Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018010A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello, I am Shelley Quinn 01:11 and we welcome you to 3ABN Today. 01:13 We're so glad you're joining us 01:15 and just want to take this opportunity 01:17 to thank you for your love, and your prayer, 01:19 and your financial support. 01:21 Now if you like stories about miracles, 01:24 stories of beautiful music, 01:27 you are going to enjoy this program. 01:29 And we have some wonderful young people 01:31 who are joining us today. 01:33 But before I introduce you to our special guests, 01:37 I wanted to take just a moment 01:39 to share a scriptural thought with you and a scripture. 01:43 And the thought is this, 01:45 throughout the Bible we see that God is a God of the music. 01:50 And when consider what's going on in the Old Testament, 01:53 you see that there are songs of praise, 01:56 songs of Thanksgiving, worship songs 01:59 when they would sing and the glory of the Lord, 02:03 the Shekinah glory would fill the temple 02:05 to the point one time 02:07 they couldn't even stand up and minister 02:09 because God's presence was there. 02:12 And then as you go forward, 02:14 we know that there were songs of war, 02:16 there were songs for the various festivals 02:19 that they had. 02:20 We know that Jesus sang. 02:22 And that the Bible talks about Him singing hymns 02:26 after the Passover meal. 02:28 Paul says, I think it's Ephesians 5:19 02:30 that we're to make melody in our heart 02:33 and sing to the Lord. 02:35 And then he says in Colossians 3:16 02:38 that we're to sing with grace in our hearts to the Lord. 02:42 So singing is important all the way 02:44 through to Revelation 02:46 where we see the song of the redeemed 02:48 and the song of Moses and the lamb. 02:51 But the scripture that I wanted to share with you 02:53 is Zephaniah 3:17 02:56 because so many people don't know about this scripture. 03:00 And here it is, Zephaniah 3:17, it's beautiful. 03:04 "The Lord your God in your midst, 03:07 The Mighty One, will save. 03:10 He will rejoice over you with gladness." 03:13 Now get this picture. 03:15 The idea of rejoice, 03:18 the literal translation would be twirl around in circles. 03:22 So think of the Lord, 03:24 not He's sitting up on His throne, 03:26 but He's being so excited about you that He gets up 03:29 and He twirls around rejoicing over you with gladness. 03:33 "He will quiet you with His love, 03:37 He will rejoice over you with singing." 03:41 Is that your picture of our Father God? 03:44 Is that your picture of God that He is so loving 03:48 and so intimately involved in our lives 03:51 and He gets so excited about us 03:53 that He rejoices in heaven, twirling about singing? 03:59 Well, song is important 04:01 and we're going to talk about song today. 04:03 Let me introduce our special guests to you. 04:06 We're going to begin with Craig Cleveland. 04:08 And, Craig, you are the Music Minister 04:11 for the Michigan Conference. 04:12 That's right. 04:14 Tell us a little about what that means? 04:16 Well, it means I have the exciting privilege 04:18 of teaching at Great Lakes Adventist Academy, 04:20 and doing seminars, 04:22 and working with other schools in the conference, 04:24 and just doing whatever we can to see 04:26 music be used in evangelism to win souls for Christ. 04:29 Praise God. 04:31 And music is very and a very effective evangelistic tool. 04:35 Isn't it? Amen. 04:36 You know, we see here at 3ABN, 04:39 people call daily who are joining the church. 04:43 And we want to thank you 04:45 because your funds support this world evangelism, 04:49 but we have had many people call, 04:52 who have been touched by a song 04:54 and given their hearts to the Lord. 04:56 And I know we've told this story before 04:58 but it was particularly interesting 05:00 when one crusty old gentleman called 05:03 and he had heard Tammy Larson sing a song. 05:07 And she is one of our... She is our jib operator. 05:10 And she sang a song and he called in tears 05:13 and said that for all the preaching he had heard, 05:16 it was that song that touched his heart. 05:17 So music is a powerful tool. 05:21 Craig, I know that I've interviewed you 05:22 a couple of times before 05:24 not in the position though that you currently hold. 05:27 So congratulations, how long has it been 05:30 that you've been Music Minister for Michigan Conference? 05:33 Been there for a year and a half. 05:35 A year and a half. Yeah. 05:36 Well, welcome back. Thank you. 05:37 Well, now next we have a pretty young lady 05:40 and her name is Bethany Nietling. 05:43 And, Bethany, you are a student of Great Lakes Academy? 05:47 Yes, I'm a senior this year. 05:48 A senior, okay, where is your home? 05:52 I live in Lake City, Michigan. 05:54 Lake City, Michigan. Yeah. 05:55 Well, how many years have you gone to Great Lakes Academy? 05:58 This is my second year. 06:00 Your second year, wonderful. Yeah. 06:01 And the next we have a pretty young lady 06:04 whose name is Jennifer Landis. 06:06 And, Jennifer, you are a taskforce worker 06:11 for Great Lakes Academy. 06:12 Explain to us what that means? 06:15 Well, I just get to work as a volunteer 06:18 at Great Lakes Adventist Academy 06:20 for Craig Cleveland in the music department. 