3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY018002A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:11 We are so glad that you have joined us.
01:14 We appreciate your faithfulness, your prayers,
01:16 your financial support for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:19 And I know that today, you're going to be inspired,
01:23 encouraged in your walk with Jesus Christ.
01:27 We have an amazing testimony today to share with you,
01:31 and I tell you it's a blessing
01:33 to be in the Lord's work, isn't it?
01:35 Because together as a team,
01:38 we can help spread the gospel around the world.
01:41 And our guest today
01:43 has gone through some challenges in his life,
01:46 but God has strengthened him through it, and he has...
01:50 I don't know if it's a ministry be the right word,
01:53 but written a book,
01:54 and this is not a book advertisement program
01:56 today at all.
01:57 But God has inspired through him a tool
02:00 that we know that you can use as well.
02:02 Amen.
02:03 I'm so excited about our guest and about this program
02:06 because we always want to feature ministries.
02:09 We want to feature testimonies
02:10 of what God is doing in and through people's life.
02:13 And our special guest today is Dr. Frank Hasel,
02:17 and you are an associate director
02:20 at the Biblical Research Institute
02:22 for the General Conference.
02:23 And it's just a privilege to have you here.
02:25 It's a joy to be with you.
02:27 Now, you're a doctor,
02:29 I see at the end of your name, it says PhD.
02:31 PhD in what?
02:33 It's a PhD in Systematic Theology,
02:35 what they call,
02:36 so I ideal with our fundamental beliefs
02:39 and teachings of the Bible.
02:41 And I wrote my dissertation
02:42 on the use of scripture in theology.
02:44 Everybody uses the Bible
02:46 yet come to completely different conclusions,
02:49 why is that?
02:50 So I looked a little bit into that.
02:51 Yes, okay.
02:54 God has led you on an amazing journey.
02:56 I had the privilege to sit down with Dr. Hasel
02:58 just before the program,
02:59 and if you've ever been through pain,
03:01 and I have to say that's probably all of us
03:04 have experienced some sort of pain in our lives,
03:06 this program is for you.
03:09 He suffered a loss in his life,
03:11 and he's going to share
03:12 how God brought him through that.
03:15 Some of the questions that you experience
03:17 in the middle of that, and prayer,
03:19 how prayer was integral in some of his healing.
03:22 We're going to talk about that,
03:24 but let's just hear where you grew up,
03:26 and a little bit of your early years?
03:28 Sure.
03:29 I was born and raised in Germany.
03:32 And my parents are Seventh-day Adventists.
03:36 My father is a pastor, evangelist,
03:38 worked for many years there in Germany.
03:41 And so I grew up in a family that believed in God
03:46 and raised us in a godly way.
03:48 And then later on in life,
03:52 I did my theological training in Germany
03:55 at Marienhoehe in Darmstadt,
03:58 we have a seminary there.
04:00 I went a year to Newbold College in England
04:03 and spend six years at Andrews University
04:06 in Michigan, Berrien Springs.
04:09 That's wonderful.
04:11 And then you met and married your wife and started a family.
04:14 I met and married my wife
04:16 and that's a whole different story.
04:18 Yes, you know...
04:19 So in a nutshell, you met where?
04:20 Was it at a church?
04:22 No, it was at a youth camp, actually she sing in a choir,
04:25 and that's where I first met her,
04:27 and they had some outreach programs,
04:30 singing songs, and giving testimonies,
04:32 and I got very interested in her.
04:35 And over the years friendship developed
04:38 and which actually led to marriage.
04:41 Were you teenagers when you first met?
04:43 Yes, yes.
04:45 Okay.
04:46 And some of his testimony is the fact
04:48 that several years ago he lost his wife.
04:52 And we are going to... She passed way.
04:54 Thank you.
04:55 And we're going to talk about some of that journey,
04:57 but before we get to that we have a scripture
04:59 that we want to share.
05:00 This is Dr. Hasel, is this your favorite scripture
05:02 or one of your favorite?
05:03 One of my favorite.
05:05 I have several, but that's on the top list.
05:07 Yes.
05:09 This is Lamentations 3:22, 23, 24,
05:13 "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed
05:17 because His compassions fail not.
05:19 They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.
05:24 The Lord is my portion, says my soul,
05:26 'Therefore I hope in Him!'"
05:29 Why does that scripture mean so much to you?
05:31 Because it really describes my own experience with God
05:35 in a last couple of years after I lost my wife.
05:39 She had cancer, breast cancer.
05:41 And we were married for about 20, 21 years, happily married.
05:47 And then she found out about this terrible sickness,
05:51 and we tried to battle it as good as we could.
05:56 And, you know, how it goes,
05:58 you know, once the word spreads,
06:00 you get calls from all over the place
06:03 and people have recommendations of things and therapies
06:08 that promise to work miracles kind of.
06:11 And we tried everything,
06:14 and nothing helped.
06:18 You know, we prayed.
06:19 In fact, my wife asked for an anointment
06:23 and she had two anointments at the beginning of her sickness
06:26 and towards the end of her ordeal.
06:29 And she still didn't make it,
06:32 you know, and she died, finally,
06:34 not even a year after she found out that she had cancer.
06:36 Oh, less than one year.
06:38 Less than one year. Oh, that's fast.
06:39 Wow.
06:41 So that is a very painful experience.
06:44 And all of a sudden I was faced to be a single parent
06:51 with three children, three sons.
06:54 How old when she passed?
06:56 The oldest was 19, 16, and 11.
07:00 Wow. Yeah.
