3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018003A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We are so glad that you're joining us again.
01:15 Excuse me if my voice is a little froggy.
01:17 But just wanted to take this opportunity
01:20 to thank you so much
01:21 for your love, and your prayers,
01:23 and your financial support of this ministry.
01:26 We have an exciting guest and an exciting topic.
01:30 We gonna hear a testimony,
01:31 and we'll also hear
01:35 some really good prophetic information.
01:38 Before I introduce our guest,
01:40 I wanted to read to you Daniel 2:22.
01:43 This is where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.
01:47 He was the king of Babylon.
01:49 He had this dream actually that God gave him
01:52 and nobody can interpret it,
01:54 but Daniel the prophet stood up and said,
01:57 "Bless be the name of the Lord because God can interpret."
02:00 And in verse 22, he says, He speaking of God,
02:05 "Reveals deep and secret things,
02:08 He knows what is in the darkness,
02:10 and light dwells with him."
02:11 Do you realize in 150 words,
02:14 Daniel interprets this dream
02:18 that covers 2,500 years of earth's history
02:23 starting with Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
02:27 divided Rome which is what we call.
02:29 Today, we call that modern Europe,
02:32 and it was these prophecies of the Book of Daniel
02:37 that convinced Sir Isaac Newton,
02:39 that the Bible was absolute truth.
02:44 And it also,
02:46 it's the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
02:50 that convinced our guest today
02:52 that the Bible is the Word of God.
02:54 Let me introduce you to Jason D. Morgan.
02:58 Jason, we are so glad that you're here with us today.
03:01 Thank you for having. Glad to be here.
03:03 Well, you are with the North Pacific Union Conference.
03:06 That's right. What do you do within?
03:08 Well, there's two evangelists
03:09 that work for the North Pacific Union Conference,
03:11 Brian McMahon and myself, so we do full time evangelism.
03:14 Praise the Lord.
03:16 And I want to ask you, don't let me forget to ask you
03:18 before the end of this program
03:20 about the effectiveness of public evangelism
03:23 'cause I know we're gonna talk about your testimony
03:26 and about a book that you've recently written.
03:29 And this is something that is very exciting.
03:31 I'm just gonna tease to the book.
03:33 The name of the book is, "The Islam Distraction".
03:38 Now, that ought to peak your curiosity,
03:41 but before we begin,
03:43 I know this is your first visit to 3ABN,
03:46 but you watch 3ABN all the time,
03:48 so you know that we like to begin with music.
03:50 Absolutely.
03:52 And so we want to invite our guest
03:54 who is going to sing a beautiful song for us,
03:57 and this is Pam Lister.
03:58 She will sing, "Written in Red".
04:14 In letters of crimson
04:19 God wrote His love
04:23 On the hillside so long
04:27 Long ago
04:31 For you and for me
04:36 Jesus died
04:41 Love's greatest story
04:46 Was told
04:52 I love you
04:57 I love you
05:02 That's what
05:05 Calvary said
05:11 I love you
05:16 I love you
05:23 I love you
05:26 Written in red
05:40 Down through the ages
05:44 God wrote His love
05:49 With the same hands that suffered
05:54 And bled
05:58 Giving all
06:03 That he had to give
06:07 A message
06:09 So easily read
06:16 I love you
06:21 I love you
06:26 That's
06:28 What Calvary said
06:35 I love you
06:39 I love you
06:46 I love you
06:52 Oh, precious
06:56 Is the flow
07:01 That makes me
07:05 White as snow
07:11 No other fount
07:16 I know
07:19 Nothing
07:21 But the blood of Jesus
07:28 I love you
07:32 I love you
07:37 That's what
07:40 Calvary said
07:46 I love you
07:51 I love you
07:58 I love you
08:01 Written
08:07 In red
08:28 How precious.
08:30 What a beautiful song,
08:31 the words to that when we think about it.
08:33 That is the message of Calvary.
08:36 I love you, written in red, and we thank Pam Lister.
08:39 We were just commenting how easy her delivery is,
08:43 it's just out preciousness to it.
08:46 So thank you very much.
08:48 Well, if you are just joining us,
08:50 our special guest today is,
08:52 Jason D, I want to make sure I got that D in there,
08:55 Jason D, Morgan,
08:56 and he is a full time evangelist
08:58 for the North Pacific Union Conference.
09:00 He also has ministry of his own which is, Prophetic Facts.
09:06 That's right.
09:07 And, so we're gonna talk about that a little more.
09:10 But before we jump into what you're currently doing,
09:16 I always am so thrilled to hear
09:21 how God reaches people.
09:23 How He reaches down and touches you.
09:26 Not only did you go
09:27 through a conversion in your life
09:29 'cause you didn't grow up
09:31 in the typical Christian atmosphere.
09:35 But not only not did God convert you,
09:37 but He called you to ministry, so back us up,
09:40 tell us about your childhood?
09:41 Well, I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.
09:45 I had three brothers
09:47 and I credit my mother
09:48 for instilling in us principles,
09:51 you know, Christian principles
09:52 but my father wasn't a believer.
09:55 And he was in the military.
09:57 He was a demolition specialist in Vietnam.
09:59 He was a Green Beret.
10:01 So he saw a lot of action there.
10:03 Yes. Lot of...
10:05 Devastating events.
10:07 Exactly it was,
10:08 and so, you know, we grew up in a divided home.
10:13 And where were you in the pecking order?
10:15 Three. You were the third son.
10:17 I had two older brothers. Okay.
10:19 Yeah, and so, you know,
10:21 I grew up in a home
10:23 where there's just a lot of fighting,
10:26 and a lot of battles and they eventually divorced.
10:29 And, but, you know,
10:31 it wasn't until my brother passed away
10:32 in a car accident.
10:34 Then I really stopped to really think about
10:36 my future and eternal life.
10:39 I looked up to him, we're year and a half apart.
10:41 And how old was he when...?
10:43 He was 17 when he passed away. Seventeen?
10:45 Tell us that story?
10:46 Well, he had friends.
10:49 They're on their way to a party,
10:50 a weekend party.
