3ABN Today

“Becoming A Professional Lover” Devotional Book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 And I'm here with my co-host... All right.
01:16 Danny Shelton, my husband.
01:18 And we are just so happy to be here.
01:19 I'm so excited. Oh, absolutely.
01:22 I'm super excited. Nothing like having family.
01:23 I know it. I know it.
01:25 My family is here today.
01:27 And so actually I always prefer for Danny to be in this seat
01:30 and for me to be in the co-host seat,
01:33 but he wanted me to be in the seat.
01:34 I took a back seat today
01:36 'cause, you know, who knows more about
01:37 family than family, right?
01:39 Well, that's true. That's true.
01:40 And I get to introduce my family to you because...
01:45 Well, let me just introduce them first,
01:47 and then I'll tell you about them.
01:48 So this is my aunt Jocelyn Thomas,
01:51 my uncle Claude Thomas,
01:53 and my cousin Pattie Conwell,
01:55 Pattie Thomas Conwell, their daughter.
01:58 And my whole life...
02:04 there are certain couples that just stand out,
02:08 there are certain couples that you just say,
02:10 "You know what?
02:11 When I get married, I want a marriage like that."
02:15 And that's what all of my friends
02:19 and all of our family thinks about
02:21 Uncle Jackie and Aunt Joe.
02:24 Oh, the Lord be praised. Lord be praised.
02:26 Well, it's so obvious that the Lord
02:28 is at the center of your relationship,
02:31 and today, we're going to talk about
02:34 the relationship that they have,
02:36 and how they got there,
02:38 and the book that they have that Pattie has written
02:42 that they've written together.
02:45 So we're just going to look at
02:47 what goes into a really solid relationship.
02:51 There are people out here who are really hurting
02:54 because they don't know how to have
02:57 a good, strong relationship.
02:59 And I know no better couple
03:02 to tell us about that than you two.
03:05 The old saying says, "Pray church."
03:07 Yeah. Right.
03:10 So we want to talk about how you guys met,
03:13 and we actually have a little clip
03:16 that we're going to show in just a second on how you met
03:20 because it's important to just set the foundation here,
03:25 how did you guys get together, so let's take a look.
03:29 I was the youth leader for the church
03:31 in Buffalo, New York, where dad was the pastor.
03:34 I was working in New York as a public health nurse,
03:37 but I was also the youth leader,
03:39 and my friend Pearl was there.
03:40 I heard about Claude,
03:43 and we had a lot of fun talking about the possibility
03:46 that he might be somebody that we would be interested,
03:50 and I would be interested in.
03:52 And so we decided to go,
03:53 and we decided to go looking good.
03:55 She was single, and I was single,
03:57 and we said, "We're going to go with our catch 'em suits.
04:04 My Aunt Thelma and Uncle called me, "Why don't you go?"
04:09 And I was not particular about it.
04:11 I wasn't going to go.
04:14 But it was too recent for me.
04:17 Then I knew a lot of people who were going to be there,
04:18 we'll have you there,
04:20 I wouldn't know, and all of that.
04:21 So I didn't want to answer a whole lot of questions
04:26 or hang on a whole lot of condolences.
04:31 So I made my mind, I wasn't going,
04:35 but my chaplain wanted to go.
04:39 He was a kid too eager to go.
04:42 Then I finally said, "Okay."
04:43 Then I drove him down.
04:46 Jackie had married his teen heartthrob
04:48 Carol Laverne Jones in September, 1953.
04:52 Tragically, she passed away on October 23, 1964,
04:58 leaving him and three children, Jackie Jr., 10 years old,
05:03 Brian, 7 years old, and Pattie, 3 years old.
05:08 Family members of Joe felt
05:09 Jackie made a good catch for Joe.
05:12 So the plan was to introduce them to each other
05:14 during Youth Congress.
05:16 So that Sabbath evening,
05:19 one of my classmates was doing a concert there at the hall,
05:23 and I still had on my outfit from Sabbath.
05:28 And I found myself walking down the hall,
05:34 down one of the aisles of the auditorium,
05:37 and Robert's aunt, we called her...
05:40 Aunt Francis.
05:41 Aunt Francis, she saw me,
05:44 and she said, "Oh, Joe, have you met Jackie?"
05:47 I said, "No, dear."
05:49 And she grabbed my hand
05:51 and snatched me with great zeal.
05:54 And she starts marching me to wherever you were.
05:57 And on the way to wherever you were sitting,
06:02 "Joe, now this is a man
06:04 that's going to be your husband."
06:06 That was the voice that said to me clearly, out of the blue.
06:10 It wasn't a startling effect, no one else heard it but I did.
06:15 And so I went on to meet the man.
06:17 And Aunt Francis ran up,
06:22 "Jackie, I have somebody I want you to meet."
06:25 And when he got up, he stepped back.
06:29 Beautiful young lady there on dressed in red bow hair,
06:34 and black patterned leather shoes,
06:38 beautiful hat, black hat.
06:42 And that's it?
06:44 Pretty much.
06:45 They went their separate ways
06:46 and back to their separate lives.
06:49 But obviously, it didn't end there.
06:52 Oh, no.
06:55 That video was so nice, wasn't it?
06:57 Absolutely. Where do you come from?
06:59 Where did you guys...
07:00 Well, Pattie and her brothers,
07:03 well, Pattie's really the lead person here,
07:06 put together a 50th wedding anniversary celebration for us.
07:12 So she went through all our pictures
07:14 and just put everything together.
07:16 It was really well done.
07:18 And that's how it all came about.
07:21 Wow.
07:22 Putting this picture together for everyone,
07:23 our friends to see.
07:25 You know, I remember when after Aunt Carol died,
07:32 she had left three children,
07:36 and watching that brought tears to my eyes
07:39 because you stepped into a situation
07:43 that was really a difficult situation to step into.
07:48 A preexisting family,
07:51 and you had never had any children of your own,
07:53 and you stepped in as their mom,
07:57 as really as their mom.
07:59 What was going on in your mind about then, Aunt Joe?