07:02 And when you have to juggle different heads
07:08 at the same time that you were not used to before,
07:13 it's quite a challenge.
07:14 You know, you have to work full time,
07:15 you have to take care of the children,
07:18 you have to take care of household,
07:20 and very mundane things
07:23 that need to be accomplished and done.
07:25 It's a challenge and it's not so easy.
07:30 But I have to say, I'm very grateful for church.
07:36 I worked as a pastor for many years
07:38 and when you're in a leadership positions
07:40 as a pastor and administration,
07:42 you get to know some things and details about the church
07:45 that sometimes are not so nice.
07:47 But in that situation, I have to say,
07:49 I really experienced the goodness
07:52 and the blessing you have of being in the fellowship,
07:56 in the church with the people of God,
07:58 and brothers and sisters.
08:00 Let me just share with you one little detail
08:03 that was very meaningful to me
08:05 because you have to learn so many new things,
08:08 one thing you have to learn,
08:10 I have to learn is to accept help.
08:14 That's hard. It's very easy to offer help.
08:17 That's easily done.
08:19 It's a little more challenging to offer a helpful help,
08:25 not every help that is offered is helpful.
08:27 That's true.
08:29 And then it's even greater challenge to accept help
08:34 because you open up your privacy in ways
08:38 that you have not allowed other people to see before.
08:41 And you have to be willing to accept that
08:44 and to learn, to accept help,
08:48 but then you can experience tremendous things.
08:50 And one of the challenges I faced was that I learned
08:56 and I read that especially for smaller children
08:59 if one of the parents passes,
09:01 the most challenging part in the remaining family
09:05 is to give children constancy,
09:08 consistency in the daily routines,
09:12 rather than being send off to grandma
09:15 and this friend, and this friend,
09:16 and so forth, and they have changing people
09:20 that constantly change, you know.
09:22 And so I thought one of the most important things
09:24 for me to accomplish that is common meals, lunch,
09:30 you know, breakfast, lunch, dinner.
09:33 And I'm not a good cook, my wife was.
09:39 And I've never burned water, you know,
09:42 but beyond those basic things,
09:46 you know, that was a challenge because if you work fulltime
09:49 and then you have to prepare a meal,
09:50 a good meal, you know,
09:52 and spend time in the kitchen,
09:53 and it's a great logistical challenge to do that
09:57 if you've never experienced that.
10:00 So I had one person in the church and she said,
10:01 "Is there anything I can help for you?"
10:04 And I said, "Yes, I'd like to eat with my children
10:07 on a regular basis."
10:08 And she said, "You know what, I take care of that.
10:12 I will organize in the church,
10:14 and I will talk to different people,
10:16 you don't have to do a thing.
10:18 And they will provide a full meal for you every day.
10:22 They come to your door,
10:23 they place it at the front of the door,
10:25 you don't even have to open the door,
10:27 you don't even have to talk to them."
10:29 You know, in times like that,
10:31 often, you don't feel like talking, you know,
10:32 and then people come and they mean it well,
10:36 but it's not so easy on you so they left the food there.
10:40 I had a wonderful meal, I cleaned the dishes,
10:44 I left the food and the dishes in front of the door,
10:47 they picked it up again,
10:48 I didn't have to travel anything.
10:50 And they did this for the three most crucial days
10:53 of my work week.
10:54 And they did this for... Wow! Yeah, for how long?
10:56 For several months.
10:58 Wow! Wow!
10:59 It's incredible dedication.
11:01 And that really was helpful, help for me in my situation.
11:05 And it showed me that there is love in the church,
11:08 and there is something, you know, where people cared
11:11 and where they did something that really was helpful for me
11:14 in that situation that I found myself in.
11:16 Wow!
11:17 Yeah, that's powerful already that he shared, isn't it?
11:19 I tell you, it's just amazing,
11:21 I know that Dr. Hasel has been through tremendous loss
11:24 and you at home too,
11:25 as Jill was mentioning earlier,
11:27 many people, many of you have experienced tremendous loss.
11:31 So as we continue to unpackage Dr. Hasel's testimony
11:34 and how he found help and healing from God.
11:38 I can't wait to hear more.
11:40 But we want to go to some music,
11:41 and we have Mary Grace with us today.
11:44 And she's going to be playing on the piano a beautiful song
11:47 entitled, "Lord Be Glorified".
14:47 Wow, thank you so much, Mary Grace.
14:50 I tell you, God is using you in a powerful way.
14:52 Thank you for sharing your music with us,
14:53 and what a great song, "Lord Be Glorified in My Life".
14:56 You know, we're all vessels and we represent Jesus Christ
14:59 to the world to those we come in contact with,
15:01 whether you know them by name or not,
15:03 it could be in the grocery store and you just,
15:05 how you react, how you live your life
15:09 is an example for Jesus
15:10 so I pray that in my life, "Lord Be Glorified."
15:13 If you're just now joining us, we have Dr. Hasel with us,
15:17 and he was sharing with us
15:19 just a very tragic event that took place in his life.
15:21 His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer
15:23 a few years ago,
15:25 and she passed away less than a year
15:27 after she was diagnosed.
15:29 You had three teenage sons in the house.
15:32 One pre-teen. Yeah, pre-teen.
15:33 Yeah, 11 years old was the youngest.
15:34 That's right.
15:36 And you're talking about in your own life
15:39 just people helping from your local church
15:41 and how much that meant to you.
15:43 And so picking up with that,
15:44 I know, Jill and I know people that are close to us
15:49 that have had a very tremendous loss such as a spouse.