10:52 And I wanted to go.
10:53 And his friends...
10:55 And then you are not quite 15.
10:56 Not quite 15 and, you know, I just wanted to be with them,
11:00 you know. And it was fun.
11:02 And I got in the vehicle with him,
11:03 and they're about to drive out of the driveway,
11:05 my mother came outside and, you know, she said,
11:07 "You're not old enough to go away for the weekend.
11:10 You need to get out of the truck."
11:12 And of course, I said,
11:13 "No, I wanted to be there, I wanted to go."
11:15 So I put up a fight like any teenager would.
11:18 And she was very persistent but I felt this conviction,
11:23 "Get out of the truck, don't go."
11:25 And I was fighting that.
11:27 And eventually, you know, my mother won.
11:29 I got out reluctantly and they took off.
11:34 And a few hours later we got the news
11:36 that they were driving on a country road
11:40 and they were passing up a hay truck.
11:42 And they were going about 90 miles per hour
11:43 and they went through a caution line section.
11:47 And they hit a vehicle head on going 90 miles per hour
11:50 and it killed all three of them in that crash.
11:52 And that really allowed me to think about,
11:56 you know, I looked up to him so much
11:58 that how mortal I was,
12:00 you know, how important life is as a gift.
12:01 Did you see
12:03 that God had spared your life then or,
12:05 how does that something that as you look back on it?
12:09 Well, initially it was so devastating
12:11 to lose someone you love that I wasn't thinking that.
12:13 But, you know, after the funeral and hindsight,
12:15 I begin to realize that God was speaking to me.
12:18 You know, He was wanting me to get out of the truck,
12:19 He had something that He wanted me to do
12:22 and I didn't know that at the time.
12:24 But in hindsight, yes, God was,
12:26 He was speaking to my conscience.
12:28 Yeah. And I'm glad I responded.
12:29 Oh, amen. Amen.
12:32 So, then you began, did you go to college,
12:37 or did you begin your working career,
12:39 what did you do with your life?
12:40 Well, it was such a blow to the family,
12:42 we decided,
12:43 my mother raised all four of us by herself
12:46 for the most part.
12:47 And she decided,
12:48 she wanted to move out of that environment.
12:50 So we moved to Dallas, Texas. Okay.
12:53 And I started going to school there.
12:55 Didn't have many friends
12:56 because I was about 16 at the time.
12:59 I was looking for discipline in my life.
13:02 I wanted discipline
13:03 and I found it in weightlifting,
13:06 competitive body building.
13:08 So for the next five years from that point on,
13:10 I graduated from high school
13:12 and started a career in competitive body building.
13:15 That's interesting.
13:16 You know, I don't,
13:18 I guess I never really contemplated
13:20 the idea of somebody just saying,
13:21 "Hey, I'm gonna do this as a career."
13:23 But it was a career for you.
13:25 For me at the time, it was something that I needed.
13:27 I needed something to keep me focused.
13:29 And I enjoyed weightlifting, I enjoyed athletics
13:32 and, you know, one thing led to another
13:34 and I just began and become consumed with it
13:37 and started competing.
13:39 And it was five years into that
13:42 is when really the Lord began to give me,
13:45 you know,
13:47 He began to come into my life in a very powerful way.
13:50 Praise God. Yeah.
13:51 So continue your journey
13:52 from weightlifting in five years.
13:54 What was next?
13:56 Well, weightlifting after my competition,
13:58 I worked as correctional officer
14:00 in the prison system.
14:02 And I would work the picket,
14:04 I take inmates in and out of their cell to do,
14:08 you know, they call housecleaning
14:10 where they go and they look for contraband
14:11 and I would work a rotating shift,
14:13 and I remember taking
14:15 some inmates that want to go to the library.
14:16 They had to be escorted.
14:18 So I took them to library and I found a book.
14:20 I was working in the night shift.
14:22 And when you work in the night shift,
14:24 you do your rounds
14:25 but you have a lot of time
14:26 to read or to do whatever you do.
14:28 And, so they were checking books
14:30 out for the night and I found a book
14:31 that caught my attention.
14:33 It was just a book on prophecy,
14:34 and I took it to the picket and I began to read it.
14:37 And a little background,
14:40 a local Seventh-day Adventist
14:41 had donated some books to the prison.
14:43 Yes.
14:44 And I picked one book that was going over.
14:48 As you mentioned Daniel 2,
14:49 lot of the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7
14:51 and Revelation 13.
14:53 And I was just convicted and convinced
14:56 on the validity of Bible prophecy.
14:58 I had never in my life seen something so accurate...
15:02 That God can predict, not just the future,
15:05 not just kingdoms and time prophecies,
15:06 but even acts of individuals...
15:08 Amen.
15:10 Thousands of years in advance. I was overwhelmed.
15:13 So reading that book really got my attention on scripture.
15:16 I was convinced
15:18 that the Bible was inspired by God.
15:20 So I went back to the library.
15:22 After I finished that book, another night,
15:24 take another inmate to the library and I found...
15:27 You finished the book in one night?
15:30 It was about two days. Okay.
15:31 Yeah, in about two days I finished the book.
15:32 It was a short book.
15:34 But the next book caught my attention
15:36 just a title on the back spine of the book,
15:39 The Desire of Ages.
15:41 And I said to myself,
15:43 "I wonder what this book is all about?"
15:44 So I took the book off the shelf,
15:46 went into the picket,
15:47 began to read the first chapter.
15:50 And I just could not put the book down.
15:51 Praise God.
15:53 It was an amazing book on the life of Christ.
15:55 Every chapter, I see my life was changing.
15:58 And I was raised in the home with my father.
16:01 And his influence that, you know, you just don't cry.
16:04 You know what I mean? Yeah, you're a man.
16:06 Yeah, you don't cry and military background
16:08 and I tell you, I was fighting the tears
16:10 because here's the Son of God leaving His throne
16:15 and coming down to this earth
16:17 and giving His life as a sacrifice for our sins.
16:20 Taking what we deserve,
16:22 you know, that we might have what He deserves.
