
22:29 to keep you there for a year.
22:31 Do you mind going just for a year?"
22:33 I said, "Sure, we'll do that."
22:36 Well, it turned out that the next year,
22:38 while we were there, they said, "Can you stay another year?"
22:41 We said, "Okay, we'll stay another year."
22:43 And this continued on for five years.
22:46 I think that the church leaders were delighted,
22:50 may be surprised a little bit,
22:52 when articles began to come about the results
22:56 that we were getting from the house broadcast.
22:59 And we had 20 languages, 12 hours a week was all.
23:03 And they began to make donations for it.
23:06 And fact is, after one article,
23:08 enough money came in for the next year.
23:11 And so I think that's when the church leaders said,
23:13 "Okay, this is important.
23:16 The church members want it. Let's do it."
23:18 As you're aware,
23:19 Adventist World Radio is expanding the ministry,
23:22 and we're calling it AWR 360,
23:26 From Broadcast to Baptism, we're still doing
23:30 what we've done in the past and increasing.
23:33 But now we've added this dimension trying
23:36 to reach out to the listeners that are listening
23:39 to the broadcast, connecting with them,
23:42 and getting them into a local church.
23:47 What do you think about this expansion
23:50 of the ministry of AWR?
23:52 This new vision of AWR 360 has just totally fulfilled
23:57 our dream of what might happen with this special ministry.
24:02 It's a completion of what I call the circle of love.
24:07 So you give the message, and then you follow through,
24:11 and you bring people to a family of God
24:15 that can nurture them and help them.
24:18 It seems to me that it's just the natural way
24:21 that things should have developed
24:23 and perhaps should have been done long ago
24:25 if it were possible.
24:27 So it completes... It's sort of...
24:31 It's an exciting aspect that completes
24:33 the circle of not only giving the message
24:37 but then bringing the people to God
24:40 and helping them to be part of the family of God.
24:46 And I'm sure that all over the world
24:48 where we have radio studios,
24:51 when people write to Adventist World Radio,
24:53 those messages are always sent to the country of origin
24:57 as well as being answered by AWR,
25:00 and so then they're sent a Bible study card.
25:04 And so they're able to sign up for Bible studies,
25:06 and then they work with Bible study office,
25:09 right in their own country.
25:11 So this follow through of having people actually go
25:15 and do evangelistic meetings now in the different countries
25:18 is the connection.
25:20 It's a natural thing for it to be happening.
25:22 And it's wonderful that it can be happening
25:24 in so many parts of the world.
25:26 And the people in any country,
25:29 such as the US or any place,
25:31 who are excited about Adventist World Radio,
25:34 who perhaps make contributions to help it keep running,
25:37 that's so important,
25:38 but who might like to be involved
25:40 can actually be involved in some of these things,
25:42 so they can actually meet some of the listeners,
25:44 that's one of the most beautiful things
25:47 is to meet someone
25:48 who has had their life turned around
25:51 because of what they heard on radio.
25:53 And this new vision of AWR 360
25:57 has just totally fulfilled our dream
26:00 of what might happen with this special ministry.
26:09 Wow, I love the logo. I love the logo.
26:11 You like that?
26:12 Ellen White, you know, in discussing why,
26:14 I think it's the Acts of the Apostles,
26:16 she discusses why
26:17 there is a change of passage at different churches.
26:20 And she says, "No one guy has everything."
26:22 So we changed passage that the church
26:24 gets the broad spectrum of leadership.
26:26 You are an evangelism guy, you know,
26:28 and so you bring to the stew your own particular flavor,
26:34 and to me, it's apropos for this particular time.
26:37 This is what we need at this time.
26:38 The marriage of ministry that exists
26:42 because it's ministry,
26:43 but also with the evangelism salt in there.
26:46 So you got a broadcast entity
26:48 which has been going on for years,
26:49 but now you've given it increased emphasis on let's see
26:53 some results 'cause you're there.
26:55 Let's just push it and highlight it
26:57 because the results are there.
26:58 Absolutely. And that's what we're about.
