Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018005A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:13 I can't believe I'm sitting in this chair. 01:15 Well, it fits you fine. I think I enjoy it. 01:18 I'll just be your co-host today. 01:20 I really prefer having you in this chair 01:22 but thank you for co-hosting with me anyway. 01:24 Oh, no, well, you know the guest well, 01:26 you've interviewed him before and I say 01:28 why don't you just do it and I'll just help you. 01:30 And I'm excited about 01:32 what we're going to be talking about today. 01:34 I'm excited for one reason that the church we believe 01:38 that God's people 01:39 and they wouldn't make any difference of your Baptist 01:42 or Methodist or Seventh-day Adventist, 01:44 those of us who call ourselves Christians, 01:46 we need to be informed what is happening 01:48 in the closing moments of our history. 01:50 The devil's out, don't get yourself 01:53 to stay or kill and to destroy, you and me. 01:56 That's his agenda and so those of us 01:59 when we have truth, it's our responsibility 02:02 and privilege to take that truth, 02:05 use that mouthpiece to whether it's just our neighbors 02:08 or 3ABN where you can reach the world. 02:10 So today, we're going to be talking about things. 02:13 Some people may get a little bit nervous, right? 02:16 And maybe they'd say, 02:17 "Oh, I don't know if you should be..." 02:18 Hey, but we can't be silent, we have to tell the truth, 02:21 and we promised to Lord we'd do that 33 years ago 02:24 we're going to continue to do it. 02:25 That's right. Till our last breath. 02:27 The Lord, you know, however He wants to take care of, 02:31 but as long as He gives us breath, 02:32 we're going to proclaim the three angels messages 02:35 which includes subjects 02:37 what we are going to talk about today. 02:38 And we have to unmask the works of the enemy. 02:41 I think that if we don't talk about it, 02:44 how you're going to know if, you know, 02:47 God has given us this mandate really 02:50 to present an undiluted three angels message. 02:54 One that would counteract the counterfeit 02:56 and the counterfeit is really taking over 02:59 and creeping in and so we really have to present this, 03:03 we have to cry aloud and spare not 03:05 and that's what we're doing today. 03:07 Based on all this, 03:08 we should introduce the guest, our guest. 03:10 I know, I know. 03:11 He's sitting over there like "What? 03:12 Get on with over it. Get on with it." 03:15 Our guest is Raymond King. 03:17 And Raymond King is the co-founder 03:21 of Securing Hope Ministry. 03:23 I have had the privilege of interviewing Raymond 03:26 on several occasions actually on Dare to Dream, 03:30 and I felt that our 3ABN Today viewers 03:33 should also become aware of the work 03:35 that he's been doing and the information 03:38 that he has to share today 03:39 about what's going on within our church 03:41 and Christianity at the large. 03:43 So thank you so much 03:45 for being with us for that, Raymond. 03:46 Thank you for having me. It's great. 03:49 You have written a book, and the book is called... 03:54 here it is, here 03:55 What every Adventist should know about GLBTQ. 04:01 And I noticed you have the letters in a different... 04:05 Most people say LGBTQ. Yes. 04:09 Why do you say GLBTQ? 04:11 Because that is what the original acronym was 04:17 years and years ago. 04:18 If you look at different organizations 04:20 like GLAD or GLSEN, 04:23 they both start with the letter G for Gay. 04:26 At one time, gay was supposed to be the umbrella 04:29 for all of those individuals that had what we call that 04:33 unnatural sexual desire or appetite. 04:37 And so instead of going with the culture 04:40 because it's always changing, 04:42 I thought I wanted to stick with the original acronym. 04:45 And the matter of fact, what people won't realize 04:48 would be now called As was actually called 04:53 GRID Gay Related Immuno Deficiency Disease 04:56 because it was recognized first in the "Gay Community" 05:00 and so my whole point of reference is 05:04 to unmask this agenda that I call an agenda 05:08 because in actuality, 05:10 they are trying to keep certain things 05:13 so that the agenda can go on unabated. 05:16 And I believe that when people know 05:18 what's really going on, 05:19 they won't be misinformed or caught unaware. 05:23 It's great. 05:24 Okay, so sometimes we have programs 05:26 and that they were trying to inform the world of things 05:29 it's going on. 05:30 We call it The World. 05:31 And sometimes we have programs to inform the church 05:34 of what was happening so we, as Christians, 05:37 can stand up against what the devil is trying to do 05:40 and what he's trying to bring in. 05:42 But before we do that, we have 05:45 one of my favorite musicians of all time. 05:46 Oh, mine too. Mine too. 05:48 Brother Jaime Jorge, and he's going to be... 05:51 I love his music so I wanted to say his playing 05:54 but he's ministering. 05:56 He's ministering. He's ministering. 05:57 "All hail the power of Jesus name." 09:54 I love the way he plays. Oh, absolutely. 09:57 He doesn't just play like you said, 09:59 he ministers and he gets all into it. 10:01 He's not just standing there, you know, playing 10:04 just he's all into it, it's just beautiful. 10:06 My dad but he used to say, 10:09 "If you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly." 10:11 So when he's playing, 10:13 he's not just being a little bear, 10:14 he's being a grizzly, 10:16 he's dominating that instrument. 10:17 But what a gift. 10:18 And thank you, Jaime, for what you do 10:20 for the cause of God. 10:22 So we're going to get back. 10:23 This going to be a great program. 10:24 Oh, yes. 10:26 I'm excited here, let's do it. Yes, I am too. 10:27 And I think before we start, we need to make it clear that 10:30 and we've said this on several programs 10:32 were we talk about this issue, we are looking at sin as sin, 10:37 we are not trying to bash any particular group, 10:40 we're not trying to... 10:41 Right. It's not about that. 10:43 'Cause God loves everybody, God loves us all where we are, 10:49 He just doesn't keep us where we are, praise the Lord. 10:52 So this is about us just really unmasking 10:56 what the devil is trying to do within the churches 10:59 and yet not bash any particular group 11:02 but yeah, speak truth and love. 11:05 And that's what this is about. 11:06 And the reason people have said over the years that 11:09 watch 3ABN that will say, "You're Adventist, 11:10 you seem to harp on the Seventh-day Sabbath," 11:13 we say, "Well, because that's a commandment 11:14 that was forgotten." 