15:52 And sometimes, one can almost feel a bit uncomfortable,
15:56 and so I want to just touch on that because like,
15:58 "Oh, I don't know what to say."
16:00 I know that he's going through tremendous grief.
16:02 What do I do? How do I say?
16:03 What do I tell you?
16:04 Do I say anything just maybe you're hurt.
16:06 I know the feeling, I've been there myself,
16:09 and I felt the same insecurity,
16:11 and not knowing what to say and how to relate.
16:15 But here's what helped me in that situation.
16:19 Sometimes you think, you know, that if you address the issue
16:22 or talk about the person, it brings up the pain
16:25 and it makes it even harder on the person.
16:28 No, it was not like that with me.
16:30 In fact, the most comforting things
16:33 were when people shared memories they had with my wife.
16:39 Things that they remember it,
16:42 little details, little encounters
16:46 that they had with her.
16:48 I found those stories the most healing stories
16:53 because it helped me to see
16:56 the impact she had on other lives,
16:59 and how she was remembered with other people.
17:03 There is an Irish proverb that goes something like this.
17:08 It says, "Death leaves a sorrow no one can heal,
17:14 but love creates a memory no one can steal."
17:17 Oh, that's beautiful.
17:19 That is beautiful.
17:20 And it's those memories, you know, that you recount,
17:23 and that you remember
17:25 that become very meaningful for you
17:28 even in dealing with a loss like that.
17:30 And, so I think the love
17:35 and what love does really is something beautiful.
17:39 It creates memories that stay with you and stick with you
17:43 in life and even beyond.
17:45 And that has been very meaningful to me.
17:50 You know, I want to ask you a question here too
17:51 'cause you had children in the home,
17:55 how would you deal with the young people,
17:57 because, okay, let's say I've got...
18:00 Let's say, I'm thinking of your 11-year old,
18:02 so your 11-year old has a friend,
18:05 how would young people relate to young people?
18:06 Did your sons talk to you much about that?
18:08 Do they want to remember mom, bring up memories,
18:12 or was it too painful for them?
18:14 Well, every person relates different at the end.
18:16 All of my sons reacted differently.
18:20 I was the most concerned about my youngest child,
18:24 but he apparently did well the best, you know.
18:30 The oldest he had been out of the country,
18:33 he worked as a student missionary
18:35 in Guadalupe in the Caribbean,
18:37 while my wife got sick.
18:39 And he struggled the strongest with her loss
18:43 from all I could tell.
18:45 And, so every person is different
18:48 and not every child is able to express his feelings
18:54 about a loss like that.
18:56 I still remember talking with my doctor
19:00 about my youngest son and I said,
19:02 "Well, I tried to open up for them an opportunity to talk
19:06 and that he is rather quiet."
19:08 And he says, "Well, what do you expect from an 11-year old,
19:12 how can he voice that?"
19:14 So I had to learn to accept people even my children
19:17 as they are in their walk
19:19 and in their dealing with suffering.
19:21 And it takes years,
19:25 you know, you cannot speed it up,
19:29 I mean, it just takes times to go through
19:32 different phases of loss and coping with loss.
19:36 Grieving too, isn't it? Grieving, yes, exactly.
19:39 And grieving really,
19:41 what helped me to understand grieve
19:42 is because you grieve because you love.
19:47 If there is no love, you don't feel grief,
19:50 you know, you feel stronger grief for those people
19:53 you know whom you loved.
19:55 So grief actually is an expression of our love
19:58 for the person who is no longer there.
20:01 And so that is an important part
20:04 of dealing with loss like that.
20:07 So how did this impact your faith, your trust of God?
20:12 We've been talking about how it impacted your sons,
20:14 and how the church members came around
20:16 and really were helpful to you during this time of loss.
20:19 But what happened with your faith during this time?
20:22 Oh, it impacted my faith significantly
20:24 and greatly in many respects.
20:28 When you go through something like that,
20:31 you inevitably have some difficult questions,
20:35 tough questions,
20:36 questions for which you don't have easy answers.
20:40 Now people tend...
20:44 People have a hard time dealing with open questions
20:47 where they don't have an answer
20:49 and they tend to find solutions, connections,
20:53 why this had to happen this way and that way
20:56 in order to make it easier for them to understand
21:00 why something happened.
21:02 But I believe there are things in life that happened
21:05 for which we don't have a good answer.
21:07 Yes.
21:08 I mean, we live in a sinful world that is imperfect
21:11 and we're faced with things
21:14 for which we in this life don't have an answer,
21:18 not a satisfactory answer.
21:20 So I don't know why my wife had to die, you know?
21:25 And then people come, they mean it well,
21:26 "You know, she died so that you can,
21:29 you know, experience what other people feel,"
21:34 you know, and things like that.
21:35 Sure.
21:37 No question about it.
21:38 But I think God could have taught me
21:41 some other way as well
21:43 without the loss of my wife as well.
21:44 Yes.
21:45 So I don't think that was the reason
21:48 why she had to die and why she died in fact.
21:52 So, some of the tough questions you come,
21:55 come across are the so called why questions,
21:59 why did that have to happen, why her, why this and that.
22:02 And, fortunately my wife and I,
22:05 we were able to talk about things like that
22:07 before she passed away.
22:08 And to us it was absolutely clear in our minds
22:15 that God is good.
22:19 We were absolutely sure that God has the power
22:22 and the ability to heal if He chooses to do so,
22:25 but if chooses not to do so, He's still good, we felt,
22:29 and we still wanted to trust Him because...
22:37 See, the questions we had were a different why questions.