26:59 You know, we're not...
27:01 We're keeping what we have done,
27:02 we're adding to it, we had more radio stations
27:05 now than ever before this last year.
27:06 We have more shortwave broadcasts than ever before.
27:09 So we keep pushing that,
27:10 but we just want to complete the circle and do more.
27:12 It's like Lonny Duncan, he is an engineer,
27:15 who met H. M. S. Richards Sr. back in '57
27:18 I think it was and...
27:20 He sent him a letter, and he says,
27:21 he was a young engineer, and then he says,
27:22 "We want to broadcast around the world,
27:24 how can you help us?"
27:25 And finally, that developed into AWR
27:26 in 1971 in Portugal with Elder Wilson.
27:29 But Lonny told me when we talked about
27:31 Broadcast to Baptism, he said,
27:33 "That was the original intent
27:35 always to connect people with Jesus."
27:37 Okay, so you just connected the circle there,
27:39 trying to get back to your roots.
27:40 That's right. That's right. Back to the roots.
27:42 By the way, the shirts.
27:43 The shirts, Cami, what's that...
27:45 Kind of like our shirts show.
27:47 We lift up the trumpets and we connect the dots.
27:49 I just... Just like H. M. S. Richards...
27:52 Yes.
27:53 "We'll lift up the trumpets, loud, let it ring."
27:55 And that's what we're doing with AWR.
27:56 All around the world, we hear that where we go,
27:58 lift up the trumpet...
27:59 That's the theme song of AWR.
28:00 Amen and amen.
28:02 Well done, well done.
28:03 People actually identify Adventism with that song.
28:05 So they know that,
28:06 "Oh, I want to hear that broadcast."
28:08 So yeah.
28:09 And one of the new ways that we're branching out
28:12 is this incredible thing called
28:14 AWR 360 cell phone evangelism.
28:17 It is super special.
28:19 And the way that God brought
28:23 that these ideas all together,
28:24 and how it's meshed
28:26 is just such a beautiful miracle.
28:29 It actually began one year ago.
28:31 And yeah, and I want the two that were there
28:36 to explain exactly how that happened.
28:39 When Kathy and I were in Zambia,
28:41 we're getting ready to bring European evangelism,
28:44 100 European evangelisms.
28:45 We mentioned this before, you know,
28:46 we're going to a 1,000 meetings and let's talk all at one time.
28:49 We're also going down to Livingstone
28:50 with lot of meetings down there as well,
28:52 and we're broadcasting the whole area,
28:53 preparing for that right now.
28:55 And so Kathy and I,
28:56 we were going to go to Livingstone.
28:58 That's right. And we couldn't get a hotel.
29:00 Duane checked and on the web, and they were full.
29:05 And so, but he said,
29:07 "There is one hotel that has some rooms,
29:12 Taita Falcon Lodge."
29:14 And so, I said, "Well, we've never been there.
29:17 We don't know what it's like, but we need a bed tonight,
29:21 so, I mean, we better book it.
29:24 So he did.
29:26 And when we got down to Livingstone,
29:29 we had somebody meet us,
29:32 and we started off of the black top onto this...
29:37 Well, honey, we talked where we want to go
29:39 and the guy says, "I know where that is,
29:41 but I sense that's a long way out there.
29:44 It's an hour on this horrible road."
29:46 Yes. Terrible.
29:51 Anyway, so we got there and there's pitch black.
29:54 So we don't know what we've gotten ourselves into.
29:58 But anyway, the manager, Antoinette,
30:02 was out by the road to meet us.
30:07 And she showed us our cabin, well, cabin is thatch.
30:12 And then she took us,
30:14 we had ordered dinner that night.
30:18 And in the next morning,
30:20 Antoinette and her husband took us back into Livingstone
30:25 to make plans for next year's meeting.
30:28 They are this year's meetings I guess I should say.
30:31 And we had great meetings with the pastor
30:35 and the leadership there.
30:37 And made arrangements for another hotel
30:41 for our big groups that we're taking.
