3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018006A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We're so glad that you've tuned in
01:14 and just want to take this opportunity
01:16 on behalf of all of us who are at 3ABN
01:19 to thank you for your prayers and your financial support
01:22 of this ministry.
01:24 As we always say
01:25 and don't think we're just saying this to be tried,
01:28 we couldn't do this without you
01:30 and we're so thankful
01:32 that we particularly want to thank all of our blessings
01:35 on the Go Team members.
01:38 I wanted to share a scripture with you
01:40 and before I introduce our topic,
01:42 and you will see why
01:44 as soon as we start interviewing our special guest.
01:50 It's easy to see when we look around
01:53 that end times are here
01:55 and it's not just the church that's saying this,
01:58 it's not just based on Bible prophecy.
02:01 I mean that's what I base mine on,
02:03 but we see the scientists,
02:06 and the people, the scholars,
02:08 and the academicians of this world
02:10 saying earth cannot be sustained.
02:13 I mean, we're out of time, folks.
02:16 But when we look at the signs of the time
02:18 and we think of everything that Jesus said
02:21 about wars, and rumors of wars, and earthquakes, and famines,
02:25 and droughts,
02:27 the thing that is the most impressive sign to me
02:31 is Matthew 24:14.
02:33 And He says,
02:35 "This gospel of the kingdom
02:37 will be preached in the world as a witness to all nations,
02:42 and then the end will come."
02:46 It is this generation
02:50 that now has the ability to get the gospel
02:54 to all of the nations,
02:56 including nations that are close,
02:58 like the Islamic nations and China.
03:01 This is something that is so important for us
03:05 as people to recognize that the end is near
03:10 but we want to do our part
03:13 in helping usher in the second coming
03:18 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
03:20 And our special guest today is doing just that.
03:24 Let me introduce you to Jeremy Everhart,
03:27 who is the principal
03:29 of the Taiwan Adventist International School.
03:34 Jeremy, thank you for coming all the way from Taiwan.
03:37 I appreciate it. My pleasure.
03:39 Now our weather is a little different in Taiwan,
03:41 is it not?
03:43 That's for sure.
03:44 My blood is starting to thin.
03:45 I grew up in New York but the more I've been there,
03:47 I come back for the winter times.
03:49 It's just chills me.
03:51 It does indeed.
03:52 Well, we are so excited to hear what your ministry is doing
03:58 and how you are reaching beyond the church
04:01 into unorganized territories.
04:04 And we'll describe all of that
04:06 and explain it in just a moment.
04:08 But before we get going, I know you like music,
04:12 we all love music
04:14 and we all love the musical guest
04:17 is going to sing for us right now
04:18 and that is Dr. Yvonne Lewis Shelton.
04:22 And Yvonne is a precious woman of God,
04:26 a dear sister and a dear friend.
04:29 And she is going to be singing for us
04:33 "In Christ Alone".
04:51 In Christ alone my hope is found
04:57 He is my light, my strength, my song
05:02 This Cornerstone, this solid ground
05:07 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
05:12 What heights of love, what depths of peace
05:18 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
05:23 My Comforter, my All in All
05:28 Here in the love of Christ I stand
05:41 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
05:47 Fullness of God in helpless babe
05:51 This gift of love and righteousness
05:57 Scorned by the ones He came to save
06:02 'Til on that cross as Jesus died
06:07 The wrath of God was satisfied
06:12 For every sin on Him was laid
06:18 Here in the death of Christ I live
06:43 There in the ground His body lay
06:49 Light of the world by darkness slain
06:54 Then bursting forth in glorious Day
06:59 Up from the grave He rose again
07:04 And as He stands in victory
07:09 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
07:15 For I am His and He is mine
07:20 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
07:33 No guilt in life, no fear in death
07:39 This is the power of Christ in me
07:44 From life's first cry to final breath
07:49 Jesus commands my destiny
07:54 No power of hell, no scheme of man
07:59 Can ever pluck me
08:02 from His hand
08:07 Till He returns to take me home
08:13 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
08:18 No power of hell, no scheme of man
08:23 Can ever pluck me from His hand
08:33 Here in the power of Christ
08:42 I'll stand
08:56 Absolutely, what a beautiful message
08:58 in Christ Alone.
09:00 And we just want to thank Yvonne for that.
09:02 Well, if you tuned in just a few moments late,
09:05 our special guest is Jeremy Everhart,
09:08 and he is the principal
09:10 of the Taiwan Adventist International School.
09:15 Before we talk about what God is doing in your area,
09:21 I just want to hear
09:23 and would like you to share how you ended up there.
09:26 I know you grew up in an Adventist Christian home.
09:29 Yes.
09:30 But when did your relationship with Christ
09:33 really become personal?
09:35 When you're growing up in a church,
09:36 you see your family members, you see your parents,
09:40 doing the church things
09:41 and you want to be a part of that.
09:43 But I didn't really have
09:45 maybe the relationship that I thought I should have.
09:49 When I was in the academy, Houston Academy,
09:51 we were on a class trip to Dominican Republic
09:54 as a mission trip and we helped build a church there,
09:56 and it was at that point that I could really feel
09:59 that there's something more to life
10:01 than the things that I saw every day.
10:02 Amen.
10:03 And the world vision there kind of really settled into me.