16:24 It's just amazing and it convicted me.
16:28 I was eating six to eight meals a day.
16:31 High protein, carbs,
16:33 you know, body building, it's vein sport.
16:36 You eat a lot of food,
16:37 you're going to gym
16:39 so that you can look better than the next guy, you know.
16:42 And as I was reading this book
16:44 and following the life of Jesus.
16:46 I became convicted
16:48 that my hobby was self centered.
16:51 Amen.
16:52 You know, yeah, and, you know, in that book
16:55 I think we're told
16:56 the worth of a soul in comparison with it,
16:59 world's sink into insignificance.
17:02 I just could not believe
17:03 that God would value humanity that much
17:07 that He would give His only begotten Son
17:09 that we may have eternal lives.
17:10 So that book,
17:12 when I finished the book, it was over.
17:13 I was broken.
17:15 I accepted Jesus as my personal savior.
17:17 Praise God.
17:19 So did you know it was written by a Seventh-day Adventist?
17:23 Or how did you come
17:24 into the Seventh-day Adventist church?
17:25 I did know.
17:27 Actually my mother had
17:28 a set of Conflict of The Ages series.
17:30 Yeah, so I was aware.
17:31 So your mom was Seventh-day Adventist?
17:33 She had Seventh-day Adventist background.
17:35 Okay. All right, so you were aware.
17:37 And then how did you then trek...
17:40 You accepted Christ as your personal savior?
17:43 Right.
17:44 How did you then end up in the church?
17:47 Well, the book was donated
17:49 by a local Seventh-day Adventist.
17:50 Okay.
17:51 And he was giving Bible studies at the prison.
17:54 So he, I got to know him working at the prison.
17:57 So he invited me to the local church,
17:59 and as I went to the local church
18:01 at that time,
18:02 I began to worship with them
18:03 and learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist faith
18:07 and, you know, what we believe.
18:09 And that's how I got involved.
18:11 But I had to switch jobs because of the Sabbath issue.
18:12 I was working on rotating shift on the weekends
18:16 and in order to keep the Sabbath,
18:17 I couldn't work there anymore.
18:18 So I took a job
18:20 with office depot as a delivery driver.
18:23 And worked there for about two years
18:24 before began the work at ministry.
18:27 Or did the Sabbath ever become an issue for you there?
18:30 It did, you know, every Friday I lived about an hour away
18:36 from the base
18:37 where I would get in my truck
18:39 and take off to do my deliveries.
18:40 And every Friday morning
18:42 I get there early to do my paperwork
18:44 and go out and deliver all the,
18:48 you know, the mail and deliveries
18:49 that we give out and try to get back early,
18:52 because I wanted to get home because of rush hour,
18:54 to beat the rush hour to get back for the Sabbath.
18:59 And, you know, it's interesting.
19:03 One Friday I was doing my route.
19:06 I got done early.
19:07 I went to clock out and my manager said, listen,
19:10 we've got a whole pallet of paper
19:13 that we want you to take to Bank of America.
19:16 So we need you to load this truck up
19:17 and go to Las Colinas which is near Dallas, Texas.
19:19 Yes. And there's 12 stories.
19:22 It's pretty big place and delivered this paper.
19:25 It was about 3:30, sun down is about 5:00 or 5:30.
19:28 This is about a six hour job, specially in traffic.
19:32 So I reluctantly said,
19:33 "You know, I can't do this because the Sabbath is coming."
19:37 And I tried to explain the best I could, why.
19:40 And he said,
19:41 "Listen, we need you to take this there.
19:44 I mean, this is one of our biggest customers.
19:45 You've got to do it."
19:47 I said, "I understand that,
19:48 you know, I'll even work Sunday,
19:50 I'll work overtime,
19:51 but I can't work past the Sabbath
19:53 or when the Sabbath begins."
19:54 And he said, "Come to my office."
19:57 So I went to his office
19:58 and the president of office depot happened
20:01 to be there at the facility.
20:03 So he calls him on the phone and this young guy comes in.
20:06 The CEO of office depot comes in,
20:09 turns the chair around, faces me directly on and says,
20:12 "You're gonna take this delivery
20:14 to Bank of America, or you may not have a job."
20:19 You know, that the pressure was on at that time,
20:21 and I tried to explain to him to best of my ability that,
20:25 you know, I follow scripture and the Bible says,
20:28 that seventh day is the Sabbath day.
20:30 And I was young in the faith at the time.
20:33 And he said, "Listen..."
20:34 At that time there was no cell phones.
20:36 This was like in 1997 I believe.
20:39 But he says, "I have my beeper.
20:41 And when I go to church and if that beeper goes off,
20:43 I have to leave and do whatever it takes to,
20:46 you know, support my family."
20:48 I said, "You know, I respect what you want to do.
20:51 But I'm gonna put God first in my life."
20:54 And he got angry at that.
20:56 He said, "Just get out of here."
20:59 And so I left and...
21:01 Not knowing if you'd have a job...
21:03 Not knowing if I had a job. Yeah, exactly.
21:05 And, you know, I went home and got on my knees,
21:08 begin to pray for strength.
21:10 And he never told me not to come back.
21:12 So Monday came, I decided I'm going back,
21:15 you know, they're gonna have to tell me to leave.
21:16 So I went back, clocked in,
21:18 did my paper work, did my route.
21:20 Nobody said a word to me.
21:22 Tuesday came, same thing.
21:24 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday came.
21:27 And what's interesting about,
21:28 my truck was so loaded with boxes.
21:33 I even thought at the time
21:34 that they had done that on purpose
21:35 'cause it was Friday.
21:37 So I took off to do my deliveries,
21:38 and there's no way
21:40 I could've gotten deliveries off
21:41 in time for sundown.
21:43 So I was in the middle of the day,
21:44 maybe half way done.
21:46 I get a call on my radio. 564 was my number.
21:49 What's your 20? Where you at? I told him where I was.
21:51 He said, "Stay right there.
21:53 We're gonna send someone out to relieve you."
21:55 Glory to God.
21:57 I thought of the time I was fired.