06:23 And so I'm his secretary and a bunch of other things, 06:26 I play piano and stuff like that. 06:28 Okay, So are you a graduate 06:30 of Great Lakes Adventist Academy? 06:31 I am. I went there my senior year. 06:33 Okay. Well, we're glad to have you. 06:35 Where are you from? 06:37 I live in Owasso, Michigan. 06:38 Okay, wonderful. 06:40 Well, thank you so much. 06:41 And then next we have Elijah Ringstaff 06:45 and, Elijah, what grade are you in? 06:48 I am a senior at Great Lakes Adventist Academy. 06:50 Okay, where are you from? 06:52 I've come from Lansing, Michigan. 06:54 Lansing, Michigan. Well, very nice. 06:56 And then we have Nick 06:59 and, Nick, your last name is escaping me just now. 07:02 Nick Whitmill, Whitmill. 07:06 Nick, you're also a student, what grade are you in? 07:09 I'm a sophomore. Okay. 07:11 And where are you from? 07:12 I'm from Dane, Ohio. From Ohio. 07:14 Now you've jumped the boundary here in the state lines. 07:18 What caused you to go to Great Lakes Academy? 07:21 Well, I got in a school all my life in Ohio 07:24 and it was really a God thing, 07:25 my parents felt like it was time to change schools. 07:28 And Great Lakes Adventist Academy, 07:29 we've known about it for years. 07:31 And God just impressed us to go there, 07:33 and He's led ever since, 07:35 and it's been an amazing experience. 07:36 Amen. 07:37 So you said us, is there another family member? 07:39 Yeah, my sister. 07:40 She is a grade older than me, Sydney, she goes there with me. 07:42 Okay, wonderful. 07:43 I bet, she probably tells the story a little differently, 07:45 she probably says that you go there with her. 07:48 Yeah. Okay, so all right. 07:50 Tell us, Craig, how was trip down, 07:52 how long did it take? 07:54 Oh, we... 07:56 It took a little longer than we expected, 07:57 but it's supposed to be about an eight and half hour drive 07:59 from Michigan, where we lived. 08:01 Why did it take longer? 08:03 Well, you know, I just say, Shelley, 08:07 anywhere you go with young people, 08:08 and I just love my job, it's so much fun, 08:11 there is always thrills and excitement. 08:12 So we had stopped for lunch 08:14 and everybody voted for Olive Garden, 08:15 and it's cold, and we're in Southern Michigan, 08:19 and we didn't realize that the company vehicle 08:23 we were driving, 08:24 the ignition key didn't work the door. 08:26 Oh, my goodness. 08:28 So we were locked out. 08:29 How long where you locked out? 08:31 Well, we tried for about 45 minutes to... 08:33 It was an hour and half. Hour and half... 08:34 An Hour and half! 08:35 To get it open, finally we got a tow truck 08:37 to help us out and the most... 08:39 Well, you guys should tell the story, I mean... 08:41 Well, there was a hotel near by actually so we were like, 08:44 let's get a hanger and try to like unlock the door 08:46 'cause we were just trying to be crafty. 08:48 So we did that for about 45 minutes 08:50 and then we're like had a door stopper also, 08:51 we were like trying to pry open the door 08:53 so we could get like the hanger in there. 08:54 So it was interesting, but we finally gave up 08:56 and called the tow truck and they unlocked it for us, 08:58 but it was interesting. 09:01 Well, that was just the beginning 09:02 'cause once we got it open, 09:03 then the horn would go off and the alarm systems go 09:06 and so every time we'd stop to open the door, 09:08 you know, the horn would go for a full 60 seconds, so... 09:11 In the gas stations, everywhere, 09:12 it was kind of embarrassing. 09:13 Now we forgot one time, 09:15 and we ended up going there, and then we opened the door, 09:17 and we're like, "Oh, my goodness, not again." 09:18 We got it to turn off but... 09:20 But we have a plan. Uh-huh. 09:22 We found the relay switch, we unplugged the horn. 09:25 But when we get home, we're going to tell them 09:27 that we took it to 3ABN and it learned to sing 09:29 and we're going to put the relay back in. 09:32 How wonderful. 09:33 Okay, so tell us that we're actually talking today 09:37 about the Advent Heralds. 09:40 Tell us who the Advent Heralds are? 09:43 The Advent Heralds were a team of video and music people 09:47 in the Michigan Conference. 09:48 They have a studio for video and for audio. 09:51 And we work with the Advent Heralds Symphony and Singers, 09:53 the group from Great Lakes Adventist Academy. 09:56 And we've worked with other young people, 09:57 and our goal is to just produce evangelism productions, 10:01 and to go out singing the gospel story. 10:04 And we're supported 10:06 and run by the Michigan Conference. 10:07 Amen, Now you recently, 10:09 not too long ago, had a trip to Israel. 10:11 Who wants to tell me about that? 10:16 Everybody is looking at you, Nick. 10:18 Come on, Nick. 10:19 Well, we went there about nine months ago 10:21 and we were there for just under two weeks. 10:23 And basically, while we were there the whole time, 10:26 we spent filming and we pre-recorded songs, 10:28 and we filmed all those songs while we were there, 10:30 and it was amazing experience. 10:32 Lots of different things have happened, so... 10:34 Isn't Israel beautiful? 10:35 Yes. It was. 10:37 Did you all get to tour any of Israel? 10:38 Yeah, part of which was amazing is we got to go to sites 10:42 that we probably would have never gone to before 10:44 if I hadn't been for the filming. 10:46 So I feel like that was an amazing experience 10:47 because we got to see things that we would have never saw 10:50 if we had just gone there for the tourism. 