3ABN Today

Adra International

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017107B

00:01 And that is good information.
00:02 Jonathan, when we left,
00:04 we were going to talk about the Middle East,
00:05 and we heard so much about that,
00:06 and then sort of a little picture
00:08 of what the future of ADRA is?
00:09 Sure.
00:11 You know, I love working in the Middle East,
00:14 and I think I love working in Middle East
00:16 because I'm a spiritual person
00:18 and I find that I could make a spiritual connection
00:20 with the people there.
00:22 And that has actually enabled us to be in areas
00:24 that not every NGO is working in.
00:27 So we're working in Sudan,
00:29 and recently when I visited Sudan,
00:30 we were given an award by the Sudanese government,
00:33 first time that they've done that
00:34 for a western organization.
00:36 Yes.
00:37 Because of the way that we worked, they say,
00:39 "If we want to affect change in the community,
00:40 we know that we need to work with ADRA
00:41 'cause you're in those communities."
00:43 We're inside Syria which as you can imagine,
00:47 it's not particularly easy,
00:49 but we've got a good relationship
00:51 and we're able to work effectively there as well.
00:54 We're inside Yemen, which is challenging
00:57 with the war-torn things and things happening there,
00:59 but the staff are being really faithful
01:01 and stayed throughout that time.
01:02 And we're running a significant programs there,
01:06 we're running about a $35 million a year program
01:09 in Yemen at the moment.
01:11 Trying to help stability for people
01:13 amongst all the instability,
01:14 how do you bring that stability into their lives
01:17 and give some hope.
01:19 And so throughout the Middle East,
01:22 it's a real honor
01:23 and a pleasure to be able to work there
01:25 and to be trusted there
01:27 because, you know, there's agencies
01:29 that had been asked to leave
01:30 but we've been one of the few
01:32 that has being seen to be a good partner there.
01:35 Praise the Lord.
01:36 And the future?
01:37 You know, the future of ADRA,
01:39 I believe is really comes down to our name,
01:43 the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.
01:45 Yes.
01:46 You know, as we said earlier, there is 95% of the...
01:49 Eighty-five percent of world's population
01:51 is affiliated with some form of religion.
01:54 And the way to move, change society
01:58 is through faith leaders.
01:59 And how do we ignite
02:01 and how do we resource our church communities
02:05 to being agents of change and hope
02:07 within our own communities
02:08 because as an agency, I have 7,000 staff,
02:11 you know, I'm in 140 countries.
02:13 But my resources are finite
02:15 and the greatest resource is people.
02:17 And how do we actually engage with people?
02:19 Give them that sense of mission and purpose
02:22 to be the agents of hope and change
02:23 in your own community.
02:24 And so, you know, as much as we have plans
02:26 for how do we develop ourselves professionally,
02:29 I think it's how do we actually partner with church.
02:31 Yes, yes.
02:33 Wonderful. And if you...
02:35 This is a wonderful agency,
02:36 and we thank Jonathan so very, very much.
02:37 Our time has fast slipped into eternity,
02:39 and now allow me in closing to wish you
02:41 both grace and peace
02:42 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
02:44 We'll see you again soon, bye-bye.
02:45 And God bless.


Revised 2018-02-14