11:16 Other words, the world doesn't know 11:18 and the light has to shine on that. 11:21 The commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day 11:23 to keep it holy." 11:24 So if it seems like we're harping, 11:26 we're not doing that but what we're trying 11:28 to let you know that God has given us 11:30 10 commandments not 9 and we're to keep all of those 11:33 and that includes the adultery, and thou shall not kill, 11:37 which is abortion, and adultery also includes 11:40 same sex marriage like gay, homosexual lifestyle, anything. 11:43 So while the church, all of us are aware of well, 11:46 adultery is wrong, you know, in certain forms and things 11:51 that we do whether it's porn and all kinds of things, 11:53 this is all sin. 11:55 But up until recently, up until recently, 11:58 we've not had this problem openly 12:01 where people will say, you know, 12:03 it's like an adulterer to come in and say, 12:04 "Hey, I'm an adulterer, I want to join the church 12:06 or I want to be a in charge of, you know, your church, 12:10 your choir, I'm an adulterer." 12:12 What would we say? 12:13 We would say, "Oh, no, you can't do it." 12:14 But nowadays, for the first time 12:17 in the last few years, people are standing up 12:19 and saying, "I'm a homosexual, I was born that way, 12:22 I love the Lord and I'm a Christian 12:24 or Baptist or Adventist or whatever, 12:26 and I want to be your choir director," 12:28 and people don't want to say anything, 12:30 they're, "Well, you know, I don't know, 12:31 that's different." 12:33 Well, to me, if adultery is wrong, 12:35 a man or a woman that it's the same 12:39 then same sex marriage or homosexuality 12:43 according to the Bible is wrong also. 12:45 So since it's something newer, now I'm sure 12:48 there is always sins always, but newer in the last few years 12:53 that it actually entering in and people are accepting it. 12:56 We have to have people like you to speak out. 12:58 Right. 12:59 What led you to get involved in this whole area? 13:03 Well, over the 70 years ago, the Lord called my wife and I 13:07 into a ministry that actually deals with 13:10 what I called the taboo subject. 13:12 The sexual situations that 13:14 the church cannot shut away from 13:16 and we call it the research and, you know, 13:18 God he calls you, He further equips you. 13:21 And so for some strange reasons, 13:23 He's given me a such a burning desire 13:27 to expose what I call the cannot fit sexuality 13:31 and as I was doing my research I found out that 13:35 a lot of things that we embraced 13:38 as being true, really isn't. 13:41 Such as? 13:42 Well, as far as people being born homosexual, 13:49 if that was true then God made mistake 13:52 because His first commandment to man 13:54 was to be fruitful and multiply. 13:57 And I tell people if God created this separate species 14:00 because He created what we now call heterosexuals 14:04 but He created a species of people 14:07 to have same gender attraction and it came together, 14:10 that species would die 14:12 because they can't be fruitful and multiply. 14:13 And so again, it doesn't make any sense. 14:15 But even more so, 14:18 what I found out in my research was that 14:20 the same sex attraction is not the problem, 14:24 it's the symptom about a deeper problem. 14:26 Okay. 14:27 Most people who have same sexual attraction, 14:30 most people who have sexual issues are individuals 14:33 that have experienced sexual molestation 14:35 when they were little children. 14:37 And so there is a nurturing component 14:39 that we don't talk about. 14:41 And instead of... 14:42 If I worked around with cancer and head all the symptoms, 14:48 people will say well, "No, leave him alone." 14:51 The cancer course they'd try to come up with the cause 14:56 and try to cure me, 14:57 and so my whole point of reference is 14:59 when we talk about homosexuality, 15:01 we look at it as a lifestyle but I tell people 15:05 it's a symptom of people who are hurting, 15:08 people who are broken, and if we really loved them, 15:10 if we really truly want to do what's best for them, 15:13 we would not leave them on to their own, 15:15 we will use the scripture as the means 15:16 of resolving that issue 15:19 because if the issue is resolved 15:21 then the symptom or the attraction 15:22 that's not natural, not normal 15:24 would abate itself automatically. 15:27 And that's what we're trying to do, 15:29 we're trying to educate people to the fact number one, 15:33 it is unnatural attraction, it is an unnatural lifestyle, 15:38 it is not something that we should enable. 15:42 As the matter of fact, the Bible says that, 15:44 if we see somebody that's erring 15:47 and we who know the truth saying nothing about it, 15:49 God said that person is going to will have the consequences 15:53 of their actions of their lifestyle 15:55 but we're going to be held accountable as well. 15:57 It's however... 15:58 if we speak the truth to them and if they embrace it, 16:02 then we have won a soul. 16:03 And we're doing what God has called us to do. 16:07 And so the book really is my responsibility to God 16:12 to speak what I know to be the truth. 16:15 And once I have done that, whatever happens beyond that 16:19 at least God would be the say to me, 16:21 "Well done, good and faithful servant." 16:23 And that's written in the book... 16:25 Okay, so we're going to say upfront 16:28 that you love everybody. 16:31 Have to. 16:32 Homosexuals, alcoholics, drug addicts, 16:34 you love everybody right? 16:36 As a Christian. Yes, sir. 16:37 We have to and we get to. Yes sir. 16:39 The responsibility, but if we love Jesus, 16:42 we love everybody. 16:43 So while we talk, what we're talking about now 16:45 so it's not out of you don't like somebody 16:48 or you're trying to set somebody aside 16:51 but it simply is that whether and we do programs 16:54 on alcoholism here, we do programs on drugs. 16:58 As so we are not saying all these people are terrible, 17:00 we don't like them, we're saying we love you 17:02 that's why we're doing programs to help you 17:05 overcome get victory over certain sense. 17:08 Now are we all sinners sitting right here? 17:10 Yes, I can answer that. 17:11 And then Raymond would agree that we've all committed sins, 17:14 Bible says, "All have sinned, and come short 17:16 of the glory of God." 17:17 So we're not sitting here from perfection or we're perfect... 17:22 So now we're pointing fingers at somebody else, 17:24 nobody's perfect but Jesus. 