30:44 And then, the next day, we're getting ready to leave.
30:50 Now Antoinette and her husband are Afrikaans people,
30:53 they're Dutch people.
30:54 They go to the Dutch reform church.
30:56 And we don't baptize many of them,
30:58 they're tough, very, very tough.
30:59 And so they're usually not very religious, you know,
31:02 and so, and they're very professional.
31:04 And you never see them managing hotels.
31:07 So this is a lot unusual for us.
31:09 That's right, and so, the next morning,
31:13 we're getting ready to leave.
31:14 And it's just Duane, and myself,
31:17 and Bob Peck there.
31:19 The other couple that had been there
31:21 the previous morning for breakfast,
31:23 they had already gone.
31:25 So we have packed our bags, and the pastor
31:29 has come to pick us up, and I said,
31:32 "Duane, I want to go and say,
31:35 "Thank you so much
31:36 to Antoinette for their hospitality."
31:39 And so I went there,
31:42 and Antoinette said, you know...
31:44 Was she sitting at the bar, smoking...
31:47 And with her Bible, and she said, "You know what,
31:52 you know, she said...
31:54 I told my husband,
31:58 we were brought up wrong."
32:00 And I thought, "Woah!"
32:03 Anyway, she started to tell me
32:05 that this person she has been studying Revelation,
32:11 she's been studying prophecy.
32:13 And I thought, "How did that happen?"
32:16 So she said, you know, "Every Saturday morning,
32:19 one of my relatives would send out texts, messages,
32:24 and I would get it, and I start asking questions."
32:28 And this relative said, "I'm going to put you in touch
32:33 with Neville Neveling."
32:35 And so, "Wow, Neville Neveling,"
32:38 I said, "Well, I want that information
32:41 so that we can get in touch with Neville Neveling."
32:44 And she goes on to tell how she has been
32:47 doing Bible studies, prophecy Bible studies,
32:51 through Neville Neveling.
32:54 And so she gives us his information,
32:57 Duane calls Neville.
32:59 This is so exciting.
33:01 I called him, and this is right after
33:03 you were in Romania. Okay.
33:05 Okay, so he had a camp meeting for these Afrikaans people.
33:09 He's been taking the cell phone,
33:10 and he does Sabbath school and church on the cell phone
33:13 with all these Afrikaans Adventist farmers
33:15 all across Southern Africa.
33:16 Now Neville is a lay person?
33:18 He is a lay person. Uh-huh.
33:19 He has a lodge and stuff and does theme park stuff.
33:22 But he is also Afrikaans,
33:24 and he does this the cell phone,
33:26 Bible studies in cell phone, Sabbath school, and church,
33:29 switched off the cell phone with using Whatsapp.
33:31 And he sends these messages and people respond.
33:34 And he does Sabbath school and church.
33:35 And so he ends up getting invited to go
33:38 and preach in Georgia when we're in Romania.
33:41 And he's flying home on the airplane,
33:43 and he's looking at his cell phone.
33:45 And he's thinking about the sermons
33:47 he just preached, he thought,
33:48 "I can do evangelism with a cell phone."
33:50 Amen.
33:51 And so that's what is happening now.
33:53 He's starting to send out with a cell phone.
33:55 He puts them in six-minute clips,
33:57 he does the whole sermon, he sends it to all his people,
33:59 they respond.
34:01 First, he had a hundreds, then he had a thousand,
34:03 then he had 3,000.
34:05 When we talked to him, he had 3,000 people everyday.
34:08 He's pulling his hair out
34:09 where he doesn't have a whole lot left.
34:11 But he's pulling his hair what he does tell, you know,
34:13 all these people, and now it has developed.
34:15 He's got 14 other people working with him.
34:18 They had 10,000 to 12,000 people
34:20 around the world on every continent.
34:23 Wow. Well, except one.
34:25 Except one.
34:26 Antarctica, the penguins don't have phones there.
34:28 Yeah. Yeah, what can you say.
34:31 What's amazing about this is that anybody can do it.