08:03 Oh, really, very interesting thing is
08:05 when God does something,
08:08 everything fits, everything fits.
08:11 Ever since I was a little girl, I've been working...
08:13 Let's go back when I was 11 years old,
08:16 my dad was a pastor.
08:17 Of course, his wife, my mom, worked with him.
08:20 And I worked in the credit roll division.
08:22 I taught this credit rolls children.
08:24 I was always around children, and I always loved children.
08:28 I had a lot of teddy bears and stuffed animals
08:30 because they were my children.
08:36 In fact, when I first heard of Uncle Jackie,
08:39 and someone mentioned, "You know, there's a young man,
08:42 his wife died, blah, blah, blah."
08:44 I said, "No, that wouldn't be for me
08:46 because I want to start from scratch.
08:49 Honey and me and then baby makes three,
08:51 so that was just the bottom line.
08:53 That's not what God had in mind.
08:55 But when he introduced me to this man,
08:58 it was just an automatic thing.
08:59 Everything just went into play. Wow.
09:02 And then, of course, our daughter,
09:05 she was the first one to say that,
09:07 "That's our new mommy."
09:08 Aw. She just...
09:11 It's amazing when you hear the story
09:13 how the Lord had really put things together.
09:14 And our oldest son said that,
09:16 you know, he's always been older in mind,
09:18 we tease him and call him "the old man".
09:21 But he said, "Daddy needs a wife."
09:23 "Knowing he's a man, and he needs a wife,"
09:25 that's what our son said, that the baby says.
09:29 And what did Brian call you?
09:32 Pattie said, "That's our new mommy."
09:35 And Brain said...
09:37 Brian was the one that held out.
09:38 And he is the middle one.
09:39 He is the middle one,
09:41 and I always tell him he's special.
09:42 I hugged him before we came up here,
09:44 and I said, "Brian, you know you're special
09:46 because daddy had told them that he wouldn't marry anyone
09:50 unless they, the three children,
09:53 agree to it,
09:55 so, and he told me, he said,
09:57 "Joe, if the children don't agree,
09:58 you know, we will not be able to get married."
10:01 So when Brian...
10:03 Brian held out on that whole thing.
10:07 The two, the older and the youngest, were with it,
10:11 the middle boy said, "Okay, I'm going to check this out, so..."
10:15 See, Pattie was really answering Brian.
10:18 Brian said, "Is that your new girlfriend?"
10:22 Pattie said, "No, that's our new mommy."
10:25 And then we went to the new... Psychics.
10:27 To the World's Fair in New York,
10:29 and Brian walked up to us,
10:33 daddy and I were sitting on a bench,
10:34 he said, "It's okay, Daddy,
10:37 you can go ahead and get married."
10:38 What? After how long?
10:39 Oh, we'd been what?
10:42 It was just six months before we got married
10:44 when we first met to when we got married,
10:45 it was just six months.
10:47 So it was in between there somewhere.
10:49 Wow.
10:50 Uncle Jackie, what were you thinking?
10:52 What were you thinking when you first met Aunt Joe?
10:55 What were you thinking?
10:59 Oh, how fine she was.
11:07 That's through his eye. That's through his eyes, folks.
11:10 Absolutely.
11:13 It drummed up all my manners, and I stood up.
11:19 Oh, yes, he did.
11:21 And I said, "Hello..."
11:23 Oh, he had a deep voice, "Well, hello."
11:28 She dramatizes it.
11:30 That's the way it came across.
11:34 And I was sitting there with a young lady that I knew.
11:40 And I had really kind of come to this thing with you...
11:48 'cause I met her as soon as we got into the city and all.
11:53 And I asked her to come sit with us.
11:57 But once we met... Who met?
12:01 My aunt took over, once, Joe and I met.
12:03 Okay, yeah. Oh, I see.
12:05 When I came up on the scene,
12:07 he is with this lovely young lady,
12:09 I don't know anything, so it doesn't...
12:11 Yeah, I'm not startled or being concerned.
12:14 But then Aunt Thelma came along and took the girl.
12:18 Moved her out. And took her, just moved.
12:20 Moved her away.
12:22 Aunt Thelma is his aunt.
12:24 It's like his... It is his mother's sister.
12:27 She was his mother's sister.
12:28 My mother died early.
12:30 Yeah, so I mean she loved this boy here.
12:33 Oh, yes. I know that. She loved.
12:34 Aunt Thelma loved him,
12:36 so she's going to take care of business.
12:37 Okay.
12:39 So how quickly, Aunt Joe, just before she met you,
12:44 the Lord spoke to her and said,
12:45 "This is going to be your husband."
12:46 How far after meeting her, how long after meeting her,
12:50 did you have that same impression
12:53 that she was going be your wife?
12:55 When we left each other.
12:58 From that weekend?
12:59 After that meeting, we were there for Youth Congress.
13:03 And then we had dispersed, gone home.
13:05 I went to Buffalo, and he went to New York.
13:08 And when I got home,
13:12 I just couldn't get her out of my mind.
13:16 And that whole weekend, I just...
13:19 So I finally called and talked to her parents.
13:24 I wasn't there yet
13:26 because I hadn't gotten home yet.
13:27 She hadn't gotten, or she had gone to take back
13:29 the young people she had brought to that meeting.
13:32 Youth Congress.
13:34 And I enquired about her and all,
13:37 and they had been told by her,
13:43 "What was to be, and this is my...
13:46 I met the man I'm going to marry."
13:47 Yeah, I called we were... So they were aware.
13:49 Yeah, right.
13:50 I called my parents,
13:51 at the hotel we were both at the same meeting,
13:53 and said, "I met the man I'm going to marry."
13:55 They said, "What?"
13:57 You know, and...
13:58 So when I called, they were ready for me.
14:02 Telling you had children.
14:04 No, but see, the interesting thing is, Danny,
14:06 that this man was on the conference committee
14:10 with my father.
14:11 Oh, okay.
14:13 So they knew each other.
14:14 Okay, all right.