17:26 But as Christians, 17:28 and as we accept Jesus Christ and Him crucified, 17:31 and it's our duty and our responsibility 17:34 and our privilege to tell the world about Jesus 17:38 and about the deceptions. 17:39 That's what the whole three angels message is about, 17:41 the love of Jesus is in the three angels messages 17:45 but it's a warning message to the world 17:47 that a lot of world doesn't understand Daniel, Revelations 17:50 so as those prophesy is been opened up, 17:53 we can say, "Look at the back of the book. 17:54 Don't be discouraged," we can find that we win 17:57 in the end and they overcame Satan by the blood of the lamb 18:00 and the word of their testimony, so we went. 18:02 But I want to ask you one thing, 18:04 you said what people aren't born that way, 18:06 already a lot of red flags, 18:07 I just talked to people this last week. 18:10 He said, "Well, and they are in our church, 18:12 very well known." 18:13 They said, "Well, we're looking at little differently 18:15 because some of the people from our church and ministries 18:18 have talk to us and they've said that, 18:20 you know, people are born that way 18:21 so we have to treat a little differently." 18:24 And my response and you tell me if I'm right or wrong was, 18:28 "People aren't born that way, 18:30 but you may have a propensity to go one way or the other." 18:34 I'm born what you call would term straight, 18:36 so my propensity would be for women, 18:39 to be attracted to women. 18:41 That's the way God made me if I understand it, 18:43 you're born what you call straight 18:44 so your propensity would be to be attracted to men. 18:48 So but you have a choice 18:50 whether you want to be single all your life, 18:53 whether you wanted to commit adultery 18:55 and have sex not being married 18:57 or whether you wanted to be married 18:58 and the way God wants us to, we have a choice about it. 19:00 So homosexuals isn't that the same way, 19:03 though you have a propensity and you say, 19:06 "Well I was, you know, I'm not attracted," 19:08 that still doesn't give you a license to sin. 19:11 So if you have that tendency, am I correct in saying, 19:14 people who will say, "Well I'm attracted." 19:16 You still according to the Bible, 19:19 can't do that no more than alcoholics says, 19:22 "I have propensity to drink." 19:23 My mother was an alcoholic. 19:24 "So I can drink, the Lord will accept it," am I right? 19:29 Yes, I'm going to go a little deeper. 19:31 There are people who are born 19:33 with all types of abnormal sexual appetites. 19:37 There are individuals who are turned on sexually 19:40 of children, they are pedophiles. 19:43 As a matter of fact, what the pedophile community 19:46 is now saying is, this is a sexual orientation, 19:49 "I was born like this." 19:51 And so they are justifying their attraction to children 19:54 because of the accepting the law about people 19:59 having same gender attraction of being natural and normal. 20:03 There are individuals who are turned on 20:05 by their bodies, 20:06 there are people who are turned on by animals, 20:08 those are all abnormal sexual appetites 20:11 that people may have because of same. 20:15 But it's not a lifestyle, 20:17 it's not a statistic God created, 20:20 sin has come in and corrupted a lot of things 20:23 and that's why it's so important, God says, 20:26 "That you become a new creature," a conversion, 20:29 "All things that have passed away, 20:30 behold all things become new." 20:32 And the Bible says that the only way that you can deal 20:35 with individual that are born in sin and shaped in iniquity 20:39 is telling the truth because only the truth 20:41 will set them free. 20:43 And so individuals that rather use 20:44 the excuse of being born like that 20:46 are immediately go to the fact that the other individuals 20:50 would homosexual appetites in the way 20:53 accept your justification for same gender attraction, 20:56 we must accept their lifestyle as well. 20:59 And of course, no man's going to do all that. 21:00 Yeah. The bottom line is this. 21:03 Yes, there is a movement 21:06 and a lot has been embraced 21:10 as people been born and so forth, 21:12 but I tell people there's more of a concern 21:16 with the agenda not to deal with people 21:20 who so-called are born with an appetite 21:23 or born with a sexual attraction 21:25 but they are now trying to teach our children 21:29 that this is natural and normal, 21:30 they are now trying to get our children 21:32 to embrace this. 21:34 And so you have individuals, children who are born "natural" 21:38 with natural sexual attraction or so forth 21:42 but now they are being molded, they are being manipulated, 21:45 they are being indoctrinated to accept 21:47 the whole different lifestyle or different agenda. 21:50 By whom? 21:52 Basically, by our school system. 21:53 Public school? 21:55 The public school system, and this is what 21:57 people need to understand especially Christians, 21:58 I tell Christians, parents, do not allow your child 22:03 to be taught anything about sexuality by the school system 22:06 because the school system has been taken over 22:10 by a ideology 22:13 that is totally against fundamental Christianity. 22:16 As a matter of fact, 22:18 what they are teaching our kids is 22:20 there is no such thing anymore as just being 22:22 a male or a female 22:25 that the binary gender structure 22:27 that God has created is not being thrown out the window 22:30 and they are telling our children that 22:31 they are as many as 63 or more different genders now. 22:36 As a matter of fact, 22:37 you and I are not considered heterosexual anymore, 22:39 we are called cisgender, C-I-S gender, 22:42 that means that we are individuals 22:45 that have accepted and are identified 22:48 with our birth gender 22:50 and we are attracted to the opposite gender. 22:54 But can you imagine a child who is either male or female 22:59 and they are being taught as early as elementary school 23:02 that there is no such thing as you being boy or girl 23:05 but here's the list of genders that you can choose 23:08 and you may feel like a male today 23:12 but tomorrow you may feel like a female, 23:14 or the next day or next week, 23:15 you maybe feel like neither one. 23:17 And this is what our kids are being taught 23:19 and this is what the enemy is using 23:21 because what we don't understand is, 23:24 it's not about homosexuality or GLBTQ, 23:27 it's a deeper issue, the deeper problem 23:29 because the devils goal is to destroy the family. 23:33 And how do you destroy the family? 