3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018011A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 My name is John Lomacang,
01:13 I'll be your host for this program
01:16 and we thank you for taking the time to tune in
01:18 for very interesting program.
01:21 Now we cover quite a bit of topics here
01:22 from doctrinal to Bible, evangelism.
01:26 This program is about a personal journey.
01:29 And both of our guests today are going to walk you through
01:31 what the Lord has done, how He found them,
01:34 where He found them, where He has lead them,
01:36 and how He continues to lead.
01:38 And so you might be on their journey yourself.
01:40 I will encourage you to stay tuned
01:42 for a life changing, life transforming testimony
01:46 about the power of God to change and lead a life.
01:49 We always like to thank you for your prayers
01:51 and your financial support of this network
01:53 that continues going and growing
01:55 as we are getting ready for the coming of the Lord.
01:58 And I want to use our time today most effectively.
02:02 So let me at this time before we go to the music,
02:05 I'd like you to meet our guests.
02:07 Good to have here, Wes, since you're so close,
02:09 I could extend my hand to you.
02:10 Thank you. Good to be here.
02:11 Wes Peppers, you know, when I first heard that name,
02:14 I said, "Is that his last name?"
02:16 But your first name is Wes. Yes.
02:17 And then Peppers. Yes, correct.
02:19 Good to have you here. Thank you.
02:20 Tell us what you do and where you are from?
02:21 I currently work in the Michigan Conference
02:24 as the personal ministries and evangelism director.
02:26 And prior to that, I was a pastor
02:28 and then spend some time in Amazing Facts so...
02:31 Okay.
02:32 So it's a blessing to be in ministry.
02:33 Yes, and good to have you back. Thank you.
02:35 And to your right, you have wonderful lady
02:38 who I like to introduce her right now.
02:40 Tell us who you are?
02:41 I'm Marion Peppers. Okay.
02:43 And I get to be support to this wonderful man.
02:46 And I'm also a stay-home-mom with two beautiful children
02:50 and that keeps me pretty busy.
02:51 Wow, you know, I was saying of the air,
02:53 she's a domestic engineer. That's right.
02:54 And why should really be paid something for doing
02:57 such a wonderful job in raising the family.
02:59 Good to have you here today.
03:01 And it's good that your wife is here
03:02 because testimonies are most effective
03:04 when both of you can walk through the journey together
03:07 and I'm looking forward to the testimony.
03:09 But as Marion is here, Marion also pre-tapes some music,
03:13 she is not just a stay-home-mom,
03:14 she is a minister of music.
03:16 And we're gonna be blessed by one of her songs entitled
03:19 "The Lord's prayer."
03:20 After the song, we'll come back
03:22 and begin a walk through their journey.
03:35 I heard the voice of Jesus say
03:41 Come unto Me and rest
03:47 Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
03:53 Thy head upon My breast
03:58 I came to Jesus as I was
04:05 Weary and worn and sad
04:09 I found in Him a resting-place
04:16 And He has made me glad
04:27 I heard the voice of Jesus say
04:33 Behold, I freely give
04:38 The living water, thirsty one
04:44 Stoop down and drink and live
04:50 I came to Jesus, and I drank
04:56 Of that life-giving stream
05:01 My thirst was quenched, my soul revived
05:08 And now I live in Him
05:24 I heard the voice of Jesus say
05:30 I am this dark world's Light
05:36 Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise
05:42 And all thy days be bright
05:48 I looked to Jesus, and I found
05:54 In Him my Star, my Sun
05:59 And in that Light of Life I'll walk
06:06 Till traveling days are done
06:11 Till traveling days are done
06:36 Thank you so much for that song and since you are here,
06:38 thank you, Marion, for that wonderful song,
06:39 "The Lord's prayer."
06:41 And thank you for the way that you communicated
06:43 for the glory of God.
06:44 We want to dive right into the story.
06:47 And, Wes, as we've kind of looked at your journey,
06:50 your journey is very interesting.
06:52 And people have interesting journeys
06:54 but we'd like to begin with yours.
06:55 Take us to the beginning wherever you like to start.
06:58 Sure.
06:59 I did not grow up in the church.
07:01 I know many people have that blessing
07:02 but my parents were not Christians.
07:05 And they did the very best that they could but growing up,
07:08 you know, we didn't go to church
07:10 but my parents were good people,
07:12 they were moral people.
07:14 And, you know, my last name being Peppers
07:17 and when I had hair, I had fire red hair.
07:19 Okay.
07:20 And so with those two combinations,
07:22 I kind of got the blunt end of the jokes in school
07:25 and what not but I was always the biggest kid in my class
07:28 so that was a blessing.
07:30 But growing up, I often went with my grandparents
07:33 quite a bit, they went to church.
07:35 And my one set of grandparents
07:37 were actually in a gospel singing group.
07:39 So I used to travel around with them
07:40 in the summer and whatnot.
07:42 As I got in the high school, I started to play football
07:45 and I became a very talented football player.
07:50 In fact, I had a lot of awards, I was all state,
07:53 I was all county, all area.
07:55 And in my freshman year...
07:56 What position did you play?
07:58 I played offensive guard and defense event.
08:01 And my freshman year,
08:03 I think we have a picture of that there,
08:04 but I weighed about 200 pounds
08:07 and I was the biggest kid in my class.
08:09 And by the time I was a senior in high school,
08:13 I weighed about 260 pounds, and we have a picture as well.
08:17 But I... Now you look like...
08:19 You had some authority in that picture there.
08:21 Yeah, yeah.
08:23 And I still hold the school weightlifting record.
08:26 I was bench pressing about 450 pounds,
08:29 squatting over 700 pounds.
08:31 Wow! And now he is paying for it.
08:32 And now I pay for it 'cause, you know,
08:34 it causes all kinds of pain in the neck
08:37 and all kinds of other places.
08:38 But by the time I was a senior, I was being recruited
08:43 by a number of universities and various things,
08:46 but there were two things in my senior year
08:49 that really made the difference
08:52 in my life to begin me on this journey towards God.
08:54 Yes.
08:56 The very first thing was that I had a knee injury
08:58 and, you know, I was big time star,
09:02 everybody knew me.