14:15 And so that everything was in place.
14:20 Everything was in place.
14:22 So when I got to the house,
14:25 mom and dad told me about Jackie called,
14:28 I said, "Oh, okay."
14:30 I didn't think anymore about it.
14:32 I was expecting him to call me back
14:34 'cause he didn't get me the first time
14:36 when he never called.
14:38 So I'm sitting there, waiting for him to call,
14:40 and he's sitting there waiting for me to call.
14:43 The first argument we had.
14:45 The first argument.
14:46 To this day, we still...
14:47 It's still a little fresh. Yeah.
14:51 Because I told him, "I don't call men."
14:54 You know, I try to tell women, "You are the prize.
14:57 You're it."
14:59 And that's the object of their goal
15:01 is to find this prize,
15:03 this diamond.
15:05 So I was waiting for him to call the diamond.
15:11 Because I had told them,
15:14 "Be sure and tell her that I called."
15:16 I didn't know his name.
15:18 All I knew was Jackie, and you know that's a nickname.
15:20 Right. I didn't know his phone number.
15:22 We didn't have those kind of phones like we have today.
15:24 Right.
15:26 With the numbers left... I didn't have any of that.
15:28 So, you know, then what was interesting,
15:31 that was in April,
15:34 that was the end of April, honey?
15:36 The end of April? It was beginning of spring.
15:38 Right.
15:40 So a camp meeting was coming up for Northeastern in New York,
15:43 and my girlfriend said, "Let's go."
15:46 My parents said, "We'll take you."
15:47 I said, "No, I'm not going. I might see him.
15:49 He might think I'm running after him.
15:51 I'm not going."
15:53 And I would not go to camp meeting
15:55 knowing that he was going to be there.
15:58 So you guys didn't even connect.
15:59 'Cause we didn't... He didn't...
16:01 After he made the call,
16:02 and my parents answered the phone,
16:04 I never heard from him again,
16:09 but I knew God had told me, "This is the man."
16:11 So this is not for me to be involved with, so.
16:15 But once I had made the call...
16:17 This is our argument. This is our argument.
16:18 Once I had made the call...
16:20 I'm with you right now.
16:22 I know you know, Uncle Jackie, I'm with you.
16:24 And I said, "Be sure and tell her that I called."
16:29 You know, and then after I didn't hear anything.
16:32 And my mind started working and I said,
16:35 "Now what would she want
16:37 with a man with three children?"
16:39 So he is beginning to doubt himself now.
16:42 I went through all of that. Okay.
16:44 You know, I said, "She wouldn't want to...
16:46 She's never been married."
16:47 So, yeah, we got to find out,
16:49 so what finally made the change?
16:50 Where did you see each other next?
16:52 My father... Who called who?
16:54 So camp meeting comes up.
16:56 I didn't go because I didn't want to seem forward,
16:59 that's the word I think I want to use.
17:00 That's my make up. Okay.
17:04 So my daddy sees him, my daddy is West Indian, okay.
17:08 Was a very strong presentation of himself.
17:13 Okay.
17:14 "Young man, what happened to you?
17:19 We didn't hear anymore from you."
17:22 And after that, letters started coming.
17:24 Without letting me notice, she was still interested.
17:27 And the family was still interested.
17:29 So I called her. All right.
17:31 And the rest is history.
17:33 And invited her... Oh, my.
17:36 To another camp meeting, the Pine Forge camp meeting.
17:39 Okay. Allegheny East.
17:40 And that I would drive up and...
17:43 Pick her up. Pick her up...
17:45 And let me drive on up.
17:46 Drive to the new camp meeting.
17:47 Now, Yvonne, you know, I come from old-timers.
17:51 My mom said, "I don't think that will be good, Joe.
17:54 Why don't you invite him to come to Buffalo."
17:56 That's where we lived. Right.
17:58 "So why don't you have him come and spend a week with us."
18:01 That's what we did. Okay.
18:03 You know, it's very good, Danny,
18:04 to listen to godly parents.
18:09 In today's climate, I don't know that young people,
18:11 they would say, "They're old-timer..."
18:13 But there's good wisdom in listening to those
18:17 who've been here before.
18:19 Absolutely.
18:20 So we didn't go, he came to Buffalo where I was.
18:23 We had the best of times.
18:25 And the thing of it is, when he came to Buffalo,
18:28 everything clicked.
18:32 Where were we in weekend?
18:33 I'm telling you that we went to church that Sabbath,
18:36 I was so proud to have him on my arm.
18:38 You know, my arm on his arm to go in the church...
18:41 And everybody see me with this man.
18:44 And it's important to know that
18:45 this is only the second time they'd seen each other.
18:47 Right. Right, that is important.
18:49 The second time, they were seeing each other.
18:51 And he had to leave Saturday night,
18:54 he came on a bus,
18:56 he was going to take a bus back.
18:57 And so we were sitting down in my parent's...
19:00 I lived with my parents until I got married.
19:03 Folks would say, "You live with your parents?
19:05 You were grown and work..."
19:06 I said, "Yes, I live with my parents.
19:09 And I love my parents."
19:11 Actually, I left on Sunday.
19:13 Okay, was it Sunday?
19:15 That was Sunday. Saturday night.
19:16 Oh, Saturday night, okay.
19:17 But Saturday night, I'm sitting...
19:19 Was it Sunday night we were talking in the living room
19:20 when daddy came in the midst?
19:22 Yeah, it was Saturday.
19:25 We went to Niagara Falls. Okay.
19:28 And we, on the way there and back to her house,
19:34 I guess we talked about everything.
19:35 Everything, the children, life, marriage,
19:39 everything that you would
19:40 need to talk about before you get married.
19:42 Philosophy of life. Yeah.
19:44 From A to Z. Yeah.
19:46 So you spent hours just talking about life?
19:49 That Saturday night, we talked for about three, four hours,
19:54 we came back, and then the next Sunday,
19:57 we were talking again.
19:59 And, in fact, we were sitting in my parent's living room
20:05 just talking about...