23:34 By destroying the biblical structure 23:37 that God has established and it's happening 23:39 right under our noses and we have no idea 23:41 not about the devastation that is causing 23:45 or about the change that 23:47 our world is going to go through 23:49 because now our kids are now being indoctrinated 23:51 to embrace the whole different cannot fit sexuality. 23:54 So within the school 23:56 and this has been a question in mind for a while. 23:59 Who is designing the curriculum 24:03 and how is it able to pass through these school boards? 24:08 Well, as brief as that can go, it's real complicated. 24:15 There's a man by name by Alfred Kinsey, he is the... 24:19 The Kinsey Reports. 24:21 It's a Kinsey Report, and all of these so-called 24:26 comprehensive sex education curriculums 24:29 can be traced back to the Alfred Kinsey ideology 24:34 which states that kids are sexual from the time of birth 24:38 and we should not prevent our children from having sex, 24:41 we should prepare them to have sex. 24:43 And Kinsey's attitude or his ideology says that 24:46 there's no form of sexual activity 24:49 or attraction that's abnormal. 24:51 Anything and everything goes. 24:53 And so what's happening in America is 24:57 the sexual education curriculums 25:00 are reflecting the Kinsey-ian ideology 25:03 which is now corrupting our children 25:06 on a mass scale because the enemy knows 25:09 that majority of our kids goes to public schools. 25:12 And if you want to change nation, 25:14 you must change their children, and the matter of fact, 25:17 let's go back to our scripture, the Bible says that 25:19 the devil was angry with the woman, the church 25:22 and went to make war with remnant of her seed. 25:26 Now we know that, that's telling about 25:27 the remnant people that's part of 25:30 the regional apostolic churches 25:34 that was started right after Christ went back to heaven 25:38 by telling people if you're going to attack 25:41 or corrupt the church, 25:44 the remnant then you know that the best way to do that 25:47 is to attack the children, the seed. 25:51 And so what Satan is doing is he is making sure 25:55 the next 17 or 15 years the church that we see today 25:58 would not be what it would be then 26:01 because he would have corrupted the children 26:04 who are now going to be the next parents 26:06 in the next generation and their ideology 26:09 and their world view is now being shaped 26:13 by the school system, and that's how he is going, 26:16 that's how he is attacking the church. 26:18 And I see it happening because people don't realize... 26:21 Paul said the little leaven will leaven what? 26:24 The whole lump. 26:26 He didn't say a little bit of the lump, 26:27 but he said only a little leaven. 26:29 And I'm saying what's happening now, 26:30 we are being leavened because our kids now 26:34 are teenagers or young adults have grown up in a world 26:37 that's called evil good and good evil, 26:40 and I submit to you that Satan uses sexuality 26:44 as his main weapon because unfortunately, 26:46 when it comes to sexuality, that's the subject 26:50 that we deal least about in the church. 26:53 Corinthians said, you know, people say, 26:54 "Well, all sins are the same and we should all the same." 26:57 I said, "No, the Bible did not say that. 27:00 The Bible says all men are sinned, 27:02 a man commits, a woman commits is outside of the body, 27:05 it says all men are sinned." 27:06 But he says but, which means as exclusion 27:09 but fornication, he says is done against the body. 27:13 And I tell people what my understanding of that was 27:17 God was saying that they are sinned 27:19 outside of the body which is all 27:21 but there's one category sin which is fornication 27:24 or sexual sins that's done against the body. 27:26 I said that, "You are Satan, which category sin 27:29 would you focus on 27:30 that was done against the body." 27:32 So when a person is sexually immoral 27:34 not only is he doing something 27:36 or she is doing against his own body, 27:38 but the body of Christ 27:40 is also now affecting their body. 27:44 And that was happening in a culture. 27:46 In the church, they're not even aware of it. 27:49 There are things happening in our youth, 27:53 it really frustrates me 27:55 because we who have so much truth 28:00 are so impotent when it come to being back this tad of era 28:05 and beating back this tad of promoting immorality 28:09 and in all of our and most of our schools 28:13 in most of our institutes of learning. 28:18 Kids are leaving high school, 28:21 they are going to these institution of high learning 28:24 and their entire biblical world view 28:26 when it comes to sexuality is now being destroyed. 28:29 It's being recreated. And so it's done so well... 28:33 You mean in our schools when they go 28:35 to our schools of high learning? 28:36 Our schools, any Christian school 28:39 because think about this, if Christianity is the light, 28:45 the best way to keep people in darkness 28:47 is to get rid of the light. 28:50 So why will Satan bypass the schools that are secular 28:54 because he already have them. 28:56 His main focus, his demonic focus is 28:59 how can I corrupt the schools of high learning in the church 29:04 is I can do it by introducing again a cannot fit sexuality 29:09 that now people are embracing from the White House 29:12 to the school house. 29:15 And you said early about adultery, 29:19 we're not calling adultery wrong, 29:20 we're not calling lying wrong, we're not calling, you know, 29:22 people who would do other sins wrong 29:25 but when it comes to living a sexual cannot fit, 29:31 we're calling that right. 29:33 And those who trying to speak the truth, 29:34 we're calling them wrong. 29:36 Yeah. 29:37 There's a book that I suggest everybody get, 29:39 it's called After the Ball, 29:41 it's written by two homosexual men, 29:45 one was a special in psychiatry 29:48 and other one with the marketing specialist. 29:51 And their goal is called the gay manifesto. 29:53 People in a homosexual community 29:55 know about this called gay manifesto. 29:58 It was written and released in 1989 30:01 and it was a roadmap of how to get America 30:04 to embrace homosexuality. 30:07 And if you read the book, you see step by step 30:10 how that map has been played to the T 30:13 and everything they say had to be done is being done. 30:17 The only thing that they have lacked, 30:19 they were three institution that is a must be destroyed 30:23 or must be controlled in order to see our goal reached. 30:27 And that was they had to get the medical community 30:31 to embrace the cannot fit sexuality, 30:35 they had to get the government to embrace 30:37 the cannot fit sexuality, and last but not least, 30:39 they get the church to embrace the cannot fit sexuality. 