34:34 I'm actually headed there next week to...
34:35 We pour on some of the stories and talk with these people.
34:38 For example, there was a very introverted,
34:40 shy man in the church there.
34:42 And he, for 15 years, he sat there on the pew
34:46 and didn't really talk or engage in anyway.
34:50 He heard about this cell phone evangelism,
34:52 and he's like, "I can do that."
34:55 And the pastor was like, "Huh!"
34:58 Like this man has never spoken up ever.
35:01 And everybody around was like, "Really?"
35:03 And he's like, "I can do that."
35:05 This man has started
35:08 cell phone evangelism on his Whatsapp,
35:10 and he has already eight to nine people ready to go,
35:13 and that's just within a few months.
35:14 Wow.
35:16 For baptism, like this is incredible.
35:18 There's also another young lady.
35:20 She was born with a kidney defect,
35:23 and her legs have been amputated,
35:25 and she's lost her sight.
35:27 That girl's winning souls through her cell phone.
35:31 She can do cell phone evangelism.
35:33 There's no excuse for anybody else, of any age,
35:37 or of any challenges, you can do cell phone...
35:39 And it's reaching thousands.
35:41 And we're finding new platforms
35:42 where we can reach even more at once
35:45 when you send out the prophecy sermons.
35:48 Sue, you played this on your cell phone
35:50 that audio testimony last night as we were driving,
35:55 from this guy in South Africa
35:56 who just started using the cell phone.
35:58 And what was...
36:00 Can you tell us about the guy?
36:02 Amazing. Wasn't it on your's?
36:04 Yeah. On Cami's. Okay.
36:06 Yeah. No worries. Okay.
36:08 His name is Marius, and he is a brother of Gideon
36:12 who is one of the main leaders with Neville on getting
36:14 the cell phone evangelism out there in the world
36:17 and take teaming here with AWR.
36:19 They are now partners with us for this.
36:21 And his brother, he was driving on down the road,
36:24 he's like, you know,
36:27 "I was born in a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
36:29 I've been, you know,
36:31 even teaching Sabbath school,
36:32 you know, off and on, here and there,
36:34 but I just really haven't done much for the Lord.
36:36 I need to do more for the Lord."
36:38 And so he heard about this cell phone evangelism
36:41 that his brother was doing,
36:44 starting getting the texts,
36:45 seeing, and hearing, and listening,
36:47 and being convicted all over again from so he says,
36:49 "You know what,
36:50 I'm feeling deeply impressed to do this myself."
36:54 This man does this, and in the last few months,
36:58 he has, guess how many?
37:00 Eleven hundred people now. Amen.
37:04 Learning all about Daniel to Revelation...
37:07 I mean just... It is wonderful.
37:09 Another beautiful thing that brought tears to my eyes
37:12 when I first heard it is that
37:14 he also added his son to the cell phone list.
37:16 And his son had not been in church for about a decade.
37:18 Amen. Yes.
37:20 And his son, everyday he says,
37:22 "So, son, what do you think of, you know, such and such."
37:25 And he says, "Well, I haven't listened to it."
37:26 "You listen to it, and then I'm going to call you back,
37:29 and you can let me know."
37:30 And so this actually worked.
37:33 That son is now reconnected and he has been re-baptized.
37:38 Amen. Amen.
37:40 Yes, you know, the Holy Spirit can use any of these tools,
37:44 and He's just giving us so many tools here
37:47 in the end time.
37:48 The Lord is just saying, "Here, take this, take this."
37:51 And we can spread the gospel in all these ways.
37:54 They're in church... Praise the Lord.
37:55 Can I just say something once?
37:57 We didn't mention that Antoinette
38:00 is getting baptized.
38:02 Yes, we're going to go and film that.
38:04 In two weeks, she's getting baptized.
38:06 Praise God. Yes.
38:07 You know, what is great about this cell phone evangelism,
38:10 in particular, is so many of our church members
38:14 want to help finish the work.
38:16 And this is just such a simple way they can do that.
38:20 I received a call from this gentleman in Texas.