21:58 I said, you know,
21:59 "took a week but eventually I'm gone."
22:01 They let me go.
22:02 Well, the guy pulled up
22:04 and he took the keys out of my hand
22:05 and jumped into my truck, finished my route,
22:06 gave me an empty truck.
22:08 I drove back to the base,
22:10 was looking around waiting for my manager
22:12 to tell me I'm fired.
22:15 And I clocked out
22:16 and they approached me and just said,
22:18 "We just want you to know that we send a swing driver
22:22 so that you can get home in time
22:24 so you can keep the Sabbath."
22:25 Praise.
22:27 And they paid me for eight hours.
22:28 If I didn't end in time, if I didn't work eight hours,
22:31 they gave me an incentive of eight hours pay on Fridays.
22:33 Praise God.
22:35 You know, that just shows you
22:37 how God can shine His favor on you
22:41 when you do follow His principles,
22:43 but it also to me, if I met someone,
22:46 even if I didn't agree with him,
22:48 if I had an employee that had such integrity,
22:53 I would consider that employee a very valuable asset
22:57 which they are, they actually did.
22:58 Absolutely. Praise the Lord.
23:00 So how do you go from being a bodybuilder,
23:05 a correctional officer,
23:08 delivery man into becoming a full time evangelist?
23:13 That's a good question.
23:15 You know, Shelley, I really believe
23:16 that was a test for me.
23:18 I wanted to go
23:19 to Black Hills Health and Education Center.
23:21 Someone that, lifestyle center of America
23:23 when it was open in Oklahoma,
23:25 I had visited there, they told me,
23:26 "Listen, If you want...
23:28 In Lifestyle Center of America was Dr. Neil Nedley.
23:31 That's right. Right?
23:32 Yes, okay.
23:33 Yeah, and someone took me
23:35 there earlier to visit and they told me,
23:38 "Listen, if you wanted to do public evangelism,
23:39 you need to go to Black Hills
23:41 'cause they train you right away
23:42 for six months.
23:43 You're out of there, hands on skills.
23:45 And so that was on the back of my head.
23:47 So I had called Black Hills and I talked to the director
23:51 and his wife and let them know how much...
23:53 Thos was during Pastor Louie Torres...
23:55 Louie Torres was the director and his wife Carol.
23:58 And I talked to Carol.
24:00 I said, "Look, I want to come.
24:01 I really want to come."
24:02 And she said,
24:04 "Listen, we have a long list of people,
24:05 potential students.
24:07 And you're on the back end of the list."
24:09 People are waiting to get in and she says,
24:11 "I'll let you know if something changes."
24:14 Well, after this episode
24:16 with office depot over the Sabbath,
24:19 I felt like that was a test.
24:21 When I overcame that by God's grace.
24:25 You know, carol called and said,
24:26 "Look, we do have people before you.
24:30 But because you were so persistent on the phone
24:32 and I get that you really wanted to come."
24:34 She says, "I feel convicted that God wants you to come.
24:36 So we have an opening for you.
24:38 Someone had dropped out."
24:39 So I was like halleluiah! I was so excited.
24:42 Yeah, and I even had a sponsor.
24:44 Sponsor came right after that. Praise God.
24:46 And so I got on to the plane.
24:48 Flew to Rapid City, South Dakota.
24:50 Spent six months
24:52 at Black Hills Health and Education Center,
24:53 gaining some well needed training
24:56 on soul winning.
24:58 So, where did you go from there?
25:00 Well, from there,
25:02 I went back to Dallas after my training was over.
25:07 I got a call
25:08 from a local pastor in West Sacramento.
25:10 He is looking for a Bible worker.
25:12 He had evangelists coming in,
25:13 and he had heard
25:15 that I want to do Bible work so I accepted the call.
25:20 And a car was given to me,
25:22 and drove from Texas to California
25:26 and started doing Bible work.
25:28 And then, now did you end up going to AFCO as well,
25:31 because I knew you were an evangelist for AFCO.
25:34 I didn't go to AFCO. Oh, you didn't?
25:36 No, I met my wife, she was in the Amazing Facts.
25:41 I worked for them for 12 years
25:43 but at the time Amazing Facts had a field school.
25:46 And it wasn't the college of evangelism yet.
25:48 Okay.
25:49 And my wife was in that field school.
25:50 So she would come to the church
25:52 where I was doing Bible work
25:54 and she would give special music.
25:55 So that's where we met.
25:56 And that was right before Ned-99.
25:58 Okay.
25:59 So we both took a call to go
26:01 do the follow up of Ned-99 in Manhattan
26:04 for about six months and we eventually married,
26:08 and that's when Amazing Facts called me and said,
26:10 "Hey, we are starting a college,
26:11 would you come and teach?"
26:13 Do the outrage,
26:15 lead out an outrage and teach Bible doctrine,
26:17 so I accepted the call
26:18 and that's where my career began
26:20 with Amazing Facts.
26:21 Wonderful.
26:22 Okay, Jason, you have...
26:24 I mean it's so obvious how God
26:27 just has rapidly led you from one place to the next.
26:33 But now you are
26:34 with the North Pacific Union Conference
26:38 as a full time evangelist.
26:40 What does public evangel...
26:43 I am just gonna ask it this way,
26:45 do you think public evangelism still works?
26:48 Absolutely.
26:51 I don't see how we can survive without it.
26:53 I mean that's how the early church grew,
26:55 the preaching of the word, if you...
26:56 There's so many people out there
26:58 who say, "Oh, you just can't do it
26:59 in this day and age,"
27:01 you know, where people won't come out.
27:03 Tell us about the value of public evangelism,
27:06 because you wrote an article
27:08 on this I believe for Ministry Magazine, correct?
27:10 I did, yeah, the August issue of 2000...
27:12 Yeah. Okay.
27:13 August of 2017 issue.
27:15 All right, so tell us
27:17 why you believe so much in public evangelism?
27:21 Well, I mean, it's soul winning,
27:24 you know, I believe that.
27:26 Our work is to proclaim the three angels' message,
27:28 I believe in the power of the gospel.