10:07 Praise God. So how did you end up in Taiwan?
10:11 Graduated from Anderson University,
10:13 taught for two years in New York State,
10:16 but I just felt like I needed something more than that
10:18 and I got a call to go to Russia.
10:21 I was in Russia for a year,
10:23 and then I got a call to go to Taiwan
10:25 and I thought, oh, I can continue on,
10:27 just keep going from country to country
10:28 and then that was back 2004, I've been in Taiwan ever since.
10:32 Wonderful, and I know that there in Taiwan
10:35 you met your beautiful wife. Absolutely.
10:37 And you have a five year old son.
10:39 Get this, his five year old son Evan
10:42 speaks both English and Mandarin
10:45 and when mama prays in Mandarin,
10:48 he is translating line by line for daddy in English.
10:52 And I think that's amazing.
10:54 He is just a real...
10:57 He's obviously a very bright young man.
10:58 He is. Yeah, and your joy.
11:01 So tell us about the Taiwan Adventist School,
11:06 you were on the campus of the university there?
11:10 Yes, we have Taiwan Adventist College,
11:12 it's been there for many years.
11:15 And they tried to be just,
11:16 you know, similar to when we think of union
11:18 or other Seventh-day Adventist Colleges.
11:21 But the government had a lot of restrictions
11:23 of what you could do
11:24 and so they eventually gave up accreditation.
11:27 Okay.
11:28 And then all they could really do
11:31 was do a theological seminary.
11:34 So now the college is a theological seminary
11:37 and it's in the middle of Taiwan
11:39 and they were having difficulties
11:42 due to the constraints that the government provided.
11:46 So then they built our school,
11:48 Taiwan Adventist International School,
11:50 because they needed to have funds to help do the work
11:53 that the college is already doing.
11:55 All right, so what is the population of the school
12:00 of which you are the principal,
12:01 The Taiwan International School?
12:03 Yes.
12:05 We are now hovering mostly around 75 to 80 students.
12:08 And this is the upper grades?
12:11 We do grades 7 to 12.
12:13 Seven to twelve.
12:14 Now, what is the population of your school?
12:19 Can you give us a break down on the demographics?
12:22 So our school caters mostly to the more affluent families.
12:27 And so they come in from all over Taiwan,
12:30 we're a boarding school.
12:32 Students stay on our campus
12:34 and we provide weekend programming
12:36 and spiritual programming for them.
12:38 And majority of them are not Christian,
12:40 they come to our school
12:42 to go to universities in the United States and Canada
12:45 or other places around the world,
12:47 and they come to our school
12:48 because we are associated
12:50 with the Griggs International Academy.
12:52 So when they finish our program,
12:54 then they have that diploma through Griggs.
12:57 And then most of them then are,
12:58 obviously their second language is English.
13:00 That's right, absolutely.
13:02 Okay. And tell us about...
13:07 Now, how many, what percentage did you say were Christian?
13:10 So our whole group,
13:11 we have roughly 12 to 15% that are Christian.
13:15 And about 6 to 8% who are SDA.
13:18 And so Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
13:20 Seventh-day Adventist, yes, thank you.
13:21 Uh-huh, okay.
13:22 And that gives you then a great opportunity
13:28 for evangelism right within your school?
13:31 Absolutely.
13:33 Ours teachers are missionaries.
13:34 When they come to work here,
13:36 they come because they want to work with our students
13:38 and they have a heart to work with them
13:41 in which our students don't necessarily come
13:44 because we are Christian.
13:46 They are just looking at what we can provide for them
13:48 for their future.
13:50 And so it's been a challenge and also a blessing
13:54 to work through God
13:55 in which to find ways to show who God is
13:57 and what love He has for them.
13:59 Amen.
14:01 Now you have your regular curriculum
14:04 throughout the school week
14:06 but then you said you had weekend programs.
14:08 Tell us about that.
14:09 So our students are addicted to their phones,
14:12 it's just a simple fact.
14:13 I think that's universal, isn't it?
14:15 And, you know, we see how much harm it does for them.
14:19 Yeah.
14:21 And we want to provide holistic programming
14:24 that doesn't just meet their academic needs,
14:27 but their spiritual and their health
14:29 and so we have thing for Friday night.
14:32 Our vespers program,
14:33 we do Sabbath morning program,
14:35 we do the church service for them.
14:37 And we have sundown vespers for them
14:39 just every single weekend.
14:41 Okay, now you have affluent students
14:46 coming from a non-Christian background,
14:48 so how do you break them
14:51 of that selfish
14:54 and materialistic outlook on life?
14:58 Yeah, first we...
15:00 We're just kind of doing
15:01 the traditional international school thing.
15:03 Bringing them in, teaching them the best we can
15:06 and hoping that they can gain something from that.
15:09 But we made a fundamental change
15:12 in the last couple of years.
15:14 We did small groups as our vespers
15:18 in our Sabbath school program.
15:20 Instead of just having a group presentation for them,
15:22 we bring them into our homes, we cook food for them,
15:26 we eat together and we pray together
15:29 and we study God's word
15:30 for both our vespers
15:32 and for our Sabbath morning program.
15:34 It's one of the major changes we've done.
15:36 The other thing that we've done
15:37 that we think it's really important
15:39 is we instituted mission trip and community service trips
15:42 for our students.