38:23 He is 85 years old.
38:25 He heard about the cell phone evangelism.
38:28 He just goes, "I can do that.
38:29 I want to do that." Amen.
38:32 You know what, how do you do that?
38:34 I bet the audience wants to know that.
38:35 You know, they want to know how...
38:37 I would if I was watching this, "How do you do that?"
38:39 Do we have any training videos? We do.
38:41 We actually have an awesome training video
38:45 by Neville himself on how to do cell phone evangelism.
38:49 It is on awr.org as well as we are branching out
38:52 into YouTube evangelism as well.
38:54 And our partner in this is a guy by the name of...
38:59 Greg Sereda.
39:00 Greg and he has Bible Flock Box.
39:02 And Mark Fox. And Mark Fox.
39:04 Both of them.
39:05 And they are top YouTube evangelists.
39:08 Well, Greg Sereda, I think has had
39:10 53 million people watch his YouTube.
39:12 He's in Poland.
39:14 He is the top Adventist. Tremendous story.
39:15 I won't tell the whole story, we don't have time.
39:16 Incredible story.
39:18 But he is partnering with us,
39:19 and he does training on how to do YouTube evangelism.
39:23 So we're putting out as many tools as possible
39:25 for the laymen to get involved
39:27 'cause we're told that laymen finish the work.
39:28 But here in Pretoria... Go ahead.
39:30 No, go ahead. No, no, no.
39:31 In Pretoria, they wanted to do something in this one church.
39:34 There was a big Dutch reformed church,
39:36 our church bought it.
39:37 So we hade the whole complex there.
39:39 And so we were talking with them about social media.
39:41 And they said,
39:43 "We wanted to be on the social media studio."
39:45 And so we thought, "We'll first buy one,"
39:46 and then they said,
39:48 "No, we can build a brand new one here on our ground."
39:50 So we're partnering with him,
39:51 he says for $200,000, we can build this.
39:54 And there's a builder in the church, he says,
39:56 "I can fund all the rest.
39:57 I'll build this studio for you."
39:59 So that, in China for example, in China, WeChat is everyplace.
40:05 It's an app on the phone.
40:06 When you go to the store, you buy groceries,
40:08 you take your phone, you use your app,
40:09 and you buy your groceries with your app,
40:11 don't use cash.
40:13 Everybody, a billion people have WeChat.
40:16 It's also popular in Southern Africa.
40:19 WeChat, it's like Whatsapp.
40:21 It's just an app.
40:23 But the neat thing about WeChat is, get this,
40:27 you can broadcast 24x7 on radio on WeChat.
40:32 So we can set up a studio, we're going to do in China too,
40:35 but there, you have to health messages.
40:37 We can set up a Bible Adventist studio
40:40 in Pretoria, South Africa,
40:43 broadcast all over China the Adventist message.
40:48 And you know what? There's no restrictions.
40:52 Praise the Lord.
40:54 Now what do we do with all these people
40:56 that were broadcast it too, like cell phone evangelism.
40:59 There are so many people that are hearing this messages,
41:01 and they have questions,
41:02 and, you know, Neville, bless his heart,
41:04 he's been responding
41:05 to every single one of us as much as possible.
41:07 But this has just born a new idea
41:11 that is called AWR 360, digital centers for evangelism.
41:17 I think the people who try to contact you,
41:18 if you can't have them through the internet,
41:21 through the general conference.
41:22 They go to the general conference
41:24 and type in they want the answers.
41:25 They want to sign for Bible studies,
41:26 oftentimes you have something,
41:28 you ought to share about...
41:30 Yeah. About what we're...
41:32 About us. Yes.
41:33 And how that's going to work. That's right.
41:35 So, you know, the thing is that Adventist World
41:39 has done an incredible job for 40 years
41:41 and broadcasting around the world.
41:43 And during the past few months,
41:45 our focus has enlarged,
41:47 beyond broadcasting in almost 100 languages.
41:50 And when we do this,
41:51 the problem is is that a lot of times
41:54 there hasn't been a follow up.