27:30 I see it firsthand when people come out,
27:33 their lives change before your very eyes.
27:35 You see the power of the gospel.
27:37 It strengthens the church.
27:39 Every meeting is different.
27:40 Some meetings you have more people from the outside,
27:42 a greater return,
27:44 some meetings are smaller, but...
27:46 I agree with you that it does strengthen
27:48 the membership of the church even, you know.
27:50 Absolutely.
27:51 Yeah, there's a lot of members of the church
27:53 that have not had really that foundation.
27:56 I think that's necessary to have a strong faith
27:58 in the message God has given us.
27:59 Well, I said, we've been watching 3ABN.
28:01 Exactly.
28:03 And you know what?
28:05 About 3ABN, those who support 3ABN,
28:08 I don't think they realize the impact
28:10 they are having upon the world,
28:11 because almost every meeting that I have had,
28:13 evangelistic meeting,
28:14 I meet somebody
28:15 that comes walking off the street into the church
28:18 with a handbill in their hand,
28:19 and because they watch 3ABN.
28:21 They identify the flyer
28:23 with what they see on the broadcast.
28:26 And they have heard the truth and now they come in,
28:29 and they want to hear more,
28:30 and it's really, it's a harvest, you know.
28:33 It's bringing people in.
28:35 They walk in with the great foundation.
28:37 This is something as he said, you may not realize,
28:40 but I just want to particularly mention
28:42 to our Blessings on the Go team members
28:45 that what you are supporting here.
28:48 We hear pastors everywhere I go
28:51 and every church that I am speaking at,
28:53 there are people who the pastor say,
28:56 they're coming to the church and often they are saying,
28:59 "Hey, we are ready for baptism."
29:00 They said, "Well, we need to take you
29:01 through these classes first."
29:03 But they already know it,
29:05 so that's the ministry
29:07 that you are supporting and we thank you again.
29:10 So now, we are getting down
29:14 to this idea of...
29:18 First I want to backtrack.
29:20 You must be an excellent student,
29:23 because you went for six months of training
29:27 and you had been in the work of evangelism for a while,
29:31 and Bible work for a while.
29:33 But for Amazing Facts
29:35 to offer you a teaching position,
29:38 to teach Bible doctrine, you must be a good student.
29:42 By God's grace, you know, I enjoy the Bible.
29:44 I think there is much to learn. It's like an endless goldmine.
29:48 You know, you can never get enough,
29:50 and that's the way it should be.
29:53 I started teaching at AFCO, but I spent,
29:54 you know, the majority of the time
29:56 with Amazing Facts as a public evangelist.
29:58 So the first year I did teach it of at AFCO,
30:00 but then I just lost
30:02 into public evangelism after that.
30:04 And what do you think,
30:06 you have written this book and I you can tell,
30:08 I am kind of anxious to talk about this book.
30:11 For sure.
30:12 But the book is titled The Islam Distraction,
30:16 and I just want to read you a foreword from the book.
30:19 In the foreword,
30:20 it's written by John Bradshaw of It Is Written,
30:22 and he says,
30:24 "This is a must read
30:25 for every student of Bible prophecy.
30:27 Pastor Jason Morgan's,
30:29 The Islam Distraction
30:31 shuns speculation and conjecture and relies
30:35 instead upon solid time tested principles
30:39 of prophetic interpretation.
30:41 And I want to repeat that,
30:43 time tested principles of prophetic interpretation,
30:47 well written and thoroughly researched.
30:50 This resource is both reliable
30:52 and relentlessly Christ centered.
30:55 A true blessing
30:57 that provides clarity and not confusion.
31:00 And then we have
31:02 some who have endorsed the book,
31:04 Don McIntosh, James Rafferty with Light Bearers,
31:07 and Steve Wohlberg with White Horse Media.
31:11 Talk to us about
31:12 the importance of time tested prophetic interpretation?
31:18 That's a good question, that's a loaded question.
31:21 The book The Islam Distraction actually isn't about Islam,
31:25 it's about biblical prophetic principles of interpretation.
31:29 It's paramount
31:31 that what we believe
31:33 is understood in the confines of biblical principles
31:36 that are inherently inspired by God.
31:40 So the book covers
31:42 a lot of these biblical principles
31:43 and what we do is,
31:44 there is this growing theology
31:48 that Islam is a role player in last day events.
31:52 King of the South.
31:53 King of the South, Daniel 11.
31:55 And my approach in this book is to say,
31:58 "Hey, lets stop for a minute and not just get caught up
32:02 in the recent headlines to interpret prophecy."
32:06 But let the Bible speak for itself,
32:08 let's lay down a good solid foundation.
32:10 And then let's look at Islam theology
32:13 from a biblical standpoint.
32:15 You know, from using these principles,
32:17 you know, utilizing these principles
32:18 of interpretation to see if it is indeed biblical.
32:21 And when we are talking
32:23 about rules of biblical interpretation,
32:27 could you be more specific?
32:28 A lot of our audience are not Adventist,
32:31 most Adventist know
32:33 that we consider ourselves historicists,
32:35 but talk to us for just a moment
32:37 about the different approaches to biblical,
32:41 prophetic interpretations.
32:43 Absolutely.
32:44 Well, the first biblical principle
32:45 is that the Bible has to be its own expositor.
32:48 Scripture alone explains itself,
32:50 that's the first rule.
32:52 The second principle
32:53 is that Christ must be the center in every prophecy.
32:57 Whenever, for example, Daniel 2,
33:00 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
33:02 The reason why these kingdoms are brought out in prophecy
33:06 is because God had a people
33:08 that were involved with these nations,
33:10 whether in a positive way or in a negative way,
33:12 they were involved.
33:13 So God is actually not focusing on Babylon,
33:16 Medo-Persia, Greece or Rome,
33:17 He is following His chosen people.
33:20 And these chosen people
33:21 were captives in these kingdoms,
33:23 so that's why these kingdoms rise
33:24 and fall in prophecy.
33:26 So it's Christ centered, number one,
33:28 and God follows His church from the beginning to the end.