09:03 I, you know, just had been the very best football player
09:08 in the history of the school.
09:10 And in my senior year, we were playing the largest,
09:14 our biggest rival.
09:16 And about halfway through the game,
09:18 there was a number of college recruits
09:20 that were or college people that were recruiting there,
09:24 and they were watching me,
09:26 and they were gonna give me a college scholarship.
09:28 Well, just before halftime, I actually tore my knee out
09:31 and had to have surgery
09:33 and that kind of ended my high school football career.
09:37 I still ended up playing college football.
09:39 I played for a couple of years there,
09:42 and I think I have a picture of my team,
09:44 it was in near St. Louis.
09:47 And I regained, I continued to work hard
09:51 and ultimately got larger again,
09:53 very strong up to about 260 pounds again.
09:56 And I was not a very nice person in those days.
10:00 So this is college or high school?
10:01 This is college right here. Yeah.
10:03 So this was after I recovered from a knee injury
10:06 and that set me back, you know, I remember sitting
10:10 in the doctor's office with...
10:13 I had an MRI of my knee, he was awaiting the results.
10:17 And I remember praying this prayer I said,
10:19 "God, if you care about me, please let me
10:22 continue to play football, don't let me be finished."
10:25 Literally about 10 seconds later,
10:27 he came into the room and said,
10:29 "I'm sorry but your knee is finished
10:31 and you're done for this year."
10:33 And so that kind of began
10:35 this journey for me into atheism
10:37 because I said, "Well, I prayed that prayer,
10:39 if God cares about me then, you know,
10:41 He'll let me continue to play football."
10:43 Of course, that was very selfish prayer...
10:45 Right.
10:46 And I knew God had something else in mind.
10:48 Hindsight. Exactly.
10:49 It was his heart to connect the dots going forward.
10:51 That's right, that's right.
10:53 So I ended up playing two years of college football
10:55 but the other thing before that was that my parents divorced
10:59 when I was 17 years old.
11:01 And my dad decided after almost 20 years of marriage
11:05 that he was gonna leave my mom
11:07 and he went off and kind of did his own thing.
11:10 But one day I came home
11:13 and my mother had been a different person
11:16 for a long time, it really devastated her.
11:19 But I came home one day and actually found her
11:21 lying on the couch.
11:22 And when I spoke to her, her speech was slurred.
11:26 So I wasn't sure, you know,
11:28 I was 16 going on 17 at the time.
11:31 And I called my grandparents
11:33 and they told me to call an ambulance, so I did.
11:36 And it turns out that my mom had attempted suicide.
11:39 She took numerous sleeping pills
11:43 and was just wanting to go to sleep
11:45 and never wake up. Wow!
11:46 And so that really impacted me
11:49 and I came to the place in my life
11:51 where I just thought, you know, I just don't need anyone,
11:55 I'm just going to do my own thing,
11:58 I can't depend on anyone.
12:00 I was a very nasty person. I was...
12:02 Were you an angry person? A very angry.
12:04 And, you know, I had a younger sister
12:06 that would often take it out on and it was very unfortunate.
12:10 But thankfully as she got older,
12:12 she forgave me, and she's actually
12:13 now in the church as well, she's a Sabbath school teacher.
12:17 And so the Lord with that time began working on me
12:21 but I was resisting and I didn't even have any idea
12:24 he was speaking to me.
12:26 So very angry, I hated Christians,
12:28 I hated Christianity.
12:30 People would come to me and try to talk to me about God
12:33 and I would just push them away,
12:35 and sometimes even send them away in tears.
12:38 And so I just decided I didn't want
12:40 to deal with anyone, I was gonna get a good job,
12:44 I was gonna make lots of money,
12:46 and I was gonna live my life any way
12:48 that I wanted to kind of like Solomon, you know.
12:50 He said, "Anything that my heart wanted to do
12:53 that's what I did."
12:54 And so that was my experience,
12:56 you know, I started doing alcohol.
12:59 Even in high school, I was drinking alcohol.
13:01 But a lot of this was to mask your anger and your pain...
13:04 Because your home is falling apart.
13:06 And I could imagine being on the football field,
13:08 I could see the other guy in front of you, you thought,
13:09 "Okay, he's really gonna get it today 'cause I'm upset.
13:12 That's right.
13:14 I would take it out on, even my own teammates.
13:16 And so I was not a very well liked person.
13:19 Even though people feared me and respected me,
13:21 I was not a friend to very many people.
13:25 So I started drinking even in 9th and 10th grade
13:29 because I was so good on the football team,
13:31 a lot of the other guys would invite me to go with them
13:34 on the weekends to drink and all those things.
13:36 And my coach actually sat me down and said,
13:39 "Look, if you don't change your course,
13:42 you're not gonna have a chance to play college football."
13:45 I mean, I even became known as the school drunkard.
13:48 And so... Wow!
13:49 An amazing thing though is that
13:51 even though I had all this success,
13:53 I was one of the top students in my class as well.
13:56 Even though I had all the success,
13:57 my life was still empty.
14:00 And there was something missing
14:01 and I wasn't sure what it was at that time.
14:04 So I tried to fill that void with all these things
14:07 and there was a lots of addictions
14:08 that I had I could go into but I won't.
14:10 But all kinds of things that a person was trying
14:14 to just be satisfied with,
14:17 and of course I didn't know it then
14:19 but it was only Christ
14:20 that could bring satisfaction to the soul.
14:22 You know, while you're on this journey,
14:23 meanwhile the Lord,
14:24 and the answer to your prayer when you said,
14:26 "Lord, if you want me to play, please heal my knee."
14:30 He didn't want you
14:31 because He had a different journey.
14:32 And, you know, sometimes people are...
14:35 They don't know that God's journey is far greater
14:38 than even anything you can anticipate or orchestrate.
14:41 And you didn't know He had a future for you in ministry,
14:43 you didn't know He had a wife waiting for you,
14:45 you didn't know anything that was going on
14:47 but here you are
14:48 and that's why I said, a moment ago,
14:50 you cannot connect the dots going forward.
