3ABN Today

Righteousness By Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017102B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 We've had a wonderful study today.
00:04 I have learned and grown as Dee and Mollie have both shared.
00:07 And, Dee, we'll start with you,
00:09 why don't you each give us a closing thought?
00:10 Sure.
00:12 So we mention Ezekiel 36,
00:13 God's I wills and the promise to the people,
00:15 that just sounds too good to be true
00:17 and He sees this and He says in verse 37,
00:20 He says, "Thus says the Lord God,
00:21 I will also let the house of Israel inquires me
00:24 to do this for them
00:25 that they may know that I am the Lord."
00:27 So you can ask God to give you a new covenant experience today
00:30 to transform your life.
00:32 The next thing
00:33 that happened in scripture, or wrestling with,
00:35 can this happen to me or not?
00:36 Is the dry bones,
00:37 where God promises to raise people from the dead,
00:40 no matter how hopeless they may be...
00:41 Amen. That can be true for you today.
00:43 You can inquire of the God of Israel
00:45 to do this for you
00:46 and have a new living and breathing experience.
00:49 Amen, that's beautiful. Miss Mollie?
00:51 Well, I want to share the scriptures
00:54 that we opened with which is Ephesians 2:8-9,
00:58 "For by grace
01:00 you have been saved through faith
01:03 and that not of yourselves..."
01:05 What is it?
01:06 "It's a gift of God, not of works,
01:09 lest any man should boast."
01:10 Accept that grace gift of Andrew,
01:15 accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
01:18 Amen.
01:19 Verse 10, the next verse, "For we are His workmanship,
01:23 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
01:26 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
01:30 That is both
01:32 the imputed righteousness by grace
01:33 we are saved through faith and the imparted righteousness.
01:36 Christ working in us and through us,
01:39 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
01:41 There is one quote, I think we have time for this.
01:42 This is from Sons and Daughters of God, page 259,
01:47 "In these final hours of Earth's history..."
01:50 That's where we are now, we're in the end time.
01:53 "One interest will prevail.
01:55 One subject will swallow up every other,
01:59 Christ our righteousness."
02:03 And I think the Lord Jesus calls us every day to study
02:06 more fully His gift,
02:09 His sacrifice, this concept of justification by faith
02:13 and sanctification by faith
02:15 because it's all a gift of God working in us
02:17 and through us.
02:19 Mollie and Dee, thank you so much
02:21 for sharing your knowledge of God's Word
02:23 and your experience with our family at home.
02:26 And we thank you for joining us as well.
02:29 I want to encourage you
02:30 if you have never accepted Jesus,
02:32 today is the day of salvation.
02:35 Make a choice for Him today, you will never regret it.
02:38 Know that we love you and that we pray for you.
02:41 We will see you next time. Bye-bye.


Revised 2018-03-15