33:31 Whatever character is brought out in prophecy
33:34 has a direct involvement with Christ church.
33:38 Amen.
33:40 You obviously have been well schooled in this,
33:44 but, you know, I am going to just say this
33:49 as delicately as I can.
33:51 Daniel 11 is one of the most difficult chapters
33:56 in the Bible to interpret.
33:58 And tell us about dangers,
34:02 the dangers that are inherent to try
34:06 and to interpret something
34:08 if you are not following biblical principles.
34:12 If you are not, I don't think
34:13 we went through the Historicist,
34:15 and Futurist, and the Preterist,
34:16 but and we might want to touch on that.
34:19 But what is the danger of grabbing
34:24 a headline and running with it and trying to apply it
34:28 may be outside of biblical prophetic interpretation.
34:33 Well, I would start by saying
34:34 that whatever we understand in terms of eschatology
34:38 must be understood
34:40 within the principle of third angel's message
34:41 which means that it's spiritual and worldwide.
34:44 And where do we find the third angel's message?
34:46 In Revelation 14:6-20, yeah. In Revelation 14...
34:49 we've got three angels that are speaking, okay.
34:51 And in basically and essentially
34:53 is that God's people are universal,
34:57 and every nation, kindred and tongue.
34:58 You know, the gospel's to go out
35:00 to all the world.
35:01 And the issues and the characters
35:06 that are brought out in prophecy
35:07 are on a universal scale.
35:10 And the Islam theology,
35:11 the danger in it is that it
35:13 basically isolates eschatology to a local
35:16 and literal fulfillment in the Middle East.
35:20 And we know that God's people are not,
35:23 you know, local and literal, they are spiritual worldwide.
35:25 Yes, amen.
35:26 The Bible says, "And if you are Christ's,
35:28 then are you Abraham seed,
35:29 and heirs according to the promise."
35:31 So the danger is that unless
35:32 you are understanding the fulfillment of Daniel 11
35:36 in the principle that
35:38 even though the terminology is local and literal,
35:42 it represents a spiritual and worldwide application.
35:46 And we find this in Revelation,
35:47 we find over 1000 references
35:50 in Revelation to the Old Testament.
35:52 Jerusalem's mentioned in Revelation,
35:53 Babylon's mentioned in Revelation.
35:55 It's not talking about
35:56 the literal city of ancient Babylon,
35:58 it's talking about a universal movement,
36:01 you know a universal false religion.
36:04 And so if revelations conveying something
36:07 that's universal in terms of Babylon,
36:09 then Jerusalem also is universal in Revelation.
36:12 It's not talking about
36:13 the local and literal city of Jerusalem.
36:15 For Jesus says,
36:16 "Your house is left unto you desolate."
36:20 So if, we've seen,
36:24 give us some examples of what I am thinking
36:27 is in the past,
36:29 people have grabbed headlines and run with them.
36:33 And for example, with reestablishment of Israel,
36:37 talk to us a little bit about that?
36:39 Well, you know, since the Council of Trent,
36:43 there has been...
36:45 Francisco Ribeiro
36:46 was a Spanish judge for priests,
36:47 and basically he create a theology
36:52 we call Futurism,
36:53 where the antichrist and everything
36:57 that is to be fulfilled in Revelation
36:58 is gonna happen in the future,
37:00 you know, beyond our time.
37:03 And he was commissioned to do this
37:05 because of the Protestant Reformation.
37:06 The Protestant Reformation, yeah.
37:08 So the church was...
37:09 The Catholic Church was trying to take
37:13 the Protestant Reformation believed.
37:16 I mean Martin Luther and some,
37:18 they all did, believed that the papacy,
37:24 the system of the papacy that was the antichrist.
37:28 So the church commissioned couple of Jesuit priests
37:32 to try to turn their eyes off the papacy
37:36 and on to something else.
37:37 That's right, it's the Counter Reformation.
37:39 There are so many people
37:40 that were being convicted and convinced on scripture,
37:43 that they basically brought together scholars
37:46 to try to counterattack the influence that Reformers
37:48 were having upon society and the church at that time.
37:52 People were just leaving the Catholic Church,
37:54 because they were not getting truth
37:57 and so they developed a theology
37:59 that would counteract that work of the Protestant Reformation.
38:03 And within that counteracting work,
38:06 there was a theology called Futurism,
38:07 as we have mentioned before.
38:09 Basically that,
38:10 it's based off Daniel 9, the seventy weeks,
38:13 that you know it's dealing with...
38:16 Lops out that final week.
38:18 The final week, you know,
38:19 we know that seventy week period
38:20 began in 457 BC ended in 34 AD.
38:24 In that final week 27AD,
38:26 when Jesus was baptized
38:29 in the midst of that final seven year period,
38:31 we know that the Messiah would be cut off
38:33 as it says in what, Isaiah 53:8-11.
38:35 Right.
38:37 So Jesus is the fulfillment of that prophecy
38:41 without question,
38:43 but they took that final week
38:45 and they threw it in the future.
38:47 They reapplied that final week to a future fulfillment,
38:51 and they tried to reinterpret that final week
38:54 with a future fulfillment of literal Israel.
38:58 But we know that according to Daniel 9:25 and 26,
39:03 seventy weeks would be determined
39:04 upon literal Israel.
39:07 How would they receive the Messiah?
39:09 Would they open their hearts to receive Him,
39:12 or they accept Him, or reject Him?
39:14 And we know that,
39:15 unfortunately, they rejected Him.
39:17 And so the gospel went to the gentiles.
39:19 And so from 34 AD which ended the seventy weeks,
39:22 we know that the Israel now
39:24 that the Bible emphasizes is spiritual Israel.
39:27 So they take that final week and throw out in the future
39:30 is they changing of God's times.
39:32 It's an attempt to change
39:34 what God has clearly revealed in fulfillment of Jesus Christ.
39:39 So that final week
39:41 that's been changed by the Church of Rome
39:44 thrown in the future
39:47 is a reinterpretation of prophecy
39:49 that puts emphasis on literal Israel again,
39:53 and there is danger in that.