14:52 The hindsight is always 20-20. That's right.
14:54 And so meanwhile, now you are at 17.
14:56 Yes.
14:58 Eighteen years old, were you living in Alabama at the time?
15:00 Just kind of tell our viewers and listeners
15:02 what your background is 'cause I don't want to leave.
15:04 You know, we often joke that
15:07 if we had known each other back then,
15:08 we would never have gotten married.
15:11 But I was raised in a very different home obviously
15:14 and I was a good little Christian girl on the outside.
15:19 And but I went through my own journey too,
15:20 and had to realize that I couldn't come to the Lord
15:24 based on my parents' conversion,
15:26 I had to find my own way.
15:28 And so when I was about 18, 17, 18, I decided to go
15:34 to the Amazing Facts College of Evangelism.
15:37 And so our journey kind of meets up
15:39 a little bit after what he went through
15:41 but around that time
15:43 as I was getting into evangelism,
15:46 I started doing some Bible work.
15:48 He was going through his own journey
15:49 and coming to the Lord.
15:51 And God worked it out
15:53 but he worked it out in his timing.
15:56 That's right, that's right. It's amazing, so continue.
15:59 So when I was 22 years old, you know, I...
16:02 And by this time you hadn't met yet?
16:03 No. Have not met yet, no.
16:05 Okay, just for the record. Yes. Yes.
16:06 And I had gone to public school all my life.
16:09 So I was from elementary school all the way through university.
16:13 So when I was 22, I was at a public university
16:16 and I was actually studying geoarchaeology
16:19 and which has high levels of evolution
16:22 and those kinds of classes, anthropology,
16:25 and I had all those courses.
16:27 And when I was also in school, I began to read some literature
16:32 or some letters that have been written
16:33 between two parties and one was expressing
16:36 why they believed in God,
16:38 it was actually Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson.
16:40 Okay.
16:41 And why Thomas Jefferson believed in God
16:43 and why Thomas Paine did not?
16:46 And as I read those letters,
16:47 I felt very drawn to Thomas Paine's reasons
16:51 why he didn't believe in God
16:53 that Jesus never left the written record of himself
16:55 and there's just number of things
16:56 that he gave us evidence.
16:58 And so between my experience in football,
17:02 and also with my parents, and just the anger that I felt
17:07 and those influences, plus the evolution,
17:10 I decided that I was gonna be an atheist.
17:13 And so I lived my life that way for a little over three years.
17:16 And when I say atheists, I was hardcore.
17:20 I mean, I was like openly blasting Christians
17:24 and Christianity in the Bible
17:26 and I just hated the concept of a God.
17:30 So if somebody said, "God exist."
17:32 What would you have said at the time?
17:34 I would have given them all the reasons he didn't,
17:36 and I would have attacked Christianity
17:39 and told them the Bible is nothing
17:40 but a book of fairytales.
17:42 In fact, when my own mother
17:44 had that experience of committing suicide,
17:46 she had friends and coworkers that she worked with
17:48 who tried to actually get her to go to church.
17:51 And I tried to persuade my own mother
17:55 that God didn't exist
17:56 and she should not get herself wrapped up in such foolishness.
17:59 In other words, I don't accept him
18:00 so would neither should you.
18:01 That's right, that's right.
18:03 I said, "There is no intelligent reason
18:04 why God exist,"
18:06 of course, I know the opposite is true now.
18:08 But so when I made that decision,
18:11 you know, I just kind of cut loose
18:12 and I was addicted to pornography,
18:15 I was addicted to women,
18:17 I was addicted to cigarettes, and tobacco, and...
18:21 You spent all out. Alcohol everything.
18:24 And just whatever I wanted to do is what I did
18:27 but I found no peace in those things.
18:29 I found no joy.
18:31 You find a lot of pleasure, momentary pleasure
18:33 but then you have to come home look at yourself in the mirror
18:36 and see that those things
18:37 did not provide the joy that you want.
18:39 Like a football player where the goal
18:40 just keep moving further and further away from you.
18:42 I'm running but I just can't get a touchdown in life.
18:45 Exactly.
18:46 So I became a heavy alcoholic,
18:49 you know, there were times that I would drink upwards
18:50 of a case of beer a day.
18:53 And my life was just spiraling downward
18:56 and I had no control over myself.
18:59 And so finally I realized that
19:03 there was no purpose in life that I could see.
19:06 And so I thought to myself,
19:07 "Why don't you just commit suicide?"
19:10 And so the reason I didn't do it that day
19:13 is because I want to think about
19:16 and plan it so I could do it in such a way
19:18 that my family would feel responsible for my death.
19:22 Wow! You know, my father...
19:24 I really hated my father at that time, I didn't want...
19:28 Because he did eventually leave your mom?
19:29 Yeah, he did leave my mom.
19:31 And there were a number of other things
19:33 that happened between him and I
19:35 and just caused me to really have resentment
19:38 and bitterness towards him.
19:39 And so I, you know,
19:41 I just had no satisfaction in life
19:45 and I was thinking about suicide
19:46 but I wanted them to be responsible.
19:48 But at the same time the most amazing thing
19:50 was happening is that I didn't hear a voice
19:53 but there was a thought that kept coming to my mind,
19:56 "Why don't you study the Bible? Why don't you study the Bible?"
19:59 While you're an atheist. While I was an atheist.
20:02 And the first time I thought that thought...
20:04 I thought to myself why would I even think that,
20:07 you know, I don't believe in the Bible,
20:08 I don't have anything, any interest in the Bible.
20:11 But the thought kept growing stronger.
20:13 And so finally, I yielded to that thought,
20:16 I said, "All right, I'm gonna study the Bible,
20:18 I'm gonna prove..."
20:19 Strengthen my argument. That's right.
20:20 I'm gonna prove that it's false.
20:22 And then I'm going to commit suicide,
20:24 prove there is no God, the Bible is rubbish,
20:27 and then I'm gonna kill myself.
20:29 Well, it's very funny because at the same time
20:31 my uncle who was the only
20:33 Seventh-day Adventist in my family...
20:35 Wow!
20:36 Who had come into the church
20:38 also from being not an Adventist previously,
20:41 gave me a set of Amazing Facts Bible study guides.