20:07 He was getting close to saying, "Will you marry me?"
20:09 And my dad comes down from upstairs...
20:13 Talk about timing.
20:14 And sits right in the midst of us.
20:15 "Well, all right, how're we doing?"
20:19 But I have a very smart mother,
20:22 mother said, "Honey, I need you to come
20:24 upstairs a minute, dear."
20:27 She took him out of the way.
20:28 Oh, good, good.
20:30 Took daddy out of the mix, and life went on,
20:33 you know, and then...
20:34 I gave her a few more nuggets to think about,
20:37 you know, not like I'm going to stop, go ahead.
20:39 Yeah, you were going, getting ready
20:41 to take the bus to go back,
20:42 and I was in the kitchen fixing a lunch
20:44 for my husband to take...
20:46 Your future husband.
20:47 Yeah, for my...
20:49 Intended. For my intended.
20:51 Intended, right.
20:52 My God given gift. God given gift.
20:54 And my mother walked by
20:56 'cause where I was standing here
20:57 fixing the sandwich over there in the living room,
21:01 you could kind of see in,
21:02 and my husband was sitting there,
21:03 but she didn't want him to hear.
21:05 So she said to him...
21:07 She came by and said to me,
21:08 "Why don't you put a little letter?
21:10 Put a little letter in that lunch."
21:12 I said, "Wow, Mom, that is really sharp.
21:15 That's cool."
21:18 So I wrote him a nice letter, put it in the lunch,
21:21 and he said he opened it down the road
21:23 when he got ready to eat your lunch.
21:24 Good reading. Good reading.
21:27 And the rest... Well, he asked me...
21:29 Whoa, I drove him to the bus station,
21:32 and the bus was supposed to leave at 12 midnight.
21:36 And he was talking about,
21:38 you know, "It's so much easier
21:40 if two people live in the same home."
21:44 He was going around the bush to say will you marry me.
21:47 So he had to hurry because the bus is about to leave...
21:50 So he finally said, "Would you marry me?"
21:53 And how did you put it, Jackie?
21:54 'Cause you didn't say it right. I don't remember.
21:55 I don't remember.
21:57 And, of course... But it was a second date.
21:58 It was our second date, and I said yes.
22:00 Okay on a second date. And we had never kissed.
22:04 But when I said yes, we kissed.
22:08 Okay.
22:10 And the next time I saw him, was it our wedding?
22:13 No, when I got home. To New York.
22:18 In New York,
22:20 my brother came to pick me up
22:27 and asked me about the trip, "How was it?"
22:30 I said, "Fine."
22:34 And when I told him,
22:35 that's a second time I'd just seen her.
22:37 Right.
22:39 "I asked her to marry me."
22:41 He said, "What?
22:45 You did what?"
22:49 Total disbelief.
22:52 And I said, "I don't know, man.
22:55 I can't explain it to you.
22:58 It just happened."
22:59 Well, see, you had to remember God told us, told me,
23:04 well, before that, Yvonne and Danny,
23:06 I had told the Lord if I get married
23:10 because a lot of women don't get to marry,
23:12 there're just not suitable men to marry,
23:14 and there's a shortage of men.
23:16 So I said, "Lord, if I'm to get married,
23:17 you be the one, I give you permission."
23:19 Can you imagine me giving God permission
23:22 to choose my husband?
23:24 Because He says, "He will not force us."
23:28 He offers us salvation,
23:30 but He does not force it on you.
23:32 So I took Him at His word, and I said,
23:35 "Lord, You'll be the one to choose for me
23:37 because I want this to be right."
23:38 That's good.
23:39 I think we have a video of your wedding.
23:41 I think we want to show a bit of that in a second
23:45 because, you guys, after six months,
23:50 six months you were married.
23:53 Married. Six months.
23:54 Let's take a look at the video.
23:56 Tell us what's going on here?
23:59 Okay, I can't see, that's daddy is singing to me.
24:03 I've come down the aisle, and he is now singing to me.
24:06 Oh, ain't that sweet?
24:08 And then little Brian sang his heart out.
24:10 He sang the Lord's prayer.
24:13 He was so precious.
24:16 Pattie was in the wedding.
24:20 That's so sweet.
24:21 The three children were in the wedding,
24:24 of course, part of the wedding.
24:25 We had five,
24:27 or was it six little bridesmaids and little...
24:33 Flower girl and... And then the grown up.
24:35 Junior groom and junior bridesmaids.
24:37 Right.
24:38 So it was just precious.
24:40 So he is singing to me,
24:42 and I'm looking straight in his eyes.
24:45 And there they are. There's the group.
24:47 Yeah. The wedding is over.
24:49 With these hands.
24:51 And the children think they're going on the honeymoon.
24:54 So they all look very sad. They've found out.
24:58 They found out that they weren't going.
25:00 But when we got back to the house
25:02 after the reception,
25:06 Pattie held on to my hand.
25:09 She was going.
25:11 That's bottom, she is going. Right.
25:13 They had to pull her away, and it broke our hearts,
25:15 just broke my heart.
25:17 Yes. You know.
25:18 So Pattie attached to you very early.
25:20 Right away.
25:21 Yes. Right away.
25:23 Yvonne and Danny, when God's in it, it's perfect.
25:26 That's just the bottom line. That's true.
25:28 It doesn't mean you're not going to have
25:29 problems and situations,
25:31 but God is, that's who He is,
25:32 He handles everything for us.
25:35 And as a result of knowing that
25:38 God's been at the center and all this,
25:41 you have written a book called Becoming a Professional Lover.
25:47 Yes. I love this one.
25:48 Now I love that title too.
25:50 And Claude Jr. and Jocelyn Thomas
25:53 with Patrice Thomas Conwell.
25:55 Tell us about this book?
25:57 Tell us how it came to be, you know?
25:59 And, Pattie, I want to hear from you too
26:01 on how this book came to be
26:05 because you guys are professional lovers,
26:07 I'm telling you.
26:08 One of the things that just came to me recently,
26:10 the word "becoming".
