Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY018004B
00:01 I'm excited that we've had this time
00:02 with Sergio Bellino and, Sergio, 00:06 I just want to give you a moment for our final thought 00:08 because God has done so much with your life. 00:11 You were a little reluctant along the way 00:14 till you learned to die daily and surrender control to Him. 00:17 You know what? 00:19 One thing that really strikes me is, 00:21 we should not fear for the future. 00:23 A lot of people ask me, 00:24 "Sergio, what's after Munguluni? 00:25 Why you've left everything? 00:27 I mean, what are you gonna do, what about your kids?" 00:28 And I say, "Well, all I have to do 00:30 is look at how God has guided me in the past." 00:33 And I should not fear for the future. 00:35 And I've also learned, and I'll say it again. 00:39 God really calls us to be... 00:41 He calls us to be faithful, not successful. 00:45 While you're faithful and you're successful, 00:46 that's a bonus, you know, enjoy it. 00:49 But that success then we will be 00:51 because God wants to bless other people through you. 00:54 But being faithful, you know, being willing to go 00:58 where God calls you to go 01:01 and it doesn't have to be to the other side of the world. 01:04 If that's what God calls you to go, 01:06 you know, go, do it. 01:08 But it could be a neighbor right next door 01:10 that He might be calling you to help. 01:13 So that would be my final thought 01:19 related to faithfulness. 01:21 Well, I'm just so glad that God reached you. 01:25 He's been chasing you down. 01:26 He reached you. He has been. 01:28 And He has given you a very satisfying life, 01:30 a life where his children and his wife 01:34 are so much happier. 01:35 And you have a mission minded wife as well, 01:37 so God bless her. 01:39 Thank you so much for being with us today. 01:41 And for those of you at home, we thank you for joining us. 01:45 Our prayer for you 01:46 is that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 01:49 the love of the Father, 01:50 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 01:52 will be yours today and every day 01:56 for the rest of your life. 01:57 Thank you again for joining us. Bye-bye. |
Revised 2018-01-31