15:43 As they're serving their community
15:45 and other countries,
15:47 they see the need throughout there
15:48 and the changes of themselves take place
15:50 due to simply the service they provide.
15:52 Amen.
15:53 I think you brought some pictures,
15:55 well, I know you did. Yes.
15:56 Let's look at some pictures and we'll see
15:57 some of the community service projects
15:59 that you are doing.
16:00 Okay, so there's first one.
16:03 So our students go on Thanksgiving
16:07 and do their trip.
16:09 Take the vacation time, they pay for it
16:12 and they went here
16:13 and they have been doing vacation Bible schools
16:16 on the east coast of Taiwan.
16:17 Wonderful, wonderful.
16:19 And then the next picture?
16:24 This house has an old gentleman that was living here.
16:27 You might see him there on the right side.
16:29 He was, he had this big house
16:31 but the condition of the house was so bad,
16:33 he was living literally in a 8/8 sector.
16:35 Okay.
16:37 And so through that, our students went there
16:39 and did a lot of renovations, and scraping, and painting,
16:43 and they made his house livable again.
16:45 Praise God,
16:46 so you're teaching them in a very practical way.
16:49 Absolutely. Now what are they doing here?
16:51 This is a program
16:53 we've been doing since year one.
16:54 And this is at a nursing home at a town nearby
16:58 and these retirees and other individuals
17:02 are kind of away from society.
17:04 They are stuck here in this building,
17:06 nothing to do but watch TV.
17:08 And so we go there every year
17:10 and we write programming where our students intermix
17:13 and they do activities together with the patients.
17:16 Wonderful.
17:18 We do vacation Bible schools
17:20 in all of our mission and community service trips,
17:22 and so our kids are not just teaching English
17:25 but they are teaching the stories of the Bible
17:28 to these students
17:29 at the elementary schools that we go.
17:31 So certainly this must be reaching some hearts.
17:33 Yes, that's right.
17:35 Okay, and then I think we had a few more pictures.
17:37 Yes.
17:41 This is a picture of our small group
17:43 and so each teacher will have
17:46 roughly between 6 to 12 students
17:48 that they have every weekend
17:50 both for the vespers and the Sabbath school,
17:53 and they pray, and they study the Word together,
17:55 and they develop that relationship
17:57 to show how God's love works in their own lives,
18:00 our students can work from that.
18:02 Amen. Now how many...
18:05 Oh, this is your week of prayer, isn't it?
18:08 We had two week of prayers every year
18:10 and we invite special guests,
18:12 and when we pray and we sing together,
18:15 and they share God's word
18:16 and a lot of students' lives have been changed.
18:20 Yes.
18:22 I remember, it was the week of prayer last year
18:24 and we made a call,
18:25 "Who would be interested in having Bible studies."
18:27 Yes.
18:29 I think roughly 30 students stood up saying,
18:31 "We just want to study and see who God is."
18:34 Praise God. Now, before we go to the next picture,
18:38 what are the religions of Taiwan?
18:43 What is it, is it mostly Buddhists?
18:45 Yes, primarily Buddhists,
18:47 and we also have Taoists,
18:48 and we have local religions,
18:51 they focus on heroes of the past.
18:54 And then there's a mixtures thereof.
18:56 All right, so for some of them
18:57 this is the first time they've ever heard the gospel.
19:00 Yeah, we had a chaplain who came in this last year
19:03 and he did survey of our students,
19:04 "Where did you hear about Jesus?"
19:06 And a large percent of them put
19:08 well, when they came to Taiwan Adventist School,
19:11 that's when they first learned about Jesus.
19:13 So how do their parents feel
19:15 as their lives are being touched
19:18 by the good news of the gospel
19:20 and they are wanting to join the church.
19:21 How do their parents feel about this?
19:23 Some are supportive,
19:25 because they see the positive influence
19:26 on their lives,
19:28 they have told us, "I've seen my child change.
19:30 He struggled in school,
19:32 he had fights with his classmates,
19:33 he couldn't work with the teacher
19:35 and he's come here
19:36 and I've seen this change and I'm happy for that."
19:38 Others have said, "Sorry.
19:40 I know, my son is asking to be baptized
19:42 but let's not premise."
19:44 So but you know the good thing is that
19:47 once that seed is planted...
19:48 Right.
19:50 Mama and papa can't keep them from ever, forever.
19:52 For eternity.
19:53 Yeah, 'cause it if your heart's been given to the Lord,
19:58 you can be converted before your baptism
20:00 that you're hoping. That's right.
20:02 So how many do you usually graduate each year,
20:05 what is your graduating class?
20:07 It varies,
20:09 this year, we'll have roughly 12 students who are graduating.
20:11 Okay. And then...
20:13 And this is the class that graduated this last year.
20:16 All right.
20:17 And we're so excited to see them come back
20:19 and visit us
20:20 and we asked them, "What do you see a difference,
20:22 now that you are out in the world,
20:24 what do you see the difference between the teachers you've had
20:26 in the universities,
20:27 and the teachers you've had here at TAS?"
20:30 And they said, "You know what,
20:31 those teachers out in the world just don't care for us,
20:33 they don't mentor us,
20:35 they don't really worry about how we're doing,"
20:37 as they've experienced at our school.