22:43 The questions we raised is,
22:45 why shouldn't that happen to us?
22:48 Why should something like that happen only to other people?
22:51 Why shouldn't we get sick?
22:53 Why shouldn't we die of things, you know?
22:56 After all we live in a sinful world
22:59 and we are affected by sins even though we live healthy
23:02 and we do everything we can to avoid sickness
23:06 and things like that,
23:08 yet we are not immune to that.
23:10 Yes.
23:11 So I think, if people follow God only
23:15 because they hope not to get sick
23:18 or hope to avoid this or that,
23:20 I think they follow Him for the wrong reasons.
23:22 Yes.
23:23 And we need to learn to trust God
23:26 even though we don't have
23:29 all the answers to our questions, you know.
23:32 Even though I don't have the answer
23:34 to all of my questions,
23:35 I know the one who has.
23:38 And even though He has not shared
23:39 all the answers with me yet,
23:41 I still know He is good, He can be trusted,
23:44 and He is faithful.
23:46 And that I think is a lesson
23:47 that I learned from that whole experience
23:50 that became very meaningful to me.
23:52 Often we ask why questions, "Why me?"
23:56 But instead, you're saying, "Why not us?
23:59 Why not me?"
24:01 Exactly. Yeah, it's powerful.
24:02 That's life transformation when you think about it.
24:04 I trust God,
24:06 no matter what happens, I still trust Him.
24:07 Yes, but many people they have a hard time trusting God fully.
24:13 You know, when you talk to them,
24:14 "Do you think God is good?"
24:15 They'll say, "Oh, yeah,
24:17 I believe God is good, you know."
24:18 Yeah, we hear in the church a lot of times,
24:19 God is good all the time.
24:21 God is good all the time, you know.
24:22 And then they would even say, "Oh, He is good,
24:25 He is not only good, He is very good indeed,
24:27 He is very good very often, but not always."
24:32 See, and that is the crucial point,
24:34 if He is very good, very often,
24:37 but not always, how can you trust Him
24:39 in just those moments when you really need it.
24:42 Then you can't trust Him,
24:43 then you first need an answer to the why question
24:45 before you can trust Him, right?
24:47 And that's the situation
24:49 that many people are in, I feel it.
24:50 And it is so crucial to see that the God,
24:57 the Bible describes is a God that can be fully trusted.
25:00 I mean, He has done everything
25:03 that we have every reason to believe He is good.
25:06 And He showed it in His Son Jesus Christ,
25:08 you know, what better example could you give.
25:11 He suffered, He even died, He went through pain,
25:15 He knows how we feel.
25:17 You know, and He is a God that can be trusted
25:22 through and through that is my firm conviction.
25:25 How do you trust God then when someone,
25:27 because I'm thinking somebody at home that's right now,
25:29 there is someone right now
25:31 in the midst of a terrible circumstance in their life,
25:34 and they're just now saying,
25:37 "I'm trying to trust, I don't know how to trust."
25:39 What do you have to say to them?
25:40 Well, that's how you usually feel,
25:43 you know, I'm not the big faith hero,
25:46 I'm not the one who has a strong faith.
25:49 You say, you know, I believe help my unbelief.
25:53 You know, but you just open up your heart to God.
25:57 You just be honest with Him,
25:59 don't pretend you have everything in control,
26:03 just be honest, tell Him what you face,
26:05 tell Him your deficiencies, tell Him your fears,
26:09 and your insecurities.
26:10 And ask God to take care of that
26:14 and help you nevertheless and He will not let you down.
26:17 Amen. You know, that's good.
26:20 Let me share one thing that became very meaningful to me
26:23 in that whole thing.
26:24 If you go through an experience like that,
26:26 your whole mindset is negative,
26:28 you know, you're focusing on the loss,
26:31 you're focusing on things that you can no longer enjoy,
26:34 you're focusing on things that no longer are there, you know,
26:38 and you focus
26:40 on the deficiencies and the negatives.
26:44 But something helped me really to develop
26:46 an attitude of gratitude,
26:49 and I describe that in my book...
26:53 Actually the book grew out of that experience.
26:56 Somebody has said, you know, good books are not written
26:59 in times of pleasure, but under pressure.
27:03 And the pressure I was facing helped me to write the book
27:08 Longing For God because it expresses something
27:10 that was deep in my heart
27:12 to have that fellowship with God.
27:15 And it leads people
27:16 into reading the Bible for themselves.
27:19 Because I see the book, and I have a copy here,
27:22 it says, "A prayer and Bible journal."
27:25 So how was prayer and study of God's Word
27:28 pivotal in your journal?
27:29 I tell you there is no other book on this planet
27:31 like the Bible.
27:33 There is no other book that can comfort you,
27:36 that can give you hope,
27:37 that can give you new perspectives
27:39 when you're down.
27:40 There is no other book
27:42 that gives you the joy of salvation, you know.
27:46 There is no equal to the Bible.
27:49 The Bible ennobles you.
27:51 It gives you an ethic
27:55 that is beyond everything we know.
27:57 It helps you to be a faithful person.
28:01 And the beauty of the Bible is, it's not just information,
28:07 in the Bible you get to know the God,
28:09 the living God who inspired the Word of God, you know.
28:12 And that really is what this book is all about.
28:18 I want to help people read the Bible for themselves
28:21 in a meaningful way,
28:23 to jot down ideas that come to you
28:25 as you read the Bible and to pray to this God
28:29 in new and meaningful ways
28:31 that will enrich your prayer life significantly.