30:43 So in 1973, for the first time, 30:47 they declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. 30:50 Right. 30:52 Without any scientific proof 30:54 or any scientific support whatsoever, it was done 30:58 because of law being in so forth, 30:59 so they get that taken care of, you know, 31:01 the government had not being taking care... 31:05 the Supreme Court says, "We have now confirmed that 31:09 same gender marriage and same gender ideas 31:11 and same gender that is right and proper 31:13 so that the second they've gotten take care of. 31:16 Now they are walking onto church, 31:19 and the church now slowly but surely is being leavened 31:22 because there is not enough people 31:25 to have enough courage and I'm not saying this 31:28 because I'm here in front of you all, 31:30 I applaud you all for doing this. 31:32 I've been before a number of pastors, 31:34 I've been for a number of other organizations, 31:36 church organizations. 31:37 And they're afraid to touch this. 31:39 But unless we speak the truth, 31:41 how are we going to that babies. 31:43 For example, in my book, I talk about the GLBTQ 31:49 but of all those acronyms, 31:51 the most dangerous focus is on the T, the transgender. 31:56 Why? 31:58 Because it's the matter of deception. 32:00 Medical sciences had got to the point now 32:02 where you can tell a fake woman from a fake man. 32:06 If you don't know any difference, 32:08 if you see a beautiful woman, 32:11 I've seen pictures of a fake woman 32:14 that'll make you jump flip to get her. 32:18 To get up with them. 32:20 How could you tell the difference 32:21 so here you are, you think this is a female, 32:24 you falling in love 32:27 and in the marriage night, you found out. 32:29 Uh-oh. Uh-oh. 32:33 And they going so far now where they are now allowing 32:37 these individuals to change their gender 32:39 on their birth certificate. 32:41 Oh my God. Oh, wow! 32:42 So it's a matter of deception that you have no idea 32:45 who or what you're getting involved with. 32:48 So I tell people God is not a God of confusion 32:53 and when you really know what's going on 32:55 in the GLBT movement, the GLBT agenda, 32:58 it's a massive confusion and if God did not lead us, 33:03 the Bible says, "Trust in Lord always 33:04 and lean not to your own understanding, 33:06 please and all your ways acknowledge Him." 33:08 If God did not direct your path, you'll get involved, 33:11 and what's happening people are falling in love 33:16 with these fake individuals 33:20 and something really is interesting, 33:24 once you fall in love, your emotions gain control, 33:29 it disconnects your intellect, it disconnects your reasoning. 33:33 Biochemically, it does that. 33:34 Okay, and so you find yourself doing things with somebody 33:38 you never would have done because you now 33:40 are emotionally involved and the devil knows that 33:44 if he can get people to 33:47 more embrace a lie, then whatever comes after that 33:52 is going to be automatic. 33:54 Sodom and Gomorrah did not become 33:57 Sodom and Gomorrah over night. 33:59 But it got to the point where 34:02 it was a natural phenomenon because the Bible says 34:05 when they tried to gain access to the angels, 34:09 then all the men... 34:12 It wasn't anything abnormal about that, 34:16 it was accepted as being normal. 34:18 And that's where we're going now in a miracle. 34:21 Because enough truth is not being spoken. 34:23 And at the church, the problem we run into though 34:26 and this is people that I have been dealing with 34:28 and talking about, 34:30 they say, "Well, this is a little different situation 34:33 because we are running our homosexual youth 34:39 out of the church, 34:41 we're causing them to go act on their desires 34:43 because we don't accept them. 34:46 So by not accepting them, we're actually hurting them, 34:49 so now we've got clubs and we have in our universities 34:52 and around our schools." 34:54 They say, "Look, you can be homosexual, 34:59 you can have meat on your on the campus, 35:02 you can have your own Sabbath school 35:04 or whatever you want to have and you can talk about openly 35:08 that you are homosexual, you just can't act on it 35:10 here on campus. 35:12 The same as a young male that says, 35:15 "You know, I'm heterosexual, I'm single," 35:17 but you can't act that out 35:19 if you have, say, "Hey, I go out on the weekends 35:22 or I go with women and do whatever." 35:24 So they're saying to be fair, so we have to... 35:26 what we're doing is we're allowing these people 35:29 their freedom but then we have, you know, 35:32 to be who they are and say who they are. 35:33 But then we have ministries like Coming Out Ministries, 35:37 who also says, "Well, since that's so open 35:41 and you're allowing this, how about allowing us 35:43 to come in and be on campus and tell people, 35:47 show people from the Bible and from our own experience 35:50 because they are all former homosexuals gay and lesbian, 35:55 how you can overcome and get victory over," 35:57 so what I'm saying the problem is the support 36:01 by the educational system and other churches 36:05 as well as ours now, is not to help people 36:07 get victory over the sin but it's to make sure that 36:11 they're treated fairly and they're accepted 36:14 and nothing... 36:16 so they come from a different term 36:19 when you find out from educational leaders 36:22 and people, you know, in the church as well, 36:24 this is a different situation, we want to be fair 36:27 and we don't want to be their cause of these people, 36:30 you know, running these young teenagers 36:31 if we don't accept them. 36:33 So what I read the president of one of the gay clubs 36:37 in one of our university said, "I'm so thankful that 36:41 our university has accepted us 36:45 and to allow us to, you know..." 36:47 She actually said to take our gender 36:50 to the largest... 36:51 And advertise. 36:52 And to advertise, but that's one good step. 36:56 But the next step is the church has to accept us as we are. 37:00 So there is where it's going. 37:03 Again when people don't know the truth, 37:05 they accept all types of error. 37:08 The truth is, again, 37:10 God did not create a separate species. 37:14 The truth is, again, individuals, most individuals 37:18 who have that desire if traced back were molested, 37:23 they have a unresolved childhood trauma, 37:28 and you have found the people who living like that 37:32 and to able to them to remain and embrace the law 37:35 is not loving them is being part 37:37 of the satanic endeavor to keep them in bondage. 