20:44 Wow!
20:46 And so I took those study guides
20:47 to my college apartment,
20:49 22 years old and I began to study the Bible.
20:52 My biggest reservation was that
20:56 I didn't think it could be trusted.
20:58 But when I started to study the prophecies,
21:00 Daniel and Revelation, it gave me more evidence
21:03 than I could have ever imagined that the Bible was true.
21:07 Then I started researching archeology
21:09 and many other things, and my conformation came,
21:13 really it came to a crossroads and I said,
21:16 "I mean, they're gonna have to realize that it's true
21:19 or then I'm gonna have to reject it,"
21:20 but my heart knew that it was true.
21:22 You know, it's amazing, you talk about prophecy
21:24 and as a pastor's daughter, your dad is preaching,
21:27 you know about these things which you already
21:29 in your own spiritual journey at this time
21:31 that he is still going through his discovery journey.
21:34 Prophecy and I want to just put this,
21:37 pin the tail on this donkey.
21:39 Prophecy always opens our eyes to the reality
21:43 that there is no way that these things
21:45 could be prognosticated or predicted
21:47 and come to pass with such accuracy.
21:49 Absolutely.
21:50 And before told, before it happens,
21:52 unless somebody said it and there has to be some...
21:56 You know, I remember one person said,
21:59 "There's got to be some higher power
22:01 in this picture here
22:02 because how could this possibly happen?"
22:04 They didn't want to go to the point
22:05 where they actually said God,
22:07 but they knew that somebody is behind this.
22:09 That's right. Did that happen to you?
22:10 Exact same thing happened to me.
22:12 I just realized that how could a mere man foretell,
22:16 you know, over 2000 years of world history,
22:18 you know, I'm talking about Daniel and John
22:20 with 100% accuracy
22:22 and there is no explanation for it
22:24 except that there had to be
22:25 God guiding the course of this world.
22:28 Right.
22:29 And that conviction settled in my heart,
22:31 I even went to my atheist professors
22:33 and they didn't have an answer for me.
22:35 And so at the same time,
22:37 I started seeing all the loopholes
22:39 and all the problems with evolution.
22:42 And so my conviction deepened that the Bible was true,
22:45 but I still had not at that point
22:47 surrendered my life to Christ. Right.
22:49 But I remember the day that that happened,
22:51 I was in my college apartment
22:53 and there was this overwhelming sense
22:56 that God was near.
22:58 And I read this verse, I thought about all the things
23:02 I had done in my life and I thought,
23:04 "How could God accept me?"
23:06 But the study guide was talking about the love of God
23:09 and the grace of Christ,
23:11 and the joy that He wants to bring to our lives,
23:13 and how He wants to cleanse us.
23:16 And I had never really had that experience,
23:18 I know I had an end.
23:20 And I just thought could God really do that for me.
23:23 And then I came across this verse in John 6:37,
23:27 beautiful passage and it says, "All that the Father gives me,
23:31 will come to me and the one who comes to me,
23:34 I will by no means cast out."
23:37 And that verse sunk deep into my heart,
23:39 I realized that if I would just come to Jesus
23:42 as a child with simple faith,
23:45 He would receive me 'cause He cannot lie.
23:48 And at that time, I broke and the tears began to flow
23:52 and my heart just began to melt
23:54 and it was that time I said Lord,
23:56 I choose you if you'll have me. Amen.
23:58 And there wasn't a light in the room,
24:00 or a flash, or anything.
24:01 But I sensed a peace filled my heart
24:04 and away I lifted off my shoulder
24:05 kind of like Christian in the Pilgrim's Progress,
24:07 you know. Okay.
24:08 That weight just came off of sin.
24:11 And I knew I had found the savior.
24:13 But you just made a touchdown, yes!
24:14 Yes, that was the ultimate touchdown.
24:16 I finally reached the goal line.
24:19 And all this journey, you know, the amazing thing about
24:21 the journey is that many people are on
24:23 is they are going towards something.
24:25 And the farther away they are from God,
24:28 the farther away the goal line gets from them.
24:30 It's a journey of non-satisfaction.
24:32 But it's a constant pursual
24:34 and I'm glad you mentioned that, all the...
24:36 I've often said everything that we fill our lives
24:38 whether it's alcohol, pornography,
24:40 drugs, cigarettes, women, stealing,
24:44 whatever the vice is, it's an attempt to fill a void
24:47 that only God can fill. That's right.
24:48 But now you got to take us
24:50 through the transitions in your life
24:51 because you had some challenges,
24:53 some health challenges also along the way.
24:54 That's right. That kind of a...
24:55 But then prior to that... Did you meet Marion?
24:59 Yes, we did. Okay.
25:01 We did. May be you should tell that.
25:02 Yeah, tell that story.
25:04 Well, I'll leave some things out,
25:05 I don't want to embarrass him too much.
25:08 But so I guess, you had been in the church
25:12 for about a year when we met.
25:14 And we met, it's kind of a long story,
25:16 I won't go into all the details
25:17 but he actually was living in Alabama
25:20 and I was a Bible worker in California at the time.
25:23 And he started to attend...
25:25 My father used to minister his church,
25:27 which was a new church, they were church plant,
25:29 they were very excited into evangelism.
25:32 And unbeknownst to me,
25:35 my parents fell in love with him
25:37 and they started secretly praying that
25:38 when I came back home,
25:40 I would fall in love with him too.
25:41 So, of course, if they had told me that
25:42 I probably would have run the other direction.
25:44 She did anyway.
25:46 No, no, but so I always tell people
25:50 that it was an arranged marriage, my...
25:52 In America.
25:53 Arranged with God for us to be married
25:55 but I did indeed come back to Alabama.
25:59 And we met and we really just became friends.
26:02 But I think the whole church was in on it.
26:04 Because we'd go on these walks, and we look around,
26:06 and everybody would be gone.
26:07 And so we had a lot of chance to talk
26:09 and we found out that,
26:11 you know, even though he hadn't been
26:13 in the church for very long,
26:14 the Lord had really worked in his life
26:16 mightily in a short time.