26:13 We were always becoming like God.
26:15 Okay.
26:16 We are not going to be like God.
26:18 We'll be becoming like Him.
26:19 We'll never be God.
26:22 We don't want to be that, but we want to be like Him.
26:23 It was based on the biblical statement.
26:25 Right. God is love.
26:26 Right.
26:29 We were always growing
26:30 into His likeness
26:33 and getting better and better at it
26:36 as we go along.
26:37 But the Professional Lover name actually came from dad.
26:41 When they would do marriage and family life
26:44 seminars and workshops,
26:46 he would start off by saying
26:48 that he was a professional lover,
26:51 and, of course, that got, you know...
26:53 In the audience, the folks would go...
26:55 "My man, you know, right,
26:57 you know, he is a professional lover."
26:59 That kind of thing.
27:00 And he used that term on purpose
27:05 really to demonstrate
27:08 that learning how to love professionally,
27:12 whatever you do anything professionally,
27:13 it takes time, it takes studying,
27:16 it takes practice, it takes mastery of those skills,
27:20 and that's the whole premise of using
27:23 that term professional lover,
27:24 not that you have any special,
27:27 you know, draw or charm,
27:32 but that you have spent the time
27:34 necessary to be a professional at doing something,
27:39 which in this case is loving.
27:41 And what's so great, to me,
27:43 one of the things that's so great about this book
27:45 is that it keeps the Lord at the center.
27:49 All of these chapters have to do with biblical principles.
27:54 This is not just people sitting down surmising how things is...
28:00 I think earlier you were saying, Pattie,
28:02 that this is based on
28:04 their whole relationship, tell us about that?
28:06 Actually, how it came about was as we were preparing
28:09 for their 50th anniversary celebration,
28:13 I asked them to give me 50 tips
28:17 that I could put together to hand out as a bookmark
28:21 to those who came to celebrate with them.
28:24 And it's called...
28:25 I called it Joe and Jackie's 50 ways to keep your lover.
28:29 Kind of a playoff of the... Of the song.
28:31 The song, right.
28:33 And so I put these 50 tips in this bookmark
28:37 and gave them out to the people who came as a thank you.
28:43 Not long after that,
28:44 mom started getting phone calls from people
28:47 saying, "Joe, do you have anymore of those bookmarks?
28:50 I've got a son who's just getting ready to get married.
28:53 Or I have a nephew who,
28:55 you know, is talking about getting married,
28:56 and I want to give them."
28:58 So I started thinking,
29:00 of course, you know, the people are showing
29:03 a lot of interest in these tips.
29:05 Maybe we need to do something with the tips.
29:09 And, you know, the Lord impressed me with the book,
29:14 and then Alton, my husband,
29:16 suggested making it a devotional.
29:18 And we knew it couldn't be a daily devotional.
29:20 We only had 50 tips.
29:22 But if you add a two,
29:24 it could become a weekly devotional.
29:26 There you go.
29:27 And that's how we decided on making it a weekly devotional.
29:30 So each of the tips
29:32 are from their own marital journey
29:36 and come from also what they would teach other couples
29:40 in their marriage and family life seminars
29:43 on what it takes to create and maintain
29:47 and nurture a strong relationship.
29:50 That's good.
29:51 So you wrote the book out of demand, popular demand?
29:56 I don't know about popular but yes.
29:57 Starting from the 50 there, right?
30:00 And then going on, but when you say
30:03 "the Lord sets things up."
30:04 Yes, He does.
30:05 And it's like, you know, it's just not happenstance
30:09 that you have a daughter who is a prolific writer.
30:11 Yeah, she is.
30:12 And so to be able to put this together...
30:14 Right. And we went through...
30:16 Why don't you read some of the chapter titles...
30:17 Yes. I want to do that.
30:18 Because I'm going to show you, and those of you at home,
30:21 you're going to want this book.
30:23 And it's something I wish I could've read
30:26 maybe a long time ago.
30:28 And probably some of you are thinking the same thing,
30:30 "I wish I would've."
30:32 But we want you to get this book.
30:33 We'll tell you how you can do so in a little bit.
30:36 Bunch of great titles.
30:37 Pattern your love after Christ and His church.
30:42 That's week one, week two is structure your love
30:44 around all the principles in 1 Corinthians 13.
30:48 And then week...
30:51 I won't read 52, but I'll just give you some.
30:52 Yeah, sure.
30:53 Another one is love is a commitment, not a feeling.
30:56 I want to stop there for a second
30:58 because there are so many people who'll say,
31:02 "I just don't love him anymore.
31:04 Or I just don't love her anymore."
31:07 What do you say to people who come to you for counseling
31:12 because that is what you have been doing all these years?
31:17 What do you say to people who say,
31:19 "I just don't feel it anymore for my spouse?"
31:23 But I'll let them know that prolific writer,
31:27 Ellen White, commented on that
31:31 in one of her books, Steps to Christ.
31:34 And her statement was that love is not a feeling,
31:41 it's a principle.
31:44 It's a combination of thoughts and actions
31:50 and would have you
31:53 that deepen relationships.
31:57 It's a way of behaving.
31:58 It's a way of behaving. A way of behaving.
32:01 Right.
32:02 And then I thought about
32:06 the text in the Bible that said
32:09 that when the Lord asked Jesus,
32:16 "What must you do to be saved?"
32:17 He said, "You must love the Lord, your God,
32:20 with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,
32:23 and your neighbor as yourself."
32:24 And then the whole story about
32:27 how Jesus talked about the Samaritan
32:30 who fixed up the man,
32:31 the Jewish man that had been hurt by the road
32:37 and the relationship between the Samaritans and the Jews,
32:42 they do not like each other.
32:44 And out of that came a principle
32:48 that I began to teach in my classes.
32:51 I taught marriage and family
32:52 at Oakwood University for some years,
32:57 that love for me then became
33:04 doing what you have to do with what resources
33:07 that you have available to you
33:11 to meet the legitimate needs of another human being.
33:16 Would you say that again, Uncle Jackie,
33:17 'cause that's good.