41:55 You know, at different, you know, websites,
41:58 and that's throughout all of Adventism,
42:00 you know, in all of the different ministries,
42:02 you know, you get the Facebook chats,
42:03 the whatever, and people are asking questions,
42:06 and maybe it takes a few hours, a few days, if ever,
42:09 for a response, right?
42:11 So that is the problem.
42:12 And our objective for these centers
42:14 for digital evangelism
42:17 is to lead every digital relationship
42:19 to baptism and church planting.
42:21 So we've also expanded our distribution channels
42:24 to all media platforms,
42:25 and in this partnership with total member involvement,
42:28 we believe in connecting the dots,
42:30 that is to say helping the church to lead
42:32 each personal interaction from engagement to membership.
42:35 So the problem is hopefully going to be solved here
42:39 because with these centers for digital evangelism,
42:41 we're going to have about a 100, 150...
42:44 50 to 150, we'll start off with first.
42:46 Voluntary missionaries. Yeah.
42:48 And in Manila, it's like a call center.
42:51 That's a call center in Manila.
42:52 This is not only our problem.
42:54 It's a problem in the world. Yes.
42:55 I got a call here from Chris Smith.
42:57 He is the expert
42:58 on social media advertising on Facebook.
43:01 He has a book called the Conversion Code.
43:03 And he says, "Leads," you know, they get,
43:06 "are meaningless as someone does not work them
43:10 and follow up with them to systemized, strategic,
43:15 in a repeatable way."
43:17 He says, actually, he says,
43:19 what happens is we spend millions of dollars
43:21 to get entrants and leads in the commercial world.
43:25 But then, he said,
43:27 "We don't spend that amount of money
43:28 again to bring them around, you see,
43:31 to bring them around, to covert them,
43:33 you've lost your money."
43:35 And we did the same thing.
43:36 We got tons of interest, but where do they go?
43:39 Where do they go? How can we help them?
43:40 And so that's the idea to build
43:43 a digital center of evangelism...
43:46 And Manila, if you go by the Mall of Asia...
43:48 Oh, yes. You know, you've been there.
43:50 Yes. It's the largest mall in Asia.
43:51 Huge mall. Huge mall.
43:53 And if you look and this reclaim land
43:55 next door to the Mall Asia are these huge buildings.
43:58 Those are all call centers.
44:01 When you call up Hilton, when you call up AT&T,
44:03 you need help, bang.
44:05 Yeah, you said, "Hey, where you at?"
44:07 "Yeah, we're in Manila."
44:10 So we are thinking, "Okay, we can do that too.
44:13 We can get 50, 100, and 150,
44:16 young-adults from around the world
44:17 who speak all kinds of different languages
44:19 who will be at our center for digital evangelism
44:23 for Adventist World Radio.
44:24 And we can help the whole church then,
44:26 connect, and connect them to Bible studies,
44:28 connect them back with the church,
44:30 and then eventually to baptism.
44:32 Powerful. Powerful. It is powerful.
44:34 Who would have thought that Adventist World Radio
44:38 would be involved in this new kind of venture
44:41 and receiving immediate results for,
44:46 you know, for your labor.
44:47 That's exciting stuff.
44:49 It is because God gave it to us.
44:50 That's right. God lined it all up.
44:52 And these people are telling,
44:53 commercial people are telling us,
44:55 "If you don't get back to person within 10 minutes,
44:58 you know, they're gone."
44:59 But when you go on the Hilton website,
45:01 or when you go on back country website,
45:04 or, you know, you're looking at their materials and stuff
45:06 they want to buy a safari suit or whatever, you know,
45:10 or a jacket for the rain.
45:11 All of a sudden, a young lady's voice
45:13 or picture pops up
45:15 or a young man's picture pops up,
45:16 you want to chat now, can I help you?
45:20 Really, really exciting.
45:21 That's what the world is about. Yeah.