37:41 I submit to you that when we speak the truth, 37:47 again, the devil's going to come back at us 37:49 and try to call us homophobic 37:52 or bigoted and as a matter of fact, 37:54 that's part of the agenda in that book. 37:57 They made a statement that in order for us 37:59 to overcome the church, 38:01 we must need to do one of two things, 38:03 we must have them embrace what we're doing, 38:06 which is what's happening on some into the spectrum 38:08 or we must vilify them. 38:11 So we can shut them up. 38:12 And my whole point of reference is this. 38:17 If you embrace the law about same gender attraction 38:22 being right and proper, then you must also be ready 38:27 to accept the consequences which is... 38:30 and I wrote it in the book, they are now testing on 38:35 how to create male sperm cells from bone marrow 38:42 so that same gender lesbian couples 38:44 can have a child without a male. 38:47 They are now trying to investigate, 38:53 instead or how to actually have the womb transplants, 38:57 so a transgender woman which really is male 39:01 can now have a womb transplanted into him, 39:04 so he can now have a child. 39:06 Whenever you embrace error, 39:08 then you must embrace the consequences of that. 39:12 Interesting, we go through the scriptures 39:17 and God talks about Sodom and Gomorrah 39:20 in the cities around them. 39:22 When just Sodom and Gomorrah, they were destroyed, 39:24 sin is around them. 39:25 And what may call the homosexuality is 39:27 because of unrighteousness. 39:29 When Abraham asked God, "God, if they are fitted people 39:33 found in all this big metropolitan area 39:36 that are righteous, will you still destroy?" 39:38 God said, "I won't, I won't destroy." 39:39 He went down, down, down up to 10 39:41 which include Lot and his family. 39:42 He said, "Lord, if you found 10 people, 39:44 will you destroy them now?" 39:45 "No, you find 10 people." 39:47 I'll tell people, Sodom and Gomorrah 39:49 was not destroyed because of the homosexuality, 39:51 it destroyed because of the lack of righteousness. 39:56 But then lack of righteousness was manifested 39:58 or shown by the level of sexual deviancy 40:02 that they had risen to. 40:03 Okay, that's good. 40:04 That's what happening in America 40:06 because it became more and more unrighteous, 40:08 we see now the element of sexual immorality 40:11 being elevated and accepted more and more and more. 40:13 And so why will I... 40:16 A child of the kin who was so appreciative 40:20 of God bring me out of darkness and to the mortal life, 40:23 he could have left me like I was doomed. 40:26 Why will I... 40:27 And I appreciate what He did for me, 40:30 when I see other people 40:32 who are now in darkness, 40:34 who are now in bondage, 40:35 and I know their life there, I know their decision, 40:38 I know what they're embracing is not truth. 40:42 Why will I be saddened about that? 40:44 I submit to you what's happening, 40:46 what people don't realize is a lot of those professors 40:50 and a lot of those individuals who were higher up, 40:53 who are saying, 40:54 "Well, we wanted to support them and so forth." 40:57 They are part of the agenda 40:59 because everything that glittering ain't gold. 41:01 And what we're finding out is a great majority of individuals 41:06 in a church who are embracing the error 41:11 is only because they had not been told the truth. 41:15 When I look at and one of the things 41:18 that the Lord has blessed me to do is 41:21 I've talked with a number of... 41:23 everyone, the original founders of Coming Out Ministry. 41:26 And every one of them can trace their childhood 41:30 of being broken, of being molested, 41:33 of being abnormal, ever less one of them. 41:36 But I've spoken to other people 41:38 who had the same story. 41:43 Where would they be if they were allowed 41:47 not to hear the truth? 41:49 And this is something else that people need to understand, 41:54 it is the devil's goal 41:58 to keep truth from being spoken 42:01 because he knows what truth would do. 42:05 We should never refrain from speaking the truth, 42:09 no matter what the consequence 42:12 because our goal is to speak the truth, 42:15 the consequences are now up to God. 42:18 God can do things that we wouldn't even know 42:20 that He can do. 42:21 But if we refrain from speaking the truth, 42:24 not only but those that are now claiming 42:27 to be homosexual remain homosexual 42:29 but now it was happening, 42:32 a lot of individuals who are homosexuals, 42:35 now target those individuals who are not. 42:38 And so not only are you having people living a law 42:42 but now they are now attacking, 42:44 they're bringing others who are naive, 42:47 who are unlearned, who are unaware, 42:50 they are bringing them now into this 42:51 because what they found out is this, 42:54 if a person's first sexual experience 42:56 is what someone of the same gender, 42:59 it messes their orientation, it messes them up. 43:02 The devil knows that. 43:04 As the matter of fact, I tell parents of young girls, 43:08 one of the most unaddressed, 43:12 unspoken dangers in America 43:17 is women's sports. 43:19 They have no idea how widespread 43:23 and how rapid lesbianism is in women's sports. 43:27 Across the board. Across the board. 43:29 And a lot about girls who are talented 43:32 are being brought into that a lot of those young ladies 43:36 are now being hid upon and being approached 43:39 by individuals who are living in that life. 43:43 Like cultures and... 43:44 Cultures, players, as the matter of fact, 43:47 there are some players who went 43:48 to the women's professional sport 43:52 and left because they said, 43:53 "For me to stay there, I'll be ruined." 43:56 It is so much that we can't talk about 43:59 because of the time but my point is this, 44:05 no time should truth be withheld. 44:09 If we speak the truth and we must speak against those 44:14 who are speaking against the truth as well 44:17 because again if I'm in error 44:23 and no one tell me about the error, 44:25 then I'm going to always embrace error. 44:28 And God said, "I've come to set free those 44:30 who are captive." 44:32 I'll submit that if we get farther and farther 44:36 the Christ return, the Bible says, 44:39 "As there was in the days of Noah, 44:41 so shall it be in the second coming 44:43 of the Son of man." 44:44 I submit that it's not a matter of if, 44:47 it's a matter of when, it's come forth to where 44:51 you won't be able to even speak and get to... 44:52 like it is in Canada. 44:54 You can't go to Canada 44:56 and preach a sermon against homosexuality. 