33:18 So this is a decision. This is a decision.
33:20 That's the principle that I garnered out of all of that.
33:23 Would you say that principle again for us?
33:25 That love is utilizing the resources
33:28 you have available
33:30 to meet the legitimate needs of another human being.
33:34 Legitimate needs.
33:36 Now that's because it's not being selfish
33:42 or allowing the other person even to be selfish,
33:47 it's discovering what the actual need is
33:52 and relating to that,
33:56 and using whatever resources you're having,
33:59 garnering whatever resources you need to meet that need
34:04 which brings about a sense of satisfaction
34:09 and over a longtime a sense of happiness
34:12 on the person whose needs you're providing overtime
34:17 on a consistent basis.
34:19 And I began to teach that in my class.
34:22 When you first married,
34:24 was it difficult for you
34:27 to ascertain the needs of the other one,
34:30 or did you just kind of fallen to it, did you know?
34:35 No, we didn't fall into it, you know.
34:40 I would give my students too a personality test
34:43 to find out what their personalities
34:45 were like and so forth,
34:47 and how they operated on an actual basis,
34:51 and we discovered about ourselves
34:55 that for her doing things for me,
35:00 and in all kinds of ways whatever it is,
35:05 may not happen.
35:07 I read that in the book Service.
35:09 Yeah, and I also grew up with my father and my brother,
35:13 so these two men were very important to me.
35:17 And I would do things for them, and I enjoyed doing it,
35:21 and so that just transferred over to this man.
35:24 Where your mother was a doer.
35:25 Yeah, my mother took care of her family.
35:27 I mean, mom did everything for us.
35:31 She made our clothes, she cooked, we canned,
35:33 and we as a family, the four of us
35:35 did these things together.
35:36 We would go pick the fruit, come home, can it,
35:42 make the grape juice.
35:43 It was a lot of fun doing things as a family,
35:45 so that was my natural bet.
35:48 So when I met him, this, I just carried it right on.
35:51 I would make this man happy.
35:53 I made that decision before I married him,
35:55 I remember in one youth meeting,
35:58 back in the day,
36:00 it was missionary volunteer program,
36:02 and husbands and wives,
36:03 and we have back then getting together,
36:05 talking about marriage.
36:07 And, Danny, one lady stood up,
36:11 and she said, "Well, you know, I work as well as my husband,
36:16 and when I come home from work,
36:18 I'm tired too, but I'm in the kitchen cooking,
36:20 and he goes and sits down and reads the newspaper,"
36:22 and the big discussion came on,
36:24 they were bickering back and forth in the meeting.
36:28 So I stood up, I said, "Brothers and sisters,
36:32 I'm not married and I've never been married,
36:35 but I declare to you that if the Lord
36:38 should give me a husband, I won't be bickering,
36:41 I want him to sit down and enjoy himself.
36:42 I want to take care of him.
36:44 I want to do for him.
36:45 That's where it came from.
36:47 My whole heart was just breaking out
36:48 that I want to love him whatever it means."
36:51 Yes. And that's how you would love by service.
36:53 Now, my love style...
36:55 I didn't know anything about the style
36:56 and all that at that time.
36:58 Predominant part of my love style was togetherness.
37:03 Stop doing for me, come and sit down.
37:07 He sounds a little tough,
37:09 but that's not how he came across.
37:11 Yeah. Until one night though...
37:12 Let's talk and just do things together.
37:15 Tell us what happened that night?
37:17 Well, my husband is a reader,
37:19 and if I had someone to be jealous of or something,
37:24 it would be books because he just reads.
37:29 Obsessive reader. Then I was a teacher.
37:30 Yeah, but he loved to read. That's his pastime.
37:33 But I wasn't jealous of his books
37:35 'cause I learned from...
37:36 I'm not the reader, he is the reader.
37:38 So you heard of stories of wives, husbands
37:43 getting up out of the bed or the wife or somebody,
37:46 and when they find them they're in another room,
37:48 and they have died.
37:50 So whenever I reached over,
37:51 and he wasn't there in the middle of the night,
37:54 I would get up and go search for him.
37:56 This could be serious.
37:58 So this particular night, I went to the kitchen,
38:02 and he was there, looking at our love, our tests.
38:07 You know, we had done the love style tests
38:09 and personality tests, and he's looking at them.
38:13 I was studying.
38:14 And you have to know him that he doesn't...
38:18 You can talk to Jackie,
38:19 and he will not respond right away,
38:21 because he's a deep thinker.
38:23 So I went in, and I said, "Honey, are you okay?"
38:29 Silence, not a word, so I went over,
38:32 I said, "Jackie, are you okay?"
38:39 I said, "Honey, what's going on?"
38:42 "You don't love me," this is his response.
38:45 "You don't love me," I said, "What?"
38:47 In fact, you have never loved me.
38:49 But before he said that part,
38:52 I'm trying to digest the first part,
38:56 "You don't love me," I said, "What do you mean?"
39:00 "In fact, you've never loved me."
39:02 Then I said, "This is serious."
39:04 Tears rolled up in my mind, in my eyes,
39:06 and I said, "I need to listen to this man."
39:10 Mind you they have been married 10 years already.
39:12 I said, "I need to..."
39:14 So for him to say, you've never loved me.
39:16 You've never loved me. Over 10 years.
39:18 That threw me for a loop. Yeah. That's kind of heavy.
39:20 I've loved with all my heart. Yes.
39:22 And I promised God
39:24 that I would love a husband if He gave me one.
39:26 And then he tells me I have never loved him.
39:29 So I said, "Joe, you need to listen to this man.
39:32 He's trying to tell you something."
39:35 And what was that?
39:36 So I sat down, and you take it from there,
39:38 honey, what did you tell me.
39:43 "That our love styles were very different."
39:45 That's when we began to see our differences, you know.
39:51 And she would get her joy out of all the things
39:55 she would do for me to make me happy.
40:01 My love style was togetherness.