20:39 So that really took heart for a lot of our teachers
20:42 and encouraged the work that we're doing.
20:44 Amen, and it's such an exciting work
20:46 because it's not just academic
20:48 but you are reaching them on a spiritual level.
20:51 And then teaching them to have a world view
20:56 that is not just so boxed in a selfish way
21:00 that you're just focusing on self.
21:02 What I'd like to do, it's such a beautiful campus.
21:05 We're gonna show just a couple of clips
21:08 from some videos you brought
21:09 and then we'll continue on to the big project.
21:12 Okay.
21:13 But here's some of the video.
21:17 Now what's going on here?
21:18 So this is our Christmas program
21:21 and it's not your traditional Christmas program.
21:23 Obviously.
21:24 We present Jesus' total life, from birth to resurrection.
21:28 Okay.
21:29 Each grade level will develop their own skit,
21:33 their own dialogue, based solely on scripture.
21:37 Praise God.
21:38 And then we invite the community, the parents.
21:41 The purpose is not to have a Christmas celebration,
21:44 the purpose is telling the community
21:46 and the non-Christians
21:47 why we celebrate Jesus' birth
21:50 because they don't have that concept.
21:52 And the thing about it is
21:56 our students are mostly not Christian,
21:58 their English may be not so strong
22:01 so they have to repeat and repeat
22:03 these Bible inspired passages again and again
22:07 so they can speak them out at the presentation.
22:09 Give glory to God.
22:10 What does that do on their spiritual wellbeing
22:13 when they are being, you know, exposed to God's Word
22:16 over and over and over again
22:17 and the most important story that can be presented.
22:20 So do you get good attendance at these events?
22:23 We always worry about that, we send out the invitations
22:25 and we say, "Who's gonna come?"
22:28 And this last time I stood up, I give them a welcome,
22:30 it was okay.
22:32 I sat down at the end of it I want to thank them for coming
22:36 and the whole auditorium was filled
22:38 and we're floored by the attendance this year.
22:40 Praise God.
22:41 So you're saying that it's not just Adventists
22:43 that are rushing
22:44 in the last moment of these events.
22:47 Well, this is a very special way
22:50 of getting it into the children's hearts,
22:52 since they are the one's writing the script
22:53 from the Bible,
22:55 and as you said,
22:57 confessing this word over and over again.
22:59 That kind of gets it into their memory
23:02 so that's an exciting way.
23:04 Have you had,
23:05 what is the reaction of the parents
23:08 and the local people to this?
23:12 We find interesting is that
23:13 the parents will come and be supportive
23:15 because their child is presenting.
23:18 And because it's in English,
23:19 then they feel proud that their child can go up there
23:22 and speak that to everybody.
23:24 They might not totally understand the impact
23:26 what they're speaking on their lives
23:28 or how that might affect them as well.
23:30 Yes, yeah, okay.
23:32 And now you brought another clip, did you not?
23:34 Yes, and this is connecting
23:36 with our community service projects.
23:38 All right. Then we'll look at that now.
23:42 This is at the nursing home?
23:43 This is at the nursing home, yeah.
23:45 Ah, it's precious.
23:47 I bet the nursing home residents
23:50 are excited to see the young kids come.
23:53 Every year it's a struggle for our kids at first.
23:56 They don't know how to react, they don't know how to help,
23:58 they don't know how to serve their needs,
24:00 they're frightened of it.
24:02 But then once it get going,
24:03 then suddenly I've seen
24:05 students you might not think care too much,
24:09 they really want to help
24:11 and make the life of these patients
24:13 more comfortable.
24:14 Glory to God.
24:16 All right, so essentially at the...
24:19 or the Taiwan Adventist International School,
24:24 the concept it was developed so that,
24:27 you obviously, if you are reaching out to the affluent,
24:30 you are getting a certain fee that is paid
24:35 by these affluent people
24:36 and that is what is helping to support the college.
24:39 Tell us a little more about the Taiwan Adventist College?
24:43 It's more of a seminary now, tell us about their program?
24:48 Yeah, they used to be more
24:50 based on the Taiwanese population,
24:53 but then in more recent years they've been opened up
24:55 and they are accepting students from China
24:58 from our Seventh-day Adventist churches
25:00 that are speckled throughout that.
25:02 So the work that they are doing is not just working in Taiwan
25:05 but it's also over in East Asian countries
25:09 that where Chinese is the main language.
25:11 Okay, so we are going to...
25:14 We're restricted
25:16 as to how often we can mention that nations names,
25:18 so we will refer to it as unorganized territories,
25:23 and explain that terminology, unorganized territories?
25:28 So back 60 years ago,
25:30 some major political changes took place in China,
25:34 and at that point
25:35 the church can no longer be involved in the work
25:38 that's been done there.
25:40 So there are still churches there
25:43 but they have no organization.
25:45 Okay.
25:46 So we call that then the unorganized territories.
25:48 So these churches are
25:52 essentially teaching the doctrines
25:54 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
25:56 to the best of their abilities. Yes, right.
25:58 But, and we hear that it's really growing,
26:03 I mean they're not under a conference,
26:04 they're not under the umbrella of our church
26:07 because the churches aren't illegal
26:10 but the organization
26:11 of any major denominational church is.
26:15 Yes.