44:58 That's right. You get thrown in jail. 44:59 That's right. It's coming to America. 45:00 Can't have it on television? 45:02 No, because that's how far it's going to go. 45:05 So we have a window of opportunity 45:08 to speak the truth to help people understand 45:12 what God can do for them 45:14 and if we don't take advantage of it, 45:18 not only will they be lost 45:20 but God could hold us accountable as well. 45:22 And I'm not going to be one of those in that number. 45:25 You know... Go. No, go ahead. 45:29 It's so interesting how this the paradigm has shifted, 45:32 you know, like, now when Danny was talking 45:36 about alcoholism, fornication, 45:40 and all these other sins 45:43 and placed homosexuality in that category, 45:48 there are going to be a lot of people watching 45:49 and will be like, "It's not equal to alcoholism," 45:53 you know, it's because it is now accepted 45:59 as part of the norm. 46:00 And when you mentioned, Brother Raymond, 46:02 about the three areas in After the Ball 46:07 that have to be addressed in order to push forward 46:11 the agenda, the medical, the government, and the church. 46:15 And those three things pushing forward that agenda... 46:20 if those three things are at check... 46:21 Not to mention the politics. 46:22 That's the government, right? Yeah. 46:24 Those three things, you know, if they are not addressed, 46:28 it can't be pushed forth but they are being addressed. 46:31 And in the church, we see it, 46:33 Danny and I talk about it a lot, 46:34 we see what's going on in our churches 46:38 and our schools. 46:39 Pastors are wanting to marry same sex couples. 46:44 It's like it's so twisted in that 46:51 if we have truth 46:53 then how are we going to disclose our eyes and say, 46:56 "Well, it must be okay 'cause it's the law now." 46:59 Yes. It must be okay. 47:00 God's law that means that when Sunday "sacredness" 47:05 is really promoted, we're going to say, 47:07 "Well, it's the law." 47:08 Yeah. Why not. 47:10 Absolutely. Why not. 47:11 Absolutely, good point. 47:12 But how smart of it was when I'm talking about politics 47:15 specifically not just pushed from the government 47:18 but into the church because when the church 47:21 how smart ever it was that the homosexual community 47:25 to tie themselves to the civil rights movement. 47:30 Yvonne talks about that because now 47:32 there are many, many blacks within the church 47:35 that who will support people who are supportive 47:39 whether it's candidates or people running 47:41 that same sex marriage, for instance, 47:45 we can talk about its past now like when Hillary ran 47:48 she says, if you look at her video, 47:50 I think it's August 15th, 2015, 47:53 she's talking to a bunch of people 47:55 about abortion and related to same sex marriage 47:58 and she said, "When I get elected", 48:00 it was a smaller group, "When I get elected, churches" 48:04 and I may paraphrase a little bit 48:05 but you can look at up. 48:06 "Churches will have to get rid of their age old traditions 48:10 to make way for the new movement 48:13 for this freedom." 48:14 So she's saying that if churches, for instance, 48:18 don't accept the abortion and the same sex marriage 48:21 especially same sex marriage that, for instance, 48:23 "If we have a pastor then you fire that pastor, 48:25 you have a teacher in a Christian university, 48:28 we'll take your nonprofit status 48:30 away from you." 48:31 So that's where it's going 48:33 and yet I've talked to people who said... 48:36 And they're openly were voting and I said, 48:38 "But don't you understand the reality of this." 48:41 "Well, you know, the other candidate's bad." 48:43 And Yvonne and I wouldn't vote for either one, 48:44 we don't mind people saying... 48:46 people died for your right to vote 48:48 but also for not to vote if you didn't think 48:50 there was a good choice. 48:51 You did better or not, she said you voted 48:53 and you voted for Jesus Christ, you know. 48:55 I think I'm going to do that. That's good. 48:56 I'm going to do that. I like that. 48:57 I'm going to do that myself the next time. 49:00 But what happens people are saying, you know, 49:02 in our black churches particularly, 49:06 I'm sure all way around but there seems to be 49:09 a tremendous amount of people who are saying, 49:12 "But we're going to go with this 49:13 because this is, you know, 49:15 we don't want this other party." 49:17 And so we're not republican or a democrat 49:19 but I'm just telling you, what bothers me 49:21 I wouldn't care if it's republicans doing up, 49:24 is people willing to put their politics above God's law. 49:29 When you're so... if you're white or black 49:30 or if you're republican or democrat, 49:32 doesn't make any difference but when we say, 49:34 "Well, look, I'm going to put this person in 49:37 'cause I think they'll treat people better, 49:39 minorities or whatever better, 49:41 I'm going to vote to put them in." 49:43 And I don't really support same sex marriage 49:45 and I don't support abortion but you do 49:48 because when the end result is, it's going to come back on us. 49:52 As a church, when we put people like that 49:54 are openly, blatantly saying whether any party 49:57 or independent, we put them into office 50:00 and we're part of it, they're going to take away 50:02 our nonprofit status, 50:04 they're going to take away our rights as a church 50:06 to say this is sin and call sin for what it is, 50:08 am I right? 50:10 You're absolutely right. 50:11 And I tell people this, those who know prophecy 50:16 realize that this country called America 50:21 has never been what we promoted to be. 50:24 The Bible says, "There's a lamb like beast." 50:27 I've being doing some studying, there's some things 50:29 about the famine of America. 50:31 People should have definitely knew about it 50:32 but the bottom line is this, 50:34 the closer we get to the coming of our Lord 50:37 and Savior Jesus Christ, the hard it's going to be 50:40 to vote for anybody because the devil 50:44 is slowly taking over to this world 50:47 and the people he's putting in place 50:49 are individuals that not going to be promoting righteousness 50:52 they'll be promoting unrighteousness. 50:54 As the matter of fact, you know, 50:55 everybody is celebrating the fact that Oprah may run. 50:58 I tell people she's going to be worse than Obama 51:02 because Oprah is not only supporting... 51:06 I'm not politically correct, I'm biblically correct. 51:08 Yeah. Okay, good. 51:11 Abortion is responsible for the deaths 51:15 of more people of color 51:18 than all other forms of death combined. 