45:22 And so we need to get into that
45:24 so that we can connect with these digital interest
45:26 and move them into prayer,
45:27 move them into Bible studies, move them into relationships,
45:30 and move them into a relationship
45:32 with the church and then baptism.
45:34 Praise the Lord. That's what I love about it.
45:35 Because it's not just answering the Bible question,
45:38 it's actually developing a relationship,
45:40 an ongoing relationship
45:41 that these voluntary missionaries
45:43 will have for a year.
45:45 And, you know, thinking of different ways
45:48 to like sum it up for each missionary
45:51 at the end of each year
45:52 is potentially having photos of each of all these people
45:57 that they have been baptized through their work
45:59 with cell phone evangelism and putting a book together,
46:01 and wouldn't that be amazing to see the lives
46:03 you impacted?
46:05 Wow. Oh, incredible...
46:06 We're asking ASI to partner with us, and actually,
46:08 they're meeting tomorrow.
46:09 They're talking about helping us out
46:11 with one of the offerings.
46:12 And plus, we have to ask, you know,
46:14 we need a vice president.
46:16 And so we looked around, and we have asked, listen,
46:18 what's that guy's name who worked at ASI?
46:21 You mean Kyle. Kyle Allen.
46:23 I forgot his name.
46:25 He's a Secretary-Treasurer in the NAD for ASI.
46:28 NAD is going to kill me, but we have called him.
46:32 We have called him to be our vice-president
46:35 there at Adventist World Radio, and he has these connections,
46:38 and he'll work with this digital center.
46:40 He has the connections with ASI.
46:43 Another thing, we have one problem,
46:45 not these two young ladies here,
46:47 but some of the rest of us have a problem,
46:49 and that is we are aging.
46:51 And so we need to get more... No, not you.
46:55 We need more people who are younger,
46:58 the guys, to get excited,
47:00 about finishing the work around the world
47:01 and connecting them through Adventist World Radio.
47:04 You know, we all struggle with that, but he is young,
47:07 like Cami and Sue, and we have this
47:10 whole young team that will be working.
47:11 He is also heavily involved with GYC.
47:14 So we're very, very excited to have Kyle with us
47:18 as our vice-president.
47:19 Absolutely. Praise the Lord.
47:21 I am so excited about this
47:23 brand new infusion of energy and ideas,
47:27 and how they flow into direct front line evangelism,
47:31 takes it kind off the couch,
47:33 puts it kind of into stream of things.
47:34 And that's exciting stuff. That really is.
47:37 We truly are boots on the ground in ministry.
47:39 Boots on the ground.
47:40 Yeah, you know, I just got a phone call
47:42 the other day from a...
47:44 We have several stations run by churches
47:46 in the country of Spain.
47:48 And actually, they have a difficult time but anyway,
47:52 they are working...
47:53 I think we have about 20 of them
47:55 in the country itself in Spain.
47:56 And they are doing wonderful work.
47:58 They got a call, the leader of this group
48:00 got a call from a Pentecostal pastor.
48:04 Wow.
48:05 And he says, "I love, I was just listening again
48:07 to your presentation on Adventist World Radio.
48:10 I was listening to it on the trumpets."
48:13 And then he says to me, "All of the trumpets,
48:14 well, that's about the change of the Sabbath and everything,
48:17 you know, this is pretty..."
48:18 And he says, "I love it, I love it.
48:20 I'm going to preach it to my church on Sunday."
48:23 Wow!
48:25 Then he says, "Do you know?
48:27 I'm already a Seventh-day Adventist."
48:30 Praise the Lord. Amen.
48:31 He says, "I haven't told my church,
48:33 but I listen to the sermon during the week.
48:35 I make my sermon up to preach on Sunday.
48:37 I preach the same sermon on Sunday morning there."
48:40 He is a closet Adventist.
48:43 So praise the Lord, that's exciting.
48:46 And then we have also from Spain.
48:48 We have these islands that are Spanish owned
48:50 that are next to North Africa around the Morocco
48:53 and those countries there, you know.
48:55 We have six radio stations, we're broadcasting into...