26:19 And he had been able to spend a lot of time in prayer,
26:21 and Bible study, and it was amazing
26:23 that our goals weres very similar,
26:25 and that he wanted to do ministry,
26:28 and I wanted to do ministry, and we just felt
26:30 the Lord was calling us together,
26:32 to do it together. Right.
26:34 And around that time I know, he started asking me
26:37 if I had ever heard of this place called AFCOE.
26:39 Amazing Fact Center of Evangelism
26:41 and I said well, I just finished working there,
26:43 I was a Bible worker there.
26:45 And so I was able to recommend it to him
26:48 and he ended up actually being a student at AFCOE.
26:52 At the same time I was Bible working for that class.
26:55 Had you been married yet?
26:56 We were dating at that time. Okay.
26:57 So we had to get special permission...
26:59 You know, to... Right.
27:01 But it was very good
27:03 because we were able to see each other
27:04 and doing ministry together before we were married.
27:08 And that's kind of how it happened.
27:10 The Lord just brought us together
27:11 and we have been working for the Lord ever since.
27:13 Wow, and you got to tell us about the question,
27:15 I mean, "Will you marry me."
27:17 Yeah, she proposed to me
27:18 a few years later, just kidding.
27:20 Not exactly. That's not far fetched.
27:22 Yeah, the Lord let us to do that
27:23 and it was a blessing, it was a wonderful experience
27:26 and tell you I wouldn't be doing half the ministry
27:30 if the Lord has led me to if it hadn't been for her.
27:32 Yeah, I feel the same about my wife.
27:34 I understand, God...
27:37 As my good pastor who is resting in Jesus
27:39 now CD Brooks says, the Lord sent our wives
27:42 and he said it this way,
27:43 "He gives us wives so we don't make fools of ourselves."
27:46 That's right.
27:47 And praise God, He knows what He is doing.
27:49 Amen. But now you had a...
27:52 There was a transition
27:53 that something happened in your health.
27:55 Yeah, I...
27:57 Few years, probably five or six years
27:59 after that time, I was 29, 28 actually.
28:04 And I noticed that I had
28:06 some strange sensations in groinal area.
28:10 And so I went to the doctor and he initially thought
28:13 that it was nothing, just an infection.
28:15 So I went on a mission trip
28:17 and as I was on this mission trip with...
28:20 I had some Amazing Fact students,
28:22 I was working there at that time.
28:25 And these students were preaching
28:27 in evangelistic meeting and I was preaching also.
28:30 So the pain that I had experienced
28:33 was growing worse.
28:34 And it got to the point where almost each day,
28:38 I was doubled over laying on the bed.
28:42 And it was incredible because all day
28:44 while I was preparing my sermon,
28:46 I would be in this pain
28:49 and then when I would go down to preach at night,
28:52 while I was preaching,
28:54 I would have pain all the way through the preliminaries.
28:56 But when I got up to preach, the pain would go away.
29:02 And then once I finished preaching,
29:03 the pain would come back again.
29:05 And so it was mind-blowing that God did that
29:08 19 nights in a row.
29:10 It was an absolute miracle,
29:11 where I had no pain while I was preaching.
29:14 And so when I came back home,
29:16 we realized something more serious was going on.
29:19 And they sent us to do some testing
29:21 and they found out
29:23 that I had cancer in my groinal area.
29:26 And so I ended up having to have a surgery
29:29 and when they did the surgery, they found out
29:31 that it had spread upward
29:33 into my lymph nodes of chest and abdomen.
29:35 So I actually...
29:36 Yeah, we have a picture of you lying in the hospital there.
29:38 Yeah, yeah, I had to have chemotherapy
29:40 and after the chemotherapy session,
29:43 I ended up getting a septic infection
29:46 and that's what you see in the picture there.
29:48 So I ended up in ICU for a number of days
29:51 and I almost lost my life.
29:53 And there were my AFCOE students
29:56 who actually came and prayed for me.
29:59 We have a picture of that
30:00 and they did a prayer walk around the hospital.
30:03 Wow. Like the Battle of Jericho.
30:05 Yeah, and it was amazing because the doctors and nurses
30:08 were talking about it,
30:09 they actually put it in the hospital newsletter.
30:12 And when they came and prayed,
30:15 the very next morning I had breakthrough,
30:18 they found the infection
30:20 and they were able to start treating it.
30:22 And so I knew that had been the result of those prayers.
30:27 And there were people actually all around the world
30:29 that were praying for us.
30:31 And the Lord heard those prayers,
30:34 and answered, and he saved my life,
30:37 I mean, I was literally on my death bed,
30:38 the doctors were actually telling her
30:40 that they didn't think I would make it.
30:42 And but you were by his side in the hospital.
30:45 She was. Praying there...
30:46 You know, there is your wife there.
30:48 It was a challenging time, definitely the Lord
30:52 had to be our side during that time.
30:54 Did you have to do chemo at all?
30:56 Anything... I did...
30:57 I did chemo and I had after my first round
31:01 is when I ended up with that infection.
31:03 And I was in...
31:05 The infection was almost worse
31:08 and I was paralyzed where I couldn't move my legs.
31:10 I mean, they had to feed me, I mean that was just terrible.
31:14 And once that's finished, you know,
31:17 I got through all that
31:18 and I had ended up with pneumonia as well
31:20 and all these additional problems.
31:23 My cancer doctor came, and visited me, and said,
31:25 "You know, I'm going to give you a week
31:27 but we're going to have to start the chemo again."
31:30 And that was just scary to me because I thought, man,
31:33 I just went through this, now I got to do it again.
31:36 But the Lord really worked a miracle
31:38 and even before I was supposed to have
31:42 the last session of chemotherapy,
31:43 I had a couple more rounds.
31:45 Even before that, the Lord had brought healing,
31:48 and we had an anointing
31:49 and I ended up not having to do the last round of chemo.
31:55 They did some testing and they found no cancer.
31:57 Praise God.
31:59 And yeah, they told me that it would be a year
32:01 before I even went back to work,
32:03 I went back to work like just two months later.
32:07 And the Lord just raised me up and gave me strength, He said,
32:09 "You're not going to be lying around.