26:16 So we hear that they are growing
26:18 but they have a challenge, don't they,
26:20 because there's no one to train their pastors
26:22 and lay pastors.
26:24 Yeah, they have roughly 5,000 ministers.
26:27 And they have 5,000 volunteers,
26:29 now they're laymen who are working
26:31 for these churches.
26:32 Praise the Lord.
26:33 But 90% of them
26:35 have not received any formal training
26:37 regarding our church beliefs, our fundamentals,
26:40 and so they're just doing their absolutely best
26:43 but they don't have the knowledge or the wisdom
26:45 in which to do that.
26:46 So then the Taiwan Adventist College,
26:51 are you seeing people come in
26:53 from the unorganized territories,
26:55 the pastors and the lay ministers,
26:57 are they coming in to be trained?
26:59 We have now roughly 60% of the population
27:02 of the college... Yes.
27:04 Are not from Taiwan. Okay.
27:07 And so they are coming in
27:08 and they are taking the theological courses
27:10 to be trained
27:11 to only go back to the unorganized territories.
27:13 Wonderful, but these are people who can't afford to pay,
27:16 there it go, this is why you have your school
27:20 to help support this work, is that correct?
27:22 Yeah, I believe the colleges, you know, tuitioning,
27:24 if you think from perspective of the United States
27:27 is quite low.
27:28 But because they don't have the funds,
27:30 they pay maybe roughly 20% of their already low tuition.
27:34 Now it doesn't bode well for finances.
27:37 Yeah.
27:38 So what...
27:40 Just give us a little bit more of,
27:44 there's certainly
27:46 an evangelistic outreach program
27:50 that this college...
27:52 Tell us more about the purpose of the college?
27:56 So in 2017,
27:58 they made some serious decisions
28:01 about what the purpose,
28:03 what they're doing with their students
28:04 at the college.
28:06 What their mission is. Yes.
28:07 And so they decided that they are going to be answering
28:11 to the call of General Conference
28:13 of Seventh-day Adventist church
28:14 of doing total member involvement.
28:16 Wonderful.
28:17 And so they did a program for four months
28:21 where each student was extensively trained
28:24 to be able to preach God's word,
28:26 even students who are not going to be pastors,
28:29 even health students,
28:30 even the team of students who are a faculty member,
28:33 those who have not ever preached before,
28:36 they received training for four months.
28:39 Praise God.
28:40 And so then after the four months was over,
28:42 they went out
28:44 not just in Taiwan
28:46 but in the unorganized territories
28:47 and they put on
28:49 I think roughly 73 different evangelistic series.
28:52 Praise the Lord.
28:53 And they went out in teams and they're preaching,
28:57 health talks,
28:59 skits, all these sorts of things,
29:00 so many.
29:02 Amen, and what kind of results did they have?
29:05 That's the thing that's just really surprised me,
29:08 I've been in Asia for some time.
29:10 The church in unorganized territories
29:13 has kind of slowed down in their growth,
29:16 not as expanse as it used to be
29:21 and they had about 1,500 baptisms
29:25 just from the results of these programs.
29:26 Oh, boy, that will revitalize the church,
29:29 so there are,
29:30 even though it is an unorganized territories
29:33 where it's illegal to have,
29:38 "Established Denominational Ties",
29:43 these people,
29:45 when they came in and were baptized,
29:48 there are churches
29:50 that can disciple them to
29:53 so that is not just an emotional decision
29:56 but that they're really gonna be anchored in their decision.
29:59 Yes, we have several different churches
30:01 that are just kind of scattered throughout different areas
30:04 and some of them can be,
30:05 you know, very large in comparison
30:07 that we might think of the church.
30:09 And so they have the ministers there,
30:12 they have the laymen who are volunteering their time
30:14 to meet these needs of these new baptized members.
30:18 You know, I remember him for, Jeremy,
30:20 seeing a clip of one of the churches
30:24 in the unorganized territory that was growing so rapidly,
30:27 this was a few years back.
30:29 And the interesting thing was
30:31 is that the pastor had everybody coming to the church
30:35 at 5 o'clock in the morning to pray.
30:38 And I mean, people were going in
30:40 and praying for an hour.
30:41 So before they made their commute to work,
30:45 but they were praying
30:48 for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
30:49 they were praying
30:51 for the leading of the Holy Spirit.
30:53 And all that we would get that vision here
30:57 because that's why they were growing
30:59 in such leaps and bounds.
31:01 But there it seems like everything is,
31:05 how can you say this,
31:07 there's a rhythm to every organization
31:11 and sometimes you go through rapid spurts of growth
31:15 and then you kind of have to manage that growth
31:17 and make sure that people are solid,
31:21 but these students then
31:24 that are graduating from the college.
31:27 I imagine, if there's 5,000 ministers
31:32 and 5,000 laymen,
31:34 they can't all make it to the college.
31:35 So is part of the mission of the students
31:40 who graduate from the college with the theological training
31:44 to go back and train others?
31:46 Yeah, so they go back,
31:49 many of them cannot go back to these our churches
31:52 because they already have pastors
31:53 who are working there.
31:55 And this is the part that really touches my heart.
31:58 They are volunteering their time,
32:01 when they go back to the unorganized territories,
32:03 they are going to be called the dark areas.
32:05 Wow.
32:06 The areas they don't have any sanctioned churches.