10:51 Amen. 10:52 Bethany, did it make the Bible come alive 10:54 for you like it did for me? 10:56 Yeah. 10:57 It's amazing to think that all of the stories 10:59 that we read happened 11:01 in such a small geographic area. 11:04 But while you were there, tell us, Craig, 11:06 I think you had a little excitement that was going on. 11:09 Tell us what happened? 11:10 Well, may be Bethany can start the story, 11:12 tell us being in the Kidron Valley 11:13 beside the Garden of Gethsemane at night? 11:17 Yeah, that was really, 11:19 I don't know how to really describe it, 11:21 but it was like everything 11:23 was like it was black, like dark 11:26 and they had like the lightning machines going. 11:30 And so it was already, 11:32 I don't know kind of scary for me, 11:34 but then like this guy shows up and starts yelling at us, 11:38 and telling us not to sing about Jesus, 11:41 and he started to go, 11:43 and yell at Mr. Cleveland, and yeah. 11:46 Okay, so I assume this man was, was he Jewish 11:48 and he was upset that you were singing about Jesus. 11:51 So you're filming... 11:53 Yeah, and it was a crisis moment 11:54 and it's, you know, everything is at stake, 11:56 the guide came running through the crowd 11:57 and, you know, was trying to protect me from this man 12:01 who is yelling at me, and had been yelling at him. 12:04 And I'll tell you in that crisis, 12:07 I just thanked God that I paused to pray. 12:10 And I said, Lord, you know, we need this footage, 12:13 we need this opportunity 12:15 and the guide is saying, "You got to leave! 12:16 The police are on their way, you've got to leave." 12:18 And I knew we had a permit to be there, 12:19 we were doing nothing illegal, 12:20 but I also knew that there are Christians, 12:23 there are Muslims, there are Jews. 12:25 But all the police are Jews, 12:26 and, you know, when you sing about Jesus 12:29 and there is a Jewish man who is very, very upset, 12:31 the guide was saying, "Let's leave." 12:33 But I knew we couldn't leave immediately, 12:34 so I just prayed 12:36 and it was as if God just said to me, 12:37 get to takes. 12:39 I grabbed the mic, 12:41 spoke through the loudspeaker to our crew 12:42 and said, look, we're going to get two takes, 12:44 pray that you can get what you need 12:46 and in two takes we're going to leave. 12:49 Took two takes, everybody grabbed the gear, 12:52 we had a quarter mile walk up the hill. 12:54 And up the hill we went and as we were loading the bus, 12:57 what happened, anybody else come on, tell me about it? 12:58 It was just crazy 'cause like we are running up the hill 13:01 with like our mini grand piano, 13:03 I mean it was like hollow, 13:05 so, you know, you could pick it up. 13:06 And we had instruments, and percussion, and everything, 13:09 running up the hill, 13:10 loading on the buses as quickly as we can. 13:13 And then right as we were like about to load in 13:14 like the last of the gear, the police drive up. 13:18 And we were like, "Oh, okay, they are here." 13:22 But they were just like busy turning on their flashlights 13:25 and getting ready to go down. 13:27 And so we just slipped it in there and got in the bus 13:28 and they never even saw us. 13:30 And so they are right there, they are right there, 13:32 their lights flashing, they've come for us, 13:34 we got this big truck and the bus, 13:35 and we're loading everything. 13:36 And the principal told the kids, "Get on the bus." 13:38 You know, and we shut everything and just... 13:40 How many students where with you? 13:41 We had 40 students. 13:42 Oh, so this was a production. 13:44 Yeah. Twenty crew. 13:45 So yeah, we jumped in the bus, and I jumped in the truck, 13:49 and we're zooming out of there, and we're just like, "Wow!" 13:52 And our guide is just like ecstatic, 13:54 and to go down on that way, 13:56 we had to drive around Kidron Valley. 13:57 So as we're driving around this loop, 13:58 you know, he is driving, he is looking out, 14:00 he is like, "Yay, this is better than cops and robbers, 14:02 look there they are! 14:03 Oh, look at them. 14:04 They see the flash light beams and they are looking for us, 14:06 all they are going to find is the cleanest park 14:07 they have ever seen, 14:08 this better than all the cops and robbers." 14:10 And just then my phone goes... 14:12 and I'm getting message after message 14:14 and it's all from our business manager 14:16 and he is on the bus, and he is saying, 14:17 "Do you have Ethan, do you have Ethan, 14:18 do you have Ethan, do you..." 14:20 And over, and over, and I'm like, 14:21 well, of course, you know... 14:23 Ethan is my son. 14:24 And he was a student at that time 14:25 and he also ran the audio for us 14:27 while we are on the trip. 14:28 So I'm thinking, yeah, of course he is here 14:30 in the crew truck and I'm looking... 14:31 No Ethan. No Ethan. 14:33 And so I'm like what and I told him 14:35 no, he is not here, no, he is not here. 14:37 And so our driver turns around and I'm like, 14:39 no, don't turn around, the police are there. 14:40 He is like, "We're going back." 14:41 I'm like yeah, you're right. 14:43 And then one of the other kids in van said, "Okay..." 14:44 Your wife probably, if she hears this story, 14:46 I don't know if you've told her that... 14:48 She was there. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 14:50 Don't turn around for our son. 14:51 You know, so some of these students 14:54 on the crew truck said he has a couple of phones with him. 14:57 So we called on one the phones 15:00 and he answered in whispered voice 15:02 and he said, "Hello." 15:04 I'm like where are you? 15:06 Do you know police are there? He says, "Yeah." 15:08 I said where are you? 15:09 "I'm hiding in the tombs." 15:13 So okay, are you okay? 15:15 He is like, "Yes, I'm with Mark and Brendon." 15:17 I was like oh, good, 15:19 I didn't know you were with them. 15:20 And I realized, oh yeah, we're missing other people too. 15:23 In all the hurry, we hadn't taken any note 15:25 of who was there, we were just... 15:26 We were leaving before the police realized 15:28 we were who they were looking for. 15:29 And again, we had done nothing wrong 15:31 but our guide said, "Let's not, let's not risk anything." 15:34 And truth be told, 15:35 your guide may have aired on the side of caution 15:40 because typically speaking our experience, 15:42 we've been over there five times, 15:44 five different years in a row. 15:46 And we found that the police are usually, 15:49 I mean, I can't imagine that this man caused such a ruckus 15:53 'cause usually you don't experience that, 15:55 you know, it's interesting. 15:57 But anyway, what a story! 15:59 Now you have a song for us. 16:03 And this is a song that we were filming. 16:04 The song that you were filming right then 16:07 and the name of it is, It Is Finished. 16:09 And so what a great song to play 16:13 just after telling such a wonderful story of escape 16:18 from any possible problems. 16:20 Here is the Advent Heralds singing for us, It Is Finished. 17:05 There's a line 17:08 That is drawn through the ages 17:15 On that line 17:17 Stands an old rugged cross 17:25 On that cross 17:27 A battle is raging 17:34 For the gain a man's soul 17:40 Or its loss 17:45 On one side 17:47 March the forces of evil 17:54 All the demons and devils 17:59 Of hell 18:04 On the other 18:06 The angels of glory 18:13 And they meet 18:16 On Golgotha's hill 18:24 The earth shakes 18:26 With the force of the conflict 18:33 And the sun 18:36 It refuses to shine 18:43 For there hangs God's son 18:49 In the balance 18:53 And then through the darkness 18:58 He cries 19:02 It is finished 19:05 The battle is over 19:12 It is finished 19:15 There'll be no more war 19:22 It is finished 19:25 The end of the conflict 19:31 It is finished 19:34 And Jesus is Lord 19:46 Yet in my heart 19:50 The battle was still raging 19:57 Not all prisoners of war 20:02 Had come home 20:09 These were battlefields 20:12 Of my own making 20:20 I didn't know 20:22 That the war had been won 20:28 Oh, but then I heard 20:33 The king of the ages 20:40 He had fought 20:43 All that battles just for me 20:50 And that victory 20:55 Victory is mine for the claiming 21:00 And now praise his name 21:04 I am free 21:09 It is finished 21:13 The battle is over 21:20 It is finished 21:22 There'll be no more war 21:28 It is finished 21:32 The end of the conflict 21:39 It is finished 21:42 And Jesus is Lord 21:49 It is finished 21:52 And Jesus 21:56 Is Lord 22:00 Jesus is Lord 22:15 Outstanding, 22:16 that's Christian education at its finest. 22:18 Those were all high school students 22:21 from Great Lakes Academy 22:22 and Adventist Academy, we saw you there. 22:25 How did you get a permit 22:29 to film on top of David's tower? 22:32 It's a miracle, it's a miracle. 22:34 And, you know, God so often in life, 22:36 Shelley, we are walking along, 22:38 and we see doors close, 22:39 and we're just like, "God, why? 22:40 What did You do?" 22:42 We've been there eight months ahead of time, 22:43 we'd gone to the police, 22:44 we got a permit to film on the sidewalk 22:46 in front of Herod's Palace. 22:47 That was the best we could do. 22:49 We came there on the day before we filmed to get that permit, 22:53 which they told us to do. 22:55 And they said, "No, we've a marathon tomorrow. 22:56 You'd get run over and killed, you can't film there." 22:58 I said but, but, look at the paper work 23:01 we're here eight months ago, 23:02 we agreed, you know, and they said, "Sorry." 23:04 And I said well, do you have 23:06 any suggestions of what we should do? 23:07 They said, "Go inside, go inside." 23:09 I'm like well, that... I don't think... 23:11 They said go inside and tell them that we sent you. 23:14 So we went inside and told them we are school, 23:17 the police told us come inside and ask. 23:19 And the Lord opened the door. 23:21 Praise God. 23:22 And for just next to nothing they said, 23:23 "Well yes, we will be happy to help you in that case." 23:25 And we had access to the whole of Herod's Palace. 23:29 We believe that, you know, no one knows exactly 23:30 where all these things happen 23:32 but it is very likely that where most of the song 23:33 was filmed was right in the praetorium 23:36 where Christ was trialed by Herod. 23:37 Amen. It's a miracle. 23:39 That is a miracle. 23:41 What an incredible story 23:43 'cause I've never anything filmed from the top of that. 23:46 We want to do another song 23:47 that you recorded while in Israel 23:51 and this one is the very famous, Oh Holy City. 24:14 Last night I lay a-sleeping 24:18 There came a dream so fair 24:22 I stood in old Jerusalem 24:25 Beside the temple there 24:29 I heard the children singing 24:33 And ever as they sang 24:36 Me thought the voice of angels 24:40 From heaven in answer rang 24:43 Me thought the voice of angels 24:49 From heaven in answer rang 24:56 Jerusalem! 