51:22 If you take accidents, you take suicides, 51:25 you take diseases, combined 51:27 abortion kills more people in color. 51:29 And what's happening, 51:31 it anaphor a culture to maintain itself, 51:34 it has to have like 2.3 babies per couple. 51:38 The devil knows that if he can lower that 51:41 that culture eventually would die. 51:44 And so at one time, in New York, 51:46 there are more babies of color aborted than brought to term. 51:50 Wow. 51:51 And if we go back to Margaret Sanger 51:53 who is the originator of planned parenthood 51:58 and we heard gender and so forth, 51:59 you know that was hetero gender is being relaped, 52:03 the bottom line is this, 52:07 if we people of light wouldn't know the big picture, 52:13 the big picture is great controversy, Satan, 52:19 unrighteousness, evil, 52:20 is better against righteousness, goodness, 52:24 in order for sent to get to the point 52:26 where you can't buy or sell. 52:29 The government is going to have to be a government 52:32 that ran not for the good of the church 52:35 but the good of the world. 52:37 And so to embrace any party, to even believe that 52:43 government is the answer, is ignorance 52:45 because the Bible had not told us that. 52:47 The Bible is saying that they are not for us, 52:50 they are against us. 52:51 The church is supposed to be the beacon of light, 52:54 we're supposed to be the one 52:55 that is influencing the government 52:57 but we're allowing government to influence us. 52:59 Government says, "Okay, you accept this." 53:01 We accept it. 53:03 Government says, "You accept that," 53:04 we accept it. 53:05 We don't speak against it. 53:07 If the church will stand up and call sin by his name, 53:10 no matter what would take place, 53:12 the influence on the government 53:13 would be a blessing not a curse. 53:16 But people want to feel comfortable, 53:18 and this is one thing that I like 53:22 to talk about in my book. 53:25 There's so much going on behind closed doors 53:29 to push this agenda, of the GLBTQ 53:33 because again, my brother and sister, 53:36 it is the perfect storm to destroy the family structure 53:42 that is the building block of the church. 53:46 If you destroy the foundation, you have no church. 53:49 Absolutely. And so when you have... 53:53 I have a presentation that showing a video 53:56 of a transgender male and a transgender female. 53:59 Transgender female is really a male, 54:01 a transgender male is really a female, 54:03 they married each other, and so the father 54:09 who is a transgender male kept her reproductive organs 54:14 and so the mother who is really the male 54:18 impregnated the fake father and so the kids are now 54:22 being birth by their father. 54:24 Wow. 54:26 If they're in confusion, I don't know what it is? 54:27 Yeah. Yeah, it is. I'm getting dizzy. 54:31 I tell people those precious children 54:35 are grown up in a home where their gender recognition 54:42 and the whole focus on family 54:45 has now being totally obliterated. 54:47 And so they are now going to raise the kids 54:50 is now telling what's going to happen. 54:51 But this is the culture that our kids are now 54:54 being brought up in... 54:56 I'm from North Carolina 54:58 and our capital is Charlotte, North Carolina, 55:01 they're the one that started this whole thing 55:03 with the change in the bathroom and what have you. 55:06 But in some of the school systems 55:08 they're told not to call the kids 55:10 male or female anymore, call them students or scholars. 55:14 So a little girl who feels like she is a little boy 55:18 would not be offended. 55:20 And I'm telling Christian parents 55:24 if they don't get a handle, 55:26 if they don't put forth the effort 55:28 to learn about this agenda, what's being taught, 55:31 what's being indoctrinated, they will lose their child. 55:34 Absolutely. 55:35 What we're going to have to do, 55:36 we're going to take a short break. 55:38 But we want to make sure we get you dress up 55:39 in just a moment. 55:40 But I thank, again, we're talking about 55:42 the bottom line, Satan, one thing he can't do, 55:43 he's loosed on this earth. 55:45 But what he can do is create or procreate and he hates that 55:49 and he's making a mockery of God's creation 55:52 by what is happening here in America 55:54 and around the world. 55:55 So what we like to do, 55:57 we're going put up your address 55:58 'cause we want folks to be able to write to you and say 55:59 want this book and this is what every Adventist should know 56:03 about GLBTQ, 56:05 I would cross that out and put whatever Christian should know 56:08 'cause about 98% of our viewing audience 56:11 are not Seventh-day Adventists but this applies to you, 56:14 no matter what church you go to. 56:15 So we would suggest that you get this book 56:18 and you may get it by contacting at this address. 56:24 Securing Hope Ministry serves the body of Christ 56:27 by exposing the lie about human sexuality 56:31 that has become the belief of many Christians 56:33 and our society. 56:34 They do this by presenting seminars 56:36 on human sexuality from a biblical basis, 56:39 designed especially for youth ages 12 and up, 56:43 their parents and the single population 56:45 of the church, visit their website, 56:48 for more information 56:51 or call them at (336) 405-8079. 56:57 You may also write to them at Securing Hope Ministry, 57:01 3211 Wodlea Dr. Greensboro, 57:04 North Carolina, 27406. 57:09 Danny, I can't believe our time is up. 57:10 I know, I know. 57:12 There's so much more, we going to have him back... 57:14 Yes. 57:15 And cover a lot more that I mean amazing topic 57:17 and so needed for the church today. 57:20 Absolutely, and you have another book, excuse me called 57:23 The Two Voices of Gay Christians. 57:25 And I think it's important for our viewers to know that 57:29 and to get that book as well. 57:31 You have his address, please invite Raymond King 57:34 to come to your church and minister there, 57:36 this information is priceless. 57:38 Thank you so much for being with us. 57:40 Thank you for having me. And for sharing. 57:41 Thank you for having me. 57:43 I know it's a blessing and what you're doing is 57:44 so much needed, we're thankful that 57:47 you're willing to stand up and tell the truth in Jesus. 57:50 We're also thankful for Yvonne and viewers and our supporters 57:54 those who pray for us and support us financially 57:58 and thank you so much for what you for the cause of God. 58:00 But as you said our time is all gone for the day, 58:02 so until we see you next time, may the Lord richly bless you 58:05 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think. |
Revised 2018-01-31