39:56 I believe,
39:58 and I think that the Bible is clear in predicting
39:59 that it would happen is that in 1948,
40:04 when the State of Israel became to be established,
40:06 a lot of evangelicals
40:08 that have believed that theology,
40:11 thought it was a fulfillment of prophecy.
40:13 They were blinded to the fact
40:15 that Israel is spiritual Israel,
40:17 that those who believe in Jesus Christ,
40:18 they are the true Israel.
40:20 But they brought it back again,
40:21 Futurism came back
40:23 and they started believing that,
40:24 that was the fulfillment of Revelation
40:26 that the Jews are now being reestablished,
40:29 and they still believe that today.
40:31 And I think the danger with Islam
40:33 is because since 9/11, the terror attacks,
40:37 people want to take the headlines
40:39 and kind of bring it into the Bible
40:42 instead of studying what the Bible says,
40:44 establishing a good foundation.
40:46 They're looking out to see
40:48 if the headlines are fulfilling Bible prophecy.
40:49 I think there is a danger in taking things
40:51 and bringing them in,
40:52 and it's just with this Islam theology,
40:55 we see a lot of that taking place,
40:56 lot of that going on.
40:58 You know, prophecy
40:59 is really history written in advance,
41:01 but the best understanding
41:03 is after the events have happened
41:05 and you look back and go, "Oh, this is what it was."
41:09 And so, I think that
41:13 the whole futuristic moment
41:15 we know it's given birth to theories
41:20 such as the rapture.
41:22 And I believe in my heart
41:25 that if we don't use correct hermeneutics,
41:28 if we are not interpreting that,
41:31 we are setting people up for...
41:36 We are putting them in spiritual jeopardy.
41:38 That's right.
41:39 You know, if people don't understand truth,
41:42 they are looking for something else.
41:44 There are people who believe
41:45 that Jesus is going to come back
41:47 and establish a 1000 year reign on the earth.
41:51 And they won't be prepared for it.
41:53 You know, they are going to be like the Pharisees
41:56 who didn't understand
41:58 the prophecies of His first coming.
42:01 That's right.
42:02 They are gonna be in the same position
42:03 and they will miss the boat.
42:05 Absolutely.
42:06 I mean, to me that's what's frightening.
42:08 It is and it's a distraction.
42:09 You know, people are looking at what's happening
42:11 with these Islamic extremists.
42:13 You know,
42:15 it probably will never end until Jesus comes.
42:17 We're gonna see cruelty more and more.
42:20 And we hate to say that,
42:21 but the Bible predicts that love of may will wax cold.
42:24 And so, every episode
42:26 only increases people's interest
42:29 in something that isn't biblical,
42:30 that isn't the focus of prophecy.
42:32 Our focus should be on Jesus Christ
42:34 and His righteousness.
42:35 Our focus should be on what Daniel and Revelation.
42:38 These two books go together.
42:39 Revelation compliments Daniel,
42:40 doesn't go beyond Daniel, doesn't.
42:42 It's not a supplement to Daniel,
42:44 compliments Daniel.
42:45 And we find a greater progressive Revelation
42:49 in the Book of Revelation of Daniel,
42:51 and yet we find nothing
42:52 that directly mentions
42:54 the religion of Islam as a role player
42:58 in last day events.
42:59 I think it's clear that the faith of Jesus
43:03 and the commandments of God
43:05 connected to God's remnant church,
43:08 and the Babylon,
43:09 and they're called out of Babylon,
43:11 and the warning against the mark of the beast
43:13 should be consuming our attention
43:14 is the all absorbing thing.
43:16 The three angels' message really is the message
43:17 that we should be proclaiming.
43:18 Amen and amen.
43:20 And there is this something that for me personally,
43:22 I did not grow up
43:23 in the Adventist Church and for me...
43:28 When God called me to full time ministry,
43:31 everything He was teaching me ended up being,
43:34 I mean straight from the scriptures
43:36 He taught me the Sabbath truth,
43:37 the truth about the state of the dead
43:39 and, you know, about the two resurrections.
43:42 He was teaching me all of this, just kind of one on one basis,
43:46 but I was clueless when it came to prophecy.
43:50 And I prayed and I said,
43:51 Lord, having grown up
43:54 "New Testament Church",
43:55 I was taught
43:57 that you really can't read Revelation
43:59 and understand it.
44:01 And I had all kinds of books on prophecy.
44:04 I mean from all different authors,
44:06 and none of them agreed.
44:08 None of them agreed
44:10 on what the mark was we are on,
44:12 you know all of these different symbols.
44:14 And I am saying, Lord,
44:15 you promise a blessing to people
44:17 who read this book,
44:18 how can I be blessed if I don't understand?
44:21 And, you know, that's actually when I discovered 3ABN,
44:24 and when I watched 3ABN and understood
44:29 that Daniel was the key to unlock Revelation.
44:34 You cannot have any idea.
44:36 If you grew up Adventist,
44:37 you've got no idea what a joy that is.
44:40 Absolutely.
44:41 You know, and it's something too
44:43 that as I really understood.
44:45 I remember once I was watching a science channel
44:51 and they were talking about the Big Bang Theory
44:54 and it was one of the most expert presentations
44:58 I have ever seen to the point
45:00 that I actually had the thought in my mind,
45:04 what if they are right?
45:06 And immediately, I mean immediately I thought,
45:12 you know, I'm still new to prophecy,
45:15 but I thought no, because Daniel 2.
45:18 God tells it all in Daniel 2 and Revelation.
45:21 They are not right 'cause the Bible is God's Word.
45:24 And if you understand prophecy,
45:26 you will be ready to accept the inherency of God's Word.
45:32 You believe in a six day literal creation,
45:35 there is no way
45:36 that anybody can convince me otherwise,
45:38 because God's truth is alive and active and it is so solid.
45:44 So essentially, your book,
45:46 The Islam Distraction, the first...
45:50 How many chapters do we have in this book?
45:52 Have eight chapters.
45:53 There's eight chapters,
45:54 the first seven chapters are talking about the proper...