32:09 Well.
32:10 And they're gonna be there witnessing to their friends,
32:12 their family doing the little house churches.
32:17 That's going to be what they're going to do.
32:19 Also the college sends their professors
32:24 to the unorganized territories, to the churches
32:27 and they provide theological training
32:30 for the ministers and other individuals there.
32:33 So they actually have
32:35 a percentage of their enrollment
32:37 are actually in the unorganized territories
32:39 even through it's through the Taiwan Adventist College.
32:42 Praise God.
32:44 So how is the...
32:47 In Taiwan it's mandarin,
32:50 what are the languages in China,
32:52 we've got mandarin and...
32:54 And Cantonese and many other variations.
32:56 All right.
32:59 Are they many materials available for public,
33:04 I mean published materials
33:06 to talk about the doctrines of the church or Bible studies,
33:09 do you have plenty of those or what's that like?
33:12 Yes, we have publishing house in Taiwan.
33:15 They're doing great work there.
33:17 We have the Hope Channel in Taiwan,
33:20 they are producing content
33:22 just to be beamed over its unorganized territories.
33:24 Praise the Lord.
33:25 So they see more and more of that taking place.
33:28 Oh, wonderful.
33:29 And is it...
33:32 I'm just gonna ask,
33:33 I know that Taiwan is a very safe place.
33:36 We've had gentleman that used to work here
33:39 in our pastoral department,
33:40 who went over to become a missionary teacher,
33:43 actually worked with you? That's right. Absolutely.
33:46 But I know that's a very safe territory
33:51 but the unorganized territories
33:55 is Eastern Asia,
33:56 is this against the law
33:59 to proselytize or they recognize the churches,
34:03 they don't molest the churches
34:04 so what are kind of the constraints that they have?
34:08 And that's the confusing area,
34:10 it's a very Grey area is how I would describe it.
34:14 Okay.
34:16 There was an event that took place several years ago,
34:18 where a company wanted the property
34:21 of one of our sanctioned churches
34:23 in the unorganized territories.
34:25 They went to the government and said, "We need that."
34:28 So when you say a company,
34:29 you're talking a business operation, okay.
34:30 Yeah, a business company.
34:32 And so the government acted
34:34 and they actually removed the members from the church,
34:39 destroyed the building
34:41 and they were able to then
34:43 build the business there or whatever.
34:44 So the situation...
34:46 So this was an owned property
34:47 by the church. Yes.
34:49 Were they remunerated for this? No.
34:51 No, so it was just basically seized.
34:53 Yes. Okay.
34:54 And so that's the kind of situation
34:56 that they go under.
34:57 We actually had college professors
35:00 at that church, at that time
35:02 and they were seized, and arrested,
35:04 and brought in,
35:05 they realized then they weren't from that nation
35:09 and so they were released and they came back to Taiwan.
35:11 But it can be quite serious there.
35:13 Okay.
35:15 But if you,
35:18 I mean, you're obviously here
35:20 and I think this is so precious,
35:21 you know, we have a number of people
35:23 who come to 3ABN,
35:25 and their main motivation is,
35:28 oh, we're looking for funding
35:30 but when I was speaking with Jeremy earlier,
35:32 he said, "It's not the funding
35:34 that I'm looking for so much as it is
35:37 that we just want missionaries to come over
35:40 to work in this area."
35:42 Because as we read in Matthew 24:14,
35:45 Jesus said that the gospel's gonna be preached
35:47 into all the world
35:49 and then the end will come.
35:51 This is like a final sign
35:54 and so when you are looking at,
36:00 I mean, the appeal
36:01 that you would want to make to people,
36:02 if somebody wants to come over, Taiwan's very safe,
36:06 are you looking for teachers, what are you looking for?
36:09 We have several schools in Taiwan
36:12 that look for what I call foreign teachers,
36:15 not from Taiwan.
36:17 Primarily, we are looking for teachers
36:19 from United States,
36:21 from Canada, places of this nature,
36:24 and every year when I talk to the other administrators
36:27 and saying, "Have you found your teachers for this year?"
36:30 Almost everyone is, "Oh, no.
36:33 We don't have our teachers for this year."
36:35 And that's a concern that we constantly deal with.
36:37 We need teachers who want to come out
36:40 not just to work at a job
36:42 but to work as a missionary
36:44 to teach our students God's love,
36:45 but also have a larger impact not just for our little school
36:50 but also for the support that we've deprived for the college
36:53 and then work that's been done in the unorganized territories.
36:56 Amen.
36:58 Now are you talking about missionaries
37:00 also for the unorganized territories
37:03 or more just for Taiwan?
37:05 Yeah, we're looking just for Taiwan mostly.
37:07 Okay, so I just wanted to clarify that
37:10 because it's not like you're going to be put
37:12 into a dangerous political situation
37:15 because Taiwan is quite safe.
37:17 And it's...
37:20 That's why he married and settled down there.
37:23 I love Taiwan. I know you do.
37:25 All right, so tell us what are some of the...
37:29 We're gonna give our viewers in a moment.
37:31 I just believe with all my heart
37:33 that the reason God sent you in here in the first place
37:36 is 'cause He wants to get the message out.
37:38 There's somebody out here is hearing about this
37:43 and thinking,
37:44 "Lord, is that you talking to my heart?"