25:00 Jerusalem! 25:04 Lift up your gates and sing 25:10 Hosanna in the highest 25:17 Hosanna to your King 25:38 And then me thought my dream was changed 25:41 The streets no longer rang 25:45 Hushed were the glad Hosannas 25:48 The little children sang 25:52 The sun grew dark with mystery 25:56 The morn was cold and chill 26:00 As the shadow of a cross arose 26:04 Upon a lonely hill 26:06 As the shadow of a cross arose 26:13 Upon a lonely hill 26:20 Jerusalem! 26:24 Jerusalem! 26:28 Hark! 26:29 How the Angels sing 26:34 Hosanna in the highest 26:40 Hosanna to your King 27:01 And once again the scene was chang'd 27:05 New earth there seem'd to be 27:09 I saw the Holy City 27:13 Beside the tideless sea 27:17 The light of God was on its streets 27:20 The gates were open wide 27:24 And all who would might enter 27:29 And no one was denied 27:35 No need of moon or stars by night 27:41 Or sun to shine by day 27:47 It was the new Jerusalem 27:52 That would not pass away 27:58 It was the new Jerusalem 28:04 That would not pass away 28:11 "Jerusalem! 28:15 Jerusalem 28:19 Sing for the night is o'er 28:25 Hosanna in the highest 28:31 Hosanna for evermore!" 28:38 Hosanna 28:41 In the highest 28:51 Hosanna 28:53 For evermore! 29:14 Great talent that is dedicated to the glory of the Lord, 29:18 and we are going to tell you at the end of the program 29:21 how you can get the projects. 29:22 They've got a couple of projects out in this, 29:24 when on their Israel trip. 29:26 The Story of Jesus is the name of their DVD, 29:30 it is paired with the book, the Desire of Ages, 29:33 but we'll come back and tell you 29:34 how to get that toward the end. 29:38 You know, Bethany, I'm thinking 29:39 you were during the spring rains, 29:41 we've always been over during the latter rain in November 29:44 but you were there during the spring rains, 29:46 did you have any trouble with weather? 29:48 Yeah, there were... 29:49 I mean we didn't end up having to, 29:51 but there were couple of times 29:52 where we thought that the rain was going to come 29:54 because we could actually like see it, 29:56 I mean, and we just had to stop and pray, 29:59 and ask God to stop the rain 30:01 because if it rained, we'd have to like stop filming, 30:05 and it would just ruin everything, so. 30:07 But every time we prayed, 30:09 the rain would just either stop or go away, so... 30:12 So praise God, so you got it done. 30:14 God just worked so many miracles there, 30:16 it's so awesome, and just to see like 30:19 where Jesus walked 30:21 and get to walk in those same places like, it's always... 30:24 It's made the Bible become so much more alive to me now 30:27 'cause when I read it, I'm like "Oh, I knew where that was, 30:29 I was there," 30:31 and to experience things like riding the camels 30:33 I realized, "What the wise men really went through 30:36 just to see Jesus." 30:38 It was not comfortable after an hour of sitting on that. 30:42 And just the distance that Jesus walked 30:44 to heal one person, like we would get... 30:46 We would be like, "Wow! 30:48 This isn't taking a longtime to drive here," 30:49 and then I'd realized, "Wait, Jesus walked here," 30:52 like it made everything so much more real. 30:55 Did you all go down toward the Dead Sea at all? 30:56 Mm-hmm. Okay, good. 30:58 So you saw the whole works, Nick? 30:59 And much like Bethany was saying, 31:01 every time there was something in our way, 31:03 like the Lord really provided. 31:05 I think of one time, 31:06 we were filming by the Jordan River, 31:08 and we had just gotten there, and we were about to film, 31:12 and then we realized that there was this huge truck in our way, 31:15 like where we're trying to film by 31:16 'cause we were going over there where the singers were. 31:18 And there was this huge truck, 31:20 we're like, "What are we going to do? 31:21 There is this huge truck, 31:23 and we can't have it in our film obviously," 31:25 so we got all the guys, and we're like, 31:27 "Okay, we're going to try this, and we picked it up, 31:29 and we all moved it like, 31:31 in like less than like five minutes, 31:33 and it was amazing. 31:34 You moved a truck? Yeah. 31:36 It was a huge truck, and it was just, I don't know, 31:38 it was awesome, and much like that 31:40 anything else that happened, 31:41 like we thought that we couldn't do, 31:42 like God had a plan for us, 31:44 and it's just amazing to see that. 31:45 Wow, that's exciting. 31:48 Something I think is interesting, 31:49 Israel was great, 31:51 but what we're doing recently 31:54 is a movement in the Michigan Conference 31:56 called Unlock Revelation 31:58 allows us as students to go out in small groups, 32:01 and there is up to like three small groups per night 32:03 of the Unlock Revelation series. 32:05 So tell me a little more, what is Unlock Revelation, 32:07 is this is a Bible study, 32:09 or you're going out and singing, or... 32:10 It's an evangelistic series going throughout Michigan, 32:13 all the different churches preaching in their local areas. 32:16 Wonderful. 32:17 And as our music group, we were able to split up, 32:19 and up to three small groups per night, 32:21 we're able to share the gospel through music. 