45:59 Way to interpret prophecy, yeah.
46:02 Solid methods for interpretation.
46:06 Without question, yeah.
46:07 So only the final chapter deals with The Islam Distraction
46:14 and you call it a distraction, because if you are not,
46:16 it shows, it can't be
46:19 what people are claiming it to be.
46:22 If they are not using,
46:25 if they understand correct biblical hermeneutics
46:29 and interpreting prophecy,
46:31 you can't come up with a conclusion
46:33 that Islam is king of the South.
46:35 Is that what you are saying? That's exactly what I believe.
46:38 If you study the Bible and utilize these principles
46:40 that I share in the first seven chapters,
46:43 there is no way that the religion of Islam
46:49 has a role in last day events.
46:51 It's just contrary to third angel's messages,
46:53 it's contrary to the principles of prophetic interpretation.
46:56 Even though it is a religion,
46:57 there is many religions in the world right now
46:59 that are not directly mentioned in the scripture.
47:01 There is Hinduism, Buddhism,
47:02 but we don't find anywhere in scripture where,
47:04 directly where God mentions these religions.
47:07 But when God does bring out powers or issues,
47:11 it's always related, directly related
47:14 with God's chosen people,
47:15 because that's the apple of His eye.
47:17 And Daniel 11 brings out God's people
47:20 and Michael will stand up, he will deliver them.
47:24 The king of the North will come and God's gonna deliver them.
47:27 And I believe the king of the North is Babylon
47:28 which is mentioned in Revelation.
47:30 And to interpret that as a literal
47:34 and not a spiritual worldwide issue
47:36 is to depart from that principle
47:38 of prophetic interpretation.
47:40 And when we say Babylon, you believe it's Babylon,
47:42 that means we believe it is a false system
47:45 of state and...
47:48 That's right. Religio-political system.
47:51 Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
47:55 I wanted to read just,
47:57 this is from Pastor James Rafferty.
47:59 Many of you have watched him on 3ABN and he says,
48:03 "Finally, a profound
48:04 simple straightforward exegesis of Daniel 11,
48:09 that is faithful to biblical hermeneutics.
48:13 Every honest student of prophecy
48:15 will treasure this book.
48:16 It is solid gold."
48:18 How if somebody wants to learn
48:20 what good solid interpretive methodologies
48:27 are to interpret scripture?
48:29 How would they get this book, The Islam Distraction?
48:32 They can go to my website PropheticFacts.com
48:36 And they can get their copy through the website.
48:38 Tell us a little bit,
48:39 we got just a couple of minutes left,
48:40 tell us about your ministry Prophetic Facts?
48:46 Well, I just started the ministry,
48:49 it's growing.
48:52 I do revivals, I travel, do revivals.
48:55 I also train churches in public evangelism
48:58 and personal evangelism,
49:00 yeah, and we do public evangelism.
49:02 So it's a growing ministry in God's Word.
49:04 So you train churches
49:06 how to become involved in public evangelism?
49:09 I believe it's really important.
49:11 I believe that
49:12 we are not called to just preach,
49:14 we are called to train...
49:15 People for service,
49:16 and we need to love people as Jesus loved them.
49:19 And evangelism is not just an events
49:21 to process as we say.
49:22 It is a lifestyle.
49:24 Yeah, it's a science,
49:26 you know, and you got to roll up your sleeves,
49:28 you got to get in the work and we are dealing with people.
49:32 And, you know, I always say
49:34 it's not convincing people the truth,
49:37 it's when people have to disinherit everything
49:39 that they believe was right and they realize it's wrong.
49:41 That's when we come in,
49:43 that's Christians to be their friend,
49:45 to mentor them.
49:46 I think it's important for churches
49:49 to provide a very healthy atmosphere,
49:51 a caring atmosphere,
49:53 so that when we share these truths
49:54 and they're struggling,
49:56 you know they try to disinherit things,
49:57 we need to come to their aid.
49:59 I think churches, our lay people need to learn
50:02 how to and what it takes to truly
50:05 take these people in their arms,
50:06 figuratively speaking and bring them into the church
50:09 and nurture them and so.
50:11 Through the experience
50:12 that we have gained
50:13 over the years in public evangelism,
50:15 we like to go to churches
50:16 and train them of how to be effective in evangelism.
50:18 That's precious.
50:19 And I am just gonna put in my two cents worth
50:21 before we go to his website and information
50:26 is that some people will say advertising doesn't work
50:30 the way it used to.
50:32 Well, let me tell you what really works,
50:34 word of mouth advertising and it's inviting,
50:37 it's one on one.
50:38 If you are getting ready to have an evangelistic series
50:42 at your church,
50:43 it should be up to every church member,
50:46 make it a goal to invite at least one person.
50:48 Go pick them up and bring them,
50:50 then you know they are gonna be there.
50:51 That's right.
50:53 So I think that's a very critical factor.
50:55 Well, obviously this young man, I can call him young,
51:00 'cause I am probably old enough to be your mother.
51:02 But God has really a call on your life, Jason,
51:06 and we just want to thank you for writing this book,
51:08 The Islam Distraction.
51:10 Thank you for the training that you are doing
51:12 and for the full time evangelism
51:14 that you are doing.
51:15 And it occurs to us
51:17 that you may want to get in touch with Jason
51:19 and have him come to your church,
51:22 or just find out
51:23 how to get this book at his website.
51:25 Here is all of his contact information.
51:31 If you would like to invite Jason Morgan
51:33 to come to your church for an evangelistic series,
51:36 or if you would like to obtain a copy of his book,
51:38 The Islam Distraction,
51:40 please visit PropheticFacts.com.
51:44 There you will find ordering information
51:46 as well as the full schedule
51:47 of his upcoming evangelistic events
51:49 both here in the US and abroad.
51:52 That website again is PropheticFacts.com.
51:56 You may also call him
51:57 at area code (406) 402-9030,
52:03 or write to Prophetic Facts,
52:05 PO Box 1324,
52:08 Condon, Montana 59826.


Revised 2018-01-31