32:12 I got something for you to do."
32:13 Yeah, and so it was a miracle, it really was.
32:16 And, Marion, where were you at this time?
32:17 Did you have children you had at that point?
32:19 No, thankfully we did not have children at that time.
32:21 I was working also at Amazing Facts
32:24 in the office there.
32:25 And it was a challenging time
32:28 because I was still working during the day,
32:29 and then I would come to the hospital in the evening,
32:32 and stay there until late, and then go home, and...
32:35 Especially, when you go home and they call you back,
32:37 and they say you need to come back
32:39 because we don't know if he is going make it
32:40 through the night.
32:41 It was a hard time,
32:43 my mom came out to stay with us for a while and help,
32:45 and that was a really a big blessing.
32:48 But honestly people, you know, they say,
32:50 "Oh, you were such a brave, such a strong person."
32:53 And those who have been through it,
32:54 they know that if it were not for the Lord,
32:57 there is no way I could have made it.
33:00 But God just gives you strength that you don't have
33:04 and it's amazing that when you need it,
33:07 He gives it to you,
33:08 and you just kind of survive, and you get through it.
33:11 And I remember, you know, going through that time
33:13 and having this feeling that I'm either going to have
33:17 to just live my life in fear
33:19 now that I'm going to lose my husband.
33:21 Or I'm going to have to trust in the Lord that
33:23 He is going to do what is best
33:26 and no matter what, I need to just trust Him.
33:29 And when I did that, the Lord gave me peace
33:31 and He was able to get us through it.
33:33 And I'm just glad now to be on the other side
33:36 and to have a happy ending to that story.
33:40 You know, I...
33:41 This was kind of funny but I was lying in the bed,
33:44 and I looked over her, and I said, Lord,
33:48 I don't want to die and some other man come
33:50 and marry my wife, I said that's my wife, you know.
33:55 But I remember in all seriousness,
33:56 there was one evening that I was lying in bed
34:00 and it was about 3 o'clock in the morning.
34:02 And I realized it was an overwhelming sense
34:07 that my life was hanging by a thread.
34:10 And it was a very solemn feeling that knowing
34:14 that there was no one in this world
34:16 that could do a single thing for you.
34:19 The doctors had said, "We can't do anything else."
34:22 My wife as much as she loved me,
34:24 couldn't do anything.
34:25 My own mother couldn't do anything for her son.
34:27 Nobody could do anything for me and I realized that,
34:31 Lord, if I'm going to live,
34:33 it's because You're going to do something,
34:35 You're going to have to do something divinely,
34:38 divine intervention to raise me back to life.
34:43 And I remember that I had never surrendered
34:48 in my life like I surrendered that night.
34:50 But I realized God, whether I live or die,
34:54 it's not about me, it's about You.
34:57 And whatever You want from me,
34:59 that's what I'm willing to surrender to.
35:01 But if You want me to, if it's my time to die
35:03 then You please do it in a way
35:06 that would bring glory to You in some capacity.
35:09 And when I prayed that prayer,
35:10 I just sensed the Lord draw so close,
35:13 it's always no matter what situation we're in,
35:15 it's always about surrendering to His will.
35:19 And I had great peace
35:21 through the rest of the night after that.
35:23 Can you imagine facing that as an atheist?
35:25 I always wonder when atheists are in the hospital room,
35:28 and they have cancer, and they have no one to call.
35:32 Yes. That's the difficult thing.
35:33 The Lord saw that journey and He said,
35:35 "Wes, you're going to come to an intersection
35:37 in your life,
35:38 where I'm going to be most important to you."
35:40 And so did any of those...
35:42 What we didn't do
35:43 and I want to just kind of go back
35:45 just a slight bit.
35:46 We talked about you getting to the church,
35:48 just give me that snippet of how did you go from
35:51 I don't believe this to I'm going to church.
35:54 Yeah, absolutely.
35:55 You know, as I continued to do
35:58 those Amazing Facts study guides,
36:00 I was just consuming the Bible.
36:03 And when I learned the truth about the Sabbath,
36:05 seventh day Sabbath, I was convicted
36:09 I needed to be in that place.
36:10 And I remember, I actually visited several churches.
36:13 I went to all these different churches
36:15 and say, are these churches teaching the truth?
36:18 And there was no church, I mean,
36:20 and they were good people in those churches,
36:22 not to criticize them.
36:24 But I could not find a church
36:26 that taught the truth like the Adventist Church.
36:29 From salvation to the Sabbath,
36:31 to every aspect that we believe,
36:33 I found that all in scripture,
36:34 and I said Lord, I have to be here.
36:37 And so I started going to a little Adventist Church,
36:40 and my home church, and I was the youngest person,
36:45 one of the youngest people there.
36:46 You know, there was people that...
36:48 I was in my 20s
36:50 and the next person up was in their 50s.
36:51 Not that that's old
36:53 but it was old for me at that time
36:54 and then it went up to 70s and 80s.
36:55 You're certainly not old now. Yeah, exactly.
36:57 Not old now, I'm getting close to 40, so...
37:00 But I realized that it wasn't about having friends,
37:04 but it was about being with the Lord.
37:06 Right. And I rejoiced...
37:08 So I remember the first time
37:10 I sat in the church on Sabbath, my very first Sabbath.
37:13 It was like the Spirit of God just came over me
37:17 and I just started to cry.
37:19 And I just knew that this was
37:21 where I had always God intended me to be.
37:24 I had come home.
37:25 And that I would always be there
37:29 and that this was God's will for my life.
37:33 And this was the church where...
37:36 Actually, it was a different church
37:37 before her dad's.
37:38 I attended her dad's church when I was going to college.
37:41 I see. Just shortly after that, yeah.
37:43 The Lord had to get you grounded in Him.
37:45 That's right.
37:46 Before He led you to the place
37:47 where you could be a blessing to your wife.
37:49 That's right. That's wonderful.
37:50 And how long was it between the time
37:52 you found the Lord, and went to church,
37:54 and to the time that you met Marion?
37:55 Probably year and a half or so, yeah.
37:58 That's wonderful.