40:05 Be with me, talk to me,
40:10 spend time with me,
40:14 and let's enjoy time together, right.
40:18 Times other than the intimate moments
40:19 because we did a lot of...
40:21 We always did everything together though, honey.
40:24 But he means when we would come home,
40:28 I'm busy doing for him,
40:30 you know, I'd get his dinner ready,
40:31 make sure this is done, and it's all,
40:34 the clothes are nice, the bedroom is nice,
40:37 that's not what he wanted.
40:39 And I didn't know that.
40:42 What's great about this book
40:45 is you're really writing out of experience.
40:47 You're not setting up in a classroom style saying,
40:50 let's see, if you do this,
40:51 this equals this, and this equals...
40:53 Oh, yeah.
40:55 Your book, and what, people and especially younger folk,
40:58 maybe all of us, are going to get from this is this
41:01 is your relationship that you have given it to God,
41:08 and you've both dedicated your lives
41:10 to God and to each other.
41:12 And I'm sure during the course of that, not everything's been,
41:15 we used the term around here, hunky-dory,
41:18 but everything is good all the time.
41:20 But even I'm sure some of this that you're going to show us
41:24 even when things don't look bad,
41:26 here's the answer,
41:27 and here's why you're still together
41:29 because you put God first than each other.
41:31 And the idea was what God had given us.
41:34 Yeah.
41:36 What teaches how to fix it when things going to go
41:40 and just right and other things needed to be done,
41:45 we begin to learn what could be done to fix the relationship.
41:52 You know, when two people want to be together,
41:55 having all kinds of problems, if you have a desire,
41:59 God can fix that.
42:01 He can take those problems
42:03 and literally bring you back to where you originally were,
42:07 just like when we fall in sin, away from God,
42:11 if we have repented in the true heart want to,
42:15 we can be drawn closer to God again,
42:17 and you can do that with a husband and wife
42:20 if that's what you want.
42:22 That's why, Danny, it's important to know
42:25 we did not developed love, what we did not create...
42:30 Mankind did not make love, God is the originator of love.
42:34 God is love, that's where love comes from.
42:36 That's who He is.
42:38 And Satan doesn't want you to love that way.
42:42 He wants to do it over here, so people get married,
42:44 and in six months, they're separating, divorcing,
42:48 they're bickering, and all that.
42:49 That's what Satan likes,
42:50 but if you based your foundation
42:52 on the source of love,
42:54 how can you go wrong.
42:56 You want to learn.
42:57 See, that's why the title is Becoming a Professional Lover.
43:01 You're in school. The focus of sin...
43:03 You're in a love school.
43:05 Right. Love school.
43:06 The focus of sin is selfishness.
43:09 Where as God, the focus is others,
43:12 doing for others, to meet their needs,
43:15 and once we discover that...
43:17 Once we discover what the needs are or were, you know.
43:23 And His principles will tell you how to fix it.
43:25 Right. And that's what...
43:27 One of the things I love about this book is that,
43:29 it says like, "Love isn't love until your spouse says so,
43:33 or love your spouse his or her way."
43:37 You know, it's not just what you perceive as love
43:42 but what does your spouse need from you.
43:45 And that's what all the testing does.
43:48 You know, and that's...
43:49 There are tests in this book as well?
43:51 No, not in the book, but we do suggest where to go
43:54 and find different types of tests.
43:56 But that has been kind of the hallmark of dad's practice
44:00 through the years is using these personality tests,
44:05 and loving styles tests,
44:08 and spiritual gifts test on couples to see
44:12 where the compatibility is if there is compatibility,
44:16 if there's not a lot of compatibility
44:18 because marriage is supposed to be
44:22 a thoughtful process
44:25 when you're thinking about getting married,
44:27 it's supposed to not just be of the heart,
44:29 I think Ellen White talks about it
44:31 being head and heart and not just,
44:34 "Oh, he's fine, or just he's fine,
44:36 and we have this physical chemistry."
44:38 No, you're supposed to be thinking about it too.
44:41 And I mean, so he put everybody in our family,
44:44 all the kids, and their spouses,
44:47 their going-to-be spouses through these tests, you know.
44:51 In fact, when Pattie was living in DC area,
44:54 and she came home and brought out for us to meet him,
44:58 that's Pattie's husband.
45:00 A whole lot happened that weekend,
45:03 so in the course of all of that, that...
45:05 In fact, before they came, before she came home,
45:08 before she came home, Daddy set the test.
45:10 He mailed his tests.
45:12 Now Al and I were not
45:15 talking at that time about being married,
45:16 but we were both older, in our 30s.
45:18 And, you know, at that time,
45:20 it's not going to take a long time
45:21 to decide if it's the one,
45:23 but we weren't talking about that.
45:26 So he mails these tests,
45:27 he says, "Take these before you come."
45:30 And, you know, praise the Lord for my husband
45:32 who was a good sport, he was like,
45:35 you know, he could've easily been like, "Tests?
45:36 I'm not taking them tests."
45:38 You know, all he was like, you know,
45:41 "Hey, that seems kind of fun, sure."
45:43 And when we got to Huntsville, and kiss-kiss, hug-hug,
45:48 how you doing, glad you made it here,
45:50 where are the tests.
45:52 And he took the tests
45:54 and went to his office to analyze them.
45:57 To analyze them. Yes, he did. Absolutely.
45:59 And I think the viewers need to know that, by profession,
46:03 you would have been a counselor and a professor,
46:05 a teacher all these years,
46:07 and Aunt Joe has also counseled and been a registered nurse,
46:11 and you all have done family life for years together.
46:15 So this is not just somebody...
46:16 And, Yvonne, this is our only girl.
46:18 I mean what more, the man's not just
46:19 going to throw her out there to the world.
46:22 We didn't know Al.
46:24 He wanted to make sure
46:25 that he was giving his daughter to the right one.
46:28 And, Pattie, of course, is a professional writer,
46:30 and you've written how many books, Pattie?
46:32 Oh, I've ghostwritten three, and wrote an e-book of my own,
46:37 Nobody Ever Told Me I Might Not Get Married!