28:34 It has helped me in that situation
28:37 and far beyond.
28:39 And so this is actually what the book is all about
28:42 and so it's not just empty pages
28:45 where you'll write down as a journal,
28:47 but at the end of every month 12 times throughout the year
28:51 I have a short chapter on prayer
28:53 where I shared from my own experience,
28:56 everything in the book that I write,
28:58 I have tested and tried in my own life and it worked.
29:03 And this one thing at the end of February
29:06 is thanking God.
29:10 You know, how do you thank God in a situation like that
29:12 when you experience significant loss.
29:15 You're not even in the mood of thanking God.
29:17 Exactly. It doesn't even seem natural.
29:18 You don't even want to thank Him, you know.
29:21 And so you develop an attitude
29:23 of ingratitude of grief, of anger.
29:30 And somebody told me, you know, start something,
29:33 it's very simple, it's very powerful,
29:36 the only deficiency is, it's free,
29:40 it doesn't cost you a penny,
29:41 you know, you don't have to pay for that.
29:43 But if you can live with that
29:45 and you give it a try, it's very simple.
29:48 Every day take a sheet of paper
29:51 and write down 10 words
29:55 for which you can be thankful for Him.
29:57 Yes, I like that.
29:59 Now, if you're in a situation like that,
30:03 nothing comes to your mind for which you're thankful.
30:05 Of course.
30:06 You really have to think.
30:08 But there are some basic things
30:10 that even in the situation like that
30:13 you can be thankful for,
30:14 you can say, "I'm thankful for my eyes."
30:17 You know, "I'm thankful for my hands.
30:21 I'm thankful for my bed.
30:23 I'm thankful for my toothbrush."
30:25 You know, little things like that.
30:26 So you write down 10 words
30:28 and then it's not just enough to write down 10 words,
30:34 you create a little sentence from that word,
30:39 and you create a sentence where you express the reason
30:42 why you're thankful for your eyes.
30:45 "Lord, I'm thankful for my eyes
30:48 because with my eyes I'm able to see,
30:51 I'm able to read,
30:53 I'm able to see the colors, and the beauty of the life.
30:56 And thankful for my hands, with my hands I can write,
31:00 with my hands I can touch another person,
31:02 with my hands I can do good.
31:04 I'm thankful for my bed,
31:05 that I don't have to sleep on the floor," you know?
31:09 So you create a short sentence
31:11 expressing the reason why you're thankful for.
31:15 And there is a little psychological thing to that
31:20 because the more senses
31:23 seeing, hearing, touching are involved...
31:26 Like your five senses. Yeah, wow!
31:28 The five senses are involved in expressing
31:31 gratefulness and thankfulness.
31:32 The better it is, you know, anchored in your mind.
31:36 So you would actually then read these out loud probably.
31:38 Exactly. So you'll hear your voice...
31:40 So you write it, you see it, you read it,
31:44 you speak it, you hear it.
31:46 Amen. Wow.
31:47 And you have 10 reasons to be thankful for that day.
31:50 The next day, you take a new sheet of paper.
31:52 There have to be 10 new or can you copy any of the old?
31:55 And you think about 10 new ones.
31:57 Oh, wow!
31:58 Ten new ones.
32:00 And you go through the same procedure, you know,
32:03 and then the third day you think about 10 new ones.
32:08 If you want to intensify the experience,
32:11 you repeat the ones from the previous days.
32:15 But even if you don't,
32:16 at the end of one week, just one week,
32:19 you have 70 reasons why you're thankful for Him.
32:24 Wow.
32:25 It won't take even a month
32:27 until your whole attitude changes.
32:29 Did you do this?
32:31 I did that and I learned it from my aunt,
32:34 she lost her husband in a tragic car accident
32:37 a number of years ago.
32:39 And she practice that and I admired for that
32:42 and she said, "Frank, give it a try."
32:43 And I tried it and really helped me to develop
32:47 an attitude of gratitude, you know.
32:49 Gratitude expresses your appreciation for something
32:53 that somebody has given you,
32:55 for something that has enriched your life,
32:57 for something that you don't deserve, you know,
33:00 and it helps you to gain an outlook
33:04 that is more positive
33:05 rather than focusing on things that are no longer there,
33:08 you focus on the things that are still there,
33:11 and that give you a reason to be thankful for it.
33:13 So that is a powerful, powerful tool
33:17 that can help you really change your life around
33:20 and be more positive.
33:23 You know, I was thinking about that
33:24 even for someone that maybe
33:26 is not even going through a loss this would be...
33:27 Absolutely. We all need this.
33:28 Yeah, absolutely. Wow.
33:30 Yeah, maybe you're feeling little lower,
33:31 little down, or whatever.
33:33 This is just a great daily practice
33:35 and really it's thanking God
33:36 because He is good, and He'll take care of us.
33:39 How many days into it...
33:40 I'm sorry. Go for it.
33:42 Did you notice a change in your own mental attitude?
33:46 Just a couple of days, I mean, it's not something bam
33:49 and now you're differently pulled, you know,
33:52 and you think differently,
33:53 no, but once you practice that,
33:55 you get into a habit,
33:58 you develop something that helps you
34:02 to just think differently
34:04 and to look at life with different eyes.
34:06 You know, I was thinking that would probably
34:07 because it becomes a habit so to speak,
34:09 it's just your natural inclination
34:11 so you could even be driving down the road
34:12 when you're not supposed to be driving
34:14 or riding or texting or anything.
34:15 And you can just say, "Oh, God thank you so much for,"
34:18 whatever the scenery.
34:20 Absolutely.