38:00 And, you know, I talk about this journey
38:01 and the reason I went back
38:02 is because a lot of times people say,
38:04 "Well, how did he get from being an atheist
38:06 to attending church?" Yeah.
38:07 And it was those studies that God had given to you
38:09 from your uncle.
38:11 That's right. See.
38:12 And, you know, what the thing about it
38:14 is all you've got to do...
38:15 And I just say this to the audience
38:16 listening and watching.
38:18 All you've got to do is just...
38:19 As somebody once said, I've a guy
38:20 that travels sometimes and haven't seen in many years
38:22 but he'd walk up to people and say,
38:24 "Give me 30 days of your life
38:25 and after the end of the 30 days,
38:27 if you don't like what I am sharing with you,
38:28 you can walk away without any strings attached."
38:32 And that's a wonderful challenge
38:33 because that's actually what happened in your life.
38:35 When you started studying the Amazing Facts lessons...
38:37 That's right.
38:39 You said to yourself, "Wait a minute,
38:40 there is something happening here."
38:41 Fast forward now, you come out of the cancer,
38:44 but God had something else He was leading you to.
38:46 That's right.
38:48 And, you know, one thing that was very powerful was
38:52 when I went through the cancer,
38:53 you know, my first year as an Adventist,
38:56 I read the Bible about 15 times.
39:00 Because I just could not get enough
39:02 and I was spending a lot of time
39:04 with the Lord in prayer
39:06 and the Lord began to convict me
39:08 that He wanted me to be in ministry.
39:10 And so, you know, I went into ministry
39:14 and I've been working in ministry
39:16 for a number of years when I had the cancer.
39:17 But when I came out of that cancer,
39:20 I remember thinking to myself,
39:22 you know, the Lord has called me,
39:24 He saved my life
39:25 so I could continue to preach His message.
39:26 Right.
39:28 But then I read this letter that
39:30 Ellen White had written to a man
39:32 who had a similar death bed experience.
39:34 And she basically told the man that,
39:37 "You thought that the Lord was raising you up
39:40 because there was some special virtue in you."
39:43 She says, "But the truth of the matter was
39:45 the Lord was extending His mercy
39:47 because you were unprepared to die."
39:49 Wow.
39:50 And that struck me and I realized that,
39:53 that was my life.
39:54 She actually told the man, she said,
39:55 "Satan stood at your bedside ready to take your life.
39:59 But God intervened to give you another chance."
40:02 Amen.
40:03 And then she says basically, "Don't waste it."
40:06 And when I read that,
40:07 I was sitting in my home office and I wept,
40:10 I cried for the next two hours
40:13 realizing that was my experience,
40:15 that the Lord had not saved me for some special virtue
40:18 but because I needed to have a deeper experience with Him.
40:22 And so I approached ministry
40:25 from a different way and the Lord called me...
40:29 I was at Amazing Facts then,
40:30 the Lord called me then to Michigan
40:32 and I served there as a pastor for several years.
40:37 But then...
40:38 Now He has called me into
40:40 to be the director of evangelism.
40:42 But I don't believe that
40:44 titles make us who we are, that it's...
40:47 We have to have the surrendering of the heart
40:50 and we have to say,
40:51 "Lord, I want to serve You faithfully wherever You are."
40:53 But the joy at Amazing Facts,
40:55 you know, we got to see a lot of exciting schools
40:59 established around the world, training schools
41:02 and I think we have a few pictures of some of those.
41:04 There is one from Ukraine.
41:06 This is one of our classes, I think 20, several years...
41:10 I'm not sure exactly what year it was
41:12 but several students there that we trained.
41:14 We trained over 200 students in Ukraine
41:18 to do personal and public evangelism.
41:19 And then we had several evangelistic meetings
41:22 and several hundred people
41:24 throughout those few years were baptized.
41:26 Look at that... There were some baptisms there.
41:29 Folks coming from all walks of life, other atheists,
41:31 people who had cancer,
41:33 I mean, people that were just looking for hope.
41:36 And God spoke to them through His word
41:38 just like He did through me.
41:40 And it's been a blessing for me to share
41:42 those stories of my cancer and whatnot around the world.
41:46 And God has used those stories
41:48 to bring others to Himself as well.
41:50 So it's been quite a journey and quite a blessing.
41:53 And, Marion, you are in this journey with him now,
41:56 as a student of AFCOE
41:58 before he even knew what AFCOE was.
42:00 How did that mesh in your ministry together?
42:03 Well, right away we started doing ministry together.
42:05 And we traveled a lot together when we were at Amazing Facts,
42:08 and was able to experience a lot of different cultures,
42:12 and see the Lord work in some powerful ways,
42:14 and that was very exciting.
42:16 And then I also worked
42:17 as I said earlier in the office at Amazing Facts for a while.
42:21 But right before we moved from Amazing Facts to Michigan,
42:24 where we are now,
42:26 I ended up being pregnant with my first child.
42:29 And so we knew that it would be difficult
42:32 to continue to travel,
42:33 we were may be eight months out of the year,
42:34 we were traveling internationally.
42:36 So that will be very hard with children,
42:38 some people do it, I'm not sure where are those people, but...
42:41 So we started praying that
42:42 if the Lord had something else for us
42:44 that He would show us and that was about the time
42:46 that He called us to pastor in Michigan.
42:48 And it was perfect for our family.
42:51 And it still is, now we have two children
42:53 and I've been enjoying life there.
42:55 So my life kind of took a turn then
42:57 when I became a mom obviously.
43:00 I wasn't able to do ministry the same way with him
43:03 that I had previously.
43:04 'Cause you had a new congregation.
43:06 A new ministry, exactly.
43:08 My new role as a mom
43:10 and so that was a hard transition in the beginning
43:12 because I had always been
43:14 actively involved in his ministry.
43:17 But the Lord has shown me since that...
43:18 As you said they are my congregation,
43:20 now they are my first work,
43:22 and I have learned so much in being a mom,
43:24 and it has been a tremendous blessing.
43:27 But it's been nice as well to also still be involved
43:31 in what Wes is doing
43:32 and to be able to share musically with him,
43:36 as he preaches different places,
43:37 and to just be a support, and God is good,
43:40 that's all I can say.