37:46 Saying may be that I need to go and be a missionary teacher,
37:50 and it's a great experience
37:52 if you're young and you're single,
37:54 it's a great experience
37:56 or as our friend who was basically retired
38:00 and on social security, he went over.
38:03 That's right.
38:04 And really enjoyed his time there,
38:06 I think he's still there actually.
38:08 But tell us about some of the upcoming projects,
38:12 what do you see happening for the school?
38:15 We have a very large project
38:18 and then we guys, we went to build
38:20 a whole new school facility and dormitories
38:23 for Taiwan Adventist International School.
38:26 We have always limited
38:27 on how many students we can take
38:29 simply because we don't have this dorm housing
38:31 for the students who want to come
38:33 and that's a very large project
38:35 that we're looking for the future.
38:37 We're also looking for small projects
38:39 such as replacing the gym floor
38:40 and all those little things that go on.
38:43 But I know that God will provide
38:44 and I'm not worried about that
38:46 because as long as we're doing what God wants,
38:48 He'll provide for our needs.
38:50 Amen.
38:51 But the idea of expanding
38:54 the Taiwan Adventist International School grades
38:59 7 through 12,
39:02 the idea of expanding that
39:04 is to get in more tuition paying students,
39:10 who can support the missionary work
39:14 of the Taiwan Adventist College.
39:16 Yes, every year the president,
39:18 the vice president will call me and tell us, you know,
39:20 the only reason why we're able to do this work
39:24 is because this group of dedicated teachers
39:28 are working
39:29 and through their work, students come
39:33 and find value and love
39:35 at Taiwan Adventist International School.
39:37 And those funds are then passed on
39:39 and used to help support the college
39:42 and support the work that's been done.
39:44 You know, to me, that's a really exciting thing
39:47 because usually when you think of being a missionary teacher,
39:51 you are excited just to think,
39:54 well, I can impact the students' life,
39:56 I can impact their family's life
39:59 through that student.
40:00 But here,
40:02 if you go and volunteer as a missionary teacher,
40:06 you are not just impacting the organized church,
40:11 but you are impacting the teaching,
40:16 the training for those who are then going out
40:20 into the unorganized territories.
40:23 Praise God.
40:24 And that is...
40:25 You talk about the ripple effect.
40:27 Yeah, that has changed my perspective on things,
40:29 you know. Absolutely.
40:31 And before we always kind of worry about funds
40:33 instead of organization where are the funds going to.
40:36 When you see this kind of work that's been done,
40:39 that thing suddenly becomes so unimportant
40:43 and the thing that it becomes important
40:45 is where God is leading.
40:46 Yeah.
40:47 Now, you are having some legal issues.
40:53 You said that your wife used to work
40:56 for the government.
40:59 Kind of tell us about that?
41:01 So before I met her, you know, I married up,
41:05 she used to work in the press core
41:08 for a previous president in Taiwan.
41:10 And she helped different politicians
41:13 become elected to their campaigns
41:15 and after we were married,
41:18 she started working for our school here.
41:22 Boy, that was a blessing.
41:23 And thing that really changed
41:25 and made a significant impact on our school
41:28 was before this,
41:29 we were not recognized by the government.
41:32 And it was a problem
41:34 and we didn't know how to orient that.
41:38 But then the government opened up a program
41:41 called Non School Type Institutions.
41:45 We applied for that,
41:47 we sat before the board of education
41:50 for Nantou County.
41:52 And they asked me,
41:53 "Why do you want to have this school?"
41:58 And something rang in my brain that said,
42:01 "I need to tell them this."
42:02 And I told them,
42:04 "We're not stealing students from county schools,
42:07 we have many students in Taiwan who want to go abroad
42:11 for even their high school
42:13 not to mention their university
42:15 but they're going to the States,
42:18 they're going to other places
42:19 and they are not been prepared
42:20 for what they're going to experience there
42:22 and some of them have got involved in drugs and worse.
42:27 And we want to provide a place for them
42:29 to mature and to grow
42:32 so that when they go and experience those places,
42:35 they're ready and prepared."
42:37 And there were some members in that board
42:40 whose own children had gone to the States for college,
42:45 and they said this is what we want.
42:48 And do you need a campus,
42:50 we could even maybe find a campus for you.
42:52 Glory to God.
42:53 We had one and they accepted us,
42:56 and we are actually the only school in Taiwan
42:59 to have the status
43:00 of offering the international high school diploma
43:02 to Taiwanese students
43:04 in this Non School Type Organization.
43:07 And my wife is the main person
43:09 who works the governmental lease
43:10 on with them.
43:12 What a miracle. It's just... isn't it exciting...
43:14 It's amazing.
43:16 You see, you know, a lot of times
43:18 we don't see God orchestrating everything
43:23 until it's done.
43:24 And then you see how He's like this master chess player,
43:27 He's put this piece here and this piece here
43:29 and all of a sudden He's made all these different moves
43:33 and as it comes together,
43:35 it's just a miracle how He's work this out.
43:39 Well, this is all too exciting
43:42 and we're going to come back in just a moment.
43:45 We'll give you the opportunity to see their address
43:49 but first we've got another song
43:51 from our dear sister Yvonne Lewis Shelton,
43:56 and she is going to be singing for us
43:59 "Wonders never cease".