34:21 Yeah, then your whole outlook on life changes.
34:23 Yes. Well, I like that a lot.
34:24 And there is so much beauty in life even now,
34:28 you know, even if you experience.
34:31 You know, when you go through pain and loss like that,
34:34 life is not beautiful anymore, it's dull,
34:38 and you don't enjoy life,
34:40 you don't even enjoy the colors.
34:42 But through that, you know, you develop
34:44 a new perspective on things
34:45 and it's life transforming.
34:48 One of the things, as I was looking through the book,
34:49 that I really like is that you incorporate the Holy Scripture
34:52 as you're talking about the power of the Bible
34:53 in God's Word
34:55 and basically this is actually a plan to read
34:57 the entire Bible in one year as well.
34:59 And like you said, it's not just empty pages in a book
35:02 where you're, okay, here is my prayer request,
35:04 then here is, you know, how God answer.
35:06 There is a lot more to this,
35:07 and there is different exercises in here
35:09 on developing relationship with God
35:12 reading through the scriptures.
35:14 I think it has Old and New Testament I saw for each day
35:17 as you're reading from.
35:19 Yes, for every day of the year
35:20 you have a small passage from the Old Testament
35:22 and a small passage from the New Testament.
35:24 Yeah, I like that.
35:25 So it's a combination, you know,
35:29 and if you follow that reading plan,
35:32 within one year,
35:33 you have read through the entire Bible
35:36 from beginning to end.
35:38 And speaking of reading the Bible,
35:40 I'm looking here and this is at the end of May.
35:42 Yes.
35:43 You have a whole section on prayers for other people.
35:46 Thirty one reasons to pray for others,
35:47 but this is praying scripture over people's life.
35:51 Absolutely.
35:52 Actually, in fact, this is one of my favorite chapters
35:55 in the whole book.
35:56 And I came across that in another book that I found
36:01 and started practicing that with my own sons.
36:06 And just to pray with the words of scripture
36:13 was something that I had never practiced before.
36:16 You know, you pray for your children,
36:17 help them in this, help them in that,
36:19 you know, they have an exam there,
36:20 they have a challenge here so you pray.
36:23 But it's not very meaningful often,
36:25 it is the same routine, the same phrases that you use,
36:30 but if you look in the Bible you find the Bible speaks about
36:34 many virtues and character traits
36:38 that God is pleased in
36:40 like friendliness, or patience, or mercy, or love,
36:45 or gladness, or kindness,
36:47 or purity, and things like that.
36:49 So I started to pray for my sons
36:51 and for my children every day for one whole month, 31 days,
36:56 you know, a different virtue.
36:58 Today, I'd like Jonathan to be a man who is friendly,
37:02 in his dealing with other people.
37:04 Let Florien be a person who is faithful today
37:07 in his dealings with other people and with you.
37:09 Let him, Daniel be a person who is courageous today
37:13 as he faces challenges in his life.
37:14 And you have a Bible passage, and with the words of scripture
37:18 you can fill in the name of the person
37:21 and read the promise that God has given,
37:24 and it has become very meaningful to me,
37:28 and it anchors the words of scripture in your mind.
37:32 And it does something not just to the children,
37:37 it does something to me.
37:39 You know, I realized if I pray those prayers,
37:44 if they really mean anything,
37:48 I have to practice what I pray,
37:50 I have to be the kind person,
37:52 I have to be the patient person,
37:54 I have to be the loving person I wish others to be.
38:00 It really changed something
38:01 not just with my relationship to my children,
38:04 it changed something in me and with me.
38:06 And then I realized, "Hey, this is a wonderful tool,
38:10 not just for my sons, for my children,
38:13 I can pray the same prayers for the children
38:16 in my children Sabbath school that I teach,
38:19 or my students that I teach,
38:22 or the coworker, or my neighbor,
38:26 or whoever that is."
38:28 You know, and if you do that,
38:30 it gives you a perspective of the many things
38:34 that you find in the Word of God
38:37 that are life transforming,
38:39 where God longs to see in me, in you,
38:42 in every person to be a person of mercy, of faith,
38:46 of perseverance, of joy, you know.
38:49 And it really does something to yourself
38:51 and to the relationship with other people
38:54 and it's something for the better.
38:58 And I like how you also said in the book
39:00 that this is really spiritual impulses, not being like...
39:04 I think you said a rigid, you said, prescription.
39:06 Absolutely. And I like that.
39:08 Yes, there's some people
39:10 they'd like to have the super formula
39:12 and say if you follow that, and bam, bam, bam, then...
39:16 You know, this is not how it works.
39:19 But these are 12 suggestions, you know, give it a try,
39:25 experiment with it, see how it works with you,
39:28 modify it if need be, you know, and improve it.
39:33 But try out something new and experiment with that.
39:37 I think you will be greatly benefited.
39:40 Yes, I love praying the scripture.
39:42 I remember in my own life in walk with God,
39:45 I didn't even know how to do that for years.
39:48 And prayer becomes kind of routine or like,
39:50 "Okay, now I'm going to pray again and I'm..."
39:52 You know, and it's almost a boring thing,
39:54 but when you realize
39:56 we can talk to the God of the universe,
39:57 and I can open up the Word of God,
39:59 and God calls those things that are not
40:02 as though they already was
40:04 so you can claim those scriptures.
40:06 God stands back of every promise He has made,
40:09 and He can work to develop those 31 character qualities
40:14 in your children, or your grandchildren,
40:16 or your coworkers,
40:17 or in your own life that is incredible.