46:39 Yes. And then this one.
46:42 Yes, yes, yes.
46:43 Is there anything, in particular,
46:45 that you've learned about your folks
46:48 while you were writing this book,
46:49 or did you pretty well,
46:51 you've kind of grown up with it,
46:52 or is there anything that you've learned that sticks out?
46:54 I don't know that I learned anything new
46:57 when writing this book, but it's funny
47:00 and in talking with them
47:02 'cause what we did was we took each tip,
47:05 and I would ask questions
47:07 and, you know, they would respond, but a lot of times,
47:10 their responses would spark little back and forth
47:14 encounters which showed me
47:17 that this never goes out of style
47:20 for having to go back and review it,
47:24 and we study it because, you know...
47:26 It started just like who called who, you know...
47:28 But the book is good.
47:30 Danny, the book is good for us too.
47:33 You know, so, and mom would often say,
47:36 you know, "We're in a new era now."
47:37 She's now my dad's primary caretaker
47:40 after him experiencing a lot of health challenges.
47:44 And so that brings out a whole new experience
47:50 that require them to now go back
47:54 and review some of these same tips,
47:56 so that just shows that,
47:58 you know, this is a resource that is everlasting.
48:01 I've been married almost 25 years,
48:03 I would say that Al and I have a great relationship,
48:06 but we're going through the book,
48:09 and realizing that there's always something to tweak.
48:12 There's always something that you can be doing better,
48:16 and that's really what I've learned through this process.
48:19 Well, I wanted to say to, Danny and Yvonne,
48:22 my husband's 85 years old, I'm 78,
48:25 I'm seven years younger than my husband.
48:29 By profession, I was a nurse,
48:33 the Lord knew all that because he's on dialysis now.
48:37 His kidneys have shut down,
48:38 but praise God, we have the system of dialysis.
48:42 And I'm not uncomfortable, the things that he needs done,
48:47 blood pressure, finger pricking for his diabetes,
48:50 how to feed him, which foods not to give him,
48:53 that's all in my background.
48:55 So I match him at this stage of life.
48:58 When we were first married, this man did everything for me,
49:02 I was the homemaker, and he handled all the bills,
49:06 all everything, just all that was done,
49:10 and thank God for our children
49:11 because they now have stepped in
49:13 to do what he can't do now.
49:15 He doesn't pay any bills now, our younger son does that.
49:18 If something needs to be fixed, Al or Brian or anybody,
49:23 the children are there now to take care of us
49:26 where we first took care of them.
49:27 That's beautiful.
49:28 And God has really worked that out.
49:30 It's a beautiful thing when you do things God's way,
49:35 it's awesome.
49:36 And let me piggyback on that
49:37 because that also demonstrates that the book,
49:40 even though the context is marriage
49:43 and a marital relationship,
49:45 we're still really talking about love.
49:47 The love relationship,
49:49 and that can be singles to singles,
49:53 within families, it doesn't necessarily just mean couples.
49:57 There are a lot of principles in there
50:00 that just relate to how do you love
50:02 another person God's way.
50:05 Oh, good. That's great.
50:07 And we want to make sure we get an address
50:09 because I know that you all are going to want
50:11 and get your copies of this book,
50:13 and so maybe right now, would this be a good time?
50:16 I'm the co-host today, not the host.
50:18 No, no, no, please, please, go for it.
50:19 Okay, all right.
50:20 I just wanted to support here.
50:22 What we'd like to do if you're interested,
50:23 and I know that you are, you have questions,
50:26 you may contact them at the following address.
50:30 For over 30 years, Claude and Joe Thomas
50:33 have studied, practiced,
50:35 and shared relationship advice from the Bible.
50:38 And that has led to over 50 years of joyful marriage.
50:42 They know that God's way works,
50:44 and they want to share it with you.
50:46 To get your own copy of their book,
50:48 Becoming a Professional Lover or the Companion workbook,
50:52 please visit their website, TheProfessionalLover.net.
50:56 That's TheProfessionalLover.net.
50:59 If you would like to contact them in person,
51:01 you may do so by calling area code (256) 714-3822.
51:16 So people can go to your website,
51:18 and what's on the website?
51:20 Well, on the website,
51:22 it's a little bit about my parents,
51:23 their background, credentials if you will and all that.
51:27 And it gives a little bit about the book,
51:30 but for the website particularly,
51:32 there is a workbook
51:34 that is a companion to this actual book.
51:38 And the workbook facilitates the study part.
51:42 At the end of each week's tip is a homework assignment,
51:45 which makes it nice to give your week to study the tip
51:48 and to do some of the homework.
51:50 And so the workbook is available on the website,
51:54 and you can buy it right there through Paypal.
51:57 And it comes in two different formats,
51:59 a PDF format if you just want to print it out on your own,
52:02 or Word doc format if you want to keep it in your computer
52:05 and actually put your answers right on the computer.
52:08 Nice.
52:09 Otherwise, the book itself can be gotten through Amazon.com,
52:13 Barnes&Noble.com, BooksaMillion.com.
52:16 If you want to actually go to Barnes & Noble
52:19 and request it,
52:21 and it will come through the store itself.
52:25 And it's in a print format, as well as an e-book format.
52:28 Great.
52:29 Okay, I'd like to suggest church leaders
52:33 that you get one of these
52:35 because with the study guides and all,
52:37 especially pastors when you're counseling people
52:40 preparing for marriage, what a great book for them,
52:43 and your church could actually buy,
52:44 make a donation to each of these
52:46 which you could go through these lessons with them,
52:49 I think that'd be...
52:50 Or even with your church group. So great.
52:51 Yeah. Absolutely. Yes.
52:53 Marriage and family... Leaders.
52:54 Leaders, this is a wonderful tool.
52:57 It is.
52:58 But you know what's bad, this time is almost out.
53:00 I know.
53:01 So what we're going to do is not totally over.
53:03 We're going to go to a news break.
53:05 We'll be back in just a moment.


Revised 2018-04-26