32:24 Yeah, so there's scores and scores of sites and... 32:27 You know, basically every church in Michigan 32:30 was sharing the same gospel presentation, 32:32 and so we would drive up from the school 32:34 and support them with the... 32:35 You know, ladies trio here, brass group there, 32:37 men's quartet over here, 32:39 and then in the next night, a duet here and a solo there, 32:40 and a string group over there, 32:42 it was just thrilling to see 32:45 how music brings in the presence of Holy Spirit. 32:49 And when the Holy Spirit and the Word 32:52 are there together, hearts are touched. 32:54 And, you know, I think that's reason 32:56 for the order of our worship to have music 32:59 to soften up the hearts. 33:01 It's kind of like it plows up the, 33:03 you know, it tilts the heart, 33:05 and makes it ready to receive the word. 33:07 So to me, I think ministry in music 33:10 is extremely important. 33:12 And that's kind of exactly what happened, 33:14 like because at first I was like, 33:16 "Okay, we're just, you know, go and maybe doing 33:17 special music or something," 33:19 but what ended up happening was they would call us later, 33:22 and say, "Yeah, this guy came to the meetings 33:25 and was so touched by your music 33:27 that he, like, stayed for the message, 33:29 and he, like, listened to the message," 33:31 and afterward came out to us 33:34 and just handed us his pack of cigarettes, 33:36 and says, "I'm done with this, I want to start Bible study. 33:38 I'm ready to give my life to Christ." 33:40 And another couple, 33:41 like they had come to the meetings the first night, 33:43 and then hadn't come anymore, 33:45 but we're especially invited again 33:46 'cause we're coming to sing. 33:48 And they came and were so touched by the music 33:51 that they were like, "Okay, we're just going to come 33:54 after this like in..." 33:56 So they kept coming to the meeting afterwards too 33:58 and really consistent afterwards. 33:59 Praise God. 34:00 Let me ask you a personal question. 34:02 When you came to Great Lakes Adventist Academy, 34:05 anybody jump in, 34:07 but was there anybody who grew up 34:10 in an Adventist Christian home, 34:12 and you always went to church, 34:13 but becoming part of this ministry 34:17 really helped solidify your relationship, 34:20 a personal relationship with the Lord. 34:23 Nick, you're shaking your head. 34:24 That was your experience? 34:26 I just feel like when you see these things and like you see 34:30 and that's powerful, but also being in sight of it. 34:32 And that's a lot of testimony to yourself 34:34 like seeing people give their life to Jesus 34:36 makes you want to solidify your relationship with God too 34:39 because you're seeing how powerful it is. 34:41 And I think that's like 34:42 with a lot of people in our group. 34:43 So it's also amazing being part of it. 34:45 It's also a real beautiful teamwork situation 34:51 where we have the pastors of Michigan Conference, 34:54 so busy in evangelism and just so eager. 34:56 I was just at the ministerial retreat, 34:57 and they're all saying, you know, "When are you coming? 34:59 What can you do? You know, how can we... 35:01 And they're buying, you know, hundreds of our productions 35:03 because... 35:04 And some of them are saying, 35:05 "Look, we've given out hundreds of this Story of Jesus, 35:07 now come and follow it up with a symphony and singers 35:09 and do a concert." 35:10 Because we know that interest has been aroused. 35:12 And we also have another initiative, 35:14 I would love to tell you about, 35:15 it's called 35:18 It works anywhere around the world, 35:19 but especially in Michigan, 35:21 and it's targeted at helping every church member 35:24 get involved in giving Bible studies. 35:26 Okay. 35:30 And so we're able to have this music ministry 35:32 where we focus on telling the gospel story 35:34 in song that fits in, hand in glove, 35:38 with the work of each church in Michigan. 35:40 Praise God. 35:42 Something I think has really caused... 35:45 Most of us here are actually just students, 35:47 we also have our studies to go along with. 35:49 It's kind of a extracurricular activity at our school, 35:52 so as students when we get into this music ministry, 35:56 many of these Unlock Revelation times for during the week, 35:59 so we students had to make up our work, work ahead, 36:03 try to fit this into our schedule, 36:05 so then we can work for God as a side part to our school. 36:08 But the amazing thing was, 36:09 when we were doing that studies, 36:12 it's kind of like start slowing down, 36:15 we are able to it much simpler, 36:16 and Nick and I were actually in a group together, 36:19 and just sharing at the different churches together 36:21 that was, it was really amazing. 36:23 So, Elijah, do you have any idea 36:25 what you want to do after you graduate? 36:27 Yes, this next year I'm going to be going to Andrews 36:30 as a theology major. 36:31 I knew that. 36:33 The Lord's got his hand on you, I could tell. 36:36 That's wonderful. 36:38 So this idea of using youth to evangelize with music, 36:45 I think it's beautiful 36:46 because you break down the barriers, 36:49 people aren't expecting it. 36:51 Yeah. Amen. 36:53 And, you know, just as Elijah was saying 36:55 that the Lord blessed the young people 36:57 as they dedicate a lot of time to evangelism, 37:00 He blessed them in their studies. 