40:20 Why don't you read from the beginning
40:22 'cause I think he'd mentioned about the 12
40:23 so the different months you have like January...
40:25 January is prayer that pleases God.
40:27 Amen.
40:29 February, we talked about that.
40:30 Yes. Thanking God.
40:32 March is praising God.
40:34 What's the difference between thanking God and praising God?
40:36 Well, praising God is we usually say,
40:40 "We praise and glorify Your name."
40:41 You know, but it's not very meaningful
40:44 so what does it mean?
40:46 If you praise something or someone,
40:48 you usually name a quality
40:53 or something that you see in that person next thing,
40:58 yeah, something as praiseworthy.
41:00 Well, let's say, "You know, I drive a nice car."
41:03 And you say, "Well, my car, you know,
41:05 the gas mileage it gets,
41:06 you know, it's just superb, you know,
41:08 or the handling, you know."
41:10 So I'm not just praising the car,
41:13 you know, I'm not telling you
41:14 I praise and glorify my car.
41:16 No, no, I'm talking about specific things that I admire
41:20 that I think are just marvelous.
41:23 And I think that's the lesson I learnt
41:25 when I thought about God.
41:28 You know, God has many character traits
41:30 that are praiseworthy.
41:32 Let me give you an example, you know, He is omniscient,
41:35 that means He knows everything.
41:38 Now why is that meaningful to me?
41:41 I praise God that He is omniscient
41:43 that He knows everything
41:44 because it tells me there will never ever be a situation
41:50 for which God is not prepared.
41:53 There will never ever be a situation
41:55 where He is taken by surprise.
41:58 There will never ever be a situation in my life
42:00 where God says, "Oops! I didn't think of that.
42:04 Now, what do we do now?"
42:07 That's not how it is, you know, He is omniscient,
42:10 He knows everything.
42:12 And so I praise God for that,
42:15 and I just don't say I praise You for Your omniscience,
42:18 I express what I appreciate about it.
42:24 I express why I marvel at that character trait.
42:28 I express why I admire God for being that way.
42:33 And once you do that, you know, I think you start getting
42:37 into the mood of praising God
42:38 because you don't just praise His name,
42:42 you're specific in what you appreciate,
42:45 and what you like, and what you admire,
42:47 and what you think it's marvelous in Him.
42:51 Oh, that's powerful.
42:52 I'm so excited. Oh, yes.
42:54 Because I don't do that enough.
42:55 Yeah, I thank God, but I don't think I do this praising so...
42:58 Specific. Yes.
43:00 I'm excited to do that.
43:01 April is the A, B, Cs of Bible prayer,
43:04 and I think that must be ask, believe, and claim.
43:06 That's right. All right.
43:07 May is 31 reasons to pray for others using scripture,
43:11 we talked about that.
43:12 June is praying and fasting.
43:15 July is prayer and are waiting for an answer.
43:19 What are we to do when we need to wait?
43:21 Well, isn't that the experience we all have.
43:23 We usually don't like to talk about that much
43:26 because we're embarrassed,
43:29 but I have not come across a single Christian
43:32 who has not had the experience
43:34 that sometimes you pray for something
43:36 that apparently God doesn't seem to answer that prayer.
43:41 So what happens in a situation like that?
43:45 Well, just go back to your wife passing,
43:47 you said that when she was sick and diagnosed,
43:49 you prayed, I'm sure as a family,
43:51 your sons were there, you, and your wife,
43:52 she was anointed you said several times,
43:55 praying for her healing, then she passes away.
43:57 That's something to deal with. Yeah, sure.
43:59 How do you answer that question?
44:01 Well, that's a tough one
44:02 and it cannot be answered in a single sentence,
44:05 but I think God still hears and He understands.
44:11 And sometimes we wish Him to do things
44:17 that He knows better.
44:21 And He has more information at hand
44:24 than I with my limited perspective have.
44:27 And He knows about things that are beyond my horizon.
44:33 So does God delight in our health?
44:37 Yes, He does.
44:38 Does God send sickness?
44:39 No, He is not a God
44:41 who delights in sickness and pain,
44:43 Satan does.
44:45 In sickness, and pain, and suffering
44:47 are some of the strongest temptations to faith.
44:52 They create the strongest doubts
44:54 and they even have the potential
44:56 to make your faith go shipwreck.
44:59 And so when my wife and I were faced with that,
45:03 we decided, you know, it's not God
45:04 who is sending this sickness the cancer and all of that.
45:10 It's the devil, he delights in that,
45:12 and he would love to see us say goodbye to God,
45:16 you know, and forsake Him.
45:19 But we decided firmly not to give him that pleasure.
45:23 Amen. Oh, good.
45:24 We did not want to give him the pleasure
45:26 of seeing in our lives that we forsake God
45:29 because God has been so faithful
45:31 and He has been so good so many years,
45:34 why should I forsake Him now.
45:37 I don't have any reason for that.
45:41 But still you go through a number of emotions
45:45 and even a process of dealing with that
45:49 and this is what I describe in that chapter
45:51 because if you don't understand that,
45:53 you can easily get frustrated with yourself
45:56 and with other people.
45:58 And even start questioning God and His goodness.
46:03 And so I try to explain in that chapter a little bit
46:07 the different emotions that you go through.
46:10 There's a different steps that you experience
46:14 and that ultimately hopefully will lead to a position
46:18 where you continue to trust God
46:20 even though you might not have all the answers to it.