48:59 And we're getting wonderful stories back
49:02 from people who'll secretly listen to our radio stations
49:05 in North Africa.
49:07 And it's very difficult to reach areas.
49:09 Praise the Lord. Good stuff.
49:11 God is good. Yeah.
49:12 Then we're doing GodPod. Do you know?
49:14 We've been doing this for a long time.
49:16 We're increasing that we just found out
49:18 that we've been paying $48 to them,
49:20 we got the price down to $18.
49:22 Now we can get them for $10, made in China.
49:26 One of the guys working in North Africa, and the area,
49:31 he said, "I would like to have a 100,000 of those."
49:34 Wow!
49:36 Hey, man, I got to ask you because when last we talked,
49:38 and I don't know it's taken place yet,
49:40 some of the evangelism was going to be
49:41 taking place in Japan.
49:43 You were taking some Japanese pastors
49:44 out to sort of get their feet wet.
49:46 We took them to Mindoro, they preached,
49:48 they got excited,
49:49 life-changing experience, you cannot believe it.
49:52 Unbelievable, they left with tears in their eyes.
49:56 And they have never done that before in their lives.
49:58 They had never done an evangelistic meeting overseas,
50:02 they had never done evangelism.
50:04 Sue, you talked to a conference president,
50:06 and you asked him,
50:08 "Have you done evangelism before?"
50:10 Yes, this conference president...
50:12 From Japan, Tokyo.
50:13 Had never held an evangelistic meeting
50:15 before ever.
50:17 And in his entire life, he had attended one.
50:20 Oh, boy.
50:22 When he was what? Twelve years old.
50:23 Something like that, when he was young.
50:24 And he told me, "We just don't do evangelism like that."
50:28 And so you asked him.
50:30 And I said, "Oh, so what do you do?"
50:31 And he goes, "Well, we have weekend events, you know,
50:34 on health topics or family things, topics."
50:38 And I said, "Oh, so how is that working out for you?"
50:42 And he said, "It isn't."
50:43 And he said, "In all of last year,
50:46 we had 250 baptisms, 240 baptisms,
50:51 and they had 250 members die, so actually it was..."
50:56 Oh, boy, net loss. A net loss.
50:58 And so this really impacted them,
51:01 and even just this last week, I received a message
51:05 via Facebook from one of our speakers
51:08 that went from Japan to Mindoro,
51:11 and she said, "I just want to tell you again,
51:13 this has changed my life."
51:15 Amen. Praise the Lord.
51:17 Right now, we're broadcasting from Peter Landless,
51:19 he gave us his health message
51:21 which we're broadcasting health messages
51:23 all across Tokyo, the largest city in the world.
51:26 And then they'll be driven to health seminars
51:28 to the churches, and then they'll be invited,
51:29 then bridge seminars to come to prophecy seminars
51:33 in the churches.
51:35 In the month of May,
51:36 there will be a 167 meetings in Japan,
51:43 the first time in the history of that country
51:45 supported by Adventist World Radio.
51:47 That's exciting. Isn't that thrilling?
51:48 Praise God. That's thrilling.
51:49 That's total member involvement in AWR to get...
51:51 You know, I knew this was going to be happen.
51:52 We are down to the nether end of this program
51:54 so fast somebody here is talking a lot,
51:58 for which we praise the Lord.
52:00 But I want to get your contact information
52:01 now before our time runs out.
52:03 Because if you want to support their work,
52:05 if you want to know more about their work,
52:07 if you want to have them come in maybe
52:09 breathe some life into your congregation,
52:11 here's the contact information for Adventist World Radio.
52:16 If you would like to find out more about
52:18 Adventist World Radio or their various projects,
52:22 or if you'd like to support them
52:23 by getting involved in spreading
52:25 the gospels through radio,
52:26 please visit their website, awr.org.
52:30 Their website again is awr.org.
52:34 You may also reach them by email at cami@awr.org
52:39 or call them at area code (301) 680-6304.
52:45 If you prefer, you may write to them at AWR,
52:49 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904.


Revised 2018-03-15