37:01 It was the same with the symphony and the singers. 37:03 We had concert schedules, 37:04 and we had everything going on, 37:06 and we have, you know, you think of it, 37:07 here's your rehearsal time, and you come to rehearsal, 37:09 and you have three groups that are missing, 37:11 night after night, 37:13 and they would go out on Monday, 37:14 and then we give them Tuesday to catch up 37:15 on their homework, and so on. 37:17 And so then we wouldn't see them again until Wednesday, 37:18 and then we had concerts on Friday, 37:20 but the Lord is always the biggest God, 37:24 and those concerts were some of the most dynamic 37:27 and powerful, 37:28 and especially because here's the real issue, 37:31 God doesn't need our perfect notes, 37:33 He needs our hearts, 37:35 and when the kids were excited 37:36 about what they've been seeing in the messages, 37:39 they're excited about the conversions 37:40 they've seen, people responding to calls, 37:42 and they've been involved in the evangelism, 37:45 it was a group on fire. 37:46 And we just praise God 37:47 for the powerful effect that it had, 37:49 and that the joy of teaming together in winning souls. 37:52 Amen, and amen. Yeah. 37:54 So, Nick, how about you? 37:55 Have you got any idea what you want to do? 37:58 I'm not really sure. You're not sure yet? 38:00 You're a junior, right? A sophomore. 38:01 Oh, a sophomore, well, okay, we'll... 38:03 So I'm not trying to get that far ahead. 38:05 You just keep praying and make sure... 38:08 So what has been your favorite project? 38:11 Jennifer, you've been here the longest, 38:13 what's been your favorite project 38:15 that you've been involved in? 38:16 I think just the personal ministry 38:19 like with Unlock Revelation 38:21 and going out to different churches 38:24 at least once a month 38:25 and doing concerts and stuff is meeting with the people 38:27 'cause like they'll bring their neighbors and friends, 38:31 that maybe even aren't like Christian, 38:34 and don't really... 38:35 And so we get to sing about Jesus, 38:37 and it's so crazy to see them come up to you afterwards, 38:39 and some of them like even have tears in their eyes, 38:41 and they're like, "Wow, I've never heard 38:43 anything like this before." 38:45 And we even have students that get to share 38:47 their personal testimony in between the songs, 38:49 some of the songs, 38:50 and it's crazy to see the effect 38:52 that that has on them, so. 38:53 I mean I've enjoyed everything 38:55 but the one-on-one work with people 38:57 has probably been my favorite. 38:59 We're also very excited. 39:01 In April, we're going to be going into New York City. 39:04 We invited a minister there in Time Square, 39:07 and we don't know for sure exactly 39:09 where we'll get the permit to be 39:10 but we have several different avenues we're approaching, 39:13 working with the team that have done this before. 39:16 And so we're really excited about that, we're going to, 39:17 you know, sing our way down and sing our way back, 39:19 and we'll also swing by Washington DC, 39:22 visit the White Estate and so on. 39:24 Make sure you have another key that opens up the door. 39:26 Yeah. That's right. That's right. 39:29 We're excited because God is opening wider doors. 39:32 And we just want to minister 39:33 and God keeps opening doors for us to share 39:36 the goodness of His love in music. 39:38 Well, I know we've got two more songs that we want to play, 39:40 and then we're going to come back 39:42 and give you some comments 39:44 on how you can get some of their projects. 40:07 The news came to Jesus 40:12 Please come fast 40:17 Lazarus is sick 40:19 And without your help he will not last 40:27 Mary and Martha 40:32 Watched their brother die 40:37 They waited for Jesus He did not come 40:42 And they wondered why 40:47 The death watch was over 40:52 Buried four days 40:57 Somebody said He'll soon be here 41:02 The Lord's on His way 41:07 Martha ran to Him 41:11 And then she cried 41:17 Lord, if you had been here 41:19 You could have healed him 41:22 He'd still be alive 41:27 But You're four days late 41:31 And all hope is gone 41:36 Lord, we don't understand 41:40 Why You've waited so long 41:45 His way is God's way 41:50 Not yours or mine 41:54 And isn't it great 41:57 He's four days late 41:59 He's still on time 42:04 Jesus said 42:06 Martha, show me the grave 42:14 But she said, Lord 42:16 You don't understand He's been there four days 42:23 The grave stone was rolled back 42:28 Then Jesus cried 42:33 Lazarus, come forth 42:35 Then somebody said 42:38 He's alive, He's alive 42:44 Alive 42:46 He's alive 42:48 You may be fighting 42:53 A battle of fear 42:58 You've cried to the Lord I need You now 43:03 But he has not appeared 43:07 Friend, don't be discouraged 43:12 'Cause He's still the same 43:17 He'll soon be here He'll roll back the stone 43:22 And He'll call out your name 43:26 But He's four days late 43:31 And all hope is gone 43:36 Lord we don't understand 43:40 Why You've waited so long 43:45 But His way is God's way 43:50 Not yours or mine 43:54 And isn't it great that He's four days late 43:59 He's still on time 44:08 Oh, isn't it great 44:13 When He's four days late 44:20 The Lord's right on time 45:03 Blessed be the name Blessed be the name 45:08 Blessed be the name of the Lord 45:21 For a thousand