44:22 I heard He walked on water
44:27 And opened blinded eyes
44:31 The deaf were made to hear again
44:37 And the dead were called to rise
44:40 But when I gave Him all my heart
44:45 A greater thing took place
44:49 The Lord of every miracle
44:54 Redeemed me by His grace
45:00 And wonders never cease
45:05 As long as I believe
45:09 And place my life
45:11 Within the nail scarred hands
45:15 That bled for me
45:18 And when I think I've seen His best
45:23 I stand amazed to see
45:29 His glory never ends
45:36 And wonders never cease
45:56 He still walks on water
46:01 To calm my trouble seas
46:03 And in the midst of thunder
46:09 I can hear Him speaking peace
46:12 And though some believe His miracles
46:18 Are just part of yesterday
46:22 I'm living proof
46:24 His changing power will never pass away
46:34 And wonders never cease
46:38 As long as I believe
46:42 And I place my life
46:45 Within the nail scarred hands that bled for me
46:52 And when I think I've seen His best
46:57 I stand amazed to see
47:03 His glory never ends
47:12 Wonders never cease
47:17 As long as I believe
47:21 And I place my life
47:24 Within the nail scarred hands that bled for me
47:30 And when I think I've seen His best
47:35 I stand amazed to see
47:41 His glory never end
47:48 And wonders never cease
47:54 His glory never end
47:59 Oh, no
48:01 And wonders never cease.
48:35 Wonders never cease,
48:36 and you know Jeremy has so many stories about students
48:40 whose lives have been impacted,
48:41 who've turned their lives over to Christ,
48:43 but we don't have time for them all,
48:44 but please share the story of Rocky?
48:47 So Rocky Wang, he actually began our school
48:51 as a third grader
48:52 when we used to have a elementary program there
48:54 and then later on he came back to our high school.
48:58 In grade 11, he wanted to get baptized
49:02 but his family was not interested,
49:04 but he was determined and he argued with his family
49:07 and he convinced them to allow him to be baptized.
49:10 Praise God.
49:11 And I remember very clearly,
49:14 it was our spring break mission trip,
49:17 we went out to the mountains of the aboriginal villages
49:20 and we were not just cleaning up the village,
49:23 we're doing
49:24 the vacation Bible school for the kids
49:26 but we also had a responsibility
49:28 of putting on the church programs
49:31 on either side of the trip,
49:32 so we had two church programs
49:35 and he volunteered, he wanted to preach.
49:38 Glory to God.
49:39 And I'm sitting there in this church program,
49:43 I remember when he was a very little boy
49:46 and now he's upfront,
49:48 and he's preaching God's word
49:50 to our own Seventh-day Adventist members
49:53 in the church.
49:55 You know, it was such a real moment to see,
49:56 "Wow! God, this is You."
49:59 Amen. This is Your love.
50:01 Amen, it must...
50:03 How has it impacted to you?
50:05 How has it changed you personally
50:07 since you've been there?
50:09 I went from thinking
50:11 that I'm coming here as a missionary to help God.
50:18 I went from that to realizing I'm a missionary in Taiwan
50:23 and God's gonna use that to change my life.
50:26 Amen.
50:27 And what He's doing for me cannot be accounted for.
50:30 It may not be a material wealth
50:32 but the blessings that I've received,
50:35 I could never have imagined.
50:38 And I think any missionary,
50:40 maybe they have a similar experience
50:42 that I went through
50:43 or I'm doing something for God
50:45 but actually it's all for me
50:48 and through that His work can be impacted
50:51 on those around us.
50:52 Absolutely,
50:54 I don't know if you know Sergio Bellino,
50:56 but I was interviewing him not too long back
51:01 and he made the most interesting comment
51:03 'cause he is missionary in Africa at a school
51:07 and he said, "You know, it is when we are in service,
51:14 it's easier for God to save us."
51:16 He said, all of us feel like we're going into service
51:19 to be of assistance to the Lord working in His harvest field,
51:23 but he said he realized that
51:25 it was as he went into the mission field
51:27 that God was really doing the salvation work on him.
51:32 I just believe with all my heart
51:33 somebody that's listening is saying,
51:36 you know, "I'd like to be a missionary teacher,
51:39 I would like to go
51:42 and not only impact the students of the community
51:46 but to know that
51:47 even though I'm in the safe area of Taiwan
51:50 that my efforts are funding the teaching,
51:54 the training, seminary training
51:57 for those who are working in the unorganized territories.
52:01 So if you would like to get in touch with Jeremy,
52:05 and or perhaps,
52:06 maybe the Holy Spirit is encouraging you
52:09 to support their expansion program
52:12 for their school,
52:14 here's how you can get in touch with him.
52:18 Are you a certified Adventist teacher
52:20 who longs to do mission work?
52:22 Then please consider
52:23 the Taiwan Adventist International School.
52:26 They also need our support to build new dormitories.
52:29 This important school supports the training
52:31 of East Asian Pastors and ministers
52:34 in the unorganized territory,
52:36 so please visit their website, www.TAIS.tw.
52:42 There you'll find photos of campus life,
52:44 academics and much more.
52:46 Their website again is www.TAIS.tw.
52:51 And it is important to use the www prefix.
52:55 Visit them today.


Revised 2018-02-14