46:23 I know we're going to read more of the months
46:25 but far as the chapter titles,
46:27 but I think what's beautiful about this, Dr. Hasel,
46:29 is God has taken this tremendous pain
46:33 and this your process of dealing
46:35 with this whole loss of your wife,
46:37 you know, questions many questions,
46:39 you know, your spiritual growth,
46:41 you're able to put into this book
46:43 which I think is just...
46:45 I want to say just like a slap to Satan
46:49 because Satan is here to steal, kill, and to destroy,
46:51 but God has come to give us life
46:53 and life more abundantly.
46:54 So when you put these tools
46:56 out there for others to be blessed by
46:57 I just praise the Lord that God has used you
47:01 and is using you in such a powerful way
47:03 out of such a tremendous, tremendous loss.
47:06 See, the most important thing is not what happens to you.
47:08 I mean, the most important thing
47:13 I think is not what happens to you,
47:15 but everybody is faced with challenges
47:18 far more difficult than what I have had to face,
47:22 but the crucial question is
47:24 how do you relate to what is happening to you.
47:26 Yes.
47:28 What is your reaction to what is happening to you,
47:30 you know, and you wait for an answer.
47:33 And sometimes you have to wait for a longer period of time,
47:36 but then, you know, it dawned on me
47:40 that in waiting
47:45 God helps you to grow into a person
47:50 that He likes you to be
47:52 that you would never be if you didn't have to wait.
47:57 See, sometimes we wait for an answer
48:00 and we want to have an answer immediately,
48:03 but we don't see and realize the blessing of waiting
48:06 because in waiting, you can develop...
48:09 If you're open to that,
48:11 you can develop into a person that God wants you to be
48:16 that you would never be
48:18 if you didn't have to have that experience.
48:20 And that also taught me an important lesson
48:22 with the loss of my life, you know.
48:24 This is something that I've never dreamed of happening.
48:28 This is nothing that I desired, that is nothing that we wished,
48:33 but it occurred to us, it occurred to me,
48:36 and it became part of my life.
48:39 And when I realized that I had to struggle with that
48:44 because this was not a pleasant thought, you know,
48:47 I didn't envisioned my future as a single parent
48:49 or without my wife.
48:52 I didn't want to live that way,
48:55 but yet, it had become part of my life.
48:57 And once I was willing to accept that reality...
49:01 Surrender.
49:02 It was very painful, it brought tears to my eyes, you know,
49:05 but at the same time it was a great relief
49:09 that I felt that
49:11 like a stone falling off my shoulders, you know.
49:13 And I could accept that as a reality in my life,
49:17 and I could thank God for that because I realized.
49:22 Yes, this has become part of my life story,
49:25 this is not your life story and not yours,
49:27 it's part of my life.
49:30 And the important thing is not what happened to me,
49:33 the important thing is
49:34 how I relate to what happened to me,
49:37 and how I allow God to work in and through that.
49:40 Yeah, amen.
49:42 I wish we had a whole another hour to it,
49:44 this is incredible.
49:45 I want to read through the rest of the chapters.
49:48 We have becoming free of bitterness,
49:50 10 suggestions for encouragement,
49:53 suggestions for praying together,
49:55 prayers for missionaries,
49:56 and suggestions for intercession.
49:59 The book we've been talking about
50:01 is Longing For God by Dr. Frank Hasel,
50:04 A Prayer And Bible Journal.
50:06 This is an incredible book,
50:07 and we would tell you in just a moment
50:09 how you can get a copy.
50:10 But tell us how your sons are doing now?
50:13 I know it's been several years since your wife passed
50:15 so tell us just briefly?
50:17 My sons are doing well from all I can tell.
50:20 My oldest son is married now,
50:21 he lives in Sothern California, he is an architect.
50:25 The second son is a law student
50:27 at the University of Graz in Austria.
50:30 He is interested in international law
50:32 and human rights issues,
50:34 and the youngest son just finished high school
50:36 and is a freshman at Southern Adventist University now.
50:40 So we're spread all over the place.
50:42 I think about that scripture, you know,
50:45 Joseph with his brothers and what they did to him.
50:48 And he said, "Well, Satan intended for evil,
50:50 God turned around for good."
50:52 And I think what Satan intended for evil
50:55 and the loss of your wife.
50:56 God in the midst of that pain brought beauty
51:00 out of those ashes.
51:01 And through your own journey
51:03 lead you to write this incredible book.
51:06 So we hope and pray at home that your heart in life
51:10 has been encouraged by some thing
51:11 that Dr. Hasel has shared today.
51:13 I know, I'm encouraged in the Lord
51:15 from what you have shared, so thank you for that.
51:19 And right now we want to put up the contact information.
51:21 So you can obtain
51:23 your very own copy of this book.
51:25 I know the Lord will use it in your prayer time,
51:28 in your devotions, in your study time,
51:31 in your own journey and walk with Jesus.
51:35 That it will help you grow,
51:37 that it will help you be changed
51:38 more and more into the image of Jesus,
51:41 so if you'd like to obtain a copy of this book,
51:44 here is how you can do just that.
51:49 Every encounter with God through prayer and Bible study
51:52 plays an important part in our lives
51:54 and the helpful suggestions
51:56 contained in this prayer and Bible Journal
51:58 will enrich your spiritual life.
52:00 Longing For God gives you a Bible reading program
52:04 space for journaling
52:06 and focuses each month on a different aspect
52:09 of achieving a deeper relationship with God.
52:12 Visit the AdventistBookCenter.com website
52:15 to order you copy of Longing For God.
52:17 That's AdventistBookCenter.com
52:20 or call them toll free at 800-765-6955.


Revised 2018-01-31