43:42 That's nice because you have
43:43 your singing evangelist with you.
43:44 That's right, that's right, it's always been a blessing.
43:46 I know people always say to me as a pastor they say,
43:48 "Does your wife play piano?
43:50 Does she sing?" Yes.
43:51 Do you play the piano?
43:53 I do not, my mother is a piano teacher,
43:55 I know it's embarrassing but I do not.
43:58 And we don't have to
43:59 because God has given you a different ministry
44:00 and that is the ministry of voice.
44:02 My wife doesn't sing, doesn't play the piano,
44:03 but she is very much a significant
44:05 part of the ministry that we have.
44:07 And God chooses the mate,
44:09 you see, God chooses the person that needs to be by your side,
44:12 He chose Wes for you, and He chose Marion for you.
44:15 Take us through where you are today
44:17 'cause you had traveled together in AFCOE,
44:20 but there was one another place
44:22 that you had gone to do an evangelistic series overseas.
44:24 Yeah, over in India, we also had a school there.
44:28 And it was really exciting,
44:30 we saw hundreds of lives change
44:33 and we were combining that with some medical mission work.
44:36 And we saw one guy
44:38 who had not walked in over 20 years.
44:41 They did some massage and some treatments to him,
44:44 and the man began to walk after 20 years.
44:46 I mean miracles and God just did some amazing things,
44:49 lives were changed,
44:51 and we just count ourselves unworthy
44:53 but privilege to be a part of what God is doing all over.
44:56 You had Pastor Batchelor,
44:58 who is the President of Amazing Facts,
44:59 he and I began an evangelism back in 1987,
45:03 working together.
45:04 And so I know that, that whole journey
45:06 where the Lord let him
45:07 to where he is today and now praise God,
45:09 Amazing Facts is a tremendous
45:11 supporting ministry of the Adventist Church.
45:13 He is a pastor, you're a pastor,
45:15 we're all in the denomination together.
45:17 But also the work that God does for Amazing Facts, and 3ABN,
45:20 and other supporting ministries is to advance His kingdom.
45:23 Now as you see where you are now,
45:26 what would you say to them...
45:27 May be there is an atheist listening to the program,
45:30 what would you have to say to that person?
45:32 You know, I would say to that person,
45:33 you know, consider the evidence.
45:36 A lot of times, people say, "Where is the evidence for God?
45:39 Where is the evidence that He is real, that He exists?"
45:42 And I believe that there is evidence
45:44 everywhere from the nature around us
45:46 to the Bible itself, how it was written,
45:49 the prophecies, all these different things.
45:51 And I realized in my journey that there was actually
45:55 much more evidence in favor that God exists
45:59 than there is evidence that He doesn't exist.
46:02 And you just have to dig a little bit,
46:04 you have to get away from popular culture
46:08 from what people assume
46:09 and, you know, atheism and evolution,
46:13 most of those are based upon assumptions.
46:16 But when we're willing to be
46:17 on honest and open with ourselves,
46:19 and honest with God's word, it will change our lives,
46:23 and God will reveal Himself to us in ways
46:27 that we've never thought possible.
46:28 You know, my wife and I,
46:29 not too long ago went to the holy land,
46:31 the Bible land, the holy land is heaven.
46:33 But the Bible lands
46:34 where many of the Bible
46:36 events are chronicled in the scriptures.
46:38 And we said, "There should be a Bible land to offer atheists."
46:42 'Cause when you look at the chronology of history
46:45 and the archeology to back up all the things
46:46 that are in the Bible,
46:48 there's no way that you could be an atheist,
46:49 it's not possible.
46:50 Yeah, that's right. There's too much evidence.
46:52 So the evidence is not missing, the evidence is actually there.
46:54 Before we go to our music
46:55 and I'm so thankful that you're here today, Marion,
46:57 because we're going to have a second song in just a moment.
47:00 But I want to give you the address
47:01 that you need before we go to that music.
47:03 Because Wes and Marion has a powerful story,
47:06 it's not possible to communicate it all
47:07 in this short program.
47:09 But you might want to invite them to come to your community
47:11 with their children to share how God found them,
47:14 how He leads them, and what kind of blessing
47:17 He can continue to be in your life.
47:19 Here is the information that you need.
47:24 If you've enjoyed Pastor Wes Peppers' testimony
47:27 and would like to contact him
47:29 or invite him to speak in your area,
47:31 then please take a moment
47:33 to write down his contact information.
47:36 You may reach him by telephone at area code
47:38 517-316-1587.
47:44 That's 517-316-1587.
47:49 You may also write to him
47:51 at the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, 5801,
47:56 West Michigan Avenue in Lansing, Michigan 48917.
48:09 I know that you'll be blessed
48:11 when you invite the Peppers to come to your community.
48:13 But Marion is going to bless us with another song.
48:16 After the song, we'll go to a news break
48:19 and we'll come back for a few closing thoughts.
48:21 But sit back as you're blessed with a song entitled,
48:24 I heard the Voice of Jesus.
48:38 Our father in heaven
48:45 Hallowed be Thy name
48:51 Thy kingdom come
48:54 Thy will be done
48:57 On earth as it is in heaven
49:04 For Thine is the kingdom
49:10 Thine is the power
49:16 And the glory forever
49:23 Forever Amen
49:39 Give us, Lord give us,
49:44 this day our daily bread
49:50 And forgive us
49:53 Forgive us Lord
49:57 Forgive us of our debts
50:03 For Thine is the kingdom
50:10 Thine is the power
50:15 And the glory forever
50:22 Forever
50:24 Amen
50:30 Amen
50:37 Lead us from temptation
50:43 Lead us from temptation
50:49 But deliver us
50:52 Deliver us from evil
50:57 To thy salvation
51:02 For Thine is the kingdom
51:09 Thine is the power
51:14 And the glory forever
51:20 Amen
51:28 Thine is the kingdom
51:35 Thine is the power
51:40 And the glory forever
51:46 Forever
51:49 Amen
51:56 Amen


Revised 2018-02-22