times to sing 45:26 Blessed be the name of the Lord 45:30 The Lord is like my garden king 45:35 Blessed be the name of the Lord 45:39 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 45:43 Blessed be the name of the Lord 45:48 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 45:52 Blessed be the name of the Lord 45:58 All hail the power of Jesus' name! 46:02 Let angels prostrate fall 46:07 Bring forth the royal diadem 46:11 And crown him Lord of all 46:18 Bring forth the royal diadem 46:22 And crown him Lord of all 46:29 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 46:34 Blessed be the name of the Lord 46:38 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 46:42 Blessed be the name of the Lord 46:48 Let every kindred, every tribe 46:53 On this terrestrial ball 46:57 To him all majesty ascribe 47:01 And crown him Lord of all 47:08 To him all majesty ascribe 47:12 And crown him Lord of all 47:19 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 47:24 Blessed be the name of the Lord 47:28 Blessed be the name blessed be the name 47:32 Blessed be the name of the Lord 47:36 All hail the power of Jesus' name! 47:41 Blessed be the name of the Lord 47:56 Outstanding. 47:57 You know, we have several here, 47:59 our students from our area 48:01 who have gone up there with academy, 48:03 I mean, Daniel, and Pharaoh and Caleb, 48:06 so just shout out to them. 48:08 So tell us about your projects, and how we get the project? 48:11 Well, every song you've been airing today 48:13 is on this project here the Story of Jesus. 48:16 And this is 15 songs filmed over in Israel, 48:19 and it's partnered with the book, 48:20 the Desire of Ages. 48:22 And this book is life-changing. Amen. 48:26 And so we believe that people should read the book, 48:29 Desire of Ages, and they'll be blessed, 48:31 so we put it together. 48:32 And if people want to buy, 48:34 they can go to our website and order it. 48:38 And if they want to order them for their neighbors, 48:40 we have witnessing prices. 48:41 If you order lots of them, they're much cheaper 48:43 or churches can buy 100 copies for even less. 48:46 So that's how that works. 48:47 We also have another production, 48:49 Let Freedom Ring, and this is patriotic music, 48:53 filmed in the Eastern US primarily, 48:55 and beautiful songs of hope and courage 48:58 that all Americans resonate with well, 49:00 but it's packaged with the Great Controversy. 49:03 Which, of course, focuses on where 49:04 America fits in prophecy, 49:06 and again, you can buy them single on, 49:09 or you can get them in bulk, or you can buy them 49:12 in bigger quantities for churches and so on. 49:15 We want to see all America understand 49:18 how blessed our nation is 49:20 and what special place it holds in prophecy. 49:23 Oh, if only they would come to understand that. 49:27 So you're working on some new projects as well. 49:30 Absolutely. Absolutely. Tell us about that? 49:32 We've just been out busy in the snow. 49:35 We got snow in Michigan, 49:36 I don't know, guys, tell us about 49:37 what we've been doing. 49:39 Oh, yeah, that was... 49:40 We went out, and we're filming 49:41 more of a Christmas production coming later ends. 49:44 We had fun, there is horses, sleighs. 49:46 We all got on the sleighs, kind of fell off a bit, 49:49 but all together, it was great, recording some Christmas songs, 49:55 and maybe coming, recording some later as well, 49:58 but it was a great time 50:00 recording with every one as well. 50:01 The team has worked really, really hard, 50:03 even just day before yesterday, we were filming, 50:05 again with them, and they've been very faithful too... 50:08 Endure the cold or sometimes it's warm 50:10 in the little churches, 50:11 we also filmed the production last summer, 50:13 so we have several things that are in the hopper 50:15 that will be coming out soon. 50:16 Our next production to be released is entitled 50:19 Everyday Heroes. 50:20 And it features 1940s beautiful baby blue philomath 50:24 and the story between each song is done 50:27 with young people driving that car 50:29 around Southern Texas actually, 50:31 so please stay tuned to 50:34 You can follow us on YouTube, 50:35 Advent Heralds on YouTube, Facebook. 50:38 We'd love to have you stay with us or 1-800-975-1822. 50:43 Oh, you should go into business. 50:46 That's a great voice for that. 50:48 We have just a minute to... 50:49 Actually, what we're going to do... 50:51 Let me just... 50:52 Right now, we will go ahead and put up the address roll. 50:55 I just believe many people 50:57 will want to purchase some of these projects, 51:00 perhaps also as a witnessing tool 51:02 to give to your neighbors 51:04 or maybe your church would like to buy them in bulk 51:07 and make this a project. 51:10 Here's how you can get in touch with the Advent Heralds. 51:16 The Story of Jesus DVD 51:18 is a musical journey of our Savior Jesus Christ 51:21 from the manger to the cross and back to glory. 51:25 This beautiful project 51:26 was filmed in 15 history-filled locations 51:29 throughout Israel, 51:30 and will bring you many hours of enjoyment. 51:33 Visit, and while you're there, 51:37 check out their YouTube channel. 51:39 That website again is 51:43 You may also call them at (800) 975-1822, 51:48 or write to Advent Heralds, 51:49 P.O. Box 68, Cedar Lake, Michigan 48812. |
Revised 2018-02-22